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Belgrade Media Report 15 March


Brnabic with Palmer about bilateral relations and Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTS)  

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic held an online meeting on Friday with Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Department of State Matthew Palmer. Palmer and Brnabic discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, the situation in the region and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as economic relations and American investments in Serbia. Brnabic underlined that one of the foreign policy priorities of Serbia is the improvement of all areas of cooperation with the US, noting that the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is marked this year. Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, she said that Belgrade will remain committed to the dialogue and ready for its continuation, but, as she explained, it will also continue to insist on the full implementation of the previous agreements. Palmer said that the US supports the process conducted by the EU and added that he expects the dialogue to resume soon. He highlighted the importance of the implementation of the Brussels agreement, noting that it is not starting from the beginning, but that many segments of the agreement, which refer to the improvement of the lives of citizens, have already been implemented. According to him, the compromise is the basis not only of dialogue, but also of the future agreement between the two sides. Palmer stated that the overriding interest of the US is the stability and security of the Western Balkans region, and praised the constructive role of Serbia in regional initiatives such as the Mini Schengen. Brnabic reiterated that Serbia is committed to improving relations with its neighbors, and that during the pandemic, the contribution to cooperation with countries in the region has been especially visible through the provision of vaccines, humanitarian and medical aid. Serbia can count on the support of the US on its European path, Palmer emphasized and pointed out that progress has been made in European integration and reforms, primarily in the field of the economy. When it comes to European integration, Brnabic pointed out that Serbia has accepted the new EU methodology and that it expects positive signals from the EU in the coming period. The interlocutors also discussed the possibilities of increasing economic cooperation and American investments on our market, adding that American companies that already operate in Serbia are satisfied with the existing conditions. The Special Representative of the State Department used the opportunity to praise the positive trend of immunization of the population in Serbia, but also to thank for the successful vaccination of the staff of the US Embassy to Serbia.

Vucic: We have new incredible evidence against the mafia (B92

The week ahead of us will be quite interesting since we’ve got a lot of paperwork and incredible evidence, Serbian President tweeted on his Instagram profile. “The week ahead of us will be quite interesting,” Aleksandar Vucic tweeted and added: “I’ve been listening listened to lies and insults about the murder of Oliver Ivanovic for more than two years, more than a year of nonsense and slander around Jovanjica, I suffered brutal attacks, organized against my children and family and I was always ready to answer all questions, both to journalists and authorities.”

As he further states, he has seldom asked questions, but he is quite pleased to hear that some of his political opponents have confirmed that they and their companies have accounts in Switzerland. “I am sorry that they deceived the public about the accounts in Mauritius unless they think to claim that they just use the account and that the owner is their company. That would be utterly rude. That is why, I promise you, dear citizens, an interesting upcoming week with a lot of paperwork and incredible evidence. We will defeat thieves and the mafia. Long live Serbia,” ending the message.

Selakovic: Serbia strongly committed to development of relations with Russia (FoNet/RTV/RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said that Serbia was strongly committed to the further development of political relations with Russia, based on traditional friendship and closeness of the two peoples and strategic partnership. He met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko and expressed hope that Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay a visit to Serbia in near future, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.

Selakovic also thanked for strong and consistent support of Russia to territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and to the efforts of our side to have the issue of Kosovo and Metohija solved in a peaceful and diplomatic way through dialogue. The two officials agreed on the importance of permanent, mutual support within international organizations.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Institutions in Pristina continue repression over Serbs (RTV

The mayor of the Serb municipality of Klokot Bozidar Dejanovic, who was arrested on Friday, was ordered by the Basic Court in Pristina to be detained for 30 days. It is obvious that the institutions of self-government in Pristina continue to repress the representatives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and try to discredit them with rigged processes. At issue is political persecution of Dejanovic, whose goal is to try to criminalize the political representatives of Serbs in the province and to throw a stain on the magnificent support of the Serb List, for which 96.14 percent of citizens in Serb areas in Kosovo and Metohija voted in the previous elections. No attempts to make false scandals, nor political spins from Pristina, can tarnish the support and trust that the Serb List enjoys among the citizens. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija demands from all international representatives to stop the political persecution of Serb representatives, reads the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

EP: Obstacles exist on path to Serbia-Kosovo agreement (Beta)  

An internal analysis by the European Parliament (EP) that Beta accessed on 14 March says that “there are a myriad of obstacles on the path to a comprehensive agreement between Belgrade and

Pristina”. These challenges include “internal political situations and ambiguous and diversified expectations”, EP analysts said in the document. “While Kosovo is pressing on towards a very clear goal, that Serbia should recognize its independence, Serbia has interpreted the normalization process as 'an economic arrangement' leaving very limited room to go beyond it,” the EP warned, arguing that “recognizing an independent Kosovo is the red line that Serbia is very unlikely to cross”. “At the same time, Serbia insists that the process needs to respect the Serbian constitution which define Kosovo as an integral part of its territory, as well as UN Security Council Resolution 1244,” the EP analysts added, noting that constitutional change required a referendum.



RS parliament adopts 10 conclusions regarding work of High Representative in B&H; (RTRS


The last week was marked by a special session of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament, which was held on Wednesday, commented the presenter. Among the ten conclusions RS parliament adopted, one refers to the formation of an international legal team for the purpose of filing lawsuits against High Representatives for violating the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). A large number of conclusions were new, such as the possibility of a peaceful separation (of RS). Among those that are partly repeated is the sixth: “The RS parliament instructs the RS government to form an international legal team, with the aim of filing lawsuits against High Representatives who, in violation of the Dayton Agreement and its Annex 10, violated international law by abusing their mandate”. On several occasions in the RS, either by officials or some lawyers, lawsuits have been advocated against the High Representatives for violating the provisions of the DPA, imposing laws, rewriting the Constitution, transferring competencies and removing elected individuals, the reporter added. A frequent message in the criticism of the High Representatives’ work is that the High Representatives do not have any executive powers. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated at the RS parliament session: “Competence for interpretation certainly does not imply executive powers and this is a hoax. Interpretation is not an executive power. All this time, they acted as if the High Representative had executive authority, but in order for executive authority to exist, it must be explicit and listed as such”. According to Dodik's legal adviser Milan Tegeltija, the RS shows that it is ready to protect its national interest and is returning to the role of a party in the DPA. Tegeltija said that there is a lot of work for the team that will prepare the lawsuits, but also regarding the choice of the concept of the lawsuit. “One is institutional, in which the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is being sued, where the RS could use its proxy, the Republic of Serbia, the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as a signatory to that agreement, which has active legitimacy to appear before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, (which also) means the court of the UN. The second is a concept that would concentrate on the individuals themselves, that is, on the personalities who acted in all these situations”, explained Tegeltija. Professor of Constitutional Law Radomir Lukic knows where the search for justice against the decision of the High Representatives leads, commented the reporter. Lukic was among 59 public and party officials, mostly from SDS, who were replaced in one day by then-High Representative Paddy Ashdown. He addressed the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which directed him to the UN, and with their decision, Lukic said, practically declared him a threat to the world peace. That is why Lukic rejects the ECHR, as well as the UN, as potential addresses (for the lawsuit). “No High Representative is an individual. It should not be forgotten that they exercised the highest and sovereign state power in B&H according to their assessment and will. Along with them, the highest sovereign power in B&H was exercised, legally unfounded, by the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and its Steering Board. These are all addresses and behind them are states that can be sued”, Lukic pointed out.  Although this conclusion was voted by a majority in the RSNA, there is no consensus on the conclusion of the leaders of all parliamentary parties based in the RS. The deadline within which the international legal team will be formed is not yet known, nor the model of its work, which, presumably, should include consideration of all decisions made by the High Representatives, which, from Karl Bildt to Valentin Inzko, refer to around 1,050 acts.


Foreign Ministers of nine EU countries send letter to Borrell (Nezavisne/ORF TV


Nine EU countries asked High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell to bring back the Western Balkans to the agenda at the strategic level. Austrian ORF TV reported that the letter was signed by the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as ministers from Germany, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. “We think it is high time we directed our strategic approach towards the Balkans. We need to discuss how we will make an influence on internal processes in the region and on engagement of the third countries”, the letter noted. The Ministers noted that many things changed since August 2019, when the last debate on the strategy for the region took place, and they called for investing more funds and efforts in order to assist the region. They suggested that a summit of foreign ministers of the EU countries should be organized in April and warned that, unless they react, some other players will get engaged in the region’s internal affairs. “This would undermine our reliability, persuasiveness and seriousness, especially when it comes to solidarity” the letter noted and pointed out that USA is preparing a stronger engagement in the region. “It is important for us to stand united in order to be able to be at the same level as them, our most important partner,” the letter added. The daily noted that this stance towards USA is especially important because, based on information from reliable sources in Washington and Berlin, US President Joseph Biden promised he will let the EU have the leading role in the Balkans which would mean that USA would have to accept German candidate for the High Representative Christian Schmidt should he reflect the European unity, otherwise Biden would break his promise. A source from Berlin said that Germany will allow some more time for USA to present its stance on Schmidt, but it will not attempt to “push” his candidacy through by force because they expect Biden to show respect for Europe and fulfill his promise. In this context, the daily added, it is important to know that Schmidt already announced close cooperation with EU Special Representative Johann Sattler and Sattler too recently stated in an interview to Nezavisne that he wants to maintain cooperation with Schmidt until the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is gradually closed. Expert on European integration of the Western Balkans Faris Kocan assessed that the letter of nine EU foreign ministers is quite indicative, as it came after the Summit in Zagreb where activities of the third countries in the region were discussed. Kocan, however, warned that it is important for the EU not to deal with the region for purely strategic reasons when it comes to geostrategic rivals such as Russia and China, but also to use it for credible support to the EU enlargement. Finally, Kocan assessed that there is no true standstill, as the Economic and Investment Plan on the Western Balkans was presented in December 2020 and it could mobilize up to EUR 9 billion for projects and, in this way, the EU got a very important instrument for implementation of the new enlargement methodology.

Dodik: OHR and UK cannot affect conclusions of RS parliament (RTRS


Chair of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that he will use every available opportunity to pull down anti-Dayton B&H. “They have been preventing us to develop. They stripped us of all rights,” stressed Dodik. Chair of B&H Presidency deems that B&H is unviable and failed country and that it is product of international factor. He also said that High Representative is biggest bluff of the international community. Dodik said that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the UK Embassy to B&H are not competent to determine which conclusions the RS parliament will adopt. He added that representatives of the international community, primarily the USA and EU cannot criticize the violation of laws in B&H, when at the same time they violate laws in B&H since the beginning. Dodik said that the OHR has been stealing in B&H for 20 years through the illegal work of High Representatives and now they tell the RS parliament that they could not adopt the conclusions they did during Wednesday’s special session. He added that it is hypocritical of the UK to urge B&H to join the EU. Dodik said that the RS has a serious complaint on the appointment of the High Representative and the way he is appointed. He said that Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) defines that the countries signing the DPA request the appointment of the new High Representative from the UN Security Council (UN SC). Dodik said that certain countries discussed the appointments internally among them and the RSNA is fighting for legality. Dodik said that Serbs have the right to self-determination, and that referendum on secession of the RS remains a real possibility. “We must have historical patience. If we were to call referendum on independent RS connected with Serbia and in state union with Serbia, without losing the RS in that integration, we would not need international recognition because Serbia is an independent state,” said Dodik.

High Representative created disorder in B&H (EuroBlic


The daily carried an interview with RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic. Asked to comment the ultimatum of High Representative Valentin Inzko who demanded that the RS parliament withdraws the awards given to Biljana Plavsic, Momcilo Krajisnik and Radovan Karadzic, Cvijanovic said that the ultimatum is part of the political manipulation, whereby Bosniak politicians raise tensions, and Inzko fulfils their political wishes by setting certain demands. She underlined that the RS parliament made its decision and that is the end of the story. She also noted that High Representatives usually operate in the similar way, they introduce some strict measures and make harsh decisions at the very end of their tenure, and then “they run away”. After that, a new person is appointed and refers to the last minute decisions of the predecessor. “It is traumatic for B&H, generally speaking, to have a High Representative at all, especially considering the statements made by the current High Representative. You have a High Representative who claims the right to attack a collective and to speak the terrible sentence that ‘the RS is a burden to the Serb people’. I can say that the High Representative is destroying B&H, and his predecessors did the same”, said Cvijanovic. Asked if the RS has a plan for the case that Inzko starts using the Bonn powers, Cvijanovic said that there is a plan, but she does not see why Inzko would use such retrograde measures like the Bonn powers. She argued that there is no legal document authorizing Inzko to use the Bonn powers, and underlined that the RS participates in all processes voluntarily. Therefore, she argued, the RS cannot be punished for wanting or refusing something. Cvijanovic also emphasized that compared to the Federation of B&H (FB&H) or some countries in the region, the RS is much better organized. She also underlined that the High Representative can only coordinate and assist, but he cannot remove elected officials. Cvijanovic also argued that the behavior of previous High Representatives who were biased and who took the side of one ethnic agenda resulted in diminished trust among peoples in B&H. Asked to clarify RS’s plans for the case that Inzko uses the Bonn powers, Cvijanovic said that the RS has its legitimate institutions and democratically elected representatives, and that the RS will not accept any form of violence and insults. Speaking about the announcement of the candidacy of German politician Christian Schmidt to the post of new High Representative, Cvijanovic said that the problem is not in Schmidt, but in the way High Representatives are appointed and in the way they overstep their powers. Cvijanovic argued that the RS probably would not have a problem with the High Representative as the category described by the Dayton Peace Agreement. However, she underlined, High Representatives overstepped their powers, relied on the Peace Implementation Council which is not based on any international law and worked against the best interests of B&H. “There is no room for the High Representative if we want to be a modern state which aspires to EU membership. There is also no room for the High Representative in a state that wants to have sovereignty and manage processes. If we have the High Representative, we are only proving that the state is not normal,” said Cvijanovic.

Banjac: Past decisions of High Representatives in B&H created further divisions between peoples (ATV

The past week in the RS has been marked by the RS parliament’s special session, at which the representatives discussed the work of the High Representative (HR) in B&H. ATV presenter noted that a unified stance in the matter has not been reached during the session. Leader of ‘Narodna partija Srpske’ Darko Banjac finds this odd as all leaders of political parties stated prior to the session that they are against the presence of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H and appointment of a new HR. “They said they believe that the OHR should be closed in B&H, but when voting came, the opposition representatives left the Assembly hall”, he reminds. Banjac believes that they should have stayed and that all MPs should have adopted a unified stance in the matter. We expected this unity, and we needed this unity, but it did not happen, Banjac added. He said that the RS parliament is the “last line of defense for the RS” and the MPs should have “made a unified stand there”. In continuation, Banjac said the RS officials believe that B&H does not need the OHR or a High Representative and all decisions made by the HRs in the past were detrimental for both the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H). All of the HRs were appointed illegally in the past, i.e. not in line with what is stated in the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), Banjac underlines. When it comes to decisions of the HRs, Banjac points out, they were never made with the goal of bringing peace between the peoples in B&H, but, in fact, they created further divisions between them. Banjac said the RS must make its opinion heard by representatives of the international community in B&H. The HR is obliged to report on his work in B&H to interested parties, Banjac emphasized, and one of those interested parties is the RS. Besides the RS, Banjac believes that signatories of the Dayton Agreement must also be asked if they believe B&H needs a High Representative or not. “I am one of those people that believe that Serbia should also be asked, as the signatory of the Dayton Peace Agreement, what its stance in the matter is” Banjac concluded. Banjac spoke of the work of his party and confirmed that they formed 21 boards in cities and municipalities across the RS. In the next period, Banjac informs, a few additional city and municipal boards will be formed. “Our goal by end of April is to form 40 municipal boards out of 64 municipalities that we have in the RS”, Banjac said, adding that they will form full leadership and party bodies by June. He confirmed that two RS MPs from Bijeljina will officially join ‘Narodna partija Srpske’ on Monday, but he did not reveal their names. Asked to comment the RS opposition parties and DNS’ goal of becoming ‘leader of opposition’, Banjac assessed that this will never happen as SDS and PDP will never allow such a thing. He reminded to the harsh words exchanged between DNS and the opposition parties in the past, which means their relations could never be fully mended and for them to successfully cooperate as a team.

Vukanovic: RS parliament’s conclusions on secessionist ideas of Dodik are cheap populism (Hayat


SDS Caucus’ representative in the RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic, commenting on the conclusions of the RSNA related to secessionist ideas of SNSD leader and Chairman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, said that these conclusions refer to “cheap populism”. Vukanovic assessed that “this is all part of Dodik’s show” and accused Dodik of pretending to be some major Serb patriot only to divert the attention from the real situation in the RS. “The situation related to economy and the pandemic is horrible. This is not the first time that he plays with the fate of the citizens. I tried to bring to the RSNA representatives’ attention that Dodik’s behavior is dangerous,” Vukanovic pointed out. However, Vukanovic stressed that Dodik has the support of “his minions from the ruling majority”. When it comes to secession, Vukanovic presented an opinion that it is very dangerous to speak about major issues such as referendum, secession and independence “just like it is dangerous to bring up the issue of the third entity or unitary B&H”. According to Vukanovic, it is more necessary to discuss the fact that many RS citizens are on the verge of poverty.

Sattler reflects on RS parliament’s special session on work of HR, rules out possibility of RS secession and abolition of entities (Face TV

Guest of Face TV was Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler. Commenting on the RS parliament’s latest special session dedicated to the work of the HR and the conclusions adopted by the parliamentary majority, as well as Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik's address and repeated calls for the RS' secession and independence, Sattler argued that there are two different narratives about current situation in B&H, namely the first one is that the country is disintegrating and nothing can be ruled out, not even armed conflicts, while the other narrative is that the situation does not look particularly good but economic indicators are not different than in the rest of the region, new authorities have been elected seven or eight times so far and the country is managing to move forward in general. He claims that neither of the two narratives is completely accurate and the truth lies somewhere in between but it does seem as if things have taken a wrong turn and everything has been heading in the wrong direction in the last six months or so. He warned that there is too much divisive rhetoric and the way the RS parliament’s session unfolded is not helping either because it helps perpetuate policies where one’s loss is another’s gain. However, he stressed that on the other hand, questioning the existing general setup of B&H and speaking about abolition of the RS is not helping as well. He underlined that there is no magic wand to make instant changes and B&H’s general setup will remain intact regardless of the election of the new US President or president of any other country for that matter. “There will be changes but there will not be dissolution of the entities. This is not helpful coming from here, from certain voices. So, all sides have to disarm, verbally disarm and first think of consequences. When it comes to the statements from Banja Luka, I think it is very clear that we have stepped out there and it means the red line is crossed,” Sattler stated and added that the EU is clearly taking this very seriously because its response emphasized B&H’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and existing setup where entities do not have the right to secede. He reminded that EUFOR is still present in B&H and it still play an important role. Asked if the international community will be prepared or even willing to react in case Dodik does turn his words into action and tries to secede the RS considering current circumstances, the coronavirus pandemic and balance of power, Sattler said that this is a hypothetical question and this is not the first time Dodik is saying something like that. He claims that there is no backup plan or other options and the only plan in place for B&H is to join the EU. He stressed that the accession to the EU is the only foreign policy and strategic goal that unites almost everyone with 85 percent of the population in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and up to 70 percent of the population of the RS supporting it. He noted that the RS leadership knows very well what the citizens want and it also knows where the money is coming from. According to Sattler, the fact that EUFOR is still effectively present in B&H shows how serious the EU is about security situation in B&H. He pointed out that the UN Security Council is has been renewing EUFOR’s mandate in B&H on an annual basis and the explanation has been the same for many years, namely that it is necessary to continue supporting B&H authorities in efforts to ensure safe and secure environment. He reiterated that he personally has been a bit worried because things have not been moving in the right direction in the last six months but the EU is taking the situation in B&H very seriously and it remains present on the ground. He assessed that B&H is not close to the worst-case scenario and new armed conflict but he urged everyone in B&H to calm down and carefully choose their words.


Pasalic: Motion of Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP regarding RS Forest Law represents political attack on RS property (ATV


RS Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Boris Pasalic, asked to comment on the fact that the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) filed a motion to the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H for a review of constitutionality of the RS Forest Law, stated that this motion is "something that we expected." "This was in a way announced last year in March, February, when we had a similar discussion on the Law on Agricultural Land, with the difference that here the entire Forest Law has been attacked, while in the previous case, only one article, Article 53 of the Law on Agricultural Land, was attacked," Pasalic underlined. Pasalic stressed that one cannot assume what the decision of the B&H CC will be. "However, taught by previous experiences, we are not that optimistic. We believe that, just like in the previous cases, this is a purely political issue and politicization of an important resource for the RS," Pasalic underlined. Asked what kind of consequences can the motion produce, Pasalic stressed that the RS will definitely not leave its forests to someone else. "But, this could produce a crisis in the state, like the one we had last year" Pasalic underlined. He stressed that the motion of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP represents a political attack on the property of the RS, noting that the RS CC is being circumvented. "We have a situation where none of the parliamentarians in the RS from the ranks of the Bosniak people reacts to that law in the procedure itself. You have passing of the law in the form of a draft, you have a public debate and a law proposal and no one in the RS parliament is discussing this and making it a problem, rather after six months, someone in Sarajevo remembers to file a motion via the delegates who are only an instrument here to complete that job. We will probably face the same thing when it comes to waters, public resources of the RS," Pasalic stressed. Pasalic noted that the main problem is the fact that forests account for 52 percent of the territory of the RS. "The value of forests of the RS, forest land and wood assortments, is at least BAM 7 billion," Pasalic emphasized, adding that one is attacking the RS with the goal of its dispossessing and strengthening of central, i.e. joint institutions of B&H.

Dzaferovic and Sattler meet; conclude that with significant steps forward in implementing 14 priorities, B&H can expect to obtain candidate status this year (FTV


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler on Friday. Dzaferovic and Sattler discussed amendments to the B&H Election Law and the need to reform the Constitution of B&H. Regarding the change of the Election Law, it was stated that in this process all verdicts of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) must be implemented. Dzaferovic and Sattler also discussed B&H's European path. It was emphasized that, with significant steps forward in implementing 14 priorities, B&H can expect to obtain candidate status this year.

Dodik: Proposal of EU leaders on COVID-passports and vaccines is discriminatory (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the latest political decision of European leaders on the obligatory possession of a vaccination certificate, the so-called COVID-passport, which confirms not only that the holder of the document has been vaccinated, but also that only a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is acceptable for entering the EU, is discriminatory. Dodik stated that this is additional discrimination not only against citizens of European countries that are not members of the EU, but also against citizens of EU member states who, in the absence of the mentioned vaccines, turned to other manufacturers as well. He emphasized that it is important to mention that insisting on such an approach will be an additional blow to the budget of all persons who are possibly vaccinated with one of the vaccines that do not have the approval of the EMA. He emphasized that all of the above points to the negligence and irresponsibility of all those who advocate the confirmation of the proposal on the COVID-passport and the obvious lobbying that is to the detriment of the fight to save human lives, preserve health and recover economy.

Borenovic says announcement on COVID-passports is pressure to vaccinate as many people as possible, Majkic argues EU introduces ‘dual discrimination’ (EuroBlic


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic commented on the announcement on possible introduction of COVID-passports as a precondition for the entry to the EU and he assessed that this represents pressure for mass vaccination of population. Borenovic assessed that vaccination is not going as planned in the EU either so there are attempts to lift the process of immunization to the highest possible level by exerting pressures through announcements on introduction of COVID-passports. However, Borenovic said that this is somewhat sensitive issue as it forces people to have a certificate to prove that they were vaccinated. Delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) said that the EU is deviating from its standards as it introduces dual discrimination: “The first one is that people who were unable to get to vaccines and be vaccinated, not by their own fault, will not be able to enter the EU countries. The second undemocratic standard set by the EU is that those who were vaccinated by vaccines not registered in the EU will not be able to enter the EU either”. Majkic added that the EU is losing the same principles because of which it was created in the first place.

Digital Tirana Economic Forum held, Tegeltija emphasizes commitment of B&H to EU membership (N1


The Digital Tirana Economic Forum was held on Friday. Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans countries took part in panel dedicated to the EU enlargement to the Western Balkans.  European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi also participated in this panel. Panel participants concluded that some countries, including B&H and Serbia, achieved almost no progress concerning the EU accession negotiations in 2020. Varhelyi reminded of pre-conditions that need to be met in order to get status of the EU country. He also emphasized that some countries failed to fulfil promises concerning progress on the EU path. “I promised leaders in B&H status of the EU candidate country. However, in order for this to happen, to fulfil this promise, we need to see significant progress, primarily in constitutional and reforms of the Election Law. We also request reforms related to judiciary necessary to restore trust of citizens to system,” said Varhelyi. Chair of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija emphasized commitment of B&H authorities and citizens to the EU accession. Reporter commented that Tegeltija failed to say that B&H made no progress in this regard in 2020 and 2021. Chair of B&H CoM focused in his address to lack of vaccines and to criticize COVAX mechanism. He stressed that vaccines turned from global good – as it had been presented to market goods procured in market under unfair conditions. Tegeltija thanked to Serbia for donation of vaccines.


Croatia successfully completes Schengen evaluation procedure (Hina

In four years, Croatia met 281 recommendations in eight acquis areas, successfully completing the Schengen evaluation procedure, the Interior Ministry said on Friday after a meeting of EU interior ministers who discussed security and migrations. The Portuguese presidency and Commissioner Ylva Johansson informed the Council that Croatia had successfully completed the Schengen evaluation procedure which began in June 2015 and ended in May 2019, the ministry said in a press release. In the most comprehensive evaluation of preparedness for membership of the Schengen area, Croatia met 281 recommendations in eight Schengen acquis areas, including 145 pertaining to external border control. Early in February, the Council confirmed that Croatia had met all the recommendations in that, the most demanding evaluation area, the ministry said, adding that in the past two weeks bilateral meetings were held with four member states which were unsure if Croatia had indeed met all the membership requirements. On 2 March, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic met with all the EU ambassadors accredited in Croatia at which he informed them in detail of everything Croatia had done in the past three and a half years to ensure full application of all Schengen standards. "The ministers endorsed the report by the Portuguese presidency and Commissioner Johansson, without debate thereby confirming the completion of the Schengen evaluation procedure for Croatia," the ministry said. Croatia's job and goal now is to prepare everything that is necessary for the Council of the EU to adopt a political decision on the Schengen membership, the ministry added. Croatia evaluated as no other EU member state. "Croatia successfully passed the most comprehensive and the most detailed evaluation, like no other EU member state," said Bozinovic, who attended a video conference of the Home Affairs Council. He added that Johansson said that this was the final confirmation of Croatia's preparedness to join the Schengen Area, while the chairman of the Council of the EU, Portuguese Interior Minister Eduardo Cabrita, supported Schengen enlargement to Croatia. The ministry said the Council held the first debate on a draft directive on the resilience of critical subjects, which is aimed at further contributing to the implementation of EU Security Union Strategy targets. The Portuguese presidency reported on the external dimension, border protection and solidarity. Another priority is working on the establishment of legal migration routes to more effectively curb illegal ones. The European Commission presented a report on strengthening cooperation with third countries in returns and readmissions as well as a 2019 report on the evaluation of cooperation in readmission. Bozinovic said Croatia saw the former report as an important step forward in dealing with the return of migrants illegally staying in the EU. "All Commission activities to use the potential of the EU visa policy are welcome, in an effort to encourage third countries to cooperate more constructively in the readmission of their citizens, as well as the possibilities available to us in other areas, development and trade arrangements for example" he said. It would be useful to supplement initiatives with lists of safe third countries and safe countries of origin which would make it easier for the relevant services to swiftly make decisions on asylum or returns, Bozinovic added. In concluding readmission agreements, priority should be given to countries of origin, the ministry said, adding that Bozinovic also pointed to the problem of transit countries. Croatia supported strengthening cooperation with North African states in all areas that can contribute to strengthening stability in Africa, which would then facilitate dealing with the root causes of migrations towards the EU, the Ministry said.


Niksic local elections – polls close and counting gets under way (CdM

Local elections in Niksic were held yesterday. A total of 58.833 residents had the right to cast a vote in 138 polls. Four coalitions and two parties took part in the Niksic elections. According to data of CEMI, 81.2% of registered people cast their votes until 7pm, while data of the Municipal Election Board, OIK, say it was 80.5%. A fight broke out in a polling station, and the police had to intervene. The police also had to intervene when a member of the bloc For the Future of Montenegro seized a box with ballot papers from the election board, who were transporting it to people who were supposed to vote by letter. Following this incident, police forces in the streets were extended. The Municipal Election Board has stated that the election day was successful. Monitoring and Research Center (CeMI) announced that the European team for Niksic won 18 seats, For the future of Niksic 11, Democrats 10, URA and Dhaka one each, while the SDP is without a census. The European team for Niksic - DPS, SD, LP, PKS, the coalition For the Future of Niksic - DF, SNP 11, Momo Koprivica - Peace is our nation - Democrats 10, Dritan Abazovic won the most mandates 18 in the local elections held in Niksic. Abazovic - Black and white - Niksic can do one, Miodrag Daka Davidovic - People's Movement one term, while SDP - With a heart for Niksic! did not pass the census. The Niksic parliament has 41 councilors. 58,833 voters had the right to vote, and they voted at 138 polling stations.

Both the Democratic Front and the DPS declared victory 

The president of the Movement for Changes, Nebojsa Medojevic, said that the local elections in Niksic showed that the legitimate demands of the Democratic Front for the Government to be reconstructed were justified. "We defeated the president of the state, the prime minister and the president of the Assembly, the Embassy, ​​the Vijesti Concern and their NGOs, the ANB, the police and all the untouched structures of the old regime," Medojevic wrote on Facebook.

According to him, the DF, in just six months since the parliamentary elections and three months after the "big fraud in the formation of the government", has shown that it has its own political space that it has been successfully defending since 2012. "We have our own ideology, program, ideas and people. And most importantly, to have your loyal voters !!! "The elections in Niksic showed that the government in which 90 percent of the government has URA and the owners of Vijesti is unsustainable and that the demands of the DF for the reconstruction of the government are justified and legitimate," he claims. Medojevic congratulated Marko Kovacevic on his position as mayor and head of the election headquarters, Andrija Mandic. The leader of the Black and White Coalition, Dritan Abazovic, announced that the goal was fulfilled - the DPS was defeated, and the SDP disappeared from the political scene. Abazovic pointed out that he was satisfied with the way the elections for their platform went. When asked if he expects an invitation to form a government, he said that he "sees no reason to impose himself". “We inherit some different values. As for ours, we are willing to help, but we are also more than interested in preserving the principles we are fighting for," said Abazovic. "In all the attacks, we managed to save the voters and improve the result a bit. We have shown that we are a party made of steel and that our electorate has been strengthened,” he said. He congratulated the winners. "Citizens deserve to be represented by a different government. It is important that voters turn to progressive forces and experience Montenegro in a different way," Abazovic said. He concluded that we should all be committed to a better standard of living and a better distribution of justice. DPS Vice President and Mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vukovic believes that the European team for Niksic achieved a great result in the elections in that city. “Great result of our European team for Niksic! We won 41 percent and almost 1,000 more votes than in the parliamentary elections, Vukovic wrote on Twitter. He said that the fight for a civil, European, decent Montenegro continues. "With the DPS at the helm. May it be eternal!” he concluded. This is a convincing victory of the coalition European Team for Niksic - DPS, SD, LP, PKS. The DPS has shown dominance. The European path is the only path of development, said the holder of the list, Sanja Damjanovic. "Our program is the most superior, DPS is the driver of development. I believe we will find a partner and form a government. I am especially glad that I felt the impulse of these people. I will always be for our Niksic and our Montenegro" said Damjanovic. According to her, this number of votes is not enough to form a government. "However, in any normal democratic country, we would find a partner and manage to implement a superior program. And I hope that we will realize that coalition," she said. DPS spokesman Milos Nikolic said that everyone who hoped for a DPS to fail was deceived. "They are convinced that there will be none of that. We won 1,000 more votes than in the August parliamentary elections. The DPS is convincingly the strongest political force in Montenegro" Nikolic said. He pointed out that they are absolutely proud of the result in Niksic, especially if we know what happened against the DPS and Montenegro. "All the resources of the Serbian world were focused on the collapse of Montenegro in Niksic. "The Democratic Front lost 5.5 thousand votes, and the DPS won 1,000 more with its coalition partners than in the parliamentary elections" Nikolic emphasized. These elections, he further states, showed the strength of the DPS, but also the strength and superiority of the program with which the DPS is acting and that they are dominant in Montenegro. "DPS will continue with its further development, correcting mistakes and restoring ratings, the growth trend will continue. This is just the beginning. We have a long battle ahead of us but we will be the absolute winners in it. I thank Sanja, who showed that there are no calculation, but that she is ready to jump in and defend the European perspective of Niksic and Montenegro," concluded Nikolic.

Picula: Concept of Montenegrin statehood questionable for part of ruling majority (CdM

EU Rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula, speaking about his draft EP report on Montenegro, which highlighted the need for cooperation and “cohabitation” of the former and new authorities for the country’s progress, says that, with some outbursts, the first transfer of power in Montenegro in 30 years passed peacefully and showed politicians’ capacities. “It is not just a matter of confronting the government with the President of the Republic or of a thin parliamentary majority with the parliamentary minority. The ruling coalition itself is very heterogeneous and requires serious effort and compromises to sustain itself. Not without reason, the fact that the very concept of Montenegrin statehood and sovereignty is questionable for a part of the ruling majority is also imposed,” said Picula.


DP-SP supporters clash as PM visits Elbasan (ADN


Visit of Prime Minister Edi Rama Sunday in Elbasan on the occasion of Summer Day has caused unexpected trouble, since supporters of the Democratic Party (DP) and Socialist Party (SP) have clashed with one another due to their political convictions. Apart from the verbal collision, there were also physical clashes between sympathizers of the two opponent political forces. Intervention of State Police became necessary to calm the situation and several citizens have been remanded into custody, as the ADN has learned. Leader of Socialist Party (SP) Parliamentary Group and Political Leader for the Region of Elbasan Taulant Balla considered Sunday the clashes between his political entity and Democrat Party (DP) supporters as a political provocation. In Balla’s opinion, the collision in Elbasan was exactly the picture of a “celebration kidnapping gang” with the “divisive noise and with Democratic Party flags” and 3-4 expensive vehicles that burned their tires amid thousands of citizens, family people and children. "Dear residents of Elbasan, first of all I wish you a Happy Summer Day. Never before has a political party organized such a political provocation on Summer Day, as Lulzim Basha did today. Since Lulzim Basha talks about gangs, today's picture was exactly the appearance of a celebration kidnapping gang, with the divisive noise and the flags of the Democratic Party, with 3-4 expensive cars running tires among thousands of citizens, families, children! The people of Elbasan, who have never been distinguished as quarrelsome, did not owe this staging of Ilir Meta to the Democratic Party with the hands of Lulzim mavri! However, 25 April is coming and Ilir Meta, together with Sali, will get the answer for this spectacle of violation of the city by their puppet Lulzim Basha and the bunch of blind people who shamed the DP in the eyes of Elbasan and all of Albania,” highlighted Balla.

DP Chair calls against violence as Democrats-Socialists clash in Elbasan (ADN


Chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha has underlined Sunday he appeals against violence as supporters of his party and the opponent Socialist Party (SP) clashed with each other physically. In the aftermath of the ugly incident on Summer Day, due to which were apprehended several people, the Opposition Leader urged Prime Minister Edi Rama to not dare threaten the citizens of Elbasan with armed “bandits”. March 14 is the day of flowers and hope, added Basha, while pointing out that the Head of Government and “his gangs” hold Elbasan hostage. "Today is the day of summer, the day of the citizens of Elbasan. I would like to wish the citizens from the bottom of my heart, happy Summer Day. I was in a meeting with the families of Elbasan and we were discussing the beauty and hope that Summer Day brings. After the meeting, I was a little late because I was told there had been an incident. The gangs of Elbasan who accompanied the outgoing Prime Minister with pistol in their belts. I know that the citizens of Elbasan do not want violence and can hardly wait for the day of hope and change. Hope and change is coming, violence will not stop it. I tell the Prime Minister, do not dare to threaten the citizens of Elbasan with armed bandits. March 14 is the day of flowers, it is the day of Summer, the day of hope. Spring beats winter. So, let us all come together for the change that the citizens want. I wish you from the bottom of my heart Happy Summer Day. I had it at 10:00 I had no knowledge that the PM had it at the same time. The gangs that accompanied the prime minister are the indicator. I have been accompanied and am accompanied by the families and intellectuals of Elbasan. This is the PD model. Edi Rama once again showed where the problem is. The city will return to the citizens," declared Basha.


Basha accuses PM of provoking Elbasan after politics-related turmoil (ADN


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama provoked the city of Elbasan during the Summer Day celebrations, showing the despair that has engulfed him with criminal friends, blamed Sunday the Chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha. After the claims of PM Rama that the Opposition Leader went to the celebration of Elbasan people with party flags and shouting crowd, the latter underlined that Socialist Party’s (SP) time is over and the Head of government knows it. Moreover, Basha stressed that on the parliamentary polls of April 25, Elbasan will be given back to its citizens and hard-working people of the city. “Edi Rama's time is over and Rama knows this. It is pathetic that even in his last weeks, as he has done for these 8 years, he provoked the city of Elbasan by showing the despair that has gripped him with his criminal friends. But, the time when the city and the citizens of Elbasan were under the control of the criminals of Edi Rama is over! He will neither scare us, nor stop us! We are determined to do everything to bring about the change that Albanians look forward to. On 25 April, this will change, the city will return to the citizens, the city will return to the working people of Elbasan. Like every Albanian, he will feel it everywhere in Albania and Albania will return to the Albanians. Everywhere you go, Edi Rama, you will get the same answer, you will see the power of people who you can no longer scare with criminals,” noted Basha among other things. On the other hand, the Head of Government declared that the Opposition Leader has turned into a “ridiculous mannequin” of his hostage takers and speaks nonsense about gangs and criminals. Lulzim, you have become a ridiculous mannequin of your hostage takers and after going to the celebration of the people of Elbasan with party flags and a crowd of screams, you talk nonsense about gangs and criminals, tweeted the Premier.

President Meta clashes with police while defending FRD Chairman (ADN)

Albanian President Ilir Meta physically clashed with the Tirana municipal police who had 'occupied' the New Democratic Spirit (FRD) offices, with the police not allowing any member of this political force to enter their premises. The only one who went to the defense was President Ilir Meta, who during his request to enter the premises of the New Democratic Spirit party encountered resistance from the municipal police, while the president physically clashed with them. "I will take you to prison with my own hands, this is how they want it," Meta told the employees of the Municipal Police while he appeared very irritated. After leaving the FRPD offices, Meta told reporters: "This is done only to physically and psychologically violate any opposition force, abusing the gang municipality, it is very irritating and it is a warning to all Albanian citizens, to lay their hands on an equal vote. I call on all the opposition to wake up and not allow any touch of the elections, because it will be too late for them and not for the Albanian people. I had a phone call from Mr. Shehu, I was passing by here by chance, you saw how the chairman was violated, in the presence of the president. Either enforce the laws, or you will end up like Mubarak's cops. I tell the mayor that you know very well what you did with the signature and without the signature, that the other one will issue the card before 25 April," stated Meta.