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Belgrade Media Report 28 November



Serbia appreciates Romania’s stance on Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met in Bucharest today with her Romanian counterpart Nicolaе Ciuca and assessed that the two countries continue to strengthen the overall bilateral cooperation and bilateral relations.  Brnabic stated that the goal is to raise the economic cooperation between the two countries to an even higher level. We will work on project linking and linking the chambers of commerce of the two countries, Brnabic pointed out.

She emphasised that Serbia greatly appreciates and is grateful to Romania for its principled position regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Peace and stability are our goal, said the Prime Minister and added that she hopes that Ciuca will soon visit Serbia. When asked by reporters if Ciuca had perhaps mentioned any requests for Romania to change its position given the so-called Kosovo's plans to apply for EU membership, Brnabic said she had asked no questions about that because she knew Romania was under pressure over the issue. "I think all of us know that the five EU member states that do not recognise the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo are constantly under great pressure because there are other EU member states that are always trying to get the EU not to be status-neutral, and it is status-neutral," Brnabic said. She noted that, over the past 48 hours, officials from Spain and Romania had told her the two countries had no intention of changing their position on the Kosovo issue. She said that was extremely commendable and good for stability across Europe and worldwide as those countries adhered to the basic principles of international law and the UN Charter - the inviolability of the territorial integrity of internationally recognized states, including Serbia. "And that is really the fundamental principle of international law and those countries are thereby also protecting the international legal order," she said. She also noted that no members of a Pristina delegation had attended a Munich Leaders Meeting in Bucharest and added that this spoke enough of Romania's political position on the issue.


Government remains fully committed to European integration (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out on Friday that the government of Serbia remains fully committed to European integration, stressing that this is what is in the greatest interest of our citizens and the economy. After the meeting with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret and the EU Ambassadors, which was held in the Palace of Serbia, Brnabic stated that three basic topics were discussed today. As she explained, the topics on the agenda included the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the alignment of Serbia's foreign policy with the EU and about reforms, the most important of which is in the area of ​​the rule of law. She emphasised that the agreement reached regarding licence plates provides additional time for peace and stability, adding that Serbia is determined to continue the dialogue and talks. Peace is the most important thing, and we will continue to advocate for dialogue and talks in order to preserve peace and stability, she pointed out, and when it comes to compliance with the EU's foreign policy, she noted that this topic is always complex. We have some disagreements, but also a good conversation about it, an exchange of arguments and, for now, quite an understanding. Serbia will continue to gradually harmonize and promote European values, she said. We are committed to EU membership and we think that it is the best place for our citizens and economy, she noted. Brnabic said that the laws should be implemented in accordance with the amendment of the Constitution by the end of the first quarter of next year. She said that media freedom and the full implementation of the Media Strategy and all media laws are important topics, noting that they will work on this together with media associations and that she expects it to be completed as soon as possible, i.e., by the end of the first quarter of 2023. Today there was talk about the fight against corruption and the implementation of GRECO recommendations. We will try to ensure full transparency and to repeat what we did, to implement all GRECO recommendations, she stated. Giaufret assessed that the main message of today's meeting is that Serbia and the Union are on the same page when it comes to aspirations for our country to become a full member of the EU and that this is a common interest, adding that Serbia's progress depends exclusively on progress in reforms in ​the rule of law and in dialogue with Pristina. He noted that at the meeting the ambassadors received the latest information on constitutional reforms and talks with the Venice Commission, noting that Serbia must implement those reforms by the deadline. According to him, the Union appreciates the constructive role of Serbia and its president when it comes to the dialogue with Pristina. When it comes to harmonising Serbia's foreign policy with the EU, and in light of the events in Ukraine, Giaufret pointed out that the Union is counting on Serbia to be with it during these difficult times for the European continent.


PM: EU confirms existing agreements must be implemented before any new deals (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Friday she had once again agreed with Ambassadors of EU member states that existing agreements between Belgrade and Pristina - the 2013 Brussels agreement and the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities - must be implemented before any new deals were made. "There can be no new agreements on normalisation when even the first one has not been implemented as yet, and we fully agree on that," Brnabic said at a press conference with the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret after a meeting with the ambassadors. She said the fact a recent Belgrade-Pristina agreement on vehicle licence plates included a sentence stipulating that all existing agreements must be implemented before discussions on any new deals was a great success. "That is the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, which the Kosovo Serbs have requested, too. As long as there is no implementation of the Brussels agreement and no establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, they cannot be in the institutions either. That is the foundation and the Serbs want some completely natural and normal things. What we agreed today is going in that direction - the EU confirms that all existing agreements must be implemented first," Brnabic said. Asked to comment on a statement by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti that a final Belgrade-Pristina agreement will be reached by the spring of 2023, Brnabic responded she did not see a way of reaching any agreement before that deadline because, as also clearly indicated by the EU, the first agreement on normalisation must be implemented first. "Since it has taken us 10 years to implement the first agreement, I do not see how two or three months will be sufficient to agree a final agreement. I think that is not realistic, but we will be there to talk, at every meeting. As far as Kurti is concerned, he has also said some other things that have turned out to be different," Brnabic said.


Strategic relations with France constantly improving (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Friday with President of the Senate of the Republic of France Gerard Larchet about bilateral relations, Serbia's European path, French investments and cooperation in numerous areas with the aim of strengthening relations with this country. Brnabic pointed out that France is one of the most important partners of Serbia, and that strategic relations are recording constant progress, especially in terms of political dialogue, economic cooperation and investments. Speaking about the government's priorities in the future, she stated that Serbia's European path remains a strategic priority, as well as reforms in the area of ​​the rule of law and media freedom. We have to complete reforms in the field of justice aimed at an independent and efficient judiciary for our citizens, which represents the further potential of the country's economic stability. The President of the Senate of France praised the exceptional results that Serbia achieved with economic reforms and pointed out that, with intensive work on judicial reform, there is an open space for more intensive economic cooperation and the arrival of a larger number of investors from this country. The officials discussed cooperation in the field of energy and renewable energy sources, environmental protection and digitalization. The Prime Minister rated the cooperation with the French Development Agency and representatives of the largest French companies as very good. When it comes to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the Prime Minister thanked France for its clear position on the necessity of implementing the agreement within the framework of the Brussels agreement. She stated that Belgrade is committed to continuing the dialogue with Pristina under the EU auspices, as well as preserving peace and stability. Larchet congratulated the Prime Minister on her new mandate and pointed out that he expects that during her tenure the relations between our countries will rise to an even higher level.


Dacic: Kurti scored a big own goal against himself and against Kosovo (TV Prva/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that the representatives of Pristina are not aware of the position they are in and that they live "in their own world where they are still the favorites of the international community" but that the situation has changed, "precisely because of them scoring an own goal". Dacic appeared on Sunday on TV Prva and assessed that the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti did this against himself and against Kosovo. "The proposal he rejected in Brussels was much more favorable than what he accepted a few days later, under great international pressure," Dacic said. According to him, that pressure went so far that even the US was ready to cancel various visits of their officials, cooperation and aid programs... Dacic said that at one point the EU also took visa liberalization for Kosovo off the agenda, which had already been postponed to 1 January 2024, and assessed that Kurti began to face problems as to how he would explain everything that was happening in Kosovo. "This is now a factor in his search for an alibi for why he did it, as if he has been given a date," said Dacic and added that March 2023, which Kurti is talking about, is nowhere mentioned as the date by which an agreement should be reached between Belgrade and Pristina, regarding normalization of relations. "That date is nowhere to be found, nor is it mentioned, nor is it possible to talk about all this in such a way," said Dacic. He added that it is in Serbia's interest to discuss and reach a solution rather than for this conflict to last a hundred years, but he also noted that Kurti is forgetting that he has to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), that is, to fulfil what has already been signed. "He didn't mention that anywhere," said Dacic. Dacic stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is right when he says that this is our tactical victory. "It is tactical, but it was not part of our tactics to create crises now, so that we can emerge from them as winners. We have been constructive, no one can accuse Serbia of being to blame. For the first time, Kosovo was directly accused as the one responsible for the escalation of this crisis," said Dacic. He said that the talks will certainly continue, but that he thinks we are far from the date set by Pristina, which, according to Dacic, has been artificially imposed and which everyone has denied, even the Americans. Dacic stressed that it is important for us to know what we want and recalled that President Vucic said what our two fundamental values, the so-called red lines are - that Kosovo cannot be a member of the UN because that practically completes the story of their independence, and the second is the matter of security for our citizens, i.e. that any attack on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija cannot be tolerated. Asked if he expects more escalation in the area of Kosovo and Metohija, bearing in mind the upcoming local elections on 18 December, Dacic said that those elections are also a factor of further escalation. "They are constantly trying, just as they tried to assign parliamentary mandates to others, not the Serb List, to find some Serbs of their own who will work in their interest. That's how it was before the Brussels agreement, because we had Serbs in those institutions, but Serbs who did not represent anyone. These elections have no chance of success, and if anyone thinks this will solve the problem, I think that is far from common sense," said Dacic. Speaking about the situation with migrants, Dacic said that this is something that is no longer a part of the migrant crisis as much as a conflict over who will now organize the crossing of migrants. He said that the majority of migrants are coming to Serbia and that currently most of them are from Afghanistan, and added that most migrants, 51 percent, come via North Macedonia, which they enter from Greece, while about 30 percent come via Bulgaria. He added that migrants come to Serbia not with the desire to stay here, which is why they are looking for ways to cross the border (illegally) since they cannot enter the EU via official crossings. "That's why all these conflicts occur", said Dacic and added that the police reacted well, that there must be order and that everyone must abide by the law, as well as protect our citizens. He stressed that we must not allow ourselves to become the victim of the absence of a common EU migration and asylum policy.


Serbia's readiness for close cooperation with UN Human Rights Council (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence Fabian Salvioli.

Special Rapporteur Salvioli is on an official visit to Serbia from 22 November to 2 December, in order to familiarise himself with the measures being taken at the level of the state and society to establish the truth about the facts that led to the violation of human rights during the conflict in the region from the 1990s, including the determination of responsibility, reparations for victims, the process of memorialization and guarantees of non-recurrence.

Expressing his support for the activities and mandate of the special rapporteur, in accordance with the declared readiness of the Republic of Serbia for close cooperation with all the mechanisms of the special procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Dacic said that our common interest is to contribute to better mutual understanding and the administration of justice, as an important part of the reconciliation process in a region that is still dealing with the consequences of past conflicts. Dacic emphasized the importance of treating all victims in the same, fair way, in connection with which he expressed the hope that the report on the visit to our country, which will be presented by Special Rapporteur Fabian Salvioli at the United Nations Human Rights Council, will contribute to the resolution of open issues, reconciliation and better understanding among all peoples in the region, according to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


What is destiny of B&H like without Bakir Izetbegovic’ (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


Politika investigates what the situation in B&H could be like if the authority is formed without SDA and its leader Bakir Izetbegovic. Political analyst Vojislav Savic believes that the fact that there will be no SDA in the authority does not mean that their ideas have disappeared as well. He argues that after decades of undermining the balance and constant pressure against other two peoples, the atmosphere has reached the point from which there is no return. Savic concludes for the daily that therefore newly elected Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic will continue the same policy toward Serbs. Savic added that difference between Izetbegovic and Becirovic will be perhaps at an internal plan within the FB&H and a possible slight change of the international course with more respecting of the Western factor. RS analyst Dzevad Galijasevic does not expect any change of the policy with the coming of ‘The Eight’. He explained that people who have the same, huge wish to make a unitary country out of B&H have come to power, while they keep talking about a civic state. He added that at the same time, there are no Serbs there where they were elected – in the FB&H. He argues that BiH has been the British-American protectorate for three decades already and that Izetbegovic allowed the Wets “to choose the worst among us and to make terrorists out of them”. He concludes that ether with or without Izetbegovic, B&H is a poltroon of the West, the country without a system. He added that the West imposes laws, changes constitutions in B&H noting that their favorites have come to power now who are eager to implement that agenda. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated for the daily that she does not see some difference in political aspirations of a former and current Bosniak member of the Presidency. Political analyst Tanja Topic believes that although without SDA, the new authority will bring a lot of tensions and prolongation of status quo. She also believes that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik will dominate in the authority and set crucial conditions adding that they have identical views on the state. Milan Sitarsky believes that it is possible that new parties will also find reasons to block processes.




Protest of citizens staged outside B&H parliament in Sarajevo (Al Jazeera Balkans)


Some two hundred citizens gathered for protest under slogan ‘Ne damo drzavu’(We do not give state!), outside the building of B&H parliament in Sarajevo on Saturday. Citizens’ Group ‘ReSTART’ from Sarajevo organized the protest on the occasion on 25 November – B&H Statehood Day, with an aim to convey a message to the international community and B&H politicians that putting B&H’s interests in danger will not be allowed. Organizers accused High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt of causing B&H’s breakdown through his decisions instead of strengthening the country, also accusing the EU of taking young people away from B&H while offering them cheap tricks regarding the EU candidate status for B&H. They emphasized that they will not allow the implementation of possible decision that would make possible for state and military property to be registered as entity property. Organizers also called for full reform of the Constitution of B&H that would include the implementation of all the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg against B&H, primarily the ruling in the Zornic case. Applicant Azra Zornic won the case against B&H before the ECHR in 2014 because she was prevented from running for B&H House of Peoples (HoP) as she does not declare her ethnic affiliation with any of the three constituent peoples in B&H. Addressing the reporters during the protest, Zornic said that “hypocritical and right-wing Europe applies double standards – some reserved only for the EU member countries and others for non-EU members”, concluding that “justice is unreachable for us.” Protesters said that they expect B&H authorities to accelerate the Euro-Atlantic integration process and criticized how Brussels treats B&H. Al Jazeera interviewed several protesters, who said that it is important that the international community knows that B&H citizens opt for B&H as a civic state in which all citizens and peoples will have unified and equal rights in its entire territory. They also warned that unstable political and socio-economic situation is what forces young people to leave B&H seeking better future abroad, stressing that they also want Schmidt to know that there are many young and brave people who will defend B&H throughout its territory. Protesters also called on B&H institutions to impose sanctions on those who deny genocide and glorify war crimes.


RS PM-designate Viskovic holds individual meetings with representatives of NPS, DNS, SPS and Movement for State (RTRS)


At the start of consultations on the composition of new RS government, RS Prime Minister-designate Radovan Viskovic held meetings with representatives of NPS, DNS, SPS and the ‘Movement for the State’ on Friday. RTRS reports that Viskovic said that the priorities of the future executive branch will include political and economic stability and prosperity, and the focus will be on developing social map, demographic issues and the RS development strategy, due to which three teams will be formed. Addressing the media, Viskovic has stated: “We should redistribute the crisis, giving primacy to people who urgently need the assistance of institutions to fulfill their basic needs so that we all overcome this crisis.” RTRS reports that political parties that want to join the ruling coalition and whose representatives met with Viskovic on Friday also support the abovementioned priorities.


SDS Main Board elects acting members of SDS Presidency at session held Saturday (ATV)


The SDS Main Board held a session in Banja Luka on Saturday and elected the acting members of the SDS Presidency. It was stated at the session that the elected acting members of the SDS Presidency are quite experienced and they scored good election results in their local communities, as well as that they will perform this duty until the completion of regular intraparty elections.  Mirko Sarovic confirmed his resignation as the SDS leader after poor election results and transferred all powers to President of the SDS Main Board Milan Milicevic at the previous session of the SDS Main Board in Bijeljina on 12 November. Addressing the reporters after the latest session, Milicevic said that that the new Acting Presidency of SDS includes Vukota Govedarica, Milan Radovic, Ljubisa Petrovic, Djordje Milicevic, Milan Petrovic, Jovica Radulovic, Darko Babalj, Zelimir Neskovic and Marinko Bozovic. Milicevic confirmed that the party gets ready for intraparty elections that are supposed to be held in May 2023 when new SDS leadership will be elected.


Opposition parties from RS confirm that they will take part in talks which will be organized by SDP B&H in Sarajevo on Monday (BHT1)


The opposition parties from the RS have confirmed that they will take part in talks which will be organized by SDP B&H in Sarajevo on Monday, 28 November. The focus of the talks will be the election of delegates to the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H. SDS has confirmed that its representatives will take part in the meeting that will be organized by SDP B&H in Sarajevo. SDS acting leader Milan Milicevic announced that SDS representatives are going to the meeting in Sarajevo without conditions, but that they will not allow them to be conditioned. "Our number one candidate on that list is Mr. Zelimir Neskovic and that is the man whom we expect to be elected as a delegate to the HoP. The second delegate, if the scenario is like that, when it comes to the opposition bloc, can be someone from PDP or the Party for Justice and Order of Nebojsa Vukanovic," Milicevic underlined. BHT1 stressed that if the 'Movement for the State' does not support the possible second delegate of the opposition, SNSD, in addition to the current three sure delegates, could have four delegates in the B&H HoP and thus the key to decision-making at the B&H level. On the other hand, the 'Movement for the State' expects the opposition from the RS to support its candidate for delegate in the B&H HoP Vojin Mijatovic (SDP B&H).


Izetbegovic: Not smart to remove patriotic party from authorities (N1)


The ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H are expected to officially confirm their program-based coalitions, and reminds that that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic also offered partnership to SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. The path towards forming the government without SDA started long ago, because ‘The Eight’ does not want the political party to participate in it, however SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that is not wise, because SDA is the choice of majority of the citizens. Addressing the media on Friday, Izetbegovic said: “It is not wise to succumb to desires of some foreigners who want to rule B&H, and to do that for small portion of power that will be very difficult in the next four years. I would not recommend it to anyone to do something like that. After all, we will see whether they will succeed, because the control package is in the House of Peoples. This chase after HDZ and offer in relation to Dodik is insulting to those who were criticizing SDA for four years over being in that coalition.”


Voting in Savnik interrupted: Sixth cycle the election in two polls didn’t finish (CdM)


The Savnik election was interrupted for the sixth time. The voting was supposed to be repeated in two polling stations. A total of 541 voters had the right to cast a ballot. However, voting was stopped because a part of voting documentation had been destroyed. Meanwhile, members of the election boards were interrogated in the police. Voting won’t continue today, and Savnik residents who vote in the municipality building and Krusevice will be able to do it again next Sunday.


Jovana Marovic resigns from government and URA (CdM)


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of European Affairs and deputy leader of the URA Civic Movement Jovana Marovic has resigned from all positions. She has informed the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic about this. She has also informed the citizens about her resignation on her Facebook profile. Marovic states that she assumed the positions in the Government and the party with great enthusiasm and the desire for Montenegro to bring the process of accession negotiations to the final stage, and for our country to enter the European Union. The reason she did not leave these positions earlier, she says, is rounding off the technical part of the process, which refers to the reconstruction of the negotiation structure, defining procedures in the Ministry, along with regular obligations in the negotiation process.


MFA condemns irredentist statements of Bulgarian MP Kostadinov (All media)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has condemned the irredentist statements containing territorial aspirations to the Republic of North Macedonia by Bulgarian MP and leader of Revival party Kostadin Kostadinov. The fact these statements are repeating, this time during an event of opening the new premises of the Cultural and Information Centre in Skopje and ahead of the business forum between North Macedonia and Bulgaria, we cannot but interpret them as attempts to undermine the governments’ efforts to enhance cooperation, but also as an organized provocation that must be condemned by all pro-European political structures and institutions in both countries, the MFA said in a press release. At the same time, it added, we want to urge the countries’ citizens to not succumb to such provocations aimed at preventing both countries in their sincere intentions to deepen relations between the states and the nations in the spirit of European values.


Kovachevski: Politicians like Kostadinov are not welcome in the country (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski condemned Friday’s statement containing territorial aspirations to the Republic of North Macedonia of the Bulgarian MP and leader of Revival party Kostadin Kostadinov during the opening of premises of the Bulgarian Cultural and Information Centre (CIC) in Skopje. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted immediately, and the Minister of Culture also condemned it. I also want to condemn it. It is really inappropriate for a person who has come as a guest in this country to behave in such a manner. Yesterday, the Bulgarian Cultural and Information Centre was opened in Skopje with our minister of culture attending the opening event, in the same way as I said that we will open a Macedonian cultural center in Blagoevgrad as we have opened the one in Sofia,” PM Kovachevski said during his visit to cooking oil factory “Brilijant” in Shtip, adding that such politicians are not at all welcome in our country. “Such politicians are not at all welcome in our country because apart from spreading unrest, apart from spreading impatience between the citizens of the two countries just for their own political interest, they have no other political agenda than to get some minor political points by provoking 3 the feelings of our citizens, such politicians are not at all welcome for me personally in our country and they do not have to come here at all,” Kovachevski said.


Meeting of Assemblies Albania-Kosova, Begaj: We are indeed two states, but above all we are one Nation (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj greeted the joint meeting held today between the two Assemblies of Kosova and Albania on the eve of Flag Day and the 110th anniversary of Independence Day. Begaj emphasizes that the fraternal spirit and messages conveyed in this joint Assembly should be extended to all areas of interstate cooperation. "We are indeed two states, but above all we are one Nation, a Nation which today celebrates Flag Day freely and is sovereign and Master of its own destinies," underlines the Head Albanian State. Begaj congratulated all the MPs and the Assemblies of Albania and Kosova for their contribution to the all-round strengthening of interstate relations.


110th anniversary of Independence, Rama: Excellent and productive relations! Kurti: Perspectives and criticism to each other take us forward (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Kosova must work together to move towards the European family as well as cooperate to place at the right height the blood of the martyrs who brought freedom to the Albanian people. This was the message that the two Prime Ministers Albin Kurti and Edi Rama given during their speech at the joint meeting of the Assemblies of Albania and Kosova in Tirana for the 110th anniversary of Independence. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that relations between Albania and Kosova are not only excellent, but also productive. Rama requests that the two states give the right place in books and public spaces to the 40 signatories of the Declaration of Independence of the Albanians. "Today it cannot be left without remembering that the life story of the 40 signers of independence is described by tragic endings in extreme contrast with the golden glow of their signature in the declaration of independence. Let's find an approach to open a path to the placement where it should be in books and in common spaces of those 40 men without whom it will not be known what we would be like later. Albanians have never been better in relation to foreigners, but again even today I do not believe that Albanians are better in relation to themselves. Kosova will not wait as long as it has waited to be recognized and to be present in every instance of the organization of the world where we live. The relations between Albania and Kosova today are not only excellent but are also more productive than they have ever been. It is enough to look at the data of trade exchanges or the freedom of movement that until yesterday seemed impossible, or the common primer, or the joint work for the encyclopedic dictionary", said Rama. While Kosova Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, said that the two states should work together and be involved in each other's public affairs, not to hinder, but to progress. While listing the achievements between the two countries, Kurti said that after the common primer, they are working on the common encyclopedic dictionary. "Provincial divisions were a backward obstacle then and they are still today. We should get involved as much as possible in each other's public affairs, not to hinder, but to advance. We should be together more often and not only at parties and not only us politicians. They must accept each other's perspectives and criticisms. In Kosova, we rejoice at every success of Albania. Albania has made great strides forward, today it is a NATO member and has started (membership) negotiations with the EU and has made progress in many areas. We wish that the successes of Albania do not stop but only increase every day, I am convinced that just as we rejoice, Albania also rejoices over Kosova. We have a common primer and are working on a common encyclopedic dictionary. We have unified the labor markets and we are working on the unification of customs; we are working on connecting the port of Durrës with the Dry Port of Prishtina and the railway line Durres-Prishtina. The situation is nowhere rosy, and if we stop working, we are immediately at risk. The risk is inaction and not our work", said Kurti.


The joint meeting of the two Assemblies on the 110th Independence anniversary, Nikolla: Blessed day! Konjufca: EU is our future! (Radio Tirana)


The joint meeting of the two assemblies of Albania and Kosova on the 110th anniversary of Independence has started. The meeting started in the tunes of Albanian National Anthem and the Kosova Anthem. The reception of the two prime ministers Edi Rama and Albin Kurti was conducted by the two head-parliamentarians Lindita Nikolla and Glauk Konjufca, who then addressed the assemblies. A ceremony with folk motifs for the 110th anniversary of independence was held outside the Assembly. The first to speak was speaker Lindita Nikolla, who said that this is a blessed day and that the Albanian community in the region should cooperate more to create not only a better future for Albanians but for the entire region. "Today is a beautiful and unforgettable day, for the first time we are together to celebrate the raising of the flag. Once, even as a dream, this moment could hardly be envisioned due to historical obstacles. Albania and Kosova are today two independent states with great friends and allies and with a common aspiration towards the EU. The challenges of the Albanians in the century we have entered are common and they are faced with common blue prints. The more we coordinate, the more the Albanian community in the Balkans progresses. The more stable the Albanian community, the more stable the Balkans and Europe will be. Our two Assemblies must contribute in the field of legislation for a better life", said Nikolla. While Kosova Assembly speaker Glauk Konjufca said that November the 28th is the day of all Albanians and that both countries have common aspirations towards the EU. "November the 28th is the day of all Albanians. When we were oppressed and under the Yugoslav terror, our invincible people were kept alive by the strong tie with November the 28th and the love for the nation and our Albanian language. The road was long and by no means wasn’t easy for our nation. First was introduction of democracy in Albania and then the liberation of Kosova from the Serbian rule. Today, Albania is a NATO member country and a candidate country to the EU membership, while Kosova aspires to join the EU. The two states are arm in arm in the rooted and long friendship with the US. We must reflect on the challenges we have seen and overcome the obstacles." said Konjufca.


Spiropali: The EU flag will fly on both sides of the Drin! Tahiri: Common response to anyone who tries to divide us! (Radio Tirana)


At the joint meeting of the two Assemblies of Albania and Kosova, Albanian Minister of State for Relations with the parliament Elisa Spiropali said the EU flag will fly in Albania and Kosova. Spiropali added that the visa regime in Kosova is absurd and Albania will be one of the most vocal advocates of Kosova for the visa liberalization. "Albania has been and will be one of the most vocal advocates of Kosovo for visa liberalization. We consider it absurd how the visa regime exists. How those who are of the age of grandparents in Kosovo today moved freely in the time of the former Yugoslavia, while their grandchildren are isolated today. The region seems to have settled accounts with war, but peace is never an equilibrium. They must clearly testify that soon the European flag will be flying on both banks of the Drin. For us, this is the only solution", said Spiropali. During his speech, the head of the Kosova Democratic Party parliamentary group Abelard Tahiri said that Albania and Kosova must have a common response to anyone who seeks to divide us. "The Albanian people have the ideal of democracy at its core. We must overcome the circumstances where we know what we do not want today, but we know what we want in the future where our societies are just, equal and free. We want a future when our people can write the history of their lives based on the freedom, democracy and justice that are the basis of our common character. We must have a common response to who tries to divide us. Together towards the EU, and in alliance with the US and NATO", said Tahiri.


Albania 110 years of statehood, Happy Flag Day! Celebrations and activities all over the country! Even Google "dresses" in red and black (Radio Tirana)


November the 28th marks Flag Day for the entire Albanian nation, while Albania marks the 110th anniversary of independence and the creation of a sovereign state. For this occasion, many activities have been organized throughout the country, while the center of the celebrations will be Vlora, where on November 28, 1912, Ismail Qemali raised the flag declaring Albania free and independent. Today is a festive day for all Albanians, where the flag with the double-headed eagle and red and black events prevail throughout the country. Organizations will not be missing even outside the borders, where the Albanian community in the US and not only, as well as the Albanians in Kosova will hold tributes to the martyrs and various activities. For this holiday, even the Google search engine has surprised Albanians by 'dressing up' with the Albanian flag. Albanian Radio Television wishes all Albanians a Happy Flag Day.