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Belgrade Media Report 13 April 2022



Vucic reacted: Leave Serbia alone (B92)


President of Serbia told the leaders of the so-called Kosovo and Montenegro to leave Serbia alone. Responding to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, Vucic sends a strong message: "Leave Serbia alone and stop deceiving the public. Serbia will preserve peace and stability, and we are proud of the fact that we want to protect our country on our own." Vucic told Djukanovic and Kurti that they have bigger worries, such as crime, corruption and the economy, and that they should leave Serbia alone. "In the last six months, the campaign of smearing Serbia has been intensified, coming from certain centers of power, but of course also from the part of the region that always sees its success in Serbia's failure and collapse. Not since yesterday, a more pronounced role in the pure hatred towards Serbia comes from Albin Kurti and Milo Djukanovic," Vucic underlined in a video statement.

He pointed out that they always use untruths, outright and open lies, with the goal of presenting themselves as victims, and Serbia as a vicious aggressor who threatens them in every way. Thus, they allegedly took the opportunity to use our legal, legitimate, complete regular and transparent acquisition of the Chinese FC3 system, which serves for anti-aircraft defense and defensive weapons, to tell the whole world that Serbia is a Chinese and Russian ally. "They are trying to portray us as someone who threatens peace in the region, even though we are surrounded by NATO territories. They do not even know how we could threaten them with defensive weapons," he said. Vucic explained that the system serves to destroy cruise missiles of enemy aircraft that would violate the airspace of Serbia, and asked how Belgrade thus endangers Pristina and Podgorica. "If I were joking, I would say that it would be better for us to buy 'Autan' sprays, because it is much more important to protect ourselves from flies and mosquitoes than from any serious air force that they have," said Vucic. He pointed out that the essence is in the desire to harm Serbia, that Serbia should always be guilty, weak, as they perceived it when they declared Kosovo's independence, or when it was economically ruined 15 or 20 years ago. "When Kurti says that Serbia is in a panic, because it is afraid that it will be left alone - today, Serbia, as a military neutral country, is alone in the entire wider region," Vucic said. As he says, lions, elephants and tigers can be seen in the circus, but you can never see a lone wolf in the circus: "We have enough of these magnificent animals in the Balkans and I would always accept the role of a lone wolf, not a hyena, shameless and immoral. Even worse than hyenas are flies, revolving around them and waiting to bring them prey, such are Kurti and Djukanovic," he explained. Vucic told them that they have much bigger worries, such as crime, corruption and many problems in the economy. He emphasized that Serbia is going to preserve peace and stability. "Leave Serbia alone, stop lying and deceiving the public. Serbia will find its way as the citizens want. We are proud of the fact that we want to protect the country on our own, without waiting for NATO to do that on our behalf. We are different in that aspect and we are not ashamed of it," he concluded.


Stefanovic: Kurti is the last man to have right to speak about the Serbian Army (RTV/Tanjug)


In response to Kurti’s statement that the fact that Serbia is continuously acquiring weapons represented a threat for Kosovo and the region, Serbian Defense Minister Neobjsa Stefanovic stated in a written statement that the source of instability was precisely the Kosovo Prime Minister and the policy he leads. “It is Kurti himself and his people in Pristina who are the biggest security threat in the region. They deal in the illegal supply of weapons to their compatriots and militarizing Kosovo, outside all the agreements which order the military presence,” cited Stefanovic. Therefore, Kurti is “the last man in the world to have any right to speak about the equipment of the Serbian Army and its capacities”, he concluded.


Petkovic and Shieb about course of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and the German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Shieb talked yesterday about the course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

He pointed out concern regarding the attempts of political actors in Pristina to relativize the reached agreements in the dialogue with Belgrade and especially referred to the latest attacks of Albin Kurti to the Brussels agreement and the Community of Serb Municipalities, along with the assessment that this is clear confirmation in Pristina that there is no minimum of good will to fulfill the assumed duties. “In the field of resolution of missing persons Pristina doesn’t allow the search of nine locations in Kosovo and Metohija where according to Belgrade’s search there are the mortal remains of Serbs missing in war, while Belgrade, without hesitation, proceeded after every Pristina’s demand,” stated Petkovic. Taking into account the fact that the implementation of the Brussels agreement, whose guarantor is the EU, the precondition of creating a normal social climate and conditions for co-life in Kosovo and Metohija and that Belgrade has fulfilled all the taken over obligations from the dialogue in Brussels, Petkovic stated that Belgrade will continue to insist on implementing everything agreed thus far, especially on establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities with which, as he noticed, it is belated nine years. Petkovic and Shieb discussed that elections in Serbia, whereby Petkovic warned that with Pristina’s decision to ban the implementation of elections of Serbia on the territory of the province the basic citizen, political and democratic rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija have been drastically threatened. He concluded that Belgrade will in the interest of preserving peace in the region continue to favor for all open issues to be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means, but conveyed that constructiveness and credibility must be demanded from Pristina because at issue is a process that needs to rely on mutual trust and readiness for cooperation.


Covic: They are constantly fixated on Serbia (Novosti/Tanjug)


No one in Serbia, especially Serbian security services, has any interest in something bad happening to former Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Dick Marty, former head of the Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic said. "Clearly, there is now an atmosphere of huge amounts of spinning and manipulation, that is one of the biggest pieces of nonsense that have been put out there, but now court proceedings against Thaci, Veseli and other exotic characters from Kosovo and Metohija are under way in the Hague, where Dick Marty's information is very useful in those indictments," said Covic, commenting on Marty's claims made for the Swiss media that he has been living under police protection for a long time because his life is endangered by "radical elements from Serbian intelligence services". Covic now says that the accusations can be defined as coming from the side of "the big Albanian lobbying machinery, with distinct elements in Switzerland". "After Albania and Kosovo and Metohija, the largest concentration of Albanians is in Switzerland," Covic added. When asked how he sees Pristina's campaign during the Ukrainian crisis, Covic said that Pristina is "constantly muddying the waters and constantly pretending to be hysterically afraid of Serbia". "They are saying unrealistic things, that Serbia will carry out aggression in the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia cannot carry out aggression against a part of its own territory, and if we pay attention the statements made by our officials and the behavior of Serbia, we can see that Serbia holds very firmly to the thesis that it is a key element of stability in the entire Western Balkans region," Covic stressed. He noted that there are many in the region who are "constantly fixated on Serbia" and one of the reasons, he says, is that they are incapable of solving problems in their own countries. "These problems will be getting bigger, just like in the whole of Europe, caused by the Russian-American conflict, or the conflict between Russia and NATO in the territory of Ukraine," said Covic.


Portal Demostat: Azerbaijani SOCAR eyes takeover of oil and gas company NIS (Beta)


The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) was interested in buying out a controlling stake in oil and gas company Naftna Industrije Srbije (NIS), and had been in contact with NIS majority owner, Russian state company Gazprom Neft, and the Serbian government, portal reported on 12 April. The Serbian government can nationalize NIS and thus regain ownership, according to the portal. It is clear that this is out of question for Belgrade as it would mean not only spoiling diplomatic relations with Moscow, but would also leave consumers in Serbia without gas supplies, on which they almost fully rely. Serbia also has the option to buy a majority stake from Gazprom Neft, which would require huge funds and it is difficult to believe that it could be an option for the incumbent government as it has been trying to minimize budget spending. Accordingly, if the ownership structure in NIS had to change, the best option for the Serbian government would be to see a foreign company buy a controlling stake from Gazprom Neft. According to the portal’s source, Azerbaijan and Russia have good diplomatic relations and SOCAR has cherished very fruitful cooperation with Russian oil and gas companies. A takeover of NIS by SOCAR would be “suitable” also for western countries, for two reasons. “Firstly, the West could present it as its victory in the campaign aiming to inflict as much economic damage as possible on Moscow over its attack on Ukraine, and secondly, Azerbaijan has good ties with both, Washington and Moscow. This means that NIS would be owned by a company from a country which is an ally of the US,” the portal reported.


US State Department Report: Serbia has issues with corruption, political pressure and limited freedom of expression (Beta)


In its 2021 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in Serbia, published on 12 April, the U.S. Department of State announced that Serbia has demonstrated a variety of human rights issues, including limited freedom of expression, limited freedom of the press, political pressure on its justice system and numerous cases of serious corruption by government officials. According to the document, the “serious restrictions on free expression and the press, include violence, threats of violence, and unjustified arrests and prosecutions against journalists.” In addition, the report cites crimes such as violence or the threat of violence against persons with disabilities and members of the LGBTQI+ community. While conceding that the authorities have taken steps to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of human rights violations, many observers nevertheless believe that “numerous cases of corruption, social and domestic violence, attacks on civil society, and other abuses [have gone] unreported and unpunished.” The State Department document also cited the assessments of other organizations, such as the NGO Freedom House, which claims that, with its “hybrid regime”, Serbia is a country where basic human freedoms and democratic institutions continue to erode without any indication of positive change ahead. Another segment of the report quoted Reporters without Borders, whose 2021 World Press Freedom Index describes Serbia as a “a country with weak institutions that is prey to fake news spread by government-backed sensational media.” It was further said that the Serbian judiciary was subject to political pressure which, along with “reports of government pressure against figures who were critical of the judiciary,” remained a cause for concern. Illustrating one way in which fair court proceedings were undermined, the report stated: “Government officials and members of parliament continued to comment publicly regarding ongoing investigations, court proceedings, or on the work of individual judges and prosecutors.” Lastly, the State Department report referenced the findings of the European Commission – according to which Serbia achieved poor results in processing war crime cases in 2021 – and implicitly echoed the EC’s call for improved cooperation between the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and the Serbian Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor.


State Department: Serbia should beware of risks of doing business with China (Beta/VoA)


Doing business with companies headquartered in China represents a sovereign decision, but the government should beware of short-term and long-term risks and prices, Voice of America (VoA) was told at the State Department on 12 April in relation to the information that Chinese military equipment had been delivered to Serbia. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby has said that the US cannot confirm China’s recent delivery to Serbia, which Beijing has described as usual military equipment, nor can he speculate about the influence on Russia or Ukraine. Until the publishing of the article, the Serbian Defense Ministry had not responded to VoA’s question about whether and what sort of equipment had been delivered to Serbia from China and whether Chinese military aircraft had been used for the delivery. The first information about the delivery appeared on April 9 on social networks, where users were publishing photos of larger aircraft flying over Serbia’s capital, according to VoA. Associated Press has reported that Chinese military transport aircraft Y-20 have delivered to Serbia Chinese air defense missile system HQ – 22, under designation FK-3 for export, but the information has not been officially confirmed by either side.




HR Schmidt suspends RS Law on Immovable Property until decision of B&H CC concerning state property issue; Schmidt: Only state can have right to disposal of state property (BN TV)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt applied on Tuesday the Bonn Powers and suspended the Republika Srpska (RS) Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Public Authority. BN TV reminded that the RS parliament adopted the law on 10 February, and it was supposed to enter into force in a couple of days and after RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic signed a decree on declaration of this law, Schmidt reached a decision on its temporary suspension. Schmidt was quoted as saying: “I suspended the application of the law until the Constitutional Court's assessment, in order to avoid negative legal repercussions for citizens and potential investors. Today, I am extending the ban on disposing of state property in order to harmonize it with the interpretation of the Constitutional Court given in the relevant decisions. This decision makes it clear that only the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) can dispose of state property, i.e. regulate the ownership of state property, which applies to all levels of authorities in B&H. This does not mean that immovable property, state property should not be distributed between the entities, the state and probably other levels of authorities in B&H. The issue of state property cannot be resolved by unilateral measures but only by the process in the B&H parliament. I want to tell the citizens of the RS that the decisions I made today do not in any way diminish the status of that entity. I emphasize that both entities have their place in the General Framework Agreement for Peace. It will stay that way. But that does not provide a basis for deciding against the Constitution. What we saw in Banja Luka, unfortunately, is without respect for the B&H Constitution. The law passed by the RS authorities would undermine legal certainty and the reliability of the business and investment environment. People who want to invest in the RS want to be sure that what they buy, that what they invest in is in accordance with the law. Ensuring legal certainty and strengthening the rule of law is the best protection of individual property rights. This is something I am working on and it is something I invite everyone, here today, to come and sit down and make a reasonable decision on state property after 14 years of talks with no results, to finally reach an agreement. Friends, politics in a democracy requires that everyone contributes to the state, to contribute to the whole, not just look at their own pockets. Everyone in this country will get their fair share, be it the state, the entities, the cantons, etc. But there must be no unilateral decisions. Unilateral decisions do not work in families between brothers and sisters either, so they do not work in the state either. So, my invitation is - sit down with your brothers and sisters, with your friends, and even with those you do not like so much. Sit down, talk and make a decision but do not make illegal laws. These decisions take effect immediately upon publication on the OHR website. And just to say something to those who have been given the task of doing some things they may not want to do. If moves are made contrary to this legal reality, i.e. my decision today, all those involved must bear the legal consequences both when it comes to personal responsibility and when it comes to transactions. I am an optimist and I hope that we will come to good decisions now. I am ready, but I am not only here to distribute happiness, but I am also here to talk about reality and to put things in a legal context.” The presenter noted that Schmidt essentially used the Bonn powers in less than a year of his mandate, i.e. suspended the Law on Immovable Property of the RS until the assessment of the Constitutional Court of B&H, with the message that only the state can dispose of state property. Schmidt said that non-compliance with such decisions will have legal consequences, both for individuals and institutions, concluded the presenter.


US and UK Embassy comments Schmidt’s decision (FTV)


After High Representative Christian Schmidt used the Bonn powers and suspended the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Public Authority, US Embassy to B&H issued a statement. “It is unfortunate that RS leaders refused to engage constructively on the issue of state property and instead chose to take anti-Dayton, unconstitutional, unilateral action. Their refusal to participate in good faith in state-level institutions and in negotiations on state property left the international community with no choice but to act,” reads the statement. UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field stated that everyone must work with a goal to support the constitutional order of B&H. “UK supports this decision, suspension of applying of the unconstitutional law, by use of the powers given to the HR. we all have to work with a goal to support the constitutional order of B&H,” Field wrote on Twitter.


Russian Embassy: Decision to suspend Republika Srpska law illegitimate (N1)


Russian Embassy in Sarajevo dismissed the latest decision by UN peace envoy in B&H, High Representative Christian Schmidt, to suspend a law in RS, calling this and all other decisions by Schmidt illegitimate. “We reaffirm the principled stance by the Russian Federation that German citizen Christian Schmidt cannot be considered the High Representative in B&H without consent of the UN Security Council. Therefore, he has no competencies in regard with the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H, and his all decisions are illegitimate,” said the embassy, reiterating its stance on not recognizing the German envoy as the High Representative. The embassy called on its partners in the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board to annul the decision that Schmidt passed on 12 April, adding that if some member states of this body continue “giving in to the arbitrariness of Christian Schmidt, particularly if the sanctions are used against legally elected politicians in B&H, then all responsibility for potential destabilization in B&H will fall on the representatives of the international community”. Russian Embassy called for a dialogue among the political actors in the country without external mediation, in order to reach compromise solutions to the current internal issues. “Only this can create conditions to secure the stability and security in B&H, in this complicated situation,” said the Embassy's statement.


Dodik: RS property is RS property, and not even Bonn Powers can change that (RTRS)


“The RS property is the RS property, and Bonn Powers or any other powers cannot change that,” said Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in his first reaction to the move of Christian Schmidt – who announced on Tuesday evening that he suspended the RS Law on Immovable Property. “The best sons of the RS did not die just so that unelected German, Christian Schmidt, could ‘plunder’ that what they deemed most valuable”, Dodik was quoted as saying. He reminded that the matter of property was resolved in 1995 in Dayton, and “only unelected and unconfirmed foreigner, like Christian Schmidt, can deal with matters that are already resolved through the B&H Constitution.” Dodik says Schmidt’s move is “kitsch and trash” of the politics to which he was forced by those that unconstitutionally actualized the issue of property. Dodik called on partners in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) to respect the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement. When sending a message to Schmidt, Dodik said he should buy a one-way ticket to Germany because “his vacation ended today”. In a telephone statement for RTRS, Dodik said he would not even deal with this matter, as Schmidt is a “tourist”, and he has no type of powers in B&H. He reminds that Schmidt was not appointed by the UN Security Council (UN SC), which means he came to B&H uninvited and was not welcome. Dodik says it takes great courage, or a strong character, for one person to arrive to some country in that manner, and to have the audacity to influence things in that country. Dodik once again said this was “completely pointless”, that B&H is a completely pointless country, which cannot function in any way. He concluded that if this is the way in which the rule of law is implemented, then “we are far from most things”.


Mazalica: Schmidt’s decision and move is in no way legally grounded (RTRS)


Amongst the first to react to decision of Christian Schmidt – which announced on Tuesday evening that he suspended the RS Law on Immovable Property – was SNSD representative in the RS parliament Srdjan Mazalica. As a guest of RTRS central news, Mazalica emphasized that Schmidt’s decision and move is in no way legally grounded. Mazalica says many things are wrong in this situation – primarily that the High Representatives does not have the right to impose laws in B&H. He adds that the rights that Schmidt received from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) were not provided through the Dayton Peace Agreement. Mazalica reiterated that the High Representative was not appointed in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement – in the UN Security Council (UN SC). Mazalica emphasized that this decision was made contrary to the B&H Constitution and the RS Constitution. He adds that Schmidt’s decision will not be implemented in the RS. “Of course, this decision of the High Representative, the so-called High Representative, will not be published in the (RS) Official Gazette”, Mazalica informs. He agreed with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik who said Schmidt should buy a one-way ticket to Germany because “he stopped being a tourist here”. Meanwhile, SNSD’s Sanja Vulic stated that Bonn Powers or the HR do not exist, stressing that his decisions do not have legal effect. ‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic said that the RS does not recognize Christian Schmidt as the HR and therefore his decisions will not have any legal effect. Prior to the decision, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that “Sarajevo politicians are used to foreigners being their jukebox – you insert a coin, and they sing the song you want to hear”.


Dzaferovic and Komsic welcome HR Schmidt’s decision to suspend RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Authorities (BHT1)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic welcomed the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities. Dzaferovic said Schmidt's decision was important for preserving the peace and stability that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik had seriously called in question in recent months. “I call on everyone in B&H to respect the Constitution, the Dayton Peace Agreement, and instead of trying to unilaterally change Dayton and the results of its implementation, to engage in dialogue together, with the goal of strengthening stability, initiating economic reforms and progress on the European path, which all citizens in both entities and the Brcko District strive towards,” Dzaferovic concluded. Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic (DF) said that the High Representative chose between doing something and stepping down from his post, and he decided to do something. However, Komsic said this was not enough as Schmidt must annul all unconstitutional laws that were adopted by the RS parliament.


Bosniak officials welcome HR Schmidt’s decision to suspend RS Law on Immovable Property used for functioning of authorities (BHT1)


B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic commented on the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities. She said this decision will be another clear message and signal that every attempt at undermining the state and its competencies will be stopped. Speaking about the RS law on immovable property, Turkovic said that it is unconstitutional, illegitimate and thus, it cannot survive. She reminded that the HR Schmidt announced his opinion on illegality of this law. SDA issued a statement calling on the HR Schmidt to do the same with all other laws and decisions which are not in line with Dayton Agreement and which the RS National Assembly adopted in the recent period. “Only state of B&H can be holder of immovable property and not its entities,” reads SDA statement. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic called for removal of those who adopted the RS law on immovable property. SBB B&H issued a statement welcoming the decision of Schmidt to use Bonn powers. “With his decision, Mr. Schmidt, acting in line with his duties and in line with the mandate and Dayton Peace Agreement, stopped the anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton activity of authorities in smaller B&H entity and officials of the SNSD and their satellites. With suspension of the Law, which RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic already signed, the OHR proved that they continue to be the factor of stability and preservation of the peace and that the international community will not allow anyone’s illegal and unconstitutional activities,” reads the statement.


DF submits to B&H HoR amendments to Constitution of B&H aimed to protect state property (Hayat)


Members of the DF in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) submitted on Tuesday a proposal of amendments to the Constitution of B&H aimed to provide institutional and constitutional protection of state property. DF MPs underlined that this is their institutional right that, in this case, is the only legal mechanism that they have. Among other things, the amendments say that B&H is fully in charge of regulation of managing, using and disposal with state property with its laws. Head of DF Caucus in B&H HoR Dzenan Djonlagic said that once again, there were attacks coming from the RS parliament to state property that is under exclusive competence of the state, i.e. the B&H Parliament when it comes to ownership of the state property. Deputy Head of DF Caucus in B&H HoR Zlatan Begic said that their intention is to regulate the system in line with the law, the Dayton Peace Agreement, the constitutional and legal continuity of B&H, its Constitution and succession of the former Yugoslavia; i.e. to be registered in the Constitution. Begic added: “After that, a law will be adopted in order to define the right and the manner of use of our joint, state property of B&H that is property of all its citizens, i.e. the state of B&H.”  Djonlagic stated: “Being the title holder and owner of property is the basis for the existence of the state. In the past few days, we have again witnessed attempts of anti-Dayton and unconstitutional actions by lower levels of government, more precisely, we again had an attack from RS parliament on what is, according to Dayton, the B&H Constitution, the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court, and if you want, by decisions of the High Representatives in B&H, state property is exclusively within the competence of the state, i.e. the B&H Parliament, when it comes to the ownership of that state property.”


State Department: Tadic protected political allies in exchange for post; Media bring details of illegal activities of Tadic and Sarajlic (N1)


Gordana Tadic protected political patrons from prosecution, for which there is credible evidence, it is stated, among other things, in the explanation of the US State Department after she found herself on the infamous American blacklist. This is the first time that the holder of a judicial office has been sanctioned by another state, according to the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). This is a situation they have not encountered before, and they state for N1 that it will require comprehensive consideration within the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. For the SDA official, Asim Sarajlic, in the US Department of the Treasury, they say, one of the reasons for the sanctions is the ‘Asim affair’. N1 carried an overview of all the affairs that connected to Tadic and Sarajlic over the years. Gordana Tadic was appointed the Chief State Prosecutor in 2019. According to many, the downfall of the Prosecution followed. Affairs piled up on an almost daily basis. Tadic was followed by media reports that she charged the state for an apartment she did not stay in, that she rented parts of the family house to a betting house. During her leadership, the Prosecutor's Office of BiH almost did not deal with the processing of war crimes, nor did it issue a noteworthy corruption indictment, with the exception of the ‘Respiratori’ case. Her career was also marked by a video with Director of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H Osman Mehmedagic, who asked her to suspend the investigation against him in the ‘Diploma’ case. Her mandate was also marked by the escape of genocide suspect Milomir Savcic. In the end, she was fired for embezzlement with the system for assigning cases to prosecutors, choosing them according to political and personal reasons. Even today, Tadic denies everything, claiming that she has been working honestly all her life. No proceedings are being conducted against her, says her lawyer. The Sarajevo Canton (SC) Prosecutor's Office has filed two indictments against Asim Sarajlic, who has also been on the US blacklist since Monday. In ‘Bosna’ case, he is accused of being a member of an organized group, committing a number of criminal offenses, including receiving a reward, trading in influence, using his post to mediate in employment in public companies. In 2020, ‘Asim affair’ happened. Sarajlic is also accused in this case of committing the criminal offenses of giving gifts and other forms of benefit.


Tadic reacts to US’ sanctions imposed against her (FTV)


Gordana Tadic has reacted to the US’ sanctions imposed against her on Monday. Tadic expressed surprise that she was put on the US’ blacklist together with SDA official, Asim Sarajlic, stressing that she is very disappointed over the accusation that she was involved in corruption because whole her life she works honorable. Among reasons for sanctions against Tadic, there is also her failure to assign cases to prosecutors through an automated case distribution system designed to prevent prosecutor assignment decisions based on personal or political reasons. In addition, Tadic reportedly used her position as the Chief Prosecutor to promote her own personal and familial interests. Tadic stated that she is disappointed sanctions were imposed against her, because she has been working honestly for whole life. Tadic was quoted as saying: “What corruption? I do not know where that came from. I have been working honestly all my life. I never took a penny from anyone. I am very disappointed.”


Linde pays visit to B&H (BN TV/Dnevni avaz)


Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ann Linde held separate meetings in Sarajevo on Tuesday with members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic and with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. On this occasion, Linde called on all political representatives to return to joint institutions of B&H and to refrain from undermining of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). She underlined that political leaders can no longer undermine functionality, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H adding that now, it is way more important for them to act in a responsible and constructive way bearing in mind difficult security situation in B&H. Addressing the press conference after the meetings, Linde assessed that Russian threats over possible accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO are absolutely inacceptable. She called on B&H authorities to follow the EU’s policy when it comes to the war in Ukraine. Linde assessed that it is crucial to hold the general elections in autumn regardless of outcome of the electoral reform talks, calling on B&H authorities to ensure the necessary funds from the budget to implement the elections. He stressed that it is necessary that politicians in B&H show more responsible political conduct because the EU has already paused two large infrastructural projects in RS, calling on everyone to return back to work in B&H institutions. In a joint statement issued after the meeting with Linde, B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that topics discussed at the meeting included the Russian influence and threats, the unconstitutional laws passed in the RS and the general elections in B&H. Linde was quoted as saying: “It is crucial that the elections take place this autumn according to the existing legal framework and that funding for the elections is provided as soon as possible”. Turkovic stated: “As for the budget, yesterday there was a conversation between the collegium of (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM), i.e. Mr. (B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav) Bevanda, (Chairperson of B&H CoM Zoran) Tegeltija and me. And there is an agreement for the budget to be adopted, that is, to be completed, to be prepared by the 25th of this month. That is a nice sign, so to speak, and if that happens, I think we will solve the problem of jeopardizing the financing of the upcoming elections”. Linde also called for democracy and fight against organized crime and corruption, along with ensuring freedom of media, and social cohesion – to benefit of all citizens. “That should lead to stability and prosperity of B&H”, stressed Linde. Turkovic thanked Sweden on an increased engagement in B&H and all the assistance and support it has provided to B&H in the last three decades. Ann Linde stated that Sweden will use all available tools, which are at disposal to the European Union and if and when necessary, will introduce additional sanctions. This, the daily reads, was Linde’s answer to the question whether the Swedish Government will follow the decision of the UK authorities that introduced sanctions to member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, because of undermining of the state institutions. The daily noted that on Tuesday, Linde met with numerous B&H officials, as well as High Representative Christian Schmidt, US Ambassador Michael Murphy, UK Ambassador Matthew Field and Head of EU Delegation Johann Sattler.


Russian diplomats have until 25 April to leave Croatia (Hina/TASS)


The Russian diplomats expelled by Croatia have until 25 April to leave the country, Ambassador Andrey Nesterenko said. They have been given until 25 April to leave the country, the TASS news agency quoted the ambassador as saying. "That is a serious blow to our bilateral relations because the expelled diplomats are upstanding people," he said. Croatia on Monday said that it would expel 18 Russian diplomats and six members of the administrative and technical staff. By doing so Croatia has joined a number of European countries that have done the same "due to the brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine," the Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Ministry said. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday that Russia would respond accordingly, from which it can be concluded that Russia is preparing a reciprocal measure. "On April 11, the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs notified about the decision to reduce the staff of the Russian embassy in Zagreb and expel 24 employees of the Russian diplomatic mission. We express our strong protest against this deliberately unfriendly and absolutely ungrounded step, which has a destructive impact on the entire spectrum of Russian-Croatian relations," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement posted on the ministry’s website. Zakharova slammed the expulsion of the diplomats as an "anti-Russian step" and stressed that responsibility for its consequences would "rest entirely on the Croatian side." "Response measures will follow," she warned.


Djukanovic: Serbia is arming itself from enemy countries of Europe and NATO (CdM)


President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic says that Serbia is arming itself from the countries which show up as open enemies of Europe and NATO, and hopes that some important political circles within the European and Euro-Atlantic community are going to get a clearer picture of the Western Balkan region. “Arming always raises concerns and suggests that the sense of threat in Europe has been intensified. Arming in the Balkans entails additional risk,” Djukanovic said. However, he’s not surprised with that. “It’s a consistent move of policy that Serbia has been carrying out for years,” said Djukanovic during the joint press conference with North Macedonia President Stevo Panderovski who is in an official two-day visit to Montenegro. President Pendarovski said that they didn’t estimate Serbia would be a security threat to their country. Before the joint press conference Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said that the visit of the President of Northern Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski to Montenegro is an honor and a special emotion. "The two-day talks encourage further strengthening of interstate, partner allied ties, based on a common vision to build our future on the achievements of Euro-Atlanticism and the highest European values," Djukanovic wrote on Twitter. He states that for Montenegro and Montenegrin citizens, the visit of the President of "the country close and friendly to us is both an honor and a special emotion". After the welcoming ceremony, the entry in the guest book, the presidents had a tête-à-tête conversation, which, according to the Presidency, was followed by a meeting of the delegations of the two countries.


Ministry of Justice again requested Serbia to extradite Svetozar Marovic; Djukanovic: Serbia’s a major bottleneck (CdM)


The Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights again sent an urgent request to the Serbian Ministry of Justice, urging them to extradite Svetozar Marovic. As they added, among other things, bilateral cooperation in the fight against organized crime, high corruption and all kinds of crime is one of the key priorities on the ministry’s agenda. “Having in mind continuous cooperation with the judiciary system of the Republic of Serbia, we believe that the subject of the long-standing request and several urgent letters will be considered on the basis of bona fide ratified acts and international legal principles, and that you’re going to respond efficiently,” they said in a request. “Serbia doesn’t perform the obligations arising from the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance with Montenegro, it’s a major bottleneck and should respond to the request for extradition of Svetozar Marovic,” the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic stated. Commenting on the US sanctions against Marovic, Djukanovic pointed out that in that case, Montenegro demonstrated a consistent application of the constitutional system.


Minority government composition: Krivokapic, Konjevic and Adzic possible ministers (CdM)


URA deputy leader Filip Adzic will be one of the ministers in the minority government, CdM has learned from several well-informed sources. It is speculated that Adzic will manage the tourism or internal affairs sector. CDM sources claim that the new Minister of Defense could be the SDP leader, Rasko Konjevic, after Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic said that the SDP would be part of the minority government. Also, CDM sources state that the honorary president of the SDP, Ranko Krivokapic, is mentioned as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

As CDM previously reported, the candidate for the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare is the Secretary General of the Bosniak Party (BS), Admir Adrovic. The member of the Presidency of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP), Miomir Vojinovic, will most likely be the head of the Ministry of Education. In a statement for the public broadcaster, TVCG, the Vice President of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP), Dragan Ivanovic, has said that his party is going to run six ministries in the minority government thus confirming the earlier CDM portal’s reporting. According to Ivanovic, the proposal for the composition of a minority administration will be ready today or in two days. He also adds that the SNP might be running the foreign affairs department as well, but it actually depends on the agreement between the PM-designate and the SDP.


Djukanovic on minority govt: DPS is going to fill in most seats in parliament – what do you think, do we have impact or not? (CdM)


Commenting on the impact of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, on the minority administration, the Leader of that party Milo Djukanovic said that there were many statements and interpretations over it. “That government will include the parties which have 14, 16 or 19 seats in the parliament. The DPS is going to fill in the rest, until 41 seats. What do you think, is that an impact or not,” Djukanovic told reporters.


Pendarovski and Djukanovic confirmed the excellent relations between Skopje and Podgorica (Libertas)


Bilateral relations with Montenegro are reflected in the good cooperation through the regional processes. "We share interest in EU integration, geopolitical developments in the wider neighborhood and the impact of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine," wrote President Stevo Pendarovski on Facebook, who kicked off a two-day official visit to Montenegro. Pendarovski was welcomed by the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, with the highest state and military honors. After the tete-a-tete meeting of the two presidents, the delegations of the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Montenegro held a plenary meeting which confirmed the excellent traditional partnership and friendly relations, as well as the fruitful political dialogue between the two countries. In the context of regional cooperation, issues of importance for the European future of the two countries, as well as geopolitical developments in the wider neighborhood and the impact of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine were also discussed.


Pendarovski: I do not see anything disputable in Rama’s statement if the blockade from Bulgaria continues (Republika)


I do not see anything disputable in Edi Rama’s statement on decoupling Albania from North Macedonia on the road to the EU. It is logical if we continue to be blocked by Bulgaria that other candidate countries will not want to link their path to the EU with anyone else, including us. If the EU wants to be a geostrategic project, the whole region needs to find its place in the Union as soon as possible, President Stevo Pendarovski told a joint press conference with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic in Cetinje. From the point of view of the Albanian national interests, Rama’s statement is logical. We have been treated in a package by Brussels together with Albania for the past 2.5 years and without going into the reasoning of the Brussels bureaucratic and political community why this is so, because in essence the process of European integration is a merit based process – those deserving individually go further, those who do not stay in the waiting room, so not entering into that set of motives why they did it a few years ago it is logical if we continue to be blocked by Bulgaria that other candidate countries will not want their fate, their path to European integration to be connected with anyone else, including us, Pendarovski said when asked about the statement of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.


Rama believes Serbia's armament isn’t cause for concern (ADN)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has declared Tuesday from Berlin that he sees no reason to be concerned about Serbia's armament and the impact of the Russian occupation of Ukraine in the Western Balkans. In a press conference with Albanian journalists in Berlin, the Albanian Head of Government called for more mention of peace and co-operation and to keep the Western Balkans together with the help and support of strategic allies. When asked if he has planned a visit to Kiev, Rama said that "there are others before me who deserve to have this protagonism".

Question: The war in Ukraine and the danger to the Western Balkans, are you worried about Serbia's armament in this situation, and have you planned a visit to Kiev? EU officials have gone to see the humanitarian massacre.

Edi Rama: I am not worried about the armament in question because I see no reason to worry today, and I believe that it is more important that we breathe all the winds of peace and cooperation in the region and keep BP together as much as possible. with the help and support of strategic allies, as Germany has a special role, and I do not see how a missile defense system can be of concern to us. As for the part of Serbia, it has taken two encouraging steps in both elections at the United Nations, and it is significant that so far the Balkans are together in positions against Russia. Serbia has a historical and traditional position different from ours, things must be seen in context, we must be very determined to advance the peace and cooperation process because it is of great importance and more than yesterday because of this the conflict that has started in Ukraine. As for the visit to Kiev, there are others before me who deserve to have this protagonism in case it's my turn, I would definitely do it with a lot of respect, but it is not the moment to take the turn of others.


Rama: We still have doubts that Bulgaria will lift veto on North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


Albania continues to have doubts that Bulgaria will withdraw its veto on North Macedonia, to allow it to start stabilization and association talks with Albania. The statement was made by Prime Minister Edi Rama after his visit to Germany. He also informed German Chancellor Scholz about this. "I have informed them that we have an approach that until the European Council in June will be unchanged, but in case we are again blocked because of Bulgaria based on the wide support it has received from the public after I told them about national counseling, we will change approach and speak in another language,” said Rama. According to him, the German Chancellor said at the conference and in both rounds of talks that he is optimistic about changing the condition of Bulgaria. "I am not so optimistic, but I hope I am wrong and the chancellor is right," said the Albanian PM.


Baerbock: EU should start negotiations with Tirana and Skopje (Radio Tirana)


Albania and North Macedonia should start negotiations for EU membership in the first half of 2022, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. "Countries like Ukraine, as well as other countries, have long seen their future in the EU. Not only must we not despair of these countries, but we must also keep our promise of membership in the European Union. "This also applies to some countries in the Western Balkans, first of all to Albania and North Macedonia, and right now in the first half of the year we should finally start negotiations with Tirana and Skopje," said Baerbock after the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs in Luxembourg. According to her, the opening of negotiations with both countries has long been a belated step. Baerbock stressed that he had talked with the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Teodora Genchovska, with whom they agreed that in the current situation it is important to start negotiations for the accession of Albania and North Macedonia to the EU. She also sent a message to Serbian authorities that they should support EU policies, including sanctions against Russia, if Belgrade wants to join the European Union. The same goes for other Western Balkan countries, which in recent weeks have made it clear that most of them see their future and security in the EU. They therefore support European sanctions. "If someone claims to be a member of the European Union, something that Serbia also wants, then support for EU foreign policy and support for sanctions is very important," Baerbock said.