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Belgrade Media Report 10 November



Vucevic: NATO to maintain its position of neutrality (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday with Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy and NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Javier Colomina as part of his visit to the Republic of Serbia. On that occasion, Vucevic said that the foreign policy priority of Serbia is EU membership, and the strategic commitment is military neutrality, which does not represent an obstacle for cooperation with NATO, with the fact that Serbia has no ambitions to become a member of that alliance. He said that the numerous meetings between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the regular communication of the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces with the KFOR commander, as well as the joint activities and cooperation of the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR contribute to the strengthening of trust and mutual understanding. Regarding the security situation in the region, the Defense Minister said that the overall situation in Kosovo and Metohija causes deep concern for the Republic of Serbia. According to him, the current crisis was caused by the lack of implementation of the Brussels Agreement by Pristina, which did not fulfil its only obligation – the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Vucevic said that our side is committed to the peaceful resolution of all issues, so we expect the political part of NATO to maintain its position of neutrality towards the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, and from KFOR to act impartially, in accordance with the mandate assigned by UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement, that is, to be the only and first response in all situations where the security of the non-Albanian population is threatened. Colomina confirmed that NATO fully respects the policy of military neutrality of the Republic of Serbia and assessed that Serbia is a highly valued partner and said that NATO supports the constructive role of Serbia when it comes to the security of the Western Balkans. He pointed out that the presence of KFOR is of key importance for guaranteeing security throughout Kosovo and Metohija, and that KFOR is ready to intervene if stability is threatened, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, according to the statement of the Defense Ministry.


Dacic: Importance of impartial, status-neutral engagement of KFOR (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy and NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Javier Colomina. During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the activities of the NATO-led KFOR mission, partnership cooperation between Serbia and NATO and perspectives for its improvement, as well as current issues of European security. Dacic presented in detail the latest developments in Kosovo and Metohija and particularly emphasised the importance of the impartial and status-neutral engagement of KFOR in the direction of preserving peace and security in the province and preventing possible incidents. Colomina emphasised that the Alliance fully respects Serbia's military neutrality policy, confirming that KFOR will continue to exercise its mandate in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999), and that it is ready to react if security is threatened. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the achieved level of political dialogue and partnership cooperation between Serbia and NATO on issues of common interest, with the aim of preserving peace and stability in the region, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.


NATO: Serbia’s stance towards Moscow could affect cooperation with Alliance (Beta)


The Deputy Assistant Secretary General of NATO Javier Colomina stated in Belgrade on Wednesday that the Serbian authorities’ refusal to impose sanctions on Russia had so far not affected Serbia’s cooperation with the alliance, but that this could change. On the first day of his visit to Belgrade, Colomina told Beta that Serbia’s foreign political stance in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine could reflect on Belgrade’s cooperation with the alliance, adding that this would depend on how long the Serbian authorities continued to maintain a balancing act in foreign policy. Colomina has said that the alliance respected the legitimate foreign policy choices of Serbia, but that it found it difficult to understand Belgrade’s signals in the circumstances of the war in Ukraine. As an example, he cited the message that Serbia sent when it voted against Moscow in the UN General Assembly, together with the western countries, and then signed a plan of consultations of the two countries’ foreign ministries for the next two years, or the fact that it was still among the several countries that maintained flights to Moscow. He stated that NATO had so far tried to preserve the excellent level of cooperation it had with Serbia, but that it was no longer easy to keep it at the same level, since some members of the alliance were criticizing this relation, maintaining that Belgrade did not deserve the existing high level of political dialogue due to its stance towards Moscow. He also said that Serbia and the alliance had excellent cooperation, but that the problem was a strong anti-NATO narrative in the Serbian public, and that anti-NATO sentiments were being incited via the media and social networks, including state-financed media.


Vucevic visits Ground Army Command in Nis (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic, together with the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army General Milan Mojsilovic, visited the Land Army Command in Nis today. The commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic, briefed Minister Vucevic about the organization, deployment, missions and tasks of the operational composition of the Serbian Army. After a meeting with the top officers of the Ground Army and a tour of the Memorial Room, Minister Vucevic said that the Ministry of Defense, with the support of the government and the president of the Republic, will continue to strengthen the Serbian Army and work to improve the standards of its members. "It is an honor for me to visit the Ground Army Command today together with the chief of the general staff of the Serbian Army. I congratulate them on everything they did, on defending and protecting the Serbian fatherland. First of all, on the tasks that they performed and are performing in the area of the Ground Safety Zone, in the zone of the administrative line," said the minister of defense. He stressed that this is the most challenging and demanding task, bearing in mind the current political situation. "Together, the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army with the support of the government, with the support of the president of the Republic, with the economic strengthening of the state, will continue with the process of further strengthening the Serbian Army, with better equipment, with more modern weapons, solving the housing needs of members of the Serbian Army, with a better standard for all those who are part of the defense system," said Vucevic. According to him, work will also be done on increasing the number of soldiers. "Not to act tough or to threaten someone, but so that the Serbian Army continues to be what it is, the strongest deterrent factor or argument against all those who are not well-intentioned towards our fatherland, towards the Republic of Serbia," Minister Vucevic concluded.


Dacic, UK Ambassador: Sustainable Belgrade-Pristina agreement to be reached through dialogue (Beta)


The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Serbia Sian MacLeod congratulated Ivica Dacic on Wednesday on becoming the foreign minister and first deputy prime minister of Serbia. Dacic and MacLeod discussed the current geopolitical issues and, regarding Kosovo, concurred that all efforts should be directed towards the resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue because "conversation is the only right way to solve open issues and reach a sustainable agreement". The Ambassador pointed out that Great Britain was interested in the strengthening of political dialogue and economic cooperation with Serbia, which has been developing dynamically in recent years. Dacic assessed that the two countries' relations were good, reiterating that political dialogue with Great Britain was particularly important for Serbia. He also recollected that this year marked 185 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.


Orlic: Formation of Community of Serb Municipalities ignored for nearly a decade (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met with German Ambassador to Serbia Anke Konrad on Wednesday to discuss numerous topics in the field of bilateral cooperation. They noted a mutual commitment to continue and advance cooperation in all fields. They said economic cooperation was particularly developed, and expressed a readiness to step it up further. "Germany is our top external trade partner when it comes to goods trade, the largest foreign investor and our top bilateral donor. German companies are employing 78,000 workers in Serbia and we welcome all further investments from your country," Orlic told the Ambassador. Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Orlic said that, despite impossible conditions and obstructions by Pristina, Belgrade and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic remained committed to a policy of peace and stability. He informed Konrad of the terror and open threats targeting the property and physical safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian parliament said in a statement. "Nearly a decade since the signature of the Brussels agreement, nothing has been done regarding the formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities. Albin Kurti is not only ignoring that commitment but has brazenly used the timing of the Berlin Process to send a message that he will never form one. Kosovo-Metohija Serbs have left the provisional self-government institutions because Pristina is openly violating all agreements and because that is being tolerated," Orlic said. Expressing concern over the most recent developments in Kosovo and Metohija, Konrad called for averting an escalation of the situation. "For us, the Brussels agreement is valid as a whole and must be respected in its full scope, which also includes the formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities," she was quoted as saying. She added that development of the entire Western Balkans and maintenance of peace and stability were a top interest for Germany, and added that this was reflected in her country's engagement in the Berlin Process and the resulting signing of three regional agreements in Berlin on 3 November. Konrad noted Germany's support for Serbia's efforts on the path to full EU membership.


Theophylactou: Pristina us not honoring its obligations, Cyprus’ position on Kosovo and Metohija is unchanged (Tanjug/RTV)


Cyprus does not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and is not thinking about changing this position, said the country's Ambassador to Serbia Demetrios Theophylactou and stressed that it is obvious that Pristina is not honoring its obligations and must start fulfilling the Brussels agreement, as the only framework for progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. "The position of Cyprus, as well as several other EU countries, is known. We, too, are the victims of aggression and invasion, we have a similar situation in Cyprus. As long as UN Resolution 1244 is valid, we consider the unilateral declaration of independence to be illegal and contrary to the law", Ambassador Theophylactou told Tanjug in an interview, when asked what the position of Cyprus is regarding the announced request of Pristina to join the EU. He recalled that Cyprus is not the only EU country that does not recognize Kosovo, which is why he believes that this principled position, based on international law, the Charter of the United Nations, will be recognized and respected. "We will continue with our policy and we believe that it is always taken into account," added to Theophylactou. Commenting on the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the tensions after the latest moves and statements from Pristina and the exit of Serb representatives from Kosovo institutions, the ambassador said that the situation is tense and that there is risk of escalation, while that Cyprus fully supports the mission and efforts of the EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak. "Even technical issues, such as car registration, can lead to escalation and be a trigger for a larger conflict. We fully support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and we see that the Serbian government has been consistent in implementing the Brussels agreement. Unfortunately, and we are not the only ones who see it, Pristina is not fulfilling its obligations. That is a significant reason why the situation is what it is today," Theophylactou pointed out. He added, bearing in mind the geopolitical context, that Europe cannot afford another conflict, whether small or large, and that is why Cyprus, as a member of the EU, is monitoring with concern the development of the situation and trying to provide its contribution. "We call on both parties to refrain, to avoid rhetoric that can lead to tensions, and we hope that dialogue and goodwill will prevail. Currently, we see that one side is not fulfilling its obligations and we call on it to show restraint and respect the Brussels agreement, which is the only framework that can be the basis for progress in the dialogue", the Cypriot Ambassador was clear. When asked whether Cyprus is under pressure to change its position on the Kosovo and Metohija issue, he answered that it is normal for certain groups of countries to try to impose their will, but that he would not call it pressure. "But pressure or no pressure, there are certain issues of vital national interest. That's why we don't give in to pressure and our stance remains principled," said Theophylactou. He stressed that Cyprus is not even thinking about changing its position. "We have not accepted the occupation of a part of our territory for 40 years, so we cannot accept the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence either. For small countries, such as Serbia and Cyprus, the only 'weapon' is to refer to international law," said Theophylactou. He added that he believes that the partners in the EU, who do not recognize Kosovo, will not change their position either. "We know that there is pressure for various reasons. We will see how the others will respond, but the answer of Cyprus will be - a 'no'," the Ambassador was clear. When it comes to the overall bilateral relations between Serbia and Cyprus, the Ambassador pointed out that the two countries have historical ties, but also that we are both Orthodox Christians, we were part of the Non-Aligned Movement, we share the same values, and we fought against the same enemies. "Even though we are geographically distant, we think alike", stated Theophylactou. Nevertheless, he indicated that in the modern world relations cannot be based only on historical ties, but must move forward, and that his job as an ambassador, is to spur additional development of cooperation in the field of economy. "Serbia is the land of sports, numerous teams come to Cyprus for preparations. There is potential for scientific cooperation between universities, in the development of new technologies. We support trilateral cooperation between Serbia, Greece and Cyprus, especially in the field of innovation, because joint projects and efforts are needed in in that field. Our bilateral economic relations are growing. We believe that our relations will continue to develop," concluded the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia.


Pristina sending coordinators to north Kosovo (Novosti)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is considering the appointment of coordinators in the four northern municipalities with majority Serb populations to replace the mayors who resigned, Novosti said on Wednesday. The daily quoted unnamed sources who said that the authorities in Pristina will try to get early elections in Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok to provoke resistance among the Serbs. “Pristina has started preparing to replace the Serb List MPs who walked out of parliament and is planning to offer those seats to other Serb parties that stood in elections,” the daily said.


What is written in the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo, Serbia (Euractiv/Nova)


The Franco-German proposal for a final agreement on the normalization of relations in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was leaked to the public and seen by the and Euractiv portals. According to, this version of the document will be subject to changes and supplements in the negotiations between the two parties. Euractiv said that the Franco-German proposal which it obtained from a trusted source, reveals indirectly, based on the text’s interpretations, how little synergy exists between the two sides to solve the issue.

The portal said that, following the 1998-1999 Kosovo war, and Pristina’s declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008, the relationship between the two sides has remained strained. However, since September, rumors have swirled that a new framework has been drafted by recently appointed envoys to the region from Paris and Berlin, indicating a new will to tackle one of the crucial issues in the region, whose six countries have set their sights on EU membership. Euractiv added that officials in Belgrade and Pristina confirmed the existence of a new German-French proposal for a deal on Kosovo’s final status but disagreed about what the document actually says. The part of the document that and Eurctiv had access to contains the following articles:

Article 1

Kosovo and Serbia shall develop normal, good neighborly relations with each other based on equal rights.

Article 2

Kosovo and Serbia will be guided by their mutual aspirations to EU membership.

Article 3

In conformity with the SAA [Stabilization and Association Agreement] signed by both parties, Kosovo and Serbia shall settle any disputes between then exclusively by peaceful means and refrain from the threat or use of force. They reaffirm the inviolability now and in the future of the boundary existing between them and undertake fully to respect each other’s territorial integrity.

Article 4

Kosovo and Serbia proceed on the assumption that neither of the two parties can represent the other in the international sphere nor act on its behalf.

Article 5

Кosovo and Serbia shall promote peaceful relations in the Western Balkans and contribute to the regional security and cooperation in Europe.

Article 6

Кosovo and Serbia proceed on the mutual respect of each party’s jurisdiction.

Article 7

Kosovo and Serbia declare their readiness to regulate practical and humanitarian questions in the process of the normalization of their relations. They shall conclude agreements with the view to developing and promoting on the basis of the present Treaty and for their mutual benefit cooperation in the fields of economics, science and technology, transport, judicial relations, posts and telecommunications, health, culture, sport, environmental protection, and in other fields. The details have been agreed in the Supplementary Protocol.

Article 8

Кosovo and Serbia shall exchange permanent missions. They shall be established at the respective government’s seat. Practical questions relating to the establishment of the missions will be dealt with separately.

Article 9

Кosovo and Serbia agree that the present Treaty will not affect the bilateral and multilateral international treaties and agreements already concluded by them or relating to them.




B&H CoM unanimously adopts Program of Reforms for 2021 and 2022 (Nova BH)


At the session held in Sarajevo on Wednesday, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopted the Program of Reforms for 2021 and 2022, which is a formal legal framework for cooperation of B&H and NATO. This document was unanimously adopted at the five-hours-long session, which included an agenda of over 270 items, after SNSD personnel used to oppose its adoption in the past. This agenda item sparked a lot of attention, mainly because it used to be unclear if this is the Program of Reforms or the Annual National Plan (ANP) for NATO. The B&H Commission for Cooperation with NATO defined this document a long time ago, but the CoM did not adopt it until this session due to CoM Chairman Zoran Tegeltija’s avoiding to include the item into the agenda. B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic specified that the adopted document is the Program of Reforms and that it implies reforms that lead to improved cooperation with NATO, rather than to integration into NATO. B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Josip Brkic welcomed the unanimous adoption of the Program of Reforms, which reflects continuity of relations with NATO. “It only strengthens this partnership that B&H has with NATO.” Addressing the press conference after the session, Okolic said that the B&H CoM adopted the document “adopted by the Commission for cooperation with the NATO – that has a different name than the previous commission -  and it is no longer the ANP (Annual National Plan), but the B&H Reform Program. Who does not believe that, I suggest them to ask NATO representatives. NATO, its representatives and the Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo are very fair in relation to names and our cooperation, and they have never said anything different”.


Turkovic welcomes adoption of Program of Reforms for 2021 and 2022 (N1)


At the session held in Sarajevo on Wednesday, the B&H CoM adopted the Program of Reforms for 2021 and 2022. The reporter notes that, since the institutions are working normally at the moment, the next step is to submit the document to NATO Headquarters through regular diplomatic procedure, that has been confirmed by B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic. “The B&H CoM’s extremely important and positive decision to adopt the Reform Program for the progress towards NATO membership. We will immediately refer to the NATO Headquarters in Brussels the unanimously adopted Program. B&H is one step closer to permanent stabilization and progress,” wrote Turkovic on her Twitter account.


Borenovic on adoption of Program of Reforms for 2022: Dodik and SNSD are hypocritical (BNTV)


Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic commented on the decision of the B&H CoM to adopt the Program of Reforms for 2022. According to Borenovic, leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik and SNSD are hypocritical. Borenovic underlined that they are taking the RS into the NATO reminding that Dodik used to say that he will stop the NATO path of B&H. Borenovic argued that Dodik and SNSD waited for the elections to pass and at Wednesday’s session, they confirmed annual plans for the past year and for this year when it comes to the Annual National Plan (ANP) which means implementation of the policy that the B&H Presidency agreed, i.e. that B&H goes to the NATO which is exclusively responsibility and the decision that SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Dodik reached.


Dzaferovic meets Ambassador Murphy, expresses gratitude for US support (Avaz/Dnveni list)


Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy on Wednesday. “During this mandate, I have had a fair cooperation with the Ambassador. I especially appreciate the US support with drafting of Reform Program for NATO. Then the support on the European path of B&H, support to unblocking the work of B&H institutions from the attack on constitutional order and achieved level of reforms,” said Dzaferovic. Dzaferovic conveyed gratitude to the US Administration for the continued support to sovereignty, territorial integrity of B&H, support to peace, stability and reform path. “The USA is a strategic partner of B&H,” Dzaferovic underlined.


Russian Embassy to B&H issues statement on occasion of International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Wednesday on the occasion of the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism, underscoring that one of the most important tasks of humanity is to preserve historical memory and prevent the revitalization of Nazism. “Remembrance of fascist terror’s victims has been overshadowed by general trends in the Euro-Atlantic region, as evidenced by the recent voting in the UN General Assembly in relation to Russia’s draft of the resolution on the fight against glorification of Nazism. Despite the fact that B&H was among those who were against this document with subjective decision of its representative, we are convinced that the said move is the consequence of narrow and opportunistic policy and that it does not reflect the true spirit of anti-fascism, traditional for B&H,” reads the statement by the Russian Embassy to B&H.


Abazovic: I urge DPS to enable election of at least one judge of Constitutional Court on 22 November (CdM)


Dritan Abazovic, Prime Minister in the technical mandate and of the URA leader, has urged DPS to elect at least one judge of the Constitutional Court on 22 November. He says that Montenegro is not in an emergency situation. After the meeting of the representatives of the parliamentary parties called by parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic, which was left by the DF leaders because the head of state and the DPS leader Milo Djukanovic did not come, he said that he was not a formalist. “The EU urged us to make the Constitutional Court operational as soon as possible. Montenegro is not in an emergency situation. When it comes to the president of the state, don’t think that Montenegro is going astray. Only those political structures that are rapidly losing the support of Montenegrin citizens push Montenegro into destabilization. I urge DPS to enable the election of at least one judge of the Constitutional Court”, Abazovic has said.


Djurovic: We have to resolve Constitutional Court issue on 22 November, agreement likely (CdM)


Parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic says she believes that the issue of unblocking of the Constitutional Court should be resolved on 22 November. “We need to discuss whether we are ready to get a new government or to agree on the date of snap elections”, she has told reporters after the meeting with representatives of parliamentary parties. DF leaders Andrija Mandic, Milan Knezevic and Nebojsa Medojevic left today’s meeting because the President of Montenegro and DPS leader Milo Djukanovic did not respond to the invitation. “That is the political position of the groups and I appreciate that everyone who was there had the opportunity to express their position. This is the first of the meetings that will be convened at the level of party leaders”, Djurovic has pointed out. According to her, last summer, the focus was on the Constitutional Court, the Judicial Council, the electoral legislation, and the Supreme State Prosecutor was shyly discussed. She says that she considers the issue of the Constitutional Court a priority. She has announced that a new session at the level of party leaders will be convened before 22 November. Asked if it is acceptable for the amendments to the law on the president to be withdrawn if DPS votes for judges of the Constitutional Court, Djurovic has replied that there was no direct statement regarding anyone’s request. “Everyone mostly stuck to their positions, but I noticed that there was will for conversation”, Djurovic has concluded.


Djurovic spoke to representatives of parliamentary parties, DF leaders left meeting because Djukanovic didn’t come (CdM)


The meeting of the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic with the leaders of the parliamentary parties, at which they discussed the resolution of the political and institutional crisis in Montenegro, has ended. DF leaders Andrija Mandic, Milan Knezevic and Nebojsa Medojevic left the meeting because DPS leader and state president Milo Djukanovic did not come. The leaders of the United Montenegro and True Montenegro and the Labour Party, Goran Danilovic, Marko Milacic and Maksim Vucinic, respectively, also left the meeting. “The non-arrival of DPS leader Milo Djukanovic at the meeting is a message that they do not want a compromise”, Mandic has told reporters. Earlier, at the press conference, Djurovic said that the topic of discussion would be appointments in the judiciary, primarily the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court, as well as the reform of the electoral legislation. At the meeting, the amendments to the Law on the President, which the President Milo Djukanovic sent back to the Parliament for re-decision, should also be discussed.


DPS: Meeting showed depth of crisis in which state is, we stand by our conditions with readiness for dialogue (CdM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) says that the meeting of the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic with the representatives of the parliamentary parties has showed the depth of the crisis the country is facing. DPS says that the Law on the President should be urgently withdrawn and there should be created preconditions for the procedure of electing judges of the Constitutional Court to be returned to the Constitutional Committee in order to create the conditions for the election of four judges. “Also, the Democratic Party of Socialists will insist that, after the above, the mandate of the parliament be shortened in order to create the conditions for the organization of snap elections that would mark the definitive end of the political crisis, after which Montenegro would get a responsible, political, stable and European government”, DPS stresses in its announcement. DPS adds that it remains committed to dialogue. “In the coming period, as until now, the Democratic Party of Socialists will remain committed to dialogue in order to, in accordance with the views of our European partners, resolve the deep and institutional crisis that Montenegro is experiencing, with the expressed hope that those political subjects, who at least declare themselves declaratively as civil and European, will not allow themselves to be the decor of the Democratic Front, whose only goal is the policy of destruction of institutions in order to present Montenegro as a dysfunctional state whose sovereignty should, accordingly, be left to regional hegemons”, DPS has concluded.


Kovachevski: Currently no talks over Alliance for Albanians joining government (All media)


The Alliance for Albanians is a political party whose program and public appearances include progress views in terms of European integration and corruption, but at the moment we are in no talks over joining the government, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in response to a reporter’s question at Wednesday’s press conference. “I can say that most of the political parties are in favor of continuing the European path, certainly taking into account the conclusions reached in parliament on 16 July 2022. There were one or two parties that are not interested in the European path, but it is good that we sat down for talks and held a leaders’ meeting,” said Kovachevski. The Prime Minister added that the leaders’ meeting in parliament was held in order to freely and democratically express all views on issues affecting the citizens, discussing most current topics in the country, in particular the energy crisis.


Mickoski: Gov’t has no majority for constitutional amendments, early elections needed (All media)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski reiterated Wednesday his demand for early parliamentary elections, stressing that if the current government remains the country’s situation will worsen. “Every other solution means prolonging the agony. Because every other solution means that we have no plan, it means more crime, more corruption, worse healthcare, a catastrophe in education, weaker economy, higher inflation, and this is why we say that we need elections so that North Macedonia and its citizens can stop losing, so that we can save our North Macedonia from agony. This is the essence of our demands for early elections. There is no other option that would allow this government to remain, because we can see that we are the worst in Europe,” said Mickoski, adding that the longer the government stays, the worse the situation will become. According to him, the government lacks the majority necessary for the constitutional amendments. It has been five months since the government accepted the last proposal, he added, and nothing has changed since. “The mood of the citizens has not improved nor has the support of the proposal increased, on the contrary it has worsened. The percentage of citizens who oppose the constitutional amendments under the conditions accepted by the government has increased. As a political party, we have a clear and explicit position. As a coalition, we also have a clear and explicit position. We are clearly and explicitly stating that the Constitution, i.e., the Preamble, will not be amended,” said Micskoski. He said that the parliamentary speaker said that the constitutional amendments require 4.5-5 months, which, according to Mickoski, means more wasting time instead of working on reforms. The opposition leader said he believes that this topic serves to distract the public. “It is clear that there is no majority of 80 MPs. Which is all the more reason why we should have early elections because the only policy of SDSM and DUI is currently collapsing. Will they use the Prespa method and drag the MPs by their ears, and try to pull it off through unconventional methods, with bribes, threats, blackmail, I don’t know and I don’t want to believe that they will. But, considering the character of these people, anything is possible,” said Mickoski. He is convinced that they will not be able to convince some of VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs in this way. “This is why I said this is not like the Prespa vote,” said Mickoski.


The British Ambassador: Albanians in Britain deserve respect, the writings in the media are disappointing! (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of Great Britain in Tirana Alastair King-Smith has expressed his regret for the anti-Albanian rhetoric in the parliament of his country as well as the articles in the media. He made the statements at the international conference that the Academy of Albanian Studies (Institute of History) held on Wednesday in Tirana with the theme "Diplomatic relations between Albania and Great Britain in the 20th century". "I am disappointed by the negative media reports in England. I want to make the position of the English government clear," said Ambassador King-Smith. "We highly value the contribution of the Albanian community in England. Most are in England legally contributing to British society. Those people deserve the same respect as other minorities in Britain to have the proper protection from hate speech and abuse as enjoyed by every individual in Britain," the Ambassador said. Speaking about how relations between Albania and the United Kingdom should be, Ambassador Alastair King-Smith said that "We want the image of Albania and Albanians in Great Britain to reflect our positive relationship between our two governments and our societies", to inspire young people for more activism and build their future with pride in Albania. As we want to increase the reputation of Albania and Albanians in England, including the increase of the English presence in Albania," said King-Smith. Meanwhile, the British media announce that the British Home Secretary Suella Braverman is expected to arrive for a visit in the coming days to Tirana to discuss the issue of clandestine Albanian immigration to Britain. According to The Observer, it will aim to soften the anger caused by the description of the Albanians as organizing an "invasion" of Great Britain.


US Ambassador for Cyber Defense in Tirana: US committed to continuous support for Albania in cyber defense (Radio Tirana)


US Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace & Digital Policy Nathaniel Fick, paid an official visit to Tirana. The senior official, Fick, met the Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku and the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi, while he expressed his support for cyber defense. "I had constructive discussions on cyber security with Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku, Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi, New National Coordinator for Cyber Security Igli Tafa and other cyber security officials. The US is committed to the continuous support of our Albanian ally in cyber defense", writes Ambassador Special for Cyberspace and Digital Policies Nathaniel Fick.