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Belgrade Media Report 2 December



Vucic: Situation among Serbs boiling, nobody wants to suffer Kurti’s terror (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that he knows that the situation with the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is boiling over, because the people will no longer suffer the terror of Albin Kurti, and that the Serbs south of the Ibar are close to the decision to leave the Kosovo institutions, and the Serbs from the north are close to the decision not to let anyone enter the north. “Everything is boiling, people can’t tolerate it anymore. Nobody will tolerate Kurti’s terror anymore, only nobody will hear it. If this was the way to hear me, then I did a good thing for my people and country,” he said at a joint press conference with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. He said that he informed Varhelyi about our vision in Kosovo and Metohija and reminded him what had happened so far. “Just so you can see what it’s like when you put it all on a pile and what is the position of the Serb people and why he said everything he said. And I didn’t regret a single word, for everything I said yesterday about Kurti, Rasic and Trajkovic. Perhaps I should have used diplomatic language, but would anyone have heard us as regards what has been happening since the beginning of the year, if I had not acted in such a way,” said Vucic. He reminded that in January there was a referendum to declare that Serbia has an independent judiciary and that in Pristina they said that it was a key state issue and they did not allow the Serbs to declare themselves in the referendum. Also, Vucic added, Serbs were denied the right to participate in the elections in Serbia, to which the EU issued only one statement. “Then the judgment against Todosijevic, for the second time, is final, for a verbal delict,” said Vucic and added that it should have been an example for every Serb that he/she will be punished. He reminded that then the illegal construction started, contrary to the Brussels agreement and the agreements signed with NATO, the base of the so-called special police of so-called Kosovo near Jarinje and Brnjak, started raiding almost daily with Rosu units and others in the north, which they have no right to do, and to harass the Serbs, which they have no right to do. “Why, what did they do, why do we have a crisis every week, because someone produces it every week,” pointed out Vucic. He adds that then Pristina invented the story about identity cards, when three-month visas were supposed to be introduced for Serbs who, therefore, would not be able to get to their homes, but once every three months they had to go out to get a visa to get to their houses. Vucic says that then the crisis over the license plates was invented, even though they abolished the status-neutral KS license plates and were responsible for that. “When they trampled on all that, they repeated every day, including in Berlin at the summit, that they would never form the ZSO, which they also said yesterday. Even that was not enough, but against all acts and the Brussels agreement, they suspended and dismissed Nenad Djuric, who was the head of the North police. What will happen next week, what will they invent, and then Kurti wanted to insert his henchmen Rasic, Trajkovic and others so that they would bring in the Kosovo army and say that the Serbs voted for it, to abolish the Serbian language and then bring them into the Kosovo government,” said Vucic. Why are you deceiving the whole world that they are the representatives of the Serbs, or are they the ones who got 93 percent of the votes, asked Vucic and pointed out that this is how all democratic norms are destroyed. “I asked what is next and we got an answer from Stano and I hope that today the EU statement will be clearer on that issue, we got an answer on that issue - again something from both sides. I heard from a diplomat - enough of that ‘both sides’. Really enough of these stories about two sides because we didn’t do any of this but every time we had to react and put out the fire, and fight for peace and stability. For nine months they accuse us of attacking someone in the region and see that they lied from the first moment. Let me ask Varhelyi what will happen next week,” emphasized Vucic.


Vucic: Terrorist scum, take care... (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke out after Albin Kurti's decision to appoint Nenad Rasic Minister for Communities, unconstitutionally and contrary to Brussels agreement.

The President repeated that Brussels' statement is shameful, and that it is the mildest word that can be used. "The election of Rasic, a man who won less than 1 percent, as well as Rada Trajkovic, who was on his list, shows that they want the persecution, expulsion and disappearance of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. And now I have a few things to say, before the official address and meeting with Oliver Varhelyi, if it ever comes to that," he said. Vucic adds that this is a miserable anti-Serb attitude shown by the EU, and that what "terrorist scumbag Albin Kurti did, deserves condemnation". "I have been silent for months and years, suffering nonsense from everyone in the region and the world. That terrorist scum should have received the well-deserved condemnation of the EU. Of course, he didn't. He received something that maybe no one can understand. And that's how they behave all the time, not only that they violated the norms of the Brussels agreement, international public law and all democratic norms," said the President. Vucic pointed out that this is in line with the interests of a European power, which someone needs to implement against the Serbs. "They chose the worst Serbian scum, from the bottom of the bucket, Rasic and Rada Trajkovic, there are no worse, who do not have the trust of anyone in Serbia, but they have the trust of Albin Kurti and the Western agencies. They think that they will scare us with that. No problem. You can destroy the President of Serbia, to organize protests in Serbia, to kill me. But for me, Kosovo and Metohija are the greatest Serbian holy places, for me Serbia is a holy place. It's better that I'm gone, than to hand it over to you, and I won't hand it over to you. And that's why no one from Serbia will be in Tirana, and you come nicely, travel by plane, talk nonsense, all of you from Europe and the Western Balkans," he said. The President said that they can "rant about the fact that Serbia is to blame", but that he is not interested in that, and that Serbia is not guilty of anything. "Well, let's see what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Then the next time you address Serbia, take into account what was adopted in Brussels, take care of the citizens of Serbia, since they are not the ninth hole in anyone's pipe, and I will not let you humiliate them. Serbia is on its own. We have problems in the energy sector, which I will tell the citizens about on Saturday," said Vucic, and sent a message to Kurti and Brussels. "And to the terrorist scum - I have only one message: see to it that you don't hurt a single Serb, together with these quislings you have chosen. Because the Serbs will know how to answer. And you from Europe, shame on you, and that is a small thing compared to what I really want to tell you," he concluded.


Vucic: EU has demonstrated anti-Serb attitude (TV Pink)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Thursday he would not travel to Tirana for a 6 December EU-Western Balkans summit following a decision by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti to name Serb Nenad Rasic as minister of communities and return. He said Kurti's move was a violation of not only the Brussels agreement, but international law as well. It is a violation of all democratic principles and norms under which someone is elected to a position or offered a position after garnering a large number of votes in elections, Vucic said, noting that positions should not be offered to someone with just one percent of votes. "But they do not care, because that is in line with the interests of a European power and interests someone needs to implement, against the Serbs," Vucic noted. As a result of the decision, no one from Serbia will be at the Tirana summit, Vucic said, announcing that he would speak about the matter in more detail on Saturday. Serb List, a political organisation of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, has said Kurti's decision was unconstitutional and unsupported by Serb members of the provincial assembly. The organisation said it would appeal the decision with the constitutional court. "After continuous violations of the Brussels agreement, Albin Kurti has demonstrated once again that he does not respect even Pristina's own legal acts in case they are in the interest of Serbs," Serb List said, noting that Rasic's nomination violated a constitutional provision under which a Serb who was not a member of the assembly could not be named minister without the consent of the majority of Serb assembly members. Kurti did not seek that consent and Rasic does not have the support of our assembly members, Serb List said. "The unconstitutional nomination of Nenad Rasic is a result of Albin Kurti's efforts to have by his side loyal Serbs for whom personal interests are above national interests but who have no support whatsoever among Kosovo Serbs," it said in a statement.


Brnabic: EU's shameful reaction to appointment of Nenad Rasic (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reacted this evening to a statement by spokesperson of the European Union Peter Stano following the appointment of Nenad Rasic as a minister in the government of provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina. The government's website brings the Prime Minister's statement in its entirety: "Such a reaction is a shame for the EU. We waited to see what the Union would say about the appointment of Rasic, and we received another shameful statement. The appointment of Rasic is not only contrary to the Brussels agreement, but also to the will of the people expressed in the elections, which is the most important will. I ask again – after 10 years Pristina did not implement the Brussels Agreement, which the EU is the guarantor of, after the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were denied the right to vote this year, twice, to which the EU responded with one sentence in the Progress Report, and after that by appointing Rasic, Pristina continues to disregard the clearly expressed will of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, so I ask the EU – where are these European values, where is democracy, where does the rule of law disappear? After such a shameful statement by the EU, just one more in a series, there is no need for Serbia to participate in summits on the Western Balkans. Either the EU will start to respect the values ​​it propagates or there is no longer a need for Serbia to participate in this kind of farce. For the first time, Serbia will not attend the EU Summit – Western Balkans, which will be held on 6 December, in Tirana,” the Prime Minister said.


Dacic: Pristina sabotaging efforts for compromise (Tanjug)


Serbia remains committed to peace and stability in the region, but a solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue must be reached through compromise, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in an address at the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Lodz, Poland, on Thursday. He said Pristina was doing everything to sabotage a compromise solution and that the Southeast Europe region was burdened by accumulated unsolved problems. A particular reason for concern is the fact that ethnic Albanian politicians in Kosovo and Metohija are not only rejecting Belgrade's good will and commitment to dialogue, but also appeals from the EU and the international community, he said. By making a problem out of vehicle licence plates, Pristina wanted to avoid its obligations such as establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, Dacic said. He said the so-called Kosovo was continuing to pressure the non-Albanian community, especially Serbs, with the ultimate aim of expelling non-Albanians from the province. Pristina's attempts to politicise the Ukraine war to portray itself as the victim and accomplish its political goals are disgusting, Dacic also said.


Bilateral meetings of Dacic on side lines of OSCE Ministerial meeting (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out yesterday, in a meeting with High Representative Josep Borrell that EU membership remains our strategic goal, as well as one of our main foreign policy priorities. At the meeting, held on the side lines of the OSCE Ministerial Meeting in Lodz, Dacic reiterated that our country remains fully committed to the reform process and the improvement of all spheres of our society. The officials exchanged opinions on the current state of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and agreed that all efforts should be focused on continuing the dialogue, since the conversation is the only right way to resolve open issues, as well as to reach a sustainable agreement. In a conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky, Dacic pointed out that the deepening of the overall cooperation between the two countries is a priority for Serbia, as well as the continuation of the dialogue at all levels. He indicated Serbia's interest and readiness to deepen economic cooperation with the Czech Republic and attract Czech investments. In the context of intensifying the dynamics of mutual visits, the officials expressed the hope that the official visit of President of the Czech Republic Zeman to Belgrade will be carried out soon. Also, the interlocutors exchanged opinions on regional issues and the European integration of Serbia, and Dacic expressed the expectation that the Czech Republic will support the achievement of a permanent and sustainable solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Daic also held a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Melanie Joly, at which the importance of intensifying the political dialogue and a more dynamic exchange of visits by the officials of the two countries was highlighted. Dacic underlined that Serbia is committed to improving economic and other forms of cooperation in the fields of mining, energy and agriculture, as well as attracting Canadian investments. The interlocutors also discussed cooperation within international organizations such as the OSCE, as well as other multilateral forums. In this context, the head of Serbian diplomacy expressed the hope that Canada will support Serbia's candidacy for full membership in Francophonie. In a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock, Dacic underlined that Serbia advocates that the high level of political dialogue, achieved in the previous period, be continued and intensified, as well as that there will soon be an exchange of visits by foreign ministers. When it comes to regional issues, he expressed the hope that Germany will have a balanced approach and constructive support for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with a focus on the implementation of existing agreements, and above all, the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. According to him, it is necessary to avoid unilateral moves and not to support Pristina's unreasonable demands, such as membership in the Council of Europe and the EU, which contradict the agreed framework for reaching a solution. The head of Serbian diplomacy expressed his gratitude for the German government's support for the intensification of our European integration and the region, noting that Germany is the most important economic partner of Serbia and one of the largest investors in the Serbian economy, as well as that German companies in Serbia currently employ around 78,000 workers.


Dacic: We will not let Pristina's CoE membership happen without a fight (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday Belgrade would not let Pristina's Council of Europe (CoE) membership happen without a fight. "I have warned of the complexity of Pristina's CoE membership, noting that the membership will not happen without a fight," Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug from Lodz after meeting with Icelandic counterpart Thordis Kolbrun Reykfjord Gylfadottir, whose country is to assume the CoE presidency. "The issue of Pristina's membership is destroying all the principles we are adhering to when it comes to the territorial integrity of Ukraine," Dacic said. He said a potential decision to admit Pristina to the CoE would be the first time such an important issue was decided on by outvoting or through mutual accusations, rather than by consensus.


Orlic with Varhelyi on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met today with EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. In the course of the meeting, Orlic mentioned the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and Brussel’s reaction to one more breach of the agreement y Pristina. “Not only has the Brussels agreement been violated, everything has been violated,” said Orlic. “You have been made aware of the reaction of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to yesterday’s events. Rest assured that everyone in Serbia stands behind the President’s words,” he added. Today’s meeting also touched on the acceleration of European integration through the application of new methodology and the significant contribution of the Serbian parliament in terms of the constitutional amendment, judiciary reform and results of the inter-party dialogue was also noted.


Lajcak: I'm coming to Belgrade (Tanjug/Kanal10 TV/RTV21)


The EU envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak announced that he will visit Belgrade and Pristina next week. On that occasion, he said that he would speak with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions, Albin Kurti. During these meetings, as Lajcak said in an interview with Pristina's Kanal10 TV, they will discuss how the agreement on license plates is respected, as well as the next steps to normalize relations according to the Franco-German plan. "I plan to visit Belgrade and Pristina next week and discuss the next steps and then prepare the next high-level meeting between President Vucic and Kurti, which will be fully dedicated to the normalization process," said Lajcak. He also said that with the latest plate agreement on 23 November, there would be no more time limits, but that the parties involved would focus on a broader plan. According to the EU envoy, the latest agreement avoids further escalation of tensions. He said that the Franco-German proposal will be the main focus of the upcoming meetings in Brussels. In an interview with another Albanian-language media, RTV21, Lajcak also said that the early spring of 2023 could be the deadline for reaching an agreement between the two sides. He added that the final solution proposal is a European proposal with the involvement and strong support of Germany and France. Lajcak said that the goal is to "complete the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia" by the beginning of 2024. Speaking about the Community of Serb Municipalities, he said that this was an obligation of Kosovo agreed back in 2013. "It must be resolved in accordance with this obligation. Serbia's position for now is that this should be a prerequisite for the continuation of the process. Our position, the position of the EU, is that it should be part of the package and that it would be good to resolve it as soon as possible and, in any case, it cannot be conditioned by anything else because it is already an existing determination", said Lajcak.


Escobar: Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, ZSO a legally binding obligation (FoNet)


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar said that he has encouraged Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine and to be more demonstrative of its alignment with European values. The crisis in Ukraine helped us focus on what is happening in the Western Balkans, said Escobar, noting that in future Russia will not be a credible partner and that it is economically and politically wrong to count on cooperation with Moscow. Escobar said he would like for the European integration process of the six Western Balkan countries to move faster, adding: “We definitely need more Europe in the region and we definitely need more America in the region.” Nationalism and ethnic rivalry is really just a mask for corruption, which is the biggest problem for the region, said Escobar, adding that corrupt politicians need to be sanctioned. Some politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina are coordinating and cooperating with organized criminal groups, these people need to be removed from positions of responsibility, and this applies to the entire region, Escobar said. He explained that it is not very likely the US will take the lead in the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. “This dialogue should be European, mostly because the aspiration for both countries is to join the European Union,” said Escobar, adding that the American side is involved in crafting solutions that it hopes will work for both sides. He said he was certain that the region’s economic potential will create opportunities for the integration of Western Balkan countries. The US Deputy Assistant Secretary said that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is a legally binding obligation and that it will be implemented. The 70,000 Serbs living in northern Kosovo are at the center of all of the tensions, said Escobar, adding: “They should be granted all of the protection of the institutions in Kosovo but they also should be permitted to participate in the social, political and economic life of Serbia.” Speaking for the Europe Center Atlantic Council, Escobar said that Washington has constant and frequent discussions with the European Union members that have not recognized Kosovo about how it can help them move forward the recognition process. “Kosovo is an independent sovereign, country. The question is not about their status, it’s about the recognition that that status exists,” said Escobar, adding that a binding mutual agreement between Belgrade and Pristina will open the door to more recognitions. He said it is little likely that anyone in Europe would believe that Kosovo is a part of Serbia. That does not mean that Kosovo and Serbia cannot cooperate in the field of culture, trade, environmental protection. Belgrade and Pristina will have peaceful relations, which will be achieved by the trans-Atlantic process, said Escobar. He noted that the future of the region is as multi-ethnic democracies.




RS parliament elects delegates to B&H House of Peoples; SNSD to have four and SDS one delegate in B&H HoP (FTV)


FTV reports that SNSD will have four and SDS one delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). This was decided by the members of the RS parliament by secret ballot on Thursday. At Thursday's special session of the RS parliament, 83 MPs voted, and one ballot was invalid. The secret ballot for the election of delegates to the B&H HoP from the rank of the Serb people lasted a little more than half an hour, which was followed by a three-hour marathon break. After the break, President of the Election and Appointment Commission Ilija Tamindzija announced that the delegates in the B&H HoP will be SNSD representatives Sredoje Novic, Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac, Radovan Kovacevic and Nikola Spiric, and SDS's Zelimir Neskovic. FTV stressed that the invalid ballot, which was a vote for PDP's candidate for the delegate in the B&H HoP, two extra votes that went to SDS and two votes which SDP B&H's Vojin Mijatovic got helped SNSD to get four delegates in the B&H HoP. After that, a heated debate ensued. SNSD leader and RS President Milorad Dodik came to the RS parliament and, as FTV noted, he was visibly pleased by the fact that SNSD will have four delegates in the B&H HoP because that means that SNSD will have the control mechanism and therefore the blocking mechanism in its hands. Dodik pointed out that the delegates from the Serb people will work to protect the interests of the RS. "We will behave constructively, wherever constructiveness can help. Where there is deconstruction, of course we will use our rights to decide the way we think we should do it," Dodik said. "It would be better if there was a public vote to see who voted, and not to do all kinds of things through this manipulation of secret voting, and there were various hints surrounding all of that. I am proud of the coalition majority that we have, which voted flawlessly and stuck to the earlier agreement on all of this, just like some others who believed that they should be part of precisely this affirmation in the RS," Dodik underlined. “We have done important work, tomorrow the delegates to the RS Council of the People (CoP) will be elected, and with that we complete the prerequisites for the formation of the Government of the RS. As soon as the CoP is constituted, we can enter into the formation of the RS Government, and this is something that shows the efficiency to complete and implement the election results in a very efficient procedure”, Dodik noted. Addressing the press conference after the voting, Dodik said: “There are no speculations. Four have been elected (from SNSD) and one from SDS. These four delegates are the guarantee that the RS can peacefully wait these four years, that no one will be able to impose anything on the RS and, as it was said at the beginning, it is very pleasant to have four (delegates).”


RS opposition dissatisfied with election of delegates for B&H HoP in RS parliament (BNTV)


At a special session of the RS parliament held on Thursday, 83 MPs elected five delegates to the Serb Caucus of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). According to the results of voting, SNSD will have four delegates in the B&H HoP, while SDS will have one. PDP’s list lacked one vote to get a seat in the B&H HoP. Representatives of PDP claim that they won this vote, but it was declared invalid. In his address, PDP’s Igor Crnadak said that at the ballot that was declared invalid the name of PDP was clearly selected. President of the Commission for Election and Appointment Ilija Tamindzija underlined that the demand of PDP to pronounce this ballot valid was rejected. If this was not a case, PDP’s list would have 12 votes, the same as the list of SNSD. Consequently, the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H would select one delegate through drawing of the lots. MP Nebojsa Vukanovic (For Justice and Order) stressed that treason occurred in the RS parliament. He stressed that the ‘Movement for the State’ enabled SNSD and Milorad Dodik to get four delegates in B&H HoP. “When I see how Bosniak parties voted, it is clear we Serbs are not the worst”, said Vukanovic. He accused MPs from Movement of being close to Dodik. Vukanovic also accused SDP of betraying their voters. Leader of SDP Nermin Niksic reacted to these accusations through public statement in which he emphasized that they have clear evidence SDP MPs in the RS parliament voted for the list of PDP’s candidates for delegates in the B&H HoP. SNSD’s Denis Sulic stressed that his party made precise calculations how to get four delegates in the B&H HoP. He added that they did not go to “political Sarajevo” to make agreements on voting in the RS parliament. MP Djordje Vucinic (For Justice and Order) stated that SNSD got four delegates through political corruption. He called on SIPA and prosecution to investigate whether there was political corruption in this case. Vucinic also said that he hopes that "no one from our ranks betrayed us". "Unfortunately, Milorad Dodik and SNSD got the fourth delegate in the B&H HoP, so there will be a big blockade in the next four years. This is an ugly and sad message for citizens. There will be no abolition of excise duties or VAT on basic foodstuffs. On the other hand, we also see that prices are going wild, that next year's inflation will be much higher than it was this year. So I am disappointed," Vucinic pointed out. "What we have witnessed in the past four years is nothing compared to what we will witness in the next four years, and I am going to rejoice and say - grow bolder, Milorad, grow bolder when they love it, humiliate them, because the more you humiliate and insult them, the more they kneel before you," Vukanovic said. Vukanovic accused SDP B&H of being responsible for the fact that SNSD got four delegates in the B&H HoP, saying that through secret agreements and games SDP B&H enabled SNSD to get the fourth delegate.


Inaugural session of B&H HoR held, Cavara, Zvizdic and Radmanovic elected to B&H HoR leadership (Hayat)


An inaugural session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) was held on Thursday. NiP’s Denis Zvizdic, HDZ B&H’s Marinko Cavara and SNSD’s Nebojsa Radmanovic were elected to the B&H HoR leadership. The reporter commented that although many expected the new convocation of the B&H HoR will bring changes, it has not happened. Namely, both Zvizdic and Radmanovic were members of the previous leadership of the B&H HoR, while HDZ B&H’s Cavara replaced HDZ B&H’s Borjana Kristo. SDA’s MP Serif Spago said that one can expect this coalition that elected the new leadership will not function at B&H level because they do not have any program and goals besides those related to implementation of recommendations of the European Commission (EC). He expressed hope B&H will manage to achieve its goals related to the NATO and EU integration, adding that SDA will support activities in this regard as well as other decisions and regulations beneficial for citizens of B&H. Newly elected speaker of B&H HoR Zvizdic said that he cannot see why anyone would oppose the EU integration, improvement of economic standard and rule of law. He added that their goal is stabilization of the political situation in order to give opportunity to development of economy. Deputy speaker of B&H HoR Cavara expressed hope that the recently signed coalition agreement, one signed by HDZ B&H and coalition ‘The Eight’, will be implemented in the upcoming period. SDS’ MP Mladen Bosic stated that obviously policies of obstructions achieve results, adding that such policies turned out to be productive for parties implementing them. Bosic explained that he primarily refers to HDZ B&H. He also said that two thirds of MPs in the B&H HoR belong to parties that have been blocking processes over the last four years. He emphasized that the policy of obstruction as a method of a political fight has been verified by the High Representative through passing of laws beneficial for those who were committing obstructions. The reporter noted that SDA will have most MPs in the new convocation of the B&H HoR, nine of them, while SNSD will have six seats in the B&H HoR, SDP will have five and HDZ B&H will have four. DF and NiP will each have three, NES, PDP and SDS will each have two. BHI-KF will have one, the same as ‘For Justice and Order’, DEMOS and United Srpska. The reporter commented that although SDA won most votes in elections and most seats in the B&H HoR, there are attempts to exclude it from formation of new authorities at B&H level. The reporter commented that SNSD, the party that won six seats in the B&H HoR threatened that no one should attempt to create similar scenario for it.


FB&H HoR speaker and deputy speakers elected at FB&H House of Representatives inaugural session on Thursday (BHT1)


At the inaugural session held on Thursday, FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) elected Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic (Our Party) a new FB&H HoR speaker, Edina Gabela (SB&H) and Mladen Boskovic (HDZ B&H) as FB&H HoR deputy speakers. BHT1 reports that SDA representatives in the FB&H HoR objected the newly elected speaker and deputy speakers, stating that none of Bosniak representatives were nominated as candidates for the posts and, after a brief discussion, SDA representatives left the session. Following this, FB&H HoR speaker in former composition Mirsad Zaimovic decided to interrupt the session, which majority of representatives opposed. After a longer break, the FB&H HoR decided the session should resume, chaired by the oldest representative in the FB&H HoR Safet Omerovic. BHT1 reports that after the speaker and deputy speakers were elected, Marinkovic Lepic interrupted the session due to conditions to elect working bodies not being met. Addressing the press conference after the session, SDA representative in the FB&H HoR Adnan Efendic said: “We think this is premature and we should wait. It will change nothing for us if the FB&H HoR leaders are elected on Monday and we advocate election taking place next week, when we will know who will have majority in the Caucuses in Houses of Peoples.” HSS representative in the FB&H HoR Mario Karamatic said that SDA representatives’ argumentation was justified, however “honestly, they started it first. Everything starts and ends there. Additionally, political parties within the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) said it clearly that DF is not an acceptable partner for us. They are with DF. Every reaction has its consequences and now they can enjoy”. NiP representative in the FB&H HoR Elmedin Konakovic said: “We have a proposal that we will vote on and for which we have necessary parliamentary majority that is visible today. All of you that have been following the Parliament’s work for a longer period of time know that the opposition has the right at every session to object, and we do not really pay attention to that.”


Representatives in Posavina Canton Assembly elect delegates to FB&H House of Peoples (O Kanal)


Representatives in the Assembly of the Posavina Canton elected delegates to the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) on Thursday. SDA's Mehmed Memisevic was elected to the FB&H HoP from the Bosniak Caucus. This was made possible because PDA representative Mujo Puzic did not appear at the session. Puzic had previously reached an agreement that he would support the Posavina candidate list of SDA, followed by a plot as his signature found its way onto another list. Puzic submitted an explanation to speaker of the Posavina Canton Assembly Blaz Zuparic, in which he stated that he could not attend the session for health reasons. If Puzic had appeared at Thursday's session, the candidate from the Bosniak Caucus probably would not have been elected because two lists would have had an equal number of votes, that is, three each. Memisevic said that it can be said that Bosniaks will have a strong voice in Sarajevo. "We can also say that all speculations from the previous period were unfounded and this is the will of the people, the will of Bosniaks from Posavina," Memisevic underlined. Memisevic from SDA was elected from the rank of the Bosniak people and Ilija Ilic from HDZ B&H was elected from the rank of Croat people, while Svetlana Kamenjas was elected from the rank of Serb people.


HNC Assembly elects six delegates in FB&H HoP (FTV)


At its inaugural session held on Thursday, the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Assembly elected delegates to the House of Peoples (HoP) of the FB&H. However, all names will be known after the election by drawing of the lots in the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) for the fifth delegate from the Croat people and two delegates from the Serb people since they received the same number of votes in the secret ballot. FTV reminded that according to the decision of the High Representative, five delegates from the Croat people, one delegate from the Bosniak people, two delegates from the Serb people and one delegate from 'The Others' are elected to the FB&H HoP from the HNC. HDZ B&H representatives Oliver Soldo, Damir Dzeba and Tomislav Martinovic and HDZ 1990 representative Ivan Odak were directly elected to the FB&H HoP. The B&H CEC is expected to decide between HDZ B&H's Iva Raguz and HRS's Vesna Sunjic through election by drawing of the lots. SDA's Irma Memidzan was elected to the FB&H HoP from the Bosniak people, while Arman Zalihic was elected to the FB&H HoP from 'The Others'. Two delegates from the HNC from the Serb people will also be elected by drawing of the lots. Deputy speaker of the HNC Assembly Tomislav Martinovic (HDZ B&H) expressed satisfaction that the HNC Assembly successfully completed the election of delegates to the FB&H HoP by the set deadline. Negotiations on the formation of the executive authorities in the HNC should start soon. Martinovic said that the HDZ B&H-led coalition can conduct these negotiations with two groups. "There is SDA on one hand, and the group gathered around SDP B&H on the other hand," Martinovic underlined.


CBC Assembly elects seven out of eight delegates in FB&H HoP at inaugural session on Thursday (BHT1)


At its inaugural session held in Travnik on Thursday, the Central Bosnia Canton (CBC) Assembly elected seven out of eight delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) by secret voting, i.e. three delegates from HDZ B&H and one delegate from HDZ 1990 in the Croat Caucus, one delegate from SDP B&H in the Serb Caucus, and one delegate from SDA and one delegate from DF in the Bosniak Caucus. BHT1 reports that one delegate from the rank of the Others was not elected, because none of representatives in the ninth convocation of the CBC Assembly declares as such. New convocation of the CBC Assembly is composed of 11 representatives from SDA, nine from HDZ B&H, four from SDP B&H, two from DF, two from NiP and two from HDZ 1990.


Podzic: It is expected that allies will ask B&H to hold referendum on NATO membership (BHT1)


BHT1 carries that at the press conference held on Thursday on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the Armed Forces of B&H (AF B&H), it was underscored that in 2022, the AF B&H achieved significant progress in terms of their work and functioning, with the greatest success being the adoption of the Reform Program by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and the exceptionally successful evaluation of the Light Infantry Battalion Group of AF B&H by NATO. Addressing the press conference, B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic said: “Very soon we will need to say when the allies say – and I have a feeling they will say it soon – well B&H, you are ready for a full-fledged NATO membership, you should apply. I assume that we will need to organize a referendum on the whole territory of B&H as it was done by most countries, and that we will then decide whether we will go towards the full-fledged NATO membership or not.” Podzic also said that Day of B&H Armed Forces is one of the dates marked on the territory of B&H as a whole. He stated that B&H has its armed forces that are ready to join NATO today, stressing that B&H Armed Forces represents a guarantor of security and defense of the country and one of the key elements of protection of B&H’s statehood.


Viskovic responds to Podzic: No one from level of B&H can organize referendum in RS (RTRS)


Commenting on a statement of outgoing B&H Defense Minister Sifet Podzic, who said that a referendum on the NATO membership will most likely be held in B&H, RS Prime Minister-Designate Radovan Viskovic stated that it represents a “political pamphlet”. He stressed that no one at the level of B&H can hold a referendum on any issue.


Atlantic Council hosts online conference ‘Western Balkans’ Euro-Atlantic Future (N1)


The Atlantic Council hosted on Thursday an online conference ‘The Western Balkans’ Euro-Atlantic Future: A conversation with Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar. Escobar, who is also the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans, stated that Russian aggression in Ukraine has changed the situation in the Western Balkans, which the European allies used as a chance to create positive environment in the region and stimulate its progress. However, he stressed that regardless of problems caused by the war in Ukraine, the Western Balkan region has its own local problems from before that were limitation on its EU path. Escobar also commented on the situation in B&H ahead of the EU Council’s decision on the EU candidate status for B&H, noting that it is all up to B&H authorities that have not made progress in the field of reforms. “I think that any signal that these countries are welcomed in Europe is important, especially now. However, at the same time we think that it should be more than just symbolic and there should be some movement as well. It is not just a task for Europe - it is a predominantly a task for the political leaders in B&H to make that dream a reality, but right now in many cases I do not see that among the leadership in B&H”, Escobar concluded.


Djukanovic: Ready for dialogue, government’s adventure with attempt to introduce MNE into OB would be equal to high treason (RTCG)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic says in an interview for the national broadcaster RTCG that the country is in a deep institutional, political and insufficiently visible economic crisis. The only way out of that situation is snap elections. Speaking about the changes to the Law on the President, which was adopted by the parliamentary majority, and which he returned to the parliament, President Djukanovic recalls that on 2 November, the Presidency of the Democratic Party of Socialists, as the strongest opposition party, immediately after the adoption of the Law on the President, issued a public statement. “At that time, we said that the adoption of that law violated the Constitution and that the country’s constitutional and legal order was threatened, that it dangerously leads to further institutional ruination of Montenegro, and we fear that the final epilogue of that is the threat to sovereignty, i.e., to the independence of Montenegro. We also pointed out that with such actions of the parliament, the meaning of the functioning of that important state institution in Montenegro was called into question, and that, if it continues, it will certainly point to the need for extra-institutional action, and we put forward three proposals. The first proposal is that the Law on the President should not be introduced into the legal system of Montenegro, so that after the expected return by the President, its adoption should not be repeated on a second occasion”, he emphasizes. He also recalls of the proposal to return to the beginning of the dialogue on the judges of the Constitutional Court and to try to reach a two-thirds majority through the dialogue in the Constitutional Committee. “The third proposal was to sit down at the table and agree on the date of snap elections, because it is very clear and obvious that Montenegro is in a deep political, institutional and still insufficiently clear economic crisis, an insufficiently visible economic crisis and that the only way out of that situation is snap elections. “There was no action by the parliamentary majority on those requests,” says President Djukanovic. The President adds that it is good that some time was gained for an attempt at a responsible dialogue between the government and the opposition. “As the party leader, I want to say that we are ready for a dialogue on all these issues, and that we have not engaged in any political blackmail, but that we are rather responsibly proposing solutions to get out of the crisis”, he adds. President Djukanovic repeats that Montenegro is in a crisis of the functionality of its institutions, and that indeed he continuously points to this precisely because he is afraid that endangering the economic viability of Montenegro and endangering the functionality of the institutions could play into the hands of all representatives of politics that oppose Montenegrin independence and Montenegrin progress on its European path. President Djukanovic points out that, recognizing the crisis in the functioning of a certain part of the government, he did not resort to extra-constitutional actions. “As you know, there were lawyers who proposed in public that the Constitution foresees the possibility that the President can dissolve the parliament by decree. I answered – correctly, but under certain conditions that have not been met to date. Therefore, I do not think that it would be a good contribution for the President to join the general demolition of the Constitution. I think that would be wrong. Instead, the President constantly calls for unconditional and strict respect for the Constitution. So, as you know, the violation, the obvious violation of the Constitution, took place in the parliament. And I’m not the only one saying that. I am very careful when I state this, because I know that the final judgment, the relevant judgment on the violation of the Constitution is made by the Constitutional Court, but there are some things that are so obvious that it is impossible not to see them”, notes President Djukanovic. He points out that some members of parliament who voted for the adoption of the Law on the President said that, of course, it was not good to change the Constitution by law. “It is not permissible. But such a necessity appeared. There is no necessity for anyone who is responsible for the state, and of course the President of the state must always be the most responsible, because of the mandate he received through the direct declaration of the citizens, there is no justification for destroying the Constitution”, states President Djukanovic.


There is a desire to prolong the institutional dysfunction in order for Montenegro to join the neighboring country

Therefore, he points out, the Constitution was violated here. “I would say no by mistake. The violation of the Constitution occurred precisely when it was learned that there is no Constitutional Court, which was previously blocked by the irresponsible actions of the same parliamentary majority, with the obvious desire to show that Montenegro is institutionally dysfunctional, and that as such, for the first conclusion, it does not deserve further progress on the European path and, that, I think, for the final conclusion, Montenegro does not deserve to exist as an independent sovereign state and that, after proving its economic unsustainability and its institutional dysfunction, it should be annexed to a larger neighboring state”, President Djukanovic warns.


I did not have to call Demos and Labour Party for consultations

President Djukanovic also answers the question of whether he violated the Constitution when he did not invite several parliamentary parties to discuss prime minister-designate Miodrag Lekic, for the composition of the 44th government. “I acted as I had done in every previous case. So, I will remind you that during this term of parliament I gave two mandates – one to the former Prime Minister Krivokapic, the other to the current Prime Minister Abazovic, who is still at the head of the government in a technical mandate. Therefore, when I invited the representatives of the parliamentary parties for consultations, I was guided by the principle that it should be rational”, President Djukanovic stresses. Speaking about political events and the EU’s relationship with the Western Balkans, President Djukanovic has said that after 24 February, i.e., after Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Europe shook up. “And Europe then opened the door and said that we had to continue with the policy of enlargement, we had to complete the process of unification of Europe, and this was where a huge opportunity for Montenegro appeared. Montenegro was the most suitable example for Europe to show that the enlargement policy is alive. Why? Montenegro is a country that has opened all negotiation chapters. It’s at least three years ahead of the next country in terms of fulfilling the conditions from the negotiation process. (…) Therefore, this all pointed to the conclusion that we had an ideal opportunity for Montenegro to become a member of the European Union in a relatively short period of time. Instead, the current government abandoned the European agenda, abandoned the agreement, decided to solve some issues that had nothing to do with the European future”, adds President Djukanovic. “I believe that many of the moves made by some formally responsible people on the state stage of Montenegro, during the past two years, will end up in court, because if we don’t believe that sooner or later this country will be a legally regulated state, with an independent prosecutor’s office and with an independent judiciary, then we should not even live here, let alone engage in these affairs that we believe are in the public interest. Therefore, I believe that Montenegro will be a legally regulated country, that we will all be obliged to account for what we have done. Therefore, I believe that an adventure on the part of the government that has lost trust due to its attempt to introduce Montenegro into the Open Balkans, would be absolutely equal to a new high treason”, President Djukanovic points out. According to him, Open Balkan was launched by people who lost confidence in the reality of the European perspective for their countries.


On protests

Speaking about the protests that are being organized against the overthrow of the constitutional order of the state, President Djukanovic has emphasized that when things that happened really take place, the parliament is guided by the will of its majority, obviously, not by the interests of the state, because the oldest interest of the state is to respect the Constitution of that state. When the parliament, knowing that it violates the Constitution, knowing that it is trying the impossible – change the Constitution by law, when it embarks on such an adventure, then there is no other choice but to try to draw the attention of the institutions that they must be responsible and that they must be protectors of the Constitution.


We can’t allow ourselves to remain homeless without a state

He has also referred to the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), saying that only in the state of Montenegro there is the action of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which from the first moment does not accept the new reality – Montenegro as an independent state and Montenegrins as a national entity. “If we agree under any explanation to such a thing, I am afraid that we will regret it at some point in the future, because this is exactly what can happen to us – to remain nomads, homeless, without a state, to remain without our identity, as we did not so long ago. I think we have to fight against that. Of course, always strictly taking into account that issues of state policy are one thing, that issues of the internal arrangement and operation of the church are another thing, that the autonomy of the church is understood, but that it must also be understood that the church has no right to act to the detriment of the state in which it operates”, President Djukanovic says.


Ready for a dialogue with everyone, including DF, all in the interest of Montenegro’s wellbeing

The President of the State points out that this crisis situation requires the mandatory organization of snap elections, with the hope that the citizens have now become better acquainted with the entire political scene of Montenegro. “So, we were seriously disadvantaged before 30 August 2020. Citizens knew only one part of the political scene – the government that was in the previous thirty-year continuity. For these two years, now close to two and a half years, it got to know, at least elementary, another part of the political scene. Therefore, I believe that now it has better inputs to decide on who will be entrusted to manage their future in the upcoming period in the assumed snap elections,” says President Djukanovic. He has expressed his willingness to dialogue with everyone, including DF in the interest of Montenegro’s wellbeing. “I believe that it is desirable to have a political dialogue, even if the subjects participating in the dialogue are on the most distant ideological platforms. The Democratic Front is a clear representative of Greater Serbian politics in Montenegro. As much as I don’t like it, I consider it a legitimate political freedom, as long as it does not violate the Constitution, the legal system and until it becomes the case of criminal legislation”, says Djukanovic. The Democratic Party of Socialists, he adds, is a staunch advocate of a civil, multi-ethnic and European Montenegro.


On stepping aside

When asked whether he will run for President of Montenegro, and how long he will be on the political stage as the DPS leader, President Djukanovic is clear. “I think smart people don’t inform their competitors about their plans. There will come a moment, and it is not far away, when we will choose our candidate for the presidential elections”, President Djukanovic points out. “We should now focus on making the best moves for Montenegro to do well, then when we arrive at the formula of new functionality, economic viability, a higher level of the rule of law, that is, an open path for Montenegro’s movement towards the European goal, I think that the main obligations will be fulfilled, and then we all have, I would say, a more than clear moral right to dedicate ourselves to our affinities”, President Djukanovic concludes.


Abazovic’s government enables party-affiliated employment for over 3,500 citizens (Pobjeda)


The government headed by Dritan Abazovic in its technical mandate adopted 30 personnel plans and systematizations in ministries and public administrations, as well as 160 decisions on appointments, which enabled the party to employ more than 3,500 citizens, mostly party activists, at 28 held cabinet meetings, Pobjeda data show. Only in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police Directorate, the new systematizations enabled the additional employment of 2,500 citizens, while according to the personnel plan adopted by the government in June, 661 new jobs were foreseen in administrations and ministries. The Social Justice Action has announced that in less than three and a half months since it was voted no-confidence in the state parliament, the minority government of Dritan Abazovic considered, decided or had about 650 different acts on its agenda, which completely erased the difference in the actions between the executive authority when it is in full mandate or in technical mandate.


Konatar: Let’s choose all four Constitutional Court judges and we can agree on date for elections (CdM)


Member of URA Milos Konatar has called on to elect all four judges of the Constitutional Court on 12 December, and that after that they can agree on the date for the elections. As Konatar says in a statement to the media, Montenegro is at another historical crossroads. “As responsible politicians who think well of the citizens and the state, we have no right to make a mistake. We have no right to remain trapped in the trenches of the past, but must look to the future and how our country can move forward. Our future is the EU and we must speed up the European path, which will be impossible if we do not reach a compromise by 12 December and do not elect the judges of the Constitutional Court, that is why all of us in Parliament and politics must reach an agreement and thus open the door wide to accelerated progress towards the membership of Montenegro in the EU,” says Konatar. In this sense, he points out, an agreement can be reached in the following way. “We support the position of the president of the Venice Commission, the highest EU officials and our international partners, which means that at the session of the parliament of Montenegro scheduled for 12 December, we elect all four judges of the Constitutional Court. Let’s agree on a date for the early parliamentary elections, which would be in the first half of next year. The Constitutional Court would declare under an urgent procedure the constitutionality of the Law on the President,” Konatar’s offer says. He is sure that this is a consensus and a solution in which everyone gets something, and no one gets everything. “This is a solution where there are no individual winners, but the winner is society and our European future. Therefore, without blackmail from any side, if we show a minimum of responsibility, the agreement is close, and a political agreement in the interest of the citizens is our obligation, because Montenegro must move forward,” concludes Konatar.


Pendarovski: Quality reforms to stop negative trends in rule of law (MIA)


How fast the process of our integration in the EU will be depends both on Brussels and on the member states, but mostly on us. We are not implementing the reforms to satisfy European bureaucrats, but to fundamentally change our society and the work of our institutions, President Stevo Pendarovski told the Fifth Plenary Session of the National Convention on the European Union in the Republic of North Macedonia (NCEU-MK), taking place in Parliament. According to the President, focus should not be on technical fulfillment of membership criteria, but on the quality of the process, because there is no other way to make reforms sustainable and to stop the negative trends we are facing in the area of the rule of law. “Only by stepping out of the comfort zone of political declarations, the process of accession to the European Union will have the transformative power we need more than ever,” said Pendarovski. Unfortunately, the general impression among our citizens, he noted, is that some of the reforms undertaken are either not sustainable in the long-term or don’t have the necessary degree of direct, positive impact on the daily life of the citizens. This, he stressed, particularly refers to the numerous changes and announcements of changes in the sphere of the rule of law. More than 15 years have passed since the first major reforms in this area in 2005, and citizens’ trust in the judiciary and in general in the functionality of the rule of law, is at a record low, said the President. 2 “We witness that the lack of strong rule of law and the feeling that party and ethnic affiliation are more important than the knowledge and skills you possess are among the main reasons for the emigration of large numbers of young people. In addition, part of those who are well established in society with established careers and a solid standard of living also emigrate. For them, of course, and for everyone else, a functioning rule of law is a matter of quality of life,” Pendarovski said. In that sense, he added, it is no coincidence that the rule of law and the fight against organized crime and corruption are included in the ‘Fundamentals’ cluster, i.e. fundamental values in the process of accession to the European Union. “I believe that if we put aside the historical issues that have no place in the accession process, this is exactly the topic that will be our major strength or our major weakness, depending on how we approach this set of issues in the negotiations,” said Pendarovski. He pointed to four main directions in which he believes the country should move in fulfilling these obligations to the citizens first of all, and only then to Brussels. “First, political will for the rule of law must not only be declarative, but also real and present in the phase of application of laws, and not only during their adoption in Parliament. Changing the legislation is only one necessary but insufficient step for real changes in our lives. The key is non[1]selective application of the laws and consistent respect for the independence of the institutions in this area, by the politicians,” Pendarovski said. Second, he stressed, the focus, at the beginning and at the end of every reform in the judiciary, should be on the people who work in these institutions. “To be more precise, we need a much higher quality legal education at the university level than the current one, in terms of combining theory and practice in the education of future lawyers. Then, it is necessary to consistently apply the criteria during the recruitment of trainees in the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors, because that’s where future judges and prosecutors come from. Also, the way in which the work of judges and prosecutors is evaluated and their possible liability is decided is extremely important,” Pendarovski noted. In that regard, he said, we need a fully functional and professional Judicial Council and Council of Public Prosecutors. “Any tenable doubt about the work of the members of these bodies represents a great handicap not only for the individuals involved, but also for the entire judicial system because they are responsible for the professional quality and integrity of people in the judiciary sector,” the President said. Third, he called for unwavering support for the work of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption. “Not only is this institution one of the few whose work is positively evaluated in the European Union progress reports, but also because through its efficient work, politicians will demonstrate in action that declarative commitments have practical consequences,” he said. Fourth, he underlined, reforms in the area of the rule of law should always be the result of a broad political and, no less important, expert and social consensus. “Laws in this sphere should be backed by all significant political factors, and experts and civil society organizations, as well as experts from the EU member states, should be involved in their drafting. The readiness for assistance by our partners from the EU and the member states has never been disputed, it is up to us how much and in what way we will make use of it. In other words, consensus, not outvoting, should be key in the reforms in this sphere,” the President pointed out. Pendarovski noted that the phase of bilateral screening is ongoing, a rather dynamic period is ahead and urged for commitment and engagement, because the European integration and the ongoing reforms, and particularly the upcoming ones, are the primary task for responsible politicians, as well as for many other stakeholders. Pendarovski said the end of an extremely difficult and unpredictable year is in sight, in which the overall security architecture in Europe has fundamentally changed as a result of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. “This illegal step, unprecedented in the recent history of Europe, caused a whole series of problems from which, unfortunately, no country on the continent was spared. In such a constellation, European integration as a peace project, as well as a project that ensures democracy and prosperity of societies, take on importance, particularly in our region, where there are still tensions and retrograde tendencies, whose destructive potential must not be overlooked,” said Pendarovski. Seeing such an extremely unfavorable international context, according to the President, gives the reform process inside the country a double meaning, given the fact that further democratization means an additional contribution to building a more stable state with functional institutions. Chairman of the Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs Arber Ademi, Chairman of the National European Integration Council Aleksandar Nikolovski, EU Ambassador David Geer, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Eric Meyer and Slovak Ambassador Henrik Markus also addressed the opening of the conference. Thursday’s plenary session completes the five-year cycle of the work of the National Convention, which has thus far adopted over 500 recommendations in 44 sessions and included over 2000 participants representing relevant institutions, civil society, the business sector, academia, trade unions and employers’ organizations in five working groups within the chapters on judiciary, justice, agriculture, social policy and environment.


Osmani addresses panels on human trafficking and climate change at OSCE Ministerial Council (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani addressed Thursday two thematic panels titled “A year in conflict – uniting forces for the prevention of human trafficking in crisis regions” and “Climate changes and security in mountain regions”, held at the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council in Lodz, Poland. Osmani said in his address that the OSCE’s fight against human trafficking, as stipulated in the Organization’s 20-year Action Plan, remains a joint obligation and one of the main priorities of the OSCE chairmanship of North Macedonia starting January, the Foreign Ministry said. “Uniting forces to prevent the human trafficking crisis in the OSCE region is a necessity. The OSCE will continue to value joint efforts in the search for sustainable solutions to human trafficking. This is of particular importance nowadays, considering the terrible consequences caused by the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, which further worsens things,” said Osmani. At the second panel, the Minister stressed the importance of international, regional and local handling of the socio-economic consequences of climate change, which “undoubtedly affect not only the mountainous regions, but also the whole world”. “We will remain committed to this issue during the 2023 presidency while recognizing the various repercussions for our societies, economies and security. We will make efforts to raise awareness of potential security threats from climate change, and to mobilize in joint prevention and management,” said Osmani. The panelists also exchanged experiences and opinions on addressing the challenges in this sphere, stated the press release.


  1. Macedonia’s OSCE chairmanship to focus on restoring peace and stability in Ukraine: minister (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Thursday with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba on the side lines of the OSCE Ministerial Council taking place in Lodz, Poland. Osmani reaffirmed North Macedonia’s unwavering support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine as well as solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their fight to restore freedom and overcome the consequences from the Russian military aggression, said the Foreign Ministry. Support for Ukraine will be the main priority also during North Macedonia’s OSCE chairmanship next year, he stressed. “Our efforts will focus on providing continual OSCE presence and engagement in Ukraine, providing program support in all three dimensions through the new Support Program for Ukraine and sending a special envoy of the OSCE chairmanship holder,” stated Osmani. The Minister said he stands ready next year to put into function all OSCE capacities and mechanisms so as to help the affected population in Ukraine in dealing with the challenges stemming from the energy and food crisis, said the press release.


Steinmeier-Begaj: 6 December summit will illuminate the path to EU integration (Radio Tirana)


German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Albanian Bajram Begaj assessed the European Union-Western Balkans summit, which will be held on 6 December in Tirana, as a historic event for our country that will illuminate the path of EU integration. At the joint press conference in Tirana, German President Steinmeier said that "we must take into consideration that it is a meeting between the countries of the EU and the Western Balkans. It is not a question of a summit, which will have certain decisions". "At this summit, the process done so far on the path of integration into the EU will be highlighted again, giving the necessary encouragement to continue on this path for the six countries of the Western Balkans," said the German President. President Steinmeier said that "Albania and North Macedonia, which we visited the last 2 days, are countries that could proudly appear in this process and have set this milestone in the EU membership process through the opening of negotiations." While President Begaj said that "in a few days, the EU-Western Balkans summit will be held, which is a historic event for Albania. Of course, it is also a very big responsibility for our country. The expectation from this summit is to clearly define and accomplish the tasks that each aspiring EU country from the Western Balkan countries will have, the way forward and the processes they must follow. Expectations are high. In Albania, I can say that it is the country where, according to all surveys, the highest percentage of the population wants to be part of the EU as soon as possible. It is understood that the EU membership process is not a process that has a fixed deadline. Every aspirant country should do all their homework. Without meeting all the criteria, I do not believe that a "pro bono" membership can be achieved. The head of state said that "our country must work closely with all international institutions, with all partner countries, to carry out the entire process of adaptation to membership in time. I don't think there is a time that I can define. The time depends on the work that will be done by each country that wants and admires to become part of the EU".


Steinmeier in his speech in the Albanian parliament welcomes the European spirit of the Albanians (Radio Tirana)


German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in his speech in the parliament of Albania said that he welcomes the European spirit of the Albanians. He even called on all those skeptics in Europe to come to Albania. "I am here some time after the opening of the negotiations. July 19 was an important milestone in our journey towards the EU. Soon only an identity card will be enough to cross the borders in the Western Balkans, or even professional diplomas will be recognized. The common market will improve the lives of citizens in all countries. I am excited by the fact that how much the European spirit is felt in your country and I want to call on all people who have doubts about the European spirit to come here and be infected in some way by the European spirit", he said. German President Steinmeier also emphasized the justice reform, where he said that we must move this process forward. He also had a message for the government and the opposition where he asked them to work together for EU membership beyond the political trenches. "Continue to work in the fight against obstacles, in the fight against corruption, follow the initiated justice reform and work across the trenches between the opposition and the government, work together. The common destination and EU membership is worth this effort, you can have confidence in Germany's further support on this path", said Steinmeier.