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Belgrade Media Report 17 November



Memorandum on cooperation of Serbia, Hungary and Austria in fight against illegal migration (RTS/Tanjug/RTV/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban and Chancellor of the Republic of Austria Karl Nehammer signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the three countries in Belgrade today to strengthen trilateral cooperation in the field of effective fight against illegal migration. The document was signed in the Presidency of Serbia, within the framework of the second trilateral summit of the leaders of the three countries. Previously Vucic, Orban and Nehammer held a meeting, after which a plenary meeting of the delegations of Serbia, Hungary and Austria was held. At a joint press conference, Vucic said that an important document was signed in connection with the fight against illegal migration. Our teams continue to work on concretising everything and we will soon start the action, certainly before the end of the year, stated Vucic and added that the number of illegal migrants has almost doubled compared to last year. We want to move the defence border of Hungary, Austria and Serbia to the south, and later we will be ready to move it further south together with North Macedonia, thereby protecting and guarding Europe, but also protecting our country, the Serbian President said. Nehammer also announced that Austria will send another 100 policemen to joint border teams and adequately equipped vehicles and drones. I am grateful to both Serbia and Hungary for the fact that for the first time we will launch a project to deport migrants who are illegally staying in Serbia, said Nehammer, adding that Austria already has 96,000 asylum requests this year, which is a sign that the current asylum system in the EU is not working. Orban said that 250,000 attempts to cross the border have been thwarted, and Hungary has invested €1.6 billion since 2015 in border protection. The key country of European security is Serbia, and we are obliged to express our gratitude to her, said Orban.


Vucic: We want to push defensive barrier to south (Tanjug/TV/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday Serbia, Austria and Hungary had agreed to push a defensive barrier to illegal migration to the south to together protect Europe and themselves. "Today, we signed an important MoU and our teams will continue to work on making everything more concrete so that we can start implementing that as early as before the end of the year," Vucic told reporters after a Belgrade summit with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Hungarian PM Viktor Orban. He said the number of unregistered - illegal - migrants had nearly doubled relative to 2021 and that the majority of registered migrants came from Afghanistan (40 pct), Syria (27 pct), Morocco (12.5 pct), Burundi (7 pct) and Pakistan (2 pct). He said Serbia had already taken several steps and no longer had free visa regimes with Tunisia and Burundi, and that its visa regimes with two other countries would have to be aligned with the EU. "It is a thing that is not easy, but it is slightly easier than the situation with illegal migration. Our authorities have noted a significant increase in the number of illegal migrants in 2022. A 191 pct increase has been registered on one of the most active migration routes, which has affected Serbia above all, because we have migrants coming in from two countries - North Macedonia and Bulgaria," Vucic explained. "We agreed to engage together to get more police officers involved on the border with North Macedonia, as well as to get additional equipment, such as cars with thermal vision cameras," he added. Vucic said Serbia had major problems in the north of its territory, where he noted the local population was under threat because, due to protective measures introduced by Hungary, migrants remained in Serbia. "We want to push the defensive barrier to the south, to North Macedonia. We are ready to push that defensive barrier further together with North Macedonia later. That way, we are protecting Europe and our country. Neither we nor anyone else wants to be a parking lot for migrants," he said. He noted that Serbia had showed solidarity to refugees in need of help and would continue to do so. He said a readmission agreement had been reached to expel those who had no chance of getting asylum and wanted to remain in Serbian territory at all cost. He said a cost-sharing agreement had been agreed with Hungary and Austria for flights on which illegal migrants would be sent home. "We agreed a fair distribution. Someone can provide more staff or technical equipment, while someone else can provide more money. We will make a fair distribution and do something together - something we could only have dreamt of before," Vucic said. He said his meeting with Nehammer and Orban had also addressed other topics, such as construction of an oil pipeline and a network for exports of green energy via Azerbaijan, Romania and Hungary, and added that Serbia would be looking to connect to the network. Vucic said Serbia's European path and the geopolitical situation had been discussed as well.


Regional cooperation crucial for solving problems in energy sector (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today at the regional conference “Renewable energy investment opportunities in the Western Balkans” that progress in the energy sector is one of the most important issues for all governments in the region. Vucic pointed out that numerous reforms are needed in the field of energy, as well as changes in habits and huge investments, between €16 and €30 billion in the coming years, stating that there are no easy or simple solutions, but that all this must be done. He said that this year it was established that there are deep, fundamental problems in Serbia, not only when it comes to the diversification of gas and oil supply, but also when it comes to old technologies in thermal power plants. We also have to connect our transmission systems much better, gas interconnectors and oil pipelines, and this is an opportunity for foreign investors, but also for all of us, to increase the level of GDP, the growth rate, while at the same time responding to a difficult challenge of maintaining fiscal stability, Vucic said. The President also pointed out that 45 percent of the budget for next year goes to our expenditures when it comes to supplying energy, which shows how important it has become. Deputy Minister of Energy and Special envoy of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway for Energy Andreas Eriksen assessed that regional cooperation is crucial when it comes to solving problems in the field of energy. Norway will continue to provide energy in a reliable way, Eriksen said and noted that until now his country delivered a quarter of its gas to the EU and Great Britain, and that the goal is now to work on a new wind turbine system and that Norway already receives electricity from renewable sources, and that the green transition offers great opportunities. Other participants in the conference are Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski, Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zoran Tegeltija.


Vucic: Serbia grateful to Angola for principled stance on Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Angolan Interior Minister Eugenio Cesar Laborinho on Thursday, noting that Serbia is particularly grateful to Angola for its principled stance on Kosovo and Metohija and consistent support for Serbia’s positions on the issue. “Serbia remains committed to cherishing good relations with friendly countries, which we have built through history through mutual respect and understanding even in the most difficult times,” Vucic noted. Laborinho said Angola was watching the situation in the Western Balkan region closely and noted that his country would always support Serbia on the Kosovo and Metohija issue. Presenting to Vucic a message from Angolan President Joao Lourenco, Laborinho expressed a desire for Serbia-Angola ties to be given a new impetus. In turn, Vucic said he hoped Lourenco would visit Serbia soon. Activities to mark 100 years since the birth of Angola’s first president, Agostinho Neto - respected in Serbia as a historical figure symbolising the spirit of the fight for freedom and independence - were a special topic in the discussion, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic and Laborinho agreed there was mutual interest in advancement of the underdeveloped bilateral economic cooperation and other forms of cooperation.


Committee for Kosovo and Metohija: Security situation in Kosovo and Metohija unstable and tense (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


At the session held on 16 November 2022, the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija considered the information on the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, from the aspect of endangerment of the security of the Serb people, submitted by: the Interior Ministry, Defense Ministry, Security Information Agency, Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Office for the Coordination of Affairs in the Process of Negotiation with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG) in Pristina, and presented by acting Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. The Committee adopted the following statement by majority vote: The Committee has assessed that the current security situation on the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija is extremely unstable and tense, especially in the context of the position of the Serb and other non-Albanian peoples. This situation is the consequence of the collapse of the dialogue, non-respect of the agreements reached, unilateral moves and daily systematic institutional, physical and psychological violence against the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija by the PISG in Pristina. The Committee strongly condemns and demands that the PISG in Pristina immediately stop terrorising the Serb people and that, instead of threats, physical violence, the use of firearms and all kinds of pressure against the Serb people, they sincerely dedicate themselves to resolving problems in a peaceful manner, through dialogue, reaching mutually acceptable solutions. The Committee fully supports the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija in defence of their human rights and freedoms, secure life and survival. The Committee believes that the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and their elected political representatives will continue to fight for their rights, secure life, equal position and survival through peaceful, democratic means. The Committee rejects all attempts to present the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the north, as a destabilising factor and to criminalise their elected political representatives, in order to create justification for the use of force by armed PISG units against the Serb community. The Committee calls on the international community, especially those countries that have an indisputable influence on the PISG, to energetically and urgently stop Pristina from continuously perpetrating violence against the Serb people, that the PISG implement the provisions of the agreements signed within the framework of the Dialogue without delay, set up a Community of Serb Municipalities and desist from the unilateral decision on vehicle re-registration. The international community, especially the UN and the EU, have an obligation to ensure the full implementation of the agreements reached. The Committee calls on the international presence in Kosovo and Metohija (UNMIK, KFOR, EULEX) to, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, fulfil their mandates impartially and without discrimination, to ensure a peaceful environment for the Serbian people, whose very survival in Kosovo and Metohija is threatened, and to prevent the PISG from using force against the civilian Serb population and denying them basic human rights and freedoms.


Petkovic: Verification of Serb List mandates does not mean their return to the Assembly (RTV/Tanjug)


The decision of the representatives of the Serb List to carry out a technical verification of the mandate today in the Pristina assembly does not in any way mean the return of the Serb List to the institutions of Pristina, but the thwarting of Kurti’s plan to fill their seats with Serbs who support Pristina, not Belgrade, said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. Petkovic stated that the reason for the verification of the mandate is the new information that the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti is preparing, as he says, a hellish plan of revenge against the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. “At issue are the lists of Rasic, Petkovic and Rada Trajkovic, political parties that are absolutely minor, that almost do not exist in Kosovo and Metohija, for which in the last elections somewhere between 0.17 and 0.05 percent of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija voted, we are talking about representatives of political parties who are at the level of statistical error,” Petkovic told reporters at the Palace of Serbia. He added that the representatives of the Serb List verified the mandates and immediately left the Assembly in order to keep those seats in the assembly and so that Kurti could not initiate the change of the so-called Constitution of Kosovo, which guarantees certain rights to the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. “If the scenario were to come true that Rasic’s people, Rada Trajkovic, Slavisa Petkovic’s people, who have no legitimacy and for whom almost no one voted in Kosovo and Metohija, would sit in those parliamentary seats, it would happen that Kurti would immediately start changing the constitution and Article 144, which would take away this strongest weapon that the Serb List and the representatives of the Serb people in Kosovo have,” Petkovic explained. “He would abolish the key to voting by double majority, he could also form the Kosovo army and he would no longer have any obstacles to start forming a greater Albania,” Petkovic pointed out. He also stated that by changing vital laws on the protection of cultural heritage, Kurti would call the Serbian cultural heritage Kosovo’s, and would call into question the survival and position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija. “Representatives of the Serb List made the decision to technically verify mandates in the Pristina assembly in order to preserve survival and stay in Kosovo and Metohija and show that the only and true goal of that list is to be a barrier to all anti-Serb moves by Pristina and Kurti,” said Petkovic. He pointed out that the Serbs will not return to Pristina’s institutions until Pristina’s illegal decision on re-registration is withdrawn and the Community of Serb Municipalities is formed.


Opening new era in relations with Somalia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic signed today with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia Abshir Omar Jama a Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries on cooperation and consultations. After the meeting with Jama, Dacic said at a joint press conference that there is a traditional friendship between Serbia and Somalia dating back to the time of the Non-Aligned Movement, but also that the relations between the two countries are not sufficiently developed on the political, economic and cultural level. That is why we made the decision to intensify our relations, he pointed out, saying that Serbia respects the territorial integrity of Somalia and vice versa and that the two countries will cooperate in all international organisations on that line and in that direction. Dacic stated that the economic cooperation between Serbia and Somalia is at a very low level, which is why there is a need to achieve a greater connection between the business communities. He reported that at today’s meeting it was agreed to increase the number of scholarships for Somali students in Serbia, recalling that 20 scholarships for students from that country have been used so far. Dacic noted that it was agreed to achieve the best possible cooperation in military education, military health sectors, as well as in military training and education. This was a very useful meeting, the opening of a new era in our relations, Dacic said, and he especially welcomed the fact that Somalia opened an embassy in Serbia. Jama said that Serbia is a wonderful country and the Serbian people friendly, and assessed that this visit is a continuation of the historical relations between the two countries, which were excellent until the beginning of the 90s, before the war in Somalia began. He added that Somalia benefited from that cooperation in all sectors, including the areas of expert relations, army training, healthcare and others, adding that the country still has experts who were educated in Serbia. I am here to rekindle that wonderful collaboration. I want to enable all sectors to develop and use the skills and opportunities of this country. I would like to connect our health sectors and on this occasion I would like to thank for the support provided by the government of Serbia even before this visit, said Jama.


Vucevic with Ambassador Chen Bo: China’s position on Kosovo and Metohija always principled (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met on Wednesday with Chinese Ambassador Chen Bo. Vucevic thanked China for its unreserved support in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. He said that China’s position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija has always been principled and consistent, which is proof of sincere friendship. Vucevic stressed that Serbia’s long-term strategic commitment is to lead an independent foreign policy, as well as that the new Serbian government, despite all the challenges, will continue to conduct a responsible policy of peace and cooperation, committed to respecting international law and fully implementing the agreements reached so far. Chen Bo thanked for the hospitality and the opportunity to talk with Vucevic about topics of importance for cooperation between the two countries. She stressed that the mutual support between Serbia and China in matters of sovereignty and territorial integrity and the excellent relations between the two presidents are confirmation of the traditional steely friendship of the two countries. The Ambassador pointed out that cooperation in the field of defense additionally strengthens overall relations between the two countries and stated that there is room for its further improvement.


Group of Ambassadors to Serbia call on Moscow to change course (Politika)


In an op-ed for Thursday’s issue of Politika, a group of foreign ambassadors to Serbia called on Moscow to “immediately change its course” so that the suffering and destruction in Ukraine, and Russia too, would be alleviated. “Anyone concerned with the future of not only the people of Ukraine but of Russia as well must make the unambiguous statement that the best way to reduce the destruction and suffering is for the Kremlin to immediately change its course,” said Ambassadors Giles Normand, Rafal Perl and Sian MacLeod, of Canada, Poland and the United Kingdom respectively. According to their op-ed, Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded “to military failures, the international censure and the dissatisfaction at home, dragging country further into the mud of conflict and launching even harsher violence against the people of Ukraine, while simultaneously wasting Russian lives”. “This mindless death, destruction and devastation will stain Russia’s reputation. The longer it lasts, the darker that stain will become. It is grotesque to expect that soldiers, who have perhaps committed war crimes in Putin’s name, could simply wash themselves of their sins. Doubtless, there are many at the Kremlin who dread the day when they will have to face the repercussions of supporting this adventurism, even in the eyes of their own people,” wrote Normand, Perl and MacLeod.


Most of opposition is against Dodik’s Serb unity (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


Milorad Dodik on Tuesday officially took over the duty of the RS President and added that it is already certain that a great part of the opposition in the RS will not accept his call to form a wide Serb coalition, Politika reports. Dodik started talking about his intention to widen the coalition as soon as it became clear that his party and candidates of that bloc are favorites in the elections. However, the daily added, the biggest opposition party in the RS already rejected Dodik’s proposal. President of SDS Main Board Milan Milicevic stated after a session of SDS bodies that this party has no intention to “be an accomplice of the regime” in any way but he argued that SDS will support every veto invoked by the Serb member of B&H Presidency if it is estimated that the RS’ interests are truly jeopardized. Leader of the List for Justice and Order Nebojsa Vukanovic said that he would “rather go to a concentration camp than to a concentration government”, while representative of PDP in the RS parliament Radislav Doncic said that “there can be no unity with those who devastated the RS”. On the other hand, DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that this party is willing to be a part of the authorities should it receive such invitation from the ruling parties. Individual media speculated that SPS leader Goran Selak too might be willing to negotiate with the ruling parties. The daily explained that the ruling coalition in the RS has the need to gather as many parties as possible primarily because it has the ambition to secure 2/3 majority in the RS parliament but also, more importantly, to be able to appoint four delegates in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H “which would be a crucial precondition for comfortable participation in the authorities at the level of B&H”. If the ruling majority, which currently has 46 representatives in the RS parliament, were to be joined by Nesic’s DNS and Selak’s SPS, then such coalition would have 53 representatives and would need just three more in order to have 2/3 majority. “Individual non-governmental organizations, mostly those that do not even hide anymore that their goal is polarization of the society, assessed the announcement on the Serb unity as ‘an attempt to introduce single-mindedness in the RS’,” Politika concluded.




Newly elected members of B&H Presidency officially take office (Hayat)


The newly elected members of the B&H Presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD), Zeljko Komsic (DF) and Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H), officially took office on Wednesday. Cvijanovic, Komsic and Becirovic were sworn in at a ceremony which took place in the B&H Presidency building in Sarajevo. Cvijanovic is the first female member of the B&H Presidency and she will be performing the duties of B&H Presidency Chairman in the next eight months. In her inaugural speech, Cvijanovic stated that dialogue on all open issues that burden everyday life is very necessary. Cvijanovic pointed out that she will answer to the citizens who elected her. "There are many things that we disagree about in B&H, and this is nothing new. But the measure of our success will be precisely in finding the lowest common denominator and directing our forces towards those goals that are equally important for everyone. I am a supporter of discussing all important issues, but in practice we should primarily deal with common priorities and not those for which we know in advance that there is no agreement within the framework of B&H," Cvijanovic said. Cvijanovic added that B&H must solve problems on its own, and not for decisions to be made by the international community. In his inaugural speech, Becirovic said that politicians must not be selfish and work only for their popularity, but have to work for the interests of people who are impoverished and deprived of their rights. Becirovic pointed out that the past cannot be changed, but that energy can be directed towards improving the bad present and building foundations for a safer and better future. "All of us in B&H have common opponents: unemployment, poverty, injustice and mass departure of people from our country, especially young people. These opponents do not know political, ethnic, religious and other differences and they threaten all people equally. It is high time that we act responsibly and together to confront the real problems," Becirovic emphasized. Becirovic sent a special message to the people of Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and the entire region. "Let us declare the 21st century together as an era of peace and development and turn to the best possible economic and other forms of cooperation," Becirovic said. Komsic stressed that B&H's membership in NATO is B&H's foreign policy priority. "The destruction of implementation of 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission on the candidate status of B&H for membership in the European Union, and gross ignoring of the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights, unfortunately threatens to turn BiH's European path into a secondary foreign policy goal," Komsic said. Komsic added that the state of B&H and its institutions will be a reliable regional partner for all those who want peace, economic and any other social development through the relevant international agreements that were signed in the past period.


Dodik: B&H does not have any decision that speaks of B&H being a member of NATO in the future (RTRS)


Two members of the Presidency elected from the territory of the FB&H, started their speeches with the word “citizens”, which shows the policies they will advocate, and that connects to the so-called ‘civic B&H’ concept. Due to such behavior, RS President Milorad Dodik left the inaugural session when Komsic was speaking. Later on, Dodik explained that Komsic was not elected by citizens, but by Bosniaks, by which they once again have taken away the constitutional right of Croats. Afterwards, Dodik addressed members of the press and reminded that B&H does not have any decision that speaks of B&H being a member of NATO in the future. He said Komsic lied and spoke “in his own manner”, and only of his own views, and not stances of B&H institutions. "B&H does not have a single decision which speaks of it being a member of NATO nor that it will be. There is some Program of Reforms, but a few days ago, NATO deputy secretary general or something like that was in Sarajevo and he said that every country is independent in that respect and that it is the political will of a country, even such as B&H, whether it will join NATO or not," Dodik said.


Following inauguration in B&H Presidency, Cvijanovic, Dodik hold press conference in Istocno Sarajevo (RTRS)


B&H and the joint institutions are trapped by the policy that comes from Sarajevo, from the political representatives there. Due to that, the priority of the RS authorities and the RS representatives in the joint intuitions will be to improve functioning of the RS primarily. This is the message sent by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS President Milorad Dodik from a press conference held in Istocno Sarajevo on Wednesday. In line with those priorities and the RS’ needs, it was announced that the RS Constitution will be amended, as well as that new laws and other measures will be adopted in the coming period. Dodik said the RS Constitution will be amended in a way that it aligns with the current, and future needs of the RS, as well as current and future plans of the RS. When it comes to work in the joint institutions of B&H, the two said cooperation will solely be based on principles stated in the original version of the B&H Constitution. Dodik and Cvijanovic emphasized that the current Constitution is “demolished”. They say that members of the B&H Presidency swear by the Constitution, and then they do everything contrary to what is stated in that document. Dodik and Cvijanovic said they are truly tired of trying to arrange B&H as a community of three constituent peoples, and for that, they will strongly focus on the most important thing – that is to improve the functioning of the RS, as best as possible. Dodik and Cvijanovic told a press conference that she will defend the RS’ interests in the state Presidency. She also promised to keep strong ties with the RS institutions, and to follow all the adopted decisions. In conclusion of the conference, Dodik and Cvijanovic said the only option for B&H’s survival is for the country to return to “constitutional settings”.


UK Ambassador Reilly: I expect B&H Presidency will do everything in interest of all citizens of this country (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries expectations of foreign diplomats in B&H when it comes to the new convocation of the B&H Presidency, on the occasion of the inauguration that took place on Wednesday. UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly said he hopes and expects that the new B&H Presidency members will do all they can to cooperate and do everything in interest of all citizens of this country.


Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov: I hope for more objective and more balanced approach to what is happening in Ukraine (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries expectations of foreign diplomats in B&H when it comes to the new convocation of the B&H Presidency, on the occasion of the inauguration that took place on Wednesday. Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov stated: “I hope that the certain B&H Presidency members will be more objective and more balanced in regards to what is happening in Ukraine.” Kalabukhov stressed that the comments of the Presidency members should perhaps be “more statesman-like” and “less subjective and emotional”.


HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ successfully complete another round of talks on authority formation (Nova BH)


The working groups of HDZ B&H and the eight parties from the FB&H gathered around SDP B&H, known as ‘The Eight’, met at the SDP B&H headquarters (HQ) in Sarajevo on Wednesday. On this occasion, the two political delegations, which did not include the political party leaders but rather the working group members only, concluded they have successfully completed another round of talks on the authority formation. The two delegations agreed that they have practically agreed on the text of the agreement as well as the program goals, and the technical details are yet to be adjusted. Addressing media after the four-hours-long meeting, HDZ B&H Deputy President Borjana Kristo stated that the principles for functioning of authorities were discussed at their previous meeting, and these include the European and NATO integration, the rule of law and political stability, and the social and economic reforms. Representative of ‘The Eight’ Nerin Dizdar (SDP B&H) noted that the text of the agreement and program goals have been, more or less, agreed and some technical details remain to be resolved. “That is normal when it comes to this type of document”, Dizdar said, and he explained to media that they did not discuss DF’s participation in formation of authorities.


Covic: Only conditions for joint participation of HDZ B&H in authorities with parties of 'The Eight' are that there is no DF in coalition and reaching agreement on changes to B&H Election Law (Hayat)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic once again confirmed in Zepce on Wednesday that the only conditions for joint participation of HDZ B&H in the authorities with the parties of 'The Eight' led by SDP B&H are that there is no DF in the coalition and reaching an agreement on changes to the B&H Election Law. "There are no conditions from anyone to anyone. Our only condition was that DF cannot be part of the coalition which we are a part of for known reasons. The package of program principles very clearly predicted the Euro-Atlantic process, reforms for our candidate status, and the key reform is the Election Law and limited changes to the Constitution, of course the law on HJPC, conflict of interest and so on," Covic underlined.


Mandic: There’s parliamentary majority, we urge opposition to vote for Constitutional Court judges (CdM)


A meeting of representatives of the parliamentary majority that won the 30 August elections was held yesterday in the parliament of Montenegro. The meeting was on solving the political crisis with a special emphasis on the formation of a new government. The topic of the meeting was the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, as well as the initiative to start the procedure to determine whether the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has violated the Constitution. One of the DF leaders Andrija Mandic has announced that DF will attend the meeting scheduled for Friday by the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic and added that this bloc will vote, along with the other MPs of the “30 August parliamentary majority from”, for all judges, candidates for the Constitutional Court. “The topic on the election of the judges of the Constitutional Court of Montenegro is extremely important. I expect those whose mouths are full of European integration to vote for the candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. DPS suffered a shipwreck in the local elections. The parliamentary majority has an agreement to elect a new government”, he has concluded. We remind you that the parliamentary majority proposed Miodrag Lekic for the prime minister-designate. However, on 7 November, President Djukanovic returned the law on amendments to the law on the President of Montenegro to the parliament for reconsideration, with which the majority of representatives tried to force Djukanovic to entrust Lekic with the mandate to form a new government.


Djurovic schedules session: 2nd round of voting for Constitutional Court judges on 28 November (CdM)


The session of the parliament of Montenegro where 4 candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court will be voted on is to be held on 28 November at noon, according to the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic. “Appreciating the necessity of full commitment and the need for the presence of all MPs when voting on important points, among which I particularly highlight the second vote for judges of the Constitutional Court, today I have invited all the caucus heads in order to resolve certain doubts at the Collegium regarding the date when the plenum will declare on these issues”, Djurovic has announced. She recalls that she planned 22 November 2022 as the first possible date for re-declaration on candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court, but due to the obligations of a part of the representatives of the Black on White coalition, that was given up. She also indicates that she has again called a meeting at the level of the leaders of the parliamentary parties for Friday, 18 November 2022, with the desire and intention to reach a solution as soon as possible, among other things, on this issue that has long burdened the Montenegrin public.


Three Albanian parties sign coalition agreements for local and parliamentary elections (CdM)


Proceeding from the imperative of sustainable development of the Municipality of Tuzi and preservation of the national interest of Albanians in Montenegro through the activities of Albanian parties, the Albanian Alternative (ASH), the Albanian Democratic Alliance (LDSH) and the National Union of Albanians (UNSH) have signed today two coalition agreements for local and parliamentary elections, says the mayor of Tuzi and the leader of the Albanian Alternative, Nik Gjeloshaj. The signatories agree that the scope of action of pro-Russian policies, which are present in Montenegro, is narrowed as much as possible, in cooperation with pro-European forces. ASH, LDSH and UNSH have an open door for those Albanian parties that want to join them at any level of the coalition.


Kovachevski: EU membership chance not to be missed, expects MPs to support constitutional amendments (All media)


A new chapter of our European path has begun, in which we have to implement further reforms in order to reach our strategic goal – full-fledged EU membership, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at a joint press conference Wednesday with the French Secretary of State for European affairs Laurence Boone. Kovachevski said that the Macedonian team is ready, has the necessary knowledge and expertise and will complete the screening process within the stipulated period of 14 months. “The government has made brave decisions, the negotiation process was painful, but the fact that we came out of it as a country that managed to defend its positions makes us especially proud,” said the PM. He touched upon the constitutional amendments as well, expressing his expectation that the MPs will demonstrate statesmanlike behavior and support the amendments. “The constitutional amendments remain, I know that the decision of the MPs is not easy, but I expect them to show statesmanlike behavior. Of course, they have the choice to leave everything as is, to leave the country in stagnation and uncertainty, but I am sure they will be up to the task to secure a better future for us and the future generations. The lawmakers are representatives of the citizens, and the citizens want to be a part of the EU because of the overall social benefits, the economic progress and democracy,” said Kovachevski at the press conference.


France’s Boone: North Macedonia has its place in the EU (Sitel/Fokus/Makpress/Sloboden Pechat/Nezavisen)


North Macedonia has its place in the EU and should conclude its European path fully. The country has made a major breakthrough and it should keep on making efforts. It’s not always easy, but these efforts are important to strengthen the rule of law as well, State Secretary at France’s Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, Laurence Boone told a news conference after her meeting Wednesday in Skopje with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. The French diplomat sent three messages – the first message concerns friendship between the two countries, North Macedonia and France; the second is a message of encouragement as regards full-fledged integration; and the third message involves joint constant engagement aimed at enhancing the dialogue regarding all topics especially as part of the European Political Community and at strengthening economic relations. According to Boone, Frontex has confirmed that Macedonian will become official language in the EU once the country joins the bloc. Speaking at the press conference, the state secretary said France wants to turn a new page with North Macedonia and to enhance overall relations. Boone said her visit aims at highlighting Skopje’s commitment to EU accession. We, she stated, worked hard to open the European perspectives because North Macedonia deserves it and it has its place in the European Union and we want to stay with you in the next stages leading up to the final goal. Also, Boone commended North Macedonia on establishing and fostering coexistence among the different communities, normalizing its relations with the neighbors and for its efforts on the EU path. “It’s fair to say you have done a lot to transfer the European into national legislation.” Skopje is Boone’s second stop after Tirana. Here, she will also meet with President Stevo Pendarovski and with members of the National EU Integration Council.


Spasovski: Strengthened international cooperation is key to sustainable migration governance in Western Balkans (MIA)


A key activity on the path to sustainable migration governance in the Western Balkans is progress in realizing international cross-border cooperation, strengthened international trust and increased exchange of information, which is the best proof of our readiness to make the security environment even more favorable, and thus make progress in European integration even faster, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski told Wednesday’s press conference held as part of the Ministerial Conference on Sustainable Migration Governance in the Western Balkans. He pointed out that migration governance is a complex security challenge that the country, as well as the region as a whole, has been facing for a long time because the Balkan Peninsula is part of the migrant routes and sub-routes that lead from Asia and Africa to Central and Western Europe. “Illegal migrations are a daily topic of discussion and action by police services in our region and in Europe, where the pressure and transit of illegal migration remains high even in 2022, and the crime of migrant smuggling due to demand for criminal services remains attractive and very profitable for criminal groups. The current military and political-security crises in the Near and Middle East and the unfavorable economic and social situation in home countries affect attempts of entry and transit of illegal migrants through our country,” said Spasovski. The Minister added that for seven years the country has been sharing working experience with foreign police officers on the southern border, through continuous implementation of the international joint operation with the help of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which includes police officers from eight European countries, seven of which are EU members, with a maximum number of 160 deployed foreign police officers. Spasovski expressed satisfaction that the Ministry of Interior, together with IOM, within the Czech EU Presidency, is the co-organizer and host of the Ministerial Conference on Sustainable Migration Governance in the Western Balkans. “The signing of the Agreement between the Republic of North Macedonia and the EU for operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in the Republic of North Macedonia, which we are proud to promote over the past month, has more significance for us both at the international and national level. With the ratification of the agreement aimed at unifying forces and strengthened coordination, an opportunity is opened for the deployment of FRONTEX personnel in the country. This will further regulate and specify policies and practices for border protection, which, in turn, will contribute to strengthening the capacities for migration control, particularly illegal ones,” Spasovski stressed. IOM Director General, Antonio Vitorino, expressed satisfaction on behalf of the Organization with the result achieved at the conference. “The declaration accepted here between all the representatives of the Western Balkan countries is a commitment to improve cooperation in the direction of combating illegal migration and illegal flows with cross-border crime,” said Vitorino. He stressed that IOM supports all Western Balkan countries. “We are a UN Agency for addressing and combating illegal migration and we support all the Western Balkan countries for safe, secure and smooth consolidation of institutions in the fight against illegal migration. We are also ready here to protect the victims of illegal migration, potential victims of their groups and we are committed to helping states in that regard. And we will help the states for better control, exchange of information for better protection of migrants passing through the countries of the Western Balkans,” Vitorino said. Commenting on the migration crisis that happened three years ago in his country, Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Selmo Cikotic, stressed that with the help of international organizations, they came to a situation that they can easily solve. “And none of the Western Balkan countries, and of the wider route of the countries, can deal with this problem alone, and this conference confirmed that our joint cooperation is crucial,” Cikotic said. Montenegrin Interior Minister Filip Adzic pointed out that after Berlin and Tirana, the Ministerial Conference is another chance for everyone to gather together and try to discuss the issues that even much larger countries cannot deal with and find joint solutions for, because individual states cannot solve them independently. “It is our commitment to connect with the countries of the region and the EU and jointly seek solutions to issues in the region. Our task is to introduce common registration and identification of migrants, so that we can better monitor these movements and cooperate better with the countries of the region,” said Adzic.


  1. Macedonia – Bulgaria joint history commission makes decisions by consensus which are then implemented reciprocally, says PM (360Stepeni/Vecher/24Info)


The history commission is in charge of the historical issues and this is clearly defined by the negotiating framework, which is a result of the European proposal made during the French Presidency. The decisions of the history commission are made by consensus of 14 historians – seven from each country, then they are delivered to both governments so they can implement them on a reciprocal basis, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday, in answer to a journalist’s question on the relations with Bulgaria. Regarding the cultural clubs, Kovachevski said that he has always condemned the opening of clubs named after figures who had ties to the Third Reich. “I believe that opening clubs with such names does not contribute to the good neighborly relations between the two countries at all, and it is always better to use names which connect the two peoples. For cultural centers it would be more appropriate if they were named after artists, writers etc.,” said Kovachevski. According to Kovachevski, what is worse is that the clubs are not only supported by some of the Bulgarian politicians but also by the Macedonian opposition as well. “The leader of the Macedonian opposition clearly said that he is part of the continuity of Vancho Mihajlov, and Vancho Mihajlov was a proven collaborator of the Third Reich. And I believe that even the opening of the clubs was surely somehow supported by parts of the Macedonian opposition and even the events that occurred after that,” said Kovachevski. The PM said that North Macedonia will send a request to the Bulgarian government for the opening of a Macedonian cultural center in Blagoevgrad, just like the ones opened in Sofia, Tirana and other cities. “This will make it possible for the Macedonian culture to be nurtured by the citizens who consider themselves Macedonians, and in every country, there are citizens whose self-determination differs from that of the majority of the population. However, these centers will make it possible for citizens from other nationalities to get acquainted with our culture as well,” said Kovachevski.


Spiropali meets Santos: EP continuous support for Albania's European perspective (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of State for Relations with the parliament Elisa Spiropali held a meeting in Brussels yesterday with the Rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament MEP Isabel Santos. Spiropali informed that the focus of the conversation was the political situation in the country, the progress made regarding the transformative reforms that have been undertaken and the progress of the negotiations for each chapter. Spiropali appreciated the commitment of the European Parliament, which continues to continuously support the European perspective of our country. She assured that the government will work hard to meet the challenges until Albania's full membership in the EU.


Albania, a proud ally in NATO, Spiropali in a meeting with Stoltenberg and representatives of NATO countries (Radio Tirana)


In the High Level Meeting of Contact Points for Resilience that took place today with representatives of NATO allied countries, Albania also participated, represented by Minister Elisa Spiropali. " With Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, at the High Level Meeting of Contact Points for Sustainability (Resilience) that took place today with representatives of NATO allied countries. Putin's war in Ukraine, but also other global risks, have made it urgent to share the best practices of states to resist, recover and continue providing government services in times of crisis, peace and war. I highlighted the case of our country that faced Iran's cyber attacks and emphasized the readiness to have a more powerful, integrated and coherent approach to sustainability at the national level and as part of the Alliance," Spiropali writes.