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Belgrade Media Report 31 August 2020



Sources in Brussels: EU, U.S. finding it difficult to align steps in Belgrade Pristina dialog (Beta)


It is not easy for the governments in Washington and the European Union (EU) to align their actions related to the Belgrade Pristina talks, and the EU believes that "when it comes to the initiatives that the U.S. has launched or pledged, what counts are results, enforcement and sustainability" European diplomatic sources in Brussels told BETA. Underlining that they were speaking off the record, the sources answered BETA's question if ahead of meetings between Serbian and Kosovo officials in Washington and Brussels, which nearly coincide, the 

EU and Washington had aligned their views on what Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti had been invited to discuss. 


The diplomats at the EU headquarters replied by stressing the words of EU High Representative Josep Borrell's spokesperson Peter Stano, who said that the Vucic-Hoti meeting in Brussels in early September would be used to discuss "all issues that can assist Belgrade and Pristina in making progress in the normalization of their relations" and reaching a comprehensive, legally binding agreement. 


Vucic: Agenda of Washington talks unacceptable (Pink TV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Aug. 29 that Serbia had received the 

official agenda for the upcoming meeting between Belgrade and Pristina in Washington which lists "only one item which is unacceptable." In an interview with Pink TV, the president declined to say what this was, saying only that Serbia was in for difficult negotiations on Sept. 3 and Sept. 4, as "Serbia must pay" for a series of unsuccessful polices and defeats since the 1990s. Vucic said that Serbian security services had recorded regional leaders informally saying that "Vucic will have to sign anything placed before him on the table." "It doesn't matter what kind of blackmail we are exposed to, we will continue to protect our state interests. Up until now we haven't analyzed what Serbia holds in Kosovo today and what we can actually get. We don't have that kind of a rational approach and responsibility" President Vucic said. 


Dacic: Serbia has never been stronger in negotiations (TV Happy


Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic told the citizens of Serbia on Friday that they should be optimistic regarding the meeting that will be held in Washington on Friday and the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, because Serbia has never been stronger in negotiations. Dacic told TV Happy that one should not be afraid if there is pressure in Washington “because Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will do what is best and in the interest of Serbia.” He said that it should be no surprise if in addition to the economic topics that have been announced, the issue of the status of Kosovo is raised in Washington, where it has never been discussed because the issue had been considered resolved. 


Djuric: Hoti deceiving public (RTS)


Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said on Aug. 30 that Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti had deceived the public about the content of upcoming talks with Serbian officials in Washington. Djuric said in an interview with the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) that he had talked with people from the White House, and that the agenda of the talks included economic issues, but quoted President Aleksandar Vucic as saying that he expected surprises and unexpected themes to pop up. The Serbian government official said it was important for the public to know that the Albanians had created a united front and were deliberately deceiving the public to undermine Serbia's position. As he said, some people in Serbia had hurried to place the blame on the Serbian delegation, in the expectation of personal political gain. "Let's approach this seriously for once. This is an important, perhaps historical moment and we must demonstrate unity" Djuric said, adding that the Kosovo situation had been extremely difficult for generations now. 


Serbian President Vucic: Conversations between me and Dodik were wiretapped (Pink TV


President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic stated that he knew that his conversations with Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik had been wiretapped and that the Sarajevo media had based the campaign against him on lies. Vucic said that the Sarajevo media were scared when he said that his conversations with Dodik were wiretapped. "They took one sentence out of context from the conversation with Dodik. I know that they wiretapped us and based their campaign on lies. And then after two days they wrote that it was a cold welcome for Dodik in Belgrade, which is not true", Vucic told Pink TV


Vucic today attending the Bled Forum: We are close to significant changes (Tanjug)

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will participate today in the 15th Bled Strategic Forum, which traditionally represents the main foreign policy event in Slovenia. 


"The forum in Bled will be very interesting. I think it's good to be here, to hear other people say what they say. I think we are close to significant changes, which will not be easy, but they will go much faster than they did before in Europe and the world" Vucic told reporters in Bled, on the eve of the Forum, after a meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa and a gala dinner attended by Bulgarian and Hungarian Prime Ministers Boyko Borisov and Viktor Orban


His focus, as he announced, will be on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija from the angle of the fact that it is not possible to make “an account without an innkeeper”, that Serbia no longer agrees to play the role of a loser in the 1990s, and that it will not allow Serbia to be humiliated, feel defeated, because then, as he said, there will be no end to the problems. 


He will have a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel around noon, and after the official panel he will have a separate meeting with the EU envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak, which is especially important because of the talks that follow in Washington on September 4.  


The President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, and the Director General of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, will also speak on the main panel via a video link. The prime ministers of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis, Poland, Mateusz Moravejcki, Hungary, Viktor Orban, Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic and the host of Slovenia, Janez Jansa, will also speak. At the end of the visit, the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, will prepare a festive lunch for the President of Serbia at the Villa Zlatorog in Bled. 


Vucic talked on the phone with Merkel; private meeting with Lajcak (Tanjug)


President Aleksandar Vucic talked on the phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the main topic was Kosovo and Metohija, ie the upcoming meetings in Washington and Brussels. On the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum, Vucic met with the EU envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak


Aleksandar Vucic and Angela Merkel talked during the break at the Bled Strategic Forum, after the panel on the topic "Europe after Brexit and Covid19" at which the President of Serbia was one of the main speakers. 


"I had an excellent telephone conversation with Angela Merkel. I am grateful to the German chancellor for supporting the economic and political development of Serbia and her understanding of our difficult regional political position" Vucic said. 


After the conversation with Merkel, Vucic talked in private with the EU envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, and the main topic was also the meetings in Washington and Brussels. 


The meeting of the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina will first be held on September 4 in Washington, and then three days later in Brussels. 


Vucic about Montenegro elections: The Serbian people have risen (B92)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that it was obvious that the Democratic Front had made a great result and a step forward in the elections in Montenegro. "I saw the results from the north of Montenegro and there is a convincing victory of the list" For the future of Montenegro" said Vucic and added that it is too early to declare in any way. He added that he would certainly congratulate anyone who wins. 


Asked to comment on the statement of the DPS spokesman, who calls the protests in that country "Alekandar's black operation", he said that various people cannot explain to themselves how the Serbian people have risen and continue to say how the people is with Milo (Djukanovic). 


"Others in the region say that I am against it and how I organize it. Whoever wants to achieve something in the region is attacking me. It is important to me that the Serbian people in Montenegro have risen to protect their identity rights and that is what we as a state have helped, with the largest amount of money to the Serbian organizations" Vucic said. He reminded that Serbia helped the opening of the Serbian House in Podgorica, as well as that it helped Serbian organizations in Montenegro about a month ago with 1.5 million euros. "We want to preserve the Serbian people, language, culture and some changes are noticeable" he said.  


Vucic added that the most important thing for Serbia is census that will be done next year, ie not to show decline in the number of Serbs in Montenegro, because then "we can say that we managed to help our people in Montenegro by acting peacefully." 


Congratulations to the Montenegrin opposition come from Serbian politicians and parties (Tanjug, FoNet)

The President of the Serbian People's Party, Nenad Popovic, congratulated the citizens of Montenegro on their political maturity and strong democratic will in yesterday's parliamentary elections, which, as he says, marked the end of Milo Djukanovic's 30-year regime. "The will to defend religion and identity has won, but also to concur democracy and build the future of a developed, legal and socially responsible state on its foundations" said Popovic. 


Congratulations on the victorious results achieved by the coalition "For the Future of Montenegro" said the President of the Democratic Party of Serbia, Milos Jovanovic

He emphasized that he is brotherly happy that the Democratic Front, Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic, when the Government is formed, it will return Montenegro to a path of faithfulness to its tradition, history and honor." 


The Serbian movement Dveri congratulated the opposition in Montenegro on winning the parliamentary elections, especially Zdravko Krivokapic, the holder of the electoral list "For the Future of Montenegro". According to Dveri, the fall of the ruling regime in Montenegro after 30 years is great news for all citizens of both Montenegro and Serbia. 




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Inzko: Kosovo and RS cannot be brought in connection (Dnevni avaz)

In an interview to the daily, High Representative Valentin Inzko was asked to comment on claims of (Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik that he is violating the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Inzko said that “Mr. Dodik tends to swap the real DPA, which was signed by then President (of Serbia Slobodan) Milosevic and others with something he sees as his ideal DPA. The same goes for the Constitution of B&H. Dayton was compromise. It seems too often as if politicians are willing to consider only parts of the DPA which they find suitable. For example, one cannot claim that one fully respects the DPA while, at the same time, one does not respect its Annex 10, which stipulates the mandate of the High Representative. Or one cannot claim that one fully respects the DPA while, at the same time, one does not respect the Constitutional Court (CC) and foreign judges who are its members”.  


Asked to comment on Dodik’s idea to bring in connection the solving of Kosovo issue with the status of Republika Srpska (RS) in B&H, Inzko said that it is clear those are two different situations. Inzko went on to say that Dodik once again draws a parallel which does not exist in order to provoke reactions and heighten tensions for the sake of scoring political points. “I keep repeating that B&H is an internationally recognized state whose sovereignty and territorial integrity are guaranteed by the General Framework Agreement on Peace, Constitution of B&H and international law. According to the Peace Agreement, the entities do not have the right to secession. In fact, the entities exist only on grounds of the Constitution of B&H. Those are the facts” Inzko stated.  


Journalists reminded Inzko regarding the US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson recent statement that B&H needs changes to the Constitution in order to continue its Euro-Atlantic journey and asked Inzko to state whether B&H needs changes to the Constitution or not. Inzko replied by saying that Ambassador Nelson is absolutely right because of ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling and other similar rulings. Inzko wondered why a Serb from Drvar shouldn’t be able to run for the Presidency of B&H and added: “Just because that person lives in the Federation of B&H? The same goes for a person of Bosniak ethnicity from Banja Luka or people who declare themselves only as citizens. Other constitutional changes will come once B&H becomes a member of the EU, maybe even sooner”. Inzko also warned that political parties often used protection mechanisms contained in the Constitution to block progress and to achieve their own political goals. “It is clear that political will is crucial and progress is possible with the existing Constitution if parties do not hesitate to search for political compromise”, Inzko added.  


Asked to comment on speculations that he was prohibited from using the Bonn powers, Inzko replied by saying that the Bonn powers are still a part of his mandate and there were no changes with regard to this matter. However, Inzko noted that the international community did change its stance on how things should be done in B&H as it believes that political leaders and elected officials in B&H must find solutions and reach compromise and consensus on matters whenever it is possible and implement those solutions through competent institutions. “Personally, I firmly advocate reaching of good domestic solutions” Inzko noted.  


Inzko said that the upcoming local elections represent a chance for citizens to decide on everyday matters such as better roads, water supply, kindergartens, schools and issues related to good governance in general. Inzko noted that he is especially pleased with the fact that local elections will finally take place in Mostar as well after 12 year “which will end discrimination and preventing of citizens of Mostar to exercise their basic right”. Inzko assessed that the election agreement on Mostar represents a good example of results achieved by domestic players, while international partners only provided assistance.  


Vital national interest is perfect ahead of election (Oslobodjenje)

Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic announced that he has received the request of Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik for holding a special session on protection of vital national interests regarding the signing of the memorandum on cooperation between B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) (Dodik was outvoted by other two B&H Presidency members who supported the memorandum while Dodik was against it). Cubrilovic explained that RSNA Collegium will meet on Tuesday and set a date for the special session. Explaining his decision to invoke the mechanism for protection of vital national interests, Dodik said that the memorandum allows IFES control over voter lists and other issues which are related to the sovereignty of the election process. “This memorandum allows the US agency to allegedly deal with cyber security of the election process, financing of political parties and voter lists, which is difficult to accept” said Dodik.  


Commenting this matter, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that this is a case of hidden scenario for destruction of B&H’s sovereignty through the illegal CEC and the upcoming election process. He called on everyone involved in this process to stop, and warned that otherwise the outcome will be bad for all in B&H.  


SDS’s Milan Milicevic claims that SDS will support any agreement which can contribute to fare election and more transparent election process. According to him, earlier experience shows that SNSD uses manipulations and abuses the election process, and even engages is blatant election fraud, and it can be expected that SNSD will use similar methods in the 2020 local elections as well. Therefore, Milicevic underlined, any additional monitoring of the election process can only improve quality of the election process.  


PDP Spokesperson Anja Petrovic stated that PDP is always willing to actively participate in all RSNA sessions, and added that PDP will gladly present its opinion on the memorandum in a special session of the RSNA.  


RS PM Viskovic: Signing of memorandum between B&H CEC and IFES would cause damage to democratic and fair elections (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that signing of the memorandum between the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), from the US, would cause damage to democratic and fair elections. Commenting on the announcement of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik on invoking the mechanism for protection of the vital national interest (VNI) with regard to this memorandum, Viskovic said that, in the case of this document, there is a hidden scenario of bringing down sovereignty of B&H through “illegal CEC” and the upcoming local elections. 


Meanwhile, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic accused SNSD and their partners of election fraud. “The one who complains about asking for technical help, is the one stealing” Sarovic said. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that only those who are dishonest and manipulators are afraid of fair and just elections. He said that PDP will always speak up about election manipulations, threats, fraud, vote buying, abuse of public resources and the role of the public broadcaster in the election process. 


United Srpska MPs and SP announce they will vote for veto filed by Dodik against signing of memorandum between B&H CEC and IFES (RTRS)

Representatives of United Srpska in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) have announced that they will vote for the veto filed by Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik against the signing of memorandum between the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).  


Leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic stated that the abovementioned memorandum is a classic protectorate, which aims to govern, not supervise elections, as well as to elect its favorites. "We believe that the signed memorandum, by outvoting the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, is an expression of political torture and a project to formalize the role of the High Representative in the election process who will have jurisdictions above the domestic legislation to control the elections, supervise financing of political parties and violate all existing laws" Stevandic underlined. 


SP RS leader Petar Djokic stated that SP RS will absolutely support the position of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik regarding the invoking of mechanism of protection of vital national interest in regard to the announced signing of memorandum between the CEC of B&H and the IFES which would monitor local elections in B&H. Djokic believes that the interference of foreign factor in the election process in this way is an attempt to disrupt and destabilize the democratic processes in B&H. 


Minister Turkovic: Refusal to support EU Declaration on Belarus represents anti-European activity of Milorad Dodik (Dnevni avaz)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic told the daily that refusing to support the European Union Declaration on Belarus and presidential elections in this country represents the anti-European activity of member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. She noted that this is in contradiction to documents that were adopted earlier and which stated that B&H is dedicated to follow EU’s decisions when it comes to foreign policy.  


Turkovic stated that at the same time, Serbia supported the EU’s Declaration: “Dodik, who was the only one in the region to congratulate reelection to the Belarus President, for who knows which time remains alone in his stances which inflict harm to foreign policy and B&H’s path towards the EU. Being that majority of our citizens, without any dilemma, are clearly dedicated that they want to be part of European family, it is important to clearly say to the EU officials who is obstructing the progress of this country” said Turkovic.  


Daily noted that after the last session of B&H Presidnecy, Dodik said that the proposal for B&H to support the EU’s Declaration, was rejected, adding that this was a proposal of B&H Foreign Ministry, which is unconstitutional. Daily added that other two members of B&H Presidency voted in favor of the Declaration. 


B&H officials give statements ahead of the election in Montenegro (N1)

N1 carries that parliamentary elections in Montenegro have been an unavoidable topic of politicians and officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the previous days. According to N1, certain officials in B&H sent strong messages ahead of the Montenegrin elections and some even brought intelligence and security structures in B&H in connection with interference in election processes in Montenegro. N1 stressed that B&H politicians, but also politicians from the region, are trying to provide an answer to the question of how results of parliamentary elections in Montenegro will reflect on B&H.  


Member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik stated that he expects parliamentary elections in Montenegro scheduled for Sunday will pass peacefully. He expressed hope that this will not be day of divisions and additional incitement of tensions that was visible in pre-election period. Dodik went on to saying that atmosphere in Montenegro is full of tensions that started after disputable Law on Freedom of Religion was adopted. Member of B&H Presidency expressed hope that citizens of Montenegro will present their stances on this law in elections. He emphasized that relations between Republika Srpska (RS) and official Montenegro have been undermined lately primarily due to attitude of Montenegro authorities towards Serb Orthodox Church. Dodik expressed hope that mistake made through adoption of disputable law will be corrected by future authorities of Montenegro. 


N1 noted that alarm of alleged influences and political games was triggered by an address by SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic, who at a recently held press conference requested an urgent hearing of the Director of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) over alleged interference from B&H in elections in neighboring Montenegro, and all against the Montenegrin pro-European path. "Our intelligence service has to be completely depoliticized. It or its creations cannot take part in regional intelligence plots to the detriment of the strategic interests of B&H and its neighbors, i.e. in the clear intention of destabilizing the region, and the neighboring country and member of the NATO alliance - Montenegro," Radoncic underlined.  


B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) recently commended the political action of Montenegrin President and leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic. "I strongly respect and appreciate the European and NATO path of Montenegro, but also the path of stabilization of interethnic relations in Montenegro which is very important for Montenegro, as well as for the entire region. This was all done under the leadership of President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic" Dzaferovic said.  


Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and leader of Liberal Democratic Party (LDS) Cedomir Jovanovic issued a joint statement on the occasion of Montenegrin parliamentary elections, stressing that it is necessary to clearly and loudly oppose the actions of forces that have already produced wars in the Balkans. "We therefore send support and encouragement to the citizens of friendly Montenegro to persevere in their intention to regulate their mutual relations in a way they deem useful and to withstand all the pressures of those who have tried unsuccessfully so many times to endanger it. Elect freely despite all the pressures of the enemies of your freedom and independence" Komsic and Jovanovic said in the joint statement. Komsic and Jovanovic further stated that after the adoption of the Law on Freedom of Religion, the Serbian Orthodox Church became an undisguised political factor and officially took over the role of the opposition in Montenegro, thus abusing its role and position in society. During his recent address, Komsic backed Djukanovic, stressing that a great battle of values and concept is being waged in Montenegro. "Everything that will happen there is very important" Komsic said, stressing that it is very important that system of values advocated by Djukanovic wins. 




The SEC announced the final results: DPS 35.06 percent, For the future of Montenegro 32.55 percent of votes (CDM)

According to preliminary data from the State Election Commission in yesterday's parliamentary elections, based on 100 percent of the counted votes, according to which the Democratic Party of Socialists won 35.06 percent, or 143,548 votes, and the coalition For the Future of Montenegro 32.55 percent (133,267), the Peace coalition our nation won 12.53 percent (51,297), Black and White 5.53 (22,649). 


The Social Democrats won 4.10 per cent (16,769), the Bosniak Party 3.98 per cent (16,286), the SDP - Strong Montenegro 3.14 per cent (12,839), the Albanian List 1.58 per cent (6,488) and the Albanian Coalition Unanimously 1,14 percent (4,675)” was published on the SEC website. 


The Croatian Civic Initiative did not pass the census, winning 0.27 (1,115), and the Croatian Reform Party 0.13 percent, or 532 votes. 


Preliminary results of election results in Montenegro: DPS 30 mandates, For the future of Montenegro 27, Peace is our nation 10, Black and white four (CDM)

The three opposition coalitions "For the Future of Montenegro", "Black and White" and "Peace is Our Nation", which announced cooperation after the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, will have at least 41 mandates. This was shown by the preliminary results of the parliamentary elections held in Montenegro. The results show that the party “Decisively for Montenegro! DPS - Milo Djukanovic” has 30 seats, “For the Future of Montenegro” 27 seats. "Peace is our nation" has won 10 seats, "Black and White" four seats, SD and the Bosniak Party three seats, SDP two seats, and "Albanian List - Genci Nimanbegu, Nick Djelosaj" and "Albanian Coalition" Unanimously" have won one mandate each, show preliminary data from The Center for Monitoring and Research (CEMI). The results have been published after the processing of a 100 percent of the processed samples. The CDT processed the data on the basis of a representative sample of 268 polling stations. 


The four seats in Montenegro's parliament won by the small opposition, pro-Europe coalition Black on White (Crno na Bijelo) coalition which took part in elections for the first time will most likely decide who will form the new government, according to the first unofficial results of Sunday's parliamentary elections, the Center for Monitoring (CeMI) said after 88 percent of the vote was counted. That means that the Montenegrin opposition could take power in Montenegro if nothing unusual happens, bringing an unprecedented event in the country’s recent history: a ruling party losing elections that it called. 


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) has won less than 35 percent of the vote, which means just 29 of the 81 seats in parliament. The strongest opposition coalition rallied around the Democratic Front (For a Better Montenegro) won just under 33 percent of the vote or 28 seats. A second opposition coalition Peace is our Nation (MIR) won 12.5 percent or 10 seats and the Black on White coalition won 5.7 percent or four seats. The Social Democrat Party (SDP), a traditional partner of the ruling DPS, will get three 

seats if it passes the vote threshold. The remaining seats went to national minority parties. 

The three opposition coalitions have a total of 42 seats according to unofficial results, giving them a majority in parliament. The Black on White coalition leaders said during the election campaign that they will insist on an expert government instead of a government formed by politicians. 


The leader of the opposition coalition For a Better Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic declared victory just before midnight, saying that he would extend a hand of cooperation and reconciliation to anyone interested. He said that he would invite minority parties into the ruling coalition. Krivokapic called opposition followers to remain at home and not take to the streets to celebrate warning that “the regime is waiting for an opportunity to stage something again”. He told his followers that Freedom Has Come Montenegro and they should Victory, Victory back at him. 


Montenegrin President and DPS list leader Milo Djukanovic appeared before reporters a few minutes after midnight and said the final results were not yet known and that the DPS still had a chance of gaining a majority in parliament. “The result of the DPS is about 145,000 votes and 30 MPs. The DPS is still the strongest party in Montenegro in terms of both the number of votes and the number of MPs. Together with traditional partners, we currently have 40 MPs, which means that the number for the majority is still ongoing” Djukanovic said. 


About 75 percent of the voters turned out to cast ballots, according to initial results. 

The high turnout is unusual, bearing in mind that Sunday was very hot (up to 28 degrees C in some places) and that the pandemic prevention measures caused long lines at practically all 

polling stations. 11th parliamentary elections since introduction of multiparty 

system: These were the 11 the parliamentary elections since the introduction of a multiparty system in Montenegro, and the fifth elections since it gained independence in 2006. 

Eleven tickets, i.e. six coalitions and five political parties, including five ethnic minority tickets, were in the running for parliament seats. The citizens voted for 81 MPs, meaning that 41 votes are required for parliamentary majority. 


More than 700 irregularities reported: The Center for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) announced on Sunday that it had received 702 reports of irregularities, of which 37% were made by members of the public, and the rest by monitoring organizations. The largest number of irregularities were related to violations of voting secrecy. Cases of photos of ballots being taken and public announcements of how the voter voted were reported. 


Picula: High turnout means high expectations from parliament (RTCG)

The European Parliament's rapporteur for Montenegro, Tonino Picula, believes that strong political polarization has motivated a large number of citizens to exercise their right to vote. 

"That polarization is best seen in the almost equal results of the two leading coalitions, but also in the results of some new political options, as well as in the failures of some political options" Picula stated for RTCG


He points out that high turnout in the elections also means high expectations of citizens from the parliament, which, as he says, has a lot of work to do, because it is necessary to continue Montenegro's negotiations with the European Union (EU). He hopes that "the fact that the support that the EU enjoys among Montenegrin citizens is almost 70 percent" will be respected. "But certainly, Montenegro must make a serious effort to start closing the chapters" Picula concluded. 


Krivokapic: Expert government would be the best solution for Montenegro (CDM


Holder of the list “Za Buducnost Crne Gore” (For the future of Montenegro), Zdravko Krivokapic, points out that the opposition won the elections with 42 seats in the Parliament. 

“Freedom happened. After 31 years of absolute power, this has to happen. Whoever strikes at God and Saint Basil of Ostrog, shall lose” Krivokapic said and called on all national parties to join them. He says that expert government would be the best solution for Montenegro. He called on citizens to stay home and said that hand of reconciliation was offered to everyone who was willing to accept it. 


Meanwhile, President of Democrats and holder of list “Mir je nasa nacija” Aleksa Becic, said after parliamentary elections that they would offer their hand to minority parties, not just opposition parties. “Montenegro will be Switzerland of the Balkans. Montenegro is not the only country in the world where government wasn’t changed in the elections. Montenegro is writing history, Becic pointed out. They knew this was the more difficult way and that it would take time, but they also knew this was the way of Montenegro’s safe future. “We are not going to win only to make new divisions. We don’t want our children to go through what we have gone through” Becic said. 


Republic of North Macedonia 


North Macedonia’s parliament elects new government (MIA)

North Macedonia’s lawmakers elected late Sunday the new government led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev with 62 votes in favor and 51 against. Addressing the parliament before the vote, Zaev said that the county which is now NATO member and received a decision to open EU accession negotiations, with commitment and joint efforts will have institutions that everyone will be proud of. He vowed for full commitment to the economy, improving economic standard, prospects for young people in the private sector, attracting as many foreign investments as possible. “A stable political period is ahead of us, decisive and uncompromising fight against the grey economy, crime and corruption, an efficient, transparent and accountable legal system” Zaev said, urging the opposition to cooperate. 


During the two-day debate, the opposition lawmakers criticized the old and new ruling SDSM-DUI coalition for poor results in the past three years in the fight against corruption, the rule of law, preventing emigration, the economy, and tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, saying that the new government will not last long assessing its program as unrealistic. 


The government MPs emphasized that in the past period they made difficult, major and national decisions, in the interest of both the citizens and the state, removed the last obstacle on the path to the European integration, whereat the country joined NATO and opened EU accession negotiations. 


Zaev’s second cabinet consists of 19 ministers, seven fewer than the previous government. 


The government will include four Deputy PMs namely Ljupcho Nikolovski as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Fight against Corruption, Artan Grubi as First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System Fatmir Bitikji as Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, and Nikola Dimitrov as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs. 


The cabinet members include Oliver Spasovski – Minister of Interior, Radmila Shekerinska – Minister of Defence, Bojan Marichikj – Minister of Justice, Blagoj Bochvarski – Minister of Transport and Communications, Venko Filipche – Minister of Health, Mila Carovska – Minister of Education and Science, Jagoda Shahpaska – Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Irena Stefoska – Minister of Culture, Bujar Osmani – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fatmir Besimi – Minister of Finance, Kreshnik Bekteshi – Minister of Economy, Naser Nuredini – Minister of Environment and Jeton Shaqiri – Minister of Information Society and Administration, Arijanit Hoxha - Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, and Goran Milevski – Minister of Local Self-Government. 


The new parliamentary majority is made up of 62 MPs – 46 from SDSM and the “We Can” coalition, 15 from DUI and one from DPA that won most parliamentary seats in the early parliamentary elections held on July 15. 




Albanians Could Prove Decisive (ADN)

Montenegrins on Sunday cast their vote in a highly polarized election to determine whether the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) would continue their decades-long reign in parliament. Polling stations closed across the country at 8:00 p.m. (1800 GMT), with voter turnout registering a significant rise, according to election monitor CeMi. The nationwide turnout was close to a staggering 80% of the registered voters, while the participation among Albanian voters was at 64%. 


The first forecasts with 72.5% of the counted votes on Sunday evening showed that Milo Djukanovic's DPS has 29 parliamentary seats, the pro-Serbian coalition "For the Future of Montenegro" 27, "Peace is our nation" 10 seats, "Black and White" four. The Social Democrats and the Bosniak Party would have three seats each, the SDP and the Albanian List two each, and AK Jednoglasno one. 


The Parliament of Montenegro has 81 seats. If any of the Croatian lists exceed 0.35 per cent, they will receive a reserved seat. 


If the Albanian lists reach another 0.7 percent, their results will be aggregated and will reach three, while at the moment they will have 2.6 percent and two seats. In the last elections, the Albanians had won only one mandate. In a race so tight, Albanian seats could prove decisive in forming the new governing coalition. 


The Montenegrin parliamentary elections were scheduled along with local elections in the towns of Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Andrijevica and Gusinje. 


About 540,026 people have the right to cast a ballot and will be electing 81 legislators from one electoral district in the eleventh parliamentary election since Montenegro introduced a multi-party system in the 1990s. 


The elections are held amid high tensions between the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, which launched mass protests over the new Law on Religious Freedoms. 


President Milo Djukanovic, leader of the DPS, is considered one of Europe's longest-serving leaders. Although he is branded as a Western-oriented reformer who has led the country since the end of communism by choosing the path of EU integration and NATO membership, he faces widespread allegations of corruption and links to organized crime. 


Casting his ballot on Sunday, Djukanovic said he was optimistic that his party would come out on top despite "attempts to stir up tensions from outside Montenegro." 


Rightwing and pro-Serb opposition parties were projected to make gains, riding on a wave of support for the Serbian Orthodox Church. A key representative of the country's main pro-Serb alliance, Zdravko Krivokapic, said on Sunday he wanted to send a "message of peace," adding that a "new day is coming for Montenegro, which will take a different path." 

Albania – Greece dispute for the sea (Tirana Times)


Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced that the Greek government will soon submit a plan to expand its maritime borders from 6 to 12 miles in the Ionian Sea. 

According to Greek newspaper Ekathimerini, during Wednesday's plenary session, Mitsotakis said Greece would exercise an "inalienable sovereign right" in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention on the Law of the Sea. 


Furthermore, he announced that the Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias will travel to Tirana to speak with his Albanian counterpart about the demarcation of the maritime borders between the two neighboring countries. So far, there is no official date when Dendias will travel to Albania, although the Greek Foreign Minister announced on Facebook a day earlier that he had spoken on the phone with Prime Minister Rama about regional issues. 


Mitsotakis also spoke of the agreement on Greece's maritime borders with Egypt and Italy, considered to be of great historical and political importance." Voting for both agreements will take place on Thursday. 


Greece and Italy signed an agreement on maritime borders, delimiting an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) between the two countries on June 9, while making way for Greece to reach a similar deal with Albania, seeing as the exclusive economic zone between the two has not been discussed yet. In this line, the agreement could bring another positive effect, as it opens the possibility for the sharing of the exclusive economic zone with Italy; based on the 1992 agreement with Italy, only the Continental Shelf has been delimited between the two. 


In 2017, the outgoing Greek Minister Nikos Kotzias announced the expansion of Greek waters to 12 miles in the Ionian Sea, which, according to him, came as a result an agreement with Albania. His Albanian counterpart at the time, Ditmir Bushati confirmed the announcement and claimed that Greece had a right to the expansion, although he had not consulted with the Italian side. In turn, this was not well-received by the latter, which is significantly affected by any maritime border agreement between Greece and Albania. 


However, this agreement now provides that if one of the contracting parties decides to declare a maritime zone, it is obliged to inform the other party as soon as possible, which may make it possible that any clashes with Italy, as the one in 2017, are avoided in the future Greece - Albania maritime border. 


Albania's response 


The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, said on Wednesday, in a reaction to the Greek PM's announcement that the expansion of the maritime border of Greece has nothing to do with the Albanian-Greek maritime border. 


In response to the inquiry by the Voice of America, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania stated that "this is an issue that is regulated by international law and specifically by the Montego Bay Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982." 


"Albania and Greece, as neighboring states that share maritime zones, are already committed to reaching a new agreement in the spirit of mutual understanding and interest, based on the principles and norms of the Law of the Sea, international practice , as well as respecting the decision of the Constitutional Court" the Foreign Affairs Ministry stated.