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Belgrade Media Report 4 May



Vucic: Next winter will be very difficult (Politika/Tanjug)


The energy situation during next winter will be very difficult, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reiterated on Tuesday, noting that the Serbian government would do everything in its power to minimize the country's problems in that regard, and that there would be no problems with food. When asked by reporters if Serbians should worry about whether there would be sufficient oil and natural gas after the German government urged businesses and citizens to save energy, Vucic responded Germany was a serious country and that this showed it was aware of what was coming. "They are preparing for what is coming - a difficult winter. For Europe and all of us, it will be the most difficult one since the 1950s. Whoever tells you that everything will be nice and easy - and there are such people even among our ministers - they are neither serious enough nor responsible enough, they just want to be popular," Vucic said in Alexandroupolis, Greece, where he attended a ceremony that marked the start of works to build an LNG terminal in the city. He warned that the upcoming period would be very difficult and that energy and food were the two crucial problems. "In addition to all that, we have the additional problem of inflation, an inability to go to capital financial markets. Who is going to go to the bond market, how can you do replacement loans? It is impossible, because cash is becoming a resource," Vucic said, adding that it was good Serbia did not have a high debt-to-GDP ratio, which is currently at 51.8 pct. "The energy situation will be very difficult," he noted, adding that Serbia's negotiations with Russia about gas supplies were yet to begin. He said that, delays included, Bulgaria would need a year and a half to build a connection that would allow Serbia to receive gas from the Alexandroupolis terminal, and that an interconnector with Bulgaria and a connection to North Macedonia would have to be built as well. As a result, Serbia will depend on Russia for 99 pct of its gas in the next few years, Vucic said.


Vucic: Conversation with Mitsotakis was good, I am grateful for his support (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday said he had had a good conversation with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Alexandroupolis, Greece, about bilateral relations, as well as about respect of Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. He said he was grateful to Mitsotakis for his support and added that he expected no negative surprises over the short or medium term. Vucic, who was in Alexandroupolis for a ceremony that marked the start of works to build an LNG terminal in the city, also met with the PMs of Bulgaria and North Macedonia, as well as with European Council President Charles Michel, with whom he discussed the situation in Ukraine and developments in Brussels. He said he had a lengthy conversation with Michel about Serbia's European perspective, and added that new prospects and opportunities were opening up in that regard. "I think that it was good that we were here and that we are looking into how we can meet our needs from all sides. Even though the things we discussed are not simple, I believe we will be able to offer citizens a normal life in the years to come," Vucic said.


Vucic, Raisi: Serbia appreciated Iran's principles position of non-recognition of unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Monday to discuss bilateral relations and development of economic cooperation, in particular in agriculture and trade, as well as in domains where there are realistic possibilities and mutual interest for that. Vucic singled out the fields offering major and untapped possibilities for cooperation, such as agriculture and the food industry, as well as the construction, mining and energy sectors. He asked Raisi for an agreement on long-term supplies of nitrogen fertilizers to Serbia in order to provide stability to Serbian agriculture when it comes to one of the most significant elements for development of the sector, and the Iranian president accepted the request. They agreed for further discussions on this topic to be held and an agreement reached at expert level. They noted that trade in products such as maize and other grains, beef and baby beef, seeds and seed material were among the key additional points of potential cooperation, and also discussed the potential for joint investments in production of machinery and animal feed.

Vucic noted that Serbia extremely appreciated Iran’s principles position of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo as well as Teheran's support on the issue. Raisi reconfirmed Iran's firm commitment to continue to develop comprehensive relations with Serbia and thanked Vucic for his personal engagement in development of overall cooperation. Vucic and Raisi also discussed current developments on the global political scene. Raisi invited Vucic to visit Iran and the Serbian president accepted the invitation with pleasure, an official statement said.


Vucic: I do not expect too much from Berlin discussions (Tanjug)


Commenting on an upcoming meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at the weekend he expected to hear objections to Serbia's actions as well as to have an opportunity to present Serbia's views. Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Vucic said there was nothing good to expect from the Berlin meeting - to also be attended by the PM of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti and EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak - and that he did not expect too much. "A good opportunity for us to get some time to present our views, but we will not change Germany's positions on Kosovo and Metohija or sanctions (on Russia)," Vucic said. He said he was very concerned not only over Kurti's irresponsibility and lack of seriousness, but also over the fact that many in the West supported such a policy. The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is dramatic and the Serbs there are under strong pressure because there are many who want to use the situation in Ukraine to make the Serbs agree to something, Vucic said. "We have nothing good to expect from the discussions on Kosovo and Metohija because we are not even in discussions - not by our own wish but by the wish of those who do not even want to implement what they signed up to nine years ago. No one is even trying to make them do so, while we are the ones who are being forced to implement everything - from license plates to everything else that is marginal in the Brussels agreement. They do not even mention what is important, or give an explanation that it will be discussed sometime," Vucic said. He said this was an attempt to "finish the job" - to expel Kosovo Serbs or make them accept an independence of the province, and to make Serbia recognize it as independent. "We cannot comply with that. I am very skeptical although I support real dialogue. Today, with Kurti, that dialogue is non-existent," Vucic said.


Vucic made no promise to impose sanctions on Russia (Novosti)


During a recent visit by a group of US senators, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic made no promises about imposing sanctions on Russia, Novosti reported on Friday. Quoting a well-informed source, the paper said the parties had touched upon the issue but that Vucic had made no commitment that Belgrade would join US and Western sanctions against Moscow. The source said the only promise made at the time had to do with a specific economic project it declined to elaborate on. The source said it assumed that a sentence in a blog post by Senator Chris Murphy, assertively exploited by some circles as "the President’s purported guarantee that Serbia will impose sanctions on Moscow", was, in fact, a reference to Serbia's commitment to the project. "Everyone who knows President Vucic well knows that the way he operates is not based on the principle of pressure and that such actions by diplomats who dare to influence his decisions in that way usually produce a counter-effect, so Murphy's actions can be interpreted as an own goal by the Americans," the source said. Murphy and fellow Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Tom Tillis met with Vucic during a visit to the Balkans from 19 through 23 April. In the blog post, Murphy shared his impressions and some details of the trip to Belgrade. He said the senators had "pushed Vucic on several short-term steps he could make toward the right choice". "Call me in sixty days. Check to see if I’ve done what I am telling you I will do," Vucic allegedly told Murphy at the end of the meeting.


Hill says Serbia should think again about Russia (N1/VoA)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill told the Voice of America that Serbia should think again if it believes that Russia will help resolve the Kosovo issue. The Ambassador said that he would be very careful about claims that Serbia benefits from what Russia does. Hill said that Belgrade and Pristina will decided whether to continue their dialogue. He said that Serbia should decide what to do on its own and added that American diplomats should not be telling the Serbians what to do. According to the Ambassador, Serbia should decide what kind of relations it wants with its neighbors. I don’t think that Serbia should look to Russia in relation to Kosovo or vice versa but should look at every situation separately, he said, adding that Russia has moved very far away from Western values. I know that the EU is trying hard to put different ideas on the table, topics to discuss, keep up the momentum…. The negotiations are very difficult and I know that the EU is doing the best it can. Serbia and Kosovo should bear that in mind, he said. The Ambassador said that the issues are not easy and called for understanding but warned that “We should not be held hostage” by them but look forward.


Shots fired at Kosovo Serbs at lake outside Gracanica (RTS)


Shots were fired at a group of young Kosovo Serbs at a lake outside the town of Gracanica, Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) reported on Monday. A policeman with the group returned fire wounding both of the attackers who fled on their motorcycle. Parents of the young Serb men and women said their children were taken to Pristina for questioning by police patrols, adding that the policeman who returned fire was under investigation. Marko Petkovic, one of the group, told RTS that the shots were fired at them at the lake on Sunday afternoon. “They stopped a few meters from us. A policeman friend who was with us, a Gorani by nationality, spoke to them in Albanian asking them to leave because the situation was tense. They moved off to stop by our cars and one of them fired shots at us from a pistol,” he said, adding that they took shelter behind some parked cars. “The policeman in plain clothes shot back and they fled towards the village of Mramor,” he said. The police patrol arrived 40 minutes later. One of the parents said that the incident would have been worse without the policeman there but voiced surprise that he was under investigation. RTS said that incident was not included in the Kosovo police regular daily report. Police spokesman Agron Borovci told local media that the investigation was underway and added that the two young men were wounded and in hospital but did not identify them. He said that a policeman is under investigation for firing at the attackers.


Serbian officials, analysts claim Izetbegovic is trying to create unitary B&H (Novosti


The daily claimed that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic advocates the introduction of a decision-making system which would not require the consent of all three constituent people as the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) stipulates. Namely, in his latest statements related to the talks on electoral reform, Izetbegovic said that “SNSD and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have no right to reduce 60% of pro-Bosnian forces to one third of authorities”, which shows a clear intention to change the manner of adoption of decisions: “Izetbegovic, through an obvious violation of the DPA, wants to introduce voting by simple majority and unitary Bosnia”. The daily added that it is no secret that Izetbegovic has a consent of western countries, which have been exerting pressures on Republika Srpska (RS) and Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik, who has been saying on several occasions that the DPA should be applied in the same form in which it was written. Minister of Interior of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin said that Izetbegovic has been destroying the constitutional order and DPA in past already, but his latest statement “announced destroying of B&H and destabilization of the entire region”. “The civil war in B&H started by forcible introduction of the principle ‘one man – one vote’ and with the message to Serbs that they will always be the minority in the country in which they were born, a group of people without the right to decide on their own. To repeat same procedures and expect different consequences is one of definitions of madness. I expect (High Representative) Christian Schmidt to strongly react and impose sanctions against Izetbegovic and I expect the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to at least hold a session and stop the madness before it is too late,” Vulin said. Former foreign minister Zivadin Jovanovic told Novosti that the DPA is an international legal document of the highest importance, created and designed by the leading world powers as a reflection of the real situation in the field as well as a reflection of interests and will of the most powerful countries, primarily of the USA. Jovanovic argued that the USA was the main player in talks on the DPA and “now they do not want to adhere to what they signed. This is about the strategy of expansion of NATO and USA to the east. Every regional detail is being harmonized with the goal of some sort of settling of accounts with Russia and China. The Dayton equality of three constituent peoples is not quite in line with this situation because, for as long as the RS is equal to the Federation of B&H (FB&H), it can stop the admission to the NATO because of which attempts to annul competencies of the RS are being made. The goal is to get a disciplined B&H, to create a Muslim country in the heart of Europe for the sake of gaining sympathy of Muslim world and maintaining of energy alliances so the Europe can get yet another lever for American control”. Jovanovic concluded by saying that pressures are being exerted on Serbia now to make an influence on Dodik, but Serbia will have to have a decisive stance because the DPA was confirmed by the UN Security Council and international agreements must be respected and not changed by force. Professor of international law Dejan Mirovic said that denial of the DPA “is a historical legal revisionism and undermining of international law” backed by USA and EU, as well as by politicians from Sarajevo, Pristina and Kyiv. “The best illustration of this is the fact illegitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt sided with Izetbegovic and historical legal revisionism. He is a test for all those who speak about the DPA because those who support Schmidt actually destroy the DPA and vice versa,” Mirovic concluded. Political analyst Dzevad Galijasevic claimed that the goal of the policy of Izetbegovic and SDA is to create a Muslim state of B&H in which Serbs and Croats would be deprived of all rights and would be “a third class citizens”. “Izetbegovic wants to unpack the DPA but he offers no alternative. Unpacking of the DPA without a concept would mean the end of B&H,” Galijasevic said and argued that Izetbegovic’s goal is clear – to create a unitary B&H: “Bosniaks want to rule the entire B&H”. Finally, Galijasevic warned that unpacking of the DPA is impossible without having a war and concluded: “Does Izetbegovic really think Serbs and Croats are fools and that they will fall for his story about civic state of B&H and democratic rights and Bosniaks as main associates of Europe. What kind of democracy are we talking about if Bosniaks elect the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H and if they constantly exert pressures on foreigners and OHR to deprive the RS of its constitutional competencies granted to it by the DPA.” Vulin stated that Izetbegovic is the greatest enemy of the Dayton Peace Agreement and of the existence of the Dayton B&H. He noted that Izetbegovic’s recent statement that SNSD and HDZ B&H cannot reduce 60 percent of pro-Bosnians to a third means an announcement of destruction of B&H and destabilization of the entire region.




CEC announces general elections in B&H; Covic threatens territorial reorganization (N1


B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) has made a decision, on Wednesday, on calling and holding general elections on 2 October 2022. The CEC is considering other accompanying decisions regarding the organization of elections, primarily the decision on concluding the Central Voters’ Registry as of 3 May, and proposals for a regulation on the registration of political entities to participate in the October general elections. The elections will be held according to the decision on Sunday, 2 October and their funding should be provided within 15 days. Vlado Rogic, a CEC member, voted against the decision saying that “there is a permanent election crisis in B&H”. The other five CEC members voted in favor of the decision. Dragan Covic, the leader of the HDZ B&H and the Croat National Assembly wrote to international community representatives in B&H Wednesday, following the announcement of the date of the general elections, saying the HNS is now forced to initiate a territorial reorganization of B&H based on the federalization of the country. In his letter, he called the CEC’s decision to call general elections on October 2, a threat to the peace and stability of B&H. “We consider this move not only contrary to the rule of law but also a direct threat to peace and political stability in B&H and contrary to the Washington Agreement signed on March 18, 1994, which guarantees Croats and Bosniaks equal and sovereign rights in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) as a signatory to the Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H of 14 December 1995,” Covic claimed. “Given the continuation of the process of abolishing parity rights, equality and constitutivity of the Croat people, the Croat National Assembly will implement all conclusions from the extraordinary session of the HNS in B&H held on February 19, 2022, and initiate all legal procedures and political steps for a new institutional and territorial organization of B&H on the principles of federalism and consociational democracy, which will ensure full constitutional equality of the Croat constituent people in B&H,” Dragan Covic said, among other things, in a letter to numerous EU, US and international officials.


Izetbegovic: Elections must be held (FTV


The B&H CEC is set to call the general elections in B&H on Wednesday. The general elections should be scheduled for October 2. However, the funding needs to be ensured 15 days following announcement of elections. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic expressed optimism that the issue of funding will be resolved, but he is not optimistic that the Election Law will be amended. He noted: “For now, of course, the Election Law will not be adopted, but the budget must be adopted. I think that the budget will be adopted, that we will have a budget and regular elections. If this legal and constitutional obligation is avoided, then the OHR should react and impose either a budget or a decision to find funds for the elections, because elections must be held.”


Dzaferovic: Elections will be held and funds for elections will be secured (O Kanal


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic commented on the issue of the Election Law and the fact that the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) is set to pass on Wednesday a decision to call the general elections for October. Dzaferovic noted that the elections will be held and that funds for the elections will be secured. “In my opinion, there is no dilemma about that. The CEC will call the elections tomorrow (Wednesday) in line with the law, and I call on all entities within B&H who intend to participate in the general election race to do their job. I also call on all those who intended to create any form of obstruction to stop on time”, the Presidency Chairman stressed.


Kristo: Elections will go as defined by B&H Election Law, and not as decided by illegal body in charge of conducting them (Glas Srpske/N1


The B&H CEC will set the date for general elections in B&H on Wednesday. N1 added that clear message arrived from the HDZ that they are not giving up on changes to B&H Election Law. They said it will be as the Election Law says and not the illegal CEC. Member of HDZ B&H Borjana Kristo gave a statement for Glas Srpske and was quoted as saying: “Our proposal is in the process. The elections will go as defined by the Election Law, and not as decided by the illegal body in charge of conducting them. These are the realities that we will follow in accordance with the election calendar and determine ourselves accordingly. Everything else is the responsibility of all political representatives.”


Cvitanovic on electoral reform: Milanovic has my support, Plenkovic should follow that path as well (Dnevni list


Speaking about holding of the (2022) general elections and changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic also touched on the roles of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Cvitanovic said, among other issues: “Milanovic uses the position Croatia has to make those who created the Constitution of B&H as it is, namely the key player in the world, to tell them they created something that is not good, something in which his people is not equal to other two peoples. As far as I am concerned, he has my support (…) On four or five occasions I had a chance to speak with him, he never allowed that question mark is put over B&H. His work on Croats outside Croatia is on a good trail, I think it is a path that Plenkovic should use more as well”. Speaking about the fact that the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H will most likely take a decision tomorrow (Wednesday) to call the elections, Cvitanovic says some people are hoping that the Croats will take a decision not to go to the polls, which led him to say “the assessment at this moment is that we have not the right to stay at home”.


Families of victims mark anniversary of events in Dobrovoljacka Street (RTRS


Tuesday marked the 30th anniversary of the crimes of paramilitary Muslim formations against members of the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA). Killings of soldiers and attacks on military facilities in Sarajevo began in April and culminated on May 3, 1992. At that time, a military convoy was intercepted in Dobrovoljacka Street, which was being evacuated according to the previously reached agreement. In those days, 42 soldiers, officers and civilians serving in the JNA were killed, and dozens were wounded and captured, noted the presenter. An indictment was recently filed against 10 people, but it only covered the events from Dobrovoljacka, which caused indignation among the families of the killed and surviving soldiers. A peaceful walk was held in Sarajevo on Tuesday without incident. Former member of the JNA convoy in Dobrovoljacka Street, Milenko Peric said he was imprisoned and shot in the legs from behind. Former member of JNA convoy in Dobrovoljacka Street Srdjan Lukic commented on the high level of security during their gathering on Tuesday and said they would not have gone though that event if they had such security then. Zeljko Pantelic said he also carries painful memories of, as he said, the betrayal of the then political and military leadership of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which he believes contributed to the suffering in Dobrovoljacka Street, where he was captured. Pantelic said that it is good news that an indictment has been filed, but it is unfortunate that it did not cover the killings of soldiers from April 20 until the last murder of JNA soldiers in the Marshal Tito barracks on May 23. The B&H Prosecutor's Office recently filed an indictment against 10 political, military and police officials of the then RB&H, led by Ejup Ganic. They are suspected of killing, wounding and torturing captured JNA soldiers. The indictment was not confirmed by the Court of B&H. The families of the JNA soldiers killed on May 2 in Skenderija and other locations in Sarajevo are disappointed that the deaths of their loved ones will remain without a court epilogue. Ahead of the peaceful walk and laying of roses at one of the places where victims were killed, uniformed members of the Green Berets Association paid tribute to, as they said, the defenders of the city and said that the JNA convoy was a legitimate military target and that there was no war crime. On May 3, 1992, in the afternoon, a convoy in Dobrovoljacka was attacked with its own weapons. The massacre could have been avoided if General Milutin Kukanjac had listened to the warning of the security assistant Ratko Katalina that a general attack of Muslim formations was being prepared. Kukanjac believed the former member of B&H Presidency Alija Izetbegovic, who said there would be no attack. Even UNPROFOR's guarantees did not prevent one of the first war crimes in Sarajevo, which announced the war, concluded the reporter. On May 2-3, 1992, 31 JNA members were killed, 71 were injured and 207 were captured and tortured. Member of ‘Green Berets’ and the Territorial Defense were ordered by Ganic to attack the unarmed convoy of JNA vehicles that was leaving the then second military zone in line with the agreement reached by Alija Izetbegovic and UNPROFOR.


Svrakic: Dobrovoljacka Street was legitimate military target (N1


The 30th anniversary of the incident in the former Dobrovoljacka Street was marked in Sarajevo on Tuesday. There were two gatherings. The first was the gathering of the Green Berets, followed by a gathering of the delegation from RS. Both gatherings were secured with strong police presence and there were no incidents. The Sarajevo Canton (SC) Ministry of Interior sent dozens of officers because they assessed these were gatherings with high risk. Members of the Green Berets who gathered on Tuesday said that 2 and 3 May are key days for the defense of Sarajevo and the independence of B&H and that the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) stood on the side of the aggressor then. The JNA, helped by paramilitary organizations, volunteers and special operatives tried to carry out a coup d’état by attacking the Presidency, the Post Office, the Elektroprivreda and the television station, according to the member of Green Berets Vahid Alic. Alic said they managed to defeat the then fourth military power in Europe. He said there was an attempt to divide the city into two parts, while at the same time, the then President Alija Izetbegovic was captured at the airport, together with a delegation that was returning from peace talks in Lisbon. Members of Green Berets said that JNA did not respect the terms of exchange, that they exited the Bistrik barracks in full war equipment and carried out provocations with individual shootings. An exchange of fire took place and a number of JNA members were killed. Member of Green Berets Muhamed Svrakic said no one could have guaranteed safe passage considering that a guarantee was given by Izetbegovic who was a prisoner at the moment. According to the Geneva Convention, a prisoner cannot give any guarantee, surrender or signature, reminded Svrakic. “General Milutin Kukanjac, we know well his statement, where he said exactly that he had made a military formation”, stated Svrakic. Svrakic addressed attendees and he underlined that the former Dobrovoljacka Street was a legitimate military target due to a number of reasons. In this regard, Svrakic said that they did not go to Pale or Belgrade to kill someone but they stood there and defended their houses. The reporter noted that the news that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H filed an indictment against 11 persons in this case last week has surprised former veterans of the RBiH Army who blamed the current authorities that think only about themselves.


Dodik: Crime against innocently killed JNA members is proof that former Muslim leadership wanted and caused the war in B&H; Other comments (ATV


Commenting on the 30th anniversary of the crime against JNA members in the former Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo, Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that this crime against innocently killed JNA members was a classical crime against peace and a proof that the former Muslim leadership wanted and caused the war in B&H in order to achieve their demands and political goals. He stressed that the killing of innocent people who were trying to leave Sarajevo was a shot at freedom and a proof that the former Muslim leadership does not respect the given word or any agreements. Dodik also said that only truth, arguments and evidence, as well as culture of remembering of numerous crimes against Serb people clearly confirm who wanted the war in B&H and who was getting ready for the war conflict. “Then Muslim leadership sent a clear message not only to Serbs in B&H but to the entire world as well that they do not want peace in B&H and normal life in the remaining part of then Yugoslavia and that they are ready for anything. They wanted to have a war and they clearly showed it, while the entire world played deaf, mute and blind and accused Serbs”, Dodik said. Dodik argued that decades old refusal of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to process those responsible for these crimes is a clear proof that this “unconstitutional and illegal institution has been an instrument of Muslim policy and policy of a part of the international community in B&H since the day it was imposed by a decision of the High Representative”. “Now, two and a half decades after the crime, they remembered to issue an indictment for crimes in Dobrovoljacka Street. Why now?! To clean biographies?! It is certainly not because they developed conscience. This is highly hypocritical and manipulative move by the judiciary of B&H. Our trust in the work of imposed judicial institutions at the level of B&H has been lost a long time ago and it cannot be restored by anything, because we have been witnessing numerous cases that were carried out in a biased manner and disastrously shameful verdicts for crimes against Serbs”, Dodik said. Dodik stated that the RS institutions have the important task to promote the truth and present facts, as well as to remind of crimes against Serbs and commemorate Serb victims. This will clearly prove who wanted the war and who prepared for it, said Dodik. Commenting on the 30th anniversary of the events in the former Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated: “Dobrovoljacka is a war crime. We should always say that at any place”. Sarovic also said that there is a hope that justice in this case will be served now that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has filed an indictment in the ‘Dobrovoljacka’ case. Sarovic said that there is a little piece of hope that those who committed the crimes will eventually be sentenced and there is certain positive change in the B&H Prosecutor’s Office. Nedeljko Cubrilovic said he hopes that everyone responsible would be adequately punished. The Mayor of Istocno Sarajevo Ljubisa Cosic said he thinks this is just one of many cases of filing an indictment followed by shameful verdicts or even failing to confirm the indictments. RS DNS Representative Aleksandar Glavas criticized the fact that even 30 years after this event and 27 years after the war ended, they have to come to Sarajevo with high security to pay tribute to the victims. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic, who said that the recently issued indictment is a glimmer of hope that the justice will be done. The Director of the RS Center for Research of War, War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons Milorad Kojic said this was a well-planned and coordinated crime by the politicians and implemented by the army and police. Kojic stated: “Under command responsibility, no action has been taken to prevent those who committed the crime from committing it. Later, when they it was committed, no one was punished. We have command, we have individual responsibility, we have facts.” It was said that, on that day in 1992, a war crime was committed against civilians, war prisoners and medical workers.


Milanovic: Croats in B&H are witnessing oppression, Komsic is thief; I will use veto to stop admission in NATO before changing B&H Election Law (HRT1


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic announced in Vukovar on Tuesday that he will veto Finland’s entry into NATO during the NATO summit in Madrid by the end of June, until the issues of Croats in B&H are solved. Milanovic compared the situation in B&H with a Finnish island where Swedes are an ethnic minority and he spoke about double standards of the EU. Milanovic stated: “We have a Swedish island in Finland called Aland where the Swedish minority lives. Look, people are allowed to call themselves Swedes and choose everything there on ethnic grounds. Is it in line with the European values imposed on B&H? In B&H, it is expected that the fact that there are Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks is completely ignored, so that Bosniaks could outvote Croats. So let us go to Finland to abolish this form of primitive medieval autonomy of some Swedes on an island, let the Finns outvote them nicely, as Bosniaks do in B&H. Look, we have prepared for this both energetically and intellectually, at least in that sense we will sink them. But they will not break me.” Milanovic also said that the ones who vote for the NATO enlargement without election reform in B&H are traitors. Milanovic stated: “I will veto the invitation. I am not sure that I can force the Croatian ambassador, let us say at the Council of Ambassadors, which can also issue an invitation, to take my position. He would have to be neutral. Then the government will have to say that it is absolute and unconditional, without solving the Croat problem, in favor of inviting those countries to NATO. It is a betrayal then. Then we know where we stand. Then I will persecute, like the devil (persecutes) a sinful soul, any representative who raises his hand to ratify that agreement before the Election Law is amended.” According to Milanovic, what Croats in B&H are witnessing is oppression while member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic is a thief or a pickpocket. Milanovic also confirmed that he is determined to stop admission of Sweden and Finland in the NATO if the B&H Election Law is not changed. In this regard, he said that he is willing to put a veto at a NATO summit to the invitations for the countries adding that if other Croatian institutions do it, it will be a betrayal. Milanovic said: “I will hunt (…) every MP who raises his hand for ratification of this agreement before changing of the Election Law, implementation of verdicts of the B&H Constitutional Court and stopping the oppression against Croats.”


Plenkovic: Croatian President Milanovic advocates pro-Russian stances by speaking against NATO enlargement, he abuses issue of Croats in B&H for personal interest (HRT1


Addressing media after the session of the Presidency and the National Council of HDZ Croatia in Zagreb on Monday, Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ Croatia leader Andrej Plenkovic commented on the statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who said that any Croatian MP who endorses NATO membership of Finland and Sweden before the Election Law of B&H is amended will be considered a traitor.   In his comment, Plenkovic referred to Milanovic’s statement as “a perfidious statement that is detrimental to Croatia in a foreign policy sense”. According to Plenkovic, Milanovic advocates pro-Russian stances, since he is the only politician in Croatia who speaks against the NATO enlargement. “That is a pro-Russian stance”, the Croatian Prime Minister reiterated. According to the Prime Minister, ‘MOST’ supports Milanovic in his stances. He concluded that Milanovic abuses the issue of Croats in B&H for his personal interest, and he reminded that Milanovic used to support DF leader Zeljko Komsic as a candidate for the Croat member of the B&H Presidency to detriment of HDZ B&H’s candidate. The daily reminds of Milanovic’s statement and notes that he said that Croatian parliament should block the decision on Finland’s NATO membership until Croats in B&H get written guarantees that the Election Law will be amended.


Grlic-Radman: Milanovic wants to present himself as savior of Croats in B&H (HRT1


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic stated on Tuesday that if this topic comes to the agenda of a NATO summit in June, he will veto a proposal for new admissions in the alliance. HRT1 reported that Milanovic also continued with strong attacks on the Croatian Government led by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. In this regard, he said that he is willing to put a veto at a NATO summit to the invitations for the countries adding that if other Croatian institutions do it, it will be a betrayal. The reporter noted that the ruling majority in Croatia condemned Milanovic’s views. Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman responded by saying that coalition partners were surprised and outraged with his language. Grlic-Radman said that Milanovic acts like a police officer from 1945 who entered churches and expelled people only because they were believers. He added that the this embarrasses them and causes big damage to Croatian foreign policy and to Croats in B&H. Grlic-Radman argued that Milanovic wants to present himself as a savior of Croats in B&H. Milanovic on the other hand, claims that moves of the Croatian Government cause damage to Croats in B&H. He argued that the Croatian government betrays Croats in B&H who demand so little, i.e. the basic of equality. The reporter noted that the ruling majority supports possible admission of Sweden and Finland to the NATO and carried comments of several MPs who spoke about this issue in details.


Opposition representatives uncertain how will they vote in Croatian parliament when Finland and Sweden accession to NATO comes to agenda (Jutarnji list


Reminding of the recent statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic who said that anyone who supports the NATO enlargement to Finland and Sweden before the issue of Election Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is solved will be considered traitors, the author noted that it is evident that the Croatian Parliament will soon have to discuss this issue and while it is a known fact that HDZ will support their membership, the question is what will the opposition decide. The article comments that ‘MOST’ seems to support Milanovic and their MP Nikola Grmoja told the daily that Croatia has to use this difficult issue to solve problems in B&H. “This now, is par excellence issue for the status of Croats in B&H”, said Grmoja. He argues that this is a difficult issue because Croatia supports all friendly countries, but underlines that the international community wants to exterminate Croats from B&H. “We are not asking for anything special, we are asking the same for all entities in B&H”, said Grmoja. Asked how they will vote in the parliament, Grmoja said that they will certainly not be able to vote “in favor” unless the international community solves the “abovementioned issue”. However, representative of ‘Homeland Movement’ Stipo Bartulica is certain that majority of MPs will support accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO and this includes him as well. Stressing that Finland and Sweden have full right to join NATO, Bartulica stressed: “However, just the same, the situation in B&H is a strategic issue for Croatia and I think that our country needs to lobby stronger for B&H to be invited to join NATO and the EU”. On the other side, SDP representatives refused to say how would they vote, stressing that this is too important of an issue for one man to decide about this. SDP leader Pedja Grbin said that SDP Presidency will decide about this when the issue gets on the agenda. He also repeated that he sees nothing disputable in Milanovic’s statements regarding Finland and Sweden membership in NATO, arguing that there are double standards on the scene, being that Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria are waiting for years to access Schengen. Representatives of platform ‘Mozemo!’ and their MP Sandra Bencic told the daily they did not agree with Milanovic bringing in connection of NATO enlargement with electoral reform in B&H, but they did not want to say how would they vote. Bencic noted that if Milanovic deems that it is necessary to exert pressure on the EU to push forward the electoral reform, then this should be done through diplomacy. “Here it is understandable that B&H needs to be a civic state, but also secure the rights of all the peoples there. Dayton stopped the war, but it is obvious that additional work is needed”, said Bencic. Former foreign minister Vesna Pusic deems that Finland and Sweden should not be stopped to join NATO. While she deems that Croats in B&H are not in a good position when it comes to Election Law, Pusic underline that this is not the way to solve issues. She also reminded that Croatia supported Montenegrin accession to NATO, despite open issues among the two countries.


Marovic: Montenegro remains leader, I’ll lead negotiations with EU (RTCG


Montenegro is still a leader on the path of European integration, although the period of stagnation has lasted quite a long time, says the Minister of European Affairs Jovana Marovic. She points out that the expectations from the newly formed government are to speed up our path towards the European Union, and that they are ready for that job. She explains that the Ministry of European Affairs implies that she will lead the process of negotiations with the EU, which means that the position of the chief negotiator is being deleted from the system itself. In the TVCG’s morning show, says that the period of stagnation on the European path of our country has lasted quite a long time because the DPS with the government led by it managed to meet only technical criteria in the whole process. She points out that Montenegro will be the first next EU member, but she could not specify the deadline when that will happen.


Petar Knezevic left for Serbia, his interrogation put on hold (TV Vijesti


Although the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, SDT, ordered interrogation of Petar Knezevic, Assistant Commander of the Anti-Terrorist Unit, over the voice recordings where he allegedly talked about last year’s inauguration of Metropolitan Joanikije in Cetinje, still competent bodies couldn’t do it as he’s unavailable for now. According to TV Vijesti, Knezevic is in Belgrade and no one knows when he’s coming back to Montenegro. Three days ago the recordings were published in the media and Knezevic reportedly, among other things, said he’d had ties with five biggest crime gangs in Montenegro, claiming that ahead of Joanikije’s inauguration in Cetinje, he’d stayed in touch with them, coordinated their activities and been their commander-in-chief.


Sehovic: Abazovic will do everything to amnesty Knezevic (Pobjeda


The Social Democrats suspect that Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, as the former coordinator of all security services, will do everything to hide the full truth about the shameful and unprovoked brutal police torture of innocent citizens on 5 September in Cetinje, and that he will do his best to amnesty the commander in the Anti-Terrorist unit of the Police Directorate Petar Knezevic, who, by his own admission, was in contact with various criminal groups from several Montenegrin cities and who sees the youth gathered at  Belvedere as “bastards”, says in an interview for Pobjeda SD leader Damir Sehovic. Apart from not believing that the new executive power will adequately address and determine responsibility for the events in Cetinje, Sehovic doubts that the promised revision on the current situation will be carried out “because the SNP and URA have not entered the minority government to save the state from the previous one, also their government”.


Maddocks: UK cooperates with states, not with specific govts (CdM


Montenegro got its 43rd government. The Prime Minister is the URA leader Dritan Abazovic.UK Ambassador to Montenegro Karen Maddocks has told CdM that she believes the election of the new government is a positive opportunity for Montenegro to make further progress. “I am pleased to see that PM Abazovic’s new priorities are closely linked to issues that the United Kingdom also cares about, including steps to improve national and regional security, political and ethnic reconciliation, rule of law reforms and the fight against organized crime and corruption. We are looking forward to the continuation of cooperation between our countries in these areas,” says Ambassador Maddocks. The Ambassador points out that the United Kingdom is cooperating with states, not with certain governments, and that she is convinced that this kind of cooperation will continue with the new government.


There are three possible outcomes for EU council in June and none leads to opening of accession talks (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that the there are three potential outcomes from the June European Council, but none leads to Macedonia opening its EU accession talks.

One option is that Sofia will lift its veto and allow the first inter-governmental conference to take place, but to delay the opening of actual EU accession talks until the Constitution is amended and the Bulgarian nation added to the preamble. The second option is that Sofia lifts the veto, but that the requests from the Bulgarian Parliament’s declaration from November 2019 are made part of the negotiating framework. I hope that a number of other EU member states will not allow that to happen because bilateral issues should not be made part of the framework. And the third option is that the veto remains. In all three possibilities, the accession talks won’t begin, Mickoski said. He reiterated the VMRO position that they will support amending the Constitution, but only if the Bulgarian Parliament gives written guarantees that this will be the last bilateral issue they raise with Macedonia in the course of the accession talks. “IF the Parliament confirms that this closes all open issues between Macedonia and Bulgaria, and that, from that point on, they will not block Macedonia within the EU framework, then we will support the amendment,” Micokski said.


Bulgarian MEP says that it was France and Netherlands that blocked Macedonia (Republika


Bulgarian politician Ilhan Kyuchyuk said that it was France and the Netherlands, not Bulgaria, who blocked Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. According to the liberal member of the European Parliament, these two countries did not approve the first inter-governmental conference. “I represent the European Parliament and I do all I can to have the two countries find a European solution. The rights of the Bulgarians are a key issue. If we find a European solution to that issue, if the European Commission gives its guarantees that the rights will be respected, I would say that we can go forward,” the MEP said.


VMRO-DPMNE will block work of parliament (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE will actively block the work of the parliament, except in issues that relate to the economy and helping the living standards of the citizens, opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski said in a TV interview. The opposition party can use a filibuster rule that includes flooding any proposed law with amendments, or can try to prolong the debate on a law, in order to stop its adoption. Mickoski’s announcement comes after Prime Minister Kovacevski refused even to meet with him, let alone discuss the VMRO proposal for early elections. There is an impression in the public that, after we won the local elections, we will be satisfied to execute local power, while SDSM can remain freely to control the central power. It doesn’t work like that. The Executive Committee will meet tomorrow and we will announce the first step. This will likely mean an active blockade of the Parliament. Blockade of everything, other than laws that mean higher salaries or some form of helping the citizens, Mickoski said.


Zelensky's video message to Albanian parliament: Thank you for the concrete steps for Ukraine, for the care you give to our children and our people (Radio Tirana


The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has become part of the Albanian parliament yesterday, through a video message. Zelensky said that since February 24, Russia has turned the lives of Ukrainians into a daily danger to life, while not sparing even the killing of children.

Excerpts from the speech of the President of Ukraine:

"The people of Albania, Muslims around the world celebrated Eid which marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. I congratulate you on this holiday and wish you what all Ukrainians today wish each other, peace! During this month there have not been a single day of calm and peace, since February 24, Russia has turned our days into life-threatening. Yesterday a 14-year-old in Odessa lost his life and a 17-year-old was injured, 220 children were killed and 406 injured. Today is a farewell ceremony for the journalist who was killed by the Russian missile that hit her building. Russia is hitting our country, not sparing missiles… In our largest cities in the east, 1/5 of the houses have already been destroyed. You are definitely on the side of the truth. Thank you for the concrete steps for Ukraine, against Russia, for the care you give to our children and our people. Your attitude towards the people of Ukraine, towards the children of Ukraine, reminds us of the Albanian Mother Teresa, who has become a symbol of humanism around the world. I believe that together, in the European environment, in our efforts, we will be able to prevent this war. And to protect Europe in the future from a war. Russian gangs need to break away from the global market. You should deprive Russia of the opportunity in due time. I ask you to restrict the gates for Russian ships and restrict the arrival of tourists, maybe Bucha or Irpin killers are coming. Let's do something principled and stop using UN funds for Russia. We have not deviated from the European path and we are committed to a united Europe and I believe that when the time comes for Ukraine to join the EU, your vote will be supportive. There are small countries on the map, but they have a greater kindness in their hearts. Thank you, Albania, thank you for your support. Glory to Ukraine," said President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.


Rama: I pledge on behalf of Albania and Albanians, all our support, respect and friendship for Ukraine (Radio Tirana


Prime Minister Edi Rama, speaking from the Albanian Parliament, where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave his strong message, also showed details from his conversation with the latter some time ago. He said the two leaders had planned co-operation and intensification on how Ukrainian citizens could have a second holiday home in Albania. Among other things, Rama said that it seems that the war will be long. "Your unwavering resilience, the images of this unimaginable tragedy, until the day Russian forces entered the sovereign territory of Ukraine, are the extreme sacrifices and invaluable service that you and your country are rendering to the world and a sleepy Europe. Dear friend, President Zelensky, I often remember our conversation in Kiev and your desire for Albania to become a place where Ukrainians have second homes for their holidays. "We are very close to being so far away!". You said with the pleasure of someone who has discovered a beautiful place near the house. We all already know that this war may not be short, just as every passing day, with new horrors, prolongs even more the very narrow path to peace. But I sincerely believe, Mr. President, that if today Ukrainians are coming to Albania fleeing to protect their children from the war, tomorrow your wish is for them to come here, to their second homes, to spend a happy family holiday, it will become a reality. I and all of us here would like to say many things to you today, but you certainly have many more important things to do, Honorable President, so let me close this speech by pledging on behalf of Albania and Albanians, all our support, respect and friendship. "God be with you and the heroic Ukraine!", said Rama.