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Belgrade Media Report 22 August



Vucic: We have nowhere to go - we are cornered (B92/Politika/Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public regarding the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic said that since 1999, when the Kumanovo Agreement and Resolution 1244 expelled the security forces from Kosovo and Metohija, terror has been carried out against the Serbian population and this has resulted in the persecution of more than 200.000 people and their apartments, houses, many of them were killed. As he added, since 1999, there has been a difficult and arduous struggle for the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic said that "Albanians themselves decided to carry out unilateral moves".


Four basic tasks

"I want to say for the sake of the world that we had four basic tasks," he said.

* The first was to do all we could to preserve the peace;

* Second, we had to avoid blanket condemnation from the west;

* Third, we had to, which was very important for us, take care of how it would look in all parts of the world;

* Fourth, to ensure the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija.

"After all the threats of the Albanian leadership, fear reigned. Accordingly, it was our duty to tell people today, even though we know how difficult it is today, in conditions that are no longer hypothetical, we have nowhere to go, we are cornered and our key message is – whatever happens, there will be no more refugee columns. We will save our people from persecution," he said.


Six points

He said that the Pristina's side requested a discussion on a six-point general agreement, among which was the review of previous agreements.

General principles of bilateral relations:

  1. a) General recognition
  2. b) Entry into all international organizations

Resolving problems from the past:

  1. a) The missing
  2. b) Solving the problem of rape victims
  3. c) Displaced persons
  4. d) Destruction of private property and return of stolen artefacts
  5. e) War reparations that Serbia should pay Cooperation in the future;

Respect for the Albanian minority in Serbia;

Reconsideration of previously agreed agreements;

Final deal.

He also stated that we asked to open a discussion on the ZSO, which was signed. "According to Pristina, every 90 days a Serb must get a visa to live in his native house, and Quint agrees," said the president, showing the paper that Pristina would issue to Serbs from the North and adding: "Their explanation was that they would issue it for 90 days, and that a Serb from the North would have to leave Kosovo on the 89th day in order to get a new visa so that he could live in his native house, which he had lived in for 50, 100, 120 years." "I am not sure that the West has control over everything that is happening in Pristina. General Mojsilovic talked today with the commander of NATO and told him that their job is to prevent special units from entering the north of Kosovo. And these incursions happened often". "Special units invaded many times. Each of those times you had the obligation to ask the permission of the four mayors from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and you never asked for that. That is NATO's job, I ask them to do it. Their job is to ensure peace for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. It is not your job to destroy the property of the Serbian population, but to ensure that this gang does not cross the Ibar. For you, the barricades are a problem, not criminal and illegal decisions. Stoltenberg confirms this in his interview," Vucic pointed out. He also pointed out that Serbs are not stupid and that they know what NATO is. "They have already suffered from NATO and they want to prevent this from happening again. I want to inform you that all kinds of intelligence activities have been intensified in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, that our team asked Lajcak to start implementing the ZSO. We want you to know that we informed the persons who are on the list for the liquidation of the Pristina regime on time, which were also approved by certain external services," he said.


Suspicious movement

"I want to inform you that every type of intelligence activity has been intensified in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. We want to inform you that we informed on time the persons who are on the list for the liquidation of the Pristina regime, which were approved by certain foreign services, by remaining silent or nodding head". As he added, suspicious movement of certain persons were also observed. "The movement of suspicious persons has increased in Kosovo and Metohija. In the last three days of July, we observed the movement of persons from Chechnya in Kosovo. Ahmed Ruslanovich Bahayev is one of them," he said. "In a timely manner, we have informed the people who are on a hit list made by the Pristina regime and approved by some foreign services. We have detected strange movements by some people. A group of Circassians and Chechens were in the north of Kosovo-Metohija with two objectives - to observe the situation in the north and to perform additional recruitment of ethnic Albanians for the Ukraine conflict." Vucic said the group was linked to people known as adversaries of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. The President said the group had met with a Turkish national in Zubin Potok on 3 August and had been verifying the readiness of north Kosovo Serbs to oppose the Pristina authorities. They were aiming to provide information that would lead to neutralization of armed groups of Serbs, Vucic said. Vucic also spoke about today's meeting and said "that today we know that even by some miracle a compromise will happen by 1 September, then there will be a problem on 31 October. Problems for Serbs will not cease to exist". President emphasized that the "purpose" of the Albanian side is "torture of our people in Kosovo and bring about their ultimate expulsion".



According to him, the Kosovo Serbs supported the leadership to "search for a compromise in the next 10 days". "They said they would accept everything, but they set some red lines for us that I won’t talk about now. What they asked for as a guarantee was that they wouldn’t experience persecution, and they got that from me. New persecutions and expulsions will not happen. I was informed that, if this persecution of Serbs is not stopped, in the next month all Kosovo institutions will be abandoned by politicians, and by the end of September, the Brussels order established by the Brussels agreement will be dismantled. The police, the judges, will leave their posts", Vucic noted at the press conference. He added that "the conditions are rather difficult".


Hill: US-Serbia cooperation not only about Kosovo (Tanjug/RTS)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said on Friday that, even though many were disappointed with a lack of progress in Thursday's round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels, there was still a "positive development" to the result. "It was a very long day in Brussels yesterday. A lot of discussions, meetings, a lot of negotiations. Obviously, I think everyone is a little disappointed that we were unable to resolve the issues either in the short-term or the longer term, but I think there is a positive development to the result," Hill said in a video message sent to Tanjug. "First of all, it is very clear the US and the European Union are working very closely together, there is a real common understanding of the issues and very good chemistry between the US and the Europeans, and I think that will serve us all very well as we go forward. Secondly, it is very clear that the Serbian side came to the discussions in the right spirit, they had obviously done a lot of work on this issue, but they also prepared to discuss, negotiate and figure out a way forward," he said. "I think that augurs well not only for future discussions on Kosovo but, more generally, for the US' relations with Serbia. I think we have a lot of common ground there and I am very encouraged by that for the future," Hill said. The Ambassador also noted that "not everything the US and Serbia do together needs to be about Kosovo". "Obviously, we need to work very hard on this issue with Kosovo, we need to find a common understanding, I think we all want to do that, but I think that there are other issues that we need to work with the Serbs on and so, I am very encouraged by that aspect of what I saw yesterday," he concluded.


Petkovic to Hill: Pristina’s unilateral actions can endanger security situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic expressed his fear today that the insistence of Pristina to implement the decisions on re-registration of vehicles and ID cards in 10 days will lead to further rising tensions and increased provocations and pressure on Serbs. “That is why it is essential that all relevant international factors understand the seriousness of the situation we are currently in and understand that unilateral actions by Pristina on the above-mentioned issues can threaten the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija,” Petkovic emphasized in a conversation with the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. As reported by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic informed Hill in detail about the talks between Belgrade and Pristina that took place on Thursday in Brussels and Belgrade’s efforts to calm tensions through dialogue and find a sustainable solution on the ground. Petkovic pointed out that Belgrade has shown that it wants to continue the dialogue and establish normalization of relations with Pristina, which, he added, would be a prerequisite for peace, stability and economic prosperity in Serbia, but also in the entire Western Balkans region. He emphasized that the Belgrade delegation showed maximum responsibility and insisted all the time on preserving the peace and security of the citizens in the province and that in that light it offered compromise solutions which, he added, the Pristina delegation refused. Petkovic said that Pristina came to Brussels with the idea of some kind of general agreement in six points, with special insistence on mutual recognition, payment of alleged compensation by Belgrade and re-examination of all previously agreed agreements. This, he warned, clearly shows that Pristina politicians have only two goals - the abolition of the Serbian state on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and the expulsion of Serbs from their centuries-old hearths. Petkovic emphasized that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which was agreed upon by the Brussels agreement, and which the Pristina side has refused to fulfill for more than nine years, would be a necessary step in the right direction and the key to solving many problems in the province. He said that Serbia will continue to search for compromise solutions in the next ten days, but will also remain determined to protect the safety of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and to protect them from pogroms and persecution. Petkovic thanked the US Ambassador for his understanding of the position of the Serb people in the province, but also for recognizing that the Serbian delegation came to the talks in Brussels ready to negotiate, reach a compromise and find a way forward.


KFOR raises number of troops near Jarinje, Brnjak crossings (KoSSev/Beta)


KFOR has increased the number of troops positioned near the Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings in an attempt to calm tensions on the ground that flared up in early August, but also to be able to rapidly respond if necessary, a Aug. 21 statement said. The KoSSev website announced that this was confirmed to its journalists at the KFOR headquarters' information office, after they inquired about a visible increase in the presence of US and Polish KFOR units in northern Kosovo. According to the information office, Regional Command East has increased its presence near the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings, where it has established several checkpoints near roads. Patrols have also been stepped up in that area, in cooperation with the Italian Carabinieri and EULEX. "These measures have been taken to enable KFOR to swiftly react to any security challenges. KFOR calls on everyone to avoid unilateral actions and refrain from violence. We would like to assure everyone that KFOR is ready to intervene if necessary to maintain a safe and secure environment and the freedom of movement," KFOR said in the statement.


Vucic and Aliyev: Serbia gets go-ahead for electricity deal with Azerbaijan (Beta)


Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said on Sunday that Serbia had been given the go-ahead for a favorable, interstate agreement on purchasing electricity from Azerbaijan, the media office of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has announced. On the 25th anniversary of the establishing of diplomatic relations with Azerbaijan, Vucic spoke with Aliyev on the telephone and "asked" him for help in securing sufficient quantities of electricity, reads the statement. Over the past 25 years, Serbia and Azerbaijan have built very good cooperation, raised to the level of a strategic partnership, the two presidents noted. Vucic said that Serbia strongly favored further strengthening its relations with Azerbaijan, based on friendship and mutual understanding.


Petkovic: Only Directorate North can act in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic says that the statement by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the provisional institutions of Pristina Xhelal Svecla, that the Kosovo police have the right to act in the north of the province can only refer to the North Police Directorate, which according to the Brussels agreement is composed of 95 percent Serbs.

Petkovic stated on Twitter that the problem is that Svecla never recognized that right to the Serbian Police Directorate-North, which always skipped it. “Instead, Pristina has always sent ROSU to the north, armed units in armored vehicles that can only go there with the consent of KFOR and four mayors from the north, according to the 2013 agreement. And they are sending them to seize the north, expel the Serbs, stop the medicines, they are harassing the bare-handed people. It will not pass,” wrote Petkovic.


Albanians decide to take part in census (RTS)


The population census on the territory of Serbia will begin on 1 October, and the competition for applications for enumerators has already ended. In 2011, Albanians from southern Serbia boycotted the census. This year, they say, they will participate in it. Leaders of political parties from Bujanovac and Presevo and representatives of the National Council of Albanians met and agreed - they will participate in the population census. “I expect that through the process of selecting inspectors and through the process of selecting enumerators, that all the conditions that were set will be fulfilled. That there will be enumerators of Albanians and that the forms will be in the Albanian language and that it will enable the registration of all citizens of the Republic of Serbia, which means also citizens of Albanian nationality,” says Ragmi Mustafa, president of the National Council of Albanians in Bujanovac. Albanian residents of Bujanovac and Presevo also agree, they want to know how many of them there are in these two municipalities. “We will all go out and see what our number is, I guess it should be known,” says one of the residents interviewed by RTS. Those who are temporarily working abroad or are currently not at home will also be listed. Relatives and even neighbors will be able to provide their personal information.




Dodik: Serbia is in delicate moment and facing great challenges (RTRS


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that Serbia is in a delicate moment and facing great challenges. Dodik underlined that Serbia will always have the support of Republika Srpska (RS). He pointed out that he will support the decisions and measures of the Serbian state leadership regarding the issue of Kosovo. Dodik assessed that the situation in Kosovo is complex and that units of international forces in the north of Kosovo are making certain checkpoints, "which means that they are a source of support for the interim authorities in this Serbian province." "We must all gather around Serbia's policy towards Kosovo and support the state leadership in formulating policies and stand behind those policies, whatever the decision is," Dodik said.


Borenovic: Serbia and Vucic showed how national interests should be defended (BN TV


“Difficult talks were held in Brussels about problems and tensions in Kosovo and Metohija, pressures on our people, attempts to erase institutional ties with Serbia”, reads the post of PDP leader Branislav Borenovic on Facebook. Borenovic emphasizes that, once again, Serbia and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic have shown how national interests should be defended, persistently and patiently, but also clearly in reaching compromises based on previous agreements. “In contrast to the production of tensions and the deliberate creation of a sense of insecurity and fear for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which come continuously from representatives of the authorities in Pristina, Serbia sends messages of peace and stability, emphasizing the importance and willingness to talk and compromise. Hopefully this difference will finally be understood and respected in international circles”, Borenovic stated.


Sarovic: Serbs and everyone in region need peace (BN TV


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated Sunday that Serbs and everyone in the region need peace. He called on everyone who has been sabre rattling for the past months and days to stop, "because conflict has not brought anyone good." "Instead of working on economic connecting and strengthening of our economies so that the people will be better off, individuals - for personal interests - would once again light the flames of war," Sarovic was quoted as saying. The SDS leader emphasized that all problems must and should be solved through talks and dialogue. "That is why my appeal to everyone in the region is: refrain from war rhetoric, let us solve problems in peace. Let us compete in the economy and in creating better conditions for our peoples. Enough of war cries," Sarovic was quoted as saying. Sarovic expressed his full support to efforts of the Serbian leadership, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, to preserve peace and stability in Serbia and the region.


Izetbegovic: We will have to fight and defend peace; Dodik: RS has no intention of waging war and endangering peace (RTRS


The SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic is again threatening, engaging in saber-rattling and announcing a fight, claiming "that it will be easier than thirty years ago." Izetbegovic gathered members of his party in Tesanj and told them that they have to fight again for everything they thought they won. "Peace, stability and security, territorial integrity, state institutions, their powers and property, but also identity, religion and culture will have to be defended again. When it comes to the attack on the country, it is certain that defense will be much easier today than 30 years ago. We made a fortress that is much easier to defend from. We have the Dayton Peace Agreement, defined borders, institutions that defend themselves, we have the international community with us," Izetbegovic was quoted as saying. Commenting on Izetbegovic's latest threats, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that RS has no intention of waging war and endangering peace, nor conduct any activities which would threaten the territorial integrity of B&H, composed of two entities, but that it will defend itself. "Our structures will never cross an inch of the inter-entity boundary line. If Bakir Izetbegovic thinks that he can cross into the RS with some of his imaginary forces, which cannot be formal, supposedly defending peace, we will see how he does. I would not advise him to do that," Dodik said. Dodik wondered how Izetbegovic is thinking of using the army when the Dayton Agreement states that armed formations, including the police, cannot cross the inter-entity boundary line without the consent of the other entity. "With which police force does he intend to cross into the RS, and ultimately who will command those forces? I am convinced that the Croat component will not allow it, and then what do we have? We have paramilitary forces. Does he want to go to war with the paramilitary? Be my guest, and we will see how it goes," Dodik said. Dodik stressed that with these threats, apart from the fact that he wants to restore his lost reputation as a good Muslim among the Muslim population, Izetbegovic is also destroying Dayton and constitutional B&H. Dodik stressed that "this can be seen in the attitude towards the Croats, and now he wants to impose it on the Serbs as well." "If anyone is destroying the constitutional order, it is first of all foreigners, and then Muslim political parties and their officials," Dodik underlined. Dodik reiterated that the territorial integrity of B&H implies one key thing, which is that B&H is made up of two entities and three constituent peoples, "and if there is no such a thing - there is neither sovereignty nor territorial integrity."


Dodik: I believe Serbia should be involved much more in solving problems in B&H (Srna/RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said for Srna on Sunday that, by claiming that B&H is being destabilized by its neighbors Serbia and Croatia, SDA is actually saying that the problem of B&H are Serbs and Croats, or more precisely, their existence in B&H in general. “I believe that Serbia should be involved much more in solving problems in B&H because Serbia is a signatory to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), which gives it the right to react on all issues related to the agreement. The request to Western countries, as guarantors of the DPA, to implement and support reforms in B&H is a message that Serbs and Croats should not be asked for anything and that the agreement between Muslims and Western countries is sufficient”, emphasized Dodik. The Serb member of the Presidency said that SDA ignored the fact that the Russia is also the guarantor of the DPA, so calling for the intervention of an international factor that stands as a guarantor of the agreement is an invitation to Russia to get involved as well. "Insisting on strengthening state institutions, as SDA calls them, and at the same time respecting the Dayton Agreement is the schizophrenic policy of this Muslim party, which has never since 1995 accepted the new political and constitutional reality in B&H, which is the main obstacle to the functioning of B&H as it was established in 1995," Dodik underlined. Dodik also said that insisting that the Dayton solutions, such as the House of Peoples in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), be reconciled with non-Dayton solutions, such as the house of peoples in RS, is excluded, because the Constitution of B&H recognizes only the House of Peoples in the FB&H. According to him, about 16 percent of non-Serb citizens live in the RS, while about two percent of Serbs live in the FB&H, which, according to Dodik, is a clear indicator of safety for returnees and respect for their rights. "As for the issue of the border, for Serbs and Croats, there is nothing disputable, but the brake on solving that problem lies with the Muslims. To begin with, SDA should clearly state that they do not see B&H as a Muslim country, that they respect the letter of Dayton, that they respect the fact that Serbs and Croats are also constituent peoples, that they open an honest dialogue with these peoples, and not to negotiate with the international community and impose solutions on other peoples," Dodik pointed out. Dodik said that emphasizing Russian influence in a country "where we have direct broadcast of the breakdown of a German diplomat who is staying here illegally is hypocrisy for which it is difficult to find the right word." "Muslims who are fed by PIC communiqués continue to push the so-called Russian influence, in order to attempt to score a point for themselves in the anti-Russian hysteria. With such a policy as pursued by SDA, it is difficult to find a point of compromise, especially if you take into account the increasingly frequent warmongering statements of the head of that party," Dodik concluded.


Covic’s statement regarding territorial reorganization of B&H has again brought legitimate representation and amendments to B&H Election Law into public’s focus (BHT1


The reporter notes that legitimate representation and amendments to the B&H Election Law are once again in the public’s focus after President of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has stated the HNS will propose territorial reorganization of B&H and goes on to say this has sparked numerous reactions among political parties in B&H, commenting that political bickering is in full swing, whilst at the same time no one is paying any attention to the citizens’ interests. Covic stated if a solution on constitutional equality and legitimate representation is not reached, the HNS will propose a different organization, including territorial reorganization of B&H.  “This means to give a more rational solution. Just like some propose this to be a civic state, free of entities and all other chains, divisions, etc., the same way it is legitimate from our side to propose in line with the (B&H) Constitution - to make it clear once again, it is no diversion, anti-constitutional activity – we propose change in the (B&H) Constitution that will ensure something like that. If B&H has ever been divided, today it is deeply divided”, said Covic at a press conference. BHT1 reports that Covic and the HNS’ positions have been condemned by political officials, deeming such positions as an ultimatum for amendments to the B&H Election Law. “Those who call for territorial reintegration of B&H are only putting pressure and making some sort of public threat so that their anti-civilizational and anti-European requests related to the changes in the (B&H) Election Law are fulfilled”, B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic was quoted as saying. “They will not discuss, let alone negotiate with us any territorial reorganization of B&H that will lead to creating the third entity. Any Dragan Covic and HDZ B&H’s unconstitutional activity raises the issue of criminal liability”, SDP B&H Vice President Denis Becirovic was quoted as saying. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated he is of view that policies from RS and blockades and obstructions by HDZ B&H are equally destructive, and at the same time SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has blamed Izetbegovic for the current situation in B&H.


Komsic: Territorial reorganization cannot be done without conflict (FTV


Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic reacted to the statements of President of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic regarding changes to the B&H Election Law. He said that no method of reorganization of B&H based on ethnicity and the unpacking of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) in the current situation is possible without creating conflict. Komsic was quoted as saying: “Those who call for the territorial reorganization of B&H only exert pressure and send a kind of public threat so that their, as he wrote, anti-civilizational and anti-European demands for changes to the Election Law will be fulfilled”. Komsic said that those who threaten with ethno-territorial reorganization must not be taken as reality, especially since there are numerous proposals by pro-Bosnian parties on limited changes to the Constitution and the Election Law, which have been submitted to the B&H Parliament on several occasions.


Radoncic: There will not be Covic’s third entity, but Croats must not be national minority either (Dnevni avaz


Dnevni avaz covers the address of SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic at the party’s intra-party public forum held in Mostar on Friday. As for the Croat-Bosniak relations, Radoncic said that Mostar exactly is the place where it should be said that harmonization of the Bosniak-Croat relations is possible and that the post-war history has proved this. Radoncic sent the message to HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic that he should be aware that there will be nothing of the third entity just as some others should be aware that Croats cannot be turned into a national minority.  He added that the maximalist demands that Covic presented on Friday do not contribute to the wise resolving of open issues between two peoples just as constant “heroism” of sell-proclaimed leaders of the civic option does not do it either.


HR Schmidt says his job is to interpret Constitution of B&H as integral part of DPA – not to change it (


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt said in an interview to the Klix portal on Friday that he tried to make it clear that a situation in which the Constitutional Court (CC) of the FB&H would no longer be able to pass decisions is inacceptable and called on FB&H President Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) to resolve this problem. Schmidt stressed in case that this situation improves, a decision he is working on to ensure functionality of the FB&H will be different. “I know that this does not address all court rulings that have been passed so far, whether it is a ruling of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, the FB&H CC or the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECHR)”, Schmidt stated. He added that he is very dedicated to implementation of not just the ruling of the B&H CC in the Ljubic case, but also to implementation of the ECHR’s ruling in the Sejdic-Finci case and other rulings regarding the status of ‘Others’, as well as to reviewing the Constitution itself at the same time. Schmidt stressed that his job is to interpret the Constitution of B&H as an integral part of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) – not to change it. FTV reminds that Schmidt recently announced his plan to unblock political processes in the FB&H. In an interview, Schmidt announced the possible path he may take to achieve this goal. He stressed that the FB&H Constitution needs to be looked at in detail in order to find a solution. Schmidt criticized the fact that people who declare as ‘Others’ are treated as second class citizens. He said that the verdict of the B&H CC in the case Ljubic does not define that the FB&H House of People (FB&H HoP) represents cantons. Schmidt assessed that it is a good thing that there is a Caucus representing ‘Others’ in the FB&H HoP. He noted that it is necessary to determine how the voice of regions will be heard in B&H. Schmidt said that this is not defined in the FB&H Constitution, except the cantonal level. He added that the regions are not represented at the level of the parliament. Schmidt himself said that his message given in Gorazde on Wednesday stands. Schmidt was quoted as saying: “I think the question is reasonable. I am very determined to implement the decision from the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case as well as other decisions concerning the status of Others, and at the same time, to review the Constitution itself. But I do not have the authority to change the state Constitution. It is Annex IV of the Dayton Agreement. I am here to interpret the Dayton Agreement, not to change it”. The HR also said: “We cannot focus on constituent peoples and ‘Others’ only, we must view more the regions and citizens and their representation. There are different interests in RS. We also must see what can be improved there. If it functions that is OK, but if it does not function then it should be considered as to how improve the things. If there were a new Constitution, that is, changes to the state Constitution, then it will certainly have to reflect on the RS Constitution.”  Speaking about the ruling in Ljubic case, the HR also said: “As a lawyer, I respect the CC and its decisions, but I must say that some issues have remained open… In reality this is not only reduced to Ljubic case. It describes a contradictory approach in the B&H and FB&H Constitutions respectively in an attempt to merge the ethnic representation and civic one. There are contradictions. My job is to view the Dayton construction. If I were a free advisor of citizens of B&H, I would have different idea and I can see that we will have to come to new ideas. I apologize but I have to notice that in talks I often feel as if I am advocating the ethnic principle. It is not about this, the point is that it is the foundation of the DPA, three constituent peoples and ‘Others’ and one should bear this in mind always.”


Dodik pays visit to Montenegro (ATV


At the invitation of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik visited the holy places in Montenegro on Friday. In the Praskvica monastery, which recently celebrated its great jubilee of 600 years of existence, Dodik was welcomed by the abbot of this monastery, Archimandrite Dimitrije, and the governor, Proto-Saint Kliment. In addition to the Pastrovica monasteries, Dodik also visited the Church of Saint Sava in Tudorovici, where he was welcomed by Archpriest Dragoslav Rakic. Dodik visited Montenegro on Friday afternoon. He arrived in Sveti Stefan in a helicopter of the RS government, and he wrote on his Twitter account that he travelled there on the occasion of a big holiday – the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – and after a call made by the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral. Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic previously confirmed that Dodik announced his visit to Montenegro to the competent authorities and emphasized that this visit was of a private nature.


Retired Air Force pilot talks Serbia's indictment (Hina/N1


Retired Air Force pilot Danijel Borovic said on Sunday that after Serbia's media outlets reported that an indictment against four wartime Croatian pilots had been upheld by a Belgrade-based court, one should now wait for Croatia to take the next move. Borovic told the N1 that he had learnt from the media about the indictment which allegedly charged him and three more pilots with war crimes in during the liberating Operation Storm. "I have no other information. I can see that Justice Minister (Ivan) Malenica has also stated that they have not been given any first-hand information, and that no official contact has been made," Borovic told N1. He said that he is now waiting for Croatia's authorities to take necessary steps concerning this situation after Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic recently stated that Croatia will know how to protect its wartime pilots. The four pilots of Croatia's Armed Forces whom Serbia accuses of issuing the order for shelling a refugee column on 7 and 8 August 1995 are Vladimir Mikec (67), Zdenko Radulj (69), Zeljko Jelenic (69) and Borovic (64). The Croatian Justice Ministry said on Saturday it had not been officially informed by Serbian authorities about the filing or upholding of an indictment against Croatian Air Force pilots allegedly accused by Serbia of war crimes committed in B&H. Serbia has not requested international legal aid in this case, and Croatian authorities know about it only based on speculation and reports in Serbian media, the ministry said. Serbia is again trying to take over the role of the former International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) by claiming jurisdiction on territories of sovereign, internationally recognized states without any restrictions, which are part of international law, the Croatian justice ministry said, adding that such a stance is contrary to the rule of law, international law and international criminal law. It recalled that final ICTY verdicts established that Croatia's 1995 Operation Storm was not a joint criminal enterprise but a legitimate military operation aimed at returning occupied territory under the state's sovereignty. Serbia has issued the indictment against Croatia's wartime pilots in a bid to divert the attention from its own problems, Croatian parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said on Sunday. Jandrokovic added that Croatia dismissed this indictment which had a political nature and was without any legal foundation, and that Croatia protects its citizens. By indicting Croatian pilots, Serbia is trying to divert attention from its own problems, Jandrokovic, said. “What they are doing does not contribute in any way to the improvement of our bilateral relations", said the president of the Croatian parliament about Serbian politics. According to him, "Serbia is a country that has a lot of its own problems", such as the issue of Kosovo or decisions about whether Belgrade wants "to go to Russia or to the side of the West".


Dritan Abazovic’s government has fallen (CdM


The government of Montenegro, formed on 28 April this year and run by Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, was toppled by no-confidence vote on 20 August in parliament. The government was ousted by the votes of 50 MPs, whereas one was against. A vote of no-confidence was called by 36 MPs of the Democratic Party of Socialists, the Liberal Party, the Social Democrats, the Social Democratic Party and the Democratic Union of Albanians. In an address to parliament, Dritan Abazovic made many accusations at the DPS, the media, former heads of police and prosecution, the Bemax company. In the midst of parliament discussion, they made a break so that representatives of the former parliamentary majority may hold a meeting and try to find a way to overcome the political crisis. Representatives of the Democratic Montenegro were not in attendance. The Civic Movement URA and the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) offered the former parliamentary majority an initiative on the cabinet reshuffle, but only the DF backed it. URA’s, DF’s and SNP’s MPs were not present during the vote. The fall of Dritan Abazovic’s government has been a hot issue in the regional news outlets as well. Now Montenegro is going to have an interim cabinet until the new government is elected or snap elections held.


Radulovic: Interim cabinet to get us back to EU agenda (CdM


Following the unsuccessful experiment with the minority government, which didn’t carry out the EU agenda, in an interview for the CdM portal, Prof. Branislav Radulovic, explains how Montenegro can consolidate its political process and get another chance on the road to Brussels. According to him, there are three priorities which may consolidate the political process: speedy formation of an interim government, unblocking of institutions and adoption of revised election legislation and snap elections. Radulovic believes that it’s unrealistic to expect early elections to be organized soon. Asked about the composition of that interim government, he says: “If we analyze comparative solutions in Europe, these “interim” governments usually include a larger number of subjects, sometimes they’re a kind of “concentration governments” or those backed by two-thirds of MPs.”


Sehovic: Montenegro’s European perspective gets another chance after fall of Abazovic’s government (CdM


Dritan Abazovic’s government, which was carrying out the foreign, anti-European agenda, ended up how it deserved, the Leader of Social Democrats of Montenegro Damir Sehovic said. He pointed out that the government was ousted by a vast majority thus being the government with the shortest term ever but Montenegro’s European perspective got a new chance. “After two quite unsuccessful political experiments, loudly opposed by Social Democrats, it’s clear that the political crisis can be solved only by the agreement on the date of snap elections and the form of the government which would prepare them, along with providing clear consensus over unblocking institutions and upgrade of election legislation.” According to Sehovic, if elections are prepared and organized in this way, Montenegro will finally get a stable, four-term, truly European government.


Mikic: Government fell due to political alliance between Djukanovic and Becic (CdM


Everything that happened is the result of the agreement between the leaders of the DPS and the Democrats Milo Djukanovic and Aleksa Becic, which is perfectly legitimate but also important for citizens to know, Executive Director of the Civic Movement URA Zoran Mikic stated after parliament backed a vote of no-confidence. What’s going to happen next, as he says, depends on the majority formed by the Democrats and DPS in parliament. “We’ve got only one message – good luck with it,” Mikic says.


Basic: Too much bad blood among parties of “former parliamentary majority” (RTCG


Political actors have several options having in mind the current situation. Democrats offer the formation of a new government to the parties – winners of the 2020 election. And while the Democratic Front regrets that a cabinet reshuffle didn’t happen, both the Civic Movement URA and the SNP congratulate them (Democrats) on coalition with the DPS. The analyst, Milos Basic, on the other hand, says that the former parliamentary majority is unlikely to form a new government, noting that the elections are the only way out of the crisis. Everything’s clear, Dritan Abazovic said. “Congrats to a new political alliance between Milo Djukanovic and Aleksa Becic. I hope they’d agree on a new government soon. No, we won’t take part in it.”

Democrats deny the accusations that they formed a coalition with the DPS and claim that they were and are a part of the parliamentary majority since the 2020 elections. They also reiterate that negotiation talks over the formation of a new government may start as of today. “Even if it happens, I don’t think it’s a good idea in terms of political stability. There’s so much bad blood among actors of those parties, so many words they told each other. I don’t think it can be a stable government, performing its affairs in a responsible way,” Besic underlines. According to him, it’d be the same with the government formed by Democrats and the DPS.


Pisonero: Montenegro needs a stable and capable government, precious time has already been lost (RTCG


European Commission spokeswoman Ana Pisonero reacted to the vote of no confidence in the government of Dritan Abazovic, and said that it is now up to the Montenegrin institutions to take the next steps in accordance with the Constitution and the legal framework, and that it is not up to the European Union to influence this process. "We are familiar with the decision of the Assembly, which resulted in the adoption of the proposal for a vote of no confidence. Now it is up to the Montenegrin institutions to take the next steps in accordance with the Constitution and the legal framework. It is not up to the EU to decide or influence this process," said Pisonero. According to her, Montenegro needs a stable, functional and capable government that is able to implement EU-related reforms in order to progress on its path to the EU. "It is important that all political forces work responsibly to improve consensus in this regard, because precious time has already been lost this year," said Pisonero.


State Department: Quickly form a government or call early elections;We do not consider DF a partner (CdM/VoA


The United States expects Montenegro to comply with its legal procedures to either quickly form a new government in the service of the country or call extraordinary parliamentary elections, the State Department informed Voice of America, after the decision of the parliament of Montenegro to vote of no confidence in the government of Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic on Friday. An unnamed spokesman for the State Department stated in response to a Voice of America inquiry that "the vote of no confidence is parliamentary democracy in action, where the Montenegrin people, through their elected representatives, call the government to account". "The United States will support any democratically elected government that ensures Montenegro's progress in Euro-Atlantic integration, which includes accelerating the process of accession to the European Union, fighting corruption and organized crime, strengthening NATO participation, promoting an inclusive and citizen-oriented society, and continuing to hold Russia accountable for the brutal war against Ukraine," the statement said. When asked by the Voice of America whether the United States will support the participation of the Democratic Front (DF) in a possible new government, the spokesperson of the State Department repeated that the USA does not consider the DF a partner, because "they do not support European values, which includes a critical attitude towards Russian aggression against Ukraine, and have not shown leadership or willingness to make progress on key reforms needed for EU accession”.


Picula: Montenegrin politics must decide whether it will continue in the direction of EU integration or whether it will become a commodity of Serbian and Russian interests (CdM


Montenegrin politics must decide whether it will continue in the direction of European integration or whether it will become a commodity of Russian and Serbian interests in the region, said the member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for Montenegro in the EP Tonino Picula on the occasion of vote of no confidence in the 43rd government. According to him, without real and full democratic legitimacy, "no government can implement comprehensive and fundamental democratic reforms". "Management of rapprochement with the EU is not a technical issue, but a first-class political process, which requires clear support without balancing petty political interests. This was also shown by the collapse of the government of Montenegro, which in the previous two years failed to secure the clear support of the parliament for key pro-European decisions," Picula wrote. According to the MEP, Montenegrin politics must decide whether it will continue in the direction of European integration or, as he says, "will become a commodity of Russian and Serbian interests in the region." "Citizens of Montenegro still clearly support membership in the EU, which should also receive clear support in elections that would reflect that mood. Such an Assembly and Government will certainly have the unequivocal support of the European Parliament, as well as my support as rapporteur for Montenegro," Picula announced on Twitter.


How to get out of the political crisis: There is no time to wait (CdM


After the fall of the 43rd government of Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, Montenegro is facing an attempt to elect a new government or extraordinary elections. For now, it is not known how the long political crisis will be resolved. A clear message arrived from the EU, whose officials say that Montenegro needs a true pro-European government, and the State Department reiterated that it does not see DF as an American partner. It is also mentioned that, if there is an agreement on the formation of a new government, it should be headed by a strong non-partisan figure. Everything should be much clearer in the coming days, and who could start the initiative for the election of a new government and what kind, or perhaps there will be a shortening of the mandate of the Assembly, which would mean extraordinary elections. Leader of Democrats Aleksa Becic emphasized that the Democrats will not enter into any coalition with the DPS, and believes that there are three options for getting out of the new crisis. "The first is to respect 30 August, sit down at the table and together with the minority parties agree on the 44th government, which, as far as we are concerned, can last until 2024. Another option is a provisional government, which would prepare for early parliamentary elections. The third option is immediate elections," Becic told TV Vijesti last night. When asked if he could be prime minister in the new government, Becic replied that he believes that "functions are transitory", and that nothing has to be. "I consider that functions are transitory, I don't have to be anything. On the other hand, I was always ready to accept responsibility in accordance with popular principles and if someone felt it was necessary," said Becic. Becic announced that the Democrats' deputies will vote for the dismissal of the President of the Assembly Danijela Djurovic at the session on 2 September. The leader of the Movement for Change Nebojsa Medojevic said earlier yesterday that he expects that within a few days the presidents of the URA GP Dritan Abazovic and the Democrat Aleksa Becic will "cool their heads", stressing that the winners of the parliamentary elections in 2020 should sit down as soon as possible and try to form a technical government "without DPS and their satellites", which will prepare the elections. DPS MP Andrija Nikolic made it clear two days ago that he believes that after two "bad experiments" since 2020, the exit from dysfunctionality should take place in extraordinary parliamentary elections. "It is the cleanest solution and we will have to agree on who should prepare those elections, so that after them they would finally get a European government that will restore the lost self-confidence to the citizens and the state," he said. He emphasizes that DPS is ready for a constructive dialogue with all parliamentary parties, as we practiced in the previous period. "Driven by state interest. Without vanity and the need to verbally fight in vain, indifferent to the envy fuelled by incompetence and revanchism, but above all with the awareness that we have wasted two precious years and that Montenegro has no more time to waste," concluded Nikolic. It is necessary to urgently reach an agreement on the date of the elections and the Government that would prepare them, said SD Vice President Milica Lekic. From the Civil Movement URA, they said that after Djukanovic, Becic, Konjevic and Sehovic overthrew the government, which started arresting corrupt officials and uncompromisingly entered the fight against crime, now they should negotiate a new government. "As far as the GP URA is concerned, what we can tell the new parliamentary majority is that it is fairest to go to the elections where the citizens will judge the agreement between the Democrats and the DPS", they pointed out in the statement and emphasized that they are always in favor of an agreement regarding by electing members of the Judicial Council, judges of the Constitutional Court and the VDT. The SNP, which participated in Abazovic's government, are sure, they say, that in the future there will not be any serious government without the adequate participation of the SNP, and that they are not running away from elections. The Executive Director of the Center for Civic Education Daliborka Uljarevic said in a statement to CdM that everything is a matter of political dialogue, which would have to be initiated primarily by those who voted for the removal of the government, and it will be seen what lessons have been learned on all sides so far. She believes that this is not the moment for a technical government led or dominated by non-party figures. "In my opinion, this is not the moment for a technical government that would be led or dominated by non-party figures. Namely, there must be strong support in the Assembly for the upcoming decisions, and that means that we have those representatives in the government who can provide that support effectively through the party structures", she concluded in an interview. If an agreement is reached on the formation of a new government, the president has 30 days to propose a new president, and the deadline for its formation is three months. Otherwise, there would be a vote of no confidence in the parliament and extraordinary parliamentary elections would be called. There is no time to wait - either a new government or elections - as soon as possible.


“Double victory in Tetovo, Kovacevski to resign – early elections immediately” (Republika


Voting for mayors in Centar Zupa, in Mavrovo-Rostuse as well as for the Council in Tetovo Municipality has ended. “Double victory in Tetovo, Dimitar Kovacevski to resign, early elections immediately”, said VMRO-DPMNE. VMRO-DPMNE defeated SDSM, and BESA defeated DUI on the local elections in Tetovo. The ruling coalition has no legitimacy to continue running the country. The people clearly said that SDSM and DUI are past. We expect Kovacevski to admit defeat and resign immediately. Only early parliamentary elections are a solution. SDSM and DUI rule without the support of the people, and work only for themselves and their criminal deals. Kovacevski to resign immediately. Every day spent in power will be thousands of votes less for him in the next election. The people are clear, Kovacevski has no legitimacy, the party said.


Ahmeti admits defeat in Tetovo, Besa leads over DUI, double advantage of VMRO DPMNE over SDSM (Republika


Regardless of the fact that these elections were involuntary, the law had to be respected. Due to the lack of experience of the current leadership of the municipality, it was inevitable to respect the law in order to organize elections for the Tetovo Municipality Council, said the leader of DUI Ali Ahmeti after Saturday’s elections. Although the non-participation was very large in these elections, unfortunately and at an inopportune time, it is still democracy and we respected it. The results so far of 76% of the counted votes are as follows: DUI-7,706 votes, Besa-8,341 votes, DPA-788 votes, Alliance-614 votes, Alternative-699 votes, VMRO-2,169 votes, SDSM – 1,313 votes, List better for Tetovo – 414 votes, Levica – 347 votes, the Turkish Party – 164 votes, the Roma Party – 104 votes, Integra – 94 votes. Let me repeat once more. Processes are important to us. It is important for us to continue to invest in democratic standards, starting from the electoral processes to the strong installation of the rule of law of the legal state. We wish that the next council, regardless of the numbers, will be functional and that the mistakes that were made in the past will not be made and that people will be brought to elections again, Ahmeti said.


Nikoloski: Changes won in Tetovo, changes will win in Macedonia too, early elections are the way out (Republika


Changes won in Tetovo! Great victory of VMRO-DPMNE! Changes will win in Macedonia! Early elections as Macedonia’s way out from the national and economic crisis! wrote the vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski, after the victory of the opposition in the elections for the Council of the Municipality of Tetovo. VMRO-DPMNE has a double advantage over SDSM, ie the number of councillors is 4-2.


Two Russians and one Ukrainian citizens tries to enter the weapons processing factory (Tirana Times


Two Russians and one Ukrainian have been detained by Albanian authorities in a suspected espionage case, with one of the Russians caught trying to break into a remote military plant and using a chemical spray to attack the soldiers that caught him. The trio had earlier been noticed trying to take pictures of the military plant in the remote area of Gramsh in central Albania. Albanian authorities said the two Russian citizens, M.Z., 24, and S.T., 33, and Ukrainian passport holder, F.T., 25, were arrested Saturday night.  Intelligence officials are investigating the incident, and there are still details being hammered out on the case, but Prime Minister Edi Rama said on social media it was a case of “suspected of espionage,” calling it a “delicate event.” Two soldiers tried to detain the man, who sprayed them with a chemical on their faces in an attempt to get away. A scuffle ensued and the man was arrested. The other two were picked up by police as they were trying to leave the scene in a Ukrainian-plated sports vehicle.


Travel bloggers or spies? 

New information available shows some of those arrested have extensive social media accounts with photos from a myriad of former communist places, featuring old and dilapidated military buildings. Local media report that one of the detained Russians in Albania is Svetlana Timofeeva. She has an extensive travel history as a photographer and social media personality, and was arrested in January in Egypt, and had to be saved by Russian Foreign Ministry, according to Christo Grozev, a Bulgarian journalist and Kremlin critic who covers Russia and its invasion of Ukraine. "This can all be an innocent collection of well-funded hobbyist photographers traveling around the world (together) and blogging. Or it could be a very good cover for intelligence. We'll find out one way or another very soon," Grozev wrote on Twitter. The three detained have told police they are tourists, according to local media reports, and that they like to take pictures of old buildings.


Attempt to enter Albanian military base, attack on guards 

"The guard noticed suspicious movements around the facility. He immediately informed the head of the guards that a person entered the territory and tried to take pictures," the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The two guards were sent to hospital in Tirana and were feeling better as of Sunday morning. "The specialized doctors … carried out full consultations and examinations for the two soldiers exposed to irritant gas, who are receiving the necessary medical treatment and are in a stable condition, without acute poisoning problems," the Ministry of Health said. Albanian authorities have called the Russian Embassy in Tirana to request information and explanations related to the incident.


Ukraine invasion has Albania on edge 

Albania is a NATO member and increasingly a strategic location for the alliance’s efforts to ward off external threats. There are growing calls for Albania to suspend visa-free access to Russian citizens, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Both countries have enjoyed that privilege for several years during the summer months as Albania hoped to attract tourists during the pandemic slump. The Gramsh Military Plant’s current use is not clear, but the latest public information available says it is used as a site to take apart old ammunition and to repair military equipment. Built in 1962, it was used in the earlier days to make AK-47 assault rifles for Albania's military. Official sources of police confirmed that Mikhail Zorin, 23-year-old Russian national, the 33-year-oldd Svetlana Timofeeva and Ukrainian citizen, 25-year-old Fiodor Mihailovi have been under arrest for: "attack on duty officer", "giving secret information", and "providing information" in collaboration.


Kosovo ready to help Albania after recent incidents at military bases (ADN


President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani has reacted to the serious incident at the military plant in Gramsh where two Albanian soldiers were attacked by two Russian citizens and one Ukrainian. President Osmani declared that she called her counterpart, President Bajram Begaj, offering him support, while emphasizing that the perpetrators of the attack must be held accountable. "I spoke with President Bajram Begaj about the latest attack on Albanian soldiers at the Gramsh factory. We wish the injured a speedy recovery. The perpetrators of this attack must be held accountable. Our institutions are ready to provide any necessary support", said Osmani.


Veliaj in Kiev, received by Zelensky! President of Ukraine: Grateful for Albania's help (Radio Tirana


The mayor of the municipality of Tirana Erion Veliaj visited Ukraine this Friday. The news was announced by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who stated that he had received the delegation of the Association of European Cities, which will support the work for the reconstruction of the cities destroyed by the Russian bombings. "I am happy to welcome the delegation of the Association of European Cities to Ukraine. We appreciate that in this difficult time when our country is fighting the Russian invasion, you are close to us. We will also be grateful for your help in restoring houses, infrastructure and conditions for the return of Ukrainians to their homeland. It is important that the reconstruction starts now, not after the war", said Zelensky. The Municipality of Tirana will build a new school in the city of Kharkiv, as a sign of solidarity with the people of Ukraine who are facing the destruction after the Russian invasion. Also, Albania will contribute 1 million euros to Ukraine, helping for the reconstruction process.


Ukrainian Ambassador to Albania: Albania is sheltering over 3,000 Ukrainians displaced by the war (VoA/Radio Tirana


The Ukrainian Ambassador to Albania Volodymyr Shkurov says that most of them are determined to return to Ukraine and rebuild their country after the war. The Ukrainian diplomat also appreciated the help that the people of Kosovo have given to Ukraine during this period. Almost 6 months ago, few could have imagined that the Russian attack against Ukraine would last so long, much less that the Ukrainian resistance would be so strong. The Ambassador of Ukraine in Tirana, Volodymyr Shkurov, expressed his pride for the resistance of the Ukrainian people and army against the Russian attack, as well as his sadness at the fact that the war is continuing for such a long period, and that at the end of it, they can rebuilt buildings and infrastructure, but cannot replace a large number of civilian victims who are losing their lives. Albania is sheltering over 3,000 Ukrainians displaced by the war, but most of them, says Ambassador Shkurov, are determined to return to Ukraine to rebuild their country after the war. We have a special thank you for the people of Albania, who have collected various aid, in funds, medicines, food and other products" - says Ambassador Shkurov. He gave these comments to the Voice of America, after the Ukrainian Book event at the National Library of Albania. This is the initiative of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska so that the Ukrainians sheltered in Albania can find books in their language. "We have received very strong support from the USA and NATO countries, and these aids and support have influenced the progress of the war," said the Ukrainian ambassador. Albania is giving Ukraine a very large political support, according to him, at all state levels; from the president, the parliament and the prime minister and up to Albania's presidency in the UN Council. The cooperation with the government of Albania, he says, also continued in terms of providing ammunition to Ukraine, while Albania has participated in two donor conferences in Lugano and Warsaw. "On the other hand, even though Ukraine has not yet recognized Kosovo, the citizens of Kosovo have offered a lot of help and support to Ukraine. Here I would like to share the political aspect with the humanitarian aspect, and the latter is very important in our lives," says Ambassador Shkurov. The Ukrainians fled from the war have also been supported by the Municipality of Tirana; its chairman is currently in Kiev. The municipality of the Albanian capital has undertaken to build a school in the city of Kharkiv after the bombing of the city ends. The first books of this initiative on the history, culture, art of Ukraine, literature by Ukrainian authors and publications for children have arrived at the National Library of Albania. The project also aims to resist the Russian onslaught culturally, as Russia is trying to destroy Ukrainian identity by razing libraries and cultural heritage sites. According to official data, the Russians destroyed several hundred libraries and over 388 monuments of Ukrainian history, architecture and archaeology in Ukraine.