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Belgrade Media Report 3 February


Vucic, Putin: No one can break the friendship between Serbia and Russia (RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked on the telephone today with Russian President Vladimir Putin, asserting that no one can break the friendship between Serbia and Russia and that relations between the two countries are stable and on the rise. Vucic thanked Putin for his support in the fight against the coronavirus, especially for the Sputnik V vaccine’s delivery because it contributed to our country leading the way in vaccinating the population. Vucic asked Putin to help us get additional quantities of the Russian vaccine as soon as possible so that as many Serbian citizens as possible would receive reliable protection against the coronavirus in the nearest future. He also stressed that Serbia, with the help of experts from Russia, will build the facilities and produce vaccines independently. Vucic and Putin stated that Serbia and Russia had confirmed a high degree of mutual understanding and friendship in the past period, marked by difficulties brought about by the coronavirus. Vucic expressed his gratitude to Putin for Minister Lavrov’s message in the Saint Sava temple. Vucic confirmed that Serbia intends to further develop strategic relations with Russia and stated that economic cooperation opportunities are much greater than those employed. Therefore, he said that special attention should be paid to increasing trade, completing current and launching new joint energy and infrastructure projects, further strengthening cooperation in technological development and innovation, and military-technical cooperation. In that regard, Putin highlighted the importance of the Intergovernmental Joint Commission for Cooperation. Vucic underlined the importance of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline, which contributes to Serbia’s energy stability. Discussing the regional situation with Putin, Vucic thanked him for his unwavering personal support for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as for the active support of the Russian state on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. “Russia understands our efforts to ensure peace and stability in the region and Serbia’s readiness for dialogue and compromise as the only way to resolve open issues,” said Vucic.

Xi Jinping invites Vucic at China and CEEC Summit (RTS/RTV

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received today the invitation from the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to participate in the Summit of China and CEEC to be held via video link on 9 February this year. “The year 2020 was a most extraordinary one. Faced with the sudden attack of COVID-19, China and the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) have stood together to fight the coronavirus and tide over the difficult time, creating new momentum for China-CEEC cooperation. In view of the pandemic, we have agreed to postpone till a later date the China-CEEC Beijing Summit originally scheduled for April last year. As things stand, countries have entered a new phase of COVID response and face great challenges in economic recovery and development. There is a need for China and CEEC countries to increase communication, build consensus, and chart the course of cooperation to support economic and social recovery and development in a post-COVID era. With this in mind, China is going to hold the China-CEEC Summit via video link on 9 February 2021, As the host, I am pleased to invite you to the Summit and look: forward to discussing with you ways to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation and advance the bilateral, ties and China-CEEC cooperation. We could together make good contributions to enriching the overall cooperation between China and Europe and promoting development shared by both sides,” reads the Chinese President’s letter.

Rakic: The fight for Serbian interests is not easy, but an honorable duty (RTS

The early parliamentary elections in Kosovo and Metohija will be held on 14 February, while the election campaign began on midnight. The Head of the Serb List Goran Rakic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that these elections were very important for the future of the Serbs. “We will have to demonstrate at these elections too how many of us there is, how resolute are we to defend what is ours and to demonstrated that uncertainties had not exhausted us this year and whether we are ready to protect our heredity,” he said. He pointed out that the Serb List is the umbrella party of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which, as he says, has the full support of the President of Serbia, the Prime Minister and the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Rakic says that the Serb List “neither can nor wants to” decide whom the Albanians will elect as representatives. “Some politicians dream that others, not the Serb List, represent the Serbs. The Serb people had always prevented these intentions. Fighting for Serbian interests is not easy, but it is an honorable duty,” said Rakic. He says the Serb List will not allow surprises. “You are aware of all the pressures to which the Serb List is exposed, it is proof that we are on the right path,” said Rakic and called on the Serbs, Bosniaks, Roma, Gorani to support the Serb List. “Provocations like the one in north Kosovska Mitrovica, during the unannounced arrival of Kurti and Osmani, worries me, as well as citizens. I believe that KFOR will not allow such situations to happen again,” he said.

McAllister: Fajon, Bilcik to lead EP delegation in inter-party dialogue (Beta

Chair of the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament (AFET) David McAlllister said that the European Parliament was ready to begin the second phase of inter-party dialogue with the Serbian parliament and announced that a team of MEPs for the talks would be led by Vladimir Bilcik and Tanja Fajon, the European Parliament has announced. "The European Parliament is ready to start with the second phase of the Inter-Party Dialogue with the national parliament of Serbia which we initiated in October 2019," McAllister said after meeting with speaker Ivica Dacic. He voiced his firm conviction that after elections in June 2020 Serbian parliament and its speaker Ivica Dacic will play a central role in creating room for dialogue and building a consensus on key questions among political parties. McAllister added that the European Parliament's delegation would be spearheaded by AFET Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik and chair of the Delegation for Relations with Serbia, Tanja Fajon, with the support of former MEPs Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein.

Tegeltija: There can be no progress in B&H for as long as there is High Representative (Politika/Tanjug)

Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zoran Tegeltija assessed that B&H will not be able to make a serious progress towards the European Union (EU) for as long as there is the institution of the High Representative, regardless of who he is. Tegeltija added that he hopes both the High Representative and those who gave him the mandate are aware of that. Asked to state what B&H can expect from Christian Schmidt who is expected to replace current High Representative Valentin Inzko, Tegeltija said: “We do not know what kind of mandate and support he will come here with, but we deem that there can be no progress or agreement without internal agreement of everyone in B&H and certainly not in the way to have the High Representative impose solutions”. Tegeltija said that atmosphere to join Little Schengen initiative was created in B&H. In a statement for Tanjug, Tegeltija expressed hope current convocation of the European Commission (EC) and leaders of western countries will change their stance on the Western Balkans and enable this region to become part of family of European countries. He assessed that cooperation between B&H CoM and Serbian government good in regards to technical issues, adding that relations of two countries are still burdened by some issues, including issue of border. Tegeltija also stated that there is consensus in Sarajevo in the CoM about the necessity of connecting Sarajevo and Belgrade with a highway. He added that the final decisions on the directions and financing of the sections are made by the entities. Tegeltija stated that it is obvious that besides the work done in the Republika Srpska, nothing else is being done. He reminded that Serbia will finance one part of the section from Raca to Bijeljina and the construction of the joint border crossing at Raca is defined as well. Tegeltija highlighted that the expropriation in the area around Raca was finished as well. He assessed that the inactivity on this project in the rest of B&H will significantly slow down the construction of the highway Sarajevo – Banja Luka.



B&H CEC schedules elections in Doboj and Srebrenica on 21 February and in Travnik and Ustikolina on 11 April (BHT1)

The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) has adopted a decision on repeated elections in Doboj and Srebrenica to be held 21 February. According to the B&H CEC’s decision, early elections for the post of Head of the Municipality for Foca in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and Travnik will be held 11 April. BHT1 reports that elections in Doboj will be repeated at 89 regular polling stations, and in Srebrenica at 26 regular and two polling stations for voting in absence, in Zivinice and Gradacac. At the session, B&H CEC President Zeljko Bakalar said that the B&H CEC will have their supervisors at all polling stations and local election commissions in Doboj and Srebrenica. Candidate of pro-Bosnian parties for Head of Srebrenica Municipality Alija Tabakovic told the daily they are not satisfied with B&H CEC decision, adding that while B&H CEC decided that members of polling station committees need to be replaced, they failed to reach decision on the removal of Municipal Election Commission. Tabakovic noted that Srebrenica citizens consider to boycott elections. Current Head of the Srebrenica Municipality Mladen Grujicic said: “The influences from outside that are trying to destroy or to discredit one of us are futile, because we understood the message. We understood that here, without unity, we cannot achieve victory and that almost all are against the Serb people in Srebrenica”. Commenting on the repeated elections, former Head of the Srebrenica Municipality and member of the ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ coalition Camil Durakovic said for BHT1 that the ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ will make the decision by the end of this week if they will boycott the repeated elections. “We cannot accept the fact that 2,400 people were registered to vote via mail, and only 800 were counted, i.e. 1,200 people, and the difference between our candidate and the coalition of the Serb political parties is 1,200,” said Durakovic.

SNSD submits criminal reports against members of B&H CEC and B&H Court judges (RTRS)

SNSD submitted a criminal report with the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H against members of the B&H CEC and judges from the Appellate Division of B&H Court who are responsible for annulment of results of local elections in Srebrenica and Doboj. SNSD claims that in this way they protect interests of the Republika Srpska (RS) and create preconditions to look for justice before international courts. Legal advisor to leader of SNSD Marko Sukalo said that the RS has been requesting protection of its rights before all judicial institutions of B&H although the RS does not trust them. Sukalo explained that they decided to submit abovementioned criminal report after B&H Court rejected their appeal to decision of B&H CEC to annul results of elections in Srebrenica and Doboj. He emphasized that the submitted criminal report refers to lack of commitment in office and violation of law by judges in regard to criminal report of electoral fraud. Sukalo stressed that he cannot predict when prosecution will present its stance on submitted criminal report, because one of most important legal principles, namely certainty was heavily violated in B&H. He also stated that SNSD is working on appeal that will be submitted with the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H as highest legal instance in B&H. If they are not content with decision of B&H CC, they will address the ECHR.

Covic meets Croatian Minister Grlic Radman (O kanal)

Leader of the HZD B&H Dragan Covic met Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman in Mostar on Tuesday. The two officials discussed the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H saying that this path has no alternative and Croatia is the one that encourages B&H the most on this road. Covic expressed gratitude to Grlic Radman, the Croatian government and all of its institutions on their support to the EU path so that B&H can catch up countries from the region. Covic and Grlic Radman also discussed the migrant crisis, the Mostar elections and changes to the B&H Election Law. According to Grlic Radman, B&H and Croatia should jointly manage the migrant crisis with the support of the EU. In this regard, he mentioned the option that B&H should also sign an agreement with the FRONTEX in order to solve the migrant crisis as soon as migrants enter B&H territory. Grlic Radman also spoke about the current migrant camps in B&H, arguing that they should be built at points of entrance to the country. Radman conveyed the stance of Croatia that they do not agree with distribution of migrants throughout B&H because, on one hand that would overburden the administration capacity of B&H and on the other hand there is the fact that Croatia shares its longest border with B&H which jeopardizes the security aspect. Grlic Radman also suggested that instead of migrant camps that exist now in B&H, that camps should be built at entry points at the border which would make managing the migrant crisis easier. Covic and Grlic Radman discussed the situation in B&H, as well as the Euro-Atlantic path of this country. It was concluded that there is no alternative to Euro-Atlantic path of B&H and that Croatia is country inciting B&H the most on this path. They emphasized that progress on this path requires amending of the Election Law of B&H. Covic expressed content with the fact the City Assembly of Mostar will be formed soon. Leader of HDZ B&H stressed that he is convinced new Mayor of Mostar will be candidate of his party Mario Kordic. Covic went on to saying that their goal is to have amendments to the Election Law of B&H adopted in parliamentary procedure by mid-2021. He added that this is condition for B&H to get status of the EU candidate country. Covic emphasized that agreement signed in 2020 aims to provide legitimate representation of constituent peoples and all citizens of B&H at all administrative levels in line with decisions of B&H Court and the Court in Strasbourg and with special accent on the Presidency of B&H and B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Radman stressed that amendments to the Election Law should eliminate all inequalities and discrimination, so that all constituent peoples have equal rights at all levels of authorities. Grlic Radman added that he requested discussion of competent the EU bodies on this issue. Radman said that Croatia is a true friend of B&H and the country advocates its Euro-Atlantic road. He stated that functional and stable B&H is in the Croatian interest, adding that its stability is being observed among other things, in the verdict of the Constitutional Court of B&H and changing of the B&H Election Law. Speaking about a verbal note coming from B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic who opposed establishment of the exclusive economic zone in the Adriatic Sea, Grlic Radman stated that they are surprised and they do not know why the reaction is coming after two months. Covic announced a meeting on Wednesday with the US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and the EU Special Representative Johann Sattler to discuss the topic of equality of Croats with two other constituent peoples in B&H. “Obviously our goal is to have an adopted Election Law in parliamentary procedure by mid-year at the latest and that this be a condition for our (EU) candidate status,” stated Covic. announced a meeting with the representatives of the international community on Wednesday and with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic on Friday “to determine a dynamic for the implementation of what we said we would (implement) by June this year at latest and that is a ‘red line’ below which HDZ will certainly not go, i.e. to adopt the Election Law at the parliament”. The reporter comments that Izetbegovic and his partners, aware of their strength in numbers, defend their political positions with decisions by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and by accusing HDZ B&H, their long-term partner, of blocking the functioning of the rule of law and the will of the citizens. In a statement, SDA called on HDZ B&H to urgently “unblock the process of implementation 2018 General Elections results at the level of the FB&H, which would create preconditions for stronger engagement on the implementation of all reform processes in B&H, including the reform of the Election Law of B&H”. Covic was given support by Croatian Minister Grlic Radman, who welcomed negotiations on amendments to the Election Law, noting he would request the issue to be discussed in Brussels. Covic noted that Croat people should have the opportunity, in accordance with the B&H Constitution “to elect their Croat member of the B&H Presidency. Croat people should have the opportunity to, under the Election Law, to elect 17 members of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP)”.


Plenkovic: Incident with MEPs at border will be reported to European Parliament (Hina)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced that because of the attempt of the Italian MEPs who tried to reach the border between Croatia and B&H on Saturday and were stopped by the police they will send a protest to Speaker of the European Parliament David Sassoli. He added that they reported the details of the incident and the visit of four MEPs which was not an official visit of the European Parliament. Plenkovic said that the obvious goal was to illegally cross the border between Croatia and B&H in cooperation with certain non-governmental organizations from B&H and to violate Croatian laws.

Pupovac condemns Knin fortress incident as extremely harmful and disgraceful (Hina)

The Serb National Council (SNV) president and member of the Croatian parliament Milorad Pupovac has condemned the recent incident in Knin as "extremely harmful" and "disgraceful", saying that a member of the Serbian humanitarian delegation used "the language of war" that has no place anymore in relations between the two countries. "It is a disgrace that a noble gesture on the occasion of the feast of Saint Sava – when packages are handed out to children for this great holiday among Serbs, which is supported by relevant institutions so that children preserve their identity – was denigrated and compromised with totally unnecessary, silly and extremely harmful messages," Pupovac told Hina. Commenting on a post on social media in which a member of the Serbian delegation, Milos Stojkovic, spoke about Knin as an “occupied Serbian city”, the restoration of the "Republic of Serbian Krajina" and the removal of the Croatian flag from the Knin Fortress, he said there was no place for such statements in current relations between Serbia and Croatia. "Maybe those messages should show someone in Serbia how someone was a hero at the Knin Fortress, how someone was a hero in Croatia… But speaking the language of war, competing in war stories and war rhetoric – this is something that can have no place not only in that action but today, because it is harmful both for young Serbs and for young Croats, it is harmful for Serbia and Croatia," the SNV leader said. According to him, the incident at the Knin Fortress "cast a stain for a while on everything that Serbia and its citizens have done and are doing" in helping the earthquake victims in Sisak-Moslavina County. "I believe that we all have actually realized that such attempts are a great disgrace not just for the people who did it, but that we will rise above it and see that there are many more who are guided by the need to be in solidarity, to be close to each other and to move on from stories of war to stories of peace, stories in which we will renew mutual ties, strengthen economic and cultural cooperation while at the same time showing that we know how to respect suffering on both sides," Pupovac said.


Pendarovski proposes that the census is postponed by a few months (Republika)

President Stevo Pendarovski raised the prospect of postponing the census, which was one of the key demands of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party. The census is now set for April, even though Macedonia still has a very high coronavirus death and infection rate, and, also controversially, is going to count emigrants as actual residents. In a TV interview, Pendarovski was willing to concede to VMRO, but only on the issue of the timing. I hear the calls to look into the timing of the census, and to follow the situation with the epidemic and the vaccines. I don’t think it will be a big deal if we postpone it for a month or two. Those are legitimate demands, that relate to the healthcare situation. It won’t be the end of the world. I don’t say postpone it by a year, but a month or two won’t be a problem, Pendarovski said. Previously, politicians like the Mayor of Gostivar Arben Taravari noted that preparations haven’t begun yet and that meeting the April deadline will be difficult as is. Pendarovski did not address the other issue. Counting emigrants as residents is a key demand from the Albanian political parties, which were also a key constituency for Pendarovski’s own election in 2019. Albanian parties fear that the high emigration rate will push the Albanian share of the population below 25 or even below 20 percent, which can risk the preferential voting rights Albanians have in the parliament and also remove tens of thousands of phantom voters from the registry. Pendarovski is a hypocrite. If he was so concerned about the census, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world if he didn’t sign the census bill into law. His current proposal is a recognition of the government that they are not prepared for a legitimate census, and that the objections VMRO-DPMNE raised with the census were justified. Pendarovski’s current reaction comes late, VMRO-DPMNE responded to Pendarovski.

VMRO-DPMNE starts initiative for collecting signatures for nullifying the census law (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE does not give up collecting signatures for nullifying the adopted Census Law. At Monday’s session of the Executive Committee, a decision was made to start the signature collection initiative on Wednesday. The party also maintains the request to hold digital census if has to be conducted in the spring. It starts with an initiative for collecting 100 signatures in the regional units of the State Election Commission. After collecting 100 signatures, they are submitted to the parliament speaker, and then the initiative is forwarded to main committees. After the completeness of the first 100 signatures is affirmed, the parliament speaker is notified, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, adding that this is followed by further procedures for collecting signatures for nullifying the census law. The formal collection of signatures, he said, could be expected early next month.



EU regrets Kosovo’s decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem (Reuters/EurActiv, by Georgi Gotev, 2 February 2021) 

The European Union voiced regret on Tuesday (2 February) at Kosovo’s decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem, made as part of a broader deal brokered by the previous US administration, saying it “diverges” the tiny Balkan country from the EU position. On Monday, Kosovo, a Muslim-majority former province of Serbia that became independent in 2008, established diplomatic relations via online links due to the coronavirus crisis. Israel sees its new ties with the tiny Balkan country as part of its broader normalisation with Arab and Muslim countries under agreements sponsored by former US President Donald Trump.  It may look surprising that the Kosovo authorities still follow Trump’s Middle East policies, which are likely to be revisited under the Biden administration, although the Kosovar authorities say they have support from the new US administration as well. “This decision is diverging Kosovo from the EU position on Jerusalem”, said EU spokesperson Peter Stano, pointing out that all embassies of the EU countries in Israel, as well as the EU delegation, are located in Tel Aviv, based on the corresponding UN Security Council resolutions and European Council decisions. Stano added that the final status of Jerusalem as a future capital of both states has to be found through negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians. “Let me remind that Kosovo has identified EU integration as its strategic priority and is expected to act in line with this commitment,” he said. A Kosovar journalist asked what could be the consequences for Pristina, and what gave the EU the right to ask Kosovo to get in the ranks while it is not recognised by five EU countries, and therefore cannot become an EU candidate or be granted visa liberalisation. Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain don’t recognise the former Yugoslav province as an independent country. Stano said it was logical that the EU would expect Kosovo to progress on its EU accession path by aligning with EU policies and principles. He added that from 2008 to 2020, the EU has spent €2 billion in helping Kosovo to develop. Stano also said that Serbia, which had also announced opening an embassy in Jerusalem as part of the same Trump-brokered deal, had not made any concrete moves since the initial announcement. Trump announced the bilateral ties in September as a side deal to an economic agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. As part of the deal, Serbia, which already has ties with Israel, also agreed to open an embassy in Jerusalem. During the ceremony on Monday, Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said the new ties were “historic” and “reflect a change in the region, and in the Arab (and) Muslim world’s relationship with Israel”. Ashkenazi said he had received an official request from Kosovo to establish a Jerusalem embassy, which Israeli officials hope will open by end-March. Only two countries – the United States and Guatemala – have embassies in Jerusalem. Some others, including Malawi and Honduras, have pledged to make the move. The status of Jerusalem is one of the thorniest obstacles to forging a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, who have broad international backing for their wish to have East Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war, as their capital. Monday’s ceremony included the unveiling of a commemorative plaque that will be placed at the entrance to Kosovo’s embassy in Jerusalem upon opening, Israel’s foreign ministry said. Kosovo Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla said Kosovo and Israel share a “historic bond” and had both “witnessed a long and challenging path to existing as a people and becoming states”. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, almost a decade after a guerrilla uprising by its ethnic Albanian majority. Haradinaj-Stublla said Kosovo had received support for the agreement from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. State Department spokesman Ned Price hailed Israel and Kosovo’s new relations in a tweet: “Deeper international ties help further peace and stability in the Balkans and Middle East.”

[Edited by Zoran Radosavljevic]