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Belgrade Media Report 30 August


Vucic decorates Rodriguez Parrilla with Order of Serbian Flag, First Class (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic decorated Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla with the Order of the Serbian Flag, First Class, on Tuesday. Serbia never forgets its friends, Vucic said, adding that he was pleased to have the opportunity to award the honor to Rodriguez Parrilla in a year marking the 120th anniversary of Serbia-Cuba diplomatic ties.

“It is my immeasurable honor and particular pleasure to decorate the foreign minister with the Order of the Serbian Flag, First Class, in Belgrade today on occasion of his official visit, in view of his particular merit in development and strengthening of the cooperation and friendly relations between Serbia and Cuba,” Vucic said, noting that former Cuban President Fidel Castro had been awarded the Serbian Order of Merit on a ribbon. “I thank you for your personal contribution to advancement of overall ties in all fields of mutual interest. I am confident this visit will help maintain the bilateral ties between the two countries,” Vucic told Rodriguez Parrilla. Vucic also noted that he had invited Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel to visit Serbia.

He thanked Cuba for its consistent support for preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and said this reflected Cuba's commitment to respect of the principles of international law. He noted that Serbia would stand by its position of opposing the sanctions on Cuba and added that Cuba could always count on Serbia’s support. “Many thanks for the friendship. I will never forget the very substantial, sincere and exhaustive conversation I had with Raul Castro during my visit to Cuba,” said Vucic, who visited Havana in 2017.

Parrilla said on Tuesday in Belgrade the Order of the Serbian Flag, First Class, awarded to him by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, was not a personal honor, but an honor for all the people of Cuba, and noted that Cuba had always stood with Serbia. “It is with great honor that I receive this Order, on behalf of the people of Cuba. This is not an honor for me personally or for my profession - this is a wonderful gesture of friendship by the government and the people of Serbia towards the people and the government of Cuba,” Rodriguez Parrilla said. He said 1999 had been the year of a “horrible episode” and that the international community must not allow the tragedy of the NATO aggression on Serbia to be forgotten. “The great voice of Commander Fidel Castro was with you in those difficult moments, just like Cuba has always been on the side of justice,” Rodriguez Parrilla said. He noted that, historically, Cuba had always been committed to peace, independence, respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty, justice, promotion of dialogue and cooperation at international level and respect of international law. “After 120 years of diplomatic ties between Cuba and Serbia, which have never been interrupted, we want to deepen our historical ties that connect our two brotherly peoples,” Rodriguez Parrilla said, expressing gratitude for the honor.


Vucic: They will try to change plates as of 1 September, we are not thinking about change of policy towards Russia; no Europride (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that, regardless of the optimistic statements of some European representatives, he currently does not see a solution to the issue of license plates in Kosovo and that Pristina will certainly continue its campaign from 1 September and try to force Serbs to change the license plates on their vehicles. Vucic thus responded to the journalist’s question to comment on the fact that Josep Borrell had an optimistic statement that the issue of plates will be resolved as a document issue, on the basis of which this optimism is based. “European politicians are much smarter and more serious than me and they don’t have to be grumpy like me and have an optimistic scenario in their head. I don’t see any solution at this moment and on 1 September they will go with their campaign and try to force the Serbs to change the license table. I don’t think they will have much success in that,” Vucic pointed out.

He says that Albin Kurti said in Brussels that he believes that it will be a great success if the Serbs replace the KM boards. “It is a process that will continue, we have certainly been faced with that problem since 1 September, there is no possibility that it will be resolved before 1 September. But we have to wait and see, I expect important talks after the Open Balkans and Erdogan’s visit. We will have many mediators who will come from Europe and the world, but at the moment I don’t see any possibility of progress because there is no desire on the part of Pristina to discuss rational and compromise solutions,” said Vucic. In the end he ironically added that the Europeans know better what will happen. Vucic, when asked how the state will behave in the coming period, given the great pressure to impose sanctions on Russia, answered that Serbia made a statement about it almost 190 days ago based on the decisions of the National Security Council. “Some said it would only last a day and a half, three days, a month, but here it is lasting more than six months. This is how the state of Serbia shows its seriousness and firmness and that we have our own convictions that do not have to be in agreement with those who think they can have direct influence on the conduct of politics in Serbia,” he said. Vucic emphasized that at this moment we are not thinking about changing our policy. “I think it has proven to be smart what policy we pursue regardless of all the difficulties and pressures,” he pointed out. I am ready to accept all responsibility for the fact that the Europride event will not take place in Belgrade, said Vucic, adding that if the country has decided that the walk will not take place, then it will not take place. “What will be prohibited will be prohibited. You can have meetings and consultations indoors, but what you planned to have, the state has decided that you will not have and you will not have that,” said Vucic.


Moscow welcomes the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, the unresolved fundamental issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities (Tanjug


Achieving a partial compromise on personal documents between Belgrade and Pristina somewhat reduced tensions in Kosovo and Metohija, but the fundamental question remains whether the West is ready to seriously consider Serbia's legitimate interests, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. In a statement, the ministry reminds that the basis for solving the Kosovo problem, "whether someone wants it or not", remains UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which clearly defines the territorial integrity of Serbia and points out that it is unacceptable to devalue the key elements established during the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, above all those on the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities as a mechanism for securing the rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. The announcement states that the statements of the Serbian leadership about the agreement reached confirm that Belgrade soberly assesses what has been achieved, highlights as a primary task the protection of the rights of its compatriots in Kosovo and "has no illusions about the chances of changing the pro-Albanian approach of the West". The Ministry also points out that Moscow is "closely following the dramatic events in Kosovo" and that the situation there has escalated again in the last month, approaching the edge of inter-ethnic conflict due to the intention of the self-proclaimed "authorities" in Pristina to force the Serbs living in the region to start replacing personal documents and registration plates with Kosovo ones, starting 1 September. It is estimated that "the mediation attempts of the European Union have once again shown the helplessness of the EU, its unwillingness to enter into a clinch with the "arbitrary elite of Kosovo Albanians, and even leniency towards Pristina extremists". The Ministry adds that the pressure on Serbia due to the Kosovo and Metohija comes amid attempts to spoil its relations with Russia and points out that the American ambassador in Belgrade, Christopher Hill, as it is stated, brazenly demanded that Serbia take on part of the sanctions burden (to Russia) and finally realized that her real friends are only in the West. "The American surprisingly stubbornly does not want to see signs of friendship between Serbia and Russia. The outrage over the recent visit to Russia by Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin is in the same vein. Is it the job of an American diplomat to evaluate the trips of representatives of the Serbian government," asks the Russian Ministry. The statement says that "with his frankly rude statements about it, the official of the State Department once again exposed the deeply hostile attitude of Washington towards the independent multi-vector policy of Belgrade, on the basis of which Russian-Serbian cooperation is built, which does not fit into the American calculations about the monopoly of the West's relations with Serbia".


Orlic with Hill on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina: Sincerely committed to seeking a solution that preserves peace (RTS


President of the Serbian parliament Vladimir Orlic and US Ambassador Christopher Hill discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, stating that Belgrade is sincerely committed to seeking solutions that preserve peace and stability for all, in accordance with a clear state policy and with the protection of vital interests. The interlocutors discussed the continuation of cooperation and the current political situation, it was stated in the announcement of the parliament of Serbia. Orlic pointed out that the relations between Serbia and the US are constantly on an upward trajectory and assessed that the inter-parliamentary cooperation so far has been at a high level. He expressed the expectation that in the new convocation the parliamentary friendship group with the USA will be numerous, as in the previous convocations of the assembly. Orlic emphasized the importance of past and future investments coming to Serbia from the US, especially the joint construction of infrastructure in our country. "With investments that mean new jobs, highways that we have been waiting for decades, and which are now finally becoming a reality - are changing the face of Serbia and enabling a quality life for our citizens. Serbia will continue to strengthen its economy in the coming period," Orlic said. He also thanked for the support provided by the US in the process of European integration of Serbia. The importance of regional cooperation was also discussed, and the interlocutors agreed that the Open Balkans initiative, which came from the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, is extremely important for connection and cooperation in the area of ​​the Western Balkans, it was stated in the announcement. Ambassador Hill assessed that there is mutual goodwill for further improvement of relations between the countries and expressed his belief that they can achieve much more together in the future.


Orlic: A special session of the parliament on Kosovo and Metohija probably on 13 September (RTS


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic said that it is expected that a special session of the Parliament on Kosovo and Metohija will be held on 13 September. As previously announced, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will attend the session, and if necessary, the discussion will be held on 14 September, Orlic said. He added that in the coming days it is expected that the Report of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija will be delivered to the parliament, which will be presented to the deputies.


Escobar: Vucic is fully committed to regional stability (Tanjug/Euronews Serbia)


US special representative for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that after talking with the President of Serbia, he can say that Aleksandar Vucic is fully committed to regional stability.

Escobar told Euronews Serbia on the sidelines of the Strategic Forum in Bled that this goodwill should be used, as well as, as he claims, the goodwill of the Pristina side. He added that he hopes that there will be no need to talk about divisions in the Western Balkans. He also pointed out that many people in the region are worried about Serbia's orientation, but that he believes that EU membership is Serbia's aspiration. "I truly believe and hope that Serbia's aspiration is to be a full member of the EU and that we will not have to talk about divisions in the Western Balkans. After talking with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, I can say that he is completely committed to regional stability, that he does not want violence. We need to use that good will, and the good will of the other side, Kosovo, and I hope that the leaders in the region will hear what (President of the European Commission) Ursula von der Leyen said, that the Western Balkans really want to be part of the European Union and that citizens of this region want it. We see optimism on all sides," said Escobar.


MEPs meet Brnabic to discuss Europride (N1/FoNet/


Terry Reintke MEP said on Monday that she met with Serbian Prime Minister designate Ana Brnabic in Belgrade on Sunday. “Yesterday, Viola von Cramon and I met with Serbian PM Ana Brnabic to stress again the importance of this year’s Belgrade Pride, Europride,” Reintke said in a Twitter post. Europride organizer Goran Miletic confirmed for FoNet that Brnabic met with the two MEPs at their request to discuss the authorities’ intention to cancel the event. He said that the meeting was not unusual because coordination bodies met regularly. He said that they agreed to stay in touch. According to Miletic, the MEPs said that canceling Europride is unacceptable but that Brnabic kept talking about the situation in the country. The European Western Balkans (EWB) claimed that the meeting was held in secret, adding that Von Cramon and Reintke told Brnabic that a large number of MEPs would be coming to Belgrade for Europride. quoted its source who said that Brnabic refused to tell the MEPs that the event was banned, claiming that this was just a suggestion from her government.


Odalovic: Almost 10,000 persons missing, around 4,000 bodies waiting for identification (RTS)


The Chair of the Serbian government Commission for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic told RTS that at the moment, 9,876 people from the territory of the former Yugoslavia are missing, and that close to 4,000 bodies are waiting for the identification process. According to the statistics of the Interior Ministry, 2,830 adults were reported missing last year, of which 45 have not yet been found. The fates of those who have been searched for since the wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia have not been resolved either. In Kosovo and Metohija alone, 1,639 people are being sought. The last conflicts on the territory of the former Yugoslavia ended 23 years ago, however, around 10,000 people are still being sought in the region. Odalovic stated that at the moment there are still 9,876 persons missing from the territory of the former Yugoslavia. “And, unfortunately, we have to state that there are persons here whose families have entered the fourth decade of searching. These are the first disappearances in Croatia since 1992,” says Odalovic. It indicates that the dynamics of solving is significantly slowed down. “Since the last Day of the Missing - from last year to today, we have solved a total of 93 cases of all nationalities. This is worrying because if this dynamic were to be followed in the coming times in relation to the number of missing persons, it would be frustrating for the families and we simply have to do everything for this process to intensify,” assesses Odalovic. He points out that they haven’t had a meeting of the Working Group with Pristina for more than a year because it persistently ignores and refuses every invitation. “As for Croatia, the last meeting was in Belgrade on 3 October 2020. Both meetings with Pristina and Zagreb were in Belgrade, the next ones were supposed to be, but there are no invitations, no activities and that’s what we are worried about,” says Odalovic. One of the problems, he adds, is the large number of bodies in morgues throughout the former Yugoslavia. “In Croatia alone, in Zagreb, Osijek and Rijeka there are 878 bodies, of which we can say with certainty that at least 400 belong to persons of Serbian nationality. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are over 2,500 bodies that are in morgues. In Pristina, there are 350 bodies. And now when we see, it is somewhere close to 4,000 bodies or parts of bodies that are unidentified and that are waiting for the identification process,” Odalovic points out.



B&H HoP adopts initiative to remove Turkovic from post of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs (FTV

The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) adopted on Monday HDZ B&H's initiative that calls on Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) to initiate the removal of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic (SDA). The abovementioned initiative was submitted by delegate Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) on behalf of the Croat Caucus due to, as Bradara stated, damaging the reputation and authority of B&H, and representing the interests of one party only, while omitting the obligation to represent all constituent peoples. The initiative was supported by delegates from SNSD. "Two Caucuses in the House of Peoples are not satisfied with the work of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We believe that this work is not institutional... We believe that Minister Turkovic all this time implemented the policy of only one people, and we can also say of one party," Bradara underlined. Deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Bakir Izetbegovic (SDA), however, described Turkovic as a very active and professional minister. "Bisera Turkovic is precisely preventing the destruction of the internal decision-making coordination system, she is defending the interest, dignity and the position of B&H before international bodies and the public," Izetbegovic pointed out. “There is no chance there has been institutionally non-harmonized activity. The (B&H) Presidency is competent, and I do not know that the (B&H) Presidency has ever challenged or criticized Turkovic’s action. Individual (B&H) Presidency members have, (members) who are doing all this that has been attributed to Mrs. Turkovic.”  Deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Dragan Covic reminded that the B&H Foreign Ministry has been discussed on two occasions in the past two years, and said that due to Bosniak interests, B&H’s foreign policy cannot be agreed on, nor can the Ministry’s work be assessed. Covic said: “I agree with colleagues that the Minister has never done anything at own initiative, and I completely understand that because I am certain she agrees all her positions within the political party that nominated her. I sometimes even say within the family, then within the political party, rarely on behalf of the people, let alone on behalf of B&H.”  Delegate of SNSD Nikola Spiric said that a party colleague of Turkovic described her work the best by saying she is a minister without failure, and they agree that she did everything in accordance with the interests of SDA. He added that she was exclusively a minister of SDA and not of everyone living in B&H. Serb Delegate in B&H HoP Dusanka Majkic said was not surprised by the SDA's attitude because Turkovic, as Majkic said, completely fulfilled SDA's strategies. Delegates from the opposition called this a pre-election move, which is populist and unachievable. Addressing the session, delegate in the B&H HoP Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H) said: “This is casting a smoke screen to avoid discussion on existential issues in B&H in the next month”. SDA’s Asim Sarajlic dismissed all accusations against Turkovic, nothing that she is a capable Minister. According to him, all cited reasons for her removal only serve the purpose of election campaign. DNS leader Nenad Nesic stated that Turkovic took over all competences of B&H Presidency. However, he underlined, the request for her removal came too late because the General Election is taking place in only a month, so she will probably not be removed.

Dodik: Turkovic has been doing everything to break B&H’s foreign policy into pieces; She does not deserve to wait for the end of her mandate as the B&H FM (ATV

At its session held on Monday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) adopted the initiative to remove B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic, submitted by Croat Caucus on behalf of HDZ B&H and SNSD. ATV reports that, commenting on this, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated Turkovic has been doing everything “to break B&H’s foreign policy into pieces”, and she does not deserve to wait for the end of her mandate as the B&H FM. In a statement for ATV, Dodik said: “Muslims will do everything to protect her, and we know that. It is difficult that, in the end, anyone can positively evaluate her work. Even Muslims themselves, political Muslims in Sarajevo, if they are objective, must see she has undermined everything, that she had led to the situation in which there is no consensus and representation. Perhaps few of her closest colleagues from SDA support her, but essentially, she has destroyed that policy”. The reporter notes that Turkovic’s closest associates are exactly the one to be the most vocal in defending her activities at the B&H HoP session. The reporter notes that addressing the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) without the B&H Presidency’s consensus, ordering B&H embassies to mark holidays that are non-existent at the level of B&H, and sending letters to foreign officials in which, as a rule, Turkovic criticizes Republika Srpska (RS) only, are only few among many incidents that have marked her mandate; when Hungary sent assistance to the RS, Turkovic complained to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and she also criticized  Serbia’s assistance to Sarajevo, saying it is of insufficient quality; at the same time, her message conveyed to the citizens of B&H was that they are “extremely spoilt”. Dodik said that Turkovic falsely presented herself as the representative of B&H and spread lies about the situation in B&H. He said that she does not deserve to meet the end of her mandate in peace and because of this, SNSD and HDZ B&H agreed to file the initiative. The reporter notes that Turkovic issued directions to Bosniak members of the B&H diplomatic network on how to vote and act, intercepted the mail of Serb officials and ordered the marking of March 1 and July 11 against the approval of the B&H Presidency. Turkovic sent protest notes and letters to foreign countries and all were tied to the interests of her party only. President of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that in the past four years she did not miss an opportunity to say something bad about the RS and its politicians. He added that she caused many misunderstandings and issues in the relations between B&H and neighboring countries.

Scholz supports enlargement of EU to Western Balkans (FTV

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz supported on Monday the enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans, but also reform of the EU in such a way that, due to increasing differences between the members, the EU gradually moves to majority decision-making in foreign or tax policy. Scholz said that the Western Balkan countries, Ukraine, Moldova and possibly Georgia should join the EU. Scholz warned that in such an enlarged Union, the differences between the members regarding their political interests, economic influence and social systems will increase. Scholz pointed out that with the admission of each new member, the risk of one of the members resorting to a veto will increase and thus prevent the other members from developing.

Zvizdic: B&H needs democratic solutions which will not mean further discrimination and further ethno-territorial divisions (O Kanal

Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic (People and Justice - NiP), speaking about changes to the B&H Election Law and what is acceptable and what is completely unacceptable given that there are many unofficial allegations about the method of electing delegates to the Federation of B&H HoP, the method of appointing the President and Vice-Presidents of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and judges of the Constitutional Court, Zvizdic said that that the very period in which one wants to impose changes to the Election Law is unacceptable. "I do not understand the speed and haste with which the High Representative justifies the imposition of new rules in the Election Law, because everything he will impose is actually part of the post-election process... As far as the ideas which we can read in the media are concerned, I believe that the big problem is in the announced census because it in some way legalizes ethnic cleansing," Zvizdic said. Zvizdic concluded that B&H needs democratic solutions which will not mean further discrimination and further ethno-territorial divisions.

Court of B&H dismisses lawsuit against decision of B&H parliament on appointment of members of B&H CEC (O Kanal

O Kanal carries that the political soap opera concerning the legality of the appointment of members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), which has been going on for months, has come to an end. Namely, the Court of B&H has dismissed the lawsuit against the decision of the B&H parliament on the appointment of the members of the B&H CEC. It was stated that members of the B&H CEC were appointed legitimately and that the act of the defendant does not represent an administrative act that resolved a certain right or obligation of the plaintiff in an administrative matter, but a decision that represents an act of appointment within the jurisdiction and scope of work of the institutions of B&H, which is a matter that is directly decided by the B&H Parliament, i.e. the House of Representatives (HoR), on the basis of constitutional powers. The abovementioned lawsuit was submitted by former members of the B&H CEC Branko Petic, Novak Bozikovic and Sanja Stanimirovic-Ostojic because they believe that on 11 March 2020, the B&H HoR illegally appointed the new members of the CEC.

Latest statement of Croatian President Milanovic sparks reactions (Hayat/ATV/O Kanal

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic stated that leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik is an ally of HDZ B&H. According to Milanovic, a Serbian indictment against Croatian pilots may undermine relations in B&H. Serbia “has contaminated” relations of Serbs and Croats in B&H. Addressing the media, Milanovic said: “This does not suit us – and I will conclude with that – in terms of relations with RS and Dodik. There are elections in B&H now. Croats and Serbs in B&H – unfortunately, but that is the situation – depend on each other. This contaminates that space.” ATV reporter notes that Croatia seems to be unable to accept Serbia’s indictment for the crime committed against Serb civilians on the Petrovac’s road during the military-police operation ‘Oluja’, and goes on to say that the RS officials have conveyed a message that justice should not be “a thorn in anyone’s side” to Croatian President Zoran Milanovic who cannot come to terms with the indictment. Commenting on this, Dodik said: “Crime did happen on the Petrovac’s road. Civilians and children were killed there. Someone carried it out, it was identified that (the crime) was committed by pilots; whether they followed an order or not, that should be determined by the court, and it was normal to expect that such crime would be prosecuted someday, because that can only increase the trust, not destroy it”. ATV reminds that the Appellate Court in Belgrade has recently upheld the decision of the Higher Court in Belgrade, confirming the first indictment against four Croatian Air Force officers for war crimes committed against Serb refugee column during the criminal operation ‘Oluja’. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on a recent statement made by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who said that the charges pressed by Serbia against four Croatian pilots in case of ‘Oluja’ will worsen relations between Croats and Serbs in B&H. Cvijanovic said that justice and judiciary processes should represent the path towards reconciliation and not spoil relationships between people. She believes that the relation towards all victims needs to be equal and this was not the case until now. Cvijanovic stated that the path towards justice is often contaminated with political agendas and statements. Cvijanovic stated that political statements only contribute to chaos. “Everyone who has committed a crime should be held accountable, and I have no doubt about that, regardless of who it is, just like I think victims should be treated equally. It cannot be that one victim is worth more compared to another victim, because I think that a normal person who has a normal, humane approach must have a normal political approach, that means perpetrators should be prosecuted and sanctioned, and the victims should be respected regardless of who they are.” B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated that Milanovic once again showed that the historical plan for dividing the state of B&H is alive and that it represents a current political strategy that has a clear goal. "Since the agreement between Cvetkovic and Macek, through the agreement between (Slobodan) Milosevic and (Franjo) Tudjman, the intentions and attempts to divide B&H into Croatia and Serbia are clear," Komsic was quoted as saying.

Pahor urges Von der Leyen for B&H to receive EU candidate status in 2022; Von der Leyen: We must support democracies that are most exposed to foreign threats (AJB

At the Bled Strategic Forum, which gathers political leaders and diplomats, this year's theme is the crisis of the multilateral order and the response of the international community to new challenges. The speakers at the forum emphasized the importance of the stability of the Balkans for the whole of Europe. During the opening of the forum, the President of Slovenia Borut Pahor said that Slovenia is doing everything in order for B&H to get a candidate status for the EU accession in 2022, and in this way, to prevent Russian influence in the Western Balkans. Pahor warned of the danger of a new bloc division of Europe and the world due to Russian influence. Pahor was quoted as saying: “The Russian division could go along the middle of the Balkans and B&H is of key importance and we are doing everything we can to facilitate this country's accession to the EU and persuade the EU. If conflicts escalate in B&H, it is a problem for Europe as well. Now we have to solve that problem. I call on the President of the European Commission Von der Leyen for B&H to receive the candidate status this year”. It was Von der Leyen who admitted that progress in rapprochement has slowed down in recent years, also due to Russia's negative actions, but in her speech, she insisted that Europe's strategic interest remains that all six countries of the Western Balkans continue to progress on their way to European membership. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “We must support democracies that are most exposed to foreign threats, and I am not only thinking about Ukraine but also about the Western Balkans. Western Balkan stability is European stability and Western Balkans prosperity is also European prosperity”. During the forum, it was emphasized that the Western Balkans are part of the European family and that prosperity in the Balkans completely depends on integration with the rest of Europe. Von der Leyen said Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot win the war in Ukraine, because fundamental principles, such as self-determination and the inviolability of borders must be preserved, noting the EU will support Ukraine for as long as it is necessary. “This effort must come together with a new European strategic thinking. I would like to pin down three of its main tenets. First, to defend the rule of law and the rules-based order over time, we must neutralize Russia's blackmail ability and strengthen our own capabilities to act. Second, we must support democracies that are most exposed to foreign threats – and I am not only thinking about Ukraine but also about the Western Balkans. And third, we must also look further, to global geopolitical shifts, and use our economic might to preserve and expand the rules-based global order,', said Von der Leyen.

Bled Strategic Forum: Plenkovic, Grlic-Radman talk with HR, support imposing of changes to B&H Election Law (N1

During the Bled Strategic Forum 2022, Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic and Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman had a conversation with High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. Plenkovic and Grlic-Radman supported HR’s imposing of changes to the B&H. HR Schmidt met with Plenkovic on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum. Plenkovic reported about it on Twitter and said that they discussed the situation in B&H ahead of the general elections to be held on 2 October. “We support his efforts to make B&H a more functional and stable country, in which Croatia wants all three constituent peoples to have equal rights.”

Krivokapic: Constructive partnerships conditioned by the indisputable Euro-Atlantic course (CdM

The Bled Strategic Forum, as a gathering whose tradition and importance are of key importance for strategic political thinking at the highest level, gathered this year the leaders of the European Commission, presidents of states and governments, as well as numerous ministers of foreign affairs. Among them are EC President Ursula Von der Leyen, Slovenian Presidents Borut Pahor and Iceland's Gudni Johaneson, Slovenian Prime Ministers Robert Golob, Croatian Andrej Plenkovic and Albanian Edi Rama, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also addressed the audience in video format. During the first day of the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Ranko Krivokapic, had numerous bilateral meetings. At the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu, the conviction was expressed that through joint commitment, which was strengthened by the long-term friendship of the two heads of diplomacy, the close relations and intensive political dialogue between Montenegro and Turkey will continue to develop in their respective fields with a special emphasis on improvement comprehensive environment for fruitful economic cooperation. "Concern was expressed about the departure of Toscelik from Montenegro, considering that it is a company that has recently participated in multi-billion-dollar investments," the Ministry announced. The interlocutors exchanged experiences that both of them had on the issue of Ukraine. During the conversation with the Austrian Minister for Europe and International Relations Alexander Schallenberg, Austria's strong support for Montenegro's European path was highlighted, and the readiness for the relations between Montenegro and Austria to continue to be high on Vienna's foreign policy agenda was confirmed, with the aim of improving cooperation in numerous areas. "The announcement of the revitalization of the Berlin process, as the most important mechanism of regional cooperation within the EU perspective of the Western Balkans, was welcomed by the upcoming meetings at the highest level. It was also pointed out the strong interest of Austrian investors in Montenegro in the newly emerging international circumstances, with the precondition that Montenegro gets a stable, indisputably European-oriented government," the announcement states. During the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Head of Diplomacy of Kosovo, Donika Gervala-Schwartz, the achievement of an agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo was welcomed, and the important role of the European Union and Euro-Atlantic partners, who made significant efforts to find a solution for the benefit of the citizens of both countries, was praised.

Bulgaria will not be able to abuse the membership: The German Chancellor announces cancellation of the right of veto in the EU (Republika

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says that he is committed to the expansion of the EU with the six countries from the Western Balkans, as well as with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, which would move the center of Europe to the east. EU enlargement is in our interest, Scholz said in a speech at a university in Prague. But, he says, in such an expanded union, differences between member states will grow and political interests, economic power and social security systems will be called into question. Therefore, he calls for the cancellation of unanimous decision-making, i.e. the right of veto of the member states. “Where unanimity is required today, the risk of a single country using the veto preventing others from progressing increases with each additional country. That is why I proposed a gradual transition to majority voting for common foreign policy, but also in other areas, such as tax policy, knowing full well that this could have consequences for Germany as well,” said Scholz.

Osmani thanks Boone over Macron’s engagement to overcome Euro-integration blockage (Republika

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Monday with Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, on the sidelines of the 17th Bled Strategic Forum themed “The Rule of Power or the Power of Rules”. The opening of accession negotiations with the EU in July this year is a success story and Macedonia and the EU, as a strong message has been sent that integration of the region is a matter of geostrategic interest to the EU, Osmani said at the meeting. The Minister of Foreign Affairs wrote on his Facebook profile that during the conversation with Boone, he expressed his gratitude for the engagement of French President Macron and the French Presidency of the Council of the EU to overcome the blockage on our European integration path, which shows France’s commitment to the European perspective of our country. This year’s Bled Strategic Forum will be dedicated to discussions on the crisis of the multilateral order, the consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine and the international community’s response to new challenges, the MFA said.

Petrovska: Despite being most recent NATO member, Macedonia has proven it can serve as model that actively contributes to region’s stability and security (Republika

Despite being the most recent NATO member, Macedonia has proven it can serve as model that actively contributes to the region’s stability and security, Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska told the closing of the 10th Marshall Center Alumni Security Forum in Ohrid on Monday. Referring to the war in Ukraine, Petrovska noted that it affects the security of Europe, including the Western Balkans, where there are still open issues that may disrupt security and stability. According to the minister, increased malignant foreign interference, hybrid challenges, cyber-attacks and information manipulation campaigns have a great impact on security. It is also necessary to continue the close cooperation of NATO and the EU, and even more active engagement in the region. Both NATO and the EU, allies and member states, need to find an innovative way to help close the remaining open issues between countries in this part of Europe. Now, more than ever, the Euro-Atlantic and EU integration of the region should be seen as a tool to improve security and consolidate stability in this part of Europe and beyond. A fully integrated Western Balkans will make Europe stronger, said Petrovska.

Rama from Slovenia: It is a great shame that the citizens of Kosovo cannot move freely, but are held hostage by the EU (Radio Tirana

Prime Minister Edi Rama is in Slovenia today, where he will participate in the Bled Strategic Forum, a project of the Slovenian government, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and the Center for European Perspective. He was asked by the Slovenian media about the European integration process of Albania and Serbia-Kosovo relations, the way to resolving the issues and Kosovo Albanians' visas. The Prime Minister has stopped at the issue of visas underlining that the Kosovo liberators (EU countries) are holding it hostage by not giving the visas: “I think it is still a great shame that Kosovo citizens cannot move freely without visas while doing this when they were under a barbaric regime, and now the liberators (EU countries) are holding it hostage by not giving them visa liberalization,” said Rama.

Rama: EU should not make the shameful mistake as it did during the pandemic, by not donating vaccines (Radio Tirana

In his speech at the Bled Strategic Forum, Prime Minister Edi Rama focused on the price crisis after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. The head of the government said that he hopes that the EU will not make the shameful mistake as it did during the pandemic, by not donating vaccines, but will support the countries of the Western Balkans. “We have been harmonized with EU policy since day one. We are very loyal to empires. We will be the last to leave the western empire. How do you explain this? Because we are good people. In our code, in the first Albanian constitution, the word given is equivalent to honor. The EU has given us many words, sometimes they keep them and sometimes they don't. We have managed to continue like this, without increasing the price of energy by a single cent. We have the lowest inflation in the region. When big crises come, it is the rich who have more trouble than the poor. I see the Balkans as completely fair and loyal to Ukraine until the end. We hope that the EU will not make the shameful mistake like during the pandemic for the price crisis after the war in Ukraine, where we were not given vaccines. We are at the heart of the EU,” said Rama.

Rama: We don't need Russian gas (ADN

Prime Minister Edi Rama declared at the Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia that Albania reacts strongly to Moscow because it does not need Russian gas. According to the prime minister, the country is in different conditions compared to those of the EU countries that are dependent on Russia for energy. Speaking about the war in Ukraine, the prime minister did not hesitate to mention to the EU the issue of vaccines against Covid, which according to Rama the non-member countries were left in oblivion. “Albania is very unique. We don't need Russian gas. Our history has been such that we have no feelings towards Russia. In the Soviet empires, the monument to Stalin was gracefully removed in the 70s, while we kept it even after the fall of the Berlin wall. Our energy production is water based. We have made a brave decision not to touch prices for families and small businesses. We are fully covering this difference, which is very important for the Albanian budget. We have succeeded. I see the Balkans as honest and by Ukraine's side until the end. I hope that the EU will not make the mistake during the pandemic that they completely forgot about vaccines. We are in the heart of the EU,” said Rama.


Von der Leyen: The opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia was a success (Radio Tirana

The President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, speaking at the 17th edition of the Strategic Forum of Bled 2022 that is taking place in Slovenia, said that the opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia was a success. According to her, the EU is working to invest in the Western Balkans. She said that the opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia was a success, to stop autocratic governments and continue democracy. "The stability of the Western Balkans is the stability of the European Union. We started our plan with a financing of 9 billion euros, with the aim of mobilizing about 20 billion euros of investments in the Western Balkans. This is the reason why the opening of the accession negotiations of Albania and North Macedonia is a milestone. It was a success for Albania and North Macedonia. This is the best way forward," said Ursula Von der Leyen.


Rama urges finding reason why Russian 'spies' come to Albania (ADN

Prime Minister Edi Rama has reacted for the first time after the arrest of two Russians and Ukrainians in Gramsh a few days ago who are suspected of being involved in espionage. Rama described as ridiculous the statements of espionage in the former Arms Factory in Gramsh as he said that the facility in question does not produce weapons anymore. He emphasized that it is important to find the real reason for the visit of foreigners to our country. “I have not had the opportunity to express myself about this. Since you give me this opportunity, let me say that the fog raised over the so-called objects of special importance was for crying and laughing. They are not even factories that make weapons. They are declassified as objects of special importance. They are to the point where, because they cannot afford to pay for the electricity bills, even the lights are cut off. They have several guards to protect it from encroachments. To say that espionage was being done by fabricating the remnants of communism is very ridiculous. What should concern us is what these people have real intentions in our country. An espionage mission with a sports car that looks like it's calling out, come and catch me is ridiculous,” said Rama.