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Belgrade Media Report 31 October 2022



Support to Serbia, Western Balkans in EU accession process (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Friday with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Brnabic thanked Von der Leyen for her visit to Serbia and the region, and emphasised the importance of the joint visit of the President of the Republic of Serbia and the President of the European Commission to Nis, where they toured the works on the construction of a gas interconnector between Serbia and Bulgaria. During the talks, Brnabic underlined that the new energy policy is the first priority of the new government, and that the issue of further energy diversification will be in focus. She said that the European Commission's Report on Serbia's progress is objective and balanced, and that the government will continue to be committed to reforms and the process of European integration in the new mandate. She singled out the continuation of reforms in the area of the rule of law, then reforms in the area of the judiciary and the adoption of a new package of judicial laws, as well as issues of media freedom and the adoption of a new set of media laws. Also, Brnabic informed the President of the European Commission about the activities on harmonisation with the EU visa policy. When it comes to dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brnabic said that we remain committed to dialogue and that our priorities are peace and stability. Von der Leyen congratulated Brnabic on the election of the new government of Serbia and wished her much success in her future work. She expressed her support for Serbia and the Western Balkans in the process of joining the European Union. The President of the European Commission introduced Brnabic to current issues related to the energy situation in Europe. The meeting was also attended by Minister of European Integration Tanja Miscevic and Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic.


Vucic, von der Leyen visit gas pipeline construction site (Tanjug/RTS/Politika/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visited on Friday the construction site of a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector, due to be completed by September 2023. Earlier, Vucic welcomed von der Leyen at the Constantine the Great Airport in Nis, after which they went to the construction site at Jelasnica, near Niska Banja, southern Serbia, as part of von der Leyen's tour of the Western Balkans. They were accompanied by Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic Negre. At the beginning of this year, with support from the EU, Serbia launched the construction of its stretch of the interconnector, which is 109 km long and spans from Nis to Dimitrovgrad. Commenting on Belgrade-Pristina relations, Vucic said on Friday Belgrade would do everything in its power to maintain peace and stability, but that all unilateral moves to date had been made by Pristina. Vucic said this after visiting the construction site of a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. "I am worried. I saw your press conference with Vjosa Osmani (president of the so-called Kosovo) and that she took the opportunity to speak against Belgrade and Serbia. I will not do that, and I never do. My job is only to tell you we will do all we can to maintain peace and stability," he told von der Leyen during a joint press conference in Nis, southern Serbia.


Von der Leyen: We will intensify dialogue to find solution to licence plate issue

Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday dialogue to find an appropriate solution to the vehicle licence plate issue in Kosovo and Metohija would be intensified and that constructiveness and flexibility were needed on both sides. "The EU and its partners have been working intensively to find a solution on the licence plates, and I am deeply convinced there is a solution and, with good will from both sides and with intensifying our dialogue, a solution is viable," she said in Nis, southern Serbia, after visiting the construction site of a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. "The talks are going on. We are hoping that we will have a concrete solution pretty soon. What we need is constructiveness, and we need flexibility from both sides. So, therefore, it is very important that both sides approach this topic in a way that we find together a solution for this topic, and I am deeply convinced that this is, as I said, doable and possible," Von der Leyen said. Ursula von der Leyen announced on Friday the EU would provide 160 million Euros assistance to Serbia to help it deal with the energy crisis. "I know that Serbia's future is in the EU, I know that our EU is not complete without Serbia. We share the same commitment to our common European future, and, therefore, let's continue the hard work for the common future," Von der Leyen said in Nis, southern Serbia, after visiting the construction site of a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. She added that the EU and the Western Balkans, including Serbia, were a part of the European Energy Community. "Due to the good progress that was made in the past, Serbia is one of the most advanced countries on the European path and we now want you take the next, very important steps towards the EU," she said at a joint press conference with Vucic, noting that Serbia needed to work on judicial independence and the fight against corruption. Von der Leyen thanked Vucic for the announcement that Serbia's visa policy would be aligned with the EU by the end of the year. When asked by reporters if Serbia's future in the EU depended on reforms or political issues such as its relationship with Russia and a solution in the dialogue with Pristina, von der Leyen responded the enlargement process was merit-based and in the hands of the country wishing to join the bloc, but that alignment with the EU foreign and security policy was important, too, because the two processes went hand in hand.


Preserving peace, stability in region in interest of Serbia, NATO (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Friday with the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged opinions on the current state and perspective of partnership cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and NATO, the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the activities of the NATO-led KFOR mission, as well as current issues of regional, European and global security. The importance of regularly holding a dialogue between representatives of Serbia and the officials of the political and military structures of NATO was pointed out, which contributes to better mutual understanding, especially when it comes to the most important issues of interest to Serbia, but also to stability in the region. It was especially emphasised that Serbia supports and appreciates the engagement of the International Security Forces (KFOR) in the southern province in the strict, complete and impartial implementation of the mandate established and assigned to KFOR based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Admiral Bauer assessed that the exchange of best practices and knowledge in areas such as energy and environmental security, cyber defence and resilience, protection of critical infrastructure and the fight against terrorism, can only improve cooperation between NATO and Serbia. Both sides agreed that Serbia and NATO share a common interest in preserving peace and stability in the region, according to a statement of the Foreign Ministry.


Dacic: Serbia’s diplomatic journey must be difficult (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Saturday that a difficult diplomatic journey was inevitable, but that Serbia should stay on the right path, adding that yet another challenge lay ahead of Belgrade, as Kosovo could try to join the Council of Europe again. In an interview with Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), Dacic underlined that the Serbian Progressive Party and his Socialist Party of Serbia had been building political stability in Serbia, and that Serbia’s interests should always come first. “A difficult diplomatic journey is inevitable for Serbia, but we must stay on the right path. The government is running domestic and foreign policy,” Dacic said after his re-appointment as Foreign Minister. Commenting on a dispute with Pristina over license plates in Kosovo and Pristina’s actions, Dacic said that the right question was how much someone from the West was ready to act upon their verbal threats. “Pristina doesn’t feel any fear, which is why there’s no progress in the dialogue. The license plates issue is the consequence of yet another unilateral move by Pristina – they unilaterally proclaimed independence and created an army, and unilaterally refuse to implement the Brussels agreement,” Dacic explained.


At the moment, less than 90 countries recognize the independence of Kosovo

“When you draw a line, the numbers are not good for us in Europe, but they are good for us in the world. Some of the countries don’t know what their position is on this issue. Out of 193 countries in the world, 83 votes is the most that Kosovo can count on, and they need 97 in the UN,” said Dacic and added that this will not essentially solve the problem. He noted that President Aleksandar Vucic was told that they cannot outvote us in the UN, but that we ourselves should agree that Kosovo should enter the organization. “We are not looking for a political solution here, we are only looking for solutions how to deal with this in Serbia. It’s one topic when we talk about territorial integrity in the world, and another when we have to look at everything through our territorial integrity,” Dacic said.


Petkovic: We saw announcements, we must see concrete action by Washington and Brussles (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Albin Kurti’s decision on re-registration is illegal and violent. “It implies that Serbs who have KM license plates should now re-register their vehicles with so-called RKS plates. This is absolutely contrary to all the agreements we negotiated in 2011 and 2016,” says Petkovic. He pointed out that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, primarily in the north, do not want other license plates. “These are plates issued by the Republic of Serbia, they don’t want other plates because Kurti, but also those who support the so-called independent Kosovo must understand that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija feel like citizens of the Republic of Serbia and no one has the right to cancel our Serbian plates, because is actually the real goal and plan of Albin Kurti to push the existence of the state of Serbia out of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, and the ultimate goal is the expulsion of our people,” Petkovic emphasized and added that the Serbs will not accept that. He points out that this decision is absolutely unacceptable for us, and that it changes only in terms of certain stages introduced by Kurti, but that essentially everything remains the same. “He wants to completely abolish KM plates by 21 April of next year and start confiscating vehicles, that is, the private property of those who do not re-register as Albin Kurti envisioned,” adds Petkovic. He said that the Serbs will not accept this and that they clearly stated this last week at the meeting with President Aleksandar Vucic - that they do not accept such a decision, and that they will fight against such a decision by peaceful and democratic means. After the decision, Washington stated that it was disappointed, and Brussels still believes that there will be a change. “On the one hand, both the EU and the US talk about how the decision made by Kurti is legal and in accordance with the agreement, but actually what is wrong is only the short deadline that has been left. Of course, the West is doing it for its own interests. We could hear that they say that less important issues should not burden and call into question the much more important issues,” says Petkovic. “It is not true that this decision is legitimate and it is not true that this decision is in accordance with the agreements that have been made. Let the EU carefully read the agreement on finalizing the implementation of the agreement on freedom of movement from 2016 when they refer to that agreement, it is about point 4, which clearly talks about the process of re-registration in a period of 12 months, to which the EU is now referring, but they do not say what is written there, but what suits them,” he adds. He explained that in that point it is written that the process of re-registration will take place by requiring KM and other plates to be re-registered to KS status-neutral, UNMIK’s plates. “What happened? In 2020, Pristina unilaterally abolished status-neutral plates before the deadline, so no one protested, no one except Belgrade spoke about it and warned where it was leading us. If we want to stick to the agreement, and the only thing we can do is we stick to the agreement, they have to return status-neutral plates,” says Petkovic. He points out that when they told this to Albin Kurti in Brussels, he was more hurt that we were asking for the return of status-neutral plates than for KM plates to remain. “Because he does not want status neutrality for the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija,” emphasizes Petkovic. “The idea is to actually conquer the north by Pristina through a silent occupation and thus expel the Serb people, we will not accept that,” Petkovic points out. He pointed out that talks are being held all the time and that Belgrade is making a huge diplomatic effort so that those who can put pressure on Pristina do so. “We have seen announcements from both Washington and Brussels, but we need to see concrete actions,” concludes Petkovic.


Drecun: Kurti doesn’t seek for a solution, wishes to cause clashes (Tanjug)


Milovan Drecun, the Chair of the parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija, said on the occasion of the decision by Pristina on the full implementation of RKS plates from 21 April next year, that Pristina shows unwillingness to find a solution which, he said, can only be achieved by agreement. “It must not be forgotten that Pristina refused to extend the mandate of the working group that was supposed to offer a solution that would then be adopted at the summit meeting. After the expiration of the six-month mandate of that group, they refused to continue the work, which is indicated that they do not want a solution,” explained Drecun for Tanjug. Second, the special police formations were ordered to be ready to violently implement that unilateral decision in the north of Kosovo, sooner or later to confiscate vehicles, Drecun added. Drecun assessed that Kurti is not ready to look for a solution for license plates but to provoke a conflict, because, as he says, his primary goal is for plates with KM or even those other status-neutral KS to completely disappear and to drive there with plates that are not status neutral. “It is a particularly strong warning that at the meeting of the leaders of the Kosovo police and EULEX, the director of the Kosovo police said that they will intervene in the north when a decision is made in Pristina regarding the removal of license plates and that they are even ready for victims in their own ranks,” Drecun said.


EU: Kosovo entitled to phase out license plates in consultative way (Beta)


Kosovo "has the right to phase out" vehicle license plates with the KM designation, but the process must follow the agreement from the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and be "implemented in an inclusive and consultative fashion," the European External Action Service said in a press release on Saturday. "While the decision is a step in the right direction, it is not aligned with Dialogue Agreements, which are binding for both Parties," the statement read. "The relevant Agreement from 2016 foresaw a clearly sequenced and defined process with a 12-month timeframe for the phasing-out process, which has not been followed," the press release noted, adding that Kosovo should allow a longer transition period. The EEAS further stated that it was necessary to "maintain calm". "We call on all involved stakeholders to exercise restraint and avoid any actions or rhetoric that could jeopardize the stability on the ground, particularly in the north of Kosovo," the statement read.


Botsan-Kharchenko: No trade Kosovo for Donbass (Politika)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said that Russia is grateful to Belgrade for its “principled stance on distancing” from “illegitimate anti-Russian restrictions or sanctions introduced by the USA and Western countries”. “Of course, it would be unfair – and wrong, given that we have friendly relations with Serbia based on trust – not to say that the revision of this line would disappoint us,” Botsan-Harchenko said. Answering the question of whether Moscow could “trade” Kosovo in exchange for Donbass and other territories, he said that these statements “have nothing to do with reality” and that there cannot be any question of “trade”. “Russia’s position on the issue of Kosovo is principled and consistent, independent of the conjuncture. We are committed to achieving a sustainable, mutually acceptable solution between Belgrade and Pristina, in international legal coordinates, based on Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council,” said Botsan-Harchenko.


Mali with Hill: New loan guarantee scheme from DFC soon (Tanjug)


Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali spoke on Friday with US Ambassador Christopher Hill about the improvement of economic relations, as well as possible further forms of cooperation between the two countries in various fields. Mali and Hill discussed the loan guarantee scheme that the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), with the support of the Ministry of Finance, is implementing with banks in Serbia, through which a wide range of financial products will become available to the Serbian economy on the most favourable terms. During December, this loan guarantee scheme will be officially presented, and in this way, companies will be helped to grow, create new jobs and preserve their business even in difficult times. They specifically referred to the Open Balkans initiative, evaluating it as a good idea and a great opportunity for better connectivity, easier movement of people and goods, and new jobs. The Minister pointed out that Serbia is fully committed to this initiative, adding that through the economy we can achieve great success and thus further connect with the region. Infrastructure projects were also discussed at the meeting, with a special focus on the Moravian Corridor.


Kurti and Mustafa sign Memorandum on Cooperation (Danas)


In Pristina on Saturday, the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the Head of the National Council of Albanians (NSA) Ragmi Mustafa signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. “This document envisages financial and other support for Albanians in the municipalities of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja in improving human rights, as well as support in education and culture,” Ragmi Mustafa stated for Danas. This is the first official document that specifically specifies the support of officials from Pristina to the NSA in the municipalities in the south of Serbia.




Von der Leyen visits B&H, announces support package amounting to EUR 71 million; B&H Presidency members disagree on whether B&H will get candidate status (Nova BH)


European Commission (EC) President Ursula Von der Leyen visited Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Friday and said the EU’s doors are opened for this country as it belongs there. Upon her arrival at the Sarajevo Airport, von der Leyen was met by B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic. After that, she attended a meeting with the three members of the Presidency of B&H. As expected, the main topic of discussion was B&H’s path towards the EU. Recently, the EC gave a recommendation for giving B&H its candidate status. Not all were satisfied with what they heard during the meeting. B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik told reporters in Sarajevo that he is not really enthusiastic about such kind of rhetoric, calling the EU’s move a “some sort of prank”. He does not really believe B&H will receive its candidate status. He explained that the EU cannot claim it will give B&H candidate status when all people know the EU has asked BiH to implement necessary changes, which this country has not done so far. Dodik also mentioned that the EU is still keeping (High Representative) Christian Schmidt in B&H, even though they know that Serbs in B&H deem he was not legally appointed. Dodik emphasized that B&H has not made much progress in the past ten years, which is why he is skeptical things could change anytime soon. On the other hand, B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic is optimistic that von der Leyen’s visit to the country means B&H will receive the candidate status. He adds that that will probably happen in June next year, at the meeting of the EU member states in Brussels. Dzaferovic said that BiH would be further stabilized if such a decision was adopted. “Peace in B&H would be further strengthened, further reforms progress would be encouraged, as well as Europe’s strong geopolitical role in B&H, and the entire Western Balkans, confirmed”, Dzaferovic was quoted as saying. Addressing the gathered in the hall of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H in Sarajevo, Von der Leyen said “where there is will, there is way”. Von der Leyen commended B&H’s progress, made despite some difficult circumstances. The doors are opened, B&H belongs in the EU, but in addition to reforms, B&H must also have joint political forces in the country. Von der Leyen spoke of children born in B&H after the war and said politicians must work on building a better future for those young people, which do not know the horrors of war. B&H must have a common purpose and unity of all its people, she said, adding that if that is achieved, nothing will able to stop B&H in its progress. In light of the war in Ukraine, and the ‘energy war’ that Russian President Vladimir Putin is leading against countries in Europe, von der Leyen emphasized the need for B&H, and other countries, to constantly cooperate with Brussels. In that context, the EU has prepared a support package for the Western Balkans. Through it, B&H will receive EUR 71 million in grants.


Sattler discusses Von der Leyen’s messages during her visit to B&H, possibility of EU candidate status and formation of authorities in B&H after elections (FTV)


The Head of the EU Delegation in B&H Johann Sattler was a guest of FTV. Sattler pointed out that, during the visit of President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen, they had several official meetings with the outgoing B&H Presidency members and Chairperson of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija. The reporter noted that the EU allocated EUR 71 million as a part of energy aid package for B&H. Sattler said that what reporter mentioned is an important part of Von der Leyen’s message, i.e. that the EU stands side by side with B&H. Sattler said that they also bring money where it is really needed. Sattler was quoted as saying: “We are in the middle of a war that started in February, which Russia started against Ukraine, and there are terrible consequences for the markets that Russia is manipulating. Prices are rising dramatically, and we want to help our friends, our neighbors, including B&H. That is why she presented this aid package. It is 71 million, as you said, in the form of grants. This should and will be given to the authorities in B&H as a budget support that needs to be forwarded to families, citizens, those in need, and businesses that are threatened amid rising prices”. What needs to be done on the B&H’s side is to undertake several steps that will be necessary, commented Sattler. Sattler said he is sure that B&H will fulfill those steps. When asked whether B&H will receive EU candidate status in December and whether B&H offered anything to the EU, Sattler said this is the other part of Von der Leyen’s message, i.e. that B&H should be part of the EU. Sattler was quoted as saying: “The door is open. Candidate status is something that the President of the Commission strongly advocated for. We are 27 members and there are certain slight differences of opinion. Sometimes these differences are a little bigger and sometimes smaller, but in the end the President of the Commission really strongly advocated for candidate status for B&H and this has now been turned into a recommendation of the European Commission, and the members should make a decision in December. So, everyone should say 'yes'. I really hope that it will be a resounding ‘yes’.” Commenting on what B&H needs to do, Sattler said: “If you look at the report on B&H ten days ago and it can be concluded that not much has been done. However, if you look at one bigger period of the previous three years, some things have been done. For example, a solution was found to a big problem in Mostar, a state strategy for working on war crimes cases, public procurement. Therefore, there was certain progress in those years. Also, the geopolitical moment is different, and it made us think twice when it comes to our friends. This offer was put on the table and the next two months will be extremely important for B&H to come up with additional arguments, for B&H CoM to use this time. This was the message we conveyed to Mr. Tegeltija today”. A step has been taken when it comes to Europol, but the next step is for B&H CoM to work on systematization, followed by changes in the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H regarding the integrity of judges. These are some concrete measures that can be taken by B&H CoM, pointed out Sattler. When asked whether differing opinions in the EU, particularly those heard from France, Germany and Netherlands, can jeopardize EU candidate status for B&H, Sattler said that candidate status is very certain. Sattler was quoted as saying: “This is something that makes me happy. I really spent weeks in Brussels, helping to come up with this recommendation from the Commission. There were several scenarios in play and this is the scenario that was the most favorable. Therefore, an unconditional recommendation for candidate status. But yes, on the one hand, the authorities here must give their contribution, but the decision really depends on the 27 member countries. And yes, there are certain nuances, I would say, when it comes to the assessment of B&H, but what I can say, when it comes to big things, we are really united. We want the Western Balkans to become part of the EU, of our family, and that is of course good for B&H. Yes, there are those nuances. You mentioned two countries. As for that, I can tell you that France and the Netherlands are not against B&H. First of all, no decision has been made yet. Secondly, there is a very serious debate. I was in Paris seven days ago. I talked there with the responsible and competent people in the President’s Cabinet and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and they are very interested in listening arguments. They want to hear all arguments from all sides and they also think geopolitically. Therefore, it is not true that these two countries stand as an obstacle in the way”. When asked how important it is that the current authorities work on the tasks set for B&H until the new authorities are established and how important it is that the new authorities are established as soon as possible, Sattler was quoted as saying: “The formation of the government is an opportunity to show that you can act, that the authorities can work. We are in a one-month period when the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H has to confirm the elections. There were certain stories about irregularities, but not only is it the right, but it is also the CEC's duty to confirm, to establish, to count twice, to measure two or three times, and that is exactly what they did, and they did a good job two years ago. I am sure that they will do their job properly and that we will have final results in the coming days”. Sattler said he would like it to happen faster. He added that the last time it took 14-15 months to establish authorities after general elections and that this is unacceptable.


RS opposition parties file appeal against announced preliminary results of vote for RS President and Vice Presidents (Nezavisne)


Representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) opposition parties filed an appeal with B&H Central Commission (CEC) on Saturday. Thy appealed the results of votes for the office of RS President and Vice Presidents. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that he expects B&H CEC to annul the results for all constituencies in the RS and to repeat the election within 14 days. PDP’s candidate for office of RS President Jelena Trivic said that she will oppose the announced election results by all means. Trivic said that by deciding to announce the preliminary results, B&H CEC extinguished all hope of citizens in justice. She underlined that there is a lot of evidence that the data published by B&H CEC are illegal and illegitimate. “B&H CEC itself stated that on October 6, they had to order city and municipal election commissions to send the ballots. They were keeping them in order to rig the results. With its decision, B&H CEC extinguished the hope of citizens in justice, which they should not have done”, said Trivic. Leader of the ‘List for Justice and Order’ Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that the opposition parties will continue with their struggle inside and outside institutions and emphasized that “the arguments are on their side”.


B&H Presidency gives consent to B&H CoM Chair Tegeltija to attend Berlin Process Summit, rejects Dodik’s request to declare Schmidt’s behavior as unconstitutional (FTV/Hayat)


Members of B&H Presidency held an extraordinary session on Friday. They gave consent to Chairperson of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija to attend the Berlin Process Summit, which will be held next week in Berlin. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik requested to declare the behavior of High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt as unconstitutional and to deport Schmidt from B&H. Dodik's proposal did not pass because it did not receive the support of the other two members of B&H Presidency. The presenter said that this was not the only Dodik’s proposal that was rejected, which is why Dodik became angry. Dodik explained that it was his initiative to secure the gas interconnection between Serbia and B&H, which the other two members of B&H Presidency did not include in the session’s agenda. Dodik said that this shows they are always ready to do something that is bad for Republika Srpska (RS) and that this is something that is absolutely unbearable. This is why Dodik told them that he is glad he will no longer have to look at them in B&H Presidency. Tegeltija will initial the agreement on freedom of movement with personal identification cards in the Western Balkans region. Hayat noted that the session of B&H Presidency took place after the meeting with President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen. Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that despite the messages sent from the EU, the RS does not have to do anything. He said that he is happy to leave the B&H Presidency and it is not clear to him why he and President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic are coming to Sarajevo anyway, since they already have an agreement. Dodik said that his proposals for B&H to join the ‘Open Balkans’ initiative was also rejected.


Covic: Official talks with other parties on formation of authorities will start on 3 or 4 November, but foundations have been laid (FTV)


Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic stated on Sunday that official talks with other parties on formation of new authorities in B&H will be launched on 3 or 4 November, adding that the only unacceptable partner for HDZ B&H is DF. Covic added that they prepared a program of work of future authorities for the period of the next four years, adding that this program will contain all necessary elements. Covic deems that representatives of three constituent peoples have an obligation to attempt to create parliamentary majorities that will be capable to guarantee implementation of certain programs. The leader of HDZ B&H stressed that when it comes to Bosniak representatives in new authorities, he believes there will be two groups of political parties that will have almost equal number of seats in the House of Representatives, adding that the number of delegates in the House of Peoples will be of key importance, because those with majority in this House will be legitimate representatives. He explained that those with majority in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) will also have majority in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Covic underlined that since B&H does not have clear laws on foreign policy, this policy cannot be led by any individual, adding that a strategic document in this regard needs to be adopted. Covic also stated that one group of most important issues for HDZ B&H are Euro-Atlantic integration. He added that in order to get the status of the EU candidate country by the end of 2022, B&H should conduct some reform activities. Covic explained that he primarily refers to the Election Law of BiH and possible limited amendments to the Constitution of B&H, the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H and the Law on Conflict of Interests. He added that the second set of issues they are focused on is the rule of law. Covic went on to saying that it is necessary to create environment where it will be possible to say that the rule of law is functional. The leader of HDZ B&H said that the third issue important for them is an economic-social package of issues. “There is a lot to be done due to announced tendencies concerning increase of inflation”, explained Covic. He emphasized that getting status of the EU candidate country is a priority number one in regard to the foreign policy plan, because it will make access to the EU funds much easier.


Dodik: Biggest threat to peace in B&H is fake HR Schmidt (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has underscored that those who will discuss (High Representative) Christian Schmidt’s report on B&H, “he is once again trying to submit’’ to the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) “also support the false High Representative, who is also the biggest threat to peace in B&H”. “Imposition of decisions by false HR Schmidt, that would concern RS, leads towards dissolution of B&H. That man, who is not giving up on false representation, does not have the legitimacy, because the UN SC did not give it to him’, wrote Dodik on his Twitter account. RTRS reports that Dodik also wrote that the UN SC should support and extend EUFOR’s mandate in B&H “in the same scope and capacity as it has been the case so far”.


Lavrov congratulates Dodik on election victory (RTRS)


Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov congratulated President of SNSD Milorad Dodik on his election as new RS President. He said that the election results show support for the policy of Dodik which is consistent and directed towards protection of rights of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the improvement of relations with Russia. Lavrov said that the cooperation of Russia with the RS is based on mutual respect and closeness in current international issues. He counts on the continuation of the dialogue and strengthening of practical relationships between the two people.


Schallenberg: Austria supports role of HR Schmidt; EU enlargement is the strongest geo-political instrument that the EU has (Fena/Dnevni list)


In an interview for Fena, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria Alexander Schallenberg has welcomed the fact that the elections in B&H were conducted in accordance with law and in a peaceful manner since this is important for securing the trust of citizens in democratic institutions. He noted that Austria fully supports the role of High Representative Christian Schmidt in B&H, that they are in contact with frequently. He added that one such meeting took place last week and they discussed the general elections and destabilizing effects of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. As for the recent HR’s decision regarding changes to B&H Election Law and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution, Schallenberg said that the stance of Austria is clear – they will always prefer the agreement reached by political actors, but they believe that the HR’s decision gives good and strong foundation for better functioning of the FB&H. He stressed: “Citizens deserve a functional government and for this reason the decisions that Schmidt passed have our full support. He reminded that the Austrian Government has claimed since the very beginning that attention should be paid to stronger connecting of Western Balkan countries with the EU, and not to let this area to some third actors. This would not serve our interests. The enlargement is the strongest geo-political instrument that the EU has. For this reason, we welcome a clear recommendation of the EC to grant the status of the EU candidate to B&H... The European Council must follow the recommendation now.” Schallenberg added that also B&H authorities must take necessary steps for strengthening functionality of state institutions, rule of law, fight against corruption, media freedom etc. He noted that the EU path goes over Brussels not Moscow. He stressed that Austria remains a strong advocator of the EU enlargement in the region. They expect fast progress in the enlargement process. He argues that giving the status of the EU candidate to B&H and liberalization of the visa regime for Kosovo must be logical, next steps. He noted that progress in reforms will renew energy on the B&H’s path to the EU.


Milanovic says not true that he ever denied genocide in Srebrenica: called Dodik a “Serb patriot” (TCN)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic spoke on Friday about elections in B&H, and about B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik, who recently won the post of RS President. Milanovic said Dodik was a victim of attempted election theft, as some tried to steal his votes in the elections. Milanovic called Dodik a “Serb patriot” and said he wants that kind of Serb, that kind of neighbor in the B&H’s Krajina region. He said Dodik is the best option for the RS President. The Croatian President also accused official Belgrade of trying to “toy with Dodik’s political career” and removing him from power. “Dodik is a Serb patriot. We will never agree on everything, but they (the RS leadership) are independent, even in Belgrade”, Milanovic argued. Milanovic reminded that Dodik was against a lawsuit the Bosniak leaders wanted to file against Croatia over the ‘Peljesac’ Bridge and that he did that out of pragmatic reasons, i.e. for the sake of the bridge in Gradiska.  Speaking about opposition candidate for the RS President, Jelena Trivic, Milanovic said “there are many people that gave her money” and “she is ten times worse than Dodik”. Milanovic said on Friday that it was not true that he ever denied genocide in Srebrenica, but he warned of the danger of sticking such labels, which are, as he said, “one step from declaring an entire nation genocidal”. Milanovic noted that some Serbs stick these labels onto Croats due to Jasenovac. “Yes, the court ruled that that was genocide (in Srebrenica). Yes, one must address this matter very delicately, but that is just a decision of one court. Nothing more. So, there are much greater crimes that happened throughout history – based on their duration, magnitude – and by insisting on saying everything is genocide we are, for example, we are doing injustice to the Holocaust over Jews. Potential injustice; and second, which I publicly insisted on, or warned about, is that one should be careful when placing such labels, as we (Croats) are being labeled by a part of Serbs for Jasenovac, for the past 70 years, and they are lying abundantly. I even asked Dodik to tone things down, when talking about 700,000 people killed in Jasenovac. The same way now, Muslims, Bosniaks are trying to ‘beat up’ Serbs. That is not good”, the Croatian President pointed out.


Ursula Von der Leyen’s visit to Montenegro postponed (CdM)


Visit of the European Commission Chief Ursula Von der Leyen to Montenegro has been postponed, the EU Delegation to Montenegro has stated. “Unfortunately, the visit of the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, will be postponed for another date, as due to adverse weather, the plane couldn’t take off from Belgrade airport,” it was said in a statement. This information stirred suspicions of the Montenegrin public, as, according to data from the website of Belgrade airport, flights were organized with no problem. The CdM portal thus contacted the European Commission in Brussels, and here’s the response they received: “We wish to point out to the tweet of the President of the EC. We have no additional comments.” After the visit was cancelled, the EC Chief tweeted: “Regretfully, because of bad weather, I had to postpone my visit to Montenegro this morning. I’m looking forward to visiting your beautiful country again very soon.”


Abazovic: EU shouldn’t fall under influence of some structures in Montenegro (CdM)


“Everyone’s goal is for the institutions of the system to become functional in Montenegro as soon as possible. Montenegro as a whole with all its political subjects remains committed to becoming a member of the EU as soon as possible, but of course for that we have to find some other broader social consensus within our country”, said Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic after the session of the Security and Defense Committee. “It is good news that the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, is visiting Montenegro tomorrow (not knowing that the visit was going to be postponed). What I will focus on in the conversation are some joint projects that the government of Montenegro has with the EU. I think we have already started to implement some, such as the laying of the foundation stone for the clinic yesterday. Energy will be discussed as well”, said Abazovic.


Djukanovic: Montenegro in institutional rot, urgent elections necessary (BBC in Serbian)


“The government in a technical mandate without the confidence of the majority of MPs, the parliament with a changing majority, the President in the last months of his mandate, the judiciary mostly in a state of acting officials – this is an institutional rot: the government has lost its legitimacy, the parliament maintains the homogeneity of 41 MPs on the one theme of revanchism towards the previous government. Such a country is not able to seriously organize itself in reforms of electoral legislation, European integration, investor confidence”, says the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic in an interview for the BBC in Serbian. Although regular presidential elections await Montenegro in the spring of 2023, Djukanovic believes that snap elections should be held even earlier. Although he is in favor of entering the next election cycle as soon as possible, the recently concluded one for Djukanovic’s party was not successful. In the local elections held in 13 municipalities and Podgorica, DPS lost control over Podgorica, and is close to participating in the government in three municipalities. He notes that a change of government in Montenegro had to happen after three decades. Since 2020, Milo Djukanovic has been living a new stage of his political life. Cohabitation with the ruling majority in which there is no DPS has brough no results for the President of Montenegro. “I saw the change of government as an opportunity – someone has been waiting for an opportunity for 30 years, and I understand their desire to show that they are better than their predecessor. Unfortunately for us, that did not happen: we have two lost years, two governments that lasted a short time and, without any extra-institutional pressures, lost their legitimacy”, says Djukanovic. The parties of President Djukanovic and PM Abazovic (in the background) cooperated for a short time through the support of DPS to the minority government of Abazovic’s URA. Djukanovic readily enumerates the achievements of his three decades in power – from peacefully gained independence, through economic stabilization and rapprochement with the European Union, to the country’s membership in NATO. When he talks about the change of government in 2020, the Montenegrin President also reads the events as a time when “geopolitical changes awakened the temporarily dormant Balkan nationalism”. “When Russia wants to make its own anti-European interests come true, as it does in the Balkans and in Europe, it animates its political partners – parties that are necessarily on an anti-European platform. In the Balkans, if you want to initiate anti-European destruction, your always ready partner are the nationalists”, Djukanovic points out. Although the election of the government in Montenegro, in which there was no DPS, was welcomed by the West, and the representatives of the new government have frequent diplomatic contacts with Brussels and Washington, the Montenegrin President claims that things have changed after two years. He says that with the change of government, the image of Montenegro has been changed. “We were perceived as a functional state, but today we are not. I am afraid that those who cannot come to terms with Montenegrin independence and the Montenegrin European path want to point out the pointlessness of its existence by portraying Montenegro as economically unsustainable and dysfunctional”, says Djukanovic. When he talks about the DPS strategy in the recently concluded local elections and the fact that he was not present in the Podgorica campaign, Djukanovic himself raises the question of his own future. “I had several attempts to distance myself from politics as an activity, and within that I was beginning the process of previously leaving the helm of the party. However, some more important interests delayed such an epilogue, so we in the party started planning the ongoing process. I was not in a hurry to inform anyone about it, but the top of the party clearly created a process that has its own course”, says Djukanovic. When asked what his final outcome is, Djukanovic replies that as he has not informed anyone about it until now, he will not do it now either – he will announce it when the time comes. However, he does not clearly answer the question of whether he is running for a new five-year presidential term in that planned period, which the election rules allow. “It is still far away. I am fully focused on getting a responsible government after the parliamentary elections and, if we succeed in that, I think that we will relativize the importance of the presidential elections to a significant extent. I do not underestimate that position, but I think that in Montenegro there are many people in politics, but also outside it, who can successfully represent Montenegro in the world”, says Djukanovic. In response to the journalist’s statement that this means that he prefers to see himself in the position of prime minister rather than president, Djukanovic points out – “I would not talk about that at this moment”.


Albanian parties to sit together to discuss the opening of the Constitution (Alsat M)


The leader of DUI Ali Ahmeti assesses that the term "20%" in the Constitution that refers to the Albanians does not violate, as he said, the Albanian substance in North Macedonia and that the constitutional changes and including the term Albanian people instead should happen at the right moment. It is good for the Albanian parties to hold a meeting to coordinate on these constitutional amendments, Ahmeti said, reports Alsat M. But for Besa party Ahmeti's statement is scandalous. The party asked the leader Biljal Kasami to invite the Albanian parliamentary parties to a joint debate. The Alliance for Albanians, that had opened the debate on the constitutional changes, also supports joint meetings of the Albanian parties on this topic. The acting president Arben Taravari said that he is ready to respond to Ahmeti's call for a joint meeting, but in case there is no call from the leader of the largest Albanian party, he is ready to call such a meeting. Alliance for Albanians will also insist on including the amendment on fight against organized crime and corruption charges.


In Tirana, Von der Leyen promises 80 million Euros in grants to deal with energy crisis (Tirana Times)


The Head of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen was in Tirana on Thursday where she announced the EU executive body will offer Albania 80 million Euros in budgetary support for coping with the energy crisis. She made the announcement at a press conference following a meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama. Like the rest of the continent, Albania and the Western Balkans are facing the consequences of the energy crisis caused by Russian aggression in Ukraine. "We in the EU have decided that the only answer we can give is through unity and solidarity and because of this problem we all face together, this means unity and solidarity with Albania as well," von der Leyen said.


Money to help with several projects

The aid for Albania will be part of a package for the Western Balkans totaling 500 million Euros. Von der Leyen said the money would go to support the investment in a floating solar plant in Vau i Dejes, the modernization of the Fierza Hydropower Plant as well as an energy efficiency project in the dormitories of the University of Tirana Campus -- Qyteti i Studentit.


‘Significant help’ but cannot solve ‘staggering’ needs

Prime Minister Rama said the 80 million Euros were "significant help", but that, however, it cannot solve the problem of the import quantities that the country must receive to cover its needs. He said that by the end of the year, the bill for coping with high energy prices could reach 460 million Euros. "It is a staggering amount for the entirety of our budget," Rama said. Despite the increase in global costs, Rama went back to hammering his main talking point that households and small businesses were being given power at subsidized rates to avoid more painful economic consequences and higher inflation.


Extraordinary taxes on private producers

Rama also said extraordinary taxes on the three largest private electricity producers were needed to offset some of the country’s losses. "It is a tax for the three big energy producers in Albania, who have not done anything extra but sell the energy at multiple times [the previous price],” Rama said. “We don't have anything against them, but they can't make huge profits because you got lucky, and we can't support those who are most in need because that's how we got lucky. So we will impose the extraordinary tax and with the money of the extraordinary tax we will directly support those who are most in need." Rama added that EU directives would be respected on the matter. The private producers in question are Devoll Hydropower, owned by Statkraft, with the two hydropower plants of Banja and Moglica; Ayen As Energji, the Turkish company that owns the two hydropower plants Peshqesh and "Fangu; as well as the Kurum company with the four hydropower plants Ulez, Shkopet, Bistrica 1 and Bistrica 2, according to media reports. The extraordinary tax  will be applied on the energy sold above the price expected to be determined by the European Energy Community.


Visit part of an all-WB tour ahead of major EU Council meeting in Tirana on 6 December

Tirana was the third stop of the tour of the head of the European Commission in the countries of the Western Balkans, after Skopje and Pristina. She moves on Bosnia and then Serbia, ending the tour in Montenegro. Her visit to the region has as its main goal the support that Brussels is offering to deal with the energy crisis. This issue is also expected to be the focus of the EU-Western Balkans high-level meeting that is scheduled to take place in Tirana on 6 December, marking the first time a European Council meeting, attended by the leaders of EU member states, takes place in a non-member state. A fact which Prime Minister Rama considered "an extraordinary event for Albania."


As 2023 mayoral elections date set, top opposition parties reach coalition deal (Tirana Times)


Following the setting of 14 May 2023, as the official date for Albania’s municipal elections, the two largest opposition parties have agreed to run joint candidates against the ruling Socialist Party.  The leaders of the Democratic Party and Freedom Party -- Sali Berisha and Ilir Meta -- signed an agreement this week that will allow the two to bring votes together to promote joint candidates.  The Democratic Party will put its mayoral candidates through primary elections, while the Freedom Party is expected to play a greater role in the leadership of municipal councils. "This is the most principled agreement, which serves democracy, the restoration of constitutional order, accountability and political pluralism," Meta said at the signing ceremony. The Meta-Berisha deal also foresees the use of central and local referendums to listen to the will of citizens on any issue that concerns them, as well as full accountability and transparency on public funds, decisions of municipal councils and municipalities. They said they were committed to stopping the massive construction boom of concrete buildings under the current governments, prioritizing green spaces and the health of citizens. "Referendums and direct democracy is and remains perhaps the most important tool to heal and restore democracy in Albania, which is in complete agony," Berisha said. The Democratic Party has promised to run primary elections for its members and activists to select the best candidates for mayors, a first in Albanian politics.


First opposition candidates emerge in Tirana

The primary race is expected to be particularly hot in Tirana, where Belind Kellici, a 35-year-old U.S.-educated MP, has already declared his candidacy. Kellici told local media the battle for Tirana was “do or die” for the opposition as he said it was fighting a massive “system of corruption.” Another likely opposition candidate for Tirana mayor is Ilir Alimehmeti, a young epidemiologist and university professor in medicine that rose to prominence for his work during the pandemic. “I don’t enter anything I don’t intend to win,”  Alimehmeti told local media. Whoever emerges victorious in the primaries will likely face incumbent Erion Veliaj, who is seeking a third four-year mandate for the ruling Socialist Party, according to statements by party leader and Prime Minister Edi Rama and Veliaj himself.


Elections set to end single-party rule after 2019 fiasco

The upcoming administrative elections of next year are of special importance following four years of single-party rule by the Socialists, which used a boycott by the opposition to take over almost every mayoral and municipal council seat across the country in voting that saw participation of less than 10 percent of eligible voters in some areas of the country. The administrative elections 2019 were seen by many as the worst the country has ever held as the opposition boycotted and the ruling party decided to hold them anyway, despite a new, later date, set by the then president. International monitors noted Albania’s 2019 local elections “were held with little regard for the interests of the electorate.” By-elections in Shkodra earlier this yeas had the Democratic Party convincingly win the mayoral seat in its traditional stronghold, making it the first major Albanian city not being ruled by the Socialists.