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Belgrade Media Report 29 September



Vucic: I will address the citizens on October 8 and I will talk about all important issues (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he will address the citizens on Saturday, October 8, and that then he will talk about moves and measures, as well as what kind of policy we will pursue in the coming period. He emphasizes that he is not fighting for Vladimir Putin or Joseph Biden, but for the citizens of Serbia and the country of Serbia, and that he is not interested in what foreign leaders have to say to him.


The President said that Serbia cannot and will not recognize the expected decision of the State Duma of Russia to accept the territories of Ukraine where the referendums were held, because it adheres to international public law and the UN Charter. "We protect our own territorial integrity and it is in our best interest to protect the territorial integrity of internationally recognized countries, and that is the only thing that certainly cannot be changed, these are things that are of crucial importance to us," Vucic said. He added that in that case, Serbia would no longer have any position, not only when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), but also regarding the respect it deserves in the international community today.


The president pointed out that he is not fighting for Vladimir Putin or Joseph Biden, but for the citizens of Serbia and the country of Serbia, and that he is not interested in what foreign leaders have to tell him, but to see that Serbia does not fall under their attack in these moments. When asked where the pressures come from, which can be heard in the media with national frequencies, Vucic replied that it is enough to look at some of them to see how enormous is the daily pressure on our leadership. "I'm not fighting for Putin or Biden. Not for anyone. I don't care about all foreign leaders, for all what they have to say to Serbia, I am looking that in these difficult moments, Serbia does not fall under their attack, said the President. He also referred to the words of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel "about the day after", because that day, as he said, does not exist. "Someone must look at what we will do tomorrow when there is peace, whether we have preserved our positions, whether we have successfully defended our interests or not. There are numerous pressures and they will multiply. I have said many times that after September 15, they will be unbearable ", Vucic added.


He said that he expects that after all the talks he will have in the coming days, he will be able to speak more to the citizens about it. When you take something that is completely unimportant, a bureaucratic document (consultation plan of the ministries of foreign affairs of Serbia and Russia) without the essential power, to use it as it was done, in many media, for a brutal and fierce attack on Serbia, as he added, then you realize that the media is a political instrument. "When they speak next time about the independence of the media, I will only remind them of those examples from Washington and Brussels. Fifteen minutes after their words (reaction to the plan), they publish the dirtiest propaganda against Serbia, without having read anything. But this shows that they have less and less patience, that nervousness is increasing," said the president. Vucic indicated that he expects that all pressure groups will now be engaged in our country - part of the media and political parties that are paid, both for one side and the other. "For those of us who are not paid by foreigners, it remains to take care of Serbia and its interests," said Vucic.


The president said that it remains to be seen who will be present at the first Summit of the European political community in Prague, but that if he does attend, he will present Serbia's views. As he emphasized, it remains to be seen what will happen before the meeting in Prague on October 6. "We will see everything. If I attend, I will present the views of Serbia, but we will see, things are changing at an incredible speed today," said Vucic.


Djuric with Escobar: We are continuing agreements to improve cooperation (RTS)


The Ambassador of Serbia to the USA, Marko Djuric, met with the Special Envoy of the USA for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, and announced that agreements and implementation of steps to improve Serbian-American cooperation in all areas are continuing. "A cordial meeting and honest conversation with Escobar in the new home of Serbia on 16th street. Official opening already next month," said Marko Djuric on Twitter. "We continue to negotiate and implement concrete steps towards the improvement of Serbian-American cooperation in all areas," wrote the Serbian ambassador.


Now quite precisely, compiled by Picula: Either sanctions or negotiations' suspension (Tanjug)


The final version of the amendments submitted to the European Parliament's report on the enlargement of the Union, which concerns Serbia, has been published. The political group of socialists and democrats in the European Parliament proposed to accept their amendment in the EP's report on the enlargement of the Union, which states that Serbia can progress in negotiations for accession to the Union only if it imposes sanctions on Russia and harmonizes its foreign policy with the European, Tanjug specified. A source from the political group of socialists and democrats in the European Parliament clarified for Tanjug that the proposal does not envisage the termination of negotiations and emphasizes that all political groups in the Parliament have given their consent to support the amendment stating that Serbia cannot progress in the negotiations if it does not introduce sanctions to Russia.


Tanjug had an insight into the final version of the amendments submitted to the European Parliament's report on enlargement, which was authored by Croatian socialist MP Tonino Picula. The amendment says that "priority should be given to aligning candidate countries with the EU's common foreign and trade policy and progress in accession negotiations with Serbia only if the country complies with EU sanctions against Russia and achieves significant progress in EU-related reforms; call on Serbia to comply with the restrictive measures of the EU and the policy of the EU towards Russia in general and to show progress in democracy, the rule of law and accept the values and priorities of the Union", Picula writes in the final draft of the amendment.


The amendment adds that the EU should "review all EU funds for Serbia in this light, especially all projects financed under the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, in order to ensure that all EU expenditures are fully in line with the strategic goals and interests of the EU".


The second amendment on Serbia states that "the constructive engagement of the EU with the authorities of both Serbia and Kosovo should be strengthened in order to achieve a comprehensive legally binding agreement on normalization based on the mutual recognition of the two countries within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which is crucial for both countries to be able to advance on the European path and to contribute to regional stability, prosperity and normalization of relations; reiterate the key importance of solving all open issues through dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina transparently, timely and in good faith".


A vote on the proposal of the enlargement report is expected on October 13 in the EP Foreign Affairs Committee. The final version of the draft report will take the form of a Resolution of the European Parliament, at a vote expected in November. Resolutions of the EP are not legally binding for member states, nor for other European institutions.


Healthy Serbia Party proposes referendum on Serbian sanctions against Russia (Beta)


The Healthy Serbia party has suggested in a Sept. 28 release that Serbian people should be given a chance to say what they think about introducing sanctions against Russia in a referendum. The party explained the proposal was based on “the immediate and far-reaching consequences such a decision might have on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.” The party leader, Milan Stamatovic, said that it appeared the sanctions Brussels had forced members of the European Union to accept “harmed the population of those states, while Russia has even grown economically, selling fuels.” According to Stamatovic, Russia is selling fuels and energy to the EU and Asian states, whose demands for Russian gas and oil had risen considerably. Stamatovic recalled that “Hungary, a member of the Union, has been warning for quite a while that the sanctions against Russia are counterproductive.” “Prime Minister Viktor Orban promised to ask his people in a referendum if they wanted sanctions against Russia to be expanded, underlining that the referendum is the most important legacy of a democracy, which western politicians, too, have been insisting on,” Stamatovic said.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik: EU produces more problems than solutions (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated in Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday that the EU produces more problems than solutions and that enthusiasm about the EU has been lost in this area. “I believe that in the last 20 years the EU has been for us a big deceit, because they kept offering us solutions and they were telling us what we must do to join the EU and this has never happened. We were giving some of our competencies, we had a problem to do this, while Europe used to send us new bills. This will stop after these elections," Dodik was quoted as saying.


Dodik said that the RS has all elements of a state, except that it does not have international recognition of an independent state. According to Dodik, Republika Srpska (RS) has the territory, population that elects democratic authority, efficient executive and legislative authorities. Daily also reads that Dodik announced that he will start not to acknowledge arrogant Brussels administration, which has been trying to impose its illusions from 30 years ago. “If B&H is not constitutional, then it will not be. RS will clearly define its direction in that sense”, said Dodik.


Dzaferovic: B&H does not recognize referendum in Ukraine (BHT1)


Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that B&H does not recognize the “separatist referendums that took place in Ukraine”. Dzaferovic said that such referendums are illegal according to international law. “B&H will never recognize such referendums because they have no legal basis, they represent a gross attack on the UN Charter with the aim of violent annexation of the territory of a sovereign state. Apart from the illegality, the fact that these referendums are taking place under military occupation makes them undemocratic. In accordance with its official position on Ukraine, B&H respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and we will remain part of the absolute majority of the international community, which, through the resolution of the UN General Assembly on aggression against Ukraine and other acts, confirmed this commitment”, he said.


Dodik: No one is asking B&H whether it will recognize referendums in Ukraine (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday that no one is asking B&H whether it will recognize the referendums in Ukraine. Dodik added that the B&H Presidency is in charge of this and that B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic can say what he wants. Dodik assessed that the B&H Presidency will not be in a position to reject these referendums, "at least not in the period of a month and a few days, until a new Presidency comes", noting that he does not believe that the new convocation will do it either


EU Delegation calls on B&H citizens to vote in elections; Sattler sends message to B&H citizens: Do not miss your chance (BHT1)


With the goal of encouraging and motivating the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to vote in the elections, the EU Delegation to B&H organized an event called ‘Minute by minute’, which is part of the campaign ‘Everything Starts with a Choice’. In three cities, Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar, digital counters were initiated – which will, in the coming days, remind the citizens that elections are on Sunday, October 2, and that it is important to vote. As of Wednesday, the digital counters were initiated at central locations in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar. The clocks will count down, minute by minute, until the General Elections in B&H, and the goal is to motivate citizens to vote on Sunday. Many other activities were held as a part of the campaign ‘Everything Starts with a Choice’ and they aim to inform the citizens how important it is for them to exercise their democratic rights.


During the event in Sarajevo, Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler addressed the public and said “there is one choice that is very important, and it happens every four years”. “It is extremely important for you to mark that one ‘X’ on your ballots, and to help in making the decision on the course your country will take in the next four years”, Sattler emphasized.


The event in Banja Luka started at the same time as in Sarajevo and Mostar, that is at exactly 12 p.m. on Wednesday. The digital counter was placed in the ‘Petar Kocic’ Park. EU officials stated that the Union strongly supports the democratic management, as well as the process of the European integration of B&H, which is why this campaign was started. They called on all citizens to vote and decide on the future of their country. Activities in Banja Luka were also supported by Young European Ambassador Anastasija Katic. She told reporters that if there is a large number of individuals that do not vote, and believe their votes will not change anything in B&H, then campaigns like this one might change their minds and they might decide to vote and change the course B&H will take in the future. The countdown clock was set up in Mostar as well, and Young European Ambassador Hadzera Selimovic pointed out that young people must know how important their role in the election process is, and how their vote and their opinions are important for shaping B&H’s future. Selimovic said young people should vote for those political options that strongly emphasize the role of young people in their agendas and programs. She also believes there should be more women in politics, and she urged young women to support female candidates that share their views of the future and B&H society as a whole. “There is not enough women in politics, there is not enough women in the Parliament that represent us, so we should vote for female candidates that have a correct political agenda, and that are capable enough to represent us in politics”, Selimovic concluded.


Dodik: We will create wide coalition; There are good people in PDP and SDS, but their current leaderships are not good (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with SNSD leader and candidate for office of Republika Srpska (RS) President, Milorad Dodik. Dodik said that he decided to run for the office of RS President because he never really preferred the office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member, although in his opinion, he did a good job representing the RS in B&H Presidency. He underlined that as B&H Presidency member, he acted as an official of the RS, and he did not allow any decisions that might be detrimental to the RS. He underlined that the only B&H acceptable for the RS is the B&H as it was defined by the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Dodik explained that he decided to run for office of RS President because he carries a lot of political weight and because he is the leader of the strongest party in the RS. “Republika Srpska will need a strong structure of government. I think I can secure that, at a moment when we see that the West, and Russia, and the entire world are facing great problems. All of that can lead to further escalation, and that is why we need stability in order to go through it intact. In economic sense, it will be difficult in this region too, but we must seek alternatives, we must not be dependent on only one source of finances”, said Dodik.


Asked what will be his first move if he wins the election, Dodik replied: “We will immediately form the Government because that is the proof of our ability and the power of our political will. That Government must be capable of immediately providing answers to challenges that are already here. We will try to find young people educated abroad for some segments related to economy. We want to build the Republic as an information society, to do everything possible online.” He underlined that the new Prime Minister will have to be someone loyal to the RS and experienced.


Asked to comment the work of the RS Government and RS representatives at the state level in the past four years, Dodik said that the RS Government led by Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic did a great job. He noted that the Government responded very well to the challenges of the pandemic, achieved economic growth and secured important investments. He underlined that the average salary increased to BAM 1,670, and inflation was registered for the first time only in February 2022. He also noted that the pensions increased as well, and they were paid out without delays. According to Dodik, the RS has become socially stable, and many analysts were surprised how much the RS was able to achieve under the difficult circumstances and the fact that it is excluded from the financial markets of Europe and the world. “We have changed the appearance of Banja Luka, of this Republic. We opened the society to private investments. We demonstrate stability in the field of energy, and especially electricity. My recent visit to Russia made sure that we can count on other sources of energy if supply chains become impossible, and the world plunges into a cataclysm”, said Dodik. He underlined that he is proud of the fact that the RS authorities led by SNSD rejected the demands of the EU and the World Bank some 15 years ago to privatize power plants. According to Dodik, this allows the RS to have cheap electricity for its population, and to make profit by selling surplus electricity abroad.


Speaking about the election campaign, Dodik said that more than 240,000 persons have attended SNSD rallies so far. Asked if SNSD will continue its cooperation with its current coalition partners, Dodik said that an agreement on continuation of cooperation has been reached. “We will try to create the widest possible political front, because we need that. We are ready to offer a deal primarily to our coalition, and they will have their place based on their election results, but we from SNSD will try to share the responsibility for the RS with other structures as well in order to see how we can unite in these difficult times and seek solutions together. We will not run away from a wide coalition, everybody who wants to, will be included”, said Dodik. However, he noted, SNSD will not offer cooperation to PDP because the current PDP leadership has crossed the line of standards of normal behavior. “I would not invite them, but since they are going to lose the election, their leadership will probably change and we will have the opportunity to talk. There are good people there. There are good people in SDS too, who live for the platform of SDS which gathered people for the fatherland liberation war, because they had to do that at the time. But the policy of their leadership is completely opposed to that”, said Dodik. He accused SDS leader Mirko Sarovic of working for Sarajevo and being responsible for release of over 280 criminals from prison.


Asked to comment his relations with Russia and RS’s relations with the West, Dodik said that the RS should not severe its ties to the West, although the West is trying to do that. He underlined that he is neither a Russian player nor a Western player. However, Dodik underlined, he respects Russia for what it is doing as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement in the UN and other multilateral platforms, such as the Peace Implementation Council in the past. “Russia only asked that international law should be respected, that the Dayton Peace Agreement and the agreement of all sides should be respected. If this is not restred, I believe B&H does not stand a chance. We will always respect what Russia did when the UK tried to slander our people and push it historically into the underground of civilization by demanding that Serbs are declared a genocidal people. Russia put a veto on that. This is respected”, said Dodik.


Speaking about relations with the West, Dodik said that he would like to cooperate with the West. However, he added, the West is not looking for partners and collaborators, but for obedient ones. “They want one to jump up as soon as they call on the phone. I have had such demands in recent days regarding the EUROPOL and some tricks they want to pull. And by the way, they consider it normal to slander people and to interfere with the electoral and political process”, said Dodik.


Trivic: My key promise is to return institutions to the framework of law and to oust corruption from institutions; all elements of statehood that make RS state within state remain in our hands (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with candidate for office of Republika Srpska (RS) President, PDP’s Jelena Trivic. Speaking about the motives for her candidacy, Trivic said that she is running for office in order to win against corruption, establish the rule of law and make sure that all those who sinned against citizens and the state are held accountable. “The regime in the RS is leading us to self-destruction – the people is disappearing, everything is shackled down by crime and corruption, and alienated groups are ruling the institutions. My key promise, obligation and responsibility is to return institutions to the framework of law and to oust corruption from institutions. Let me repeat what I have said many times – the RS is unquestionable, all elements of entity statehood remain permanent, and this refers to the entity vote, three-member Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), direct election of Serb member of the Presidency…So, all elements that make us a state within a state remain in our hands”, said Trivic. She reminded that the RS President has the power to appoint the RS Prime Minister designate and other important competencies, but emphasized that she does not intend to abuse them like SNSD leader Milorad Dodik did when he held the office. Trivic emphasized that she will choose a Prime Minister designate whose Government will be based on the program presented by her and the parties that support her – PDP, SDS and Nebojsa Vukanovic’s List for Justice and Order. She underlined that people who are symbols of the corrupted regime cannot be part of the new RS Government.


Asked to comment the work of RS Government and RS representatives in state institutions in the past four years, Trivic said that the RS Government was mainly invisible, while BiH Presidency member Dodik mostly embarrassed the RS and entered conflicts with the whole world just to keep himself afloat in the world of politics. She ironically commented that Dodik’s only victory was making sure that Croatia is allowed to build the Peljesac Bridge. Trivic said that B&H Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija seemed lost during the past four years, and together with SNSD representatives in BiH Parliament he blocked decisions that have a direct impact on lives of citizens such as reduction of the VAT rate and suspension of the excise tax on fuel.


Asked what the RS’s main challenges will be in the next four years, Trivic said that it will be stabilization of the political situation and improvement of economic conditions. She noted that SDS candidate for B&H Presidency Mirko Sarovic can help a lot because he has a vast experience. “We will not be able to agree on many issues with Bosniak and Croat politicians, but this must not prevent us from building a better future. Issues that cannot be resolved now should be left aside for some better times, both in political and economic sense”, said Trivic. She noted that the RS can count on support of Serbia, and underlined that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic advocates good relations with Bosniaks. “I am afraid that Bosniak political representatives have not yet realized the width and depth of our shared interests. We should all focus on that, because we all want stability, peace and absence of policy of confrontation”, Trivic emphasized.


Asked if the RS should strengthen its dies with the East or with the West, Trivic said that she is neither a Russophile not Americanophile. “I am a Serbophile. I look after our, Serb national interest for the 21st century, and that is peace and only peace. I therefore do not wish to be a player of the East or a player of the West, I wish to be a Serb player”, said Trivic, and noted that this does not mean that she is in any way against the other peoples in B&H, who also need to define their national interests. “At an emotional level, I feel connected with Russia and those ties between the Serb and the Russian people are unbreakable. However, we also must be rational and we must not allow ourselves to become the ground on which the great powers will confront and use us to settle their score, because in such situations, it is always the small ones that get hurt”, Trivic concluded.


Pendes says she is convinced Kristo will be elected Croat member of B&H Presidency (Dnevni avaz


In an interview to the daily, delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Marina Pendes (HDZ B&H) said that Croats will vote for Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) and her victory is not questionable. Pendes assessed that the upcoming general elections can certainly contribute to a better cooperation after the elections in such way to truly respect the Constitution of B&H and Election Law of B&H, which means to really try to implement the election will of voters and that nobody should manipulate with votes of Bosniaks to prevent Croats from electing their legitimate representatives. Pendes noted that she is convinced Kristo will be a member of the Presidency of B&H and she praised Kristo as “a professional woman with a high-quality career. She will represent Croats in B&H in a quality manner, but this does not mean that she will not protect interests of the other two peoples and of those who do not declare themselves as members of the constituent peoples in an adequate manner as well”. Pendes reminded that Kristo, as a member of HDZ B&H, will have the task to promote foreign policy goals of this party, i.e. EU membership and membership in NATO. Inset ‘No comment’ – asked what would happen if Zeljko Komsic were again elected the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, Pendes said: “I do not think that Zeljko Komsic will win, because I think his work…in fact, I do not want to comment on him”.


Komsic: Zagreb wanted amendments to Election Law that would enable permanent participation of HDZ B&H in FB&H and B&H authorities (Hayat)


Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic, asked about recent admitting of the Croatian Government that they have been talking with High Representative Christian Schmidt thoroughly and discretely for months and whether amendments to the Election Law that recently leaked from the Office of High Representative (OHR) were created in offices of Croatian officials, said that it is the fact Croatian authorities have been talking with Schmidt for a long time, adding that “some of us” had that information. He emphasized that those who would publicly talk about it would be accused of producing enemies that allegedly do not exist. “It is a good thing that this information came out”, stated Komsic. He added that if this happened under different circumstances or in some other country, it would be the first-class political and diplomatic scandal and resignations of involved actors would be requested.


Komsic underlined that considering the current situation in B&H, it is just another news. He went on to saying that this is a big omission of the OHR, adding that in this why the High Representative has lost a lot of his credibility among B&H citizens. Komsic also stated that Zagreb demanded Schmidt and representatives of some western countries to enable adoption of amendments to the Election Law of B&H that would definitely solve the issue of the B&H Presidency in line with demands of HDZ B&H and Zagreb and that would make the situation in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) such that HDZ B&H is permanently a part of authorities at the FB&H and consequently at B&H level. “I believe that it was too much for Schmidt and his international sponsors”, explained Komsic. He went on to saying that this is why the OHR went with variant of amendments to the Election Law that was also discriminating and that was reducing people to percentages. Komsic explained that the OHR gave up on these amendments due to a protest of several thousand citizens held in front of the OHR. He added that immediately before these developments, Schmidt went to Berlin where he asked for support to solutions he planned to impose. According to Komsic, Schmidt did not get support in Berlin, and since he is planning to engage again in politics in Germany, he gave up on abovementioned solutions.


Asked about what he expects Schmidt will do after General Elections 2022, Komsic said that Schmidt will wait to see results of elections, adding that more power ethnic parties get, it will be easier for him to impose planned solutions. He also stated that even if Schmidt imposes some solutions, it will be possible to launch legal processes before the ECHR, adding that although Schmidt is the High Representatives, it does not mean he has unlimited power in regards to violation of fundamental human rights. Asked whether representatives of the international community realized that they have to take a different path in this regard, Komsic replied negatively, adding that he believes that they are waiting for results of elections before conducting new activities. The member of B&H Presidency from rank of Croat people explained that they launched a petition to collect signatures of one million citizens of B&H who want a civic state, adding that it will be a powerful argument against abovementioned solutions. He explained that they want a normal civic country and not further strengthening of ethnic divisions, because if further ethnic divisions in B&H happen, B&H will never become an EU member country. “Also, if some geopolitical changes happen in Europe, that could be ground for falling apart of B&H”, underlined the member of B&H Presidency.


Komsic: Visits of Milanovic and Vucic to specific places in B&H are attempt to mark borders of future division of B&H territory (Hayat)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic asked about the fact Croatian President Zoran Milanovic was recently welcomed in “Croat city Jajce”, while in Bijeljina Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was greeted by SNSD with words that he came to what is his and whether these are attempts to belittle state of B&H, replied affirmatively, adding that this is just another evidence that the plans on division of B&H are still alive. According to Komsic, visits of Milanovic and Vucic to specific places is an attempt to mark borders in future divisions of B&H territory. He added that one can conclude that messages conveyed in this way is that B&H is not a state but territory where tribes should be making decisions. “This is a model they have been trying constantly to impose, that B&H is a temporary solution until consequences change”, stressed Komsic. He added that their obligation is to oppose this and build necessary arguments, because arguments of the ECHR are obviously not sufficient. Komsic also stated that attempts to implement ambitions of some political actors to change territorial organization would definitely result in conflict, adding that he never gave up no his goals from 1992 – defense of his homeland B&H.


Asked about recent denial of Srebrenica genocide by Croatian President Milanovic, Komsic stated that everyone should be aware that countries in region are close to each other and everything bad in one country will sooner or later spill out to its neighbours. He stressed that if B&H neighbours want to resume with path they started in 1991, they should remember they did not achieve their goals back then and will not do it now. Asked whether B&H has honest friends at international scene, Komsic stated that B&H can gain such friends and respect only if B&H officials show they are prepared to fight for their country. Commenting reflections of Russian aggression against Ukraine on B&H, Komsic stated that this aggression turned on alarms in some centers of power which do not anymore underestimate activities of Russia in this part of the Europe. He added that they realized that BiH and the Western Balkans can be misused by Russia to cause serious problems for NATO and the West. Komsic explained that only after the aggression occurred, these centers of power started to react to “our warnings” on Russia’s influence in this part of the Europe.




Plenkovic: There is still time for the HR to impose changes to B&H Election Law (N1)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic paid a visit to Livno on Wednesday. Plenkovic came to Livno to support candidates of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) at the upcoming general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Namely, a big pre-election rally of HNS, i.e. HDZ B&H was held in Livno on Wednesday. According to N1, the visit comes only several days after the information that he was in contact with High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt for months regarding the B&H Election Law. According to Plenkovic, once Croatian President Zoran Milanovic got involved in this process, enthusiasm of the HR has dropped which is why he gave up on the intention to prevent discrimination, i.e. unfair treatment of Croats in B&H.


Plenkovic confirmed that he came to support the joint candidate of HNS Borjana Kristo and to call on Croats in B&H to vote at the upcoming elections. According to Plenkovic, it is still not too late and there is still time for the HR to impose changes to the B&H Election Law. President of the HNS and leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that he is optimistic about this issue and according to Covic, these are historic elections in B&H and the Croat people will recognize its importance.


According to many estimates, this is the most uncertain campaign, that is, the elections themselves in B&H are uncertain, primarily because there is no Election Law, commented the reporter. Uncertainty will be, first of all, how the government will be formed after the elections, added the reporter. As for the atmosphere among the candidates, one could hear all kinds of things, and the least one could hear were election programs and what interests the voters and citizens of B&H the most, pointed out the reporter. Reporter noted that it is important to say that, if these are just elections for other peoples in B&H, they are a kind of referendum for Croats in B&H. Kristo said that the Croat people are aware of the historic moment for Croats in B&H. “As long as the constitutional struggle for our equality, legitimate political representation continues, we must be aware of this and the expectations for the 2nd, that is for Sunday, must be imperative”, noted Kristo.


Plenkovic stated: “The meaning, the spirit of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), B&H Constitution, the principles that exist and that the practice that existed until 2006, is that, on the territory of the Federation of B&H, Bosniaks elect one member of the Presidency and Croats elect another member of the Presidency. It is not good that one people elects the member of Presidency on behalf of the other. There was no such practice, such problem, until 2006. Unfortunately, it is there. It is deeply unjust. We even consider it fraudulent”. Plenkovic wished success for Kristo in the elections and said that she already won when it comes to the electorate of Croats in B&H.




Kovac: Djukanovic does not have the authority to shorten the Parliament's mandate, unless it does so itself (RTNK)


Minister of Justice in the technical mandate, Marko Kovac said that the Constitution of Montenegro is clear on the issue of shortening the mandate of the Parliament. "The assembly can shorten its mandate, and the president is obliged to issue a decree that has a declaratory and not a constructive character. So, he does not have the authority to do it himself unless the Parliament shortens its mandate", said Kovac. I am afraid, he added, that the shortening of the mandate by the president and by decree would lead to an extremely unstable political and legal situation. "Then, I assume, the burden would be transferred to the State Election Commission because extraordinary parliamentary elections would probably be called. Consequently, this leads to new instability and the question is how the parliamentary majority, in the announcement, would react to these events and in which direction the events would continue to unfold", Kovac pointed out.


Krivokapic: Serbia's creeping aggression on Montenegro can turn into a more active one, legal actions need to be taken (CDM)


The presence of some functionaries of the Serbian Progressive Party from Nis in Budva and their direct participation in the DF pre-election campaign is a direct attack on the Constitution of Montenegro, claims the head of diplomacy Ranko Krivokapic. It also outlines why.


"I think that Article 54 of the Constitution prohibits the operation of political organizations from abroad. Bearing in mind that they are returnees, it is obvious that there is a political will not to arrest and prosecute them because, politically speaking, this is a creeping aggression, which means that this norm in the Constitution shows that the creeping aggression of another state is at work on Montenegro, and the state must react there", explains Krivokapic. And precisely by not reacting, as he adds, we show what the political will is in the Montenegrin government. Political structures in power in Serbia, reminds Krivokapic, have been doing this for years. The situation happening in Budva illustrates the impotence and unwillingness to defend the umbrella legal act. The only good circumstance, as he says, is that we are a full member of NATO. "If there wasn't that element, I'm sure that creeping aggression would turn into more active than it is at the moment, which doesn't mean it won't. As part of Russian influence on certain political entities and their financing, it is clear who they are and what they are. I called on the prosecutor's office to act on the findings and request information from our NATO partners, in order to take legal actions, because they will grow from what is now a creeping part into an active part depending on the will of those who finance them", believes Krivokapic. The special state prosecutor, Vukas Radonjic, said that he was not aware of this information and that it was not in the domain of the SDT.


"It seems to me that this matter should have been dealt with by the Basic State Prosecutor's Office, and only when the police, as an authority that secures the state border and issues decisions on banning entry for certain reasons in accordance with the Aliens Act, assesses that there is a basis for suspecting that a criminal offense has been committed a crime is prosecuted ex officio", pointed out Radonjic.


DPS MP Luidj Skrelja, speaking about the activities of officials from other countries in the pre-election activities, said that unfortunately this is a scenario that has already been seen, reminding that this also happened on the eve of last year's local elections in Niksic. “Anyone who does that and declares elections battles, does not mean well to the citizens of Montenegro. Elections are a democratic act, even in monism. Why the tensions, why the masked faces, why someone from the outside who is paid to disrupt relations between citizens? Do we want to continue living with those people after that?" asked Skrelja. The Freedom and Justice Party announced yesterday that the head of the Nisava district, Petar Babovic, councillor Miroslav Djokic, and employees of local companies, Dusan Mihajlovic, Olivera Djordjevic and Jelena Denic, are currently in Montenegro to help partners in the campaign for the upcoming local elections. The Freedom and Justice Party also recalled last year's affair, when eight “progressives” from Nis were expelled from Montenegro for participating in the election campaign in Niksic.




Rama: Russians who do not want to go to war are welcome in Albania (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama said that Russian citizens fleeing mobilization are welcome in Albania. Russians who leave the country because they don't want to go to war are welcome in our country, Rama said. He reiterated Albania's position that it stands by Ukraine and does not recognize the referendum organized by Russia in some of its regions. These days, he expressed this view in his address to the UN General Assembly, adding that "in some parts of the occupied territory of Ukraine, a farce referendum is being held at gunpoint". It is hard to imagine that anyone here can quietly accept this shameful disregard for laws, rules, norms, practices that regulate relations between states in the 21st century. These actions are against international law and much more. They not only do not reflect the free will of the people of Ukraine, but offer a miserable spectacle of exclusion from everything that brings us together under the roof of the United Nations, Rama added. He pointed out that his country condemns these "fabricated actions by Moscow" and that his country "does not recognize any of these illegalities".


Hoxha responds to the Russian delegation at the UN: You cannot compare the war in Ukraine with Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


Albania's ambassador to the UN, Ferit Hoxha, responded to the Russian delegation, stressing out that they cannot compare the war in Ukraine with Kosovo, as Kosovo and Serbia get engaged in dialogue to solve their problems, they do not fight. "The delegation of Russia again raised a parallel with the Republic of Kosovo, an independent country that has been recognized by half of the United Nations Organization and also by this Council. This is wrong, incorrect and regrettable," said Hoxha. "I have already reacted to such claims in June, so I will speak briefly. Nothing could be more artificial and forced than comparing an international effort to end a conflict to protect victims and establish a peace process, to find a solution that was the case in Kosovo, with pure, unprovoked aggression and shame referendums engineered in Moscow and held in Ukraine," he added. According to Hoxha, "no one is and no one can be deceived". "No attempt to compare the incomparable, no short-cut relationship out of any historical and political context can help Russia divert attention from its war in Ukraine or hide the flagrant violation of international law that has turned it into an unwanted international order. Kosovo and Serbia get engaged in dialogue to solve their problems. They meet, they don't fight. But above all, the issue here is not Kosovo, nor any other part of the world, but Russian aggression, Russia's crimes and Russia's seizure of territory to the detriment of its neighbour. You will not be able to confuse us", said Hoxha.


Nikolla: It's high time Indonesia recognized Kosovo as an independent state (Radio Tirana)


Speaker of the Parliament, Lindita Nikolla, received the Vice President of the Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. H. Muhammad Hidayat Nur Wahid and the delegation that accompanied him. Speaker Nikolla underlined that Albania does have the will to boost positive relations and cooperation with Indonesia, in areas of common interest: economy, investments, trade, education, culture, tourism, infrastructure, energy, maritime transport, etc. She also expressed her willingness to intensify parliamentary cooperation between the Assembly and the Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia. President Nikola expressed to the Vice President of the Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia the request that Indonesia recognize the independence of Kosovo.


For his part, the Deputy Chairman of the Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. H. Muhammad Hidayat Nur Wahid, emphasized the will of the Indonesian parliament, president, government and institutions to expand cooperation with Albania and stated that Indonesian institutions are involved in a communication and political discussion on the issue of recognizing the independence of Kosovo.


Tabaku, meets Sarraz: We welcome the return of the Berlin Process (Radio Tirana)


The deputy of the Democratic Party, Jorida Tabaku, had a meeting with the special delegate of Germany in the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarraz. In a reaction on Twitter, Tabaku writes that this meeting focused on the integration process, the involvement of the opposition and the 3 draft laws of the government that according to her violate the priorities of integration, that of Fiscal amnesty, Golden Passports, and the Cannabis law. "We welcome the return of the Berlin Process to our region as an opportunity to continue the integration process in a new phase for Albania and the region. Time to see for further results and concrete achievements", says Tabaku.