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Belgrade Media Report 30 November



Brnabic:  Pristina must implement formation of ZSO (RTS/RTV/Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday in Paris, after a meeting with Prime Minister of France Elisabeth Bourne, that our country has the full support of France, that the agreements signed by Belgrade and Pristina must be implemented. Speaking to journalists after the meeting in Matignon Palace, Brnabic emphasised that Pristina must implement the Brussels agreement and join the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), because without that there is no point in discussing other proposals. In response to a journalist's question as to whether there was talk of a Franco-German proposal for the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, she said that precisely because one side in Kosovo and Metohija violates previous agreements on normalisation and refuses to implement them, there is no point in discussing new proposals. According to her, during the meeting, the main focus was on deepening the economic relations between Serbia and France, with the assessment that the cooperation between the two countries so far is at an extremely high level. She reminded that many French companies came and invested in Serbia – from VINCI, which manages Nikola Tesla Airport, through SUEZ, which manages the Vinca landfill, to Michelin, which is the fifth largest exporter in Serbia. The officials also discussed Serbia's European integration, the Prime Minister said and underlined that France provides continuous support to Serbia on its European path. Brnabic added that she also talked with Bourne about changes to the Constitution in the area of ​​the judiciary, laws that need to be changed, freedom of the media and the fight against organised crime and corruption.


Dacic: We will continue cooperation with China despite inappropriate pressure (Tanjug/Politika/RTV)


Serbia is China's greatest friend in Europe, Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said after meeting with a Communist Party of China delegation in Belgrade on Tuesday. "In spite of all the inappropriate pressure, we will continue our cooperation with China," Dacic said at a press conference at the SPS headquarters, adding that this was in mutual interest. He thanked China for supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, adding that China, too, could count on Serbia's support when it comes to its own sovereignty and territorial integrity. Citing historical facts, Dacic recalled the Chinese embassy in Belgrade had been one of the targets during the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia. Speaking about cooperation between the two parties, Dacic said it had been going on for decades and that, within the framework of successful Serbia-China cooperation, inter-party cooperation was growing stronger as well. "Our two countries are friends, we support each other, we also have an agreement on strategic partnership and the relationship between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is at a high level," Dacic noted. Qian Hongshan, vice minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said the discussions with the SPS delegation had addressed ways of strengthening cooperation in all areas at both inter-government and inter-party level. "We exchanged views and agreed specific plans for future cooperation between the two parties. The Communist Party of China and the SPS are sister parties and the two states have a steely friendship," he said. Qian invited the SPS delegation to visit China and noted that Dacic's visit to China in February 2020, following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, was still remembered in the country as a brave decision and a great gesture of support to the people of China. He said Serbia and China were together protecting international law and noted that he was pleased to see Serbia developing.


Botsan-Kharchenko: West "pouring oil on fire" with German-French proposal (Tanjug/Politika)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko on Tuesday accused the West of "pouring oil on fire" by insisting on a French-German proposal for solving the Kosovo issue. Noting that EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell was "clearly alluding" that focus on the proposal was necessary at this time, Botsan-Kharchenko said that "by all accounts, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's public position on this is unimportant" to Borrell. "In other words: the West has reduced tensions arising from the licence plates problem - which was generated artificially by Pristina - but it did not do so with the aim of normalising the situation in the province. It is now pouring oil on fire again," Botsan-Kharchenko said in a statement released by the Russian Embassy. He said the UN General Assembly had consented to EU facilitation in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, and noted that Brussels had not consulted UN member states before making the French-German plan a part of the dialogue agenda "so lightly and in such a commanding manner." He also noted that the majority, or over 100 UN member states did not recognise Kosovo's "independence". Commenting on a joint session of the assemblies of Albania and self-declared Kosovo, the ambassador said the EU had taken lightly the "alarming messages from Tirana", which he noted were in the spirit of the Greater Albania concept, glorifying the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" and its leaders accused of crimes against humanity. "All in all, it seems that the EU's mediation activity has nothing in common with the honest broker role," Botsan-Kharchenko concluded.


Strengthening cooperation between Serbia, Cyprus in the field of defence (Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday in Belgrade with Minister of Defence of Cyprus Charalambos Petrides, assessing that the visit is a confirmation of the traditionally strong friendship between the two countries and peoples. After the meeting, Vucevic pointed out that he is very satisfied with today's talks, expressing his gratitude to Cyprus for its consistent and principled attitude towards all the most important and sensitive issues for our country, territorial integrity and sovereignty, i.e., the principles of the rule of international public law. We also do not want to see a divided island, we see united Cyprus, with one government in Nicosia and it will forever be like that, as long as this is the policy of Cyprus, he pointed out. When it comes to military-economic and military-technical cooperation, Vucevic expressed the hope that it will be strengthened even more and that we will have serious trade exchanges in those areas. The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the Foreign Ministry are proud of our participation in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus and the opportunity to be part of the family of states whose soldiers and police officers guard and take care of the security of the citizens of Cyprus, he said. He expressed satisfaction that Cyprus is interested in weapons and military equipment produced by the Serbian defence industry, adding that our country is also interested in part of the weapons and military equipment that the Republic of Cyprus has, exclusively in the context of strengthening the defence capacities of the Serbian Armed Forces. Petrides said that his visit to Belgrade is a confirmation of traditional ties, friendship and cooperation between Cyprus and Serbia. We have an active programme of annual defence cooperation that includes exercises, training and other activities both in Cyprus and in Serbia. We discussed ways to improve our cooperation in the near future, he said.


Intensification of cooperation with Cyprus in all areas of mutual interest (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Minister of Defence of Cyprus Charalambos Petrides yesterday expressed mutual support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the two countries. Dacic and Petrides, who is on a three-day official visit to Serbia, stated that the challenges faced by the two countries coincide to a large extent, and that joint action is needed to successfully overcome them. The head of Serbian diplomacy expressed his gratitude for the support that Cyprus provides to Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija in all international forums, as well as for Cyprus' support on Serbia's path to the EU. The officials agreed that there is great potential for the development of cooperation between the two friendly countries, not only in the field of defence, but also in the field of economy, science, tourism and sports, as well as that in the coming period, they will actively work on intensifying cooperation in all fields from common interest.


Orlic with Petrides: We continue to defend international law (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met yesterday with the Minister of Defence of Cyprus Charalambos Petrides. The officials jointly noted their readiness to make the good political relations the basis for additional improvement of cooperation between Serbia and Cyprus in all segments, primarily the economy, defence and military-economic sphere. In the course of the meeting, the officials confirmed the excellent bilateral relations between the two countries, based on mutual trust and historically proven closeness of the two peoples, also expressing their commitment to further strengthen parliamentary cooperation primarily through the work of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Republic of Cyprus, once again traditionally formed in the currently XIII legislature of the Serbian parliament. Biljana Pantic Pilja, Head of the PFG with Cyprus, also attended the meeting. Orlic stressed how deeply he appreciated Cyprus’ principled position of non-recognition of so-called “Kosovo” and continued support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia. He informed Minister Petrides about the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija and Pristina’s moves aimed at the physical elimination of Serbs from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. “In these almost impossible conditions, we are trying to maintain dialogue, and it is completely clear that Aleksandar Vucic is the one who is preserving peace and stability for everyone, while Albin Kurti provokes escalations and terrorises the Serb people,” said Orlic, reminding the guest that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, Pristina's fundamental obligation from the Brussels agreement, has been ignored for almost a decade. Minister Petrides said that Cyprus stands firmly by its decision not to recognise so-called “Kosovo” and will remain consistent in this matter in the future. “There is no doubt who provokes and does not respect the agreements in the dialogue process, and who is constructive and committed to peace - we heard this clearly from Josep Borrell. Given the situation and the generally difficult challenges the world is facing, our countries must continue to cooperate and remain united in insisting that the same principles apply to everyone and that international law must be respected everywhere in the world,” said Minister Petrides.


Serbian parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee meets with Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Foreign Affairs Committee (Politika)


The members of the Serbian parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee spoke yesterday, via video call, with the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine about the current situation in Ukraine. At the very beginning of the meeting, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Borko Stefanovic emphasised to his Ukrainian colleagues that Serbia strongly condemned the Russian Federation’s attack on the sovereign territory of Ukraine, expressing satisfaction that the two countries have continued to cooperate in the difficult situation Ukraine finds itself in. He pointed out that, above all, Serbia advocates for the preservation of peace and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of every state, as well as respect for international law and Resolution 1244. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Merezhko explained the current situation the Ukrainian population finds itself in, pointing out that all the MPs, regardless of political affiliation, have a united position on their country's foreign policy. He thanked Serbia for condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the session of the United Nations General Assembly, and especially Borko Stefanovic for the proposed resolution on aligning the foreign policy of Serbia with the EU foreign policy in the form of restrictive measures towards the Russian Federation. Merezhko went on to say that Ukraine is in dire need of humanitarian aid in almost all areas, adding that the world being aware of the real picture and current events is of strategic importance for Ukraine. Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chairperson Marina Ragus took the opportunity to list all the resolutions and decisions that Serbia supported at the international level, drawing attention to the fact that Serbia firmly adheres to international public and legal norms which guarantee the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all the members of the United Nations. At the end of the meeting, Stefanovic stressed that Serbia is a sovereign country that desires to join the EU, as does Ukraine, and that it would continue to make its political stands in a democratic way, through dialogue and within the competent institutions. In addition to Borko Stefanovic and Marina Ragus, the meeting was also attended by Committee members Dubravka Filipovski, Dunja Simonovic-Bratic, Ivan Kostic, Ugljesa Markovic and Djordje Miketic.

Grenell: Everything's falling apart (RTS)


"Belgrade-Pristina negotiations are falling apart, because the State Department is negotiating with the Europeans, and when you let them lead, you get a lot of talk, but little action", Richard Grenell, the former special envoy for dialogue in the Trump administration, told RTS, stressing that it is necessary for "American leaders to lead" and to have the trust of both sides. He says that Albin Kurti rejects all ideas and that he is of no use. "I think we know that Kurti is just not useful in this situation. I talked to him and he is someone who never liked any idea. He rejected every idea that the Americans offered him. Now he rejects the ideas offered by the Europeans. Even the Biden administration has to criticize him. I also think that he does not serve his people. It doesn't help in this situation. We miss Thaci these days," Grenell said. "He just says 'no', he is 'Mr. No'. If you go back to the ideas of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, he rejects all the ideas that Americans have offered. The American system sees it. Finally, in America, we come to the conclusion on both sides that Kurti is of no use to the Americans," he added. Asked whether Serbia, if one of its leaders or representatives had acted in this way, would have been punished, while nothing happened to Kurti, Grenell says that the Trump administration treated Kurti very harshly. "Some would say that I exaggerated. Even that I wasn't fair," he said and added that he thought he was fair. When asked how he views the American role in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, Grenell replied that there is currently a "consensus with the Europeans". "We in the Trump administration believed that it was necessary for America to lead. People from the White House, from the administration, must stand at the head," he pointed out. "I was appointed to be the envoy of the president, not the State Department." I represented President Trump. I could walk into the president's office and propose something. I could tell him personally what the two sides wanted. President Biden doesn't have that. The State Department colludes with the Europeans, and when you let them lead, you get a lot of talk and little action. This is happening now. We see the talks falling apart. America's leadership is needed, for American leaders to lead and to have the trust of both sides," said Grenell. Speaking about the interest of the US in this region, Grenell says that the Biden administration has not really shown any interest. "I will repeat, I think Biden's policy is to leave everything to the Europeans. And Europeans need Americans. While I was an envoy, I kept Paris and Berlin informed quite regularly. We did not harmonize with the EU and Brussels, and those who say that are right. But I worked closely with Berlin and Paris because I believed that if you work with the Germans and the French then they will coordinate with Brussels, let's leave it to them. Because, as we know, coordination with Brussels requires full-time work," said the former Trump envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


Remains of 450 persons in the Pristina morgue (RTS)


In Kosovo, another 1,617 people who disappeared before, during and after the war conflicts in 1999 are being searched for, the member of the Government’s Commission on Missing Persons Suzana Matejic said claiming that the remains of 450 people were in the morgue in Pristina. On this occasion, a meeting was held in Gracanica on the subject “Standstill in resolving the issue of kidnapped and missing persons”, Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) reports. “All that remained in the plans that we committed to carry out together, but at this moment we cannot say that in the last six months we have done anything more in the process of searching for the missing”, member Matejic, who is a specialist in forensic medicine, said. “The morgue in Pristina is something that must be investigated, because we do not know whose remains are there. Of those remains, we have information that 80 belong to Serbs and non-Albanians”, Matejic claims. Albanian members of the joint Resource Center on Missing Persons in Kosovo did not respond to the invitation to participate in this meeting, RTS reported.




Representatives of HDZ B&H and parties of 'Eight' sign document 'Guidelines, principles and goals in executive and legislative authorities for period 2022-2026' (BHT1)


Representatives of HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' signed the document 'Guidelines, principles and goals in the executive and legislative authorities for the period 2022-2026' in Sarajevo on Tuesday. The document was signed by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic on behalf of the coalition of parties gathered around HDZ B&H and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic on behalf of the parties of 'The Eight'. The agreement signed by HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' states that this coalition will work on solving the issue of the B&H Election Law, state property, modernization of the B&H Armed Forces (AF), but also reorganization of the judiciary and the entire RTV system of B&H and the FB&H. New coalition partners - HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' - announced formation of the FB&H government and the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) by the end of the year, stressing that their partner from the RS will be "unavoidable" SNSD. The document signed by HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' has been made public and it contains guidelines, principles and goals. However, measures will be elaborated only after the formation of the executive authorities at the B&H and the FB&H level. Representatives of HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' claim that they have not yet discussed the names of candidates for positions in the executive authorities, although names of possible ministers have already appeared in the media. Covic pointed out that after the inauguration of the parliament, it will be clear who makes up the coalition at the B&H level. Covic stressed that he is sure that SNSD will be their partner from the RS. "On the other hand, in the FB&H, it is this coalition which we have here today (Tuesday)," Covic said. Niksic said that people from other political parties recognize that a new project is being worked on here. "That something new is being done, which should be good for all citizens of B&H," Niksic underlined. Niksic added that it will hardly be possible to avoid SNSD during the formation of the B&H CoM. "This is our reality that we need to accept and respect," Niksic emphasized. Niksic pointed out that ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H do not share stances on all issues, but there is a vision on how they could bring their stances closer together. Covic confirmed that the agreement was reached without setting conditions and the authorities should be formed without a delay. Covic expects that this will be the year when the state budget for 2023 will be adopted prior to the next fiscal year. Covic commented on the Election Law, noting that the parties will work towards seeking a solution that would be in line with the rulings of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Covic also mentioned the need to reorganize the public broadcasting system to secure stable financing.


SDA: Agreement of ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H on authority formation is premature (FTV)


SDA reacted on Tuesday to the agreement between ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H on authority formation in B&H. In its reaction, SDA stated that signing of the agreement on formation of authorities between ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H is premature given that the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) still has not been formed. “This is intended to create the appearance that it is a done deal, so that when choosing the remaining members of the Bosniak Caucus, one of the actors might waver and favor ‘The Eight’. However, that will not happen. SDA and its partners will have a majority in the Bosniak Caucus of the HoP of the FB&H parliament, and consequently also in the Bosniak Caucus of the HoP in the B&H parliament”, underlined SDA. In addition, SDA called on SDP B&H to form the state authorities without SNSD.


Dodik: We are ready to talk to ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H about formation of B&H authorities (Nova BH/ATV)


President of SNSD Milorad Dodik hosted a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday during which he spoke positively about President of SDP Nermin Niksic. According to unofficial information, Dodik and Niksic met on Tuesday, however this meeting remains unconfirmed. Dodik confirmed that SNSD will propose a candidate for the leadership of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) during Thursday’s inaugural session and he counts on the support of HDZ B&H. He said that his understanding is that ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H signed an agreement that defines the formation of authorities in the F&iH and when this is done, the time will come to discuss the B&H level. Dodik explained that they are ready to talk to ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H about the formation of B&H level authorities. He explained that their principle is that those who form the authorities in the entities have the necessary respect and he will not say no to formation of authorities with them. Dodik said that these are not classic negotiations, but the agreement among those who won elections in entities to form the authorities in joint institutions. He also commented on what SNSD would prefer when it comes to ministries in the Council of Ministers (CoM), saying that they would like to get the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while it was speculated earlier that SNSD will go for B&H Minister of Finances. Dodik said that “we are interested in a new B&H Foreign Minister being chosen from the rank of Serbs”. He said the Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) should be from the rank of Croats, but Dodik did not wish to speculate on any names. “We are, of course, interested in getting the post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We believe that belongs to us because the outgoing Minister (Bisera Turkovic) was from the rank of Bosniaks, and given that the B&H CoM Chairman is from the rank of Croats, that one significant sector should belong to us. How will this look like? Will they, or will they not? Well, we shall see. I can tell you that we will seek that”, Dodik told reporters. He reminds that there is a way in which ministerial seats are distributed, and according to that, the RS will get four seats, while Bosniaks and Croats will get three seats each.


Viskovic continues consultations by meeting social partners, members of ‘United Srpska’ (ATV)


In continuation of consultations on formation of new authorities, RS Prime Minister-designate Radovan Viskovic held talks with representatives of ‘United Srpska’, representatives of the pensioners’ associations, the RS Chamber of Commerce, the Union of Employers’ Associations and the Alliance of Trade Unions of the RS. Viskovic emphasized that key task of the new government will be to preserve the fiscal and political stability of the RS. Tuesday’s consultations with social partners and ‘United Srpska’ members lasted around six and a half hours. Most of that time, Viskovic spoke with social partners. After the talks concluded, the social partners said that Viskovic was correct towards their requests, having full understanding for their needs and wishes. The Union of Employers’ Associations proposed for a new ministry to be formed – the Ministry of Economy. Viskovic explained that his limitations, regarding the number of ministries in the RS government, are clear and they cannot be changed. All delegations that met with Viskovic on Tuesday emphasized that 2023 will be very difficult, and that measures must be prepared for challenges that lie ahead. The economy is already in stagnation, there are visible problems with export, and the Union of Employers’ Associations believes a solution lies in swift adoption of a Strategy for the RS’ Development.


Varhelyi meets Dodik (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik met with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday. Dodik said that the RS is committed to the European integration, and he expects B&H to receive its candidate status in December. Amongst other things, the two spoke of reforms that need to be implemented, like the Strategy for Managing Migration and Asylum, and putting the contact point for cooperation with EUROPOL into operation. Dodik says he received a promise that the EU funds, intended for continuation of Corridor 5C construction, from Doboj to Vukosavlje, will be unblocked. Dodik conveyed to Varhelyi that B&H’s judiciary must be reformed, and that it does not have a constitutional basis. Dodik also said it is peculiar that B&H would get a candidate status while the Office of the High Representative (OHR), as well as foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, are still present in the country. “What was important for me, to tell to Mister Commissioner, is that it is a bit peculiar for us that, simply, we have that candidate status, and that at the same time, a false High Representative (Christian Schmidt) remains here, who has no kind of powers. He is pretending to be someone he is not. (…) And, of course, the Constitutional Court judges, which are foreigners, they must (go), due to functioning of the rule of law, and all that the European Union values are, and which must exist here”, Dodik told reporters. He added that the EU officials believe the most important thing now is for B&H to get its candidate status, and that all other matters will be resolved after that.


Varhelyi meets HR Schmidt: B&H leaders cannot afford to miss this opportunity (Oslobodjenje)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi met with High Representative Christian Schmidt. Following the meeting, OHR posted on Twitter that they had a good discussion on significance of the EU candidate status for B&H and its citizens. “Granting the EU candidate status would be a much needed impetus for B&H to move forward. B&H political leaders cannot afford to miss this opportunity. The work does not stop with the European Commission’s recommendation. Instead, this is the time for political leaders to press on with key reforms”, Schmidt stated after the meeting.


Varhelyi meets Covic; Covic: B&H has no alternative when it comes to membership in EU (BHT1)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi Tuesday held several separate working meetings with the leaders of the B&H political parties. Topics of these meetings included a candidate status for B&H and fulfillment of key reforms after the formation of the authorities in B&H. B&H officials stated that they will work on reforms to bring B&H closer to the EU. After meeting with the leaders of B&H political parties, Varhelyi said that he expects the authorities in B&H to be formed soon, as well as fulfillment of certain conditions, such as the adoption of the Law on Courts in B&H and putting into operation the contact point for cooperation with EUROPOL. "To turn over a new page in our relations, as the Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency said yesterday (Monday), to focus on what has been done, instead on what has not been done," Varhelyi said in an interview for BHT1. After meeting with the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that B&H has no alternative when it comes to membership in the EU and that the EU remains one of the main foreign policy priorities in B&H. Covic emphasized that one of the reasons why HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' decided to postpone the signing of the agreement on the formation of the authorities to 29 November was the arrival of Commissioner Varhelyi in B&H "so that we could hand him such an agreement that gives a new dimension to B&H". "I am convinced that if we do our part of the job, and our goal is to have executive and legislative authorities by the end of the year both at the level of B&H and the FB&H and everything related to that formation, that at the same time we can expect candidate status for B&H," Covic emphasized.


Varhelyi, Sattler visit Prosecutor’s Office of B&H (Avaz)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi and Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler visited B&H Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday, where they met with Chief Prosecutor Milanko Kajganic, prosecutors and associates. The meeting was also attended by prosecutors working on cases with international cooperation with the EU institutions, as well as cases related to data retrieved from the encrypted communication apps ‘Sky’ and ‘Anom’, where the cooperation with Europol and partner institutions is established. Varhelyi and Sattler stated that the EU structures support B&H Prosecutor’s Office and strengthening of capacities from its very beginnings, including equipment and resources necessary for successful work. They also emphasized that rule of law and security of citizens are among the most important segments in B&H’s path towards EU integration.


Djurovic: According to Constitution, I can assume position of President of State (TV Adria)


The Constitution foresees the possibility, if for some reason we do not have a president of the state, that the parliament speaker performs the duties of the president of the state until the election, parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic said during the Pres Plus show on TV Adria. However, she hopes it will not come to that. “I really hope that 20 May is far enough away, and that there is enough intelligence and responsibility in the parties, in the parliamentarians, so that we do not get to that situation, but that we resolve the issue of the Constitutional Court well before that date, so that I would be able to, in regular circumstances, call for presidential election and whoever wins – his victory will not be in doubt”, says Djurovic. When it comes to the crisis in Montenegro, she points out that DPS officially came out with three demands at the protests – snap elections, withdrawing the Law on Amendments to the Law on the President and voting on candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. The situation today, she says, is better than 6 or 7 months ago, when that story was launched. “But if there is no willingness to agree – we cannot reach a solution. It is an extremely complex situation”, concludes Djurovic.


Pendarovski: EU negotiations can be completed in record time as long as they are based on European criteria and not history (All media)


I am certain that if the EU negotiating process is not predominantly based on history but real European criteria and values, we can complete those talks in record time, President Stevo Pendarovski told a joint press conference with German counterpart Franck-Walter Steinmeier in Skopje on Tuesday. “I assure you in this because I am aware of the level of my country’s preparedness in the European integration process – we have been preparing for these negotiations for 17 years, which is the longest period for any country on record,” President Pendarovski told reporters and added that teams have been in place on every chapter for about 15 years now. Asked about the dropping EU membership support, the President said his impression is that the main argument for this lies in Brussels. “It is true that surveys in our country and the region over the past 18 months have shown a drop in the EU support. Without exempting all local and regional political leaderships from their portion of responsibility, it is my impression that the main argument for this drop of the so-called Euro-enthusiasm lies in Brussels, because we have not seen the European integration process moving forward over the past 3,4,5 years,” said Pendarovski, The President recalled that Serbia and Montenegro, which have been negotiating for a decade, have not made progress in the EU integration process, while Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are completely forgotten in the process until recently when Bosnia got a recommendation for a candidate status. “North Macedonia and Albania were, until a few months ago, effectively blocked by Bulgaria. Therefore, you cannot explain to the Macedonian citizens why the EU has delayed the start of the accession negotiations for 17 years due to various reasons. If we are not effective in these negotiations, then we can locate the responsibility predominantly on our part. However, it seems to me that if the door opens wide for the entire region, you will witness much better results in the people’s support to the Euro-integration process,” underlined Pendarovski.


Kovachevski-Steinmeier: Germany wants to see North Macedonia in EU as soon as possible (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met Tuesday with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, with both expressing mutual satisfaction from the excellent bilateral relations and the strong support that North Macedonia has been receiving from the Federal Republic of Germany in its Euro-Atlantic integration. President Steinmeier said Germany would like to see North Macedonia in the European Union as soon as possible, adding that the determination for implementation of reforms is crucial in fostering democracy and European values, the government said in a press release. Kovachevski and Steinmeier agreed that the efforts invested by both countries, including the coming constitutional changes, are aimed at ensuring the citizens’ European future. Besides the alliance and partnership in NATO, UN and OSCE, Germany has also played a successful role in the Berlin Process, which resulted in the recent signing of three agreements on mutual recognition of academic qualifications/diplomas, professional qualifications and travel documents. Unity is also witnessed through the alignment with EU and as NATO allies in the support provided to the Ukraine. Germany is North Macedonia’s largest economic partner, taking up a 45-percent share of the latter’s exports. About 200 companies in North Macedonia come from Germany, including WPD, which is investing about EUR 500 million in a 415MW wind park, which represents a serious step forward in electricity production from renewable sources, reads the press release.


FM Osmani attends NATO ministerial summit in Bucharest (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani attended Tuesday the NATO Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of ministers of foreign affairs in Bucharest, focused on the current security challenges, support for Ukraine, as well as effects of the Russian military aggression, such as the energy crisis and the food shortage that are causing instability in vulnerable regions, including the Western Balkans. In his address, FM Osmani emphasized the strategic importance of the Western Balkan and the Black Sea regions for the Alliance, stressing the need to increase connectivity and strengthen the partnership in dealing with common threats, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. “The security of Europe has been shaken, the Russian aggression on Ukraine has destroyed the principles that maintained peace and stability. At the same time, NATO has firmly and decisively adapted to these new security and political challenges. I have no doubt that we are reaffirming that unity, the strengthened transatlantic partnership, but also the determination, readiness and the strengthened presence here, in the Black Sea region, and along the entire eastern flank of the Alliance,” said Osmani. At the meeting, which was also attended by the foreign ministers of Sweden and Finland, the allies reaffirmed their support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, while at the same time defining the next steps for increased practical support. NATO’s Open Door policy was also discussed, with FM Osmani expressing his hope for a swift NATO membership for Sweden and Finland, which will 7 strengthen the stability of these countries, while also significantly bolstering the deterrence role of the Alliance, reads the press release.


Crvenkovska submits irrevocable resignation as Judicial Council President (All media)


Pavlina Crvenkovska has tendered her irrevocable resignation as Judicial Council President. Crvenkovska submitted her resignation ahead of the Council’s 421 session on Tuesday. “I submit my irrevocable resignation to the position of Judicial Council President. I will give further information on the reasons for my resignation in a press release,” Crvenkovska said ahead of Tuesday’s session. Deputy President of the Judicial Council Selim Ademi said he was not aware of such decision and discontinued the session. Crvenkovska then announced she was resigning as President of the Judicial Council of the Republic of North Macedonia in a statement to the media. “As I was elected to the post, a media smear campaign was launched with the ultimate goal of my resignation because my election as president did not suit a group of the judicial-business elite. To this day, the smear has not stopped through the distribution of fake information to journalists, while internal processes in the Council, which are of crucial importance for successful completion of tasks and for the functioning of the judiciary, have been continuously obstructed and deliberately delayed,” reads the statement. According to Crvenkovska, it has become regrettable that “instead of devoting ourselves to activities and reforms and improving the situation in the judiciary, finding ways to attack me and ways to harm the projects has become more important to someone.” “A latest example of a fake press briefing involved an illegal decision that I had made to elect a member of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, although I neither proposed nor voted in favor of the member of the Judicial Council, Zoran Gerasimoski. I hope that the future president will be eligible for this judicial-business elite. I am grateful to those 4 colleagues who showed respect and supported me in my intentions to change something, but still the Council as a collective body decides which path the judiciary will follow,” says Crvenkovska. Crvenkovska continues to be member of the Judicial Council.