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Belgrade Media Report 3 September



Americans tell Belgrade and Pristina: "Continue with moratorium" (Beta)

The State Department encouraged the so-called Kosovo and Serbia to continue the moratorium on recognition issues that complicate progress in technical areas. This is stated in the answer of the unnamed spokesman to the inquiry of the Voice of America on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Washington agreement. 


Two versions of the 16-point document, for the Kosovo and Serbian sides, were signed a year ago in the Oval Office of the White House, in the presence of former US President Donald Trump, by the current Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the so-called former Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdulah Hoti - then the main political negotiator of the two sides, Voice of America reports. 


An unnamed State Department spokesman said in response to the Voice of America that the United States would continue to cooperate with Serbia and Kosovo in fulfilling its obligations, supporting, as he stated, the goal of comprehensive normalization of their relations. "We hope that our partners will respect in good faith the commitments they made last year in Washington. Numerous elements of the agreement support our priorities and our broader vision of the region - energy diversification, regional connectivity, a moratorium on international membership and a campaign for withdrawing recognition of Kosovo's independence, as well as finding and identifying missing persons" the State Department's said in a response. 


It was also pointed out that the need for complete normalization is not limited in time, which is why Kosovo and Serbia are encouraged to build political trust "through serious and substantial participation in the EU-mediated dialogue process." "We also encourage Kosovo and Serbia to mark cooperation in areas of common interest, such as recovery from the pandemic and improving economic and trade relations" the response said. 


The answer pointed out that the United States is ready to provide support. "The United States stands ready to support work towards a comprehensive, binding agreement on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, focused on mutual recognition, which lays the foundations for lasting cooperation and progress. We support EU-mediated dialogue and encourage parties to re-engage in the process. bearing in mind the urgency of resolving both technical and political issues" an unnamed US State Department official said in response. 


The Washington agreement was signed after two days of talks between the highest representatives of the delegations of Kosovo and Serbia in the American capital on September 3 and 4, 2020. Former US President Trump marked it as a turning point that ended, as he put it, a violent and tragic past, as well as years of unsuccessful negotiations between the two sides, which have been in a decades-long dispute. 


Serbia and the UN are partners in preserving peace and stability in the region (Tanjug)

President Aleksandar Vucic received UN Assistant Secretary General Miroslav Jenca, with the message that the UN is the most important international organization which is of special importance for the issue of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, and that Serbia will always consistently strive to respect the principles of international law and Security Council resolutions. According to the announcement of the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic, Vucic emphasized the importance of the UNMIK presence as a guarantor of the status neutrality of the international presence in Kosovo and Metohija on the basis of Resolution 1244. 


The two interlocutors discussed the situation in the Western Balkans and agreed that Serbia and the UN are partners in preserving peace and stability in the region. President Vucic said that Belgrade remains committed to continuing the dialogue with Pristina and finding a compromise solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. 


UN Assistant Secretary General Jenca said that the world organization appreciates Serbia's engagement in UN peacekeeping operations, as a great contribution to preserving peace and security in the world, while Vucic announced during the meeting that Serbia would consider increasing that engagement. 


The two interlocutors also agreed that the current pandemic has shown that the world needs a strong United Nations to respond to the challenges together. On this occasion, the UN official also pointed out the noticeable economic progress of Serbia, especially the development of transport infrastructure. 


Selakovic: UN key to protecting Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity 


Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, talked with Jenca. Selakovic said that Serbia considers the UN the most important international organization, which is of special importance for the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. The Minister underlined that Serbia is consistently committed to respecting the principles of international law and the legally binding UNSCR 1244. He stressed that UNMIK's presence and activities in Kosovo and Metohija are of key importance for Serbia, since the UN framework based on this resolution is a guarantee of status neutrality. international presence in the Province. 


Selakovic also informed his interlocutor about the increasingly frequent attacks on Serbs, their property, attacks on Serbian historical, cultural and religious heritage and on numerous other incidents, of which UNMIK itself is a direct witness. He pointed out that since the beginning of the year, more than 90 attacks on Serbs, desecration of churches with graffiti and destruction of monuments in Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo and Metohija have been recorded. 


Also, the Minister emphasized that Serbia expects UNMIK to pay more attention to the issue of return of internally displaced persons, since Kosovo and Metohija is the area with the lowest rate of return of displaced persons in the world. 


Referring to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Selakovic said that Serbia is devoted and always committed to dialogue in order to find a mutually acceptable solution, but that the situation is not the same with the other side, pointing to the fact that Pristina has refused to implement the things to which they committed by the Brussels Agreement, for more than eight years, and that is the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities. 


The Minister reiterated that EU membership is our strategic commitment, expressing hope that the negotiating dynamics will accelerate, especially because Serbia is implementing important reforms and achieving good results, especially in the economic field. 


The head of Serbian diplomacy also pointed out that Serbia is actively contributing to world peace and security by participating in multinational UN and EU operations, noting that a total of 4,024 members of the Serbian Army have been deployed in these missions so far, reads the statement. 


Stefanovic with the UN Assistant Secretary General on further improvement of cooperation (RTS)

The Minister of Defense, Nebojsa Stefanovic, met with the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations for European, Central Asian and American Affairs in the Directorates for Political and Peacebuilding and Multinational Operations, Miroslav Jenca, the Ministry of Defense announced. 


At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Stefanovic pointed out that the United Nations is the most important international organization for Serbia, especially important in terms of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, which is our priority. Also, as he assessed, that the good cooperation with the UN Office in Belgrade is of key importance, having in mind that it is the main channel of communication with the UN Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK). 


The Minister of Defense emphasized that even in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, Serbia continues to improve cooperation with the UN in the field of multinational operations and contributes to maintaining international peace and security, as well as to pay special attention to engaging military medical capacities in UN multinational operations. 


He also reminded that the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army accepted the concept of gender equality as one of their strategic commitments and pointed out that they would continue to systematically implement measures to increase the representation of women and their equal participation in the realization of all tasks. 


Serbia has a leading role in the fight against kovid 19 in the region 


UN Assistant Secretary General Miroslav Jenca expressed satisfaction that Serbia, even in the difficult conditions of the pandemic, continues to improve cooperation with the UN in the field of multinational operations and actively participates in preserving international peace and security. He especially pointed out the importance of engaging members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army in the multinational UN operation in Lebanon and the Central African Republic. According to him, Serbia has significant resources that contribute to capacity building for engagement in peacekeeping operations, and in that sense, it singled out the Center for Peacekeeping Operations, certified by the UN, and the Training Center for Multinational Operations Units at the "South" base. 


He pointed out that the United Nations attaches great importance to the work of UNMIK, especially having in mind that, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244, it is the guarantor of the status neutrality of the international presence in Kosovo and Metohija. 


UN Assistant Secretary General Jenca praised the efforts of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army in the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and pointed out the fact that Serbia has already met both goals defined by the UN regarding the participation of women in staff positions, military observers, as well as within contingents in multinational operations. He also assessed that Serbia has a leading role in the fight against covid 19 in the region, both through the successful process of vaccinating its own population and by donating a large number of vaccines and medical protective equipment to neighboring countries and creating conditions for immunization and foreign nationals. 


Petkovic banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija (B92)

Provisional authorities in Pristina again banned the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, from visiting Kosovo and Metohija. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija estimates that this is a flagrant violation of the agreement on freedom of movement and the agreement on visits of state officials. Namely, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija states in a statement that this ban and illegal behavior of Pristina will certainly be the topic of the upcoming talks in Brussels, especially having in mind that the visit was announced properly and on time in accordance with the agreement. 


Today and on Saturday, Petkovic was supposed to stay in Kosovo and Metohija and visit several economic entities where the state of Serbia provided new jobs, as well as to visit several socially endangered families and hand over help, but he was prevented from doing so from Pristina. 


"It is more than clear that Pristina started the election campaign even before the official deadline, which, as a rule, always breaks over the backs of the Serbian people. This is Pristina's third ban on the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the main Serbian negotiator in the technical dialogue, and it comes ahead of the resumption of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina next week in Brussels, which additionally shows Pristina's unwillingness to normalize relations with Belgrade". 


Previously, Petkovic was prevented from delivering aid to flooded households early in 2021, along with visiting the injured boy Luka Dimitrijevic from Gracanica. 


"The „explanation“ of the interim institutions that the reason for banning the visit is laying the foundation stone for the new building of the University of Kosovska Mitrovica during the previous visit is especially unfounded, because there is no way for anyone to forbid official Belgrade to help its people in the southern province" it is stated from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. They add that the previous two visits were also devoted to marking important dates - the anniversary of the crime in Staro Gracko and the religious celebration in Priluzje. 

"No one can take away that right from us" the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement. 

Rakic ​​called on the international community to raise its voice and suppress new incidents in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)

The Minister for Communities and Returns in the Government of the Provisional Institutions in Pristina, Goran Rakic, conveyed to the Head of the European Union Office, Tomas Sunjog, that international organizations and institutions must raise their voice more strongly against security incidents in Kosovo, in order to suppress them. Rakic conveyed his dissatisfaction with the security situation in Kosovo to Tomas Sunjog, emphasizing that a large number of ethnically motivated attacks speak in favor of the fact that the institutions, which must guarantee security for everyone, have failed in some part of their work. 


Rakic ​​called on the international community to raise its voice and suppress new incidents 

Regarding the verdict against Ivan Todosijevic, which sentenced him to two years in prison, the Minister emphasized during the conversation with the head of the EU Office in Pristina that it was completely unfair. The ministry said in a statement that they also discussed the development fund for northern Kosovo and Metohija, agreeing that investments are one of the most important factors for better living conditions and that it is very important that the European Union will continue investing in the north. Regarding the political situation, Rakic said that there are a lot of problems in that area that need to be solved in order for the citizens to live better. 

EU position is clear: No future without Serbia and the Balkans (Tanjug)


European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi pointed out that the issue of enlargement is not only the geographical enlargement of the EU, but it is about ensuring political, economic and even security integration. "The EU must not make a mistake in this case" Varhelyi said, adding that the countries of the Western Balkans must also believe that it is worth going through all the processes necessary for membership. 


Slovenian President Borut Pahor called for the acceleration of the process and integration of the Western Balkans into the EU, while the Prime Minister of that country, Janez Jansa, emphasized that the issue of enlargement is a question of the future of Europe. "The founders of the EU did not talk about Eastern and Western Europe, but about a free Europe. Their vision will be fulfilled only by the enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans," Jansa said. Jansa added that this is a strategic issue, which is why Slovenia will do everything during its presidency of the EU Council to accelerate enlargement, and announced the holding of the EU-WB summit in Slovenia in early October. 


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama stressed that the enlargement process must be accelerated and that, at the very least, negotiations begin with Tirana and Skopje. "Albania and North Macedonia are not asking for permission to be Europeans, we are Europeans. There is no future for Europe without the Western Balkans within the EU" Rama said. 


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki supported the enlargement of the EU to the WB, emphasizing that it is a strategic interest of the Union. "It is necessary to accept the family from the Western Balkans, and not to talk about further relatives - Turkey, Russia and China, which are expanding their interests in that region," he said. 


North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev followed up on the words of his Polish counterpart, stating that the EU is a family that WB aspires to join, but that the EU is still not ready. High Representative of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Christian Schmidt, agreed with Rama and pointed out that the fact that negotiations with Tirana and Skopje have not started is a failure of the EU. On that occasion, he quoted President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who spoke at the first panel, and who said that people in the region are losing trust in the EU. 


The Chairman of the Presidency of B&H, Zeljko Komsic, said that no one in B&H will be less Bosniak, less Serb, less Croat if they abandon the principle of constituent and turn to European values. "That tells us from the Western Balkans that the alarms may have started in Europe and that the Western Balkans should not be left aside and wait for what will happen" Komsic said. 


B&H Presidency Member Sefik Dzaferovic pointed out that the B&H population overwhelmingly wants B&H to join EU. "Mr. Charles Michel (President of the Council of the European Union) talks about the EU from the economic aspect and the aspect of respect for human rights and freedoms. My country needs that as well. That is what all B&H citizens want. B&H has all the reasons to join the EU, just like other countries" stated Dzaferovic. 


President of Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, said that the procedures, that is, the reforms, are very important. "We support enlargement, but we would like to see stable processes and be sure that our young people are free, without prejudice, hate speech and with knowledge about each other. When the WB fell off the EU radar, Bulgaria redirected the focus on it. Bulgaria always supports our brothers in North Macedonia in various crises and we are open to a dialogue that is crucial" Radev concluded. 


Serbs are at the table, Kosovars are fleeing. Unimaginable (Tanjug)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama stated that the so-called Kosovo has entered a dangerous cycle by mixing foreign and domestic policies. He pointed out that there is a "conceptual disagreement" with the Prime Minister of the lnterim Institutions in Pristina, Albin Kurti, over regional policy and the "Open Balkans" initiative, which, he says, is the strategic interest of the Albanian nation. He told TV Klan that he could not accept the idea that the so-called Kosovo has left the table, while Serbia is present, Gazeta Express reports. 


"What our diplomacy with Belgrade has achieved is that the President of Serbia has accepted the free movement of people as part of what we call the Open Balkans today. The Berlin process is just that, but it is much slower and depends on the European bureaucracy. What I do not understand is that there used to be a fight to sit at the table. Today, Serbs are at the table, and Kosovars are fleeing, that is unthinkable" Rama said. As he said, the "Open Balkans" is not being negotiated, it is being discussed. 


Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Rama said that it is very difficult, but that the atmosphere that surrounds it should not be "the atmosphere of barricades". 


PM Brnabic: EU is Serbia's strategic commitment (Tanjug)

Full membership in the EU is a foreign policy priority and a strategic commitment of Serbia, as well as the preservation of stability and diplomatic resolution of open issues. This was said by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in a conversation with the Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, whom she thanked for his personal engagement on that issue. 


Brnabic informed Varhelyi about the activities that are being carried out in the field of the fight against corruption, the implementation of the media strategy and about the activities in the procedure of changing the Constitution agreed with the Assembly of Serbia. Presenting the results achieved by the Government of Serbia in the areas of rule of law and judicial reform, the Prime Minister pointed out that these are also the basic requirements in the accession process of Serbia and the European Union. 


The meeting was attended by the Minister of European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, who informed the Commissioner about the activities carried out in the previous period and pointed out that Serbia is ready to open clusters 3 and 4. Commissioner Varhelyi praised Serbia's efforts in implementing reforms and Serbia's integration into the European Union, the Serbian government announced. 


U.S. General: Do everything you can for Serbia to join NATO (B92)


Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael D. Barbero said that the United States and NATO should do everything possible for Serbia to join the Alliance. "I believe that the United States and NATO should do everything possible to facilitate Serbia's entry into NATO. There are many common interests between NATO and Serbia, so the United States and NATO should continue this dialogue with Serbia. Let's hope that this process will continue which will normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo" Barbero said in an interview with Kosovo Online


Dacic: Red lines below which Serbia will not go when it comes to the possible dismissal of member Milorad Dodik are clear (Kurir)


The President of the Assembly of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said that the red lines below which Serbia will not go when it comes to the possible dismissal of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Serb Presidency member Milorad Dodik are clear. He also said that his dismissal would be a big blow to B&H. Dacic said that the new High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, has the Bonn powers in B&H, although he did not receive approval from the UN Security Council. "What (Bosniak Presidency member Sefik) Dzaferovic asked for was a starting gun for the destabilization of B&H" said Dacic and expressed his belief that Schmidt would not allow it, reports Kurir


Dodik did not travel to Slovenia because of the high president Christian Schmidt, claiming that he would "give legitimacy to Schmidt" with his arrival. Representatives of the SNSD do not recognize Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative. 


Elections to be held on April 3 (B92)

Regular elections for the President of the Republic and for councilors in the Assembly of the City of Belgrade and extraordinary elections for deputies will be held on April 3 next year. As B92 officially finds out, this decision is in the proposal of the agreement between the government and the opposition in the inter-party dialogue on election conditions, which is being conducted without the presence of foreigners. 


A meeting between the party's representatives is currently underway, and opposition representatives should give their opinion on this text of the agreement. State officials who are candidates for president and deputies will not be able to open roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and factories seven days before the elections. Also, they will not be able to participate in the ceremonies on the occasion of starting the construction of infrastructure facilities, according to the media. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Bled Strategic Forum: EU will not be complete until Western Balkan countries become member states (Glas Srpske)

According to the daily, attendees of the Bled Strategic Forum said on Thursday that the EU will not be complete until the Western Balkan countries become EU member states and the European future is a project of values, freedom, progress and influence and the Western Balkans is part of the dialogue on the future of Europe. EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that the EU cannot make a mistake in this case.  


President of the European Council Charles Michel said that the future of the EU is unthinkable without Western Balkan countries and reminded that the EU is no static union and that it all begun with six member states and now, there are 27 EU member states. In his opinion, enlargement made the EU better as a union of ideas, innovations and differences.  


President of the European Parliament David Sassoli said that it is known that the EU is important to the Western Balkans but the Western Balkans is also important for the EU and the sides can jointly build European future for a better world. He reminded that Western Balkan countries are part of the EU history and they share joint identity with EU member states.  


Slovenian President Borut Pahor called for acceleration of the enlargement process of the Western Balkans in the EU while Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa pointed out that the issue of enlargement is the future of Europe. He said that founders of the EU did not speak about eastern and western Europe but about free Europe and their vision will be fulfilled only with enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans.   


During the second day of the forum, attendees discussed how Western Balkan countries observe the EU and presence of Euro skepticism. The daily reported that High Representative Christian Schmidt emphasized that failure of the EU is that negotiations with Tirana and Skoplje did not start adding that people in the region are losing trust in the EU. 


Komsic and Dzaferovic meet Slovenian President Pahor (BHT1)

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic and member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met Slovenian President Borut Pahor in Bled on Thursday on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum. The officials discussed bilateral relations, the EU path of B&H in the context of Slovenian presidency over the Council of the EU, preparations for the summit of EU- Western Balkan countries in Ljubljana and overall political relations of the Western Balkan countries.  


Komsic stated after the meeting that support to the policies of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic is almost completely gone. Komsic stated that there is legal, political and moral justification to abandon the concept of constituent peoples. According to him, rulings of the European Court on Human Rights clearly stated that the concept of constituent peoples had to be accepted because of genocide and ethnic cleansing, however, he underlined, so many years after the conflict, the time has come for complete democracy. 


Dzaferovic on Bled Strategic Forum: It has been made clearer than ever before that EU is incomplete without all Western Balkan countries (O kanal)

Summarizing the results of the Forum, Bosniak member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic told media in Bled on Thursday that participants expressed the need for all six Western Balkan countries to join the EU, adding that the emphasis on this was set more than on any previous occasion. “It has been made clearer than ever that the EU will not be complete until all states of the Western Balkans become EU members, as well as that the EU needs the Western Balkans as much as the Western Balkans needs the EU”, the Bosniak member of the Presidency underlined. Dzaferovic said that he thinks Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) institutions should function as prescribed by the Constitution and that the best path for B&H, and all other countries of the Western Balkans, is to become EU member countries as soon as possible.  Dzaferovic stated: “The EU, for the entire Western Balkans and B&H, is economic prosperity, respect for human freedoms and rights, it is the rule of law and NATO is security. That is what we all need, all peoples”. 


PDP’s Crnadak: Dodik’s decision not to go to the Bled Forum is completely unreasonable (Dnevni list)

PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak commented on refusal of member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik to attend the Bled Strategic Forum. According to Crnadak, it was a calculated move aimed at causing scandals at all cost. Commenting on Dodik’s behavior, Crnadak asked if it is normal that Dodik goes to Sarajevo in order to meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with explanation that the voice of the Republika Srpska (RS) has to be heard, whilst afterwards he does not go to Bled where he could be heard by all important international politicians. “Bled is an excellent opportunity to have ‘one on one’ meetings with most influential people between the panels, who directly influence relations in B&H and the region, and it is completely unreasonable to avoid such an event”, said Crnadak. He went on to say that, at the same time, Dodik is participating in the work of the Presidency of B&H and that Serb Ministers in the Council of Ministers of B&H are preparing to take decisions about tenders worth millions. This triggered Crnadak to say that SNSD’s story about the (Serb) unity is nothing but a lie. 


Komsic explains his statement on constituent status of peoples in B&H given during Bled Strategic Forum; Komsic’s statement sparks fierce reactions (EuroBlic)

Croat member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic said during his visit to Bled that nobody in B&H will be less Bosniak, Croat or Serb if they renounce of their constituent status. This statement sparked fierce reactions in BiH so the daily asked Komsic to explain it. In a statement to the daily, Komsic explained that giving up the concept of the constituent peoples has its legal, political and moral justification. In the legal context, Komsic argued that his statement is based on rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in ‘Zornic’ and ‘Sejdic-Finci’ cases. “From the legal point of view, rejecting of the constituent status of peoples would be our international obligation, having in mind that the rulings from Strasbourg must be respected” Komsic argued and went on to say that, from the political point of view, the constituent status of peoples is an ethnic concept which derives from political-legal relations of the former SSSR, i.e. so called ‘people’s democracy’, and this concept was represented in former Yugoslavia as well.  


Komsic claimed that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is a temporary compromise between civic and ethnic concept and he said that he advocates a civic state in line with the principle ‘one man – one vote’, a state with the single president and reduced competencies of the president. Komsic added that he advocates a state in which the fact that someone is a Bosniak, Croat, Serb, Roma person or Jewish person must be neither an advantage nor disadvantage. “In the end, from the moral point of view, there is nothing wrong to finally introduce democratic making of decisions instead of making of decisions in line with the ethnic principle which is unfortunately still dominant” Komsic argued.  


Former judge of the Constitutional Court of B&H Vitomir Popovic claimed that “Komsic is clueless” because “there can be no B&H unless there is constituent status of peoples. B&H is consisted of the Republika Srpska (RS) and Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the constituent status of peoples in making of decisions is implied”. Popovic argued that Komsic probably imagined this system of decision making as one in which there would be no need for the House of Peoples of BiH “but then this would mean unpacking of the DPA” and he added that the story on “one man – one vote” is “an old story, but this means unpacking of the DPA, of the Constitution of B&H. This means a direct dissolution, he fails to understand this. Then again, neither of the three of them (Popovic referred to the three members of the Presidency of B&H) understands anything. There are people in institutions of BiH, in the Council of Ministers of BiH who do not understand anything and who were installed there by their parties. We will be having problems for as long as this is the case”.  


Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik’s Advisor for Legal Matters Milan Tegeltija said that Komsic’s statement is nothing new and added that it only represents a continuation of the story on centralization with the goal to preserve conflicts in B&H. Tegeltija added that, in order for such idea to be realized, it would be necessary for Serbs and Croats to renounce their constituent status with 2/3 majority in both houses of the Parliament of B&H “which does not even fall into the category of the science-fiction, but in what we might call fantasy. This is simply impossible in real life”. Tegeltija assessed that Komsic, by presenting such statements, is only trying to extend his political life because he knows in advance such matters can only provoke conflicts in which he sees the purpose of his political activities.  


Political analyst Darko Kuzmanovic said that Dodik pushed the RS and Serb people to an international isolation by refusing to attend the Bled Strategic Forum and he was deprived of a chance to make scandals, so Komsic stepped in and did his best to compensate for Dodik’s absence “and he managed to do exactly that”. Kuzmanovic assessed that Komsic’s statement is “an unprecedented scandal” and reminded that the principle of the constituent status of peoples has been built into the Constitution of B&H and it can be abolished only by the Constitution of B&H “so nothing will come out of this”. Finally, Kuzmanovic assessed that Komsic’s statement should be interpreted in the context of upcoming election campaigns “and serving of balls for Dodik, who swims the best in such situations. This strategy has been tested a long time ago and it functions perfectly: Dzaferovic and Komsic call for reaction of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and Dodik pretends to defend both himself and RS. Calling to civic BiH and abolition of the constituent status of peoples does not differ at all from Dodik’s calls to independent RS. Should, by any chance, there be a reaction of the High Representative and removals, then the worst solution would be to blame only Dodik because SDA, HDZ B&H and DF bear equal responsibility for non-functioning of B&H and poverty of this country’s citizens”. 


Nesic on Komsic’s statement: There is no B&H without the RS and Serb people (Glas Srpske)

Daily warned that Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic sent scandalous messages during his visit to Slovenia for the Bled Strategic Forum related to the status of constituent peoples in B&H. Namely, Komsic said that B&H can be multicultural even without the constituent status of the three peoples adding that giving up on this concept that in his opinion, comes from the Soviet Union is justified. The daily assessed that in this way, Komsic showed vassal mentality towards foreigners just as member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic did when he asked from High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to remove member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic condemned Komsic’s words by saying that there is no B&H without the Republika Srpska (RS) and the Serb people. He emphasized that the Serb people as well as Bosniak people will never allow to be outvoted and that others elect their fake representatives. Nesic said: “We see how many problems one fake representative of the Croat people made in the country and now, they want to try to elect another one to others”. Nesic said that Komsic should know who created the Constitution of B&H, i.e. Richard Holbrook who copied the US Constitution and that it is not a copy of the Soviet Union which is why failure of the Constitution of B&H would be shame for the US that considers their own Constitution perfect. SNSD MP Vlado Djajic also commented on this issue by saying that Komsic presents wishes of political Sarajevo that aim to make a Muslim B&H where Muslims dominate and where they will decide about everything that would in his opinion, mean stopping od development of all Serb areas. 


B&H Presidency members Komsic and Dzaferovic meet with HR Schmidt during Bled Strategic Forum (FTV)

Chairman and Croat member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met with High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt during the two-day Bled Strategic Forum, which took place on Wednesday and Thursday. The inevitable topic that the two Presidency members and the HR discussed was the ongoing blockade of the state institutions of B&H, caused by the Serb political representatives’ boycott. The first thing that Schmidt commented on was the Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik’s absence from the Strategic Forum. Schmidt, whom Dodik refuses to recognize as the HR in B&H, said: “Unfortunately, I am not the one who is missing here today. The B&H Presidency is tripartite, as there are three constituent peoples. Now we come to the issues and challenges”, noted Schmidt, adding that blockades are not the manner in which policies should be conducted. He concluded that blockades are in fact a sign of weakness. 


Dodik: By calling on Schmidt to remove me from post of Serb member of B&H Presidency, Dzaferovic is only contributing to complete confusion in B&H (ATV)

As a guest of ATV, Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that by calling on Christian Schmidt to remove him from the post of a Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic is only contributing to complete confusion in B&H. Dodik stressed that "this is a call to false High Representative to use false Bonn powers in false B&H." "Everyone is trying to get great benefits in some small and fast way, including Mr. Dzaferovic who thinks that it is enough that he is some great president and that now everyone should be afraid of his thoughts or his demands" Dodik said, adding that one is asking a person who was not legally appointed as the High Representative and who is falsely presenting himself as the High Representative to use false Bonn powers." It is all false, just as B&H is false," Dodik said. The daily quoted Dodik as saying that “Republika Srpska (RS) will not succumb to pressures to accept the new High Representative” and he argued that “Bosniaks expect the High Representative to do only what they want him to do, like in the past”. Dodik reminded that not a single decision was imposed in favor of the RS since 1995. 


Cubrilovic: Dodik’s removal would be disastrous and could lead to disappearance of B&H; Other reactions to Dzaferovic’s demand for removal of Dodik (ATV)

The Republika Srpska (RS) officials have sent a message to Bosniak member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic that the removal of Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik will remain in the domain of wishes only.  


Speaker for the RS National Assembly Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that something like that would be disastrous and could lead to the disappearance of B&H. "It is nothing new that members and senior officials of SDA want to sanction someone from the rank of the Serb people. That is after all incorporated in all their programs and activities that SDA is implementing on the territory of BiH, thinking that in that way they will carry out unitarization and that is their wish and their goal and they do not choose ways to make it happen" Cubrilovic underlined.  


Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic said that Dodik's removal would be a great blow to B&H. "Red lines below which Serbia will not go when it comes to the possible removal of Milorad Dodik are clear. High Representative in BiH Christian Schmidt has the Bonn powers in BiH, although he has not received approval from the UN Security Council (UN SC), and what Dzaferovic asked for is the starting gun for the destabilization of BiH," Dacic was quoted as saying.  


Former RS President Biljana Plavsic also commented on Dzaferovic's request for Dodik's removal. Plavsic said that she believes that such request represents trampling on international law. Plavsic assessed that the request for removal of Dodik is just a manifestation of international force and that Dzaferovic could not present this request if he did not enjoy the support of part of the West. Plavsic said that she is interested to see how High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt will react to that and to “the scandalous thing that former HR Valentin Inzko made” by imposing the law on the prohibition of denial of the genocide. Plavsic said: “We will see will Schmidt learn some lesson from this as he is after all, an exhibit of one policy.” 


The leaders of SP and NPS, Petar Djokic and Darko Banjac respectively, have stated that the request for Dodik's removal is the result of the lack of political strength to fight a far superior opponent. Djokic stressed that these are dangerous and archaic requests that go to the detriment of one of the peoples which would thus be indirectly deprived of the right to vote. Banjac stressed that Dzaferovic's request is just proof that there is an intention to change the political structure of B&H by force and not in elections.  


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova: Official position of Moscow is that Schmidt cannot be considered HR in B&H without UN SC’s approval; Potentially invoking Bonn Powers would be illegitimate (RTRS)

Spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova stated that the official position of Moscow is that Christian Schmidt cannot be considered High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) without approval of the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) and possible invoking the Bonn Powers would be illegitimate. Zakharova underlined that Moscow is of view everything that is happening can bring into question everything that has been achieved in B&H in the past 25 years and to undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “Peoples in B&H should decide on the destiny of B&H without interference from outside“ Zakharova was quoted as saying. She reminded that Russian-Chinese draft of the resolution on appointment of new HR in B&H had been rejected, and that instead, Schmidt was appointed without precedent, without the approval of the United Nations (UN), without agreement within the international community (IC), and without agreement within B&H. 


Bosniak political representatives must reject Dodik’s idea about mediation of Turkey, Serbia and Croatia (Dnevni avaz)

The author comments the call of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik for mediation of Turkey, Serbia and Croatia in dialogue within B&H, and notes that Dodik released a test balloon, and he is now waiting for reactions. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic welcomed Dodik’s initiative and praised him for his good intentions, noting that Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic’s intentions are not honest. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan indicated that he is willing to offer his services, while Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not state his opinion on Dodik’s initiative. The author noted that it is ironic that the man who calls for Turkish assistance is the same person who wishes to fulfill Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic’s wartime goals of ethnically clean Republika Srpska (RS) and who operates in line with Mladic’s idea that Srebrenica genocide is a justified “retaliation against Turks”. The author underlines that Dodik cannot be trusted to have good intentions and that he should not be given any help at the moment when he is committing political suicide by severing all ties with USA; Germany and other Western countries. The author concludes that Bosniak political representatives must reject Dodik’s idea because internal dialogue within B&H with mediation of Turkey, Serbia and Croatia would inevitably lead to division and destruction of B&H. 


RS Government adopts Proposal of Law on Protection, Preservation and Use of Language of Serb People and Cyrillic Alphabet (RTRS)

Preparations for the central ceremony for marking the Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag Day, when the present will be addressed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik and Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije, are currently ongoing. RTRS reports that the Republika Srpska (RS) Government and the Serbian Government endorsed on Thursday the Law on protection of Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet ahead its adoption by the countries’ parliament September 15. The said law will regulate the system of protection, preservation and the use of the Serbian language and the Cyrillic alphabet, and it envisages benefits for all business entities that conduct their business correspondence in Cyrillic script. RTRS reports that proposed Law defines the manner of social care on protection of the language and the script, as well as the Standardization of the Language of the Serbian People and Cyrillic Alliance that will function as a body for administrative and inspection control. According to the statement by the RS Government, adoption of the said law will ensure protection and preservation of the Serb people’s language and the Cyrillic alphabet as “intangible cultural heritage and ensures its transfer to the future generation in its original form and enables expanding knowledge about the value and importance of the language of the Serb people and the Cyrillic alphabet“. 


Meanwhile, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic announced that the central event on the occasion of September 15 - the Day of Serb Unity - will take place on Sava Square next to the monument to Stefan Nemanja in Belgrade where Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church will give speeches. Selakovic said that he believes that Serbs, wherever they live, should gather around the Serbian tricolor on the Day of Serb Unity and proudly place the Serbian tricolor on their houses and the buildings in which they live. 


B&H Presidency Dodik to attend Budapest Demographic Summit (RTRS)

Hungarian Minister of Families Katalin Novak has confirmed that Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik will attend the Fourth Budapest Demographic Summit, that will be held on September 23. Novak wrote on her Twitter account that, in addition to Dodik, the summit will be attended by former US Vice President Mike Pence, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Slovak Republic Eduard Heger, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban




State apparatus incompetence can have unforeseeable consequences (Dnevne novine)


Democratic Party of Socialists MP Predrag Boskovic has told Dnevne Novine that the government, the Serbian Orthodox Church and official Serbia must know that the majority of Montenegro will not agree to the humiliation it is exposed to if it continues to insist on the enthronement of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Cetinje Monastery. 


“The gathering in Cetinje is a defense of the dignity of Montenegro. It is also an expression of revolt because of the dirtiest campaign that has been conducted against our country for years, predominantly from Serbia, but which, it is quite clear, has been led from Russia” Boskovic says. As he points out, there is no trust in the current security sector, so he calls on all citizens of Montenegro and Cetinje to show restraint and peaceful protests on 5 September, saying that “Montenegro will get out of this tragic period very soon”. “When the Minister of the Interior announces that he cannot guarantee security to any citizen in any part of the territory of Montenegro, it means that he does not control the system he manages and that he is not able to respond to the entrusted tasks” he stresses. 


When commenting on the behaviour of PM Zdravko Krivokapic in this situation, Boskovic says that he has shown complete incapability in terms of leading the government he heads and conducting both internal and foreign policies. “Mr Krivokapic, if he were a responsible man, would raise the issue of his trust in Parliament in order to resolve the political crisis. However, although this will not happen, the end of the crisis is in sight and Montenegro will very soon get out of this tragic period and continue on its path of development and prosperity” Boskovic points out. 


When referring to URA, Boskovic says that “to be honest, some of the views of the leading people of URA are not understood even by those who communicate them, because they are contradictory in the same sentence. It seems to me that URA uses these ‘precise ambiguities’ to present itself as a victim, that is, a party that everyone blames, although it is only a ‘civic and modern party’- under double quotes” Boskovic says. 


Govt. aspires to make Montenegro one of Serbian World provinces (Pobjeda)


The new government did not come on a reformist wave, but on a clero-nationalist wave based on the aspiration to radically change the civic identity of the state so that it would become what Greater Serbian nationalists imagine it to be in several phases: one of the Serbian World provinces, says SDP MP Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic in an interview for Pobjeda. She points out that now, more than a year after the new government was constituted, Montenegro is more divided than ever, because the DF, as the implementer of the policy of official Serbia, imposes topics that want to collapse the civic and multicultural being of the state. “Today, you can’t find an example anywhere in the world that there is a government that is supported by a maximum of 15% of Parliament. And no one is worried about that. In any normal country where there is a minimum of political responsibility and accountability to citizens, early elections would be the only solution or possible opening of talks on the formation of a technical government to prepare for the elections”, she stresses. 


“URA and Democratic Montenegro have voluntarily agreed to be a service of Greater Serbia politics in a new package. I especially stress the position of URA because of the former profiling of that party and the people in it, which today becomes, even more than anyone else, a strategic political partner of the DF and the most rigid and most extreme nationalist circles. This blindness – not to see what kind of ambience is being created and where all this is leading – is difficult to explain by rational reasons” Vuksanovic Stankovic says. 


“The processes that take place inevitably require a clear response from all those forces that oppose provincialization, economic colonization, and the overall cultural regression of society and the state. Here, in my opinion, the broadest response of all progressive social forces is needed, because everyone knows the destructive power of Greater Serbian nationalism, the ideology of the Chetniks, the denial of genocide and the celebration of war crimes and criminals” she adds. 


Referring to the forthcoming enthronement of the Metropolitan Joanikije, she says that “Cetinje, as a place of magnificent resistance to the Greater Serbia policy in the most difficult times of the 1990s, cannot silently observe that symbolic subjugation of Montenegro is taking place in it”. “This is a protest not only against the enthronement, which is a clear provocation of Belgrade, but also against the terrible injustice towards the Montenegrin people by the church of another state whose mission is not spiritual but political-assimilative” Vuksanovic Stankovic concludes. 


Djukanovic: Montenegro will go peacefully through current temptations (CDM)


“Montenegro will remain stable on its path to achieving its strategic goals.The current temptations will pass peacefully, which is in the best interest of Montenegro and its foreseeable European future” said President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic during the farewell visit of the Ambassador of Australia, Ruth Stewart. According to the Cabinet, the President welcomed the ambassador for her contribution to preserving and improving the friendship relations between the two countries, which do not have open issues, but have significant space for the development of cooperation. 


“The President thanked for the cooperation we have with Australia as a NATO member, which brings us even closer as countries that share common Euro-Atlantic values”, the statement reads. With gratitude for the reception, Ambassador Stewart handed Djukanovic a letter from the Governor General of Australia on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, with high marks for the friendly relations between the two countries. 


“Speaking about the political situation in Montenegro, Djukanovic reiterated that Montenegro would remain stable on the path to achieving its strategic goals, believing that it would go through the current temptations peacefully, which is in the best interest of Montenegro and its foreseeable European future” the statement concludes. 


Jelusic: It’s expensive to be in URA’s shoes (RTCG)


URA MP Bozena Jelusic has said that voluntary consent to divided Montenegro, where the security situation is on the verge due to the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije in Cetinje, is the responsibility of MPs and the Government. She has added that the media do not initiate conflicts, but help them with their sensationalist headlines. During the RTCG morning show, she has pointed out that it is expensive to be in a situation in which URA has found itself, and in which both sides condemn it. Jelusic has characterized the current situation in Montenegro as a struggle for power. 




Rama’s third cabinet announced (Tirana Times)


Prime Minister Edi Rama unveiled his third cabinet in a live-streamed event today. 12 out of the 16 ministerial posts were given to women. The new cabinet may be viewed as a cabinet of continuity. Seven Ministries will be headed by the same officials as in the Prime Minister’s last cabinet. The Former Minister of Reconstruction, Arben Ahmetaj, will now act as Deputy Prime Minister. Blendi Cuci will continue serving as Minister of the Interior, whereas Niko Peleshi will head the Ministry of Defense. Olta Xhacka, Belinda Balluku, Evis Kushi and Elva Margariti have been respectively appointed to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Infrastructure, Education and Culture. The Ministry of Health will be headed by Ogerta Manastirliu. The Ministry of Justice will be headed by Ulsi Manja, who during the last cabinet chaired the Parliamentary Commission on Legal Affairs and Human Rights. In the new Government, the Ministry of Finance will be led by Denilda Ibrahimaj, who until today served as director of the general tax directorate. Mirela Kumbaro will return to cabinet, heading the Ministry of Tourism and environment, whereas Frida Krifca will act as Minister of Agriculture.


In a surprising turn of events, Taulant Balla and Blendi Klosi, close allies of the Prime Minister in the last cabinet and, judging by their performance in the last elections, two rising stars in the Socialist Party, have been left out of the new cabinet. The strategy of weeding out individuals who outperform the rest of the team has been pursued in the past by the Prime Minister, and in his speech today Mr. Rama reminded his collaborators that they are part of a team, and that they should not take on their duties with the intent on putting their own interests before the interests of the Party. Despite the fact that members of the opposition and international observers have, to differing extents, cast doubt as to the integrity of the elections, the Prime Minister defended the legitimacy of the electoral results of the 25 th of. April 2021, which had been

described by the Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration as an electoral massacre. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister implicitly acknowledged that to a certain extent some of the accusations made by the opposition, namely that there exists no divisive line between the party and the state, are not unfounded. In his speech, Mr. Rama stated that “the main theme in any party meeting should not be how to employ members of the party or their relatives in the state”.


DP Sees Ministers of ‘Rama 3’ Cabinet as ‘Faces of Corruption’ (ADN)

Ministers of Prime Minister Edi Rama’s government will be working for the hefty tips of the incinerator mafia, public-private partnerships (PPP) and tenders, noted Thursday the elected MP of the Democratic Party (DP), Greta Bardeli as she accused them of being notorious faces of corruption and greed known for abuse of public funds. According to the Democrat, when it comes to women in government, anonymous figures are significantly mixed with those known for corruption, secret tenders, and countless abuses of citizens' taxes, and are just a façade used by PM Rama.  


“The new servants of Edi Rama's corrupt government will be only for the fat tips of the incinerator mafia, PPP and Tenders! They are just faces of corruption and greed known for abuse of public funds!  


Deputy Prime Minister, master of incinerators A. Ahmetaj should have been handcuffed at the door of SPAK and not to sign the affair in the absence of the Prime Minister. The organizers, instigators and those who ordered the election manipulation in the well-known file 184, 339/1 have been rewarded with high positions in the government and the party. Known by all Albanians as Termet Gjiknuri, assistant of Y. Lala, organizer of the parallel structure of election robbery in alliance with groups of gangsters, has been selected No. 2 of E.R! 


U. Manja involved in the interception of electoral crime in file 184 published in the German magazine BILD has been appointed no less than Minister of Justice to close all files of electoral manipulation! 


Women in government, unfortunately, anonymous figures are significantly mixed with those known for corruption, secret tenders, and countless abuses of citizens' taxes, are just a facade”. 


Justice Reform, US Embassy: We will continue to support Albania in this process (Radio Tirana)


This Thursday at the premises of the US Embassy in Tirana, a roundtable discussion was held with members of the justice institutions in the country. The US Embassy announces through a status on social networks, that in this roundtable, the importance of justice reform and the US vision for the future was discussed with a representative delegation of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "The process is not easy, fast or perfect, but it is advancing every day in its efforts to bring justice to the Albanian people" the statement said. 


"The US Embassy in Tirana welcomed a roundtable discussion with the "Friends of Justice" on the successes and challenges of the transformational and unique justice reform process in Albania. Members of the reconstructed and renovated justice institutions in Albania shared their views on the importance of justice reform and their vision for the future, with a representative delegation of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The United States will continue to support Albania through the justice reform process. As Ambassador Kim stated, the process is not easy, fast or perfect, but it is advancing every day in its efforts to bring justice to the Albanian people" writes the US Embassy.