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Belgrade Media Report 29 June 2022



Lajcak: ZSO to be discussed at the next meetings within the dialogue in Brussels (RTS)


The EU High Representative for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, stated that the document on the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is not on the table, announcing that the issue will be discussed at the next meetings within the dialogue in Brussels. Concluding his visit to Pristina, Lajcak said that he had a discussion on the topic of the ZSO with First Vice President Bislimi and Prime Minister Kurti, and that he expected that the issue would be mentioned at the next meeting of the two leaders.


"The ZSO is an obligation that Kosovo has undertaken, including ratification in parliament, and I must note that the principle of international law dictates that what is agreed must be implemented. It is agreed between the parties in the dialogue. Our position is that it is up to the parties to implementing what has been agreed. This issue is one of the most important for Serbia. We cannot escape from this issue, it is not there to satisfy the EU, but to continue the dialogue," Lajcak said in Pristina.


Before leaving for the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and then Belgrade, Lajcak explained that the issue of license plates is no longer on the dialogue agenda, and that the government in Pristina will very soon announce its position on that issue. He did not reveal the government's plan for the plates, but added that the issue could always be returned to the framework of the negotiation process, if the two sides failed to find an agreement. He said that he was working on a high-level meeting between President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels, and that he wanted their next meeting to be productive. "We hosted two meetings at the political level, the leaders were not overly constructive. I want agreements between Kurti and Vucic, so that the next meeting brings results," said Lajcak.


He expects the next round of dialogue to take place in July, with top-level leaders meeting during the summer. "It would be vital for me to do it during the summer in Brussels, but we will see. There are a lot of documents that we are discussing," Lajcak added, praising the recently reached agreement on the implementation of the energy agreement. He assessed that clarifying the fate of missing persons is a sensitive topic and that they should work to politically support the dialogue on that topic. Miroslav Lajcak will talk with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic tonight in Belgrade.


Rakic ​​with Lajcak: It is the obligation of Pristina to form the ZSO as soon as possible (RTS)


The establishment of the Union of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is the most important and key thing for Kosovo Serbs, so that everything agreed upon by its formation can be realized and only in that way can the position of Serbs be improved, said Serb political representatives in Kosovo and Metohija at a meeting with EU special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak. The Minister for Communities and Returns and the President of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic, and the mayors of the municipalities from the north, Milan Radojevic, Zoran Todic, Srdjan Vulovic and Dragisa Milovic, talked with Lajcak in Kosovska Mitrovica.


"All open issues between Serbs and Albanians must be resolved through dialogue in Brussels, but also that everything agreed be implemented as provided by the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, because only in that way can we solve problems that stand in the way of a better life. All unilateral moves will lead to destabilize the situation on the ground and bring into question other agreements that have been agreed," said Minister Rakic. He added that Serbs have always been a constructive partner in paving the way for a better future and that they expect the same from their neighbours with whom they should build coexistence.


During the meeting between Minister Rakic and the mayor with Lajcak, other current problems that make life difficult for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were discussed, and it was said that a better economic situation could affect key issues of a better position. It was also said that incidents that occur in returnee environments must stop immediately because the return process is standing still, which is very bad. Lajcak previously announced a tour of the Jarinje checkpoint in Pristina, and then a trip to Belgrade.


Abazovic arrived in Belgrade; meets with PM Brnabic (RTS)


The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, arrived on his first official visit to Belgrade, and in front of the Palace of Serbia, he was solemnly welcomed by the Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic. Abazovic was previously welcomed at the Belgrade "Nikola Tesla" airport by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic.


After the meeting with Montenegrin Prime Minister Abazovic, Prime Minister Brnabic said that she hoped that after his visit to Belgrade, relations between the two countries would be reset and that Serbia-Montenegro would enter an era of very good and best possible relations. The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, said that he came to turn a new page in the relations between the two countries.


The Prime Minister of Serbia emphasized that this is a very important visit for Serbia and that she hopes that they will succeed in resetting the relations between the two countries. "And to enter the era of really very good and best possible relations," Brnabic pointed out at the press conference with Abazovic. She emphasized that neither Serbia nor Montenegro has anyone closer, neither in politics, nor economically, nor in the sense of the citizens of the two countries. "We are connected by all types of relations, Serbia and Montenegro, and in the last few years there have been a lot of open and difficult issues," said Brnabic. She said that Serbia will be open to resolving all these open issues and improving our political and economic relations. The Prime Minister of Serbia called on Abazovic for Montenegro to join the Open Balkans initiative today.


The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, said that for him, it is a great honour to start his first visit to the region in Belgrade and pointed out that he had come to turn a new page in the relations between the two countries. "We are here to turn over a new page and to raise our political and overall relations to the highest level," Abazovic said. He pointed out that the policy of his government will be the same with others in the region, but that it is inappropriate for two countries so close to have noise in communications, and pointed out that a new cycle has begun in Belgrade. "That means that we are ready to approach every open issue responsibly and close it in favor of the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro," said Abazovic. He expressed his belief that the moment has come when some things should be overcome on both sides and that it will be done together because there are no issues more important than the relations between the two countries and there are no issues that cannot be resolved if there is good will, and I see that there is," Abazovic pointed out.


Asked whether the relationship could be reset at all, given that no open issue had been resolved, specifically the extradition of Svetozar Marovic, he said that there were opposing views specifically on that issue and that not everything could be resolved immediately in one meeting. Abazovic said that no pressure could be put on the Government of Serbia and emphasized that for everything that could be resolved today, there is a good will on his part.

The issue of appointing the ambassadors of Serbia and Montenegro in Podgorica and Belgrade should also be resolved. "What we discussed is in the spirit of good cooperation and we should have ambassadors of Montenegro in Belgrade and Serbia in Podgorica. This is very important for these topics that are of an economic nature. That they also have their diplomatic mission, as well as in achieve economic diplomacy", said Abazovic. The Montenegrin Prime Minister also said that the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, was sent a formal invitation to visit Montenegro in accordance with her obligations, where talks on open issues would continue.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also met with Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who is visiting Belgrade. Aleksandar Vucic posted photos of the meeting with Dritan Abazovic on his Instagram account "buducnostsrbijeav". The meeting began at 12:30 p.m.


Patriarch Porfirije holds ST. Vitus day liturgy in Gracanica monastery (Beta)


On June 28, St. Vitus Day, Patriarch Porfirije held a liturgy in the Gracanica Monastery. The patriarch said that Kosovo "is the place of our birth." "We came from here, we were born here," the patriarch told the many faithful who had gathered. He said that "the Kosovo and Metohija holy sites are our mind," and that, "Without Gracanica, without St. Vitus Day, without our shrines in Kosovo and Metohija, we simply are not who we are." "We have been called upon to be brothers to all, to the Albanians, of course, first of all, because we live here with them. Both were created by God, we are all God's icon. I am sure that they too know, if they believe in God, one god, that the books that they mostly believe in call for the same thing. They call upon us and remind us that we can only live on God's path in a community. That we all need each other and that it is important that we understand this ourselves," the patriarch said.


Vucic says chooses path of wisdom over road of great courage on St. Vitus day (Beta, RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on June 28, St. Vitus Day, that there was always the question of whether courage or wisdom were more important, and that he chose the path of wisdom over "nerve." At a ceremony on St. Vitus Day and his inauguration as president for a second term, he said that Serbia needed to set its sights on Europe "for the future of our children," but at the same time preserve its independence and the right to have an opinion that not everyone might like. He said that it was easier to say that one should stick to courage and that citizens needed to know that their salaries and pensions were the result of intelligence, wisdom and attracting investments. "Serbia will be a successful country that is on the European road but will not forsake its traditional friendships and will not allow anyone to threaten its independence," Vucic said. Vucic also awarded several state medals on St. Vitus



In his address, President Vucic pointed out that St. Vitus Day is a signpost for the Serbian people, whose splendour we follow and which enables our people to survive. He emphasized that this day is important for the survival of our state and the future of our nation. "Without it, with a history like ours, we would have drowned in larger nations or scattered into small tribes a long time ago," said Vucic. He added that our ancestors in Kosovo defended civilization, culture, primordial, or, as they would call it today, European - but also, he emphasized, Serbian values.


Addressing the ceremony, President Vucic said that there is no greater part than gaining such great trust and such great support of the people twice in a row in the first round of the elections, but that there is no greater obligation or significant responsibility than that, especially in difficult moments and in difficult times. "Do we need courage today, to keep everything that is ours, or do we need wisdom to build a future that is ours, or do we need both to a certain extent, just enough to preserve our independence and independence in decision-making and that we can stay and be on our own," said Vucic.


It is easier, he says, to say that we have to stick to courage only. "But I would just say that when we share salaries, when we share pensions, people must know that we have it thanks to wisdom and intelligence and a vision focused on the future and attracting investments, because without that there would be no stronger army or stronger Serbia," said Vucic. "And that's why I often say, although it will take away part of the popularity we have, that we have to go to Europe and look at Europe, to have everything we have today, but at the same time we have to have as much courage and yes. "We must tell them in Europe and everyone else that we want to preserve our individuality and independence, to have our own head to make decisions and to have our own opinion, which they do not always have to like," the president said.


Hill asks Vucic for Serbia to clearly condemn Russia’s aggression on Ukraine (RTS)


The US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, requested on Tuesday, at a meeting with President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, that Serbia clearly condemn Russia’s aggression on Ukraine, media reported. “We expect a clear standpoint from Serbia on the respect of international law and the condemnation of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, as well as a full dedication to the reforms in the area of rule of law and other areas, necessary for progress on the European path”, Ambassador Hill pointed out. He, at the same time supported the European integration of the entire Western Balkans, underlining that this was one of the priorities of the American foreign policy.


Hill also welcomed the Open Balkan initiative and the consistent efforts of Serbia to place economic cooperation into the focus of regional connections. Vucic, as the RTS reported, thanked Ambassador Hill on the support which his country was providing to Serbia’s endeavours to diversify the energy sources, and the collocutors agreed that work on this should be even stronger and for Serbia to gain access to the energy project on which work has already being done.


Giofre: We wish that Serbia demonstrates EU values in these difficult times (VIP)


The EU head of delegation to Serbia, Emanuel Giofre stated that, ever since the Russian invasions on Ukraine, the Union member countries had demonstrated unity and determination to adopt the six packages of sanctions to Moscow, so as to preserve peace, stability and democracy. “We welcome the fact that our partners in the Western Balkans, Serbia included, had at the international forums joined the EU and clearly condemned the Russian aggression on Ukraine”, said Giofre at a conference of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy. “Naturally, we would wish to see Serbia demonstrate the EU values in these difficult times and synchronize with the EU positions, and this would also be an opportunity for strengthening connections within the European family”, Giofre underlined.


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the RS enters into force (ATV)


The Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Republika Srpska (RS) entered into force on Tuesday. The RS Ministry of Health and Social Welfare previously told Srna news agency that the RS Government will act in accordance with the Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the RS and respect the prescribed obligations, considering that the law was adopted by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and that it passed all procedures.


Representatives of the RS Ministry of Health and Social Protection say that the RS Government will do everything in its power to make sure this law is implemented. That means the formation of the RS’ agency for medicinal products and medical devices, appointment of a general manager, as well as adoption of regulations and ordinances. The text of the law says the RS Government has 90 days in which it is obliged to determine the prices of medicines. Within the same deadline, certain ordinances should be adopted, which will explain, in more detail, how the entity agency for medicinal products and medical devices would function.


FTV reports that, despite numerous pressures from the international community (IC), the RS authorities announced they will act in accordance with provisions of the said law. “The Law envisages stablishing the RS agency for medicinal products and medical devices, and it stipulates that the RS Government will appoint the director and other bodies in the agency within the set deadline, which will be respected’’, reads the statement by the RS Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. FTV reports that the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples tried to dispute the constitutionality of the said Law, but the RS Constitutional Court found their request is unacceptable.


OHR: RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices is unconstitutional; Its implementation would mean formation of parallel institutions (AJB)


The Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Republika Srpska (RS) entered into force on Tuesday. AJB carries that the High Representative and the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) warn that the law is not just anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton, but that it will also cause disruptions at the market. The OHR warned of possible consequences as well. The OHR calls the law unconstitutional and warns that its implementation would mean formation of parallel institutions. “This would seriously endanger the role of the B&H Agency and thus affect its role in protecting and promoting public health by securing quality, safe and effective medicines and medical devices throughout the country. Specifically, that would certainly endanger B&H’s unique market, including the free movement of goods in the entire B&H, as well as international obligations of B&H arising from international conventions, that refer to trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”, the OHR statement reads.


The OHR’s web page published several items that explain why application of the law is disputable arguing among other things, that it may jeopardize people’s health. During his recent visit to Banja Luka, HR Christian Schmidt met representatives of the B&H Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices in Banja Luka last week, but he did not comment on the issue of formation of the entity agency. Addressing the media on the occasion, Schmidt said: “I can only tell you that I prepared and that, in accordance with what is the opinion in the European Union, this structure does good and quality job. It is not important where someone works, but it is important to ensure a functional market of medicinal products, in terms that everyone is provided. Here, that has been ensured and that leads to the European integration that we talk about so much”.


FTV reports that one day before the RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices entered in force, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H issued a joint statement, stating that it violates the B&H Constitution and the B&H Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices and that it represents regression in regard to B&H’s efforts to align its laws with the EU acquis in the part that regulates consumers’ protection and health care, and that such activities are contrary to B&H’s obligations under the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA).


US Embassy: RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices usurps competencies of state agency, regulated through state law (AJB)


The Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Republika Srpska (RS) entered into force on Tuesday. AJB carries that the High Representative and the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) warn that the law is not just anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton, but that it will also cause disruptions at the market. The Embassy calls the law anti-Dayton and emphasizes that the law usurps the competencies of the state agency, regulated through the state law. The state law, they remind, can only be changed in the B&H Parliament.


Dzaferovic demands B&H CC to assess constitutionality of RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (Nova BH)


Nova BH reports that after the Republika Srpska (RS) Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices entered into force on Tuesday, member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency from the rank of Bosniak people Sefik Dzaferovic demanded the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H to assess constitutionality of this law. The same motion refers to amendments to the law on republic administration of the RS. Dzaferovic requested the B&H CC to abolish these unconstitutional acts. He also requested the B&H CC to pass a temporary measure to suspend these acts until it passes a final decision in regards to his motion, so that unrepairable damage would not be inflicted through their implementation during the process before the B&H CC.


“The motion underlines, among others, that the disputed laws are contrary to the state laws in that field, and that they continue unconstitutional, parallel system of infrastructure, control and rules related to trade in medicinal products and medical devices. The disputable laws undermine the constitutional system, ignore regulations and standards at the level of B&H, dismantle its internal market and treat differently the citizens’ rights in a way to establish unequal access to health care and medicinal products”, Dzaferovic was quoted as saying. “The motion indicates the inconsistency of the provisions of the disputed law with the provisions of the Constitution of B&H relating to the principle of the rule of law, non-discrimination, the establishment of a single market throughout the state territory, international standards and the obligation of the entities to fully comply with the decisions of the institutions of B&H”, reads Dzaferovic’s request to the B&H CC.


The RS Ministry of Health and Social Welfare reacted to Dzaferovic’s demands, stating that the RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices passed through all legislation procedures and its adoption was primarily motivated by the care for the wellbeing of RS citizens. The Ministry also emphasized that the entity is responsible for healthcare which is not mentioned in B&H Constitution.


Dodik: Dzaferovic can do whatever he wants; We will do our thing (N1)


Asked to comment on issues related to the Republika Srpska (RS) law on medicinal products and medical devices that stipulates formation of the RS agency for medicaments and medical devices, member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that competent institutions clearly said that the RS respects its laws and it will continue to do this. Dodik stated: “Should I add anything else?”


After the RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices entered into force on Tuesday, member of B&H Presidency from the rank of Bosniak people Sefik Dzaferovic demanded the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H to assess constitutionality of this law. Dodik said: “Dzaferovic can do whatever he wants. We will do our thing. The RSNA adopted this, the RSNA has constitutional right to such activities. Every violence of this type – including the constitutional one coming from the CC – will bring no final result. We cannot give up on our rights. This is simply like this.”


B&H Presidency member Dodik reacts to B&H CC’s ruling on transfer of competencies: RS will implement everything planned (O kanal)


Reacting to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) ruling that repealed the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly’s (RSNA) conclusions related to transfer of competencies from B&H to the RS level in judiciary, indirect taxation and defense, B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik stated the RS will continue with its activities and implement everything that was planned. Addressing the media Dodik said: “What the RS adopts, we will implement. And they should know that we will do what we intended and decided to do. The fact that we are sometimes tactically of view that - because of the conflict in Russia, between the West and Russia - the West raged in its efforts to settle accounts with everyone deemed ill-suited and disobedient, and we postpone it for a month or two, that does not give the right to some among us, especially those in the opposition to make a fuss about it. Therefore, what we have decided and if we continue, and I believe we will, it will be implemented”.


Dodik emphasized that everything can happen in “Bosnia, because it is that kind of country.” He added that B&H did not get the status of the EU candidate country because if it did, there would not be any foreign judges in the B&H CC anymore and there would not be any fake High Representative in B&H. A court in which the votes of Bosniaks and foreigners always prevail, this time as well dealt with things it is not really competent for. That this is the case is also indicated by the dissenting opinions of several judges. “Three foreigners, one German, one Albanian and I do not know who is the third, plus two Muslims who make decisions against the RS should be considered a bit comical. Here I am telling them publicly that their adoption about the declaration means nothing. The declaration we have made remains alive. It is an act of the RS. No court has jurisdiction to decide this and will not annul it. Therefore, we can renew it again. There is no problem”, Dodik told members of the press.


Dodik said: “Relevant institutions clearly stated that the RS respects own laws and will respect them. Should I say anything else?”. Dodik also said that B&H CC should only assess whether laws of B&H are in line with the Constitution because B&H CC has nothing to do with declarations.


Pandurevic, Nesic: B&H CC is not consistent in its practice (Nezavisne)


The decision of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (B&H CC) to annul provisions of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly’s Declaration on Constitutional Principles continues to spark reactions in the RS. SDS’s Aleksandra Pandurevic stated that B&H CC is not consistent in its practice. She reminded that in 2008, responding to a motion filed by former SDA leader Sulejman Tihic, B&H CC took the stance that it would not discuss the merit of documents such as declarations or conclusions. Deciding on the motion of SDS’s Mladen Bosic to assess the methodology for processing of census data, B&H CC also decided that it would not deliberate the methodology because it is not a law, Pandurevic reminded. She underlined that B&H CC change its approach only when it came to the concession for construction of power plants on Drina River, when it suddenly decided that it can discuss the merit of legal acts which hare not laws and thus block a significant investment. Pandurevic said that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is a hypocrite for criticizing B&H CC, when he accepted the Brussels Agreement and the obligation to implement all decisions of B&H CC. DNS leader Nenad Nesic stated that B&H CC has no rules when it comes to the Serbs and the RS, and it always decides against Serbs. He also reminded that in the past, B&H CC refused to discuss the merit of documents such as declarations, resolutions or bylaws, and now it changed its approach.


HDZ B&H Presidency discusses candidates for General Elections; Covic announces meeting between EU Commissioner Varhelyi and representatives of three constituent peoples in Brussels (FTV)


At its session held on Tuesday, the HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency discussed its lists of candidates for the upcoming General Elections. FTV reports that the agreement within the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) is that HDZ B&H, as the biggest political party in B&H with “Croat determinant”, will nominate a candidate from the rank of Croat people for the B&H Presidency, however, the name of the candidate was not presented on Tuesday. Addressing the media after the session, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said: “Candidates were offered by the public, by some political parties, by other interest groups we have here, but I believe that by the end of the day tomorrow we will solve the enigma who will represent the Croat people for the Croat member of the (B&H) Presidency”.


The reporter reminds that names of Covic’s closest associates were mentioned in the public as potential candidates, however, majority of them are of view Covic will be the one to run in presidential elections; whatever the case, Covic said he believes it will be an excellent candidate supported by all Croats in B&H.


FTV reports that Covic also announced a meeting with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi expected to take place in Brussels next week. “It is another set of talks, this time in a way not to invite all parliamentary political parties, but representatives of the three constituent peoples who should give answers in relation to implementation of the election results, enlargement, the candidate status, i.e. political atmosphere that should be built in the next three months”, said Covic. Covic again called on Bosniak political parties not to include Croats in their lists of candidates, conveying a message that “it is not a smart move”, only if they want even bigger crisis compared to the one in the past four years. Covic said: “It was again clearly stated that the (B&H) Election Law should be urgently amended, and potentially limited constructional changes so that the election results can be implemented. I think that today there are enough mechanisms on the table that should be sufficient motive for the wise politicians from Sarajevo not to enter the race as they intended, and how some protagonists, of the view on civic, Unitarian - whatever you like – B&H, believe they can do it without the Croat people”. Covic emphasized that Croats are forced to have one candidate for member of B&H Presidency, adding that it is still not certain whether he will win.


Covic noted that lists will be submitted by the end of the week and added that he believes that they will come out with an excellent candidate for B&H Presidency. He added that it is necessary to change the Election Law: “I believe there is enough mechanisms at the table that should be a sufficient motive to wise politicians from Sarajevo, not to enter the race as they intended”. Speaking about the meeting with Varhelyi, Covic reminded of contribution of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Croatian delegation, noting that conclusions (of European Council) clearly say that the status of the EU candidate for B&H will be discussed after elections, after it is seen how much these instruments, we have not removed by the Election Law, will be abused. Covic also denied recent speculation that Mostar Mayor Mario Kordic will be HDZ’s candidate for B&H Presidency, adding that Kordic needs to complete his mandate.


SDA sends letter to EUD Head Sattler, protesting over concept of talks with representatives of constituent peoples (BHT1)


SDA Secretary General Halid Genjac sent a letter to Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler. In the letter it was stated that President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic opposes the format of meeting of three representatives of constituent peoples with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Expansion Oliver Varhelyi. The letter states that such a meeting does not respect the organization of B&H and its institutions, because B&H is not a simple sum of three people with constituent status. It was stressed that such a format cannot take place, especially not after the coordinated efforts of HDZ B&H and SNSD to reject laws which are highlighted as priorities by the European Commission. SDA demanded Sattler to present the agenda of the meeting and planned topics to be discussed.


The meeting with Varhelyi should be attended by representatives of constituent peoples, i.e. Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and Milorad Dodik and the daily comments that unless the format of the meeting is changed, the meeting will not take place at all. In the letter to Sattler, Genjac noted that if B&H institutions are to be respected the meeting should be attended by representatives of the Presidency, B&H Parliament or all parliamentary parties, as well as member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic.


Komsic: Instead of sanctioning Covic and Dodik, Varhelyi is inviting them to Brussels to listen to their plans about B&H’s dissolution (FTV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated that instead of sanctioning HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SNSD leader and B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi “is inviting them to Brussels to listen to their plans about B&H’s dissolution”.


“Alleged invitation of the European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi to the alleged representatives of constituent peoples, I find to be completely missed. Instead of European Commission imposing sanctions to Covic and Dodik because of failing of reform laws which are part of priorities from the EC’s Opinion, Izetbegovic, Covic and Dodik are invited so the latter two could present their plans about division of B&H. If they believe they will find collocutors in Sarajevo for such talks, then let them try so we will see how these new, softer collocutors will do”, said Komsic.


Picula: EU must help B&H get status of candidate, linking demands of Croats to Dodik’s policy is wrong and can only harm B&H Croats (Nezavisne)


Croatian MEP and Rapporteur for the new EU enlargement strategy Tonino Picula stated that it is necessary that the EU helps Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to get the status of the EU candidate as soon as possible. Picula said that his first task will be to continue doing what he has been doing since he entered the European Parliament in 2013. “The goal is to encourage again the interest of crucial players in the EU when the politics and enlargement are in question, which in the last ten years has ceased to be a part of the European, political mainstream”, said Picula. He underlined that this is very important for Croatia which should be most interested among the 27 member states in enlargement policy leading to improvement of situation in the Western Balkans and encouraging reforms in the region.


“The enlargement also depends on absorption capability of the EU, but also on reform capacities of candidate countries. Unfortunately, along with Kosovo, B&H lags behind the most on that path”, said Picula.


Picula stated that he does not trust SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, and he does not trust linking the legitimate demands for representation of Croats with Dodik. He underlined that this connection can only harm Croats. “Every now and then Dodik announces secession from B&H and due to this, he first of all ends up on different lists of sanctioned politicians. Apart from this, he also supports the policy of Kremlin towards Western Balkans and Ukraine. Attaching to such a policy certainly does not strengthen justified argumentation of Croat politicians in B&H. I believe if the focus of the Croat policy in B&H would be more directed to the agreement with the Bosniak side, it would be easier for us in European institutions to advocate a solution, which is the only one that guarantees stability and future”, Picula underlined. He also said that lack of harmonization pf policies advocated by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic weakens the position of Croats in BiH. Presenting the draft report on enlargement strategy, Picula recently stated that each country should be assessed against criteria adapted to suit the needs of that country. On that occasion, Picula stated that the EU’s goal must be ending the enlargement stalemate by changing the methodology and acknowledging the political necessity of enlargement for the EU. In his opinion, aspiring member states must be provided with clear guidelines for tangible and concrete steps, along with continuous political and technical support.


Picula underlined that the report on enlargement strategy mentioned for the first time the possibility of B&H receiving the status of candidate, with the list of priorities which B&H must fulfil somewhat divided into those which must be fulfilled immediately and those which can be fulfilled once the negotiations commence. Commenting the fact that B&H was not granted the status of candidate in the latest meeting of the EU Council, Picula said: “The request that B&H is granted the candidate status at the Council was a too high wall that was not easy to jump over. Unlike Ukraine, which is exposed to the war, B&H concretely has been failing to cope with some internal problems for years. More and better could not be achieved at this moment”. He urged B&H political leaders to “keep a cool head” and refrain from inflammatory rhetoric during the election campaign. He also noted that MEPs have been dealing with B&H for years in a very systematic manner, proposing solutions and talking to anyone willing to talk. Speaking about Serbia, Picula said that if Serbia wants to make progress on the path to EU, it will soon have to decide on its foreign policy orientation.


Mostar City Council does not include SDP B&H’s proposal to change names of five streets named after Ustasha officials, forms interim commission to propose new names (FTV)


At its session held on Tuesday, the Mostar City Council adopted a decision to form an interim commission to discuss new names of the streets, named after Ustasha officials. FTV reports that the councillors were presented with a letter signed by Ambassadors in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt that states the Mostar City Council should address the issue of disputable street names. It was also stated that with that Mostar should be an example to other cities in B&H to do the same. The reporter notes that whilst the Speaker of the Mostar City Council Salem Maric said the letter was used by the opposition to single him out, Mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic said he has been working on the issue since the start of his mandate.


Addressing the media, Maric said the opposition learned about the letter sent by the international representatives, organized a press conference Tuesday morning “singling out myself personally to be with HDZ. I will never support such things, regardless who they come from, but I will support and I stand by the fact that we will change street names, but we need to reach a common agreement, among all councillors”. Kordic said: “The impression is that we received a letter, that foreigners are forcing us to do something, but that is not the case’”.


FTV reports that SDP B&H councillors presented on Tuesday a concrete proposal for changing names of disputable streets, but there was no necessary majority for it. On the other hand, there was necessary majority to adopt Kordic’s decision to form the interim commission that will present the proposal at the City Council’s next session. According to SDP B&H, formation of the commission is not disputable, however its members, i.e. Kordic, Maric and heads of caucuses, are.


Addressing the media, SDP B&H councillor Arman Zalihic said the commission was formed after waiting for it for over a year, noting “although we are not satisfied with its composition. What the Mayor proposed, we see it is composed only of the ruling political parties, HDZ and SDA, and that they want an exclusive right to participate in changing the street names. We are sorry because they did not include the opposition, because we are of view that all political parties should be involved”.


The reporter comments that although Maric claimed the consensus is important, adopted decisions refute his claims. “What SDP did this morning, it the same attempt like in 1995, i.e. unilateral, someone thinks – we propose these streets and if you do not accept that, then you do not support it. That is not true. We all support street names to be changed, to remove the names of these five streets, and new names will be agreed”. FTV reports that SDP B&H’s proposal will be included in the agenda at the City Council’s next session, when the interim commission will present its proposal. The reporter concludes by saying it is clear that the consensus on this issue will be reached exclusively by HDZ B&H and SDA.  




Croatia receives massive payment from European Commission (HRT1)


European Commission Vice President Dubravka Suica on Tuesday presented Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic with a decision on the payment of the first instalment of €700 million as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the largest grant Croatia has received from the Commission. These are funds for reforms from the national recovery plan undertaken by 31 December 2021, including active employment measures, a program to decarbonize the energy sector, activities in the field of physical planning, labor market, and social welfare reforms, Plenkovic explained after meeting with Suica.


"We have been given clear criteria defined for undertaking reforms, all those benchmarks that were important for the Commission to evaluate our achievements every six months. We can say that we are fast and efficient in this regard," said Plenkovic, adding that this is the largest grant that Croatia has received from the European Commission ever.


Suica pointed out that Croatia is the sixth EU member to receive the first payment from the Commission under the Recovery and Resilience Facility. "That is a program that should protect the EU and its members from future possible shocks, created as a consequence of COVID-19," Suica said.




Montenegro, Serbian Orthodox Church agree on working version of Fundamental Agreement (CDM)


The working groups of the Montenegrin government and the Serbian Orthodox Church have agreed in principle on the working version of the Fundamental Agreement which the two sides are to sign, the office of Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic stated

on June 28. The harmonized working version of the Fundamental Agreement will be forwarded to the relevant bodies of the Montenegrin government, according to common procedure. Abazovic, who took the office of prime minister two months ago, is paying an official visit to Belgrade on June 29. The main issues that define Podgorica's relations with Belgrade – Montenegro's joining the Open Balkans Initiative and signing the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church – are points of contention within the Montenegrin government itself and the parliamentary majority that supports it.


Lawyer Nikola Martinovic said that Montenegrin Justice Minister Marko Kovac was the only one to support the draft of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, thus denying the government's statement about the text being agreed upon. He said that the session of the working group for drafting the so-called Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church did not take place on June 28, and that it was just a farce.


Krivokapic: Today we see who did not want to sign the Fundamental Agreement (CDM)


Who did not want to conclude an agreement which, as we see today, is not disputable to the Serbian Orthodox Church, said the former Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic on the occasion of the working version of the Fundamental Agreement published yesterday, which he states he was in charge”.


The Fundamental Agreement published, which was harmonized by the "Working Group of the Government" of Montenegro with the Serbian Orthodox Church, is almost completely taken over by the agreement of the 42nd Government I headed, which was sent to the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church for approval in July 2021. Who did not want to conclude a contract which, as we see today, is not disputable to the Serbian Orthodox Church", Krivokapic announced on Twitter.


Content of the working version of the Fundamental Agreement between the Government and the Serbian Orthodox Church (CDM)


The working groups of the Government of Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church have in principle harmonized the working version of the Fundamental Agreement, which will go further to the working bodies of the government in accordance with the usual procedure. The working version states, among other things, that the Mixed Commission will determine the immovable and movable property that should be returned to the ownership of the Church or for which the state will provide fair compensation. Also, in cases of transfer, removal from the state or alienation of goods that represent the cultural heritage of the State, and in which the Church has the right of ownership, the provisions of the law governing the protection of cultural goods will apply.


The Fundamental Agreement also stipulates that the church has the right to establish religious educational institutions for secondary and higher education of priests and religious officials in accordance with the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The financing of educational and cultural institutions in Montenegro, founded by the Church, as well as the status of their staff and beneficiaries, will be regulated in more detail by a special agreement in accordance with, as claimed, the legal order of Montenegro.


The working version of the Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church in its entirety: 


Montenegro, represented by the Government of Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church, represented by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


In order to regulate the legal framework of mutual relations, referring to international law and the Constitution of Montenegro, guaranteed freedom of religion and the principle of separation of state and Church, to Orthodox canon law, the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church has been the church structure since the founding of the Archdiocese of Zicka, the Patriarchate of Pec, ie the Serbian Orthodox Church.


Starting from the fact that the Christian Church has been present in Montenegro since apostolic times and its continuity-mission through the historical Orthodox and church structure since the founding of the Zeta, Budimljan and Hum Episcopates of the Zice Archbishopric (1219-1220),


Recognizing the contribution of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the social, cultural and educational development of Montenegro and the historical role of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral during the time of the Montenegrin metropolitans / lords,


Noting that the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro consists, as its organic part, of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral and the Dioceses of Budva-Niksic, Milesevo and Zahumlje-Herzegovina and Primorska (or: Zahumlje-Herzegovina)


Have agreed as follows: 


Article 1 


The Contracting Parties confirm that the Serbian Orthodox Church and Montenegro, each in its field of activity, are independent and autonomous and undertake to fully respect this principle in their mutual relations. The Contracting Parties undertake to co-operate with each other for the purpose of the complete spiritual and material development of man and society and the advancement of the common good.


Article 2 


The state recognizes the continuity of legal subjectivity and in accordance with its Constitution guarantees the Church and its church-legal entities (dioceses, church municipalities, monasteries, endowments, independent institutions and funds and, according to church purpose, individual temples) the exercise of public authority in Montenegro in accordance with Orthodox canon law and the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The competent church authority has the right to independently regulate its internal organization and to establish, change, abolish or recognize church-legal entities according to the provisions of Orthodox canon law and the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The competent church authority informs the state administration body about these decisions in order to register church-legal entities in accordance with state regulations. The competent state body is obliged to act upon the report of the competent church authorities.


Article 3 


The state guarantees the Church, church-legal entities, clergy, monastics and believers the freedom to maintain spiritual and administrative ties, in accordance with Orthodox canon law and the SOC Constitution, with its highest church bodies, with other local Orthodox churches, as well as with religious communities.


Article 4 


Respecting freedom of religion, the State recognizes the Church's freedom to carry out its apostolic evangelical mission, especially with regard to worship, organization, church administration, education and religious preaching.


Article 5 


The Church has the exclusive and inalienable right to freely, in accordance with the needs and on the basis of Orthodox canon law and the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in Montenegro regulate its own church structure, as well as to establish, change and abolish hierarchical governorates, church communities, parishes, monasteries and others. organizational units.


Article 6 


The Church is responsible for all church appointments, transfers, removals, assignments and revocations of church services, in accordance with Orthodox canon law and the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church. As the highest church authority, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church is exclusively competent for the election, ordination and appointment of archbishops in dioceses in Montenegro, as well as for the establishment, change and abolition of dioceses in accordance with Orthodox canon law and the Serbian Orthodox Church Constitution. The competent church authorities have the right to make decisions of a spiritual and disciplinary nature in accordance with the Orthodox canonical order and the relevant church regulations, without any interference from the state authorities.


Article 7 


The state guarantees the Church the freedom of worship, religious rites and other religious and humanitarian activities. Worship, religious rites and other religious activities are performed in temples, other buildings, cemeteries and church-owned spaces, as well as in public places, open spaces and places related to significant historical events or personalities.

The state guarantees the Church the inviolability of the right of ownership and statehood over monasteries, temples, buildings and other real estate and spaces in its ownership, in accordance with the legal order of the State. The state undertakes, in accordance with its own legal order, to register all unregistered real estate in the ownership of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro-Primorje, the Diocese of Budva-Niksic, the Diocese of Milesevo, the Diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and their church-legal entities to which they belong.


Only for exceptional reasons and with the express consent of the church authorities, the facilities and premises referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article may be used for other purposes. In the facilities and premises referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, state bodies may not take security measures without the prior approval of the competent church authorities, except in cases when this is required by reasons of urgency to protect human life and health. When holding worship or religious rites in public places and open spaces (liturgies, pilgrimages and similar church rites), the competent church authorities will timely inform the state authorities that will ensure public order and safety of people and property.


Article 8 


In the case of initiating criminal or misdemeanor proceedings against clergy or religious officials of the Church, the state body conducting the proceedings shall notify the competent archbishop.


Article 9 


The secret of confession is completely and always inviolable.


Article 10 


Sundays and the following religious holidays are planned as non-working days for Orthodox Christians in Montenegro: Christmas Day (December 24 according to the Julian / January 6 according to the Gregorian calendar), Christmas and the Council of the Most Holy Mother of God (December 25 and 26 according to the Julian / January 7 and 8 according to the Gregorian calendar), Good Friday, Easter Monday, The first day of Baptism.


The parties agree that in accordance with the acts of the employer, the employees of the employer will enable the use of leave during working hours on religious holidays: Saint Sava, the first Serbian archbishop (January 14 according to the Julian / January 27 according to the Gregorian calendar), St. Basil of Ostrog ( April 29 according to the Julian / May 12 according to the Gregorian calendar) and Saint Peter of Cetinje (October 18 according to the Julian / October 31 according to the Gregorian calendar), in order to participate in the religious rite. The Contracting Parties may agree on possible changes in non-working days if there is a mutual need to do so.


Article 11 


The church and church-legal entities have the right to inherit, buy, possess, use and alienate movable and immovable property, as well as to acquire and alienate property, perform economic and other activities according to the provisions of Orthodox canon law and the SOC Constitution, and in accordance with the legal order of the state. In cases of transfer, removal from the state or alienation of goods that represent the cultural heritage of the State, and in which the Church has the right of ownership, the provisions of the law governing the protection of cultural goods shall apply. The Church may establish endowments and foundations in accordance with the provisions of Orthodox canon law and the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and in accordance with the legal order of the State.


Article 12 


Restitution of movable and immovable church property, confiscated or nationalized without fair compensation, will be carried out in accordance with the law that will regulate the matter of restitution in Montenegro with prior agreement with the competent church authorities.


The Contracting Parties agree that the issue referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article needs to be settled within a reasonable time. Immovable and movable property to be returned to the ownership of the Church or for which the State will provide fair compensation shall be determined by a Joint Commission composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties.


Article 13 


The Church has the right to build temples and church buildings, as well as to expand and rearrange the existing ones, in accordance with the legal order of the State. The state is obliged to enable the Church to cooperate with the competent state bodies during the preparation of spatial planning documents in order to create conditions for the construction of religious buildings. The competent archbishop makes a decision on the construction of a church building in accordance with Orthodox canon law and the SOC Constitution and proposes a location for the construction of buildings, and the competent Montenegrin authorities will accept the proposal if there are no objective reasons of public interest. The competent authorities in Montenegro will not consider requests for the construction of religious buildings of the Church that do not have the written approval of the competent diocesan Archbishop. The state financially helps the Church, especially the renovation and preservation of Orthodox religious buildings that have cultural and historical value.


Article 14 


The State guarantees the Church the freedom to perform educational, cultural, scientific, informational, publishing and other activities related to its spiritual mission, in accordance with the legal order of the State. The state guarantees the Church the right to own, print and publish books, newspapers, magazines and audio-visual materials of religious, educational, cultural and scientific content. The church also has access to the media (newspapers, radio, television, internet). The Church has the right to establish and edit radio and television stations, in accordance with the current legislation of Montenegro.


Article 15 


In accordance with the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Church has the right to establish religious educational institutions for secondary and higher education of priests and religious officials. The establishment of other educational institutions by the Church is regulated by law. The Church has the right to establish and regulate cultural institutions in accordance with the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the legal order of the State. The financing of educational and cultural institutions in Montenegro, founded by the Church, as well as the status of their staff and beneficiaries (persons attending them), will be regulated in more detail by a special agreement in accordance with the legal order of the State.


Article 16 


The state guarantees the right to parents and guardians to provide their children with religious education in accordance with their own beliefs. Orthodox religious instruction in public schools may be regulated, in accordance with the legal order of the State.


Article 17 


Montenegro guarantees the Church the right to pastoral care for Orthodox believers in the armed forces and police services, as well as those in prisons, public health institutions, orphanages and all public and private health and social care institutions. The competent state bodies, in agreement with the competent church authorities, provide conditions to enable Orthodox believers to exercise freedom of religion, as well as worship space and fasting food for Orthodox believers in hospitals, prisons, the army, police, school, student and nursing homes.


Article 18 


The Church has the right to establish charitable and social institutions and organizations in accordance with the legal order of the State. The institutions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall regulate their internal organization and manner of work by statutes approved by the competent church authority, and shall have the same legal status as state institutions of the same purpose. The Contracting Parties may conclude special agreements on mutual cooperation between state and church charitable, social, health, educational and similar institutions.


Article 19 


In order to monitor the implementation of the Agreement and improve cooperation between the Contracting Parties, a Joint Commission with an equal number of representatives will be formed. The Joint Commission shall meet as necessary, and at least once every six months. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time and may be amended by agreement of the contracting parties.


Article 20 


The contract is made in four identical copies, two of which are with each contracting party. The contract enters into force on the day of signing. The agreement will be published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro and the Gazette - Official Gazette of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


Biden to Djukanovic: Montenegro is always on the right path (CDM)


The assessment of a proven friend that Montenegro is always on the right path is encouraging, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic after a short conversation with US President Joe Biden held on the sidelines of the royal gala dinner Casa Real. “It was an opportunity to remind us of the importance of the Western Balkans and the attention that President Biden paid to achieving and building peace in the region”, President Djukanovic wrote on Twitter.


North Macedonia 


The EU in the Balkans has followed the course of historical mobbing (Libertas


Brussels is becoming an accomplice in the non-European behaviour of some EU member states, criticizes the Austrian newspaper Standard in an analysis following the events at last week's EU summit. In an analysis of last week's Brussels summit entitled "The EU in the Balkans Takes a Historical Mobbing Course", the Austrian Standard newspaper criticized the EU decisions as "pseudo-solutions" and quoted experts as saying that the European Commission and the French presidency of the Council of The EU followed a non-European approach.


"A day after the EU told the entire Western Balkans to break free, Paris and Sofia took some more time to further humiliate and harass Northern Macedonia. "The EU is no longer a union of values ​​and principles," Standard quoted US political scientist Jasmin Mujanovic as saying on Twitter.


"Many politicians from the Western Balkans have returned from Brussels quite angry. What happened? First, the French presidency together with the European Commission proposed a very problematic "solution" to remove the Bulgarian veto against the start of negotiations between Northern Macedonia and the EU. The Bulgarian parliament then voted overwhelmingly to lift the veto, but the political cost to Bulgaria, as well as to Macedonian democracy and the rule of law, is huge, and the "solution" is contrary to European values. The ball was added to the Macedonians who now have to change the Constitution in accordance with the wishes of Bulgaria, which requires a two-thirds majority, which the government of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski does not have at all. With that, in fact, the Macedonians were given the ball with which they cannot play at all. Namely, the opposition does not want to accept a change in the constitution.


The "agreement" is also problematic in terms of content. It envisions Bulgaria's nationalist demands for an identity concept and history, being supported by the European Commission, especially Hungary's liberal Liberal Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi.


The parliament in Sofia added "improvement" of the negotiations in Northern Macedonia, "to clarify the position that nothing in the process of negotiations between Northern Macedonia and the EU should be understood as accepting the existence of the Macedonian language." Namely, the Bulgarian nationalists claim that there is no Macedonian nation and language. "


Problematic "solutions" 


In a statement to Standard, former Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov said the "solution" offered leads to the opening of a "Pandora's box" in the Balkans. It is no coincidence, he explains, that Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, as previous EU presidents, did not want to cross that line. "Under the current proposal, the Bulgarian veto is being strengthened and legitimized by the EU for the first time, with identity and historical mobbing being transferred to the negotiation process, equipped with a tight belt in Sofia's hands. In such a situation," Standard writes, "Northern Macedonia will not only have to carry out the necessary reforms, but will also have to pay homage to Bulgarian historians."

"Brussels once again becomes an accomplice in a fundamentally anti-European direction, in which a nation is denied its identity, which is contrary to Article 3 of the Lisbon Treaty," the Austrian newspaper concludes.


In that line, Standard also criticizes EU decisions regarding Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Pristina has not received visa liberalization again, although it meets all the criteria and has been waiting for such a decision for years. Meanwhile, B&H again failed to obtain candidate status.




Premier goes to Spain to attend NATO's Madrid Summit (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has gone on an official visit to Spain, where he will take part in the NATO Summit that will be held on Wednesday and Thursday in Madrid. Prime Minister Edi Rama and his wife were invited to the royal gala dinner organized by His Majesty, King Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia at the Royal Palace of Madrid, attended by the heads of government and NATO member states. This Wednesday, Prime Minister Rama, together with other participants in the Summit will be welcomed by the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg and the President of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain, Pedro Sanchez.