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Belgrade Media Report 13 June



Vucic: We never heard request for mutual recognition before (RTS/Politika/Tanjug)


After Friday's meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said it had been the first time he had heard a European official request a mutual recognition with Kosovo from Serbia. At a press conference with Scholz, Vucic said Serbia would look at how to approach this in the future. "The Serbs love the territorial integrity of Serbia as much as you love the territorial integrity of Ukraine," Vucic said, noting that UN SC Resolution 1244, which guarantees the territorial integrity of Serbia, was still in full effect.

Vucic was responding to a Der Spiegel request for a comment on Scholz's statement in Pristina earlier in the day that countries could not become EU member states without mutual recognition.

"Today, we heard a request for mutual recognition. We had never heard a European request for mutual recognition before - what we kept hearing is a part of the negotiating platform Serbia has with the EU - a comprehensive normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations - but no one has ever spoken about mutual recognition," Vucic said. He said only the US had adopted this as its principle three years ago but that no one in Europe had requested official mutual recognition.

"We heard that at a press conference in Pristina today. I can understand that, it is what I predicted. Things are changing at Serbia's expense. But if you think you need to threaten us because we want to protect the UN order and reach a compromise solution, you do your job and we will do ours," Vucic said. He said it was important that Scholz understand the essence of the problem and that things must be solved step by step. "Serbia has never given up on dialogue and is not refusing to attend a single meeting. Serbia has attended (every meeting), and accepted all invitations. We even accepted a document on missing persons a year ago and we could have signed the document but we were unable to due to other people's whims," Vucic added. Responding to an RTS remark that he had said in Pristina it was normal for a recognition of Kosovo by Serbia - rather than a comprehensive normalization of relations - to take place, Scholz said Germany's stance on the Kosovo issue had been "known for a long time now". "Besides, I said something that is obvious, maybe that helps," he concluded.


Scholz requested that Serbia join sanctions on Russia

Vucic said Scholz had requested that Serbia join the sanctions on Russia. "We discussed the global political situation and Scholz requested, in a very decided, clear and harsh manner, that Serbia join the sanctions against Russia, and that I support the restrictive measures the EU has already imposed on Russia," Vucic told a joint press conference with Scholz. He noted that he had spoken to Scholz about Serbia's position, the specific nature of the situation regarding Kosovo and Metohija, energy, as well as Serbia's traditional ties with the Russian Federation. Vucic said they had also discussed Serbia's European integration, the Kosovo and Metohija issue and the Brussels dialogue, as well as next winter and the energy situation. He said Scholz had brought new energy and hope for everyone in the Western Balkans because he understood and wanted to hear everyone in the Western Balkans, and wanted there to be a real European perspective of EU enlargement. "That is very important and an exceptional message to everyone in the Western Balkans," Vucic noted. He said he had told Scholz Serbia would have to make faster progress on rule of law, democratization of society and human rights, but that it would be possible to assess that by the end of the year through the new government's work.

Speaking about the discussion on Kosovo and Metohija - an issue Serbia and Germany disagree on - and the Brussels dialogue, Vucic said: "While I do not want to use this press conference to criticize others, I pointed to all parts of the 2013 Brussels agreement that remain unfulfilled, but I understood the message by Scholz, who said it is important to make many small steps so that one day we can make greater success in finding a solution," Vucic said. He said Belgrade would do everything for progress to be achieved in the Brussels dialogue with Pristina. They also discussed next winter and difficulties that are already being felt. "Scholz was fair and offered Germany's assistance in finding a solution to the crisis we are already feeling and will yet be feeling, in terms of construction of energy capacities that would connect us with the rest of the region and enable us to have different ways for diversification," Vucic said. "I thank him for offering great support in the energy sector and all other fields. We appreciate that and we would hardly be able to make progress without that," Vucic also said.


We have increasingly close economic ties with Germany

Vucic said on Friday Serbia-Germany economic ties were advancing and getting increasingly close. At a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Vucic said Germany was Serbia's top external trade partner and that Serbia was Germany's largest trade partner in the Western Balkans. In the first four months of this year alone, bilateral trade was up by 25.7 percent y-o-y, Vucic said. "That is an incredible jump. We expect trade with Germany to exceed 7.5 billion Euros this year," Vucic said. Serbia's export-import ratio is 83.1 percent, primarily thanks to German companies that are operating in Serbia and mostly exporting to Germany, he said. He said German companies in Serbia were employing 77,000 people, compared to 17,000 in 2014. "I hope we will soon be able to reach a trade volume of 10 billion Euros and that 100,000 people will be working at German companies," Vucic said. He noted that Germany was also Serbia's largest bilateral donor and noted that this, too, demonstrated the significance of cooperation with Berlin.


Scholz: Germany expects EU membership candidates to join Russia sanctions (Tanjug/Politika)


Germany wants to give a renewed push to the European perspective of the Western Balkans, promised at the Thessaloniki summit two decades ago and, at the same time, it expects EU membership candidates to join the sanctions against Russia, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in Belgrade on Friday. "When it comes to European integration, we support all aspirations of the Western Balkans, and reforms in rule of law, media freedoms and the fight against corruption are needed on that path. We see that a judicial reform that represents such progress has been carried out, but further steps are needed," Scholz told a press conference with Vucic. He said a meeting with Vucic had also addressed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. "Progress in the dialogue is something that is necessary. I called on all leaders to ensure there is headway and that a series of small agreements are made to advance overall normalization of relations," he said. He said Germany supported the activities of the EU special envoy for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. Scholz said he had also discussed with Vucic the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that it made no sense to threaten the country's future with "secessionist tendencies". He said cooperation was very important for Germany and that he wanted the Western Balkans to make progress and have a full European perspective. "In the future, the EU will only be successful as a great whole. We must defend our values together and it would be good if Western Balkan countries were a part of that," Scholz added. He said Germany's economic ties with Serbia were developing well, and added that he was confident the number of jobs created by German companies in Serbia would continue to grow. When asked by a reporter if there was a timeframe for EU accession of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries given the Serbians' fatigue from promises by the EU and European leaders and in view of opinion polls suggesting a decline of the EU's popularity in Serbia, Scholz responded that he was an advocate of a soonest possible EU accession of Serbia and the Western Balkans and added that the region could count on Germany's support in that regard. "My goal is that we succeed in that, not in the distant future, but as soon as possible. It will not be possible in six months, as everyone knows, and it will take a long time, but it would be good to boost this with great courage," he said.


Mitsotakis: Western Balkans should join EU by 2033 (RTS/Tanjug)


Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in Thessaloniki at the summit of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) that 2033 should be the deadline for all Western Balkan countries to join the EU. That is an ambitious goal for the Western Balkans but I think it could be realistic if the idea of enlargement returns as a basic value of the EU, Mitsotakis said. Following the SEECP summit, chaired by Greece, the Greek prime minister called on Southeast Europe to promote the path of peace and international law, common security and prosperity. That, as he said, is the basis of the Thessaloniki Declaration, which was unanimously adopted. As a part of the Summit of the Process of Cooperation in Southeast Europe in Thessaloniki, President Aleksandar Vucic attended a working dinner hosted by Mitsotakis for the heads of states and governments, according to RTS.


Petkovic with Hill and McDowell on Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTV/RTS/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill and the Director of the US State Department Office of South Central European Affairs Martin McDowell on Monday to discuss the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Petkovic informed the US officials of the current stage in the Brussels dialogue and steps Belgrade was taking with the aim of finding a solution in key areas important for normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations and the life of all citizens in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement.

Belgrade has demonstrated a readiness, openness and flexibility when it comes to finding constructive solutions aimed at solving open issues in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, but it is questionable whether there is such readiness on the other side of the negotiating table because it is more than evident that Pristina has been obstructing the process, Petkovic said. Petkovic said progress in the search for missing persons and in the energy sector was a priority and added that Belgrade was committed to finding sustainable solutions in those and in other fields, but noted that there was justified doubt about Pristina's readiness to respect and implement past and future agreements. He pointed out a series of anti-Serb incidents in Kosovo-Metohija motivated by ethnic intolerance and noted that there had been 184 ethnically motivated incidents since Albin Kurti's rise to power, adding that this unsettled the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija and discouraged potential returnees. Petkovic informed the US officials of Pristina's lists containing the names of 72 Serbs who had defended their legitimate rights, and said the lists had been extended in recent days to also include Serb List officials. Petkovic said this was a case of "political intimidation and retaliation by the Pristina authorities", which he noted were seeking to destabilize further the situation on the ground. He also said that, for six years now, the Pristina authorities had been refusing to execute a court order to return 24 hectares of land to the Visoki Decani monastery, as also noted in the latest State Department report. He noted that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija had been waiting for nine years for the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, which should protect and guarantee their collective rights, and said this was particularly important in light of the growing number of incidents generated by the Pristina authorities. "For the sake of security and defusing of tensions on the ground, it is important to have dialogue, and Belgrade firmly believes that only dialogue is the mechanism for solving all problems," Petkovic concluded.


Djuric: Relations between Serbia and the United States constantly on the rise (Politika)


Serbian Ambassador to the United States Marko Djuric has said that relations between the two countries are continuously on the rise and that their partnership has great and mutually beneficial future. "Relations between Serbia and the United States are based on a 140-year-long tradition, unbreakable ties of hundreds of thousands of Serbian Americans with their homeland, political, economic, educational, cultural and scientific ties. We are also working together on overcoming the legacy of the 1990s, and we want to return relations to the paths of old glory," Djuric said in an interview for Politika. Djuric stressed that he recently conveyed the invitation to the US President Joseph Biden from his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic to visit Serbia and said he believes that the visit would take place in the coming period. "President Biden and President Vucic maintain very good personal communication. I would also like to remind you of President Biden's recent letter to our president, which may not have received enough media attention, and which was content-wise visibly more than routine congratulations," said Djuric. He added that the personal relationship between the two statesmen which they built through numerous meetings at multilateral gatherings, as well as during Biden's bilateral visits to Serbia during his term as vice president of the United States, is also very useful for Serbia. "I am optimistic about relations between Serbia and the United States. The foreign policy of great powers is changing gradually and in proportion to their interests, but also to the effort made to harmonize them. Today, Serbia is making serous effort around this relationship. During my term in the United States so far, I've witnessed increased attention and interest in Serbia, as well as in the deepening of our ties across the political spectrum in Washington," Djuric added. Djuric assessed that the first term of President Vucic "influenced to a defining extent the developmental path of Serbia in our time, and changed the paradigm and focus of Serbian politics and directed the political debate from centuries of debates on ideology, identity and territory to economic and infrastructural, but also technological development and progress in de facto all segments of society". "That is why I believe that in the first term, President Vucic made a decisive contribution to building the foundations of a new, rejuvenated Serbia that is emerging. After a decade of his predominant influence on politics in Serbia, a new standard has been set when it comes to accountability toward the state for all possible contenders or future holders of state power. That is my personal opinion. However, the people are the ones who gave a politically authoritative assessment of the previous term of President Vucic on 3 April," said Djuric.


Hill: Serbia needs to think where its future is and whether neutral position is sustainable (RTS/Tanjug)


The US Ambassador Serbia Christopher Hill addressed journalists in Kneza Milosa Street today, after the unveiling of a memorial to US diplomat George Kennan. After the official part of the ceremony, in which Deputy Mayor of Belgrade Goran Vesic also participated, journalists started asking questions about the most burning foreign policy issues. "I think that Serbia should think about where its future lies, whether this neutral position is sustainable and make its decision that way. What happened in Ukraine, the brutal attack on that country and the continued killing of civilians is something that is completely unacceptable in this century. We have not seen such a development since the end of the Second World War. So we are all aware that the world has changed since February and that we all need to rethink where we are, what our position is and where we want to be in the future," said Ambassador Hill. When asked by journalists what should be the priority - imposing sanctions against Russia or normalizing relations with so-called Kosovo, Hill said that it is not his role to dish out advice. "I think that is a question you should ask representatives of your government, I represent the US government here and I am not here to give advice, so you need to find answers to those questions with your authorities," Hill explained. The questions also referred to relations between Belgrade and Pristina, i.e. whether he was surprised by the change in rhetoric that we could hear from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who spoke of "mutual recognition". "I wouldn't hang onto certain words now, for their precise meaning to be interpreted now. What's important is that Serbia and Kosovo are working on resolving mutual problems and establishing some relations within, of course, the completion of the Brussels dialogue, that this is about the essence and not so much about a choice of words. From this perspective, better relations between the US and Serbia, as well as good relations between the United States and the EU the kind of which we have not seen for a long time are very important to me and I would like to see more progress during the Brussels dialogue. But as someone who has already been involved in and participated in negotiations, I would say that issues and problems are really difficult and challenging and that they are usually even more difficult when they are discussed in public a lot."


Nikodijevic re-elected as Belgrade City Assembly speaker (N1)


Nikola Nikodijevic of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) has won for the third time in the race for the Belgrade City Assembly speaker in the voting held on Saturday with 57 votes in favor of his re-election. The Belgrade City Assembly has a total of 110 councilor seats, with the Serbian Progressive Party having most seats – 48, followed by the ‘United for the Victory of Belgrade – Vladeta Jankovic’ list with 26 councilors, the green-left coalition ‘We must’ (Moramo) with 13 seats, the SPS-led coalition eight seats, and the Zavetnici and Dveri – POKS each having four seats. The HOPE (NADA) coalition is left with six seats after the councilor Vuk Stanic was dismissed and has become an independent councilor. The session on Saturday was chaired by Toma Fila, the second oldest councilor. The opposition did not participate in the voting, and the representatives of the opposition People’s Party left the hall. Vuk Stanic, who was elected on the list of the opposition coalition HOPE but later decided to act as an independent councilor, also voted in favor of Nikodijevic. During the debate, the opposition councilors accused Nikodijevic of adopting many projects harmful to the city while he was the head of the Belgrade Assembly in the last convocation. The opposition boycotted the last city elections as well.


Members of We Must coalition establish political organization (Beta)


The Action open civic platform, the Ecological Uprising movement and the Parliament of Free Serbia, which ran as the We Must coalition in April elections in Serbia, founded on June 11 the Together political organization. Members told the press after the founding assembly that the newly formed party would not have a president, but three co-chairpersons: Nebojsa Zelenovic, leader of the Action and the Together for Serbia party, Aleksandar Jovanovic "Cuta", founder of the Ecological Uprising, and Biljana Stojkovic of the Parliament of Free Serbia. "There is no leader. We are co-chairs of the new political organization. Decisions will be made by consensus," Zelenovic stressed. He added that, of the 30 parties that made up the Action platform, 15 had joined the party, ten would continue to work in the party as local partner organizations, two had bowed out of the process, while two were still considering whether to join.


Jeremic: Reports about Trojan horse not surprising (Beta)


People's Party president Vuk Jeremic said on Sunday that calling an extraordinary election for the Belgrade City Assembly was up solely to the authorities and their satellites. Jeremic told Beta in an interview that the People's Party neither was nor would be among those making deals with the regime, and that he was not surprised by reports of a "Trojan horse in the opposition". "We will act as an uncompromising opposition in institutions and advocate the positions that we received support for in the previous election. That was clear in the very first session of the city assembly, when we were the only ones to leave the room before a vote for the chairperson. We don't make shady compromises and we keep our word," he said. Asked for his opinion of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's policy in response to the fallout of the conflict in Ukraine, Jeremic said that it was exceptionally important for a small country with complex inherited problems to have a clear foreign policy strategy as well as publicly espoused and strongly held principles.


Yishu: Serbia has right to choose partners on its own (Politika


Charge d'Affaires at the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade Tien Yishu told Sunday’s edition of Politika that by choosing sides in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) foreign forces will not help in reconciling the differences and disagreements regarding ethnic groups in B&H. He stressed that imposing one-sided sanctions that are not based on the international law could also intensify tensions and additionally complicate the situation in B&H, adding that they cannot be an efficient way to resolve problems. Yishu stated that China’s stance when it comes to support to preservation of provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) regarding the status of Republika Srpska (RS) within B&H, as well as regarding the Kosovo issue, has always been consistent and clear and that China respects sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H.


Can Serbia count on unchanged position of China when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija and non-recognition of unilaterally declared independence of Pristina, but also on the support of decrees of the Dayton agreement regarding the status of RS inside B&H?

“The position of China towards these two issue has always been consistent and clear. When it comes to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, we respect Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, we understand the justified concern of Serbia in view of Kosovo and Metohija, including the concern over security, legitimate rights and interests of the Kosovo Serbs, we respect Serbia over positive efforts in seeking a political solution for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. We support both sides to jointly work on finding a mutual acceptable solution by way of real dialogue and consultations within UNSCR 1244. China would like to encourage both sides to continue dialogue with the help of the EU. The result of the negotiations that the two sides have already reached need to be fully respected and applied. When it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we respect B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, we respect the choice of the nations of B&H for the future of their country and we encourage all sides in B&H to actively participate in constructive dialogue and cooperation from the sake of reaching national reconciliation. The international community should, inline with the development of the situation, offer, in a rightful, balanced and clear manner, constructive help so to satisfy true needs of the people in B&H. By choosing the side of foreign power will not help in reconciliation of differences and disagreements in regard to ethnic groups in B&H. Arbitrary introduction of unilateral sanctions that do not have basis in international law also can increase tensions and additional complicate the already difficult situation, and even less to be an efficient way for finding a solution for a problem. China will continue to do everything possible to help B&H to reach lasting peace, stability and development.”


Open borders for Open Balkans (Politika


In an interview to Politika, Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Zoran Tegeltija commented on the recent ‘Open Balkan’ Summit in Ohrid, which he attended as an observer, and he said that it was a pleasant experience and he expressed his hope that this was the last time someone from B&H attended the ‘Open Balkans’ Summit just as an observer. “The ‘Open Balkans’ is an excellent project. This is an initiative which provides an opportunity to us to decide what we want, in which nobody imposes solutions,” Tegeltija said. Tegeltija reminded that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic proposed the formation of a joint team that would deal with problems and offer solutions for all Western Balkans countries: “The proposal for us to jointly analyze resources of our energy, food and to help each other in this project is a sign that the ‘Open Balkans’ offers solutions”. Tegeltija added that the initiative is supposed to advance primarily economic cooperation among the countries and he noted that the Western Balkans countries have been looking for solutions outside of the Western Balkans for too long and hoped they will find them in the EU. “I believe that, once this initiative fully comes to life, we will move more easily towards the European integration which is, in the end, the key foreign trade interest of all ‘Open Balkans’ countries,” Tegeltija added. Tegeltija said that he is an advocate of joint participation in third markets and argued that many from the business community and citizens in B&H support the ‘Open Balkans’ but there are individual political circles in B&H which oppose the ‘Open Balkans’ because they failed to understand the entire process. Tegeltija announced that he will continue talks both with businessmen and political elites in B&H in order to try to explain the importance of B&H becoming a part of the ‘Open Balkans’. Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik supports the ‘Open Balkans’ and he recently proposed this issue to be included in the agenda of the Presidency of B&H, but this was not realized. Tegeltija noted that, more than a year ago, he was informed that the Presidency of B&H practically accepted the ‘Open Balkans’ initiative but he was informed later that the initiative was formally rejected: “Ever since then, I have been trying to explain to members of the Presidency of B&H how important it is for our citizens to have us join this initiative”. Tegeltija said that Dodik requested this item to be included in an agenda of the Presidency of B&H but the other two members of the Presidency of B&H did not want to even discuss the initiative, although they presented no arguments explaining why this initiative would not be good for B&H or why they refuse to even discuss it. As for the fact that the EU stopped the integration of the Balkans countries because “they jeopardize peace and stability” while, at the same time, the EU leading countries are involved in the conflict with Russia in Ukraine, the daily asked Tegeltija to explain what kind of standards are being applied here as well as to explain how the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) can be harmonized with EU requests while solving the internal crisis in B&H. Tegeltija replied by saying that the European Commission decided several years ago to halt the enlargement process until some internal reforms are carried out and granting of the candidate status to the Western Balkans countries has been brought in question again because of the war in Ukraine. “We will continue to implement reforms but it remains to be seen whether Europe will be ready and when it will be ready to accept the Western Balkans countries. However, we cannot stand still until they make a decision. We must cooperate among ourselves, we must be ready and we must mutually develop our internal capacities,” Tegeltija said. As for the DPA, Tegeltija argued that B&H can absolutely become a member of the EU with its current constitutional organization, but some are using this as an excuse to change the constitutional organization of the country through the process of the European integration. Finally, Tegeltija said that solutions for internal issues of B&H cannot be imposed from abroad, but a solution must be found through dialogue and consensus.




Dodik, Tegeltija, RS officials extend greetings on occasion of Day of Russia – 12 June (RTRS


The Day of Russia, 12 June, devoted to the most important values of the Russian Federation, was marked by the ‘Romanovi’ association of Russians in Republika Srpska (RS) in Banja Luka on Sunday. Representatives of the association said that the position of Russians in the RS is very good, as well as that it is necessary to work on improvement of national awareness of the Russian people in the upcoming period and preserve their tradition. Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik extended “sincere greetings” to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the “brotherly Russian people” on the occasion of the Day of Russia – 12 June, stressing that ties between Serbs and Russians are unbreakable regardless of all the challenges. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and B&H Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija also extended greetings on the occasion of the Day of Russia. Cvijanovic expressed content with overall relations of the RS and Russia that in her opinion, are defied with international respect and sincere friendship. Cvijanovic is convinced that the Serb-Russian relations will be strengthened in the upcoming period. Dodik also said that he believes that the relations will be intensified in the future. Tegeltija stated that he is sure that the friendly relations of B&H and Russia will be intensified, while Viskovic wished peace and prosperity for Russia.


B&H political leaders meet Michel in Brussels, most leaders accept offered political agreement (Dnevni avaz


Leaders of most parliamentary parties from B&H and three members of B&H Presidency met on Sunday in Brussels with European Council President Charles Michel and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. The daily reminds that the meeting with Michel was not attended by SDS leader Mirko Sarovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, while SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic was unable to attend for justified reasons. Most political leaders accepted the agreement drafted by the EU and titled ‘Political Agreement on Principles for Ensuring a Functional B&H That Advances on the European Path’. Namely, the agreement was supported by SDA, SDP, DF, NiP, ‘Our Party (NS), PDA, NES and NB. DNS leader Nenad Nesic and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic completely rejected the agreement. SNSD leader and B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik accepted the agreement with dissenting opinion on the paragraph which refers to condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. However, as political leaders emphasized on Sunday evening, “nothing has been signed”.  The agreement consists of 11 items which call for leaders to preserve and build peaceful, stable, sovereign and independent functional European state of B&H of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats (as constituent peoples) together with others, which consists of two entities and Brcko District, established in line with the Constitution and General Framework Peace Agreement. The document emphasizes the importance of implementation of reforms which advance B&H’s EU integration, i.e. the 14 Key Priorities set out in the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s EU membership application. The political agreement also mentions the obligations of political leaders, as well as significance of extension of the EUFOR Althea mission mandate and continuation of EUFOR presence in the country. Within six months of formation of new state-level authorities, B&H is expected to pass the new law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, law on courts law on prevention of conflict of interest, law on public procurement, and limited constitutional and electoral reform in line with the judgments of the European Curt for Human Rights and B&H Constitutional Court, as well as recommendations of the Venice Commission, OSCE/ODIHR and GRECO. According to the daily, the Republika Srpska representatives called for a discussion and adoption of stance on situation in Ukraine by B&H Presidency. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic confirmed on Sunday evening that most participants of the meeting in Brussels accept the agreement outlining principles for more functional B&H and progress on EU path. According to the news portal, Dodik stated that he accepts the agreement but he will not sign it because of the opposition parties. Michel allegedly stated that this is acceptable although the agreement was not signed. DF leader and B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated that the offered document is not bad. The meeting was also attended by Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler. Following the meeting with B&H political leaders on Sunday, European Council President Charles Michel published the text of the political agreement accepted by B&H leaders on Twitter. With this agreement, B&H political leaders reiterate their dedication to preserving and building a peaceful, stable, sovereign and independent functional European state of B&H of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats (as constituent peoples) together with others, which consists of two entities and Brcko District, established in line with the Constitution and General Framework Peace Agreement. The leaders also emphasize the significance of respecting the principles of rule of law and implementation of free and democratic elections, as well as development of democratic institutions at all levels of authorities in B&H.


Dodik tells Borrell RS is committed to peace and EU path; I will not allow any political document to be signed that qualifies conflicts in Ukraine in any way (RTRS


RTRS reported that the meeting between representatives of the parliamentary parties in B&H and European Council President Charles Michel that started in Brussels on Sunday afternoon was still underway at the moment the late news was broadcast. Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik published in a tweet on Sunday evening that he met with EU High Representative Josep Borrell on the sidelines of the meeting and told him that RS is committed to peace and the EU path, as well as that “it is our task to pass decisions that will not endanger interests of our people”. ATV carried a Twitter post from the Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, “I will not allow any political document to be signed that qualifies the conflicts in Ukraine in any way. For all politicians from the RS, only the conclusions of the RS parliament are binding, which say that we remain neutral.”


Nesic explains why he rejected joint statement at meeting with Michel; Borenovic comments on the meeting in Brussels (Dnevni avaz


DNS leader Nenad Nesic and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic refused to sign the joint statement which was discussed on Sunday in Brussels in the meeting of B&H political leaders with European Council President Charles Michel and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. Nesic stated that the joint statement does not serve interests of RS and that it is contrary to the stances of the RS parliament. “If the RS parliament assumed the stance that the RS considers it necessary to maintain a neutral stance on the issue of crisis in Ukraine, none of us has the right to sign any statement that gives any qualification on that crisis”, Nesic stated. He emphasized that there were other disputable elements in the joint statement, as well as political goals which are completely opposite to the goals set by the RS parliament. According to Nesic, the RS and RS parliament are sacred to him. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic commented on the meeting in Brussels. "Another in a series of meetings where they will try to sign a statement. I think it is a waste of time, that the ruling political elites are so corrupt, and I think there is no chance with them on this country's European path. Years and decades pass, and there are no changes. The series of meetings in B&H and Brussels is too long, with many senior European officials wasting their credibility in trying to persuade the ruling corrupt elite, led by the SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD, to take a minimal step closer to the EU. I do not think we have more time, and we do not have the privilege to wait. We have to face the harsh truth. It is true that corrupt politicians and European values do not go together, and I made that clear today at a meeting where I saw that many recognized themselves in my words, and I suffered verbal insults from Serb Member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, who apparently recognized himself in my words. It is very painful to listen to some of their agreements within the ruling coalition. This has been seen many times,” said Borenovic.


Michel offers political agreement for functional B&H and speeding up EU path (FTV


President of the European Council Charles Michel hosted a meeting in Brussels on Sunday with 11 leaders of B&H parliamentary parties and the three members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, Zeljko Komsic and Milorad Dodik. FTV reported that attendees of the meeting discussed the European road of B&H adding that Michel managed everything but to calm down tensions between parties. During the meeting, Michel proposed a political agreement that would trace B&H road to the EU. Thus, implementation of all verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of B&H was set as top priority and as the main condition for functional B&H and the status of the candidate. The reporter noted that the political agreement mentions principles that would secure functional B&H and speeding up the EU road of B&H and obliges B&H leaders to make a step forward towards prosperity and democratic society and most importantly, implementation of reforms. During the meeting, there was some tensions about the item 11 of the agreement, noted the reporter, adding that this refers to urgent adoption of law on B&H High Judicial and the Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and law on courts, law on prevention of conflict of interest, public procurement law, limited constitutional and electoral reforms within six months from formation of the state level authorities. According to FTV, the political agreement implies rejecting the principle of the constituent peoples and implementation of the verdict in the case ‘Zornic’. The agreement also mentioned that authorities should take all necessary steps for the general elections 2022 to be organized efficiently and conducted in an orderly manner with necessary means. The agreement reads: “The parties shall conduct the election campaign fairly, constructively and free from divisive and hateful rhetoric.” According to the agreement, parties in B&H also oblige themselves to meet the 14 key priorities of the European Commission on the request of B&H for the EU membership, extension of the EUFOR mandate and securing full functioning of institutions.


19th General Assembly of HDZ of Croatia held in Zagreb; Covic says B&H does not exist without Croat people (N1


The 19th General Assembly of HDZ of Croatia was held in Zagreb on Saturday. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic told the General Assembly of HDZ that B&H does not exist without the Croat people in that country, warning that Croats are exposed to attempts at majorization and that they had to respond to that. Covic stressed that participants of the extraordinary assembly of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) at the beginning of the year sent a clear answer that they want to institutionally and territorially reorganize B&H, but in accordance with the Constitution of B&H. Covic emphasized that the institutional reorganization of B&H should include the decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on full constitutional equality of the three constituent peoples, expressing hope that in agreement with Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic he will find solutions that no one can say are unconstitutional, anti-Dayton or anti-civilization. "Today we must say very clearly that there is no B&H without the Croat people, the only one that gathers what is completely separated in B&H today. The only one that advocates the Euro-Atlantic path in B&H, the only one that strongly, openly, very loudly and unequivocally follows all EU standards and what has been agreed is also advocated by our sister party - the Croatian HDZ," Covic was quoted as saying. Covic added that HDZ B&H and HNS are preparing for the general elections in B&H in an environment when they have failed to change the electoral legislation in B&H in the last two years. "We have organized ourselves and we will win the elections. Do not doubt that the Croat people will convincingly, through HNS and 12 parties on one of the lists on which they run together - win the elections in B&H," Covic underlined. Plenkovic said that the HDZ Croatia was a center-right party, as defined by its founder, Croatia's first president Franjo Tudjman, underlining the importance of political stability and continuing inclusive, tolerant, pro-European policies. Addressing the HDZ Croatia election convention in Zagreb on Saturday, the new president of the European People's Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, congratulated Croatia on its imminent entry to the euro area and the Schengen area, noting that the Western Balkans should be offered a clear prospect of EU membership. Croatia will soon join the euro area and the Schengen area, Weber said, noting that Plenkovic deserved credit for that. Speaking of the European journey of the Western Balkans, notably B&H, Weber said the region should be given a clear prospect of EU membership. A clear timeline is needed, concrete steps need to be made so that Western Balkan countries feel welcome in the EU, he said, stressing that the EU needs to implement reforms to make Europe ready to respond to the current challenges. The 19th General Assembly of HDZ Croatia party ended on Saturday with the election of a ten-member Presidency and a 40-member National Committee and the adoption of Plenkovic's report on the party's work in the past four years, a party program and changes to the party statute.


Milanovic: Croats in B&H deserve at least a sense of justice (HRT1


President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia Zoran Milanovic participated in the ceremonial event on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Veterans of the 122nd Brigade of the Croatian Army Djakovo. His speech ended with another appeal for help to Croats in B&H who, as Milanovic said, “a little less than 30 years since Dayton (Agreement) deserve at least a sense of justice, because without the Croatian Army and the Croatian state today's B&H would not exist”.


Future of Western Balkans in focus of SEECP summit in Greece (HRT


Croatia wants to invest in gas and oil pipelines in order to take advantage of its geo-strategic position under the current circumstances, said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Friday in Thessaloniki, Greece where he is taking part in a meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process. The summit is focusing on the EU aspirations of countries in South East Europe and its main message is that the future of the Western Balkans is in the EU. EU leaders want to underscore that helping war-torn Ukraine does not mean that countries in South Eastern Europe that have been waiting to join the EU will not be left behind. To strengthen this message, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, is due to arrive on Saturday while German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is taking part in a working dinner tonight with 13 heads of state and government. Five members of the SEECP are already EU member states, including Croatia. We want to send a message to the others that they should stay the course. Their European prospects are supported by the Thessaloniki Declaration that will be adopted at this summit. It underscores the importance of the economic and social transformation of countries in SE Europe as well as strengthening energy security in the region, to which Croatia’s LNG terminal will contribute, said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. He also said that Croatia continues to support European enlargement in the Western Balkans and gave strong backing to opening accession negotiations soon with Albania and Northern Macedonia, as well as ending EU visas for citizens of Kosovo. Pelnkovic also called for an urgent resolution to the status of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Covic went to Brussels but he did not want to be at the meeting in the same room with Komsic (Vecernji list


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic was at the Brussels’ meeting on Sunday in order to send a message to President of the European Council Charles Michel that he is a part of the solution for the B&H future, but he was not at the meeting that Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic attended. The daily comments that in this way Covic has shown resoluteness when opposing the idea of imposing the will to the Croat people in the B&H Presidency is in question and that Croats will fight so that the others do not elect the Croat member of the Presidency in the future instead of them. The daily further notes that Sunday’s activities in Brussels are a result of strong lobbying of Croatia which is aware of the need for B&H’s progress towards the EU, resolving of open issues and primarily the election legislation in order to make it possible for Croats to elect legitimate political representatives in the institutions, which are according to the B&H Constitution supposed to represent constituent peoples. The daily noted that the EU, with strong support of Croatia, wants to see B&H as the country in which individual, as well as collective rights of peoples will be respected. Also, due to the changed geo-political situation in eastern Europe, B&H places itself as a crucial subject in the process of further EU enlargement in the Western Balkans area. According to the author the EU is aware of the importance of B&H for stabilization of the overall situation in southeast Europe and it intends to be a strong partner and mediator in resolving of all those open issues that the stabilization of the B&H society depends on and primarily harmonization of inter-ethnic relations. The daily also underlines the importance of the Strategic Compass and reminds that the EU has been a mediator in a few process during which it was clearly called for respecting of the B&H Constitution which has constituent peoples in its foundation.


Support for Berlin Process, Open Balkans “buried”? (N1


Participants in the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) summit signed a Summit Declaration in Thessaloniki last night, reaffirming their strong commitment to the basic principles of the SEECP Charter, the UN Charter and relevant EU, OSCE and Council of Europe documents, emphasizing the commitment to democratic values, the rule of law, solidarity, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, as the foundations of economic and social progress in the region, recognizing the role and importance of the SEECP as a major political forum for cooperation in South East Europe; emphasizing that it is an inclusive, self-sustainable and regionally based process, based on the principle of equality. The participants stressed the common vision towards the European perspective of the whole region, as a key driver for peace, security, as well as social coherence and economic development through cooperation, reiterating the special focus on free movement of people and the importance of visa-free regime for the entire Southeast Europe in relation to the EU. Emphasizing the role of the Berlin Process and CEFTA seems to have in a way sent a message for the Open Balkans initiative, which many have criticized as a “weaker” replacement for the Berlin Process.


Djukanovic: World in never more serious crisis, as Europeans we must be able to understand messages of Russian aggression and respond decisively to consequences (CdM


“We in Montenegro firmly stand on the position that the importance of European integration is best understood by our closest neighbors who have already achieved their European ambitions. Therefore, we believe that regional cooperation formats such as the SEECP, because they include EU members, are an important platform for discussing and sending strong messages on the need to complete the process of European unification and integration as a geostrategic investment in European peace and stability,” said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic in Thessaloniki at the Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). He also stated that none of the countries in the Western Balkans has achieved the European goal. He emphasized that what is certain is that Montenegro, as the next chair of the Cooperation Process, will continue to confirm its role in the region as an important factor and unwavering promoter of European and Euro-Atlantic values, an actor contributing to regional stability and strengthening regional ties. He is convinced, as he pointed out, that Montenegro will continue to continuously contribute to the implementation of all initiated activities aimed at democracy, peace and economic prosperity of Southeast Europe.


Abazovic accepted Zelensky’s invitation, would call on leaders of the region to visit Kyiv (CdM


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, accepted the invitation of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, to visit the Ukraine’s capital Kyiv, the government of Montenegro stated following a phone call between the two. As announced, Abazovic would push forward the idea of a joint visit of the prime ministers from the Western Balkans to Kyiv, particularly NATO members from the region, thus aiming to send even stronger message from the WB to the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine. Montenegro has officially supported a new package of EU sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine. The declaration was published on the website of the EU Council. The European Union also approved on Friday, June 3, an official embargo on the import of Russian oil and other sanctions directed against large banks and broadcasters due to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. The sixth package of sanctions against Russia has been approved by the EU Council, and it envisages a ban on the import of Russian oil that is delivered by ships, with the exception of countries that do not have access to the sea. Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, and the Moscow Credit Bank, the Russian Agricultural Bank and the Belarusian Development and Reconstruction Bank, are also blocked in SWIFT, the system for international bank transfers. The broadcasting of three more Russian televisions in the EU has been suspended. The council has also decided to sanction new individuals it considers responsible for the crimes in Buca and Mariupol. The list includes people who support the war, entrepreneurs, family members of Kremlin officials, as well as companies in the defense sector and financial organizations.


Scholz calls for EU to open accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania (Nova


The European Union should kick off accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania to finally fulfil its pledge to integrate the Western Balkans, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Saturday on the second day of a tour to the region. Speaking in Skopje, Scholz said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine made it important for Europe to stand together and he praised North Macedonia's support of sanctions on the Kremlin. “It is very important to bring a new dynamic into this process”, Scholz said in a news conference with North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. “I will advocate that the next steps happen,” Scholz added. Kovacevski underscored the “many difficult reforms” North Macedonia had undertaken in order to join the 27-member bloc, including changing its name to comply with Greek objections. The current main obstacle is a dispute with Bulgaria over history and language. The German Chancellor has made the Western Balkans' EU accession, in order to ease growing regional tensions and counter Russian and Chinese influence, a foreign policy priority. Scholz said that “the Western Balkans are of strategic importance” for Germany and that his country is “serious” in supporting European integration of the region. “North Macedonia and Albania deserve to start the membership talks,” Scholz said.


Kovacevski: North Macedonia and Albania have met the conditions for negotiations (MIA


"Macedonian citizens should not be held hostage at EU summits, whether there is a date or not and the Republic of North Macedonia and Albania are the only hostages of an EU member state," said the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski at the press conference with Chancellor Scholz in the framework of the official visit in Macedonia adding that the realization of expectations as in the past depends only on 27 countries members to harmonize and decide on the start of the first intergovernmental conference. "North Macedonia has done everything to start the first intergovernmental conference. 45% of our legislation is already harmonized with the EU legislation and if we compare the harmonization by chapters then from the reports of the European institutions it is very clear that the Republic of North Macedonia has greater compliance in certain chapters, compared even with the countries, which have been negotiating for 10 years or more with the EU, which means that if it is a merit-based system during EU accession, North Macedonia deserves  the first intergovernmental conference 100%," said Kovacevski . Prime Minister Kovacevski added that North Macedonia conducts negotiations with Bulgaria on the basis of principles, on the basis of European values ​​and in accordance with the provisions of the resolution adopted by the Assembly.


Open Balkans initiative has increased the trade volume between the countries of the region (Radio Tirana


Open Balkans initiative has increased the trade volume between the countries of the region

The trade opening under the Open Balkans initiative has generated opportunities to increase trade volume between Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Frida Krifca said that, “Albanian agricultural exports to Serbia have increased in value by about 100.17% during the first 5 months of this year, compared to the same period last year, when we did not have these facilities offered by the Open Balkans. While with North Macedonia, agricultural exports Made in Albania," increased by 30% for the same period. "In total we have an increase in trade volume between the 3 countries from 53.4 million euros to 79 million Euros, for the first 5 months of 2022 compared to 2021," said Krifca. According to her, the growth of Albanian agricultural exports with the countries of the Open Balkans, is in line with the total growth of our agricultural production during the first 5 months of this year. "Compared to the first 5 months of 2021, Albania has exported 41 million euros more in the 5 months of 2022. The government is supporting the farmer with direct subsidies, promoting the growth of domestic production. The sector recognizes the increase in the number of collection points to 178, which are a productive support for the growing trend and development that marks agriculture today," declared the Minister. Speaking about the Open Balkans agreement and other effects that this agreement has on Albanian agriculture, Krifca said that, they are reciprocal agreements between the three countries, which are part of the Open Balkans and ensure consumer protection.


Kosovo Liberation Day/Nikolla shared a greeting message (Radio Tirana


On the occasion of Kosovo Liberation Day, speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla shared a greeting message. Nikolla says, among other things, that today is a significant day for Kosovo, Albania and all Albanians. "The liberation of Kosovo is the work of the Kosovo Liberation Army, the people of Kosovo, with the support of the great allies of the Albanian nation, the US and NATO. An independent and democratic Kosovo is the result of a free Kosovo. Albania stands by Kosovo, to face common challenges. Because the challenges of Kosovo are also the challenges of Albania. The Albanian Parliament and the Kosovo Assembly are coordinating parliamentary diplomacy to deal with them. Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, a fair and deserved request," writes Nikolla.