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Belgrade Media Report 19 July



Vucic: Request for Jasenovac visit first made in September (N1/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that he requested permission for his private visit to the Jasenovac death camp memorial site in September last year. He told a news conference that his request had nothing to do with the anniversary of Croatian military-police operation Storm at the end of the war in Croatia in the mid-1990s. “That claim that I did this in connection with Storm is not true, a lie because I requested this in September last year when that anniversary had already been marked,” he said. Vucic said that there were multiple contacts with official Zagreb about the visit as well as several requests for him to postpone it or not go at all. Vucic said that Croatian Charges d’affaires Maja Bogdan delivered a request from her Prime Minister asking him not to go to Jasenovac just days before the visit. He added that Bogdan was told by his advisor that the president would go on a private visit and would not make any statements. “She informed me and this was all my fault,” he said. According to Vucic, the Croatian government was contacted about the visit for the first time on 2 September 2021, a month after the anniversary of operation Storm. He said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic’s cabinet replied on 4 September asking him to postpone the visit “due to the internal political situation”. “We did that and didn’t go public because we feel that is how things are done with partners,” he said. The request was sent again on 1 March 2022 for his visit to Jasenovac on 5 March. “The message we got two days later was that the visit is not welcome at this moment and on 4 March I decided not to go to Jasenovac and none of the Serbian media learned about that… we were fair partners,” he said. The third time was when Vucic told Croatian Serb politician Milorad Pupovac to inform the government which he did. “I said that we would go to Jasenovac with perhaps a single camera and that the visit would be reported afterwards to avoid provocation,” Vucic said and added that it’s shameful that in the 81 years since the death camp was set up no Serbian president ever visited it. “I said I wanted to go while in office to pay my respects to the Serb victims and of course the Roma and Jewish victims who were killed in the most monstrous manner,” he said. Vucic read out a list of all Croatian officials who visited Serbia. Vucic said on Monday that the Serbian Progressive Party, of which he is the leader, had informed him that it had a majority in the Serbian parliament, but that it remained uncertain who would be in the new cabinet. The Progressive party "informed me today that they already have a majority of 130 to 160 seats in the parliament. I asked them to inform me when they conclude talks so I can entrust the mandate to the person put forward by the Serbian Progressive Party, per my constitutional authority," Vucic said after consultations about the new cabinet with the parties voted into the parliament. Vucic said cooperation to date between the Progressives and the Socialist Party of Serbia, led by outgoing speaker Ivica Dacic, had been successful and that talks were continuing. He added that the premier designate would be determined once the new parliament is inaugurated and once he has assurances about the ruling majority. Vucic said he had held talks with 11 election tickets over the last few days and that all meetings had been constructive. He added that the representatives of ethnic Albanian parties had said they wanted integration at the regional level, but not participation in the national government. The League of Vojvodina Hungarians will be continuing to cooperate with the government, as will the Mufti's Legacy ticket, which mostly brings together Bosniaks from Sandzak, Vucic said, adding that he had good talks with the Croat minority, too. Vucic went on to state that the rightist Oath-Keepers, Dveri (Doors) and New Democratic Party of Serbia had mostly insisted on the issue of Kosovo, and that they would be in the opposition, as would the Freedom and Justice Party ticket headed by Marinika Tepic, but he remained vague on the monarchist Kingdom of Serbia Renewal Movement. Monday saw the final round of talks regarding the next premier designate, held between Vucic and the representatives of parliamentary groups. The consultations began on 14 July. Of the remaining parties that passed the threshold in the 3 April general elections, the People’s Party and the Democratic Party -- both part of the United for the Victory of Serbia coalition, have announced that they would not participate in the negotiations regarding the new premier designate, while the Freedom and Justice Party stated that it would. Ahead of the talks, the green-leftist We Must coalition and its member, the environmental Don’t Let Belgrade Drown movement, both stated they would not participate in the consultations.


Dacic says first session of new Serbian parliament next week (FoNet)


Outgoing Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Monday that the new parliament will meet for the first time by the end of next week. Speaking after a meeting with President Aleksandar Vucic, Dacic said that the deadline to form the new parliament is August 4. He said the constitutive session of parliament would be called late this week or early next week. Dacic headed a delegation of his Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) at the consultations with the President on the naming of a prime minister designate. The new parliament could not convene to date because voting at a single polling station had to be repeated several times to complete the election process which began on 3 April.


Petkovic: Bislimi’s claims exchange of theses (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Monday that the claims of the chief negotiator from Pristina Besnik Bislimi that Belgrade is sabotaging the talks, are the most ordinary exchange of theses and a blatant lie. “The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has never refused dialogue and is unequivocally committed to negotiations, so the claims of the chief negotiator from Pristina Besnik Bislimi, that Belgrade is sabotaging the talks are the most common replacement of theses, and to be quite clear a lie,” Petkovic said in a statement. Petkovic points out that not only is the prime minister of the interim institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti not ready for any kind of dialogue, but Bislimi is not ready to talk on a technical level in a reasonable and productive way, and this dialogue block has been going on for months.

“Bislimi persistently refuses to talk with me, as a representative of Belgrade, about the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), so precisely because of the Pristina side, there has been no substantial progress in the dialogue for a very long time,” he adds. Pristina, as he emphasized, instead of pretending to be ready for dialogue, and at the same time doing everything to destabilize the situation on the ground, must finally understand that what is being negotiated is not what they would like to negotiate, but that what is on the table is their obligation to take over previously assumed obligations, among which is enabling the formation of the ZSO in the manner provided for in the first Brussels agreement and accompanying documents.


Athens lodges official protest with Serbia over munitions plane crash (Beta/AP)


On 18 July, Greece filed an official complaint with Serbia after an aircraft carrying mortar shells crashed in northern Greece over the weekend while attempting an emergency landing. "The Greek ambassador in Belgrade has been instructed to make a complaint to the Serbian (government) to stress the need for Greek authorities to be notified in advance about the nature of the cargo," a Greek official who requested anonymity until an official statement was released told the AP in Thessaloniki. The Greek Kathimerini newspaper reported on its website earlier that Greece would lodge a demarche with Serbia for not informing Athens of the dangerous cargo the Antonov aircraft was transporting when it crashed in northern Greece.


Council of European Union extends Lajcak’s mandate (Beta)


The Council of the European Union (EU) reported on 18 July that it had extended the mandate of the Union’s special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak. Lajcak, in charge of other issues in the region of Western Balkans as well, has another two years to serve as the special envoy, until 31 August 2024. He was appointed on 2 April 2020. Together with Lajcak, the Council extended the mandates of the special envoys for the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, the North Caucasus and Georgia’s political crisis.


European path of B&H uncertain, Open Balkans blocked (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


Politika reminded that gloomy prognoses on chances for both B&H and region to become members of the EU came one after another over the past several weeks. “Unlike other countries in the region, B&H is specific because Sarajevo, for the time being, is showing no interest for regional integration either until, judging everything, the complicated situation in the European countries related to the enlargement is solved,” Politika added. The daily reminded that the first disappointment came at the end of last month, when the European paths of Albania and North Macedonia were not unblocked while B&H, unlike Ukraine and Moldova, was not granted the candidate status. Shortly after that, a report of the International Crisis Group (ICG) on B&H was published and it assessed that the accession process for the Western Balkans countries might take decades because none of those countries will be ready to become a member any time soon. As for B&H, the report noted that the crisis in this country is consisted of the RS’ threats with independence, Bosniaks’ refusal to recognize rights of Croats and threats of Croats that they will block institutions after the elections unless electoral reform is carried out. The ICG assessed that Russia, China and West entered mutual conflicts over influence in the Western Balkans and that the West is afraid it might lose its influence because of these two countries and Turkey. “As an example of loss of the western influence, they (the ICG) pointed out the appointment of German politician Christian Schmidt as the High Representative without an approval of the UN Security Council (UN SC),” the daily noted and reminded that the RS refuses to recognize Schmidt and enjoys support of Russia and China in this. As a result, the ICG report noted, “his executive powers are on a thin ice. Should Schmidt decide to use his power to abolish laws or remove officials, Banja Luka might rely on the support of China and Russia to reject his moves. In practice, they already demonstrated readiness to ignore the High Representative”. The daily reminded that Nezavisne novine reported that Brussels is aware of the fact there can be no fast accession of this region to the EU so a source from Brussels administration told Politika the most realistic way for B&H to get closer to the EU would be merging of all regional initiatives, i.e. the Berlin Process and Open Balkans. “Although it was stated that these two processes are compatible, the paper cited collocutors who presented interesting details, according to which the West has its favorites when it comes to these two processes. Namely, the Open Balkans allegedly enjoys sympathies of Washington,” the daily noted and reminded that the Berlin Process is a product of the EU but delays in it resulted in the initiative on the Open Balkans. “The RS has been asking to join the Open Balkans since the very beginning, but Sarajevo is still hesitating,” Politika concluded.


Site of crimes is theater for them (Novosti, by J. Kerbler)


The daily noted that numerous testimonies on tortures in Jasenovac concentration camp were not enough for a high number of Croatian politicians, journalists, historians and academicians to accept the truth on sufferings of Serbs, Jewish and Roma people and, instead, they have been trying for years to present this infamous concentration camp as a work camp, they have been trying to minimize the number of victims and “they went as far as to publish texts with claims that there was a theater in Jasenovac and that prisoners were singing and performing plays”. The daily went on to say that such behavior resulted in marking of liberation of Jasenovac concentration camp on three different occasions because representatives of Jewish associations decided to lay flowers on a separate occasion, apart from Croatian officials, because the Croatian Government “has been avoiding to permanently prohibit use of Ustasha salute ‘Za dom spremni’ (For home – ready), as well as its flirting with extreme Ustasha behavior”. Koprivnica Mayor Misel Jaksic (SDP) stated this year: “Although we live in 21st century, we have been unable to recognize that Jasenovac is a big shame, that Ustashism, Fascism and Nazism are total embarrassment, so we deserved nothing better than to embarrass ourselves in eyes of world.” The daily noted that, only days before the commemoration in Jasenovac, a representative of the Croatian Government Matko Raos attended a gathering the Croatian Defense Forces (HOS) in Split and said that “there would be no present day Croatia without 10 April 1941 when the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) was formed”. Croatian historian Ivo Goldstein assessed as nonsense the proposals to have an international commission establish what happened in Jasenovac and he added that “everyone who wants to know – without politicizing, manipulations and mystification – what happened there, they already know it”. Goldstein also said that minimization, relativizing and denial of Jasenovac crimes is disgusting.




Cvijanovic: Decision of Croatian authorities is scandalous (RTRS)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic called the decision of Croatian authorities “scandalous” and a “provocation”. A destructive move that does not go with any of the modern, democratic countries, especially not a full member of the EU, Cvijanovic stated. She said good neighborly relations must be based on mutual respect, understanding and careful attitude towards not only your own, but other people’s past, the RS President underscored. “Forbidding anyone to lay a wreath and bow to the victims of the genocide in the Jasenovac camp is nothing but an insult to the victims, their descendants and the Serb people as a whole,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying.


Dodik pays visit to Israel, honors victims of Holocaust, discusses improvement of cooperation with Lieberman (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik is paying an official three-day visit to Israel. On Monday, he met with Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and the two discussed cooperation of the RS and Israel in several fields. The officials spoke of improvement of cooperation in the field of energy, as well as strengthening the cooperation in the field of economy. Dodik and Lieberman exchanged opinions regarding the current political matters, both in the Balkans and on a global scale. Dodik and Lieberman agreed that future cooperation between the RS and Israel will grow stronger. Dodik confirmed that they also spoke about strengthening their cooperation in the field of tourism, as well as energy and economy. “That is what we will do in the coming period. And Israel, of course, has a lot of experience with development of solar and other renewable sources of energy, and very soon, we will send our team here, people that will discuss possible cooperation with the authorities here”, Dodik told the reporters. Minister Lieberman also confirmed the good relations between his country and the RS. He emphasized that the RS was always friendly towards Israel. For this reason, Lieberman announced their future cooperation in the field of trade. He said cooperation in the energy and tourism fields will probably be realized during next year, while they will begin serious talks about improving trade cooperation in the future. Prior to this, Dodik visited the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, Yad Vashem, and laid a wreath in the Hall of Remembrance. RTRS reported that Serbs and the Jews share the suffering past, with a special remembrance of the World War II period. More than 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. Around 1.5 million victims were children, and one part of the Yad Vashem Memorial Center is dedicated to them – covered in the pictures of children that were killed during the Holocaust. Speaking to reporters on Monday, Dodik said that when you come to this Center “you feel all the horrors of these sufferings” and you especially feel pain when you visit the part dedicated to children. He said this is especially sad because those that committed these awful crimes did not even spare the young children. Dodik stated that the Jews, as well as the Serbs, know the sufferings they went through during the World War II, and how important it is to remember the past and all those that were lost. “We are in solidarity here with the goal of this never to be forgotten”, Dodik added. It was underlined that the Holocaust is the “biggest stain on the face of Europe” and in addition to remembering the mistakes, we must all work on never allowing such things to be repeated in the future. That was the sum of the message that Dodik wrote in the book of visitors to the Memorial Center. During the day, Dodik met historian and President of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferings of All People in the Srebrenica region between 1992 – 1995 Gideon Greif.


B&H media receive confirmation that RS continues registering state property as its own (O Kanal)


O Kanal reported that, in recent days, it has been confirmed for the media in B&H that the RS continues to register state property as its own, despite the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) and the High Representative (HR), according to which the entity laws enabling this are invalid. RS legalized the registration of property in February this year. The law on immovable property, which was passed at the time, was annulled by HR Christian Schmidt, and previously the entity's laws on forests and agricultural land were declared unconstitutional.


Russian Embassy: Russia remains guarantor of DPA and considers BiH friendly country despite all miserable intrigues of Western partners (FTV/Srna)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Monday, announcing that “despite all the miserable intrigues of the Western partners”, Russia still remains a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and that it considers B&H a friendly country. The statement reads that Russia is advocating that the peoples and citizens of B&H should decide their own destiny. The Embassy emphasized that Russia, despite the statements and actions of some politicians, patiently continues to consider B&H as its friendly country. “This applies to cooperation in the field of fuel and energy, the importance of which, as already obvious, has become clear to the inhabitants of many countries,” emphasizes the Embassy. The announcement states that the Embassy is aware of the content of the interview of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia Laura Cooper for Sarajevo-based daily Oslobodjenje, telling her and her leadership that the Russian Federation has all the necessary capacities to adequately secure its national interests and protect its security. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that “without undermining of constitutional competences of those representatives of political elite in B&H who consider the US ‘a proven friend’, we call – once again – for unbiased approach to hypocritical, aggressive and selfish activities of the Washington in the international arena. The common thing in their endeavors is that the ruler is ready to reject every vassal who depleted his needs”. The Russian Embassy to B&H said that declared goals of the special military operation in Ukraine will surely be met and it would be better for Washington to pressure the regime in Kyiv to accept Russian goals instead of complaining about “innocent victims” that Ukrainian neo-Nazis deliberately use as “human shield”.


Newly appointed British Ambassador submits credentials to B&H Presidency Chairman (N1/FTV)


B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic received the letter of credence on Monday of the newly appointed Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to B&H Julian Reilly. The two discussed the relations between B&H and the United Kingdom, which were assessed to be extremely good and friendly, with room for further strengthening and development. It was also pointed out that this year marks the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between B&H and the United Kingdom. They discussed the improvement of economic and other forms of cooperation, and the importance of the appointment of Sir Stuart Peach as the United Kingdom's special envoy for the Western Balkans was highlighted. Dzaferovic welcomed Ambassador Reilly and wished him a successful mandate. Reilly succeeded Matthew Field, who will continue his career in the Czech Republic. Given that the general elections are set to take place in October, Reilly expressed the UK’s support to all citizens and institutions working on enabling holding of elections. Reilly said that implementation of results and formation of authorities willing to cooperate will be equally important for preserving the voters’ confidence.


Plenkovic: Vucic will pay a visit when the time is right (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's visit to Croatia cannot be private because of political implications and that it will come about when the time is right. Vucic has expressed a wish to visit the Jasenovac memorial center privately, but has been denied clearance from the Croatian authorities to visit the site of the WWII concentration camp. "We have learned unofficially that he wishes to pay a visit on Sunday, but without a formal announcement that should precede any visit, especially of this nature. No matter how discreet he may want it to be, it's not a private visit. It's a matter that has its political implications," Plenkovic told reporters after a meeting of the leadership of his HDZ party. "We have said that it is not the right moment, nor is the methodology right. When the time comes and the conditions have been met, we can talk about it," he added. He described the reaction from Belgrade, not just from the government but the media as well, as "hysterical", adding that Croatia is "inclusive and tolerant" and is not trying to score political points on this issue. "The visit will come about when the time comes. A policy of fait accompli is unacceptable anywhere, including Croatia. At this point we concluded that this visit does not suit us," the Croatian Prime Minister said. Earlier on Monday, Vucic said he had tried but failed to arrange with Zagreb a visit to Jasenovac three times, once in 2021 and twice in 2022. He said he was rejected because of the "internal political situation" in Croatia, with the explanation that his visit was not welcome. "I know of his initiative from late February, March. We said that the time was not right for such a visit. After that there have been no contacts or discussions on this subject," Plenkovic said. He added that at the end of February Construction Minister Darko Horvat was arrested on corruption charges, his father died, and the USKOK anti-corruption office were interested in Deputy PM Boris Milosevic and Labor and Pension System Minister Josip Aladrovic. "We sent a message that it was not a good time for such a visit. As for September 2021, I tried to check it with my aides and we do not remember that. We will check it again," Plenkovic said. He said that any visit that might have political consequences should be carefully arranged. "It is important that we treat each other with respect and show that we are states. States communicate like people," Plenkovic said, adding that anyone wishing to visit someone should announce their visit. He said that the matter would be discussed later on "when passions have cooled" and "constructive communication is established".


Bozinovic comments on Croatia’s ban on Vucic’s visit (HRT1)


Croatian Minister of Internal Affairs Davor Bozinovic who said that the fact is that the visit of a person of the rank of the president of a foreign country cannot be organized and announced in the way it was done. Bozinovic pointed out that Serbian diplomacy has a long tradition that it would not have known about this way of announcing the visit and that informally. Bozinovic reminded that Serbian officials came to Croatia many times, and they know the protocol, which is why it is surprising now that it was not respected. Opposition members in Croatia point out that relations between Zagreb and Belgrade are very bad, and Vucic’s latest move was a direct provocation. They doubt Vucic’s only goal was to honor the victims in Jasenovac.


Abazovic: We’re continuing consultations on Fundamental Agreement with Djukanovic today or tomorrow (CdM)


At yesterday’s cabinet meeting, the minutes from the previous meeting were adopted, at which the proposed harmonized text of the Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was adopted. Minister of Defense Rasko Konjevic, before declaring on the minutes, said that if it is adopted, the right is acquired for the Prime Minister to carry out further procedures regarding the Fundamental Agreement, and all the rest is the signing between the contracting parties. Konjevic stressed that “from the very act of verification of the minutes, the government has been definitely in some kind of technical mandate”. PM Dritan Abazovic said that doubts remained, and that his proposal was that “until the moment of signing the Fundamental Agreement, everyone could submit their opinion regarding the legal interpretation of the act”. “I have undertaken to open consultations. I will do the first ones with the President of the country today or possibly tomorrow. I am more than willing that the professional public can point out things that may point to things that are not in accordance with the Constitution and the law by the time the Fundamental Agreement is signed”, said Abazovic.


Krivokapic: SDP to formalize request to shorten government mandate (MINA)


The Social Democratic Party (SDP) will technically formalize the request to shorten the mandate of the government of Montenegro, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic has stated.

He says that with today’s confirmation of the minutes from the previous cabinet meeting, at which the proposed harmonized text of the Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was adopted, it is clear that the government has lost its credibility. “The government does not have the confidence of the SDP and the formalization of the shortening of the mandate will happen, but that is what is basic in democracy”, Krivokapic has told reporters.


Kovacevski congratulates country’s start of negotiations, says the goal is to join EU by 2030 (MIA)


Today is a historic day for us. After 17 years, we are making the key step on the path to the realization of our decades-long, generational dream, one that a vast majority of our citizens, state leaders, politicians, civil society, academia, businessmen, journalists and media workers, thousands of civil servants have been committed to for many years, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski in his opening statement at the first Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) with the EU on Tuesday, MIA reports from Brussels. With this Intergovernmental Conference, said the Prime Minister, Macedonia begins the last stage of its long road to full-fledged membership in the European Union. He mentioned that with this Intergovernmental Conference, the decision of the EU Council from March 2020 is practically implemented and the process for admission of Macedonia and its citizens into the big European family is opened. The road to Brussels was long. Macedonia formally applied for full-fledged membership in 2004 and gained candidate status in 2005. The European Commission gave the first recommendation for the start of negotiations in 2009, and the EU Council confirmed it with a unanimous decision in March 2020, the Prime Minister said. According to Kovacevski, Macedonia belongs to the European family in terms of civilization, geography and history. In the spirit of respect for diversity, the Prime Minister emphasized, through the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the subsequent constitutional amendments, our country has created an advanced model that ensures equality in the realization of the cultural, linguistic and identity rights of the communities. The Prime Minister emphasized that they are committed to working on overcoming challenges and improve relations with neighbors through the implementation of the Prespa Agreement with Greece and the Agreement on Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria. A European future with unconditional respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the Macedonian people and their linguistic, identity, historical and cultural features. I am glad that these issues, as well as bilateral issues that are not directly related to EU law and the Copenhagen criteria for membership, will not be discussed during the negotiations, as was unequivocally confirmed by President Von der Leyen in the parliament of Macedonia before all our MPs and our entire public, underlined Kovacevski. He noted that he is proud that the Macedonian language will be the language in which the process of accession negotiations will be conducted, including the conclusion of the Agreement on the accession Macedonia to the EU. He pointed out that he is looking forward to the day when, with Macedonia’s full-fledged EU membership, the Macedonian language will be one of the official languages of the EU, equal to all the other 24 official languages of the European Union. Moreover, he said that all the relevant institutions in Macedonia are fully prepared to contribute to the efficient and effective implementation of the screening process and to continue with further harmonization of our legal framework with EU standards. We are aware that the duration of the negotiations will depend primarily on the implementation of the necessary reforms, as well as on the EU’s ability to support and deepen its own development, guaranteeing its capacity to integrate new members. In this sense, through intensive and dedicated work, Macedonia aims to be fully prepared to take on the obligations of EU membership by the end of 2030 so that it can become an EU member state by the beginning of the next EU budget period, added the Prime Minister.


Kovacevski thanks Kljusev, Gligorov, Trajkovski and Crvenkovski (Republika)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said Tuesday’s beginning of the European Union accession negotiations is a result of 17 years of difficult, important, significant and patriotic decisions and it is built upon the work and effort of all citizens of the country, regardless of their ethnic, religious or any other self-determination. The work of a large number of leaders of the state since its independence, from the first president Kiro Gligorov, prime minister Kljusev, through president Boris Trajkovski, Crvenkovski and other prime ministers, ministers and leaders of the state, all employees of the institutions that worked on preparations for the Republic of Macedonia to start the negotiations, are included, Prime Minister Kovacevski said before the start of today’s intergovernmental conference in Brussels. This, he added, is also the result of, as he emphasized, the great decision that the citizens made through their deputies in the Parliament in the past days. He thanked French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and all other presidents and prime ministers of 27 EU member states that today the Republic of Macedonia is starting negotiations with the EU.


Varhelyi: You are a successful model of a multi-ethnic society (Republika)


You are a successful model of a multi-ethnic society and deserve to continue with the accession process. It is crucial that Macedonia remains fully committed to this process, European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said in the opening address of the first intergovernmental conference. Saturday’s vote in the parliament was a decisive step and a proof for your decision to continue on the path of the EU, but also a testimony of democratic decision-making in Macedonia. Today’s conference is a well-deserved recognition of what your country has achieved in recent years in advancing reforms. Macedonia continues to meet all conditions. Continue the good work in internal reforms and strengthening democratic institutions, said Varhelyi.


Mickoski on the protocol: Macedonia will have to fulfill Bulgarian wishes (Republika)


Hristijan Mickoski, leader of VMRO-DPMNE, believes that the protocol with which Macedonia will have to fulfill Bulgarian wishes opens the door for negotiations for Albania, but not for our country. According to him, it is a diplomatic knockout and capitulation. He pointed out that the start of the negotiations would require a change to the Constitution and the inclusion of the Bulgarians, and this would not be allowed by VMRO-DPMNE. With this, Mickoski believes that it will be possible to change the negotiating framework, before it is adopted. That protocol opened the door for negotiations for Albania, but partially closed it for Macedonia. As Genchovska said, the real Intergovernmental Conference will not be held now, but with a change in the Constitution. And VMRO-DPMNE is the guarantor that this will not happen, because the government does not have two-thirds majority in the parliament. Genchovska gave an example that she does not recognize the Macedonian language, will we answer that we do not recognize the Bulgarian language? Genchovska demands that the Bulgarians be included the Constitution, and demands that we renounce the Macedonians in Bulgaria. Is that reciprocity? I can give other examples. But essentially we are talking about a diplomatic knockout for Macedonia. There is a European future for the citizens of Albania, not for the citizens of Macedonia, Mickoski said. He claims that they will stand by the request to change the Negotiating Framework. The process for bilateral negotiations with Bulgaria and protocols is one process, process for change.


Zaharieva: Macedonian language is dialect of Bulgarian, historical issues are part of the negotiating framework (Republika/BNT)


GERB MP, Ekaterina Zaharieva indicated that with the signing of the protocol, historical issues are part of the negotiating framework, along with the sanctioning of hate speech and other Bulgarian demands. According to her, the most important thing is that Bulgaria still does not recognize the Macedonian language and calls it the “official language according to the Constitution”. Her comment was given to the Bulgarian BNT. It is important to say that with this approval we do not recognize the Macedonian language, but continue to use the formula introduced in 1999, the official language according to the country’s constitution. In addition, our requests to stop hate speech, strengthen bilateral cooperation and implement the decisions of the historical commission, include Bulgarians in the Macedonian constitution, become part of the negotiating framework, Zaharieva pointed out. Regarding the Macedonian language, Zaharieva said once again: “It has differences, but it was written in 1945, based on the Bulgarian dialect.


Brussels/ Rama: "The moment starts now!"; The historic moment of the opening of EU-Albania negotiations (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke at the inter-governmental conference on the opening of negotiations with the EU for Albania's journey in this process. He said that in Albania we do not agree on many things, but the only belief that brings everyone together is the fact that there is no other way but the EU. "Thank you. It's hard to believe this is happening. For a long time we fought against the belief that it was not going to happen at all. Giving up never crossed our minds. In Albania, we do not agree on everything, but one belief survives. There is no other way but the EU. It is our path, our mission, our fate. For centuries we have had to live in regimes that we did not choose. This time is different. We chose Europe because we believe in this security space but also because it inspires a different way of thinking about belonging to our region. A way to break with the past once and for all. Europe is what makes possible another Balkan as regards security. An Open Balkan of the four EU's freedoms. Starting from today we make reality a better place to follow the dream. What we have achieved so far is only the end of the beginning," said Rama. "Today I am happy, the hearts of the people I represent are filled with happiness, I never thought I would find happiness in this building, they are filled with new determination to continue rolling the stones of the EU and filled with  myth hope, and politics will fall apart. That one day we will succeed in reaching the top of the mountain and not be forced to roll back. That place on top of the mountain is called home and it is the place we always belong to, in the European family." With these words, Prime Minister Edi Rama closed his speech in Brussels during the First Intergovernmental Conference of the European Union with Albania. The participants applauded the speech of the Prime Minister of Albania. While the leader of this conference said that this is precisely the official moment of the opening of negotiations for the membership of Albania with the European Union. "The moment starts now," he said, marking a historic moment for Albania.


Rama: Thank you to the Albanian people who never gave up and never stopped dreaming of following the European path (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, in the press release with the President of the EC Ursula von der Leyen, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala said that it is important to build a European and strong Albania and an Open and democratic Balkans, considering the First Intergovernmental Conference not as "the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning". "I want to thank the EC President, who knew how to make a German-Balkan presence in this building and fight for both of us, the EU and the Western Balkans. I want to thank another German lady who is no longer active, but without her we would not be here today, Angela Merkel. We would not be here without the excessive efforts of the French President and his team. The French proposal paved the way for unblocking an absurd situation. Thank you to the Albanian people who never gave up and never stopped dreaming of following the European path and thanks to whom we stayed on our feet after 3 very complicated years, the earthquake, the pandemic, the war created a difficult situation, but they strengthened us. We know that this is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning, but the situation is what it is and it is good as it is and we need to build a strong European Albania and an open, strong and democratic Balkans," Rama said.


EC President, Ursula von der Leyen: Historic moment for Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has assessed the first Intergovernmental Conference between the EU-Albania-North Macedonia as a "historical moment". In a communication with the media, together with the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski and of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala, she has appreciated the work done by Albania and North Macedonia for the rapprochement with the EU, but and has also underlined the personal commitment of Rama and Kovacevski in this process.

"I have opened negotiations for EU accession and I am very happy. This is your success, that of your people, that you have worked so hard and shown commitment to our values. You implemented the rule of law, we have an active civil society and a free media. You have made all these changes because they are good for your country. We as a Commission have supported you all the way and will continue to do so. After the Intergovernmental conference today, the commission will start work today and the review of the Acquis Communitaire will be the first step. The second point is that we will continue to be closer in key areas. Albania will join the European Civil Protection.  Albania will join the European civil protection, related to natural disasters. While with North Macedonia, the deployment of FRONTEX on the Macedonian borders will be discussed. All laws will be translated into the Macedonian language. There will be an increase in energy and transport investments. The citizens of your two countries deserve to be in the EU," Ursula von der Leyen was quoted as saying.


Borrell: Albania will be supported by the EU to face the hostile influences of third countries (Radio Tirana)


The head of foreign policy in the European Union Josep Borrell delivered his speech at the first intergovernmental conference on the opening of negotiations for EU integration. He also focused on the cyber attack that Albania has faced in recent days while adding that our country can rely on the European Union. "The Western Balkans is important for the EU and today this importance is being shown. Important for Albania and the EU as a whole. In this new phase, Albania will have the advantages to speed up EU reforms. And enriching the EU standard through this process by bringing back the Albanian society. As for aspects of foreign policy and security, your alignment in the UN Security Council reflects the direction you have chosen. This comes at a high price by becoming part of a list of some undesirable countries. In June we said that you have the harmonization with the policies and sanctions that the EU has set. In these times, nothing is clearer than such a foreign policy. Our relationships are not transactions of interest. Albania will be supported by the EU to face the hostile influences of third countries. We know how difficult it has been for you to deal with the consequences of the war on electricity prices. Albania was targeted by a cyber attack. We saw an action to face this danger, especially those who are close to our policies in the region," he said.


Kovacevski: We are ready for the EU; I congratulate the citizens of Albania for the opening of negotiations (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of North Macedonia expressed his happiness for the opening of negotiations with the European Union, as he said that the new beginning for the region will be prosperity and progress. He also congratulated the citizens of Albania and Prime Minister Rama for this step towards the EU. "Today we are here to take the first step towards full membership. I make myself available to congratulate the citizens of Albania and my colleague Edi Rama. I believe that this new beginning for the region will be prosperity and progress. We will continue as we have done so far in the interest of our citizens. We will work for ourselves and for speeding up the integration process. It is a great pleasure that after 17 years we are starting negotiations. Safely, we are joining the big European family. The French proposal is in line with the red lines at some points and helped open the negotiations. The doors are open for the Macedonian language to become one of the official languages ​​of the EU. The Macedonian language will not only be protected, but promoted. North Macedonia, from the natural aspects and civilizations, belongs to the EU. We will work and function in this way. I expect to set a positive example for EU integration. We are ready for the EU. We are happy for this EU hospitality. If we predict a start date this will be historic. I wish you all success," said Kovacevski.


Negotiations/ Foreign friends congratulate Albanians; EU-OSCE: A new chapter opens! CDU/CSU Germans: We do not forget the criteria (Radio Tirana)


Albania's foreign friends greet and congratulate the Albanians for the opening of negotiations with the European Union. The Commissioner for Enlargement in the EU, Oliver Varhelyi, has considered this day as an indicator of the commitment of the union for the countries of the Western Balkans to be part of the European family. The same message was delivered by the EU delegation in Tirana. Albania's foreign friends greet and congratulate the Albanians for the opening of negotiations with the European Union. The Commissioner for Enlargement in the EU Oliver Varhelyi has considered this day as an indicator of the commitment of the union for the countries of the Western Balkans to be part of the European family. The same message was distributed by the EU delegation in Tirana. The OSCE in Albania has described today as a long-awaited and well-deserved new chapter of Albania. The CDU-CSU in Germany have welcomed the opening of the negotiations, describing it as hopeful progress on the road to the EU, but warned that there will be no concessions on the criteria. The former ambassador of Albania to the EU, Luigi Soreca, also had a special congratulation. "Very happy for all the people in Albania and friends who see Europe as their natural destination," he wrote, among other things.


Deputy Assistant Secretary of State meets with the head of SPAK: USA supports the new justice; Proud of the cooperation (Radio Tirana)


Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Lisa Johnson had a meeting on Monday with the head of the Special Anticorruption Structure Arben Kraja. Johnson reiterated that the USA is proud of the cooperation established with the Albanian Special Anticorruption Structure and it has supported it since its formation. “Proud to partner with Specialized Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime Structure (SPAK). SPAK is showing results with arrests, investigations, and convictions of ministers, members of Parliament, judges, prosecutors, mayors, organized crime figures, etc.

Congrats to Chief Special Prosecutor Arben Kraja and National Bureau of Investigation Director Aida Hajnaj. Met with NBI investigators. Half completed training just weeks ago - including one-month specialized training with the FBI. These are dedicated and energetic patriots who will pursue crime wherever they find it and make Albanians proud. The US has closely supported SPAK every step of the way from formation to recruitment to becoming operational. We look forward to meeting again next month during their visit to Washington and the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Amb. Lisa Johnson.