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Belgrade Media Report 10 December


Vucic at the Summit for Democracy (Tanjug/Politika/B92)

At the invitation of the US President, Joseph Biden Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic participated in the Summit for Democracy on Thursday. “Dear President Biden, dear Heads of State and Government, ladies and gentlemen, it is a special honor and pleasure for me to have the opportunity to address you today at an event that I consider extremely important for further strengthening democratic values at the global level,” he said. “It is very positive that the United States recognized the importance of organizing such a summit, which glorifies democratic values ​​at a time when democracy in many parts of the world is under threat,” Vucic said. “Our country is continuously working to strengthen a democratic society in which all citizens have equal rights and opportunities to develop their potential and participate in all aspects of social, cultural, political and economic life. We are committed to fighting corruption, strengthening human rights and focusing on achieving concrete results in this area, both at the domestic and foreign policy levels,” he said. “Serbia is fully committed to European values, democratic principles and the rule of law. Full membership in the European Union is our key foreign policy priority and therefore we are making continuous efforts in our process of joining the European Union, which includes the adoption of European best practices and examples, rule of law and the fight against corruption. In addition, we are preparing for the upcoming elections in the spring to ensure that the voice of the people is heard. We have re-established a working group for elections, mediated by the EU, and amended laws to ensure that political parties feel equal,” he continued. “In the previous period, we paid special attention to achieving better overall relations and cooperation in the region. Strengthening contacts and better infrastructural connections are the starting point for a better quality of life, which facilitates dialogue on respect for democratic values. Open Balkans, I am fully convinced, by promoting the four freedoms of movement - people, goods, capital and services, creates conditions for strengthening all democratic values. Our guiding principle is that no one should be left out in the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms. Therefore, let me express my conviction that the Democracy Summit is a real opportunity to point out the need for equal treatment of all peoples and religious groups in the region in order to further strengthen stability in this part of Europe, which is a precondition for creating an even more prosperous, future,” Vucic said. “Serbia has shown its contribution to the rule of law and the strengthening of the democratic process through the results and transparent approach achieved at the national level in the fight against corruption and in strengthening the rule of law,” Vucic said. “Let me also point out that our country is equally committed to respecting minority rights, which we are especially proud of. In that sense, we remind you that our system of protection of minorities has received the highest praise from a number of impartial international sources. The government of the Republic of Serbia is headed by the Prime Minister and is made up of almost 50% women. There are over 70 heads of city and municipal administrations in the judiciary. 69% of women, and in the courts of special jurisdiction that percentage is 76.3%,” he pointed out and continued: “I use this opportunity to announce a new initiative, which I believe is supported by other leaders in the Western Balkans. Together we must accelerate Roma inclusion. We must invest in Roma who are demographically active, rich in entrepreneurship and multilingual community, which was the most excluded from the course of progress and most severely affected during COVID-19,” he said. “By any abuse of democratic principles, we are only deceiving ourselves and endangering our own well-being. This is what the current pandemic has pointed out, reminding us that no one is immune to global threats and that we must show that democracies are able to cope with these common challenges, as well as to bring concrete results for our citizens. Serbia is ready to be a consistent and reliable partner with this regard in the future. Thank you for your attention,” concluded Vucic. More than 100 countries have been invited to the virtual Summit for Democracy, and the main topics in two days will be strengthening democracies, defending against authoritarianism, solving corruption problems and promoting human rights. The summit is part of Biden's pre-election promise to strengthen democracies around the world at a time when autocratic governments are strengthening, the text adds. 111 world leaders took part in the summit. He shared the moments from the conference on his account "buducnostsrbijeav" on Instagram.

140 years of diplomatic ties between US, Serbia – cooperation, partnership and understanding (Beta/VoA)

The US and Serbia are capable of shaping their future partnership and cooperation because they are not based solely on the achievements of past generations, Serbian Ambassador to Washington Marko Djuric said at a reception organized in Washington by the Serbian diplomatic mission on the 140th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two states. In addition to Djuric, the Voice of America (VoA) reported that the attendees were shown a video in which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic greets them. "Our two nations have been cooperating on the ideals of freedom and justice that connect the citizens of the two countries. During the past 140 years of diplomatic relations there have been difficult moments, especially during the 1990s. I assure you that Serbia is devoted to developing our relations in the future. To enjoy the values of freedom and equality. Long live the friendship of our peoples and countries," Vucic said. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian, and Eurasian Affairs in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Laura Cooper, had a message for the anniversary. She said that the two countries' relations were only growing stronger, not just in a political sense but where ties between US and Serbian citizens and armies were concerned. Serbia plays an important role in securing regional stability, Cooper said, adding that military exercises for the two countries' paratroopers were held last September, and that joint meetings were held in Belgrade.

Brnabic: Russia strong support for Serbia’s 2030 development agenda (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today at the “Made in Russia” International Export Forum in Moscow that the partnership with Russia is a strong support in shaping the development agenda of Serbia. Speaking at the plenary session “2030 is already on the doorstep. What needs to be done?”, at which Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin also gave a speech, Brnabic pointed out that the Serbian government has identified three key development priorities until 2030, of which the most important is the development and use of artificial intelligence. The second priority is capacity building in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology, bioinformatics and biodiversity and the third is energy security and stability, while at the same time providing conditions for long-term sustainable growth and environmental protection, i.e. the Green Agenda. According to her, in 2016, the Serbian government made a strategic decision to embark on a comprehensive digitalization which includes public administration, the economy and society as a whole. In just four years, Serbia has managed to turn information and communication technologies into the fastest growing sector of its economy, which today accounts for the largest share in exports. She said that Serbia follows the development of new technologies in Russia and that, thanks to that, important partnerships have been established with the world’s strongest scientific centers, such as Skolkovo. All this, along with huge investments in capital projects for the construction of road and railway infrastructure, on which we cooperate with Russian companies such as RZD, helped us to have a more flexible and resilient economy and to minimize our economic decline last year – it stood at only 0.9 percent, and that this year we have a rapid recovery and dynamic growth of more than seven percent, she stressed, adding that investment in knowledge, innovation and advanced technologies will continue. The Prime Minister pointed out that the development of artificial intelligence is defined as a strategically important pillar of further economic development of Serbia, with a clear plan for Serbia to profile itself as a regional leader in that area by the end of 2030. She recalled that Serbia was the first in the region and the 26th in the world to adopt the Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence and that the Institute for the Development of Artificial Intelligence has been established. According to her, a platform for the development of artificial intelligence has been provided, which is used free of charge by all science and technology parks, universities and institutes in Serbia, and work is also being done on the development and use of artificial intelligence in public administration. Brnabic said that bioeconomy is the second strategically important pillar of Serbia’s economic development, stating that the new modern BIO4 Campus for Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biodiversity will be a place of cooperation among faculties, scientific institutes, start-ups and large companies in that field. As she explained, that investment is worth approximately €200 million, and by 2030, the bioeconomy in Serbia is expected to generate an annual income of more than €1 billion. She added that state-of-the-art Genome Sequencing Centre has been opened at the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering of the University of Belgrade. Serbia has made a big and important step with the production of the Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19, she stated and expressed gratitude for Russia’s support to the production of this vaccine in our country. She pointed out that the third priority is energy stability, noting that our country has launched the largest investment cycle in energy in the last 30 years. Russia is the closest partner to Serbia in achieving energy stability and security for citizens and the economy, which, as she pointed out, was shown by the recent agreement between the presidents of Serbia and Russia. In terms of foreign policy, Serbia strives for full membership in the EU, and that in no way represents an obstacle for further improvement of political and economic relations at all levels between Serbia and the Russian Federation, Brnabic underlined. She especially referred to the cooperation between the two countries in the field of innovation and advanced technologies on the construction of the Centre for Nuclear Technologies, for which a framework agreement was signed yesterday. After the plenary session, Brnabic visited the exhibition “Made in Russia” together with Mishustin, at which the Serbian-Russian project “Belgrade Diameter” was presented, which refers to the modernization and development of the Belgrade railway network “BG Voz”.

Vucic published the decision to withdraw the Law on Expropriation (B92/RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on the website the decision to return Law on Amendments to the Law on Expropriation to the parliament. The text contains elaboration of the decision to withdraw the Law, and states the reasons for its return to the parliament. “I made a decision and signed that decision on returning the Law on Amendments to the Law on Expropriation to the parliamentary procedure,” he said. “There was a possibility of interpretation that the law could be overthrown, due to Article 58 of the Constitution, where property rights are violated. Although in many EU countries they do it even after 8 days, I certainly think that the deadlines are insanely short,” Vucic said.

Serbian parliament unanimously adopts amendments to the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative (RTS)

The Serbian parliament unanimously adopted amendments to the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative. 193 MPs voted in favor, i.e. all those present. The law shall enter into force less than eight days from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette, by a special decision of the MPs. These amendments change several articles in relation to the recently adopted Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative. First, the taxes for signature verification will be abolished, secondly, it will not be possible to call a referendum on the same issue in less than four years, and the parliament will not be able to make a decision different from the one confirmed in the referendum. It is also possible for the representatives of the authorized proposers to be part of the body for conducting the referendum. The previous amendments to that law were adopted two weeks ago, the President signed them, and then proposed to the government to finalize and amend the regulations.

Dacic: Law on Referendum has nothing to do with Rio Tinto (RTS)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic told morning news od Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the Law on Referendum has nothing to do with Rio Tinto and that at issue is changing of the Constitution. “Those who initiated the protests tied everything to Rio Tinto. The Law on the referendum has nothing to do with those issues. It is a matter of changing the Constitution. The decision for the referendum on 16 January remains,” says Dacic. He points out that the Republic Election Commission (RIK) is expected to hold a referendum. “We have also adopted that RIK be expanded with six members from the opposition. The goal of this referendum is constitutional changes and independence of the judiciary,” said Dacic.

Selakovic: We are grateful to Greece on principled position concerning the issue of Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Thursday with the Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros, whom he thanked on the principle position of his country regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Selakovic expressed the expectation that Greece would remain consistent in such stance. Selakovic underlined that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija was the main political and security challenge for Serbia, emphasizing that we were committed to dialogue and reaching a compromise solution, despite all the obstructions caused by the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina. Selakovic assessed that the highly dynamic political dialogue at the top and high levels greatly contributed to the friendly relations and excellent cooperation between our two countries. In this context, he recalled his bilateral visit to Greece and the meeting he recently had with Minister Dendias on the fringes of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Stockholm. The Head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that Serbia was committed to preserving regional stability and security and establishing closer economic cooperation. In line with our key foreign policy priority, namely membership of the EU, he stated that our country was committed to cooperating with all EU member states and institutions in the field of the common security and defense policy. Selakovic recalled that Serbia contributed to the European and global security by participating in EU- and UN-mandated missions and operations, and that it was the first in the region and among the top ten countries in Europe in terms of contributions to peacekeeping missions. When it comes to military cooperation between Serbia and Greece, Selakovic noted that it was good, that it was carried out through joint military exercises, training and advanced training in the educational centers of the two countries, and that we were interested in its further strengthening.

Highly developed cooperation with Greece in field of defense (Tanjug)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met on Thursday with Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros, who is on an official visit to Serbia. Stefanovic pointed out that the relations between our two countries and our peoples are traditionally good and that on that quality basis, bilateral cooperation in the field of defense is very developed. He also expressed gratitude to Greece for not recognizing the so-called Kosovo, as well as for the support it, as a NATO member, provides to Serbia in the institutions of the alliance, opposing the attempts of the temporary Pristina institutions, primarily the so-called Kosovo security forces, to participate in Partnership for Peace activities. Stefanovic assessed that Greece as an EU member is an important partner for our country, in accordance with our commitment to European integration, and that cooperation between the two countries is very developed in the military-military segment, which significantly contributes to the development of our military capabilities, a statement from the Ministry of Defense reads.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija: New pressure on Serb returnees (RTS)

Members of the Kosovo police arrested Dusan Arsic, 51, at the Jarinje administrative crossing on Wednesday at around 11 pm. They acted on the order of a court which suspects him of committing an alleged war crime, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija has announced. According to the court order, he was transferred to Pristina, where he was interrogated until 3 am, it is stated. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that it has provided a lawyer for Dusan Arsic, who will represent him free of charge, and will inform all international organizations operating in Kosovo and Metohija about his case. Arsic was arrested while returning to Serbia proper from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, and while traveling with two minor children. For years, Arsic has been involved in a legal battle trying to get back his property in the village of Maticana near Pristina that has been usurped based on false documents and statements, and now, he has been arrested. “This is obviously a new instance of pressure on Serb returnees, who are being arrested based on secret indictments for alleged war crimes, with the sole aim of deterring them from returning and claiming their property in Kosovo and Metohija,” the Office said. At the same time, the Office assessed that by doing so, Pristina is trying to create an artificial and unsustainable balance due to the fact that the leaders of the so-called KLA are on trial in The Hague, for crimes committed against Serbs and other non-Albanians. “It is obvious that there is no readiness in Pristina to enable Serbs to return to their centuries-old homes and that they are using all available mechanisms of intimidation and deterrence in order to prevent the return of Serbs. Such secret indictments and arrests are the reason why the rate of return to Kosovo and Metohija is less than two percent and the lowest in any post-conflict area,” the statement said. “This is a man who went to Kosovo and Metohija several times, where he has residence in the vicinity of Pristina and never had any problems, until last night when he was arrested for an alleged war crime,” the statement said.



Schmidt sends letter to B&H parliament calling for adoption of law on denial of genocide and glorification of war criminals in line with international standards so that law imposed by former HR Inzko is annulled (BN TV)


High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt has sent a letter to members of the B&H Parliament stating, among others, he would be ready to recall the law imposed by former HR in B&H Valentin Inzko when a new law, in line with the international standards and adopted by the B&H Parliament was enacted. “I invite you to adopt a legislation in the B&H parliament that would ban certain forms of hate speech, including denial of any genocide and glorification of convicted war criminals,” reads the letter by Schmidt. “I will be prepared to revoke this piece of legislation when a new legislation fully consistent with European and international standards adopted by the B&H parliament enters into force,” reads the letter by Schmidt. Schmidt underlined if the local law was adopted, the law imposed by Inzko would be superfluous. “In the meantime, I think it is necessary to interpret the existing law as incorporating two concepts: First, the law refers to individuals who have committed war crimes and not to people or ethnic groups in their entirety. There is no other possible interpretation. Second, the law does not differentiate between ethnic backgrounds of the victims – every victim and their family deserve unconditional respect. Any new legislation on this issue should also incorporate these concepts,” wrote Schmidt in his letter. Schmidt also wrote that all peoples were exposed to persecution and violence at a certain period, particularly during the past century, and that “lack of acknowledgment of mass atrocities and human right abuses can have devastating effects on the society”. It is desirable to use the institutional democratic process, Schmidt says, adding that this will not be easy, and it will require “calm preparation” to be done in the B&H Parliament and in the society, which will be turned towards reaching a consensus, stated Schmidt. “Legislative acts unfold their potential for promotion of peace and reconciliation if in parallel a basic consensus exists in the society along with a common preparedness to reach understanding and compassion, in particular among the youth as next generation,” reads the letter by HR Schmidt. “Until such a decision of peoples and their representatives comes into effect, Inzko’s law will remain in effect,” Schmidt concluded in the letter.

Zakharova: Russia has been pointing out to its partners in PIC SB that private person Schmidt cannot chair PIC, because it undermines status of international community (N1)


Representative of Russian Federation failed to participate in work of last session of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in B&H and refused to sign joint statement issued after the session. Spokesperson for Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova commented on last session of the PIC as well as on conclusions adopted at this session. Zakharova explained that meeting of political directors of PIC was held without presence of Russia, adding that this happened for the first time in 26 years long history of multilateral efforts to help B&H after conflict. She stressed that Russia has been pointing out to its partners in the Steering Board of PIC that private person Christian Schmidt cannot chair PIC, because it undermines the status of the international community. “Unfortunately, our concern has not been taken in consideration. We refused to join a final communiqué of the meeting in Sarajevo,” explained Zakharova. She added that such a document represents open violation of internal issues of sovereign states, as well as an example of misinterpretation of the situation in B&H. She concluded that this is another attempt to impose someone’s interests to citizens of B&H, adding that it only worsens the crisis caused by external factors. Zakharova added that Moscow expects PIC to return to its framework and that is why Russia will resume to be a member of this body.

US Embassy supports Schmidt’s stances regarding law on genocide denial (Dnevni avaz)


The US Embassy to B&H posted a statement on their twitter account, expressing support to HR Christian Schmidt and stances regarding law on genocide denial, presented in his letter to B&H parliament. “We urge the Parliamentary Assembly to heed High Representative Schmidt’s call to action on criminal code amendments that meet standards for B&H’s EU path and on reconciliation. The United States strongly supports working through B&H institutions to reach agreement on issue affecting B&H citizens. Denying genocide and war crimes and glorifying war criminals insults the victims and their families and keeps B&H mired in a divisive past, while acknowledging individual responsibility contributes to mutual trust. Establishing an institutionalized process for reconciliation and urgently addressing the lack of transitional justice, will help ensure that all victims are granted the respect that they deserve,” reads Embassy’s statement.

Novakovic-Bursac: Schmidt’s letter is evidence that some international representatives have been attempting to solve situation they created; RS representatives in joint institutions still respect decision they will not participate in decision-making process (RTRS)


Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that the parliament of B&H received a letter from an improper address, namely it reads it was sent from the Office of High Representative (OHR). Bursac underlined that it is fact that there is no High Representative or the OHR. Bursac explained that a letter signed by Christian Schmidt calls on MPs in B&H HoR and delegates in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) to adopt a new law banning denial of genocide. It further reads that once this is done, the decision imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko introducing law that bans denial of genocide will be annulled. Bursac underlined that this letter is evidence that some representatives of the IC have been attempting to solve the situation they created. She added that Republika Srpska (RS) representatives in joint institutions still respect the decision they will not participate in the decision-making process in B&H parliament until the issue of the law imposed by Inzko is solved. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic stated that Schmidt’s letter indicates that he has started thinking. However, he noted, Schmidt’s letter could deepen the crisis because it might cause negative reactions of the Bosniaks. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that this will be a test for the ruling coalition which will have to show if it is willing to find a solution and send Inzko’s law to history. Borenovic reminded that PDP has insisted from the beginning that it is necessary to return the decision-making process to the Parliament. SDS’s Dragan Mektic stated that he does not understand the point in Schmidt’s letter, because it continues with the practice of OHR writing laws which the Parliament must adopt, and only later amend in the parliamentary procedure.

Covic: My readiness for mediation in solving crisis was rudely used in order to try and discredit me (BHT1)


Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic sent a letter onto multiple international addresses warning that B&H faces its biggest post-Dayton crisis. Covic noted that he is concerned over a recent attempt to harshly discredit Croat delegates in the House of Peoples (HoP). Covic wrote that, accepting initiatives submitted to HDZ B&H by the international community, he tried to mediate so that Serb representatives would return into the institutions of B&H. "My willingness to mediate in resolving the crisis has been rudely used to try to discredit me," Covic stated, among other things, in the letter. Covic sent the letter to explain why HDZ B&H members voted in favor of annulling Inzko’s law. Covic said this was not “demolition or denial” of the adopted decision, but an attempt to assume responsibility for continuation of work in the B&H institutions. That means the law was supposed to be adopted in domestic institutions, and by that decision, imposed law of former High Representative, Valentin Inzko, would be replaced, says Covic. Covic has sent the letter to senior EU and US officials, and that Covic stated earlier that senior Bosniak officials were aware of his role of a mediator, who however tried to demonize him.

Izetbegovic’s statement of that he abolished 9 January as RS Day causes reactions; Dodik: Izetbegovic should be focused on his own policy and stop spreading hatred (ATV)


The latest statement of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic that he was the one to abolish 9 January as the RS Day causes reactions in the RS on Thursday. Izetbegovic told N1 on Wednesday that he abolished 9 January as discriminatory holiday marking the creation of the RS, and even if it is still being marked this will no longer be the case. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) stated that on 9 January 2022 the RS will mark 30 years of its existence, adding that Izetbegovic should be focused on his own policy and stop spreading hatred. He stressed that it would be better that Izetbegovic accepts what the Serb people want instead of spreading hatred, noting that Serbs as well are bothered with how 1 March is being observed as a holiday in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and that no one has sked them about this date. SNSD’s Sanja Vulic said that regardless of how much Izetbegovic tries to present Serbs as the genocide nation in international circles, justice and truth are reachable. She stressed that Serbs see 9 January as a special holiday, and nothing can prevent them from marking this date as a holiday. PDP’s Mira Pekic stated that the RS Day will never be abolished, and that Izetbegovic can only dream about it. She underlined that the RS was internationally recognized by the Dayton Peace Agreement and that it is an obligation of all its citizens to remember the day it was established. Serb delegate in the House of Peoples of B&H Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) said that the RS will mark 9 January as 30th anniversary of its existence and noted that Izetbegovic never misses any chance “to blame the other side” for anything bad so his comment on abolition of 9 January “is just first of many expected to come from the FB&H”. Majkic added that Izetbegovic is very well aware of the fact that Serbs will protect everything given to them by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA).

PDP leader Branislav Borenovic agreed with Majkic and said that Izetbegovic cannot erase historical facts or will of Serb people to respect and celebrate their day.

Dodik votes in favor of decision adopted by B&H Presidency (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje reads that during the 150th special session of B&H Presidency, which took place on 8 December, members of B&H Presidency adopted a decision on destroying of weapon and ammunition belonging to B&H Armed Forces. Milorad Dodik attended the session and the mentioned decision was adopted with his vote. This, the daily comments, is the first time for Dodik to vote for adoption of certain decision, since the decision on boycott of institutions was reached. The decision of B&H Presidency reads that 10 ‘Luna’ rockets will be destroyed because they are malfunctioned and present a danger for B&H Armed Forces. Rockets re stored in Krcmarice location in Banja Luka.

RS parliament special session on return of RS’ competences to take place on Friday, Sulic says he did not allow OHR representatives to attend special session (ATV)

On the eve of a special session of the RS parliament on return of the RS’ competences from the level of B&H, which was scheduled to take place on Friday, representatives of the ruling coalition in the RS stated that the RS will open a new page in its history on Friday. They said that the goal is to return what belongs to the RS based on the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H, and what the RS has lost over the time due to legal and political violence of part of the international community in B&H. The reporter reminded that the RS parliament will be deciding on withdrawal of the RS’ consent to the formation of B&H Armed Forces, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H and the Indirect Taxation Authority of B&H. Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik told ATV Banja Luka on Thursday that this special session is not some kind of war option, but it represents the fight for the RS. He stated that some of the RS’ competences might remain at the level of B&H in significantly reduced form, while many of them will be returned to the level of the RS. One day before the special session of the RS parliament, the OHR sent a letter to the RSNA that their representative will attend this session. However, the Collegium of the RS parliament adopted a single decision to reject it. Sulic explained that SNSD and the RS parliament clearly presented their stance on appointment of Christian Schmidt as High Representative, i.e. that he does not have legitimacy. Sulic underlined that certain reaction of the OHR is expected, adding that they are not interested in it. According to Sulic, the OHR did not ask the RS parliament to approve the participation of its representatives at the session nor the OHR sent any kind of request, but this institution has just informed the RS parliament of its intention. Sulic assessed that it is inacceptable that the OHR or any other institution communicates with the RS parliament in such a manner, reminding that the OHR or the High Representative does not longer exist for the RS and that the RS parliament and SNSD’s stance on the appointment of the new HR is well-known. He stated that the so-called HR was not appointed lawfully and legitimately, which is why there is no reason for the RS parliament to allow the OHR to attend the RS parliament’s session. Sulic added that another reason is that the OHR informed the RS parliament on its decision to attend the special session in a commanding and disrespectful manner. Sulic stressed that representatives of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H have been allowed to attend the special session of the RSNA because they sent a request. "This is another proof that everyone who respects and wants compromise, cooperation and dialogue can find a partner in the RS institutions, and all those who are commanding us will always get such and similar responses," Sulic underlined. The RS parliament’s statement reads that a television broadcast of the RS parliament session will be available to all citizens, including Schmidt. Dodik commented on the initiative for restoring competences from the B&H level to the entity level, noting that the RS has the right to have its army, court and prosecutor’s office. “It has the right to have competence over the fiscal system in B&H, on the RS territory,” Dodik noted. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the RS parliament representatives will discuss a Declaration and four Information by which the RS government and herself are tasked to prepare a text of the Constitution to confirm all competences of the RS. Cvijanovic said: “It is not secession. It is not threatening the territorial integrity. You cannot tell us we behave unconstitutionally for defending the Constitution.”

Sarovic says SNSD not aware of potential danger it is leading people and RS into (BN TV)


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said for BN TV that SDS will participate in the special session of the RS parliament, because the public needs to know the position of SDS in regard to return of the RS’ competencies. Sarovic said there were people who were of view they should not participate in “such form of farce”, only being a “decor in the play for the public”. “However, I think we should not remain silent, and we need to clearly present our position in this process initiated by SNSD and Milorad Dodik. I think they are absolutely unaware of the need for increased responsibility and they are not aware of the danger they are, in a way, leading us all into, because this does not concern only SNSD, this concerns the whole Republic, and the whole people. Because of that we will show such responsibility. It is not a matter of whether there is legitimacy for some things, it is only a matter of whether you are aware of the responsibility of what you are dragging us all into, and if you have sufficiently explained to the people and to the public what is ahead us, what we will gain, what we will lose, if we will live better, if we will perhaps face losing peace, stability in this country, whether you took that into consideration and explained it to the public. I think that everyone is acting hastily, everything is being created in one mind, and everything starts from one man, and I think is extremely bad for our whole Republic,” said Sarovic.

Macron: We must fight manipulation of several regional powers that want to destabilize Europe through Balkans (FTV)


French President Emmanuel Macron has presented the priorities of the French EU presidency which is due to start on 1 January 2022. Macron marked the Western Balkans as one of the priorities, noting that the region is again filled with tensions. The French President stressed that the EU has a special responsibility towards the region. Macron stressed that the Western Balkans is more than just a neighborhood, adding that the Balkans is the heart of Europe. "We must pursue a policy of re-engagement and investment with the aim of economic integration of the Western Balkans. We must fight the manipulation of several regional powers that want to destabilize Europe through the Balkans. Political and economic work in the Western Balkans is work on European sovereignty," Macron emphasized. Macron noted that a clear European perspective of the Western Balkans, unity of region, and common ambition of the EU and the region is what should be worked on in the coming period.

Colomina emphasizes strong support for sovereignty, territorial integrity of B&H, functioning B&H AF, and B&H’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations (Hayat)


NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Javier Colomina met on Wednesday with members of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of B&H members and the B&H Parliamentary Assembly Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Hayat reports that, on the occasion, Colomina said great attention was paid to the region by the NATO considering it of strategic importance, and that concern over tensions within the country and the region is still present. “I will not hide that one of the messages was the message of concern over tensions present in the region, both in Kosovo and in your country. Strong support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity of B&H, and functioning organizations and institutions, including your Armed Forces, was clearly emphasized. We again clearly emphasized support to B&H in its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, and it was good to hear that is the core part of your debates, and that is something we welcome. As we said, the cooperation between the NATO and B&H continues. We do a lot together. Even if the main program document has been written, although it has not been approved, it needs to be approved by the Council of Ministers, and we all know that has not been possible lately. However, the work continues in terms of practical cooperation in political engagement. We have decided, and the Ministers clearly said it, to increase political engagement of the NATO in the Western Balkans, because we are of view there is room to increase that engagement, and that is why I am here, to convey the message we are here to support efforts of B&H in its process,” said Colomina.

Komsic, Dzaferovic meet with Gahler to discuss current political crisis in B&H (FTV)


B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic met with member of the European Parliament Michael Gahler (CDU) on Thursday. Komsic and Gahler discussed the current political situation in B&H and the need to unblock the institutions of B&H, with the aim of returning all talks to the topics of the European path and meeting 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC). B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic also met with Gahler. Dzaferovic and Gahler discussed the current crisis in B&H regarding the unilateral actions of the RS authorities undermining the constitutional and legal order and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The talks also focused on the implementation of the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg.


Dodik, Cvijanovic meet Portman in separate meetings; Dodik: International interventionism has been kept in B&H for too long (ATV)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic met with Director for Europe at the UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs Giles Portman, in separate meetings in Banja Luka on Thursday. Dodik said at the meeting that international interventionism has been kept in B&H for too long, and that it has not capacitated local political elites in the country to lead a dialogue. Dodik stressed that a model defended through this interventionism is faced with a crisis, noting that the RS does not have hidden intentions or plans and that the current political-legal battle can only contribute to reaching stable and sustainable solutions in B&H. The meeting was also attended by UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field. Cvijanovic and Portman spoke about the current political and economic situation in B&H, with special focus on the upcoming special session of the RS parliament on Friday. Cvijanovic informed Portman on the RS’ stances. Cvijanovic expressed principled support to respect of the DPA and the Constitution of B&H. It was emphasized that intensification of political dialogue is of key importance to overcome current crisis in B&H. During meeting with the UK’s Portman, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic underlined that in order to overcome political crisis in B&H, it is necessary to eliminate its causes, adding that he refers to law imposed by High Representative Valentin Inzko as well as decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on the RS’ property.

More names will be added to US Treasury Sanctions list (Nova/Dnevni list)


In Europe, B&H takes the third place when it comes to corruption levels. Belarus and Azerbaijan take the first two spots on that list, said US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson. Members of the press in B&H wanted to know why none of B&H politicians were found on list of the US Treasury Sanctions – which was published on Wednesday. Nelson told reporters that he expects more names to be added to this list. “That is only one aspect of fight against corruption of authorities in Washington,” Nelson added. “The list published yesterday is a global list and refers to those involved in corrupt activities and the worst human rights violations. There are many on the list, including the Western Balkans,” the US Ambassador noted. EU High Representative Josep Borrell stated that the US’ decision to place several persons from north of Kosovo, including leading persons from the Serb List, is an important step against organized crime in the Western Balkans. “Dismantling transnational criminal networks contributes to security, stability &improves rule of law in the entire region. The EU is fully engaged in pursuing this common objective,” Borrell posted on Twitter. B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) member Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD), asked if B&H nationals will be sanctioned by USA in the near future, said that sanctions ae never a good solution and they cannot stabilize the situation. He noted that key sanctions for politicians are the election results and that rule of law means the obligation to respect the legality of every elected official.

Arnautovic: Methodologically whole process of negotiations on changes to B&H Election Law was started completely wrong (O Kanal)

Member of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) Suad Arnautovic, asked to comment on marathon negotiations on changes to the B&H Election Law, said that this is primarily a political issue. "As a member of the CEC, I do not want to give political assessments. I can only say that methodologically the whole process was started completely wrong. Namely, you start every public policy by defining the problem. What is the problem here? The problem here was highlighted in the five related verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) from Strasbourg and the verdicts of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H... This means that it is about the discrimination of B&H citizens who have the right to vote because a significant number of B&H citizens cannot exercise their right to vote in full or on the entire territory of B&H. In my opinion, that is the problem. That is the definition of the problem," Arnautovic underlined. He stressed that the issue of changes to the Bi& Election Law is being discussed with various actors, even with those that lack parliamentary capacity. "And one immediately started with the Election Law, with changes to the Election Law. The five verdicts I am talking about, the verdicts of the B&H CC, the ECHR's verdicts, and other documents, such as the resolution of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, all primarily point to the need to change the Constitution of B&H. After that, as in every democratic society, when parameters in the Constitutions are set, then the Election Law is changed. I believe that some dark forces are pushing through changes to the Election Law which would de facto, and not de jure, change the Constitution, change the paradigm in political representation. Therefore, I believe that methodologically it was set wrong and that is why it is unlikely to result in something that everyone will be happy with," Arnautovic emphasized. Asked whether he believes that an agreement on changes to the B&H Election Law and limited constitutional changes will be reached by spring and if it is reached, whether there will be enough time to hold the 2022 elections in accordance with the new rules, Arnautovic said that no one is thinking about the technical things that are very important. "You cannot make major constitutional and legislative changes at the last minute without technically following it and testing it in the field through a pilot project. It is very important for the possible constitutional and legislative changes to the Election Law to be adopted in time in order to technically implement these solutions," Arnautovic stressed. Asked whether the B&H CEC can already make certain technical interventions without substantial changes to the B&H Election Law, Arnautovic said that it absolutely can. "We are currently working on that. With the help of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H, a strategy to improve the integrity, transparency and efficiency of the electoral process in B&H has been made, as well as an accompanying action plan for the implementation of the strategy which envisions several technical innovations in the process of digitalization of the electoral process. Currently, we are focused on two possible things which do not require a change to the Election Law and that is voter authentication at the polling station and fast transfer of results from the polling station to the main counting center," Arnautovic underlined, adding that some other solutions and applications are also being prepared, such as an application that should help faster, more transparent and more secure registration of voters voting outside B&H.

PM repeats support for reintegration of occupied Ukrainian territory (Hina)

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic repeated on day-two of an official visit to Ukraine on Thursday, that Croatia would help Ukraine achieve two of its two top priorities - the peaceful reintegration of its occupied territories and to join the European Union. "We, as a country and as a government, will continue to support Ukraine in these areas because Croatia has unique experience in this regard. There is no other EU member state which successfully and peacefully reintegrated occupied territory - which in our case was the Danube region," said Plenkovic. Plenkovic visited the Greek Catholic University in Lviv where he delivered a speech on the future of Europe. He reiterated Croatia's strong support for Ukraine's EU membership perspective, saying that it was crucial for the country's development and cohesion. He said that the ties and friendship between Croatia and Ukraine were strong and constituted the foundation of the partnership between the two countries. "We have doubled our trade since my last visit, and given the number of Ukrainian tourists visiting Croatia, we have decided to open a Tourist Board Office in Kiev to further promote Croatian tourism through our rich cultural and natural heritage. In this way we hope to attract even more Ukrainian tourists to Croatia over the next few years," said the Croatian prime minister.

EU: Croatia meets the conditions for implementing the Schengen acquis (HRT)

EU member states agreed on Thursday on a text confirming that Croatia meets all the conditions for implementing the Schengen acquis, paving the way for a final decision on entering the Schengen Border Area. The text was formally adopted on Thursday by EU member state interior ministers. At Wednesday's meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER), The Netherlands and Sweden voiced procedural reservations regarding Croatia's accession to Schengen. This blocked the adoption of a conclusion as no decision can be reached without the consent of all member states. However, The Netherlands and Sweden gave the green light on Thursday, in time for the interior ministers meeting in Brussels to officially confirm it. Representatives of both countries said that in principle they have no substantive objections to the text of the conclusions, but that they were bound by common procedures in their respective countries with regard to approving EU decisions. According to the approved text Croatia has met all the necessary conditions for the application of all parts of the Schengen acquis, which now means that the preconditions for the Council to adopt a decision in accordance with the agreement on Croatia's accession for the abolition of internal border controls. With a view to Croatia's accession to Schengen, Croatia is called upon to continue to consistently implement the Schengen acquis and the obligations related to the Schengen acquis, the conclusions state. These conclusions are a procedurally necessary condition for making a decision on entering the Schengen area and removing border controls at the Croatian land border with Slovenia and Hungary, as well as at airports and seaports. The final decision on joining Schengen could be made in about six months during the French EU presidency and requires the consent of all Schengen member states. The adopted conclusions do not mean that the decision to join Schengen is guaranteed because since it is decided unanimously, it cannot be ruled out that some of the members will block the decision. Conclusions on Schengen readiness for Bulgaria and Romania were adopted back in 2011, and yet neither country has actually joined Schengen.


Krivokapic: There’s suspicion that 41st vote will appear for government removal; I can’t specify name (Pobjeda)


Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has said that he has doubts about the possible 41st vote during the vote of no confidence in his government, but that he can’t speak about any specific names. “Maybe that person will just appear that day. I believe that people at this moment, regardless of what they have, are feeling in such a way that the honor and future of the family are important to them, regardless of how much someone owes, how much they have on their accounts or what obligation they have towards anyone. Montenegro needs to understand that the time of small-scale ownership has passed, and that the well-being of Montenegro is more important than anything individual,” Krivokapic has said after the MANS conference on anti-corruption. Commenting on the statement by the head of the Democratic Montenegro’s caucus, Boris Bogdanovic, who said that the government could not be shaken even by those who are currently negotiating betrayal of the citizens’ electoral will with tens of millions of euros, Krivokapic says that everything has its price and that many different things can be heard in Montenegro these days.

URA: We’re looking forward to Monday; whoever thinks that we’ll adjust our attitudes to anyone is grossly mistaken (CdM)

URA is looking forward to Monday, 13 December, when the confidence in the government will be discussed, because it will be an opportunity to see who keeps his word and who does not, the party says. URA has pointed out that it is the only party on the political scene with which things are clear. “Our attitudes and manifesto are clear and unambiguous, and whoever thinks that we will adjust them to other political parties is grossly mistaken. In Parliament, we will always vote for those solutions and legal acts that mean Montenegro’s progress towards the EU and system reform. From that time on, no one will shake us, least of all those whose politics are just noise and rage, without real foundation and strength. We will not be shaken by those who have always refrained from crucial things concerning the further progress of Montenegro,” they say. URA has pointed out that the correctness of the appointment of Nikola Mugosa as the President of the State Election Commission has been confirmed today by the EU Delegation to Montenegro and the OSCE, and that this is a confirmation of their correct choice.

DF plans to launch initiative to shorten parliament mandate (Pobjeda)

In case of a negative response to their platform by the rest of the parliamentary majority, the Democratic Front (DF) will initiate a dialogue on organizing early parliamentary elections, which includes an initiative to shorten the mandate of the parliament of Montenegro, Pobjeda has learned. The deadline given by the DF to the parliamentary majority parties expires on 10 December. In the event that the parliament votes to shorten the mandate, it automatically means the fall of the government and the calling of early parliamentary elections without a vote of no confidence in the government.


DUI expect that SDSM will honor their agreement to name an ethnic Albanian Prime Minister for a term of 100 days (Republika)

PM Zoran Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that his DUI party expects to have an ethnic Albanian candidate named Prime Minister in the last 100 days of its term with SDSM. The agreement was reached between Zoran Zaev and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti as they made their new coalition deal in mid-2020. But with Zaev expected to resign as Prime Minister soon, questions were raised over whether the agreement is still in place. There will be an Albanian Prime Minister nominated from the ranks of DUI in the last 100 days, as is provided in the agreement. That will be re-confirmed with the new designated Prime Minister, Grubi said. Zaev handpicked the Deputy Finance Minister Dimitar Kovacevski as his successor in SDSM – party members are expected to vote on him on Sunday. He then hopes to have Kovacevski nominated as Prime Minister as well.

BESA is officially out of the government (Republika)

The BESA party is formally out of PM Zoran Zaev’s coalition. The Parliament voted to remove Arjanit Hoxha as Agriculture Minister and two other BESA officials, Arafat Shabani and Sedat Sulejmani, as deputy ministers for education and culture. BESA joined SDSM in a pre-election coalition in 2020 and won four seats in Parliament on the joint list. But it got into a growing dispute with DUI, especially during the local elections in which the parties fought over the Tetovo city hall, that was eventually won by BESA leader Bilal Kasami. BESA decided to leave the coalition shortly after the elections, in which SDSM badly lost to VMRO-DPMNE. SDSM is trying to bring in the Alternative party, which holds four seats in parliament, to replace BESA. The Alternative is demanding three government departments and dozens of other public sector offices – a much higher price than the one exacted by BESA.

Mickoski: New party doctrine and new officials will be announced on Sunday (Skopje Info)

In an interview with Skopje Info, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that he will use the coming congress of the opposition party to announce a number of new policy changes and new party officials. Mickoski is running for re-election as party leader at the congress, after securing a major victory over SDSM in the local elections. “I will offer chances in staffing and in party concepts. I believe that these changes will strengthen the party, and will open a new phase in our activities, open us more the broader public and mobilize the intellectual capacity we have toward advancing our country. It is important that we take over the helm and show how things are done,” Mickoski said. Mickoski discussed the attempts by the SDSM led coalition to expand their numbers in parliament by adding the Alternative party to their ranks, even after the major defeat in the local elections. Sustaining this majority in parliament is not the result of the will of the citizens, but of the lucrative interests of those who gathered around the government. PM Zoran Zaev is prepared to pay any price to keep is criminal coalition afloat. He is making up new government departments to satisfy all political appetites. Setting aside what ethnic group the minister is, all of the 19 departments are led by incompetent people. This will be a short-lived government, but the sooner they go, the less damage they will do, Mickoski said.

Macron denies Macedonia any hope for an accession date in December – he will push for a Balkan summit in June instead (Republika)

French President Emmanuel Macron, who takes over the rotating Presidency of the European Council, announced that he will convene a summit on the Western Balkan countries in June. This indicates that there is little hope that Macedonia will be allowed to open EU accession talks in December. Bulgaria seems determined to continue to veto Macedonia at least for months to come, even with a new, more moderate Government expected to take over. The next European Council is scheduled on December 14th, and it seems clear that it will be another missed opportunity for Macedonia. In his remarks, Macron spoke about the special responsibility the EU has toward the Balkans, but also referred to a time frame of “decades”. I believe that the political and economic engagement toward the Western Balkans is a true question from the agenda of European sovereignty, because peace in Europe is not possible for the next 50 years if we leave the Balkans in the situation it is today. So, let’s clarify their European perspective, re-invest in this region and in its unity and to have a true, joint ambition for this region in the decades that come, Macron said. France takes over the six months long Presidency of the European Council with the start of 2022, but it also has presidential elections scheduled in April. Given how unpopular further EU enlargement has been in that country, it’s unlikely that Macron will be willing to stake too much of his credibility in order to bring Macedonia and Albania closer to full EU membership.

Schulz: The further delay in the start of EU accession talks due to the blockade by Bulgaria is indecent and dangerous for the stability of the region and the European vision (Libertas)

The further delay in the start of EU accession talks due to the blockade by Bulgaria is indecent and dangerous for the stability of the region and the European vision, said the head of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, who met in Berlin yesterday with Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov. Dimitrov, on the other hand, says that the country has so far proved that it strongly represents the European narrative of values ​​and is a stable partner on the European scene that contributes to the well-being of the region. Meanwhile, presenting the priorities of the future French presidency of the Council of the EU, French President Emmanuel Macron referred to the great responsibility that the Union has towards the countries of the Western Balkans. Dimitrov, who is staying in Berlin, said that the country has invested serious political capital based on the European promise, and it is time to focus attention and energy on the process of Europeanization and meeting the expectations of citizens. "If the EU finally supports the Macedonian story and the huge investment in this issue that is reflected throughout the region, then the Union will show that it is a force that pulls for good" Dimitrov said. The beginning of the accession negotiations will be a validation of the progress of Northern Macedonia, achieved with great help and support from our German friends who in principle represent what is truly "European" in the integration process. The start of negotiations will give the necessary impetus to the reform process, and at the same time will renew the impetus for the EU enlargement policy, Dimitrov said at the meetings. At Dimitrov's meeting with Michael Roth, the current member of the Bundestag from the SDP as part of the ruling majority and yesterday's German Minister for Europe, it was pointed out that the country can continue to rely on German support. Roth sent a message to Northern Macedonia not to give up and that Brussels and the entire European Union will keep their promises. Meanwhile, after the technical government in Sofia announced that Bulgaria would not change its position on N. Macedonia and will not approve the negotiating framework for the country with the EU by the end of the year, First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that there is a French initiative to resolve the dispute between Skopje and Sofia. “We have submitted the answers to all the questions that Bulgaria has submitted in the most constructive possible form and we are waiting for the new authorities, President Radev, the new government, to approach the dialogue on these issues in a constructive way. "Let's reach a deal that will open the door to the EU," Grubi said. According to him, the French initiative would mean sitting at the negotiating table and overcoming all differences in a way that the first intergovernmental conference will be held in the coming months of 2022, in the spring. He added that there is optimism for negotiations and for receiving a positive signal at the December EU summit to start negotiations for us and Albania in the first months of next year. Asked how he interpreted the message from Bulgaria that their position would not change, Grubi reiterated that they hope for a constructive approach from the Bulgarian side. - We have a new government to be elected. "We will communicate with the new government, which is a result of the elections that just ended in neighboring Bulgaria, and we hope for that constructive approach because we are ready for a compromise that is dignified for our country, especially for my fellow Macedonians," Grubi concluded. Opposition VMRO-DPMNE, meanwhile, at a meeting with journalists, unofficially briefed that the party will not sign and support a possible agreement with Bulgaria that would go beyond the Resolution voted in July this year in parliament on the red lines in the negotiations, and supported by all parliamentary parties. They also announced a new doctrine of the party that will be applied after 12 December, which will unofficially state that "any attempt to open a discussion, bilaterally or multilaterally, on the identity issues and characteristics of the Macedonian people, automatically leads to problematization of the Macedonian originality and uniqueness. "VMRO-DPMNE will continue to fight for justice and respect for the Macedonian people and state in international relations." Party spokesman Naum Stoilkovski told a news conference earlier that he had no information regarding unofficial information that an agreement would be reached in Paris between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria, adding that "it is clear that Bulgaria will not back down from the two resolutions adopted unanimously in that country." "Parliament, which are contrary to what Macedonian national interests mean." The political party Left, meanwhile, has demanded an end to negotiations with Bulgaria because, as they say, "the fact remains that Bulgaria will not back down from its negative and chauvinist demands towards Macedonia". In the meantime, the last meeting for this year of the Joint Macedonian-Bulgarian Commission for Historical and Educational Issues started yesterday, which is expected to continue today in online format. At the previous meeting, which took place during the election period in both countries - in our country between the two rounds of local elections, and in Bulgaria during the campaign for the presidential and early parliamentary elections, no solutions and recommendations were adopted. The members of the Commission from the Macedonian side briefed MIA at the time that no decisions and recommendations had been adopted due to "the exclusive approach of the colleagues from Sofia and their insistence to impose their view of the past." At the same time, the results of the Gallup International Balkans poll were published in Bulgaria, according to which over 70% of Bulgarian citizens consider resolving Skopje's relations with Sofia as a priority, and not the accession of N. Macedonia in the EU. According to the poll, 71.1% of Bulgarians believe that the most important thing is to settle the relations between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria, and it is not so important whether N. Macedonia will become an EU member. 7.5 percent have the opposite opinion, while the remaining 21.4 percent are hesitant. Slightly more inclined to ignore the problems in the relations with N. Macedonia has the youngest and people with lower education. However, the share of those who support the option of N. Macedonia becoming a EU member, regardless of the problems in relations with Bulgaria, does not exceed one tenth. The strongest in the view that the most important thing is to sort out the relations between the two countries, and not so much whether Northern Macedonia will join the EU are the older, age groups over 45 and the inhabitants of Sofia. The Bulgarian technical government announced in a press release that it would not change its position on Northern Macedonia by the end of the year and would not approve the country's negotiating framework with the EU. Official Sofia believes Tirana is ready to start EU membership talks. However, the two countries are currently moving in a package towards the EU. For Bulgaria, the basic principle of each candidate's own merits remains decisive. "Bulgaria believes that Albania is ready to move forward on the path to the EU and is ready to support the adoption of the Negotiating Framework for the country and the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference," the Bulgarian government's press service said in a statement.


Rama discloses meeting with Escobar: Partnership with US, Open Balkans and Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Radio Tirana)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has revealed details from the meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Gabriel Escobar. Through a Facebook post, the head of government stated that he spoke with the senior US official about the partnership between Albania and the US, Albania's important role in the region, the necessary dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. "Pleased to welcome Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, in a very friendly meeting, where we talked about the excellent partnership between Albania and the US, Albania's important role in the region, the necessary dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and the Open Balkans, as a transformative initiative for the future of the region, which is strongly supported by the administration of President Joe Biden," writes Rama on Facebook.

Escobar meets Xhacka (Radio Tirana)

The United States Special Envoy for the Balkans Gabriel Escobar has continued his scheduled meetings with Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka. "Excellent meeting with the Assistant Secretary of State of the United States of America, Gabriel Escobar. Acknowledgment of US support for Albania and the Western Balkans region. Albania is committed to the stability and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans and welcomes cooperation with friends and partners for the region's agenda," Xhacka writes. The US Embassy said that Escobar's visit to Tirana confirms the United States' determination to fight corruption, impunity and efforts to undermine democracy in the Western Balkans.

Basha's message after meeting with Escobar (ADN)


The Democrat leader Lulzim Basha reacted after the meeting he had with the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. Through a post on social media, Basha says that the US will be on the side of Albania in the fight against corruption, as well as in all vital processes to strengthen democracy, which are also the priorities of the Democratic Party. "It is a special pleasure to receive today the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Gabriel Escobar, on his first visit to Albania. The US will stand by Albania and the Albanians, as throughout our history, in the vital processes of strengthening democracy and the fight against corruption. These are the priorities of the Democratic Party to bring change and prosperity to Albanians," said Basha.

US Embassy: Escobar's visit focused on fight against corruption and US support for Albania's EU membership (Radio Tirana)

The US Embassy in Tirana has revealed the meetings held by the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and Democrat leader Lulzim Basha. The Embassy emphasizes that the focus of these meetings was the fight against corruption and US support for Albania's EU membership. "US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar visited Albania on 9 December where he met with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka, Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha, and other leaders. During his meetings, Deputy Assistant Secretary Escobar thanked Albania for its strong partnership with the United States and reaffirmed US strong support for Albania’s EU accession. He noted the United States’ focus on fighting corruption, impunity, and efforts to undermine democracy in the Western Balkans. Escobar welcomed further strengthening the US-Albania relationship, our defense cooperation as NATO Allies, and creating more opportunities for trade and investment. Escobar also welcomed the United States and Albania working together on regional integration and globally – especially as we both serve on the United Nations Security Council in 2022," writes the US Embassy.