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Belgrade Media Report 9 June



Open Balkans states sign agreements on cooperation (Tanjug/RTS)


As part of the regional Open Balkans initiative, Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania on Wednesday signed agreements on recognition of academic degrees, memorandums on cooperation in tourism and between tax administrations and a MoU on cooperation in culture.

At an Open Balkans summit in Ohrid, North Macedonia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the PMs of North Macedonia and Albania Dimitar Kovacevski and Edi Rama signed an agreement on regional cooperation in mutual recognition of academic degrees and scientific grading by higher-education and other authorized institutions. Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic, Albanian Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro Furki and North Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi signed a MoU on cooperation in tourism. The director of the Serbian Tax Administration signed a MoU on cooperation between Western Balkan tax administrations.

Also, Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojkovic and the ministers of culture of North Macedonia and Albania, Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojcevska and Elve Margariti, signed a MoU on cooperation in culture that aims to promote cultural diversity, inter-cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.


Vucic: We are much stronger together (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday in Ohrid he was pleased with meetings he had had at an Open Balkans summit in the North Macedonian city and that they had addressed major topics such as cooperation and joint problem-solving during the summer when it comes to energy and food supplies. "We are much stronger together," Vucic told reporters. "I am pleased with today's meetings as part of the initiative, as well as with meetings with officials of countries that have still not become Open Balkans members - (Montenegrin PM Dritan) Abazovic and (Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran) Tegeltija," Vucic said. He said PM Ana Brnabic had already invited Abazovic to visit Belgrade by the end of the month, and announced that such an invitation would soon be sent to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers. "We discussed all major topics, and we also launched the idea of setting up working groups and teams to analyze the situation in the region to see how we can help each other during the summer when it comes to energy, food, fires, floods," Vucic said. He said the region must cooperate more closely and prepare a major food, wine and tourism fair in Belgrade, and added that the next meeting of the initiative should be held in southern Serbia - in Vranje or Leskovac. He noted that it was good France had given up on overhauling seven nuclear power plants as the move would help deflate electricity prices and was a sign of encouragement for entire Europe ahead of next winter. "But we will all have problems and we will see how we can solve them. But we are much, much stronger when we are together, and that is a significant message we sent today," Vucic said. Vucic said that he was proud of all that had been done as part of the Open Balkans initiative and expressed the confidence much more would still be done to the benefit of citizens and businesses. "I am pleased that we have discussed open issues and having to find solutions to enable the people to live better. Not everything can produce immediate results, but they will be more and more visible every day," Vucic said at a press conference with Kovacevski and Rama at an Open Balkans summit. He announced a video conference would be held next week to continue discussions and preparations as well as for experts to join forces to find the best solutions and a way out of the crisis over the next six month to a year. "We will try to help each other and stand with each other, to simplify border procedures further, to enable people to cross borders more quickly. We are and we will be working on that. We will fight for a better life of citizens and a reduction of bureaucratic procedures," he said. He noted that, in terms of political and economic relations, Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania practically had no open bilateral issues and that they had managed to resolve a part of them, including some of the historically toughest ones. "Those things have brought enormous changes," Vucic noted.


Mangue: Serbia important partner to Equatorial Guinea (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Vice President of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue pointed out that Serbia is a very important partner to Equatorial Guinea and added that the country wants to continue and deepen cooperation with Serbia in key areas for development, primarily agriculture and defense. Equatorial Guinea and Serbia have long paths of friendship behind them, and our two countries have so far signed important agreements to the mutual satisfaction, Mangue said.

He said that his meeting with Prime Minister Brnabic confirms the political will of President of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to deepen relations and cooperation between the two countries. Mangue emphasized the importance of the meeting of the delegation of Equatorial Guinea with Serbian companies and invited them to visit and work in Equatorial Guinea and participate in the industrialization of that African country. The Vice President of Equatorial Guinea said that the world is suffering from a big crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, especially when it comes to food, stating that Equatorial Guinea imports food and that the jump in prices is a big problem for the population suffering from rising food prices. We want to talk with our friends from Serbia about whether we can reach a certain solution and how to provide certain products, added the vice president of Equatorial Guinea. Mange thanked the government of Serbia for the decision to establish an online visa system, which will make it easier for businesspeople to visit that country. He noted that Equatorial Guinea has great potential in the field of tourism and that the online visa system can also contribute to the development of that industry in that country. The Vice President of Equatorial Guinea said that he also talked with the Prime Minister Brnabic about the problem of piracy that Equatorial Guinea is facing, which is experiencing difficulties in terms of production and transport of the country's products. We hope that with the agreement that we will sign today with the Ministry of Defense, we will get out of that situation, stated the Vice President of Equatorial Guinea. Also, Mangue thanked Serbia for donating vaccines against coronavirus, emphasizing that thanks to that help, many lives were saved.


Varhelyi: Open Balkans could change reality of region (Beta/Politika)


European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said on Wednesday that the Open Balkans initiative could change the reality of the Western Balkans. He told the Open Balkans summit in Ohrid that is both a good idea and an opportunity to change the reality of the region and deal with the challenges facing it. It could also help speed up the path to the European Union, he said.

Varhelyi said that the region could generate a third of its GDP through integration alone and added that the initiative is a remarkable achievement because the region came up with it on its own. A post on his Twitter account said that the EU will support the Open Balkans Initiative as long as it accelerates inclusive integration.


Serbian Foreign Ministry: A series of untruths on Kosovo and Metohija in Schieb’s interview (Politika/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Serbian Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday that the interview with the Ambassador of Germany to Serbia Thomas Schieb, which was published in Politika under the title “Donbass and Kosovo cannot be compared in any way”, contains incorrect claims and qualifications.

According to the Serbian Foreign Ministry, the interview ignored the fact that for a long time, the FRY was faced with strong Albanian separatism in Kosovo and Metohija. Ambassador Shieb made an incorrect claim about “oppression of Albanians and their exclusion from public life” and, ignoring the facts and resolutions of the UN Security Council, concluded that NATO decided to attack the FRY “only when all means of diplomacy were exhausted”, it states. The Serbian Foreign Ministry  points out that research, which can be supported by appropriate documentation, confirms that violence was indeed committed against Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija in the years before the aggression on the FRY, but that violence was perpetrated by terrorist groups of Albanian separatists who killed police and Serb civilians, their compatriots loyal to Serbia. It is recalled that UN Security Council Resolution 1160 (1998) confirmed the obligations of all UN members to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FRY (today Serbia), while the acts of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and other armed groups of Kosovo Albanians have been qualified as “terrorist”, and the UN Security Council has on several occasions explicitly condemned KLA terrorist acts. According to the Serbian Foreign Ministry, the reaction of the armed forces of the FRY and the Serbian police was aimed at combating separatism and terrorism, and the facts confirmed in Germany speak of the non-existence of “declared reasons” for the attack on the FRY. In the run-up to the FRY aggression, the German Foreign Ministry told the Trier Administrative Court on 12 January 1999, that “security forces operations were not aimed at Kosovo Albanians as an ethnic group, but at militant opponents and their alleged followers”, they state from the Serbian Foreign Ministry. Contrary to the claims of Ambassador Shieb, the Serbian Foreign Ministry also notes, peaceful means of resolving the crisis in Kosovo have not been exhausted. It is clear that the negotiations in Rambouillet were not a “peaceful means of resolving” the crisis situation, but a framework for blackmail, it is added in the statement, which is signed by the main legal advisor of the Serbian Foreign Ministry Aleksandar Gajic. The statement states that NATO acted contrary to the UN Charter, which does not allow exceptions to the rule contained in Art. 53 that “without the approval of the Security Council, no coercive action will be taken under regional agreements or through regional organizations”. The unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence is based on the use of NATO and KLA forces, and the “Kosovo case” cannot be justified by the criterion stated by Ambassador Sheib that “declaration of independence is possible only if the ban on the use of force is not violated,” it is stated from the Ministry. Also, according to the Serbian Foreign Ministry, Schieb claims that they have been working intensively for years to find a solution for the status of Kosovo that would be acceptable to both sides, and that only after these attempts failed, so-called independence was declared. Kosovo ignores the fact that the Albanian side did not lead a meaningful dialogue but insisted on independence as the only possible solution, without making efforts to ensure minimum standards of human rights, prevent persecution and ensure the return of Serbs and other non-Albanians. All resolutions regarding Kosovo adopted by the UN Security Council, as the only international authority entrusted with the preservation of international peace and security, are based on the principle of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FRY, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said. According to them, the territory of Kosovo and Metohija was placed under international administration by Resolution 1244, with the guarantee of the territorial integrity of the FRY and with the goal of building essential autonomy and self-government, and not for the creation of an independent Kosovo. Despite the systematic violation of international law and Resolution 1244, Kosovo is not today, neither de jure nor de facto, formed as an independent state, it is said, among other things, in the statement. The issue of Kosovo, including the status of Kosovo, is still before the Security Council, whose decisions, based on international law and the need to preserve international peace and security, guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, the Serbian Foreign Ministry concludes.


23rd anniversary of the Kumanovo Agreement (RTS)


Thursday marks the 23rd anniversary of the signing of the agreement that ended the NATO air campaign against the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). The Military-Technical Kumanovo Agreement between KFOR and the governments of the then FRY and Serbia was signed at the military airport near the city of Kumanovo after 78 days of NATO bombing and five days of negotiations. Following the signing, Yugoslav security forces withdrew from Kosovo. The Agreement was signed by Yugoslav Army General Svetozar Marjanovic, Serbian Interior Ministry General Obrad Stevanovic and British General Michael Jackson. Provisions of the Agreement were incorporated into the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which was adopted a day later.


Arifi: US promises special treatment of Albanian issue in southern Serbia (Bujanovacke/Beta)


Mayor of Bujanovac Nagip Arifi said on 8 June that special treatment of the Albanian issue in Southern Serbia was promised to him at the US Department of State. Albanian political representatives of the three Southern Serbian municipalities, Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, met at the State Department with Martin McDowell, director for the Office for Southern and Central Europe, who, as Arifi put it, promised special treatment for the issue of Albanians in the south of Serbia. “We left the meeting inspired by the promise. The meeting at the State Department in Washington has encouraged us to remain committed to our goals, Arifi said for the Bujanovacke portal.


Belgrade court confirms indictment against Croatian pilots (N1/Politika)


The Higher Court in Belgrade confirmed an indictment against four Croatian military pilots for a war crime committed in 1995. Thirteen people died in the attacks, including six children, and 24 were wounded. Top Croatian officials slammed the indictment as “pure politicking” and accused Serbia of “assuming the role of the regional Hague tribunal”. Zagreb disputes Serbian judiciary the right to start the procedure, saying the events in question have already been investigated by other organizations, including the UN’s criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Hague.

However, the Croatian non-governmental association Documenta has welcomed the indictments, calling on the institutions to agree as quickly as possible on where the procedure will continue.

The decision to indict the four pilots for the bombing of a refugee column raised tensions in Zagreb where Croatian state officials warned that it could cause a deterioration of relations between Croatia and Serbia while some Serbian officials accused Zagreb of trying to justify and pardon war crimes. Serbian human rights activists have said that there is clear evidence that a war crime was committed on the Petrovacka Cesta road against Serb refugees fleeing the fighting. The press release said that the council ruled that there were sufficient grounds to confirm the indictment. The indictment was filed on 31 March and was confirmed by the Higher Court War Crimes Section council on 3 June.




PIC SB adopts conclusions: B&H faces unprecedented political crisis that threatens stability and prosperity of B&H as well as Balkans (FTV)


The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB) adopted conclusions on Wednesday following a two-day session. The essence of the conclusions of the PIC SB is that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) faces an unprecedented political crisis that threatens stability and prosperity of B&H, as well as the Balkans. The conclusions also read that the EU path is more important than ever, given that Russian aggression on Ukraine has caused fear among citizens. According to the PIC SB, elected leaders in B&H have not been ready enough and failed to fulfill the promises of implementing the necessary reforms. Addressing a press conference after the PIC SB’s session, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said that the state is dysfunctional, and the political parties in authorities are to be blamed for this. Schmidt noted that the international community has never been more united and it will act whenever that is necessary. Speaking about the initiatives of Republika Srpska (RS) ruling coalition to transfer the competences from the state level to the entity level in the RS, Schmidt once again urged the coalition to stop undermining the state institutions and violating the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “That stupid idea to form its own Agency for Medicines or the high judicial and prosecutorial council, such a thing would certainly not go without a response. Everyone in Banja Luka knows that I am a person who keeps my word, and I can be unpleasant. I will be doing so in the future,” the HR pointed out. The HR expressed regret to see that political parties, primarily HDZ B&H and SDA, were incapable to reach an agreement on amending of the Election Law. He stressed that, nevertheless, failure to amend the Election Law cannot be a justification for the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) to advocate territorial reorganization of the state. He hopes that the Election Law issue will be discussed in Brussels next week, but he emphasized that the solution is in the hands of B&H politicians, more precisely – in the B&H Parliament. Holding a glass of water in his hand, Schmidt stated: “This glass of water is half full. In B&H, many politicians would say - well, it is empty, there is nothing in it, and the other says the same thing - well, empty, there is nothing in it. Politics in a democracy. That is very difficult. It seems to me that some politicians here think that they will be considered winners only if water overflows from this glass. Maybe I can find it in heaven, but not in this world.” Addressing media after the PIC SB session, HR Schmidt reflected on the comments from the RS regarding his legitimacy and the different ways in which they referred to him, and he stated that he seems to have turned from a tourist to an expert on B&H. Schmidt noted that the PIC SB is concerned about the dysfunctional and destabilizing policies in B&H and he stressed that now is the key moment for B&H to become member of the EU, especially after Russian President Vladimir Putin caused global uncertainty with the war in Ukraine.  When it comes to the talks on Election Law and issue of financing and holding of elections, Schmidt said that, in his entire political career, he has never experienced a debate on whether the elections will be held. Schmidt reminded that the elections are a democratic right of every citizen, due to which he decided to impose a decision on financing of the elections, scheduled for 2 October. “I had to make the decision that I made because the financing of the elections concerns the citizens, but I tell everyone that all those who want to score a point for themselves and their political party from the political side, please, this decision is nothing but support for the elections. The rest is fantasy,” the HR underscored. The HR noted that free and regulated elections is something that everyone in the world should advocate. Speaking about the issue of initiatives of transfer of competences from the state to the entity level in the RS, Schmidt stated: “In the RS, things are going in a slightly more rational direction. That stupid idea to form its own Agency for Medicines or the high judicial and prosecutorial council, such a thing would certainly not go without a response. Everyone in Banja Luka knows that I am a person who keeps my word and I will be doing so in the future. In terms of for the citizens, it calms me down to see a positive shift in Banja Luka and that certain constructive things are happening.” In addition, Schmidt underlined that NATO and EUFOR Althea are present in B&H, and that is their goal in the future, adding: “I heard that in the upcoming weeks a request will be submitted in the German Bundestag for ensuring that a German flag returns to Butmir (EUFOR base).” He touched on the issue of mass departure of citizens from B&H, saying that huge potential, which remains unused, could be put in use if the country stabilizes. He also noted that the political situation in B&H and possible amendments to the Election Law should be discussed in Brussels next week and that there should be an attempt to find one of the acceptable solutions.


Russian Embassy to B&H: Russia has nothing to do with Communique issued by SB PIC (ATV)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement in which they said that Russia has nothing to do with the Communique that was adopted by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) at the level of political directors. The Russian Embassy stated that the document was approved while completely ignoring Russia's membership in the PIC Steering Board. They stated that their detailed assessment of an outrageous situation will be given subsequently. The Russian Embassy to B&H criticized HR Christian Schmidt, saying that the final line of cynicism has been crossed. “Never before, the international officials so shamefully interfered into someone else’s wallet. Even though, honestly speaking, this action is in line with the pirate logics of collective West, which clearly prove illegal limitations toward Russia”, reads the statement. They argue that once again “a rough force has prevailed”, intentionally destabilizing situation in B&H.


US Embassy to B&H issues statement regarding PIC SB meeting, expresses full support to HR Schmidt (N1)


The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Wednesday in relation to the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) two-day meeting, expressing full support to High representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt and his role in the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) implementation. “As a guarantor of the DPA and the PIC member, the US underscored the clear message sent by PIC members in support of the HR’s role in the DPA implementation and advancing the 5+2 agenda to end international supervision,” reads the statement by the US Embassy to B&H. “Together with PIC Steering Board counterparts, we will continue to support courageous B&H civil society and other actors working to strengthen B&H’s democracy, grow B&H’s economy, and hold corrupt and destabilizing actors accountable for their actions,” reads US Embassy’s statement. Also, the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs of the US Department of State expressed its support to Schmidt’s decision on financing of elections in B&H, as well as the conclusions of the PIC SB on Wednesday. At its official Twitter account, the Bureau tweeted that the US is committed to sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character of B&H.


Crnadak on PIC SB conclusions: RS authorities deceive citizens in regards to transfer of RS competences (BN TV)


Vice President of PDP Igor Crnadak commented on the stances of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) regarding the return of competences to RS level issued on Wednesday and the statement of High Representative Christian Schmidt that the RS leadership chose a more rational direction. Crnadak said that it is clear that SNSD gave up on the entire story and that they deceived their own people the entire time. He added that the RS will not get its army, its indirect taxation authority or any other institution. Crnadak said that if the RS Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices does not begin working by June 28 in accordance with the law signed by RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic on 28 December 2021, this means that the RS authorities led by SNSD admits they have acted illegally and anti-constitutional.


B&H Presidency adopts draft budget which provides BAM 12.5 million for elections and funds for increasing salaries of workers in B&H institutions; Dodik proposes Dzaferovic’s removal; Dodik invokes Vital National Interest to reject agreement on trade and cooperation with UK (ATV)


The B&H Presidency adopted the draft budget that provides BAM 12.5 million for the elections, requested by the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC). The draft budget also allowed funds to be allocated for increasing the salaries of workers in B&H institutions. The budget was forwarded immediately in the form of a proposal to both Houses of the B&H Parliament. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the imposed decision of Christian Schmidt on financing the elections in B&H was unnecessary and a complete farce. Dodik added that the B&H Presidency held a regular session before they discussed the budget and that he proposed four items for the agenda, but that two other members of B&H Presidency rejected them. He said that they contributed to spreading “institutional agony in B&H and additional failure of B&H foreign policy”. Dodik stated for media: “Schmidt's decision, who falsely presented himself as the High Representative, was a complete charade and unnecessary. He obviously did not have patience and tried to bring disorder into the legal and financial system of B&H at the orders of some of his whisperers.” According to Dodik, the Chairperson and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic is also bringing disorder in B&H. He believes that Dzaferovic is abusing his position because he often expresses his views on behalf of the Presidency. This is why Dodik asked for Dzaferovic’s removal. Dzaferovic justified his, as the reporter said, willfulness and frequent representation without the consent of B&H Presidency by saying that he should not refer to other members of the Presidency. Dzaferovic stated for media: “I do not know on what basis, how, what, but well, he probably has a need.” Dzaferovic and the Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic refused to put that item on the agenda. That is why Dodik will propose the same item again, because, as he said, such moves must not go unpunished. Dodik stated: “Mr. Dzaferovic did not abide by the Law, the Constitution of B&H, the Rules of Procedure, he falsely presents his views as the views of the Presidency of B&H and one cannot have trust in duties performed by him.” Dodik invoked the issue of Vital National Interest (VNI) because, in his opinion, the agreement on trade and cooperation with UK should be rejected. Dodik was quoted as saying: “We do not see Great Britain as a friend, and we cannot give our consent to that agreement.” RTRS reports that Dzaferovic and Komsic also rejected proposal to discuss B&H joining the Open Balkasn initiative. Addressing the media after the session, Dzaferovic said the proposal was rejected, because the decision on the issue should not be rushed, noting “we need to know everything’’. “That initiative has had good effect in relation to the movement of people and goods, and B&H should not suffer in that regard, and should be a part of that regional initiative,” said Dodik. Dzaferovic stressed that B&H needs to know all the details, including the effects that ‘Open Balkan’ had on economies of its members as well as on how to access and leave the initiative. Dzaferovic specified that another thing that should be answered is why the implementation of a regional project, carried out under the auspices of the EU and that has been signed by all states of the region, has stopped. Dzaferovic stressed that the reason why Dodik’s initiative to discuss the stance of B&H towards Russia aggression on Ukraine has been rejected is the fact that “he tried to re-impose that issue in order to get a draw”. He added: “We are not naive. We did not even let him enter such form of discussion, because there are stances of institutions of B&H.”


All items proposed by Dodik rejected at B&H Presidency session, including item on B&H Presidency’s position on unconstitutional and illegitimate activities of Christian Schmidt (RTRS)


The reporter notes that ignoring the RS’ positions was showed at the B&H Presidency’s session held on Wednesday, when none of the items proposed by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik was included in the agenda. RTRS reports that Dodik proposed, among others, that the B&H Presidency takes position Christian Schmidt is not the HR, that he undermines the constitutional order of B&H with his illegal activities, and that the B&H Presidency initiates legal procedures to determine criminal liability for “person, called Christian Schmidt posing as the HR”. RTRS carries audio recording in which Dodik and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic discuss the abovementioned item. Dzaferovic calls for voting on the item related to the HR, to which Dodik responds it is not the item related to the HR, but the item related to Christian Schmidt, and insists that Dzaferovic reads the proposed item, noting “you are obliged, as the Chairperson, to read the item as proposed. He is not the HR and that is why you need to be removed. I proposed it exactly. You have it there, read my request for the item on the agenda the way I formulated it, and you can add. But you need to read it, because you are not the Presidency, all of us are the Presidency”. Dzaferovic then says he did not receive Dodik’s request before the session, “you dictated it now into the mic”, asking Dodik to repeat the proposed item. “The item is position of the B&H Presidency on unconstitutional and illegitimate activities of Christian Schmidt” said Dodik, insisting again for Dzaferovic reading the item. “Mr. Dodik proposes item the position of the B&H Presidency on unconstitutional and illegitimate activities of Christian Schmidt, as written in Mr. Dodik’s proposal,” said Dzaferovic and called on the B&H Presidency members to vote on the item to be included in the agenda. After the voting, Dzaferovic concluded that one vote was in support of the item, two were against it, noting “therefore, this item also has not been adopted”.


Russian Embassy to B&H: Schmidt’s decision on financing elections is shameless (O Kanal)


The Russian Embassy to B&H reacted on Wednesday to the High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s use of his Bonn powers to pass a decision on financing the elections in B&H. For the Russian Embassy, this decision is shameless. “As for the essence of the last of them, which refers to the holding of elections - the last boundary of cynicism has been crossed. Never before have international officials so shamelessly encroached on someone else's wallet. Although, frankly speaking, this action organically fits into the pirate logic of the collective West, which is clearly shown by the illegal restrictions on Russia,” reads the Embassy’s statement. The Russian Embassy also said Schmidt’s decisions are not binding considering that his performance as High Representative is illegitimate. According to the Russian Embassy, “absurdity of Schmidt’s action” is highlighted by the fact that parties in B&H were heading towards compromise on this matter. In his response, Schmidt stated that practice has taught him that strong words are used only by those who lack real arguments. He added that the reason why Russian representatives attended his address before the UN Security Council (UN SC) lies in the fact that he seems to have been upgraded “from a tourist in B&H to an expert on B&H”.


HNS reacts to HR Schmidt’s use of Bonn powers: Foreigners’ imposing of decisions undermines sovereignty rather than contributing to functionality of B&H (FTV)


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) reacted on Wednesday to the HR Christian Schmidt’s use of his Bonn powers to pass a decision on financing the elections in B&H. The HNS issued a statement that reads that foreigners’ imposing of any decisions does not contribute to functionality of B&H, and it even undermines its sovereignty. The HNS used this opportunity to once again provide its support to B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda (HDZ B&H). The HNS also claims that the OHR leads B&H away from the European Union (EU) and towards the protectorate.


B&H CEC expresses gratitude to HR Schmidt and disappointment with B&H authorities (Nova BH)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H has commented on the decision of the High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt to finance the upcoming B&H general elections. The CEC stated that they feel both gratitude and disappointment at the same time. They are disappointed that, despite a series of appeals, the B&H authorities did not act in accordance with their obligations under the B&H Election Law. The CEC has publicly thanked Schmidt for making the decision on the money for the elections, as well as the members of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council and all the ambassadors to B&H.


Tegeltija at ‘Open Balkans’ summit in Ohrid: I am certain B&H will become member of ‘Open Balkans’ sooner or later (FTV)


The two-day summit within the regional initiative ‘Open Balkans’ was completed in Ohrid, North Macedonia, on Wednesday. B&H and Montenegro participated in the summit as observers, given that they are not members of the initiative. Addressing the summit, Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija stated that he is certain that B&H will become a member of ‘Open Balkans’ sooner or later. According to him, this will happen very soon. Tegeltija added that the reason why the country has not become part of this project lies in prejudice from the past, with regard to who the proponent of this initiative is and who will profit from it. “There is no consensus on ‘Open Balkans’ project in B&H,” he stressed. Tegeltija said it is clear President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic “is the leader of this project, and it is clear that individuals in B&H oppose it due to that fact, i.e. that Mr. Vucic is the leader, although there is no reason for that’’. It was said at the Summit that the ‘Open Balkans’ initiative is not an alternative for the EU and is beneficial for the business community and all the citizens in the region, and the single electronic toll payment system was mentioned as an example of that.

Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski expressed expectation that this summit will bring a positive turning point in terms of expansion of the initiative. Kovacevski urged the EU to support the region’s effort in this regard.  President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic noted that all Western Balkan countries should support this initiative. “This is our initiative, the initiative of people from the Balkans, those who understand they should connect and resolve their own issues”, Vucic stated. Addressing the present, Vucic stressed the importance to accelerate procedures related to border crossing, noting all efforts will be made to achieve that. The reporter notes that, at the same time, Abazovic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama requested that “the so-called Kosovo’’ participates in the next summit. Rama said that hard times are coming and because of this it will be necessary to increase and improve cooperation in the region. He said that they wish to create the best possible dialogue and to see six members in Open Balkan. Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic presented a positive stance regarding the project, assessing that this initiative could help the region in building a better future together. Abazovic said that this is the new face of the Western Balkans and all topics that were discussed were tied to increasing the living standard of citizens. Representatives of the EU and the US addressed the summit. European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi was at the summit, and on that occasion, he said that ‘Open Balkan’ might be an opportunity to speed up the EU path of the region. Addressing the summit via video link, US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar noted that the US support that ‘Open Balkans’ remains the economic initiative, as that is not a political project.


Grlic Radman: Proposal for declaration on B&H, prepared by representatives of ruling coalition in Germany, does not send good messages and strong Bosniak lobby is visible in it (Hina)


Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Gordan Grlic Radman stated Wednesday that the proposal for the declaration on B&H, prepared by the representatives of the ruling coalition in Germany, "does not send good messages" and that "a strong Bosniak lobby" is visible in it. The daily notes that the resolution supports European path of B&H, while it accuses leading Serb official in B&H Milorad Dodik and leading Croat official in B&H Dragan Covic of threatening B&H's sovereignty, blockades and divisions. Grlic Radman stated that he and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic had a very good conversation with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz last week and that they talked for a long time about B&H and its multiethnic nature. Grlic Radman emphasized that Croatia still "remains the best expert on the neighboring country and the biggest advocate of its integration into the European Union".


Belgrade court confirms indictments against Croatian pilots (HRT)


A high court in Belgrade confirmed an indictment on Wednesday against four Croatian military pilots accusing them of committing war crimes during Operation Storm in 1995.  Serbian prosecutors claim Croatian MIGs targeted a convoy of Serb civilians fleeing southern Lika and northern Dalmatia on Bosnian territory. The court said 13 victims had been identified, including six children. Another 24 people were wounded, the court said.  Croatia is challenging the jurisdiction of the Serbia's courts, including the right to initiate the proceedings. Croatian officials argue, among several points, that these events have already been investigated by the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague Tribunal. President Zoran Milanovic and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented on the court’s decision on Wednesday. Croatia cannot accept Serbian prosecutors bringing charges against non-Serb citizens outside of Serbia, Plenkovic said and also rejected Serbia’s regional jurisdiction. “Serbia, which was the aggressor against Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. That country now wants to play judge and jury? That’s not going to fly,” said Plenkovic. He also said that Croatia had wanted to solve the problem by agreement, but the Serbian side chose to ignore the offers. President Milanovic said Serbia must make a choice about who it wants to align itself with in the future. “They want to be like Turkey, but Turkey doesn’t want to join the EU. Serbia needs to decide where it wants to go. If it wants to join the EU and adopt the euro - I don’t know how they think they are going to survive and move forward without this – then they will have to behave by certain standards,” Milanovic said.


Vucic to Abazovic: If you want to – join Open Balkan, if you don’t – it’s your own will, no one will force you; Abazovic: Hand outstretched for all initiatives that mean progress (CdM)


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic is in Ohrid, where he is participating in the Open Balkan Summit, together with high representatives of the United States, the European Union, as well as leaders from the Western Balkans, Dimitar Kovacevski, Edi Rama, Aleksandar Vucic and Zoran Tegeltija. Yesterday was the working part of the Summit, and it was expected that the countries of the Initiative will sign agreements and memoranda on cooperation in tourism, culture, between tax administrations and an agreement on mutual recognition of diplomas. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has told Dritan Abazovic that Montenegro is welcome to the Open Balkans, if it wants to join it. The Montenegrin Prime Minister has said that the Government is for every initiative that means progress. “Dritan, Zoran, you are always welcome. Don’t be angry, but I don’t have the need to have to say ‘please come’ every day. If you want to come – come, if you don’t want to come – it’s your own will. Nobody wants to force you, these are not other organizations,” Vucic has told Abazovic. Abazovic has said that he is very honored and pleased to be in Ohrid, emphasizing that he wants to hear arguments regarding the Open Balkans and act responsibly, in accordance with the national interests of the state.


Abazovic: Final decision on Open Balkans when we sum up everything (CdM)


PM Dritan Abazovic has said in Ohrid, where he is participating in the Open Balkans Summit, together with high representatives of the United States, the European Union and leaders from the Western Balkans, that he has not heard any arguments or things contrary to Montenegro’s interests. The government, he says, will consider all aspects of the Open Balkans before making any decision on joining the Initiative. He believes that the Open Balkans is not an alternative to the European Union. “On the contrary, in fact, regional initiatives make the transition to the integration path faster, Abazovic pointed out. He has said that he talked to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about the extradition of Svetozar Marovic. “It is a question of justice. He is a man who was convicted of organized crime, he caused great damage to the citizens of Montenegro, and I think that he should serve his sentence in Montenegro. I believe that anything less would not be a good message,” said Abazovic. Speaking about the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, he said that this is not a top topic for the government of Montenegro. "This is an issue that needs to be removed from the agenda in favor of the state and the Serbian Orthodox Church. As soon as we get the text, I don't see any problem ... I treat that question like any other. Fairly, both with other religious communities and with the Serbian Orthodox Church. As soon as we have harmonization, and we are very close, Montenegro will ask the question ad acta and provide everyone with identical treatment, related to religious issues," Abazovic said. Commenting on the flight ban to the head of the Russian diplomacy Sergey Lavrov, he reiterated that Montenegro imposed sanctions on Russia and is implementing them, which means that the flight of planes from that country is not allowed across the sky of our country.


Escobar: Open Balkans should remain economic initiative, I want more clarity on how it should work (CdM)


“The Open Balkans is not a political, but an economic project, and it is important to stay that way and focus on creating opportunities for people from the region”, the High Representative of the United States of America Gabriel Escobar has said. He has stated at the Open Balkans Summit in Ohrid that the United States does not look at the Western Balkans from the point of view of the problems of the 1990s, but through the prism of the possibilities of the 21st century.

“The Western Balkans has the potential to be a center of renewable energy, which will help tackle climate change. It has the capacity to be a center for liquefied natural gas and to help Europe get rid of Russian gas. It could be a center for transport, technology… The Western Balkans is the fastest growing part of Europe. The United States supports the Open Balkans, but we are in favor of cooperation and integration into the wider European structure. Cross-border cooperation in the Western Balkans should be aimed at greater European integration,” Escobar has said in Ohrid.


Djukanovic: We’re witnessing start of new geopolitical cycle, no one can say for sure what it will look like (CdM)


“The seriousness of the current moment requires more cooperation, responsibility, determination and unity. The world we knew no longer exists. It seems certain that we are witnessing the beginning of a new geopolitical cycle. No one can say for sure what it will look like. Unpredictability has never been more immanent to the moment of global relations than it is today. The only thing that is certain is that we have a new polycentric geopolitical architecture that will strengthen the interdependence of all its actors and that can lead to further marginalization of smaller countries,” Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has stated at the 25th Eurasian Economic Forum in Istanbul. He has stressed that we are welcoming this year’s forum in an extremely changed geopolitical context, faced with the war on European soil, the consequences of which we will not be able to fully comprehend for a long time. “Continuous disturbances on the East-West route have found their most dangerous expression in the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The war, which has lasted for more than 100 days, is destroying the Ukrainian country, taking the lives of people, and millions of Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes,” Djukanovic has pointed out. “We in Montenegro strongly believe that diversity and coexistence of different religions and nations are the greatest wealth of any society. We believe in dialogue and cooperation, and we equally encourage them in all international frameworks in which we actively participate. The Eurasian region, like the Balkans, is a blend of diversity and often a scene of conflicting interests. Let us make additional efforts so that the value of peace permanently overcomes the recklessness of war, so that tolerance suppresses hatred. This is the only way we can create conditions in which our countries will progress steadily and continuously,” Djukanovic has concluded.


Abazovic to officially visit Serbia on 29 June (CdM)


The Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic is to officially visit Serbia on 29 June.

“Montenegro and Serbia want to reset their relations. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and I have agreed that the two countries are directed at each other and that together they should create a European future based on reconciliation and cooperation. I am glad that I am officially visiting Serbia on 29 June,” Abazovic has tweeted.


Kovacevski: Open Balkans is an excellent initiative, but no substitute for EU (Republika)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said Wednesday that the European Union will always be the only strategic goal of Macedonia and there’s no substitute for it. With the Open Balkans, as a state and as a government, we have an obligation to provide a better standard of living for citizens, to provide better infrastructure, and to prevent corruption with the efficiency of the administration and all institutions, Prime Minister Kovacevski underlined when asked whether the “Open Balkans” remain the only real initiative for our country if there is another “no” from Bulgaria. He stressed that the citizens of our country cannot be held hostage to the expectations of dates at each new EU Summit and therefore he does not tie dates to something that does not depend on us. We have done our job. The Republic of Macedonia has four consecutive positive reports by the European Commission. We have 45 percent harmonization of the national legislation with the legislation of the European Union, said Kovacevski.


Macedonia, Serbia, Albania connect toll systems (Republika)


The companies from Macedonia, Serbia and Albania that manage tolls work on connecting the systems with a tag for electronic payment, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski announced at Wednesday’s press conference at the Open Balkans Summit in Ohrid. This means, as he said, people from Serbia with a tag for electronic payment will be able to pass with their vehicle without stopping on both Macedonian and Albanian tolls. The system will recognize it and the toll ramp will be lifted automatically with electronic payment. This way we will reduce the traffic jams on the highways and tolls, and people will reach the final destination faster. These are the benefits that the institutions and the respective state companies in all three countries are working on, added Kovacevski.


Mickoski after meeting Varhelyi: Macedonia to start EU negotiations as soon as possible (Republika)


I had a meeting with EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. We talked about the European perspective of our Macedonia and pointed out the imperative for the start of negotiations in Macedonia as soon as possible, because 22 years is too long to be still in the hallway, and many countries from Central and Eastern Europe that at that time had no European perspective passed us in the hallway, sat at the table, negotiated, talked and became full-fledged members of the EU, the leader of VMRO DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski wrote on Facebook.


Regional leaders gather for Open Balkans summit, with Kosovo absence and Russian meddling looming over meeting (Tirana Times)


A two-day meeting of the Open Balkans initiative is being held in Ohrid with the leaders of Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia joined as observers by the prime minister of Montenegro and the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The signing of four cooperation agreements for the fight against tax evasion, recognition of higher education diplomas, cultural cooperation and cooperation in the field of tourism is expected on Wednesday.

The initiative, according to its organizers, aims to establish freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services in the region. But it faces criticism -- especially in Kosovo -- over Serbia's domination of the initiative and its ties to Russia and China.


Kosovo refuses invitation over Serbia dominance

Kosovo refuses to join the initiative because of Serbia's approach, which does not recognize its independence. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti rejected the invitation of Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to attend the meeting. He wrote in a letter that Kosovo is committed to the Berlin Process, which was approved by the six Western Balkan countries at the Sofia summit in 2020 and supported by the European Union.  Prime Minister Kurti further stressed that Kosovo and North Macedonia must work together to prevent Serbia from promoting its Russian and Chinese interests in the region, and that it consistently denies Kosovo's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and blocks the possibilities of equality for the citizens of Kosovo.


Russian meddling feared over Serbia ties

Serbia, which represents the largest country and market in the initiative, maintains strong ties with Russia and China. It is the only country in the Balkan region that has so far refused to join sanctions against Moscow over its aggression in Ukraine. A day earlier, Serbia's three neighbors, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bulgaria, forced the cancellation of a Russian foreign minister's visit to Belgrade, barring his plane from passing through their airspace. The Russian foreign minister blamed the West for canceling the visit, stressing that no one would be able to destroy Russia's relations with Serbia. "They probably did not want us to express support for Belgrade's initiative to carry out the Open Balkans project in the interest of healthier and stronger relations among all countries in the region," the Russian Minister said on Monday. American analyst Janusz Bugajski said the Kremlin sees the Open Balkan initiative as a useful tool for dividing Europe. "Pro-Western governments should abandon the scheme and not pursue the Moscow-Belgrade agenda," he wrote on social media. The initiative, originally known as the "Balkan Mini-Schengen," changed its name to “Open Balkans" in July last year. Some analysts estimate that Serbia will benefit most from this initiative, "because there will be access to the sea" (through Albanian ports) and being several times economically stronger will expand its products in the markets of neighboring countries, while local producers and traders from Albania and North Macedonia will face price competition and consequently additional challenges in their work.


Controversy over Montenegro attendance

So far, controversy over membership has been ripe. Faced with anger at home, Montenegro Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic specified to the media that the country had not joined the initiative, but he was attending as an observer. The initiative has also received some lukewarm support by the EU and the United States in the past.


Fears of Serbian domination are valid, expert says

But increasingly the Western powers are being urged to withdraw their support. Fears of Serbia’s domination of the region are valid, according to Edward P. Joseph, one of the leading American experts on the region and a professor at John Hopkins, who adds Serbia cannot be counted on as a Western ally. “Open Balkan is an open invitation for (Serb President Aleksandar) Vucic to exploit Serbia's economic size for political advantage – free from political constraints or values of the European Union. Open Balkans (equals) ‘Serb World’ via the marketplace for Serbia’s smaller neighbors,” Joseph wrote on Twitter. Open Balkans has met resistance since its inception but has been propelled forward by Vucic and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama as a way to increase cooperation. Rama has repeatedly asked Kosovo to join, amid anger and dismay from Pristina, where they see the initiative as outside the EU integration process and undermining the country’s sovereignty. Albania’s opposition has also been vehemently against the Open Balkans initiative since its inception.


EU integration, Rama: The war has made it the most necessary initiative! The problems of the past are solved through rapprochement (Radio Tirana)


"The war in Ukraine makes the Open Balkans initiative even more necessary," said Prime Minister Edi Rama in his speech on the second day of the Summit of this regional initiative that took place in Ohrid, North Macedonia. Focusing on the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo, Rama gave a message to Pristina, where he said that the problems of the past can only be solved through rapprochement. "This is an opportunity to talk about the Open Balkans as in the Open Balkans and we cannot come to an Open Balkans meeting and talk as we are used to when we go to Brussels. We will speak very openly, and we must maintain and strengthen this characteristic without fear that from open speaking we will have more problems than reasons to join. We are meeting for the first time at an Open Balkans summit since the war in Ukraine broke. This war makes the Open Balkans an even greater necessity than it was before this war began. The Open Balkans is important to our people. We know Serbia's special relationship between Russia, we did not wait for the war in Ukraine to learn that there is a history between the two countries, we did not wait for the war to know that there is an unresolved conflict between Serbia and Kosovo. But between turning back to the future and turning our eyes to the future, we have chosen the latter and we will do this without closing our eyes to unresolved problems but realizing that they can be solved only by talking", said Rama. The head of government recalled the clash between the US and Japan, or that between Israel and the UAE years ago, where he said that the countries have already tuned their eyes to the future and have not remained hostage to previous conflicts. According to Rama, the "Open Balkans" is an initiative made for the people. Rama also spoke about the consequences of the war in Ukraine, where he stated that the crises produced can only be resolved through cooperation between the countries. He mentioned the problem with the supply of grain and also the electricity crisis, as he warned that the problem will no longer be the price, but the fact that there may be no energy in the market. This summit of the Open Balkans was joined for the first time by Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, while only Kosovo was missing from the 6 countries of the Western Balkans.


Ministerial Dialogue on the food crisis/Xhacka asks countries to put pressure on Russia (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka asked the countries to put pressure on Russia as it is holding hostages with tons of grain in the ports of Ukraine. At the invitation of his Italian counterpart Luigi Di Maio, Xhacka participated in the virtual meeting "Ministerial Dialogue of Mediterranean countries on the Food Security Crisis". The Minister called for joining forces in finding a solution to this serious crisis, which may worsen over time. “The world must come together to address this escalating crisis that threatens all by pressuring Russia to cease its efforts to weaponize food," writes Xhacka. Ukraine is one of Europe's leading suppliers of grain and thousands of tones have remained stranded in its warehouses in ports that have been attacked by Russia and do not allow grain to be exported to European countries. This has put EU authorities on alert as there is a risk of causing a food crisis with fatal consequences for millions of people who will suffer from hunger.