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Belgrade Media Report 26 August 2021


Vucic receives credentials from Ambassadors of Azerbaijan, India and Kazakhstan (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the letters of accreditation from the ambassadors of Azerbaijan, India and Kazakhstan, the president's office has stated. The Ambassador of Azerbaijan Khamil Khasiev said that the agreements scheduled for signing during the forthcoming visit of President Ilham Aliyev would open more opportunities for bilateral cooperation. The Ambassador of India Sanjeev Kohli stated that it was Vucic who opened the new era in the two countries' relations, visiting India in 2017 in the capacity of prime minister, which was the first visit by a top Serbian official in 30 years, the statement reads. The Ambassador of Kazakhstan Madi Atamkulov said that his country viewed Serbia as an important political and economic partner, and reiterated its support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.

Vucic: Verdict to Todosijevic is verdict to Brussels agreement (Politika/RTS/Tanjug/B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on the verdict against Serb Ivan Todosijevic, sentenced to two years in prison for his statement regarding Racak. On that occasion, he addressed a video posted on the Instagram profile buducnostsrbijeav. “A Serb from Kosovo and Metohija, Ivan Todosijevic, was sentenced to two years in prison only because he told the truth. The truth about Racak, the truth about everything that happened to the Serbian people. He was convicted by Albanian judges, although according to the Brussels agreement he had to be tried by two Serbs and one Albanian judge. The right was brutally and grossly violated. The right to free opinion, the right to a fair trial, which we signed together with the Albanians and the EU in Brussels,” Vucic said. “I call on Europeans and the EU to invite Albanians to Pristina and tell them that they must abide by what they have signed and accepted. I call on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to be united with Ivan Todosijevic, just as we in central Serbia will be with him, his family and the entire Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. Long live our people in Kosovo and Metohija, long live Serbia,” he added. The Court of Appeals of Kosovo confirmed the verdict of the Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina, according to which the member of the Kosovo Assembly from the Serb List, Ivan Todosijevic, was sentenced to two years in prison for statements he made about Albanians and events in Racak. The reason for the indictment was Todosijevic’s statement on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the bombing of FR Yugoslavia, when he stated at the commemoration of the day of the bombing in Zvecan: “The reason for the aggression on our country was the so-called humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo and Metohija, the fictional Racak, and it was those Shqiptar terrorists who invented it all who committed the greatest crimes in Kosovo and Metohija, for which no one has been held accountable to this day. They committed crimes before the NATO aggression, killed good Serbian hosts at their workplace. They continued their bloody feast during the aggression, and after that with the arrival of the so-called peace mission in Kosovo and Metohija.”

Drecun: Prison sentence to Todosijevic part of a broader campaign (Tanjug/RTV)

The Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun assessed on Wednesday that the confirmation of the two-year prison sentence for Serb List MP Ivan Todosijevic for statements about Racak is an integral part of the campaign, which includes a ban on denying the genocide in Srebrenica, and whose goal is to transfer all crimes exclusively to the Serb side. Drecun recalled for Tanjug that the events in Racak that preceded the criminal bombing of Serbia were “a fundamental pillar of a persistent, systematic and brutal campaign aimed at hiding the truth”. “The Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija are trying to cover up the truth that preceded the bombing and after, when they carried out brutal ethnic cleansing in order to present the Serb side as criminal, to gain additional sympathy in the international community and put pressure on countries to recognize independence,” Drecun said. “No, there was no massacre in Racak, terrorists were killed there, and among other things, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia dropped the Racak case from the indictment for Slobodan Milosevic, because it became completely clear to them that there was no massacre,” said Drecun. He says that now, when someone sticks to the brutal lies of William Walker and punishes people for not accepting it, this person forbids people to think, speak, dispute someone’s claim. “In that way, you are banning the investigation of facts,” Drecun said. As he points out, all that is an integral part of the story about the alleged genocide in Srebrenica and the adoption of some resolutions that prohibit denial. “Everything about Racak, the resolution and verdicts, as well as the story of Albin Kurti about the alleged genocide against the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, are an integral part of a very intensified campaign, reactivated after the lull, aimed at shifting responsibility for all crimes to the Serb side, to belittle and to not respect the victims of Serb nationality at all,” said Drecun.

EU: Pristina has violated the agreement (Tanjug/RTS)

EU spokesman Peter Stano said that in the case of Ivan Todosijevic, the Kosovo court did not respect what was agreed by the Brussels agreement from 2013. “It was agreed that the Court of Appeals in Pristina establish a panel made up of the majority of Serbian judges when it comes to verdicts within the majority Serb communities. In this case, that was not respected,” Stano said.

An EU spokesman reminds Pristina that the Brussels agreement is still in force and that as a cornerstone for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, it must not be violated. “The EU expects both sides to implement all agreements reached in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. We also expect both sides to constructively contribute to reaching a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations,” Stano said. He states that any denial or revisionism of the events that took place during the conflicts in the Western Balkans in the 1990s is contrary to EU values and the project of integration of the Western Balkans into the EU. “We call on everyone to show restraint out of respect for the victims and work on an honest and true assessment of the past. The region needs reconciliation, stability and normalization of relations,” Stano concluded in a statement given to Tanjug.

Establishing cooperation with Jordan in several areas (Tanjug/RTV)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Wednesday in Amman with the Foreign Minister of Jordan Ayman Safadi about the preparation of an agreement for conclusion in several areas. Selakovic said that an agreement has been reached on the preparation of an agreement on investment protection and promotion, a ban on double taxation, the abolition of visas for diplomats and officials, as a first step towards the permanent abolition of visas for the two countries, as well as air transport. He stated that it is necessary to renew the work of the Joint Committee for Economic and Trade Cooperation between Jordan and Serbia. Selakovic also met with the president of the Senate Faisal Al-Fayez, to whom he conveyed basic information about Serbia. After the meetings, Selakovic stated that there is great interest in establishing bilateral cooperation in the field of education, culture, youth and sports, but also tourism. We have identified areas of mutual interest and given tasks to our teams, and I am convinced that if we create good conditions for a meeting between President Aleksandar Vucic and King Abdullah II of Jordan, we will improve our relations significantly faster and better from that moment, he concluded.

He is spitting on RS which feeds him (Novosti, by O. Matavulj)

Vice President of the Republika Srpska (RS) Ramiz Salkic (SDA) sparked fierce reactions of public and politicians in the RS by claiming that Bosniaks in the RS are exposed to systematic discrimination and that the goal of the RS authorities is “to realize wartime goals and carry out ethnic cleansing of the RS through silent persecution”. In a letter sent to High Representative Christian Schmidt, Salkic noted that, unlike Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), Bosniaks and Croats in the RS do not have constitutional and institutional protection and he urged Schmidt to react. Salkic also claimed that the authorities are preventing some 10,000 to 15,000 Bosniaks from getting jobs in public institutions and said that discrimination is also being carried out in “Orthodox education process”, which drastically affects the number of Bosniaks who live in the RS. DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that Salkic should first say if he feels ashamed knowing that only 2% of Serbs live in the FB&H while there are 13% of Bosniaks who live in the RS. “Spreading of hate in the way Salkic does it is unacceptable and he does not even live in the RS but receives substantial salary from it”, Nesic added and claimed that no religion has an influence on the education system in the RS. “I would like to ask Salkic if he knows about any school in Sarajevo where Serb children can be taught religious classes, mother tongue or study in line with curriculum of the RS”, Nesic said and reminded that Bosniak children in the RS study religious classes in line with curriculums applied in cantons of the FB&H. Finally, Nesic urged Salkic to say how many jobs he created for Bosniaks at least in his hometown Bratunac. Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic stated that Bosniaks, just like other peoples, enjoy equal rights in the RS and he added that nobody is discriminated based on their ethnicity, religion or race. “Salkic’s letter to the man who was not appointed deserves no comment, but it does deserve a reply because he insults the RS in the most rigid way. All claims presented in that letter are incorrect and untrue and this is nothing else but a political agenda of SDA”, Kovacevic said and reminded that Salkic receives his salary from the RS yet he says all the worst things about it. “At the same time, there is no significant or relevant elected official of a party from the RS in the FB&H. All high-ranking positions, which belong to Serbs as the constituent people, are filled in by people coming from same political parties as Salkic”, Kovacevic said. Leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic said that it is obvious Salkic “lives in Gestapo time” and he added that the time of pointing at people has passed a long time ago: “The only thing he can do now is harm his own people by placing it against other people.”



Criticism at expense of Dodik after he decides to meet Erdogan on Friday (N1)

N1 reports about criticism at expense of member of the B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik after he decided to attend a meeting in the B&H Presidency with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday. Besides, part of the opposition from the RS believes that Dodik betrayed their previous agreement according to which staff from the RS will not take part in work of B&H institutions arguing that Erdogan’s visit was just an alibi for him to return to Sarajevo. Dodik announced that he will act the way the RS parliament ordered it, i.e. there will be no decision-making processes in bodies at the level of B&H which includes the Presidency, the Council of Ministers and the parliament of B&H. Dodik stated that he will discuss with Erdogan deadlock in construction of the Sarajevo-Belgrade Highway but also decisions of High Representative (HRs) and according to the reporter, this is why opposition leaders supported Dodik. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that each one of the meetings that may bring exit out of this situation makes sense, while everything else will bring no effects. SDS MP Nebojsa Vukanovic argued that once again, Dodik tricked the opposition in the RS and added that Dodik will do everything that he can to keep his political position. Vukanovic said that Dodik will soon start reaching decisions for the purpose of distribution of the BAM 600 million from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and in his opinion, this is no surprise. He argued that Dodik is trying to find an alibi by demanding for consent from leaders of the opposition parties, reminding that decisions are clear and Dodik had no need to contact anyone and demand consent or any kind of alibi for his disgraceful moves. Vukanovic said that Dodik met with Erdogan earlier during the year and thus he had a chance to present his stance. PDP MP Jelena Trivic said that Dodik did not consult leaders of parties in the RS, that he first decided that he will go to the meeting with Erdogan and then he just informed them about his decision. Trivic said that she learns that Dodik primarily contacted leaders of the opposition via phone in order to justify his move and she asked why he did not contact leaders of other parties.

Vucic’s transparent lectures (Oslobodjenje, by Almir Bicakcic)

Oslobodjenje carried an interview with B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic, who was first asked about B&H’s stance towards the Open Balkans initiative, considering that, as the author stressed, it is obvious that initiative is supported by the European Union. Turkovic noted that the EU supports Berlin Process and establishing of Common Regional Market (CRM) and while “we” welcome every regional initiative, Turkovic underlined that they cannot be in collision with implementation of CRM and infrastructure presented by the Economic and Investment Plan and it does not double the processes they stipulate. The Minister noted that with signing of documents at the Summit of Berlin Process in Sofia, countries in the region are obliged to accept standards of EU market, which represents huge possibilities for domestic companies allowing them access to the market with 18 million of citizens and which will be organized in line with EU principles and standards. Reminding of benefits of such market, Turkovic noted that the fact that market in the Western Balkans will be organized as in the EU, means that the region and B&H will be much more prepared to join the EU market. Underlining the benefits, such as digitalization of the region and the Green Agenda, Turkovic stressed that CRM within Berlin Process basically united range of all models of connectivity in the Western Balkans. “Processes of region cooperation need to be efficient and have to being us close to the EU and be under its wing”, said Turkovic. Asked about relations with Serbia and Croatia, Turkovic stressed that B&H is ready to build good-neighborly relations with Serbia and Croatia, but only based on mutual acceptance and respect, underlining that she is not satisfied with the progress in these relations 25 years after the war. The Minister noted that B&H is often victim to various politicizations, populism and hegemony ideas, arguing that B&H is ready to work on all open issues and economic cooperation, but its interests must not be underestimated and humiliated. In this regard, Turkovic noted that it is in everyone’s interest to resolve the issues of prosecuting of war crimes, recognizing of international judgements in war crimes cases: “We want Serbia to recognize and admit events from the past, to recognize genocide, international judgements, to condemn and cease such politics, and to turn towards European values and democratic development. However, if you celebrate war crimes convicts, decorate them and protect them, you refuse to prosecute them and extradite them, ignore state institutions of B&H and their jurisdictions, then you can hardly expect for your word to be trusted”. Turkovic criticized behavior of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, arguing that he is playing the role of both good and bad cop, where he holds constant lessons about respect and recognition and then goes on and brings Kosovo in connection with the RS and decorates Milorad Dodik who is blocking state institutions, obstructs extinguishing of wildfires, all while allegedly supporting B&H’s sovereignty. She argues that this game is transparent and inflicts damage to entire region. Referring to her recent meeting with Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad, the author asks Turkovic about fulfilling of obligations from Program of Reforms, Turkovic stressed that unblocking of the work of Commission for Cooperation with NATO was very important step, adding that Chairman of Council of Ministers Zoran Tegeltija has not yet put the Program of Reforms on the agenda, despite insisting of Ministers, and stresses that progress in these reforms will benefit everyone in B&H, regardless of their current stance on NATO integration. However, she reminded that owing to the current policy of SNSD and HDZ B&H, it is difficult to speak about any progress in this regard and she calls for ending of obstructions of authorities.

Viskovic: IMF funds transferred to B&H not loan but rather deposit of prior investment (ATV)

IMF Resident Representative in B&H Andrew Jewell confirmed that the IMF funds, which have been transferred to B&H, are not a loan. Jewell explained that B&H will only have to pay for the currency conversion, which amounts to 0.05 percent. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated on Wednesday that the funds, which the IMF transferred to B&H, are not a loan, but rather represent a deposit of prior investment. Viskovic confirmed that the funds, which will be allocated to the RS, will be used for mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The epidemiological situation is deteriorating. The number of patients keeps increasing. There is a need for protective equipment. We need to purchase vaccines, help the economy, the real sector. That will be financed using these funds”, he stressed.


Krivokapic: It is our duty to reduce tensions; Kascelan: Enthronement should take place outside Cetinje (CdM)

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic met on Wednesday with the Mayor of the Old Royal Capital Cetinje Aleksandar Kascelan, on the occasion of the situation caused by the announced enthronement of the newly elected Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Joanikije, in Cetinje on 5 September. Krivokapic said that the state was ready to guarantee security to all citizens of Montenegro. He reiterated that it was not within the competence of the government to decide where and when any religious organization, including the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serbian Orthodox Church, would organize the enthronement of the spiritual leader. Krivokapic emphasized that it was everyone’s duty to understand each other and accept each other’s right to diversity, not declaratively, but in action. “My goal is for Montenegro to show maturity and breadth”, Krivokapic pointed out. Kascelan said that the priority of the local government was to preserve the stability, peace and security of the citizens, as key preconditions for the implementation of all rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and laws.


Zaev now offers to take 780 Afghans (Republika)

Zaev’s spokesman Dusko Arsovski informed the public that the government now offers to take up a total of 780 Afghan citizens who are fleeing after the fall of that country to the Taliban. Zaev said that he is prepared to take up to 1,800, and already had agreed to take specific groups comprising 650 people. Arsovski insisted that the refugees will remain in hotels in Macedonia for up to 90 days, until their asylum applications elsewhere are processed. Most of them will be accommodated in hotels surrounding the capital.

Sekerinska: Every arrival of evacuated Afghan citizens will be registered (Republika)

The Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska stated that every arrival of evacuated Afghan citizens will be registered and the public will be informed about all such cases. These are people who need a temporary stay before leaving for the countries of their final destination, Sekerinska said, answering a reporter’s question on Wednesday. She added that she is very careful with the numbers and stressed that no information will be hidden.


The new government cabinet to be announced next week (Radio Tirana)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that next week, the names of the new government cabinet with which the SP will govern during its third term are expected to be published. "The new government will be announced next week," Rama said at the government meeting. "We have a champion team where there are many choices for many roles and the 4-year championship requires not only a good governing formation, but also a long bench to have continuous opportunities for energizing the team," he added. "Albania's priority in 2030 will be the return of the negative trend of departures in relation to the return to the homeland," said Rama. The Albanian Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the members of the current cabinet. "With much gratitude to all of you, the cooperation that each of you gave to this government, I thank you once again for all this challenging period of time. It was an honor for all of us," said Rama. He said he is proud as the work of a difficult mandate with the earthquake and pandemic closes with a positive grade.