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Belgrade Media Report 27 October 2022



New government of Serbia elected (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbia elected new government of the Republic of Serbia on Wednesday night. Out of 225 deputies present at the session, 157 voted in favor of the program of the new government and the Office of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, 68 deputies were against, there were no abstentions, whereas 25 deputies did not attend the session. The new Serbian government, led by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, after being elected in the Serbian parliament, took an oath before parliament members, which marked the beginning of its mandate. The text of the oath, which was signed by the Prime Minister and the government members after taking it, reads: “I pledge to be loyal to the Republic of Serbia and promise with my honor to obey the Constitution and laws, and to carry out the duty of a government member conscientiously, responsibly and diligently, and that I will be committed to preserving Kosovo and Metohija within the Republic of Serbia.” After the oath-taking ceremony, the anthem of Serbia was played and the Guard of the Serbian Army was placed at the entrance to the parliament. This formal oath-taking ceremony was also attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. In these difficult and unstable times, Serbia needs a government that will know how to preserve peace, continue economic progress and defend our country’s independence and libertarian spirit,” Vucic wrote on his Instagram account. “What I expect from you is for the interests of Serbia and our people to be your only goal, and that work, knowledge and honor always lead you to its realization,” Vucic added and wished the Prime Minister and ministers must success on this path.


Vucic: Pristina’s regie threatens peace and survival of Serbs (RTV/RTS)


The Pristina regime is endangering stability and peace and survival of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija with its threats to continue with the action regarding the re-registration of vehicles, stated today Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after the session of the National Council for Security and Kosovo Serbs. “This morning we listened to the demands of the legitimate representatives of the Serb people from Kosovo and Metohija who informed us of their needs, with everything they are facing in Kosovo and Metohija, especially on the eve of the expiration of the ultimatum given to the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija by the Pristina regime, especially those in the north of the province, which concerns the confiscation of license plates and cars, if we are talking about license plates issued by state authorities in Serbia, which indicate places on Kosovo and Metohija,” explained Vucic. He pointed out that it is about 9,000, that is 7,000 plates. So far, he reported, 18 people in total, but only a few from the north of Kosovo, three to be exact, accepted the change of license plates and did what Kurti and the Pristina regime asked of them. “Accordingly, Pristina’s threats to continue with the action that should show their firmness and strength completely threaten stability and peace, and the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija,” Vucic emphasized. Vucic stated that he received a demarche from representatives of the Quint and the EU in which it is stated that Belgrade should understand that Kosovo’s action regarding the license plates is legitimate and in accordance with the agreement from the dialogue, but that the problem is time and methods, which, he pointed out, is not true, and which he conveyed to the representatives of the West. Vucic pointed out that this only shows that it is fine with the EU and the Quint with everything that Pristina is doing, but, allegedly, only the moment does not suit them. “That it is not true and that they are deceiving the public. These are notorious lies, because they have no right anywhere, according to any agreement,” said Vucic. It is necessary, he explained, to show that Pristina is fundamentally good, but that it is perhaps not the best moment, and that it is necessary that all Serbs have RKS license plates, and not some other, because they do not support independent Kosovo. The President added that today in Belgrade they listened to the representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and told them that they are always with them, even when it is difficult. “We are here for our people, and we will be with our people in the future,” said Vucic. Vucic said on Thursday the purpose of NATO troops deployed in Kosovo and Metohija was not to be against local Serbs who were opposing injustice. Vucic asked when NATO forces would start acting in line with the UN Charter, respect UN SC Resolution 1244 and allow an agreed number of Serbian troops to return to Kosovo and Metohija. Kosovo Serbs are fighting against a collapse of the legal order and the UN order, Vucic said, noting that Serbia and the Kosovo Serbs were the only ones respecting the UN Charter and the UN order, including UN resolutions. He added that Point 9 of UN SC Resolution 1244 stipulated a demilitarisation of a Kosovo army and other armed groups of ethnic Albanians. Under what act is a Kosovo army being created and where and in what resolution has the UN permitted that, he asked, noting that no act allowed the formation of a Kosovo army. “Instead of thinking about how NATO forces should prevent ROSU and other units from making incursions into the north, they have let them build bases, do what they want and threaten the Serb population,” he noted, adding that forming a Kosovo army was directly prohibited under an annex to the resolution. Vucic pointed out that at the session they also examined the French-German plan, supported by the US. “Will send this response within 24 hours. We are ready to continue talks and negotiations, but there are things we cannot accept and we acquainted about this in the plan the representatives of the top states,” said Vucic, adding that he would not go into details.


Rakic: We will respond peacefully to violence (Tanjug/RTV)


The leader of the Serb List Goran Rakic said today that the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija received firm guarantees that President Aleksandar Vucic and the state of Serbia will stand by their people, and said that the Serb people will peacefully resist any violence. Rakic told journalists, after the meeting between President Vucic and the political representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, that they told Vucic that if the KBS, the police or anyone else starts to seize the property of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, they will use all means and through democratic and peaceful means resist, as he said, the resistance of the people. “We don’t know what it will turn into and what it will give rise to if someone violently takes away our property,” said Rakic, indicating that their property is also, as he said, license plates and vehicles. Rakic pointed out that Pristina is leading a campaign for vehicle re-registration and has invested several million Euros in it, but that the Serbs have recognized the propaganda and that only two people have re-registered their vehicles in the north. It was specified that if Pristina starts a violent action, they will block crossings and entrances from the north to central Kosovo and the south. Rakic said that Vucic is with the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija even when it is most difficult and added that the President will have a meeting of the National Security Council, after which he will address the journalists. Rakic also noted that the meeting of the political representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija with President Vucic was never shorter.


Rakic to KFOR Commander: Serbs will not give up their license plates (Beta)


Serb List leader Goran Rakic told KFOR Commander Angelo Michele Ristuccia that Kosovo Serbs will not give up their license plates. Rakic said that he discussed with Ristuccia and camp Bondsteel Commander Christopher Samulski the replacing of Serbia-issued vehicle license plates with Kosovo plates, the deadline for which is 31 October. “A message has been clearly sent that Serbs will not give up the plates they have been using because they are legal and legitimate, as well as that there is justified concern over Pristina’s further reaction in connection with this,” said Rakic. He noted that “the security situation is unstable” and that all should be done to ensure that Belgrade and Pristina resolve all outstanding issues solely through dialogue. Rakic asked KFOR to ensure peace and stability and to take all the necessary measures “in order to preserve a safe environment and freedom of movement”.


Stano: Serbia, Kosovo don’t need escalation and tensions (N1)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said on Thursday that Kosovo and Serbia need to prevent steps leading to tensions. “We said many times that it is of utmost importance to prevent any steps that lead to tensions. This is the least Serbia and Kosovo need. They need to move dialogue forward and reach comprehensive agreement to normalize relations,” he said at a daily news briefing and added that the EU is working with its partners to prevent any new violence in Kosovo. “We are working with partners to prevent any new flareup of violence, any escalation because this is contrary to the interests of the people and of both Serbia and Kosovo,” he said. Stano warned that creating tensions, failing to talk and not willing to compromise will not help Belgrade and Pristina on their way to the EU and will harm their people. He said the EU’s message is that they need to be constructive and find solutions to all outstanding issues in the spirit of compromises. He said that unilateral steps that lead to escalation need to be prevented. “We need de-escalation and progress,” Stano said. He said that the new Serbian government is expected to work seriously to deliver everything necessary to move forward on accession, including alignment with EU foreign policy. In a written reply to N1, Stano said that the EU has always been clear that Kosovo’s decision on the re-registration of license plates is legitimate but added that sufficient time has to be given to implement it in line with good European practices and after consulting the public. “We have therefore from the outset of this process recommended to the Kosovo government to introduce a 12 month period for the re-registration. Following the same rationale, we are now requesting the Kosovo government to extend the existing deadline for 10 months,” he said adding that this would make it easier to issue Kosovo ID cards and drivers’ licenses to all Kosovo Serbs in the north. “An escalation in tensions and, potentially, violence in the north of Kosovo must be avoided. This is of particular importance in the current geo-political context, in view of preserving stability in the region,” he said.


Ambassador Hill happy that Serbia has a new Foreign Minister (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said he was glad that the new Serbian Government has been formed because there are many issues that the two countries need to work on together, in the fields of foreign policy and energy. I am happy that Serbia has a new Foreign Minister because there are many topics that we need to discuss, said Ambassador Hill, Beta reported. He added that he also looks forward to meetings on energy, because the US and Serbia have many common interests. Hill noted that relations between Serbia and America have not always been positive, but that the two countries fought on the same side in two world wars and that strength can be drawn from those alliances to rebuild good relations.


Kovac, Cochard discuss Serbia’s EU Integration (Beta)


Deputy speaker of the Serbian parliament Elvira Kovac had talks with French Ambassador Pierre Cochard on Wednesday about Serbia's European integration and the current political situation in Europe and Serbia. According to the statement of the parliament, Cochard said that France wanted the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to continue and that it was important for both sides to fulfil the obligations stemming from the signed agreements, including those about the Community of Serb Municipalities, and to decisively commit to resolving the remaining issues. Elvira Kovac, who is also the president of the Committee for European Integration, informed the Ambassador that Tanja Miscevic would be the new minister for European integration. He welcomed that news, saying that she was a recognized expert in that field. Cochard underscored the excellent cooperation between Serbia and France, adding that France supported Serbia’s European integration and that Serbia belonged in the EU. Elvira Kovac stressed that Serbia clearly showed that its main foreign policy goal was full membership in this European community. She added, however, that this process had lasted for a long time and that the EU was not sufficiently focused on the opening of new negotiation clusters for Serbia.




Control counting of ballots for RS President completed; B&H CEC to analyze report of Main Counting Center; B&H CEC: Outcome of recount of votes for RS President should be published on Thursday (RTRS)


Control counting of ballots concerning elections for the Republika Srpska (RS) President has been completed by the Main Counting Center of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). President of B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic said that B&H CEC will convene on Thursday and analyze the report of the Main Counting Center and pass adequate decisions in regards to recounting of ballots for the RS President. RTRS reports that if the B&H CEC publishes preliminary results of elections for the RS President on Thursday, a three-day deadline to submit complaints and objections will start expiring. According to existing legislation, the B&H CEC is obliged to publish final results of elections for all levels of authorities in B&H within period of 30 days since elections. Member of B&H CEC Zeljko Bakalar stated that the Court of B&H rejected demand of SNSD to declare B&H CEC’s order on control counting of ballots illegal. FTV carries that the B&H CEC stated that it should publish the outcome of the control recount of votes for the RS President on Thursday. A source of the daily close to B&H CEC stated that the results of the recount will be known very soon, and then B&H CEC will make a decision on further course of action. The source claims that elections could be annulled and repeated, but only for several individual polling stations. SNSD's Denis Sulic stated that even the recount confirmed the victory of SNSD's Milorad Dodik against PDP's Jelena Trivic. He noted that the RS opposition parties obviously have more trust in the Main Counting Center in Sarajevo than in members of polling station committees from the RS.


PDP: Serious irregularities established at three-quarter polling stations in B&H; PDP requests recount of votes for other levels of power in RS (BN TV)


Representatives of PDP stated that serious irregularities were established at three-quarter polling stations at the general elections in B&H and someone will have to be held responsible for that. In this regard, PDP requested recount of votes for other levels of power aside from the level of a President and Vice Presidents (VPs) of RS. PDP MP Jelena Trivic commented on this issue at a press conference in Banja Luka on Wednesday. Among other things, she mentioned that election malversations were performed in several ways at just one polling station for which there is a video recording of expelling observers of the opposition. She claims that on this occasion, 240 votes were stolen. According to Trivic, there is a big number of polling stations that had a clear instruction to enroll votes in the favor of candidate of SNSD for the post of a President of the RS Milorad Dodik and to deprive her of votes. Trivic underlined that all those who took part in the organized, orchestrated and systemic robbery of the elections will not get away with that. According to Trivic, the election process was contaminated and because of that, there is a need for recount for other levels of power as well. In this regard, Trivic confirmed that they already filed a request with the B&H Central Election Commission.


Dzaferovic requests constitutional review of HR Schmidt’s decision on Election Law of B&H and FB&H Constitution (O Kanal)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic submitted on Wednesday a motion to the CC of B&H requesting assessment of the constitutionality of the amendments to the Constitution of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the Election Law of B&H, which were passed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. Dzaferovic’s Cabinet specified: “The request seeks to establish the inconsistency of the provisions of the contested amendments and the law with the Constitution of B&H, first of all, in the part that refers to the democratic principle and, consequently, the principle of the rule of law, i.e. its principle of legal certainty."


MEP Strik: HR Schmidt amended Election Law to benefit of HDZ B&H, he should withdraw the amendments (Dnevni list)


Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Tineke Strik gave an interview for ‘Anadolu’ news agency (AA) in which she explained why High Representative Christian Schmidt’s move (imposition of amendments to Election Law of B&H and Constitution of FB&H) was wrong. As for the fact that the decision was imposed on the election night, Strik stated that one cannot change electoral rules after voters voted in the elections, arguing that in order to have free and fair elections, the framework within which elections take place should be clear to voters in advance. “You do not have to be an expert for elections to understand it is unjust to change the rules retroactively”, said MEP Strik, who went on to say that a careful and democratic process is needed in order to reach possible elections changes. “Civil society, political parties and monitoring bodies such as the OSCE and Venice Commission should be a part of this process in order to secure necessary checks”, she added. In her opinion, Schmidt gave in to HDZ B&H’s wishes, meeting the party’s demands. According to Strik, when it comes to contents of changes, Schmidt changed the Election Law in favor of HDZ B&H and that the changes cement ethnic divisions in the Election Law. In her opinion, ‘we’ should focus on B&H in which ethnic divisions are overcome and where everyone is equal. In essence, Strik continued, the HR rewarded HDZ B&H for their bad behavior, stressing that HDZ B&H has always blocked attempts to democratize the country. Strik added: “For this reason I am also concerned about the effect of spreading the crisis that might reflect on behavior of other actors in B&H and Western Balkans in general. Therefore, it is crucial that Schmidt withdraws his law in order to prevent a precedent for others. But, with this move Schmidt has undermined his reputation to an extent that, even if he decides to withdraw the law, he should ask himself if he is the man for the job”. Commenting on recent decision of the European Commission to recommend granting status of EU candidate to B&H, Strik said the EU’s policy in the Western Balkans has not been much successful in recent years. Namely, she said that promises were not kept, which is why it is necessary to restore the trust. She went on to say that the Russian aggression of Ukraine has shown how stability on the continent is vulnerable and that fast integration of the Western Balkans into the EU would bring stability to the Union itself because it would prevent the Russian influence.


HDZ B&H’s Dzeba requests from HR Schmidt to annul Komsic’s election (Nova)


Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic has filed a request to the B&H CC for constitutionality review of amendments to the B&H Election Law imposed by High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt, whilst at the same time, B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik said at the rally in front of thousands of people that RS will certainly become independent. The reporter comments that whilst the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) is recounting ballots for the RS President, Dodik received a great support of thousands of people gathered at the rally called ‘Defense of the RS’. Addressing the present, Dodik said: “I believe in the ideal of autonomous and independent RS. I believe in that, because it is impossible to build coexistence and life in B&H with people who want to abolish our freedom and our Republic”. The reporter notes that “supporters of the Unitarian B&H’’ organized another protest in Sarajevo “under disguise of civic state against the HR’’, requesting HR Schmidt’s resignation or withdrawal of his decision on amendments to the B&H Election Law. Addressing a press conference ahead the protest, HR Schmidt said: “I have not made a revolution here, I only followed what was stated in the (B&H) CC’s rulings and acted in line with that.” HRT1 reports that Dzaferovic has requested constitutionality review of HR Schmidt’s decision and reminds that B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic earlier filed the same request. Commenting on this, delegate in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) Damir Dzeba reminded of the same situation when former HDZ B&H leader and B&H Presidency member Ante Jelavic appealed to the B&H CC to annul the HR’s decisions, “and the then convocation of the B&H CC declared they had no jurisdiction”. HRT1 reports that Dzeba has requested HR Schmidt to annul Komsic’s election, referring to the case when a Bosniak representative in the Kosovo Parliament had been elected with votes of Serbs. “His mandate was revoked and given to a legitimate representative of Bosniak community, because that candidate won votes of Bosniaks for the Kosovo Parliament. Kosovo is under a strong international community’s governance. EULEX is in charge of the rule of law there, and I requested the HR to revoke Zeljko Komsic’s mandate the same way, because he was elected with votes of Bosniaks as Croat member of the (B&H) Presidency”, said Dzeba.


EC announces it will increase support to border management in four Western Balkans countries (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reports that the European Commission (EC) has announced it will increase support to the Western Balkans in border and migrations management for which it will allocate EUR 39.2 million. According to a statement issued by the EC, the EC recommends opening of negotiations of upgraded European Border and Coast Guard Agency's (Frontex) status agreements between the EU and B&H, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. Aim of the new package, which the EC adopted within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), is to strengthen border management in the Western Balkans, mostly by securing specialized equipment. New agreements will allow deployment of Frontex officers to be deployed in the third country, both at the EU border and at the borders with the third countries and exercise the executive powers. Under the currently existing status agreements between Frontex and Albania, Serbia and Montenegro, deployment of the standing corps may only take place at the countries' borders with the EU and without exercising executive powers. President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen presented the energy aid package for the Western Balkans region worth EUR 1 billion while she was in in Skopje, North Macedonia. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “We are putting forward now an energy package, a support package for the entire Western Balkans. It starts with grants, 80 million grants here for North Macedonia to support the budget. It will help with solving the impact of high energy prices on your citizens and your business. We will complete this by the end of the year so that you can receive funds as early as January”.


Croatian parliament discusses implementation of Declaration on Status of Croat people in B&H in last two years (HRT1)


The Croatian parliament has discussed the implementation of the Declaration on status of Croat people in B&H in the past two years, with special focus on circumstances of the most recent general elections. HRT1 reports that, addressing the session, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said maximum effort was made to protect the status of Croat people, the statement the opposition representatives disagreed with. Addressing the session, member of SDP Caucus in the Croatian Parliament Arsen Bauk said reports for 2020 and 2021 “do not mention activities of the President of the Republic (Zoran Milanovic), not even in a way that they are damaging, that his activities are counterproductive”. Responding to this, Grlic Radman said: “Bauk said Zoran Milanovic’s damaging activity. Of course, he is doing that. He was doing that even when he was the Prime Minister in the period 2012-2016, and you are familiar with his anti-Croatian activity towards B&H ever since 2020”. Addressing the session, member of the ‘Most’ Caucus in the Croatian Parliament Nino Raspudic ironically said: “What Croats in B&H can find comfort in is an important fact stated in this report – I quote – the Prime Minister (Andrej Plenkovic) followed the situation in B&H. I have been following Napoli lately, but they have no use of that’’. Responding to this, Grlic Radman said: “Raspudic, you react with emotions, not with facts. Therefore, you are refuted by facts. You are not familiar at all with processes of diplomacy or politics.” Grlic Radman said that Croats in B&H have expressed great interest and engagement in order to form new authorities as soon as possible, so B&H can get the status of EU candidate. Grlic Radman further stated that Croatia strongly supports the European perspective of B&H and that the situation in B&H is better than it was, arguing that the Croats will certainly not be outvoted in the (Federation of B&H) House of Peoples, however Croats are not satisfied in terms of the Presidency of B&H because they still do not have their representative there. According to him, the majority people, in other words the Bosniaks, still elect member of the Presidency of B&H for the Croats. “Zeljko Komsic is an illegitimate representative, he was not elected by votes of Croats in B&H and this must change”, added Minister Grlic Radman. Grlic Radman said: “Croats are squeezed between Serb separatism and Bosniak unitarism. They are threatened with war, counting. Foreign Minister (Bisera Turkovic) is going to Islamic countries asking for weapons.” Turkovic responded to Grlic Radman’s claims: “It is absolutely unacceptable for head of diplomacy of EU and NATO member state to give such dangerous untrue statement. These are fabrications and disinformation, which in the manner of Russian proxy policies, destabilize the region.”


Western Balkans should be under special focus of the EU (CdM)


As part of the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimean Platform, the President of the parliament of Montenegro Danijela Djurovic met with the head of the Croatian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Cooperation Process in Southeast Europe, Ivana Posavec Krivec, the parliament of Montenegro announced. Djurovic reminded that in June of this year, Montenegro assumed the presidency of the Cooperation Process in Southeast Europe and expressed its readiness to do everything to awaken the spirit of solidarity and unity among the participants of this regional forum. As she said, it is especially important in the current circumstances when we have war events on the soil of Europe, and a humanitarian and financial crisis that threaten to cause serious consequences to many countries of the world. She introduced the interlocutor to the Montenegrin priorities of presiding over the Cooperation Process in Southeast Europe, namely: strengthening of security cooperation, protection of human rights, rule of law and strengthening of democratic institutions, improvement of economic cooperation and infrastructural connectivity, green transition, further overcoming health, economic and other the consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic and the European integration of aspirant countries from the region of Southeast Europe. "Ivana Posavec Krivec expressed interest in the activities that our country will carry out within the framework of the presidency and pointed out that Montenegro will have all the necessary support from the Croatian delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Cooperation Process in Southeast Europe. She apostrophized that Montenegro has made the biggest step towards the European Union, which should be adequately rewarded", the announcement says. The interlocutors agreed that in the current geopolitical circumstances the region of the Western Balkans should be under the special focus of the European Union and be given the opportunity to progress as quickly as possible towards the European family of nations.


Lazarevic: We have the responsibility to send ready soldiers to NATO tasks (RTCG)


In accordance with the decision of the Assembly, Montenegrin soldiers will join the NATO alliance's combat troops on the eastern borders of Europe by the end of January. The Chief of the General Staff of the Army of Montenegro, Brigadier General Zoran Lazarevic, said last night that a reinforced infantry platoon - no more than 40 soldiers - will be sent to Bulgaria, whose task will be to deter aggression. In the event of Russian aggression against members of the Alliance, then, Lazarevic points out, the NATO body will ask its members to declare on the use of those forces for defense. These are dangerous tasks, he adds. "To carry out the tasks, we need a training ground, we will go with armored vehicles and we have a responsibility towards the Alliance to fully deploy ready soldiers, that's why we need a training ground. For this first contingent, the training ground of one of the neighboring countries will be used, I think it will be in North Macedonia", Lazarevic said and pointed out that the state leadership will not allow our soldiers to leave unprepared for the task. He also points out that it is very possible that the second space for the training ground will require financial costs. When they find that space, they will propose it to the Government, said the Brigadier General. "The reason we are looking for a training ground is to conduct exercises in Montenegro. Membership in NATO is a lifeline for Montenegro, and it implies certain obligations. One of those obligations is exercises, when the activities of different armies or ours are synchronized," said the TVCG interlocutor. Currently, members of the Royal Marine Corps of the United Kingdom are in Montenegro, which, as Lazarevic said, is an honor for our army. "I expect that the exercise in May, with around 500 soldiers of NATO members, will be carried out at the training ground," Lazarevic said.


The war does not seem to be coming to an end

When asked if there is a danger that the conflict from the territory of Ukraine will spill over into the Balkans and that the situation will become more complicated, Lazarevic states that "there is always a danger that the conflict will spill over somewhere else, no matter how far away it is". "Assessing the extent to which the aggression will spread would be ungrateful, it does not have to spread as an armed conflict, but also in the economic and social sense... It is most difficult for the citizens of Ukraine, but also of Europe..." Lazarevic adds that there are no prospects or announcements that the war will enter its final phase. "The best indicator that the war is coming to an end is the diplomatic talks. "This is an armed conflict on the one hand, and on the other, armed aggression resulting in casualties, and Russia shows no intention to bring the aggression to an end," he said. He points out that it is up to us to help Ukraine, as an Alliance and as Montenegro. He said that we are among the first countries that provide aid to Ukraine. "Winter will bring new problems to both Ukrainian and Russian soldiers," Lazarevic assessed and concluded that the consequences of the war are unfathomable.


Details on energy aid package presented by Von der Leyen in Skopje (AJB)


The President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen presented aid package for the Western Balkans region worth EUR 1 billion while she was in in Skopje, North Macedonia. Von der Leyen spoke more about the relations between the EU and North Macedonia. As for the aid package, Von der Leyen focused more on the aid that North Macedonia will receive from the EU. Von der Leyen said that EUR 80 million of emergency budget aid has been allocated for North Macedonia, which should be paid out in the next two months to help with the energy crisis. As for the region, Von der Leyen only said that around EUR 500 million will be invested in aid for the region. However, these EUR 500 million will be directed towards investments that support renewable energy sources and green energy production. Von der Leyen said that the countries of the Western Balkans will be included in the joint mechanism of the EU, that is, they will be included in the process of joint procurement of gas throughout this period, while the war in Ukraine continues. The reporter presented Von der Leyen’s political messages regarding North Macedonia’s path to the EU. She said that the EU finally delivers what it promised, i.e. that Macedonian language will be recognized as one of the official languages of the EU.


Is the mission accomplished: Von der Leyen certain of parliamentary majority for constitutional changes (Republika)


European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen said Wednesday that a parliamentary majority needed for the constitutional changes would be secured. At the bilateral meeting, we talked about this important topic of constitutional amendments. I am sure that the people of Macedonia will achieve a majority and will vote positively for the constitutional amendments. You have achieved a lot; you have been successful in moving forward and I am sure you will find convincing arguments for everyone to realize that everyone is responsible for contributing to the country moving forward. I call on all politicians to realize the dream of young people who want to be part of the EU, said Von der Leyen, answering reporters’ questions after the joint press conference with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski.


Pendarovski: Process of constitutional revision not to be rushed (Sitel)


President Stevo Pendarovski believes that the process of constitutional revision to incorporate Bulgarians in the preamble should not be rushed because there are 14 months left until the end of the screening process. Until then, he says, we can detect and correct things regarding the required reforms, and when this process is finishing, only then we can see if the required two-thirds majority is in place. In my opinion, it is essential that the process is not rushed. I would not like to see processes similar to the adoption of the Prespa Agreement, neither as a citizen nor as a president, said Pendarovski in an interview Sitel TV. My advice to the Government and the public is to proceed with a plan and not rush the process.


Balla: North Macedonia to support Albania's request for the review of Dick Marty's Resolution (Radio Tirana)


The Chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla received the chairman of the Alliance for Albanians Party, and also the Chairman of the municipality of Gostivar Arben Taravari. During the meeting, Balla introduced Taravar to the request that the Parliament of Albania has officially asked the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to review Dick Marty's Resolution 1782 (2011), declaring unfounded the claims of illegal trafficking of human organs in Albania and/or in Kosovo. Also, Balla emphasized that Albania asks North Macedonia to support this step for the benefit of clarifying the truth, against the slander and untruths in the report that inspired that Resolution in 2011. "Albania expresses its steadfast will to help justice and support any effort aimed at discovering the truth. We also appreciate the role of the Alliance in supporting the legislation that North Macedonia must adopt on the path to membership in the EU," says Balla in a post on social networks.


Nikolla meets Milanovic: Effective strategic partnership with Croatia (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla and the accompanying delegation paid an official visit to Croatia. Nikolla had a meeting with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. Nikolla thanked Milanovic for the reception and noted that, "Croatia is among the countries with which Albania has built an effective strategic partnership and excellent political cooperation". "This partnership is based on the same vision for the European destination of the Western Balkans. Croatia has been and remains a strong supporter of Albania's European integration. Albania is grateful to Croatia for the continuous support for Kosovo and the growth of its role in the region and in international relations", said Nikolla. Speaker Nikolla also appreciated Croatia's constructive foreign policy and its focus on good relations in the region, continent and beyond. President Milanovic expressed his determination to continue supporting Albania's EU membership. He also confirmed his support for the Assembly's Resolution, "On the groundlessness of allegations of illegal trafficking of human organs in Kosovo and Albania". Nikolla and Milanovic also discussed about current issues of economic developments in Albania, Croatia and the region, as well as the measures being taken to cope with the consequences caused by the war in Ukraine.