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Belgrade Media Report 22 September



Vucic’s address at the UN: What is the difference between Ukraine and Serbia? (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic delivered a speech at the General Debate of World Leaders, within the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic took part at the General Debate of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, main theme being: “A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges”.


At the beginning, President of Serbia emphasized that it was a great honor for him to have the opportunity to speak, and due to time constraints, he moved on to specific points from his address. "It gives me a great honor to address you on behalf of the Republic of Serbia. Due to limited time, please do not mind if I skip the burden of formality, courtesy words, greetings of those who are present in this room or absent, and instead speak directly about the essence of what we gathered here", Vucic said at the opening of his address.


"I’ve been so many times in these premises. The seriousness of the present moment obliges me to share difficult, but true words with you. Everything we are doing here today seems impotent and vague. Our words make hollow and empty echo compering to the reality we are facing. And that reality is such that no one is listening to anyone here, no one strives towards real agreements and to resolving problems, and almost everyone takes care only of their own interests, breaching often along the way the basic principles of international law; throwing away the UN Charter and other documents this Organization is founded on".


"It is neither fault of Antonio Guterres nor of anyone from UN, but of those powers who take care of nothing else but of meeting their own political, economic and unfortunately military goals. We are witnesses that the age we live in is featured by complexity of global geopolitical situation. Our General Debate is being held in terms of undermined world peace, to the extent that has not been seen ever since the World War II and since the time the United Nations had been founded. Global challenges we are facing are threatening to radically change international security architecture and jeopardize established international legal order. Such complex times demand a lot of wisdom and unity, in order to preserve peace as the absolutely most important heritage woven into the foundations of the United Nations Organization. That is why I would like to speak clearly and accurately before you about five key challenges we are facing today:


Point 1: Returning to peace and preservation of global stability;

Point 2: Preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of internationally recognized states, members of this Organization, as a key principle of international public law and relations between the countries;

Point 3: Energy security in terms of global crisis;

Point 4: Financial safety of the poor and developing countries;

Point 5: Food supply in terms of global supply chains interrupted by war".


Point 1: Current global developments remind as more and more often that the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes has no alternative. This principle is outstanding today more than ever and it is best described in the UN Charter Preamble which reads as follows – “to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors”. Denial of use of force and peaceful resolution of disputes are the pillars pf world stability; but they must be accompanied by principles such as non-selective 3 observance of the UN Charter, implementation of mandatory UN Security Council Resolutions and basic principles of the applicable international public law.


Point 2: Preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of internationally recognized states, members of this Organization;


Serbia supports territorial integrity of all UN member states, including also territorial integrity of Ukraine. In such a way, we behaved responsibly and seriously in this renowned institution. Nevertheless, we could hear from many speakers the stories about aggression and violation of territorial integrity of Ukraine. Many say that this was the first conflict on the European soil after the World War II. But, the truth that the territorial integrity of a country in Europe - Serbia as a matter of fact, which did not attack any other sovereign country, was violated is constantly unspoken. We ask for a clear answer to the question I’ve been asking my interlocutors, leaders of many countries for years – what is the difference between the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, which was grossly violated, and for which you provided international recognition and legitimacy? Nobody has ever provided a rational answer to that question.


Let me remind you – Serbia has not stepped its foot on someone else’s territory, nor has it endangered territorial integrity of a single sovereign state, so that anyone might intervene or carry out aggression against it, the way it was done in 1999. Nevertheless, it did not prevent NATO from attacking a sovereign country without the decision by the United Nations Security Council. Signing of the Agreement with NATO – upon termination of armed conflict – whose provisions envisaged adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and which confirmed and guaranteed partial sovereignty and full territorial integrity of Serbia, did not prevent many western countries from unilateral recognition of independence of the so-called “Kosovo” and from violating, once again, territorial integrity of our country. Precisely for such developments that Serbia experienced and that is has been experiencing, I am convinced that I am fully entitled to quote, in this place, the words of great Martin Luther King: “Injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere”. These words are carved like a reminder, but as a warning to all of us.


Regardless of the fact that we still feel the consequences of the gross violation of basic provisions of international public law, we do not give up on United Nations foundation principles. We shall keep advocating consistent observance of the principle of inviolability of borders, respect for sovereignty and integrity of all other UN member states. Despite such position of ours, many in this room have issues with respecting territorial integrity of Serbia. You wonder why? Because they have the power is in their hands, and in their eyes, we are small and weak. However, as you could hear, we do have the strength to tell the truth here.


We owe special gratitude to all those UN memberstates – and they currently constitute majority at this Assembly, who support territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia, particularly in the space and territory of Kosovo and Metohija. It is additionally encouraging that number of countries who support Serbia’s position increased in period between two sessions, which is a trend that must continue, because it is of utmost importance to remain loyal to basic principles woven into the UN Charter, such as the principle of inviolability of borders. The Republic of Serbia, and I as its President, search very patiently and with a lot of good will for compromise regarding Kosovo and Metohija under the auspices of the European Union, and within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. It is a difficult process, it has been lasting for more than ten years, but we see no alternative to it. It is better to negotiate for hundred years, than to wage war for a single day. I hope that we will reach mutually acceptable solution, based on compromise, because this is the absolutely only way for reaching our goal, which is a long-lasting peace, as a prerequisite of prosperous life for Serbs and Albanians in our region. We have exhausted all other options and, and speaking for Serbia, at least, we do not even dream about going back to the paths of conflicts and bloodsheds.


The Balkan region could not stand another conflict. I rely on good will and understanding from our international partners, because they know well that some earlier decisions by their governments had been bad and that they had not been acting in favor of the future of our region and world peace. Belgrade is running this process under very complex circumstances with elements of hybrid war and dirty campaign in part of international community against our country, in different fields. It would be enough just to remind you of the quotes and allegations of world media that Serbia would attack its neighbors and that Serbia was a threat to regional stability. Of course, it has never happened. And it was only one among numerous lies against the Republic of Serbia. Serbia was featured as a potential destabilizing factor in the region, only to be prevented from telling the truth- that the principle of inviolability of borders must be equally applicable to all. Serbia was and it will be a factor of stability in the entire region. Serbia, despite many untruths and forgeries supports Dayton Peace Accords, territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and integrity of Republika Srpska (RS) within B&H.


On the other hand, we are convinced that the nations of the Balkans do have the capacity to continue their lives in the future as friends and partners with common vision of membership to the united Europe. I know this well, because we have already surpassed many barriers that had been standing between our nations for years and that had costed us thousands of lives and wasted future. Serbia and Albania, for example, today have the closest and the friendliest relationship in the entire several centuries long common history in the space of the Balkan Peninsula.


It took only clear-headed and pragmatic discussions about our future, not about our past. To talk about how to resolve problems that were bothering our people, our companies, workers, students and entrepreneurs. We had discussed a lot and reached, by ourselves, numerous solutions that have already cancelled barriers that existed between us for no rational reasons. First of all, in economy, trade and flow of people and capital. Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia have been implementing for three years “Open Balkan” Initiative, which has a clear vision - to open the region for the people, goods, services, capital and companies, in order to create the space which would be permanently liberated from tensions and conflicts. In addition to unquestionable common economic benefit that this Initiative brings, it has a broader dimension, first of all in connecting people with different cultures and in promoting diversity, which, by all means, contributes to general development of society in this part of Europe. In this way, Serbia, actually continues contributing to peace, stability and reconciliation process in the region, whereby it certainly gives significant contribution to global security.


We found the inspiration for the respective in words of one of the greatest diplomats in history and a great UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold that this Organization “wasn’t created to take mankind into paradise, but rather, to save humanity from hell”.


Points 3, 4 and 5


The moment we curbed the global pandemic, we have already faced new, unprecedented challenges for this century. While we, as a mankind, take one step at a time in accelerated technological development, there are existential problems ahead of us such as energy security, financial safety of the developing countries, but also distortions in the supply chains of the basic food provisions. Solidarity which had been necessary in fighting pandemic is needed to a far greater extent today, when people’s basic necessities for food and energy are endangered.


The Republic of Serbia thinks of its energy security as of the inseparable part of the national security and as the key prerequisite for the continuation of economic development and progress of our country. We strive to provide the continuity of energy supply, but we share the concern for current geopolitical challenges that undermine the energy stability in the word and Europe. We remain committed to finding solutions that might have the transformational strength in attempts to reach regional and European energy safety. I would like to underline that the Republic of Serbia managed to preserve continuity in energy supply during the ongoing crisis. Nevertheless, we remain vitally interested in diversifying supply sources, in additional investment in energy infrastructure, but also in faster and more efficient development of capacities based on renewables.


It is precisely at the United Nations where we named the ongoing decade the “decade of more sustainable and resilient future, action and transformation.” It has to remain like that, but at a bit faster pace! Unequal development, but also financial perils in the developing countries, cause additional social layering and inevitably brig new antagonisms. Equal development must neither be limited not conditioned either geographically or politically, but it must be provided to all people regardless of ethnical, racial, cultural and religious affiliation.


There is another, very important challenge ahead, which we must overcome together, and it is finding the most efficient way to avoid consequences of the current international crisis inflicted on global food supply security. Developments are highly alarming, and the reality is such that all of us, with no exceptions, are struck by them. Food supply security could be endangered in our part of Europe, and situation on continents, such as African one, threatens to be devastating. Growing prices of food and its availability have become an additional problem. Task for all of us is to find operational and efficient solutions that will leave no one behind. It is up to us- states- as the most important international subjects, to involve individually in coordination of measures, first of all by contributing to this noble task at national levels, in order to preserve the most valuable things- human lives and their dignity.


The topic of this year’s General Debate warns us to the preciousness of a moment and relatedness of international challenges. Crises we are facing remind us of the importance of open communication. It does not take much wisdom to conclude that challenges can be successfully overpowered only if their causes are properly observed. We are witnessing that any problem ignoring and lack of communication between the countries makes the situation only more complex. Serbia believes that it is imperative that current challenges must not deepen world divisions in any way, and that already obvious and intentional polarization at global level should make room to principles of multilateralism.


I would like to underline that the Republic of Serbia take part in collective efforts for reaching sustainable development goals and implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Serbia shares Secretary General’s vision in future of global cooperation in a way envisaged by “Our Common Agenda” and it strongly supports inclusive, networked and efficient multilateralism as the best tool for responding to the most urgent challenges for the mankind. Multilateralism, collective actions and common responsibility are irreplaceable elements of our discussions so far, but allow me to underline that starting point for each such constructive engagement is solidarity.


Finally, I would like to reiterate that the Republic of Serbia will continue being a reliable partner in achieving common goals defined within the UN framework, firmly believing that it is the best path to create world for us and generations to come. But we must not forget that the United Nations are as strong as we respect commonly harmonized decisions and documents of this Organizations. "Long live Serbia!" concluded Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in his address at the UN podium in New York.


Vucic spoke as the ninth speaker, and before him, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, spoke via video link. The main theme of this year's session of the UN General Assembly, which began on September 13, is "The Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions for Interlocking Challenges." President Vucic previously announced that he divided his speech into five points, and that the most important one will be the one about respecting international law. 92 presidents of states and kings and 58 prime ministers take part in the General Debate, while other state delegations are represented by vice presidents of states and governments and ministers of foreign affairs. The debate was traditionally opened by the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, and then UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres spoke.


Vucic told Newsmax: Putin is not bluffing, that's all I can say (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the American television Newsmax in the program "Wake up, America". Vucic is currently in New York to participate in the 77th United Nations General Assembly. The presenters first thanked the president for agreeing to be a guest on their show, and then they asked him about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. "I think we have successfully de-escalated the crisis in Kosovo, but we will have to work harder to find a long-term solution. We will not look for the culprit, but a compromise is much better than weapons and bombs, which we are seeing today," the president said.


During the show, the presenters mentioned that Serbia has good relations with Russia and asked Vucic what Serbia's attitude towards the conflict in Ukraine is. "We have traditionally good relations with Russia and Ukraine", emphasized Vucic. He added that Serbia is not on anyone's side and that it will always condemn the war.


Vucic reminded the audience that Serbia celebrated the 140th anniversary of relations with the USA, and that our countries were on the right side of history in both world wars. "We are looking at how to diversify our energy supply. We are building interconnectors on the borders with Bulgaria and North Macedonia. You asked, Mr. Grenell, that we understand how economic ties are the most important in our region. The reconstruction of the infrastructure network. We see that the trade exchange between Serbia and USA today is bigger than ever, even 1.2 billion," said Vucic. "We hope that peace will win, and that everyone will do everything to reach a compromise. That's better than waiting for someone's defeat. I've met with Putin several times and I don't believe he's bluffing. That's all I can say", Vucic added to the question about the Russian president's announcement.


He said that this is the first time he has seen the statement of the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, about the Holocaust, and pointed out that the Serbs are close friends of the Jews, and that the Holocaust happened.


"I also believe that the crimes committed against the Jews during the Second World War are unforgivable and must not be forgotten. During the Second World War, in the Nazi Independent State of Croatia, there was a large camp called Jasenovac. There was also a camp in Belgrade. That facility in Belgrade was destroyed, we decided to restore that place, to restore the memories. I met Esther Bayer, and she thanked me. She was so full of energy, she pointed to the place where the cafe is today, and where her father and many, many Jews were killed. When they killed the Jews, the Germans then killed the Serbs. She told me that she approached the people who were drinking coffee and told them that it was a killing ground," said Vucic.


The host asked Vucic to compare the relationship with President Biden with the relationship with Donald Trump. "I met with Biden four times, and with Trump twice. Biden was one of the most prepared presidents for political discussion ever. Trump understood that the economy could connect us," Vucic explained.


Vucic: We changed our speech nine times, we took care of every word (Tanjug)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, pointed out in New York, before his speech at the UN General Assembly, that he and his team took care of every word, quote, proverb that he would say and added that Serbia is facing a difficult period in which the great will not suffer its libertarian, righteous attitudes, but they will order us to do what they do. Aleksandar Vucic, in an interview with Tanjug, said that they changed the speech nine times, took care of every word, and that he believes that it will be an interesting speech. "Perhaps I will defend our position a shade more harshly. To be honest, we don't have much of a choice. The handicap is that I will be speaking directly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The entire Western Hemisphere is on his side. Any word that would differ from him cannot and will not to meet the approval of our Western partners. But we cannot and will not renounce our policies and positions, least of all our country," said Vucic.


He asked the citizens to watch his speech and see if his team and he made a good speech, emphasizing that every word, proverb, quote was taken care of. "Perhaps those who delve deeper into the essence of politics will understand what we are going to say. Much more important than evaluating someone's speech is the situation we are in today," the president pointed out. Vucic reminded that he had already announced that the most difficult situation was to come and that then complete hysteria would occur.


"Trains from all stations have started - from Berlin, London, Washington, no one will stop their machinery anymore. When elephants fight, it's up to us little ones to hide. But they will not allow us to be invisible. They will not tolerate Serbia's libertarian, righteous attitudes "They don't really care, just like in 1999 when they bombed us," emphasized Vucic. He pointed out that no one will ask anything except to order us to do the same as they do. "It is important for us to point out the need to preserve the peace, which will not be easy. Kurti accuses us of many things. Our team made the decision that everyone is fed up with our mutual accusations," added Vucic.


In the economy, he says, the price of oil has risen, and he expects that in the coming days, when the situation escalates, it will be increasingly difficult. "There are still six months and 10 days left until the end of the period that I marked as crucial. There are huge changes. Some countries will come out of the crisis easily, some will not be able to bear it, they will collapse and lose their economic sovereignty. There is still a lot to do, let's fight, be skilled and resourceful," said Vucic.


Everyone refers to international law when it suits them 


President Vucic says that an order of speakers at the UN General Assembly is certainly a handicap, speaking after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but also that undoubtedly, because of this, more attention will be focused on his speech than it would otherwise be. "But you could see here today, nobody has patience for anyone and anything, just for their side to win. They won't listen and they don't really care about 1999, which is a painful wound for us, nor about 2008. year," said Vucic. He pointed out that US President Joe Biden said earlier yesterday that the Russians shamelessly committed aggression on the sovereign territory of Ukraine, which, he says, he would have taken into account with all his heart, had it not been for the shameless attack on Serbia in 1999. Vucic emphasized that Serbia was attacked, without attacking any sovereign state, nor did it enter the territory of any other country. "How do you explain your emotions? International law must apply equally to everyone. The bottom line is this, and it's a silly little thing that small countries fight for respect for rights. And, everyone invokes international law when it suits them, otherwise they invoke force," said Vucic.


He pointed out that there is "high power", "soft power" and "smart power", and that this "smart power" means the threat of the possibility of using "high power", which, he says, Serbia cannot use. "We don't even have money for 'soft power', just so we won't be the target of the most severe measures. Serbia is facing a very difficult period, politically and economically," said Vucic. He added that the plane ticket for the Belgrade-Moscow flight, of which there are six in seven days, reached a price of even 9,000 euros on the black market due to the mobilization in Russia and other things.


Senior KFOR officer says reserves deployed in Kosovo (N1)


A KFOR commander said that NATO had deployed reserves in Kosovo prior to the expiration of the deadline to replace vehicle license plates, Reuters reported on Wednesday. “As part of contingency planning, there are reserves that are rehearsed in terms of their arrival here,” KFOR regional commander East Colonel Christopher Samulski told reporters in camp Bondsteel. He said that NATO could not rule out fresh tension in the north as the deadline approaches, adding that the Alliance is prepared to increase its troop presence in Kosovo.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Newsmax in New York that the situation in northern Kosovo is being “successfully de-escalated” but warned that added effort is needed to continue the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations and expressed the hope that Pristina will understand that this is an opportunity to reach compromise solutions “which is always better than the use of weapons”.


“The First Fusiliers from the UK are here as the strategic reserve which is a normal rehearsal of their entrance and integration in normal operations,” the colonel said. According to the British Defense Ministry portal, the 1st Fusiliers are a premier Armoured Infantry battlegroup equipped with Warrior fighting vehicles.


Vucic met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China (RTS)


The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, in the building of the Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN in New York, it was announced on the Instagram account "buducnostsrbijeav". Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he had an "excellent, serious and meaningful meeting with Chinese friends, where we reiterated the firm commitment of Serbia and China to the consistent fight for respect for international law and the principles embedded in the UN Charter". "We exchanged opinions on the development of the global situation, but also on regional issues. As always, I carefully listened to the measured, thoughtful and wise views of our Chinese diplomats," added President Vucic. "We agreed that in overcoming today's challenges, a rational approach with negotiations and dialogue is needed more than ever before, which is the only way that must become a general principle for solving all conflicts," the president emphasized in a post on Instagram.


Selakovic in New York at a meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, said at the ministerial meeting of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries in New York that Serbia strives to develop and deepen relations with the members of that movement. Selakovic, addressing the ministers of the members of the Non-Aligned Movement, explained that Serbia, as a country that is militarily neutral and committed to its strategic commitment, full membership in the European Union, is simultaneously working to strengthen old, traditional friendships with African, Latin American and Asia-Pacific countries, in the hope that the strengthening of those ties will be mutually beneficial for our peoples. Recalling that, despite the fact that from the very beginning the Movement was made up of states of different identities, cultures, religions and political-economic systems, Selakovic noted that the non-aligned throughout their existence managed to grow, based on ten founding principles, which they never lost on its importance and actuality.


The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that he is proud of the fact that last year's high-level meeting on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the first Movement of Non-Aligned Countries conference, from the very place where it was held, from Belgrade, sent a strong signal that we do not forget old friendships, but also that the founding principles Movements have timeless value and special significance.


"Even though today's world is in many ways different than the one in 1961, we still face similar challenges. That is why today it is necessary to work additionally on strengthening multilateralism and understanding the multipolarity of the world order," Selakovic said. As he pointed out, it is of particular importance for Serbia to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is described in the UN Charter, but also in another founding principle of the Non-Aligned Movement. On this occasion, Selakovic thanked numerous members of the Movement who stand by Serbia and who remained consistent with the principles of respect for international law, not recognizing the unilaterally proclaimed independence of "Kosovo". "Finally, I want to say once again that the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries can always count on Serbia's friendship. We firmly believe in and contribute to building a world in which dialogue based on equality will prevail, without division into big and small a world in which determination towards peace and stability will prevail", concluded Selakovic.


Serbian Foreign Minister has a series of fringe meetings during U.N. General Assembly Session (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on the second day of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly that he had had many fringe meetings during the session, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Sept. 21. In a single day Selakovic met with 27 foreign ministers and discussed bilateral relations andcurrent geopolitical affairs, the Ministry reported in a press release. The Serbian minister had longer bilateral meetings with the foreign ministers of Saint Lucia, Malta, Armenia, Senegal, Somalia, Kuwait, Georgia, Laos and Costa Rica.


The talks were a rare opportunity to offer specific proposals as to how to improve bilateral ties, exchange information and views on the most important international challenges today, including the energy and food crises. Kosovo was one of the dominant themes, along with Serbia’s efforts to act according to international law and use peaceful political means to protect its national interests. Minister Selakovic was invited to take part in the section Young Foreign Ministers, hosted by Pakistan’s minister. Ten ministers shared their experience at the helm of national diplomacies, and also discussed the role of the new generation of successful politicians in creating peaceful and stable geopolitical relations. The conference was attended by representatives of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Qatar, Canada, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Panama and other states.


PM Brnabic explains delay in formation of new Government (FoNet)


The situation in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina “is a pebble in the West’s shoe” that it wants to get rid of and resolve the situation so Serbia could no longer blame it and point to its hypocrisy, said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. The Prime Minister explained that the formation of the Government is delayed by everything that happened in relations with Pristina in the course of September, and by a large number of activities.


Brnabic told RTS that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did a brilliant job giving a speech at the UN General Assembly. As for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, which Serbia agrees with, the minute Serbia is mentioned that topic collapses, said Brnabic, adding this is the reason why the West insists on resolving the Belgrade-Pristina conflict, in any way, as soon as possible. Brnabic said she does not believe that those who need to hear Vucic’s words actually heard him, because he has been saying the same things at every meeting. In his speech Vucic said that the only standard that everyone needs to uphold is the honoring of the UN Charter and that 17 out of 23 countries violated the Charter in the case of Serbia, said Brnabic. “Those who did not respect Serbia’s territorial integrity did hear Vucic’s words well but unfortunately that will not change anything, and they will not forgive him for saying what he said,” stressed Brnabic.


Asked if any decisions have been taken regarding new ministers, Brnabic said some but not all, and added that the contours of the new government are slowly emerging. “There’ll be changes, there will also be changes to the Law on Ministries, and I expect the debate in the Parliament to last longer than usual,” said Brnabic.


Opposition leader: Aggression on Ukraine threatening humanity, sanctions necessary (Beta)


A co-president of the Together party, Nebojsa Zelenovic, assessed on Sept. 21 that Russia's aggression on Ukraine had become "an obvious threat to the survival of humanity" and that, for this reason, Serbia should join the sanctions against Russia. "Open threats with nuclear weapons, after military defeats from a weaker opponent who is the victim of aggression, has made it necessary for Serbia to join the sanctions against a government that gamble with the lives of all humans on this planet," Zelenovic declared in a statement. In his words, everyone is obliged to do everything in their power to "help in the prevention of mindlessness," that the authorities in Serbia were obliged to do the same and that there was "no more room for excuses." "Serbia must make a strategic agreement with the West and, with all its might, join in the defense of peace and of opportunities for a good life for every person in our region, Europe and the whole world," Zelenovic assessed.


Russians are coming, to Belgrade (Nova S)


A large group of Russian citizens landed at Belgrade airport on Wednesday afternoon saying that they are fleeing the Ukraine war and mobilization of reserves, Nova S portal reported. The Russians told the portal that they are afraid for themselves and their families adding that they came to Serbia to stay with families or friends. Many of them did not want to say anything. reported that the flight that arrived on Wednesday could be one of the last flights between Belgrade and Moscow. But in the meantime, tickets for AirSerbia flights (six-time a week) for next two weeks are sold-out, and now they are reselling on black market for up to several thousand Euro, ranging from about 2,000 to as much as 10,000 Euro. Serbian president Vucic confirmed that information and said that tickets for next few days are on black market sale for 9,000 Euro per seat. Flights from Russia to Armenia and Turkey, countries that do not require visas for Russian nationals, also cost many times more than usual, agency reports. One Russian woman said on Belgrade airport that her husband could not leave Moscow and added that a lot of young men she knows had been called up for military service.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik supports referendums in occupied parts of Ukraine (O kanal)


O Kanal reports that member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik resumes with causing scandals. Namely, after his Tuesday meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Dodik supported on Wednesday a referendum on joining Russia in occupied parts of Ukraine. He added that such referendums should be observed as an autonomous decision of residents of these regions. Dodik stated that it is possible some observers in these referendums will be people from Republika Srpska (RS).


Head of RS Representation Office in New York Kesic on Dodik-Putin meeting: This exceeds expectations (ATV)


Head of the Republika Srpska (RS) Representation Office in New York Obrad Kesic commented on the meeting of Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday. Reporter stated that the meeting between Dodik and Putin exceeded expectations and that he was surprised by the intimacy that the Russian President showed. Reporter said: “Putin showed more familiarity than I expected. The messages he sent were not only addressed to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, but also to the Serb people. You can see that there is closeness and indications that it is much more than ordinary politics. We also saw the position in which they were sitting. It is certainly not by chance; to demonstrate - in a symbolically way as well - that there is closeness between Russia and the RS, the Russian and the Serbian people. The fear that exists from Germany to Greece, that there will not be enough energy this winter and that the industry will experience great losses. That the citizens will have greater difficulties paying monthly bills. We can conclude that the main topic of the conversation between Putin and Dodik was energy, which is of great importance not only for the RS, but also for B&H.” The fact that Putin wished Dodik success in the elections, Kesic says, is unusual and some will interpret it as meddling in other country’s elections. He underlined: “We also had more direct messages from foreign diplomats who have no fear that this will be observed as interfering.” In his opinion, it is very important for Dodik that he got personal support from Putin because he enjoys great trust among Serbs, not only in the RS but also in Serbia.


Kesic added: “(Serbian) President (Aleksandar) Vucic's address in New York and the message he sent, we can see that it is a team war. On one hand, Dodik, who in Moscow expressed not only the views related to the RS, but also the general interest of the Serb people to preserve the position of neutrality. This can also be seen in President Vucic’ speech that this is of the greatest interest. If the politicians who lead the Serb people had to choose one side, they would lose the value we currently have. If they put themselves in a position to be obedient and to do everything that Brussels or Washington demand, they would treat the Serb people with less respect and would be a priority below the Albanians in Kosovo.” In his opinion, the teamwork of Serbia and the RS creates room for the Serb people and creates a better atmosphere. Kesic pointed out that this opens the possibility to build good relations with other countries through neutrality.


Kesic argued: “If there were sanctions from B&H against Russia, I think there would even be no meeting. Second, I think it would also be a topic of conversation. Russia would not miss the opportunity to send a political message because of this. Simply, such messages were sent to Croatia and other Balkan countries. The fact that a positive message was sent for the RS and B&H speaks about the success, not only of this visit, but of everything that was done before the visit.” Kesic underlined that if Serbs imposed sanctions to Russia, they would lower themselves to the same level as those who imposed sanctions on Yugoslavia in the 1990s.


Komsic: Russia's position regarding EUFOR expected with anxiety, because if it does not support continuation of the mission, it could complicate things in B&H (N1)


The meeting of Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin is mostly interpreted as part of the election campaign. The Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic also thinks this is part of Dodik’s election campaign, but he also admits that Russia's position regarding EUFOR is expected with anxiety, because if it does not support the continuation of the mission, it could complicate things in B&H. Komsic stated: “According to the DPA, NATO can take over that mission, but as far as I know, there is no absolute agreement of all NATO member countries for such a thing. That is why I say that if Putin wants to give a headache, not only to us but also to NATO and the EU, then Russia will veto the extension of the Althea mission”. Talking about possibility for Russia to invoke veto to extension of mandate of EUFOR mission Althea in B&H, Komsic stated that in this way, Russia would cause numerous problems for B&H and entire NATO and the EU. In his reaction to the meeting and the issue of EUFOR Althea mission’s mandate extension, Komsic noted that he does not understand what Russia means by “speculative actions of the West”. Komsic stressed that B&H is heading towards membership of the EU and NATO, although he finds this process to be “impermissibly slow”.


EUD: We expect leaders of B&H to take clear moral stance and unequivocally condemn Russian actions in Ukraine instead of meeting with Russian president (Nova BH)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement on Wednesday, commenting on the meeting of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which took place in Moscow on Tuesday. In its comment, the EUD underlined: “As a country with a clear and credible EU perspective, confirmed at the highest level, we expect B&H to harmonize its foreign, security and trade policy with the policy of the EU. Considering the enormous suffering in Ukraine as a result of Russia's war of aggression, we expect the leaders in B&H to take a clear moral stance and unequivocally condemn Russian actions, instead of meeting cordially with the Russian president.” The EUD reminded that the EU has imposed “unprecedented sanctions on Russia due to its aggression against Ukraine”.


Nezavisne novine learns that EU will increase pressure on Western Balkan countries to join EU foreign policy and support Ukraine (Nezavisne novine)


The daily learns from its sources that in the upcoming period, the EU plans to increase pressure on Western Balkan states to join the EU foreign policy. It is expected that Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia will find themselves under pressure to change their stances on Russia and to support Ukraine. Kosovo is expected to show good will for a compromise with Serbia. Many analysts believe that the war in Ukraine has reached a critical point, and Brussels wants Europe to have unified stance on Ukraine. This also results in increased pressure on EU member states, which is why the European Commission threatened Hungary with suspension of EU funds in amount of EUR 7 billion. Officially, the threat of suspension came because of Hungary’s failure to implement certain reforms. Allegedly, Hungarian authorities have agreed to all reforms in order to avoid this form of sanctions. Unofficially, many believe that the threat of sanctions is in reality motivated by the wish that Hungary should reduce its support to Russia and increase its support to Hungary. According to the daily, Germany and France have sent their special envoys to the Western Balkans to increase pressure and urge all Balkan states to harmonize their policies with the EU, and the war in Ukraine serves as a catalyst for EU integration of the region.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic indirectly confirmed on Wednesday that some countries could be deprived of EU funds. Speaking for RTS, Vucic said: “You cannot help some, you must help all, and I agreed with (Albanian Prime Minister) Edi Rama that we should present this stance together”. RTS reported that Serbia is under great pressure to immediately join the EU sanctions against Russia. The daily notes that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell met with Western Balkan leaders in New York, on sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The meeting was also attended by EU Special Envoy for Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak.  According to the EU External Action Service, this was an informal meeting which usually takes place twice a year, and this time the focus was on the war in Ukraine, impacts of war on food and energy prices, as well as stability and security in Europe and globally.


The daily also reminds that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed his intention to revive the Berlin Process. Germany will invite Western Balkan leaders to a summit in Berlin later this year. Brussels media also announced an EU-Western Balkans summit which will be held for the first time in one of the Balkan states, most probably North Macedonia. Until then, the EU expects all countries in the region to make progress in reform processes in order to accelerate their EU integration.


B&H Presidency Chairman Dzaferovic addresses 77th session of UN General Assembly: IC and OHR made huge contribution to peace building; It is not time to close OHR (BHT1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic addressed the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Wednesday. In his address, Dzaferovic, among other things, spoke about the war in Ukraine and the deep economic crisis, repeating several times that the solution lies in the cooperation of all countries. Dzaferovic pointed out that "we live in difficult times without precedent, and retrograde policies and attempts to undermine the institutions of B&H testify to this." Dzaferovic emphasized that B&H's path is the path towards the EU and NATO.


Referring to the war in Ukraine, Dzaferovic said that B&H supported the resolution of the UN General Assembly expressing support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Dzaferovic stressed that this resolution rejected secessionist moves, adding that along with the global crisis, right-wing populists appeared who say that all people and nations do not have equal rights and that some are worth more than others. Dzaferovic noted that there is only one step from these ideas to violence, adding that as part of a broader wave of right-wing populism in Europe, there are policies in B&H that openly claim that B&H is not possible, because, as they point out, it is not possible for Muslims and Christians to live together.


Dzaferovic pointed out that the rule of law is a crucial factor for building peace. Dzaferovic said that the international community and the OHR made a huge contribution to peace building, stressing that it is not time to close the OHR. Dzaferovic added that although for the past year there have been attacks and attempts to dissolve state institutions in B&H, this was prevented thanks to the High Representative and members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). Dzaferovic pointed out that B&H's foreign policy goals are membership in the EU and NATO, reminding that in the past period, B&H made some progress in fulfilling 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) on B&H's application for the EU membership. "We achieved some priorities in full, and others partially. I am glad that, in the past weeks, we have continued to fulfil those priorities. I expect that, after the general elections that will be held on October 2 of this year, one will continue on this path even more strongly and for B&H to get the status of a candidate for the EU membership as soon as possible," Dzaferovic said. Dzaferovic emphasized that the foreign policy goal of B&H is also regional cooperation, adding that everyone in the region is equal, no one can dominate anyone, and everyone needs peace and stability.


At the beginning of his address, Dzaferovic said that the world has been irreversibly changed. He added that villages and cities in Ukraine have been facing terrible reality of war, adding that the least that can be done is not to keep silent about it, especially in the UN that was formed to prevent and stop situations similar to one in Ukraine. Dzaferovic went on to saying that especially those in B&H must not remain silent, because memory of war and aggression on this country is still vivid. He stressed that same as it was case with B&H in period 1992-1995, the UN system was not capable to prevent and stop war in Ukraine, adding that B&H supported resolution of the UN GA expressing support to territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Dzaferovic underlined that war in Ukraine resulted in huge changes in all spheres of life, adding that it reflects through deep energy crisis. He explained that BiH has been problem for politics grounded on ideas that coexistence is not possible and that confrontation is necessity.


Talking about role of High Representative in B&H, Chair of B&H Presidency stated that demands to close the OHR are becoming more frequent as well as demands to High Representative to conduct activities that would weaken unity of B&H and introduce additional ethnic divisions. He emphasized that it is obligation of High Representative to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Dzaferovic added: “Other bodies of the international community (IC), primarily the OHR and the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), made a huge contribution to the construction and protection of peace. Both bodies were established on the basis of Chapter 7 of the Charter of the UN, which mandates the intervention of the IC for the purpose of protecting peace, and their establishment was also confirmed by relevant resolutions of the (UN) Security Council. Accordingly, their closure is possible only with a new decision of the (UN) Security Council, and it is not yet time for that”.


Chairman Dzaferovic with UN SG Guterres: International units have the right to be present in B&H (Dnevni list)


Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Sefik Dzaferovic met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. The meeting was held on the margins of the session of the UN General Assembly (UN GA) in New York. Two officials discussed the current international situation and its implications on the situation in the region and B&H, especially focusing on the aggression of Ukraine. They mentioned the contribution of the UN to the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) with an emphasis on the upcoming discussion on the EUFOR Mission before the UN Security Council (UN SC). Dzaferovic pointed out that it would be good if the UN SC adopted a resolution on EUFOR but reiterated that, in case some of permanent (UN SC) members invokes veto, the international military forces have the mandate to be present in B&H on the basis of the Dayton Peace Agreement and past decisions of B&H institutions, which grant this presence without any time limitations.


Dzaferovic also met with President of the UN GA Csaba Korosi, on which occasion they exchanged their opinion on the international situation and situation in B&H and Dzaferovic said that the UN must have a special sensibility towards B&H, having in mind its special past during 1990s. Dzaferovic met with Under Secretary General of the UN GA on Genocide Prevention Alice Wairimu Nderitu. They talked about activities of the UN related to protection of truth on Srebrenica genocide and fight against hate speech in form of denial of established facts on genocide.


US House of Representatives adopts bill on B&H: Prevent destabilization and undermining of Dayton with sanctions; Reactions (O kanal)


The US Congress’ House of Representatives adopted a bill to deter destabilizing activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). It stipulates sanctions to foreign persons who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement or in other way threaten to stability of B&H. Proponent of this law, Congresswoman Ann Wagner stated that during creation of this law, she cooperated with B&H community in Saint Louis. She emphasized that citizens of B&H have been suffering due to politicians who want to divide B&H. Wagner also stated: “Bosnians are suffering due to the direct actions of politicians who are recklessly sowing division in Bosnia, often with the full support of Russia. This bill will protect the Dayton Accords, preserving decades of progress after the horrifying Bosnian war, and send a clear message the United States supports a peaceful, unified, and safer Bosnia.  I hope the Senate takes immediate action to pass the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act so we can help Bosnians prevent a dangerous political crisis.”


Daily reported that the mentioned bill is named ‘Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act’ and after it was adopted in House of Representatives of the Congress and in order to become valid, the bill has to be adopted in Senate and sent to US President to sign. According to the explanation, published on Congress’ website this bill imposes visa- and property-blocking sanctions on foreign persons (i.e., individuals or entities) that are involved in certain actions that threaten the peace, stability, or democracy of B&H. The proposal further stipulates: “The President must impose such sanctions on certain foreign persons, including those that are responsible for or engaged in corruption or certain acts or policies that seek to (1) threaten the peace, security, stability, or territorial integrity of B&H; (2) undermine democratic processes or institutions in B&H; or (3) undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement or certain authorities related to the agreement”. Text of the law also noted that the US politics comprehends support so B&H would implement judgements of the European Court of Human Rights.


Member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic welcomed the decision of the House of Representatives of the US Congress which adopted the Proposal of the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act. “It is especially important to see that the focus was placed on the implementation of five rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg and not on the ‘Ljubic’ ruling which was implemented, as we have been claiming for years, because of which it was not mentioned”, Komsic said. Komsic added that they have been claiming the same during the talks on changes to the Election Law and noted that “this Act illustrates the best that our policy consistently sticks to democratic standards, without losing patience and faith that our friends will recognize it”.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Bisera Turkovic said that the adoption of the Proposal of the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act once again confirmed the crucial role of the US Congress in strengthening of the US role and support to B&H. “The key messages are strengthening of the state, its functionality, reforms in line with rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, punishing of corruption and of undermining of the Dayton Peace Agreement. This is wind in the back of fight for the candidate status of B&H for the EU membership and a progress towards the NATO”, Turkovic added. Turkovic wrote on her official Facebook profile that everything that was under an attack over the past several months, i.e. B&H institutions, progress, reforms, human rights and equality of all citizens, represents the red line of defense because B&H can only move forward. “Messages from the Congress represent a strong support at the right moment. We should especially be thankful to Congresswoman (Ann) Wagner and numerous friends in the US Congress, but also to B&H community and individuals in USA who are tirelessly working for B&H”, Turkovic concluded.


Radovan Kovacevic, the Advisor to Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik, commented on the decision of the House of Representatives of the US Congress which adopted the Proposal of the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act and told the daily that the adoption of such Act is a completely wrong approach and he argued that Dodik is the main advocate and protector of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and not someone who violates it. “All policies of the RS are based on the DPA. Everything we are asking for is to respect the DPA. Unfortunately, some are trying to punish us for that, by either threatening to us or by imposing sanctions. Regardless of everything, we will not give up our rights that were guaranteed by the DPA”, Kovacevic said and explained that this means a broad autonomy for Republika Srpska (RS), which guarantees survival and normal life to the RS citizens.


Head of RS Representation Office in Washington Obrad Kesic stated that the Serb community in the USA is actively working on informing their representatives in the Senate that the proposed bill on deterring destabilizing activities in B&H would be harmful, that it would push BiH into an even deeper crisis and open the possibility of complete annulment of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Kesic warned that the proposed bill would represent the most efficient tool for annulment of the Dayton Peace Agreement. He noted that it is ironic that foreigners who did most to violate the Dayton Peace Agreement and international law are from USA.


HR Schmidt: Politicians like Komsic do not contribute to improving the situation (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt stated in an interview for Dnevni avaz that the international community (IC) was a mere observer for a long time, warning that those times are gone and that, in the future, one should count on resolute action, especially if the politicians continue to behave like before. Schmidt also answered a question what he is prepared to do in the context of the Election Law. Namely, the HR told Dnevni avaz: “If some things can be done at the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), I think we should do it together, but as I said, after the elections, those who get elected should say they are willing to do it and they take matters in their own hands. I am mostly a patient person, but my patience has limits”. Article further reads that the HR stressed he is prepared to do everything that is necessary in order to make sure the election will of the citizens is respected, and that he will have the same approach regarding changes to the Election Law about which the Croat and the Bosniak parties are at odds. According to the daily, HR Schmidt sent a message to politicians like member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic, who advocates that B&H turns into an exclusively civic state, that efforts to annul (ethnic) identities do not contribute to improving the situation in the country.


HDZ B&H’s Covic: B&H cannot be classic civic state because it would lead to domination (Dnevni list)


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic stated at an HDZ B&H rally in Tomislavgrad that B&H cannot be classic civic state because it would lead to a state dominated by one, Bosniak people. “This cannot be a classic civic state. History does not allow it. This cannot be state of one people”, said Covic, announcing that the Croat parties will advocate that the status of constituent people of the Croats is returned to all documents that define future of B&H.




Milanovic: One should be louder when it comes to the status of Croats in B&H (Dnevni list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented Wednesday address of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with focus on his threat with nuclear weapons. He stated that Croatia should not be too involved, adding that every once in a while, Putin threats with a nuclear bomb, that it is not the biggest problem for him and that Croatia is not a target unless it makes itself the target. “Watch what you are talking and keep your tongue in your mouth – when serious issues are in question. One should be louder when it comes to the status of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We can, have to and have moral and any other obligation to do it”, explained Milanovic.


Milanovic: I warn from the beginning, this is a terribly dangerous situation. The main problem is not nuclear weapons, but something else (Jutarnji list)


The President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, said that since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, he has been warning that it is a terribly dangerous situation. "To win, to gain... Russia would have to weaken so much that it can no longer do anything like that. We see that she continues persistently," he said. When asked if Croatia has a plan in case of a nuclear war, Milanovic said that Croatia did not participate in key decisions. "We are neither Poles, nor did we invade Ukraine, nor did we make key decisions. We joined NATO with the primary goal of the Americans protecting us from barbarism and danger from Belgrade. Therefore, we are neither asked, nor do we participate additionally. Every decision should be well balanced, and not be used purely for personal promotion," Milanovic said, commenting on the order of the Russian president on partial mobilization and the threat of nuclear weapons if Russia's territory is attacked.


"Ukraine is not a member of NATO... We cannot make promises to everyone," said Milanovic and added that Croatia is not a nuclear power. "Regarding nuclear weapons, Putin repeats it every now and then, but I don't see it as the main problem at the moment... But I see the problem that Russia is not economically broken, and it should have been. The exact opposite happened," the Croatian president believes.


Croatian fighter held by Russia freed in prisoner swap (HRT)


A Croatian citizen who had been held by Russian forces in Ukraine has been released as part of a prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine that was brokered by Saudi Arabia. Vjekoslav Prebeg was among 10 foreign nationals fighting for the Ukranian side who have been released. The group also includes five Britons, two Americans, one Moroccan, and one Swede.


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic thanked Ukraine and Saudi Arabia in a tweet on Thursday, saying Prebeg would return home on Thursday. “I just spoke to Vjekoslav Prebek, who has been freed from Russian captivity,” Plenkovic tweeted from New York, where he is taking part in the annual meeting of UN General Assembly. “We are looking forward to his return to Croatia. I would like to thank the authorities in Ukraine and Saudi Arabia on their cooperation and assistance, as well as Croatia’s diplomats for their efforts,” the Plenkovic said.


The deal was reportedly brokered personally by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, according to the Saudi news agency SPA. Croatia’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed the report of the prisoners’ release, as have American and British authorities. Prebeg was taken into custody in May near Mariupol. He was accused of being a Ukrainian mercenary and sentenced to death. In August, he pleaded not guilty before a court in Donetsk, where he was on trial with one Swede and three Britons. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud maintains close ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including ones within OPEC, despite strong pressure from Washington, a Saudi ally, to isolate Russia.




Blazic: President has the last word, he can dissolve Parliament (RTCG)


After the proposal of President Milo Djukanovic to shorten the Parliament mandate, it is too late for the subsequent moves of the old majority, said the dean of the Faculty of State and European Studies Djordjije Blazic in a guest appearance on RTCG. He stated that the President’s decision not to give a mandate to Miodrag Lekic was not a surprise, and emphasized that Djukanovic has the possibility to dissolve the Parliament if the MPs do not vote for the mandate shortening. The parliamentary majority had a chance to propose a prime minister-designate for the composition of the new government according to the procedure provided for by the Constitution, but at this moment, as Prof. Blazic said, they have no subsequent chances. The fact that the president of the state did not grant a mandate to Miodrag Lekic is correct and that decision could not have been different, Blazic pointed out.


Uljarevic: Djukanovic’s decision has at least two foundations in Constitution (CDM)


The director of the Civic Education Center, Daliborka Uljarevic, finds the decision of the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, not to grant a mandate to form a new government to Miodrag Lekic, on the proposal of the Democratic Front, Democrats and URA, expected. She says the decision has at least two foundations in the Constitution.

“The group that proposed the prime minister-designate did not consult with Djukanovic. The Constitution prescribes consultations. Another thing is that Djukanovic expressed scepticism that this group would keep Montenegro on the Euro-Atlantic path”, Uljarevic told Radio Free Europe. When asked if she expected political instability, Uljarevic stated that instability had been present for a long time and was taking on worrying proportions.


Djukanovic with Popa: The pro-European commitment of political actors must be accompanied by pro-European action (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, met with the head of the EU Delegation in Montenegro, Oana Cristina Popa. "Another very good conversation with the head of the EU Delegation in Montenegro about the current situation in Montenegro and the perspective of its European path. Gratitude for persistence and efforts to help the country achieve this most important strategic goal," Djukanovic said on Twitter. The continuation of reforms, says the president, requires strong, responsible, functional and legitimate institutions. "The pro-European commitment of political actors must be accompanied by pro-European action," Djukanovic pointed out.


Djukanovic: The increased discussion on the Western Balkans within NATO is encouraging, our partners are seriously following the events in Montenegro (CDM)


The increased discussion on the Western Balkans within NATO and the awareness of the importance of joint action in preserving the security and stability of the region in extremely complex geopolitical circumstances are encouraging, said the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic. Djukanovic met with the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer. "Pleased to meet with the chairman of the NATO military committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, ahead of tomorrow's 25th US-ADRIATIC CHARTER CHOD CONFERENCE (A5) in Budva," the country's president said on Twitter. The visit of the highest military officials is, Djukanovic emphasizes, a clear signal that "our partners are following the events in Montenegro and beyond very seriously." "Montenegro remains a responsible member and a reliable promoter of transatlantic values," said Djukanovic.


Abazovic with The President of The UN General Assembly (CDM)


Montenegro contributes to highlighting the UN values regarding global warming and energy efficiency. We are the only country in the world that is defined by the Constitution as ecological. We are trying to move forward and there are UN partners and important international organizations to help small countries that promote these values to be as good as possible, pointed out Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic during the official meeting with Csaba Korosi, President of the UN General Assembly in New York. Discussing the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine and climate change, Abazovic and Korosi agreed that there is no economic progress for the world without ecology, ecological efficiency and sustainable development.


"Montenegro is guided by one interest, which is to respect universal rules and promote democratic values, which will also lead to economic development," stressed Prime Minister Abazovic in the conversation. The Prime Minister stated that Montenegro wants to increase the visibility of small countries in the field of ecology at the UNGA, stating that "green" policies can bring countries together because these are topics that do not divide anyone.


The President of the UN General Assembly, Korosi, said that he discussed the priorities of the United Nations with the Montenegrin Prime Minister, especially climate change and the energy crisis, and the key partnership between small states to solve these challenges.


Discussing the political situation in the Western Balkan region, Abazovic stated that Montenegro inherits a very good regional commitment and friendly relations, expressing his belief that all six countries will sit down at the table and take the first step towards reconciliation.


Announced package of financial assistance to Montenegro (CDM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic presided over the American-Adriatic Charter (A5) of Foreign Ministers in New York - which consists of the USA and five states of the region - Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and North Macedonia, as well as three observer states - Kosovo, Slovenia and Serbia, it was announced from the MFA.

The guest of the meeting was the special envoy of the European Union for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak.


At the meeting, all members of the American-Adriatic Charter strongly supported Ukraine's fight against the aggression of the Russian Federation. They also pledged to continue sending humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity. All members, the statement says, will continue to carry out coordinated activities with NATO allies to prevent Russia's hybrid actions in the region and strengthen resistance in relation to political entities and media that actively undermine the stability and still fragile democratic achievements of member countries.


The head of Montenegrin diplomacy had a separate meeting with the adviser to the State Secretary of the State Department, Derek Chollet, and the special American envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. The focus of the conversation was the security situation in the region and the actions of the Russian Federation and their exponents in the line of policy implementation - the worse it is in the region, the better for Russian actions in Ukraine.


"High-ranking representatives of the partner countries thanked Montenegro for the successful gathering of allies and expressed a strong orientation to more strongly support Montenegro's defense against cyber-attacks in the coordinated activity of the NATO alliance, as well as to directly militarily and financially assist Montenegro in strengthening its resistance to hybrid warfare by is exposed", the press release points out. They expressed the hope that the development of the political crisis in Montenegro will result in the election of a government that will consist of entities fully committed to the realization of the Euro-Atlantic agenda and returning Montenegro to the path of European integration.


Also, Minister Krivokapic met with the head of the Bureau for Political-Military Affairs at the State Department, Assistant Secretary of State Jessica Lewis. "The willingness to financially assist allies and partners, including Montenegro, in strengthening resilience and capacity to confront security challenges, especially in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, was expressed. Specifically, a package of financial assistance was announced for Montenegro, which should be part of non-reimbursed aid, and part of financing guarantees for loans that Montenegro would take in dealing with the consequences of the war in Ukraine," the announcement reads.


The situation in the Western Balkans and the need to support pro-European forces that share common values were discussed. In this context, the importance of EU, NATO and US cooperation and increased focus on the region due to the malignant influence of third parties was highlighted. It was especially emphasized that peace has no price and that it is necessary to work together in order to protect the international order and the UN Charter.


At the prestigious Harvard Club in New York, Krivokapicwas a panellist on the topic of Ukraine at a leadership conference that brings together current and former presidents of states and governments, foreign ministers, directors of international financial organizations and think tanks.


Konjevic - General Cavoli: Russia's aggression against Ukraine is a threat to European security (CDM)


Russia's unjustified, unprovoked, invasion of Ukraine is a threat to European security that we have not faced for many years, it was assessed at the meeting of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Rasko Konjevic and General Christopher Cavoli, Commander-in-Chief of US Forces in Europe (US EUCOM) and Commander-in-Chief of NATO Forces in Europe. The cooperation of member countries and observers of the American-Adriatic Charter A-5 needs to be further strengthened in order to improve regional defense cooperation and strengthen trust, is one of the conclusions from the meetings.


"The A-5 initiative significantly contributed to the preparation for membership in NATO for those countries that had those aspirations, among which is Montenegro. The A-5 member countries made a concrete contribution to global security through engagement in Afghanistan, but the new challenges that arose after Russia's aggression against Ukraine present new challenges to all of us," said Konjevic to General Cavoli, who is attending the meeting of the A-5 Chiefs of Staff in Budva. which this year is chaired by Montenegro.


He pointed out that the war in Ukraine threatens "democratic values and collapses the security architecture in Europe" and informed the interlocutor about plans to send a unit of the Army of Montenegro to one of the four newly formed combat groups stationed in Bulgaria, in accordance with the relevant decision of the Parliament of Montenegro.


"Continuous support that the Ministry of Defense and the Army of Montenegro receive from the US is extremely important for strengthening our interoperability and capacity. In this context, we particularly appreciate the assistance of almost 28 million dollars, which will be used for further modernization of the Armed Forces, in accordance with NATO's capability goals and the procurement of equipment to strengthen capacities in the field of cyber defense," Konjevic said.


Informing the interlocutor about the cyber-attack that Montenegro faced, Minister Konjevic pointed out that the system in the Ministry is protected in a special way and that "other weak points in the public administration system are being additionally investigated." The minister thanked for the help provided by the USA in remediating the consequences of this, so far, the most powerful attack on Montenegro.


"The American-Adriatic Charter serves as a cornerstone of security cooperation in South-eastern Europe, and that cooperation is more important today than ever. Russia's unjustified, unprovoked, invasion of Ukraine is a threat to European security that we have not faced for many years. Therefore, as we face this threat, our strongest and most enduring asset is a network of alliances and partnerships. Our ability to conduct operations together, in all domains, is the key to maintaining readiness to deter and defend against all adversaries," Konjevic said.


General Cavoli said that the US-Adriatic Charter serves as the "cornerstone" of security cooperation in South-eastern Europe and that this cooperation is more important today than ever. "Russia's unjustified, unprovoked, invasion of Ukraine is a threat to European security that we have not faced for many years," said the Supreme Commander of the US Forces for Europe. “Therefore, as we face this threat, our strongest and most enduring asset is our network of alliances and partnerships. Our ability to conduct operations together, across all domains, is key to maintaining readiness to deter and defend against all adversaries," Cavoli concluded.


North Macedonia 


Osmani meets Reeker in New York (Republika)


Macedonia’s Foreign Minister, Bujar Osmani, met with Philip Reeker, US senior advisor for Caucasian negotiations and a long-time friend of North Macedonia, on the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. The meeting focused on Macedonia’s upcoming chairmanship of the OSCE in 2023, with an emphasis on priorities, challenges and future planned activities in this context. They reaffirmed the strong alliance between North Macedonia and the US, focusing especially on the recently held strategic dialogue between the two countries, as an important turning point in the overall bilateral relations.


Roth: The EU has wasted a lot of time in the Western Balkans, the candidates should immediately feel the benefits of membership (MIA)


The European Union has wasted a lot of time and trust in the Western Balkans, and if it wants to win the competition with Russia and China, it must revive the prospect of membership, but in such a way that the candidates will immediately feel part of the benefits of EU membership, said the president of the foreign policy committee of the German Bundestag, Michael Roth, reported the correspondent of MIA from Belgrade.


In an op-ed for Die Zeit, Roth emphasized that Europe must take decisive steps to show that cooperation with liberal democracies is much more attractive and sustainable than cooperation with authoritarian regimes. Russian aggression against Ukraine, according to Roth, has awakened the EU from its deep geopolitical slumber and made it "rediscover one of its most successful instruments – the policy of enlargement." That policy, Roth writes, was "the engine of peace, democracy, the rule of law and prosperity in Europe, and now is the time to consistently continue that success story in both Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans."


“The return of the war in Europe made us realize that the stabilization and integration of our eastern and south-eastern neighbors is in our interest, and above all, in our interest. The enlargement process therefore needs to be reformed in such a way that people in the candidate countries, even before formal membership, can gradually profit from the first advantages of the EU, said Roth, who was state secretary in Germany's foreign ministry from 2013 to 2021. He indicated that six proposals could serve as guidelines for such a reform of the accession process by which the candidate countries will be step by step integrated into the EU structures even before formal membership.


First of all, representatives of candidate countries that have made satisfactory progress in the areas of democracy, rule of law and good governance in the framework of the negotiations should now regularly attend European Council meetings and selected meetings of the EU Council of Ministers, and the decision on this should be adopted by a qualified decision of the Council of the EU and the European Parliament on the recommendation of the European Commission.


- Even before the accession, the EU should cooperate even more closely with the candidate countries in important areas such as security, energy and infrastructure, assesses Roth. He points out that, especially with winter coming, it is necessary to secure the region's energy supply and that gradual access to the European common market would be a tempting incentive for candidates on their way to the EU. Pre-accession aid to support integration efforts, according to Roth, should be increased significantly to fill investment gaps and reduce the attractiveness of Chinese loans. One of the proposals is for EU members to take on "godparents" for individual candidate countries, in order to observe and support their European path technically and politically at close range. Finally, Roth believes that the decision to start the accession process and open or close negotiating chapters in the future in the EU Council should be made by a qualified majority, instead of by consensus as before.


In the text, Roth warns that "an inexorable systemic competition is raging in the Western Balkans, between liberal democracy and the authoritarian regimes of Russia and China."


- Due to the reluctance and hesitancy of the EU, a political and economic empty space has been created, he states, into which other actors who not only reject the values ​​and interests of the EU, but also fight against them, have entered with great determination. Among those actors, according to Roth, Russia is fomenting unrest in order to destabilize the Western Balkans and thereby prevent further European integration of the region. – And where the EU is not doing enough or is doing it too late, Putin is offering himself as a savior in trouble, for example in the supply of energy, writes Roth. China's goal, on the other hand, according to Roth, is to expand its influence in the Western Balkans by building economic ties, especially through large investments in infrastructure. At the same time, however, promises and reality rarely match, because many of the announced projects are never realized or are realized very slowly. In addition, the economic benefits of projects financed by Chinese banks and implemented by Chinese companies with Chinese workers and Chinese materials are under a big question mark, says Roth.


He writes that the EU should not run away from this competition, if it wants to reliably show the countries of the Western Balkans that cooperation with liberal democracies is ultimately more attractive and sustainable than cooperation with authoritarian regimes. According to him, a large majority of citizens in the region still see their country in the future in the EU, despite disappointments and unfulfilled promises. The proposed reform will result in a gradually accessible process that will make the long road more attractive and will bind the countries of the Western Balkans to the EU more strongly, and will not soften the strict criteria for membership, emphasizes Roth.




PM Rama for Der Spiegel: When it comes to EU membership our patience is endless (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke in an interview to German news magazine Der Spiegel about Iranian backed cyber-attacks on Albania, the longing for the EU membership, migration and several other topics related to Albania. Rama said Iran’s cyber-attacks on Albania aimed at destroying all digital government services that have been built over many years. “Thanks to our IT specialists, experts from Microsoft and the US government, we managed to reduce the damage,” he added. Regarding Albania’s decision to host members of Iranian opposition MEK, the PM said the country will continue its tradition to shelter people in danger despite the consequences, while stressing Albania-USA relationship. “Albanians owe a lot to the Americans,” he noted. Regarding the phenomenon of migration, Rama argued that, a developing country like Albania, could not stop citizens from leaving their country “when the most developed country in Europe is only an hour and a half away”. Asked about the demolition of the National Theater building, Rama reiterated that the purpose was to build a new theater in its place, rejecting accusations that construction industry was in the backstage of the decision. Rama also talked about Albania’s EU bid. “When it comes to EU membership, our patience has no end. We want to be there. We are Europeans. Our political life can be polarized today, often we cannot even agree on the timing. But when it comes to membership in the European Union, there is absolute consensus,” he stated.


The Deputy Assistant Secretary of NATO in Tirana reacts to the attacks from Iran: Albania is not alone (Radio Tirana)


Minister of Defense Peleshi and NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Challenges and Secure Development James Appathurai attended a conference on the cyber situation in Albania. In his speech, Appathurai said that Albania is not alone in the face of this attack.


"We got acquainted with the fact that Albania is suffering serious cyber-attacks and we want to tell you that you are not alone and we will support you, all NATIO countries know and watch Albania's attack and this is the message that the Secretary General gave to the Prime Minister Edi Rama. I want to emphasize the efforts of the Albanian state to face these attacks, we have supported them. My team and I are here to see what we can do, the main reason for doing a coordination of NATO allies and technical offices, to see the long-term needs of Albania to build a defense network and Albania is making strides in this work, for attacks on a large scale that have been made. I assure the minister of the practical protection that NATO will provide to Albania", he said. On the other hand, Peleshi appreciated the great help from NATO. "The immediate reaction of NATO is a proof of the solidarity, of support. We need attention, vigilance from everyone, we want our part supported by our allies, to increase capacities, to be protected, we emphasize that we are happy to be part of NATO", said Peleshi.


Balluku meets Goldberg: Canada's experience and expertise in energy and cyber security is a great help for us (Radio Tirana)


Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku had a meeting with Canada's ambassador to Albania, Elisa Goldberg, with whom she also discussed the cyber-attacks undertaken by Iran in our country. Through a post on social networks, the Minister of Infrastructure announces that she has expressed her readiness to welcome Canada's support in cyber security.


"It was a pleasure to welcome Elisa Goldberg, Canada's ambassador to Albania. We exchanged views on the possibilities of cooperation between our two countries. As a leading country in information technology and cyber security, I expressed my willingness to welcome Canada's support in this important sector. We also discussed anout energy sector, where our two countries have more or less similar energy systems and at this point their experience and expertise is a great help for us. I am convinced that in the near future we will have an even better cooperation between our two countries,"Balluku said. However, the first cyber-attack against Albania occurred in July of this year, against state portals of online services. As a result of the investigations carried out by Albanian experts, but also by allied countries, it was concluded that it was Iran that financed the attack.


Hohmann: Albania’s EU membership depends on Albania itself (Vizion Plus TV)


In an interview for Vizion Plus TV, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Albanian, Christiane Hohmann, commented on some of the most important issues concerning the country at present as well as the challenges the country would be facing in the near future in its efforts to join the EU. Hohmann focused on cyber-attacks and EU’s support in this regard, EU membership negotiations as well as major reforms, among which the justice reform. Regarding the cyber-attacks, Hohmann expressed the EU’s commitment to continue supporting Albania by bringing more experts to assist local experts. She emphasized the current situation requires acceleration of the support measures in order to stabilize the system to better defend against hostile attacks. According to Hohmann, the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime and money laundering would be the key areas to determine the speed of Albania’s EU membership. With regards to the justice reform initiated six years ago, Hohmann underlined that it is very important to make sure it will yield tangible results for the public who needs to feel that everyone is really equal to the law. Speaking about the recent initiatives announced by the government on the so-called golden passports, fiscal amnesty or the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes, the EU ambassador clearly said that the laws produced should be in line with the EU legislation.

According to Ambassador Hohmann, Albania has the chance not to wait long to be one of the EU member countries, but the time, she said, depends on the political leadership and the direct involvement of the citizens in the changes that are required of Albania.


The former Albanian presidents travel to The Hague, they will visit the leaders of the KLA (Radio Tirana)


The former Albanian presidents travel to The Hague, they will visit the leaders of the KLA

The former presidents of Albania, Alfred Moisiu, Rexhep Meidani, Bamir Topi, as well as the former Prime Minister, Pandeli Majko, will visit the accused of the Special Court of Kosovo in The Hague. Thus, the Albanian delegation will meet with Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Jakup Krasniq, Rexhep Selim and Salih Mustafa.


The initiator and sponsor of this visit is the Chairman of the Kosova e Re Alliance, Behgjet Pacolli. In fact, the latter states that he has also invited the former presidents of Kosovo on this trip, but the heads of state have not yet responded.


We remind you that earlier from Albania it was Prime Minister Edi Rama who paid a visit to The Hague. Meanwhile, from Kosovo they were visited by the religious leaders of Kosovo and the Speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca. Former KLA leaders are being held at the Specialized Chambers detention center in The Hague on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.