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Belgrade Media Report 11 May



Guterres congratulates Vucic (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a congratulatory message from the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, the Office for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced tonight. “I would like to send you my warmest congratulations and best wishes in the new term as President of the Republic of Serbia. I am convinced that under your leadership, the long-standing partnership between the United Nations and Serbia will remain strong and unwavering. I look forward to deepening our constructive cooperation, especially in the sphere of sustainable development, as well as your country's contribution to United Nations peacekeeping operations. At a time of heightened regional tensions, I welcome your strong commitment to regional stability, the promotion of cooperation and good neighborly relations, and the continued engagement in dialogue under the auspices of the European Union towards achieving lasting peace and reconciliation in the region. You can count on the full support of the United Nations in achieving these goals. I wish you much success in your duties and I assure you that the United Nations will remain a strong partner of Serbia. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,” reads the congratulatory message from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.


Vucic meets Sarrazin; Says imposed solutions cannot bring prosperity and stability in B&H, Serbia advocates consistent, full implementation of DPA (N1/RTS


N1 carries that in the continuation of German efforts to bring Serbia closer to the European foreign policy in relation to Russia and Ukraine, German government’s Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Tuesday. Sarrazin said that Germany is in favor of full membership of countries of the Western Balkans in the EU, and that he is against the idea, as he said, of second-class EU members. The day before Sarrazin's visit to Belgrade, French President Emanuel Macron presented the idea of creating a European political community for the countries in the EU waiting room, where those countries would find new spaces for cooperation. N1 stressed that many did not like the idea. N1 noted that Macron's proposal for a parallel structure called European political community for the countries of the Western Balkans, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine seems to be transferring candidate countries from the waiting room to the pantry. "I heard Emanuel Macron's statement. I must say that I personally cannot imagine that the EU project can be successful if we do not clarify that the citizens of the Western Balkans must be members of the EU who are equal, full members, in the same class, with the same rights, with the same right to vote, with the same right to make mistakes like all other members. I do not believe that anyone wants to be a second-class member of the EU," Sarrazin underlined. Sarrazin also said that he is convinced that the idea of Russian world is not in fact attractive to the citizens of Serbia, just as it has ceased to be attractive to citizens who live under such a regime. But, regardless of Macron's ideas, it seems that the expectations of the EU from Serbia have not changed. "He (Sarrazin) demanded that the Serbian foreign policy agenda is harmonized with the European one, of course, always understanding the situation and the fact that it cannot always be the way some would like it to be. But he made that position clear," Vucic said.  On this occasion, Vucic said imposed solutions cannot lead to prosperity and stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and conveyed a message that Serbia advocates consistent and full implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) with an agreement of all three constituent peoples. Vucic stressed Serbia will follow the European path more intensively. Addressing the media after the meeting, Vucic said: “Of course, he requested Serbia’s foreign affairs agenda to be harmonized with the European, of course, understanding always the situation and the fact it cannot always be as some would like it, but he clearly stated that, and that is stated by every representative of the European Union and the Western world. Therefore, do not have an illusion that anyone will skip that”. Vucic told Sarrazin that he expects his engagement to give added momentum to cooperation among the countries of the Western Balkans. RTS reminded that ahead of his visit to Belgrade, Sarrazin stressed that Serbia cannot sit on two chairs and that pro-Russian stance is opposite to the EU perspective. He also stressed that no one will trust to the role of the EU if it is not capable to spread to this region. He believes that one of conditions for the EU membership is normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. Vucic stressed that Serbia will follow the EU path in more intensive manner. He expressed hope engagement of Germany’s Special Envoy will contribute to development of cooperation among the Western Balkans countries, adding that it would significantly contribute to preservation of peace and stability in the region.


Vucic: The West logically demands that Serbia align with their foreign policy (Beta/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on 10 May that in a meeting, German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin had requested that “Serbia’s foreign policy be aligned with that of the EU, but of course, showing understanding for the situation and the fact that it cannot always be the way they want.” “He clearly presented the position, which is presented by every representative of the EU and the West. Do not think that anyone would skip that. It is logical conduct,” Vucic said. According to a statement from Vucic’s Office, Sarrazin said that the EU enlargement policy and work on empowering cooperation between the Western Balkan countries will be among Berlin’s foreign policy priorities, while also underlining the desire for stronger engagement of the entire EU in the region. Vucic stressed that Serbia would more strongly pursue its EU path, expressing the expectation that Sarrazin’s engagement would give an additional impetus to cooperation between the Western Balkan countries, which would considerably contribute to preserving peace and stability in the region, says the statement. When asked to comment on a new vision of the EU laid out by French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, Vucic said he did not want to interfere in the decision-making process in the EU, but that he would like to hear more details about some of Macron’s other ideas.“I have not spoken with Macron for a long time - for over a month. I believe I will soon have the opportunity to see him, which is important after the French elections and the meeting with Scholz. I would like to hear the final plan regarding his ideas before I give my opinion,” Vucic said.


German Envoy: Berlin backs region’s EU membership, active engagement with Serbia (Beta)


German Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin said in Belgrade on 10 May that Berlin advocated integration into the EU of the countries in the region and wanted continued and active engagement with Serbia. Speaking at a conference titled “Revitalization of EU values”, held under the auspices of the European Movement in Serbia, Sarrazin said that Germany backed EU membership of the Western Balkan countries rather than “some sort of their partnership with the Union”. “The EU sets a clear framework for unification, even if our starting positions are different. It is a perfect moment for the Western Balkans to join this club. It is clear that the EU cannot succeed without successful enlargement to include this region. No one will trust the role of the EU in the future or the struggle between democracy and an authoritarian regime, unless we are successful in our enlargement to include the Western Balkans,” Sarrazin stressed. He further said that the EU enlargement process should be empowered by opening chapters with North Macedonia and Albania and visa liberalization for Kosovo. Sarrazin added that he and top German officials had told Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that Berlin expected Serbia to join the EU sanctions against Russia. According to Sarrazin, this means alignment with EU decisions, which does not have to be immediate, but gradual.


Sarrazin: EU path only right path for Serbia (Tanjug)


In a statement to Tanjug, Sarrazin said he had come to Belgrade with messages the present German government had been sending from the very beginning - that it wants all Western Balkan states to have a future in the EU. "We want to encourage the enlargement process, as well as to demonstrate clearly our commitment to the Berlin Process," he explained.He said Berlin was hoping Serbia would meet its expectations regarding sanctions on Russia - at least gradually. Germany is watching Serbia's reforms and wants the country to make further progress and be even better when it comes to rule of law and pluralism of the media and political culture, he said. When asked about his impressions of Serbia after meetings in Belgrade, Sarrazin said it was clear this was a turning point in terms of "big politics" and foreign policy. "The horrible war in Ukraine is also impacting the Serbian policy. But we cannot as yet make an estimate about the concrete consequences and the path the country will take on its way to the EU. It is clear that the EU path and an EU future are the only right path and future for Serbia," Sarrazin noted.


Mihajlovic: Germany important partner of Serbia in energy transition (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic spoke on Tuesday with German Federal government Special Representative for the Countries of the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin about cooperation between the two countries in the process of energy transition, joint projects and plans for the development of the energy sector of Serbia. Mihajlovic underlined on this occasion that energy is the most important topic for Serbia even if there were no war in Ukraine because we are in the process of energy transition. She said that a new legislative framework has been adopted and that Serbia is now in the process of adoption of an integrated national climate and energy plan and a new energy development strategy, in whose preparation organizations of civil society are also taking part. She noted that it is certain that we will have to gradually rely less and less on low-quality lignite, from which we are now getting almost 70 percent of energy, and to open space for other sources, first and foremost through the construction of reversible hydroelectric power plants and investment in renewable energy sources. According to her, the share of wind and solar energy in Serbia’s energy mix currently stands at only 3.5 percent, both for the production of electricity and heat, where there is space for a greater citizen involvement in energy transition, and for cooperation with the private sector on large projects. Mihajlovic assessed that energy efficiency is one of the pillars of our energy strategy in which we also invest by providing subsidies to households and investing in public facilities, because Serbia currently consumes around 4.5 times more energy per square meter than Germany or some other EU countries. She underlined that diversification of sources is a priority in the gas sector so that Serbia would not depend on one supplier solely. Next year when the gas interconnection with Bulgaria is finished we will have a possibility to obtain gas from other suppliers too. Our plan is to build interconnections and to connect with other neighbors too, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Croatia, as well as to build new gas storage facilities, she said. The participants in the meeting said that the value of the projects implemented together with the German KfW Bank is approximately €800 million, which are primarily related to the modernization of district heating systems, including the construction of new biomass heating plants, but also to the development of transmission network and RES investments. Speaking about Germany's experience in the energy transition, Sarrazin pointed out that it is very important to explain this process to the citizens, and that there is a clear path, although the results do not always come at the desired speed. He pointed out that there is a strategic partnership with Serbia in the field of renewable energy sources and interest in further cooperation in this area with the government of Serbia and civil society. Sarrazin highlighted the importance of diversification in the field of gas supply, citing the results that Germany has achieved so far in reducing dependence on imports of energy and raw materials from Russia. The meeting was also attended by German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb, according to a statement from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy.


Selakovic: Terrorism is the most serious threat to peace (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on 10 May, at an international conference in Malaga, that terrorism was the most serious threat to international peace and security and that Belgrade condemned all forms of terrorism. At the international conference on human rights, civil society and curbing terrorism, Selakovic said that Serbia saw the UN as the key body for international cooperation in fighting terrorism, the Foreign Ministry said. Serbia is actively participating in regional and international initiatives for fighting all forms of terrorism, Selakovic added at the conference which was jointly organized by the Spanish government and the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism. "Serbia unambiguously supports the principles in the UN's global strategy for fighting terrorism. We are aware of the obligation that all measures conducted at home and internationally in the fight against terrorism, be conducted in accordance with international law," Selakovic said. As for solving the reasons that contribute to the spread of terrorism and extremism, Serbia believes that it is vital to solve enduring unresolved conflicts, strengthen the rule of law and human rights, as well as eliminate discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality and religion, the statement said.


Opposition leader calls state TV to open up (N1)


Serbian opposition leader Marinika Tepic sent an open letter to the top officials of the state TV (RTS) calling them to open the public broadcaster to different views and objective information. Tepic’s letter called the RTS CEO and editor in chief to open “the news and debate desks on the RTS channel 1 to the truth, the other side, different views, that is for objective and timely information in the interest of all citizens of Serbia who are paying for that”. The letter said that the RTS has not invited any of the opposition parties that won seats in parliament at the 3 April elections to appear on the public broadcaster. “The end of the campaign was also the end of the presence on the public broadcaster’s programs of the parties that won almost 40 percent of the vote,” she said and recalled that the opposition boycott was used as an excuse prior to the election campaign. Tepic, deputy leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), accused the RTS chiefs of not allowing a debate on major issues such as the war in Ukraine, the economy and problems with the national power company, rising prices, and a series of murders in Belgrade. “Bearing in mind the fact that local and international organizations have expressed deep concern over the state of media freedom in Serbia, we are asking you to immediately open the RTS channel 1,” Tepic wrote.




Chollet thanks Schmidt for Report on situation in B&H: US remains committed to implementation of DPA and HR’s mandate (O Kanal


Counsellor to the US Secretary of State Derek Chollet has thanked High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt for the Report on the situation in B&H, and stated the US remains committed to the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the HR’s mandate to ensure that all B&H citizens have the opportunity for a better future. The reporter reminds that Schmidt will present the Report before the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) today.


Dodik: Dzaferovic’s visit to New York is not authorized (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has stated on Tuesday that the presence of Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic at Wednesday’s session of the UN SC is unauthorized and unconstitutional. “That is why the B&H Presidency failed as a body, it does not function, Presidency’s Rules of Procedure are being abused and, what is worse, the Constitution of B&H is being destroyed,” Dodik said at a press conference in Banja Luka. He reminded that in order to go to the session of the UN SC at any time, there had to be a decision of the B&H Presidency. “There is no such decision in this case. If someone was to go, it was the practice to provide joint determination of stances that you did not go beyond,” said Dodik. Dodik pointed out that this time the procedure was abused, and that it was done in cooperation with some western countries. It is significant, claims Dodik, that the State Department has spoken with praise about it on Tuesday, which shows that there is truth in the word that the visa to Dzaferovic was issued in a “hurry – scurry”. “It also speaks about having a connection between Sarajevo's political circle and several Western embassies who are undermining the country with the intention of making it more centralized, unitary and dismantling the Dayton Accords, and then accusing us of violating that agreement,” said Dodik. It is no longer a secret that the procedure is deliberately violated and abused in B&H, with the help of Western countries.

ATV noted that Dzaferovic travelled to New York in a hurry to prevent Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Zoran Tegeltija from addressing the UN SC session. Dodik wrote again to the UN Secretary-General to remind him that the Security Council is violating procedures by allowing only Bosniaks to address it. “Addressing the members of the Security Council, I said that Mister Dzaferovic and his people who come there are not legitimate on behalf of B&H, that they will only express their personal views, that these are not the views of B&H and that as such they should not be acknowledged and accepted, because they are not the views of B&H, and if they do and accept it, then they themselves have contributed at the highest world level to B&H's irreversible move towards disintegration,” Dodik underlined. In his letter, Dodik also reminded that the Security Council did not confirm the appointment of Christian Schmidt, who has a ready report on the situation in B&H, which does not differ from the views of Sarajevo politicians. If Schmidt addresses the Security Council, it will mean nothing to B&H, says Dodik, because he is neither the first nor the last to address the Council as an individual. “That will not change the essence, and that is that there is no decision of the Security Council on his appointment. This will try to give them strength and wind in their backs – saying he was there; no, he was not appointed and that would be another contribution to the overall failure of B&H from moving to a normal level,” Dodik pointed out. According to Dodik, RS also submitted its report, and according to the Constitution, it is obligatory to do so. It was also stated that as soon as the information was announced that Tegeltija would address the UN SC, the Federation of B&H (FB&H) lobbyists in the United States immediately started an intensive campaign to prevent the Serb from reading the report on the situation in B&H. This is also shown by the announcements on social networks, as well as the fact that the arrival of Dzaferovic was sudden and that his visa was issued through an urgent procedure. The reporter notes that Dodik also criticized High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt. “There is no HR. It is absurdity that the UN SC, despite the fact it did not appoint Schmidt, now allegedly accepts to consider his report. Those are all absurdities sent to us from the international community. I think that the international factor, led by the US and the UK, is absolutely on the side of Muslims in B&H, and that they are trying, with their measures, force and arrogance that they show in every place, to abuse procedures and lead to dissolution of B&H,” said Dodik for the media on Tuesday. “Since his men from SDA wrote the report of the so-called, false High Representative personified in the name of Mr. Schmidt, then it is not difficult for him to repeat it all there in an effort to accuse the RS again. As you know, we submitted the RS' report,” Dodik said. Asked what will happen if Schmidt addresses the session of the UN Security Council on Wednesday and whether this will affect the geostrategic relations in the UN Security Council itself and the political situation in B&H, Dodik compared Schmidt to Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg who as Dodik said, addressed the UN despite not having a formal position. “If Schmidt addresses, it will not change the essence,” Dodik underlined. Dodik also reiterated that B&H is an experiment of the international community. Dodik warned that everything that Dzaferovic says in the UN Security Council is his personal position and the position of his party - SDA. “The fact that Dzaferovic all of a sudden remembered to travel to the UN Security Council session speaks of another aspect and that is that one is trying in a panicked way to keep only one matrix of the story about B&H by having only Muslim representatives present there - Komsic, Dzaferovic, Bisera Turkovic, and when none of them are there, then Sven Alkalaj and they are precisely trying to introduce additional confusion about B&H itself at the highest level of the world organization. This is an experiment country and this shows exactly this. Such Dzaferovic's behavior is unconstitutional,” Dodik underlined. Tegeltija will be present at Wednesday’s session of the UN Security Council which, as RTRS noted, has been criticized in the FB&H circles for days. RTRS pointed out that the FB&H circles used various obstructions to try to prevent the RS from presenting its view of the situation. Dodik said that he sees no reason why Tegeltija should not attend the UN Security Council session. RTRS pointed out that despite the obstructions, the voice of the Serb side will be heard in the Security Council, reminding that the Russian Ambassador to the UN previously presented the RS Government's report in the UN Security Council. Dodik reiterated that the RS sticks to the letter of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution, noting that the stories about secession are far from the truth.


Zakharova: Christian Schmidt is a fraud (ATV


“Christian Schmidt is a fraud. He has no international authority. Through the media and the agreed position of the collective West, he pretends to have official status and but he does not”, says Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova for ATV. “The Americans left for Iraq after the US Secretary of State brought a glass bottle with some white powder to the UN Security Council and told the whole world, not behind the scenes, behind closed doors, during the session - this is a weapon of mass destruction owned by Saddam Hussein. We need to liberate the world. This is the magnitude of the provocation. And you are talking about a fraud. Here is a provocation. Why I said this - a man who has no official status, pretends to be a representative, but has no status, we can falsify everything then,” Zakharova said. For eight years, the West did not want to see what was happening in Ukraine when it came to the victims under the Kyiv regime. “And they were dying. For eight years, no one in the West wanted to hear and understand,” Zakharova emphasized. The role of the West is suicidal, says Zakharova, describing the position of the United States in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Kyiv, she says, is working based on a Western order. “Zelenskyy and his team, these strange people, very strange people, some DJs, some actors, people who had no roots in that country at all, who do not understand and do not feel it, represent political mercenaries. They work based on an order. Orders come from the west, of course. Primarily from Washington. What the main thing is there - money, blackmail, power - I do not know,” she says. Speaking about the bombing of Serbia in 1999, Zakharova asked - what is worse than depleted uranium - the country was poisoned for up to ten years. As she says, “no Angelina Jolie flies to Belgrade and does not hold the hand of children who are born ill because their parents were poisoned”.


HNS: Croat political parties will participate in elections but will not give up on territorial reorganization of B&H; Magazinovic: Current HDZ B&H’s conditioning may mean complete institutional blockade after elections (O Kanal


The conclusion of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) session held on Monday is that Croat political parties will participate in elections, but will not give up on territorial reorganization of B&H. O Kanal reports that a new round of negotiations is expected to be held towards the end of the month, when, according to unofficial information President of the EC Ursula Von der Leyen may come to B&H. The reporter notes that the possibility of the new round of negotiations has seemingly lowered political tensions in B&H, and goes on to say if these negotiations fail and the B&H Election Law is not amended as suited to HDZ B&H, they will not hesitate to implement the HNS’ conclusions adopted in February and related to the so-called territorial and administrative reorganization of B&H. Addressing the media, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said: “It stated that it will (be done) with legal and political means. It clearly defines that we will do it in accordance with the Constitution and the law, resolve the issue of institutional and organizational transformation of B&H, in line with federalism, consociation democracy. All that is stated,” SDP B&H member Sasa Magazinovic said he is of view that the current HDZ B&H’s conditioning may mean complete institutional blockade after the elections. “It is a completely new situation that will serve as an instrument for blackmail by HDZ B&H so that all their political wishes are fulfilled, and they may lead to territorial reorganization as well. Therefore, it is a hostage crisis in which someone is holding a gun pointed to your head and wants to talk with you at an equal level,” said Magazinovic. The reporter notes the fact is there is no internal political capacity to amend the B&H Constitution through parliamentary procedure. SDA has called for the respecting of the B&H Constitution to lower tensions and retrieve institutional functionality, and, according to SDA, if the reorganization is to happen, it should happen on the whole of B&H’s territory. SDA Vice President Adil Osmanovic said: “I expect HDZ to open the issue of a different organization in regard to Posavina. What about Derventa, Modrica, Bosanski Brod? The focus should not be only on the FB&H. Perhaps a different approach should be sought in regard to organization of the whole territory of B&H, not in terms of two entities, but under some regional principle.” The reporter notes in that case two-third majority is necessary, that is currently non-existent, and concludes by saying that how “political ball will be unwound” and complete institutional blockade will ensue, it should be clearer after 20 May and the new round of negotiations. Covic said that a high-ranking EU official will pay visit to B&H on 22 May in regard to the election changes. Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic rejected claims that abovementioned high-ranking EU official will be Ursula Von der Leyen. “It will be visit of other high-ranking EU official and it will occur over next 10 days,” explained Plenkovic. HDZ B&H officials are optimist that the agreement could be reached. They reminded that a similar situation occurred in 2020 when an agreement on elections in Mostar was reached in second half of May. On the other hand, SDA and SDP officials do not think an agreement will be reached. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stated recently that Americans wanted to organize the new round of talks on the Election Law, adding that they gave up on it because they realized it is unrealistic. Izetbegovic emphasized that under influence of Plenkovic, one high-ranking official of EU will pay visit to B&H to attempt to organize talks. “Off course it will be in vain,” stressed Izetbegovic. The reporter noted that all political parties announced participation in the elections although funds for its implementation have not been provided. BHT1 reminds that the B&H CEC announced submitting of criminal reports unless funds for implementation of elections are provided within a legal deadline.


Following new threats with third entity and reorganization of B&H, daily researches whether Bosnian and pro-Bosnian representatives have adequate response; SDA officials underline responsibility of Prosecutor’s Office of B&H (Oslobodjenje


After last week’s announcements of President of Croat People’s Assembly and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic who in a letter to international community announced territorial reorganization of B&H and at the same time Croatian President Zoran Milanovic stated that “Croats will go for the third entity,” the daily talked to representatives of Bosniak people, asking if they have a solution for the current crisis. Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that Milanovic’s support to the third entity, presents a frontal attack to Dayton Peace Agreement. Dzaferovic stressed that Covic should think hard about his announcements, reminding that both the forming of Herzeg- Bosnia and Croat self-rule have failed. He further underlined that every such attempt will be stopped and that those who move forward with such plans can only lose influence, but will not manage to divide the state of B&H. “International community has instruments to cut down such attempts in their root. If Covic, in line with his announcements, attacks the Dayton Agreement, he has to be urgently removed from the political scene,” said Dzaferovic, adding that Covic already deserves sanctions because of destabilization he produces. “The biggest guarantees of protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H are its patriots and we have enough of power to prevent this. Destabilization scenario is not good for anyone, because of which is call on all those who announce this not to proceed, but to strengthen peace and economy based on what we currently have as Constitution and the laws, because people in B&H want this and not failed attempts to divide this country,” said Dzaferovic.

Head of SDA Caucus in B&H House of Representative Adil Osmanovic stressed that in case Covic moves forward with his threats, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will have to react. He deems however, that HDZ B&H does not have capacity or the power to implement the threats and even if they proceed they will move directly to their political isolation and adds that B&H has its Parliament, Constitution and laws and everything that can be done through parliamentary procedure is acceptable. “It is unacceptable for Croatia to directly interferes into B&H’s internal matters. I expect official institutions of the EU to warn their member state,” said Osmanovic.

Professor at Zenica University Faculty of Law Dzevad Drino underlined the issue of different visions of B&H’s future between the different political options. “Separatists and secessionists – broken down. They broke down the former state as well and they swore in it, so their demolition experience is not to be underestimated. Semi-separatists are asking for softer or politer approach, via various associations with loud names and modest content through modification of territorial organization, from para-state to the state,” said Drino. He stressed that on the other side, remainder of political forces, easily accepted the label of unitarists and they are not even trying to offer the solution. Professor Drino noted that they are blaming Europe for their own misfortune and ask for the High Representative to impose the decisions, as their only solution.

Professor of constitutional law and SDA member Sead Dedic stressed that HNS and Covic, as well as everyone else participating in political life of B&H, have to learn that it is not possible to “credibly call for ‘order’ if they act outside the order i.e. rule of law”.  He argues that they call for undermining of rule of the law under the pretense of protection of the laws. Dedic says that response to everything is in rule of the law and the state which would act through its institutions and in line with its legal system, underlining that judicial institutions need to monitor possible elements of criminal behavior in HNS and Covic’s steps. NiP leader, Elmedin Konakovic underlined that third entities and territorial reorganization are out of question and this is possibility only if agreement is reached among those who are voting for this. “And our party will never vote for this. There is no secession of the RS and there is no third entity without a conflict. We are unpleasant under the pressure, but we are in favor of the talks”, said Konakovic. President of ‘Platform for Progress’ Mirsad Hadzikadic deems there is no clear response from pro-Bosnian parties, stressing there is no political awareness and maturity to be aware that there must be a goal how the state will look like.


Issue of financing of general elections in B&H still unresolved (Hayat


The issue of financing of the general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) still has not been resolved. The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H passed a decision on May 4 on calling the general elections for 2 October, and the deadline for ensuring the funds for conducting the elections expires 15 days after the decision is passed. The general elections require nearly BAM 12 million to be organized. According to Hayat, the financing appears to be hindered by games of Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) and B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda (HDZ B&H). CEC Chairman Suad Arnautovic announced a possibility of filing criminal reports if the financing is not provided on time. The B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury confirmed to Hayat that preparation of the framework budget and the budget of B&H for 2022 is near completion. However, the ministry noted that, in case the budget is not adopted, the ministry is only a technical executive authority in the case of providing funds for elections, while everything is actually up to the CoM. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) issued a written statement to Hayat, which reads that the elections should be held in line with the existing legislation, in case the political parties fail to agree on the electoral reform. Reporter noted that, in case all is blocked, the OHR should make a move and prevent obstruction of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), where elections are a part of the agreement. Reporter carried a survey among citizens in Sarajevo, where most of them expressed discontent with the issues regarding failure to provide funds for elections. Some of the surveyed citizens are optimistic that the financing issue will be resolved on time.


Sattler meets MEPs: Great to see strong engagement from MEPs (Dnevni avaz


The Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler met on Tuesday with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Andreas Schieder from Austria, Dietmar Koster from Germany and Thijs Reuten from the Netherlands. Sattler said that it was his pleasure to meet with passionate advocators of European future of B&H and Western Balkans. “Great to see strong engagement from EU Parliamentarians,” wrote Sattler on his Twitter.


Plenkovic announces new visit of EU officials to B&H and new talks on Election Law (Vecernji list


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has announced that high-ranking EU officials will visit Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) soon and attempt once again to facilitate an agreement on reform of B&H Election Law. “As far as I know, HNS (the Croat People's Assembly) decided to participate in the elections in B&H. We deem that Croats need to elect their own representatives and this is why we want to do this through dialogue with other states and allies who are friends of B&H and not through alienating of partners and Bosniaks," Plenkovic said. Plenkovic emphasized that one side cannot impose new solutions, rather they have to be the fruit of an agreement. Plenkovic stated that he is not an optimist, but rather a realist and it is necessary to first exploit all possibilities of political agreement. The Presidency of HDZ B&H earlier assessed that calling the elections in the current conditions represents harsh violation of the rule of law and democratic standards given the political control and political bias of the body responsible for conducting the elections. Plenkovic also warned that Croats in B&H are often “victims of election engineering and they should not get in the position of a culprit because of the situation in B&H”.


Croatian bishops and Plenkovic seek equal position for Croats in B&H (Vecernji list


The regular semi-annual meeting of the members of the Permanent Council of the Croatian Bishops' Conference, headed by the President of the Croatian Bishops' Conference, Zadar Archbishop Zelimir Puljic, and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was held at the Croatian Bishops' Conference headquarters in Zagreb on Tuesday and one of the topics of the meeting was the issue of position of Croats in B&H. At the meeting, the interlocutors referred to the current situation in B&H and stressed the importance of further commitment to the equal position of the Croat people and the well-being of the entire B&H. The efforts of the Catholic Church in B&H to preserve the identity of the Croat people and advocate for dialogue and peaceful coexistence among all peoples and citizens of B&H were especially recognized, as well as a number of Croatian Government projects of importance to Croats in B&H. The daily stressed that the messages that came from the meeting are huge contribution and support to the efforts of the Croat representatives in B&H who demand a change in electoral legislation which would guarantee the principle of legitimate political representation. The abovementioned meeting was held on the eve of the visit of the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, to Croatia with whom Plenkovic will also meet and discuss the improvement of relations between Croatia and the Holy See.


Abazovic: I stand for the Open Balkans - an initiative made for six countries; Issue of demarcation with Kosovo is over for Montenegro (CdM/Klan Kosova


Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that he was in favor of the Open Balkans regional initiative, as well as that the issue of demarcation with Kosovo was over for Montenegro and did not see the possibility of its revision, which was demanded by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Abazovic told the Pristina television Klan Kosova that the Open Balkans was designed to include six countries of the Western Balkans and assessed that Kosovo would benefit the most from participating in that initiative. "The Open Balkans was made for six countries, it was not made for five and a half countries or three and a half countries, but for six countries. Everyone who participates represents themselves and their country. My opinion, maybe I am wrong, is that the greatest interest in the region is for Kosovo to be in any regional initiative," said Abazovic. Kosovo and Montenegro have refused to participate in the Open Balkans, while no consensus has been reached in Bosnia and Herzegovina on joining the initiative, which includes Serbia, Albania and Northern Macedonia. This initiative envisages the free movement of capital, goods, services and people between member states.


About demarcation 

Abazovic estimates that the demarcation with Kosovo is over for Montenegro and that he does not see the possibility of its revision, which was demanded by the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. "At the moment, I do not see that possibility, nor does anyone in Montenegro treat it as a problem. For Montenegro, that issue was closed at the time of signing," Abazovic said. He also said that he would gladly come to Kosovo as the Prime Minister of Montenegro. "The first visit will be to Brussels next week, but I will give priority to relations in the region with great pleasure. I believe that it will not be long before I come to Pristina," Abazovic said. As he said, Montenegro has its place in the West, but there are structures "that are still Russophile and Serbophile". "This was also an incentive to create a new government with 100 percent European spirit. It is a great challenge for me and the government, but I am convinced that the course of Montenegro will not change and we will come to a situation where more than 80 percent of the population absolutely supports pro-Western policy," says the Montenegrin Prime Minister.

Abazovic stated that they saw his government as the salvation of the United States and the EU, which wanted to stop the negative influence in the Balkans. He added that the enthusiasm that exists at the moment will increase if Montenegro makes some decisions that were not made by the previous government. "I am an optimist and I believe that without great international support, not intervention, some things cannot be achieved," said Abazovic.


Mandic: We call on the opposition to organize big protests together (RTNK


The president of the New Serbian Democracy (NSD) and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front (DF), Andrija Mandic, called on all opposition forces to jointly organize large-scale protests as a means of putting pressure on the new government. "We have sent a public invitation to our colleagues from the Democrats, but also to those colleagues outside the parliament, who say they have political strength, we mean former ministers and the entire opposition today, to organize large demonstrations as a means of pressure on the current government," said Mandic. He believes that there is no doubt that the intention of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is to destroy the Socialist People's Party (SNP) with the "Black on White" coalition. Mandic adds that the minority government functions as a disorganized orchestra, that it has no legitimacy, which is why it does not foresee a bright future. Political life in Montenegro is accelerating, he pointed out, adding that freedom is felt among people employed in public administration and companies after the fall of the autocratic regime on 30 August. That fact, says Mandic, can make people satisfied, just as the latest events can worry and insult, because it can be said that the will of the people expressed in the parliamentary elections has been betrayed. "Any flirtation with the Democratic Party of Socialists is dangerous. They are known for rejecting all their political partners from the People's Party, through the Liberal Alliance and others, ie all those who managed to catch them in their spider web, and those political organizations never meant much on the political scene ever again," said Mandic.


Elections in Podgorica and another 13 municipalities to be held on 23 October (CdM


Local elections in Podgorica, Tivat, Budva, Pluzine, Zabljak, Bijelo Polje, Savnik, Bar, Danilovgrad, Kolasin, Pljevlja, Golubovci, Plav and Rozaje will be held on 23 October, the Advisor to the President of Montenegro for constitutional system and legal matters, Boris Bastijancic, has stated. As the 27th convocation of the parliament of Montenegro re-adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, acting in line with the Constitution, proclaimed the above-mentioned law. As it came into effect on the day it was published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, the local elections are to be postponed and will be held on 23 October 2022.


VMRO began its full blockade of parliament (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE began the blockade of parliament yesterday, unfurling a banner at the speakers’ podium stating “active blockade to save us from a national disaster”. We call you to agree to elections to exit the crisis which you caused. This is what the citizens want from us. We are instituting an active blockade to save us from a national disaster, from the humiliations you have caused. To save our energy sector, to save the farmers and all citizens, said Nikola Micevski, head of the VMRO group in parliament. The party will block any legislation – likely through submitting thousands of amendments to the proposals or by holding long filibustering speeches. The opposition party said that it will allow laws that directly influence living standards to go through, but nothing else. On the first day of the blockade of parliament, VMRO-DPMNE representatives were able to prevent the adoption of the agenda and stopped the session from starting. Speaker Talat Xhaferi gave up in his attempt to convene the parliament after 37 representatives from the opposition sought to speak and filibustered the proceedings. VMRO-DPMNE representative Bojan Stojanovski made a formal proposal to the parliament, and then a number of his party colleagues sought to speak and support his request, filibustering any progress with the agenda. VMRO-DPMNE announced that it will block the work of parliament until the SDSM – DUI coalition agrees to holding early elections. SDSM, DUI and their smaller coalition partners have a bare minimum majority in Parliament, and SDSM badly lost the 2021 local elections, indicating that the party has lost support in the public, but still wants to cling to power even after the resignation of its leader Zoran Zaev as Prime Minister. The attempt to convene the parliament will resume today at noon.


Another small coalition partner threatens to bring down the government (TV21)


The Kovacevski government is facing a new rift after a member of the most recent addition to its coalition – the Alternative party – proposed going back to opposition. Skender Rexhepi – Zejdi from the Alternative party told TV21 that the coalition this party formed with SDSM and DUI in December is not delivering. “We are not satisfied with the work of the government. I am not satisfied with the implementation of what we promised before we joined the coalition. We promised to advance the EU accession talks – and nothing came of it. We promised concrete projects that will work for the citizens – nothing. I am not satisfied. Promises from our coalition partner SDSM were not met. If we continue in this way, our party will go the way of DPA and PDP,” Rexhepi said, naming two once powerful Albanian parties which are now almost defunct.

The government would not be able to survive without the Alternative votes. This party was allied with the Alliance of Albanians and supported the vote of no confidence in the Zoran Zaev government in November, but after it failed, the Alternative quickly switched sides and joined the ruling coalition. Yesterday, another smaller coalition partner – Pavle Trajanov of the DS party – also said that his and other smaller parties will leave the coalition if a key request they have – to change the electoral model – is not adopted quickly.


EU says still no change to the accession process, even after Macron outlined a radical vision (MIA


European Commission officials said that the process of EU accession will continue as it is designed now, regardless of the call from French President Emmanuel Macron for a two-tier EU, under which Macedonia would likely end up in the external, loosely integrated group of countries. An European Commission spokesman told the MIA news agency that President Macron still hasn’t presented his proposal in more detail to the Commission, and that the process currently remains unchanged. Macedonia is applying for full EU membership, but has been blocked for a decade and a half by vetoes from Greece, Bulgaria and, briefly, France. Macron’s proposal seems designed to give Ukraine and other long-shot member states that have parts of their territory taken over by Russia (Georgia and Moldova) get integrated with the EU but fall short of full membership. Macron also clearly indicated that the UK would go in this group, and it is not difficult to imagine Macedonia falling in the same category.


First round for the election of the new president set on 16 May (Radio Tirana


The process for electing a new president has officially begun. The Conference of Chairman convened today to discuss setting a date for the first round of voting for the presidential election. The chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla in his speech at the Conference has reiterated his proposal for the development of the first round for the election of the new President on 16 May at 17:00. This date, according to Balla, is appropriate and within the deadline set by the Constitution. "I stand by the proposal made to hold the first round on May 16 at 17:00 in a special session as defined by Articles 86 and 87 of the Constitution and articles of the rules of procedure of the Assembly. This date is an appropriate date and within the deadline set by the Constitution," said Balla.