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Belgrade Media Report 16 November 2022



Brnabic: Brussels agreement not transferable to other agreements (Tanjug)


The Brussels agreement was signed in 2013 - it must be implemented and cannot be transferred to other agreements, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Tanjug in Singapore on Wednesday. Brnabic was commenting on alleged proposals by the international community for deescalating the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija that, according to reports by some media outlets, include a demand that the formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities - already agreed under the Brussels agreement - be discussed as part of a French-German plan for resolving the Kosovo issue. Brnabic noted that the Brussels agreement was the first agreement on normalisation and that it must be implemented. “It has already been agreed on and already signed and its implementation is guaranteed by the EU. You cannot say: ‘Belgrade has fulfilled all agreements from the Brussels agreement, while Pristina has not, but what can you do about that?’” Brnabic said, adding that this was “unfair”. The EU’s credibility is on the line here, she said. “The signature of the EU high representative is on that document - I do not know how we can discuss such things at all and I hope this is fake news or half-information, because it would make no sense at all,” Brnabic said. She said she was unfamiliar with reports by Albanian media that an agreement on de-escalation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija had already been reached and would be made public on Friday. When asked if there was room for dialogue with Pristina in the current circumstances, Brnabic responded that she did not see any. “I am not optimistic, I do not know what kind of an additional agreement could be reached as Pristina has violated all previously reached agreements, while we just want those signed agreements to be respected,” she said.


Serbs from Kosovo only ask for signed agreements to be respected (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated yesterday that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija only ask for Pristina to start implementing the Brussels agreement, signed in 2013, for which the EU guarantees. Brnabic, who is on a visit to Singapore, said in a statement for Tanjug that the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija demand that all agreements regarding license plates, and which were signed earlier, be respected. She added that she agrees with EU High Representative Josep Borrell, that 21 November should not arrive without an agreement, adding that Serbia has a lot to lose considering how far it has progressed economically. Our partners in the EU and the USA can no longer tolerate the unilateral violation of all signed agreements, and I hope that an agreement will certainly be reached, she said. Brnabic emphasised that this is about the rule of law and that the credibility of the EU is called into question if the Brussels agreement is not implemented.


Serbia reliable partner in implementation of EU security policy (Tanjug)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic pointed out yesterday, in a conversation with Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret, that our country, as a candidate for EU membership, is a reliable partner in the implementation of the EU's Common Defence and Security Policy. Vucevic recalled that Serbia, as a partner country, has so far participated in a total of six missions and operations of the EU, while in 2023 the Serbian Armed Forces will be on alert for the second time under the auspices of the HELBROC battle group. He pointed to determination of Serbia, as a militarily neutral country, to constantly improve its defence system in order to achieve the ability to effectively respond to security challenges and threats of importance to defence. He expressed his gratitude to the EU Delegation for its support in the current implementation of the project "Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the area of ​​demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance". The interlocutors positively assessed the project cooperation, which, with the financial support of the European Union, recorded a significant positive trend in the past period, and mutually concluded that there is a willingness to continue the cooperation in the coming period.


Petkovic: Kurti openly announced that he wants conflicts in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said that the representative of the provisional institutions in Pristina Albin Kurti openly announced yesterday in front of the entire international community that he wants conflicts in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that he plans to take new steps in order to escalate the situation in the four Serb municipalities. “The arsonist Kurti is doing it by brutally trampling all the agreements from Brussels, with the message that he has no intention of forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). At a time when the international community has never been more vocal in calling for the formation of the ZSO, Kurti is announcing even more convincingly that he is not interested in this key obligation of Pristina. It would be better for Kurti to start immediately with the formation of the ZSO and respect the agreement, rather than hurrying with a unilateral decision to call special elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and by threats to fill police positions north of the Ibar,” Petkovic said in a statement. This behavior of Albin Kurti is his new attack on the four municipalities in the north that he is systematically trying to destabilize with unilateral and illegal moves, it is added. According to Petkovic, Kurti and his mentors know this equally well. “No word in the agreement gives Kurti the right to fill police positions in the north of the Kosovo and Metohija with Albanian policemen, nor to make unilateral decisions about special elections in the municipalities in the north where Serbs make up 95 percent of the population, who no longer want to suffer Albin Kurti’s oppression. His manipulation of facts and numbers is futile, because neither the Serbs want Kurti’s license plates, nor do they want his imposed elections, nor do they want Albanian police officers from the south, who have no place in the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” said Petkovic.


Pristina causes crises, wishes to force Belgrade for talks on recognition (Tanjug/RTV)


The Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun assessed that the announcement of elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija shows Pristina’s unwillingness to respect any interest of the Serb people and to commit to solving the problem, but on the contrary provokes them and warns that if the elections are held, the Serbs will boycott them, which may lead to incidents. “They constantly cause new problems, what will happen if the elections are actually held - the Serbs will boycott them, and this can lead to incidents, conflicts. Will this be a justification for stationing not only special parapolice units in as large a number as possible on to the north, rather than perhaps even stationing members of the so-called Kosovo security forces,” said Drecun in an interview with Tanjug. He adds that Pristina is always taking a step closer to causing new incidents and creating new obstacles to stabilize the situation. “That is what worries. They will not give up causing these crises in order to force Belgrade to agree to talk about the so-called mutual recognition,” he says. Drecun also says that the Prime Minister of Pristina’s provisional institutions Albin Kurti is in a hurry to cancel the negative effect on the provisional institutions due to the exit of the Serbs because, as he adds, without Serbs, there is no multi-ethnicity in Kosovo. As he says, maybe Kurti will find “two or three Serb parties” that will take part in the elections, where maybe 50, 100 people will turn out, in order to show that everything is fine. Drecun notes that Serbs, extremists can cause problems and states that this is why the talk of the “northern brigade” is being made - a paramilitary formation, all with the aim of turning the situation upside down. “The reason is the consequence, the exit of the Serbs from the provisional institutions is the consequence, not the cause of this crisis. The reason is that Pristina unilaterally cancelled the agreement on license plates and does not want to form the ZSO. The reason must be eliminated in order to eliminate the consequence It is not a solution to call elections, to find a few eligible Serbs who will recognize this false statehood, the problem is that you do not have the legitimacy for such a thing,” he said. When it comes to Kurti’s insistence on accepting the German-French plan, which Belgrade does not accept because it implies Kosovo’s membership in the UN, Drecun says that Kurti would like to reformat the whole story with the help of some Western countries. “He would like to discuss only how and in what way Belgrade will recognize directly or indirectly the fake state of Kosovo and not hinder it on its way to UN membership. For us, this is not acceptable and it does not create an opportunity for dialogue, it’s already tearing it down,” says Drecun. He also points out that today Besnik Bislimi, Pristina’s chief negotiator, is at a meeting with the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell, and that the license plates are the topic of the meeting, but that there is also provocation because he brought with him an adviser for the so-called Presevo Valley. “It is the area of ​​Presevo, Bujanovac, Medvedja in the territory of Serbia proper. What is the message, what will she discuss about the plates. This is now a new attempt to impose some new obstacle in the dialogue - that Pristina should represent the interests of Albanians from Serbia proper and that this non-existent problem of the so-called Presevo ​​Valley must be included in the Brussels process whenever and if it continues,” explains Drecun. He concludes that Pristina wants to make it impossible to continue the dialogue in a status-neutral form and is exerting pressure in all possible ways, especially through the north of Kosovo, where they interfere with the normal life of the Serb people and threaten its security and survival, for Belgrade to turn around and give up the status-neutral form of dialogue. “They want Belgrade to accept what they would like - to discuss the so-called mutual recognition, that is, for Belgrade to accept the existence of that fake state, which means that it does not have to recognize it, but that it does not interfere with membership in the UN,” he adds.


Bilcik: EU waiting for concrete steps from Serbia (N1)


European Parliament Rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik MEP told N1 that the EU is waiting to see concrete steps in terms of Serbia’s commitment to a European future. “It’s very clear. Serbia has committed to European future, European integration. The new Serbian government has underlined its commitment, and we are waiting for concrete steps and at the moment when we have Russia’s attack against Ukraine, when we are facing a war back in Europe, we are expecting all accession countries to work with us,” he said. He warned that the Serbian authorities’ decision to allow the launch of Russia Today, which he said is a disinformation platform, is “completely contrary, not only to Serbia’s commitment to align with the external policy of the EU, to align with our support for Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, but also it’s completely contrary to the commitment to the basic principles of rule of law, democracy, fundamental rights and freedoms for all, because an important part of that is free media, free and independent media”. He said that Europe, including the Western Balkans, needs to give free speech a fair chance. “For that we need to support strong, independent and free media and not to support propaganda mouthpieces of a country which is waging war against Europe, against EU enlargement, against our values, because this would be detrimental not only to Serbia but also to the whole region of the Western Balkans,” he said. He said that he is alarmed by the level of disinformation in Serbian media, adding that permission to launch Russia Today in Serbia is a step in the wrong direction and an action completely opposite to the commitment heard from the government and public institutions. “This is also an important message to all of those who are responsible for the media scene in Serbia and across the Western Balkans. The regulators have to be serious about serious media. There are rules that also apply to the operation of media in any democracy, precisely because we want to guard and protect the public interest, which is to spread responsible news, news which are based on facts, news which are based on professional journalism and Russia Today is completely out of bounds with any of these principles,” Bilcik said.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Bilcik asks for banning of RT, throws European values of the window (Beta)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko criticized yesterday a report by the European Parliament's rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik after the state RT channel launched a program in Serbian, saying that he had cynically forgotten all European values. "The aforementioned Bilcik, without mincing words, de facto called on Serbia to ban RT Balkan in the country," Botsan-Kharchenko tweeted, adding that "Bilcik, as well as, in all honesty, anyone in Europe's institutions, does not care about the opinion of the majority of Serbian citizens who want to receive news from RT". "What kind of freedom of expression are we talking about in Europe when it is being demanded that Belgrade abandon this basic democratic principle in the name of the successful progression of the Serb people toward 'a bright future' in the EU," he said.




Inaugural session of 11th convocation of RS parliament held in Banja Luka (RTRS)


The inaugural session of the 11th convocation of the RS parliament was held in Banja Luka on Tuesday. On this occasion, the RS parliament representatives were sworn in, and newly-elected RS President Milorad Dodik and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, along with RS Vice-Presidents Camil Durakovic and Davor Pranjic, took the oath of office before the RS parliament representatives. The session was attended by high-ranking guests such as Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, Serbian Ambassador to B&H Aleksandar Djordjevic, and Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic. When it comes to the constituting of the RS parliament, United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic was elected the RS parliament speaker, who will have four deputies. Upon assuming this function, Stevandic thanked the representatives who voted for him, but also those who opposed. “I hope that we have come to a position to start working and to leave everything that is personal, and which we reproach on each other, behind”, Stevandic added. The eldest RS parliament representative Natasa Radulovic from SNSD moderated the session until Stevandic was elected and – according to RTRS – she faced a difficult task of having to warn certain representatives, who attempted to obstruct the work, not to go off-topic and to stick to the agenda items. Addressing the RS parliament representatives, Dodik stated that he is proud that he is taking the oath as the RS President for the third time. Dodik said that, to him, the RS is an impressive social, political and territorial community, adding that the RS offers respect of the Constitution of B&H and the key battle will be to preserve stability and peace. “I call on the most important factors at the level of B&H to sit together and come to agreements on BiH without the foreigners involved, to try to find some 10 to 15 more years for a possible BiH, acceptable for all, and then to leave to some future generation in 20 to 30 years to definitely decide. That is, if you want to do that. If you do not want to, then give us back the Constitution”, Dodik noted. In addition, the RS President pointed out that the policy of RS representatives will remain focused on respect of the Constitution of B&H, adding that international interventionism is not in interest of anyone in B&H. The RS President underlined that he will not accept interventions through “any fake or real High Representative (HR)” which encroach on property-legal relations or other issues important for the RS, and announced that he would not hesitate to propose a decision on the RS’ secession if that is necessary. “I know what I am speaking about”, he said, stressing that the RS does not want to live in “fake conditions” that would be created by “accepting the fake HR”.


Cvijanovic addresses inaugural RS parliament session (RTRS)


At a ceremony at the RS Palace in Banja Luka on Tuesday, newly-elected RS President Milorad Dodik officially took over the duty from Zeljka Cvijanovic, who is set to take office as the Serb member of the B&H Presidency on Wednesday. Cvijanovic addressed attendees of the ceremony emphasizing that the RS is stable, and capable to govern all processes and preserve stability and peace. Cvijanovic thanked Dodik for the years of successful work and she announced that, as the Serb member of the Presidency, she will work in line with policies agreed with the RS President and the RS parliament. Cvijanovic also stated that she is going to Sarajevo offering a hand to anyone who respects the Constitution. Cvijanovic underscored that she will abide by the RS institutions’ stances, and closely cooperate with the RS President and the RS parliament on taking care of RS’ interests and constitutional competences. She concluded that the RS does not want to take away anything that belongs to someone else, but it will defend its property and will not allow anyone to take it away.


Opposition ignores members of B&H CEC at RS parliament inaugural session (Hayat)


An inaugural session of the RS parliament was held on Tuesday in Banja Luka. During the intonation of the B&H anthem, Milorad Dodik was outside the RS parliament hall, waiting for the end of the anthem in the corridor. He only returned when the intonation of the RS anthem, titled ‘My Republic’, started. On Tuesday, it was planned for President of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, Suad Arnautovic, and CEC member, Jovan Kalaba, to attend the session and present the MPs with the certificates on assignment of mandates. However, the two decided to leave the RS parliament building as they were informed the opposition MPs will refuse to shake their hands during the ceremony. The opposition believes their votes were stolen, especially for the level of the RS President. When the RS parliament session started, intonation of the B&H anthem began, and Dodik left the hall. However, newly-elected BiH Presidency member, Zeljka Cvijanovic, stayed, and many noticed that Dodik criticized her for this. Part of the MPs say they saw Dodik criticizing Cvijanovic during a break in the corridors. What followed was the swearing-in ceremony of MPs. When that was completed, the MPs were presented with a single point of the agenda – the election of the new RS parliament speaker. Natasa Radulovic (SNSD) presided over this session, and she said Nenad Stevandic (‘United Srpska’) was proposed for the mentioned post. During the debate, the RS parliament leadership and the opposition MPs exchanged many harsh words. Addressing the session, Head of the Caucus of ‘For Justice and Order’ List Nebojsa Vukanovic said the new RS parliament convocation does not reflect the true will of citizens in the RS. He also said the opposition was able to “defend some 25 mandates”. He said time will show the true results of these elections. Vukanovic was interrupted by Radulovic, who told him to return to the topic at hand, i.e. the election of the RS parliament speaker. She said when Stevandic is elected, then all MPs will be able to speak about whatever they like.


Trivic: Dodik achieved ‘victory’ by falsifying the election, with the help of the CEC and part of the international community (BNTV)


“I am grateful to all the MPs who refused to attend the swearing-in of the fake president (SNSD leader Milorad Dodik), who achieved ‘victory’ by falsifying the election, with the help of the CEC and part of the international community (IC)”, wrote PDP Vice President Jelena Trivic on her Facebook profile. “Those who congratulated him two days after the election, accepted the false results, and then ten days ago addressed him publicly in front of the people as ‘respected president’, even before taking the false oath, shame on them, if they have any. Not because of me, but for the sake of the people whose will was stolen”, she pointed out. Trivic said she will never congratulate the false winner, because theft is not congratulated. “And I believe, even though it sounds unreal today, that the people that ordered, and perpetrators of the organized crime of election theft, will be prosecuted by judicial institutions”, Trivic added.


Representatives of ‘The Eight’ agree on program principles for formation of authorities in FB&H and at B&H level (O Kanal)


Representatives of the parties of ‘The Eight’ held a meeting at the SDP B&H headquarters in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Representatives of the parties of ‘The Eight’ agreed on the program principles for the formation of the authorities in the FB&H and at B&H level, noting that they will present the same program to HDZ B&H on Wednesday. Representative of SDP B&H Nerin Dizdar stressed that signing of the abovementioned document will be a condition for forming coalitions at all levels. Participants of the meeting pointed out that the Eight is stable. Dizdar emphasized that SDP B&H, People and Justice (NiP), Our Party (NS), NES, PDA, SB&H, 'For New Generations' and BH Initiative - Kasumovic Fuad strengthened the cooperation of the eight parties. Speaking about the defectors, Dizdar pointed out that it is necessary for everyone to respect the will of the voters. Dizdar told a press conference that he could not share details of the agreement signed between parties that make ‘The Eight’ coalition. He explained that this agreement will be further harmonized with other partners, which is why no details can be shared at this moment. However, what he could share is that the main thing in this agreement is B&H’s path towards the EU, which is connected to the need for urgent implementation of measures that will lead this country towards full membership in the Union. The agreement also speaks of B&H’s path towards NATO. Dizdar said social and economic measures, as well as the rule of law, were emphasized as very important.


Inaugural session of Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Assembly held on Tuesday (FTV)


The inaugural session of the Bosnia-Podrinje Canton (BPC) Assembly was held on Tuesday. Newly elected MPs in the BPC Assembly received certificates on mandate, and working bodies and caucuses of the peoples of the BPC Assembly were formed. Based on the agreement reached earlier, the authorities in the BPC were formed by eight parties led by People and Justice (NiP) and the local party 'New Beginning'. Aida Obuca, who previously performed the duties of the BPC Prime Minister, resigned from this position and assumed her mandate in the BPC Assembly. FTV stressed that the signatures on the mandate certificates had not even dried up when the political battle for appointments began in the BPC Assembly, especially for the position of a deputy speaker of the BPC Assembly from the rank of the Serb people. Namely, Daliborka Milovic from the opposition Liberal Party and Branka Cvijetic from the party 'New Beginning', as members of the Caucus of the Serb people, could not agree on which of them would take the position of Deputy Speaker of the BPC Assembly from the rank of the Serb people. The majority led by NiP suggested that all MPs vote for one of the two, which would practically mean that Cvijetic would be appointed. NiP MP in the BPC Assembly Nezim Alagic said that the ruling coalition bloc proposed that the Assembly adopts a conclusion and in that way determines who will hold that office until, possibly, some other solution. However, the Secretary of the BPC Assembly and the opposition led by SDA warned that the Rules of Procedure require first an agreement within the caucus of one people, and then confirmation by the Assembly. Milovic is of the same opinion, who, leaving the session, announced the fight for the protection of her rights. "I have already contacted representatives of the OHR. Their opinion is that this contradicts both the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure," Milovic said. After the break that followed, representatives of SDA, Liberal Party, DF, NES, BNS and one MP of NiP did not return to the session of the BPC Assembly. Despite everything, the parliamentary majority continued to work and elected the leadership of the BPC Assembly. Muradif Kanlic from SBB B& was appointed a speaker of the BPC Assembly, while Cvijetic as a representative of the Serb people and Zerina Fejzic from BNS as a representative of the Croat people were appointed deputy speakers of the BPC Assembly.


Bajramspahic: Latest example of unconstitutional acting a burden for Chapter 23 (Pobjeda)


Although Montenegro doesn’t have to comply with opinions of the Venice Commission directly, it certainly should when it comes to the European Commission. Montenegro signed the international agreement with the EU – the Stabilisation and Association Agreement – and voluntarily accepted to align its legislation with the EU in order to meet European standards and become a full EU member state, the civic activist Dina Bajramspahic has noted. In a statement for Pobjeda, touching on the fact that the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic requested an urgent opinion of the Venice Commission concerning amendments to the President Law, Bajramspahic says opinions of the commission are not formally binding, adding that it exercises authority from its reputation. “The Venice Commission is an independent advisory body of the members of the Council of Europe. It comprises the most renowned legal experts from Europe and has great authority. It has gained a reputation thanks to the high level of quality of its opinions and studies and because it sets high standards for the development of democracy through law, directs countries towards models of progressive protection of human rights and gives special support to the independence of institutions,” she points out. “If a country doesn’t stick to its opinion, the Venice Commission cannot stop, sanction or do anything else. It derives its authority from reputation, not from a formal obligation,” the Pobjeda’s interlocutor explained. She continued: “When it comes to rule of law, the European Commission in a way relies on the Venice Commission for those issues in which the Venice Commission has expertise, especially issues related to constitutional law and human rights, so the EC takes its opinion seriously and takes it into account in its assessments of the situation in the countries aspiring for EU membership.”


PM on constitutional amendments: Interests of citizens and future generations should come first (All media)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski reiterated his position on the constitutional amendments on Tuesday, saying that it is not a government decision, but a decision for the citizens and for the country and that everyone should put the interests of the citizens and future generations above their personal political interests. “If someone has chosen to isolate himself and at the same time isolate his political party, he cannot and does not have the right to isolate the entire country. Ahead of us we have decisions which will bring us closer to full-fledged EU membership. And after these decisions there will be more difficult decisions because the reforms are not simple. These are reforms that all EU member states have carried out. However, through these reforms, through such decisions, they have managed to build a better society,” said Kovachevski at the joint press conference with MEP and Leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Iratxe Garcia Perez. He said that the citizens are moving to EU member states because of better wages and a better standard of living. “Check the living standard of the countries which were a part of the Warsaw Pact until 1990 and compare them to the standards in these countries now. This is the kind of North Macedonia I want, because when it becomes an EU member it will have proud citizens who will be able to live in an EU member state at home, not abroad. This is the decision that lies before the MPs. This is the decision they have to make,” said Kovachevski. Asked whether the process of constitutional amendments is intensifying and if any negotiations are taking place, Kovachevski mentioned the leaders’ meeting, which two parties did not participate in. “I already had a leaders’ meeting with the leaders of all political parties. Two political parties did not attend and I will reiterate – the greatest danger to our EU accession lies in a single political party which has an anti-European, anti-NATO and anti-integrational policy when it comes to Western Europe. This is Levica and its leader Dimitar Apasiev. They are keeping VMRO-DPMNE and its leader hostage, because he is weak, without a position, without a vision and we, the politicians who want to see the country as part of the EU, the citizens who want a better future for ourselves, our children, the future generations, must not allow our policy to be created by political pyromaniacs like these who have no vision whatsoever for the country,” said Kovachevski at the press conference.


Garcia Perez: Issue of constitutional amendments is of national interest (All media)


Member of the European Parliament and Leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Iratxe Garcia Perez at a joint press conference with PM Dimitar Kovachevski on Tuesday in Skopje said that the issue of constitutional amendments is of national interest and it is not time to play with partisan issues. “When you talk about the constitutional amendments, I must be clear, because it is a sovereign decision, a choice for the citizens and for the parliament of North Macedonia. Now is not the time to play with partisan issues. Now is the time to realize that it is in the national interest to work on this and I am sure that this responsibility will be in the hands of the different stakeholders that we have at this moment,” Garcia Perez underlined. The MEP Perez said that the constitutional amendments are important and that it is not in the interest of the government, but in the interest of the citizens and the state, and that the opposition must have a clear position on this matter. “Put aside party interests and put national interests first. North Macedonia belongs to the European family, the future is in your hands,” said the MEP. Regarding whether there are any guarantees that Bulgaria will not put new obstacles on the country’s European integration path, she said that she cannot give guarantees about what the Bulgarian Government will put on the agenda, but that she can guarantee that as a group they will work in the European Parliament, with the aim, as he said, of consolidating these important negotiations. “That is what I can guarantee that we will work on. We have a strong position as a political group, but I must tell you that this strong position of the European Parliament we also have a clear and positive position regarding North Macedonia and its accession and we are really working on it,” said Garcia Perez.


Philippidou: We expect intensification of efforts for full implementation of the Prespa Agreement (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski received the credentials of the newly appointed ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Republic of North Macedonia Sophia Philippidou on Tuesday. At the ceremony of handing over the credentials, President Pendarovski assessed that with the signing of the Prespa Agreement, a positive and constructive atmosphere was created in the relations between the two countries, his Office said in a press release. 4 In this regard, President Pendarovski expressed confidence that the Republic of North Macedonia will continue to be actively committed to the implementation of the Prespa Agreement and to the further deepening of cooperation with the Hellenic Republic and expressed the expectation that the Greek side will also continue to make efforts towards the implementation of the Agreement, especially in the part of the expansion of the legal framework, which, as President Pendarovski assessed, is a significant prerequisite for further strengthening of bilateral cooperation. “Today, North Macedonia and the Hellenic Republic are allies in NATO, the two countries are connected by a common vision and commitment to peace, stability, well-being and economic prosperity in the region and in the global framework, as well as close cultural and human values, which are key elements in building a safer and more prosperous future for our citizens. Our alliance in NATO takes on even greater significance for the entire region, in light of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and the numerous challenges it creates for all countries in Europe and beyond. In that regard, the further integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union is an additional guarantee for the stability and prosperity of this part of Europe,” said President Pendarovski, thanking for support from the Hellenic Republic to the European integration of North Macedonia. Ambassador Philippidou considered that the intensification of high-level bilateral meetings is proof of the increased rapprochement between the two countries. “Greece is strongly committed to improving overall relations and sincere friendship with the Republic of North Macedonia. Hence, we expect an intensification of efforts for full, consistent and good faith implementation of the Prespa Agreement. We congratulate North Macedonia for holding the first intergovernmental conference that paved the way for European integration. Greece has always supported and promoted the European ambitions of the Western Balkans, including the Republic of North Macedonia, and is ready to provide its expertise to facilitate the process,” Ambassador Philippidou said.


Begaj hosts Ilham Aliyev: Boosting cooperation; Embassy to be opened in Albania (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj welcomed the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with a state ceremony. President Bajram Begaj and his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev gave a press conference, pledged to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in vital areas such as energy, infrastructure and tourism. In a joint press conference, Begaj said that Albania intends to return to a beneficiary country of gas transmission, while Azeri President Aliyev said that his visit to Tirana will be an even greater impetus for strengthening the relationship between two countries. Begaj and Aliyev said that the discussions were particularly focused on the need to identify areas of common interest and concrete ways to deepen cooperation. "This is a historic visit for our friendship, being the first time that a President from Azerbaijan visits Tirana. The high-level visits are a clear expression of the bilateral will to further develop the relations of cooperation and friendship between our two countries and peoples. Our discussions today were particularly focused on the need to identify areas of common interest and concrete ways to deepen cooperation. Albania aims for closer cooperation, especially in vital sectors, such as energy and infrastructure, tourism, agriculture and manufacturing. Energy and gas infrastructure are becoming increasingly important for all countries. The IAP Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline, - through TAP, - connects Albania with Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia, turning our country into a regional distributor and diversifier of gas; of geostrategic importance at the regional and European level. Albania, as a transit country within the TAP, aims to return to a beneficiary country of gas transmission. In the framework of the cooperation with the EU, Albania and all the countries of the Balkans must create the gasification infrastructure and the necessary capacities until 2030. Thus, the gasification process of Albania opens new opportunities for cooperation", said Begaj. The President also spoke about the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, while he appreciated the request of the Azeri counterpart to open the embassy of his country in Albania. "Next year also marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and Azerbaijan, and this gives us the opportunity to see 2023 as the year when our cooperation should intensify and mark new developments. We also discussed the proposal of the Azerbaijani side for the opening of the Embassy in our country. This is a proposal that we welcome and appreciate as a sign of the consolidation of relations and the need to accelerate the pace of cooperation as two friendly countries", said Begaj. Regarding Albania's intentions, President Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is ready to help in the gasification infrastructure.


Gasification program/Rama, meets the president of Azerbaijan: We talked about joint projects in the field of energy (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama had a meeting with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliev. While sharing photos from the meeting, Rama also reveals the focus of the conversation. The Prime Minister informs that he has discussed cooperation in the field of energy, but also the launch of the gasification program with the investment of Azerbaijan. "With the President of Azerbaijan, dear friend Ilham Aliev, we had a conversation today, as always very friendly, but also really useful for joint projects in the field of energy, since the launch of the gasification program with investment of Azerbaijan, which will start with a municipality that will be determined at one of the points of contact with TAP until the setting of concrete milestones, for the construction of an ultra-modern refinery, which will end the dependence of our country on imported oil," writes Rama.


Peleshi: We encourage dialogue to resolve the problems in the north of Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


Albania encourages dialogue to resolve the problem in the north of Kosovo", declared the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi during his visit to Korca, when asked by journalists about the tensions in the north of Kosovo. Peleshi said that Kosovo is in its own right when it seeks reciprocity with Serbia. "My comment is that of the Albanian government, the Prime Minister has made it publicly known. We are for the solution through dialogue, so we encourage dialogue. Of course, Kosovo is within its right to demand reciprocity, to demand the implementation of legality throughout its territory. Kosovo is an independent state, it has its own inviolable sovereignty, obviously, but only the path of dialogue, dialogue is the one that will resolve all the issues between our countries towards the only destination of the Western Balkans, which is integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures", Peleshi said. Likewise, Peleshi added that integration into the EU is an aspiration of the 6 countries of the Western Balkans. "We are 3 of the 6 countries of the Western Balkans that have completed half of the way, so we are members of NATO, but we are still on our journey towards the EU. Serbia has a different agenda from us in terms of NATO integration, but all other countries on the way to NATO have their destination and three of them have reached that. So we encourage dialogue, sitting at the table. The dialogue has been going on for several years. It is good that all the achievements be preserved and built others on them", said Minister Peleshi. Speaking about the situation in Ukraine and the developments of the G20, Peleshi emphasized that the Contact Group meets under the direction of the US Secretary of Defense, where 55 countries that are pro-peace and against Russia's war are participating. Peleshi said that this war must end, as it has shaken the world economy. "This war should not have started but now it must end as soon as possible, as it is a war that has violated and disrupted geopolitical balances. It has introduced the world into a new geopolitics. It has shaken the world economy. There is also inflation in our country, although at a manageable level compared to other countries", he said.