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Belgrade Media Report 16 September



Vucic presented Viktor Orban with the medal: This is your second home (Tanjug, RTS)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in Belgrade, where he met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic presented Orban with the Order of the Republic of Serbia on a Grand Collar for exceptional merit in development and strengthening of peaceful cooperation and friendly relations between Serbia and Hungary. Vucic pointed out that he is honored to have the opportunity to honor Orban. "This is the highest order awarded by the President of Serbia," he said. "It is with great pride that I am awarding this medal to a great friend of Serbia. I thank the President of Hungary for his contribution to the development of bilateral cooperation between the two countries," Vucic said.


"Be assured that our citizens truly appreciate such friends and neighbors," said Vucic. "Thank you for finding the strength to ensure a better and warmer future for our citizens, even in these difficult times when everyone is only looking out for themselves," said Vucic. "We know that without this recognition you would work for the benefit of our country's interests, we hope that this order will always be a reminder for the Hungarian people and all our friends. We have never had a greater friend than Hunyadi János (Sibinjanin Janko)," said Vucic.


Vucic also referred to the criticism of the authorities in Serbia. "And today and tomorrow they are here again to lecture us, and I assume that they will continue to do that, and those who win seven percent of the votes in their country, come to speak to me with sixty percent of the votes," said Vucic. "How easy it is to protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and how easy it is to forget that the UN Charter and Resolution 1244 exist when it comes to Serbia," he added. Vucic pointed out that Serbia has its own national interests and that our country will not deviate from them, because "someone with five or seven percent of the vote thinks it should".


President of Serbia once again congratulated Orban on the award and said that Serbia represents "his second home". Orban said that he was honored to have had the opportunity to receive this order and added that the award is rarely given to people who are still in service, and then joked that he does not take it as a dismissal, but as support. "Hungarians like to give titles to their leaders," Orban stated and said that in his country there is a title of "Greatest Hungarian". Orban thanked Vucic for the award and for being a friend of his country. "Friendship is broken only when it comes to water polo, where we have to fight against each other. History reminds us of a common mission, which is that we should jointly defend the southern door of Europe. It is, on the one hand, a mission and the responsibility of both Serbia and Hungary. History, geography, centuries-old friendship bind us, I am grateful to you and the Serbian people for considering me worthy of receiving the award of the Republic of Serbia," Orban said. He pointed out that Serbia and Hungary have a common mission, which is to "defend the southern door of Europe".


Orban also commented on the European Parliament's decision to condemn Hungary for allegedly undermining European values ​​and characterized that move as a joke and a left-wing pamphlet. He pointed out that he considers it a joke and something that belongs in the realm of jokes. "We don't laugh at that anymore, because we're tired of that joke. The European Parliament has already done that two or three times by adopting resolutions condemning Hungary. We used to think it had significance, but we see that it's a joke," he said. Orban pointed out that the European left has captured the European Parliament, and that there is a left-wing majority, and that the Hungarian ally, the European People's Party (EPP), is increasingly moving to the left. The right, he adds, managed to hold onto only a minority position. "Voting relations show that. The right-wing parties voted in favor of Hungary, and the left voted against. It's a party attack, and it's not the first. The level of the adopted document can be called a pamphlet," said Orban. He pointed out that Serbs know what it means to have a negative opinion about a country, and that this is happening to Hungary.


"They have simply lost their words, so now they are inventing new terms. A time will pass and the negative attributes used for Hungary will disappear, so they will invent new ones," he emphasized. Orban pointed out that elections are held in Hungary where citizens vote, and based on those votes the government is formed. "When a right-wing government is formed, the left does not like it, so it organizes attacks. They amused themselves with that decision, and we are not interested in that," said the head of the Hungarian government.


Orban: The European policy of sanctions has not brought anyone good 


The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, said that the European policy of sanctions has not brought anyone good and that the crisis situation in Europe would immediately improve if that policy were to change. "We would like the sanctions policy to be changed and placed in Brussels on a more reasonable basis," Orban said in response to a journalist's question whether the EU's sanctions policy was discussed at today's meeting and how the prime minister sees it, as well as whether the sanctions policy is favorable to Hungary.


He expressed his concern that the world is entering a growing economic crisis and said that if the sanctions were lifted, the situation would immediately improve. Orban also noted that sanctions are introduced in places that are safe and far from the country against which the sanctions are being introduced. "I can say that it is easy to shape the policy of sanctions from Paris or Brussels or Madrid or maybe even from Berlin," added Orban. He pointed out that the country that is closer to the country that is being sanctioned suffers much more, and that it is not surprising that the Hungarian position on the issue of sanctions against Russia radically deviates from the Brussels position. When it comes to energy sanctions, Orban said that Europeans are "energy dwarfs, who introduce sanctions against an energy giant." He assessed that such sanctions cannot bring good to anyone and threaten to collapse the entire system that has been built for the past ten years.


Vucic promises Serbia won’t recognize Kosovo as long as he is president (VIP)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has stated that Kosovo will not join the UN and that Serbia will not recognize its independence during his presidential mandate – for another four and half years. “I can promise that I will meanwhile be helping our people, that I will not permit pogroms and the killing of our people”, Vucic said. He added that he has nothing against the idea to give the Parliament a more important role in the discussions on Kosovo, but added he expected no benefit from it. “If you think that we can persuade Europeans and all the others to allow a parliamentary committee to conduct negotiations, I will have nothing against it, but I’m afraid that this would bring the worst possible result for Serbia and our people”, Vucic said. To those who have demanded that Serbia brings a decision to renew its sovereignty in Kosovo, Vucic said this would mean a direct conflict with NATO. Following the parliamentary debate on his report on Kosovo, Vucic also said that he himself is unsure how to resolve this problem: “I don’t know how to resolve this I and don’t pretend that I do”, Vucic said.


Kosovo minister to Vucic: Hard times are coming (N1)


Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is facing difficult times. “In terms of Vucic’s chauvinist tendencies towards Kosovo, I can promise difficult days, difficult weeks, difficult months for him,” Svecla told Syri TV commenting Vucic’s statement that Serbia won’t allow any more of its land to be taken.

He said Kosovo’s stability would be reinforced. “Law and order will be reinforced and we will quickly offer each citizen life in peace,” he added.


Media: Lajcak says there is no ‘new framework’ (FoNet


European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, who paid an unannounced visit to Pristina on Thursday, said that there is no “new framework” for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, reported the Kosovo media. According to Pristina’s Koha, Lajcak told the media that he was “surprised” by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that there is a new framework for the dialogue, while Gazeta Express adds that Lajcak rebutted the information on a “new framework.”


European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, who paid an unannounced visit to Pristina on Thursday, said that there is no “new framework” for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, reported the Kosovo media. According to Pristina’s Koha, Lajcak told the media that he was “surprised” by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that there is a new framework for the dialogue, while Gazeta Express adds that Lajcak rebutted the information on a “new framework.” On his third visit to Pristina in less than a month Lajcak discussed with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi the continuation of the dialogue. Following the meeting, Lajcak said the focus of the talks was the continuation of the dialogue as well as preparations for a new meeting in Brussels. The media reported that Lajcak refused to say when the next high level meeting will take place. We are here to push the process forward, the meeting will be held as soon as possible and that is the reason why I am here today, said Lajcak. We want to be certain that he meeting has content and that it is productive, he added. The last high level meeting within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was held on August 18, at which time it was said that regular meetings will be held on a monthly basis. These working visits, such as the one in Kosovo, take place within the framework for the improvement of the dialogue process and continuation of talks for the comprehensive normalization of relations, EU spokesman Peter Stano told Koha.


Saracin: Important meetings in Belgrade, Germany remains committed to Serbia's path to the EU (RTS)


The special envoy of the German government for the Western Balkans, Manuel Saracin, announced that in the past two days he had important meetings in Belgrade as part of the preparation for the Berlin Process summit and stressed that Germany remains committed to Serbia's path to the EU. "Interesting talks and important meetings in preparation for the summit of the Berlin Process in Belgrade yesterday and the day before yesterday. We remain committed to Serbia's path to the EU," Saracin said on Twitter. He added that the summit in Berlin is "an opportunity not to be missed on that road". Saracin also met with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.


Serbian officials congratulate Day of Serb Unity (Vecernje Novosti)


On the occasion of marking of the Day of Serb Unity, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbs are proud of their ancestors, history and flag. Brnabic also congratulated the Day of Serb Unity to all citizens of Serbia, RS and all Serbs worldwide and pointed out that this day is the symbol of Serbs’ striving for harmony and unity of everyone who lives in Serbia, but also those who keep Serbia in their heart although they are miles away.


Minister of Interior of Serbia Aleksandar Vulin congratulated the Day of Serb Unity to all Serbs, regardless of where they live, and to everyone who sees Serbia as their motherland. “(Serbian) President Aleksandar Vucic, as the President of all Serbs, launched joint marking of important dates with the RS because he knows how important the Serb unity is”, Vulin said and added that Serbs have to be “a single political people”. Vulin argued that marking of joint holidays is one way to show strength and unity to all those who are trying to find a way to “diminish and separate us” and he concluded: “Serbs, protect each other in order to protect Serbia, RS and all countries in which Serbs live. Serbs have been carrying the same flag for centuries while dreaming about uniting and freedom. We won freedom, happy holiday to us”.


Serbian Minister of Defense Nebojsa Stefanovic congratulated the Day of Serb Unity and reminded that ancestors left free Serbia as their legacy, which they fought for with great sacrifice and high cost. Stefanovic added that nobody should let their children forget about those who gave their lives for freedom of Serbia in past and noted ancestors also left as their legacy the experience “that we can do everything if we stand together”.




Bosnia and Herzegovina  


Serb Day of Unity marked by RS and Serbian officials in Bijeljina; Vucic: We must jointly defeat madness that threatens to bring new conflicts to the region; Dodik: Serbs today have two countries – the RS and Serbia; Serbs must always fight for unity (BN TV)


With a central event organized in Bijeljina, Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) marked a joint holiday – the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag. The holiday is marked in remembrance of September 15, 1918, when the Serbian army breached the Thessaloniki front, and went on to liberate Serbia and all other countries of the Balkans from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the central ceremony, it was said that the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag is a day of Serb identity, and a day when Serb culture, language, tradition and religion are intertwined, and when values of the entire society are emphasized. The event in Bijeljina was addressed by Serbian Patriarch Porfirije who said wherever Serbs live, they are connected with a “golden thread, and that is the Orthodox faith and the Serbian Orthodox Church”. This golden thread, he says, makes the Serb people as one and always unified. Besides the Patriarch, the ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials from the RS and Serbia, as well as a large number of citizens. One of the most important messages sent from the marking was that “in times when the entire world is at war, we must understand that we only have each other, and we must unite as Serbs”.


Addressing the gathered, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the challenges that they face today are not any smaller than the challenges faced by Serbs in 1918. “Even though we do not wish to see this, we could lose everything they once lost. Both our freedom, and our state, and our lives”, Vucic warned. He says the difference is that this historical moment asks from Serbs to unite under the joint flag, which is “a flag of peace but also a flag of life”. The Serbian President said they must jointly defeat the “madness” that threatens to bring new conflicts to the region. Vucic spoke about how much they love the RS and how much it means to them. Vucic stated: “If only you knew how much we love the RS and how much it means to us, regardless of how much we respect BiH and all others, please keep that in mind. This day is not a day in which we mark only three words, three symbols, but the very essence of our existence”.


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik said that Serbs today have two countries – the RS and Serbia – and added that Serbs must always fight for unity. “Past century was the century of our suffering, but I am certain that future decades will be the decades of our unification in every sense. I want throughout all those years, that generations to come live in freedom, to be unified”, said Dodik. Dodik thanked Vucic for initiating their joint marking of their joint holidays, which are important in their history. Dodik also thanked Vucic because they meet five or six times a year to jointly mark the dates that are important for their nation. Vucic stated: “If only you knew how much we love the RS and how much it means to us, regardless of how much we respect B&H and all others, please keep that in mind”. Vucic also talked about some, which he did not name, that want to seize Kosovo from Serbia. “You want to take our land both in width and in length, and we will not give you even an inch of our land”, said Vucic.


During Thursday’s event, it seemed like the current regime in the RS tried to push members of the opposition aside and make it like this day was only for them to celebrate, BN TV stated. However, the state leadership from Serbia did not allow this, and they approached members of the RS opposition and greeted them in a warm and kind manner – showing that Serb Unity Day is for all Serbs, as it should always be. Against all protocol of the event, Vucic and Porfirije noticed the opposition leaders and approached them, saying a few kind words to them. This was welcomed by opposition members and they emphasize that Serbia and its leadership shows how true leaders behave.


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic told BN TV that Serbia was always a country that the RS could rely on. “As long as there is a strong Serbia, there will be a strong RS”, Sarovic underlined. PDP MP in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Jelena Trivic thanked Vucic and the Serbian leadership for marking this day together with them, in a very dignified way.


In addition to reminding of the importance of preserving brotherly ties, September 15 is the day when they celebrate their identity, said the RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic. She said that, looking towards each other, they can work on projects important for Serbs, no matter where they are. Cvijanovic stated: “Today, we live in times in which it seems that we not only need unity, but also ultimate rationality in order to move forward and to be able to adequately face all the challenges that the complex geopolitical, and global circumstances in general, put before us. That is why it is important to preserve the will of the people as well as the strength of the institutions”. Cvijanovic pointed out: “There is no freedom without one’s own state”. However, one cannot do it alone, added the reporter. “We, like everyone else in regional and global frameworks, need peace and stability as a prerequisite for overall social, economic and any other development”, stated Cvijanovic.


Porfirije said that everyone knows that borders of countries and places where Serbs are located changed in the past and one cannot be sure that the borders will not change in the future. He added that the guarantee in the past, present and future has been the living Orthodox religion. Vucic noted that that it is necessary to understand that small battles led among themselves lead to no victories, except for those who want to see weakened and defeated Serbia and the RS. Dodik said Serbs need to know that they will always fight for unity.


Serbian President Vucic pays visit to Bijeljina on occasion of start of construction of Raca-Bijeljina highway section; Dodik to Vucic: Mr. President welcome to your land and among your people (BHT1)


Construction works on the Raca-Bijeljina highway section were launched in the Bijeljina-based Velika Obarska District on Thursday. The section is part of the future highways ‘Banja Luka-Bijeljina-Belgrade’ and ‘Sarajevo-Belgrade’. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik officially opened the construction works.


Serbian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the RS Ministry of Transport and Communications announced that the construction works on this section will be completed in up to three years and stressed that funds for the project has been ensured.


Vucic arrived in Bijeljina accompanied by B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik. The reporter notes that Dodik immediately did his best to attract attention while welcoming Vucic. Addressing the present, Dodik said: “Mr. President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Vucic, welcome to your land and among your people. Thank you for your support”.


The RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said this project is not only the result of successful cooperation, but also the symbol of Serb unity on both sides of the Drina River. Connecting with Serbia remains a vital interest and strategic goal of the RS, noted the reporter. When it comes money and delivering what Serbia promised, i.e. the 80 percent of payment for the section Raca-Bijeljina which is paid by Serbia, Vucic said that they will not be late, not even for a day. Dodik pointed out that there is no municipality nor city in the RS and the Brcko District, where Serbia did not finance at least one project. Dodik stated that Vucic never hesitated to help the RS. Dodik said that they have a lot struggles in B&H, but that this is proof that they manage to overcome these problems.


Dodik said that “this is the Open Balkas” adding that they have problems “with others in B&H” who find that this is a big Serb scam and they are afraid of the idea of the Open Balkan but they do not mind asking him to ask Vucic to treat them as Open Balkan. Vucic stressed that he hopes that “certain people” will accept the idea of ‘Open Balkan’ and that “we will be able to move one toward another without borders”.


B&H HoP delegate Becirovic reacts to Dodik’s messages conveyed while welcoming Vucic (Nova BH)


Delegate in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Denis Becirovic reacted to the messages conveyed in Bijeljina, calling them provocative, especially the ones SNSD leader Milorad Dodik conveyed while welcoming Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “Mr. Vucic, since you did not distance yourself from provocative and statements in Quisling manner, it is my duty to draw your attention to the fact that today you did not come to your land, nor can Dodik give you even an inch of the state territory of B&H’’, reads Becirovic’s statement.


Exclusive interview with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (BN TV)


BN TV carries an exclusive interview with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. He spoke of the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag, which was celebrated in Bijeljina on Thursday, the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), cooperation with this country and planned projects.


Vucic said he is glad he attended the ceremony in Bijeljina and also the official beginning of works on the construction of the Raca-Bijeljina highway section. He expressed his love for Republika Srpska (RS), his respect for B&H, and emphasized that projects like this one are extremely important for the region. He added that infrastructure projects should not be connected to the politicians, but presented as something that is primarily for the people. He reminded to many projects that Serbia invested in the RS so far, and said that Serbia will give 80 percent of the funds for the Raca-Bijeljina highway section project. By building this highway, Vucic says, people will be able to travel faster and “borders will be opened”. Whether we will open the borders through these projects, or the ‘Open Balkans’ Initiative, it does not matter, he adds. This kind of progress and development will attract move investors to the RS, and to the region. “That will also connect Serbia and the RS, much closer and much faster than ever before”, Vucic emphasized.


Speaking about Serb unity, if it is present and if it can be better, Vucic assessed that there is unity but they must not be ashamed of their differences. If we respect each other’s differences, we will be able to build our unity and cooperation much stronger. He pointed out to an important thing that exists between officials from Serbia and the RS – and that is that they never attack each other. We might not see eye-to-eye in every situation, Vucic says, but we respect each other enough to always maintain normal and pleasant relations, not burdened by any tensions or disputes. “We have respect for each other, we understand that we are members of one and the same nation living in different countries”, he added.


Speaking about the upcoming months, Vucic stressed that we will be faced with a very difficult winter, a more difficult one than people expect. “It will be a difficult winter because of energy sources, because of food, because all of this will be a problem in the years to come, and rest assured that the next winter will be even worse than this one”, said Vucic, stating that because of all this we should stick together as much as possible, respect each other and think about how to overcome it all and see how we can help each other. “I am happy that the RS can always count on Serbia”, the Serbian President said, adding that people from Serbia really have love for the people in the RS. “Now I want to say how much we love the RS, from Belgrade and every other place in Serbia, but I also want to say the same to Bosniaks and others that we respect them too and that we want to continue living in peace and with respect, to build our countries in peace and to connect and to see how these difficulties that are before us can be overcome as easily as possible”, Vucic stated. Whether there is pressure due to the official policy being conducted in the RS, Vucic said that he will not talk about it, stating that he respects the leadership of RS just as he respects the opposition. “I respect the leadership of the RS, I also respect those who are in the opposition and I want to remain someone who supports the Serb people in the RS. I will not interfere in the election process. The people of RS will choose whoever they want”, Vucic said.


Regarding contacts with the authorities in B&H, the President of Serbia revealed that he speaks regularly, at least once a month, with politicians in Sarajevo. “If you ask me if there are substantive conversations - there are none”, he added. Vucic said the thing that he is interested in is whether B&H authorities will finally begin the construction of the part of Sarajevo-Belgrade highway. He said he would not comment politicians in B&H, especially not during pre-election period, but Vucic would like for them to make important decisions for the country a bit faster in the future. He said this project would bring benefits to all people in B&H and in Serbia, and he really does not understand why someone would delay such a project. Vucic said if money is an issue, Serbia will fund the project.


Speaking about the situation in the region in light of the world crisis and conflict, Vucic said that he believes that there will be no conflict. “We will do our best to avoid conflicts. We have tried all these wars, clashed countless times, let us try peace a little and try to live and cooperate in peace. That is why we offered the ‘Open Balkans’ and that is why we think it is a great idea, because when we erase the borders between us, and respect state integrity, and everything else that someone else asks for, which is not a problem, then people will feel easier, there will be greater trust, it will be easier to connect”, Vucic explained, saying that anyone that believes solutions lie in conflicts are gravely mistaken.


Asked if he believes officials in Sarajevo will agree to join the ‘Open Balkans’ Initiative, Vucic said he does not believe this will happen as they often think this initiative is a “great world conspiracy”. Vucic said this is an illogical decision of Bosniaks in B&H, but that also might connect to their wish to collect political points ahead of the elections by attacking Serbia and speaking ill of this country.


In conclusion of the interview, Vucic was asked about the dialogue and relations between Belgrade and Pristina. He assessed that their relations are at a worst level in the past 10 years. He expressed deep concern over this situation and said he is not sure what the upcoming period will bring. “The situation is difficult, we are always for compromise but when you no longer have anywhere to go, you say you have been cornered. You must defend yourselves”, the Serbian President stated.


Dodik’s statement on wiretapping of US Ambassador sparks reactions (N1)


Everything is possible in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but is it possible to wiretap foreign diplomats or political rivals, asked the presenter. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said during an election rally in Brcko on Wednesday evening hat, as a president, he can do it and that he is wiretapping the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. While some believe that such activities by Dodik are not surprising, others say that it is a matter of deceiving the public about the extent of his power. Everyone is unanimous that the B&H judiciary should act, noted the presenter. Dodik stated: “You were not allowed to even think about listening to the US ambassador, and we just ‘click’ on him. And we know what he is doing. We are a state”.


The B&H Prosecutor’s Office told FTV that they did not receive any reports about the wiretapping of the Ambassador and they are following statements and appearances of officials in the public that could contain elements of crimes that the prosecution is competent to investigate.


The US Embassy said that Dodik's statement is arrogant. “What we say in private is the same as what we say in public - the United States remains committed to B&H’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multi-ethnic character and we will respond to any destabilizing, anti-Dayton activity. All of Mr. Dodik’s blustering cannot change the fundamental fact that Republika Srpska (RS) is not a state. It is one of B&H’s two entities.  His pursuit of an “Independent Srpska in B&H” isn’t protecting the RS or its residents, it is gambling with their future,” reads US Embassy’s Tweet.


The EU Delegation to B&H (EUD) issued a statement as well, saying that every country needs to ensure undisturbed communication for foreign diplomats in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.


Delegation of Ukrainian Government visits B&H (Oslobodjenje)


Deputy Chair of Council of Ministers and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic met on Thursday with the delegation of Ukrainian Government, led by Deputy Minister of Finance Olga Zykova and Commissioner for Public Debt Management Yuriy Butsa. During the meeting minister Turkovic expressed majority support of people and citizens of B&H to the fight of Ukrainian people for freedom, peace and territorial integrity. She informed the collocutors that B&H, in line with the law, strategic documents and international obligations, has joined resolutions of the European Union which condemn Russian aggression.


Russia Calls for Mladic’s Release on Humanitarian Grounds/Reactions (RTRS)


The Russian Federation believes that the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) should, for humanitarian reasons, release the wartime commander of the Main Staff of the Republika Srpska (RS) Army, General Ratko Mladic. On the Twitter account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, it was stated that they are aware of the reports about the hospitalization of Mladic in The Hague due to the sudden deterioration of his health. Mladic's son Darko Mladic said that his health condition is the same as the previous day. “We saw media reports about the hospitalization of Ratko Mladic in The Hague caused by the rapid deterioration of his health. We believe it would be the right decision for the Residual Mechanism to release Ratko Mladic on humanitarian grounds’’, wrote Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on her Twitter account.


The Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves Association has reacted inviting Zakharova to, “as a great humanitarian’’, come, acknowledge and pay respect to the genocide victims in Srebrenica. The associations of the genocide victims earlier wrote to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) Gatti Santana urging her not to allow Mladic’s release at any cost.




Milanovic: Those in RS who attack Dodik represent problem (HRT1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on strong reactions to his meeting with Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik. He confirmed that he visited Dodik and that they discussed the situation in B&H. Asked why he went to meet Dodik, Milanovic answered by saying that Dodik is a president in B&H, that is based on the Dayton and he added that they talked about resistance and destruction of the Dayton in B&H. Milanovic stated: “Survival and respect of the Dayton goes in the interest of Croats and Serbs in B&H. Is this enough reason to go to Dodik’s or anywhere? Going to Dodik and his associates and talk about these topics? Always. Because those who attack Milorad Dodik in the RS are the real problem. He is not the problem.”


The reporter notes that Milanovic visited Dodik at his private estate after visiting Jajce two days ago, because, as Milanovic said, it was on his way and Dodik had invited him on several occasions. Commenting on this, Milanovic said: “It is not normal that I after the celebrating the Day of Liberation of Jajce, old town of Hrvoje Vukcic Hrvatinic, instead of socializing with Bosniaks and their representatives –  whom the Croatian Army enabled to come to their town and live there normally without firing a shot, because Croats did everything – visit Milorad Dodik for example, but such are the times”, said Milanovic.


Milanovic’s Office: Croatia will send soldiers to EUFOR or NATO missions in B&H (HRT1)


Representatives of the Office of the Croatian President, Zoran Milanovic, stated that “a new time has come for Croatia’s policy”. They say that they will insist for Croatia to, when necessary, send its soldiers within the Althea operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), in the auspices of NATO or the EU. Milanovic said Croatia would decide on this, and “not Sarajevo or Belgrade”. Milanovic also said that they will always fight for the rights of Croats in B&H.


Milanovic’s Advisor Nikola Jelic posted on his Twitter that the statement about “new time” regards the possibility of deploying of Croatian troops to EUFOR Mission. “We will always fight for protection of Croats in B&H. we will insist for Croatia, if the necessity arises, to deploy their soldiers as part of ‘Althea’ Mission in B&H. We will be the ones reaching this decision, not Sarajevo, not Belgrade. New time in Croatian politics came,” wrote Jelic.


Milanovic: Genocide must be discussed, there must be no taboos (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic addressed the media in Jastrebarsko, where the traditional Diplomatic grape harvest was held, and said that there is no organized terrorism in Croatia. He commented on the accusations from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that he denied the genocide in Srebrenica, saying that it was a pure lie. He emphasized that genocide is always discussed and that it must be discussed and that there should be no taboos. "Genocide is a political metric, something that one group of people determined. It is not a natural law," said Milanovic and emphasized that he will not apologize every time.


When asked if there are paramilitary groups in the Republic of Croatia, he said that he would demonstrate understanding for Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic's fear and neurosis since "that terrible thing happened in front of the government offices 2 years ago". “Plenkovic took that a little too personally and we have a dissonance between what the Security Intelligence Agency writes and what Plenkovic and Medved say,” he declared. He asked them to be careful. “There are always people who are ready for anything, but there is no organization in Croatia,” he added.


He commented on the possibility of a National Security Council meeting. “For almost more than half a year, every now and then we see a topic or Mr. Plenkovic personally opens it, which in the second sentence invites and calls for a conversation at the highest level. If what he is saying is really so, 'let's sit down and talk because I don't know, and it's not nice if I don't know,' he said.


There must be no taboos 


When asked about his statements about the genocide in Srebrenica, he said that his point of view is known and that they are pure lies. "Mothers of the enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa" state in the letter that it is regrettable that he "insults the victims of genocide and the mothers of Srebrenica". Namely, during lunch with the participants of the regional summit in Slovenia, Zoran Milanovic allegedly said that "there are different types of genocide, and there was no genocide in Srebrenica", which is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H sent an official protest note to Zagreb. The Croatian ambassador to B&H, Ivan Sabolic, refused to receive it.


“My intentions are good and humane, I was in Srebrenica, but I will also try to warn those who make political capital out of it to refrain from it. From the experience of Croats and the President of Croatia, I know and feel what it looks like when someone constantly labels you with genocide," said Milanovic.


“I warn both (Serb B&H Presidency member Milorad) Dodik and the one who was the hostess of the Mujahedeen, who is now finally leaving because he guarded (SDA leader Izetbegovic) Bakir's chair for four years, who handed down the last death sentence in Yugoslavia, (Bosniak B&H Presidency member Dzaferovic) Sefik, not to mess with it, and the latter not to manipulate it and not to make it into the holocaust,” he said.


He also said that genocide is always discussed and that it must be discussed and that there should be no taboos. “We will always fight for a dignified status in the protection of our people in B&H. We will insist that Croatia be among the countries that, if necessary, will send their troops as part of the Althea operation B&H, or under the auspices of the EU or NATO, and when we get that, it is a question whether or not I will sign for one Croatian soldier to go there, maybe I won't. In the end, we will decide on that, not Sarajevo, not Belgrade, not Paris, not Rome. And then, if we fight for it, we will decide whether to send them at all. Because Croatian soldiers are guarding the monastery of Visoke Decane, the crown jewel of Serbian medieval sacred culture in Kosovo, from potential attackers, and these can only be Albanians with whom we are politically close,” he said. “So, Croatian barrels protect Serbian culture if some frantic, crazy, obsessed attacker appears. So, it can and cannot be two Croatian captains in some kind of joint headquarters in Sarajevo. He'll have to explain that to someone else. So, a new time has come in Croatian politics, we are nobody's sheep,” the Croatian president added.


It is in everyone's interest that the Dayton Agreement is respected 


When asked if he was at Milorad Dodik's estate and why, he answered that he was there "because it is Milorad Dodik". “This is the country where he is the president, and we talked about resistance to the demolition of the Dayton Agreement. It is in the interest of everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the Dayton peace is respected. Is this a sufficient reason for leaving Dodik or not,” he asked.


He said that there are facts on which they do not agree, such as the number of victims in Jasenovac. “It is not normal that after the celebration of the liberation of Jajce, the old town of Hrvoje Vukcic Hrvatinic, instead of socializing with the Bosniaks and their representatives, whom the Croatian army enabled 27 years ago without firing a shot, and the Croats did everything, to come to their town, for me to go see Dodik. But such is the time. It would be more normal if it was those whom we enabled to live a normal life, in which they died much less, because the Croatian army liberated Jajce, no one else. That's why I go to Dodik, who is a good host. Those who attack him in Republic of Srpska are the real problem, he is not. It is impossible that it will secede from B&H, that is impossible,” said Milanovic.




Negotiations to be continued today (CDM)


Yesterday’s meeting of the parliamentary majority of 30 August 2020 on the formation of the government has ended, but without a concrete agreement. The leader of Real Montenegro, Marko Milacic, has told the journalists after the meeting that they had constructive discussions, but that it is not over yet. Milacic has emphasized that even yesterday they did not receive the consent of URA to give signatures for the leader of Demos Miodrag Lekic to be the prime minister designate. He says he hopes that today with the signatures they will go to consultations with the President of the country, Milo Djukanovic.


Abazovic: I will not sign for Lekic to be a mandate holder because it is a trap, I would not like his government to be formed by other parties (CDM)


All the talk about blackmail is completely unfounded. The goal of Democrats, United Montenegro and True Montenegro was to help DPS from the start, said Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic at a press conference on the current political situation in the country, ahead of Friday's official trip to the United States. "We have never blackmailed anyone for anything. We have the right to express our opinion", said Abazovic. " The goal of Democrats, United Montenegro and True Montenegro was to help DPS," Abazovic said.


"People outside Montenegro proposed to the Democrats to come up with the idea of a female candidate that should be supported by DPS" "The goal was to please the mafia, to prevent Dritan Abazovic from becoming prime minister. I accepted it contrary to the decision of GP URA to withdraw. There were also talks about Aleksandar Damjanovic, Miodrag Lekic and the female candidate. "How did you get a female candidate - because people outside of Montenegro proposed to the Democrats to come up with that idea, which should be supported by the DPS," Abazovic said. Those who don't want to make a statement don't want an agreement, and those are the Democrats, says Abazovic. "Democrats have not made a statement to date... They do not want to come to an agreement with the DF because they promised someone that the DF will not be part of the government," said Abazovic.


"What does that trap mean, here's the following. We, for one, cannot reach this agreement and then make a proposal to vote for the government in the parliament and then target the traitors. Let them not think that we fall for cheap political tricks. I have nothing against Lekic, what bothers me and my message to Lekic is that I would not like him to allow his entire government to be formed by other parties", said Abazovic. He says that "Montenegro will not be left in the lurch". "The fight against organized crime must continue," said the Prime Minister in a technical mandate. He says he is not afraid of elections. "But we call on all colleagues, as well as the DPS, to vote for the judges of the Constitutional Court in order to have a legitimate election process," said Abazovic. He also talked about the distribution of functions and what positions GP URA is looking for in the new government. "Definitely the security sector, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well. We would have flexibility here", said the Prime Minister in his technical mandate.


Abazovic says that he does not doubt Mandic's good intentions and that he is "surprised by how he behaved in these negotiations". "DF was open. They expressed interest in the security sector. We can say that it is unacceptable to us, but not that it is a blackmail... I have no doubts about his intention to reach an agreement... We had a telephone conversation", he added. Answering the question of what is the minimum below which GP URA will not go, Abazovic says that there is flexibility with them. "We are a different entity from the DF and the Democrats. They are very similar ideologically," he said. He believes that the URA should no longer attend the negotiations. "We will not stop. We have offered something, we see that it is not acceptable. We accept that answer, but please tell us what you think would be fair. When we get it, we'll see. That's it. DF and the Democrats should sit down together. If they need us to witness the conversation, we can. But I think they feel more comfortable when we are not present," said Abazovic. According to him, he asked the leader of the Democrats, Aleksa Becic, at the meeting to say - what he (Abazovic) had deceived him about. “Say one thing. I didn't get an answer," he added.


He told Becic that he "doesn't come to blackmail someone ". "I’m not blackmailing, but proposing, you have the right to refuse. 77 of them have the right to say - we do not want to form a government with this group, there are other groups, we will reach 41. This is where the destiny of Montenegro for the next period breaks. We will try to the end to defend what is the interest of the citizens. I don't see anything controversial that the mandate should be returned to the citizens to make the final judgment about us and other colleagues", Abazovic assessed.


Commenting on the Democrats' proposal that all five seats in the new government belong to each, Abazovic says that for URA that is not acceptable ". "This means that DF should have a third of the government. Then the Prime Minister and the President of the Assembly should be from DF. They have won 27 mandates in the elections on August 30," he added.


Commenting on the trip to the USA, Abazovic said that the USA is our most important foreign policy partner. "I expect to hold talks with our partners and that will significantly determine some future political processes here. The emphasis is on the fight against corruption and organized crime... I expect a lot from this time. I am traveling to Washington, and we will also be at the UN General Assembly. But I think that in New York we will also have other important meetings related to the processes in our country", he pointed out.


North Macedonia 


Prime Minister: N. Macedonia's team ready for screening (MIA)


The prime minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, has stated that N. Macedonia's negotiation team was ready for the challenges of the process of screening for EU membership, which began in Brussels on Sept. 15. "Negotiations with the EU are open! After 17 years of waiting, the process of North Macedonia's screening for EU membership began in Brussels today (Sept. 15). We are starting the process in which the fundamental reforms for implementing European regulations and for the European functioning of the society and state will be deepened," Kovacevski said in a written statement to the media. In his words, this day is truly great and important for the future of all citizens of North Macedonia, who deserve to live in a stable, democratic and European society. The screening for Chapter 5 – Public Procurement began in Brussels. The N. Macedonian delegation is headed by the deputy prime minister for European affairs and chief negotiator, Bojan Maricic. According to the statement, meetings for the fields and chapters of the Fundamental Values Cluster, will take place from Sept. 15 to 27, 2022, when the European Commission will present new legislation in these fields.


Mickoski: The referendum is the way out of the harmful agreement with Bulgaria that leads to assimilation, the government runs away from the people’s declaration (Fokus)


The president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, in an interview with Fokus weekly referred to several current political issues in Macedonia. Regarding the referendum initiative on the agreement with Bulgaria, Mickoski points out that it is the only way the opposition can act.


In a modern parliamentary democracy, you can prevent something only if you call the people to express themselves and give their opinion. It is for those reasons that we decided on a mandatory referendum, and not as was the manipulative referendum on the Prespa Agreement when there was a question with a double meaning. The referendum and the question are very precise and refer to the source of all problems, which is the bilateral agreement with Bulgaria, stressed Mickoski.


He points out that Talat Xhaferi, when deciding to reject the referendum initiative, illegally assumed the role of a constitutional judge who interprets the Constitution.


Interpreting the Constitution is the sole responsibility of the Constitutional Court. They do legal gymnastics to avoid the people. The fact that they run away from facing the people means they know that there will be a turnout and they know the people are against the agreement which is the source of the assimilation that SDSM and Dimitar Kovacevski are implementing. VMRO-DPMNE has a referendum question that does not change the content of the agreement but disputes the law that declares it valid. They are running away from a referendum, but they will not run away from the next election defeat, after which follows accountability before the laws and the Constitution, Mickoski told Fokus.




NATO certifies the Albanian AF Infantry Battalion: Ready to be used by the Alliance at any time (Radio Tirana)


NATO certifies the Light Infantry Battalion Group of the Albanian Armed Forces as an operational structure ready to be used by the Alliance at any time. The news was made public by the Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi. The Alliance's evaluation and monitoring group observed the training of Albanian troops, coded as "Biza '22", from where they were then confirmed as a structure ready to be deployed anywhere and anytime in the arms of NATO allies.


"The Light Infantry Battalion Group in FT is successfully certified by NATO. The Alliance's assessment and monitoring group, during the "Biza '22" exercise, successfully evaluated the performance of our Armed Forces. With this achievement, the Light Infantry Battalion Group is confirmed as an operational structure ready to be used by NATO, at any time, decently by the side of our allies," writes Peleshi on his Facebook page.


Interview with Ilir Meta (Tirana Times)


In an interview with Tirana Times, Ilir Meta, Albania's former president and the current head of the Freedom Party (FP) speaks about FP's political stances as well as its plans for the future.


Q: Mr. Meta, you kept the promise that you would go into active politics the day after handing over the country’s presidency. You are now at the helm of an opposition movement against, as you put it, the "corrupt regime" of the Socialist government of Edi Rama. What are your aims moving forward?


It is true! I always keep my promises. Initially, I had other plans for my career after the tenure as President of the Republic. The dramatic developments in my country, certainly, obliged me to change the course of my career.


The country is in need of a genuine, determined, courageous and uncompromised opposition to face the worst governance that Albania has experienced in its recent history. The current government has brought detrimental consequences to the country as a result of the state capture, that it will need a lot of time to recover from. The depopulation, especially among the youth, with the highest numbers in the region, that is taking place every single day, is a product of the policies that the Rama autocratic government has carried out.


Rama has gone as far as to destroy the foundations of the democratic system itself, by criminalizing it: the free and fair elections are ruined by voter intimidation, vote-buying and through the ruling party’s 9,000 public sector employees engaged in monitoring individual voters through the Patronage system; the national economy is in the hands of few clients of Rama, the public debt has sky-rocketed, and almost nothing has been done to protect average citizens from the raising prices and a much higher cost of living.


The average citizen has no security for their life, be it physical, health, educational, property or judicial. That is why people are leaving the country every day. My aim is to contribute in restoring democracy in the country, to bring the sovereignty of political choice to the citizens. That is why I am back in active politics.


Q: Mr. Meta, why did the party rebrand from the Socialist Movement for Integration to the Freedom Party. The name change signals a pivot to the right for this historically leftist movement, which was formed as a splinter group of the Socialist Party. Where will FP be in the political spectrum?


In a normal democratic system, the positioning of a party is important for the ideological basis of its policies. But, Albania today does not have a normal political system. The Socialist party, despite its name, has conducted extreme right-wing policies: supporting the rich, privatizing public services, especially health and education, failing to create equal opportunities for education or for business, widening the gap and polarization between the handful of super rich linked with Rama and the rest of the people. Therefore, today the challenge is to set right and bring back to normality the foundations of the democratic system: free and fair elections, free market economy, and equal individual rights, not the ideological nuances of policies.


FP is positioned to do exactly this: make Albanians decide with their free will about who is going to govern them and with what policies. That is why the referendum is the instrument that FP will use to empower the common citizen, to make the right policy choices and to bring accountability to the politics.


Q: Some have argued that representative democracy in Albania was harmed beyond repair in 2008 when an agreement between the two largest parties at the time changed the constitution overnight to remove a large say from voters on who they wanted in parliament. You were the sole voice fighting against that move. Will you try to remedy the situation in the next parliament?


It is true that the Constitutional changes of 2008 have destroyed not only representative democracy, but also the system of check and balance. Today, Albania is a “prime-ministerial republic”, where the executive branch has usurped the functions and powers of the parliament, independent institutions, and often, the functions of Judiciary, enabled by the intentional mishandling of the judicial reform.

In the circumstances of a divided and weak opposition, the Prime Minister managed to create an autocratic republic, where there was no power or institution to contain him. Containing him to behave within the powers the Constitution gives to the Prime Minister, was my most important challenge of my tenure as President. Certainly, establishing a normal democratic mechanism of check and balance is going to be an important objective of the FP.


Q: Government-friendly media outlets claims that you had been a co-operator of the communist secret police, Sigurimi, as student, and now the Socialists are proposing a special law to deny you an active role in politics, despite the experts casting doubt on the veracity of file and you having passed every lustration filter for 30 years. What will your response be?


Regretfully, the PM Rama and his lackeys resort to the same dirty tricks that the same Sigurimi used to attack and destroy any dissidence against the previous regime. I have already started legal proceedings against all those in charge who have fabricated such an irrelevant story. This story betrays the immense fears that Rama and his regime have, and their desperation and hopelessness in front of the popular discontent and the earth trembling under their feet.


It’s a pity the Authority of Files engaged in such a scandalous adventure under Edi Rama’s orders. For an anonymous email (illegal source of information), AIDSSH gathered within 24 hours, and violated the law seven times by taking illegal decisions.


Meanwhile, since Aug. 3, when the Sigurimi victim, whom after being acquainted with his manipulated and falsified file, has presented to the authority an official request for correction, based on the truths affirmed with his own testimony on his handwritten statement of March 9, 1990, where he clearly states whom his I.M. classroom and dormitory friend was, that collaborated and spied on him on behalf of the State Sigurimi.


This AIDSSH dirty game happened right after the changes in the institution’s board composition, substituting individuals with integrity with puppets of the Rama-Basha regime.


Edi Rama’s sole objective is to either buy his opponents, or use any other means of power to eliminate them, as he has shown during his time in office, to be an enemy of the free media, economic freedom, and political pluralism which derives from free and fair elections.


Q: You’ve indicated that FP will work together with the Democratic Party to oppose the government and ruling SP. What form will that cooperation take in light of the Socialist Party having changed the laws to make it hard for the opposition to form coalitions. Also, there are rumors in Tirana that you will try to run for mayor of the city as the united opposition representative in the next elections. Are you considering a run?


There is already cooperation and coordination among all the opposition parties and factors, which will be strengthened further in the days to come.  It is extremely important that the FP and DP share the same assessment of the critical situation the country is in, and the same judgement of the cause of such a situation, identifying PM Rama as the sole cause.


The opposition is fully aware of the massive discontent among the people towards Rama and his government, a discontent which goes beyond the traditional voters of FP and DP. Our challenge is to convert this discontent into a force for change, and bring Albania back on the normal democratic track of domestic reforms and the requirement of the EU integration process.


Coming to your question about running in Tirana, at this point in time, Tirana municipality represents one of the worst examples of corruption, money-laundering, mishandling of public funds, abuse with the territory adjustment and public space, all wrapped in a loathsome propaganda and deceit. Therefore, the “battle” to free Tirana from this mass, is a first step to freeing all the country from the clique that has usurped it. I am sure the opposition will create the synergy to make this change happen.  I’m convinced the opposition is able to provide to the public many credible candidates, with integrity and vision. Everyone of them will have mine, and the Freedom Party’s full support.


Erion Veliaj meets Speaker of the American Congress, Nancy Pelosi in Washington (Radio Tirana)


The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, is on an official visit to Washington, where he held a series of important meetings in the US Congress and Senate. Veliaj was received by the Speaker of the Congress, Nancy Pelosi, as well as by the former candidate for President of the USA, Senator Mitt Romney. The mayor of Tirana was also received by the congressman of New York, Ritchie Torres, and the leader of the majority in the American Senate, Charles Schumer. After the meetings, Veliaj said that this is a very important moment in the relations between Albania and our allies, the United States of America. Veliaj informed Pelosi about the latest developments and invited her for a visit to Tirana.


"I met Speaker Pelosi with all the news from Tirana and Albania. Our Prime Minister has a special respect for the United States of America, as a key ally, as a determined leader, and as someone who has always made the right decisions, both for our American and NATO allies, and for welcoming those who are in need, it doesn't matter if they are Ukrainians, Afghans or even Iranians sheltered in Tirana", said Veliaj. Mayor Veliaj's visit to Washington will continue with other important meetings, but also with the Albanian community located in the United States of America.


Spiropali meets the chairman of the Internal Security Committee in the US Senate (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of State for Relations with the Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, traveled to the USA as part of an official visit where she met with a number of important personalities of American politics. At the start of the meetings, Spiropali was received by the Senator, and at the same time the Chairman of the Internal Security Committee in the Senate, Gary Peters.

Iran's cyber-attack on the online services system in Albania was also the focus of the talks. Spiropali expressed her gratitude for the support that the USA has given to Albania on this issue. "We discussed the progress that Albania has made, the challenges of the future, Iran's cyber-attacks on government services in our country, as well as the sanctions undertaken by the US and partners to punish this criminal act," the minister wrote.