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Belgrade Media Report 14 June



Vucic: I am advocating territorial integrity as much as West is (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday he was advocating the territorial integrity of Serbia in terms of the Kosovo issue no more and no less than Western officials were advocating the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Speaking to reporters, Vucic said "territorial integrity" had become the favorite words of Western officials, and added that his statements only echoed theirs. Vucic was responding to a question what arguments Serbia had left for continuing the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue after a recognition of Kosovo had been named as a condition for Serbia's EU accession. "I am advocating the territorial integrity of Serbia - no more and no less than that," Vucic said. We heard from Olaf Scholz for the first time that a recognition of Kosovo is a requirement, since the official European negotiating framework does not contain that - it only refers to a full normalization of Belgrade and Pristina relations and there is no mention of a mutual recognition, Vucic said. "Our job is to try to negotiate about things that are normal. We have no problem with negotiating about missing persons, we told them (Pristina) to show us where they think ethnic Albanians have been buried, but we request the same for Serbs, we want them to make it possible for us to examine locations where we suspect that Serbs have been buried. We are ready to sign an agreement on missing persons," Vucic also said.


Vucic meets with Schallenberg (Tanjug/RTS)


At a meeting with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Belgrade appreciated Austria's commitment to date to accelerating Serbia's European integration process and was hoping for continued support on that path. "Serbia is firmly committed to continuing the course of reforms, in particular in terms of rule of law. I also informed Minister Schallenberg of the challenges Western Balkan countries are facing on their European paths," Vucic said in a statement released by the presidential press office.

Schallenberg presented an Austrian non-paper seeking to make the EU enlargement process much more tangible as well as to create a possibility for candidate states to gradually integrate with EU policies beneficial to all of them. Vucic also noted that continued advancement of political dialogue with Austria was in the interest of Serbia as was a deepening of cooperation in all other fields of mutual interest. Speaking about economic cooperation, Vucic noted that Austria was the third-largest foreign investor in Serbia and its fifth-largest partner in the services trade, and that bilateral goods trade in the first four months of 2022 had been up by 50.percent y-o-y. "Austrian companies are employing over 22,000 workers in Serbia today, and I believe that newly-established flights between Belgrade and Salzburg would be of additional significance to advancement of cooperation and convergence between our businesspeople," Vucic said. Vucic and Schallenberg also discussed geopolitical affairs and peace and stability in the region.


Continuation of Austria’s support to European integration of Serbia (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Monday with Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria Alexander Schallenberg about bilateral and economic relations, cooperation in the region and European integration of Serbia. The meeting with Austrian Minister was also attended by Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic. Brnabic expressed gratitude to Austria on its continued support to the European path of the Western Balkans, pointing out that Serbia is firmly committed to the continuation of reform process and a stronger cooperation within the region at the same time. According to her, cooperation in the region represents one of the key priorities of this government and Serbia invests great efforts in regional connecting, in order to enable greater competitiveness of our economy and greater attractiveness of the region for foreign investments, which will result in a higher standard of living of citizens. She underlined that Austria is also a very important economic and trade partner and one of the largest foreign investors in Serbia. Brnabic noted that the reforms that are being implemented by Serbia represent a kind of investment in the intensification of economic cooperation with our partners and the arrival of new Austrian companies on the Serbian market. Commending the economic growth of Serbia in the previous period, Schallenberg said that there is interest for the intensification of economic cooperation and cooperation in the field of energy, especially in the field of renewable energy sources. Brnabic noted that the issue of energy will be one of the key issues for the future Serbian government and one of the greatest challenges for the European community, and in that light she underlined the importance of cooperation with our partners, among whom Austria occupies a very important place. Minister Schallenberg underlined that Serbia belongs to the European family and that Austria will continue to support the European integration of our country.


Improving friendly, partner relations with Austria (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Monday that Serbia is interested in further development of friendly and partner relations with Austria, which is the third largest investor in the Serbian economy. Speaking at a joint press conference with Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria Alexander Schallenberg, Selakovic underlined that last year, economic and trade exchange between the two countries stood at €1.36 billion, which represents a 36 percent growth over the past four years. He said that some of the topics of today’s meeting were European integration of Serbia, the situation in the region, in Kosovo and Metohija, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the war in Ukraine.

The Open Balkans Initiative was also analyzed, which is not competing with European integration, but aims at improving the living standards of citizens and preparing its member countries better for membership in the EU once the time comes. Selakovic said that Serbia is clearly on its European path, but that it is necessary that EU Member States reach a consensus on whether they want the Western Balkans to become a part of the EU. He reiterated that Serbia is committed to staying on the European path, reforming its society for the sake of its citizens, for its economic and business community, because we want to get harmonized with European societies. Seklakovic underlined that Serbia respects territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and that it condemned Russia’s actions towards Ukraine, but that when it comes to imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation Serbia makes decisions independently, based on national interests and the interests of its citizens, and that no one can expect from Serbia to be against somebody who respects its territorial integrity. He recalled that from the first day of the Ukrainian crisis, Serbia took a clear stance and condemned actions of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine, and it said that it stands firmly on the position of respect for the basic principle of international law and international relations, and that is respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all internationally recognized UN member states. Selakovic pointed out that Serbia also clearly shows its position by voting in international organizations, by its attitude towards refugees from Ukraine and by sending humanitarian aid. Schallenberg said that Serbia and Austria have a close friendship of many years and that Austria is among the three largest foreign investors in Serbia and that Austrian companies are still interested in increasing investment. He stated that Austria was encouraged to see a clear stance of all countries of the region at the UN session in condemning the aggression of the Russian Federation and added that it should remain so. Serbia, as the biggest country in the region, also shares considerable responsibility, he underlined and added that regional cooperation and stability are very important, as well as the existence of a regional market. Schallenberg underlined that it is important that the Western Balkans join the EU in order to prevent destabilization of the region and stated that the European integration of the countries of the region is of essential and geostrategic importance for the EU. According to him, Austria’s proposal is that the EU starts to behave step by step towards countries of the Western Balkans as if they were member states already, adding that this proposal has nothing to do with Russia’s attack on Ukraine, but with the need for the EU accession process to have concrete results already now. Schallenberg said that normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is important and that he believes that the EU has remained the crucial framework and driving force in that process.


Selakovic: Serbia cannot be against someone who respects its territorial integrity (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Monday Serbia respected the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and had condemned Russia's activities towards Ukraine, but that, when it comes to imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation, it would make its decisions independently and based on its national interest and the interest of its citizens, and could not be expected to be against someone who respected its territorial integrity. Selakovic said this at a joint press conference with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg. Responding to an Austrian reporter's question why Serbia was not aligning with the EU foreign policy and imposing sanctions on Russia, Selakovic said Serbia had been a part of a country that had been under sanctions for many years and that sanctions had never brought any good to anyone. He said that, at the outset of the Ukraine crisis, Serbia had taken a clear position by condemning the Russian Federation's activities towards Ukraine and declared that it firmly stood by the respect of the fundamental principle of international law and international relations - respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all internationally recognized UN member states. "To us, the war between Ukraine and Russia is a war between brothers. We share the same roots with both, we belong in the same group of nations, our culture is similar, our spirituality is the same and every victim in that war is a substantial tragedy to us," Selakovic said. He noted that Serbia respected the territorial integrity of Ukraine and would advocate that position anywhere especially because its own territorial integrity had been violated. "Do not expect Serbia to act against someone who respects its territorial integrity and represents a barrier within the UN system to attacks on that territorial integrity and sovereignty," Selakovic said. He noted that Serbia was demonstrating its position clearly also through its voting in international organizations and its treatment of Ukrainian refugees and by sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine. "However, allow us to have our own national interest as the priority, especially when there is a process that has been going on for 19 years and when no one can tell you when it will end. Our citizens have to survive in the meantime," Selakovic said. He said that, in making decisions about Serbia's future, the state leadership was governed by Serbian national interests and the interests of Serbian citizens, and reiterated that Serbia respected the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as its own. Speaking about Serbia's European path, Selakovic said there was no other path or an alternative for the country.


Stefanovic with French Defense Minister Lecornu (RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, who is paying an official visit to France, has met with the French Minister of the Armed Forces Sebastien Lecornu in Paris. The two gentlemen discussed further improvement of defense cooperation between the two countries. Stefanovic expressed satisfaction with the level of cooperation achieved so far, describing it as comprehensive and intensive, especially in the fields of military economy and military technology. According to him, Serbia considers France a reliable partner in this segment, which is confirmed by the volume of technology contracts concluded over the past period, and by the presence of our defense industry companies at the International Defense and Security Exhibition "Eurosatory 2022" which is currently being held in Paris. He emphasized that our country was determined to continue to develop and improve defense cooperation with other countries and partners in accordance with our own interests, with a view to strengthening national, regional and global security. Improvement of defense cooperation with France, which is in line with strengthening overall bilateral relations between the two countries, which are in a constant upward trend thanks to friendly relations between presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Emmanuel Macron, is certainly one of the priorities, said Stefanovic. According to him, high-level reciprocal visits and direct talks certainly contribute to that. He invited his French counterpart for an official visit to the Republic of Serbia. The Minister took this opportunity to thank France once again for strongly supporting our country on its path to full EU membership, which is Serbia's foreign policy priority and strategic commitment. Lecornu welcomed Stefanovic, and expressed his satisfaction with the relations between the French Republic and the Republic of Serbia, as well as his belief that cooperation between the two ministries would be further strengthened. He confirmed France’s support for our country on its path to EU membership and expressed his appreciation of Serbia’s efforts to preserve peace and stability in the Western Balkans. Lecornu also pointed out that the Ministry of the Armed Forces of France would support all arrangements and agreements concluded between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia and French defense industry companies. The meeting with Minister Stefanovic is one of the first bilateral meetings that French Minister Lecornu has had since he was recently appointed as the Minister of the Armed Forces of France.


Twenty-third anniversary of Battle of Kosare marked (Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended on Monday night a commemorative event marking the 23rd anniversary of the Battle of Kosare, one of the most difficult battles in recent history, in which 108 members of the Yugoslav Army died defending the state border from Albanian forces. “The 108, including 19 volunteers, defended our country knowing that they would probably not see tomorrow. They are a symbol of courage and sacrifice and the values which preserve the unity of a people in hard times and set an example of how Serbia is defended in the worst of times,” Brnabic said. According to Brnabic, freedom and peace are what Serbia fights. She pledged to preserve Serbia’s freedom and independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity without jeopardizing others but always defending her own. The ceremony was organized by the Serbian government's Committee for Nurturing the Traditions of the Liberation Wars of Serbia. In addition to soldiers - participants in the battle, members of their families and families of victims, the event was also attended by Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Darija Kisic and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic. Also present were Minister without Portfolio in charge of promoting the development of underdeveloped municipalities Novica Toncev, Minister of Economy Andjelka Atanaskovic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, representatives of the Serbian Army, Serbian Orthodox Church and soldiers' associations. President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will lay a wreath tomorrow at the Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Kosare, which took place from 9 April to 14 June 1999. 21 officers and non-commissioned officers were killed in Kosare, 50 young men serving their military service, 13 conscripts and 24 volunteers. 256 of them were wounded and all of them are war and military invalids today.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija accuses Pristina of systemic attacks on Serbs (Beta)


The church office in Donja Gusterica, Kosovo, and the homes of 11 returned displaced Serbs in the village of Klobukar, in the municipality of Novo Brdo, were broken into over the weekend, the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a press release on 13 June. This raises the number of ethnic incidents in Kosovo and Metohija to six in just 48 hours, the statement noted. In addition to the break-ins, the press release recalled, two Serb youths from Partes were stabbed during the night, two Serb-owned stores in Velika Hoca were robbed, displaced persons from Suva Reka were not allowed to attend a slava (patron saint feast) in Musutiste, and robbers attempted to break into the parish center in Osojane. "It is a systemic attack on Serbs, their property and structures of the Serb Orthodox Church, and the wave of violence stems from Pristina and the attitude of the regime of Albin Kurti toward Serbs," the statement read.


EP foreign affairs committee adopts Serbia report (Tanjug/RTS)


The European Parliament's foreign affairs committee adopted early on Tuesday a report in which it expresses support for Serbia's "future EU membership" but also notes that a credible enlargement perspective calls for engagement on necessary reforms and commitment to European standards and values. The report was carried with 50 votes for and five votes against.

Besides rule of law and a normalization of relations with Pristina, the report includes alignment with sanctions against Russia as a key element that will determine Serbia's overall progress on its EU accession path. The report had been amended to also include the requirement of a legally binding agreement on normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations based on "mutual recognition", which is the first time mutual recognition is mentioned in a document of an EU institution as the required solution for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In the report, the EP reiterates a call to Serbia to take steps to improve further the freedom of the media and guarantee freedom of expression, independence of the media and media pluralism. The report praises Serbia's progress on development of a functional market economy as well as its cooperation in migration management. The document will be put up for a final plenary vote early next month, when it will be passed as a legally non-binding resolution on Serbia.


SNS Belgrade Committee unanimously supports Sapic for mayor (Beta)


The Belgrade Committee of the Serbian Progressive Party on 13 June unanimously decided to put forward Aleksandar Sapic for mayor of the capital. Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the Progressive party's reporter for Belgrade, said after the Committee session that it was now "up to the Presidency" of the party to vote on Sapic's candidacy. The Belgrade assembly session to pick the new mayor should take place on 18 June.




Michel: Most B&H political party leaders agreed on political agreement on strong and credible roadmap for implementation of reforms in B&H with goal of advancing towards European future (BN TV/FTV


President of European Council Charles Michel stated that after eight-hour talks with the representatives of the EU in Brussels, most Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) political party leaders reached an agreement on Sunday night on a political agreement on a strong and credible roadmap for the implementation of reforms in B&H with the goal of advancing towards a European future. BN TV stressed that all political leaders from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) except HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, who did not attend the meeting in Brussels, accepted the Brussels political agreement, while when it comes to the political leaders from Republika Srpska (RS), the Brussels agreement was accepted by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, SP leader Petar Djokic and leader of 'United Srpska' Nenad Stevandic. At the same time, leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic and DNS leader Nenad Nesic did not accept the document. "Participants reiterate the Joint statement of the members of the Presidency of B&H on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement. They recognize the importance of the political moment and responsibility towards all citizens of B&H, bearing in mind the 'United Nations General Assembly resolution ES 11/1 on the aggression against Ukraine', adopted on 2 March 2022. (The representatives from the RS call for a discussion and adoption of a decision in the B&H Presidency on the situation in Ukraine.)," the political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional B&H that advances on the European path states. By signing the document, the B&H political leaders and members of the B&H Presidency pledged to pursue B&H’s alignment with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy including implementation and cooperation in the areas covered by the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, in accordance with Article 10 of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, but also underlined the importance of  the extension of the EUFOR Althea executive mandate and its continued presence in B&H to maintain a safe and secure environment. "They are committed to full adherence to all final and binding international and domestic court decisions, and working constructively together towards their good faith implementation, with the objective of ensuring compliance with European standards," reads the agreement which the B&H political parties' leaders signed in Brussels on Sunday. FTV reported that the mentioned agreement was not signed, but rather verbally accepted by most of the participants of the meeting. The agreement contains several points that, if respected, should lead to a more functional B&H that will take decisive steps towards the EU. According to the content, with this political agreement, the EU presented the principles that would ensure a functioning state, and accelerate the European path of B&H. There are 19 points in the agreement, including the one that requires the implementation of reforms. This point has been changed compared to the original version. Instead of after the elections, in the final version the adoption of reform laws is ordered for the period of six months following the formation of authorities at all levels. The reason lies in the need for preventing the blockade of important state processes. At the same time, this point expresses the hope of the EU that the authorities will be formed in a timely manner, which has not been the practice of the elected authorities in B&H so far. Specifically, the agreement reads that, urgently and no later than within 6 months from the formation of the authorities at the state level, B&H should adopt the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H and the Law on Courts; the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest; the Law on Public Procurement; and the electoral reforms and limited constitutional reforms to the extent necessary to ensure full compliance with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC). These laws are part of 14 priorities from the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on B&H’s EU Membership Application. A special point of the agreement confirms how important these laws are and that they are, as FTV carried, the entrance ticket for the EU. The documents made it clear that membership cannot be achieved without fulfilment of priorities. The importance of holding the general elections has been emphasized once again, with clear instructions to parties and individuals, which mentions the need for “undertaking the obligation to take all necessary steps in the direction of efficient organization and orderly holding of the 2022 general elections, with the necessary resources”. The parties agree to run a fair and constructive election campaign, without rhetoric of division and hatred. The agreement also deals with B&H's stance on Russian aggression against Ukraine. The end of the document states that the RS’ representatives called for a discussion and adoption of the decision in the Presidency of B&H on the matter. There is also an obligation to ensure functional state institutions, as well as to make decisions in that regard at the state level. Strengthening the prevention and fight against corruption, and improving the overall functioning of public administration by ensuring a professional and depoliticized civil service has been underlined.


FB&H political leaders comment agreement reached in Brussels on Sunday (Hayat


Leaders of the B&H political parties and representatives of the EU, including European Council President Charles Michel and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, reached an agreement in Brussels on Sunday which implies a commitment to preserving and building a peaceful, stable, sovereign and independent European state of B&H. The agreement stresses the importance of implementation of reforms which will improve B&H's path towards the EU and in order to achieve that, it is necessary to strengthen trust, dialogue and compromise building. The political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional B&H that advances on the European path also underlines the importance of the extension of the EUFOR Althea executive mandate and its continued presence in B&H to maintain a safe and secure environment. With this agreement, the leaders of the political parties from B&H pledged to take all necessary steps for the 2022 general elections to be organized efficiently, cooperate  constructively after the vote to ensure the swift formation of new legislative and executive authorities at all authority levels in line with the legally prescribed deadlines, adopt the Law on B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest, Public Procurement Law, ensure fully functioning institutions at B&H level and strengthen the prevention and fight against corruption and organized crime in B&H. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that the political agreement accepted in Brussels by the members of the Presidency of B&H and the majority of the leaders of the B&H parliamentary parties is an important step on the European path of B&H. "The principles and obligations of the agreement represent a roadmap that not only opens the door to candidate status for B&H's membership in the EU but also ensures better functioning of our institutions and the adoption of important laws in the field of justice and fight against corruption," Izetbegovic was quoted as saying. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic said that one of the topics on which the most time was spent at the meeting in Brussels was the question of the nature of the war in Ukraine and stance towards the UN resolution. "In the end, a compromise was reached in a way that B&H accepts the UN resolution, but Republika Srpska (RS) parties had a dissenting opinion, insisting that the B&H Presidency should make a decision, take a position on the matter," Niksic underlined. B&H Presidency member and DF leader Zeljko Komsic said that the Brussels political agreement is basically not a bad document. "I am especially satisfied with the fact that it states the need to implement all verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights, and in principle it was accepted by all pro-Bosnian parties, i.e. those based in the Federation of B&H. In the end, (B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik accepted it, probably out of fear of sanctions," Komsic was quoted as saying. Upon returning from Brussels, Dodik stated that the RS will demand a debate and a decision on B&H's position on the Ukrainian crisis.


Dzaferovic: Brussels political agreement is good for B&H because it contributes to stabilization of situation and B&H's European path (Hayat


B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic stated on Monday that the political agreement reached in Brussels on Sunday is good for B&H because it contributes to the stabilization of the situation and the European path of B&H. "It is very important that B&H, after a year of severe crisis, sent a positive signal to the heads of state and government of the EU, ahead of the historic summit to be held on June 23 at which the future of the Western Balkans' European prospects will be discussed. (European Council) President (Charles) Michel called the agreement a roadmap for reform, which is no coincidence. This agreement is a chance to make new reforms, make the country better and more orderly, and ultimately gain the status of a candidate for EU membership," Dzaferovic was quoted as saying. Dzaferovic stated that this is a good document for B&H despite of regret that some from the Federation of B&H failed to sign it. Dzaferovic mentioned that thus, the document implies moral and political obligation but at this moment, anything is better than nothing especially ahead of a summit of the EU.


Covic says form of meeting in Brussels is futile; Agreement acceptable with two amendments (RTRS


Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic, who travelled to Brussels but failed to attend the meeting on Sunday, said that the form of the meeting was futile and that he came to Brussels hoping that the biggest step forward will be made towards reform of the B&H Election Law. Covic announced that he will send letters to European officials regarding the situation in B&H. Covic, who boycotted the Brussels meeting because of B&H Presidency member and DF leader Zeljko Komsic, said that he will support the document agreed upon by the representatives of 12 parliamentary parties from B&H, but with two amendments. Nova BH learns from circles closes to Covic that he is prepared to support abovementioned document if it undergoes some changes, primarily those referring to electoral legislation. Covic claims no progress has been made in terms of electoral reform, thus neglecting the fact that one point of the document obliges B&H authorities to carry out limited constitutional and electoral reform that will be fully in line with international and domestic courts’ rulings. Covic stated that he will support the Political Agreement if two changes are included in its final text so that content of the document complies with agreement on implementation of the ECHR’s rulings as well as with political agreement on changes of electoral legislation that was signed in Mostar in 2020. Covic did not attend the meeting and he commented that he refused to come to the negotiation table because he considers that the format of the meeting was inadequate. “I have no intention of sitting together in a hall with two Bosniak members of the Presidency”, he remarked as he reminded that he does not consider Komsic a legitimate Croat member of the B&H Presidency but rather “a Bosniak member”.


Radoncic: It is good agreement is reached but it is non-binding (FTV


In a statement to FTV, SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic commented the Sunday’s meeting and agreement reached in Brussels and noted that it is good that this agreement has been reached, but it represents a non-binding document. According to Radoncic, “someone in Brussels obviously needs such non-binding formulation”. He concluded by saying: “This suits the ruling oligarchy, since they want to conceal everything bad, they have done in recent period.”


RS officials react to meeting of B&H parliamentary parties with Michel (BHT1


Reactions continue on the meeting of B&H parliamentary party leaders and President of the European Council Charles Michel, held in Brussels on Sunday, at which majority of participants accepted a document, i.e. political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional B&H (that advances on the European path). The reporter comments that the result of the meeting is divided ethnically and politically, i.e. Sarajevo supported the document, Mostar rejected it, and Banja Luka was divided in that regard, and goes on to say that division in RS was at somewhat unexpected level, with SNSD, led by Milorad Dodik, and its coalition partners accepting the document, whilst PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said on behalf of PDP he does not want to have anything to do with “corrupt politicians”, and SDS leader Mirko Sarovic, who did not participate in the meeting, openly opposed harmonizing B&H’s foreign policy with the European Union (EU), especially in the part related to Russia. BHT1 reports that Dodik said political agreement in Brussels was not signed, but will be respected, and added he expects B&H to be granted the EU candidate status. Addressing the media, Dodik said: “The only success, and the real reach of the meeting is that we succeeded in reaching a political, principal, agreement on how and what will happen, or what should happen in B&H after the elections. Our request was to include constitutional provision according to which B&H is composed of two entities, the Brcko District, and three constituent peoples”. BHT1 reports that SP leader Petar Djokic and ‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic also accepted the agreement, and they stressed there were no pressures in Brussels, and that positions from the RS were respected. Addressing the media, Djokic said: “At one point, the content of the document was that Russia carried out unprovoked aggression, or invasion of Ukraine. That was stated in the document. That is no longer there. We succeeded in eliminating that”. Stevandic said: “When we succeeded in fight for three things, i.e. the Dayton principles – there will be no changes in entity voting, veto of the (B&H) Presidency member who is confirmed by the (RS) National Assembly, there is nothing about property of B&H”.


Nesic: Brussels agreement envisages respecting of court judgements including B&H CC (BHT1


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and DNS leader Nenad Nesic did not accept the Brussel agreement, being of view that no one has the right to gamble and trade with RS’ interests. Nesic said: “The agreement envisages that we will respect decisions of local and international courts, primarily of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC), whilst it, with its unconstitutional and anti-Dayton decisions, takes away agricultural land, state property, forests and rivers from the RS”. The opposition in the RS is of view the constitutional reform in B&H, in line with the Venice Commission’s recommendations, will reduce the RS’ competencies and legalize competencies transferred to the level of B&H under pressure. Nesic stated that he is disappointed over lack of unified stance of representatives of all political parties in the RS and their joint fight for the RS’ interest in Brussels, adding that all Bosniak parties stick together but there was no unity of the Serb parties. Nesic opposed to the part of the agreement on respect for limited constitutional changes and respect for decisions of the Venice Commission. Nesic said that this means division of the RS, centralization and unitarization of B&H, adding that even leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic cannot believe that this was accepted.


Cvijanovic on Brussels meeting: I regret leaders of some opposition parties use this for political outwitting (RTRS


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic commented the meeting held in Brussels on Sunday and said that what the ruling parties agreed is a serious document that should show their orientation on the road to the EU. She expressed regret that leaders of some opposition parties used this for certain political outwitting especially those who did not want to attend the meeting due to various reasons. According to Cvijanovic, the RS proposed a couple of years ago obligations to meet several key priorities for obtaining the status of the candidate. Cvijanovic argued that the official Brussels understood this and stopped to insist on progress of all the 14 conditions. In her opinion, the RS should have had a single stance on this issue but SDS continued with the old practice to comment on meetings that they do not attend and to avoid important events at which they should present their opinion. Cvijanovic argued that every politician should be involved in these kinds of activities. According to Cvijanovic, leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic is not mature enough to attend the meeting in Brussels and solve some issues. Cvijanovic underlined that B&H should demonstrate good will because the Ukrainian crisis opened doors in a pretty odd way for the European integration of B&H.


International reactions to Brussels agreement (Dnevni list/Dnevni avaz/BHT1


Dnevni list daily reported that EU High Representative Josep Borrell positively assessed the meeting of leaders of B&H political parties held in Brussels. Borrell wrote on the Twitter: “Upon the initiative of President of the European Council, we had intensive discussions with B&H political leaders yesterday which resulted with political agreement on calming down tensions in the country. Leaders reiterated their commitment for the future of B&H in the EU and I welcome their confirmation of commitment to take over the necessary reforms in this regard.” Member of European Parliament Tineke Strik stated that the fact that European Council President Charles Michel and EU High Representative Josep Borrell were able to hold a meeting with B&H political leaders represents a move in the right direction. In her opinion, it means that hope is finally awake in Europe. Strik expressed hope that after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the EU finally understands the geopolitical significance of EU integration of B&H, after years of neglecting the Western Balkan region. The US Embassy to B&H has issued a statement in relation to the meeting of B&H parliamentary party leaders and President of the European Council Charles Michel, expressing strong support to B&H’s European path, reminding that B&H politicians have not done a lot in that regard, and that those who do not support reforms need to be ready for consequences. “We take note of the Political Agreement on Principles for Ensuring a Functional B&H that Advances on the European Path. The US shares with our European partners support for the aspiration of all B&H citizens to enjoy greater security and prosperity through Euro-Atlantic integration. B&H leaders, unfortunately, have a weak track record of seizing opportunities to bring this country by delivering on reforms. Those who fail to deliver on their reform promises and instead continue to prevent B&H from meeting its full potential should be held accountable,” reads the statement of the US Embassy to B&H published on the Twitter account. The reporter notes, based on the reactions in B&H on the document from Brussels, it will be difficult to expect the document will be possible to implement, and reminds that the said document is not legally binding. High Representative Christian Schmidt also welcomed the talks held in Brussels which lead B&H in the direction of progress towards EU.


Milanovic and Plenkovic say they understand why Covic refused to attend meeting in Brussels (Nova


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented meeting between leaders of political parties from B&H with President of the European Council Charles Michel held on Sunday in Brussels. In this regard, Milanovic commented decision of leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic not to attend abovementioned meeting. Milanovic said that as it seems, Covic will not be candidate for member of B&H Presidency in upcoming General Elections 2022 in B&H. President of Croatia stated that Covic is primarily representative of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) as far as it concerns him. “This is not excess, but expected behavior. He did not have choice,” stressed Milanovic, adding that he is surprised Covic went to Brussels in the first place. He linked this with lobbying of Prime Minister of Croatia and leader of HDZ Andrej Plenkovic in Brussels. He stressed that no one could expect “first among Croats in B&H” to act against his instinctive interests. Milanovic added that Plenovic resents Covic for failing to attend the meeting in Brussels, underlining that Plenkovic will take revenge. On the other hand, Plenkovic said that Milanovic does everything out of spite and to undermine HDZ in Croatia and HDZ B&H. He added that Milanovic does not care about Croats in B&H. Prime Minister of Croatia stated that he understands Covic’s reasons not to attend meeting in Brussels where one of participants was member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. He went on to saying that he can understand what is unacceptable for political representatives of Croats in B&H and Croatia. Plenkovic added that some other actors cannot understand this issue that well. “Format there was not acceptable for Covic. However, when I observe it from aspect of interest of Croat people in B&H, this statement is very good,” explained Plenkovic.


Abazovic: Recipe to improve future of Western Balkan – talk less about past, more about future (RTCG


Montenegro stepped into the road of EU integrations due to the insufficient fight against organized crime and corruption and a stalemate in reforms. However, having in mind everything what has been done following the first democratic overthrow of the government in the history of the country, Montenegro has returned its leading position in the EU integration process, Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, said. “Particularly due to actions of the current government done in a very short period of time. By unblocking the justice system in the coming period, we’re going to make a big step forward on that road,” PM said. He also added that all Western Balkan countries would have to face concrete actions when it comes to corruption and crime, as the key deficiencies in this region.


Kovacevski meets Erdogan: We are two allied countries, which have traditionally nurtured excellent bilateral relations for a long time (Libertas


During his working visit to Turkey, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "The hospitality of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an honor and a pleasure. We are two allied countries, which have traditionally nurtured excellent bilateral and economic relations for a long time," the Prime Minister wrote on his Facebook profile. The meeting, which was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, the Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska and the Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, jointly noted the traditionally good and friendly relations between the two countries, which this year mark 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. At the meeting with Turkish President Erdogan, Kovacevski expressed satisfaction with sharing the same goals for security and stability in the region, for which key factors are good neighborly relations and regional cooperation, with a focus on economic cooperation and improving infrastructure connectivity. The relations between the two countries, Kovacevski and Erdogan said at the meeting, are excellent in the field of economic cooperation. Trade with Turkey is constantly growing and from the 8th place in 2020, in the first three months of 2022 this country took the 6th place on the list of most important trade partners of Northern Macedonia. It was emphasized at the meeting that the expectations are the annual trade exchange of 900 million dollars, to reach one billion dollars and to provide deepening of the economic cooperation between the two countries. Kovacevski thanked President Erdogan for his support in the process of Northern Macedonia's accession to NATO, which in terms of the current geopolitical situation with the Russian military aggression in Ukraine proved to be a valuable asset for the security and safety of the country and the region. Northern Macedonia and Turkey continue the extremely good cooperation between the Ministries of Defense of the two countries regarding the modernization of the Army of Northern Macedonia, as well as in the field of military training and education, but also joint participation in peacekeeping operations and exercises. Prime Minister Kovacevski extended an invitation to President Erdogan to visit our country, as a continuation of all other high-level visits and to encourage the numerous projects undertaken to further enhance relations between Northern Macedonia and Turkey.


Osmani: It is disappointing that the majority of citizens in Macedonia support Russia (Libertas


"The latest opinion polls on Russian aggression in Ukraine are disappointing, the number of citizens with pro-Russian views is disappointing," Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said. He added that the rise of scepticism about the EU was disappointing, and explained why. "The rise of Euroscepticism is also disappointing and I think a lot of this is due to the frustration of not starting negotiations with the EU. This is also happening due to external influences, and for example there is the Left Party which has open pro-Russian views, a party whose representatives were also present at Russian President Vladimir Putin's parade. "This party can be a serious problem in the future if it has to decide on something," Osmani said.


Three messages of the Chancellor in the Balkans! (ADN


The first message has to do with symbolism, which in foreign policy reflects political action. The selection of Kosovo, the youngest state in Europe, as the first stop of Chancellor Scholz's visit to the region, in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine as a result of the Russian occupation, is first and foremost a message to the Russian regime that, there can be no parallel between Kosovo and Crimea or Eastern Ukraine. Chancellor Merkel also used symbolism when in the presentation of the Berlin Process, she focused on Albania, and also the first stop in the region after the presentation of this process was in Albania. In this sense, we Albanians, here and there in the mountains, should consider ourselves lucky to be part of important western alliances. But we must develop a sense of cohesion and rise to the heights of national interest. The second message is related to the process of membership of the Western Balkan countries in the EU, which Germany fully supports, dispelling any vague ideas "for a second-hand membership process". For Germany, as the power with the largest political and economic contribution in Europe, the countries of the Western Balkans have their place in the EU. And the latter is considered incomplete until this process is completed. Chancellor Scholz's ambition is to help resolve the dispute between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria, to revive the enlargement process in the region on the eve of the European Council meeting on 23-24 June. The EU has many advantages over Russia in the Western Balkans, due to its geographical proximity, strong economic and cultural ties, and the geopolitical orientation of most Western Balkan countries. The EU membership process is a matter of political will, affiliation and reform. Therefore, Chancellor Scholz demanded the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia, as the only way for the two neighbors to join the European family. At the same time, the unification of Serbia, as a candidate country for EU membership, with countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia. Condemnation of Russian aggression unaccompanied by sanctions is not enough! Germany's position on relations between Kosovo and Serbia is not new. During her visit to Serbia in 2011, Chancellor Merkel, at a joint press conference with President Tadic, demanded that Serbia recognize Kosovo as a precondition for the latter's EU membership. Over the years, as Serbia tried to soften German articulation on the subject, although, thanks to the Bundestag's insistence, Serbia's EU membership talks began with Chapter 35, which deals with the normalization of relations with its neighbors, Kosovo failed to capitalize. Therefore, Chancellor Scholz's position should be read by Kosovo as an encouragement to move forward constructively with a view to the future and to finalize an agreement that guarantees mutual recognition of Kosovo-Serbia and EU membership. While Serbia needs to understand that its Europeanization is not a process measured by "stubbornness" to keep standing alliances of the past that hold the region hostage, but by the will to recognize the crimes of the past distanced from them, and to accept a new reality in the European family. The third message is related to the Berlin Process as a platform for regional cooperation, announced in 2014 at a special moment for the continent, as it marked the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, which began in the Balkans and in the conditions when the President of the European Commission Juncker himself had unveiled the program according to which in the next 5 years the EU would not expand with new members. Since then, some concrete steps have been taken towards: reconciling political cooperation and exchange programs in the region, with a focus on youth; creating a common regional market; the region's interconnection agenda with that of the EU; digital agenda; cooperation in the field of energy and transport. Germany's role was crucial in building trust between Northern Macedonia and Greece, which resulted in the signing of the Prespa Agreement. It was the Berlin Process that created the right environment that led to the first visit of an Albanian Prime Minister to Serbia in about 7 decades. We are already used to seeing leaders discussing regional issues, but this would not have been possible without the Berlin Process. Convinced that the Berlin Process has not fully unleashed its potential, Germany wants to further develop this cooperation platform by being in the position of guarantor. A reorganized intergovernmental process that will focus mainly on political and economic issues of strategic importance, further enhancing regional cooperation and releasing energy for the European future of the region. Of course, this does not prevent the countries of the region from working and investing in initiatives that provide standards and quality of life for citizens more than this process.


Albania officially requests to join the EU Defense Mechanism (Radio Tirana


Prime Minister Edi Rama has officially signed the request for Albania to join the EU Protection Mechanism. The news was made public during a meeting the head of government held with EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenercic. According to Prime Minister Rama, thanks to the help of the commissioner we have received assistance from this mechanism in dealing with heavy fires last year where heavy vehicles used by countries such as the Netherlands or the Czech Republic belonged to this mechanism. "Europe has set up this mechanism to tackle together the impact of climate change and the consequences of climate change on our environment. Not only that, but to face serious crises together. This mechanism is at the forefront of the effort to guarantee overwhelming support for Ukraine. Albania's membership in this EU of civil protection that works with this mechanism is a significant step and a great relief for us given the needs we have. It is not just about receiving but also giving. I want to thank the commissioner. "We saw the way to submit the letter of interest for Albania's membership in this union to be made public through me," said Rama. While the EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenercic, in his comment said that he supports this request. According to him, the plane from Greece that came to put out the fires in Sazan, what we can learn from these disasters, but also others, such as floods or fires, the important thing is that Albania has had the opportunity to rely on European solidarity. "The EU Civil Protection Mechanism contains several other participating countries, Iceland, Norway, Turkey, Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro, some are missing and one of them is Albania, today you have decided to submit the official request to me for Albania to become a state participating in the Civil Protection mechanism. "I support that Albania to be able to give its solidarity when needed, we will continue your work and allow me to deliver a journey that we think we must fulfil by cooperating with each other," said Lenercic.


Director of FBI for the first time receives Director of Albanian police Nano (Radio Tirana


The Director of the FBI for the first time receives the Director of the Albanian police Gledis Nano. General Director of the State Police Nano, during his several-day visit to Washington, in addition to important meetings with senior officials of law enforcement agencies in America, held a special meeting with the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Christopher Wray. FBI Director Christopher Wray commended Director Nano for his courage and professionalism in running the State Police and reaffirmed his unwavering support for US law enforcement agencies. The visit strengthened the strong and cooperative relationship between the Albanian State Police and the US government. In addition to his meeting with the FBI Director, State Director of State Police Gledis Nano previously met with the Deputy Attorney General, also the Department of Justice's International Affairs Adviser, Bruce Swartz, the Chief of the Administration's Foreign Operations of Drug Enforcement (DEA), George Papadopoulos, and senior executives from the State Department's Diplomatic Bureau for Narcotics Safety and International Affairs and Law Enforcement. The visit to Washington stressed the US-Albania partnership and the importance of fighting corruption and organized crime in Albania, through joint operations, training and close cooperation.