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Belgrade Media Report 21 September 2022



Vucic: Another note on the derecognition of Kosovo; difficult decisions ahead of us (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public from New York, where he is participating in the General Debate of World Leaders at the UN. Speaking of the gloomy forecast that is, addressing the General Debate of World Leaders presented by United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Vucic said that he is afraid that realistic forecasts are even darker. "I think that the realistic forecasts must be even darker, of course the most talked about is Ukraine, but it will get even more difficult," said Vucic. "Of course, for Serbia, the position is even more difficult in the sense that the UN plays weaker role in the world, because the big powers have taken everything upon themselves and de facto destroyed the UN order in the past few decades," said Vucic. “For all of us who are small and who want to be sure and provide security for our citizens, there is no good news and I expect that we will see things get more complicated between the West and Russian Federation and between the West and China,” Vucic said. "This is a big gathering, over one hundred and fifty leaders, which means that people are looking for some way out and some hope," he added. "A difficult time for everyone, including our country is ahead of us," he said. "We will be taking important decision in the next seven to ten days. and I believe I will inform the public about certain measures and decisions important to the future of Serbia next week," Vucic emphasized.


When asked what he expected Russian President Vladimir Putin to say in the announced address, he said that it is not difficult to assume that we are approaching a world conflict. “It is not difficult to guess what President Putin will say in general terms. I assume that from the stage of a special military operation we are approaching a major war conflict and now the question is where are the borders and whether we will go after some time, maybe already in a month or two into a major world conflict the likes of which we haven’t had since World War II,” Vucic emphasized.


“They said that they don’t need so-called Kosovo to be in the UN to join the Council of Europe. That is added pressure on Serbia to accept papers that don’t exist and which we can’t discuss and which I luckily did not take so I can’t be accused of leaking them,” he said commenting the alleged draft agreement which was published by the Albanian Post portal. He said he had good news for the Serbian citizens. “I received another note that a country is revoking its recognition of Kosovo,” adding that this strengthened Serbia’s position in the UN. “They will be surprised by the number of countries that think differently and the clear majority that we have in bodies such as the UN,” he said. He added that Serbia continues to seek compromise solutions, but also to strengthen economic cooperation with the USA, and that this is important for our country. "Just as we try to maintain good relations with Russia and China. That is the only policy we can have", adding that Serbia cannot just support one side because of the situation with Kosovo. “We have to be everywhere and fight for the life of the country and the people and that is why we are being rational, serious and responsible. We have to be everywhere, because we are fighting for the mere existence of our people and our country," said Vucic.


Vucic said that the EU has announced support for some countries that are behaving irresponsibly. "We also have to have their support, because we behaved responsibly. Respect those who did good work. You can't help one, but everyone, and that's what I agreed with Rama, Abazovic, Vjosa Osmani, Dzaferovic will also be there tonight. I will also have meetings with Lajcak, Guterres, with Congressman Swalwell. Lots of work today, and then a meeting with friends Grenell and Kushner. It's only the beginning of the day here, but to repeat, good news for the people of Serbia, another folder in our state safe for yet another derecognition", Vucic concluded.


Brnabic: Pressure on Vucic and Serbia never greater (TV Pink)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that it is important to support Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is to address the UN General Assembly, because pressure exerted on him and Serbia has never been greater. Serbia is asked to impose sanctions on Russia and to reach a final agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the two requests are simultaneous, Brnabic told TV Pink. In his speech, Vucic will best show the contrast between some countries “in the struggle for the territorial integrity of one internationally recognized state, Ukraine, which we agree with, and to what extent this basic principle of international law did not matter in the case of Serbia,” said Brnabic. For us, pressure can be counterproductive and the more you pressure us, the more dissuaded we may become, said Brnabic, explaining that this is Vucic’s policy. Serbia’s presentation at the UN General Assembly has never attracted so much attention, especially since Vucic will speak after the Ukrainian President, said Brnabic. The Prime Minster said Vucic will be giving an interview Wednesday to the American Newsmax TV, following which he will meet with the Chinese Foreign Minister, and added that the President had some 20 meetings in Tuesday.


Vucic at the UN: Numerous meetings with world leaders (B92)


Debate of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly begun yesterday in New York. Its opening was attended by President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. According to the latest changes to the list of speakers at the General Debate, Vucic will speak today, on September 21 in the afternoon session as the ninth speaker, around 6:00 p.m. US time, and before him, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, will speak via video message


Upon his arrival, the President spoke with the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, the Head of Diplomacy of Greece, Nikos Dendias, and the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski.


"It is extremely important for us to be in New York today, not only because the world is at a turning point in modern history, but also because there have not been so many heads of state and representatives of member states at the UN Assembly in a long time," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, at the opening of the General Debate of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly. "Always a cordial meeting with my friend Sanchez at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly with a quick exchange of opinions on the most important issues of this session. I thanked him for his support for the territorial integrity of Serbia," wrote Vucic.


The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway, Jonas Gar Store, at the opening of the General Debate of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly. "I spoke briefly with the Prime Minister of Norway Gar Store about current world topics and meeting points. I thanked him for his support in defining Serbia's future energy strategy and I expect a bilateral meeting soon," Vucic announced.


The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama: “A short greeting when meeting my friend Edi Rama on the sidelines of the opening of UNGA77 and an opportunity to exchange first impressions from this important event, but also to make plans for joint appearances at meetings during UNGA2022 An Open Balkan is the future of our region”.


According to the previous UN agenda, Vucic was supposed to be the 13th speaker, and before him the term for the representative of the Congo was scheduled, while Zelensky was the 11th speaker. Also, it was previously announced that US President Joseph Biden will speak at the opening of the General Debate, as the second speaker after Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Biden will, however, speak on Wednesday, and after Bolsonaro, an appointment is scheduled for the president of Senegal. Before the first speaker and the opening of the debate, the world leaders will be addressed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who will present his report, from 3:00 p.m.


As many as 92 presidents of states and kings and 58 presidents of governments will participate in the General Debate, while the other state delegations will be represented by vice presidents of states and governments and ministers of foreign affairs. The main theme of this year's session of the UN General Assembly, which began on September 13, is "The Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions for Interrelated Challenges."


By the way, the debate is traditionally opened by the presidents of Brazil and the USA. Unlike the previous year when the number of delegation members was limited due to COVID measures, this year this is not the case, so it is expected that there will be between 2.000 and 3.000 people in the UN complex on the East River.


After the opening of the General Debate, Vucic will have a meeting with the President of Guatemala, Alejandro Eduardo Giammattei Falla, then a meeting with the Chancellor of Austria, Karl Nehammer, and then he will attend an informal lunch for the leaders of the Western Balkans organized by the high-ranking EU official, Josep Borrell. Vucic will also have a meeting with the president of AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) Betsy Korn, followed by a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.


President will also meet with Congressman Eric Swalwell and have some other meetings. According to protocol, the speeches of world leaders last no more than 15 minutes. Nevertheless, in 2009, the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi spoke for more than an hour and a half, and the record for the length of the speech was set by the former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, whose speech in 1969 lasted as much as four hours and 29 minutes.


According to the UN, this year's theme "Tipping Point: Transformative Solutions for Interrelated Challenges" stems from the recognition that the world is at a critical moment in the history of the UN due to complex and interconnected crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, humanitarian challenges without precedent, a turning point in climate change, as well as growing concern about threats to the global economy. It is therefore necessary to find and focus on common solutions to these crises and build a more sustainable and resilient world for everyone and for generations to come, the UN said.


Another dynamic day of Serbian diplomacy in New York (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic, as part of the activities during the second day of participation in the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, had a large number of meetings on the sidelines of that important multilateral event. The head of Serbian diplomacy had shorter or longer meetings with as many as 27 ministers of foreign affairs in one day, during which topics from the field of bilateral cooperation, as well as current geopolitical topics, were touched upon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.


Selakovic had longer bilateral meetings with the foreign ministers of Saint Lucia, Malta, Armenia, Senegal, Somalia, Kuwait, Georgia, Laos and Costa Rica. Those talks were an opportunity to present concrete proposals for the improvement of bilateral cooperation, as well as to exchange information and views on today's biggest international challenges, such as the crisis in the supply of food and energy. One of the dominant topics in talks was the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia's efforts to fight for the protection of its state and national interests, in accordance with international law, by peaceful and political means.


Two more international agreements were signed - on cooperation in the field of sports with Kuwait and cooperation in the field of agriculture with Senegal. The head of Serbian diplomacy was also invited to participate in the gathering of "Young Ministers of Foreign Affairs", which was hosted by the minister of Pakistan. Ten ministers spoke about their experiences at the head of national diplomacy, as well as the role of successful politicians of the new generation in creating peaceful and stable geopolitical relations. In addition to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the host from Pakistan, representatives of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Qatar, Canada, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Panama also participated. Minister Selakovic ended his second working day in New York with a trilateral working evening with the heads of diplomacy of Greece and Cyprus.


Vucic at the lunch organized by Borrell for the leaders of the Western Balkans (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, attended an informal lunch organized for the leaders of the Western Balkans by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell.

"The EU is one of Serbia's key and strategic partners, but on this occasion the topic of introducing sanctions against the Russian Federation was repeated. I tried to explain Serbia's position, which is both consistent and difficult, but for us the only one possible, because Serbia continues to lead an independent policy in accordance with the principles of international law," said Vucic.


Aleksandar Vucic shared photos of the meeting on Instagram and wrote that it was another round of important conversations during an informal lunch. "A useful conversation with Miroslav Lajcak on the sidelines of the 77th UN General Assembly and a good opportunity to once again highlight Serbia's commitment to preserving the peace and stability of the entire region," said Vucic on the "buducnostsrbijeav" Instagram account.


The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, announced that he discussed further steps towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Lajcak pointed out that he spoke with Vucic in New York, after the meeting with Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, in Pristina last week. "On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, we discussed the path to progress in the normalization of relations with Kosovo," Lajack said on Twitter.


Serbia again fails to align with EU measures over Ukraine (Beta)


Serbia is again the only EU candidate country in the Western Balkans which has not aligned with a new decision of the Council of the European Union on restrictive measures over undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. EU High Representative Josep Borrell has said that on Sept. 1, 2022, the Council of the EU adopted a decision supplementing the Council’s decision from 2014 and adding three persons to the list of individuals, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures. North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have been aligning with this decision. Serbia was the only EU candidate country in the Western Balkans which did not align its policy with the Council’s decision from July referring to implementing special measures in countering terrorism, another four of the body’s decisions from July on restrictive measures over Ukraine, and the Council’s decision on restrictive measures against Iran, adopted in June.


The new summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans in December, for the first time in one of the countries of the region (RTS)


The new summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans will be held in early December, for the first time in one of the countries of the region, RTS learned from diplomatic sources in Brussels. That meeting should provide a new, strong signal of the EU's commitment to the Western Balkans, with a message to the countries of the region to take advantage of the newly created political environment in Europe, in order to improve the process of accession and solving open issues in the region, according to sources. Although consultations are still ongoing, European diplomatic circles assess that Serbia has no chance of hosting this meeting at the highest level, primarily due to Belgrade's inconsistency with the EU's foreign policy towards the war in Ukraine. "Serbia's positions and rhetoric on sanctions against Russia and the war in Ukraine are unacceptable for many member countries", state European diplomats and assess that the summit "will most likely be held in Albania or North Macedonia".


In Brussels, they assess that the war in Ukraine has strengthened the awareness in Europe of the importance of the enlargement policy for the stability of the continent, which is also demonstrated by the demonstrated willingness to make rapid progress in talks with Ukraine and other countries that were not part of the process until recently. "It is important that the countries of the Western Balkans do not remain on the sidelines and thus miss the momentum for faster progress", state diplomatic sources and assess that in the coming months, ways will be sought for concrete progress in issues such as the start of negotiations with North Macedonia, more concrete progress in dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, candidate status for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Pristina's request for visa liberalization.


At the beginning of October, the summit of the European Political Community in Prague 


Before the summit in December, a summit of the so-called European political community will be held in Prague on October 6, at the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron and European Council President Charles Michel. This new format should bring EU members and those countries that do not have, or do not want, the prospect of membership to the same table, providing a platform for regular debate on issues of common interest to the entire continent, from security and energy to climate change and connectivity. Along with the invitations to the countries of the Western Balkans, as we have learned, the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala also invited Great Britain, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Israel to the summit. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz supported the European Political Community project, with the caveat that it cannot be a substitute for EU enlargement. At the same time, Scholz announced the "revival" of the Berlin Process and the holding of a new summit within this initiative on November 3 in Berlin, with a focus on the Green Agenda and the common regional market. Many member countries, however, believe that the Berlin Process is an insufficiently inclusive format, as it gathers only a third of the EU members, and that therefore a signal of wider European political engagement in the Balkans is needed, among other things through the summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans, announced for the beginning of December in the region.


Piperni: KFOR is ready to intervene if the situation in Kosovo worsens (RTS)


KFOR is ready to call reserve forces and intervene in the event of a worsening of the security situation, as the deadline for re-registration of vehicles approaches, the first deputy commander of the NATO mission in the southern Serbian province, Brigadier General Luca Piperni, said in Pristina. He told reporters at the KFOR headquarters in Pristina that the situation is now calm but sensitive and that NATO cannot rule out new tensions or, as Reuters reports, violence in the north of the province as October 31 approaches, which Albin Kurti has set as deadline for vehicle re-registration. "If the situation worsens, we are ready to intervene, we are ready to find ourselves between the demonstrators and the security organizations," Piperni told reporters, referring to, as reported by Reuters, the approaching deadline for vehicle re-registration in Kosovo. He said that KFOR has "enough soldiers to deal with the situation" and that "with that number of members" it can "end any escalation of tension". "We are alerted and ready to act... if we have an increase in tensions, but we can also bring reserve forces... which we can call on in a short period of time," Brigadier General Piperni pointed out.


On June 29, the government of the temporary institutions of Pristina introduced reciprocity for persons entering Kosovo and Metohija with an identity card issued in central Serbia, then offered the possibility of re-registration of vehicles from Serbian to local - "RKS" plates, and decided to continue with by applying stickers for car registration plates.


Putin: I talk to Vucic on a regular basis (FoNet)


Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Moscow on Sept. 20 that Russia would continue to support Serbia in protecting its rights and interests. “Within international law and relying on U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, we will continue to provide comprehensive support to our Serbian friends in protection of legitimate rights and interests of Serbia and its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Putin said at the presentation of credentials of ambassadors of some 20 countries, among whom was Serbia’s Ambassador Momcilo Babic. Putin said that Russia and Serbia were tied by strategic relations and partnership based on the tradition of friendship, culture, and spiritual and historical bonds between the two brotherly nations, adding that Moscow would continue to deepen cooperation, according to a statement from the Kremlin. “With (Serbian) President (Aleksandar) Vucic, in meetings and over the telephone, we regularly discuss key issues for further development of cooperation. We appreciate the desire of our Serbian friends to pursue a balanced and independent course in the international arena, and we will continue to work together on deepening political dialogue and expanding cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, science, technology, culture, and humanitarian issues,” the Russian president stressed.


Belgrade hosts regional conference on labor trafficking (Beta)


Over 100 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia and other countries and international organizations, gathered in Belgrade on Sept. 20 to attend a two-day regional conference called Combating Labor Trafficking in Europe - Standards, Realities and New Strategies for Action, organized by the Council of Europe and the European Union. Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, said that "poverty, unemployment and a growing informal economy, along with demand for cheap labor and services, are factors that lead to labor trafficking" and that "the trend of recruiting victims via social networks and the internet is rising." Head of the Council of Europe's Belgrade Office Tobias Flessenkemper, who opened the conference, voiced his satisfaction with the fight against labor trafficking becoming a reality in Serbia and the attendance of executive government representatives, representatives of the judiciary, NGO sector, the media and former victims of trafficking.




Bosnia and Herzegovina  


Moscow: Dodik meets Russian President; Dodik says energy issues were in focus of the meeting; Putin wishes Dodik success in upcoming elections in B&H (ATV)


Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in in Kremlin on Tuesday. According to transcript of conversation between Putin and Dodik at the meeting that was published by Kremlin, Putin told Dodik that he hopes that the patriotic forces in Republika Srpska (RS) will further strengthen. He wished Dodik success in the upcoming October elections in B&H, stressing that this will strengthen the cooperation between the RS and Russia. Dodik stated: “I would like to convey greetings from my people and the RS, gratitude for your attention and support at the multilateral level - primarily in the UN Security Council, as well as for understanding the specific circumstances in which we work and your commitment to preserving the Dayton Peace Agreement which still preserves B&H. On the other hand, we also have those who want to be an instrument of changing the rules, changing the international system, and now it is very important that we have friends who understand our specific situation”.


Dodik emphasized that commitment of Russia to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) still preserves B&H. Dodik went on to saying that there are those who want to change the international agreement through some rules. “It is important for us to have friends like you, who understand the concrete situation”, explained Dodik. He stressed that the elections will be held on October 2 and expressed hope they will achieve good results, adding that all recent surveys show it will happen. Dodik stated that meetings with Putin are always an important event for them. He expressed commitment to cooperation with Russia, “that is extremely important for us.” He added that regardless to the fact the RS is a small community, the fact it preserves communication with Russia strengthens its position. Dodik underlined that they enabled scheduling of a match of B&H national football team with a national team of Russia. He explained that their people ensured that it takes place, although some in B&H are against playing this match that is set to be held on November 19.


The Russian President emphasized that sport should be uniting and not dividing people, adding that he hopes it will be the case with abovementioned event. He emphasized that Dodik is known as friend of Russia. Reporter commented that many noticed that a part of the meeting that was open for the public passed in a cordial dialogue. Reporter noted that two officials also discussed other topics, including economy and energy and they even talked about sport. According to RTRS, some journalists emphasized that Putin was in extremely good mood and that he expressed high interest in the situation in B&H as well as high level of knowledge about political and energy situation in the region. Reporter commented that the two officials were sitting at a big table in Kremlin. Reporter reminded that Putin and President of France Emmanuel Macron sat at the same table during their last meeting and there was significant distance between them. However, this was not the case with Tuesday’s meeting when Dodik and Putin sat at close distance. Many interpreted this as evidence of excellent relations between Dodik and Putin, but also as evidence of excellent relations between the RS and Russia.


Dodik on meeting with Putin: If there is no agreement on Russian investments, I will not be prepared to support projects in other part of B&H; I informed Putin that there is no reason not to support continuation of EUFOR mission ‘Althea’ (RTRS)


Following the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik gave an interview for RTRS. Asked to comment the fact that a part of the meeting with Putin that was open for the public passed in a cordial dialogue and that it seems that the Russian President is well informed about upcoming elections and other topics in Republika Srpska (RS) and B&H, Dodik said that this was their third meeting over last 10 months. He added that they have been regularly communicating and that President Putin is informed about many issues.


Dodik stated that among other things, they discussed energy issues, including construction of a gas pipeline from Serbia to the RS and construction of two gas-powered thermal power plants.  According to Dodik, the President of Russia is informed about this issue and he knows that there is only one obstacle to implementation of this project, i.e. consent of B&H level authorities for digging a path for the gas pipeline under Drina River. Dodik added that Putin asked him about his opinion on this situation, adding that he explained that at sessions of the B&H Presidency he initiated passing of such a decision and other members of the Presidency refused to include it in agenda of the sessions.


The member of the B&H Presidency stated that Russia is a serious investor and its investment would provide energy security. He emphasized that although he does not want to “lead the policy of stubbornness”, if there is no agreement on this project, they will not be prepared to support projects in the other part of B&H. Dodik went on to saying that the Russian President confirmed that they stand behind abovementioned project, that even financing is not a problem and asked to implement this project as fast as possible. The member of the B&H Presidency also stated that they discussed the issue of gas and that he asked the Russian President to provide similar conditions in regards to gas supplying in next year. Dodik explained that Putin stated he will inform Gazprom about his support to such an initiative.


Dodik confirmed that they also discussed EUFOR Mission ‘Althea’ in B&H, adding that President Putin is informed about this situation. Dodik underlined that Putin asked him about his stance, adding that he informed the Russian President that there is no reason not to support continuation of this mission, for as long as it is within framework that has been existing so far. Dodik stressed that Putin stated he respects his stance and there is no reason not to support continuation of ‘Althea’ mission, if there are not some hidden agendas. Dodik also stressed that this is invitation to Europeans to have a clear approach, adding that it is in interest of everyone. He emphasized that if some hidden agendas are identified, it will cause problems, adding that it was clearly stated on Tuesday.


Reporter stated that during the meeting with Putin, Dodik mentioned a match between football national teams of B&H and Russia and that the Russian President conveyed a strong message that sport should be uniting people. Dodik said that playing of this match is not against FIFA rules, adding that accepting to play this match caused “consternation” in Sarajevo. He commended people in the National Football Association of B&H (NS B&H) for accepting offer for this match, adding that he believes it should be played. Dodik underlined that although he does not support a football national team of B&H, he still believes this match should be played.


Dodik stressed that they also discussed construction of Russian-Serb church and center in Banja Luka and that he informed the Russian President that activities in this regard are implemented in line with certain dynamic. Dodik emphasized that they also talked about a Russian Consulate that should be opened in Banja Luka and that is formally working. He went on to saying that unlike the West, Russia has never been setting any conditions for anything it has been doing in the RS.


The member of the B&H Presidency explained that he met with representatives of Comsar company that got concession earlier to build a coal-powered thermal plant in Ugljevik and hydro power plant Mrsovo. He underlined that Comsar got all permits but construction one. He emphasized that on the ground of assessment on Comsar’s investment in these projects, an agreement will be reached that the RS takes over implementation of these two projects. Dodik stressed that in this way, additional energy stability of the RS will be provided and that RS will become significant producer of electricity. He went on to saying that the RS has capacity to produce electricity for its needs and for export. Dodik emphasized that considering all above, his visit to Moscow was successful, adding that implementation of everything that was agreed is to follow. He reminded that the Russian side proved to be a reliable partner. Dodik also stated that he informed the Russian President that interest to study Russian language has been increasing in the RS.


Viskovic claims Dodik’s latest visit to Moscow will bring economic and political benefits to RS (EuroBlic)


The latest meeting of Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin again raised the question of whether Dodik meets Putin only during pre-election campaigns and whether Republika Srpska (RS) has any benefits from those meetings. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that there are no dilemmas about this and noted that yet another visit of Dodik to Moscow signifies “a precious support of Russia” which defends the position of the RS in the UN, UN Security Council and Peace Implementation Council (PIC). “It is questionable what would have happened to the RS and which path it would have taken had it not been for Russia’s veto to certain decisions”, Viskovic added. Viskovic also argued that the latest visit of Dodik to Moscow will bring economic and political benefits to the RS. Viskovic stated that thanks to good relations between the RS and Russia, B&H citizens have access to cheap natural gas. He emphasized that this is why those in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) should be grateful. “I am sorry that the mood in the other entity is such as it is, but, the other entity has much greater benefits compared to the RS, although they get gas under – so to say – friendly prices, their politicians do not appreciate that”.


UN General Assembly session begins on Tuesday; Erdogan talks about stability in Western Balkans; Dzaferovic meets with Trudeau and Scholz (FTV)


The 77th UN General Assembly session began on Tuesday. For the next seven days, world leaders will exchange views on the war in Ukraine, climate change and nuclear disarmament. The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres talked about global problems. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro criticized sanctions against Russia and claimed that war in Ukraine can only be solved via dialogue. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan mentioned the Western Balkans. Erdogan said that holding elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) without problems and progress in the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade will contribute to the stability of the region. Bosniak member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Dzaferovic is expected to address attendees of the session on Wednesday morning. According to Hayat, he will focus on the global situation and on the current situation in B&H. Dzaferovic is also expected to hold a number of bilateral meetings during his stay in New York. Guterres said that countries are locked in a global lack of functionality and they are not able to face the threats of the future. He stressed that the world is in peril and international cooperation is being undermined, which cannot go on.


HR Schmidt: Those who think that they can influence the voting and manipulate the results, will deal with state prosecutors and with me (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz daily carries an interview with High Representative Christian Schmidt. Asked about his announcement of stricter sanctions for those who try to execute election frauds, Schmidt underlined that elections are right of citizens not of parties. “Parties need to humbly accept the results. I wanted to send a signal that those who try to manipulate the results can face criminal consequences and I will verify whether anti-Dayton behaviour is connected to this. I will make the moves based on this,” said Schmidt. He noted that his moves will depend of his assessment: “Those who think that they can influence the voting and manipulate the results, will deal with state prosecutors and with me.” HR Schmidt said that he is also not ready to accept post-election blockades and he will act to benefit of the citizens and he will not passively observe someone trying to prevent implementation of voters’ will.


Asked about the 12-week deadline he gave to the politicians to reach agreement on key changes to the Election Law and the fact that this deadline has passed and nothing happened, Schmidt said that he talked to all the parties, some gave very concrete proposals, but unfortunately there is no agreement. “What was the point, why have I done that? I would say that I acted by the moto ‘do it yourself’. In this regard, I have returned the ball to the domestic elected representatives, but I will not remain a mere observer of the play. I am mostly a patient person, but my patience has its limits,” said Schmidt.


Asked about Milorad Dodik, who is visiting Vladimir Putin, who supported Russian aggression, who does not recognize Schmidt as High Representative and says that he is wiretapping the US Ambassador, and for how long will the HR tolerate him, Schmidt said that he has impression that Dodik is turning this into the instrument for his campaign. “Only he is making alliances with the wrong people. Mr. Putin, if he even meets with him in Moscow, will not promise any money, because he has no money. Dodik needs to be aware that Putin perhaps only uses him as a puppet. If someone wants to be destructive then the decision on this will not be reached in Banja Luka, but by his collocutor and I would recommend him to think well about every step he intends to take,” said Schmidt.


Asked about the attacks on him by side of Bosniak parties and Zeljko Komsic and DF, who accused him of being in service of HDZ B&H, Schmidt said that he went through too many election campaigns in his own country to know not to pay attention to statements which are aimed at collecting of votes. “Someone who accuses me of wanting to cement ethnic division, I can only say they do not know me. The situation is quite the opposite. But those who say ‘we will now raise the revolution and annul all the identities’, also do not work to benefit the improving of the matters,” said Schmidt.


HR Schmidt said that this can be a successful country if three issues are resolved, first for people to agree about the “never again” phrase, second, one should not push the things that separate, but those which connect them. Thirdly, the HR stressed, corruption and nepotism are the cancer for this society.


Komsic: Citizens expressed their will in protests outside OHR, DF is greatly responsible for stopping electoral reform based on ethnic principle (Dnevni avaz)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member and DF leader Zeljko Komsic stated that more steadfast and incorruptible advocates of the idea of civic state need to be present in the new convocations of the state, entity and canton parliaments because, he warned, the attempts of ethnic division of the state through the pressure to amend the Election Law will continue. According to him, the outcome of the political struggle will depend on citizens. He noted that citizens clearly expressed what they want at the protest rallies held outside the OHR building. “However, it is now necessary to move onto a kind of political offensive based on the idea of the civic state through the initiative ‘One million people for civic state’, because neither local political actors nor foreigners can dare to ignore or stop such will of citizens”, said Komsic. He underlined that DF is greatly responsible for preventing changes to B&H Election Law based on ethnic principles, although DF and he personally suffered a lot of pressure because of that. However, said Komsic, they were able to persist because they knew what their goal is, what they are fighting for and what they are fighting against. Komsic also said that the “circus” in the Federation of B&H Government which has been in technical mandate for four years must be urgently stopped. Komsic concluded that it is necessary to reject the ethnicity-based principle of constituent peoples which prefers people with favourable party affiliation.




Croatia reportedly wants Hungary-EU dispute to be settled through agreement (Hina)


"Croatia supports all mechanisms for the protection of the rule of law, including the new one that makes the use of EU funding conditional on respect for the rule of law, and would like Brussels and Budapest to settle their dispute through agreement," state agency Hina cited the Croatian state secretary for European affairs, Andreja Metelko-Zgombic, as saying on Tuesday. “Croatia supports all mechanisms for the protection of the rule of law, including this one on conditionality,” Andreja Metelko-Zgombic said in Brussels where she attended a meeting of the General Affairs Council.


On Sunday, the European Commission proposed to the Council of the EU to freeze 65 per cent of EU funds, or €7.5 billion, to Hungary over corruption and problems with the rule of law. This unprecedented decision was made under a new mechanism that makes the use of EU funds conditional on respect for the rule of law. Budapest can avoid sanctions if in the next two months it eliminates the reasons that prompted this proposal. “We were glad to hear that the Commission and Hungary have agreed a time frame to address this matter, which might last two months at most, and that there is room for agreement. We would like to see these preventive mechanisms work and achieve their purpose,” Metelko-Zgombic said.


Other member states did not show much appetite either to enter into a serious conflict with a member state at a time when it is important to preserve unity while Russia is waging a war of aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, Hungary is coping with a serious economic crisis and is trying to avoid the freeze of much needed EU funding. It has announced that it will implement the necessary reforms and remove the reasons for concern of the Commission and other member states.


Asked about Croatia’s position on the proposal to abandon the unanimity rule on certain foreign and security policy issues and adopt decisions by qualified majority, Metelko-Zgombic said: “We have emphasised the importance of unanimity on issues of essence and importance to member states, and we are among the countries that have said they see the value and strength of unanimity. We are open to discussion in the future on some other mechanisms where it would be in the interest of all to switch to another method of decision making in specific areas.”


German state secretary for European affairs Anna Luhrmann on Tuesday called for more decisions to be taken by qualified majority instead of by consensus. The General Affairs Council today began preparations for a regular autumn summit to be held in Brussels on 21-22 October.


Metelko-Zgombic said that Croatia had proposed that one of the topics discussed at the summit should be Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is due to hold a general election on 2 October. She said at the meeting that all EU membership candidates were required to align with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, which also applies to the sanctions the EU has imposed on Russia. Serbia is the only EU membership candidate that refuses to impose sanctions on Russia. “We would really like all candidate countries to do this, and we can see that Serbia is ruling out this possibility. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a revisionist narrative from Serbia that is astonishingly similar to what we are hearing from Russia in connection with Ukraine,” Metelko Zgombic said.


Parliamentary committee votes to open public debate on changes to constitution (HRT)


After Parliament took the first step related to changing the Constitution this summer, in the part concerning referendums and the Constitutional Court, a session of the Parliament's Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System was held, where further steps were discussed. The Committee for the Constitution, with seven votes in favor, decided that a public hearing will be held, which will last for a month.


“This is a proposal that came from the ranks of the Croatian Democratic Union to approach constitutional changes when we talk about the issue of referendums. Three steps are envisaged. The first was made when 80 members of parliament voted to accede to changes to the Constitution. Today's decision is a kind of intermediate step, so it should include the creation of a draft. The third step could be the adoption of changes at the end of the year,” reported Sime Vicevic for HRT. For that, a two-thirds majority of parliamentarians, or 101 votes, are required.


“Will the Croatian Democratic Union get it, will the governing party come to an agreement with the opposition, we will see all of that in the coming months. Judging by today's discussion, it will be very interesting. The Social Democratic Party and the Green-Left Bloc still insist that the issue of abortion, that is, the issue of women's choice, should be included in the changes. The Croatian Democratic Union rejects this and states that they will insist that only the issue of referendums be included in the changes to the Constitution,” he stated.


“I am surprised by the left that it continues to ask the ruling party to invite them to the table, and I am especially surprised after we jointly reached conclusions at the opposition meeting in which we said that we demand that this government resigns and that early elections be called,” pointed out MOST party MP Nikola Grmoja.


“There were other remarks that went beyond the proposed framework. The question of a break in a session of Parliament was also mentioned, to mention just one thing. We talked about women's right to choose. None of that is incorporated here,” pointed out Pedja Grbin, a member of the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System from the Social Democratic Party.


“We are open for the next month, while the discussion is going on, we in the club of representatives of the governing majority will sit either separately or even better on this committee to discuss each individual article and changes to the Constitution and Constitutional Law. And to discuss it because we are aware that without that one hand there is no new Constitution or new Constitutional Law,” said Branko Bacic, a member of the Committee from the Croatian Democratic Union.




President refuses to appoint new PM Designate, proposes holding of new parliamentary elections (RTCG)


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic issued on Tuesday to the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic a proposal for the shortening of the mandate of the current make-up of the Montenegrin parliament and thereby also the holding of new parliamentary elections, state Radio Television Montenegro reported. Djukanovic cited that he believed that the new government could be arrived at only by the citizens’ decision at new elections. In the elaboration, Djukanovic wrote that he had, in accordance with the Constitution, carried out consultations on the PM designate for the make-up of the government with the representatives of several parties including his own Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), but that his summons was not answered by the representatives of the coalition which won at the previous elections i.e. the leaders of 4 September 21, 2022 the Democratic Front (DF), Democratic Montenegro (DEM), the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) and the Civil Movement URA. Instead of coming to the consultations, the said parties sent Djukanovic a proposal for him to appoint as PM-designate well-known diplomat and former minister Miodrag Lekic, something which the President did not accept.


“The proposal issued to me by Mr. Andrija Mandic (from the DF) I could not accept, since I believe that the necessary conditions for this have not been met”, said Djukanovic and explained that Lekic had received only a verbal support of the said parties, and that some of their MPs did not give their signatures of support. Djukanovic claims that the two previous prime ministers, Zdravko Krivokapic and Dritan Abazovic, had submitted signatures of support, and that only this time the representatives of the coalition which won at the elections did not come to consultations with him nor submitted the signatures of the majority of the MPs. “I did not gain the impression that a clear majority existed which would be capable of forming a government which would offer solutions to the very difficult problems in the financial, economic, legal, institutional, political security area”, Djukanovic said.


“I believe that the optimal solution in the given political situation is to organize early parliamentary elections in the shortest possible deadline”, Djukanovic concluded.


Strong opposition to the announcement of new elections (CDM)


The parties which had formed the previous two governments and which have proposed Lekic as the new PM designate, strongly reacted to Djukanovic’s request for new parliamentary elections to be called. “With this act, Djukanovic has shown an undemocratic character, self will and an autocratic manner, since the Constitution and the laws do not foresee that signatures have to be gathered for the appointment of the PM designate. Virtually all the PM designates in Montenegro have been appointed without the MPs’ signatures. By proposing the shortening of the parliament’s mandate, he has violated the Constitution”, announced the URA movement of outgoing prime minister Abazovic.“We have 41 signatures even though it was not a Constitutional obligation to submit them to Djukanovic. However, since he has tried to abuse the Constitution we shall deliver them to him today and I therefore expect of him to, in the course of the evening, grant the mandate to Lekic and recall his previous memo”, said Milan Knezevic from the DF.


Former Montenegrin Prime Minister Forms Party (CDM)


The former Montenegrin prime minister Zdravko Krivokapic announced on Tuesday that he was forming a party called DemoChristian Movement. Krivokapic was, as a non-party figure, elected prime minister in December 2020 after the Democratic Party of Socialists was, after a full 30 years in power, defeated at the elections. He led the government only a little over a year and during that time he suffered constant media and political attacks from Belgrade due to the alleged refusal to sign the fundamental agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Montenegro.


Abazovic: EU integration is not an issue of one government, but a process that must be the focus of the entire society (CDM)


EU integration is not an issue of one government, but a process that must be the focus of the whole society, said Prime Minister of Montenegro in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic during a meeting with EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, on the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. Abazovic expressed his satisfaction with the meeting with and emphasized that "Montenegro stands firmly on the path of promoting European values". Discussing the judiciary, as stated, Abazovic pointed out the importance of unblocking the judiciary through the dialogue process, stressing "satisfaction with the election of a new member of the Judicial Council, Radoje Korac, and evaluating it as a step forward in the said unblocking". "I hope for a solution to the political situation in Montenegro that would bring long-term political stability, push forward European integration and continue the determined fight against organized crime and corruption," concluded Abazovic.


Abazovic at a working lunch with Borrell, Lajcak and the leaders of the Western Balkans (CDM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic attends a working lunch organized for leaders from the Western Balkans by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Joseph Borrell, at the European Union headquarters in New York. "Besides Abazovic, Miroslav Lajcak, EU Special Envoy, Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, Aleksandar Vucic, President of the Republic of Serbia, Dimitar Kovacevski, Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Vjosa Osmani, President of the Republic of Kosovo and Sefik Dzaferovic, Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency, are also attending the working lunch," Abazovic's cabinet announced.


Krivokapic at a briefing with Stoltenberg (CDM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs in technical mandate Ranko Krivokapic had a briefing with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in New York. "Briefing with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in New York on the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly," Krivokapic said on Twitter.


North Macedonia 


Osmani – Kasoulides meeting in New York (Libertas)


On the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani had a meeting with the head of diplomacy of the Republic of Cyprus, Ioannis Kasoulides, during which they exchanged opinions on the overall bilateral relations between the two countries. They also discussed ways to strengthen cooperation, after many years of very modest exchange, for which there is readiness and clearly expressed interest. Regarding the Euro-Atlantic integrations, expressing satisfaction with the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference between North Macedonia and the European Union, Minister Kasoulides reaffirms Cyprus' full support for the EU's enlargement policy with the countries of the Western Balkans, and as a strong supporter, Cyprus will continue to be a strong promoter in further integration and the continuation of formal accession negotiations for membership with the EU, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. The two ministers also discussed the energy and wider economic consequences on the European continent, as a reflection of the war in Ukraine.




Lajcak meets Rama in New York: We discussed the situation in the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with the EU envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. The visit took place in New York, where Rama and Lajcak are there to participate in the General Assembly of the United Nations. Lajçak announced the meeting through a post on the Twitter social network, while also posting a photo with Rama. Lajçak writes that they discussed the situation in the Western Balkans. "I had a very useful meeting with Edi Rama in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly. We discussed the situation in the Western Balkans. Grateful for his insight and support to the EU facilitated dialogue ", writes Lajçak about the meeting with Rama.


Borrell pledged support to Balkan leaders in the energy challenge, cyber security, war consequences (Radio Tirana)


The Head of EU Diplomacy, Josep Borrell, gathered the leaders of the Western Balkans a day ago, while details of the meeting have been revealed. Borrell says that they talked about the impact of the war on the Balkan region. Borrell has promised that the EU will support the Balkans in the challenges that the war has brought.


"The EU and the Western Balkans will stand together in the face of the challenges brought by Russia's unprovoked war against Ukraine at the world level. The EU includes the Western Balkans in its initiatives to mitigate the effects of the war," said the announcement issued by the European bloc. This meeting of Borrell with the leaders of the Western Balkans took place the day before in New York, where the General Assembly of the United Nations is also being held. Prime Minister Edi Rama is also present. "High Representative Borrell and the leaders of the Western Balkans discussed how they can together address the damaging consequences of this war on food and energy prices and on stability and security in Europe and the world," the announcement said. Borrell also promised the states of the Western Balkans that the European bloc will help them in the energy challenge as well as in cyber security, given the fact that Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro have recently been subject to cyber-attacks. Meanwhile, the EU envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue held meetings with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic.