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Belgrade Media Report 30 June



Lajcak: Pristina’s decision changes the topics, we must not allow a crisis (N1)


European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said that Pristina’s latest decision has changed the plans and topics of his visit. The Kosovo government decided to introduce what it said were reciprocal measures for Serbian citizens and vehicles entering Kosovo. Lajcak declined to comment Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that Pristina is planning a new Storm (Croatian military operation against Serb-held areas in the war of the 1990s) in north Kosovo. “Last night we had a very serious talk about the situation and of course we need to look for solutions through a dialogue, not through confrontation,” Lajcak told the media. Lajcak said there was a new situation now that has changed his plans and topics. “I came to the region to prepare the next leaders’ meeting on progress and normalization of relations, now we need to resolve this situation,” said Lajcak, adding that a crisis must not be allowed.


Dacic in conversation with Lajcak: The only right way is dialogue and compromise between Belgrade and Pristina (RTS)


Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic pointed out in a conversation with EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak that the only right way to reach a sustainable agreement between Belgrade and Pristina is dialogue and compromise, according to a statement posted on the Parliament's website. Ivica Dacic said that "our side is ready to continue the dialogue on numerous open issues, but we emphasize that we are not ready to accept any unilateral decisions, which did not result from the agreement in the dialogue, and which directly endanger the rights of members of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija." According to Dacic, Belgrade remains fully committed to the dialogue and is ready for its continuation.


Lajcak emphasized that "dialogue is the only process for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo" and pointed out the EU's position that it is up to the parties to implement what has been agreed. Lajcak also mentioned that he was working on a high-level meeting between President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels, as well as that he wanted their next meeting to be productive, according to a statement from the Serbian Parliament.


Petkovic with Lajcak: Belgrade is consistently committed to the peaceful resolution of disagreements in the region (RTS)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, met with the special representative of the European Union for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, the Office announced. The statement states that "Petkovic and Lajcak very openly conveyed Belgrade's position on the latest situation in Kosovo and Metohija, caused by yesterday's unilateral decisions of the Provisional Institutions in Pristina, regarding Serbian license plates and ID cards." It is added that Petkovic pointed out that the recent adoption of the Roadmap for the implementation of the energy agreement has raised expectations that this is a big step that opens the possibility to finally start implementing other agreements, primarily with activities for forming the Union of Serbian Municipalities. "Instead, we got a new crisis that was directly caused by Pristina and which can have unforeseeable consequences for the peace and stability of the entire region," Petkovic warned. "After yesterday's events, Pristina brought the dialogue to the brink and it is increasingly certain that the agreements reached in Brussels are completely meaningless. Belgrade is particularly concerned about the unresponsiveness of the international community, which silently observes the moves of Albanian politicians, which lead to the destabilization of the situation on the ground and the danger of the outbreak of the conflict, which Pristina obviously wants," Petkovic said.


"What is clear is that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija will not allow themselves to be persecuted, killed, on the contrary, they are more determined today than ever before, that they will not tolerate Pristina carrying out institutional violence against them. With the latest moves, Pristina has brought the relations with Belgrade to the boiling point," said Petar Petkovic.


The statement reminds that Petkovic reminded that Belgrade is consistently committed to peaceful resolution of disagreements in the region and creation of space for intensification of economic cooperation and free flow of people, goods, capital and services, and that it will keep that position, but that it is certain that Pristina has chosen a different path.


Vucic: The goal is a new "Storm". A general attack on northern Kosovo on October 1st (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the new demands of the international community on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Those requests were brought to Belgrade by the EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, with whom Vucic met last night in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic.


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that as of yesterday, we have a complete change in the situation in our country, as well as in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. President said that the situation in the Western Balkans had changed completely. "We are always ready for dialogue, while some others have never been ready for a substantive conversation and have the support of Western powers," he said. “They had the full support of Great Britain, Germany and the other Quint countries", Vucic said. "They made two decisions in their temporary institutions. One is about banning ID cards from entering the province, and the other is a decision with the sole goal of expelling Serbs from the north, creating a new Storm, and campaigning for years to force Serbs to accept their license plates", he said. “They have taken two decisions: one denying the right of entry with personal ID cards where they introduce papers to allow entry. The second decision is aimed at expelling the Serbs from the north of Kosovo, creating a new Storm where they want to convince the Serbs in the space of two months to register with RKS Albanian license plates. They will probably hand out leaflets, pamphlets, you know how it was done in the Second World War, and if they don’t convince them, they will confiscate their license plates and vehicles”, Vucic said.


The president says that the authorities of the false state are counting on the Serbs to leave the north, and that Serbia has been suffering lies from the West and Pristina for years. "It's not my problem that they think we're stupid, but that they think they're very smart. I'll give a few examples." "They burned dozens of our churches and monasteries and killed dozens of people, and as a reward they got an independent Kosovo, while they were arguing over armchairs in Belgrade," said Vucic. He also reminds of the difficult decisions of the International Court of Justice due to some stupid issues. "After that, we sat down at the table and got the Brussels agreement. Since that Brussels agreement, the Serbs have fulfilled everything. The only thing that Pristina should have fulfilled is not fulfilled. And how is it possible for the Western five to be silent regarding this", the President said. Vucic added that they then decided to harass us with taxes for several years, to demolish CEFTA, and then for special forces with long pipes to invade the north.


"Then they remembered that they should continue to carry out terror, and they started talking about reciprocity. And that's where we come to the greatest hypocrisy of the West. Before the elections, they said, 'Don't worry, we're working on it.' "They counted on me being defeated in the elections. But of course, it should also show our people down there that they cannot have Serbia. The most brutal facts are that they are not interested in international public law, and I told Miroslav Lajcak all this, from A to Z," he said.


The president says that when it comes to Ukraine, everyone's mouths are full of territorial integrity, and when Resolution 1244 is mentioned, many look into the distance as if they do not understand what it is about. "It is clear here that there is no dialogue and talks. There will be many problems. We will always try to preserve peace, but others do not want that, not only Albanians from Kosovo, but also their mentors," Vucic said. "That resolution also envisages the return of Serbian forces to Kosovo. And now let me ask when that will be. This is happening because they are arrogant, and we do not have nuclear weapons or oil, so they can do whatever they want to us. Our people, and I talked to the representatives of the Serbian List, they will not tolerate it anymore. They will not tolerate incursions by their special units. They have given a deadline, and Pristina is planning a general attack on northern Kosovo on October 1. And the people should know that," he added.


Vucic points out that Americans are the least arrogant in relation to the countries of Quint. "You have countless examples where they think they can humiliate us. I just decided to say it's okay, I've been suffering and listening to lies for 10 years, pretending to be stupider than I am. But I can't take it anymore that you think you're smarter. Okay, you're using bare force now, so let's see how much it can do. Just know that you're not that smart, and especially don't tell us about law and justice," he said. The president says that there is no more talk of dialogue here, and that Serbia will look to preserve peace. "You know, they say that Kosovo is an independent state for them. And I ask where it says that, in which UN act. Why don't you end the dialogue and carry out terror to the end, and finish the job. And what is the difference between separatism and law? When Albanians are asking for something, it is the right to self-determination, and when Serbs are asking for it, then it is separatism. And now I am waiting for those who will start saying that I am saying this on Russian orders. Just stop," Vucic said.


Vucic states that the essence is that the West allows itself to be able to do everything that comes to their mind, claiming that everything is based on the law although this has nothing to do with law, let alone with justice. "There is no offer on the table. They are looking for Serbs who will go against their people in Kosovo and Metohija, and they have always found only individuals. Our answer will be sober, but deadly and true. We will not take military action, but I beg them not to steal property from our people and try to expel them. We ask you, powerful and strong. And I believe that they have enough time until September 30 to think three times whether they will do it or not", Vucic pointed out.


"I think this is the sharpest press conference ever, but I emptied myself and held it with a smile," the president said. "With this conference, I just went down in history because I told them everything. And now I'm going to continue this nice conversation with Lajcak," he added. While answering journalists' questions, President once again asked that no one attack Serbs in Kosovo. "Kurti dreams that he is the new Zelensky, sometimes he dreams that he is Hegel. I am not interested in his nonsense. I am not worried about him, but those who push him into everything. My message is addressed to them. He is irrelevant here in every sense," Vucic said.


Vucic said that in case nothing is adopted, he does not think that we have any other weapon than the truth. "We will beg them, and I believe that someone will be smart to answer our requests. And to allow new Storms and Flash, I said that eight years ago, you will not watch that movie. We should all be worried, things are only getting worse. They are trying to end the Kosovo problem, so that Putin does not give them five Kosovo republics DNR, LNR, Crimea, Kherson... I will not keep quiet. The government will be formed soon, so they can be silent and make a different decision. The same goes for the Parliament. I will not pretend that everything is in accordance with international law. I better not be there," he said. Vucic said that this was a warning request, since he did not know what else he would do. "Please, stop, people. And let me just tell you, we also have the fifth country that withdrew the recognition of Kosovo, and I'm waiting for them to start applying for membership, so we'll show documents. And we will continue our work. We won't make it easy for them, that's why we are looking for an honest relationship. We will not allow Serbia to be forced and thrown down a cliff", President Vucic concluded.


Just to recall, the institutions in Pristina made a decision to ban Serbian ID cards and after September 30 to cancel the validity of license plates with the names of Serbian cities "KM", "GL", "PR", "UR" and others, with the announcement that after that deadline, these vehicles will be confiscated.


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, also reacted, saying that the decision of the institutions in Pristina represents a direct blow to all Serbs, both south and especially north of the Ibar river. "It is inadmissible for representatives of the international community to remain silent and pretend to be inapt to this threat of conflict and retaliation, while Albin Kurti prepares for the beginning of a great conflict and an attack on Serbs for the end of September, caused by a new one-sided act of the authorities in Pristina", Petkovic concluded.


French Ambassador: Failure to impose sanctions on Russia affects Serbia’s image in Europe (RTV)


The French ambassador in Belgrade, Pierre Cochard, stated on June 29 that the fact that Serbia was refusing to impose sanctions on Russia affected Serbia's image in the European public. Cochard told RTV that Paris was "surprised about the echo that is heard in the Serbian media, press and even in public opinion surveys" regarding the approach to the Russian war in Ukraine. "It is surprising to see such a benevolent view of the regime in Russia, which causes so much death and destruction in a European country. It is important that Serbia is harmonized with its European choice and that its decisions show that this behavior of the Russian regime in Ukraine was unacceptable," Cochard said.


To the question about whether the recognition of Kosovo's independence was the condition for Serbia's membership in the European Union, Cochard replied that "the priority is progress in the EU-facilitated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo." He added that this was "in the interest of Serbia, Kosovo and the entire region," that the dialogue "has been stalling for months now, unfortunately" and that the goal was "the full normalization of relations between the two countries, which will eventually have to have a legally binding framework."


Vucic: We will have great progress in the future; Abazovic: You are more than welcome in Montenegro (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who is visiting Belgrade. It seems to me that we have managed to resolve some big political issues, which used to separate us, and which we talked about today, in a concrete way, said Vucic. You are more than welcome in your brotherly Montenegro, Abazovic said after the meeting with the President of Serbia.


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he had good and useful talks with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, on various issues, and expressed confidence that Serbia and Montenegro would "build great progress in future mutual relations".


"I welcomed the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic. During the working lunch, we exchanged opinions on current topics and agreed that we would continue to build better relations," said Vucic. "We talked about our political and bilateral relations, economic cooperation, investments. We talked about agriculture, food supply, energy balances and how to help each other in the fall and the coming winter," Vucic said. He pointed out that they also discussed important political issues. "It seems to me that we have managed to resolve some big political issues, which used to separate us, and which we talked about today, in a concrete way," Vucic said. He thanked Abazovic for the visit and assessed that this is the beginning of successful cooperation through getting to know the ministers of both governments well, and that this can lead to even better and more concrete cooperation in the future. "I believe that we will build great progress in relations," Vucic said.


Abazovic invited Vucic to visit Montenegro


Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic invited Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to visit the country, as well as Serbian citizens to spend their summers in Montenegro. "You are more than welcome to your brotherly Montenegro," Abazovic said after meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. He thanked Vucic for, as he said, the warm welcome and constructive meeting, at which most of the talk was about regional cooperation. "I believe that it opens great horizons for future cooperation between the two countries, especially when it comes to infrastructure and the upcoming crisis. I think we have already rounded up some issues at the meeting this morning and confirmed them with the president," Abazovic said. He says that at his request, President Vucic managed to resolve another important issue important for the citizens of Montenegro, and especially for the deputies in the Montenegrin Parliament. According to Abazovic, Vucic asked the Minister of the Interior to change the previous practice, which existed due to various things, and that from July 1, all citizens of Montenegro, including politicians, MPs, government representatives, will be able to enter Serbia without any restrictions. Abazovic pointed out that the issue was resolved in a good spirit, as well as that other issues could be realized. "When it comes to regional cooperation, I believe that we will have concrete types of cooperation between the two countries in the fall. In any case, beautiful and positive vibes continue during the visit to Serbia and I believe that in this good spirit there is no issue we cannot resolve. Some of them take more time," Abazovic said. He thanked Vucic for his hospitality and pointed out that the intensive cooperation between the two countries continues.


Dacic with Abazovic on the development of bilateral relations (RTS)


The President of the National Assembly, Ivica Dacic, met with the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Serbia. Ivica Dacic congratulated Dritan Abazovic on his election as Prime Minister of Montenegro, with sincere wishes for success in performing this highly responsible and demanding function. Dacic pointed out that the fact that Serbia is among the first countries that the Prime Minister of Montenegro has visited since taking office testifies to the commitment of improving the bilateral relations.


The President of the National Assembly said that Serbia attaches special importance to the further development of overall bilateral relations with Montenegro, in the spirit of friendship and mutual respect, bearing in mind the close ties between the two nations. Dacic expressed hope that the improvement of bilateral relations will be realized, among other things, through the parliamentary dimension, where there is a large space for strengthening parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation in international parliamentary organizations, as well as through visits of parliamentary presidents and closer contacts of parliamentary friendship groups.


Abazovic expressed satisfaction with the visit to Serbia, emphasizing that he received a warm welcome from all officials in Serbia and readiness and openness for cooperation. He mentioned that good relations between Montenegro and Serbia, aside for our two countries and their citizens, are essential for the stability of the entire region. During the meeting, the possibilities of cooperation in various fields were discussed, and the interlocutors expressed readiness to work on raising bilateral relations to the highest possible level, the National Assembly announced.


Prime Minister: New government to focus on energy (Beta)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on June 29 that energy would top the agenda of Serbia’s new government. In an interview with the RTS, Brnabic explained that energy was a political issue today, adding that “thanks to President Aleksandar Vucic’s credibility and connections, Serbia had managed to secure a gas arrangement with Hungary very quickly.” We have promised to protect the prices, purchasing power and competitiveness of the national economy, and we’ll try to keep it up as long as possible. At this point, Serbia’s electricity price is three to five times lower than in the European Union,” Brnabic explained. The Serbian PM said she hoped the new cabinet would be in place as soon as possible, adding that the president shared her expectation, too.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


RS President Cvijanovic: Dzaferovic’s motion regarding RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices yet another attempt to achieve political goals through B&H CC (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) officials’ response to the motion that Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic filed to the B&H Constitutional Court (CC), asking for a review of constitutionality of the RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, is that the formation of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of the RS is not an unconstitutional activity. The RS officials underlined that the RS institutions were forced to undertake this activity, because the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of B&H hindered the process of purchase of medical oxygen for healthcare institutions in the RS.


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that Dzaferovic’s motion is yet another attempt to achieve political goals through the B&H CC. Cvijanovic noted: “This was a forced activity of the institutions of the RS at a time when someone, through the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of B&H, was settling accounts with patients and healthcare workers, to show how some policy works or another does not work.” According to Cvijanovic, “the made-up story about oxygen” led the citizens to panic. Cvijanovic noted that causing such situation is unacceptable. Cvijanovic added that the CC does not apply equal practice to all cases, and it tends to decline to exercise jurisdiction in certain cases according to what suits them.


The RS President added that it is surprising that the CC is dealing with political documents, namely the declaration passed by the RS National Assembly (RSNA). She added: “There are political stances, and orientations of certain politicians or political parties, and it is really unacceptable to live in such an environment in which one same court can act in one way today, and in another way tomorrow. We, as citizens, are worried about the impression that this court is political and that it does many things according to the orders or dictates of political Sarajevo or certain foreign centers.” Cvijanovic also stated: “In order for us to put things in order, then we need to take a different course and enable what, unfortunately, has not been the case in B&H for a long time, and that is an honest dialogue about all things that relate to our lives”.


Viskovic: RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices already formed (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic assessed that the manner in which the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices hindered purchase of oxygen during pandemic “was an attack that could be equal to terrorism”. Viskovic said that the RS authorities did not allow such actions. The RS Prime Minister noted that “no joint institution could do anything bad towards the RS, especially not towards the patients”. Viskovic said that the Agency was already established. Viskovic stated: “That was purely political reckoning of dissenters, in the sense that someone should be declared incompetent because you are not in position to secure oxygen for your citizens. And people lose their lives because of that. We could not have allowed that. That is why we established our own Agency, and we will go further in realizing all of our acts. Whether someone likes it or no, that is their problem”. Viskovic reminded that the B&H Agency banned the usage of oxygen for the RS during the COVID-19 pandemic. Viskovic said that they asked for a deadline of three months to deal with all irregularities, and this was not allowed but afterwards they did everything the RS requested.


The RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare Alen Seranic commented on RS Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices and the Chairperson and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic’s appellation to the Court of B&H. Seranic said it was interesting to him that Dzaferovic did not raise the issue of constitutionality of the law from 2001 that envisaged RS Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, which operated until 2008, as well as the law that was in force from 2008 to 2021. Seranic added that health care is within competence of entities, according to the B&H Constitution. Seranic added that Article 3 of the B&H Constitution clearly defines the competences of the B&H level and the medical sector does not fall under this. “When it comes to the Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the RS, the fact is that it has passed all the necessary procedures, including compliance with the Constitution. I wonder if the Constitutional Court of B&H will start telling us how to think, especially in the RS”, Seranic said during a press conference on Wednesday.


OHR: RS Law on Medicines and Medical Devices violates B&H Constitution and BiH Law on Medicines and Medical Devices (FTV)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that the Republika Srpska (RS) Law on Medicines and Medical Devices violates Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitution and the B&H Law on Medicines and Medical Devices. OHR pointed out that the RS Law on Medicines and Medical Devices represents a step backwards in terms of B&H's efforts to align its legislation with the EU acquis.


EP’s Picula says majority of EU members see B&H as insufficiently functional, weak and without capacities to adopt reforms that would turn it into credible candidate (Dnevni avaz)


In an interview to the daily, The European Parliament’s (EP) rapporteur on new enlargement policy of the EU Tonino Picula said that a document which he is drafting will sum up new ideas, positive consequences of the EU enlargement in past but it will also state why the enlargement policy has been halted in the past ten years. “Those recommendations will serve as some sort guidelines for other institutions, the Council, Commission and European External Action Service so that they can appreciate new circumstances and place the enlargement policy in new formats. The EU must remain an open project”, Picula stated.


He noted that majority of EU members deem that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is insufficiently functional and weak, without capacities to adopt standards and reforms that would turn it into a credible candidate. Picula argued that countries which have problems with the application of basic European values “such as (Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor) Orban’s Hungary, would like to increase the number of members with democratic deficits in order to water down the union of values and strengthen the union of what are only beneficiaries of funds”. He went on to say that Zagreb must continue assisting B&H, regardless of political affiliation of those who hold the state authorities.


Asked whether the refusal to grant the candidate status for B&H is a reward to pro-Russian politics in B&H and also asked if a positive decision would have been a reward for idleness of the current authorities in B&H, Picula replied by saying that it is enough to just take a look at delays related to the adoption of changes to the Election Law of B&H to get an impression on the situation in the country. “For the ruling political leadership, any kind of step forward that would unfreeze the Dayton status quo is not favorable, because this secures their survival”, Picula said and added that (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik’s open pacts with Russians, as well as the fact that Republika Srpska (RS) has a political leadership which was listed as unwanted by the West, is surely “not a ticket to the candidate status”. Picula concluded by saying that such “quasi-European politics” will lead nowhere and will only spread apathy among citizens.


HDZ B&H's Kristo is candidate for Croat member of B&H Presidency (O kanal)


Deputy Speaker of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) and member of HDZ B&H Borjana Kristo was announced as the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) candidate for a Croat member of the B&H Presidency, according to the web portal This means that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic will not be running for the position in the B&H Presidency, noted the presenter.


The Mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic was the best choice for a member of the B&H Presidency, at the suggestion of the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, but he is also out of the race for this position, commented the presenter. Kristo was a candidate for the Croat member of the B&H Presidency in the general elections in 2010, but the current Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic won most of the votes then.


HDZ B&H leader Covic announces new format of talks with Oliver Varhelyi, SDA and SNSD leaders (BHT1)


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic announced a new format of talks next week with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and SDA and SNSD leaders in Brussels. BHT1 reports that potential topics of the discussion could be finding a solution to the political crisis in B&H, the issue of constitutional competencies, the issue of state property and the B&H Election Law.


SNSD MP in the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly Snjezana Novakovic Bursac stated that the B&H Election Law is in the first place, but that she thinks it would be right to open the topic of usurpation of competencies. However, although the SNSD has a positive opinion regarding this conversation, SDA is against it.


SDA Secretary General Halid Genjac stated in a letter to Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic cannot agree to such a format of talks if it includes so-called "representatives of the constituent peoples" because such a format does not respect B&H institutions and constitutional structure.


DF leader Zeljko Komsic also reacted to the new format of talks, stating that the European Commission should impose sanctions on Covic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik for overthrowing the reform laws, and not call on them to present their plans for the division of B&H.


SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic stated that he could not believe that one high-ranking EU official is neglecting the official institutions of all countries, and that the attempt to organize this meeting is an insult to both B&H and the EU.


Kojovic: Any future ethnic divisions and inventing unsustainable legislative constructions whose goal is to grant constituent status to HDZ B&H instead of Croat people cannot and will not pass (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje carries an interview with Predrag Kojovic from Our Party. Asked to comment on HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic’s announcement on a new round of talks in Brussels with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, Kojovic said: “I do not know why they are throwing a wedding party if they know they will not get married”. Kojovic added that any future ethnic divisions and inventing unsustainable legislative constructions whose goal is to grant constituent status to HDZ B&H instead of Croat people, cannot and will not pass. Kojovic argued that B&H is a civic and not ethnic community and noted that it is “politically immature to expect that a country based on the concept of dictatorship by three ethnic groups can become a member of the EU”. “Croatia and HDZ, in cooperation with SNSD have been lobbying very discretely and, unfortunately, efficiently over the past years and they managed to influence a high number of EU diplomats who are in a position to make decisions”, Kojovic said and noted that an image was created which does not reflect the real situation and this became obvious at the beginning of talks on constitutional-electoral reform: “It was difficult to change this image in such a brief period of time, but we managed to do it”.


Asked to comment on the draft budget that was adopted by B&H HoR, Kojovic said: “I am convinced B&H HoP too will support this, financially and politically speaking, monstrous budget. (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik and Covic will vote for everything that harms B&H and this budget is harmful for B&H because it insults citizens, this country and even common reason”. Kojovic said that behavior of B&H authorities in the current economic moment is incomprehensible, assuming that they should be working in the interest of citizens. “However, assuming that they are working in their own interest, and not in the interest of citizens, then their behavior makes sense, at least in their own heads. I am aware that this is a serious accusation, but I am convinced this is true. Dodik, Covic and (SAD leader Bakir) Izetbegovic can hold authorities only in a country that is economically poor, politically deeply divided while citizens are hopeless and constantly in the state of Stockholm syndrome”, Kojovic said and noted that, although he supports freedom of speech and freedom of gathering, he doubts the authorities would hear anything citizens might have to say to them in protests: “I know that they would certainly hear the red card in October”.


Finally, Kojovic said that relations within ‘Troika’ are complicated and exposed to constant tests and he added that he expected SDP to demonstrate more of political courage and less of pre-election calculations. He argued that ‘Our Party’ showed that, if it has to choose between the right stance and populism, it always chooses the right stance and concluded by saying that “if the Constitution and laws should be above our personal and party beliefs, then only ‘Troika’ really stands the chance of winning in October and strongly leading B&H toward where it belongs, i.e. the EU”.


NATO Heads of State issue joint Declaration, agree on new measures to help their partners including B&H (Hayat)


NATO Heads of State have issued a joint Declaration at the Summit in Madrid, in which Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is mentioned as well. “We will now move ahead with strengthening our engagement with existing and potential new interlocutors beyond the Euro-Atlantic area. In light of the changed security environment in Europe, we have decided on new measures to step up tailored political and practical support to partners, including B&H, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. We will work with them to build their integrity and resilience, develop capabilities, and uphold their political independence”.


The B&H delegation led by B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic will inform the participants in the Summit about the situation in the defense sector, possibilities and the need to strengthen cooperation between B&H and the NATO, and negative effects on B&H caused by Russia’ aggression against Ukraine. Podzic and the B&H delegation will hold several bilateral meetings on Wednesday and Thursday. Podzic and members of B&H delegation met Defense Ministers of Germany, Italy, Norway and during the working dinner Podzic informed the participants about the situation in defense sector, possibilities and necessity to strengthen cooperation between B&H and NATO, as well as negative reflections of Russian invasion of Ukraine. On Thursday, Podzic is scheduled to meet delegation of US Congressmen and he is also scheduled to address the Summit.


Dzaferovic: NATO's messages about B&H are good, Milanovic's initiative has failed (Nova BH)


The need of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic to deal with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has taken on pathological forms, and that is shown by his confession that said he only spoke of B&H during the summit in Madrid, assessed Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. He added that it is good that NATO expressed support for B&H, as well as other endangered countries – like Georgia and Moldova, after Russia’s aggression on Ukraine. Dzaferovic says this proves that Republika Srpska (RS)’ attempts at convincing the top international officials that the situation in B&H was not affected by the things happening in Ukraine failed. Dzaferovic said that NATO's messages about B&H are good, and Milanovic's initiative has failed. Dzaferovic said Milanovic’s initiative to link Sweden and Finland’s accession to NATO to the B&H Election Law ended in fiasco.




Croatian President Milanovic addresses NATO summit in Madrid: B&H is security issue; West has shown ‘middle finger’ to B&H (N1)


Heads of government and states of NATO countries concluded in Madrid on Wednesday that the NATO does not represent a threat to any country and expressed full solidarity with the authorities and people of Ukraine, while they also expressed support to partner countries – including Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Croatian President Zoran Milanovic addressed the summit, criticizing the West for making concessions to Sweden and Ukraine, while showing – as he said – “the middle finger” to B&H in Brussels on June 23 when a potential candidate status for this country was discussed. Milanovic admitted that his announced veto when it comes to NATO membership of Sweden and Finland was mission impossible.


Reporter noted that he asked Milanovic why he did not speak to US President Joseph Biden and others with influence regarding the process of amending the Election Law, to which the Croatian President replied that he knows Biden has no time for that.


Milanovic also criticized High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt and politicians in B&H, as well as Western politicians, for failing to do enough for Croats in B&H. According to Milanovic, there was a “no strings attached” attitude towards B&H, and B&H has only obtained “empty promises”. The Croatian President said that B&H was shown “the middle finger” after it chose the West over the East.


Milanovic also stated at the NATO summit: “I have talked almost all the time about the problem of B&H, which is a security problem, fortunately on a much lower scale than that faced by the Nordic and Baltic states, but our security problem, and something that makes our neighborhood life unstable and bad, and which endangers half a million, at least half a million EU citizens who are also citizens of B&H. Dayton rules are being violated. So, it is a question of some kind of pride and credibility of Croatia, and I want it to be resolved”.


Milanovic also commented on the possibility of Sweden and Finland’s entry into NATO and said that he has nothing against it personally but his interest is Croatia.


Milanovic criticized the Croatian government on Wednesday because there was no one from the government at the NATO summit in Madrid. “Luckily, no one noticed that those courtly fools were not present, but someone should be here, at these meetings. He (He refers to Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic) does not have to be in my company at all. That is your duty, no matter the fact that you failed classes, were a bad student, or that you cannot speak”, Milanovic told reporters in Madrid. He slammed Plenkovic for not being at the NATO summit, representing the Croatian government.


Milanovic commented the decision of Turkey to lift its veto over Finland and Sweden’s bid to join the Western alliance. In principle, I am more on the Swedish side than on the Turkish side, Milanovic said. “These are countries that meet high criteria. What Turkey is asking of them is enough”, Milanovic assessed. “Our job is not only to seek someone else’s attention and understanding, but in some things, we have to use tools, and among them is a blockade. What was Turkey doing? It took part of Sweden's identity. We will see how it ends. This is called pressure, not blackmail”, Milanovic added.


Plenkovic: Milanovic’s ideas presented ahead of NATO summit were completely unacceptable (HRT1)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said the ideas of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on blocking the NATO entry of Finland and Sweden, presented ahead of the NATO summit, were completely unacceptable. “First, due to political reasons, because you do not do such things to someone in the European Union”, Plenkovic emphasized, adding that projects – like the Peljesac Bridge construction – are built with the money from Sweden’s taxpayers. Once you are part of the Union, you have solidarity, Plenkovic says, respecting and helping your neighbors and member states. The Croatian PM reminds that his country has no open issues with Sweden and Finland. Speaking about the idea of conditioning the admission of Finland and Sweden by a change in the Election Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Plenkovic said he has been exerting efforts, for years, more than anyone in Croatia, “for us to improve the position of Croats in B&H”. He underlines that the Croatian government and its ministers have been working on this issue for years and “all decisions that we make have the goal of making this happen”.




Abazovic: DPS and SDP familiar with Fundamental Agreement and they had no objections; meeting with Porfirije today (CDM)


PM Dritan Abazovic has said that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) were acquainted with the Fundamental Agreement to be signed with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), and that they had no objections. “I am the prime minister who leads a European and secular state. This means that all religious communities will have completely identical treatment. I do not give more importance to any issue than it deserves”, Abazovic has stated.


He claims that DPS and SDP were familiar with the text of the Agreement and had no objections. “DPS and SDP representatives were familiar with the text and had no objections to the normative part. So, they had the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction. If they want to do something in accordance with their powers, the Prime Minister has nothing against it”, Abazovic has explained, answering questions from journalists in Belgrade. He is of the opinion that the proposed text of the Agreement with the SPC is completely in accordance with the law and the Constitution. “Tomorrow (today) I will meet the Patriarch, in a short meeting”, Abazovic has stated.


Bogdanovic: It’s not true that DPS has no objections to agreement with SPC (CDM)


“It is not true that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) has no objections to the agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, nor should PM Dritan Abazovic wait to go to Serbia to ‘inform’ the citizens of Montenegro about it”, says DPS Secretary General Aleksandar Bogdanovic. He has reacted to the statement by Abazovic that DPS and SDP were acquainted with the Fundamental Agreement with SPC and that they had no objections.


Vujovic: It’s nasty when PM brutally, without blinking an eye, lies that SDP has no objections to such an agreement with SPC (CDM)


The Secretary General of the Social Democratic Party, Ivan Vujovic, has said that it is nasty when a Prime Minister of one country brutally, without blinking an eye, lies. He has said that commenting on the statement of PM Dritan Abazovic that DPS and SDP had access to the draft Fundamental Agreement with the SPC and that they had no objections.


Djukanovic: Clear message on the importance of the Western Balkans for the EU, support for the region in the fight against malignant influences (CDM)


A clear message from the European Council on the importance of the Western Balkans for the EU and the EU's commitment to enlargement policy and support for the region in the fight against malignant influences, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, who attended the North Atlantic Council meeting. "Meeting of the North Atlantic Council with partners on joint efforts to respond to new challenges. "In this format as well, we support the strengthening of the synergy between NATO and the EU as a key factor in making Europe safer and more secure," Djukanovic said on Twitter. The President of Montenegro pointed out that the defense of an international order based on rules is the basis for joint action by NATO and our partners.

"Once again, a clear message from the European Council on the importance of the Western Balkans for the EU and the EU's commitment to enlargement policy and support for the region in the fight against malignant influences. The values ​​we share, and the defense of an international order based on rules are the basis for joint action by NATO and our partners, "Djukanovic said.


Djukanovic with Michel: Montenegro is a reliable partner of the EU and a promoter of European values (CDM)


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic met with European Council President Charles Michel on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Madrid. "With President Charles Michel on the sidelines of the NATO summit on overcoming obstacles to the region's progress in the integration process. "Montenegro is a reliable partner of the EU and a promoter of European values," Djukanovic said on Twitter.


North Macedonia


Prime Minister Kovacevski again rejected the French proposal (Libertas)


"Historical issues cannot and should not be criteria for a negotiating framework and the negotiations of Northern Macedonia with the EU or any other organization," said the Prime Minister from the parliamentary rostrum. The Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said from the parliamentary rostrum that the French proposal is unacceptable for the country and that he will not allow the language and identity to be the subject of negotiations. "Historical issues cannot and should not be criteria for a negotiating framework and negotiations of Northern Macedonia with the EU or any other organization. Negotiations with the EU must begin with an international conference before constitutional changes can be initiated in order to bring Montenegrins, Croats and Bulgarians into the preamble to the Constitution. "Both the EU and Bulgaria will provide guarantees that there will be no further conditions regarding our process," Kovacevski said, answering a parliamentary question.


There should be no early elections


Kovacevski answering a question from MP Aleksandar Nikolovski from VMRO-DPMNE was adamant that there should be no early parliamentary elections. "In terms of the national interests of all citizens, we currently have a government that cares about the national interests, the dignity of all citizens regardless of their ethnic, religious and national affiliation," Kovacevski said. According to him, this happened in the past period when the national interests of the country, in accordance with the decisions and resolutions adopted in this Assembly were represented by all members of the Government regardless of whether they are Macedonians, Albanians, Turks or any other nationality.


The Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski reiterated the red lines in the negotiations with Bulgaria in front of the members of the Macedonian Parliament


"It was confirmed last week when in a principled way we expressed our views to all our partners in the EU and beyond. However, this cannot be equal to the behavior of the opposition at the Congress of European People's Parties when a resolution was adopted which incorporated the requirements regarding the denial of the national and historical continuity of the Macedonians and the adoption of that resolution was attended by a delegation at the highest level of your party. "We did not see anywhere in the press conference in which you opposed, nor did we see the minutes, nor the speech, nor anything that you did against it," Kovacevski told the opposition MPs.


The Prime Minister says that it is easy for someone to defend national interests at home. "But when national interests have to be defended in front of 27 countries, then obviously it is difficult for someone, and someone has to do it as I, the president and the coalition partners did," Kovacevski said.


Milososki invites the Prime Minister to a committee hearing


Antonio Milososki, MP from VMRO-DPMNE at the parliamentary questions session asked Kovacevski if he would accept as Prime Minister to attend the Foreign Policy Committee to discuss the latest proposal to raise the Bulgarian veto. Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and his predecessor Nikola Dimitrov would also be invited to the session. "This session would aim to consider the proposal that you rejected in Brussels, in the form as it is, and it would aim to create greater cohesion among all political groups in the country so that we have stronger positions, to have "less misunderstandings and not to create what you sometimes call as expert hysteria or raising tension," Milososki said.




Stalemate between Sofia and Skopje holding hostage Albania, US: Ready to facilitate compromise (Radio Tirana)


The United States is ready to "play a constructive role in facilitating a compromise" between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, which would pave the way for the formal launch of membership talks between Brussels and Skopje, and consequently with Albania, which has remained hostage to this impasse. A State Department spokesman told VOA that "given the importance of this process for the countries of the region and for Europe at large, we hope that diplomatic efforts will continue and that we will continue to offer our support there, where it is useful”. The spokesman also stressed that "we applaud France for its efforts to bring a successful solution to start formal negotiations as soon as possible."


France, which holds the rotating EU presidency for a few days, offered a compromise proposal between Sofia and Skopje. Last Friday, the Bulgarian parliament approved the "French proposal", allowing the government to lift its veto on advancing Skopje's European integration process. The French proposal envisages, among other things, the inclusion in the constitution of the rights of Bulgarian citizens in North Macedonia, or its non-recognition of the Macedonian language.


From Brussels, Prime Minister Kovacevsky said on Friday that "the French proposal, in its current form, is unacceptable to me, to the President, the government, the coalition partners and the citizens of North Macedonia." He added that “a proposal that should be acceptable should guarantee key elements: a clear wording for the Macedonian language in the negotiating framework and a clear protection of the Macedonian identity. "Historical issues cannot be a criterion in the negotiating framework." According to him, "talks between the EU and North Macedonia should begin before the opening of the procedure for constitutional changes and the inclusion of Bulgarians, Croats and Montenegrins in the Preamble of the Constitution" seeking "strong guarantees from both Bulgaria and the EU. "Bulgaria will not make new conditional demands on what will be reached as an agreement in the negotiating framework and the bilateral protocol that has not yet been reached with Bulgaria."


Sofia and Skopje are continuing talks on bilateral protocol. It is learned that North Macedonia presented a new proposal yesterday. Even today, Prime Minister Kovacevski told reporters in Skopje that "talks with neighboring Bulgaria continue at the level of expert teams of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries. Once there is a proposal acceptable to both parties, then that proposal can be discussed in the institutions of North Macedonia. At this point, there is no such proposal," Kovacevski said.


The stalemate between Bulgaria and North Macedonia made impossible last Friday a decision by the heads of state of the European Union for the official launch of membership talks between Brussels and the two Balkan countries. The United States, for its part, has repeatedly urged Brussels to move forward in relations with Tirana and Skopje. In his comments to VOA, the State Department spokesman underlined that "the United States is a strong supporter of the integration of North Macedonia and Albania into the EU. We believe that the future of the Western Balkans is precisely in the EU. The enlargement process promotes long-term peace, stability and prosperity throughout the region," the spokesman said, adding that "we take into account many statements by EU leaders on the importance of North Macedonia and Albania's EU membership to strengthen security of Europe, as well as our collective security. North Macedonia and Albania have laid the foundations and now is the time to take them forward to the next stage of the membership process," said a State Department spokesman.


Rama meets Biden: The best words for the role of Albania in the Security Council and NATO (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama had a meeting with US President Joe Biden, Rama said that he heard from Biden the best words about Albania and its role in the Security Council and NATO. Mr Biden expressed his desire to organize something on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Albania-US diplomatic relations.


"I heard from President Joe Biden the best words about Albania and its role in the Security Council and NATO, as well as the expression of his desire to organize something together on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania - USA ", Rama emphasized in a post on social networks.


Prime Minister Rama also praised the agreement reached between Sweden, Finland and Turkey, appreciating the direct approach of President Erdogan in view of a very serious concern of the Turkish state and underlined that this agreement is an example for solving problems between allies.


The head of the government said that he explained the differences of positions in the Balkans in relation to Russia and the sanctions against it, the reasons for these differences and the necessity of maintaining stability and promoting regional cooperation, increasing constructive interaction with Serbia and the EU and NATO countries. Prime Minister Rama requested in NATO that Kosovo be immediately invited to the Partnership for Peace mechanism.