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Belgrade Media Report 3 March 2022



Serbia votes ‘yes’ to UN’s resolution condemning Russian attack, West welcomes (N1)


Belgrade voted in favour of the UN resolution condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine at an emergency session on Wednesday, earning praise from Western embassies in the country. ‘Yes’ to the resolution came from 141 countries; five voted against, and 35 abstained.


Western officials in Serbia welcomed its vote in favour of a UN resolution condemning Russia over aggression against Ukraine. The head of the European Union delegation in Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, welcomed on Twitter that Serbia joined the countries that voted „for“. The Ambassador of the United Kingdom Sian MacLeod, Sweden Annika Ben David and Canadian Giles Norman also welcomed Belgrade's vote. The US Embassy tweeted they were "glad that Serbia supported Ukraine in the UN." German Ambassador Thomas Schieb said that "We welcome the fact that Serbia has joined 141 UN member states to express its solidarity with Ukraine, which has become a victim of military aggression." The French and Italian embassies also welcomed this decision.


Serbia's ambassador to the United Nations, Nemanja Stevanovic, said at the UN General Assembly session that Serbia would vote for the adoption of the draft resolution, which condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine, although disagreeing with some formulations.


The draft resolution demands that Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw all military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.


Representative of Serbia to the UN: We are not giving up on the principles of international law even today (RTS)


The Republic of Serbia sincerely regrets everything that is happening in Eastern Europe, and Russia and Ukraine are friendly states for the Republic of Serbia, while the Serbian people consider Russians and Ukrainians to be brotherly nations, said Permanent Representative of Serbia to the United Nations Nemanja Stevanovic at a special session of the UN General Assembly.


The Permanent Representative of Serbia to the United Nations, Nemanja Stevanovic, said that Serbia perceives the loss of every person's life in Ukraine as a real tragedy. "The Republic of Serbia is committed to respecting the principles of territorial integrity and political independence of states, as one of the basic principles of international law contained in the United Nations Charter and the Helsinki Final Act (1975), which guarantees the right of states to inviolability of borders" said Ambassador Stevanovic.


"As committed to preserving the sovereignty and integrity of its territory, the Republic of Serbia is also committed to respecting the territorial integrity of other sovereign states, and, despite not agreeing with all the wording contained in the resolution, voted in favor," he said. Stevanovic. He pointed out that he was obliged to point out preamble paragraph 13, and reminded that the first attack on a sovereign state in Europe after the Second World War took place not so long ago, in 1999, with an attack by 19 states on the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, primarily Serbia. , when there was no adequate reaction of this institution to the violation of the UN Charter.


"Regardless of the fact that he still feels the consequences of gross violations of the basic principles of international law by others, Serbia is not giving up on those principles even today," the Serbian ambassador to the UN emphasized. According to Stevanovic, the Republic of Serbia will continue to advocate for an end to the conflict, with the expectation that the parties will make additional efforts to reach a diplomatic solution and create conditions for peace through dialogue. "Serbia will provide all kinds of humanitarian aid to the endangered population of Ukraine, remaining committed to peace and consistent respect for international law," said Ambassador Stevanovic.


Vucic addresses the nation: I think this is just the beginning (B92, N1)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the public regarding the development of the situation in Ukraine. "It is very difficult for me to address the citizens, probably in the worst mood in the last ten years," he said. "The crisis in Ukraine is also affecting Serbia," he added. "The whole world has become different and literally nothing is the same anymore," he said.  "Tectonic changes have taken place on the world stage, and Serbia is in an extremely difficult situation and there is less understanding than ever for the position of Serbia and our people anywhere in the world," he said. "It is not a question of our principles and the correctness of our work, but of the circumstances that have brought us into a difficult situation. There is almost no representative of the big countries with whom we have not talked," he said.


"Serbia is facing enormous pressure and the fact that few people want to hear your argument, then it is clear to you how difficult our position is," he added. "I think this is just the beginning, the pressure on our country will be huge in the coming period," he said.


"I expect that there will be several traps for Serbia in the coming period." "You saw that the Albanians applied to join NATO, you saw that they received the support of a force like Turkey," he said.


President, said that the UN might expel Russia, which could be followed by the change in Resolution 1244 about Kosovo and the recognition of Pristina's independence by the EU countries that had not done that yet. “It is, of course, the idea of Albanian lobbyists… Whether it is possible or not… I do not rule out that possibility at all” Vucic said, addressing reporters in Belgrade. “If the 1244 Resolution is changed, Serbia will no longer have a legal basis to preserve its territorial integrity” Vucic said. The 1244 Resolution from June 1999 is neutral on Kosovo’s status. Vucic confirmed that Serbia joined the condemnation of Russia's attack on Ukraine at today's session of the UN General Assembly. "The text does not mention any sanctions, but it is certainly essential on our part to condemn the collapse of the territorial integrity of any (UN) member state," he said. He added that "there is no representative of any important state that we have not talked to in the last 48 hours."


"Serbia is facing a huge problem, it is not a secret, and it is not a question of whether you can endure as an individual, but if you are faced with few people who want to hear your arguments; few are interested in what happened in 1999 (NATO bombing of the then Yugoslavia over Belgrade policy in Kosovo). And then it's clear how difficult it is for us," Vucic said.


"The second part of the problem follows, further endangering Serbia's economic interests. Serbia has kept its position in the previous days. Out of a total of 13 acts, we voted for 4, we could not vote for nine. These are declarations that meant imposing various sanctions on Russia," he said.


"We have always joined the condemnation of endangering Ukraine's integrity, we believe that this is the responsible position of Serbia. Our position will be even more difficult because our economy is growing the fastest in the region and Europe" he said. He said that the whole world became different in just three, four or five days and that "literally nothing is the same anymore because tectonic changes have taken place on the world political scene."


Vucic thanked the international community's representatives "who had patients to listen to me, particularly Ursula (von der Leyen, the European Commission's resident)."


Can Serbia survive war in Ukraine? What the West is threatening us with? (Blic)


Until early yesterday morning, President Aleksandar Vucic talked with numerous European and world officials about Serbia's attitude towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Pressures on our country are growing, especially from the EU, and they are turning into open threats to the economic stability of our country, and the question is whether Serbia can resist and preserve its positions.


Sources of Blic agree that this is one of the fiercest pressures on Belgrade in recent decades, and there were many of them. The United States has a milder attitude towards Serbia than the EU, which is intensifying public rhetoric in order to persuade our country to join the sanctions. Behind the scenes, however, EU diplomats are almost on the verge of an ultimatum. The ambassadors of the Western countries in Belgrade are in daily communication, meetings are being held, harmonization and transmission of positions from European capitals on the issue of Serbia.


"Serbia is threatened with diplomatic channels by withdrawing all investments from Serbia, even sanctions in the banking sector, and some European countries go so far as to mention removing Serbia from the Schengen list," a Blic source revealed.


The Russian side, meanwhile, is silent, which is considered Russia's most dangerous stance. Serbian authorities, as "Blic" has learned, believe that Russia will not make open threats to Serbia, but that it will "quietly" react to every millimetre further approach of Belgrade to the West's positions on aggression against Ukraine by turning on gas taps and by using similar methods.


Vucic is trying to preserve the position of not imposing sanctions 


As Blic finds out, among Vucic's interlocutors the previous evening were European officials Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, EU Foreign Minister, and representatives of the U.S. administration.


In the first days after the beginning of the Russian aggression, Serbia played diplomatically and fully supported the diplomatic integrity of Ukraine, but did not join the sanctions against Russia.


"Vucic is trying to preserve the position of not imposing sanctions on Russia. He clearly said that to his interlocutors from the West and they understand that to some extent. Other documents, resolutions, joint statements can be considered and Serbia could possibly support that," said one of Blic's interlocutors.


One of those resolutions could be today's UN resolution on Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which will be voted on in the UN General Assembly. The ambassadors of the EU countries openly invited Serbia to join the votes of the EU countries tonight in New York.


Diplomatic "warnings" 


In the previous days, diplomats also received statements from the EU regarding Serbia's positions on Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Borrell pointed out that the EU must look at what is happening with the attitudes of aligning policy of the Balkan countries, candidates for the EU, with the foreign policy of the Union.


Eric Mamer, a spokesman for the European Commission, said the EU expects all candidate countries to comply with sanctions against Russia. Ana Pisonero, a spokesperson for the European Commission in charge of enlargement, told Radio Free Europe that she expects official Belgrade to comply with the decisions concerning the imposition of sanctions on Russia.


"Candidate countries, such as Serbia, are expected to comply with the EU's decision and position on foreign policy and security issues,” said Ana Pisonero. On February 22, the EU began imposing sanctions on Russia in three packages, and even then said that Serbia was expected to harmonize its policy with the EU's foreign policy.


Brnabic: We will not confiscate property from Russian companies (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbia would not take anything away from Russian companies in our country or nationalize their property, but that it would be guided by economic principles and respect for private property, as well as the principles of international public law.


Asked by reporters whether a Serbian company is considering taking over another Russian company, like AIK Bank, which has taken over Sberbank in Serbia, Ana Brnabic said that no other scenario is currently being considered. "Our position is clear and principled and we will defend it. Our position is that we recognize and respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and consider the violation of it very wrong. But it is not in our vital interest to impose sanctions on Russian individuals and companies and we will defend that position" said Ana Brnabic, who attended the opening of the Chamber of Chinese Companies in Belgrade.


She expressed hope that diplomacy will still win and that this situation will not last long, and that Russian companies will be able to work unhindered in Serbia. "We will never take anything away from Russian companies in our country or nationalize their property, but that it would be guided by economic principles and respect for private property, as well as the principles of international public law" the Prime Minister said.


Answering the question of the journalists what pressures our country is exposed to, Brnabic pointed out that all pressures, politically and economically, are directed at the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. She stated that these were talks, by telephone and other kind, with all international officials, both from EU countries, from the West and the East. She stated that these pressures continued last night, as well as that a meeting was held last night on that occasion. The Prime Minister said, that the pressures also concern European integration. She added that, for example, Valentin Inzko and Christian Schwartz Schilling have publicly said that Serbia should disqualifies it from the accession process. She says that there are also pressures concerning Kosovo and Metohija, special ties and relations with the Republika Srpska, and threats that some investors will leave our country. "We are fighting to defend the interest of Serbia and to defend international public law," Brnabic pointed out.


She said that Serbia's position is clear and that our country is for respect for international public law and the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also Serbia. She emphasized that international law was violated in our case when the FR of Yugoslavia was bombed in 1999, but also in 2008, when both members of the UN and EU recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, which violated UN Resolution 1244. This opened a large space for other parties to violate it, Brnabic stated and added that the Pandora's box was opened at that time. "We rely on international public law, like all other small countries that it protects, because small countries are not so strong that they can change it by force and impose their will on others," said the Prime Minister. She says that Serbia only wants the principles of international public law to be respected.


When asked by journalists whether Air Serbia will continue to fly to Moscow, Brnabic said that it will.


Asked whether they had already contacted anyone about humanitarian aid and the reception of Ukrainians, which was announced by President Vucic through the work of special teams, the Prime Minister said that the Government would address the issue of humanitarian aid to Ukraine at today's session and that the public would be informed about it.


She announced that the Government will officially form special teams today - for the protection of the economic and financial system and the population and pointed out that the goal is to maintain stability and continue growth in Serbia. She added that she would deal with all areas and the work of all teams, and that she would hold a meeting with businessmen before the session. She said that despite everything that is happening in the world, our country will try to realize the plan to increase GDP by 4.5 percent this year, as well as to reduce public debt and deficit, unemployment, as well as to increase salaries.


Vulin: Serbia proves to be the only free country in Europe (B92)


"Serbia will not succumb to the collective anti-Russian hysteria", Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin said today. Minister Vulin added that today is the seventh day in which Serbia shows that it is the only free country in Europe. "A free country led by a free man. We did not stand still and obey the NATO order, we did not impose sanctions on Russia. We will not take property from the Russian Federation, we will not expel Russian children from schools and Russians from restaurants, we will not ban any Russian media," Vulin said, the Socialist Movement announced.


Commenting on the pressure on Serbia and its President Aleksandar Vucic for not imposing sanctions on Russia, Vulin pointed out that Serbia will not become part of the collective anti-Russian hysteria and added that Vucic is the last free leader who cares less about his life and cares more about the trail he will leave in history. "That is why the European Union and NATO are looking for his head and only his. Most other heads in the Government of Serbia and the SNS are silent, in order to be under the radar. Serbia is the last free country in Europe because it is led by Aleksandar Vucic and so it will be while he leads Serbia, and not a day longer", Vulin concluded.


Dacic: The United States understands the position of Serbia (RTS)


At the opening of the 6th cycle of the Academy for Young Leaders, organized by the Congress of Serbian-American Friendship, National Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic stressed that the United States has clearly stated that it understands Serbia's position on Russia and that the two countries continue to move forward.


"Our most important state goals intersect in many points, and in those points Serbia and the United States find a motive and a starting point to further deepen cooperation in all areas," said Ivica Dacic, joining the online gathering. He reminded that Serbia and America have different attitudes and policies on some, for us, the most important issues, such as the attitude towards Kosovo and Metohija. But, as he added, we know very well that despite the differences, we can work together to find a compromise and reach a long-term solution that will bring peace and stability. As he says, the support of America is very important to Serbia, because Belgrade and Washington share the same interest - putting an end to long-standing conflicts and turning a new page in the Balkans. He points out that America has recognized the most important partner in Serbia to reach that goal, and that is another reason why we see that our place is next to each other, and not against each other.


And when it comes to the events in Ukraine, he says there are principled positions that unite us. "Serbia has very clearly declared against the war and for respect for international law and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, just like America," said Dacic, and reminded that we do not agree on the issue of sanctions against Russia, which he added was not something new, from yesterday. Serbia, he says, seeks to protect and defend its interests, which have been the same for years.


According to him, Washington has clearly stated that it understands our positions and that the point of our cooperation continues to go further. He adds that we will jointly solve problems whose solution we can contribute to. "It is important that we preserve this long thread of partnership and friendship that marked most of our common history," said Dacic and expressed confidence that the students of the Academy have similar motives, especially on the topic of Serbian-American relations.


Dacic emphasized that the United States is a great supporter of our strategic commitment to EU membership, and that support is essential for the efforts that Serbia is investing in the accession process. The Speaker of the Parliament said that he appreciated the desire of the Academy students to study the aspects of Serbia-US relations as deeply and in detail as possible, and that he was sure that their ultimate goal was to put that knowledge at the service of developing those relations.


He also said that the parliament, as one of the most important institutions in the country, pays great attention to the relations between Serbia and the United States, not only through regular work and within certain parliamentary committees, but also through the organization of specialized, thematic gatherings. He also reminded that the relations between our two countries and our peoples have a long and rich history, as well as that last year marked a great jubilee - 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. That long tradition in itself testifies to the fact that Serbia and America are directed at each other, regardless of geographical distance and disproportion in size, economic, diplomatic and military power, said Dacic. Dacic expressed satisfaction that the long period of interstate cooperation was marked by alliance, friendship, and in some moments by brotherly relations, which is a great capital that needs to be developed. Of course, we had less beautiful years, we even had setbacks to open conflicts, as it was in 1999, so we will not and must not forget those days either. But both Serbs and Americans had enough strength to step forward and move forward ", stated Dacic and emphasized that both as the Prime Minister and the Head of Diplomacy, he encouraged rapprochement, because we need each other. He says that he is especially proud that the two countries have intensively reminded of the more infamous days of the joint alliance in recent years - in the First and Second World Wars. "But if you are wise and look to the future, then you know very well that without the United States, you cannot achieve any of your important state and national goals," Dacic concluded.


Drecun about the conflict in Ukraine and Serbian position (RTS)


The question of whether the conflicts in Ukraine will end quickly depends on the goals defined by the Russian military command, said military commentator Milovan Drecun. He also points out that many European countries have joined the so-called proxy war, they send weapons to Ukraine, volunteers and that it is not good because it can inflame conflicts. He also estimates that one of the interests of the United States is for Serbia to turn against Russia as much as possible.


According to Drecun, the key thing for us is how the situation will unfold in terms of great powers. Formally, it is not possible to exclude Russia from the UN, because it would have to have a recommendation from the Security Council, which means the consent of all permanent members.


He thinks that the United States will try to use the situation to realize its interests, and one of them is for Serbia to turn against Russia as much as possible. "There are always different ideas on how to punish Serbia as if the conflict between Russia and Ukraine depends on Serbia" Drecun concluded.


He was not surprised by the support of Turkey, the so-called Kosovo for NATO membership, but he is surprised by Erdogan's politically irrational behaviour, because, as he said, he still has enough political experience. "He survived the coup attempt. Now when he is trying to build a stable partnership with Serbia, Turkey has Balkan aspirations, yes Turkey is following a different path, even though it knows that formally the territory that calls itself a state cannot be admitted to NATO because it is not a member The UN, that is the key thing, "Drecun stressed.


He thinks that it is not realistic that the so-called Kosovo gets to the UN using NATO. Those are Pristina's efforts to create a false image that the territory is endangered by Serbia and that some kind of aggression and military solution for KiM is being prepared, in conditions when Pristina is completely blocking the dialogue. According to Drecun, Pristina is actually masking its preparations for violent actions in the north of KiM.


Ponos: Serbia Should Join in All UN Declarations Condemning Aggression on Ukraine (N1)


Serbia should state clearly that it does not support violations of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and should join in all UN declarations and resolutions condemning Russia’s aggression, opposition presidential candidate Zdravko Ponos said on Wednesday. The former Army of Serbia (VS) Chief of General Staff said that Belgrade can’t “blindly follow” the policy of imposing sanctions on Moscow that the European Union and US insist on. “Sanctions are not a humane way to resolve issues. We have first-hand experience of that. Of course, that should be reviewed if there are an increasing number of victims and collateral damage to see what the rest of the world thinks,” Ponos told N1. He said that Belgrade would be a more appropriate site for negotiations than Minsk because it has good ties with both Moscow and Kyiv.


Serbian officials, analysts slam Pristina’s request for admission to EU and NATO, criticize pressures on Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia (Vecernje Novosti)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Wednesday asked European countries to urgently approve the admission of Kosovo to the EU and NATO and argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to provoke a war in the Western Balkans in order to “turn it into a battlefield against western democracies”.


President of the Commission on Kosovo of Serbian Parliament Milovan Drecun said that Pristina “which is imagining threats with war” is the one that is rattling weapons. Drecun argued that Pristina is trying to create a negative and aggressive image of Serbia and added that Serbia is committed to solving Kosovo issue in a peaceful and political manner. Srdjan Graovac from the Center for Social Stability said that it is obvious Pristina does not stand alone in this dangerous game and he added that individual western centers of power are trying to exert pressures on Serbia to take side, i.e. to impose sanctions against Russia. Graovac claimed that this is why individuals again claim that Belgrade is an extended arm of Russia in the Balkans “and this is the card played not only by Pristina, but by Sarajevo and Podgorica as well”.


Minister of Interior of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin on Wednesday stated that pressures exerted on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to abandon military neutrality and impose sanctions against Russia are growing stronger at a faster rate than anyone can imagine. Vulin added that he does not know how long Vucic will last before either his health lets him down or some of members of the Government and his party let him down. Vulin also argued that nothing important would happen even if Serbia agreed to impose sanctions against Russia “but NATO forces are not asking for imposing of sanctions against Russia because this will change something, but because this will show that the last free people in Europe is no longer free and that its leader has been broken”.


Vucic: Protest note prepared for Turkey, we are deciding whether it will be delivered (RTS)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared a protest note for Turkey, said President Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic said at the press conference that a decision will be made on whether the protest note will be delivered to Turkey. "We certainly do not see the statement given in the conversation with Vjosa Osmani and the fact that Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that without asking anyone, Turkey will always make an independent decision on Kosovo's accession to NATO," Vucic said.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country would support Pristina's membership in NATO, and that they did not need anyone's consent for that. "As an important NATO country, we do not see that it is wrong to support the Kosovo process. We do not need anyone's permission to support Kosovo's membership in NATO. As we have been given a mandate to recognize Kosovo, we will take steps to support Kosovo's membership. NATO, "Erdogan said in Ankara at a joint conference with Pristina's President of the Provisional Institutions, Vjosa Osmani. Erdogan's statement came after Osmani called for support for NATO membership.


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Botsan-Kharchenko strongly criticizes op-ed written by EU High Representative Borrell (Politika)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said that he “forced himself” to get acquainted with the op-ed recently written by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell which was “full of shameless lies and groundless provocative accusations against Russia and Russian leaders” and which was published by Politika daily on February 28, 2022. Botsan-Kharchenko reminded that Borrell is “a European clerk who was appointed to coordinate diplomacy of the EU” but he demonstrated either full lack of understanding of the topic, which is something one could hardly imagine, or he deliberately ignored facts related to the genesis of the Ukrainian conflict and carrying out of the special military operation by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for protection of Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic as in line with the Article 51, Chapter VII, of the UN Charter and agreements on friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic. “In the anti-logic of Josep Borrell, everything that is happening was turned upside down”, Botsan-Kharchenko noted and argued that Borrell neglected unconstitutional coup d’état in Kiev in 2014, closed his eyes before huge number of war crimes “committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis during eight years of armed conflicts in Donbas” and he remained silent about children killed in Donetsk.


“I would like to remind the diplomat from the EU that during 78 days of the NATO aggression against former Yugoslavia – carried out under false Christian name ‘Merciful Angel’ – more than 90 children were killed by bombs and missiles fired by ‘peaceful’, as the West is trying to present it now, NATO”, Botsan-Kharchenko added. Botsan-Kharchenko argued that he doubts Borrell will find time to visit monuments to killed children of Donetsk or three-year-old Milica Rakic in Belgrade who was killed “by his NATO allies” and he added that Borrell would probably repent and deny his own words if he only talked directly to citizens of Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic.


Botsan-Kharchenko added that he doubts Borrell will want to see any of that and noted that he is sure Serbia will “interpret correctly those crocodile tears of Borrell” and that Serbia will also understand “the excessive level of cynicism in the project of delivery of lethal weapons to Kiev” which was financed by the EU. “This kind of peace, Mr. Borrell, which you and those similar to you are trying to establish in Ukraine would be indeed worse than a war”, Botsan-Kharchenko argued. Finally, Botsan-Kharchenko called Borrell to stop prolonging “the agony of neo-Nazism in Ukraine” and blackening of Russia’s role in the Balkans and, instead, to “return to reality” and give contribution to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.


Botsan-Kharchenko says he does not expect Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia, reiterates Russia expects nothing from Serbia when it comes to recognition of Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic (Vecernje Novosti)


In a interview to the daily, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said that Russia remains calm when it comes to the possibility of having Serbia impose sanctions against Russia, because it is familiar with the consistency of official Belgrade, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Government. “Relations with Russia are based on the national interest of Serbia, including wishes and expectations of the people. Unlike the West, which is still exerting pressures and which continues to request Serbia to do something, we have never asked Serbia to take this or that stance”, Botsan-Kharchenko said and added that he does not believe that there is a scenario according to which Serbia might be forced to impose sanctions against Russia. Botsan-Kharchenko added that he hopes every country will take more care about their own national interests in the future because the situation in which only couple of countries want to make decisions in line with their own rules while small countries should support it is impossible in a long run and will not contribute to stability.


Botsan-Kharchenko announced that Russia will continue its cooperation when it comes to Kosovo issue and added that Russia’s stances do not change depending on changes of the situation in the region of the Balkans or outside of it. Botsan-Kharchenko added that Russia is not making any parallels between Kosovo and what is happening right now in Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic because those are completely different situations. Asked whether Russia will ask Serbia to recognize Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic, Botsan-Kharchenko replied: “Of course not. Those are already independent states. I will reiterate, we are asking nothing from Serbia”. Asked to compare Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military strategy in Ukraine with the one NATO used in Serbia in 1999, Botsan-Kharchenko said that those cannot be compared knowing that “everything that they (NATO) presented as the reason for operations in the field was based on lies” while Russia’s arguments are real. Botsan-Kharchenko assessed that it is not realistic to expect that the Ukrainian conflict will grow into a World War III and reminded that Putin clearly warned everyone not to interfere “and I think those messages were taken quite seriously”.


Vucic talked with the British Minister of Energy about strengthening bilateral cooperation (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, talked with Greg Hands, the Minister of State in the Government of the United Kingdom in charge of energy, about strengthening bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of energy, which has become crucial at the global level.


Aleksandar Vucic stated that the bilateral cooperation is characterized by intensive political dialogue and increasingly noticeable economic cooperation, which, despite significant progress in the volume of trade between our two countries, has not yet realized real potential, especially in the field of energy and the Green Agenda. exceptional experiences, experts and projects on which exceptional results could be achieved together, the Office for Cooperation with the Media of the Government of Serbia announced.


"Serbia is committed to the implementation of measures aimed at further development of the Green Agenda, as well as increasing energy efficiency, which would ensure the smooth development of the economy, but also a healthy environment," the President pointed out. He added that Serbia has devised a strategy and determined financial resources that will, responsibly, and with a serious strategic approach of the state, solve many challenges in the long run, in the field of solving the problems caused by climate change.


Greg Hands expressed satisfaction during his visit to Serbia and meeting with President cooperation and senior government officials. He especially emphasized that he welcomes the commitment of our country to the important obligations that Serbia undertook last year at the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP26, which was held in Glasgow. "The world now needs to be convinced that we will move forward without delay, that the promises made at COP26 will be fulfilled in a fair and inclusive way, with the support of a firm and clear policy and investment. The United Kingdom is ready to support Serbia" Hands pointed out.


The interlocutors agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of joint programs and projects in order to support the planning and development of the Green Agenda of both countries.


Bocan-Kharchenko: The joint forecast is that Serbia will have a favourable solution for gas (RTS)


Russia's ambassador to Serbia, Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, said that the situation on the energy market was changing from day to day, that the price of Russian gas for Serbia had been agreed between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and that Russia had kept all its promises.


By June 1, Serbia will receive gas from Russia at a price of $ 270 per 1,000 cubic meters, and when asked what awaits Serbia after that, Bocan-Kharchenko said that no one can talk about the exact price and that at the moment, neither the representatives of "Srbijagas" nor "Gazprom Neft" know, because, he says, the situation is constantly changing. "Our joint forecast is that Serbia will have a favourable solution. The situation with energy and the price of gas will be changing throughout one day, and everything depends on the development of events," Bocan-Kharchenko told K1 Television.


Asked about Western sanctions and what price Russia is willing to pay, the ambassador said that not all Russian banks were excluded from SWIFT, but those that are by the West considered of financing and helping Russia's military activities in Ukraine. He stated that Russia has its own system that works instead of SWIFT, which is why, he says, there are no harmful consequences.


Speaking about the announced new package of sanctions against Russia, ie against the defense sector, Bocan-Kharchenko said that it is a difficult package of sanctions and that harmful consequences are expected, but that the country's defense system relies on its technology and resources. In recent years it has accomplished greatest achievements and it is independent of the external factors.


Asked how the average family in Russia lives today, the ambassador said that life in Russia is decent and that there will be no reduction in salaries, as well as that he does not remember the period in Russia's history when it was not under Western sanctions.


Bocan-Kharchenko assessed that the Resolution which strongly condemns Russia because of the war in Ukraine is harmful to the United Nations as well. "A resolution like this in itself is not only harmful for the current, new situation, it is also harmful for the UN. The resolution is another blow in the global sense, and for Serbia the UN is extremely important for understandable reasons," Bocan-Hrachenko said.


Asked whether anything is changing in relations between the two countries after Serbia and 140 other countries in the UN supported a resolution strongly condemning Russia over the war in Ukraine, the Russian ambassador expressed expectation that relations between the two countries would continue to develop.


"We understand and comprehend the phenomenon of pressure on Serbia, as well as on other countries in such a situation. Bearing in mind that we are friendly countries, friendly nations, agreements between the two presidents, everything that determines our long-term relationship, we hope to continue developing our cooperation and relations" Bocan-Kharchenko said. He pointed out that, like every country and individual, moral support is important to them.


Asked whether he met with President Aleksandar Vucic and the head of Serbian diplomacy, Bocan-Kharchenko said that they often talk. "We also had talks about the Resolution, it is a diplomatic activity that is not for the public. We did not put pressure, we just explained to everyone our attitude and analysis of the draft, which is very harmful. Each country is doing it in the hope that the other side will accept the explanation. "It is well known what kind of pressure the West is exerting without any restrictions," said the Russian ambassador. He says that he knows that the President of Serbia had to think of the state interest, the future of Serbia is in the first place.


Asked why Russia did not influence the UN Security Council in the 1990s not to impose sanctions on the then FR Yugoslavia, he said that the situation in Russia and the rest of the world was different then and that it was not possible to compare the two situations.


Russia's ambassador also rejected the possibility of Russia being excluded from the UN Security Council.


"It is untrue that the goal of the operation is the occupation of Ukraine"

Asked what the goal of the action in Ukraine is and how far Vladimir Putin is ready to go, Bocan-Kharchenko reiterated that it is the protection of the people in Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the demilitarization and liberation of Ukraine from neo-Nazism, and removing the Western threat from Ukraine to Russia. "It is untrue that the goal is the occupation of Ukraine. The operation is developing and will end as soon as the goals are met," Bocan-Kharchenko said. He reiterated that this is not an invasion, but a special operation that has specific goals. He reminded of, as he said, the events after 2014, when, he claims, a completely anti-Russian policy was created against the Russian people, against the Russian language, culture, traditions and the very foundation of life and survival of the Russian people in Ukraine.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Borrell confirms B&H also joins sanctions against Russia; EC welcomes decision of Western Balkans to implement sanctions against Russia (Hayat)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell confirmed that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) also joined the decision on introduction of sanctions against Russia. The European Commission welcomed the decision of countries to implement the sanctions imposed against Russia. Brussels stated that all countries in the Western Balkans except Serbia support the decision of the EU to impose sanctions against Russia. European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Expansion Oliver Varhelyi said that North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and B&H plan to harmonize their policies with the decision of the EU made on February 25, when the list of sanctions was applied to 98 people from the close circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Brussels announced that they are ready to expand sanctions until Russia puts an end to the aggression. They expect the partners in the Western Balkans to follow their lead.


Reporter noted that the statement of Varhelyi does not clarify whether the Western Balkans are supporting initial sanctions against certain Russian officials or if they are ready to support all sanctions that the EU implements against Russia. The message is clear that the EU wishes to have the region on their side in this situation if they wish to gain benefits from the EU. The EU also believes that Moldavia, Georgia and B&H could face increased pressure from Russia soon. EU officials visited Georgia and Moldavia recently and it is expected from them to arrive in B&H soon. The activities of Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia are being monitored, as Serbia was warned that they are risking their EU path with the refusal to join sanctions against Russia.


B&H FM Turkovic orders examining all international obligations of B&H in connection to possible effects of sanctions against Russia (BHT1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic confirmed on Wednesday that she issued an order for examining and verifying all obligations of B&H stemming from international agreements and membership in international institutions, which could be a subject to sanctions imposed against Russia, "According to the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), but also according to the current Foreign Policy Strategy adopted by the Presidency of B&H, B&H is obliged to join the EU's positions and even restrictive measures," Turkovic concluded.


B&H Directorate of Civil Aviation: B&H airspace remains open for Russian airplanes (Nova BH)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) airspace will remain open for airplanes from Russia. This was stated from B&H Directorate of Civil Aviation. They added that a possible decision banning Russian airplanes to use B&H airspace can be passed by higher authorities, and according to the Constitution of B&H, the Presidency of B&H is leading foreign policy of B&H.


Minister of Transport and Communications of B&H Vojin Mitrovic said that he was not informed whether the Directorate of Civil Aviation of B&H (BHDCA) received a memo of the European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell (EACCC) with regard to prohibition of B&H’s airspace for Russian airplanes because of the conflict in Ukraine.


Office of B&H Foreign Minister (FM) Bisera Turkovic has confirmed that FM Turkovic requested from the BHDCA on March 1 to ban Russian airplanes from using B&H’s airspace. However, Minister Mitrovic says that the BHDCA should process one such request, when it gets it, and submit it to the relevant Ministry for further procedure. “I however do not have the information that the Directorate got such a memo”, said Mitrovic. Minister Mitrovic said that Turkovic’s request reads that she (Turkovic) is referring to information she got from his (Mitrovic’s) deputy Nedzad Brankovic, and that Brankovic got the information that the EACCC has submitted the BHDCA a memo regarding actions pertaining to closing down the airspace. “However, there is no document. I cannot understand the hear-say stories, there has to be a document and the institutions have to do their job”, added Mitrovic.


B&H Presidency session suspended due to opposing positions on Ukraine; Komsic and Dzaferovic reject discussion on B&H’s neutral position; Dodik accuses them of violating B&H Constitution (FTV)


FTV notes that in the difficult situation, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik continues to insist on neutrality, does not want sanctions to be imposed against Russia, and B&H to take sides, and goes on to say that he tried to change the clear stance of B&H and support to Ukraine at the session of the B&H Presidency held on Wednesday.


FTV reports that, at the B&H Presidency session held on Wednesday, Dodik proposed two additional items for the agenda, i.e. B&H’s neutrality in regard to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and drawing funds from the Central Bank of B&H (CBBH). The reporter comments that B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic refused to even discuss the B&H’s neutral position, that was a sufficient reason for Dodik to leave the session. Ž


Addressing the media after the session, Komsic said: “Dodik requested discussion, citing the fact that two new states were formed on the territory of Ukraine. It is something, in my view, absolutely unacceptable as a position, and it is something that almost whole world did not recognize”. Dzaferovic said: “I think his goal was to draw Mr. Komsic and myself into a discussion on that issue, so that potentially, within discussion, we vote. Mr. Komsic and I would certainly be against that proposal, he would be for it, but then, he would be able to say that the Presidency discussed and that the opinion is divided, i.e. that there is no a single position, and to disavow decisions B&H has already made”.


The reporter comments that Dodik has repeated and copied the position from Serbia, i.e. he respects territorial integrity of Ukraine as well as of any other UN member, but he opposes sanctions and taking sides and he called the outvoting the “destruction’’ of the state. “I think this is a collapse of the whole system. If the Constitution collapses, so does the state”, said Dodik. He also said that “a joint enterprise” by Dzaferovic, Komsic and B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic “and others along that line violate the B&H Constitution, encouraged by European and US structures in the same scenario that was happening here in 1992, in which they are of view that their opinion is the only that should be implemented. Every attempt to maintain the constitutional structure was destroyed today, and, in that regard, it is absolutely uncertain how it will be possible to continue”.


The reporter notes that, given the way things are, Dodik would not even join the European Union (EU). “I do not know why the hell B&H would join the EU. What will B&H do in the EU? Do you think the internal relations will change? There is no drip, designed even in the EU to save this patient”, said Dodik.


FTV reports that B&H joined the EU statement, reiterating it supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and reminds it is the continuation of the Stabilization and Accession Agreement (SAA) with the EU, according to which B&H will follow the bloc’s foreign policy. “All that together needs to be implemented in B&H. In that as well, there is a game of moves, like in a chess game. Everyone in B&H, who is opposing today the measures we joined, violates the laws, violates the measures”, said Dzaferovic for the media after the B&H Presidency session.


Dodik requested a debate on the issue of Ukraine after he learned that B&H Ambassador to the Council of Europe Ivan Orlic approved B&H’s consent to sanctions against Russia without the official stance of BiH Presidency on the crisis in Ukraine. Dodik concluded that he will not join the joint enterprise in Sarajevo but he will remain consistent to the idea that B&H should remain neutral regarding the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, adding that he will not support any kind of possible sanctions against Russia that are being advocated for by political Sarajevo. He reminded that he informed Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on one-sided stances in B&H and violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H during their recent phone conversation. Dodik denied insinuations by Komsic, Dzaferovic and Sarajevo-based media on the alleged secret plans of the RS and Russia, stressing that he and the RS institutions are committed to peace and territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine. He announced that the RS will offer assistance to a group of Ukrainian children who will be moved from Ukraine and offered a shelter in the RS with help of members of Ukrainian community in Prnjavor.


Komsic believes that Dodik is executing plans agreed with the Russian Federation and the goal is to destabilize B&H. Komsic argued that it is clear that there is the plan and Dodik launched it based on the conversation that he had with Lavrov. Addressing media, Komsic said: “Let us stick to the Constitution (of B&H) that Dodik constantly mentions. Let us stick to the law, defined foreign policy strategies and acts in whose adoption Dodik also took part.” Addressing media following the session, Dzaferovic said that Dodik’s policy says that he wants things to be in his way regardless of what laws, the Constitution and the defined foreign policy strategy read. Dzaferovic added that once things are not his way, Dodik says that “there is no Presidency of B&H, there is no B&H, and then, he is doing what he is doing.” Dzaferovic added: “Things cannot go in this way. No one can do things in this way in B&H, Dodik, Komsic or Dzaferovic. There is order that we all should stick to and respect it.”


HR Schmidt: Dodik needs to understand that he cannot leave B&H Presidency’s session few minutes after it started and phone Lavrov just like that (N1)


Russian invasion of Ukraine is a new reason for disagreements between Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) politicians. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) left B&H Presidency’s session on Wednesday after Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) and B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic (DF) rejected his proposal to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. Dodik proposed that B&H takes neutral stance on the crisis in Ukraine.


High Representative Christian Schmidt commented that he will not just passively observe politicians who block B&H, noting that Dodik behaves like he is in kindergarten. Schmidt stressed that Dodik needs to understand that he cannot leave B&H Presidency’s session few minutes after it started and phone (Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey) Lavrov just like that, but that he needs to do something for his country and people. “I expect this from him at any time, and I am always ready to talk to him”, Schmidt added, concluding that Dodik should finally start his political engagement on behalf of B&H. According to Schmidt, the Constitution of B&H can be changed but only through a joint agreement. He called for constructive contribution of the Russian Federation within the work of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) as it does not currently actively patriciates in PIC’s work.


Covic meets Plenkovic in Zagreb, condemn Russian aggression on Ukraine, reiterate that agreement on Law on Elections is crucial (Dnevni list)


Speaker of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Tuesday to talk about the Russian aggression on Ukraine, stability and security in south-east Europe and the situation in B&H with focus on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. During discussion dedicated to invasion of Ukraine, Covic said that the position of the Croat officials in B&H is fully aligned with the EU’s position and that he strongly condemns the Russian aggression and violation of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.


PM Plenkovic expressed support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who are victims of the unprovoked Russian aggression, and presented a package of measures of the Croatian Government that should help Ukraine. When it comes to the security situation in the neighbourhood, it was stressed it is now important that the EU and the international community (IC) pay additional attention to the European perspective of the countries in the region, especially B&H whose European path has no alternative.


Speaking about the situation in B&H, two collocutors assessed it is time for seriousness, agreement and respect for the Dayton structure of B&H, reiterating that reaching agreement on the Law on Elections of B&H is crucial for stability and progress of the country. PM Plenkovic called on leaders of the Bosniak and the Croat parties in B&H to reach an agreement on the electoral reform as soon as possible.




Croatian President Milanovic says EU should grant status of candidate to B&H (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic stated on Wednesday that, two days ago, he was willing to sign the joint statement of presidents of eastern Europe to grant Ukraine the EU candidate status under the condition that this status is also granted to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Kosovo. Milanovic also requested that the decision on start of EU accession negotiations is passed for Albania and North Macedonia. “We are not tearing B&H apart. We wish well to B&H”, the Croatian President underlined. According to Milanovic, Croatia means well to B&H, including due to Croats living there, and this should be seen in Sarajevo.


The Croatian President called on Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to ensure that Serb representatives return to the institutions of B&H. “I think I will make a phone call to him these days. That is a reasonable path”, he added. “I will tell Dodik it would be good for them to return to institutions of joint country and it is B&H”, said Milanovic, adding that he will ask Dodik to support Croats in their fight for fundamental rights. The Croatian President underlined that Serbia should decide whether it belongs to the EU, or Russia – due to sentimental reasons.


Commenting on the status of Republika Srpska (RS), Milanovic said: “The RS cannot leave B&H, that is impossible. They are 100 kilometres from Zagreb. That will not happen. Their place is in the West. The place of Serb people is in the West. Not in Russia, which they have connections with that I understand, but, that is simply too far”.


Milanovic, also said it is not time to vent out on Serbia but to tell them now is the time they decide. “Now is the crunch time. You do not have to condemn the Russians. That is hard, I understand that. This is time for far-reaching decisions” said Milanovic.


Opposition says Croatian problems mustn't be ignored due to war in Ukraine (Hina)


Party groups in parliament on Wednesday unanimously condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine, but part of them warned that Croatia's internal affairs must not be neglected because of the war in Ukraine. Russia's attack on Ukraine is not an argument against the government's fall but an argument in favour of the government's fall, the war cannot be used as a fig leaf to cover up crime, said Nino Raspudic (Bridge), recalling the problems the government has with former minister Darko Horvat and incumbent minister Josip Aladrovic.


PM called on to replace ministers the public no longer has confidence in 


"In such a dangerous geopolitical situation, having the top of government riddled with crime and corruption is a security threat for Croatia, such people can be blackmailed, and that's why this government has to leave," said Raspudic.


Dalija Oreskovic (Centre) thinks similarly and she pointed out this was an opportunity to realise how much internal mechanisms of control are important for democracy and peace.

"While the world wonders if there's anyone in the Kremlin who can stop Putin, we must ask ourselves if Croatia today is what we wanted it to be if the HDZ's rule is unquestionable regardless of the amount of corruption," she said, calling on the prime minister to replace the ministers the public no longer had confidence in.


"We don't know what awaits us and it's important that we have a stable government, and many things don't point to such a conclusion," said Stephen Nikola Bartulica of the Homeland Movement. He said Croatia couldn't afford a government in the shadow of corruption scandals, stressing that the prime minister had a great responsibility to make decisive moves.


Kreso Beljak (HSS) underscored that Croatia had to protect its own interests in the crisis, suggesting that leaders of Western Balkan countries sit down and talk about defusing tensions so that the conflict doesn't expand.


Marijan Pavlicek (Croatian Sovereignists) said Croatia had to be ready to receive Ukrainian refugees, work hard to increase the capacities of strategic commodity stocks and raise military readiness. "The Croatian army must be on the eastern borders of the country," said Pavlicek, adding that after Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not join the EU in condemning Russia, the Danube would be the border between the east and the west, and stability and instability.


Groups of the parliamentary majority gave their full support to the government measures to help Ukraine and expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The government reacted quickly, a few hours after the aggression, noted Branko Bacic (HDZ), pleased that the Croatian Postal Bank (HPB) was taking over Sberbank. In response to warnings that the sanctions against Russia, in which Croatia is also involved, would affect the Croatian economy, Bacic asked -- what's the alternative? "Passivity is a situation like this would be immoral, it is important that Croatia sided with justice and freedom", he said, calling on Putin and Russia to stop the aggression and start peace talks.


In a debate on the prime minister's report on the situation in Ukraine, MPs also warned about the possible repercussions of the war for Croatia's neighbourhood. Our interest, as an EU member, is to engage intensively with the neighbourhood, said Milorad Pupovac (SDSS), noting that the area of former Yugoslavia that is not integrated into the EU, as well as Albania, should be of special interest. Veljko Kajtazi (Roma minority) hopes that everything happening with Ukraine will be an incentive to the EU to grant it the status of a membership candidate.


MPs and guests in Parliament emotionally welcome Prime Minister's speech on Ukraine (HRT)


After Croatian Parliament gave strong support to Ukraine in a declaration and condemned the Russian aggression, today Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic submitted a report to the deputies on the situation in that country.


Deputies and guests emotionally welcomed the Prime Minister's speech on Ukraine 


“Croatia strongly condemns this aggression and expresses its full support for the Ukrainian people who are once again dying for European values in these difficult times, as well as President Zelensky and Prime Minister Shmyhal who bravely oppose this insane aggression with their people,” said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic whose words MPs accompanied by rising from the benches, giving a long applause and the unravelling the Ukrainian flag.

They were joined by Ukrainian Ambassador to Croatia Vasily Kirilich, who followed the Prime Minister's report from the parliamentary gallery, along with representatives of the Ukrainian minority. The Parliament Speaker welcomed them and the deputies greeted them with long, warm applause.


"The War of David and Goliath" 


Plenkovic said that this is "a war of David and Goliath, in which Russia is attacking Ukraine, which is 28 times smaller in size" and that Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the victim. Croatia is sending weapons, ammunition and protective equipment to the infantry worth 124 million kuna. The European Union has provided 500m euros in aid to the former Soviet republic for the purchase of protective and military equipment. The war in Ukraine has been going on for seven days, with more than 600,000 Ukrainian refugees arriving on EU territory. The world has responded to the Russian bombing of Ukrainian cities with sanctions against Moscow and by sending aid to Ukraine.


Ukrainians will not bow their heads 


The Croatian Prime Minister said that Croatia and its partners in the Union had shown determination, solidarity and unity, and that this war had identified the need for energy autonomy and strengthening defense capabilities. He pointed out that Croatia has always advocated Ukraine's European perspective and recalled that he had signed a Declaration on that perspective with Zelensky in Kiev in December.


Plenkovic added that the war scenes in Ukraine bring memories of the Homeland War. “All these scenes in Croatia will be painful memories for us, of the Greater Serbia aggression of the Milosevic regime and the horrors of war that we experienced,” said the Croatian Prime Minister. He congratulated the members of Croatian Parliament on their unity in condemning Russia and solidarity with Ukraine, and expressed satisfaction that the parliamentary majority and the opposition are "on the same side - justice and freedom." “Supporting Ukraine and respecting the courage of Ukrainians not to flee from tanks, not to give in to blackmail, not to bow their heads, to be inspired by love for the homeland, as Croats were in the Homeland War, let us be with Ukraine and Ukrainians today. Glory to Ukraine,” Plenkovic concluded in his speech with the applause of those gathered and the Ukrainian flag in Parliament.


In accordance with an inter-party agreement, only the representatives of clubs of deputies, 16 of them and deputies without a club, expressed their opinion on the Prime Minister's Report. Prior to his report, lawmakers condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine in open speeches starting the parliamentary week. The government has accepted a package of measures related to the situation in Ukraine - measures for the possible reception of refugees, measures for gas supply and a decision to ban the use of airspace by Russian airlines and aircraft. For the government's package of measures, the prime minister received support in meetings with the ruling coalition and then with the opposition.


Plenkovic: We are caring for stability in our surroundings, let them refrain from incidents 


“We are caring for stability and security in our immediate environment, the countries of Southeast Europe, our policy is a policy of peace and good neighbourliness and support to those countries on the path to the EU and NATO,” said Plenkovic during the parliamentary debate on the situation in Ukraine due to Russian aggression, responding to MPs' concern about the possible spill over of the crisis to our neighbourhood. “We want everyone to refrain from any incidents, any inflammatory rhetoric and anything that could destabilize the situation that is already tense in at least three countries in our region. By no means should it happen that we have two parallel crisis hotspots in Europe at the same time. This chaos is enough now,” emphasized Prime Minister Plenkovic.


Bojan Glavasevic, a representative of the Green-Left Bloc, recalled a statement by Milorad Dodik, who, in addition to supporting Russian President Putin in the context of aggression, called the Ukrainian defenders "armed bandits". “As for Dodik and his position on Ukrainian defenders, I unequivocally condemn him,” said the Prime Minister.


Plenkovic: The security of the LNG terminal and the food market have been taken into account. Plenkovic also emphasized in Parliament that Croatia is taking care of the security of the LNG terminal on the island of Krk, a strategic facility by which Croatia has changed its position on the energy map of Europe. “Care is also taken not to jeopardize the needs of our food market, to ensure a better price and sufficient quantities,” said the Prime Minister.


When asked by Andreja Maric (SDP) about the readiness of the health system for nuclear danger, Plenkovic also reported that an expert working group has been formed in the Ministry of Health to take care of all aspects of health care in all scenarios. “On the threat of nuclear weapons, I sincerely hope that such a scenario will not happen, because that would be the end of everything we know as the world,” emphasized Plenkovic.


Mario Kapulica (HDZ) recalled that the President had recently ridiculed the possibility of Russian aggression, and spoke about extremists in Ukraine. “This is a moment in which we must give the opportunity to those who were not precise enough to side with the right side,” Plenkovic replied, agreeing that there were outbursts, bad assessments and poorly pronounced sentences and called on everyone to be united in the period ahead.




Djukanovic’s Cabinet: Allegations that Council was supposed to decide on sending Montenegrin soldiers to Ukraine false and malicious (CDM)


The malicious claims that the Security and Defense Council was supposed to decide today on sending Montenegrin soldiers to Ukraine are false and malicious. The Council cannot make such a decision in the regular procedure without a discussion and confirmation of the Montenegrin Parliament, says the Cabinet of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic.


President Djukanovic convened a session of the Defense and Security Council in accordance with the obligations arising from NATO membership. “Although there were all preconditions for determining the proposed decisions, which would confirm Montenegro’s unquestionable responsibility as a member in fulfilling its obligations, we regret to note that due to the politically tendentious interpretation of positive regulations by the Prime Minister, this has not been done”, the statement reads.


Djukanovic talks with Escobar about Ukraine: Montenegro determined and strict in implementing coordinated decisions of NATO and European partners (CDM)


President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic had a telephone conversation with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of the USA, Gabriel Escobar, about the development of the situation and the challenges in the context of the war in Ukraine.


“There’s a full agreement on the importance of Montenegro’s role as a NATO member and candidate for EU membership, and additional caution regarding potential repercussions on the stability of the Western Balkans. We’re very determined and very strict in the implementation of harmonized decisions of NATO and European partners, and the defense of European security and common values”, President Djukanovic has tweeted.


Abazovic: We stand side by side with the EU and NATO in support of Ukraine (CDM)


We stand side by side with the European Union (EU) and the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine, said the Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, on the occasion of the seventh day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. "It is shocking that for the seventh day in a row we are witnessing the ruthless and unprovoked shelling of an independent and sovereign European state," Abazovic wrote. According to Abazovic, we stand side by side with the European Union and the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine. "Clear and unequivocal political support was provided, full harmonization with the European Union by restrictive measures, as well as humanitarian and military assistance" Abazovic said on Twitter.


Srzetnic strongly supports the EU's decision to suspend the distribution of Russian media Russia Today and Sputnik (CDM)


Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media Tamara Srzentic said that she strongly supports the decision of the European Union to suspend the distribution of Russian media Russia Today and Sputnik. A statement from the European Commission issued on the occasion of the decision to ban Russia Today and Sputnik states that these media are instruments in encouraging and supporting Russian aggression against Ukraine, which, as it says, "represents a significant and direct threat to public order and security of the European Union." Union (EU).


Minister Srzentic pointed out that "disinformation and propaganda spreading in Montenegro, which is trying to justify the attack on Ukraine, must not be allowed to spread in Montenegro." "We have consulted with regulatory bodies and informed them about the decision of the European Union. In this regard, at the session of the Government I will propose the adoption of the Conclusion on Montenegro's accession to this EU decision and recommendations to the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) and the Agency for Electronic Media and Postal Services (EKIP) to make decisions in accordance with their competencies. the attitude of the Government and the Council of the EU", said Minister Srzentic.


According to Srzentic, the problem of spreading misinformation and propaganda is also recognized within the Media Strategy of Montenegro. This strategic document, adds Srzentic, which will soon be on the public debate, envisages concrete measures to suppress the spread of misinformation and media propaganda.


"Montenegro will, as announced by the Government, monitor EU measures against Russia, and therefore measures related to stopping the spread of disinformation and propaganda through the media, which are recognized by the placement of false news. In that sense, we will continue to harmonize our normative and institutional practices with the decisions of the European Union", it is stated in the announcement.


According to the ministry, the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media has the authority to stop broadcasting cable TV channels, and the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services has the authority to block Internet domains, in accordance with the procedures. "The statement of the European Commission states that all relevant licenses, authorizations and distribution agreements have been suspended, and the measures cover all EU member states and are directly applicable" the statement concluded.


Medojevic: Montenegro should not side with anyone in the war in Ukraine (CDM)


Montenegro should not side with anyone in the war in Ukraine, said the president of the Movement for Changes, Nebojsa Medojevic. “It is time to reach an internal consensus on preserving peace and stability in the country and protecting vital national interests. The collapse of the global security architecture opens new security risks and challenges", states Medojevic. He adds that Montenegro is a small and weak community. "Robbed, disunited, quarrelled, destroyed institutions of the system, in the deadly embrace of the mafia. It is time to put our political differences aside and show historical responsibility for the fate of the people and the state. Global disruptions and challenges will be of such magnitude that they require the state behaviour of the political elite. The government of national unity is an imperative at the time of the global security crisis", says Medojevic.


The European Parliament welcomes the announced sanctions of Montenegro against Russia (RSE)


The draft report of the European Parliament dedicated to Montenegro welcomes the continuous and complete harmonization of Montenegro with the common foreign and security policy of the European Union, including its announcement of support for the latest EU sanctions against Russia. Her active participation in the EU's common security and defense policy was also welcomed.


The author of the report is the rapporteur for Montenegro in the European Parliament, Tonino Picula. He emphasized in the document that he strongly condemns "the support shown to the Russian Federation on the day of the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine". In the report, Picula reminds of Russia's persistent interest in destabilizing the country.


Referring to the political situation in the country, the draft report on Montenegro expresses deep concern over persistent political tensions between and within the executive and legislature, as well as the boycott of parliament, which continues to slow the reform process. It calls for constructive and inclusive political dialogue and the commitment of all parliamentary parties to overcome the current polarized political climate and strengthen the functioning of state institutions in order to make significant progress in key EU-related reforms. The report calls for the formation of a new Montenegrin government as soon as possible and the election of a new Speaker of Parliament after a vote of no confidence in the government on February 4, 2022, and then the dismissal of the Speaker of Parliament. In this regard, the text of the report states that protests are being held against a possible minority government organized by the Democratic Front. The draft report on Montenegro expresses concern over the lack of progress in the field of rule of law, especially in judicial reform. The issue of appointments in key independent institutions and the judiciary, which are still pending, is mentioned. Authorities in Podgorica are asked to fully implement the recommendations of the Venice Commission regarding the risks of politicization of the Prosecutorial Council. Of particular concern is "widespread corruption". The country is required to strengthen the criminal justice response to high-level corruption and to create conditions for the efficient and independent functioning of judicial institutions and independent bodies dealing with corruption.


The more positive tone of the text of the report is in the part related to the fight against organized crime and international police cooperation, where it is acknowledged that there is an increase in the number of investigated and prosecuted cases of organized crime. The draft report on Montenegro expresses concern over the alleged degree of polarization in the media environment, especially the growing amount of misinformation that "spreads ethnonationalist narratives that negatively affect the country's democratic processes." There has been limited progress in freedom of expression, and Montenegro is encouraged to step up efforts to combat misinformation, hate speech, online harassment, politically biased reporting and foreign influence in the Montenegrin media.


Later in the year, this report will be voted on at the EP's foreign policy committee, and then at the plenary session when it formally acquires the character of a European Parliament resolution.


Maddox: Montenegro and Great Britain are among the 141 countries that voted for the resolution against Russian aggression (CDM)


The vote is rightly described as historic, said the British ambassador to Montenegro, Karen Maddox, after the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. "This vote is rightly described as historic. "Great Britain and Montenegro are together among 141 countries that voted for a resolution against Russian aggression in the UN today," Maddox said on Twitter.


Alexandrovich: Russian services tried to assassinate the President of Montenegro (Portal Analitika)


Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Oleksandr Aleksandrovich has said that Russian services tried to assassinate the President of Montenegro several years ago. “Let us recall what happened in Montenegro a few years ago with the participation of Russian intelligence services. They had in mind the assassination of the President of Montenegro”, Aleksandrovic said in an interview with Al Jazeera. Although he did not specify that, Aleksandrovic obviously meant the events of 2016. He spoke about the tactics of the Russian Federation, as “blitzkrieg tactics”, and that this includes assassinations of presidents or heads of government.


North Macedonia 


Pendarovski: Ukraine is not far from N. Macedonia, we should be cautious (TV Sitel)


President Stevo Pendarovski said in an interview with TV Sitel that Ukraine is not far from North Macedonia, given the signals for the expansion of the Ukrainian crisis. We see that the crisis is not that far to spread. Today we saw how the President of Belarus Lukashenko at a presentation of the zones shows Moldova, Bulgaria has a water border with Ukraine. We should be cautious, said Pendarovski.


Pendarovski: Country received early November information that Russia was preparing for invasion of Ukraine (Sitel TV)


North Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski said Wednesday the country had received initial information that Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine in early November last year. He says that now its is shown how important it was that the country joined NATO and that it is a huge benefit to know beforehand about the reserves you need in different sectors, to know how to position yourself if you need to.


What is astonishing is the extent of the force, the machinery, resources, both satellite and ground, The predictions four months ago were in terms of the time of the attack, the miss was only three days. Regarding the scope of the operation that the attack will be carries out from these three or four sides, there was no miss, said Pendarovski in an interview Sitel TV.


He said that some major intelligence services at the time did not believe that this was true, so they checked in their own way, however, he underlined, now we see that this was confirmed as 100% accurate information. So, we joined an alliance with countries that are the best in the world in that regard, said the head of state.


Asked if the country knew since November that something like this was being prepared, what steps have been taken since then to provide an alternative to gas supply, in conditions when the country is facing an energy crisis, Pendarovski said that was the first and last point of discussion at the Security Council session. This is classified information, he stressed, adding that the Prime Minister at that session read the latest data from the Bureau of Commodity Reserves on each item from food to energy, which are in stock. In that part we do not have to worry. I said we could have some problems if the war lasted for months and months. Everyone will have it. If it lasts for several weeks, we will have to endure as if there were no sanctions, without procuring new quantities enough on all bases from basic food products to energy, said President Pendarovski, among other things.


Double EU standards: Will Ukraine start accession negotiations ahead of Macedonia, and maybe become a member? (Republika)


Recent events in Ukraine and the military conflict have once again demonstrated the EU’s double standards. Suddenly Brussels has become more interested in Ukraine than in Macedonia and other Western Balkan countries. For the EU, it is now more important whether future members will support sanctions against Russia than talk about joining them.

But when it comes to Ukraine this is not the case. The EU obviously wants Ukraine to get candidate status and start negotiations as soon as possible, and why not become a member in a few years.


The EP has already adopted a Resolution calling for candidate status, and now the European Council is on the move, asking the European Commission to draft an opinion on Ukraine’s EU candidate status. The final decision on new member states is made by the Council of the EU, ie the member states, but it is almost certain that this will happen.


One of the member states that supports Ukraine’s membership in the EU is Bulgaria, which in the case of Macedonia demands that we give up the Macedonian language, history and identity only to start negotiations without any guarantee of membership.


Macedonia has had candidate status since 2005 and a dozen positive reports but never to start negotiations, first because of the Greek and then because of the Bulgarian veto. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani also reacted to this, saying that the EU must not leave the Western Balkans as an open wound in the heart of the EU and that the start of accession talks with Macedonia and Albania should be unblocked immediately.




War in Ukraine makes speeding up Albania’s and region’s EU integration more imperative, FM says (Tirana Times)


Albania is urging the European Union to accelerate the region's European integration process in light of Russian aggression in Ukraine, the country’s foreign minister said in a meeting with EU and US representatives on Tuesday.


Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka requested more European Union attention to the Western Balkans as a region where Russia has a history of “fermenting tensions." “For a long time, we have been calling on our partners, especially in the EU, to be more strategic in their relations with the Western Balkans. The events in Ukraine are proof that our concerns were justified. This makes it very clear that the cost of isolation is much higher than the cost of integration," Xhacka said. She added that Russia’s attack on Ukraine necessitated “more urgency to move forward with the integration process and, above all, to move forward and confront any Russian attempt to ferment trouble."


Albania’s EU integration process has slowed down considerably in the past several years, after the country was granted candidate status, with delay after delay in opening of membership negotiations. Ukraine was symbolically recommended to become an EU candidate country on Tuesday after it sent in an application to the EU in the midst of Russia’s attack. On the seventh day of the invasion, Russian troops continued to advance west. Half a million refugees have already left the country. Albania has acted swiftly to join all EU sanctions on Russia and supports all Euro-Atlantic policies on Ukraine as a NATO member, including closing Albania's airspace to all Russian carriers and Russian-registered aircraft.


"Russia is committing war crimes" / Albania joins 37 countries to refer the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court (Radio Tirana)


Albania has joined 37 allied and partner countries to refer the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court. In a reaction, Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka says Russia should be investigated for war crimes and crimes against humanity. While considering Russian aggression illegal, Xhacka says that the world will never accept what Russia is doing.

"Albania joins forces with 37 allies and partners to refer the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court. Russia should be investigated for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Ukraine. The world will never accept illegal aggression", writes Xhacka.


Resolution, Rama: Serbia's vote against Russia unifies the Balkans with the West (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has welcomed the UN Assembly resolution, which condemns the Russian occupation of Ukraine. What stands out is the fact that Serbia also voted against Moscow. According to Prime Minister Rama, this unifies the Western Balkans with the West.

"141 countries punish Russia with their vote in the UN against aggression against Ukraine! Russia enters the period of the greatest loneliness in its history with only 4 ultra-dictatorial countries standing by its side! Serbia's vote against Russia unites the Western Balkans with the West".


EP asks EC to convene an intergovernmental conference as soon as possible, to open negotiations with Albania (Radio Tirana)


The European Parliament appreciates Albania's progress on the path of integration, so through a draft motion on the European Commission report on Albania, EP asks the European Council to convene an intergovernmental conference as soon as possible to open negotiations, while urging Albania to continue to intensify efforts to strengthen the functioning of the judiciary, strengthen the rule of law, fight corruption and organized crime and guarantee media freedom.


The draft motion calls for the need to support the pace and credibility of European integration, by immediately opening accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, as consistently recommended by the Commission, as both countries have met the conditions and delivered consistent results in basic areas. The resolution recognizes the transformative nature of the accession negotiations that will take place according to the revised enlargement methodology. It also underlines that the pace of EU membership is determined by progress in the proper functioning of all institutions and is based on the rule of law, good governance and fundamental rights.


The resolution reaffirms the joint responsibility of the Albanian political forces to strengthen constructive political dialogue and cooperation, enabling the effective functioning of the country's democratic institutions, continuing to improve governance, transparency and pluralism, and enabling the participation of civil society.


The EP recalls the need to continue addressing the remaining electoral shortcomings, further improving election access and integrity, including through digitalisation, data protection, equal access to the media and revised rules for financing political parties. It also expresses concern about persistent incitement rhetoric, which fosters a culture of intimidation, slander campaigns, violence and riots.


The EP, through this resolution, encourages the government to speed up administrative preparations for the forthcoming accession negotiations; stresses the importance of establishing coherent government structures to effectively coordinate EU integration issues; underlines the need to improve in-service coordination, evaluation and monitoring of EU-related reforms, to advance decentralization, modernization and depoliticisation of the civil service throughout the country, and to enable conditions for the conduct of future censuses. It also notes the need for further progress on freedom of expression, media independence and pluralism.


The EP, through this resolution, recalls that any revision of media laws should be in line with the recommendations of the Venice Commission and should be done in a transparent and comprehensive manner. The resolution expresses serious concern about the massive leakage of personal data and calls on the Albanian authorities to increase prevention, ensure accountability for data misuse and speed up alignment with EU rules on personal data protection.


The EP welcomes Albania's long-standing commitment to receiving refugees; Recalls the obligation of the authorities to ensure the proper asylum process and to address the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. Important is the obligation of the Albanian authorities to continue the fight against corruption and criminal activities in all areas of public life, including public procurement procedures and the financing of political parties.


The EP commends the steady progress in implementing a comprehensive Judicial Reform, supported by an unprecedented vetting process, followed by a restored functionality of the respective courts. It also welcomes the work of the Specialized Structure for Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) and the SPAK Courts in dealing with corruption and organized crime. The resolution underscores the importance of taking decisive action against money laundering, ensuring a consistent history of proactive investigation, prosecution and final convictions for high-level corruption and confiscation of criminal assets.