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Belgrade Media Report 19 August



Petkovic: Working day and night to find a solution (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Pekovic said at a press conference that President Aleksandar Vucic will address the public on Sunday at 1:30 pm, after a meeting with Serbs from Kosovo. The president cannot come to terms with the fact that we have conflicts, that we do not have a compromise, we are working day and night to find a solution, said Petkovic.

He points out that all possible solutions are being considered that will be in the interest of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and that will not trample on the interests of our country, and will go in the direction of a compromise solution. “That is the reason why I am addressing you today, and not President Vucic, who will address the public on Sunday at 1:30 pm from the Palace of Serbia, and the reason is that Vucic never goes to the podium, does not say what is unrealistic and does not promise proposals and solutions that he cannot fulfill, although many things here do not depend on us. We need another side that must agree and move in the direction of compromise solutions,” said Petkovic.


Two proposals on freedom of movement

“Yesterday, our side came out with two proposals when it comes to the freedom of movement. That is, how to find a solution before 1 September, because for that time Kurti ‘announced the implementation of reciprocity with violent decisions’,” says Petkovic. “In terms of identity cards, we were ready for Pristina to issue an entry-exit document at the administrative crossing for citizens of Serbia who reside in Serbia proper when they go to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. And in that agreement, which is not good for us, it does not say that that question refers to the Serbs who live in Kosovo and Metohija, specifically for those who live in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. The Serbs who live in Kosovo and Metohija are not Serbs from the Pristina side, they are represented by Belgrade. That is what the President said, that they are citizens of Serbia who feel that they live in their own country,” says Petkovic. They were ready, he adds, given that since 2011 we have been issuing to Albanians with Kosovo identity cards, that such a document should also be issued to Serbs living in Serbia proper, but that this does not apply to citizens living in Kosovo and Metohija. “Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija are not Serbs traveling in transit to a third country. The final destination of Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija is not Albania, North Macedonia, but their doorstep. As Kurti imagined, Serbs who have always lived in Kosovo and Metohija and live in their own homes would have to, after 90 days, leave the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija in order to get that paper again, which is completely unacceptable. We do not accept that someone is trampling on agreements, humiliating the Serb people, creating security problems, we do not accept that,” said Petkovic. He said that they proposed that vehicles pre-register on to status neutral license plates according to Resolution 1244 and that Kurti categorically refused that.


Vucic sends message from Brussels (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who had talks Thursday in Brussels with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and EU representatives, said that the day was difficult and that he cannot say that it ended successfully. “A difficult day is behind us, it was a difficult day for all Serbian citizens, for our whole country, and I cannot say that it ended successful but I refrain from all other comments, because I hope and I want to believe that it is possible to reach, by some miracle, some kind of a compromise solution in the days ahead, and that is why I will continue to fight for peace and stability,” said Vucic in a video posted on The Future of Serbia Instagram account. He added that he will address the Serbian public in the next 48 hours and present all the facts. “And before I address you I just want to tell you that we are fighting for our country, that we are continuing that fight and that I can’t wait to get back to our Serbia,” said the Serbian President.


Vucic calls meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives (Tanjug)


Vucic called on Thursday in Brussels a meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives that will be held in Belgrade's Palace of Serbia on Sunday from 11 am, a source in the Belgrade delegation has told Tanjug. All political and institutional representatives of Kosovo Serbs, as well as all Srpska Lista leaders, mayors of Serb-majority municipalities, district heads and hospital directors have been invited to the meeting.


Petkovic: Vucic to make no statements in Brussels, to speak on Friday (RTS/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Thursday in Brussels President Aleksandar Vucic would give no statements following the conclusion of a trilateral meeting with EU facilitators and Pristina PM Albin Kurti, but make a public address on Friday. "We thought it was possible to reach compromise. No one from our delegation will make statements," Petkovic told reporters in Brussels. The Belgrade delegation fought for peace, stability and compromise solutions and that is why Vucic will stay in Brussels for a while longer, Petkovic said. "President Vucic will make a public address tomorrow after returning to Belgrade, and it will be one of his most significant public addresses," Petkovic said, adding that Vucic would speak in the afternoon or in the evening.


Borrell: No agreement today, discussions to be continued (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


EU High Representative Josep Borrell said on Thursday Belgrade and Pristina delegations had failed to reach an agreement in a new round of the Brussels dialogue, but that an agreement had been made to continue discussions in the coming days. Speaking at a press conference after meetings with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the PM of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti, Borrell said there was still time until 1 September - the date until which Pristina's decisions on vehicle re-registration and personal documents has been postponed. "We did not yet (come) to an agreement today but it is not the end of the story. Both leaders agreed that the process needs to continue, and the discussions will resume in the coming days," Borrell said. "I do not give up.... We need to look for a solution," he added. Borrell said he believed Vucic and Kurti understood there was no alternative to dialogue and that they had agreed to continue discussions in the coming period to accelerate the process of normalization of Belgrade-Pristina ties. Commenting on recent tensions in the north of Kosovo over vehicle license plates and entry/exit documents, Borrell said the international community did not want to see renewed tensions and that the "parties will be fully responsible for any potential escalation on the ground".


Jeremic: Serbia should not give up on Kosovo (N1/Beta)


People’s Party president Vuk Jeremic said on Thursday that Serbia should not give up on Kosovo and Metohija “for as long as it exists as a state”. In an appearance on TV N1, Jeremic said that, for Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija “is far more than a diplomatic, international matter.” “Where Serbia is concerned, we should never give up on Kosovo and Metohija in terms of our identity, culture, territory and security, for as long as we exist as a state,” the People’s Party president said. Jeremic, a former president of the UN General Assembly, said that Serbia could propose a resolution on respecting the territorial integrity of all U.N. member states at the General Assembly's annual session in September, adding that it did not explicitly have to mention the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. “The UN General Assembly could adopt such a resolution with a comfortable majority, given the crisis in Ukraine, and this would benefit Serbia,” Jeremic said. He also said that Serbia had not needed to become the host of this year’s Europride, the largest LGBT manifestation in Europe, and that this “is the project of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who wants to present himself as ‘the biggest democrat’ in the Balkans for the sake of Western public opinion”. He said that Vucic wanted to “misrepresent the state of human rights and freedoms in Serbia as being much better than it is”.




RS officials react to Schmidt’s behavior during media address in Gorazde; Dodik: I understood that he said that it was them in FB&H and not us in RS (ATV)


Wednesday’s outburst of rage by a German diplomat Christian Schmidt in Gorazde sparked many reactions. While some criticized such behavior, others made jokes about the entire situation. Many believe such behavior does not befit a foreign diplomat, and even media in Germany and Austria condemned Schmidt’s reaction. Schmidt said on Wednesday that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) politicians are “complete rubbish” and that they constantly blame others for their inefficient work. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik says Schmidt’s reaction proves that situation in B&H is quite complicated. Dodik does not believe that Schmidt was talking about Republika Srpska (RS) politicians when he made the abovementioned assessment. “Now we see an enraged Schmidt behaving the way he is behaving, I see that he was saying that politicians are rubbish, I understood that he was speaking of those in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), and he is inviting us for brandy - that means we are good guys”, Dodik told reporters on Thursday. An attack of hysteria caught Schmidt in Gorazde, so he did not hesitate to say that it was there that people died for B&H. Schmidt should at least know that such a construction is an insult to the RS, because its fighters and people gave their lives for other ideas, says Dodik. “He stated yesterday that people were killed, that they all died for B&H, that is not true, members of the RS Army and our population did not die for that idea”, Dodik emphasized. Dodik stated: “I think that the situation in B&H is completely blocked. Now we see an enraged, angry Schmidt who is behaving the way he is behaving. I see that he said that politicians stink, but I understood that he said that it was them in the FB&H and not us in the RS, because he invited us to drink some brandy. It says that we are good guys, but he still remains an illegal High Representative. He is not the one who can obtain his legitimacy that way.” With his theatrical performance, Schmidt tried to reach the citizens because no one in Sarajevo takes him seriously anymore, say representatives of the RS parliament. They add that someone who presents himself as a world diplomat should not allow himself to say something like that. “He is a tourist here, but he receives a salary of EUR 25,000, that is the salary of the European commissioners, Schmidt receives EUR 25,000 for the position of a tourist, as if he were a commissioner in the EU,” says RS parliament deputy speaker Denis Sulic.


Dodik: Not all people died for B&H, Serbs died for RS; Komsic responds that Dodik tells falsehoods (Nova BH)


Surprisingly, there were not many reactions to the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt’s harsh statements from those to whom his message was addressed, i.e. politicians, noted the presenter. Only a few politicians commented. The Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik reacted to a part of Schmidt’s statement, in which Schmidt said that people died for Gorazde. Dodik wrote on Twitter: “Not all people here died for B&H. Serbs created RS and they died and fought for its independence and freedom.” The Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic quickly responded to Dodik by saying: “Dodik, of course, tells lies but, as long as we, the witnesses of that time, are alive, we will tell the truth. And the truth is that Serbs died for B&H as well. Many great people gave their lives for B&H.” Komsic said that Dodik is mistaken when saying that Serbs did not die for B&H in the war, adding that both Serbs sacrificed their lives for B&H since there are Serbs who live for the idea of a civic B&H. “You are lying, Milorad, and no matter how much you lie, a lie will never become the truth, and we are absolutely not interested in what you think and think about the battle for B&H,” Komsic noted.


HR Schmidt’s media appearance involving harsh criticism of politicians and situation in B&H sparks reactions; B&H officials say this was a good performance or anger because plans for electoral reform were revealed (O Kanal)


The Wednesday’s media address in which HR Christian Schmidt raised his voice while harshly criticizing the political officials in B&H sparked a series of reactions. According to O Kanal, a year of stay in B&H was enough to drive Schmidt mad and make him feel fed up with the fact that all eyes are on the OHR whenever a crisis emerges in B&H. Schmidt showed that he is angered by the situation and behavior of politicians in B&H and said: “Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. I am neither sitting nor standing here, I am here to care about this state. This is a city where people were losing their lives and we are not here to play political games!” Schmidt stressed that “this is not the way the path towards the EU should be”. Some noted that people expect way more from Schmidt – not just to bring certain benefits to HDZ B&H - arguing that former HR Valentin Inzko did nothing but expressed his concern. Others even assessed that Schmidt is actually holding the side of leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and that by this, he is creating room for imposing of the B&H Election Law in line with wishes of HDZ B&H. DF MP Dzevad Adzem stated that politicians in B&H are the main problem in the country because they – abuse indecisiveness of the international community and the HR – and they do nothing about the B&H road to the NATO and the EU. In his opinion, the recent presentation of stances coming from the HR is a form of frustration. SDA representative in B&H House of Representatives Alma Colo said that Schmidt was probably put in a situation where he saw that there was no political will to move forward and resolve disputed matters. She added that he must be aware that the priority of B&H is implementation judgment of the European Court of Human Rights and that he should help in this. International secretary of the HDZ B&H Josip Brkic said that he believes that despite the approach to the beginning of the election campaign, enough wisdom will be found to make changes that will enable the fair implementation of the elections. Member of the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly (SDP B&H) Sasa Magazinovic stated that HR comes from a country that is considered a Western democracy, and that there is no country where the rules of the election campaign and cycle are changed when that cycle has already started. Member of DF Presidency Zlatan Begic said that “Schmidt can yell in his own house, at his own household members, if they allow him to do that.” Member of FB&H parliament Nihad Colpa stated that Schmidt did not react to harshly. According to him, reactions of SDA, DF and SDP show that these parties will not give up on spreading the Russian propaganda about the evil West that discriminates one ethnic group. “Such propaganda can only be seen in pro-Russian media in Serbia and heard from the mouth of (SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik. It is unclear if they do this deliberately, or if they do not know what they are doing, but whatever the reason, this is very detrimental for B&H, and especially its economy,” said Colpa.


Grlic Radman: HR Schmidt should correct mistakes of his predecessors so that reforms would be implemented to ensure equality of all peoples (FTV)


Addressing media at the HDZ B&H political party event in Vitez on Thursday, Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said that HR Christian Schmidt should correct the mistakes of his predecessors so that the reforms that burden the path of the EU of B&H, including the Election Law, would be implemented to ensure equality of all peoples. Grlic Radman stated that, in order to obtain the EU candidate status, it is necessary to fulfill “certain obligations, conditions and criteria, including limited constitutional reform and generally the electoral reform so that all forms of discrimination in election process would be eliminated”. He concluded that Croats in B&H should have “political participation in the House of Peoples and the Presidency”. According to Grlic Radman, this means Schmidt should go back to the starting point, 20 years ago, before the Election Law was changed “a little more to detriment of Croat people”. He stressed that Croatia expects Schmidt to enable the three constituent peoples in B&H to have the position as guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Accords, adding that this was changed in 2000 and 2002 by intervening in the election law and the constitutions of B&H's two entities.


Viskovic: The only formula for the survival of B&H is an agreement between the constituent peoples and institutions within B&H, without the interference of foreigners (Srna/ATV)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the only formula for the survival of B&H is an agreement between the constituent peoples and institutions within B&H, without the interference of foreigners. In a statement for Srna, Viskovic said that it is difficult to develop relations in B&H - a country where foreigners decide and which has no future, until local representatives of the government are left to negotiate and cooperate. He stated that the stories of certain foreigners are false, that their intentions towards B&H and the peoples who live here are benevolent, and that even small children no longer believe such stories. Viskovic emphasized that there are certain representatives of the international community who are really trying to do something good for B&H and enable legally elected representatives in B&H to agree on the future of this country, but that, unfortunately, they are a minority. “The majority, for some reasons of their own, try to solve everything that they cannot solve at home in B&H,” the RS PM concluded.


Dodik confirms that he will visit Russia at end of September (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Thursday that he will visit Russia at the end of September. Dodik told reporters in Banja Luka that he spoke with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov on Thursday about the gas pipeline, reminding that the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) has not reached consensus regarding the gas pipeline construction in the past 12 years. Dodik added that he and Kalabukhov discussed cooperation and the current situation in B&H – which is completely blocked, and Dodik reiterated that B&H has an illegal High Representative. “We talked about how to resolve these matters revolving around the gas pipeline. B&H, i.e. the Council of Ministers did not allow that as Muslims did not want to vote for this to happen after 12 years,” Dodik told reporters on Thursday and promised that as long as he is in power, the officials from RS will not allow for any project to be implemented in B&H until the gas pipeline towards Banja Luka is approved. Dodik announced after the meeting that he will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow at the end of September. Addressing the reporters after the meeting, Dodik said that he discussed with the Russian Ambassador how to resolve the issues regarding a gas pipeline towards Banja Luka. He reminded that this project was not approved by B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) because “Muslims” were against.


Cvijanovic tells Kalabukhov that RS is committed to preserving peace and stability (ATV)


During Thursday’s meeting with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic expressed the commitment of the RS institutions to preserve peace and stability, as well as consistent respect for the Dayton Agreement and the constitutional position of the two entities and three constituent peoples in B&H. At the meeting in Banja Luka, the current political and economic situation in the RS and B&H was discussed. The interlocutors also discussed the relations between the RS and Russia, the possibilities of improving cooperation in numerous areas, as well as the realization of agreed joint projects. The officials discussed the political and economic situation in the RS and B&H. They concluded that both the RS and Russia advocate for strict compliance with the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the constitutional position of the two entities and three constituent peoples in B&H.


German Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We will not allow security vacuum in neighborhood, internal situation in B&H is tense (Hayat)


German Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release with information on re-participation of German soldiers within the EUFOR mission of Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The press release reads that they will not allow security vacuum in their close neighborhood, adding that internal situation in B&H is tense and that there are forces that want to divide the country. According to the press release, they send a signal that Germany is committed to safety of people in the country, and they want to help to hold elections in October in a safe environment. The press release also quoted German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin saying that they will not allow security vacuum in their close neighborhood and instead, they will continue to take a clear stance against policy of divisions. The statement also reads that the German government, together with its partners in the UN Security Council, is working to renew the 'Althea' mission even after November.


Pahor: I am exerting efforts so that the EU sees Western Balkans a chance and not as a problem (


In an interview for, Slovenian President Borut Pahor stated that he believes that B&H should be granted a status of the EU candidate without special conditions. He stressed that it is very important that B&H leaders do as much as possible to make easier renewal of the discussion on B&H, which is expected in autumn. Pahor also said that leaders in B&H have huge responsibility and they should take care of peace, stability and development of their country. He added that they can help them in this, but they cannot do all tasks instead of them. Pahor also noted that the EU does not elect leaders in B&H, but this is a matter for B&H citizens. Pahor wishes that huge majority of people in B*H believes in the European perspective and expects from the leaders to implement it successfully. Pahor also said that the Russian aggression against Ukraine has indirect security implications for the whole Western Balkans region, and especially for B&H. He added that it is quite possible that the war in Ukraine leads to new division of the world between blocs, and it is very impertinent that the line of division between these two blocs does not go through B&H. Pahor concluded: “I am exerting efforts so that the EU sees the Western Balkans a chance and not as a problem. Slovenia will do its best in terms of this.”


HDZ B&H starts two-day meetings behind closed door in Vitez, participants focus on changes on Election Law, future development of political situation in B&H (Vecernji list)


The HDZ B&H started its two-day meeting behind the closed door on Thursday in Vitez. On this occasion, HDZ B&H will discuss numerous topics, including the necessity to adopt a fair Election Law of B&H that will enable legitimate representation of Croats, strategic guidelines for the election campaign and analysis of possible scenarios of future development of political situation after the upcoming general elections. On the first day of the meeting, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, candidate for the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Borjana Kristo and Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman held the opening speeches. Participants of the meeting focused on changes to the Election Law of B&H, especially in the light of announcements according to which High Representative Christian Schmidt might impose certain changes. The participants noted that the stance of Croats is clear – it is necessary to implement the ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H in ‘Ljubic’ case, which clearly emphasizes the need to establish the principle of legitimate political representation of the constituent people. The daily reminded that Croats, with HDZ B&H at the helm, were the most active participants of talks over the past years and they offered many solutions in order to “correct injustice in the Election Law of B&H and, ultimately, also to relax, i.e. harmonize, inter-ethnic relations especially those between Croats and Bosniaks in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). The international community is obviously aware of such pro-active approach, just like it is aware of the need to appreciate constituent status and legitimate representation”. The daily reminded that the Election Law of B&H does not have articles defining the manner in which delegates of the House of Peoples (HoP) are appointed, knowing that those were annulled by the Constitutional Court, and it is also unclear how caucuses in the FB&H HoP will be filled in as well. “For Croats, it is unacceptable for the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H to assume the role of legislative authorities and they request changes to the Election Law of B&H in line with the ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H in Ljubic case”, the daily noted and added that, according to expectations, Schmidt should impose such solution that would enable legitimate representation of constituent peoples in the FB&H HoP. The daily reminded that Schmidt set a deadline for domestic political parties to reach an agreement but “having in mind past behavior of Bosniak side, which rejected all proposals presented by Croats, one could hardly expect such an agreement to be reached”.


Croatia: We don’t have an opinion on the proposed EU travel ban for Russians (Hina)


Croatia's foreign ministry told state agency Hina that they "have not yet taken any position" regarding calls from some EU countries to ban Russian nationals from entering the EU's passport-free Schengen Area. Some EU countries, including Finland, the Baltic states, and the Czech Republic, are calling for a complete ban on Russian travel into the Schengen Area. Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky said that the matter would be discussed at the next meeting of EU foreign ministers in late August. “Asked by Hina about Croatia’s position on the possible entry ban for Russian citizens, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs did not provide a concrete answer, but it stressed it respected the common European policy,” state agency Hina said on Thursday. “Croatia, as an EU member state and a candidate for accession to the Schengen Area, respects the provisions of the common EU visa policy. Member states adopt a single decision on the visa regime in order to ensure a uniform application at the level of all EU member states,” Hina quoted the unsigned reply they received. The EU had earlier partially suspended the agreement between Brussels and Moscow on visas, banning privileged EU entry for Russian officials and businessmen close to the ruling regime led by Vladimir Putin. The suspension, however, does not apply to ordinary Russians. But some EU countries propose tighter restrictions, which probably means no more visas would be issued to any Russian passport-holder. “An EU-wide visa ban for Russian citizens could be another very effective sanction,” Lipavsky said last week. On the other hand, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, whose government is accused by its critics of being close to the Kremlin, opposes the idea.


Deputies today on no confidence in the government (CdM)


It has only been three and a half months since the formation of the government of Montenegro headed by Driatn Abazovic, and the members of the Montenegrin parliament should, at today's extraordinary session, express their opinion on the proposal for a vote of no confidence in the government. The beginning of the session is scheduled for 11 o'clock. The proposal was initiated by 36 representatives of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), the Liberal Party, the Social Democrats, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Democratic Union of Albanians.

"The government of Montenegro had the priority task of creating the prerequisites in order to intensify the process of European integration of Montenegro, based on reforms of the judicial system and strengthening of the rule of law. The priority was consolidating the economic conditions in the country and reorganizing the health care system in the conditions of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic," states the proposal to vote of no confidence in the government. It is estimated that concrete results in the implementation of priorities have been absent and that the state of the Montenegrin economy and the epidemiological situation in the country have further deteriorated. "Despite never stronger support from European partners and a broad socio-political consensus on the necessity of Montenegro joining the European Union as soon as possible, the further continuation of this process is called into question," the explanation says. In the explanation, it is pointed out that Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, ignoring the views of the most important scientific institutions in the country, including the Montenegrin Academy of Arts and Sciences, and prominent experts and civil society organizations, knowingly ignoring the potential consequences of such behavior on the overall situation in Montenegro, put the issue in the foreground relations with the Serbian Orthodox Church. The proponents of the initiative emphasize that they do not dispute the need to resolve this extremely sensitive issue in a way that would be fully adapted to the legal system of Montenegro, while respecting the best European practices in this area. "But we believe that, due to the irresponsible behavior of Dritan Abazovic, which results in raising tensions in society and potentially irreparable loss of time needed for the quality fulfillment of obligations from our European agenda, the government has lost its legitimacy," the explanation reads. The proponents point out that they are proposing the initiative on the vote of no confidence in the government in order to protect the vital state interests of Montenegro and to preserve the chance for the country to quickly move on the path of European integration. DPS MP Nikola Rakocevic said last night that the party will not give up the initiative for a vote of no confidence in the government. The Democrats announced that based on the discussion in the Assembly, the views of all actors and the overall atmosphere and arguments, they will make a final decision regarding the vote of no confidence in the 43rd government of Montenegro. The Presidency and the Executive Board of the United Union announced yesterday that they are unanimously in favor of overthrowing this government. The president of the New Serbian Democracy and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Andrija Mandic, said that the current government has already fallen, because the majority in the Assembly is against it, given that two motions of no confidence are before the deputies. Mandic pointed out that politics is an activity in which it is quite normal for everything to change in five minutes, so it would not be surprising if it happens this time as well, and that everything can be changed today until 12 o'clock.


Abazovic: I am ready for a technical government (TV Adria)


Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic said in a statement to Adria television that he is ready to form a technical government. He denied the allegations of some media that he met with the leaders of the Democrats to recruit their support. Abazovic said that he was looking forward to today's session. He repeated that the initiative of the Democratic Party of Socialists came as a reaction to the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the SPC, so, as he points out, stories that the DPS is not satisfied with the European path of Montenegro can only be spread to people who are uninformed. "If someone wants to withdraw it, to throw it all at their feet, to show a discriminatory attitude towards those people who are believers of the SPC or towards the Church in general, let them do it freely. Citizens will have the opportunity to see it. The vast majority of Montenegrin citizens want us to concentrate on the economy, progress, new jobs, and no one wants those stories generated by certain structures that, in my humble opinion, are deeply mired in corruption. If someone wants those structures to dominate again and again have a mechanism to manage future processes, then OK," said the Prime Minister. He denied media reports that he recruited Democratic leaders. "That is an absolute falsehood. I have respect for them. We do not look at many issues in the same way, this does not mean that we do not respect each other, at least that respect exists on my part, and I have no reason to make any kind of lobby even with people with whom I have close communication in the parliament. I do not treat this question as to be or not to be. Otherwise, I think that whenever you ask a question like to be or not to be, there is some evil intention hidden behind it, and I would like to reject that in every way," said Abazovic. When asked if he expects them to vote no-confidence in the current government with the DPS, he points out that it would be a surprise for him. "If that happens, I will not consider it as something that is not legitimate from their representatives. However, I think it would be a bit strange, especially if it came as a reaction to the signing of the Fundamental Agreement", the Prime Minister assessed. He said that he is not running away from the elections, but is looking forward to them, and notes that the minority government has been appointed for a maximum of one year. "Which means it could have lasted for 100 days, however we wanted the Constitutional Court to function in the meantime due to the election process, but it was good to elect the members of the Judicial Council and the VDT." This is the obligation of the state parliament, and the government has fulfilled its obligations and will do so in the future. We are not running away from the elections - we are looking forward to the elections. In the elections, the citizens of Montenegro should legitimize a new majority and a government that we hope will work for four years," said Abazovic. He pointed out that he does not see any problem in the reconstruction of the government. "So, this applies if the government does not fall and we are ready, we don't even have to wait for Monday, we can sit down on Saturday as well, now that is less important, let us sit down and see how we can constitute a majority that could lead the country to the election process. This would mean that a technical government would be created that would not be programmatic and that would have the main task of conducting elections. But, before that, as a condition, which I think is acceptable for all political subjects, is that the priority remains the fight against organized crime and corruption, which is part of the European agenda," stressed Abazovic. Abazovic also announced that there would be no members of the SDP in the reconstructed government because, as he states, their ministers behaved from the first day as if they were not part of the team, and as if they were setting the agenda of some other government, and stated that there would be significant personnel changes. change and that minority parties are more than welcome.


Scekic: It would be disgrace if Abazovic, who signed Fundamental Agreement, was to be dismissed (CdM)


“It would be a disgrace if Dritan Abazovic, who signed the Fundamental Agreement, was to be dismissed,” Health Minister Dragoslav Scekic has told reporters in Bijelo Polje. “The government can be replaced, but history cannot. It would be a disgrace if Dritan Abazovic, who signed the Fundamental Agreement in order to overcome the divisions and tensions that existed in Montenegro, was to be replaced,” Scekic has said. He adds that he does not have to be the Minister of Health, but that “Abazovic has to be the Prime Minister”.


Brownout threat remains, as Albania helps Kosovo avoid being region’s first to cut supply (Tirana Times)


As Europe is experiencing an unprecedented summer of high electricity prices, Kosovo became the first country in the continent to announce it would shut off power periodically. The move came as Pristina said it could only afford domestically produced electricity, as the international price was too high.  Shortly before the brownouts were to go into effect, Kosovo’s authorities announced that Albania had stepped in to fill the void, and it would supply the needed electricity.

"Thanks to the cooperation between Kosovo and Albania, namely the Energy Corporation of Kosovo (KEK) and the Electricity Corporation of Albania (KESH), it was possible to …  continue the regular supply of electricity," the Kosovo’s Ministry of Economy said. Currently, Kosovo relies on its two aging coal-fueled power plants to produce 500 megawatts of electricity, while the demand reaches about 800 units. Kosovo’s authorities had been calling on “all citizens and businesses to take saving measures and be as careful as possible in the use of electricity,” after declaring a power supply emergency. Albania and Kosovo have a long-standing agreement in place to exchange power as they have two different sources, with Albania relying almost exclusively on hydropower for its domestic production.  But the country’s public power production and import company, KESH, has been buying large amounts of electricity at a hefty price in the international market this summer, betting that it will be a difficult winter ahead and it needs to save the water in the hydro-power reservoirs, which are not as full as they should be due to draught. Several countries around Europe, from Norway to the Balkans could face brownouts later this year, according to experts. Power supply experts in Albania say that at the record level of prices, if there is no large amount of precipitation by October, Albania could face a tough time ahead.