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Belgrade Media Report 27 April 2022



Vucic meets Donfried (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Tuesday with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried to discuss bilateral ties, Serbia's European integration, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, as well as other current geopolitical affairs. The parties also discussed Serbia's attitude towards the situation in Ukraine, as well as diversification of energy sources in Serbia and the Western Balkans. Speaking about regional cooperation, Vucic noted that maintaining stability in the region was a crucial interest of Serbia and that advancement of good-neighborly and mutually beneficial cooperation was a fundamental and unchangeable starting point for Serbia's overall foreign policy. In particular, Vucic noted the Open Balkans initiative as an example of successful regional cooperation and a fight for common goals, and stressed that this was the best way for states in the region to prepare for EU membership, as well as an opportunity to achieve European standards before attaining EU membership. Vucic welcomed the presence of the many and significant US companies operating in Serbia and added that there was enormous untapped potential, especially considering the excellent conditions Serbia was able to provide to potential investors. "Serbia's exports to the US are a hundred times higher relative to 2010," Vucic noted. The parties exchanged views on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, agreeing that open issues in the dialogue could be resolved with EU facilitation in order to reach compromise solutions. "Our side has met all its commitments, while Pristina is doggedly avoiding the implementation of its own. As many as nine years after the reaching of the Brussels agreement and the Implementation Plan, the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities has not begun," Vucic said, noting that Belgrade remained fully committed to dialogue as the only path to solving all open issues and reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. Donfried said the US was strongly advocating EU accession of the entire Western Balkans, and reiterated that this was one of the priorities of the US foreign policy in the region. Welcoming the Open Balkans initiative and Serbia's intention to make economic affairs the focus of regional cooperation, Donfried noted the initiative was also an opportunity for even better promotion of potentials for investing in the region, the presidential press office said in a statement.


Pristina has still not done anything on the formation of the ZSO (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Tuesday with US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Asia Karen Donfried about bilateral cooperation between the two countries, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, regional cooperation and the European integration process. Brnabic pointed out that the process of European integration and the preservation of regional peace and stability are of key importance for Serbia, and that peace and stability are essential for the future of the Western Balkans. Speaking about the importance of regional cooperation, Brnabic pointed out the Open Balkans initiative as a good example of connecting all citizens of the region, especially young people. Serbia is committed to continuing reforms in the area of ​​the rule of law, and the most important part of that work was done by adopting constitutional amendments in January this year, which is a precondition for strengthening the independence and autonomy of judges and prosecutors, Brnabic said. She added that the government is committed to continuing the dialogue and open communication with civil society organizations and media representatives. Donfried congratulated Serbia on its good economic results. It was concluded that further strengthening and improvement of economic cooperation is important for both sides, as well as that American companies and investments are important for Serbia, especially in the field of IT and new technologies. Brnabic and Donfried also discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Brnabic emphasized in the conversation that Serbia is open and ready to continue the dialogue and reminded that Pristina has still not done anything on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which was agreed by the Brussels agreement nine years ago. In the conversation, Brnabic pointed out the good cooperation and communication with KFOR, which is especially important for Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija. Donfried said that the United States supports the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. She also added that the United States strongly supports the region's European integration process. Brnabic and Donfried also discussed current geopolitical topics.


Vucic with Slutsky: Serbia will continue on EU path, along with friendly relations with Russia (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the President of the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Leonid Slutsky, who congratulated him on his re-election as Head of State. Vucic pointed out that during his new mandate, he will pay the most attention to the economic development of Serbia and that is why he is committed to preserving peace and stability in the region and beyond. That is why he expressed hope that the conflict in Ukraine will soon be over and that lasting peace will prevail, the Presidency announced. Vucic also stated that Serbia will continue on its European path, while preserving friendly relations with Russia. On that occasion, the representative of the Russian Duma Slutsky spoke about how Russia sees the conflict in Ukraine. They also spoke about further development of Serbian-Russian bilateral relations, including the energy sector, with the expectation that gas supply terms will be agreed soon.


Vucic discusses cooperation in tourism with Rama, Kovacevski (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with the Prime Ministers of Albania and North Macedonia, Edi Rama and Dimitar Kovacevski, via a video link late on Tuesday. In a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account, Vucic said an agreement had been reached to hold a regional tourism, wine and cuisine fair in Belgrade in early September as part of the Open Balkans initiative. He said they had also agreed to meet in Ohrid in June to sign several agreements on cooperation in culture and tourism. "We are continuing to work on development of economic relations to the benefit of our peoples," Vucic noted in the post, which also included a photo of the video conference meeting.


Cooperation with US on sustainable energy, green agenda (Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said during a video conference with representatives of the State Department, the US Department of Energy, the US Department of Commerce, USAID and the US Embassy in Serbia, that cooperation in the process of energy transition is necessary, especially in times of energy crisis, and that it is necessary to continue the green agenda. Mihajlovic assessed that Serbia and the United States are friendly countries, adding that energy opens space for the improvement of comprehensive relations, as well as for the implementation of joint projects, primarily in the field of decarbonization and the fight against climate change. During the meeting, they talked about building energy infrastructure, diversifying energy sources, exchanging experiences and technologies, transitioning to clean energy and improving energy efficiency. Our new investment plan implies the construction of new capacities, apart from RHE Djerdap 3 and Bistrica, we also want new solar and wind power plants. We want to discuss all energy sources, including nuclear energy, said Mihajlovic. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy Aleshia Duncan said that we continue to work together to create a framework for the development of green, sustainable energy at the global level and cooperate on infrastructure development and education, exchange of experiences, especially in the segment of scientific research and development of new technologies. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce David De Falco stressed that climate and energy issues are key around the world, and that it is a great opportunity to enhance trade co-operation with Serbia, which is recognized as a leader in the region.


Pristina special police forces withdraw after being deployed to north of Kosovska Mitrovica (Tanjug/Kosovo Online)


Pristina's special police forces withdrew from the north of Kosovska Mitrovica on Tuesday afternoon after being deployed to the town's Bosnjacka mahala district earlier in the day, Kosovo Online reported. The forces were armed with long weapons and police vehicles were seen near the East Bridge, which separates the southern and the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. According to informal sources, the police forces searched several buildings. Kosovo Online said the raid was unrelated to an attack on a Kosovo Police Service vehicle that had occurred in the morning. In a statement, the Kosovo Police Service said several of their vehicles had been fired at in the Zupce village in the Zubin Potok municipality. Meanwhile, Pristina also deployed special police forces at the Brnjak administrative crossing. Condemning the attack in Zubin potok, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic noted that the escalation of tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija had nothing to do with Serbs.


Belgrade, Pristina to continue technical dialogue (N1)


N1 has learned that delegations from Belgrade and Pristina will meet in Brussels later this week for a new round of their technical dialogue. Sources in Brussels said that they hope a top-level meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue could be organized in May if the technical delegations reach an agreement on key issues. The delegations from Serbia and Kosovo are expected to continue their discussions on the vehicle license plates issue which have been ongoing for six months. The delegations reached a temporary solution to cover Serbian and Kosovo state insignia with white stickers following Pristina’s decision to forbid entry to vehicles with Serbian license plates.


DSS: Sanctions against Russia are inadmissible, against Serbia’s interest (Nova S TV)


The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) leader and one of the NADA (Hope) coalition leaders Milos Jovanovic said on 26 April that imposing sanctions against Russia was inadmissible for Serbia. Jovanovic told Nova S TV that he was of that opinion not because he was a Russophile, but because he “is a Serb fighting for his country”, adding that it was Serbia’s national interest not to impose sanctions against Russia. “To impose sanctions against our ally in the UN Security Council, the country which ensures energy stability to us and the country with which we have military and technical cooperation only in order to please the West, which stands against us on all matters of importance to us. It is absolutely inadmissible,” Jovanovic said, according to a release from his party. Jovanovic also said that economic cooperation with the West would continue without Serbia’s sanctions against Russia. “If it comes to the point where they threaten us with sanctions, then they apply an imperialistic policy and the question arises as to whether we should be doing anything with them,” Jovanovic stressed.


Metsola on EU alignment of Serbia (RTS)


European Parliament President Roberta Metsola told the conference that Serbia is lagging behind in terms of aligning with European Union's foreign policy. Metsola noted that Brussels expects the Western Balkan countries to fully implement the sanctions against Russia, adding that the EU should accelerate the region's integration. "The European Parliament welcomes the fact that the Western Balkans six condemned the Russian aggression on Ukraine but full implementation of sanctions against Russia is expected from any country wishing to join the EU. The countries of the Western Balkans have been knocking on the door of the EU for too long and a clear sign for both those countries and the EU is needed," Metsola underlined.


Bakir blocks parliament of B&H! (Novosti, by S. Misljenovic)


Commenting on the fact that SDA delegates failed to attend the session of the House of Peoples (HoP) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday, by which yet another attempt to adopt changes to the Election Law of B&H failed, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) said that Bosniak politicians, by not attending the session, want to create the first Islamic state in the heart of Europe with a strong support of international factor. “Bosniak politicians, with wartime personnel of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, Sefik Dzaferovic and Bisera Turkovic, obviously rejected the basic principles of Dayton (Peace Agreement) and Constitution of B&H, according to which this country is consisted of two entities and three equal constituent peoples. By obstructing the session of B&H HoP and by refusing to present their stance on the Proposal of Changes to the Election Law of B&H, which would significantly relax the political situation in the country, Bosniak politicians are destroying the DPA in an attempt to fully outvote Serbs and Croats and annul election will of two constituent peoples in B&H,” Kosarac said.




B&H HoP’s urgent session not held Tuesday due to number of Bosniak Caucus delegates not attending it (Hayat)


Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has failed in his intention that the B&H HoP adopts amendments to the B&H Election Law “that are to his liking’’ and would guarantee him power. Hayat reports that the BiH House of Peoples (HoP) urgent session was not held on Tuesday due to a number of Bosniak delegates, primarily SDA delegates, not attending it. Covic addressed the media and said he tried to ensure an agreement to create a democratic framework related to the issue. Covic also said it seems there is an attempt to take control over the FB&H, primarily by SDA, and that a number of Bosniak delegates not attending the session is a blockade of institutions. “What the colleagues from part of Bosniak political parties did, I can only consider it a classical blockade of the institutions and the state of B&H, or an obstruction of the work of the parliament, i.e. legislative branch in B&H, I would say, in a way that has not been seen for a long time in executive and legislative branches of B&H,” said Covic. Covic said that this session will be scheduled to continue on Wednesday, at the same time and with the same daily agenda. HDZ B&H members say they were surprised by SDA’s move. They expected a heated debate but not a boycott of the session.


Izetbegovic says changes to B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H are unconstitutional and in collision with Constitution of FB&H (BHT1/BNTV)


SDA leader and member of the Collegium of the B&H HoP Bakir Izetbegovic Tuesday morning held a press conference in the hall of the B&H parliament, explaining the reasons why delegates of SDA did not attend the session of the B&H HoP. Izetbegovic stressed that changes to the B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H are unconstitutional, in collision with the Constitution of the FB&H, and there is no agreement on them. Izetbegovic said HDZ B&H’s proposal is “a law that did not go through the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) that was formed exactly for these purposes, i.e. to define amendments to the Election Law. It is a law that will definitely prevent the implementation of the ECHR’ rulings, like the Sejdic-Finci ruling, and finally, the law that ignores requests by OSCE and the ODIHR to draft amendments that will guarantee transparency, integrity and fair elections. Due to this, we in SDA decided not to attend the session today and, for now, prevent that way the adoption of this horrible proposal. “If the law is adopted, and it would be adopted with the votes of HDZ and SNSD, then it would complicate very much the issue of adoption of amendments to the Election Law that are tomorrow on the agenda of the B&H HoR, drafted by the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) and related to process integrity,” said Izetbegovic.


Spiric on boycott of B&H HoP’s session: This is blockade of institutions (Hayat/O Kanal/RTRS/ATV)


Deputy speaker of the B&H HoP and SNSD member Nikola Spiric said he is of view this is a blockade of the institutions, “clearly forgetting about the real several-months-long blockade of the institutions”. “I would like to say that not many expected SDA will defend B&H this way, by blocking one House of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly. I expected, bearing in mind this is the election year and we are expecting October elections to be called, we would discuss today something we have been stating for years is a priority of B&H, i.e. amendments to the Election Law,” said Spiric. SNSD delegates say when it comes to “all or nothing solutions” in B&H, B&H lawmakers almost always choose to have nothing. Spiric believes SDA delegates will eventually come to the B&H parliament to discuss these important matters. Spiric pointed out that SDA is trying to call for international interventionism, but he finds that no international address can help B&H in this situation. Spiric underlined that all those who have been recently paying visit abroad with goal to find recipe “to prescribe” future of this country are not doing B&H a favor. Spiric stressed that solution for future of B&H should be sought within B&H. Spiric said: “This can be understood as, B&H is us. All others who do not think like us – goodbye. I believe that people will reconsider and come to the parliamentary halls to discuss important such important issues, like the issue of the Election Law is.” Spiric said that the RS has never tried to block the institutions, but there was a lack of readiness among politicians from Sarajevo to decide on the future of this country. He said that every day this is proven to be counterproductive. Spiric said that there is no international community that can dictate how B&H will operate without internal agreement.


US Embassy condemns behavior of ruling parties in B&H at B&H HoP urgent session (FTV)


The US Embassy in B&H condemned the actions of SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA in the B&H HoP on Tuesday, assessing them as “collective failure” to “fulfill their constitutional responsibilities”. “HDZ B&H, with SNSD support inappropriately used the emergency procedure to submit take it or leave it electoral reform proposals that had already been determined to contradict EU legal and human rights standards,” the Embassy said, adding that this included “political party ownership of electoral mandates, a two-list model for the B&H Presidency that would constitute further ethnic division, and other regressive elements”. The Embassy also called out SDA, saying that its decision to “abuse the HoP quorum requirements to block discussion was also inconsistent with the principle of functional, democratic institutions”. “Disagreements should be resolved through debate and votes, not boycotts. Obstructing and boycotting state-level institutions are destabilizing anti-Dayton behaviors, regardless of who does it,” the Embassy underlined.


EU standards were not respected (Avaz)


The Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler commented on his Twitter account the fact that the session of B&H House of Peoples did not take place, because there was no quorum. “Yet another disappointing day for B&H politics. Instead of substantive democratic debate, maximalist proposals not in line with EU standards, an unhelpful and undemocratic boycott, and integrity amendments delayed due to absences. Citizens are again the ones who lose out,” wrote Ambassador Sattler.


Peach and Lajcak touch on B&H and Balkans during forum in Sofia (N1)


UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach and EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak participated in the forum ‘EU Meets Western Balkans’ in Sofia on Tuesday. On this occasion, Peach condemned recent statements that Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov made in which he threatened B&H. Peach stated that NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has repeatedly said that it is the sovereign right of the state to decide whether to join NATO, and no one at any stage of its history has forced the country to join NATO. Peach stressed the same applies to B&H. “I absolutely condemn the allegations of the Russian Ambassador, which shocked me equally. It is obvious that it was a threat and it was aggressive. The fact is that we need B&H institutions to work, including the Armed Forces (AF). I also made it clear that the role of international forces in B&H, whether they are EU or NATO headquarters as support - they work together in harmony – is to ensure a secure environment in B&H,” Peach stressed. He also welcomes and encourages the recent decision to increase the capacity of EUFOR in B&H. Lajcak warned that the EU is slowly losing patience with Balkan politicians. “Unfortunately, I do not see much change when it comes to rhetoric among Balkan partners saying the right things when it comes to Russia and Ukraine, but when you see political confrontations in B&H, when you see a lack of progress between Serbia and Kosovo, when you see processes in the region, it seems that Ukraine is not a sufficiently strong wake-up call,” Lajcak said.


Dzaferovic meets with ICC President, Deputy Prosecutors of ICC (Hayat/BHT1)


During the second day of his official visit to the Netherlands, Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met with President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague Joan Donoghue. Hayat reports it was stressed during the meeting that all United Nations (UN) members, including the Western Balkans countries to respect the ICJ’s ruling on the Srebrenica genocide, and that the ICJ hold Serbia accountable for not preventing it. Dzaferovic also visited the International Criminal Court (ICC) where he had individual meetings with the ICC officials. Hayat reports that Dzaferovic noted B&H’s example shows the importance of the international judicial institutions’ work as an instrument to ensure permanent peace and stability.

After holding meetings at the ICJ, Dzaferovic visited the International Criminal Court (ICC) where he held separate meetings with ICC President Piotr Hofmanski and Deputy Prosecutors of the ICC, Mame Niang and Nazhat Shameem. During the meetings, Dzaferovic expressed B&H's full support to the International Criminal Court and the values and principles of international law. Dzaferovic expressed B&H's readiness to contribute to the work of the ICC, as well as special satisfaction with the significant number of B&H experts who are already working in the ICC.


Enhanced role of the United States (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met with US Senator Roger Wicker in Washington. Turkovic and Wicker discussed the current political situation in B&H and the region in the context of changed geopolitical circumstances after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. During the meeting, it was unequivocally stated that the elections in B&H must be held in accordance with the law. Senator Wicker pointed out that the United States has a continuity of constructive engagement in B&H and that the new circumstances provide the basis for an enhanced role together with European partners, in terms of preserving stability and enabling B&H's progress towards EU and NATO membership.


Cikotic and Ambassador Murphy discuss security situation and attempts of destabilization (Avaz)


B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic met on Tuesday with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. The officials concluded that global security situation in the world reflects on the countries of the region, where we witness various attempts of destabilization and they underlined the importance of strengthening of partnership relations between B&H and USA and support in overcoming of security challenges. During the meeting the officials repeated that the US remain dedicated to preservation of peace and stability in B&H, underlining that this dedication will be implemented through joint projects and strengthening of capacities of B&H institutions. Speaking about future cooperation, the officials especially underlined fight against the corruption, terrorism and human trafficking.


Cavara with Commander of EUFOR in B&H about security situation (Dnevni list)


FB&H President Marinko Cavara met with EUFOR Commander Major-General Anton Wessely to talk about complex political relations and the security situation in the FB&H and B&H, as well as about EUFOR’s mission in B&H that is important for peace and security of every citizen of B&H. Wessely said the reason for strengthening of EUFOR reserves in B&H was not because of an assessment that the security situation has deteriorate, instead it was aimed to demonstrate EUFOR’s absolute commitment to preserving peace and stability in B&H, through cooperation with all levels of authorities, security institutions and representatives of the international community. “EUFOR is impartial and dedicated to peaceful, multiethnic and sustainable B&H and its goal is to ensure secure environment and preserve peace and stability in the country,” said Commander Wessely. Cavara stressed that EUFOR is factor of peace in B&H and that complex political issues should be solved through dialogue only.


Djukanovic congratulates Macron (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has congratulated Emanuel Macron on the occasion of his re-election to the position of President of France, and wished him the best for the successful performance of this responsible duty. “The election of French citizens opens up a new perspective for France and represents an encouragement for the strong and united Europe we want and need today more than ever. I believe that at the head of France, which is one of the main pillars of the European and Euro-Atlantic structure, you will justify the trust and fulfill the expectations of the French and Europeans,” Djukanovic has stated. He has added that Macron’s election is good news for the countries of the Western Balkans and the European Union’s enlargement policy.


Abazovic: Scepanovic and Vlaovic set to become ministers (CdM)


A candidate for the science and technology development minister will be Prof. Biljana Scepanovic – the President of the PhD Committee at the University of Montenegro – while a candidate for the culture and media minister will be Masa Vlaovic, the MA in contemporary art theory, tweeted Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic. He also noted that “people are Montenegro’s best resource”.


DF MPs coming to Cetinje on Thursday (CdM)


The Democratic Front MPs are going to attend the session of the Parliament of Montenegro on 28 April in Cetinje, a source close to that party told the CdM portal. On the other hand, the Democrats, United Montenegro as well as the Leader of Real Montenegro announced they would not come.


Osmani will not ask Bulgaria to withdraw the Declaration on Macedonia (Republika)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in Sofia yesterday that there was still no solution to the open issues that would be acceptable to both Bulgaria and Macedonia, confirming that talks were under way, calling on historical issues to be left to the joint historical commission. Asked whether Macedonia would insist on changes to the Bulgarian Declaration to lift Sofia’s veto on starting negotiations with the EU, Osmani stressed that Bulgaria’s attitude towards the negotiations was important for the country. Regarding the announcements that Albania will seek decoupling of the European road between Tirana and Skopje, Osmani said that the statement of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama was quoted incorrectly, adding that he said that he would ask the citizens, and not that Albania decided to ask for decoupling from Macedonia.


CoE Parliamentary Assembly approves report, Gjylameti: We should double Albania's integration efforts (Radio Tirana)


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CoE) approved the report "Beyond the Lisbon Treaty: strengthening the strategic partnership between the CoE and the European Union". SP MP Blerina Gjylameti, part of the Albanian delegation that attended the proceedings of this Assembly, said that with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, the CoE and the EU have consolidated the strategic partnership provided by the Memorandum of the year 2007. According to her, "the understanding between the CoE and the EU is based on the three pillars of enhanced political dialogue, stronger legal cooperation and a wide range of joint cooperation programs". "After the Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2022 and the epochal changes that Europe is experiencing, the Parliamentary Assembly calls for a renewed impetus towards strengthening the strategic partnership between the CoE and the EU, based on their common values ​​and commitment to promotion. "Of peace, security and stability on the European continent and support for multilateralism around the world," she said. Gjylameti added that "the Assembly appreciates the importance that the Lisbon Treaty has given to parliamentary democracy, the greatest powers given to the European Parliament in determining the political direction of the European Union, emphasizing inter-parliamentary cooperation and the role of national parliaments in the decision-making process. To the EU”. "Parliamentarians, through this resolution, call on the Council of Europe to redouble its efforts to assist the member states of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, but at the same time Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, which want to join the European Union, to make tangible and measurable progress towards meeting the necessary criteria," said Gjylameti.


Peleshi: We will unconditionally support the Ukrainian people (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi accompanied by the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Bajram Begaj, participated in the conference on Ukraine, convened by the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, which was held at the air base in Ramstein of Germany. In this conference, the US had invited to attend the Ministers of Defense and representatives from 40 different countries, where it was discussed about the situation in Ukraine, the needs that this country has for assistance in the current and long-term plan, the dynamics of fighting in Ukraine , the assessment of their combat capabilities, the possibilities of contributing to the improvement of these capabilities, as well as the increase of the defense capabilities of this country in the future. In his speech, Peleshi thanked the organizers of this very important event, especially Secretary Austin, and made a summary of the support that our country has given to Ukraine. He focused on three main aspects of this support, Albania's role in the UN Security Council, as a co-host with the United States, the situation and humanitarian support for the reception and accommodation of Ukrainian refugees, as well as support in practical terms that our country has provided. At the end of his speech, Peleshi assured the participants in this meeting that Albania will continue to provide unconditional support to the Ukrainian government and people in the long run, in addition to the current support we are giving.


Varhelyi: Disappointed by the decision of Bulgaria, Albania remains ''hostage'' of the latter (Radio Tirana)


It seems that Albania will not yet receive the 'green light' for the opening of negotiations with the EU, continuing to remain a 'hostage' of this process due to the Bulgarian veto on North Macedonia. Bulgaria will not give up, and the condition that it lift its veto and that North Macedonia start the negotiation process with the EU requires that Bulgarians in the country be registered in the Constitution. This was stated by Bulgarian Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska before the conference "EU meets the Balkans" in Sofia, which was also attended by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. "In order to start the process of EU membership negotiations, the requirement remains for the Republic of North Macedonia to register the Bulgarians in its Constitution. At this stage, they must first implement it and then start negotiations with them," said Genchovska. Bulgaria's decision was met with regret and disappointment by EU Commissioner Varhelyi, who said the process had been held hostage for two years. "If you have power and do not use it, it is considered by others as a capitulation, surrender of your power and your capacities. The issue for Albania and North Macedonia is when we will start the accession negotiation process. I can not hide my disappointment, that we are still continuing to discuss this issue. "We thought we had solved it two years ago and now this is on the table again," Varhelyi told Bulgarian media. Even during the meeting that Varhelyi held with the Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, Varhelyi said that the only way to ensure the stability of the region and the security of the EU is the opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia. "It is a pleasure to meet with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev at such a critical time. We agreed that maintaining peace and security in the EU and the Western Balkans is our highest priority. "Holding the first intergovernmental conference with Albania and North Macedonia is the most important decision to take," Varhelyi wrote on Twitter. For two years, Albania has been able to overcome the skepticism of EU member states such as the Netherlands or France, but has now remained a 'hostage' of the Bulgarian veto. Bulgaria urges North Macedonia to recognize the Bulgarian roots in its language and history and to register them in the Constitution, otherwise it will not allow its integration.