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Belgrade Media Report 1 February


Selakovic: Joint visit by Lajcak-Escobar has symbolic significance (TV Pink)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said that “symbolic importance is clear” of the joint visit to Kosovo by the European Union’s envoy to support talks between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak and the US Deputy Assistant Secretary overseeing policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, but that it remained to be seen “how effective it will be”. When asked about a report that the plan was to create a territorial and administrative unit 30 kilometers deep into the territory of Kosovo, cutting as deeply into Albania as well, Minister Selakovic said in an interview with TV Pink that “it’s an opportunity to see if Brussels and others will turn a deaf ear to it, remaining silent”. He said that what made the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue very difficult was “the lack of any interest on the part of Pristina to implement what has been agreed already in the process, even though it’s a duty it accepted”. The West should exert pressure on Pristina to carry out its obligations, Selakovic said, adding that Belgrade was never “a disruptive factor.” Speaking of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), he said that Serbia had honored the Dayton peace accords and the territorial integrity of the country the same way it respected the integrity of the Republika Srpska (RS). Selakovic stated that the talks on electoral reform in Neum proved that there are many problems in B&H, and that the RS is not its greatest or main problem. “You have a problem between Bosniaks, i.e. Muslims, and Croats, and the problem of the existing electoral legislation which creates tensions” said Selakovic.

They are destroying ZSO, it reminds them of RS (Novosti

In an attempt to unblock dialogue of Serbs and Albanians on normalization of relations, US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak might offer a “reconstruction” of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). The daily claimed that, at the moment, there are three possible models: the one resembling to the autonomous region Southern Tyrol in Italy, Eupen Municipality in east Belgium or a combination of these two models. However, this plan sparked negative reactions of both Belgrade and Pristina. The Serb side deems that only the Brussels agreement is acceptable and attempts that would reduce the ZSO to a non-governmental organization would be unacceptable. On the other hand, Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said that only the ZSO without any executive authority would be acceptable. Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic said that the visit of Lajcak and Escobar will be significant but it remains to be seen if it will be effective, having in mind that Pristina is unwilling to implement anything that has been agreed upon. Selakovic reminded that the Brussels agreement clearly defines competencies of the ZSO and that the plan on implementation clearly stipulated obligations of both Belgrade and Pristina. Ahead of the meeting in Pristina, Lajcak stated that the agreement on the ZSO will have to be implemented, but he noted that “nobody reasonable wants to have the RS in Kosovo. Serbia has the right to present its proposals on the ZSO, but Kosovo will not be forced to sign anything that would be harmful for their country”. By this statement, Lajcak practically paved the path to talks on new models of the ZSO although everything related to the ZSO has already been discussed, initialed and guaranteed. The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said that statements of Escobar and Lajcak only encourage Pristina not to form the ZSO at all or to turn it into something dysfunctional and he added that this would certainly not guarantee safety of Serbs in Kosovo. Drecun added: “This ZSO was not foreseen as some kind of the RS, this parallel is not valid, but it was foreseen as a mechanism that would enable Serb people to stay in Kosovo, to develop normally, have economic and every other perspective, but this mechanism should not be denied, it should be recognized both by Pristina and international community”. Director of the Center for Social Stability Ognjen Karanovic stated that nobody has had a chance to see what was written in the document that will be presented by Escobar and Lajcak but he assessed that the Administration of US President Joseph Biden has decided to strengthen its presence and pressures in the Western Balkans. Karanovic argued that Lajcak showed by his statements that he is aware of the fact that Brussels is politically impotent and cannot seriously mediate in this part of Europe, because of which it needs USA. Karanovic concluded by saying that Serbia must be careful in the continuation of the dialogue because even Lajcak said that Pristina will not have to sign anything proposed by Serbia and that nobody will exert any pressures on them because of that.

Rinkevics believes Lajcak will find solutions to open issues (RTV/Tanjug)

Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics believes that, following discussions in Pristina and Belgrade, the EU envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak will bring closer the positions of the two sides on open issues, including on forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). In an interview to Tanjug during Monday’s visit to Belgrade, Rinkevics said he expected that a mutually acceptable solution would also be found that would enable Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to vote in the 3 April Serbian elections. “I very much hope that there is going to be a solution for the elections that will not differ from, let’s say, examples from the past. So, that is where I do believe that Mr Lajcak and the EU are addressing this and trying to work out a solution,” Rinkevics said, noting that the fact that not everyone had been able to vote in the 16 January referendum on amendments to the Serbian constitution was regrettable.

Asked about his take on the further course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and a potential resolution of the Kosovo issue, Rinkevics said: “There is only one solution, and that is probably not the easiest one, but the only one that can produce long-term results, and that is diplomatic effort and dialogue, and maybe spending days and months trying to hammer out not only agreements... but also solid implementation of those agreements. We do want to see that all the relevant agreements are being implemented, that there is continuous dialogue trying to find a solution but, of course, it very much depends on the good will on both sides,” he said. “I think that, with the support of relevant EU authorities, it is possible. It is not easy, it is not going to come very soon... What I saw was the commitment of the government here to work hard and to try to find a way forward in this dialogue,” Rinkevics also said.

Dacic, Schieb: Readiness to continue cooperation between Serbia and German parliaments (RTV/Tanjug)

German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb delivered the letters of Bundestag speaker Barbel Bas and deputy speaker Aydan Ozoguz to Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic expressing readiness to continue cooperation and deepen relations between the Serbian and German parliaments. They discussed Serbia’s EU integration process with Schieb expressing satisfaction with the opening of the cluster at the end of last year, stressing that it was made possible by the progress Serbia has achieved in its reform processes and emphasizing the importance of judicial and constitutional changes confirmed in the recent referendum. Responding to the Ambassador’s questions, Dacic said that the changes to the Constitution that were confirmed in the referendum would soon be ratified by the parliament, which will in turn launch work on passing laws in this area, the deadline for the completion of which is one year. Dacic informed the Ambassador about the parliament’s upcoming activities viz. the adoption of a set of election laws this week in accordance with the agreements reached during the Inter-Party Dialogue. The officials also discussed last week's visit of the Inter-Party Dialogue co-facilitators and the realization of the agreements reached during the dialogue. Schieb thanked Dacic for his contribution to the inter-party dialogue, emphasizing its importance and expressing confidence that the implementation of the agreements from the dialogue would contribute to fair and democratic elections that all the political parties would take part in.

Veljanovksi: Things can’t change just prior to elections (N1)

Rade Veljanovski, the chairman of the Temporary Monitoring Body For the Media, formed as part of efforts to improve election conditions in Serbia, told N1 that both the media and political players have been given guidelines for their behavior but warned that the body can’t change things just two months prior to the elections in April. “We send the media guidelines on what to do and made an appeal to political players. Those are issues for the media, the authorities and political players,” Veljanovski, a professor at the Belgrade University Faculty of Political Sciences, said. “If anyone thought that the Temporary Monitoring Body For the Media, which is not a regulatory body, could change things in just two months – God save us. The essence of the body is to appeal, advise, motivate and call for respect for the law,” he said, adding that the body does not have the authority to revoke anyone’s license. “I said that we might move things forward but that the effects will be visible after the elections,” he said. He recalled that the authorities in Yugoslavia were very rigid towards critical media in the 1980s which did not stop some journalists from behaving like professionals. “There is none of that now. Journalists at the (state) Radio TV Vojvodina (RTV), Tanjug and state TV (RTS) have been thrown out and they wanted to do their job properly. I am calling journalists to change their behavior,” he said.

Retired professor, right-wing politician to be opposition man for Belgrade Mayor (N1)

Vladeta Jankovic, former diplomat and literary professor, said on Monday he accepted the offer of several opposition organizations to run for the Mayor of Belgrade. Jankovic, 80, was among the founders of the right-wing Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), a part of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS). The then DSS president Vojislav Kostunica was elected the head of state. Milosevic contested the result but yielded to a widespread protest after the opposition said he tried to rig the vote. The coalition soon broke off primarily due to disagreements between Kostunica and the pro-European opposition leader Zoran Djindjic assassinated on 12 March 2003. He earlier declined to run as an opposition candidate for Serbia's president. The most likely opposition candidate for the post will be retired general Zdravko Ponos. In a joint statement the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), People's Party and the Democratic Party (DS), the Free Citizens Movement, Free Serbia Movement, Movement for Reversal, 'Sloga' Union and the Democratic Union of Vojvodina's Hungarians, said they had "great pleasure in informing the public that Jankovic accepted the candidacy. The organizations added they would present the joint opposition and non-party people for the elections on Wednesday. Jankovic on Sunday said that if he became the Mayor, he would "try to make everything transparent, fair as possible and see that professional people will do their jobs." He added he was already thinking about experts from different areas he could gather. "I can speak, I can appear on television, I can still think clearly, people accept me. I have to do what I can and as much as I can, and that is my reason to accept the candidacy," Jankovic said on Sunday.

Dacic: It’s only logical for Jankovic to be right-wing candidate (TV Pink)

The Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica Dacic said on Monday that it would be only natural for a former ambassador Vladeta Jankovic to be nominated by “right-wing organizations,” instead of the opposition parties he’s expected to represent in a race for Belgrade mayorship. “It’s only logical, it’s where he belongs, judging by the statements he was giving as Vojislav Kostunica’s ally. He should stay with Milos Jovanovic, and his coalition,” Dacic said in an interview with TV Pink. “I don’t understand what all the fuss is about – as if selecting the candidate means a victory in the election. It’s just the beginning of a battle for voters, who should be made familiar with political platforms, etc.…” Dacic said. He explained that the parliament of Serbia could be disbanded on 15 February, after which different elections would be scheduled on different dates. Serbian MPs are then to pass amendments to election laws, promulgate a constitutional change approved in a 16 January referendum and appoint a new Republic Electoral Commission.



Borrell: Withdrawal from negotiations on constitutional and election reforms that the EU also actively support will not be acceptable option (O Kanal

EU High Representative Josep Borrell stated that the EU carefully monitors the situation in B&H. He responded to a letter of speakers of both Houses of the B&H Parliament Bakir Izetbegovic and Denis Zvizdic by reiterating unequivocal commitment of the EU to the European perspective of B&H as a single, integrated and a sovereign country. He also said all political parties should return to state institutions in full capacity and give their contribution to good functioning of the B&H parliament, the B&H Presidency and the B&H Council of Ministers. He stated that withdrawal from negotiations on constitutional and election reforms that the EU also actively support will not be an acceptable option. “The EU is deeply concerned about the prolonged political crisis and the blockade of state institutions, which is unacceptable. I discussed the current situation in B&H with EU foreign ministers and we will continue to monitor the situation. The EU Foreign Ministers emphasized the need for all political actors to renounce provocative and rhetorical divisions, continue the dialogue and deal with issues that persistently fuel tensions in the country.” He concluded that all political parties should go back to the institutions of B&H at full capacity and contribute to their functioning.

EUD comments Neum talks: We call on IAWG to finalize integrity package (Oslobodjenje

Following the finish of the talks on electoral reform that took place in Neum over the last couple of days, the EU Delegation to B&H issued a statement expressing the expectation that political parties will continue to search for the solution and called the Inter-Agency Working Group to finalize the integration package of reforms. “We have seen progress during the negotiations on constitutional and electoral reform these past few days. We expect political parties to continue searching for solutions on pending issues and call on the Inter-Agency Working Group to finalize the integrity package” reads the statement posted on EUD’s Twitter account.

Negotiations on changes to B&H Election Law yield no results (Nova BH

Another round of negotiations on changes to the Election Law of B&H has failed, and there is less and less time for reaching an agreement. Even if changes are made, it still remains to be seen if they will be implementable. Negotiations that were held in Neum did not yield results, but participants say they made progress when it comes to the agreement on technical changes to the election process. These changes would ensure that elections are fair and transparent. This round of negotiations was held with international mediators, while further talks will be held without them. SDA representative in the B&H parliament Alma Colo told Nova BH that no one is very optimistic that an agreement can be reached at this time. She said the momentum that was created in Neum will be difficult to achieve once more. She elaborated that many international legal experts were present in Neum, and if an agreement was not reached then, any new talks will probably bring nothing new. She said the international officials and experts were very well-intentioned, and she never sensed, in any moment, that they wanted to force B&H leaders to some solutions, or get them to betray their country. Even the eternal optimist, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, admitted that he was beginning to lose his optimism. He told this to the reporters in Neum, but he was more direct in his statements for Croatian media. Covic said that “time has run out” and his fear is that future talks will only be reduced to “certain political calculations”. “The Constitutional Court has repealed certain provisions of the Election Law, which would formally be a problem for us. Therefore, we do not have formal-legal conditions for organizing elections, but if we manage to agree on something special, then the B&H parliament should make changes to the Election Law that could allow us to do so, so we can say that we have a democratic election process.” Covic said that the Bosniak parties wanted to eliminate the determinants of constituent peoples from the Constitution when it comes to the Houses of Peoples (HoP), which the HDZ will not accept under any circumstances. The only one that was happy after the Neum talks was Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. When the talks concluded, and during a live press conference, Dodik received a call from Covic, who informed him on the failed negotiations. After ending his call, Dodik told reporters that no models were accepted, and the negotiations were “a fiasco”. The US Envoy for Election Reform Matthew Palmer and the Director of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst did not admit defeat. They claimed that considerable work has been done.

DF, SDP, Our Party officials comment on negotiations on B&H Election Law (FTV

FTV stated that we can only guess what the real reasons for the failed negotiations on the B&H Election Law in Neum are, asking who are losers and who are winners and raising a question are everyone losers due to failure to change the B&H Election Law for already 20 years. According to leader of DF Zeljko Komsic, we can now expect even more radical policy of HDZ B&H that cannot deal with the defeat for which in his opinion, no one is guilty but themselves. Komsic added: “I do not see them having the democratic capacity to see their own mistakes. There is no need to explain them the mistakes. On the other hand, political consensus among pro-Bosnian parties – when it comes to priority in this entire process - is welcomed. First, to reduce the House of Peoples, and why not abolition upon the recommendation of the Venice Commission and only then, a discussion on the election of members of the B&H Presidency based on verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights.”  SDP B&H argued that there is no need to discuss anything until we are witnessing attacks on the constitutional and the state order. Leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic underlined the importance that civic parties jointly refused to take part in the talks. The reporter noted that this raises a question whether the civic parties took the easier road, waiting for some kind of an outcome in this case. According to Niksic, they will no longer make any compromises.  Our Party (NS) had its own proposal of changes to the B&H Election Law and they asked to include them in talks in Neum and after this was dismissed, their representatives refused to show up in Neum. According to NS, failure to reach an agreement in Neum actually goes in the favor of the key actors of the meeting if nothing then because of changes that refer to transparency of the election process which the opposition in the FB&H and in the RS advocate the most. Member of the NS Presidency Damir Arnaut argued that the status quo is convenient for the ruling parties – SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA – and each of the parties has its own reason why no progress should happen. Arnaut assessed that there is no doubt that the three parties do not want to see improvement of integrity of the election process. Arnaut stated that there was a small chance for reaching the agreement in Neum adding that keeping the status quo is convenient for the ruling parties. He argued that the entire concept of the negotiations was set in a way that denies the request of leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik for a direct election of members of the B&H Presidency and to please a request of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and guarantee election of a member of the B&H Presidency with fully unequal value of votes. FB&H Vice President Milan Dunovic from DF stated: “It is unnecessary to talk to people who say there is no compromise even before the conversation, we can only agree if you all raise your hands for what we are proposing, I mean the HDZ (B&H). Dragan Covic said that clearly, after the negotiations we saw his repeated statements that he will not give in, because he calls it giving in, to the reduction of the competencies of HoP, following the example of the RS Council of Peoples (CoP). When things are set up like that, then those are obviously not negotiations at all”. DF official Alma Kratina said that DF rejects the electoral vote system, and reminded that DF advocates reducing competences of the HoP. Kratina stressed that the HoP carries the power of blockades, which HDZ B&H is using at the moment. Kratina said that the HoP should pass decisions on Vital National Interests (VNI) on laws adopted by the House of Representatives (HoR).

Aftermath of negotiations on B&H Election Law; Covic: No conditions to hold elections; HR, Bakalar: Elections will be held (O Kanal

O Kanal reported about the aftermath of the unsuccessful negotiations on changing the B&H Election Law by saying that the participants agreed that they will reach an agreement. According to O Kanal, participants of the negotiations were close to reaching a solution and according to announcements, the negotiations are expected to continue in Sarajevo. The reporter noted that thus, stances on election of two members of the B&H Presidency from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and possible decrease of competences of House of Peoples are still opposing. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic stated that for now, there are no conditions for holding of the elections. According to Covic, the elections are not possible within a prescribed deadline and he is no longer an optimist. He added: “However, if we manage to agree something special, then we should adopt changes to the election law in the B&H parliament that would enable democratic elections.” HR Christian Schmidt and President of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) Zeljko Bakalar confirmed that the elections will be held after all even without changing the B&H Election Law until the prescribed deadline. In a statement given via phone, Bakalar stated that legal and constitutional conditions for the elections are present just as they were present for the elections in 2018. Bakalar said that in line with the law, the elections must be held but the money is yet to be secured for this purpose. He added: “Therefore, there are no changes and if there were no obstacles back then, I do not see how there could be any obstacles now. The issue of financing of elections is not solved yet but this is a totally different issue.” Speaking about this topic, Member of the NS Presidency Damir Arnaut stated that finances cannot be the reason to prolong the elections which is a situation that goes in favor of the ruling parties. Arnaut added that EUR five million is not big money for the international community bearing in mind billions invested in this country. In his opinion, it would be a very bad message for B&H as a failed state if it cannot organize the elections. “There must be elections, that is unquestionable. Every democratic state, including B&H, was based on democratic elections. Everything else would be a caricature of democracy as such.” The CEC does not want to comment on whether there will be obstruction and what kind. If that happens, they say, they will have an adequate answer. Even the boycott of the elections, that some have announced, is leading to an even bigger crisis, according to People and Justice (NiP) leader Elmedin Konakovic. Konakovic stated: “What if the cantons with the Croat majority do not hold elections, what if there are no elected officials there, what if no one goes to the polls in those parts and we cannot delegate representatives to the House of Peoples, if we do not have a House of Representatives, those are dangers. Skilfully Covic uses his advantages.”

Nelson states elections in B&H must be held this year; Key is to implement four goals set within negotiations (BHT1

US Ambassador Eric Nelson stated that elections in B&H must be held this year, and that the issue of electoral and constitutional reforms must be resolved by local politicians. BHT1 reports that Nelson also said he is optimistic because political parties have announced the continuation of the negotiations and he is of view the key is to implement all four goals set within the negotiations, i.e. improving electoral process integrity, elimination of the discriminatory provisions from the B&H Constitution, functionality of the FB&H and resolving the issue of political blockades in the FB&H. “There is no doubt the elections will take place this year and must be held more than ever this year, and they need to be held in a way that shows improvements in the integrity of electoral process, so that citizens believe their vote will count. Those reforms are clearer than ever, in accordance with the ODIHR’s recommendations, and the progress achieved so far should be brought to the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) and the Parliament, and the focus should be on those essential reforms that are the foundation of democracy, despite the fact there was no agreement in Neum,” said Nelson.

UK Embassy confirms that UK is looking for ways to restore its military presence in B&H (Nezavisne

The UK Embassy confirmed that the UK government is considering ways to increase its military presence in B&H. “The UK remains firmly dedicated to the security and stability of B&H and the entire Western Balkans. Although we do not have plans for increasing presence in terms of participation in the peacekeeping operation, we are considering ways to increase or military engagement in B&H, including bilaterally and through the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo,” the Embassy stated. The daily notes that this statement leads to the conclusion that UK troops will not be returning to the EUFOR mission which they left after Brexit, but UK’s military engagement could continue through a bilateral agreement with B&H, or though NATO. The daily unofficially learned that NATO plans to increase the number of its troops in B&H during the General Election, however it is NATO’s regular practice to bring in additional troops during elections. The daily notes that UK’s engagement could be related to this. However, it is also possible that there could be a new type of engagement. The daily notes that the UK government announced that it will deploy its troops across Europe because of what they perceive is the Russian threat to the European security. UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Liz Truss stated on Sunday that Russia is threatening security, peace and stability, and as an example, she mentioned Russian activities in the Balkans and Ukraine. “Moscow’s campaign against Ukraine and our friendly democratic countries undermines the very foundation of European security. It is of vital importance that we face the clear and immediate threat that Russia poses. Their malign activities transcend borders of Ukraine. Russia uses its influence to ignite the flame of chaos in Western Balkans,” said Truss. She added that UK is increasing its diplomatic efforts with the possibility of military deterrence. She underlined that UK offers NATO jets, war ships and military specialists. Military and security expert Aleksandar Radic stated that UK had a strong military presence in B&H in the 1990s, and always had an impact on events there. He noted that historically, UK always sought to have global military presence, and now during the Ukrainian crisis it shows that together with the USA, they are part of the strong axis opposed to Moscow’s activities in Europe. In his opinion, UK is looking to restore its military presence because of the risk threats they want to deter.


Grlic Radman: Croats in B&H are most interested in changes to the Election Law; President Milanovic should do his job (HRT1

Negotiations on changes to the B&H Election Law, which were held in Neum, have yielded no concrete results. However, participants of talks said that some progress was made. While assessing the talks, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Gordan Grlic Radman said he always views these talks in an optimistic way. He emphasized that Croats in B&H are politically discriminated, and they are victims of political engineering in the electoral process. But regardless of that, Grlic Radman says that Croats were most constructive during these negotiations. The Croat negotiators made several proposals, and they also evolved in a way, because they agreed to limited constitutional changes, the Minister stressed. “They made compromises, they came behind ‘red lines’, and of course, they are in the worst position amongst the three constituent peoples in B&H,” Grlic Radman said. For this reason, the Minister believes Croats in B&H are most interested in changes to the Election Law, as they want all discriminations and deficiencies of the law to be removed. Grlic Radman accused the “other side”, meaning the Bosniak leaders, for stalling the process and for not being willing to compromise or reach any type of solution. Grlic Radman said that they will have to assume responsibility for this, and for possible “radicalization or destabilization of situation in B&H”.

Asked if an agreement can be reached by elections in B&H, the Minister clearly said that it must. He explains that the Croatian government, led by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, has been saying all this time that Croatia wants to see a stable and functional B&H. In order for that to happen, rights of all three constituent peoples must be assured and respected. With the current Election Law, Grlic Radman believes that all three constituent peoples are not treated in the same way. He says that Croatia, as a signatory of the Dayton Peace Agreement, can influence this process in B&H and advise the leaders on how to make improvements. Grlic Radman commented recent statements of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic that referred to work of the current Croatian government, and underlined that it was in 2010 that Milanovic gave full support to DF leader Zeljko Komsic. Current officials of the Croatian government believe Komsic is not a legitimate representative of Croats in B&H. Grlic Radman says that this government is actually trying now to rectify the mistakes made by the government in 2010. Milanovic denied the claims that said he supported Komsic, and he also said that he was probably mistaken in his past assessments. Grlic Radman pointed out that Milanovic is not doing anything now to change something, to write letters, contact his colleagues or warn of potential issues. “He should do his job, but he is not doing his job”, Minister Grlic Radman stressed. The Minister accused Milanovic of degrading the institution of the Croatian President. “He should show necessary stately elegance, show responsibility and harmonize his actions with joint policies with the government” Grlic Radman stated, adding that “we are exposed to his vulgar violence”. The Minister concluded by saying that he is really not sure if Milanovic is working in favor of Croatian interests or if he has some other agendas.

HDZ Croatia Presidency discusses position of Croats in B&H (HRT1

Amongst other things, the HDZ Croatia Presidency and the National Council discussed the position of Croats in B&H during its Monday session. After the session, member of the HDZ Croatia Presidency, who is also Croatian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, Davor Bozinovic, spoke with members of the press. He commented statements made by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic regarding status of Croats in B&H. He also commented crisis in Ukraine. Minister Bozinovic said, when it comes to Croats in B&H, the current Croatian government has done a great job – the best job done by any government since the homeland war. He emphasized that “antagonizing of this topic will not help Croats in B&H”. Speaking about Milanovic’s statements, Bozinovic said that the President, of course, overstepped. “The fact is that this government has worked very intensely with B&H, with issues of Croats in B&H; all the past ones did not work that intensely, maybe only those during the war. There is a daily contact of the (Croatian) Prime Minister (Andrej Plenkovic) with leaders of Croats. And the only way to help them is by not antagonizing anyone. Because if you antagonize those that take part in the talks, and they too need to agree on some solutions, then you will not yield any results,” Bozinovic assessed.

FM describes president Milanovic as ‘vermin’ over his remarks on Ukraine (Hina

"Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman on Monday labelled President Zoran Milanovic as 'vermin' over his contentious statements on Ukraine, and wondered whether the president was working in Croatia's interest or someone else's," Hina informed the public on Monday. Milanovic said last week that Ukraine was a “corrupt country” which “did not belong in NATO,” that its former president Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a coup in 2014, and that the crisis on the Ukraine-Russia border was a consequence of the US home policy. Ukraine issued a stern response to his remarks, and Milanovic’s statements were carried in the international media. “We don’t know if he’s really working in Croatia’s interest, or if something else is at hand,” Grlic-Radman said on state television HRT. “He is not doing his job at all. He has isolated the country, diminished Croatia’s international standing. He’s doing us a lot of damage. He’s like vermin.” He said the president’s statements on television should carry a warning “not for children under 12” because of “the vulgar violence.” Grlic-Radman said Milanovic’s policy of “doing nothing” also applied to B&H, where negotiations are under way on election law changes. “I’d like to see him call someone, contact his counterparts, write letters, warn.” He said that in 2010 Milanovic supported Zeljko Komsic, the incumbent ethnic Croat member of the tripartite B&H Presidency, who was “elected with Bosniak votes,” Hina explained. Representatives of Croat and Bosniak parties in B&H yesterday wrapped up a three-day round of negotiations on changes to the election law, but failed to reach a final agreement.

Grlic-Radman said the Croats were “the most constructive” at the talks, making suggestions and agreeing to restricted constitutional changes. He accused the Bosniaks of “stalling the process” and said they would have to assume responsibility for “possible radicalization and destabilization”.


Election of prime ministers after consultation with all parties (RTCG

Answering the question of the journalists whether he will ask to be the mandatary after the fall of the government, the Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that it will be decided after the consultations with all parties are over. Speaking at the press conference he said that he did not expect the protest to be radicalized and that he did not see a problem in expressing the dissatisfaction. If someone wants to turn it into destructive demonstrations, the state will respond. "But I do not see that it can happen and I have no information that it can happen. "I am grateful to Metropolitan Joanikije for the conciliatory message yesterday," he said. Abazovic believes that the minority and technical governments are the same and that this is the proposal of the Black and White coalition. "If someone makes a better proposal, we are here to talk, support and congratulate, but that is our idea," he said.

Abazovic: Politics to be conducted sovereignly from Montenegro; Fundamental Agreement should be signed (CdM

Commenting on the announcement of protests on Friday, when the vote of no confidence in the government of Zdravko Krivokapic is to be voted on, DPM Dritan Abazovic points out that if someone wants to turn the protests into destructive demonstrations, the state will respond. He also says that the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church must be harmonized with the Constitution and that it should not be the subject of political confrontations.

Abazovic believes that the minority and technical governments are the same and that this is the proposal of the Black on White coalition. “Everyone is welcome to it. That is our proposal. If that proposal does not have a majority, if someone brings another, better solution, we are here to congratulate and support. That is our idea, I would like the SNP to be there as well,” Abazovic has stated, answering the questions of the journalists, before the session of the Security and Defense Committee. He adds he will also discuss the minority government with the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Abazovic has not specified whether he will ask the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic for a mandate to be the Prime Minister if the Government falls on Friday. “Once we have completed consultations with all parties, we will decide how to proceed. Talks are underway, they have been carried out with some parties and will also be carried out with some others”. “I am optimistic,” he has stressed.

Koprivica took over the protests, the organizing committee gave an ultimatum to the parliamentary majority (Pobjeda

Democratic Montenegro, led by the party's vice president Momo Koprivic, has taken over the majority leadership and organization of protests against the vote of no confidence in the government and the possible formation of a minority government, Pobjeda has learned. The split in the concept of organizing the protest as well as the iconography of the gatherings culminated on Sunday when the participants in the protest in front of the Temple were divided into two groups: one smaller, many times more numerous and organized, which was managed by Koprivica, and which returned to its initial destination in front of the Temple. The fact that the conflict went too far is evidenced by the fact that the police, in agreement with the organizers, changed the route of a larger group in order to avoid contact and prevent possible incidents. The split in the organization was announced on Thursday, when politicians led by Koprivica by the Miholjski Zbor and Orthodox fraternities were forbidden to speak because they estimated that the Democrats wanted to take over the protests. The first group of about a hundred citizens who came in front of the Assembly with tricolors and which is represented by the so-called the organizing committee of the popular protests gave an ultimatum to the parliamentary majority to agree by Thursday at 7 p.m. A session of parliament is scheduled for Friday, at which a vote of no confidence in the government will almost certainly be voted on, unless Prime Minister Krivokapic resigns before that. "If we could, we would replace both, but we can't. That is why, on Thursday here, in front of the parliament, at 7 pm, we are expecting representatives of the parliamentary majority who will come and tell us that they have reached an agreement. If no agreement is reached, do not expect that the people will calmly watch your betrayal," said Vojin Mickovic and Bozidar Vujicic. Then, through a public announcement, they announced themselves from the organizing committee, definitely distancing themselves from the second protest rally led by politicians. "Whoever wanted to hear the voice of the people, could hear it in front of the parliament of Montenegro. The people set an ultimatum to the parliamentary majority. To all. We are proud of our organizers who have shown that they are led only by pure love and the desire to make our people and our country better! We are not defending armchairs. We are defending our people," it is stated in the public announcement of the so-called organizing committee of the people's protests, backed by the Miholjski zbor and the Orthodox fraternities.

After the rally, the Democrats came forward and definitely confirmed that they are behind the organization of the majority rally. "We are proud of our sympathizers and members who organized such a magnificent revolt. Despite several-day attempts to speak at the gatherings of the people, gatherings of citizens held in a European and modern way - to all of you Montenegrin citizens who loudly stood up against the betrayal of the electoral will of the citizens from August 30 last year – we say that they already failed", it is stated in the public announcement of the Democrats. Pobjeda sources claim that the gathering near the Cathedral raised the question of why the organizers decided to move the protest from the starting point of the gathering at the Government of Montenegro to the street in front of the Cathedral plateau. "The announcement from Thursday, January 27, that the protests will be held on Thursdays and Sundays, has led many to draw a parallel with church processions. After all, on Sunday, the president of Prava CG Milacic mentioned processions on several occasions, but also pointed out that their protest was somewhat wider than processions, which wants to fully identify with processions and introduce the top of the church directly into the organization," claims the Pobjeda source. The president of the Club of Democrat Councilors in the Municipal Assembly of the Capital Janko Krstovic accused the Civic Movement URA of breaking peaceful and dignified protests by inserting those with the task. Krstovic claims that this was also the goal of the leader of CM URA and Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic when he walked into the crowd that protested in front of RTCG last week before his visit. "The most primitive statements and the most shameless lies come from this alleged civil, and in fact absolutely retrograde and, in many ways, nationalist movement. Everything retrograde that is heard from the rallies, every provocation comes from CM URA, DPS and their criminal structures. "URA is doing everything to break up peaceful and dignified protests by throwing those with the task into the masses," Krstovic said.

Djukanovic presents ambassadors with current political situation: Every next government must be strongly democratic, civil and Euro-Atlantic (CdM

The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic received letters of credence from the newly appointed, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of the Republic of Kosovo, HE E. Ariane Zerka Hoxha, Czech Republic, Nj. E. Janine Hrebickova, States of Qatar, Nj. E. Farisa Rumi Mohamed Shahin Al-Naimia and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Nj. E. Mohammed Eijaz. According to Djukanovic's cabinet, the President welcomed the ambassadors and wished them a successful mission, "convinced that during the mandate, each of the ambassadors, in cooperation with the Montenegrin state authorities, will contribute to the improvement of interstate relations". The President presented to the ambassadors the current political situation in the country and assessed that the process of consolidating the government is underway. He said that next month he should clarify the situation in which the country found itself, and pointed out that it is important for Montenegro to preserve its multiethnic democracy, to preserve peace, stability and its European future. Djukanovic emphasized that every next government in Montenegro must be strongly democratic, civil and Euro-Atlantic and continue the integration process towards full membership in the EU. "Relations between Montenegro and Kosovo are friendly and good-neighborly, without open issues and with significant potential for their improvement," Djukanovic said during talks with the Kosovo ambassador. With the assessment of the achieved trust and the practice of continuous political dialogue at the highest level, he welcomed the started inter-ministerial cooperation and emphasized the possibilities for improving economic, energy, tourism and transport cooperation. The common interest is better infrastructure connection and continued construction of border infrastructure. Expressing pride in relation to the Montenegrin community in Kosovo, he said that further efforts to regulate the constitutional position of the Montenegrin minority in Kosovo would be an additional impetus to interstate relations. He emphasized that Montenegro is closely following everything that is happening on the Belgrade-Pristina route, with an interest in reaching an agreement and lasting stability in which Montenegro will always be a constructive partner. He conveyed to the Ambassador of Kosovo the support for the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective of that country, with the conviction that the common future of the region is in the family of a united Europe. With gratitude for the welcome, Ambassador Hoxha conveyed to the President the cordial greetings of the President Osmani, the Government and the citizens of Kosovo. She also thanked for the comprehensive support in the historical moments for Kosovo and the continuous assistance in building the subjectivity of the country. She emphasized the clear commitment to the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective, with a commitment to peace and stability in the region and good neighborly cooperation. She conveyed the commitment of Kosovo institutions to expand and strengthen our friendly relations in all spheres of mutual interest and to resolve the constitutional position of Montenegrins in Kosovo, which they consider an added value of the country, and for which there is a will. Djukanovic expressed satisfaction with the return of the Czech ambassador to Montenegro, given her good knowledge of the region and our country. Assessing that this fact instills confidence in a fruitful period of cooperation and further improvement of relations, he congratulated on the election of the new Czech government and welcomed the continuity of interstate cooperation and attention that the country pays to our region both bilaterally and through the Visegrad Group. Assessing that the cooperation with the previous ambassador was exceptional, Djukanovic expressed the expectation that the upgrade of economic cooperation in the field of investments will also contribute to the rich program of relations between the two countries. In that context, he pointed out the excellent experience in the field of energy, opportunities for further development of infrastructure and transport cooperation with already excellent connections in the field of defense and internal affairs. He acquainted the ambassador with the current situation in Montenegro and the region, which needs full attention to achieve its strategic goal and full integration into the EU. With gratitude for the welcome and reminder of the historical friendship that the Czech Republic feels towards Montenegro, Ambassador Hrebickova pointed out that she was proud and honored to be able to cooperate with all factors of Montenegrin society. In particular, as it was announced, she expressed satisfaction that the election of the new Czech government continues the policy of supporting the WB in confronting the challenges it is facing. She reminded that the Czech Republic will take over the EU presidency in the second half of the year, which will be an opportunity to help get things back on track in Montenegro and return the country to the dynamics of integration. She expressed her readiness to actively work on animating Czech companies and investors during her term of office in order to better connect the two countries.

In a conversation with the Ambassador of Qatar, Djukanovic reminded of previous contacts at the highest level, with expressed interest in continuing the political dialogue. In that way, as it is stated, cooperation in all areas will be improved, especially in the field of renewable energy sources, agriculture and tourism, for which there is interest from Montenegro. With the message that the doors of Montenegro are open to investors from Qatar, he welcomed the activities of that country in the direction of strengthening international prestige, which we are looking forward to.

With compliments for the beauty and potential of Montenegro, Ambassador Al-Naimia expressed his readiness to improve relations between the two countries by encouraging the intensification of political dialogue at the highest level. He especially emphasized the interest in investment and economic cooperation, having in mind the prestige of Montenegro as a tourist destination. Assessing that Pakistan is a friendly country with which we have positive emotions from the past, the President expressed readiness to establish more dynamic cooperation both within the political dialogue and in various areas of mutual interest, especially in the economic sphere. With the possibility of further cooperation in the multilateral framework, he expressed respect for Pakistan's efforts to combat terrorism, and best wishes for success in maintaining stability and security. Ambassador Agez said that he was honored to be a diplomat in Montenegro, with messages that the government of Pakistan is thinking in the same direction when it comes to the need to intensify cooperation. He informed the President about the successful overcoming of the problem with terrorism, stating that all institutions in that country are harmonized and that the process of transition from geopolitics to geoeconomy is underway.

"Pakistan is a vocal advocate of connecting with partners such as Montenegro at the political, diplomatic and private business levels. With the best wishes for the prosperity of Montenegro in accordance with its high merits, he initiated the connection of businessmen, which would begin with the organization of a video conference, which was gladly supported," the statement reads.


British envoy visits Skopje (MIA

Stuart Peach, the United Kingdom's special representative for the West Balkans, on Monday told North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski that London was strongly committed to the region's Euro-Atlantic integration, the government in Skopje said in a press

release. According to the press release, topics in the meeting between Kovacevski and the British prime minister's special envoy included "further development of strong and firm bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and North Macedonia." The statement

noted that Peach conveyed London's strong commitment to the Euro-Atlantic integration of the West Balkans, and his country's support to promoting strong, stable democratic institutions and open societies. "Prime Minister Kovacevski held up as especially significant the United Kingdom's contribution to support to North Macedonia and the West Balkans in improving the conditions for security, stability and prosperity in the country and the region," reads the press release from the government in Skopje.

Mickoski: 4.6 % advantage in the polls is more than 85,000 votes difference (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, commenting on the latest polls, said that the advantage of the opposition is serious and indicates a convincing victory in the next elections.

Those who are more experienced know that a 4.6% advantage in the opposition polls is a serious advantage in conditions when we have such a division in the society. If we were to turn this number into votes, it would be a difference of more than 85,000 votes. In the local elections we had a difference of 55,000 votes, together with the councilor lists. Now it has increased.


Albania's Ambassador to the UN: We support Ukraine's sovereignty (Radio Tirana

Albania's Ambassador to the United Nations Ferit Hoxha confirmed Albania's support for Ukraine's territorial integrity. In a speech to the UN Security Council on tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Hoxha said a Russian military strike on Ukraine was not a crisis between Russia and the West, but a challenge to European and international security. "A military attack by Russia against Ukraine is not a crisis between Russia & the West. It is a challenge to European Security & to international security architect, which is based on UN Charter. It is an affront to Helsinki Final Act & its Decalogue upon which OSCE is founded. Developments on Russian-Ukrainian border are a well-known playbook. We have seen it in Georgia in 2008 & in Ukraine since 2014 at the cost of thousands of lives – civilian & military. Russia has used military violence as a means of achieving its political & geopolitical goals," said Hoxha.

Slovenian Ambassador: Albania to show patience for integration, there is no decoupling from North Macedonia (Euronews/Radio Tirana

Albania should show patience for integration, there is no decoupling from North Macedonia". That is the statement issued by the Ambassador of Slovenia to Albania Peter Japelj for Euronews Albania. "In the beginning, there was a discussion whether North Macedonia should be decoupled from Albania, while today it is the opposite. We think again that this is not a good idea, for a couple of reasons. So, I think we still need a little patience," he said. The Ambassador underlines that the First Intergovernmental Conference will be held soon. "As I mentioned before, Mrs. Luhrmann was very clear when she said that she expects the first intergovernmental conference to be held soon. This is no longer the case in question and I hope we will come to a solution to this. In the long run, if this situation is not resolved then we need to start this debate in order to find a solution. But what matters at the end of the day is the result. So, it is a long process," he says.

Kosovo, Albania to form cross-border administrative area (N1/Koha

Kosovo and Albania will form a joint territorial and administrative unit on both sides of their borders to provide their populations with the same services, Pristina daily Koha said, reports N1. The daily said that the governments of Albania and Kosovo signed an agreement on November 26, 2021 to create the territorial and administrative unit covering an area 30 kilometers deep on both sides of the border. The cross-border agreement is set to be ratified by the two parliaments before taking effect. The Albanian government said in a report to parliament that the agreement will simplify local cross-border traffic procedures. “The agreement is aimed at making movement easier for the population of the border area who have permits to stay on the other side of the border for up to 90 days in any 180-day period,” Koha said. The local populations on either side of the border will be allowed to move freely in the border area with valid ID and traffic permits.