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Belgrade Media Report, 27 May 2022



Vucic to talk to Putin about gas, cooperation on 29 May (Beta/RTS/Tanjug/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that he is scheduled to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin at 11 a.m. on 29 May about further cooperation and a new gas contract and that he hopes that "the conversation will be good and fair." During a tour of a bypass being built around Belgrade, Vucic criticized opposition representatives saying that they had laughed and rejoiced "when they lied that there will be no conversation with Putin". He also announced important visits to Serbia both from Europe and Russia. Vucic told reporters that Serbia had not changed its policy for 90 days now and that it had not introduced sanctions against Russia. "We are holding our [own] Serbian position and leading a policy in accordance with our national and state interests," Vucic said. He said that there were many soothsayers on the political scene who had claimed that Serbia would impose sanctions on Russia as soon as the elections were over, but that it was the end of May now. Vucic also said that Serbia had sufficient quantities of all goods, and that a sugar shortage had been solved and that citizens should not hoard goods and only buy as much as they need.


Vulin responded to Klitschko: Who compares Kosovo and Metohija and Donbass should go all the way in comparison (RTV/RTS)


Reacting to the allegations of former Ukrainian boxer and current mayor of Kiev Vitali Klichko that “Ukrainians are fighting against the Russian occupier, like Albanians once fought against the Serbian occupier”, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin pointed out that Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia and that it is not possible to occupy one’s own country.

“If Klichko knew anything about history, he would know that Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia and that it is not possible to occupy one’s own own country. Those who compare Donbass and Kosovo and Metohija must be ready to go all the way in comparison. If Klichko claims that Shiptars were occupied and that they got rid of Serbia and the Serbian occupier by armed rebellion, then the Russians in Donbas are also occupied and have the right to get rid of the Ukrainian occupier. What Klitschko admits to the Shiptars in Serbia, he will have to admit to the Russians in Ukraine. Those who swear by the principle of inviolability of territorial integrity, must prove their conviction first on Serbia. Serbia has proved that it respects international law, it is a pity that others cannot say the same for themselves,” said Vulin.


Djilas’ party blasts Klichko over Kosovo statement (Beta)


Dragan Djilas’ Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) sharply criticized Kiev Mayor Vitali Klichko for comparing Ukrainians battling against the Russian invasion to the Kosovo Albanians. “Serbia could not occupy itself but was attacked by NATO without a decision by the UN Security Council, a precedent being used today by Russia in its assault on Ukraine,” the SSP said, recalling that Moscow cited that precedent to justify its invasion of Ukraine. “The Russian leadership is invoking the fact that a number of countries recognized Kosovo when it speaks about the right of part of Ukraine’s territory to secede and join Russia,” it said. The SSP added that the citizens of Serbia were “victims not aggressors” who spent months under bombardment just like the Ukrainians.


Mihajlovic, Friedman on cooperation in energy, including nuclear (Beta/Politika)


Serbian Minister of Energy Zorana Mihajlovic met on 26 May with Justin Friedman, senior advisor in the State Department's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, with whom she discussed Serbia's and the region's energy security and cooperation in the energy transition process, her office has said in a release. "By adopting a modern legal framework in the area of energy Serbia has laid the foundations for energy transition and changing our energy mix, as at this time 70 percent of electricity comes from coal," Mihajlovic said. She added that future investments would focus on the renewable energy sources sector and that nuclear energy was also being considered in the composition of strategic documents along with other sources of energy, as a way of securing energy security and independence. Friedman said that, "it is my pleasure to have this opportunity to review the ways that the US can expand cooperation with Serbia, given the efforts to improve activities, related to energy security and decarbonization, including possible joint efforts in the nuclear energy sector according to the highest international standards of safety, security and nonproliferation". US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill also participated in the meeting.


Varhelyi: EU should step up engagement in Western Balkans (N1)


European Commission Oliver Varhelyi said on Thursday that the EU has to step up its engagement in the Western Balkans, including strong political and financial support. At a time when the world is facing an unprecedented act of aggression against a sovereign, independent country, the EU needs more and not less engagement with the Western Balkans region and therefore intend to continue our strong political and financial support to the entire region, including Serbia, on their path to the EU,” Varhelyi said in written reply to questions from MEPs. Varhelyi recalled that Serbia voted for the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Moscow’s aggression in Ukraine and support two other UN resolution on the humanitarian consequences of the invasion and Russia’s suspension in the Human Rights Council. “The Commission expects Serbia to continue to show this commitment by progressively aligning with EU restrictive measures, including those concerning Russia, in accordance with its declared strategic priority of EU integration and as provided for under the EU-Serbia Negotiating Framework,” he said and added that the Commission expects candidate countries, including Serbia, to show full commitment to rule of law and fundamental rights.


National Convention on EU condemns minister’s hate speech against Albanians (Politika/Beta)


The working group of the National Convention on the EU for Chapter 35, about the normalization of relations with Kosovo, condemned on 26 May the public addresses of Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, in which he continuously refers to them as "Shiptars", noting that this represented hate speech "that offends the dignity of the Albanian national minority and the Albanian people as a whole". The statement reads that there was no justification for the "openly discriminatory language, by which Minister Vulin, as a representative of the authorities, violates domestic and international practice". "The inapt statements of Minister Vulin cause irreparable damage, not only in the domestic public, but also in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Serbian-Albanian relations and regional and international reputation of the country," said the statement. The working group urged Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and President Aleksandar Vucic to "declare a stance on the overt forms of discrimination and hate speech against the Albanian people, which permanently vulgarize and make primitive the political environment in the country, and condemn it".


Serbian-Albanian festival “Miredita, Good Day” interrupted die to bomb threat (Beta)


The opening of the festival "Miredita, Good Day" in Belgrade, organized by non-governmental organizations, youth activists and artists from Belgrade and Pristina, was interrupted at 6:30 p.m. on 26 May by a bomb threat. The festival "Miredita, Good Day" was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Civic Initiatives, Forum ZFD and the Integra organization from Kosovo. That is the festival's ninth year. The festival informally began with the opening of an exhibition of photographs titled "All Our Tears" in the evening on 25 May, when a bomb threat was also received. Sofija Todorovic of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights stated that the police would inspect the premises and that the visitors could then come back in. A group of opponents of this event gathered in front of the Center for Cultural Decontamination, where the festival is being held, with banners reading: "No Surrender". A legal ban on this festival was requested on 26 May by the parties Oath Keepers, Dveri (Doors) Movement and the NADA coalition, among others.




Bevanda removes decision on financing elections from session of B&H CoM; B&H CoM adopts draft law on budget of B&H institutions and international obligations (O Kanal


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) failed to secure funds for the elections on Thursday. Despite the pressures from the international community (IC), B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda refused to support the decision to allocate the accumulated funds from previous years, noted the presenter. Bevanda removed the decision on financing of general elections from the agenda of the B&H CoM session. During the session on Thursday, the B&H CoM adopted the draft document of the framework budget of B&H institutions for the period of 2022 to 2024. After the B&H CoM adopts the draft law on the budget of B&H institutions and international obligations, it is supposed to be sent to the B&H Presidency, which determines the draft law on the budget of B&H institutions and international obligations for 2022, explained the reporter. After that, it is sent to the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) in order to be adopted. If the draft law on budget is sent in an urgent procedure, B&H might finally get the budget, perhaps even in June, commented the reporter. If it is sent in the regular procedure, the process can last a lot longer, which means that there will be no funds yet for the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC). RTRS reports that the public in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) has accused Bevanda of obstructing the elections over pressures on the electoral reform as suited to HDZ B&H. The B&H CoM did not discuss the decision on financing the elections on Thursday, but, according to Bevanda, even during the session, it was reported that he is responsible for that. “Timely release of information related to me and my work has been continuous and is not a coincidence, but more importantly, this way the B&H CoM is being invalidated as an institution that adopts important decisions and the atmosphere is being created that interrupts normal work’’, Bevanda was quoted as saying.


Rancic: There are no legal obstacles to allocating funds for financing elections without adopting budget of B&H for 2022 (O Kanal


B&H Deputy Minister of Finance and Treasury Hazim Rancic pointed out that there are no legal obstacles to allocating funds for financing elections without adopting the budget of B&H for 2022. Rancic stated: “Not (only) does it have a legal possibility, but it also has an obligation. Given that we are in a situation where we do not have a budget and are financed through temporary funding that does not contain money for the conduct of elections, for which the (B&H) Central Election Commission is responsible, in accordance with Article 11 Paragraph 5 of the Law on Financing Institutions, (B&H) Council of Ministers may decide on special programs. In this case, it concerns the conduct of general elections.” Rancic said that the Election Law obliges the B&H Council of Ministers to provide and make available funds for the B&H Central Election Commission 15 days from the date of calling the elections.


Tegeltija certain that B&H CoM has capacity to adopt B&H Budget by June 10 (RTRS


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Zoran Tegeltija said that the money is not necessary to the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) six months before the elections, and reminded that the B&H CEC had the money long before the 2022 elections, however the elections were postponed for November.  “If you want to insist on the letter of the law, in regard to Election Law, then you should insist on the provision that the B&H CEC members are appointed through competition procedure, and the CEC members were not appointed like that, which does not prevent them to manage the B&H CEC the way they do,” said Tegeltija. RTRS reports that Tegeltija said he is of view the decision on financing the elections from the budget reserve is not good, proposed by the B&H CEC whom the international factors in B&H gave their trust to and on which the international factors continue to insist, making pressures, whilst there was no interest for other solutions, like the proposal from Republika Srpska (RS) to borrow money for the elections. “The OHR writes the opinion, that you can hear daily from the Bosniak political structure, and it is difficult to explain to someone that they are not right, because no one wants to talk about that. If they wanted to talk and to harmonize that, the decision would probably be much better if they had a good communication with the (B&H) Ministry of Finance and Treasury,” said Tegeltija. Tegeltija said he is certain the B&H CoM has the capacity to adopt the B&H Budget by 10 June.


OHR: There are no obstacles to B&H Council of Ministers approving funds for elections; EU Delegation, US Embassy and USAID also reacted (O Kanal


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) sent a message that there are no obstacles for approving funds for the elections. OHR issued a statement which reads: “The Law on Financing of B&H Institutions allows the (B&H) Council of Ministers to finance expenditures that were not foreseen in the previous budget during the period of temporary financing. There is no obstacle for the (B&H) Council of Ministers to approve the necessary funds, neither in terms of relevant regulations nor in terms of available funds. Furthermore, the Law stipulates that funds are allocated in accordance with Article 17 on budget reserves, which refers to the procedure, but not to other aspects of the allocation.” High Representative Christian Schmidt stated that he will deal intensively with this issue in upcoming days. He warned those who want to score political points. Meanwhile, the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H published statement on their Twitter account reading that HDZ B&H blocking election funding disregards both, democracy and their own expressed principles. “Urgently end the blockade. Elections will be funded and held.  No doubt about it,” reads statement of the EUD to B&H. Posting on their official Twitter, US Embassy to B&H expressed disappointment with the fact that HDZ B&H once again blocked the financing of October elections: “It is disappointing that HDZ B&H has again chosen to block funding for Central Election Commission to organize the 2 October elections.” The Embassy note that HDZ B&H is hypocritical and that this is an attack on democratic rights of the people: “This is a clear attack on democratic rights of the people of this country. The word for a party that claims to support B&H’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations while obstructing the electoral process is: hypocritical”. Article reads that in their earlier reaction, the Embassy stated that Council of Ministers has every right to approve election financing in the absence of budget, adding there is no time nor justification to delay the approval. “Ambassador Michael Murphy and our international community partners met with CoM Chairman Zoran Tegeltija today (Wednesday) to urge the COM to fulfil their constitutional responsibility to B&H democracy and approve funding for October 2 elections. There is no time, not justification to delay this approval. Contrary to what has been claimed, the CoM has every right to approve election financing in the absence of budget. Article 11 of the Law on Financing of B&H Institutions, unambiguously stated that the CoM may, during temporary financing, issue special decision approving expenditures. The CoM’s own Office for Legislative Affairs concluded that this provision permitted approval of election funding. The continued lack of funding for B&H’s basic democratic functions constitutes willful political obstruction and is an attack on B&H’s citizens’ fundamental rights,” reads Embassy’s statement. USAID Administrator Samantha Power joined the criticism of HDZ B&H’s blockade on financing of the decision on financing of the elections. Reminding that the deadline for adopting of the decision expired last week, Power reported the statement of the US Embassy to B&H and wrote on her Twitter: “Elections are a bedrock of democracy—but last week B&H passed the deadline to fund October's election. A delay will be destabilizing, and we join citizens in B&H in urging the Council of Ministers to do their constitutional duty by ensuring necessary funding.”


Izetbegovic comments on his conversation with Schmidt: I think he has already made decisions but has not announced them yet (O Kanal


The leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic thinks that the High Representative (HR) to B&H Christian Schmidt, that he had a conversation with, should enable holding of elections and that the B&H Prosecutor’s Office should deal with violations of the Constitution and a blow at the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), noted the presenter. Izetbegovic stated: “He called me and asked what my estimates are, in terms of whether the budget would be adopted. I said that there is some progress, but that I am not an optimist and I think that it will drag on. He replied that there would be elections and that funds must be found. Therefore, I think he has already made his decisions, but he has not announced them yet.” Izetbegovic also said that it is high time for the HR to make moves. "It is time for the international community to do its job, more precisely the High Representative, to enable voters to elect new authorities," Izetbegovic said. “We called on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office and all relevant (institutions) to deal with this issue. It is a violation of the (B&H) Constitution, and attack on the DPA, violation of the Convention on fundamental rights and freedoms, the European Convention that is part of our Constitution, violation of the Law.”


Schmidt: Solution for electoral reform must come from local politicians but I will not hesitate to use Bonn powers if state and its structures are endangered (Nezavisne


The daily carried an interview with High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt who visited Banja Luka on Thursday, and on that occasion also visited Nezavisne novine. Asked to comment the issue of the electoral reform, Schmidt said that politicians who attended talks on electoral reform in Neum and Sarajevo need to finally come to a decision because it is difficult to understand that after 14 years of talks, a solution is still not found. Asked if he will use the Bonn powers to impose a solution for the electoral legislation, Schmidt said that he cannot use the Bonn powers on a daily basis, and that the solution for the Election Law needs to come from the local politicians. However, he underlined, he will not hesitate to use the Bonn powers anytime the state and its structures are endangered. “I always say, my Bonn powers are in my drawer. I know how to open it, and I have the key too. Nobody should have any illusions. I am not here to enjoy having coffee in Sarajevo, I am here to work,” said Schmidt. Asked to comment the fact that Russia is still beloved among the Serb people due to historical, cultural and religious ties, and the role of Russia in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the light of the Ukraine war, Schmidt said that Russia needs to redefine its role. “Russia is now an aggressor power that is attacking a Slavic state and kills people there. I think it will take some time to be able to discuss that. Of course, I have understanding for emotional ties to Russia, but I will allow myself to ask the question: Where are the young people from RS going? Are they going to Austria, Germany, Switzerland, or are they doing to the Russian Federation,” said Schmidt. He noted that he understands the difficult position of the Serb people and Serbia, which is why he admires the decision of Serbia to support the UN resolution on Ukraine. “This is not at all about cutting the emotional ties with Russia. This is (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s war, this is not a war of Russia. The Russian people, Russian population is involved in that war. But of course, there will be cooperation with Russia and its people…But we must differentiate the good and the bad. What is happening in Ukraine is bad and it cannot be swiped off the table just like that,” said Schmidt. Asked to comment the fact that he is not recognized as High Representative in RS, Schmidt said that some people claim that they do not recognize him, yet he receives more friendly support from the RS than many would imagine. He noted that as a politician, he is used to people being opposed to certain things. Schmidt stated that he expects solution for problems to come from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but he is also ready to use the Bonn powers if the state is endangered. He underlined that he proposed dialogue on all open issues, including the issue of state property and amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial which were imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko. Speaking about the amendments to B&H Criminal Code, Schmidt said: “I am sorry that this was interpreted in such a wrong way. From the aspect of content, the law actually offers a response to the European standards, meaning that no war crime is glorified.” He underlined that the new provisions of the Criminal Code do not only refer to the 1992-1995 war. He also reminded that he proposed that B&H parliament adopts a similar law, after which he would annul the amendments imposed by Inzko. He denied the claims that Inzko’s law is aimed against the RS and underlined that the intention to abolish the RS as an entity is unacceptable. Schmidt reminded that the Dayton Peace Agreement ended the war and created a structure which does have many problems that need to be overcome. However, he underlined, nobody believes that moving population or exchanging territories is the solution. Schmidt criticized B&H politicians for acting as if they are the state, and refusing to engage in dialogue that could lead to solutions. “I said, let us solve this or that at the entity level, or this other thing at the state level. It is not devil’s work. Unfortunately, here in B&H many politicians use this to get some benefit for themselves. They scare people, even make false claims. I said, let us sit together and think about how we can solve certain issues. This are not things that need to come from the international community, these are things that need to come from B&H. They must be solved in political circles,” said Schmidt. Asked to comment the fact that many RS politicians believe that Sarajevo-based politicians use the OHR to try to impose some decisions, such as the recent suspension of the RS Law on Immovable Property, Schmidt said that issues such as distribution of property need to be discussed. Schmidt underlined that he remains an optimist and he believes that many issues can be resolved through dialogue, and called for dialogue based on trust.


Izetbegovic: By insisting on legitimate representatives of constituent peoples, HDZ B&H has been attempting to limit strength of multiple times stronger pro-Bosnian bloc and multiethnic factor that has stronger support than HNS (Hayat


SDA marked its 32nd anniversary by ceremony held on Thursday. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic addressed participants and said that this is party of committed politicians and statesmen who led B&H and its people on path of winning freedom, independence, dignity and equality. Izetbegovic promised that Bosnian people will never again experience what they went through in period 1992-1995. He also stated that by insisting on legitimate representatives of constituent peoples, HDZ B&H has been attempting to limit strength of multiple times stronger pro-Bosnian bloc and multiethnic factor that has stronger support than Croat People’s Assembly (HNS). He also stated that logical step in fight against greater Serbia project would be cooperation with Croat factor in B&H and with Croatia. Izetbegovic went on to saying that it is hard to establish cooperation between pro-Bosnia and Croat bloc, due to current leadership of HDZ B&H because they want to achieve their political goals by exerting pressure on Bosniaks. Leader of SDA stressed that there will be no undermining of state of B&H, or undermining of reforms that strengthened state of B&H, retrograde changes of electoral legislation, denial of genocide etc. He went on to saying that general elections will be held in 2022 and B&H will resume with its EU and NATO paths. Talking about opposition parties among pro-Bosnian factor, Izetbegovic said that some leaders of these parties decided to stand with leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and oppose demand to reduce competences of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP).


Truss meets Turkovic; Truss: UK has been attempting to reduce influence of Russia in Western Balkans (Hayat


UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss paid visit to B&H on Thursday and held meetings with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic and B&H Presidency members. Following meeting with Turkovic, Truss stated that the UK has been attempting to reduce influence of Russia in the Western Balkans. The UK Foreign Minister emphasized that B&H has tragic history and that it is necessary to protect peace and democracy in this country. Turkovic underlined that B&H and entire region reached important landmark, underlining that membership in NATO and the EU represent the path of prosperity. She went on to saying that either the entire region will start moving towards permanent peace and stabilization within Euro-Atlantic community, or the region will allow to be involved in “dangerous games” aimed to destabilize entire Europe and NATO. Minister Turkovic said that there is joint understanding that the crisis in Ukraine can and that there are intentions to overspill it to this part of the Europe. The Foreign Secretary of the UK stressed that Srebrenica genocide and the siege of Sarajevo are atrocities that terrified entire world, reminding that many stated similar atrocities should never again happen in Europe. She emphasized that it is important to work even harder on protection of peace in B&H and to prevent it to return to conflict in any way. Truss emphasized that they want to develop B&H through NATO. She underlined that the UK is supporting NATO that is providing training for B&H Armed Forces (AF). “We want all of our allies to do the same, to help forces supporting freedom and democracy in this country to prevail over everything else”, said UK Foreign Secretary. Also, Minister Turkovic said that blockade of B&H institutions has been brought to more dangerous level. She underlined that it is necessary to ensure this is country for all of its citizens and that all of them have right to elect and to be elected. UK’s Truss said that they fully support the election process, adding that elections in B&H need to be held. Following a meeting with Turkovic, Truss said that the UK will do everything to stop Russian intensions aimed to destabilize the region. In order to prevent negative influence, the UK will invest USD 100 million in the Western Balkans. According to Truss, the UK will strengthen efforts to protect peace in the country and prevent conflicts. Truss said that they see signs of Russian interference that represent a threat to return to dark days and this must be stopped. Truss said: “This is a matter of time. We chose freedom and democracy and not negative influence of corruption. The UK is the country that announces a new investment package for the Western Balkans, in energy, infrastructure, as alternative to investments that lead to negative influence.” Turkovic underlined that this kind of a support is of the key importance and added that obtaining the status of the candidate would be a good message to everyone who plays as Russia dictates. She said: “There is mutual understanding that the crisis from Ukraine can transfer to this part of Europe and that there are intentions in this direction. It is very important that our key allies – and the UK is one of the most important ones – support efforts and wishes of B&H citizens to go towards the EU and the NATO.” Truss also said that the NATO integration is key to ensuring peace and security. "Situation here, but also in Ukraine shows that we must learn from the past. Democracy and freedom must overpower autocratic aggression. It is not enough to just stand by," Truss told a press conference held after her meeting with the B&H Foreign Minister. Truss was quoted as saying: “We imposed sanctions on (Serb Presidency member Milorad) Dodik. Against him and some other politicians in this country, who are working to destabilize the peace that was difficult to achieve in B&H. It is very important for the future to see progress, to see economic progress, progress in freedom and democracy. The UK is clearly acting against those who seek to undermine that progress.” Truss announced that the UK plans to form an investment fund for the Western Balkans worth USD 100 million, in order to ensure hones and reliable investments in the field of energy and infrastructure. She stressed that this is an alternative to investments that are related to spreading detrimental influence of Russia and China in B&H. Truss said that taught by B&H’s history, the UK calls on allies to support Ukraine more decisively in order to regain control of the territory of Ukraine and defeat Russian President Vladimir Putin – otherwise peace in any part of Europe, including B&H, will remain fragile. She stressed that it is of vital importance to protect peace in B&H and prevent that B&H slides into conflict again. Turkovic told the press that in order to avoid seeing dark history of B&H again, B&H needs support of friendly countries such as the UK. She said that B&H and the region as a whole are on a very important turning point, where one way leads to permanent peace and stabilization within the Euro-Atlantic community and the other sees B&H allowing to be pushed into dangerous games aimed at destabilization of Europe and NATO.


Truss meets with B&H Presidency members; Dodik: RS’ position is that foreigners cannot regulate relations in B&H; RS does not accept artificially imposed HR (RTRS


UK Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss met with the B&H Presidency members on Thursday. RTRS reports that, during the meeting, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said the RS’ position is that foreigners cannot regulate relations in B&H. The reporter comments that the meeting started diplomatically, coldly and without protocol handshake, and the meeting continued in the same manner, with the B&H Presidency members being divided on almost all issues and Truss with “opinions defined in advance”, that are, according to Dodik, based on propaganda. Addressing the media after the meeting, Dodik said: “I said that B&H is a non-functioning and failed state, because there is a great interference, including by their government, that (former High Representative) Paddy Ashdown destroyed the Dayton (Peace) Accords with the assistance of that government, that their Head at the time, or Director in their Ministry, when the Bonn Powers were introduced, said it is a legal nonsense, and I told her – Ms. we have lived in that legal nonsense for 20 years now.” The reporter notes that audio recording from the meeting proves that Dodik also said B&H is “institutionally collapsed” due to unilateral foreign policy by individual officials on behalf of peoples or political parties they belong to, that has come to focus particularly during the Ukrainian crisis, and goes on to say that Truss did not comment on the violation of the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), focusing on security, and Dodik asked her to address relevant intuitions for the information on the issue. RTRS carries audio recording in which Truss says: “I do not think we can relay and not be aware of danger of malignant influences, that threat exists in that context to the hard-earned peace”. Dodik replied by saying: “I am part of this Presidency that is indisputably part of the supreme command. We have no information that peace is violated here. All relevant factors, like the Commander of the (Operation) Althea and the Deputy Commander of the joint NATO HQ on this territory. They said unequivocally there is no threat in B&H, so I am surprised by your strong claim that B&H needs to be defended. I absolutely think you are not right. You said you are coming here to stay. I do not know based on what you can stay here long term. To my knowledge, this Presidency has not adopted any decision on such arrangement, only if you unilaterally think you can act here as you think is suitable.” RTRS reports that Dodik also pointed out that the Operation Althea in B&H is not disputable and that he supports its extension, due to which “artificial calls for NATO in B&H becomes unnecessary”, underlining that B&H remains stable. The reporter notes that Dodik also rejected all claims from Sarajevo about alleged secessionism of the RS, something other two B&H Presidency members insisted on.

RTRS carries audio recording in which Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic says: “Threats with secession are absolutely unacceptable, it is something that can undermine peace and stability in this country and in the Western Balkans”. The reporter notes that status of (High Representative in B&H) Christian Schmidt caused great division during the meeting, and goes on to say that Schmidt has full support from Sarajevo and that Truss said Schmidt has full support from the UK. Responding to this, Dodik said: “We do not accept artificially imposed person as the HR, because he was not appointed by the relevant (UN) Security Council’s resolution, as stated by Annex 10. I am surprised that your country, a witness of signing of the DPA, easily introduces new practices and that you support the intention to discipline us, or you consider as to be of lesser value so you can use political baton to impose positions via unauthorized person.” The reporter noted that Dodik recommended Truss to read Annex 10 of the DPA more carefully and called on her to be objective in assessing the situation in B&H, and goes on to say that, after the meeting, Truss paid respect to the killed Sarajevo children, while avoiding the similar memorial in Istocno Sarajevo. Dodik also stated that Truss could see completely divided B&H Presidency in which Dzaferovic tries to present himself as a representative of general stances on behalf of all in B&H. He stressed that this was wrong and all what Dzaferovic said was on his own behalf and related to SDA’s analyses, and this is how he annulled the obligation to stick to the stances adopted by B&H Presidency.


Dzaferovic: Truss sent the strongest messages of support for sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H (BHT1


UK Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss met with the B&H Presidency members on Thursday. B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic pointed out that Truss sent the strongest messages of support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Dzaferovic issued, as the reporter said, a brief statement in which he said that the UK is a great friend and ally of B&H. Dzaferovic said that Dodik is turning the whole international community against RS. Dzaferovic said after the meeting with Truss how Milorad Dodik’s views are isolated. Dzaferovic stated that Dodik is using meetings with international officials in order to convince the (international) officials coming to B&H that there is no reason for concern by which he (Dodik) is trying to deny the international public and views of their governments. “Secretary Truss is not naïve and uninformed and she sees well what is going on here,” said Dzaferovic. He stressed that giving in encourages “bullies like Dodik”, whilst a resolute position discourages them. “Each time he feels weakness from the other side, he starts threatening with secession,” added Dzaferovic.


Russian Embassy in B&H comments on Dzaferovic's stances: Accession of any country to Alliance implies absolute support for NATO's military and political goals, i.e. anti-Russian steps (BHT1


After Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic stated on Wednesday that there are open Russian threats that B&H will face negative consequences if it continues the NATO path, the Russian Embassy in B&H Thursday commented on Dzaferovic's stances. The Russian Embassy in B&H pointed out that in recent years "NATO has turned into an aggressive organization whose main target is the Russian Federation". "The accession of any country to the Alliance implies absolute support for NATO's military and political goals, i.e. anti-Russian steps, which means that the actions of each member state within the Alliance are considered directed against Russia," the Russian Embassy in B&H said in a statement. The Russian Embassy to B&H pointed out that, for the sake of Russia's national security, they are forced to take defensive measures and have the right to act sovereignly in accordance with foreign policy priorities as regulated by national law. Commenting on the statement by Dzaferovic about open threats from Russia that B&H will face negative consequences if it continues its NATO path, and that threats were made by Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, the Russian Embassy to B&H stated for RTRS that emphasizing Russia’s positions and “explaining principles of European security is not a threat, as individual politicians in B&H say”.


Russian government accepts proposal to open branch office of Russian Embassy in Banja Luka (Nezavisne


The government of Russia accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open a branch office of the Russian Embassy in Republika Srpska. An official portal of legal information noted that the branch office will be opened in Banja Luka.


Russia says disappointed with Croatia's hostile behaviour (Hina


Russia is disappointed with the hostile actions of the Croatian authorities in recent months, but hopes their mutually beneficial cooperation will be restored, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. The statement was released on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Croatia and Slovenia, and the latter is also accused of "destroying bilateral relations". Croatia and Slovenia have condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and joined in European sanctions against Moscow. As part of those measures, Zagreb in April expelled 18 Russian diplomats and six members of administrative staff. "Unfortunately, the Croatian authorities have in recent months adopted a hostile position towards Russia that is in stark contrast with the quality of our bilateral relations, destroys their foundations and causes serious damage to the true interests of people in the two countries," the statement says. Such destructive behaviour, it says, represents a "baleful approach that has no future". "We believe common sense will prevail, and Croatia will return to the path of constructive dialogue, based, among other things, on the awareness of geopolitical realities and true national interests," the statement said. Speaking of Slovenia, Moscow said that it was disappointed by its government's decision to take "entirely unprovoked hostile actions" aimed at "destroying bilateral relations despite the historical logic of their development". "We are confident that such policy on the part of Slovenian authorities, which is contrary to the true interests of our friendly peoples, will eventually give way to a balanced position natural for Russian-Slovenian relations," the Russian Ministry said.


Jandrokovic reassures Ukrainian official of Croatia's continuing support (Hina


The President of the Croatian parliament Gordan Jandrokovic received the Vice President of the Ukrainian parliament Olena Kondratiuk. Croatia supports Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and will continue providing Kyiv with humanitarian, political, and technical assistance, parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said on Thursday in Zagreb at a meeting with a deputy chair of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Kondratiuk. The Ukrainian deputy parliament speaker thanked Croatia for the support it has extended so far to her country, including the reception of several thousand refugees. A press release issued by the Sabor quotes Jandrokovic as saying that he conveyed Croatians' strong solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Croatia, which itself was a victim of military aggression in the 1990s, can understand the grave situation that Ukrainian defenders and people are now experiencing, reads the press release. Kondratiuk informed Jandrokovic of the current military and humanitarian state of affairs in Ukraine and notified him of Ukraine's efforts to be granted EU candidate status. In this context, she thanked Croatia for its support to Ukraine's European aspirations and also for assistance in mine clearance and in the rehabilitation and treatment of wounded war veterans and for offering its experience in the peaceful reintegration of occupied areas and post-war reconstruction.


Djurovic: If Open Balkans would stop Montenegro’s European path, we wouldn’t be part of that initiative (CdM


“Any initiative that means reducing business barriers is good, and we see the Open Balkans as such, and so far, no one has convinced us of the negativity of the initiative, nor that it can stop Montenegro’s European path,” Minister of Economic Development and Tourism Goran Djurovic said. “If it meant stopping Montenegro’s European path, we would not be part of it. And if that is not an obstacle to Europe, we are absolutely for every initiative that means less business barriers and better flow of goods and people within our borders,” Djurovic has pointed out. He says that Montenegro strives to ensure that the decisions it makes do not negatively affect cooperation with Brussels and the EU.


Montenegro belongs to the European family (RTCG


Montenegro belongs to the European Union (EU) and the European family, the Chairman of the EU Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister said at the opening of the European House in Podgorica. The renovated European House was opened at the address of the former EU Info Center, in Podgorica's Argentina Square. "Our common house is built on the ashes of wars and various crises, democracy and pluralism are its foundations," McAllister said. He said he hoped that the Europe House would become a mini model of a common European house. "The construction of our common European house never ends, it evolves every day. With the war that has returned to the continent, fighting aggression is even more important," said McAllister. EU Ambassador to Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa said that in the digital age it was necessary to modernize communication. She said that the Delegation had high hopes for the European House. "The ultimate hope is to release the creative hopes of Montenegrins. I invite you all to use the European House in creative ways," Popa said.


Radulovic: Djukanovic showed in Kosovo that Montenegrins are not alone (CdM


The president of the Association of Montenegrins Lovcen Lazar Radulovic said that the recent visit of the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic,to Kosovo is proof that Montenegrins are not alone in that country and that Montenegro takes care of them. "This is a great motivation for us to continue to advocate even stronger for all the rights that belong to us," said Radulovic. According to him, in addition to numerous political topics that were the topics of Djukanovic's talks with representatives of the highest authorities in Kosovo, the president did not omit the issue of the position of the Montenegrin community in Kosovo at any meeting. "It is the greatness of one president, it is proof that the state thinks of us and it is proof that this is a new beginning for us. The President has made things very clear that there can be no more confusion among Kosovo officials about who the real representatives of Montenegrins in Kosovo are, and we are immensely grateful to him for the support we have received. We are sure that it will be easier for us, and for the Government of Kosovo, to establish even better cooperation in order to jointly improve the position of the Montenegrin community," Radulovic points out.


Vasilevska: There is organized chaos in the parliament, well directed by Xhaferi (Republika


There is an organized chaos in the Parliament which is well directed by the Parliament Speaker in cooperation with the parliamentary majority but also with structures of the Ministry of Interior which are definitely not officials of the Parliament but Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi’s personal guard, VMRO- DPMNE MP Ivanka Vasilevska commented on yesterday’s event in parliament. I cannot understand the behaviour of people who would allow him to order them to lock the doors of the plenary hall with some nebulous arguments. This is a show of strength and a show of power. That is a very bad picture, Vasilevska said in an interview with Republika.

She explains what exactly happened yesterday in the Parliament. “It was a count because we are in the boycott in the Parliament but we are engaged in every item and thus we show that the slim ruling majority cannot withstand the pressure of the opposition because they do not stand on stable feet. They must bring Menduh Thaci and Ali Ahmeti, otherwise, they do not have a quorum. With our presence and activity, they are also offside because it is obvious that their MPs are not up to date with legal solutions. This is a signal to reflect the state of unsustainability in the most democratic way,” says Vasilevska.


Micevski: VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs to file non-confidence motion against Xhaferi (Republika


The coordinator of the parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Micevski announced that they will file a non-confidence motion against parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi. We will file the non-confidence motion on behalf of VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs in the next few days, Micevski confirmed for Republika. He says it remains to be seen how much support he will receive and how many lawmakers would support it. For the motion to be successful, it needs to be supported by 61 MPs. This move by VMRO-DPMNE comes after the blockade of the parliament and intensified after Xhaferi locked the opposition MPs in the hall yesterday so that the agenda could be voted. Micevski explains that for Talat Xhaferi, there is no Rules of Procedure, there are no human rights. This autocrat believes that he is untouchable and that is why he has to go beyond the temple of democracy, says Micevski.


Aziri: AA to decide whether it will support VMRO-DPMNE’s non-confidence motion against Xhaferi (Alsat TV


The Alliance for Albanians constantly expresses its dilemmas and remarks about speaker Talat Xhaferi management in the Parliament, but there is still no concrete answer whether or not it will support the initiative of VMRO-DPMNE to recall Xhaferi. Alliance for Albanians MP, Elmi Aziri, said that their parliamentary group will discuss this issue and then make a concrete decision, Alsat TV reported. According to Alsat TV, Elmi Aziri said that the Alliance for Albanians has been under constant pressure, or aspiration to be boycotted, to be removed from public opinion by Xhaferi. The public followed the ongoing debates and clashes of the coordinator of our parliamentary group Ilire Dauti with parliament speaker Xhaferi, due to the aspiration to deny the right of the MPs of the Alliance for Albanians to speak. It is an autocratic leadership of Talat Xhaferi and we can rightly say that he is the president of the DUI MPs, and in no way is he the president of all MPs in the parliament of Macedonia, due to the party segregation he made. The Alliance for Albanians is an opposition party and based on our position we will discuss in our parliamentary group and make a decision, said the MP.


Petkov gathers coalition partners to confirm veto on Macedonia (BNR


Relations with Macedonia will be the main topic of the extraordinary council of coalition partners in the Bulgarian government to be held tonight in Sofia at the request of Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, BNR reported. Petkov is expected to explain to his partners why he asked Bulgarian President Rumen Radev to convene the National Security Consultative Council and present what has been achieved so far in the dialogue with Skopje. Petkov announced the convening of a meeting of the coalition council during his visit to Rome and the Vatican on May 24, as well as information from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry on the course of talks with Macedonia. Ahead of the meeting, some of the government partners stated that they would not support a change in Sofia’s position towards Skopje and the lifting of the EU veto. Stanislav Balabanov from Slavi Trifonov’s “There is such a people” party said that they will hear what Petkov has to say, but their position is clear and based on the position determined by the declaration of the 44th National Assembly and the Presidential Advisory Council. Bulgarian parliament deputy speaker Kristian Vigenin, a member of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and former foreign minister, also said Bulgaria had no reason to lift its veto on starting EU membership talks because no progress had been reached. According to him, the position of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Petkov to convene a new session of the National Security Council over the negotiations with Macedonia is unacceptable, just to see if there is a positive plan for the development of relations, because one cannot just “sit on both sides of the border and wait for something to happen”. We have no reason to say that the veto should be lifted. If nothing happens, there is no way we can lift the veto. We must achieve our goals. That is the position of the BSP, Vigenin added.


Osmani visits Ukraine (Republika


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is paying Friday a working visit to Kyiv, where he will meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmitry Kuleba and other senior Ukrainian state officials. According to the Foreign Ministry, Osmani and Kuleba are set to discuss Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and ways the international community, including Macedonia, can provide assistance. In Kyiv, Osmani was received by the Ambassador of the country to Ukraine, Krum Efremov, who recently returned to the Ukrainian capital and together with the other members of the diplomatic mission continues to perform his function.


European Parliament: Albania's foreign policy, fully in line with that of the EU, contribution to European security (Radio Tirana


Albania is a reliable partner of the European Union and its foreign policy is in line with that of the European Union. This is the conclusion of the MEPs, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the EP. After the visit of a delegation to Albania and Montenegro, the MEPs in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament asked both countries to advance in EU-related reforms. They had the same assessment for Montenegro. MEPs urge the two countries to advance in EU-related reforms, prioritizing constructive political dialogue, democratization, the rule of law, freedom of the media and the fight against corruption and organized crime. "Albania and Montenegro praised the members of the European family, with their strong contribution to European security. "We thank both countries for their unwavering commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration and the steady expansion of foreign policy, including sanctions in the face of Russia's aggression against Ukraine," the MEPs said.


Albanian government approves protocols for NATO membership of Finland and Sweden (Radio Tirana


Albania has officially given the green light for Sweden and Finland to join NATO. The news was announced by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka after the end of the government meeting. "In today's meeting, we approved in principle the protocols of NATO accession in Sweden and Finland. We have formally agreed to the enlargement of the Alliance and the inclusion of these two countries. These are protocols that are then passed for ratification in the Assembly. When this procedure is approved in the 230 parliaments of NATO member countries, de jure accession to the North Atlantic Treaty will be possible for these two countries. The final step is the deposit of the instrument of membership with the US government in the capacity of the depository country of this treaty. It is an important development that strengthens security and cooperation between the US and the EU as well as NATO and the EU. It is a development that comes as a direct consequence of Russian aggression in Ukraine," Xhacka said. Albania has officially given the green light for Sweden and Finland to join NATO. The news was announced by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka after the end of the government meeting.