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Belgrade Media Report 6 December



Vucic in Tirana: Better to be at the table than on the menu (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in Tirana, where he is participating in the Summit of the leaders of the European Union and the Western Balkans. "It seems to me that it is always better to be at the table because when you are not at the table, then you are on the menu. Everyone can't wait for that, this is a better opportunity to protect the interests of Serbia," said Vucic. Vucic said that Serbia is an independent country, but that it also knows its obligations towards the EU. He said that there will be many important people at the summit today, and that he is there to defend the positions of Serbia. "Serbia is independent, it is easier for someone to criticize us and say that we are too close to Russia because there is nothing else to complain about," said Vucic. "Separate bilateral meetings include a meeting with Italian PM Giorgia Meloni. Those will be separate bilaterals. I will speak with almost everyone from both the region and the EU," Vucic said. Meanwhile, Vucic has met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel, Albanian PM Edi Rama and the Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. "With European Council President Charles Michel, I discussed all issues of interest to Belgrade and Brussels," Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram After the meeting with von der Leyen, Vucic posted that he had thanked her for the EU's 165 million Euro assistance to the Serbian energy sector and discussed "all current affairs between Serbia and the EU".


Reduction, abolishment of roaming prices between EU, Western Balkans countries (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attended in Tirana today, as part of the EU - Western Balkans Summit the signing of an agreement that will enable the gradual reduction and abolition of roaming charges between the EU and the Western Balkans region. The joint declaration and agreement in Tirana, whose signatories are operators from the countries of the European Union and the Western Balkans, will enable a gradual reduction of roaming prices between the region and the EU during 2023, with the aim of completely abolishing the costs afterwards. Reducing roaming costs with EU countries will enable better conditions for cooperation and incentives for business, but also for tourism. As part of the Berlin Process, the leaders of the Western Balkans agreed earlier to mutually abolish roaming charges, and the Agreement on Regional Roaming entered into force in July 2021.


Latest proposal forwarded to Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug)


EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated that the latest proposal in the dialogue was forwarded to Belgrade and Pristina. Upon his arrival at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana, Borrell told reporters, when asked about the dialogue, that the moment is now important for that. The dispute over the plates is over. Now the parties must engage in dialogue with the proposal on the table, to which Germany and France made a significant contribution, he explained. Borrell said that the last version of the text was sent yesterday to Belgrade and today to Pristina, for consideration. Now we have a good momentum, he pointed out. When asked if a solution is possible by 2024, Borrell said that artificial deadlines should not be set. We need to speed up the process and not set deadlines, he added. He said that today is an important day for the Western Balkans because the first EU Summit is being held in the region. For our part, we are committed to helping the region in dealing with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, Borrell emphasized. He said that the EU will help the Western Balkans financially in overcoming the considerable rise in energy prices and supports Albania in dealing with cyber-attacks. He added that B&H assistance for demining is foreseen, because there are still mined areas.


Policy based on international law protects Serbia’s interests the best (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said today that Serbia's policy based on the principles of international law proved to be the correct one, because our country managed to preserve the economy, the standard of living of its citizens and its position in the world. Opening the second day of work of the 22nd Belgrade Economic Forum, Dacic pointed out that Serbia has friends and partners all over the world, who respect the fact that we take care of ourselves, first of all, while respecting international rules. It showed strength and vitality, and that is why we will continue implementing such a policy in the future, he stressed and reiterated that Serbia will continue to lead a principled policy of supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine and not imposing sanctions on Russia. According to Dacic, it proved to be the best way to protect our political and economic interests in the crisis that rules the world. Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic said that the government will focus on energy independence and stability, which will be achieved by diversifying sources of energy supply and investing in domestic capacities. She underlined that new gas pipelines to Bulgaria and North Macedonia and an oil pipeline to Hungary will be built, as well as that work will be done on electricity connection with Montenegro, Romania and other countries of the European Union.


Belgrade constructive, predictable partner in dialogue with Pristina (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues Miroslav Lajcak.

Dacic pointed out that Serbia is a constructive, dedicated and predictable partner when it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. He emphasised that Serbia will continue to work on further harmonisation of its visa policy with the European one when it comes to third countries and announced the adoption of appropriate decisions in the coming period. According to him, Serbia will continue to be a cooperative and solidary partner when it comes to illegal migration, adding that the government will continue with dedicated work on the reform process, as well as that it will strive to increase the percentage of harmonisation for the EU's common foreign and security policy. Lajcak noted that the goal of the dialogue is for the two sides to reach a mutually acceptable solution and reminded that the talks within the dialogue include three levels: normalisation of relations, fulfilment of already reached agreements within the dialogue and solving current issues. Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation so far and their willingness to continue it in the future, according to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Lajcak: I discussed with Vucic the way forward on normalization of relations (N1)


EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said that he discussed with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade the way forward in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the Serbs’ return to Kosovo institutions. Lajcak wrote on Twitter that he and the Serbian President also spoke about the Energy Roadmap and missing persons.


Further strengthening of good bilateral relations with Czech Republic (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Martin Dvorak assessed today that the bilateral relations of the two countries are very good and expressed readiness for their further strengthening in all areas of common interest. They expressed satisfaction with the fact that an intense and continuous political dialogue is taking place between the two countries, as well as the belief that the upcoming visit of President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman to Serbia, planned for the beginning of next year, will make a special contribution to the further improvement of comprehensive cooperation. During the talks, opinions were also exchanged on bilateral relations, European integration of Serbia and the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Both sides expressed readiness to continue cooperation on the joint project of the Czech House in Belgrade, as well as the belief that the two countries will continue to cooperate successfully on a multilateral level by exchanging support in connection with international candidacies.


Orlic informs Abdollahian about current events in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met yesterday with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, to discuss the further development of overall cooperation, with a special focus on the economy and modern technologies. Orlic expressed satisfaction with the excellent bilateral relations based on mutual respect and understanding, thanking Iran for respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country and not recognising so-called “Kosovo”, which, he pointed out, confirms Iran’s adherence to the basic principles of international law. Abdollahian praised the close and friendly ties between the two nations, expressing readiness for further cooperation with Serbia in all spheres of mutual interest. He applauded the balanced foreign policy pursued by President Aleksandar Vucic, as well as the determination with which he fights to preserve the national and state interests. He reiterated that Iran, in accordance with international law and the UN Charter, maintains a consistent position on the issue of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of so-called “Kosovo”. In that regard, Orlic informed the Minister about the current events in Kosovo and Metohija and new violations of the agreements reached. “Serbia stands strongly by its people - President Vucic has repeated this message several times and all of Serbia agrees with his words. Suffering daily terror, open violence, physical, legal and in every other sense, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are literally fighting for survival. Every move of Albin Kurti and Pristina reveals a clear final intention - to expel the Serb people from the territory of Kosovo-Metohija. We will not allow them to do that,” said Orlic, adding that, despite the impossible conditions, official Belgrade is fighting to preserve dialogue, stability and peace for everyone in the region. In the course of the meeting, the officials agreed on the importance of interparliamentary cooperation, which, they noted, would be given additional impetus by the newly formed Parliamentary Friendship Group with Iran, as well as the continuation of parliamentary activities at all levels. The meeting was also attended by the Head of the PFG with Iran Jasmina Karanac who greeted the guests and confirmed her readiness to continue cooperation with the parliamentary friendship group in the Iranian parliament.


Petkovic: We call on Serbs to remain calm (RTS)


Albin Kurti today sent the police with long pipes to the premises of the municipality of Zubin Potok in the north of Kosovo and Metohija in order to forcefully try to prepare the ground for the holding of his illegal elections, notes the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. “At issue is the most brutal demonstration of force and causing new tensions and provocations on the part of Pristina, which is trying to implement its illegal and unilateral measures with violence and unilateral measures and cause a new destabilization of the situation on the ground,” Petkovic points out. All this Albin Kurti, according to Petkovic, timed and directed while the EU-Western Balkans summit was being held in Tirana, just as during the summit in Berlin he called for the collapse of the Brussels agreement and the arrest of Nenad Djuric. “This is what the so-called democracy and the rule of law of Albin Kurti looks like - while he forbids Serbs to participate in the elections and referendum, at the same time he tries to bring about his elections in the north of the province with long pipes, rifles and violence,” emphasizes Petkovic. It also indicates that “Kurti’s intention to seize four Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija with violence and weapons and to install Albanian representatives in them in illegal and illegitimate elections” is obvious. “We call on the Serbs to remain calm and not succumb to provocations whose only goal is to cause conflict and crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, because all our people want is respect for rights and agreements, the right to stay and survive on their centuries-old hearths,” concludes Petkovic.


Brussels: Serbia to adopt new integrated border control strategy (Beta)


Serbia needs to invest further efforts in visa policy, border management, curbing corruption and organized crime and preventing and checking all forms of violent extremism, according to a European Commission report released on 5 December. In its fifth report on the EU's visa-free regime with the countries of the Western Balkans, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the EC notes that all these countries are still meeting the conditions of visa suspension and making progress in carrying out the recommendations from last year's report. The recommendations state that Serbia should adopt a new strategy and action plan for integrated border management, and align its visa policy "with the EU's list of visa-required third countries". The Western Balkan nation is also expected to adopt a new anti-corruption strategy, accompanied by a "credible and realistic action plan". The EC also recommends Serbia "improve the track record" in fighting organized crime and continue implementing bilateral counterterrorism agreements for the Western Balkans, "especially concerning the fight against terrorism financing and protection of critical infrastructures". Serbia should also adopt a "new strategy and action plan on counterterrorism and prevention of violent extremism, covering all forms of radicalization and violent extremism", regardless of root cause.




B&H CEC declares disputable ballot from RS parliament voting valid; If decision is confirmed, fifth delegate in Serb Caucus in BiH HoP to be elected by drawing of lots (Hayat)


At its urgent session held on Monday, the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) adopted a decision with majority vote that the ballot declared as invalid by the Commission for Election and Appointment of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament is valid. The reporter notes that if the decision is confirmed, the fifth delegate in the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) will be elected by drawing of the lots and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik will not have four delegates that would guarantee obstructions in the next mandates as well.  The Head of the Election and Information Technologies Sector in the B&H CEC Secretariat Nermin Kos says: “The Commission established that one out of 83 ballots are invalid. Upon inspection of the ballot, it was established that it does not have elements of an invalid ballot.” B&H CEC members Irena Hadziabdic and Vlado Rogic voted against the decision, being of view that the disputable ballot is invalid. B&H CEC member Ahmet Santic said at the session that the ballot shows clear intention to vote for the specific candidate. Addressing the session, Santic said: “In all decisions I had with the municipal election commissions and the polling station committees in the past 20 years, I told them to recognize such cases as valid.” B&H CEC member Vanja Bjelica-Prutina also said the ballot is valid, referring to the international practice and reminding that in case a cross is not made within the space provided, that does not necessarily mean the ballot is invalid. The reporter notes that ratio of PDP and SNSD’s lists is ‘12:12’, and if PDP candidate Nenad Vukovic is luckier than SNSD candidate Snjezana Novakovic Bursac, that will mean SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, i.e. SNSD will not have the possibility to block the work of the authorities.


Dodik: SNSD to file appeal against CEC’s decision on ballot for B&H HoP and criminal reports against certain CEC members (N1)


The CEC B&H declared valid the ballot that had one candidate name for the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) crossed out. After this decision, SNSD’s and PDP’s candidates have the same number of votes, 12, and the fifth delegate from RS will be decided through a draw. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said he is not satisfied with the CEC’s decision and announced he will file lawsuits against certain CEC members as well as appeals against the Commission’s decision. Prior to this, Dodik’s SNSD had four delegates in the B&H HoP, thus holding the so-called ‘control package’ in this House. On Monday, Dodik said he will submit an appeal to the Appellate Chamber of the Court of B&H within the next 24 hours. He called the decision a political one, accused the B&H CEC of being under political influence, and added that he will submit criminal reports against all CEC members that voted for this decision. “They crossed all lines”, Dodik stated. He said there is no rule of law in B&H, and the CEC made a decision based solely on the personal opinions of its members and not based on concrete laws and rules. Dodik said the CEC uses every opportunity for causing damage to SNSD. He concluded that there is no reason or logic behind Monday’s decision. Dodik also said that they had no right to discuss whether the ballot is valid and that the RS parliament commission is responsible for that. Dodik said that, even if B&H CEC found that there was something incorrect about the procedure, all they could have done is to annul the voting for the fifth delegate and return the process to the RS parliament. "It is a set-up political story. They are a political body. Criminal reports will be filed against all those who supported this decision. They crossed the line, having in mind the fact that all international standards confirmed that this is an invalid ballot. However, they have their own opinion. There is no rule of law in B&H and the election process is being delegitimized in this way," Dodik underlined.


RS officials react to CEC’s decision on ballot for B&H HoP (RTRS)


The CEC B&H declared valid the ballot that had one candidate name for the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) crossed out. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said that the B&H CEC did not have the authority to change the decisions of the RSNA, whose Commission for Selection and Appointments was competent to conduct elections for delegates to the B&H HoP. Stevandic said it is not B&H CEC’s job to change the decisions of the RS parliament but to issue certificates to delegates. Stevandic said that B&H CEC dared to change the RS parliament’s decisions and to interpret what a certain voter intended to say. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik’s legal adviser, Milan Tegeltija has been saying that the B&H CEC was not competent to make such a decision. “The CEC’s decision is clear and brutal legal violence. Such CEC must be replaced. What they are doing has nothing to do with the law. Shameful”, Tegeltija wrote on Twitter. Tegeltija said that this will be a test for the Court of B&H, for us to see if there is even a “sliver of justice” in that institution. The President of the RS Election Commission Oliver Blagojevic stated that the group of people calling themselves B&H CEC managed to come into the limelight again, but by violating the B&H Election Law. It was absolutely clear to the people who voted for the fifth delegate what is a valid ballot and what is not a valid ballot. Blagojevic added that they are hostages of the B&H CEC until the final confirmation of results when it comes to special elections. PDP has issued a statement after the B&H CEC established that disputable ballot from the voting at the RS parliament special session is valid: “The B&H CEC’s decision to declare as valid the ballot according to which PDP got the vote during election of delegates in the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples is right and in accordance with the B&H Election Law, since it unequivocally shows the intention of a representative to vote for PDP list”. “Procedural steps are next, and we hope they will be in favor of PDP, especially if we take into account our clear position that no one should have the full control over the B&H HoP, which is the case when one political party has four delegates”, reads the statement by PDP.


NiP leader Konakovic meets SNSD leader Dodik, discuss formation of new CoM, adoption of strategic documents (Dnevni list)


“If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain” shows that one sometimes has to adapt to situation, not confront it, which is exactly what happened in Laktasi (on Sunday) where NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik met during a basketball game. According to the daily, it is well known that Dodik does not come to Sarajevo often and that he often has meetings and press conferences in Istocno Sarajevo. According to the daily, Dodik tweeted about his meeting with Konakovic and said he and Konakovic talked about quick formation of the Council of Ministers of B&H and quick adoption of strategic documents, such as the next year’s budget. On the other hand, Konakovic confirmed on his Facebook profile that he and Dodik talked about the issues Dodik cited (on Twitter) and that conflict, which feeds the political scene and populism, is the easier way. According to Konakovic, such concept is chasing away people from the country, one big city each year, bringing mandates and salaries to politicians, and noting good to people in B&H. He went on to say that calming tensions down should result in unblocking of processes, normalization of work of parliaments and governments and adoption of strategic documents, which is a more difficult way. “For the beginning adoption and increase of budget, appointment of Council of Ministers, adoption of some important documents”, wrote Konakovic. This triggered the daily to say that Konakovic, who is aspiring to become the Bosniak leader, by going to Laktasi, wanted to send a message that he did something (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic was not able to do in eight years. The daily added by saying if it really turns out to be true that Dodik agreed to increase of the state budget, which is something he has been refusing for more than a decade, it would be a big step forward because, for example, state level employees can have salary increase for the first time in 10 years.


Dodik announces that Cvijanovic will participate in summit of EU and countries of Western Balkans in Tirana (Nova BH)


RS President Milorad Dodik has announced that B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic will participate in the summit of the EU and the countries of the Western Balkans which will be held in Tirana on Tuesday, December 6. Dodik pointed out that he spoke with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and that their consultations are related to having a coordinated position on this. "Vucic decided to participate in the summit. Serbia is the most important country in the Western Balkans. The credibility of the summit would be threatened if Serbia did not participate," Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik also commented on their policy of neutrality regarding the war in Ukraine. Dodik stated via phone: “For us, stories about how the aggression against Russia (Note: Dodik presumably meant to say ‘aggression against Ukraine’) was carried out are unacceptable. These are stories that we have rejected before. Our policy is a policy of neutrality that aims to absolutely ensure that the end of the war and peace is as soon as possible, and not to accept the compulsion that everyone must declare and be (...) what they think and have their own position on it.”  Cvijanovic and Vucic will have a unified stance in Tirana regarding the matter of Kosovo, as well as the sanctions against Russia. Cvijanovic will advocate the policy of neutrality regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Dodik clearly emphasized that picking any of the sides in this matter is not an option for the RS and B&H. He categorically rejects sanctions against Russia. Dodik repeated that B&H does not have a stance on this matter, and “our policy is a policy of neutrality”. Dodik explains that such stance means that “we want for war to stop there as soon as possible, and for peace to be established”. Dodik added that no one can force someone to have a stance regarding this matter that that person does not have.


Djukanovic’s office found out about signing ceremony where a joint declaration on the Euro-Atlantic perspective of Ukraine that the outgoing PM Abazovic signed with the President Zelensky via media (Pobjeda)


A joint declaration on the Euro-Atlantic perspective of Ukraine that the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic signed yesterday with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky was originally addressed to the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, as a declaration to be signed by the heads of the countries, Pobjeda daily learns. The Ukraine’s Embassy to Montenegro, the Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Ukrainian President Zelensky sent the document to Djukanovic’s office. According to the information of Pobjeda, President Djukanovic’s office asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Montenegrin embassy in Kyiv and the Mission of Montenegro to NATO for the opinion on the text. They expected to get the answer by mid-December, but instead, found out from the media that the outgoing Prime Minister Abazovic had already signed the declaration with Zelensky. It’s not clear how PM Abazovic signed the document initially sent to Djukanovic and why the President’s office was not informed about it. Mr Abazovic informed the public that he was going to sign the declaration yesterday morning. He had been talking to the Ukrainian President for nearly 14 hours after which they signed the declaration.


Picula: Montenegro increasingly synonymous with crisis, Open Balkans project on the way to becoming irrelevant (CdM)


From its position of the leader of European integration in the region in the past period, Montenegro has become increasingly synonymous with crisis. The situation in Montenegro should not be further dramatized, but we must not underestimate its seriousness either, said Tonino Picula, Croatian representative in the European Parliament after the meeting with the members of the Parliament of Montenegro Andrija Nikolic and Nikola Rakocevic. Picula received the Montenegrin MPs in his capacity as permanent rapporteur for Montenegro and president of the EP Working Group for the Western Balkans. They discussed the current situation in the country, the parliamentary deadlock in the process of electing constitutional judges and the controversial Law on the President. In the broader geopolitical context, Picula pointed out that Montenegro is still the most pro-European oriented of all the countries in the process of approaching and joining the EU, despite the fact that the two governments have been continuously stagnating in the accession process for more than two years, which Picula’s reports on Montenegro’s progress have already clearly noted. Picula pointed out that the Open Balkans project is on the way to (becoming) remaining irrelevant and that Montenegro should not expect much from it, especially after the EU gave a new support to the Berlin process.


EU official: We’ll hear more from Djukanovic about situation in Montenegro, it’s important to have functional Constitutional Court (Pobjeda)


The EU Summit – Western Balkans will be an opportunity to hear more from President Milo Djukanovic about the situation in the Balkans, a European official has stated at an online media briefing. The summit in Tirana is to be held tomorrow. When asked by Pobjeda what position he will take when it comes to Montenegro, bearing in mind the current crisis in the country, the EU official says that the most important thing is to have a functional Constitutional Court. “The summit will be an opportunity to talk to President Djukanovic. We expect to hear more from Djukanovic about the situation in Montenegro. In situations like this, it is always important to have a functional Constitutional Court, because it gives a decision on what the right interpretation of domestic laws passed by qualified bodies is”, he said. Numerous officials and diplomats have emphasized that the voting on judges of the Constitutional Court is one of Montenegro’s priorities. This was recently stated by the State Department’s special envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, saying that the issue of the Constitutional Court is urgent. In addition, the EU’s high representative for foreign policy, Josep Borrell, pointed out during the recent meeting with Djukanovic that the EU would not approve a package of financial support for energy to Montenegro if the blockade of institutions continues and the situation does not normalize in the near future.


Ramusovic: Russians are destroying the Balkans before the West’s eyes (CdM)


I’m just wondering why doesn’t the President of Montenegro hold lectures across the West, especially in the US, Britain and Germany, with the presence of all the media, and explain the current totally wrong Western policy in the Balkans. If the West doesn’t halt such a policy of its envoys in the Balkans, I’m afraid that we’re about to step on a quite uncertain period with Russia building solid grounds in the Serbian World in the Balkans which open onto the Adriatic Sea, Erol Ramusovic, the President of the EU’s Senate of Economy in B&H and a member of the association of citizens coming from Montenegro, told the CdM portal. “There are some things unclear in the Balkans. Maybe it’s tactics that we can’t understand, as the US special envoy for the Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, told. It may be that Bosniaks, Montenegrins and Albanians are naive, and that Escobar is the only one who understands the mentality of the peoples, particularly the Serbs.” Everything that the West built over the past 30 years is about to collapse, whereas the impact of Serbia which is being under Russia’s control is increasing. “Russians are destroying the Balkans before the West’s eyes,” he notes. According to him, today we witness the growth of the Russian-Serbian world, which uses the unfinished and vague catchphrase called the Open Balkans. “We thought we knew each other, and now the West wants to tell us we were wrong. Now we should just wait for them to teach us our own language, music and culture. Perhaps they should explain to us that bodies of Bosniaks killed in 1941 were not floating near the banks of Drina, nor that the genocide against Muslim boys and men was committed in Srebrenica back in 1995. We should forget under whose command Vukovar, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik were destroyed and who expelled the Albanians from Kosovo in 1999,” he points out. Institutions across Montenegro and B&H, he notices, are being taken by Russian students and the West allows it all.


Kovachevski says fight against corruption is high on his agenda (MIA)


A basic task in the fight against corruption is smooth and independent functioning of the institutions. Second, it is the integrity and professionalism of those who head the institutions and, third, the political will of those who participate in the work of the institutions, so that the fight against corruption is at the highest level. When we talk about fighting corruption, I don’t mean only high-level corruption, but corruption at all levels of society, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told Monday’s press conference at the government. Kovachevski pointed out that these issues are addressed in the government’s program and in the work of the institutions that are part of the government, as well as in the legal solutions that have been submitted, voted, and some of them blocked in Parliament, stressing that the fight against corruption is high on his agenda. In response to a reporter’s question about the negative comments by representatives of the international community regarding corruption in the country, the PM said he had also very clearly stated that after resolving the biggest issues in the political part – joining NATO, concluding agreements with neighboring countries, starting negotiations, the biggest issue that remains to be resolved in the coming period is the fight against corruption and the promotion of the rule of law. According to him, it is the competence of the government to ensure independent functioning of all investigative, prosecutorial and judicial bodies in the country. “This is achieved, first, through providing an independent budget that is planned every year and also amid crisis, the budget that refers to independent prosecution and judicial bodies in the country is provided according to their needs. Second, through drafting of laws governing that area, which are fully in line with EU laws. Those laws have been prepared, aligned with the EU, some of them have already been passed in the Parliament, some of them have been blocked in the parliament due to the blockade by the opposition, but I hope that those laws will be passed in that part as well. Third, and very important – it is the non-selective fight against corruption,” said Kovachevski. Corruption, he noted, is a fight led by the whole society, at all levels of government, because we have executive, legislative, local, judicial power and everyone must make their contribution to the supreme rule of law and supreme fight against corruption. “If we look at the reports of international institutions, North Macedonia has made progress. This can be seen in all the reports that are available, which are made by international institutions,” Kovachevski added. He called on all institutions to follow such example and that everyone remains focused, “because one of the biggest issues of any society, and above all of developing economies like ours and societies that claim to become part of the EU, is the rule of law”. Current Agriculture Minister Ljupcho Nikolovski also spoke as former Deputy PM in charge of the fight against corruption. Nikolovski pointed to many activities carried out by the government while he was in that position, adding that the country has improved in terms of the corruption ladder.


Grubi-Aggeler: North Macedonia has no time to lose (MIA)


The need for constitutional changes, the country’s European Union integration, reforms, political developments and the vetting process were in the focus of Monday’s meeting of First Deputy PM Artan Grubi with United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler. Grubi and Aggeler agreed that the constitutional changes are of exceptional significance because of the fact they serve as a condition for continuation of North Macedonia’s European path, while assessing that the country has no time to lose, the Deputy PM’s Office said in a press release. They agreed that further EU integration of the Western Balkans is an added guarantee for its stability and prosperity, whereas its ally – the United States – continues to provide its support to the integration process. “Every success of our country has been accomplished in cooperation with the United States,” noted Grubi. He said the European path requires a joint front of all progressive forces, whereas the U.S remains strongly committed to supporting North Macedonia on the path of reforms, leading to a functional and stable democracy. Interlocutors also referred to the vetting process of politicians, judges and prosecutors as an aspect in the fight against corruption and a process that guarantees the control of officials prior to their election to the post. In addition, Grubi expressed gratitude for the U.S. assistance and support to equality, democracy and integration of North Macedonia over the past three decades, reads the press release.


Holstein: N. Macedonia’s EU progress depends on success in tackling corruption (MIA)


North Macedonia’s progress on its EU path will in large part depend on the successful tackling of corruption, there are many things that should be done but you have our support, said German Ambassador Anke Holstein on Monday.  Ambassador Holstein said that during the EU accession process, the chapter on the rule of law is a large framework, i.e., it is the chapter which will be opened first and concluded last. “There are a lot of things that have to be done, this is the case with North Macedonia and this was also said by the German President during his visit. North Macedonia’s progress on its path to the EU depends on how quickly the country implements the reforms. We all agree this is a particularly difficult task which does not only concern the politicians, but also all the citizens, and everyone should learn how to fight corruption,” said Holstein.


Osmani holds briefing with heads of foreign diplomatic missions to N. Macedonia (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani held a briefing Monday with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions and multilateral organizations present in the country, at which he presented the most significant foreign policy activities of 2022, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release. At the briefing Osmani also presented the diplomacy’s upcoming activities for 2023, with a special emphasis on current developments in relation to the EU accession, the country’s upcoming OSCE 2023 Chairmanship, the Chairmanship of the USA – Adriatic Charter (A5), the implementation of NATO policies in the region, as well as the Chairmanship of the SEECP – South-East European Cooperation Process in 2023. “The beginning of the EU accession negotiations after 17 years as a candidate state and the acceleration of the reform process, the currently ongoing screening process; then the launching of the Strategic Dialogue with the US, as an upgrade of the 2008 Strategic Partnership; the signing of the Frontex Agreement; the country’s membership of the Union for the Mediterranean; but also the active contribution and the consistent implementation of the country’s obligations as a NATO member; all of these are notable achievements which will mark the country’s 2022 foreign policy,” said Osmani in his introductory address to the diplomats. Osmani highlighted the uniqueness of the country and its contribution to international relations as a country recognized for its authentic culture of dialogue and ability to reach compromises on bilateral issues. North Macedonia, said the MFA in the press release, has proven itself as an active contributor to building and strengthening stability, good-neighborly relations and regional cooperation in Southeast Europe. “Through a lot of work, persistence and by insisting on the policy of compromise we have underscored the European hope of the entire region and I am sure that our example can serve the other countries in overcoming the remaining open issues in the Balkans. We are ready to work on this, of course in cooperation with our international partners and friends,” stressed Osmani. The MFA stated that the diplomats at the briefing showed great interest in the country’s upcoming activities on all current issues: the implementation of the EU reforms, the country’s NATO role and attitude towards the Russian aggression on Ukraine, as well as the priorities and plans of North Macedonia’s OSCE Chairmanship and other multilateral organizations in 2023.


Reactivation of Berlin Process is great news, says President Pendarovski (MIA)


In these circumstances, the reactivation of the Berlin Process with a new working program is great news. The Berlin Process is not a substitute for full-fledged EU membership, but an instrument for a speedier EU membership of all Western Balkan countries, said President Stevo Pendarovski at Monday’s “Cooperation Intensified: The Revigorated Berlin Process and the Future of Regional Cooperation in Southeast Europe” conference. The President said that the three agreements signed by the countries of the region as part of the Berlin Process are a big step forward towards the creation of a common regional market. He stressed that he sees no reason for the agreements not to be ratified quickly by the respective national parliaments so that they can enter into force and then be implemented in the interest of the citizens of the entire region. “The Berlin Process is a joint initiative by the EU member states and the Western Balkan countries which is very significant in terms of responsibility for its functioning, because the activities of the Process are monitored with regards to the implementation of European standards and regulations. All six Western Balkan countries are participating in the Berlin Process, thus achieving real inclusion and avoiding the possibility of isolating or marginalizing certain countries from the process,” said Pendarovski. He stressed that the aid of 1 billion euro, announced by the President of the European Commission, which is set to help the countries of the region tackle the energy crisis, is an expression of European solidarity and a step towards rebuilding the trust of the majority of citizens in the values of European integration. At the conference, the German government’s Special Envoy for the Western Balkan countries, Manuel Sarrazin, reminded that in November, the government in Berlin announced that there will be short-term bilateral German support for the region in the amount of 500 million euro, with the aim of helping the Western Balkan countries tackle the energy crisis, as well as 2.2 billion euro intended for projects for German economic cooperation with the region. “Germany not only wants to support the progress of the region to the European Union, but we also want to move the regional market forward as well. At the same time, together with the institutions we are working on a just energy transition in the region. We want to do much more in this area so we can be good partners of the region,” said Sarrazin. The Representative of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) Blazhen Maleski, stressed that more funds should be invested in state institutions and in youth organizations and institutions, so that greater power is given to the youth in making political steps towards the future. He said that the institutions will regain trust by investing in youth. Maleski pointed out that democracy should be invested in as well, and the youth should be allowed to participate in the decisions made for them. “Germany has a big role in leading this discussion, but it is very important to realize that this is our process. Germany can insist on and do many things, but if we do not take the initiatives by ourselves, and if we do not exert pressure for greater results in the Berlin Process, then the future of the process will not last,” said Maleski. The Director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in North Macedonia, Rene Schlee, discussing the Western Balkan countries’ path towards EU membership, said that the EU member states are still skeptical regarding enlargement, but perhaps they are not entirely aware of the security implications caused by the slowdown of the process.


Host Albania has high hopes for EU-Western Balkans summit (AP/Radio Tirana)


Albania’s Prime Minister said Monday that a European Union summit in his country’s capital this week demonstrates the EU’s heightened geostrategic interests in the Western Balkans region during Russia’s war in Ukraine. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is set to host the one-day meeting on Tuesday that is aimed at rekindling the EU’s expansion process. “The moment is fantastic. Nobody could imagine this only until two years ago, and now it’s happening,” Rama said in an interview with The Associated Press. Rama previously criticized the EU for dragging its feet on admitting new member nations. The six countries that are the focus on the summit - Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia - received assurances for years but saw their steps toward membership stall. The war in Ukraine has provided a reminder of the region’s vulnerability and given the EU an incentive to bring the Western Balkans nations into Europe’s democratic fold, according to Rama. He said the bloc needs especially to work “closely with Serbia,” which has not joined the EU’s wartime sanctions on Russia. “The common voice of the Western Balkans ... has helped to push more EU leaders” into moving the countries along the membership path because “you need the Balkans, Western Balkans as much as the Western Balkans needs the EU,” Rama said. The prime minister called Tuesday’s meeting “the most important event in the history of (Albania’s) international relations,” noting that the former communist country was until 1990 “cut completely out from the world and from Europe.” The summit will bring “a lot to the Western Balkans, to our country, a lot of positive energy, a lot of hope, a lot of new ways, new paths, that will define themselves in the next steps,” Rama said, calling the EU’s decision to hold the summit outside of its territory a “good omen for the future.” With the exception of Kosovo, which didn’t declare its independence from Serbia until 2008, the Western Balkans nations first were identified as potential EU candidates in 2003. Croatia, which is also part of the region, joined the bloc in 2013 and remains its newest member because the EU has admitted no others since. The bloc agreed to launch full membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in July, and has held those discussions with Serbia and Montenegro for some years. The EU’s executive commission recommended Bosnia as a member candidate in October. Kosovo’s government said it planned to apply for candidacy consideration this month. Membership talks, which align the candidate countries’ policies, administration and economies with those of the bloc, can themselves last years, and the merit-based process is individual for each country. Rama maintained that relations among the Western Balkans countries, mostly those that made up the former Yugoslavia, have never been better, though he acknowledged that Serbia’s refusal to recognize Kosovo’s independence “is still the elephant in the room.”  “But we are on this path, and we will continue to push for reconciliation, normalization, and we’ll continue to work closely also with Serbia,” he said.


Balluku: Tirana tomorrow, the biggest political stage in Europe (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku, at the same time Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, declared today that Tirana will be the biggest political stage in Europe tomorrow, as the EU-Western Balkans summit is held with the participation of all leaders. At the same time Balluku informs the signing of a number of important agreements. "Tirana has already turned into a center of the Western Balkans, this is a historical moment. The fact that Albania was chosen out of all the countries definitely makes us proud, it shows the reliability we have given and the constructive way in which Edi Rama has contributed to the community called the Western Balkans. The summit is the continuation of a work that started a long time ago, it is expected that there will be some important agreements. A meeting of this rank, of this level, where all the European leaders will be an important moment to make important decisions," said Balluku. According to her, tomorrow Tirana is the biggest political stage in Europe. Deputy Prime Minister Balluku believes that the Serbian delegation will be in Tirana to participate in the summit. "I believe that the Serbian delegation will also be in Tirana. There will be talks between the parties, there is an interest from some of the EU leaders to also have joint tables between the various countries of the Western Balkans to advance any talks that have been in focus and in the center of attention. I believe that they will all be in Tirana", said Balluku. She also spoke on highest security conditions. "We guarantee the safety conditions for the whole process to take place in the best way. The premises have been adapted to accommodate all heads of states, accompanying staff and partners or other entities participating in the meeting, as well as 730 foreign journalists," she said. The EU-Western Balkans summit will take place on Tuesday in Tirana. The 27 Western leaders of the European Union and 5 leaders of the Western Balkans are expected to arrive in the capital. The President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, are expected to be present at this summit.


Berisha warns thousands of protesters in Tirana for Tuesday’s protest (Radio Tirana)


Former prime minister, Sali Berisha, called on all Albanians this Monday to be present the next day in the nationwide protest that is expected to be held in Tirana. During a meeting with the Democrats of Branch 2 in the capital, Berisha stated that thousands of protesters have come to Tirana since today and thousands more are expected to come. According to him, citizens will participate massively in the protest to show Europe that Albanians are free people and that they cannot live under a regime that recognizes the code of mafia and violence. "In all the reports it is written that Albania is the most corrupt country. Albanians are the most stolen people because the road is built at a cost 8 times higher and the school is also built at a cost 8 times higher than in the European Union. It's not the people who are corrupt, it's not you, it's the one who travels 138 times by charter with a luxury bedroom, the one who gets the 4 million euro installation inside the prime minister's office, said Berisha.