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Belgrade Media Report 9 November 2022



Vucic: Pristina’s reactions indicate it planned clashes (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday Pristina's reactions indicated it had wanted incidents and clashes in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and to humiliate Serbs.

Asked by reporters to comment on Pristina Prime Minister Albin Kurti's announcement that Serbs who have resigned from their positions in Pristina's institutions would be replaced and that elections would be called in the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic responded he would speak more about the topic at the weekend. "I will spend the next day and a half in Paris, where I will meet with Borrell and Lajcak and, I believe, with President Macron - we will see what other meetings there will be in Paris - and with the FM of the Netherlands and the President of Hungary, as the Peace Forum will be held there," Vucic said at the Presidency of Serbia after presenting state honours to two Serb police officers from Kosovo and Metohija. He noted that, due to the situation in the country, he had cancelled a visit to Egypt and a trip to Qatar for the opening of the FIFA World Cup. Vucic said that, however, he must go to Paris to "discuss the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and see what we can do to calm tensions". "I cannot respond to everything those people are doing but, after all that has happened, their reactions indicate that, in fact, they had planned everything and wanted incidents and conflicts, and to humiliate the Serbs - they are not giving up on the illegal vehicle re-registration," Vucic said. He was also asked about the future of the Brussels agreement, after all the moves that Pristina had made. On that occasion, Vucic said that Serbia never gives up and never withdraws its signature. "But there are three signatures there, not one, one was only from prime minister Dacic, the second was from the Albanian representative, and the third was from the EU representative," Vucic reminded. "We did everything we needed to do and now it's time for the other parties to do it too, which means the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), without misinterpreting the regulations that we put together. This about the license plates is absolutely fabricated, as well as this 10-month extension, they absolutely made it up. We want KS status-neutral plates. But the Albanians won't do that. The West should not play dumb and pretend that they don't know that," he pointed out. If somewhere it says otherwise, "let them point that document and call Vucic a liar". "I know every single article of the agreement and they can't show you that, I know that", he said and sent a message to the EU and Pristina: "Now it's your turn to fulfill the Brussels agreement, and you don't have to worry about the Serbs. Our word and signature worth more than the signature of the EU and Pristina."


Mutual support of Serbia, Greece in preserving territorial integrity (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias confirmed yesterday in Athens their mutual support for preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the two countries. Dacic said yes at the joint press conference that Serbs consider Greece a part of their common past and their being, and added that two of our three sanctuaries are in the territory of Greece – Hilandar and Corfu, i.e., the Blue Tomb where tens of thousands of our soldiers found eternal peace. Our sanctuaries are also the monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija, which are all from the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries, Dacic said adding that Greece can count on Serbia's support in terms of territorial integrity and sovereignty, because our country considers it to be a universal principle. In this regard, as he added, we stress the importance of international law, the resolutions of the UN Security Council, the Convention on the Sea in the Greek case, and in our case Resolution 1244. Dacic conveyed Serbia's expectation and hope that Greece will not change its position regarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country. He pointed out that Belgrade stands for dialogue, for a political solution to the problem, but not for dialogue that is not the result of an agreement, stressing that any recognition of "Kosovo" or admission to international organisations represents a violation of Serbia's territorial integrity and, therefore, of international law. He stated that he conveyed to the Greek officials with whom he spoke today that Serbia adheres to the Brussels agreement and wants it to lead to a political solution, but does not accept that the solution has already been made. Dendias pointed out that Greece is committed to achieving a compromise solution in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, in accordance with international law and respect for the resolutions of the UN Security Council. According to him, every decision must be made within the framework of a joint dialogue and it is necessary to avoid tensions.


Dacic: Greece will not yield to pressure and surprise Serbia (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who was on an official bilateral visit to Athens on Tuesday, said Greece would not support the so-called Kosovo's potential bids for admission to international organisations or yield to different forms of pressure over the Kosovo and Metohija issue. Speaking to reporters, Dacic said his visit to Greece had been important to see if there was truth in rumours that Greece was changing its stance on Kosovo and Metohija. "We are absolutely supporting the principle of the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Greece and Cyprus and, on the other hand, they (Greek officials) reiterated their position that they respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and that there will be no change in their position. I quote (Foreign) Minister (Nikos) Dendias - he said Greece will never surprise Serbia. In that regard, to me, this visit was a success," said Dacic.


Petkovic talks with Greek Ambassador about situation in Kosovo (Beta/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met yesterday with Greek Ambassador to Serbia Yorgos Diacofotakis to discuss the political and security situation in Kosovo and a decision by Serbs to quit Kosovo's institutions. The Serbs "have clearly demonstrated their intention to defend the Brussels process in this way, and achieve the two main goals, the creation of a Community of Serb Municipalities, as the only guaranteed mechanism for protecting the collective rights of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and the withdrawal of Pristina's unilateral decision on license plates," Petkovic said. Petkovic thanked Greece for "its consistent support" for Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and said that the two countries were building relations in all aspects of cooperation on the basis of the traditional friendship of the Serbian and Greek people, the Office said.


Dveri requests extraordinary session (RTS)


Serbs from the north of Kosovo should not under any pretext return to separatist institutions under the control of Pristina, as this would make their struggle futile, the leader of the conservative opposition movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic said on Tuesday. Addressing journalists in the Serbian parliament, Obradovic again requested an extraordinary session of the parliament and a discussion on the German-French proposal for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. “Now it is crucial to change the wrong policy towards Kosovo. The new negotiations must not lead to a return to the false institutions of a false state nor to the formation of any community of Serbian municipalities according to the constitution and laws of this false state,” Obradovic said.


Borrell: EULEX gets Gendarmerie, Carabinieri reinforcements (N1)


European Union High Representative Josep Borrell said that the EULEX mission will continue its effort to ensure stability and security in Kosovo following the arrival of reinforcements. According to Borrel, contingents from the Italian Carabinieri and European Gendarmerie Force deployed in Kosovo on Tuesday night to reinforce the EU mission. “At these tense times in Kosovo, EU’s Rule of Law Mission EULEX fulfils its duty to ensure stability: gendarmes from the European Gendarmerie force and Carabinieri landed tonight to temporarily reinforce EULEX’s Formed Police Unit. EULEX will continue supporting a safe and secure environment,” the EU High Representative said in a Twitter post.




Covic conducts talks on authority formation with ‘The Troika’ leaders (O Kanal)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met in Mostar on Tuesday with delegations of SDP B&H, People and Justice (NiP) and Our Party (NS) or the so-called ‘The Troika’ at the FB&H level. The focus of the meeting was set on the talks on authority formation. The Euro-Atlantic path, functioning of the rule of law, economy, and a program rather than a mathematical coalition - all these are the messages of ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H after the first round of negotiations on the formation of authorities at the FB&H and state levels. Although, as ‘The Troika’ claims, it is not a mathematical coalition, the key is who will have the majority in the Bosniak and Serb Caucuses in the House of Peoples (HoP) of the FB&H, which could determine future partners in authorities. Covic told media that the program of HDZ B&H includes the Euro-Atlantic part, foreign policy, functioning of the rule of law, and economic and social aspect. “I will not go into details. If the agreement is reached, teams will be formed to discuss the content of the possible coalition document. Deadlines are pressing, the wish is for the authorities to be formed by the end of the year, and the even greater wish is for them to start with normal work”, noted Covic. ‘The Troika’ pointed out that they have a majority at the FB&H level, but they are afraid that SDA could ruin their plans. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic expressed certainty that SDP B&H will not join the coalition with SDA. “Talk with everyone else, including SNSD, and even the opposition in the RS. We also talked with the SDA, but we were very clear about that concept. We said that we want to change the situation, but we cannot if it remains exactly as it is,” added Niksic. Addressing the press conference, Covic said: “We have presented a concept – that, I believe, we agreed on – to primarily talk about our key task, i.e. if we agree on partnership, to really have a coalition in the next four years that will implement that partnership where we are in power.” Niksic said: “We have reached a high level of agreement on great importance of the future authority having a concrete program and action plan, instead of forming the (B&H) Council of Ministers and governments at other levels only because there is sufficient number of representatives, sufficient number of hands.” Addressing the press conference, NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said: “That is why I hope that this new approach and new energy, a more courageous approach to negotiations in B&H can finally reduce room for populism which only interest groups and individuals profit from, and that our quality agreements based on program can bring solutions that citizens on the whole territory of B&H can equally benefit from.”


Galijasevic: SDA continues with formation of parliamentary majority and appointment of new government in ZDC (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries that Head of SDA Cantonal Board in the Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC) Miralem Galijasevic has stated that, despite the fact that the coalition gathered around the ‘BH Initiative – Fuad Kasumovic’ stated on Monday that they have 18 mandates and will form a parliamentary majority in the ZDC Assembly, SDA continues with the formation of parliamentary majority and appointment of a new government in ZDC. Galijasevic underscored that representatives of political parties to form the parliamentary majority failed to convince with anything that they have a strong coalition.


Eight political parties from BPC, signatories of future parliamentary majority, present their 2022-2026 coalition program platform (Nova BH)


Representatives of eight political parties in the Bosnian Podrinje Canton (BPC), signatories of the future parliamentary majority in the BPC Assembly, presented their coalition program platform for the period 2022-2026. Nova BH reports that representatives of the eight political parties said the program includes over 80 items and 12 priorities in the work of the future government and will be used as a starting point to develop the BPC government’s work program, whilst the official PBC government’s work program will be developed by the future BPC Prime Minister and ministers. Addressing the media after the meeting, Working Group Chair Admir Pozderovic said: “One of the program items is adoption of a law to lower fiscal charges for companies so that we can create a quality business environment for foreign and local investors.” Head of NiP Cantonal Organization in BPC Nezim Alagic said: “We expect certificates to arrive in following days, after which we will initiate a standard protocol and procedure for formation of assembly and its leadership, election of delegates in Houses of Peoples, proposal of Prime Minister-designate, followed by formation of the BPC government. Therefore, we expect the process to be finalized by the mid-November.”


Viskovic: New RS authorities will be formed in first half of December (ATV)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic (SNSD) said on Tuesday that new RS authorities at all levels will be formed as soon as possible, i.e. most likely in the first half of December. As for the structure of the new RS government and relations within the SNSD-led ruling coalition in the RS, Viskovic announced that certain changes will happen compared to the current government structure. He said that the formation of a new RS parliament is also expected and that the RS President will propose the RS Prime Minister-designate at an inaugural session of the RSNA. ATV Banja Luka reminded that DEMOS will also take part in the talks on the formation of future authorities in the RS, as well as of speculations in the public that DEMOS leader Nedeljko Cubrilovic could be appointed as one of the ministers in new RS government given that the party sees itself as the most loyal coalition partner. However, Cubrilovic told ATV Banja Luka on Tuesday that he does not have any expectations for now because a concept of the new government as a whole and the stance of SNSD as the strongest coalition partner are yet to be seen.


Mayor Stanivukovic on alleged connections with Dodik: I am Banja Luka’s man, I have no connections with anyone (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje carried an interview with Mayor of Banja Luka Drasko Stanivukovic (PDP), who was first asked if he has become “Dodik’s man”. Stanivukovic replied by saying: “I am Banja Luka’s man. I am completely autonomous. I have no connections with anyone, with any some try to link me on purpose.” Asked if Jelena Trivic declared her election victory (in election for RS President) during the election night too early, Mayor Stanivukovic said: “I thought the victory should not be declared.” Asked to elaborate on this, Stanivukovic said the (PDP) City Board he is charge of had less data than the PDP Election HQ. “According to what we were getting, I thought celebrations are not in order. But I thought I should be a team player and be shoulder to shoulder with people I have been with from the very start (…)”, said Stanivukovic, stressing that Banja Luka made the 11,000-vote difference. Asked if Trivic lost the election, the Banja Luka Mayor said: “We gave our maximum effort (…) Everyone likes to look for a culprit in somebody else. But there is no point in looking for a culprit in the constituency that blew them away.” Asked one more time if Trivic lost the election, Stanivukovic said: “The Central Election Commission said so. And I give support to the party’s position and to position of Jelena Trivic.” Asked if Trivic’s defeat is a perfect scenario in possible bid to assume the post of PDP President, Stanivukovic said: “We fought that Jelena and (SDS leader Mirko) Sarovic win (…) Drasko did hit part of the job. You look for culprits in other cities”. Asked if he thought about forming his own political party, Stanivukovic said: “I have never fallen for the tap on the shoulder. They say after each election cycle that I am forming a new party. I am the factor of stability and gathering. I will invest efforts that we request changes and reforms within PDP. Everything must change”. Asked what if it is not possible, Stanivukovic said: “I will be maximally patient. And I will give my all that it happens. I think the winners should take over leading the entire Republika Srpska. There are not many of us left in the opposition struggle.”


Dodik: Demarcation is the best option (TV UNA)


In an interview for TV UNA, Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that there are divisions in B&H which are inevitable and this is why demarcation is the best option. “Thing that once were, cannot be returned. How can you return 150,000 Serbs to Sarajevo, you cannot?! This is no more and cannot be restored and Yugoslavia was a great Serb delusion. My biggest mistake is that I trusted foreigners and this will never happen again,” said Dodik. He underlined that Serb people sees Serbia as motherland and Belgrade as their capital. “There is a part of the public in Serbia which presents stances in speculative manner. They are assisted by some NGOs that inflict damage to Serbs in the long-term. I tried to explain this to journalists in Belgrade during the elections in B&H,” said Dodik. He said that he was offered before to “play for the West”, but he saw that they are speculative: “They want to secure market for their companies in our region, to impose their values. We have right to fight four our state and our being.” He repeated that members of B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) are from the RS opposition and Muslims, who oppose the politics he represents. Speaking about cooperation with Russia, Dodik said that he would talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin every day if possible, underlining that he is a powerful and fair man: “He always has room to listen, he never asks for anything and he always asks how he can help. Western leaders always asked for something and they never wanted to help.” Dodik underlined that B&H will not impose sanctions to Russia, stressing that Serbs must never forget that the UK was the one to propose the UN Security Council the resolution which reads that Serbs committed genocide: “If it were not for Russians, this would be adopted. That is this Britain and those who were throwing depleted uranium on us.” He stressed that he was never did anything against any of the members of other peoples in B&H. Dodik repeated that US and UK Embassies in B&H interfere in everything and they are always against Serbs, they do not want to see consolidated Serb national corps or uniting of RS and Serbia: “They underestimate state politics of Serbs, by saying that Kosovo can secede from Serbia and the RS has to disappear in the dungeon called B&H.”  Dodik repeated his stance that it is necessary to restore “constitutional B&H” or on the contrary the RS will in one moment reach a decision on independence: “This is the policy I will not give up on, even though I will probably endanger comfort of my family with this. Serb people and the RS have to be respected in B&H and I try to lead original politics of RS.” He said that situation in B&H is complex, but Dayton Peace Agreement established a political system of two entities and three constituent peoples. “Dayton Agreement is undermined and we do not want BiH like it is now and we do not want to live in it. It is a failed state, Serbs, Croats or Muslims who want domination do not want it like it is. Also, the foreigners are discontent and they constantly criticize,” said Dodik.


Djukanovic: We are numerous, I can tell you, and there will be Montenegro and us whenever needed (CdM)


We are numerous, I can tell you. This is how the President of Montenegro and leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Djukanovic commented on last night’s protest in Podgorica under the slogan We are Numerous. “And there is a Montenegro. Free, civil, multi-ethnic, independent. And there will be Montenegro. European. And there will be us. Whenever needed”, President Djukanovic has tweeted. Preventing the overthrow of the constitutional order and the withdrawal of the Law on the President, an agreement on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court and the holding of snap elections – these are the demands from last night’s protest rally in Podgorica.


Podgorica protest message: It’s not over, it’s just begun, we’re getting MNE back on track (CdM)


A magnificent peaceful protest was held in front of the parliament of Montenegro in Podgorica under the slogan – We are Numerous, which was attended by thousands of citizens from all over Montenegro. The protest began with the singing of the Montenegrin national anthem. At the beginning of the protest, the executive director of the NGO Luca Nebojsa Mrvaljevic, who registered the protest, read the demands: We demand that the unconstitutional, putschist Law on the President be withdrawn and thereby prevent the overthrow of the constitutional order of Montenegro! We demand an agreement on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, in order to have a functional one of the most important institutions in the country and to create preconditions for holding elections; We demand snap elections, so that Montenegro gets a state-responsible government as soon as possible, which will protect the interests of the state and work for the benefit of the citizens! The head of the DPS caucus Danijel Zivkovic said that “we must be persistent and united – Montenegro needs elections, this is a fight in which we must not back down”. He further stated that there were no more white gloves, no more washed-up rhetoric, no more decency with the destroyers. “They hit the face and dignity, and when dignity is defended in Montenegro, you know what that means. That’s why I saw fear in their eyes! Because they know that there is no greater sacredness than the defense of the state, which has been created for centuries”, said Zivkovic addressing the crowd in front of the parliament of Montenegro. He pointed out that “tonight we are not only fighting to preserve the institutions and the Constitution” but also that “someone would not write us at the bottom of the page as an accompanying and pale phenomenon that only stood silently while Montenegro was collapsing”. “We must be united and jointly persevere in achieving our demands! Montenegro needs elections! We must restore order, we must restore institutional strength, we must return to the European path and we must make Montenegro a decent home for everyone who wants to live, study, start a family and tie their personal destiny here”, he stressed. The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic expressed his support for the protest. “Support for the protest rally whose goal is to restore credibility and legitimacy to the institutions and protect Montenegro. There is no more dangerous undermining of institutions than when the parliament does not respect the Constitution and destroys the constitutional order”, President Djukanovic tweeted.


Members of the Capital’s Election Commission request State Election Commission to make decision on the same matter twice? (CdM)


Certain members of the Capital’s Election Commission have announced that they’re going to request the opinion of the State Election Commission in order to try to declare final election results and avoid appeals filed to the Constitutional Court. The President of the Capital’s Election Commission Veselin Vukcevic didn’t accept their request to convene a session, because, as he said, no legal requirements for announcing the final results of the Podgorica local election had been met. Recall, the same situation happened in the town of Plav and the State Election Commission said that it was necessary to wait for the decision of the Constitutional Court on the appeals. At the session held on 26 October, the State Election Commission reconsidered the request of the Plav Election Commission concerning the official results of the election in that town, as the electoral roll LDSH-DSA Per Shqiptaret filed the appeal to the Constitutional Court, complaining about the decision of the State Election Commission from 2 October which hadn’t been considered by the Constitutional court. However, the winners of the Podgorica local election are impatient to get the official results and want them as soon as possible. In that sense, several members of the election commission, who are supporters of the new majority (although not officially) yesterday again asked for the session to be convened so that they may declare the final results of the local election.


Abazi: Number of votes speak of my career, professional engagements and overall work (Alsat-M/TV21/Sitel/Kanal5/Telma/MRT)


Islam Abazi, the newly elected Public Prosecutor of the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, sees the work in this public prosecutor’s office as a challenge and believes that with his previous experience and work, he will be a professional and legitimate representative. His priorities are to fill the vacant prosecutor’s positions and the vacant positions in the investigation center, and to introduce digitization in the public prosecutor’s office. Abazi sees the number of votes (66) he received from fellow public prosecutors as great responsibility and motivation to manage this, as he said, the most important public prosecutor’s office, which is in charge of the fight against organized crime and corruption, as best as he can. “Although I did not have a program, I was in constant communication with the public prosecutors and presented them with my vision, program and project,” said Abazi, pointing out that he received votes from all appellate areas. According to Abazi, the election by voting in direct elections is a guarantee there will be no external influences, neither political nor business or lobby groups. In terms of transparency, Abazi said the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office specified they are obliged to be transparent and to inform about the work in some cases in the public interest, but also that the reputation and dignity of the defendant, the victims and all participants in the procedure should be preserved. Abazi started his career as a public prosecutor in the Kichevo PPO, then for five years in the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office and for four years he was the head of the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office Gostivar. “It is a challenge for me, taking into account my previous experience, to manage this prosecutor’s office as well. I have taken part in various working groups for the adoption of laws and bylaws, regulations, commentary on the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office, I am also part of the working group on the law on asset confiscation,” said Abazi. Asked if he is in close relations with DUI, Abazi said that the office of public prosecutor is incompatible with holding another public office or being a member of a political party. “I have never been or am a member of any political party. Nor in my work so far have I given the impression that I have certain relations or positions with a certain political party,” said Abazi and added that he has no personal contacts with Ali Ahmeti or anyone else from DUI.


Osmani-Milkov: Provocations from groups and individuals not allowed to disrupt good-neighborly relations (All media)


The overall context and co-operation in light of the Friendship Treaty and joint obligations arising from it were in the focus of discussion at the meeting of Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani with Bulgarian colleague Nikolaj Milkov in Sofia on Tuesday. Concrete mechanisms for the prevention of hate speech were agreed at the meeting, with the two ministers mutually agreeing not to allow the numerous provocations from various groups and individuals in both countries to disrupt the process of improving the good-neighborly relations between the two countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. 4 “I would like to assure you that together with my colleague Milkov we will do everything not to allow others to lead our foreign policy or others to create our bilateral relations. The two of us, together with the diplomats in our ministries, in the spirit of European values, will continue to build a European future for all our citizens. We should not forget that we are currently allies in NATO, future partners in the European Union, but above all, friends and good neighbors, and I expect our cooperation to develop accordingly,” said FM Osmani. Osmani and Milkov agreed on holding the upcoming joint business forum between the two countries in December, at which they will assess ways for joint management of current issues such as the energy challenges, cooperation in agriculture, health, as well as validating the benefits of cross-border cooperation. “The dynamics of mutual cooperation is also evidenced by the growth of trade, which mounts to over EUR 710 million in the first eight months of 2022, an increase of exactly 52 percent compared to the same period in 2021, and positions Bulgaria in fifth place on the list of countries with which we have the largest trade exchange,” stressed Osmani before the media and added that with the current trend, he expects the trade exchange between the two countries to exceed EUR 1 billion by the end of 2022. Interlocutors made an overview of the current activities related to the opening of the Klepalo border crossing, as well as cooperation in the field of culture, at the same time encouraging the intensification of cultural cooperation which through its universal values should bring the two peoples together and build friendship between them, reads the press release.


Pendarovski-Aggeler: U.S. remains strong partner, ally and friend of North Macedonia (Sitel/Alsat-M/Kanal5/TV21)


President Stevo Pendarovski received Tuesday the credentials of the new United States Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Price Aggeler and welcomed her to the post. President Pendarovski said the fact this was not Ambassador’s Aggeler first diplomatic mission to Skopje and her excellent knowledge of the situation in the country represents a significant contribution to the further enrichment of bilateral relations. “North Macedonia has continuously dedicated specific attention to the development of friendly relations and bilateral cooperation with the United States, which we consider our great friends, a significant economic partner and sincere supporter amid the most difficult period of our independence. In fact, the continued enhancement of our relations is a foreign policy axiom that is a priority of all relevant political factors in North Macedonia,” said Pendarovski. He added that bilateral relations have been continually enhancing, as NATO allies, by sharing the common values of democracy, freedom and human rights, as well as commitments for international rule-based order. “In the context of the recent geopolitical challenges and the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, let me say that our firm friendship gains greater significance and represents a guarantee of stability and prosperity of my country and the Western Balkans as a whole,” noted Pendarovski. The President added that political dialogue between the two countries has continuously intensified at several levels, reaffirmed by this year’s start of the Strategic Dialogue as the first country of the Western Balkans to do so. “We see this dialogue as a joint interest in detailing our cooperation in all fields of mutual interest. We are prepared for comprehensive increase of the level of relations and even greater coordination and cooperation in the fields of economy, defense, security, investments, education, culture, science and environment. The large Macedonian diaspora in the U.S. is also giving added quality to relations, representing a bridge of friendship but also a serious potential for development of economic ties,” noted Pendarovski. He thanked the United States for its support to North Macedonia’s start of the EU accession negotiations, expressing assurance that reforms in key areas – rule of law and fight against high-level corruption, fostering a culture of accountability, transparency and functionality of institutions – should determine the further development of Macedonian democracy and ultimately, EU membership. “On this path, anachronous topics and discussions on identities and imposed historical truths represent a serious obstacle that has the potential to hold up our integration path but also keep the entire region in uncertainty, thus generating instability. As a matter of a fact, the initiated dialogue within the Summit for Democracy under the auspices of President Biden is the best indicator of what should be the goals that democratic states should aspire to in mutual relations. Therefore, I am certain that Washington’s support will continue in the coming period, with the expectation of a stronger involvement of the U.S. as guarantor of peace, stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans, in light of the consequences on the continent from the Russian aggression in Ukraine,” underlined Pendarovski. Aggeler said she was proud to represent the President and the American people as Ambassador to the Republic of North Macedonia. “I had the great privilege to serve here, in this beautiful country, which culture, people, languages and history I have grown fond of. Since my last time here, North Macedonia has faced numerous challenges and took tough decisions that have moved the country forward on the Euro-Atlantic integration path. This country has changed its name in order to join NATO as our 30th ally. It opened the EU accession negotiations by strengthening its position as a leader in building security and prosperity on the Western Balkans. Your coming OSCE Chairmanship in 2023 demonstrates the key role the country is playing for Europe’s future. The future is truly bright despite the fact that the country is facing old and new challenges,” said the U.S. Ambassador. Today I am here, he added, to promise that you will not face these challenges alone. “The United States of America, the Embassy and myself will do everything in our power to help the people of North Macedonia succeed in overcoming all those challenges. I give you my personal pledge that we will stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of this country as it realizes its goals for peace, prosperity, security and independence for its citizens,” said Aggeler. She pointed out that Europe is facing a threat never seen across generations, and North Macedonia is contributing to the continent’s security and stability as an active NATO ally. “We have been working together for more than 30 years in ensuring North Macedonia’s deserved place in the larger European community, by supporting the fundamental values of a prosperous democracy, through the observance of the rule of law, justice for all, economic growth and personal expression. As you continue to move forward, the United States will be here as partner, ally and friend, fostering relations that are becoming stronger, deeper and more productive,” underlined Ambassador Aggeler.


Kovachevski, Aggeler reaffirm strategic partnership and support for EU accession (MIA)


The Republic of North Macedonia is a trusted partner in NATO and we believe that the support from the United States for all key processes will continue and intensify, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at Tuesday’s meeting in the government with the new US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Aggeler. The government, he said, is committed to securing European future for the citizens and the country all the while being strongly focused on addressing the consequences from the economic and energy crisis and the latest set of anti-crisis measures provides support for the most vulnerable whereas the energy crisis is managed through state aid for the citizens and the companies, said the government in a press release. North Macedonia’s important strategic partnership with the US was reaffirmed at the meeting, where strong support for the country’s EU integration process was expressed. Also, the importance of regional development through good neighborly cooperation, especially in economy, similar to the cooperation of the countries included in the Open Balkan initiative was highlighted. Wishing Aggeler a warm welcome, PM Kovachevski said he was confident that the friendship between North Macedonia and the United States will develop further and thanked for the great, clear and visible support from her country. Talks also focused on the government’s commitment to rule of law and curbing corruption because they are important for the citizens and the companies, which also help investors decide to invest in countries implementing legal security, said the press release.


President Begaj reacts to the British minister's statements against Albanians (Radio Tirana)


After the statements of the British Minister of the Interior Suella Braverman about Albanian immigrants, there is a reaction from the Albanian President Bajram Begaj. He said that he did not agree with Braverman's statement, adding that Albanians cannot be anathema and labelled as invaders for the fact that they live and work anywhere in the world. "Albanians have been integrated in many countries of the world and have built their lives and worked normally by paying taxes. It's not fair to be bullied into this kind of thing. Of course there are also elements that may be related to crime. But it is not only the Albanians. I have asked the British government to make its investments in areas where there are immigrants, the right path for me and my request to them is that the investments of the English government in this region should be made tangible by the citizens and not only in counseling framework. But they should be investments with the aim that these citizens who flee for a better life, should work and live in Kukes, Diber, Has and Tropoja. My other request concerns the opening of an English micro-consulate in Kukes to make it possible for citizens to leave with regular temporary visas to work as seasonal workers", said Begaj. Begaj also focused on the situation in the North of Kosovo. "My message to the Kosovo authorities is to keep calm and continue the dialogue because only through dialogue can the solution to the problem be achieved, the global situation as a whole is affected, the situation is calm, but very fragile and at any time it can escalate. We as a nation must maintain calm and not fall prey to provocations," Begaj was quoted as saying.