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Belgrade Media Report 18 October 2022



Vucic: Pressure would continue even if Serbia imposed sanctions on Russia (RTS/Politika/Tanjug/N1)


Asked by reporters if the next Serbian government would consider imposing sanctions on Russia, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday Serbia would pursue a policy set out by the National Security Council for as long as possible. "For as long as we can endure without endangering our most vital national and state interests, we will pursue the policy set out in the conclusions of the National Security Council. Once we are no longer able to, we will address our people and the citizens and say why we are not able to," Vucic said in response to an N1 request to clarify an earlier statement that imposing sanctions on Russia would not be sufficient, and whether that meant the new government would not even consider them. "By saying that... I just said that it would not last longer than five days. They would pat us on the shoulder twice and release two statements, and then renewed pressure and a new narrative about Kosovo-Metohija and the question 'Do you want to be on the right side of history?' would follow," he explained. That means being an obedient, miserable country that has no policy of its own, Vucic added.


Vucic: Discussion with Lajcak serious, responsible (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak on Monday. "A serious and responsible discussion with Miroslav Lajcak about open issues in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile after the meeting at Andricev venac in downtown Belgrade.

"We continue to fight to preserve our country and our people, insisting on full implementation of agreements reached so far and on respect of international law," Vucic noted.


Petkovic with Lajcak on political security situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met yesterday with the EU special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak, with whom he discussed the current political and security situation in Kosovo, with particular reference to the issues of missing persons, energy and license plates.  Petkovic pointed out that Belgrade neither wants nor takes steps that could lead to tension and a new crisis on the ground, but that Pristina is doing everything to escalate the situation with its unreasonable and unilateral actions, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. “Belgrade will continue to preserve peace and stability as the highest values, and the sole responsibility for causing crises lies with Pristina,” warned Petkovic and added that Belgrade expects the international community to do its part and persuade Pristina to compromise and constructive dialogue, instead of bringing unilateral, destructive decisions. He underlined that instead of respecting the agreement and forming the ZSO, Pristina continues to grossly violate the agreements, including the agreements on freedom of movement and official visits. Also, Petkovic emphasized to the interlocutor that Pristina is preventing the supply of medicines to Serb communities, contrary to the established practice and agreement.


Serbia determined to strengthen economic cooperation with Libya (Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Monday with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Libya Najla Mohamed el Mangoush about deepening the relationship between the two countries, and especially about intensifying political dialogue and improving practical cooperation. At the meeting in Belgrade, Brnabic pointed out that Serbia and Libya are bound by decades of friendship and cooperation, and that the visit of Minister Mangoush is of great importance for the continuation of the political dialogue between our two countries. Serbia respects the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Libya and is ready to strongly strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries in the coming period, she said, emphasizing, above all, cooperation in the fields of agriculture, health and education. Mangoush expressed her satisfaction with the opportunity to visit Serbia and thanked for the support for establishing stability in Libya. The Head of the Libyan diplomacy assessed that a significant contribution to bilateral cooperation would be provided by the renewal of contacts between the businessmen of the two sides, conveying the invitation to Serbia to reopen its embassy in Tripoli. The Prime Minister concluded that it is extremely important to continue the development of close contacts and further intensify the relations between Serbia and Libya, based on our decades-long friendship and partnership.


Mutual support of Serbia, People's Republic of China within Interpol (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who leads the Serbian delegation at the 90th session of the Interpol General Assembly in New Delhi, spoke with Director General for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Public Security of the Republic of Serbia China and member of the Interpol Executive Committee for Asia Hu Binchen. Vulin expressed gratitude to the People's Republic of China for respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as for China's principled position on the issue of not recognizing the fake state of Kosovo and preventing the admission of the so-called Kosovo to Interpol. The officials agreed to continue their joint efforts to respect all valid Interpol rules, including the Constitution and the Resolution on the procedure and criteria for membership in Interpol from 2017, which defines that Interpol member states can only be UN member states, i.e., observers in this organization.


Strengthening cooperation with Brazilian police in fight against transnational crime (Tanjug)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who leads the Serbian delegation at the 90th session of the Interpol General Assembly in New Delhi, met with General Coordinator of International Cooperation of the Federative Republic of Brazil Luiz Roberto Ungaretti de Godoy and Vice President of Interpol for North and South America Valdecy de Urquiza. The officials emphasized that the tradition of friendly bilateral relations is characterized by mutual understanding and high mutual respect. Vulin thanked the Federative Republic of Brazil for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia and preventing the admission of the fake state of Kosovo to Interpol. The officials agreed on the necessity of strengthening cooperation between the Serbian and Brazilian police in the fight against transnational organized crime. At the meeting, it was agreed that the two parties would agree on an agreement in the following period that would establish a legal framework for police cooperation, with the aim of fighting narcotics, but also in other areas of common interest. Close cooperation and coordination of activities within Interpol was also agreed upon. The Brazilian delegation thanked Vulin for the support of Serbia during the election of Valdecy de Urquiza as Vice President of Interpol in Istanbul in 2021, according to a statement from the Ministry of the Interior.


Mihajlovic: Atrocities happen in Ukraine, Serbia to say if it supports it (TV Kurir/Beta)


Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic said on Monday that “serious things and atrocities” were happening in Ukraine, and that Belgrade should say if it supported it, or not. In an interview with the TV Kurir, Mihajlovic said that “Russia’s was a war of conquest.” “If our strategy is to join the EU, we need to think what our next step should be,” Mihajlovic said, adding that “a time comes when decisions are to be made as to where Serbia wants to be in the next 50 years as geopolitical circumstances have changed.” In a comment on the words of the Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin that Serbia “had better accept it’s not wanted in the Union,” Mihajlovic said that it’s “immoral and hypocritical” that a member of the government of Serbia says that Serbia should not join the EU. “If you are part of a ruling coalition saying it wants to join the EU and to align national legislation with Europe’s, it can’t be changed. Vulin cannot change the path to the EU, where Serbia is going,” Mihajlovic said.


Giaufret: EC Report stressed need for Serbia to align with EU foreign policy (EU Info Network/Beta)


Emanuele Giaufret, the Head of the EU Delegation to Belgrade, on Monday delivered the annual European Commission report on Serbia's progress to Serbian speaker Vladimir Orlic, noting that the document stressed the need for progressive alignment with common EU foreign and security policy. Giaufret said the report emphasized the need for further work and political commitment in order to continue and deepen reforms and remove flaws, especially in the key areas of justice, curbing corruption and organized crime, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and processing war crimes before domestic courts, the EU Info Network reported. Giaufret underscored that Serbia should pass laws needed to apply constitutional amendments in practice according to the planned timeline with a view to strengthening the independence of the justice system and prosecutors, and combating undue influence. He also said that the report praised the improvements made to the electoral framework through the implementation of measures identified during inter-party dialog and certain recommendations of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.


Selakovic to address UN SC session on Kosovo (Tanjug)


Serbian FM Nikola Selakovic will on Tuesday in New York address a UN Security Council session on the UN secretary-general's regular semi-annual report on the UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The session is scheduled to begin at 9 pm CET, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. In the report, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said heightened rhetoric between Belgrade and Pristina and an escalation of tensions on the ground had impacted the progress of normalization of relations in the period from 16 March to 15 September.




B&H CEC orders opening of 123 bags at 70 polling stations and recount of votes for all levels of authority (RTRS)


During its session on Monday, the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H has adopted an order on opening of 123 bags and recount of ballots from 72 regular polling stations, for all levels of authority except for the RS President and Vice-Presidents. By this order, votes will be recounted from six polling stations for the B&H Presidency, from 35 polling stations for the B&H parliament, from three for the RS parliament, from 25 polling stations for the FB&H parliament, and from 27 polling stations for the cantonal assemblies. Observers are able to attend this recount. RTRS noted that CEC member Vlado Rogic was against this decision precisely due to the observers. As Rogic explained, there are no conditions, in line with the international standards, for work of those observers. Rogic said conditions will be met only when there is one observer from each of the parties in B&H at each table where votes are counted.


Control recount of ballots from Doboj finalized, control ballot recount for Zvronik starts (BNTV/RTRS)


Control recount of ballots from Doboj for the RS President finished at the Main Counting Center on Monday morning, and control ballot recount for Zvronik started. BNTV reports that Main Counting Center Deputy Director Adi Agic stated that during the counting process for Doboj it was identified that voting material was mixed and ballot bags were missing. Addressing the media on Monday, Agic said: “Unused voting material for different levels was mixed in one ballot bag. Only after the report on result control, exact and detailed information will be known.” Agic also said the Main Counting Center continues to work in accordance with the plan that election results are determined within 20 days after elections. “According to the current tempo, we expect we will finalize our part of the job, because the municipalities currently being processed are the municipalities with the highest number of votes and a lot of material has already been processed. The plan is to finalize the process within 20 days, and engage additional capacities if necessary to meet the deadline,” said Agic. Representatives of the Main Counting Center in Sarajevo said that bags with unused ballots from Doboj were found and now everything is being double-checked. They said the mentioned bags were found in a storage with other bags, but someone probably, mistakenly shuffled the bags. Agic said they were able to retrieve the bags and now they are analyzing their content and numbers.


Jerinic: Humiliation, false accusation and labeling of Doboj were all for nothing (ATV)


ATV carries that the deviation of the new counting of votes for the President of the RS from Doboj compared to the count immediately after the elections is at the level of a statistical error. ATV stressed that citizens of Doboj are nevertheless angry because nobody has apologized for lying to them about the allegedly missing, unused ballots that were found in the B&H CEC on Sunday. After the recounting of votes from Doboj was completed, Doboj Mayor Boris Jerinic said that humiliation, false accusation and labeling of Doboj were all for nothing. Jerinic further said that the scandalous statements that President of the B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic made "by heart or by order" were lies. In an open letter to Arnautovic, the Doboj Mayor said that because of everything, he will ask for his removal and of the B&H CEC members. "Unused ballots and stamps have been found. Mr. Suad Arnautovic, will the citizens of Doboj and members of the City Election Commission receive your apology? There is talk among PDP members that the next step is some new elections?! The citizens of Doboj have no one to send a petition to the House of Representatives but as soon as you announce the results of the elections, that will be the first request. A request for the removal of unprofessional, undemocratic members who violate the law and human rights in B&H, a non-partisan and independent body, which is what the B&H CEC should be," Jerinic stated in the letter. Jerinic stressed that the citizens of Doboj at the very least expect an apology. Jerinic added that many wish for excesses, but Doboj's management is always in favor of stability because their citizens are above all else and in the first place.


Dodik: Behavior of Sarajevo Canton police towards accredited SNSD observers completely unacceptable (RTRS)


The behavior of the Sarajevo Canton (SC) police towards accredited SNSD observers in front of the Zetra hall is completely unacceptable, said Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Dodik, who is also the leader of SNSD, stated that it is known exactly what the observers of this party were doing there, strongly condemning their blocking and additional detention. “According to the same principle, should the police of the RS additionally check all persons from the FB&H during the night? Do not make us start behaving like that”, Dodik wrote on Twitter.


Cvijanovic: SNSD is winner of elections (RTRS)


RS President and Vice-President of SNSD Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that it is very important to calmly wait for the final election results and the confirmation of SNSD's victory for all four levels, while the opposition tries to hide its great failure. The fact that PDP releases inaccurate data from the premature recount to the public through its media, says Cvijanovic, means nothing, nor can it change anything, stressing that the opposition will remain the opposition this time too, not because someone, as they say, stole their votes, but because the people did not choose them. “I think the goal is to delay the election process itself and the counting of votes and the implementation of the election results in as many ways as possible, because it is clear to the opposition that they are absolute losers at all four levels. When I say that, I mean for the (RS) parliament, the President of RS, the B&H parliament and finally for the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH; but defeat cannot be covered up that way”, Cvijanovic told RTRS. She added that the citizens elected their representatives and that “all this the opposition is doing will not change the sequence of events in the slightest”.


Borenovic and Trivic announce opposition will file new criminal complaint to B&H Prosecutor’s Office (BNTV)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and candidate for the RS President Jelena Trivic have announced the opposition will file a new criminal complaint over electoral irregularities on Tuesday. BNTV reports that, according to PDP, the first several days of the control ballot count confirmed vote rigging in many local communities in the RS, additionally indicating that “our suspicion of retailoring the will of citizens was justified’’. Addressing the press conference on Monday, Borenovic said although some would say those were irregularities, “I think that one five-letter word best reflects what happened 2 October, i.e. theft. Organized vote rigging by a number of individuals both in polling station committees and those in power has been proven’’. Trivic reminded of individuals voting on behalf persons who are not in the country or on behalf of the deceased, people who used physical force at individual polling stations, members of city election commissions visiting polling station “something they are not allow under the law’’, as well as video footage “where identity of those individuals is known, and no one is doing anything in regard to that’’.  She went on to say that electoral irregularities have been identified at 450 out of 528 processed polling stations. “We will file a criminal complaint for organized vote rigging involving hundreds of individuals, and we will submit hundreds of items of material evidence, and we expect an urgent investigation,” said Borenovic. Trivic said the criminal complaint will include “material evidence and information we have collected so far’’, noting that new evidence is obtained daily “on someone being engaged in organized and systematic vote rigging’’. She went on to say that individuals involved in electoral irregularities at polling stations did not do that at own initiative, “and those who issued orders should also be held accountable. I expect draconian sanctions from the B&H CEC and judicial institutions for those who were engaged in that, because they are not political organizations, they are mafia organizations”.


FAC: General elections in B&H well-organized, but marked by major distrust in public institution (FTV/N1)


The Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) held a session on Monday. On this occasion, the FAC assessed the general elections in B&H as well-organized, but marked by major distrust in public institutions. EU High Representative Josep Borrell commented on the election theft and recount of votes for a President of the RS. Claims on widespread election theft have created the situation in which it was necessary to recount votes for the RS President, said Borrell after the meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers. He also said B&H must stay on its EU path, which is why the European Commission (EC) decided to give a recommendation for the candidate status, noting that some steps need to be made. “First, they must be swiftly setting up at all levels both the government and legislative authorities and, secondly, they have to focus on delivering reforms. These are the matter of the absolute priority. There is a window of opportunity and new push for the process of B&H towards EU, and this occasion has to be seized by the politically responsible authorities of the country”, underlined Borrell.


EUFOR military exercise 'Quick Response 2022' begins in B&H (Hayat)


The EUFOR military exercise 'Quick Response 2022' has started in B&H. Hayat reports that around 1,100 troops from twenty countries will participate in the exercise that will take place across BiH in coordination with the B&H Armed Forces, local communities and law enforcement agencies that will provide logistic and administrative support. “As in previous years, EUFOR will temporarily augment its footprint through the contribution of additional troops, increased patrolling and tactical exercises in selected urban and rural areas’’, reads the statement by EUFOR. Hayat reports that it was also stated that EUFOR wants to demonstrate commitment of the EU to B&H and its citizens’ European future.


Djukanovic: It’s very important to have early parliamentary elections in January (CdM)


In Danilovgrad in the hall of the Culture Centre, the final convention of the electoral list called The Right Thing – Stably Forward for Danilovgrad Coalition was held. The coalition consists of DPS, SD and LP. On that occasion, it was jointly stated that the upcoming elections in 14 local communities in Montenegro, represent perhaps the most challenging time in recent Montenegrin social and political history. The DPS leader Milo Djukanovic announced that it was very important that we had early parliamentary elections in Montenegro soon in order to stop the stumbling and decay of the state of Montenegro, and to eliminate, as he said, the risks that could, with the long-term effect of this kind of state policy which has been going on for the last two years, endanger the achievements of the state’s modern development. He reminded those present of the dramatic experience during these two years, the experience with the new ruling majority’s attempt to destroy the very foundations of Montenegro. According to Djukanovic, there was an attempt to compromise Montenegro within the NATO alliance through irresponsible policy in the security sector and to lose the status of a NATO member state. He added that they failed in their plan because they had a staunch state-building and nationally responsible opposition against them during these two years. In the end, the President said that he was proud of the constant support that DPS, as the strongest civil party, enjoyed in Danilovgrad.


Konjevic: Milosevic should be arrested; Abazovic: Djukanovic is a political patron of smuggling – I will self-immolate if this is not true (CdM)


At yesterday’s session of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, the hearing of the heads of the government, the police, the National Security Agency (ANB) and the prosecutor’s office has continued regarding current events in the security sector – with a focus on possible cigarette smuggling, and the field of international diplomacy. During the discussion, which was stormy but theatrical, at moments at a low level, the prime minister in the technical mandate announced that the political sponsor of smuggling in Montenegro is the President Milo Djukanovic. During the debate, DPM and Minister of Defense Rasko Konjevic said that he thought that the former director of the Revenue and Customs Administration Rade Milosevic should be arrested on suspicion of organizing cigarette smuggling, and that the Prime Minister in his technical mandate also knew that. The session will be continued, about which the public will be informed in a timely manner.


DF submits to parliament amendments to Law on President of Montenegro (CdM)


The Democratic Front (DF) has submitted yesterday to the parliament a proposal for amendments to the law on the President of Montenegro, which specifies, among other things, the obligations of the head of state when proposing a prime minister-designate. This proposal comes after the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic refused to give a mandate to Demos leader Miodrag Lekic to form the new government. Djukanovic explained that by claiming that he did not believe that there was parliamentary support for Lekic. In these circumstances, DF points out, “the fact is that the government that has lost confidence continues to perform its duty, and Djukanovic ignores the request for new consultations, abusing the shortcomings of the existing legal framework which regulates the matter in question, i.e. which has failed to regulate similar situations.


Abazovic requests dismissal of Krivokapic and Konjevic (Vijesti)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic is to submit a proposal to the parliament of Montenegro for the dismissal of the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, SDP MPs Rasko Konjevic and Ranko Krivokapic, according to Vijesti’s source from the executive branch. Vijesti’s source says that Abazovic will do so on the basis of Article 105 of the Constitution, which regulates resignations and dismissals.


Indictment against Vesna and Milos Medenica issued (CdM)


The Special State Prosecutor’s Office (SDT) has handed over the indictment against Milos and Vesna Medenica and several more people as well as the Niksic’s Kopad company to the Podgorica High Court’s special trial department for criminal offences of organized crime, corruption, terrorism and war crimes, says the state prosecutor Vukas Radonjic. He has also said that the SDT proposes to extend the detention of the defendants Milos and Vesna Medenica, Marko Vucinic and Marjan Bevenja due to the risk of escape. “The indictment has been issued for the criminal acts of creating a criminal organization, extended criminal act of smuggling, extended criminal act of giving and receiving bribes, illegal influence and inducing illegal influence, abuse of office, unauthorized production, possession and distribution of narcotic drugs, facilitating the consumption of narcotic drugs, illegal possession of weapons and explosive substances, serious bodily injury and prevention of evidence”, said Radonjic, among other things.


Inspection Directorate issues decision on removing memorial plaque in Morinj (Dan/MINA)


The Inspection Directorate (UIP) has issued a decision according to which the memorial plaque on the building of the former camp of the Yugoslav People’s Army in Morinj will be removed, and it has been announced that the matter will be submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office, Dan reports. On 10 October, the memorial plaque was unveiled by the Montenegrin Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs Rasko Konjevic and Ranko Krivokapic respectively, together with Croatian officials. On 12 October, the inspector for the area of cultural heritage went to the scene and made an official note, but also carried out an inspection in the Municipality of Kotor. “After that, he stated that there was no necessary documentation for erecting a memorial plaque in Morinj”, Dan writes.


Arrangement with IMF not an option for this year (RTCG)


An arrangement with the IMF is not an option for this year, says Finance Minister Aleksandar Damjanovic. For the missing money, as previously announced, the state will try to borrow funds from domestic banks, and whether Montenegro will be forced to ask for help from the IMF in 2023 will depend on the outcome of the energy crisis and other economic conditions in the world and in our country. He adds that when it comes to the next year, Montenegro will monitor the situation. “Some more serious disturbances would only make us cautious, make us be like a member of the IMF and the World Bank with rights and obligations, be close and discuss all possible arrangements. They are not the only inevitable loan support”, explains Damjanovic.


Petricevic: Records on storage of cigarettes in Port of Bar’s Free Zone cancelled (Pobjeda)


In an interview for Pobjeda, the former acting director of the Revenue and Customs Administration (UPC) Milena Petricevic claims that all the records on the storage of tobacco products in the Free Customs Zone of the Port of Bar – which were kept precisely when she was headed the UPC – no longer exist. “Today those records do not exist! The records were cancelled after the entire stock of cigarettes and tobacco products was taken out of the warehouse of the Free Zone users in May, and as it was announced then, ‘it became the property of the state’, and ‘cigarette smuggling is clinically dead’, she says. “I learned from the media, which has been confirmed to be true in the course of conducting the investigation so far, that my follower had diametrically opposed staffing logic, especially when it comes to the staffing of the Sector for Customs Security and Control and the Department for Suppression of Smuggling”, she adds. “Also, the scanner that detects various forms of smuggling was moved from the customs terminal in Podgorica, as the busiest transit terminal, to Bozaj. Some officials – who were rewarded by the previous government for their loyal attitude towards the state and honest, legal and independent work – were demoted and removed from their positions by the decision of the new UPC director. The seven-member commission that I formed for the destruction based on the request of one subject was disbanded, and a new one was formed by Mr. Milosevic, all of whose members, except the president of the commission, were arrested”, Petricevic points out. “I can say, after everything we have seen and heard, that all the hard work and enormous effort and dedication that my honorable colleagues and I made during the period of my office has been destroyed, cancelled. In particular, they made the records of the owners of the goods, locations, stock values, warehouses and their users and transferred authorizations ‘clinically dead’,” she stresses.


North Macedonia has already taken steps to align with existing EU policies, says Marichikj during explanatory meeting for Chapter 10 in Brussels (Sitel/TV21/Kanal 5/Makpress/Fokus/Vecher)


Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs and Chief EU Negotiator Bojan Marichikj during Monday’s explanatory screening meetings for Chapter 10 – Information Society and Media in Brussels, said that reforms implemented by the country are sustainable, our progress has been recognized as we are given new opportunities through the screening process to faster and easier achieve the EU standards in this chapter. Marichikj said that North Macedonia has already taken steps to align with existing EU policies and the government’s main goal is to provide high-quality public services for citizens and businesses. “We recognize the importance of transforming society and bringing new opportunities for businesses and technology. Our reforms are sustainable, our progress has been recognized and we are given new opportunities through the screening process to faster and easier achieve the EU standards in this chapter. Our goal is to ensure a sustainable economy and digitization of private and public sector services,” Deputy PM Marichikj said in his speech before the European Commission. Marichikj underscored the achievements so far in this area, emphasizing that we managed to introduce the European number for emergency services, E-112, which is currently being worked on for its proper implementation. He also said that the final versions of the draft National ICT Strategy 2021-2025 and the accompanying Action Plan have already been prepared, public was consulted and will be finalized in the following months, and that the implementation of the National Operational Broadband Plan will continue. In this regard, the Agency for Electronic Communications takes steps that will facilitate the conditions for the introduction of 5G and stimulate the entry of new technologies and operators. “Recognizing the importance of cyber security, we are also preparing the new National Cyber Security Strategy 2023-2027, with a special focus on building and improving national capacities for cyber security, security and critical information infrastructure protection, awareness raising and international cooperation,” Marichikj added. He also said that amendments to the Law on Public Sector Data Use will follow, in order to comply with the EU Directive 2019/1024 on open data and re-use of public sector information aimed at increasing transparency in public sector institutions, improving the efficiency of public administration work and contributing to reducing corruption at all levels. The explanatory screening for Cluster 3 – Competitiveness and inclusive growth begins with today’s explanatory meeting for Chapter 10 – Information Society and Media.


Xhaferi keeps silent, Grubi happy to be elected as member of DUI presidency (Alsat-M)


The parliament is silent for the second day, not commenting how the parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi will act after being elected as a member of the General Council of DUI. Xhaferi’s party position conflicts with the position of parliament speaker, which is clearly stated in the Constitution. “The function of parliament speaker conflicts with the exercise of a function, other public profession, or the function in a political party,” reads Article 67 of the Constitution. Meanwhile, the First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi did not answer the journalist’s question whether, after the establishment of the party bodies, changes are also expected within the government cabinet. Grubi said he feels happy that for a first time he has been appointed as a member of the party’s presidency. "I want to congratulate all the members of the General Council and all the new members of the presidency for their election and in particular for the support to be elected as a member of the presidency for the first time because until now I have participated in party’s presidency affairs by default as chief of cabinet of president Ahmeti", said Grubi. At the end of November, the new DUI bodies will invite the government cabinet to account. At Saturday’s meeting, DUI elected the general council, vice-presidents and secretaries, while the parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi did not agree with Ahmeti’s proposals, and asked to add a party vice-president who would be from the ranks of Gostivar branch. The ‘Fiery Group’ in the party will be represented by the vice president Izet Mexhiti, the organizational secretary, Blerim Bexheti and Musa Xhaferi in the Supervisory Council.


Xhacka: The EC report confirms Albania's progress (Radio Tirana)


The National Council for European Integration (KKIE) held the next meeting on the presentation of the annual report of the European Commission for Albania (2022). The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka spoke about the steps to follow the recommendations of this report. Xhacka said that "the EC report recognizes the great work that has been done and confirms Albania's progress". "Albania has continued to fulfill all the conditions defined in the Council Conclusions of March 2020. The country has achieved significant progress in the adoption of the EU acquis in recent years", Xhacka emphasized. Regarding the functioning of the judiciary, Xhacka said that, "Albania has passed even the countries of the region that have been negotiating for almost a decade. "The comprehensive justice reform has resulted in overall good progress", underlined Xhacka. As for the reform of the public administration, Xhacka said that, "Albania results with a moderate level of preparation". Regarding the fight against corruption and organized crime, Xhacka added that, "Albania has made preparations which have given some results". Regarding basic human rights, Xhacka said that "we have met the international standards of their protection". Regarding the economic criterion, Minister Xhacka said that, "the country has made good progress and is moderately prepared to develop a functional market economy". Regarding public procurement, Xhacka emphasized that "the country has made progress by adopting the implementing legislation". "The recommendations of the EC will remain in the focus of the work of the government and the administration. Our progress in this group of chapters gives us the opportunity to sit sooner in the opening Intergovernmental Conference of this grouping", said Xhacka. "In the report, Albania is assessed as an active and reliable partner of the EU. We have been appreciated for the dedication shown in creating good neighborly relations and proactive regional cooperation", said Xhacka. "The EC report is not simply an appraisal of the done work, it defines the tracks on which our work towards integration will move. Unity at the national level must be preserved for the success of the process today and tomorrow", underlined Xhacka. Xhacka said that, "our common obligation is to make our membership in the EU a reality as soon as possible".


Hohmann on the EC progress report: Albania maintains focus on the EU reforms agenda (ANA)


The Ambassador of the European Union Delegation in Tirana Christiane Hohmann stated that the progress report of the EC assesses that Albania continues to maintain its general focus on the agenda of EU reforms, despite challenges such as the earthquake, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, as Albanian News Agency informs. Hohmann presented today some of the findings of the progress report of the EC for Albania, before the members of the National Council of European Integration. Ambassador Hohmann emphasized that this is the right place to discuss the progress report, while emphasizing that the role of this Council should not be underestimated. She said that at this stage, the country has entered, the pace of reforms will increase and so will the monitoring by the EU. "The war in Ukraine has proven more clearly than ever that the prospect of EU membership is a strong anchor for well-being, peace and security," she said. In this context, the Ambassador appraised Albania’s role as a reliable partner of the EU, as well as her important role in the UN Security Council, in defense of the international order. Hohmann emphasized that with the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference on July 19, Albania has opened a new phase on the road to the EU. "This is an extremely important achievement, she said, while adding that legislation evaluation meetings are going on."