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Belgrade Media Report 28 June



Petkovic: Peacefully mark Vidovdan, Pristina is trying to provoke Serbs (RTS)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, congratulating Vidovdan from Gracanica, said that it was a great blessing for Gracanica and the Serbian people that the Serbian patriarch Porfirio arrived there. He stressed that talks are the only way to normalize relations and called on Pristina not to take unilateral actions.


Serbian Patriarch Porfirio arrived in Gracanica last night, where he will serve the Holy Hierarch's Liturgy this morning, and then a memorial service for the fallen Serbian heroes in the Battle of Kosovo in Gazimestan. The patriarch was welcomed by a large number of believers and Bishop Teodosije of Raska and Prizren with the clergy.


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, who is in Gracanica, congratulated the Serbian people on the holiday and said that it was a great blessing for Gracanica and the Serbian people that the Serbian patriarch Porfirio arrived there. "The presence of our state of Serbia and the presence of our church, the unity embodied in our state led by our President Aleksandar Vucic and in our church led by Patriarch Porfirio, is a much-needed unity and strength for our people in Kosovo and Metohija," said Petkovic. He added that it was not the first time that Pristina tried to provoke Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in all possible ways during the biggest holidays.


"Apart from the fact that the visit of our ministers, who wanted to mark Vidovdan with their people in Kosovo and Metohija with me today, was banned, we also had the intrusion of ROSU special forces into the temporary body in Gorazdevac, we also had the arrest of returnee Milorad Djokovic. "In what way does Pristina treat our people, where it does not give us peace to mark and celebrate our biggest holidays as it should be," said Petkovic. He said that the most important thing is that our people, who came in large numbers to Gracanica and Gazimestan to mark Vidovdan, will be peaceful and dignified because they want to mark a great holiday in the right and honest way. "Provocations, as in all previous times, can come exclusively from Pristina. I call on our people to peacefully and with dignity mark this day, because today we remember the deaths of our great heroes and those who gave their lives to defend Serbs and Orthodoxy", stated Petar Petkovic.


There are no problems with the sticker regime 


Speaking about Pristina's announcement that it will regulate the issue of license plates during its session, Petkovic said that an agreement on license plates was made on September 30, 2021. "That solution clearly states that the sticker regime remains valid until a permanent, high-level solution is found. There are no problems with the sticker regime. It works quite normally, without any problems at administrative crossings. So that any attempt by Pristina to "do something one-sidedly outside of talks and agreements with Belgrade, outside the framework of dialogue is what creates problems," Petkovic pointed out. He called on everyone in Pristina to pay attention and that if they want to do something, they should talk to Belgrade before that, and that this is the only way to normalize relations.


Petar Petkovic pointed out that Miroslav Lajcak is welcome in the area of Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the north, which he will also visit. "We support the work of Mr. Lajcak. It is important that he conveys to the Pristina side how important and necessary it is, because I have heard it many times from him, that all previously reached agreements must be respected. I hope that this message was strongly conveyed here and in Pristina, especially when it comes to the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, because let me remind and say, right here from this sunny Gracanica, our people are eagerly waiting for the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities," said Petkovic. He pointed out that the Pristina negotiator Besnik Bislimi told Miroslav Lajcak that after reaching an agreement on energy, he would start talks on the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, and that Belgrade expects and insists on starting those talks.


Petkovic: Pristina bans entry to Kosovo and Metohija Ruzic, Kisiceva, Udovicic, Jovanovic (RTS)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, stated that Pristina again unilaterally banned the entry into the territory of Kosovo and Metohija of ministers Branko Ruzic, Darija Kisic and Vanja Udovicic, as well as the director of the government's Office for IT and e-Government, Mihailo Jovanovic. Petar Petkovic told reporters in North Mitrovica that the ban on entering Kosovo and Metohija to Serbian government ministers who wanted to be together with their people and celebrate Vidovdan violated the agreement on freedom of movement and is absolutely inadmissible if efforts are made to normalize relations.


Petkovic said that he hoped that Miroslav Lajcak would raise this issue before Pristina officials during yesterday's and today's visit to Pristina. "It is inadmissible to submit a request in the right way, as provided by the agreement, send an announcement, and then ban the ministers from entering the territory of Kosovo and Metohija without any explanation," Petkovic said.


Earlier, the Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Branko Ruzic, announced that he was banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija, although, as he claims, he was duly and timely announced in accordance with all procedures and agreements. Branko Ruzic was supposed to attend the Day of the University of Pristina in Kosovo and Metohija, with a temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, which is traditionally organized on Vidovdan, June 28 every year.


"The decision for the relevant minister not to be allowed to attend the solemn session on the occasion of the day of one of our most important universities is another in a series of evidence that confirms the arrogant attitude of the interim authorities in Pristina and their unwillingness to compromise and respect any agreement," the Ministry of Education said in a statement. Minister Ruzic points out that the ceremony, in honor of education and knowledge, in no way endangers the temporary Pristina authorities, but, as he says, it seems that, nevertheless, "they perceive the tradition and strength of our education as a threat."


The director of the Office for IT and e-Government, Mihailo Jovanovic, announced that he was banned from crossing the administrative crossing of Jarinje yesterday, despite the pre-approved entry and all followed procedures, for the planned visit due to the opening of two IT centers.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija: One of the returnees from Vitomirica was arrested in Pec (RTS)


Milorad Djokovic from Vitomirica, who works in Gorazdevac as a registrar, was arrested in Pec around noon, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that it "strongly condemns the campaign of intimidation of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, which continued with the arrest of Milorad Djokovic, from Vitomirica, a returnee who works in Gorazdevac as a registrar."


According to the statement, Djokovic was arrested yesterday around noon, in Pec, on suspicion of having committed a war crime, and he was ordered to be detained by the police for 48 hours.


"The Office for Kosovo and Metohija, as it always does in such cases, provided the detained Milorad Djokovic with a lawyer and all the necessary, free legal support," the statement said. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija will also express its strongest protest to international missions and organizations in the province, warning that indictments for alleged war crimes have been an instrument obstructing the return of displaced Serbs for years, and providing open institutional support to usurpers of Serbian property. "Since this is an elaborate model for endangering the personal and collective rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the highest representatives of the EU, whose mission is responsible for establishing the rule of law in the province, will be informed in Brussels," the statement concluded.


Lajcak to pay a three-day visit to Belgrade from Wednesday (Tanjug)


The European Union special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, will pay a three-day visit to Belgrade from Wednesday, the EU Delegation to Serbia announced. Miroslav Lajcak is in Kosovo and Metohija today, where he arrived on Monday. According to the EU Office in Pristina, Lajcak plans to visit Prizren and northern Kosovo and Metohija during his stay in Kosovo and Metohija. On Monday, Lajcak met with the Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, with whom he discussed the dialogue in Brussels and the roadmap for the implementation of the energy agreement from 2013 and 2015, Pristina media report.


The EU envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina emphasized in Pristina that the issue of missing persons in the talks remains urgent. "The fate of more than 1,600 people listed as missing is urgent. All loved ones, regardless of their ethnicity, deserve to have their case closed. That's why I visited the Documentation Center, held meetings with the Resource Center for Missing Persons and watched the show", Lajcak announced on Twitter after visiting the Resource Center for Missing Persons in Pristina and after watching a show on that topic.


Vucic with Hill: An open conversation about the geopolitical situation, but also practical issues (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, announced that he had openly talked with the Ambassador of the United States of America, Christopher Hill, about the current regional and global geopolitical situation, but also about practical issues. "An open conversation with Ambassador Hill on the current regional and global geopolitical situation, but also on practical issues such as investment, economic cooperation and energy diversification," wrote Aleksandar Vucic on his Instagram account. The President of Serbia met today with the Ambassador of the USA, Christopher Hill, and the meeting was held at 9:00 AM in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic.


Bilcik: Serbia facing important decisions (FoNet)


European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik said that European Union expansion is a key topic, that making Ukraine and Moldova EU candidates is a big step and that enlargement is also being considered in regard to other countries. This is why it is important for us to know which parliaments are ready to make key decisions, said Bilcik who joined online a discussion of the panel Role of Parliaments in Democratic Societies, within the conference Democracy; a Minimal Consensus.


There are also numerous changes that will have to take place also in the area of the judiciary, as well as key reforms in line with the EU acquis, said Bilcik adding that these are all necessary steps to achieve EU membership in the next few years. Serbia is faced with important and strategic decisions in the coming weeks and months, which will reflect on the role that the Parliament in Belgrade needs to focus on when it comes to changes leading to EU membership, said Bilcik.


He said the European Parliament will be at the helm of these efforts also through an inter-party dialogue with colleagues from Serbia because the only meaningful future of the region is that in the EU. A two-day conference entitled Democracy; a Minimal Consensus is under way in Belgrade. The conference is organized by the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) and its central topics are the position of parliaments in contemporary democracies, the significance and quality of elections, and the role of free media in preserving democracy.


German Ambassador: Serbia should respond with us to Russia’s aggression (FoNet)


German ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb said that democracy, freedom of thought and expression, independent institutions and human rights are extremely fragile concepts that need to be constantly defended, in extreme situations even by military means. Schieb told the opening of the conference Democracy; a Minimal Consensus, organized in Belgrade by the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA), that the international order, based on rules, has been under huge pressure over the past few years which only increased with Russia’s attack on Ukraine.


The sanctions on Russia are not aimed against the Russian people but serve as an instrument to defend peace, democracy, freedom and values that the European Union is based on and this is why countries like Serbia should join in on the measures. This will help Serbia advance in the process of European integration but it is also a moral imperative, said Schieb.


The Ambassador said Germany wants Serbia to become a member of the European family and of the “community of values” which, he said, means strengthening the rule of law and democratic institutions, and added that the parliament plays a vital role in a democratic system. It has been three months since the elections, we all expect the parliament and the government to be formed. Democracy implies a lively debate of all actors, said Schieb and reiterated Germany’s strong support to the Berlin process.


US Ambassador calls Serbia to align with EU policies (Beta)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said on Monday that Serbia should align with European Union policies because it faces a future in the Union. Speaking in the southern city of Nis, the ambassador said that everyone should remember what their goals are and added that Serbia should double its efforts to return to Western institutions. He said that Serbia’s future is in the EU “that is the goal and I believe it will get there”. According to Hill, the road facing Serbia seems to be longer than expected but added that it should draw inspiration and strength from it because the final result is worth the effort. The US Ambassador visited Nis, Svrljig and Gornja Toponica where three projects are underway with the financial support of the US Army European Command (EUCOM) humanitarian program.


Commissioner Varhelyi calls EU to help Serbia align with Union policies (N1)


European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said on Monday that Serbia is in a very difficult situation because of the war in Ukraine. He called the European Union to help Serbia and called official Belgrade to show clear commitment to the Union. We see that Serbia is in a very difficult situation in the current geo-political circumstances and challenges and we need to recognize that, he said and added that the sanctions against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine is just a symptom of the problem. We should be fully prepared to support Serbia in aligning itself with EU policies over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and that should take us to a clear commitment by Serbia to the EU and results in the dialogue with Pristina, Varhelyi said.


Socialist to continue cooperation with Vucic’s SNS (Beta, TV Prva)


Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said that his party is ready to continue cooperation with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and that his only question is “in what way can we best help”, because the SNS won the highest number of votes, Beta reported.


Dacic told TV Prva that they still have not discussed the matter with the SNS because the parliamentary elections are not over but that they always had good cooperation, both the parties and he personally with SNS leader and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. No conditions are stipulated, nor did we ever discuss it in that manner – either it will be like this or like that, said Dacic adding: “Finally, we always made decisions together. Vucic proposed that I be the Foreign Affairs Minister, he proposed that I be the Parliament speaker”.


Meeting of a part of opposition held, with notable absences (Nova)


A meeting of a part of the opposition took place on Monday at the initiative of the Together party with the aim of “joint coordination” and urgent finding a solution to the situation caused by the fact that the final results of the parliamentary elections were not announced even after almost three months, the Nova website reported. The meeting - the first of its kind since the April elections and the split in the main opposition bloc - agreed to put additional pressure on the authorities to end the election process as soon as possible in accordance with the law, the report said. “Serbia must have a parliament! A state without a parliament is not a state. Serbia is facing challenges that cannot be solved without the most important political institution”, the Together said in a release.


“All pro-European parliamentary political organizations and their presidential candidates” were invited to the meeting. It was clear before and after the meeting, however, that this attempt to renew opposition co-operation would face problems, due to the notable absences of some parties.


Dragan Djilas and Marinika Tepic from the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), the second-placed candidate in the April presidential elections, Zdravko Ponos, and the leader of the Free Citizens’ Movement (PSG), Pavle Grbovic, attended the meeting among the others. However, representatives of the People’s Party (NS), the Democratic Party (DS) and the Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own (NDMBGD) did not come to the meeting, although they were invited. The right-wing parties Dveri, New DSS, POKS and Zavetnici were not invited to the meeting, as well as the Social Democratic Party (SDS) and It’s Enough, TV N1 reported. It was clear from the beginning that there would be no representatives of the NS, led by Vuk Jeremic, at the meeting. The NS, revolted by what it sees as uncooperative behaviour of the SSP and especially Djilas before and after the April elections - particularly after Djilas’ own initiated meeting with Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, from whom he demanded a repeat of Belgrade’s city elections - stopped any communication with the SSP and considers it no longer to be a part of the authentic opposition.


The NS Secretary General, Stefan Jovanovic, said to news agency FoNet that the party preferred to maintain contacts with other opposition parties on a bilateral basis now. “We are open for cooperation with everyone who without doubt does not cooperate with the regime”, Jovanovic said, adding that they include the coalition Together, the NDMBGD, the DS and some of the right-wing parties. The previous meeting of the opposition, which was also attended by representatives of the right-wing parties, was held a few days after the elections on April 3, and the Belgrade elections were discussed at that meeting. That meeting took place before the Djilas - Vucic meeting, after which there was a definite split between the SSP and the NS.


In a talk show on TV Nova S on Sunday evening, Djilas defended again his decision to confer with Vucic. “My decision was, with the support of colleagues from the SSP, the PSG, the Movement for Change, to go and talk to Vucic, who promised me new elections in Belgrade, which he repeated several times after that. I am sure there will be new elections, the most realistic is for it to be in March. There will be a much better result in the next elections, we will get more votes”, Djilas said. “It is good for the opposition that the elections will be in March”, he reiterated, although due to quarrels in the opposition, few believe in that. “People underestimate the people who live in Belgrade and Serbia. In Belgrade, no one will be able to steal a vote in the elections; unfortunately, we will not be able to (achieve) that in Serbia. That is the reality; there is no need to beautify it. A part of the people will go to the polls because they trust the parties, and a larger part will cast their ballots because they can no longer stand this”, he said.


Dveri Leader: European integration of Serbia have failed, we need new foreign-policy orientation (VIP)


The European integration of Serbia has “died” and they should be also officially given up, stated the leader of the conservative movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic on Monday.  “If the current authorities or anyone else in Serbia have nor realized this so far, then it was definite these days after the (EU Western Balkans) summit in Brussels: the process of Serbia’s EU accession has been stopped, it is blocked, it no longer exists. Serbia’s European integration has failed”, stated Obradovic in a written statement. Therefore, Serbia needs a new foreign policy orientation and the defining of bilateral cooperation with the EU in all the areas of mutual interest, he said. It is also necessary to strengthen bilateral connections with the countries which have not recognized the independence of Kosovo, as also with traditional partners interested in economic cooperation such as Italy, Austria and Germany, he said. “Everything else, such as the idea of French President Macron on some kind of new empty promise on the European political community, is nothing else than drawing (Serbia) into an anti-Russian lobby, something on which the technical government cannot decide, or the President of state without (the participation) of parliament”, Obradovic wrote.


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


AFET discusses EU enlargement; EU Commissioner Varhelyi states it is time for B&H to be granted EU candidate status, but it needs to show results (FTV)


The European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) discussed the EU enlargement policy. Members of parliaments of the Western Balkans countries were invited to attend discussion on this issue. AFET reiterated that the Western Balkans remains priority of the EU and that more than ever the EU is committed to make entire Western Balkans region part of this bloc. Members of AFET stated that the EU resumes to provide assistance to the Western Balkans countries and including them into the EU’s mechanisms in order to reduce consequences of current crisis.


Head of AFET David McAllister stated that Russian aggression against Ukraine led to new geopolitical reality, adding that in this way the EU was forced to discuss its enlargement policy. “It also strengthened relations in neighbourhood as well as enlargement policy”, explained McAllister. European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stressed that the EU has to move forward. Varhelyi also announced that the European Commission (EC) will respond to the European Council’s request and inform its members about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s progress so that EU members’ leaders can make a decision on the country’s candidate status, and added that in the changed geo-political context, the Western Balkans remains the EU’s priority. Addressing the meeting, Varhelyi said: “Last week, the European Council gave a positive signal in regard to granting the candidate status to B&H, but that requires from B&H to implement an important set of reforms. We set the 14 key priorities in our Opinion so that the European Council can decide on that issue. Now, the time has come for the country to fulfil the reforms to make progress on its path towards the EU, in line with the expectation of that country’s citizens”.


Varhelyi also called on official Belgrade to show a clear commitment to the Union. “The issue of sanctions is just a symptom of the problem. That is why we should be fully ready to support Serbia in further harmonization with EU policies regarding the Russian war in Ukraine. That should lead us to a clear EU commitment on the part of Serbia, as well as to the results in the dialogue with Pristina”, Varhelyi said.


HR/VP Borrell writes blog post commenting EU Summit: We must make effort to reform EU decision-making (Oslobodjenje)


High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell wrote a blog post, commenting the results of the last week’s EU Summit, stating that the European Union should give up the unanimity rule, which prevents it in decision-making in the moment when the enlargement is on the agenda again. “As we revitalize EU enlargement, we must make a similar effort to reform the EU and our decision-making. Because an enlarged EU must also be able to act. This also means reducing the scope of the unanimity rule in foreign policy and other areas, to take more decisions by qualified majority vote”, wrote Borrell. He noted that it took EU six months to accept sixth package of sanctions to Russia: “And I have to regret that some final provisions were watered down and in the final hours, the Patriarch Kirill was left off the list of sanctioned individuals, despite the fact that his presence on the list was not contested during discussions in the Council and despite his well-documented record as a staunch supporter of Putin’s war. We have seen similar dynamics on the opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, with one country blocking what everyone else can agree to – again with negative consequences for the EU’s credibility and influence”. He noted that unanimity rule has negative consequences for credibility and efficiency of the EU. He also noted that all leaders at the Summit accepted the idea of French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the European political community. “A European Political Community could enable candidate countries to take part in various EU policies right away. It could also involve certain countries that are not necessarily destined to join the Union, such as Norway or Switzerland or the United Kingdom, if they wish”, concluded Borrell.


As for the Western Balkans, Borrell wrote: “At the same time, the countries of the Western Balkans have, quite rightly, demanded that their accession process is judged on their own merits. It has been almost 20 years ago that the EU declared in Thessaloniki that ‘the future of the Western Balkans is within the EU’, so a certain degree of impatience on their side, to say the least, is understandable. On the EU side, we should be clear that enlarging the EU with those countries willing and able to meet the conditions is not a ‘favor’ or a concession. It is in our strategic interest. It is a way of structuring the continent around EU values and standards. A credible enlargement policy is a geostrategic investment in peace, stability, security and economic growth in the whole of Europe. Others are openly contesting EU influence and values in the neighbourhood, so we have to be active and enlarge to those who meet the criteria”.


Participants of Pan-European Congress speak about EU integration of Balkans, status of EU candidate for B&H (Dnevni list)


Secretary General of the International Pan-European Union Pavo Barisic addressed participants of the Pan-European Congress held in Nurnberg (Germany) and Ronsperg (Czech Republic) (during the last weekend), saying that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should be granted the status of EU candidate by using the same criteria as used for Ukraine and Moldova. According to Barisic, B&H has been waiting in vain, which is unjust, arguing that ‘we’ should not allow that the process of EU enlargement into the Western Balkans is dragged. He went on to say that a brutal Greater Russia invasion of Ukraine has hopefully opened Europe’s eyes and that people have realized that after the Greater Serbia aggression against Slovenia, Croatia, B&H and Kosovo, aggressive wars and violent changes to borders in Europe are possible even today. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder recognized the Pan-European Union, saying it is “the first and strongest peace movement we have”. Soder stressed he supports the Pan-European Union’s commitment to the Western Balkans. “This region belongs to us and must integrate soon. North Macedonia and Albania need clear perspective, as well as B&H”, said Soder. The event in Nurnberg and Ronsperg gathered more than 120 participants from 18 European countries.


NATO summit to kick off in Madrid on Tuesday; Stoltenberg announces adoption of new support packages for NATO partners, including B&H, Moldova and Georgia, as well as Mauritania and Tunisia (BHT1)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday that the Alliance will transform its response force and increase the number of high-alert troops to more than 300,000. Stoltenberg added that the NATO Summit in Madrid will be transformational with many important decisions, including a new strategic concept for a new security reality. “We need a fundamental change in our approach to security. We promise new aid packages to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Georgia, Mauritania and Tunisia”, the NATO Secretary General told a press conference. Stoltenberg noted that Russia poses the greatest threat to world security and that this will be the main topic at the summit in Madrid.


The NATO summit will also discuss the policies of Russia and China. “We plan to discuss how we will deal with the influence of Russia and China in the southern neighbourhood”, Stoltenberg confirmed. "Our new concept will guide us in an era of strategic competition. I expect it will make clear that allies consider Russia as the most significant and direct threat to our security. It will address China for the first time. And the challenges that Beijing poses to our security, interests, and values... The Ukrainian government and people continue to resist Russia’s brutal war of aggression. Their courage and commitment are an inspiration. And I welcome that (Ukrainian) President (Volodymyr) Zelenskyy will join us at the NATO Summit," Stoltenberg told a press conference on Monday.


N1 covered Stoltenberg and noted that tens of thousands of people protested on Monday, opposing the Summit, with many being of view the US and the NATO bear the greatest responsibility for the conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, and that the NATO’s existence is a serious threat to the world peace.


B&H Constitutional Court overturns RSNA conclusions on transfer of competencies (BHT1)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) overturned the provisions of the Declaration on the Constitutional Principles of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) and the conclusions related to the transfer of competencies adopted by the RSNA at the end of last year. The B&H CC ruled at the request of 15 representatives of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) to resolve the dispute between B&H and the RS entity. The Court revoked the conclusions regarding the information on the judicial institutions of B&H, the conclusions regarding the information on the transfer of competencies from the RS to the level of B&H in the field of defense and security, as well as indirect taxation. The Constitutional Court found that there was a dispute regarding these acts. The overturned provisions shall cease to be valid on the day following the day of publication of the decision in the Official Gazette of B&H. This decision refers to the documents adopted by the RSNA on December 10 last year.


Dodik: B&H Constitutional Court is institution that tries to meddle in everything (ATV)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (CC) overturned the provisions of the Declaration on the Constitutional Principles of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA), which was adopted on December 10, 2021 and which is dedicated to returning RS’ competencies.


Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that B&H CC is an institution that tries to meddle in everything and gives itself the right to do everything that is against the RS. Dodik pointed out that B&H CC has nothing to do with declarations and should only review laws of B&H to check whether they are in accordance with B&H Constitution. Dodik commented that this seems frivolous and unconstitutional to him and that a declaration is an act of declarative consent of an authority. Dodik stated: “They give themselves the right, only if something is against the RS, they immediately have the right to everything. The RS is going its own way. The RS will continue to do what it thinks is best for it.


B&H HoR Speaker Zvizdic reacts to B&H CC’s ruling related to transfer of competencies: It is another victory for B&H (Nova BH)


Deputy Speaker of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic informed the public about – as he called it – another victory of the state of B&H. He wrote on the Twitter that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H abolished provisions of the declaration on constitutional principles of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) and conclusions of the RSNA related to transfer of competences from the state to the entity of the RS in the sectors of judiciary, tax and defense. Zvizdic wrote on his Twitter account he received the B&H CC’s decision on request submitted by 15 representatives in the B&H HoR to resolve the dispute between the RS and B&H related to decisions adopted at the 24th special session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) on transfer of competencies related to judiciary, taxation and defense.


SDP’s Magazinovic confirms HDZ B&H’s proposal of changes to Law on Elections not on B&H HoR’s agenda (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reported from session of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR), which took place on Monday. Daily reports that proposal of changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, which was prepared by HDZ B&H and which was adopted in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) in June, was not on the B&H HoR’s agenda on Monday.


The news was confirmed by SDP representative Sasa Magazinovic, who wrote on Twitter that although the HDZ B&H’s proposal came to the B&H HoR long ago, it will be discussed during a session in July. “Illogical. Speaker (Nebojsa) Radmanovic says he has not seen the law although it went through the protocol 10 days ago. It is obvious HDZ wants to keep its item alive for the elections for as long as possible”, wrote Magazinovic.


Daily further reads that the HoR discussed principles of a proposal of law on entering affiliation to constituent people, ethnic minority and Others in B&H into personal IDs, which did not get the approval from the B&H HoR’s Constitutional-Legal Affairs Commission and the B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission for Human Rights.


Proponent of the law, representative Nikola Lovrinovic (HDZ B&H) said, among other issues, that aim of his proposal is to prevent election manipulations and that the (ethnic) affiliation can be entered, but is not mandatory. Representative Predrag Kojovic (Our Party) replied by saying that citing ethnic affiliation does not exist in documents of modern European countries, that the latest European legislation is moving towards electronic documents and that ethnic origins, race and sex are irrelevant. Despite of claims that they will do it, HDZ B&H did not insist on a discussion on amendments to the Election Law of B&H that were previously adopted by B&H House of Peoples.


B&H HoR adopts B&H budget amounting to BAM 1.07 billion, SDA discontent with amount of B&H CoM’s budget reserves (FTV)


At its session held on Monday, the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) adopted a Proposal of B&H Budget for 2022 amounting to BAM 1.07 billion. Reporter commented that it is interesting that not a single amendment to the Proposal was submitted. Some MPs from opposition parties deem that they were brought in situation where they had to support the budget. MP Nermin Niksic (SDP) said that unless the B&H budget is adopted, those employed in state institutions who have been receiving minimum salaries will be left in a difficult situation. Reporter noted that the point of dispute was increase of salaries for civil servants and employees in state institutions. Namely, the Proposal of B&H Budget for 2022 stipulates restoring of a basic salary to the level from 10 years ago, i.e. from BAM 475 to BAM 535. The main problem is the fact salaries will not be increased only for civil servants and employees in state institutions, but also for elected and appointed officials.


MP Mirko Sarovic explained that it means a Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will get increase of BAM 500 or 600, while civil servants will get increase of BAM 50 or 100. On the other hand, Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac stated that this solution is not completely just. She added that it is necessary to analyse a complete system of salaries due to numerous anomalies in this area. HDZ B&H’s Nikola Lovrinovic stressed that the proposal on increase of salaries could not refer only to civil servants and employees because of existing legislation. MP from Our Party Damir Arnaut emphasized that during the discussion on the Proposal of Budget he pointed out that budget for salaries is increased by BAM 95 million, the budget for compensations by BAM 18 million and budget for travel expense by BAM 3.5 million. Arnaut stressed that the budget for telephone bills has been increased by BAM one million, adding that it is absurd. SDA expressed discontent with the fact more than BAM 18 million is allocated for budget reserves. MP Adil Osmanovic (SDA) underlined that BAM 10 or 12 million of these funds should have been distributed to budget beneficiaries who need it most, including the B&H Ministry of Defense. Osmanovic admitted that the proposal of the law has its flaws, but points out that it should be adopted. Besides the obvious flaws, the problems with this year’s budget connect to the increase of salaries for all state officials.


Independent Trade Union of Civil Servants and Employees in B&H Institutions protest demanding signing of branch collective agreement, increase of salaries for state-level civil servants and adoption of B&H budget (O kanal)


The Independent Trade Union of Civil Servants and Employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Institutions protested on Monday in front of B&H Parliament building ahead of a session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). They demanded signing of a branch collective agreement, increase of salaries for state-level civil servants and adoption of the B&H budget. Representatives of this trade union emphasized that authorities have been terrorizing them for years. President of the Independent Trade Union Salih Karcic said that they have protested six times, adding that every time their main demand was signing of the branch collective agreement. He added that B&H is only country in Europe where a state government has not signed the collective agreement with civil servants and employees in state institutions. "Our concrete demand is to accelerate and initiate the procedure of signing the collective agreement, because with the collective agreement, we become partners and receive legal and economic protection of all employees. Currently, we do not exist, we are an association of citizens that no one asks anything about," Karcic said. Karcic stressed that employees in B&H institutions also demand the adoption of the budget and that the salary base and coefficients be adjusted to the cost of living. "The consumer basket for a family of four is BAM 2,400, and two thirds of employees in state institutions cannot survive on this income," Karcic emphasized. Commenting on the fact that the BiH HoR adopted a proposal of the budget, Karcic said that the story is not over as the HoP is yet to adopt the budget. Karcic also underlined the difference between the aforementioned increase of salaries, reporting that an ordinary worker will get only BAM 60 more while a minister will get up to BAM 500.




Milanovic expected to meet Finnish counterpart, Swedish PM during NATO Summit (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic will attend the NATO summit in Madrid from 28 to 30 June and is expected to meet bilaterally with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, his office said on Monday.


The summit is being held in the midst of a major security crisis in the Euro-Atlantic area caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and therefore a discussion on strengthening aid to Ukraine is also expected. A topic of the NATO summit will also be Finland's and Sweden's accession to the military alliance.


Earlier, the Croatian president said that the entry of the Nordic countries into NATO should be made conditional on amendments to the election law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).


Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin paid an official visit to Croatia last week, and Milanovic told her that in principle he was not opposed to Finland's accession to NATO, but at the same time, he underscored the difficult position of Croats in B&H and the security problems facing Croatia due to the unstable situation in that country. Also, in a recent telephone conversation with his Finnish counterpart, Milanovic said that he was not opposed to Finland's entry into NATO, but that he expected to understand from that country for the protection of the rights of B&H Croats.


Invited non-member heads of state and government - Australia, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Finland, and Sweden - and European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen will also attend the summit. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is expected to address the summit via a video call.


On the first day of the NATO summit on Tuesday, Milanovic and his wife will attend a gala dinner along with other heads of state, hosted by King Philip VI of Spain and Queen Letizia.




Abazovic: It’s not my problem if someone wants to overthrow Govt. because of agreement with SPC; I’ll deal exclusively with state issues (CDM)


PM Dritan Abazovic said in the Parliament of Montenegro, answering the MPs’ questions, that it is not his problem if someone wants to overthrow the Government because of the agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church. He has said that as prime minister, he will deal exclusively with state issues. During the PMQs, it has been stated that Montenegro is facing an uncertain political autumn, primarily in the economic field.


“The Fundamental Agreement will have 19 members. All religious communities have identical treatment as far as the Government is concerned. Does that question require some greater sensibility — it probably does. We are interested in joining the EU as soon as possible”, PM Abazovic has stated. “The law on the origin of property is late because we were waiting for the assessment of the European Commission. It must be functional. The biggest question is who will supervise the implementation of that law”, PM Abazovic has emphasized. Abazovic has said that he is extremely satisfied with the work of the Government so far, but that he has objections regarding some decisions that are made slowly. “We are trying to increase efficiency. I am not satisfied because we are still making decisions slowly”, he has said. He is satisfied because the Government has two goals – economic development and the rule of law, and “we are achieving results in both fields”.


Mihailo submitted to Abazovic the request of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church for negotiations on a contract with the state (CDM)


The request of the Metropolitan of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, Mihail, for negotiations on concluding an agreement on the regulation of mutual relations between the state and the CPC, was officially submitted to Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic today, it was confirmed to the CDM from the CPC.


“Pursuant to Article 18 of the Constitution of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church and Article 10 of the Law on Freedom of Religion and Legal Status of Religious Communities, and in order to further regulate mutual cooperation between the CPC and the Government of Montenegro on the realization of: ensuring conditions for unhindered and full operation of the CPC and its clergy with the Constitution of the CPC and the positive laws of the state of Montenegro, preservation of tradition, cultural heritage and historical heritage of the CPC and believing Orthodox Montenegrins - I express my readiness and call on the Government of Montenegro and the Montenegrin Orthodox Church to conclude The agreement on the regulation of mutual relations", wrote Metropolitan Mihailo in the request.


He further states that he is convinced that the CPC has an ally in PM Dritan Abazovic, who will find a way to help the believing Montenegrin people to realize their fundamental human and religious rights.


"I am convinced that by concluding this agreement, the state of Montenegro and the CPC, each within its competences and actions, and respecting the internationally known principles of separation of religious communities from the state and freedom of religion and national affiliation, will further cooperate with each other successfully in order to fully realize the right to freedom of religion and to create conditions for the promotion of religious rights, religious ceremonies and overall activities of the Church, its clergy and the believing people of Montenegro, and in the belief that we have friends and allies who will find a way to help the believing Montenegrin people to realize their fundamental human and religious rights", concluded Metropolitan Mihailo. Earlier, Metropolitan Mihailo gave his blessing for the formation of a legal team that would prepare a draft agreement between the state of Montenegro and the CPC.


Djukanovic: Montenegro has no more time to lose (CDM)


During the meeting with the EU ambassadors, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, has stated that Montenegro has no more time to lose. “It has been a very meaningful and open discussion with European partners on mutually important issues. There is extreme satisfaction with the positive and critical comments, which further encourages Montenegro after the ever more unique message of the European Council last Thursday in Brussels that the place of the Western Balkans is in the EU”, President Djukanovic has tweeted. According to him, there is full agreement on the need to take important steps at the national level in Chapters 23 and 24 in order to unblock the negotiation process of Montenegro.


Djukanovic attends NATO Summit in Madrid (CDM)


President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, leaves for Madrid and leads the Montenegrin delegation at the Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government, which will be held on 28-30 June. “At this year’s Summit, the Allies will discuss key topics for the future of the Euro-Atlantic area, including the adoption of the next NATO Strategic Concept, which will trace the continuous adaptation and transformation of the Alliance,” President Djukanovic’s office said in a statement. The ministers of defense and foreign affairs, Rasko Konjevic and Ranko Krivokapic, are part of the delegation as well.


North Macedonia 


Osmani: Dimitrov signed a protocol in which we accept the Bulgarian point of view towards the Ilinden uprising (Libertas)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, published a document that he says is missing in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in fact it is a Protocol signed by his predecessor, Nikola Dimitrov. Osmani says that so far we have signed only one Protocol, this one by Dimitrov, in which there are several clear obligations for which we have only committed, but we have not realized.


The first is that we accept the Bulgarian view of the Ilinden Uprising, accepting the nomenclature "Ilinden Transfiguration - Uprising", thus creating a framework in which the Commission is expected to act, which, in turn, creates difficulties in their work, but also set a precedent in relations with the Republic of Bulgaria, that we can resolve historical issues politically, instead of leaving them to the Commission. Secondly, by signing the only Protocol, my predecessor obliged the Commission and the country, in front of the whole world, that they have a short deadline until the end of 2019, to find a solution for Goce Delchev and the uprising, now defined according to the Bulgarian position as " Ilinden Transfiguration”. I do not think he had bad intentions then, but I will not keep silent about his attempt to "foam" our attempt to make a decent Protocol, in which we will not commit ourselves to the content, but to the principles of our work, presenting us now as traitors to his signature, writes Osmani. He says they will continue to work no matter how much hysteria his predecessor creates. “We will provide a decent solution with the Republic of Bulgaria, but also a European future for the country.


US welcomes France's efforts to lift Bulgarian veto, ready to facilitate compromise (Libertas)


The United States welcomes France's efforts to reach a successful solution and remains ready to play a constructive role in facilitating the compromise, a State Department spokesman told VOA when asked how they commented on Paris' proposal to lift Bulgaria's veto on Northern Macedonia's EU integration.


Given the importance of this process for the countries of the region and for Europe in general, we hope that the diplomatic efforts will continue, and we will continue to offer our support where it is helpful. We commend France for its efforts to reach a successful solution for the start of formal negotiations as soon as possible. "Negotiations are still ongoing and we remain ready to play a constructive role in facilitating the compromise," the spokesman said.


The statement said that Northern Macedonia and Albania had laid the foundations and that now was the time to move forward to the next stage in the accession process. The United States is a strong supporter of the integration of Northern Macedonia and Albania in the EU. We believe that the future of the Western Balkans is entirely in the EU. The enlargement process promotes long-term peace, stability and prosperity throughout the region, the statement said, adding that the United States takes into account "the many statements made by EU leaders about the importance of Northern Macedonia and Albania joining the EU to strengthen security of Europe, as well as for our collective security. "


The French proposal was voted in the Bulgarian Parliament last week, while Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski rejected it as unacceptable in its current form, with the possibility of talks resuming if acceptable changes are made. Kovacevski said that the state has three key requirements for the negotiating framework, and they are full recognition of the Macedonian language, historical issues not to be part of the negotiating framework and negotiations to begin before the inclusion of Bulgarians, Croats and Montenegrins in the Constitution. He believes that guarantees are needed that there will be no new conditions from Bulgaria and the European Union.


The President of France Emanuel Macron welcomed the approval of the proposal in the Bulgarian Parliament, and announced that talks with the partners in Northern Macedonia will continue in the coming days.




Varhelyi: First Intergovernmental Conference with Albania within days (ADN)


EU Enlargement and Good Policy Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi believes the first intergovernmental conference with Skopje and Tirana could be held within days. At a meeting of the interparliamentary committee Varhelyi said all obstacles have been overcome.


"We are almost there. Now is the time for all actors to take the final step. I have high hopes that the intergovernmental conferences with North Macedonia and Albania can be held in a few days. Both countries have implemented everything that has been asked of them and are ready. We should be ready too. Now we have a solution on the table, approved by the Bulgarian parliament, so all obstacles have been overcome," said Oliver Varhelyi, commissioner for enlargement.