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Belgrade Media Report 15 March 2022



European Commission expects Serbia to gradually align policy on Russia with EU’s (Beta)


The European Commission (EC) hasn’t received a letter by a group of members of the European Parliament (MEPs), requesting that accession negotiations with Serbia be suspended because the authorities in Belgrade refused to introduce sanctions against Russia for having invaded Ukraine, as the European Union did, but candidate countries are expected to gradually align their policy with the Union’s decisions in the area of security and foreign policy. It’s a reply to a journalist’s question by a spokesperson for the European Commission, Ana Pisonero, who said on March 14 that she was unable to confirm where the Commission had received the letter from the MEPs. European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi’s spokesperson Pisonero explained that last week the Union indicated that “candidate countries are expected to gradually align with the EU’s decisions and positions, when it comes to the Union’s foreign and security policy.” Pisonero also said that the Union had introduced strict penalizing measures against Russia for having breached the international law, and that it “expected the candidate countries, like Serbia, to gradually align with those measures.” “We are monitoring the situation, and I have nothing more to say about it,” Varhelyi’s spokeswoman said.


Vucic: It is easiest to lash out powerlessness and anger on Serbia (Blic)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on March 14 that it was the "always the same self-appointed haters" who were behind a recent call by a group of European Parliament members to freeze Serbia's European Union accession talks over its stance on Russia, because, according to him, their dream is for Serbia never to advance in any way. Answering reporters' questions, Vucic said "many find it easiest" to take their anger out on Serbia, which is why Serbia's position is "more delicate."


Earlier, nine MEPs from the Renew Europe political group in the European Parliament asked the European Commission to call on Serbia to join the EU's stance on Russia in light of its aggression against Ukraine, and to temporarily freeze Serbia's accession talks and cut off financial support if Serbia ignores the invitation.


Suzana Grubjesic from the Center for Foreign Policy said that the EU Council carries out the EU policy, followed by the European Commission and only then by the European Parliament (EP). Grubjesic reminded that the EP has 705 members, while ‘Renew Europe’ group has 98 members and nine of them delivered the suggestion. “It is neither possible nor realistic to expect any kind of decision to be adopted upon their request”, Grubjesic claimed and argued that those MEPs have no influence within their own Group, let alone within the entire EP.


Srdjan Graovac from the Center for Foreign Policy too claimed that this is “a game of nerves” and he argued that there are two rifts within the EU when it comes to the strategy Brussels should apply on Serbia – one that argues that Serbia should strictly follow the policy of the EU and the other that argues the EU should have some understanding for Serbia.


Leader of SPS Ivica Dacic said that Serbia is not on the side of Russia but on the side of Serbia. Dacic also reminded that Russia expressed support to Serbia when it comes to Kosovo issue and he also reminded that Russia, unlike China, invoked veto to the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN Security Council.


Serbian Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said that Serbia is committed to European integration for the benefit of all of its citizens and she warned that “there are many hasty statements and foggy glasses due to seriousness and difficulty of the situation on European soil”. Joksimovic argued that the EU should strengthen its activities in terms of acceleration of enlargement to the Western Balkans.


Vucic on drone crash in Zagreb: Such a plane would be shot down in Serbia in five minutes (Nova)


President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic commented on the case of the drone crash in Croatia, saying that he had received assurances from the Serbian military leadership that “it would take them only five minutes to shoot down such an aircraft”. “Some have nothing, and we have the best air missiles, every day and every night we have ‘air policing’ of our skies. We must not let anything that could endanger our citizens in any way”, Vucic stressed. Croatia has outstanding land forces. Their wheeled vehicle fleet is much better than ours, but at the moment their Air Force and anti-aircraft defense are weaker. That's why they bought the 12 Rafale airplanes," the Serbian president said.


Dacic: Sanctions against Russia to hurt Serbia, not Russia (Prva TV)


Ivica Dacic, a candidate for Serbian premiership, nominated by a collation rallied around his Socialist Party of Serbia, said on March 14 that if Belgrade introduced sanctions against Russia, the decision would hurt its own interests, rather than Moscow. Dacic reiterated that Russia had been helping to protect Serbia’s state and national interests, because it didn’t allow Kosovo to be “approved” by the U.N. Security Council. “Serbia is eternally grateful to Russia for raising its voice against a resolution on Srebrenica in 2015. Russia is the only state to veto the recognition of Kosovo by the Security Council, while the West will never derecognize it, but push for it instead. Is it a good decision to introduce sanctions against Russia then? It will not hurt Russia, but it will hurt Serbia,” Dacic said in an interview with the Prva TV. The Socialist leader recalled that during the accession talks with the EU Serbia accepted to gradually align its foreign and security policy with the Union’s, but he also added that Belgrade “will align immediately,” if Serbia joined the Union tomorrow.


It has been revealed which country is behind the pressure on Serbia (Tanjug)


The international pressure on Serbia regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is completely unjustified and wrong, according to the third president of the Austrian parliament, Norbert Hofer. In an interview with Tanjug, he also said that the threats of the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, were a "shot in the knee". Hofer also points out that the world needs neutral countries and that they must better protect their neutrality and invest in the defense of that neutrality.


On the conclusion that Serbia condemned Russia's attack on Ukraine, voted for the UN Resolution, but did not support European Union sanctions against Moscow, which is why the Serbian leadership is exposed to great international pressure, even threatening to suspend Serbia's path to the EU, Hofer said: "That pressure was created by Germany, which says that Serbia must now know where it belongs. I think that the EU must understand that Serbia needs to enable rapid accession to the Union right now. Serbia has been a candidate for ten years, it has taken many steps along the way. It must recognize that now is the time to provide access".


Asked whether he expects the EU to further slowdown the accession process of the Balkans, especially Serbia, Hofer pointed out that the threats coming from German Foreign Minister Anlalena Baerbock represent a "shot in the knee", which harms the Union itself.


"We must now speed up and conclude this process, which has been going on for years. That would be a smart step, and not what someone who has only been on duty for a couple of months and is already threatening is doing," Hofer said. He expressed confidence that Austria would continue to support Serbia's European integration.


"I cannot speak for the whole of Austria. You know my position and the position of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). But I believe that other parties in Austria are also interested in Serbia's quick accession to the Union, both because of their common history and suffering. Austria must be Serbia's partner", Hofer said.


Asked how much the war in Ukraine and its consequences threaten Europe and the world and how it affects Austria, Hofer said that the consequences of that conflict are huge, and it is already clear what the costs are - energy prices are rising, many are worried about gas deliveries…


"All sides always lose in war. There are no real winners. I believe that an agreement on a peace process will be reached and that lessons will be learned from this experience," he said.


And the bombing of the FRY? 


Asked whether the aggression against FR Yugoslavia in 1999 and the separation of Kosovo set a precedent that now costs the international community dearly, Hofer said that the international community should have learned lessons from that, and above all that all such moves should be thought of well.


"We need to analyse what can happen when appropriate steps and measures are taken, and how things will develop, because that is the case in normal life, even in politics," said Hofer, who holds a position of President of the National Council in the Austrian parliament, the same as Vice President of the Assembly of Serbia. He also notes that in Europe, countries neglect their armies, thinking that there will be no conflict, but this situation has shown that there can always be a crisis and that every country should have an army that can defend it. On the conclusion that Europe is not united in its position on sanctions against Russia, and that there is no agreement in Austria itself, Hofer says that there are countries that are more dependent on Russian gas than others, he points out that thousands of jobs in Austria are threatened by sanctions, that the consequences will be an increase in the prices of food products, gas, fuel, electricity, and emphasizes that in the case of Austria there is also the issue of neutrality.


"As such, it must be important for us to be able to offer ourselves as a neutral place for negotiations. According to the good tradition of former Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, who was a great statesman, we have always been a place where the parties to the conflict could negotiate," Hofer recalls. He also stated that Austria's neutrality was of great value, recalling that his father was on the Austrian-Hungarian border in 1956, when Austria helped refugees who came, but the state's attitudes were such that Austria could remain a neutral country and place for negotiations.


According to him, when it comes to rhetoric, Austria has lost part of its neutrality, although everyone knew that with the accession to the EU, official Vienna cannot fully enjoy all the benefits of neutrality. "It worries me, because I think the world needs neutral countries, where it is possible to meet and negotiate," he added.


When asked about the position of neutral countries in Europe today, he said that they are at a crossroads, where they have to decide whether to join NATO or not.


He believes that Austria should not join NATO, but that it must better protect its neutrality - to invest in the army, which is not in good shape, because whoever wants to be neutral, must also invest in defending that neutrality. Hofer also stated that a neutral state must behave in such a way that neutrality is recognized and must know that a way out of the conflict can be found only if all parties can preserve their reputation, which does not mean that things that are to be condemned should not be condemned, but one needs to think a step further.


Asked whether international law is still valid or the "right of the stronger" has been in place for a long time, he noted that the right of the stronger has always existed and will always exist, within the existing legal systems, as well as real influences in the world.


"International law must also recognize how strong China is, how great Russia is, what influence the United States has and how helpless Europe is sometimes. We must make sure that the legal systems are respected in order to protect the little ones", said Hofer and added that the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic also showed that we are lightly renouncing our rights. After Russia's military operation, Ukraine requested quick accession to the European Union, and Hofer, although he understands such demands, believes that nothing should be fixed now, because peace negotiations are needed first, which must be conducted without conditions.


Center for Foreign Policy: Probably at least 80 percent of citizens” against introduction of Sanctions (Danas)


“Both the authorities and a part of the opposition are against introducing sanctions to Russia, and if the citizens were asked, I am certain that at least 80% would also be against”, Suzana Grubjesic, deputy president of the Center for Foreign Policy said for Danas on Tuesday, commenting on the requests for Serbia to join the EU sanctions. On the other hand, the EU and United States are for the time being satisfied that Serbia had, in the UN General Assembly, voted for the condemnation of the Russian aggression on Ukraine”, Grubjesic said. So far there have been no consequences for Serbia because of its refusal to join the Western sanctions since the process of accession of Serbia and the rest from the Western Balkans is “anyway slowed down to its maximum”, she added.


Ukrainian embassy in Serbia calls on Belgrade to condemn support to Russian invasion (Beta)


The Ukrainian embassy in Serbia on March 14 condemned a rally held in downtown Belgrade on March 13 in support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and called on the Serbian authorities to "immediately and publicly denounce and punish the participants" in the demonstration "promoting support to war and encouraging participation in it on the side of the aggressor state." "We hope that the Serbian government will immediately publicly denounce and punish the participants in these hybrid actions in Belgrade that represent support to a terrorist war to annihilate the people of Ukraine, prevent any similar events in the

future and immediately and completely remove anti-Ukrainian genocidal symbols from the streets and walls of Belgrade and other cities in Serbia," the embassy said in a press release. The press release further read that "the lack of a swift and strong response by Serbian authorities to this disgraceful action stirs not only deep bitterness," but also raises the legal, human and moral question of the attitude of Serbian authorities to Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine. The embassy also underscored the "currently isolated incidents of aggressive behaviour by representatives of pro-Russian organizations in Serbia" toward Ukrainian refugees, protesters against the Russian invasion and even Serbian journalists.


Seselj: We must stand with Russia just like it always stands with us (Politika)


In an interview to the daily, SRS leader Vojislav Seselj said that SRS is of the view that even stronger cooperation with Russia would bring both political and economic safety to Serbia and this would primarily include guarantees for preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Kosovo within Serbia. Commenting on Serbia’s vote for the Resolution in the UN which condemned Russia for violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine, Seselj said that Serbia must side with Russia and added: “I was relieved to see that Russia did not resent us for that. However, I would have never sided with those who condemn brotherly Russia”.


Asked whether SRS will support Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic in presidential elections, Seselj replied by saying that SRS assessed that this would be in the best interest of the state and people and he added: “We are aware of the fact that our candidate would not be able to win at this moment so, in a way, we are showing that our homeland and Serb people are more important to us than personal and party interests”. Seselj went on to say that Vucic is not perfect but, under these circumstances, it is important for Serbia to preserve its political stability and prevent “Macedonian, Ukrainian, Belarus or any other scenario that would create the path for western marionettes to come to the power”. “It is also important that Vucic is carrying out a friendly policy with Russia and China, that he swears he will never sign the independence of false state of Kosovo, that he protects Republika Srpska and assists Serbs in Montenegro. This is the policy we too will insist in future”, Seselj said and concluded that SRS wants to be a part of the future Government of Serbia and “protect Kosovo within Serbia with help of Russia and fight against attempts to impose lies on some kind of genocide in Srebrenica and attempts to label Serb people as genocidal”.


Ponos: Vucic will deceive someone – either his voters, or his western partners (Nova)


“I am always in the mood to talk to Aleksandar Vucic, wherever he wants. It can be done in front of a village home, cooperative building, with a beer… It can also be on the RTS. Let him choose where he wants it”, the presidential candidate of the United Serbia and former Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Zdravko Ponos said to the tabloid Nova, noting that he still does not believe that there is such a possibility.


How do you comment on the messages that German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock presented in Belgrade, above all that a country that wants membership in the European Union must harmonize its positions with Europe on the issue of the war in Ukraine? 


“I think that her non-verbal message is much more important, which is more open and stronger, and it consists in the fact that she practically decided to visit the Western Balkans after taking office and in a situation when the whole world, especially Europe, is occupied with the situation in Ukraine. That’s good news. That Berlin is still focused on this part of the world. This is a very important thing, because it would not be appropriate for this crisis to spill over from Ukraine to the Balkans, I think that her visit is a good and positive gesture. “On the other hand, when it comes to verbal messages, I think they can be read from the atmosphere and behaviour at the conference after the meeting. This time, the outgoing President Vucic did not say that he was very glad, that he learned something from the conversation with an associate, he did not talk about the quality of the steak. It was a very gloomy atmosphere, which means that he received quite hard messages about the fact that fairy tales can no longer be sold to interlocutors. It is obvious that he could not use this visit in the election campaign, as he has done so far [with visits by high-ranking foreign officials].


“As for the very expectation that the candidate countries should harmonize their policy with the EU, even when it comes to the attitude towards the Ukrainian crisis, that is quite understandable and expected. Harmonization is a process, I think it is not realistic to expect candidate countries to have a hundred percent synchronized policy, but it is quite reasonable that they should harmonize it. The question is whether the host was able to explain our position and its specificity, because not everyone among the EU members has an identical position and they take into account their national interests in its creation. For some, for example, it is very important that there is no embargo on the import of Russian gas, no matter how much Russia is punished. We also have some specific interests and they need to be clearly explained.”


You said that you have information that Vucic asked the West not to pressure him to impose sanctions on Russia until the elections. Can you say something more about that? 


“Doesn’t the tone of the press conference we talked about, and then the applause for the fact that Serbia supported the UN General Assembly resolution condemning the Russian aggression on Ukraine, seem like winking at it? I think that Serbia’s consent to support this resolution is a sensible foreign policy gesture, but unfortunately, it did not come as a consequence of thinking about foreign policy, but as a consequence of pressure. One call and changes everything. There was a phone call that led to such a reaction. Along the way, a promise arrived - we will solve it after the elections.”


Do you mean imposing sanctions on Russia? 


“Well, yes; much stricter harmonization with Western policy, which includes sanctions. It is quite certain that Vucic will deceive someone: either his voters, or Western interlocutors”, Zdravko Ponos said.


SPC Rejects Claims from EP Resolution on Foreign Interference (VIP)


On Monday, the Serbian Orthodox Church rejected the claims from the European parliament resolution on foreign interference in democratic processes in the European Union, adopted last week, in which the SPC’s actions in Serbia and the region are criticized. In the resolution adopted on 9 March, the EP expresses concern about “the attempts by the Orthodox Church in countries such as Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), especially in its entity Republika Srpska (RS), to promote Russia as a protector of traditional family values and fortify relations between state and church”. The resolution also states that “foreign interference can also be pursued through influence in and the instrumentalization of religious institutes, such as Russian influence in Orthodox churches, in particular in Serbia, Montenegro, B&H, especially in its RS entity, including by sowing division among local populations, developing a biased writing of history and promoting an anti-EU agenda”.


The SPC estimates, however, that its mention in this document is “based exclusively on deep, historical prejudices and tendentiously created stereotypes”, which “is not surprising, but is certainly, deeply disappointing”. Such a classification of the SPC is “completely contrary to the facts and the Church’s endeavours in daily life and therefore we decisively reject such a view”, states the announcement. For the SPC is it also “surprising the placing into negative context of the matter of the protection of traditional family values, which the Serbian Church advocates in the same way as does the Russian Orthodox Church as well, indeed, but so do all the other Orthodox churches without exemption, but also, no differently, the Catholic Church, and some Reformed churches”.


Opposition leader: Serbia to seek its chance in the east, not the west (Pink TV)


Milan Stamatovic, president of the Healthy Serbia party, and one of the lead candidates for the Souverainists coalition, said on March 14 that Serbia should “seek its chance” in the East, developing ties with Russia. Stamatovic, also the major of Cajetina, said that Serbia should develop “the closest possible” ties with Russia. “Cajetina is the only municipality in Serbia that has an office for cooperation with Russia. We want to cooperate with the Russian market,” Stamatovic said in an interview with the Pink TV. Stamatovic said that Serbia today was a “seriously ill” society, not because of the coronavirus pandemic, but rather of a decision that clashed with national interests. He repeated that the protection of national interests, decentralization, revival of agriculture and tourism were the key points of Healthy Serbia’s platform.


Another false bomb threat aimed at Air Serbia flight to Moscow (N1)


Another Air Serbia flight from Belgrade to Moscow was forced to return to Belgrade Airport on Monday afternoon following an anonymous e-mail warning of a bomb on board, but once again threat turned out to be a hoax. It was the second time in three days that the same threat was issued for the same route.  As it did last week, the police evacuated all passengers and crew members and conducted a counter-diversion inspection of the plane, finding that there were no explosive devices. Police are working on identifying and prosecuting the person who sent a false report to the airport’s e-mail, the Ministry of Interior announced.


An Air Serbia flight to Moscow was forced to return to Belgrade airport last Friday when a bomb threat was e-mailed to the police. Air Serbia increased the number of its flights between Belgrade and Moscow after the European Union banned Russian airlines from flying across its member states.


UN's Guterres: We must do everything possible to avert hurricane of hunger and meltdown of global food system (Vecernje Novosti)


UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that besides the hour-to-hour devastation inside Ukraine, the war is reaching far beyond its borders. "Russia and Ukraine represent more than half of the world’s supply of sunflower oil and about 30 percent of the world’s wheat. Ukraine alone provides more than half of the World Food Program’s wheat supply.  Food, fuel and fertilizer prices are skyrocketing.  Supply chains are being disrupted.  And the costs and delays of transportation of imported goods – when available – are at record levels. All of this is hitting the poorest the hardest and planting the seeds for political instability and unrest around the globe. Grain prices have already exceeded those at the start of the Arab Spring and the food riots of 2007-2008. The FAO’s global food prices index is at its highest level ever. Forty-five African and least developed countries import at least one-third of their wheat from Ukraine or Russia – 18 of those countries import at least 50 percent. This includes countries like Burkina Faso, Egypt, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. We must do everything possible to avert a hurricane of hunger and a meltdown of the global food system," Guterres underlined.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Vucic: Serbia will do everything to preserve peace; One wrong statement in region can provoke madness (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz carries an exclusive interview with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who commented “a crisis in Ukraine” and possible escalation of conflicts on the Western Balkans. Vucic said that peace has no price and Serbia will preserve peace regardless of what anyone else might say or think. He underlined that Serbian authorities are keeping quiet and they are not commenting any political statements. “We are silent and we do not mention anything, because various people, who would like to play with wrong statements in the politics, do not understand that one wrong statement can provoke madness. There is too much of madness in the world already, so any kind of madness in the region would be a surplus. But we will preserve peace”, said Vucic.


Vucic noted that everyone in the region think that things are easy, but they do not comprehend the extent of this crisis, which is the worst crisis since the World War II, arguing that they cannot imagine what will spring, summer, not to mention next winter, will look like. “This is why it is important for us to stand by each other. You will see fully extended hands of Serbia. Because we have not solved anything if our neighbours have problems”, said Vucic.


Commenting the ban of wheat export from Serbia, Vucic said that Serbia has sufficient reserves for Serbia, but he underlined that it is nonsense to speak that something is sufficient for Serbia if people in the region do not have enough. “When it comes to that, Serbia will be open. We have already received first requests from Albania and we are working on this. However, if you say that Serbia will have bread and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will not, then this means that Serbia will not either”, said Vucic. He underlined that even though we are heading toward the crisis, there will be enough wheat, adding that “whatever you talk about me, whatever you talk about Serbia”, it is certain that B&H will also receive part of the wheat supplies. Inset ‘We will have to help each other’- Vucic underlined that the crisis will be huge, not only when it comes to wheat and corn and he stressed that we will have to cooperate and assist each other on every possible issue.


Dzaferovic: It is hard to expect Ukrainian scenario in Balkans (N1, TRT)


Sefik Dzaferovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member, told Turkish state broadcaster TRT that Ukraine is a victim of open military aggression. Asked if the conflict in Ukraine could spill onto the Balkans, he said it is hard to expect such scenario but that a certain threat does exist.

“The Balkans is not as close to Russia as Ukraine is, so it is very difficult to expect such scenario. There is a NATO area between Russia and us. But, although Russia is not leaning on the Western Balkans, a certain threat does exist,” said the Bosniak Presidency member.


He also warned that Serb Presidency member Milorad Dodik “only six days after his meeting with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin in Moscow, has launched an attack on the constitutional order of B&H. “The (National) Assembly of Republika Srpska (RS) adopted conclusions that breach the Dayton Agreement and 27 years of its implementation,” said Dzaferovic, referring to the peace deal that ended the 1992-95 Bosnian war and set up the country's constitutional order. “Dodik would like to take us back to 1995 when everyone in B&H watched each other through the scope. That's dangerous and must be stopped. Primarily the NATO and EU have a responsibility to do that,” he added.


He recalled that the Bosniak and Croat leaders in B&H condemned the aggression on Ukraine and that only Dodik tried to obstruct Bosnia's joining the condemnation which he did not succeed. According to him, Russia's activities in Ukraine “revive the dreams about the Greater Serbia” and the many see Russia as a force that would support the secession of a part of B&H, and its merging with Serbia. “That's why we heard a message from NATO that B&H is under a threat. And that's why we need NATO's support, and we will fight for B&H until the end, in any case,” Dzaferovic stressed.


Asked if a third world war might emerge in the Eastern Europe, just like the WWI and WWII did, he replied the international community is not concerned without a reason. “Historical experience shows that the conflicts in the Balkans and further, in Eastern Europe, have the potential to spread rapidly. Historical experience shows that indulgence in Munich in 1938 led to an escalation of Nazi aggression”, said the Presidency member, warning that the “passivity of the international community” in the early 1990s in the Balkans led to the spread of the war. “Only with the intervention of NATO, the wars in B&H and Kosovo were stopped. If NATO is passive, conflict in Ukraine could spread, and only if NATO is firm and determined, no one will be interested in spreading the conflict, not even in B&H and the Western Balkans,” he added.


Speaking of B&H's potential future in NATO and EU, Dzaferovic said he sees the country as a member state of the two communities. “I am positive that Bosnia and Herzegovina would solve many of its problems if it became a member state of the EU and NATO. That's why there is resistance to the Euro-Atlantic integration among those who reject to accept B&H” he said.


As for Turkey's role in solving the long-term crisis in Bosnia, the Presidency member said that Turkey plays a stabilising role in B&H, supporting its EU and NATO paths. “President (Recep Tayyip) Erdogan gives strong support to B&H, supports all its peoples and expects from everyone to respect integral B&H,” he said.


AFET’s session on EU perspective of B&H and political situation in country starts in Brussels; EUSR Sattler and HR Schmidt talk to EU officials ahead of Tuesday’s meeting (FTV)


The first part of a session of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was held in Brussels on Tuesday. The EU perspective of B&H and political situation in the country were discussed at the session.


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler and High Representative Christian Schmidt addressed the session, which was closed to the public. They held meetings with AFET Chair David McAllister, AFET Vice-Chair and Croatian MEP Zeljana Zovko (HDZ) and AFET member and Croatian MEP Tonino Picula (SDP). The second part of the session of the AFET, that will be focused on the topic related to security challenges for B&H in the light of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, will be held on Tuesday.


Addressing the reporters after the meeting, Schmidt said that blocking the institutions is not the right path, reminding that he has submitted a report with the EP stressing the need for close cooperation and to gather everyone around paving the right path for B&H, instead of suspending any groups. “We talked about the possible spill over of the (Ukraine) crisis to B&H and the Western Balkans. We are monitoring relations of individuals with the Russian Federation and with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin with great concern. If, in the same time, they block the institutions, that is not the way that we should thread”, Schmidt told reporters.


Zovko told reporters that the AFET members will be informed at the session on Tuesday on the level of security threat in B&H. She reminded that there are security concerns and requests for deployment of additional EUFOR troops in B&H, as well as a need to reach an agreement on the electoral reform. Zovko said discussions like the one held on Monday are very important, and they show that the EU is the “biggest advocate for the Western Balkans”, especially for B&H, in regards to helping these countries overcome their issues, with the goal of building a better and more stable future. Zovko said that if B&H shows enough maturity and commitment to its EU path, then the EU will do everything to help the country receive its candidate status.


Picula told the press that the issue regarding stance on the Russian aggression on Ukraine has led to additional divisions in B&H, which is why it was interesting to hear stances of Schmidt and Sattler and how the two officials see B&H’s way out of current limbo. He said that the elections in Mostar were mentioned as the only bright thing that happened in B&H lately. Picula said solving the issue of the B&H Election Law would mean that the country solved one of its most pressing issues. Elections only have value, Picula says, if all people that take part in them feel like their vote really means something.


McAllister calls on EU countries to cooperate with Western Balkans countries in finding solution for problems that hinder implementation of reform processes (BHT1)


Chair of AFET David McAllister published statement on his Twitter account reading that the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is concerning at a time when Europe and the world at large are facing the biggest challenge to global peace and security after the World War Two. He emphasized importance of implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). McAllister called on the EU countries to cooperate with the Western Balkans countries in finding a solution for problems that hinder implementation of reform processes, especially for those concerning implementation of 14 key priorities in B&H.


B&H Presidency members and HDZ B&H leader Covic to meet with AFET members in Brussels on Tuesday (N1)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency members and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic are expected to meet with members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) in Brussels on Tuesday. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic will address the meeting via video link, while Bosniak member Sefik Dzaferovic and Serb member Milorad Dodik will attend it in person. The focus of the meeting will be set on the overall crisis in B&H, but the details of the meeting have not been announced and it will be closed for public.


N1 reported that the meeting of AFET members with Presidency members and Covic is taking place following announcements from the EU and NATO that it will be necessary to work on preventing crises in B&H as well as that they will be increasing their presence in the country and work more intensively on eliminating the malicious Russian influence in the whole Western Balkan region. It has also not been stated whether the Tuesday’s meeting will be about sanctions to Dodik.


Dodik stated on Monday that he expects a democratic and civilized debate on all current topics from the meeting with members of AFET. Dodik and members of AFET will discuss the situation in B&H, more precisely political crisis which B&H is in and possible solutions. ATV stressed that, judging by what Dodik said Monday, there are many members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from different political parties and different countries who give themselves the right to impose some of their solutions for B&H and who give various qualifications about the situation in BiH, blaming one side for everything that is currently happening in B&H. Ahead of his arrival in Brussels, Dodik said that he will give talks a chance, but that one definitely cannot and must not accept qualifications and stories coming from certain MEPs when it comes to Republika Srpska (RS) and criticism of it and the RS authorities.


Covic that he will present a clear stance on B&H’s relation to the EU integration process at the session of the AFET in Brussels on Tuesday, adding that he is not sure that everyone in B&H has the same stance on this issue. “I want to see if the EU path of B&H is our commitment”, Covic stressed, noting that he wants for this topic to be discussed by B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and the House of Peoples (HoP) as well. Covic reminded that the EU path of B&H requires an agreement on the electoral reform, noting that this issue should have been resolved two years ago. He stated that the EU integration process will be also discussed with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell who will visit B&H on Wednesday, but that the electoral reform will be also one of the topics at this meeting.


According to Covic, when it comes to electoral reform talks there have been no concrete activities ever since the negotiations in Neum and Sarajevo, but talks with an aim to find a solution are underway. He announced that a new round of negotiations might be held this week and that this time the Serb parties should be also included in talks. Covic said that all talks are expected to result in having legitimate representatives and holding democratic elections, concluding that for now there are no formal or legal conditions to hold the elections. Covic underlined the need to adopt amendments to the Election Law of B&H, and warned that no doors will open unless B&H deserves it.


EU HR Borrell responds to Dodik’s letter from February 18 and comments RS moves to return once transferred competencies: Such moves significantly undermine chances for B&H’s accession to EU (Dnevni avaz)


EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell answered the letter of member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik, which Dodik sent to him on February 18.


“The EU’s main goal remains to be securing of irrevocable progress of B&H toward EU membership”. However, Borrell warned Dodik that the activities that Republika Srpska (RS) undertook recently are contrary to B&H Constitution and endanger B&H as an integral, sovereign country with EU perspective. “For several months now, the RS leadership has been blocking functioning of state institutions and slowly, but persistently, returns back 26 years of reforms since the Dayton Agreement, with the recent adoption of the law which establishes parallel institutions in judiciary and medicines sectors”, wrote Borrell. The letter reads that the Constitution does not stipulate procedures for returning of transferred competencies and underlined that unilateral step to annul the agreement on transfer of competencies to the state level, are illegal and dispute constitutional order of B&H. Borrell noted that besides lack of legal grounds, the activities that the RS launched have important consequences for the state and its citizens. “Forming of a special RS agency for medicines and medical devices would endanger single economic space and create legally insecurity”, reads the letter.


Borrell further warned Dodik that withdrawing of the RS representatives from the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) would be incompatible with BiH’s integration to the EU: “This would seriously affect efficiency of judicial system, generating delays and denying of justice, to detriment of citizens and economy. Such moves significantly undermine chances for B&H’s accession to the EU”. Borrell called on Dodik and the RS leadership to stop every legislation and political initiative for returning to the so-called original Dayton and to respect Constitution of B&H and state competencies. “As I underlined on several occasions, I firmly believe that the political crisis can be overcame only through continuation of the political dialogue. Open issues, which cause your concern, need to be discussed in the state institutions, fully respecting constitutional and legislation framework and procedures, and not solve them through unilateral steps, which cause serious concern regarding the legality”, said Borrell. “When officials from the RS return to state institutions and secure full functionality, the EU is ready to enable a meaningful and intense dialogue. If there is no such dialogue and activities toward dismantling of state institutions continue to be concretely carried out, the EU will have no other choice but to start thinking about use of all other instruments from its framework”, noted Borrell.


EU Delegation to B&H calls RS to return to B&H institutions (Oslobodjenje)


EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in February stated that the European Commission (EC) received applications for assistance to construction of the railway/road connections on Corridor 5c, including two projects in Republika Srpska (RS), but he added that the agreements worth approximately EUR 600 million can be discussed only after functioning of the state institutions is fully restored. However, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated last week that the realization of all five projects proposed by Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will go in a single package and added that the Federation of B&H (FB&H) cannot have a favoured status in this matter.


Professor Svetlana Cenic said that if a project is related to the entire B&H and if consent of the state bodies is required, then the RS officials are able to block those. However, Cenic reminded that there are many projects for which no consent of the state bodies is required so numerous grants went directly to municipalities. “The fact the RS is obviously blocking the state, it is blocking the FB&H and it is also blocking itself, this is the worst possible problem, a paradox where one cuts the branch on which he sits”, Cenic added and argued that the EU is very well familiar with all mechanisms with which it can punish one side without punishing the other.


The EU Delegation to B&H told the daily that there is a possibility on changes to the decision on suspension of financing for two infrastructural projects on Corridor 5c: “We call the RS to return to B&H institutions in the full capacity with the goal to implement reforms that are important for the European path as well as infrastructural projects of benefit for B&H citizens”. The EU Delegation to B&H reminded that B&H will have to make a progress in strengthening of functionality of its institutions in order to be able to use possibilities stipulated by the EU Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans.


IAWG Deputy Chair Colak: There are not changes to Law on Elections because of SDA (Srna)


Deputy Chair of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) in charge of changes to the electoral legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) stated in an interview for ‘SRNA’ news agency that SDA and Bosniak political parties seated in Sarajevo are obstructing adoption of changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. Colak stated that the so-called Mostar Agreement, which was signed by SDA and HDZ B&H in presence of the international officials, is “a dead letter on a piece of paper” and argued that there is no willingness of Bosniak political parties to agree on anything. “The problem lies in the fact that we do not have all necessary provisions in the Law on Elections of B&H based on which we could fill the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) and, without that, we cannot fill the B&H House of Peoples with delegates from the F&iH”, Colak explained and reminded that the Constitutional Court (CC) of BiH assessed those provisions as unconstitutional, which were subsequently put out of force.


Colak also reminded that he warned that the Law on Elections must be changed and that limited changes to the Constitution must be adopted in order to implement both the B&H CC judgments and judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in several cases. “This includes certain changes to the very election process – everything that was requested by the ODIHR and the GRECO, as well as the Venice Commission”, Colak added. He further warned that there is a big problem related to the status of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, arguing that it was not appointed in line with the laws: “It is simply unbelievable to have such an institution at the level of B&H appointed without a public vacancy notice and I will not even go into details on who the appointed people are and what kind of positions they held in past”. Colak noted that there are lots of problems and little time left to solve them and added that he does not know whether an agreement on changes to the electoral legislation will be reached.


Asked whether there is a possibility to either postpone or not hold elections at all, Colak said that legal options are very limited and he reminded that even the latest postponement of local elections was not carried out in line with the law: “There is no legal possibility for postponement, but the law can be changed to create a legal option in order to maybe postpone the elections. Under the current circumstances, it is very difficult to expect something like that to happen and the time is running out”. He further said that ever since the signing of the so-called Mostar agreement, SDA has not dealt with the issues in a serious manner, stressing that SDA has been avoiding to talk about the legitimate representation, which is a very important problem for B&H, not just the Croat people. “On the other hand, there are parties from the FB&H with the seat in Sarajevo, Bosniak parties, which have been arguing that those who now discuss the Law on Elections are traitors of B&H”, added Colak.




PM Plenkovic talks with EU HR Borrell about changing Law on Elections of B&H (Dnevni list)


Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic published on Twitter that he spoke on the phone with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. According to PM Plenkovic, he advocated additional efforts aimed at reaching agreement on changes to Law on Elections of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).


Croatian FM visits Estonia, says Russian invasion could destabilise B&H (Hina)


Croatia's foreign minister told his Estonian counterpart Eva-Maria Liimets on Monday that Croatia was being solidary with Ukraine by sending it financial aid and defence equipment and taking in refugees, warning of possible destabilisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) due to the war in Ukraine. The talks between Minister Gordan Grlic Radman of Croatia and his Estonian counterpart Eva-Maria Liimets focused on the Russian aggression on Ukraine. "The importance of the unity and solidarity of the EU and transatlantic partners was underlined, as was the importance of continuing the implementation of restrictions against Russia," the Croatian ministry said in a statement.


Grlic Radman said Croatia "is showing its solidarity with Ukraine by sending it financial assistance and defence equipment and by taking in Ukrainian refugees. The minister warned of the possibility of further destabilisation of the Western Balkans, notably B&H, due to the war in Ukraine," the Croatian ministry said. "We strongly advocate the election reform in B&H, confident that it would improve relations between the constituent peoples and secure legitimate and just elections," Grlic Radman said.


As regards the security situation in Europe, Grlic Radman reported about the crash of an unmanned aerial vehicle in Zagreb last week and the continuation of the investigation into the incident. The minister stressed that the case was an indicator of the need for a better and closer communication and cooperation between NATO members, the ministry said in the statement.


It underlined the very good, friendly relations between Croatia and Estonia, their regular cooperation at the highest levels and their partnership within the EU, NATO, Three Seas Initiative and other international formats as well as the potential for enhancing bilateral cooperation. Grlic Radman also met with Estonian Defence Minister Kalle Laanet and Parliament Speaker Juri Ratas and visited the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.


Milanovic: We need to start building an air defense system (HRT)


Croatian President, Zoran Milanovic, held a press conference on the unmanned aircraft that crashed in Zagreb after meeting with leaders from the Croatian Military and security and intelligence agencies earlier today. He said such a thing is unlikely to happen again, but stressed the need to build an air defense system. He did not reveal details to the press about the aircraft, or whether it had a bomb, after the Minister of Defense said yesterday that parts of an aviation bomb were found on it. He said that the public is safe at this moment.


President Zoran Milanovic said that the investigation was underway as far as the nature of the aircraft was concerned and that he would not talk about the details. He also called on "others who address the media in front of the bushes every 15 minutes not to do so and not to go there unnecessarily".


“At this moment, there is no danger from that specific object for the Croatian public,” Milanovic added. He stated that the construction of the Croatian air defense system should begin, the deficiency of which, as he said, he warned about two or three months ago. “Now is the right time, and quickly, not urgently, because something like this will probably not happen again, but we have seen all the shortcomings that exist and the fact that we can rely on NATO, but that we make those kinds of decisions,” said Milanovic.


"There is no absolute security. We all learned something from this. We are a member of NATO, I would say, solid and loyal, but at the end of the day we are the only ones who take care of our own security. And that is why I expect that the appropriate means will be urgently found, which are incomparably smaller than the ones we have set aside and will set aside for combat aircraft, so that these systems are strengthened as soon as possible with those means and tools they can be strengthened with, and those are simpler tools. Then in some medium-term period, without too many complications in public procurement, because these are not European funds, this is an important thing – appropriate systems be procured for the needs of Croatian national security and defense and air defense systems, which again are not a guarantee of absolute security; but they are certain levels of security. Because there is no absolute security,” said Milanovic. He asked "everyone who has operational technical knowledge from the investigation to keep quiet about it".


Asked by reporters about the details of the aircraft, he replied: “The public can be calm and is safe at the moment. That’s it, all you need to know, like when some other kind of investigation is being conducted.”


Asked by reporters whether the aircraft had an aviation bomb or a self-destruction bomb onboard, he said that they should ask Minister of Defense Mario Banozic, adding that this is not a topic that should be talked about publicly.


Asked if there was a bomb or not, he replied that he could not say. “I can't tell you for sure whether that aircraft was flown in by Ukrainian forces. We can't be completely sure. We will probably never know that,” said the president. He said that he expected the government, just as he had asked them to take the American gift in the form of about 80 Bradleys, to find the means and ways for Croatia to have certain air defense systems as soon as possible." “At the moment, there are none. It's no secret,” he said. "NATO's secretary general is a political figure, he doesn't really know anything" He also said that he would not speak with the NATO Secretary General because that would be parading and there is no need for that. “He is a political person, he does not decide on that and in fact he knows nothing. Our commanders spoke with the commanders, as needed, and they did, with the highest commanders,” said Milanovic.


PM: France will help us control Croatian airspace (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday that France had expressed readiness to help Croatia to control its airspace and that their early warning and control aircraft had already flown over Croatian skies. The Croatian premier added that the talks were being held with the US to see how they could help Zagreb.


After a meeting of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) Presidency and National Council, the prime minister said that the unmanned aerial vehicle that had crashed in Zagreb on Thursday night carried explosive, a sort of bomb, and that the ongoing investigation was aimed at establishing who had launched the drone and how, and if it had been a mistake, sabotage or plan.


He pointed out that he had already spoken with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Friday and that they had expressed readiness to let French aircraft help Croatia to control its airspace. After that, a Hawkeye E2C patrol aircraft flew over the Croatian airspace on 12 March, and it would do it again tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will visit the aircraft carrier located in the Adriatic near Dubrovnik, the premier said. We are also in talks with the US to see how they can help us in the case of such unforeseen circumstances, he added.


PM Plenkovic said he would continue with intensive communication within NATO with regard to the crash of the UAV. We are talking about it with partners in the EU. On Wednesday, I will visit NATO headquarters in Spain and try to gather additional information on how the aerial vehicle ended up in Croatia. He also recalled that he spoke with the military leadership today about the possibilities for strengthening the air defence.


Earlier, PM Andrej Plenkovic said on Twitter that he had spoken with Defence Minister Mario Banozic, the Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces, Admiral Robert Hranj, and commanders of branches of the Armed Forces about investments in strengthening the capabilities of the Armed Forces. Before that, he held a meeting with members of the government and relevant institutions about the facts established so far about the crash of the military aerial vehicle in Zagreb.




Joanikije: Montenegro is projected to be a small Ukraine (Politika, Beta)


The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Joanikije, stated on Sunday that "events in Ukraine are the consequences of ingrained atheism" and that Montenegro is projected to be a small Ukraine, according to the website of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral (MCP) the brokers, of course, saw their interest there. As you can see, there are too many lies. We must sympathize with the Orthodox people in Ukraine, above all to pray to God for that people, who, unfortunately, quarrelled with each other. And that does not seem unfamiliar to us: we also have many divisions and quarrels. Even Montenegro is projected to be a small Ukraine", pointed out Joanikije, who served the liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ's Resurrection in Podgorica, Beta reports.


He said that he hoped that the situation in Ukraine would calm down quickly. "Today, the most difficult thing is for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, our brothers led by Metropolitan Onufrije. It is the canonical Church which is in unity with the Moscow Patriarchate and with all other Orthodox Churches in the world. It is the most difficult for them", said Joanikije.


According to the Montenegro Orthodox Church website, he "called on the faithful to collect aid for the Orthodox brothers in Ukraine, which they did already during the worship service."


"There are deep roots of Orthodoxy. There is a great support of the whole Orthodoxy. "All Orthodox should pray for peace in fraternal Ukraine," said Joanikije. He said that "the long-term struggle of Orthodoxy with the iconoclasts is in many ways reminiscent of the struggle of Orthodoxy with atheism, communism, with the godless ideologues of our time." "And that struggle has been going on for over a hundred years, since that evil came to us from Europe, from Protestant Europe - that evil of atheism, atheism and communism. And this fight is going on and it has taken too many victims. Just imagine how much in Russia, and unfortunately in our country as well. And with all Slavic peoples ", he said.


He said that he hoped that "just as iconoclasm had to recede and stop, so the communist godless ideology will retreat before Orthodoxy. Because Orthodoxy has beauty, it has truth, it has justice, it has mercy, it has humanity, godliness and philanthropy. And that is our weapon with which we fight and fight, "said Joanikije. He added that "we Orthodox believe that no one can resist these weapons."


Reactions to the Metropolitan Joanikije statement (Antena M)


Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in Montenegro Natalija Fijalka condemned the statement of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral SOC Joanikije regarding the war in Ukraine. The Montenegrin opposition also reacted, believing that the Metropolitan, by assessing that Montenegro was projected to be a small Ukraine, called for war. "I can personally bring Metropolitan Joanikije pictures and footage of those cities that were targeted, pictures of children killed, thousands of Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian forces. I think he relies on Russian propaganda channels, and based on them he has his own conclusions about the situation in Ukraine "But the situation is not such that Russia is protecting the Orthodoxy. Orthodox Russians are killing Orthodox Ukrainians, whom they call 'their brothers,'" Fijalka told Podgorica's Antena M radio.


Part of the Montenegrin public assessed the message of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Joanikije, as dangerous, that Montenegro is projected to be a small Ukraine. The strongest opposition Democratic Party of Socialists believes that Joanikije is calling for war in Montenegro. "Metropolitan, the divisions in Montenegro were created by the Greater Serbia policy and the church you represent. By saying how Montenegro is projected to be a 'little Ukraine', and supporting Putin, you call for war in our country," said DPS official Nela Savkovic Vukcevic.


In a written response British Ambassador Karen Maddocks, sceptical that party interpretations of Joanikije 's message were in line with their policies, said: "I suggest that we take the Metropolitan's words for granted. We all sympathize with the people of Ukraine who are now fleeing the war zone. "Many, including the British government, have previously expressed concern about the influence that Russia has had and continues to have in Montenegro." Maddocks reiterated that the British Government is committed to freedom of religion, which includes the right not to be believer (atheism):  "We all know that religion evokes strong emotions and attachments, and it would be dangerous to attribute religious tones to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, when it has nothing to do with religion."


Djukanovic: By visiting Kosovo, I want to contribute to interstate understanding (CDM)


Confirming that he will visit Kosovo in the coming months, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said that the visit was a contribution to interstate understanding and strengthening the tradition of good Montenegrin-Albanian relations. In an exclusive interview for the Pristina television KTV, he assessed that the relations between the two countries are relations of respect, mutual respect and good neighbourliness. "Wherever we met (with Kosovo leaders) in many places, I would say it was an extremely exemplary relationship. "I am convinced that as leaders of both countries we will contribute to the best possible trust between our countries and that we will continue this practice and tradition," he said.


When it comes to a potential visit to Serbia, he said that it cannot be talked about at this moment. "The cause of the broken political relations between our two countries in recent years is clear to you. As for my readiness, it is always absolute, to talk to everyone, and especially to neighbours, especially with the countries of the region on clear political principles. And, I am not one of those who choose interlocutors, nor am I the one who wants this or that president from Serbia. "Serbia elects its president, let it elect him as the citizens of Serbia want," Djukanovic said.


Djukanovic said that it was important that in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, both sides show responsibility and try to develop a dialogue towards a final solution. He said that Montenegro recognized the independence of Kosovo because he believes that it is the only true view of the future. "So, for me, it is completely legitimate for Kosovo to be a part of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. I am deeply convinced that the key problem of this region is its instability, and I have said many times that we have a lot of evidence, both in the past and in recent history, which shows that we do not have reliable enough mechanisms for our regional stability. In the case of Kosovo-Serbia relations, it is very important that both sides show responsibility for the dialogue and try to develop this dialogue to a final solution. Montenegro's position is clear. "Montenegro accepted the independence of Kosovo because both then and now it was convinced that it was the only true view of the future," Djukanovic said.


On the statement that he was connected with the assassination attempt of Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vucic, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, has stated it’s a pure fabrication. “I’ve already commented on this. It’s a pure fabrication, which was supposed to be and probably was used to homogenize the domestic political public,” he said.. As you had seen in the further development of that story, Djukanovic added, not a single piece of evidence appeared, not a single letter that could support such a fabrication, because it really is a complete fabrication. “Therefore, I’m the president of the state of Montenegro, not the assassin and someone who is the organizer of terrorist acts in this area, and I’m the president of Montenegro who showed, and who still shows the best intention to cooperate with all countries, including Serbia, to the extent that Serbia allows us to do so,” Djukanovic pointed out.


Djukanovic: Threats are Serbia’s way of solving problems (CDM)


President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, has said that threats are Serbia’s way of solving problems. Asked about Serbia’s threats and Kosovo’s attempts to accelerate the membership to NATO, in an exclusive interview for the Pristina-based KTV TV, the President said he didn’t approve of the threats, as it had never been the way of resolving issues in international relations. In terms of the Kosovo-Serbia relation, it’s very important that both sides show responsibility over the opened dialogue and try to develop it until they get the final solution.


President Djukanovic assessed that Serbia represented a platform for Russian interests in the Western Balkans (WB). “Over the past years, Montenegro showed that, despite being a small country in terms of its territory and population, it managed to defend its values and the right to freely choose its future.” He added that Montenegro and all WB countries had been strengthened by the new intensity and quality of European unity following the Russian aggression on Ukraine.


The President also stated that entrusting a mandate to Dritan Abazovic with forming a government proves Montenegro’s emancipation. “If I didn’t see him as prime minister, I wouldn’t propose him, that’s clear. There is no doubt that the Democratic Party of Socialists said that it was ready to support the minority government, that it doesn’t like this model, that it prefers political power, being aware that it’s difficult to reach a consensus over this solution at the moment and therefore, we’re ready to support a minority government on one condition only,” he said in an exclusive interview for KTV. According to him, that one condition is that all political goals, political priorities of this government must be in line with the pro-European and pro-Atlantic policy of Montenegro.


Fuel prices hitting record highs, Bulajic blocked parliament (CDM)


Montenegro citizens have become the victims of political tensions and the wilfulness of the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Strahinja Bulajic, of the Democratic Front (DF) who doesn’t want to convene the session to reduce excise taxes and thus halt a surge in the fuel price. Bulajic refuses to convene the parliament’s session despite the fact that we face the biggest price increases at pumps, a litre of petrol has now hit 1.78 euro. It seems unimportant that citizens bear the biggest consequences of Bulajic’s decision, who, in this way, tries to postpone the election of a new government excluding the Democratic Front.


Meanwhile, the DPS MP and ex-minister of economy, Dragica Sekulic, has made a point of being clear about this entire situation – the main culprit for the current state of play is the outgoing government and the irresponsible, temporary managers in parliament.

In a statement for the CDM portal, she says that the energy prices are one of the basic factors affecting the spending power of citizens. According to her, all responsible governments around the world have recognized it and “with no exception applied the best cure – they abolished excise taxes and cut tax burdens”.


The Leader of the Liberal Party, Andrija Popovic, tells CDM that the situation in Montenegro is almost incredible, noting that the price rise in oil derivates and food affects the lives of the most vulnerable groups: pensioners, the unemployed and people needing social care. Adel Omeragic of the Bosniak Party shares the opinion of both Sekulic and Popovic, adding that it’s irresponsible not to convene the parliament’s session while fuel prices soar.


Zivkovic: Blockade of Parliament not a forced move, but a deliberate action; Montenegro has no time to lose (CDM)


“No matter how the narrative about the need to adopt a European value system seemed like a political cliché, it is clear that Montenegro must become an EU member in the short term, because it is one of the guarantees that we will not witness the Ukrainian scenario in the Western Balkans. If, by chance, after the referendum on foreign policy priorities, the actors who were against Euro-Atlantic integration were to decide on this, today we would certainly be swallowed by the short-sightedness of Balkan political schizophrenia, whose worst face we saw in the 1990s”, says Danijel Zivkovic, head of the DPS caucus. “What democracy looked like under the direction of the “liberators” after 30 August, we could witness the previous year. And we can most clearly see how democracy is understood today in Parliament through the direction of the DF”, he has pointed out.


North Macedonia 


Borrell announces fourth package of EU sanctions against Russia; says Russian invasion of Ukraine is moment of awakening Europe to revive process of enlargement to Western Balkans (AJB)


EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell announced in Skopje on Monday a fourth package of EU sanctions against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. The fourth package of EU sanctions will cover Russia's trade, market access, membership in international financial institutions and the export of luxury goods- specifically targeting steel, coal and energy sectors. Borrell said that Russian invasion of Ukraine is a moment of awakening Europe to revive the process of enlargement to the Western Balkans. He added that this is a security issue and an issue of stability of the region. However, Borrell could not promise the start of negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania at the next summit of the bloc scheduled to take place in June. "Putin’s war is not only about Ukraine, it is about respecting international law and principles on security and stability of our European continent. It affects all of us," Borrell told a press conference in Skopje. Borrell underlined that integration of the Western Balkans is a strategic issue for the EU, both a political and security issue especially while the war in Ukraine lasts. Borrell welcomed the decision of the authorities in Skopje to join the sanctions against Russia, commending North Macedonia for showing an alliance with the Union.


President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski told Borrell that the beginning of negotiations is a test for the credibility of the EU, calling for swift realization of strategic decisions in relation to enlargement policy. Pendarovski pointed out that continuation of blockade of Albania and North Macedonia is unsustainable.


Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski said that the blockade of accession negotiations of North Macedonia with the EU is felt throughout the region. "We need to more efficiently use the precious time. The war risks increasing the influence of third parties in the region, in connection with which we must all be extremely careful and ready. Leaving a geostrategic gap in our part of Europe is not an option. Rapid integration of North Macedonia and the region will ensure stability and development of Europe," Kovacevski underlined.


Nikoloski: The Macedonian national identity is denied by Bulgaria just like Russia denies the Ukrainian identity (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski drew a parallel between the Russian demands from Ukraine and its negation of the Ukrainian national identity with the Bulgarian claims on Macedonian national identity and history. Bulgaria is blocking Macedonia from opening EU accession talks until it accepts the Bulgarian historic narrative.


Numerous human lives were lost in Ukraine, there is a lot of destruction, and there are hundreds of thousands of refugees. This military aggression, this war, must stop, Nikoloski said during the emergency meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.


“What I want to particularly underline is that there are many similarities between the Macedonian and the Ukrainian people. Just as the Ukrainian national identity is begin denied, so Bulgaria denies the Macedonian national identity. Just as the Ukrainian language is denied, in the same way Bulgaria denies the Macedonian language. As the Ukrainian people suffer, so does the Macedonian people”, Nikoloski added. He urged the European Union to immediately approve a date when Macedonia will open its EU accession talks, with its national identity and language preserved.


Internal divisions develop both in Macedonia and in Bulgaria as the June deadline draws closer (Republika)


Bulgarian officials, but also Macedonian officials, are showing signs of division as the June deadline to resolve the historic dispute draws near. Bulgarian nationalist politician Kostadin Kostadinov shared the minutes from a recent meeting between Foreign Minister Teodora Gencovska and EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. The minutes make clear that Prime Minister Kiril Petkov is indicating that he is ready to lift the veto in June and allow Macedonia to open its EU accession talks.


According to the minutes, Gencovska told Varhelyi that the deadline is becoming more and more elusive, with the lack of progress between the two countries, including the alleged hardening of positions from the Macedonian side. The minutes also show that there is difference in positions in Macedonia as well, between Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, who would say one set of things to the Bulgarian counterparts, and experts officials from his Ministry, who were more hard-line.


Other Bulgarian officials, like the hard-line member of the European Parliament Andrey Kovatchev, say that there are differences of positions within the ruling coalition, with Petkov being more conciliatory, and his coalition partners like BSP being more nationalist. Talks are made even more complicated by the involvement of former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in the process. Zaev met with Petkov during a diplomatic forum in Turkey.




Borrel: Albania has met the conditions and Brussels is working hard to open negotiations within the French presidency (Radio Tirana)


Albania's integration into the EU was part of Prime Minister Edi Rama's discussion with EU Foreign Representative Josep Borell. Borrell said that Albania has met the conditions and that Brussels is working hard to open negotiations within the French presidency, while adding that the war in Ukraine makes the integration of the Balkans into the EU even more urgent.


""Albania's policies are 100% in line with EU policies. In this time of trial, Albania has shown its readiness. Albania has been co-drafting and co-sponsoring the resolution against Russia. Albania is also a member of NATO, but beyond that, it is a provider of security. I am grateful to your country for the various defense operations in the world. We hope that this cooperation will continue. We will continue to cooperate on cyber security. We live in moments in which stability and being together is most important. The time has come to revitalize the enlargement process. You, Mr. Prime Minister, have said that 'we need not only words, but deeds'. But the time has come to reintegrate the integration process and expand the process for the Western Balkans. Albania has met the conditions. I support the work that is being done and will continue to support the opening of negotiations under the leadership of the French government. This must be accomplished within the French presidency.


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borell spoke even about the price increase that has affected the whole of Europe, emphasizing that the price increase is not only about Albania but is a consequence of the war in Ukraine. "It's an interdependence of all of us on Russia. Russia is using the export ban as a weapon. This issue is not only about Albania, it is a consequence of the war", said Borell.


Crisis shows why we need an Open Balkans, Vucic: We will export wheat, flour and oil to Albania, we will adhere to contracts with countries in the region (Radio Tirana)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he will allow the export of contracted wheat from Albania as soon as possible, adding that this will be done with every country in the region. Having said that, this crisis, one of the greatest of the century, is showing once again how important the Open Balkans initiative is. In a statement to reporters, Vucic stressed that wheat, oil and flour are in demand in the region and the world, and explained that Serbia has some old and some new agreements worth 350,000 tonnes of wheat. He said the government has banned exports because of the crisis, but for countries in the region according to him, an exception should be made.


"The first official requests we received were in accordance with those agreements, signed with Albania. We are talking about this now and we will allow the export of wheat to Albania as soon as possible. This was resolved in a short time," said the President.


Earlier, Prime Minister Rama stressed that "Today we are talking about the biggest problem is the provision of oil in the market, due to the blockage of companies. Our flour businesses have contracted 20 thousand tons of flour in Serbia, which is blocked at the moment we are talking. We want to open this with diplomacy, if it's worth anything, the Open Balkans is the time to open the way," Rama said. Apparently, the Open Balkans showed once again that it is necessary with today's act of Serbia.


Serbian wheat and corn market opens for Albania, Agriculture ministers reconfirm Open Balkans agreement (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Agriculture, Frida Krifca, is on an official visit to Belgrade regarding the guarantee of the functioning of food markets in our region. Minister Krifca and Serbian Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimovic have confirmed the opening of the market and the free movement of wheat and corn from Serbia to Albania.


Under the Open Balkans agreement, despite the fact that other international markets may be closed, wheat and corn from Serbia will move freely towards the Albanian market and consumer.


"In a meeting with Minister Nedimovic in Belgrade, we had the opportunity to discuss once again the Open Balkans agreement, even in the conditions we are in now, and to ensure that this agreement works. Contracts already entered into for the import and export of various products including that of maize or wheat will normally proceed. We guaranteed each other for a well-understood institutional interaction and coordination and it is very important that Albanian companies will have the opportunity this week to be able to continue their business normally for wheat and corn imports. This is an example of how the Open Balkans agreement creates facilities even in very difficult times, due to the war," said Minister Krifca.


The visit and the meeting between the two ministers to guarantee the functioning of the Open Balkans Agreement, especially on the free trade of foodstuffs, comes at a difficult time for the markets which have been blocked by the war in Ukraine.


German Minister pushes for Albania’s EU accession talks (ADN)


German Minister of State for Europe at the German Foreign Ministry, Michael Roth has underlined Tuesday that time has come for Albania’s and North Macedonia’s European Union negotiation to launch. In a media statement, Roth has underlined that the Union should not delay, or else its gap will be filled by other countries such as Russia or China. Focusing on the Russian invasion, Roth said the EU should take more responsibility for peace in Europe, but the war in Ukraine will not hamper the negotiation process with Albania and North Macedonia.


“I am very grateful that I welcomed my friends from Albania and that they gave me the opportunity to emphasize the clear and credible European perspective for Albania and other countries of the Western Balkans. I am not very happy with the latest developments because the European Union has lost credibility in the region. It is time to start membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia as soon as possible. This is my message not only to our friends and partners in Albania, but also to our friends and colleagues in Brussels and I hope that with the French Presidency of the Council we have a real opportunity to keep our promises again.


We are aware of the important positive developments in the region, as everyone knows that much remains to be done, but Albania is ready. For the EU, a clear and credible European perspective for the countries of the Western Balkans is not only in the interest of the countries of the Western Balkans, but also in our interest because the European perspective is one of the most attractive mechanisms for stabilization, peace and democratization. region and these countries, in particular Albania belong to the EU. For this reason, I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to hold very productive talks with colleagues honoured by the Albanian parliament.


The war in Ukraine is a very, very big tragedy and she stresses that the EU must take more responsibility for peace and stability across Europe. It means not only in Eastern Europe but also in the Western Balkans. This is an obligation for us. And if we forward an invitation to Ukraine does not mean that we are no longer interested in continuing our relations with Albania and other Western Balkan countries”, stressed the German Minister.


Balla official visit to Germany / Meeting with the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Roth (Radio Tirana)


The Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla is on an official visit to Germany. Balla, who heads the delegation from the Albanian Parliament, was received by the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael Roth. During the meeting, Balla and Roth discussed the process of European integration of Albania, where the emphasis was on the immediate holding of the First Intergovernmental Conference with Albania, which has long met all the conditions set by the EU. Also, during the meeting, Balla and Roth discussed the new geopolitical context and Russian aggression against Ukraine, which impose a closer relationship with the countries of the Western Balkans. In a statement after meeting with Balla, Roth reiterated the clear and credible European perspective for Albania and other Western Balkan countries. 


Michael Roth's full statement:


I am very grateful that I welcomed my friends from Albania and that they gave me the opportunity to emphasize the clear and credible European perspective for Albania and other countries of the Western Balkans. I am not very happy with the latest developments because the European Union has lost credibility in the region. It is time to start membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia as soon as possible. This is my message not only to our friends and partners in Albania, but also to our friends and colleagues in Brussels and I hope that with the French Presidency of the Council we have a real opportunity to keep our promises again.


We are aware of the important positive developments in the region, as everyone knows that much remains to be done, but Albania is ready. For the EU, a clear and credible European perspective for the countries of the Western Balkans is not only in the interest of the countries of the Western Balkans, but also in our interest because the European perspective is one of the most attractive mechanisms for stabilization, peace and democratization of the region and these countries, in particular Albania belongs to the EU. For this reason, I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to hold very productive talks with colleagues honoured by the Albanian parliament," Roth said.