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Belgrade Media Report 20 April 2022



Selakovic to attend UN SC session on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic will on Wednesday attend a UN Security Council session on the UN secretary-general's semiannual report on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced. The session is scheduled for 9 pm CET. In the report, which covers the period between 16 September 2021 and 15 March 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expresses regret over limited progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. He noted that the dialogue process and efforts to achieve normalization had full and unquestionable support of the UN.


Clear support of United States to European path of Serbia (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Tuesday with US Senators of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Chris Murphy and Jeanne Shaheen, and Senator of the Armed Services Committee Thom Tillis. The meeting was also attended by US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. The Prime Minister underlined that the Serbian government is committed to strengthening the partnership with the US. According to her, the presence of US companies in our country is extremely important, especially in the field of IT industry and high technologies, emphasizing that these are investments that change Serbia and give us a chance to keep up with the world. Brnabic expressed gratitude to the senators for the clear support of the US for Serbia's European path, which is one of its foreign policy priorities, as well as for the engagement in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. She reiterated that Belgrade is committed to dialogue and is fully ready to continue talks with Pristina. Speaking about the situation in the region, Brnabic pointed out that preserving peace and stability are key to further regional progress, but also to Serbia's progress. Senator Murphy said that the goal of the visit to the Western Balkans is to discover all the ways to strengthen regional cooperation, while Senator Shaheen expressed satisfaction with the fact that US companies are participating in the construction of capital infrastructure projects in Serbia.


Vucic: Advancement of ties with US one of Serbia's priorities (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with US Senators Chris Murphy, Jeanne Shaheen and Tom Tillis on Tuesday to discuss bilateral cooperation, Serbia's EU integration, the situation in the region, energy and the Ukraine crisis. Vucic noted that advancement of the cooperation with the US was one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities. "Bilateral trade will reach 1.2 billion dollars this year, which indicates major progress in our economic relations. We hope that all forms of cooperation will be intensified further and that concrete projects of mutual interest will be implemented," Vucic said. Speaking about the Ukraine crisis, Vucic noted Serbia's commitment to respect of the principles of international law, territorial integrity and political independence of states, as demonstrated by Serbia's vote in the UN General Assembly and other international bodies. In the conversation with the US senators, Vucic thanked Washington for its continued support for Serbia on its path to full EU membership. "That is one of our priority foreign policy objectives and a strategic commitment of Serbia," he noted. Speaking about the situation in the region, Vucic noted that Serbia respected the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as that of Republika Srpska (RS) within Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic added that maintaining stability in the region and strengthening cooperation in all fields, especially in the economy, was crucial for Serbia because only a region like that enabled sustainable development of Serbia itself. He said one of the examples of successful regional cooperation was the Open Balkan initiative, aimed at further development of the region and at improving the living standards of all its citizens. The US senators congratulated Vucic on his victory in recent elections. They stressed the significance of Serbia-US cooperation and noted that advancement of bilateral ties led to a strengthening of economic and political cooperation. Murphy and Shaheen are members of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, while Tillis is on the body's Armed Services Committee.


Murphy: We understand Serbia's history with Russia, but... (Tanjug)


Washington understands Serbia's historical relationship with Russia, but hopes to be able to build a coalition of partners that are willing to push back on Moscow's "unprovoked aggression" on Ukraine, US Senator Chris Murphy said in Belgrade on Tuesday. Murphy was speaking at a press conference after he and fellow Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Tom Tillis met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Murphy said it was important that all democratic countries in Europe send a clear message to Russia that the war must be stopped. "The purpose of our trip is to cement the very important bilateral relationship between the US and Serbia," Murphy said. "We conveyed our hopes for a stronger economic, political and cultural relationship, but we also conveyed to him (Vucic) the serious moment that this world faces. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is a brazen violation of international norms, and our hope is to be able to build a coalition of partners all around the world that are willing to push back on this unprovoked aggression from Moscow, and to make sure we send a message to the rest of the world that this kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated," he said. "We understand the complicated history between Serbia and Russia, but we are hopeful to continue to work with Serbia to build on their vote with the US and Europe at the UN to continue to deliver a strong message towards Russia," he said. "We are also very supportive of Serbia's intention to continue their path towards joining the EU. We know that that path has been far longer and rockier than some would like, but we believe that it is still Serbia's intention to join the EU. The US stands with the Serbian people to help that process in any way that we can," Murphy said. If Serbia sees itself on the European path, it must align its policy with the EU, the senators noted.


Senators: Serbia has to align foreign policy with EU (N1)


Senators Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Murphy and Thom Tillis told a news conference in Belgrade on Tuesday that Serbia must align its foreign policy with the EU. The senators said that the important thing at present is for all democratic European countries to send a clear message to Russia and hold it accountable for the invasion of Ukraine. Senator Murphy said that they understand the complex history of Serbia’s relations with Russia but voiced hope that “we will continue working with Serbia to send Russia a clear message” while his fellow committee member Senator Shaheen said the Western Balkans are important to the US “especially in this critical time in European history”. She expressed hope that the democratic countries of Europe will stand together in opposing the unprovoked war. Shaheen said that they discussed sanctions against Russia with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. She added that Vucic told them that Serbia’s future lies in the west with the rest of Europe. If that is the intention then you should have a foreign policy aligned with the European Union, she said. Murphy told the news conference that democratic nations can’t tolerate the targeting of civilians in the brutal war in Ukraine and added that he hopes that the US can stand with Serbia in coming weeks and months to send that message to Russia. Senator Tillis commented the delivery of Chinese AA missile systems to Serbia saying that if Serbia continues its way towards the EU things could get more complicated depending on where weapons come from. In the long term, every country should decide if its smart to link its security to China but if Serbia intends to be part of the EU it’s not in its long-term interest to develop security relations with China. Murphy confirmed that Kosovo was discussed with Vucic, adding that Washington is disappointed with the lack of progress in implementing agreements. The conditions for recognition exist and both sides need to be able to take the steps because they have been outlined in the initial agreement, he said and added that the US should remain an active player in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with the EU. He expressed concern that the talks with Serbia on Ukraine could prevail over the very important talks on the future of Serbia-Kosovo relations.

Murphy said they would travel to Pristina to pressure the Kosovo government to fulfill agreed commitments.


Joksimovic hands over to Cochard citizens' recommendations on future of EU (FoNet/RTV)


Serbian Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic handed over to Ambassador of France to Serbia Pierre Cochard a document with recommendations of Serbian citizens to the European initiative "Conference on the Future of Europe" and said that this document shows how interested Serbian citizens are in their European future. Joksimovic mentioned that the document contains 52 recommendations and that the largest number refers to the green agenda. The document was made in the previous months by selecting the recommendations that were discussed at debates and sessions, and on various topics – from the green agenda, digitalization, employment, economy, health policy, youth, climate change, education, culture. Joksimovic expressed confidence that the European institutions will take into account those recommendations and that the voice of the citizens of Serbia on common policies, transformation and progress in the future, and on various challenges, will be heard in the EU and will be respected. Joksimovic emphasized that the citizens of Serbia showed their great knowledge about today's Europe, the EU, but also serious ideas and ideas on how the Union can be an even better roof for all of us who live on the European continent.


Cochard: Russian invasion a threat to EU’s and Serbia’s security (Beta)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard said in Belgrade on 19 April that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a threat to the security of the EU but of Serbia as well, a threat that needed to be jointly confronted. Cochard stressed that Serbia and the EU faced joint

challenges including the Russian aggression against Ukraine. "Whether we are talking about international law or international humanitarian law, freedoms, all of this poses a threat to our countries, to the EU, and also poses the same threat to Serbia," the Ambassador told reporters at the Serbian government's headquarters. What is happening today, he said, is a blow to the

pillars of security and European values. "It is very important that Serbia and the EU act in harmony and together in these circumstances. Only together can we defend our values and freedoms," he said.


UK Embassy denies claims of arms exports to Kosovo (Beta)


The British Embassy in Belgrade on Tuesday denied media reports that weapons from the UK were being exported to Kosovo. The Embassy press release said that some Belgrade media published fabricated claims of arms exports from the United Kingdom to Kosovo. It added that there was no truth to those claims. It called the media to check the facts before publishing to prevent the spread of false news and misinformation. According to part of the Serbian daily press, Kosovo has received a shipment of 50 NLAW anti-tank weapons with plans to get 20 Javelin missiles from the United Kingdom.


EU: It's time to complete the whole process (Tanjug)


European Union spokesman Peter Stano said, on the ninth anniversary of the signing of the Brussels agreement, that it is time to move forward. He stated that the process of dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina needs to be "successfully completed".

In a statement for Tanjug, Peter Stano pointed out that by signing the Agreement, Belgrade and Pristina undertook important international obligations and pointed out that both sides must fully implement everything that was agreed. "The EU and member states expect rapid progress from both sides, as well as Belgrade and Pristina to get seriously involved in it. The EU and member states also expect both sides to fully implement all agreements already reached," Stano said.

He added that the EU continues to work with the parties in the dialogue in order to reach, as he said, "a comprehensive agreement on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia", while dealing with all remaining key issues.


Stano confirms Belgrade-Pristina meeting (N1/KoSSev)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano told the KoSSev news portal that working groups from Belgrade and Pristina are scheduled to meet in Brussels on 20-21 April to find a solution for the problem with their license plates. The authorities in Pristina banned vehicles with Serbian license plates from entering Kosovo with Belgrade imposing reciprocal measures. Tensions ran high before a temporary solution was found – using white stickers to cover Serbian state and Kosovo insignia. The temporary agreement was supposed to be in place for a six month period and expires on 21 April but officials in Belgrade claim it will remain in place while officials in Pristina say it won’t. Stano said that the EU will assist both delegations but added that the responsibility lies with the two sides. “We want them to achieve progress by 21 April,” he said in a written reply. He added that any agreement on the license plates will demand political flexibility and compromise.


Greens MEPs to Borrell: Serbia arms program violates SAA (N1)


Greens MEPs said in a letter to EU High Representative Josep Borrell that they believe Serbia’s armament program violates the Stabilization and Association Agreement. The MEPs expressed concern over Serbia’s procurement of weapons systems from Russia and China as well as the fact that it had not aligned with EU sanctions against Russia. “In addition, its government has not even condemned the Russian war of aggression and the vast number of atrocities and war crimes committed by Russian armed forces in Ukraine,” the letter said. In our view, Serbia’s armament program violates both, the GFAP and the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), in particular with regard to Article 5 of the SAA and Annex III of the Council conclusions of 29 and 30 April 1997. The letter warned that “European security order is under direct attack from President Putin’s Russia”. “It is, therefore, of utmost importance that there is a strong and united response of all those who stand for democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms,” it added. The MEPs expressed doubt about “whether Serbia is really interested in joining the political Union of the EU” because of its policy on China. It recalled the recent delivery of Chinese AA missile systems to Serbia. “The strategic decision to purchase this system and to have it delivered in the middle of Europe's most severe security crisis raises very important and serious questions about a) whether Serbia really wants EU political integration, and b) for what military purposes it needs such a system as it is geographically surrounded by EU, and NATO- or EU-associated countries,” the letter said. The MEPs said they are also concerned about Serbia’s purchases of major Russian weapons systems. “These deliveries risk to undermine the regional security order in the Western Balkans,” they said. The MEPs called Borrel to raise the actions of the Serbian government at the next Foreign Affairs Council, in particular Serbian military objectives, and hold frank and direct talks with the Serbian President on Serbia's short, medium and long-term military strategies and whether the country is willing and ready for alignment in foreign affairs and security with the EU or not, the letter said.




Russian Embassy: Russia suspends participation in financing of OHR due to violation of principles of consensus in work of PIC SB (BHT1/N1/FTV)


The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that they have suspended their participation in funding of the Office of the high Representative (OHR) due to violation of the principle of consensus in the work of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board. They said they are ready to resume payments in the agreed amount after the situation in the PIC Steering Board returns to constructiveness. They noted that the Russian Federation is one of the witnesses of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H and a member of PIC Steering Board, and that its principled position is that High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt cannot be considered a High Representative in B&H without the consent of the UN Security Council. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that unseen violation of the principles of consensus in the PIC Steering Board’s work has led to excluding Russia from the decision-making process, including decisions on budget issues. FTV reminds that Russia used to exempt itself from the statements issued by the PIC, it opposed the appointment of the new High Representative last year and it was removed from the UN Human Rights Council. The Russian Embassy said that they stopped the financing due to the violation of the principles of consensus in PIC and this led to the exclusion of Russia from the process of decision-making. The OHR budget for 2022 shows that the total budget is 5.3 million Euros. The OHR also commented on previous stances of Russia in regards to the meetings of PIC. According to them, in July of 2021 Russia announced that they will not participate in the work of the Steering Board of PIC (SB PIC) anymore. FTV notes that the work of OHR is financed mostly by the EU and USA, who contribute 47.6% and 22% to the budget respectively. Russia contributes to 1.5% of the budget. US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy stated that Russia does not participate in the work of PIC and does not pay the membership in PIC, which would lead to the conclusion that Russia withdrew from the PIC.


Dodik participates at round table ‘War in Ukraine – what does the Serb neutrality mean’ (RTRS/BNTV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik participated at a round table on the topic ‘War in Ukraine – what does the Serb neutrality mean’, in Belgrade on Tuesday. The event was organized by the ‘Sve o Srpskoj’ and ‘Fakti’ political portals with support of the RS Representative’s Office in Belgrade. Dodik stated that the West wants to use the crisis in Ukraine to activate a story about mean Serbs and to settle accounts with the RS leadership – primarily with the RS. He stressed that the West’s primary goal in the Balkans – to disintegrate the Serb national, is visible through the current crisis in Ukraine. Dodik warned that the RS is a permanent problem of the West, primarily of the UK and the US, as well as of Germany lately, adding that they see the RS as a trouble that needs to be resolved through a story about a civic state. He assessed that B&H is a big trouble and regression given that the international factor has not given up on deprivation of rights, stressing that an agreement on how to behave in this challenging time is necessary. Dodik reminded that he proposed that B&H takes a neutral stance regarding the war in Ukraine but that his proposal failed at the B&H Presidency, stressing that it is shown through the current foreign-political collapse in B&H how much it is unsustainable and absurd as a country. He stated that a serious global financial crisis is expected, but that the RS is financially stable and it meets its obligations. He noted that although the RS sees consequences of the global economic developments, its basic functions are not at risk. Dodik emphasized that the current RS Government will not join sanctions against Russia at any level regardless of developments and plans of the West. In his address, Dodik pointed to the fact that many special envoys passed through B&H in the last 30 years. Today, he says, there are six different special envoys in the country – two from Germany, one from the EU, two from the US, one from the UK. Dodik said politicians in B&H are forced to work with these special envoys and their very presence in the country “points to an unstable situation”. He said B&H, after the war ended, was further destabilized and now it is “a big trouble”. He accused Western powers of “repression” over B&H and said they imposed many decisions in this country after the war, which did not pay out much – as we can see today. Dodik underlines that it is high time for people that live in B&H to make decisions on their own, to stabilize the country and to make decisions that are truly good for the country and its citizens. He assessed that the main problem is that foreign intervention in B&H has not stopped, and more and more countries are meddling into internal affairs of B&H. Addressing the round table ‘War in Ukraine – what does the Serb neutrality mean’, expert in the field of political science Nenad Kecmanovic stated that ever since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, military neutrality was put on test in terms of foreign policy, economy and energy sources, adding that Serbia and the RS are expected to take a path of voluntary slavery. He assessed that the Serbs’ response to foreign pressures is based on models of the RS and Serbia, concluding that both models have identical Serb national interest of defense of sovereignty and independence of the Serb people in the background. Dean at the Faculty of Security Studies in Banja Luka and expert in the field of security Predrag Ceranic assessed that the conflict in Ukraine is becoming a global conflict and the Donbas battle could be a turning point, noting that it will not be easy to preserve neutrality. He said that Serbia is under great pressure in this aspect, but giving in to blackmails would lead to a situation in which it will be only a matter of time if the next blackmail will be to join NATO, recognize Kosovo or give up on the RS. Head of the RS Representation Office in Serbia Mladjen Cicovic said that the perfect situation would be for each country to decide on how to secure its own future, safety and stability, but this has become almost impossible because even the concept of state neutrality turns a country into a target of numerous pressures. Cicovic added that the main question for the RS and Serbia is how to preserve neutrality in the situation in which they are faced with the choice ‘either you are with us or against us’. Milomir Stepic from the Institute for Political Studies warned that Serbia will not always be able to use pressures as justification for its decisions made to the detriment of Russia. Political analyst Aleksandar Pavic assessed that the West got caught ‘in war madness’ and it will be able to block Serbia no matter how hard it tries to defend neutrality. Slobodan Reljic from the Center for Strategic Alternatives said that B&H is an example of unfinished war. President of the Center for Restoring of International Law Goran Petronijevic said that a ‘hybrid war’ does not necessarily include an armed conflict but media activities are among the main activities in it. Academician Milos Kovic asked why his entry into B&H was denied. He said he does not have the need to justify himself in any way. He believes someone from the political Sarajevo “does not want the Serb history”. Academician Dragomir Andjelkovic says that those that destroyed the Serb interests, banished Serbs from their hearths, and created a situation in which “Sarajevo, the Serb city, almost does not have Serbs in it”, those are the same people that ask Serbia to turn its back on Russia and to impose sanctions on that country. Academician Darko Tanaskovic emphasized that Serbs must unite in order to preserve their history and that unity must exist between Serbia, the RS and the Serb nation as a whole. He added that the RS is currently under strongest pressures. Commenting the current situation in B&H, academician Zeljko Budimir said that what is happening now is something that always happens in colonies and that is that a “ruling nation is being formed”. “The ruling nation are the Bosniaks. That ruling nation has the task to, together with the cumulative actions of the West towards us, and see, death threats to Dodik, sanctions, usage of Bonn Powers, and if you conventionally respond to that, you do not even finish one thing and a third thing has already hit you”, Budimir stressed, and said what they need to do in the coming period is to persevere in these times of crisis. He said Serbs will persevere if they are unified as a Serb nation. Budimir said Serbs in Serbia, the RS and Montenegro must not be divided.


Cvijanovic: Sanctions against RS leaderships are equally pointless as requests of Bosniak politicians to impose them (Srna/RTRS)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic told Srna that sanctions imposed against the RS leadership are equally pointless as requests of Bosniak politicians to impose them. She said that she is sure that there is a teamwork between those who decide in international circles and the policy of Sarajevo, which only confirms the commitment of the RS leadership that things that the belong to the RS in line with the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) should not be given up on. Cvijanovic warned that the Bosniak policy has been radicalized significantly, but that foreigners do not care about that. She wondered what is the purpose of joint institutions at the level of B&H given that Bosniak representatives keep misusing them, adding that B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic again plans to travel to the US and she again plans to avoid B&H Ambassador in Washington Bojan Vujic only because he was appointed from the rank of the Serb people. Cvijanovic stressed that Turkovic does not want Vujic to attend her meetings because they are usually aimed at defamation of the RS leadership and institutions. She stated that representatives of the RS have never left joint institutions and the truth is that they work in special mode in line with conclusions of the RS parliament. Cvijanovic noted that it seems like the reasons that led to this are forgotten, reminding that the decision imposed by Valentin Inzko to amend the Criminal Code of B&H is the main reason.


Abazovic: Minority government supports 46 MPs (CdM)


Montenegro is ready to get a new government, the Prime Minister-designate of the 43rd government Dritan Abazovic announced today. "We have reached a solution. The idea is to unblock Montenegro and choose functional institutions instead of chaos. To gain stability, reconciliation instead of strife. We are not against elections, but we are against elections without institutions. We must first make the institutions work, "Abazovic said in a public address today. He presented the priorities of the future government, emphasizing that two chapters must be worked on. "EC, law on transfer of property, law on maritime domain, electoral reform, professionalization of the State Election Commission, revision of the state of education and re-examination of all personnel decisions, re-examination of personnel decisions of all previous governments, further reform of security services, proposal of census law," he said. According to him, the political priorities are the fight against corruption and crime, the renewal of the negotiating structure, the creation of an environment for new investments and stopping the departure of existing ones, and regulating contractual relations with religious communities. "The new government will rest on two pillars, and those are the rule of law and economic development. We need to be a country open to new investments, and develop the IT sector. Therefore, I think that this government will be supported by 46 MPs. We did not manage to reach the magic number of 49. That does not mean that the door is closed to anyone. The Prime Minister remains open to political dialogue with everyone. The Prime Minister will try to ensure that all voices are heard. The government will have 20 ministers, but 18 ministries. "There will be two ministers without portfolios and four vice presidents," Abazovic said. Answering the question why he did not come out with the list today, Abazovic said that there is a list of ministers, but that some party bodies were held yesterday and some today. "The Prime Minister has an obligation to talk to everyone once again. When we have the exact date of the parliament session, all the names will be announced. I can't say yet whether the session will be held next Wednesday or Thursday. Some ministries were too cumbersome in the 42nd government. This government should have a shorter term than usual. Everyone should increase their efficiency," he said.


Djukanovic: EU is our home, Montenetgro is a sovereign state, they failed to destroy our fundamental values (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic sent an unequivocal message – all those who wanted to destroy the fundamental values of Montenegro failed. “Montenegro is still independent, despite the wishes of those who thought that the result achieved on 30 August would lead to the annulment of its independence. Montenegro is still firmly on the European and Euro-Atlantic path, a member of NATO, Montenegro is a reliable neighbor and a reliable factor in regional stability. Montenegro is a stable society, a society of multiethnic democracy. Therefore, Montenegro has all the performance to continue on the good strategic path of development it has chosen,” Djukanovic said yesterday at a panel discussion at the Faculty of Law on Montenegro After the Breakup of the SFRY – Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives. Another message marked Djukanovic’s presentation, and it concerns the future of the state of Montenegro, the vision of the future and what we as a state must strive for and where we want to go. “Europe is our home. Of course, we are Montenegrins and members of other nations, nationally speaking, we are also citizens of the Balkans, but we are above all responsible citizens of Europe and we have a strong interest in Europe being stable and competitive on the geopolitical scene. That is why we constantly warn that the only good recipe for the development and emancipation of all Balkan states and societies is integration”, the Montenegrin President was clear.


Strahinja Bulajic resigns (CdM)


Strahinja Bulajic has resigned from the position of deputy parliament speaker and Democratic Front (DF) MP. Bulajic’s resignation has been published on parliament’s website. Bulajic has also resigned from the position of the Member of Parliament of Montenegro.


Who convicted Vesna Medenica in advance? (CdM)


Everyone is presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law. This is a basic principle of the modern human rights system and has a key role in ensuring the rights of persons in criminal proceedings. A number of individuals have violated this assumption in the last few days. The most recent example of this is the arrest of former Supreme Court president Vesna Medenica.

After it was announced in the public that Medenica was detained, the Right Montenegro, led by Marko Milacic was the first to speak out and congratulated the new Chief State Prosecutor Vladimir Novovic for prosecuting Medenica. They believe that this arrest must end with a criminal verdict “before a truly independent council, but also that Vesna Medenica is just one of the pillars of the pyramid topped by Milo Djukanovic, who is currently overthrowing the parliamentary majority and forming a new, minority government under his supervision”.