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Belgrade Media Report 8 December



Vucic, Hill discuss security situation in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Thursday with US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill, with whom he had an "open and concrete conversation". In a post on his Instagram account, Vucic wrote that the meeting had addressed the security situation in Kosovo-Metohija and possibilities and EU proposals for continuing the dialogue on normalisation of relations with Pristina. "I pointed to the significance of US engagement in averting further escalation caused by almost daily unilateral and illegal moves by the provisional Pristina institutions, and reiterated the necessity of forming a Community of Serb Municipalities," Vucic said. Serbia remains committed to maintaining peace and stability but it is also clear in its defence of its people and national interests, Vucic also said.


Dialogue framework for resolving open issues, Hill says at meeting with Vucic (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on Thursday with US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill, who reiterated that, for the US, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was the framework for resolving open issues. Vucic noted that Serbia was committed to political dialogue and to finding a compromise solution for a sustainable, safe and prosperous co-existence of Serbs and ethnic Albanians, and added that maintaining peace and stability was a key priority for Serbia, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic and Hill also discussed the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija as well as bilateral relations and Serbia's European integration. Vucic noted the significance of further strengthening of US-Serbia political and economic cooperation and the parties also discussed potential joint projects. Speaking about European integration, Vucic briefed Hill on the results of an EU-Western Balkans summit held in Tirana two days ago as well as on reforms Serbia was working on hard, primarily for the sake of a better life and future for its citizens. Hill reiterated full US support to Serbia's European integration and reform processes in the country.


Popovic calls for rejection of so-called Kosovo's HCCH membership bid (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


At a meeting with the secretary-general of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH, Christophe Bernasconi, Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic called for rejection of requests by the so-called Kosovo to accede to HCCH conventions and be admitted to the organisation, noting that the so-called Kosovo is "no state under international law, but a territory that is a part of the Republic of Serbia". She noted that the so-called Kosovo's accession to HCCH conventions that were open to accession by all states was unacceptable to Serbia and that the organisation was expected to act entirely in line with the UN Charter and respect the legally binding nature of UN SC Resolution 1244, the Ministry of Justice said in a statement. The meeting also addressed ways of advancing the cooperation between Serbia and the HCCH as the most significant international organisation engaging in unification of private international law. The parties also noted that Serbia actively participated in the work of the HCCH plenary assembly and the organisation's other permanent bodies.


Becic: Serbia confident Russia-Ukraine challenges in PABSEC will be resolved (Tanjug)


The deputy president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) Igor Becic said on Wednesday Serbia was confident challenges between two PABSEC member states, Russia and Ukraine, would be resolved within the organisation at upcoming meetings. Becic said this in a statement to Tanjug following a decision by Russia's delegation to walk out of a PABSEC General Assembly meeting in Belgrade in a reaction to a request by the Ukrainian delegation that the mandates of Russian assembly members not be extended and to the conduct of Ukrainian representatives at the session. He said a number of delegations in attendance had declined to approve the mandates of assembly members from the Russian delegation and that the delegation had "left the conference and said it will not continue to pay contributions to the organisation". Becic said Serbia, its government and President Aleksandar Vucic were advocating peace, stability and dialogue as a means of resolving all open issues. He said regional cooperation was one of Serbia priorities and that the country would continue to support all mechanisms promoting cooperation and coordination in the wider Black Sea region. Serbia also advocates strict respect of international law and all PABSEC normative documents, which it was governed by at the session, Becic said. "The Serbian delegation expresses the confidence that existing challenges between the member states will be resolved within the organisation, at meetings in the coming period," he said.


Vucevic: Inicidents in north Kosovo and Metohija messageto Serbs they are not desired (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic tells Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that a series of incidents in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are again sending a message to Serbs that they are not welcome there. Two detonations were heard last night in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. One detonation was in Bosnjacka, one in Mikronaselje. This is just another in a series of incidents that have been recorded in Kosovo and Metohija in recent days. “This goes on continuously, primarily caused by the unilateral moves of the administration in Pristina. Unfortunately, last night too, there were activations of several artillery strikes in Bosnjacka Mahala and Mikronaselje, that is to say, the most sensitive part of northern Kosovska Mitrovica, considering that there is a mixed population there and they are constantly present tensions,” says Vucevic. “We will see what exactly happened. What our services have, what is available to us through the flow of information is that there were no injuries and no major material damage was done. But it was obviously convenient for someone to have tensions again and it is simply not allowed not for a millimeter, not for a second, to lower that level of tension, possibility of further escalation to a more reasonable, normal and rational level and to return to the form of dialogue,” says Vucevic. “Through a series of incidents in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Albin Kurti once again sends a message to the Serbs - you are not welcome here and we will forcibly hold the elections on 18 December. Everything that Albin Kurti and his government are doing is aimed at completely clearing Kosovo and Metohija of Serbs. He wants to expel the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija,” he said.


KFOR Commander: Mitrovica incidents concerning, we will not tolerate violence (Beta)


KFOR Commander Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia said that the latest incidents in North Mitrovica are concerning, especially prior to the elections, and added that that KFOR “will not tolerate violence”, Beta reported. Ristuccia told Radio television of Kosovo (RTK) that there is a danger of losing everything achieved in Kosovo over the past years. He explained that KFOR’s first task is to ensure free movement in Kosovo and that, depending on the situation, KFOR acts in the best possible way, but that it cannot and will not tolerate violence. Major General Ristuccia said the mission is trained and equipped to fulfill all obligations under its mandate but that, if the situation aggravates, KFOR can count on the support of “the whole of NATO and 27 member countries”.


Sarrazin: Pristina knows (Tanjug/RTV)


The special envoy of Germany for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin said that Pristina knows that the Community of Serb Municipalities must be discussed. "Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM) was agreed in 2013 within the Brussels agreement, and I think it is clear to Pristina that this discussion must take place," Sarrazin told Tanjug. Regarding current situation in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Sarrazin, who took part in a panel discussion at the EU-WB Summit in Brussels yesterday, organized by Friends of Europe, says that the situation is tense. "We have a very tense situation in the dialogue, especially regarding North Mitrovica. We want the situation to be stable and safe. This means that everything should be done on both sides, that they should be flexible so that there is no escalation", said the German envoy. Speaking about the content of the updated European proposal supported by France and Germany, and which the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell said in Tirana on Tuesday that was sent to Belgrade and Pristina, Sarrazin reiterated that it is important to clear up doubts about whose proposal it is. "It is a European proposal. This is clear from the beginning. It was presented for the first time by Miroslav Lajcak on behalf of the EU, together with the advisors of President Macron and Chancellor Scholz when they were in the region. If you want to have a strong position there, you can only have it if it is clear that it is a European proposal,'' says Sarrazin. When asked what is the priority now, whether it is solving the institutional situation, which means the participation of Serbs in the provisional institutions of Pristina in order to avoid a security crisis and the parties to devote themselves to other problems, Sarrazin says that it is very important to resolve the current situation and the Serbian side should return to the institutions in order to provide services to citizens from the north. He emphasized that the issue of the return of Serbs to the institutions, however, should not be an excuse to stop the dialogue on other problems. "That doesn't stop you from talking about other things," the German official said.


Tension in Velika Hoca; Petkovic: ROSU is coming (Radio KiM/B92/Beta/Novosti)


Armed members of the Kosovo police came to the family house of Srdjan Petrovic in Velika Hoca with customs officers, in order to confiscate the wine. On this occasion, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced on his Twitter account today. "The situation in Velika Hoca is still tense! I called the owner of the vineyard, Petrovic, who informed me that in an hour, ROSU is coming with a tanker to seize 42.000 liters of wine! Kurti's police did not want a peaceful solution with the owner this morning. It is clear that Kurti wants incidents!", wrote Petkovic on Twitter. Negotiations are ongoing between the owner Srdjan Petrovic and members of the Customs and Police, reports Radio KiM. A large number of citizens who oppose the confiscation of wine also gathered. They, as well as the owner, who is not otherwise registered with the Agency for Business Registers, are trying to prevent the confiscation of the wine. Petrovic is currently trying to reach an agreement with the customs officials and settle the debts so far, which, according to the estimate of the Customs, amount to 38.000 Euros. The situation is tense, and Milan, Srdjan Petrovic's son, threatens to kill himself. "I won't give it, this is mine, my house, my everything! I won't! I won't give it! Let the truck return, I swear, I will jump", threatens Milan from the roof of the house, while one of the locals tries to stop him, while his mother screams, Novosti broadcasts. "This is unheard of. They are harassing us for the second day because of our own wine. Even when a person commits a traffic violation, he pays the fine and continues driving, and this is pure survival. Not only my great-grandmother, but also the other residents of Velika Hoca are revolted, gathered around the vineyard, but there are also members of the Kosovo police with five police cars and three customs vans," said Petkovic.




Cvijanovic and Vucic deny signing any declaration at Tirana Summit (Glas Srpske)


Following the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana, media reported that participants signed a declaration labelling Russia as the main culprit for the economic and energy crisis, and calling for joint action against Russian influence. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chair Zeljka Cvijanovic and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denied the claim that B&H and Serbia supported this declaration. Cvijanovic stated that she did not sing any document in Tirana. She underlined that Republika Srpska (RS) will not accept any sanctions against Russia. Vucic made a similar statement, reports the daily.


President Michel on possibility of B&H getting candidate status; HR Schmidt: Support of Croatia on B&H’s EU path is important (Dnevni list/Oslobodjenje)


President of the European Council Charles Michel who commented on possibility of B&H getting the status of EU candidate next week. Michel stated that there is clear proposal on the table and that ‘we’ are working hard on preparing the next ministerial meeting. “We support B&H’s efforts to secure the status of candidate, but I do not want to prejudge anything”, said President Michel adding that he hopes that a decision that will be beneficial for all sides will be taken. Meanwhile, High Representative Christian Schmidt met with State Secretary for Europe in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Andreja Metelko-Zgombic. "Croatian support for the B&H’s EU candidate Status is important. Receiving candidate status would be a much-needed boost for the country and an important sign for citizens that the enlargement process works for B&H,” said High Representative Schmidt.


Representatives of HDZ B&H and 'The Eight' agree that HDZ B&H's Kristo will be appointed B&H CoM Chair and that SDP B&H leader Niksic will be appointed FB&H Prime Minister (N1)


Representatives of HDZ B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' held a meeting in Konjic on Wednesday. Meeting participants discussed the distribution of positions within the new Federation of B&H (FB&H) government and formation of the authorities at the B&H level. It was agreed that HDZ B&H's Borjana Kristo will be appointed a Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and that SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic will be appointed a FB&H Prime Minister. Representatives of HDZ B&H and 'The Eight' announced that distribution of ministerial posts in the B&H CoM will be agreed with SNSD next week. Representatives of HDZ B&H and 'The Eight' seem to be united in the opinion that the authorities at the FB&H and B&H level will be formed by the New Year. "Today (Wednesday), we confirmed what you knew from the media - that Mrs. Kristo is the future Chair of the B&H CoM, and that I will lead the FB&H Government. We discussed the distribution of ministries, but we did not go into concrete distribution having in mind that when it comes to the CoM, we need to sit down with the partners from RS as well," Niksic underlined. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic told a press conference after the meeting that regardless of who will ultimately have the majority in the Bosniak Caucus, the partnership between 'The Eight' and HDZ B&H is unquestionable. Covic said that HDZ B&H's Lidija Bradara will be the new FB&H President. "Now we are rapidly moving towards that, regardless of how the process of defining the House of Peoples (HoP) will develop. Together, we want to get the Government of the FB&H as soon as possible," Covic underlined. Two important meetings are expected next week, including the one between SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and the representatives of 'The Eight' and the one between the representatives of HDZ B&H, SNSD and 'The Eight'. Dodik said earlier that he will ask for the unblocking of processes, some of which are still in the Constitutional Court, such as the hydroelectric power plants on the Drina River. Leader of People and Justice (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic said that all projects in B&H should be supported in an equal way, respecting the competences of the institutions. "Where B&H has jurisdiction, we do not agree that the processes are led by the entities. Where the entity has jurisdiction, it would never occur to us to block something, respecting the Constitution and other regulations and laws of B&H," Konakovic said. Participants of the meeting in Konjic said that if everything goes according to the plan, getting candidacy status this year is realistic, once again underlining that SDA and DF are going into opposition. Leader of NS Edin Forto said that the NS Main Board will convene on Saturday. "I expect instructions about what we will negotiate on behalf of Our Party primarily within 'The Eight', and then at the state level," Forto pointed out.


US Embassy to B&H disappointed with fact people who were ‘blacklisted’ were appointed to high positions in authorities in B&H (N1)


The US Embassy to B&H expressed its disappointment with the fact people from the ‘black list’ were appointed to high positions in the authorities in B&H. Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) was appointed as the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H while Milorad Dodik (SNSD) was appointed as the RS President although both Cavara and Dodik were ‘blacklisted’ by USA. Cavara was ‘blacklisted’ because of blockades related to formation of the FB&H government and appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the FB&H as well as because of “responsibility for or cooperation in direct or indirect participation in activities or politics undermining democratic processes or institutions in the Western Balkans”. Dodik was ‘blacklisted’ in 2017 because of “failure to respect a decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H on prohibition to organize referendum” and this later expanded because of “destabilizing corruption activities and attempts to undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”.


B&H CEC elects three delegates to Croat Caucus in FB&H HoP and two delegates in Serb Caucus of FB&H HoP by drawing of lots (Nova BH


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H elected on Wednesday another three delegates to the Croat Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) and two delegates to the Serb Caucus in the FB&H HoP by drawing of lots. Dragica Susa and Vesna Saradzic were elected to the Serb Caucus in the FB&H HoP, while Iva Raguz, Boris Mrnjavac and Ivo Simunovic were elected to the Croat Caucus in the FB&H HoP. Commenting on the election method, former member of B&H CEC Vehid Sehic told Nova BH that drawing of lots caused great public attention, especially political focus in this election cycle, because political parties seek domination in the Caucuses represented by their candidates. He explained that the election by drawing of lots is always used as the only method when none of the candidates have majority of votes. Nova BH reminded that results of the vote to elect delegates from the Canton 10 to the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP will be published on Thursday, when a scenario - on whether ‘The Eight’ coalition will have the necessary majority of 11 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus to be able to propose its candidate for the post of the FB&H Vice President or SDA will have a control package of 13 delegates and thus make the FB&H puzzle additionally complicated - will become certain. The B&H CEC also passed a decision that early elections for the mayors and heads of municipalities in Bihac, Tuzla, Srebrenik, Zvornik, Bratunac and Vogosca will be held on February 5. The CEC stated that these cities and municipalities are obliged to provide funds for holding early elections. Applications for certification of political parties and independent candidates are due by Monday, December 12, at 16:00 hours.


DF in Zenica Doboj Canton refuses to let HDZ B&H enter government with them (FTV)


The expansion of the coalition in the Zenica Doboj Canton (ZDC), at least for now, will not happen. Even though the local HDZ B&H announced that, in accordance with the agreement at the level of the FB&H, it will enter the ZDC authorities, DF, which is part of the coalition of parties of ‘The Six’, rejected such a possibility. President of the ZDC Board of HDZ B&H Ivo Tadic stated on December 2: “We expect that we will be part of the parliamentary majority and that we will be able to reach an agreement - two ministries within the ZDC”. Goran Bulajic from the ZDC Board of DF said that they received an instruction within the coalition agreement to declare whether they are in favor of HDZ B&H joining them. Bulajic said they took the position that it is not an option for anyone to join them because they consider that the current majority is stable. DF's categorical position that it does not want to lend a hand to HDZ B&H in the ZDC is not surprising considering the hundred times repeated positions of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) that they do not want to join DF in any kind of government at any price. Vice President of the B&H Initiative ‘Kasumovic Fuad’ Kenan Uzunovic said that the coalition in the ZDC has never been more stable. “In the agreement of ‘The Six’, it was stated that without consensus we will not add other partners, regardless of the agreement that ‘The Eight’ has with HDZ”, said Uzunovic. When asked whether DF's obstacle in the ZDC will complicate negotiations at a higher level, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic gave, as the reporter said, a political answer: “Love is mutual”. It has been clear for a long time that the request for the introduction of HDZ B&H in the ZDC has been brought to the negotiating table at the FB&H level, added the reporter. SDP leader Nermin Niksic said that they offered DF to continue be part of that story in the ZDC, but that it is their choice to leave it. Bulajic commented that they are not leaving the coalition, but that they just gave their position in relation to the coalition agreement.


Bosnia Podrinje Canton becomes first canton in FB&H to form new government (FTV)


The Bosnia Podrinje Canton (BPC) became the first canton in FB&H to get a new government. The new BPC Prime Minister is Edin Culov from the local political party ‘New Beginning’. Nusret Hubjer from SDP was nominated for a BPC Minister of Interior, Alisa Alikadic Heric from ‘New Beginning’ will be the new Minister of Education, while Senad Celjo from SBiH will be the new Minister of Health. Culov said that there will be a lot of new projects. It was said that the BPC opposition already filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) regarding the legality of the inaugural session of the BPC Assembly. Culov said that his priorities will be the establishment of a suitable economic environment, new projects based on natural resources and business tradition, and the strengthening of infrastructure capacities such as the ‘Hranjen’ tunnel. The new Government is formed of the following parties; the NiP, SBB B&H, ‘New Beginning’, ‘New Political Initiative’, SB&H, NES, ‘Independent Civic List, ‘BH Democrats’. SDA’s Aida Obuca and former BCP-Gorazde Prime Minister said that the new majority relies on work of the previous government. Obuca said that the process launched based on a motion for constitutional review of decisions adopted at the inaugural session of the BPC Assembly – when it comes to appointment of new leadership - is underway. Obuca confirmed that they voted against appointment of the new government.


SNSD submits complaint to decision of B&H CEC to recognize as valid vote for PDP’s list for delegates in B&H HoP; Criminal reports were filed against five B&H CEC members (RTRS)


Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic confirmed that SNSD officially submitted to the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H an appeal against "the shameful and illegal decision" of the B&H CEC to recognize the contested ballot for the delegates of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) from RS. Kovacevic added that criminal reports were filed against five B&H CEC members because, as he said, they made a political decision. Kovacevic pointed out that it is completely clear that people who are close to SDA structures and Zeljko Komsic's DF decided on this type of decision only to take revenge on SNSD for choosing 'The Eight' as its partner. "For that reason, we honestly believe and hope that the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H will clearly prove that it is not under the political control of that type of coalition and that it will make at least one decision for the first time in accordance with the law," Kovacevic said. RS SNSD MP Ranka Peric-Romic also filed an appeal because of the CEC's controversial decision. RTRS stressed that if the procedure for electing delegates was violated, the CEC had the option to order that the election procedure is repeated, but not to change the decision of the parliamentary commission. Because of everything, the RS officials are announcing the return of the electoral process to the RS institutions. SNSD Presidency member Stasa Kosarac believes that it is unacceptable that "five party members of the CEC" elect representatives of the RS to the joint institutions. "This is just confirmation that we have a real need for electoral sovereignty. The constituency is the RS, it elects the President, the RSNA, the Government, delegates in the Council of Peoples (CoP), delegates in the HoP and it must retain its electoral subjectivity and sovereignty and the subsequent election processes in the RS should be conducted by the RS election commission and not by some poltroons," Kosarac underlined. Kosarac noted that by cancelling the decision of the Commission for Appointments of the RS parliament, the B&H CEC stole SNSD's delegate mandate in the B&H HoP, stressing that the CEC declared valid the ballot that was filled in incorrectly. Kosarac emphasized that four SNSD delegates in the B&H HoP are protection of the interests of the RS, not a blockade. "Our strategic issue is that, in accordance with the Constitution, the RS decides on issues important to the RS and that it participates on the joint level in a way to protect the interests of the RS, not to block, as the FB&H media often say," Kosarac underlined. RTRS reminded that if the court decision confirms the disputed ballot, the fifth delegate from the RS will be decided by drawing of the lots, because SNSD's Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac and PDP's Nenad Vukovic would have the same number of votes. In a phone statement to ATV, former CEC member Branko Petric said that declaring this ballot valid is unprecedented. “Never in my 16-year history of being a member of the CEC and four times Chairman of the CEC has it happened that a ballot came to the session and that it was discussed. From publicly available information, it is evident that the person to whom that ballot was in hand and who was supposed to vote on it clearly and unequivocally expressed his will, and that they do not want to vote for the political party in question as he was instructed”, Petric specified his position on the issue.


President Milanovic: Had Croatian government taken stronger position, Komsic would not have ended up in Presidency of B&H through deception again (Dnevni list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that the Croatian government should have taken stronger position about outvoting of Croats in B&H earlier, which would have prevented Zeljko Komsic from getting elected the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H owing to Bosniak votes. According to Milanovic, the fact that Komsic is being imposed to Croats is insult and impudence, which in turn causes problems and poisons Croat-Bosniak relations. The Croatian President went on to say that decision of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to amend the Election Law of B&H and to prevent Bosniaks from getting qualified majority in the Croat Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples was adopted because Schmidt had to prevent ‘travesty’ against the Croats in B&H and to annul, as Milanovic put it, ‘sodomy’ against the Croats. Milanovic added that the HR did not implement the judgment in the Ljubic case, also announcing that Croatia will continue to advocate that the Croatian Armed Forces become part of operation ‘Althea’. Milanovic told RTV Herzeg-Bosnia that the issue of Presidency of B&H can be solved within five minutes if there is the will to do so. Milanovic also stated that French President Emmanuel Macron is aware of the Croat issue. “He is smart and knows a lot, but does not know enough because we do not bother him enough, but I will continue to do it”, added Milanovic.


Plenkovic: Constitutional foundation to help Ukraine is indisputable (HRT)


HDZ leader and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday that there was an indisputable constitutional basis for Croatia's participation in the European military aid mission to Ukraine. Given the reservations expressed by some in the opposition, he called on MPs to make decisions that they can stand behind in the future. “Now they are coming up with some procedural shenanigans, or they want to turn a military mission into a civilian one. This is a matter of significant political responsibility, I urge them to think carefully,” Plenkovic told journalists after a meeting of the HDZ’s leadership Wednesday evening. Reacting opposition MPs who are against the government's proposal that the Croatian army participate in the EU’s mission to support Ukraine, Plenkovic asked: "Where are these reservations coming from? What’s the logic? What are the arguments and where is the political responsibility?" President Zoran Milanovic also opposes the proposal. Lawmakers are expected to vote on the proposal on 15 December. A two-thirds majority is required for the proposal to pass. The HDZ initiated negotiations with opposition clubs in parliament this week to rally support for the mission, but for now there is no agreement between the sides. “What is being discussed are some ideas about what forms of engagement could be in that decision, as suggested by some other parliamentary parties,” Plenkovic said. “The constitutional and legal basis is indisputable and clear, and entirely on the track with many years of practice by different governments and presidents," Plenkovic underscored, as a key point. He added that the vote in the Sabor will decide on Croatia's participation in the mission in which many other EU member states are taking part. That participation has three components, he said, command structure, sending instructors to Poland or Germany, and hosting about a hundred Ukrainian soldiers for training.


Grlic Radman: The stay of Ukrainian soldiers in the Republic of Croatia cannot drag us into war (HRT)


The World Cup is also a topic of foreign policy. We are a small nation, but an extremely visible sports nation. Football is a great promotion for Croatia, emphasized Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman appearing on Croatian Radio. He referred to the government's proposal for aid to Ukraine, which was under discussion in Croatian parliament, and said that it was important that the discussion took place and that the representatives were familiar with the proposal. “After the adoption of the declaration on condemnation of Russian aggression and support for Ukraine from February, after the summit on the Crimean Platform, I hope that this decision is only an upgrade of our relationship with Ukraine,” he said and added that he believes that Croatian parliament will make the right decision on 15 December. He emphasized that this mission is an upgrade of our relationship with the countries in the immediate neighborhood of the EU. When asked if Croatia can "get involved" in the war in Ukraine by having Ukrainian soldiers stay in Croatia, Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said that it cannot. “We want to avoid any cause for war, but that does not mean that we do not want to help the Ukrainians in their just struggle,” he pointed out. President Zoran Milanovic requested a session of the National Security Council. Grlic Radman believes that he is late with this because Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic requested it immediately after Russia's aggression, but the president did not respond to it. “Bad relations between the President’s Office and the government Office harm Croatia. Here we see that all the effects of the Government try to be minimized, the president uses every opportunity to send negative messages. The president's performances bring reputational damage to Croatia,” Grlic Radman emphasized. He believes that the president should contribute to the reputation and dignity of the state. When asked if there is progress in the approval of the president for the election of ambassadors, Grlic Radman said that there is none. “I was recently asked in the Vatican when Croatia will appoint an ambassador to the Vatican. I said that the government has its own candidate, but the president does not agree with that. The same is the case with the candidate for ambassador in Paris,” he emphasized. Regarding Croatia's entry into the Schengen area, Grlic Radman believes that everything will go well. Serbia has condemned Russia, but is not ready to impose sanctions, which is now expressly requested of it. “Condemnation is not enough. Serbia must show itself in action,” he pointed out.


Ivanovic: SNP advocating for election of four Constitutional Court judges, we’ll vote for lifting immunity of DPS and SD MPs (CdM)


The Socialist People’s Party (SNP) has expressed the opinion and will maintain the position that four judges of the Constitutional Court should be elected, the head of the SNP caucus, Dragan Ivanovic, has announced at the press conference. He has added that they will support Special State Prosecutor’s Office’s request to lift parliamentary immunity of some DPS and SD members. “We advocate that all four proposed candidates be elected. No one from the opposition mentions that they will agree to electing four judges,” he has said. Commenting on the invitation sent by DPS to the heads of caucuses to discuss the unblocking of the Constitutional Court today, Ivanovic says that they have no confirmation whether they will discuss one or four judges. Yesterday’s meeting, initiated by DPS and scheduled for the 5pm, was attended by all heads of caucuses. The meeting of heads of parliamentary clubs on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court has ended without concrete agreement, and consultations will continue on Friday. "We have agreed to continue the consultations on Friday at 1:30 p.m.," Danijel Zivkovic, head of the DPS Parliamentary Club, told reporters briefly.


Mugosa, Cikotic and Odzic resign from the positions of state secretaries (CdM)


State secretaries from the ranks of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) Amina Cikotic, Petar Odzic and Budimir Mugosa have resigned from those positions, CdM learns. Cikotic was state secretary at the Ministry of Sports and Youth, Odzic at the Ministry of Capital Investments, and Mugosa at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. Cikotic, Odzic and Mugosa have stated in their resignation letters that the government which was voted no-confidence in the Parliament of Montenegro has lost the legitimacy to lead internal policy in its full capacity.


Abazovic is preparing a decision on Montenegro's entry into the Open Balkans (Pobjeda)


Dritan Abazovic's government, which is in a technical mandate, should make a decision on Montenegro's entry into the Open Balkans in the next 15 days, despite the negative analysis of the Ministry of European Affairs and the opposition of the majority in the parliament, Pobjeda learns. Pobjeda writes, referring to unnamed sources close to the very top of the government, that Montenegro's accession to the Open Balkans is already "a done deal". For that decision, the Prime Minister secured the support of the Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, but also parts of the American administration, led by Gabriel Escobar, stressed that they have nothing against it, the sources of that newspaper, close to the top of the executive power, point out - if it is a decision that would be supported by the majority in the Montenegrin parliament. They add that Abazovic and the Deputy Prime Minister and President of the SNP Vladimir Jokovic, who are the initiators of that plan, will refer to the Constitution according to which "the government conducts the internal and foreign policy of the state" and that the ratification of that decision in the parliament will not be necessary. "There was no ratification for other regional initiatives like the Berlin process either," says another Pobjeda source. From the "old" parliamentary majority, the Democrats of Alekse Becic expressed serious reservations about the Open Balkans. Last night, the government did not answer Pobjeda's questions about when the government planned to determine itself according to the Open Balkans initiative and whether the government would consider the analysis of the Ministry of European Affairs. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the "Open Balkans", which was done by the MEP headed by Jovana Marovic, who resigned from that position, was negative. MEPs stated in their analysis that, bearing in mind the attention that the regional initiative Open Balkans attracts and the numerous political interpretations that are present in the public, they are of the opinion that such serious issues should be the subject of expert analyses, i.e. distanced from daily political needs and politics. It is indicated that, for now, the "Open Balkans" functions through meetings at the highest political level, during which the leaders agree on further steps towards the complete erasure of the borders between the three states based on the model of the four freedoms of movement: people, goods, services and capital. It is emphasized that the invitation to join the other three countries of the Western Balkans is open, but that certain shortcomings in the implementation of the envisaged measures are noted. It is also recalled that only Serbia ratified five agreements from the initiative, while Albania and North Macedonia did not ratify a single one. Outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic announced Montenegro's entry into the Open Balkans at the summit of that initiative in September in Belgrade. "The Open Balkans is a successful initiative. It is not a question of what the initiative is called, but that the initiative is functional. This initiative is functional", said Abazovic, stating that he expects that Montenegro will soon become a member of this initiative. "I am the prime minister who makes difficult decisions," said Abazovic at the time. The President of the country Milo Djukanovic announced recently on the Public Service that the attempt to introduce Montenegro into the Open Balkans by a government that has lost confidence would be tantamount to high treason. If that were to happen, Djukanovic is convinced that the issue will end up in court. He recommends reading the Analysis on the Open Balkans, which the government published, retracted, and published again on yesterday's Vice President Jovana Marovic's website. "In my opinion, Open Balkans was launched by people who lost confidence in the reality of the European perspective for their countries. It was launched by, first of all, Serbia, Albania, and then later North Macedonia joined it. Three other countries did not join the initiative. Therefore, this initiative is already handicapped in relation to the Berlin process, because it is not inclusive enough", emphasized Djukanovic.


Bulgarian Minister: Sofia, Skopje jointly observe St. Clement of Ohrid for the first time (MIA)


As stipulated by the agreement, we are jointly celebrating the work of St. Clement of Ohrid for the first time today. We will lay a wreath in front of his monument as a sign of respect to one of the most prominent students of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Nikolaj Milkov, at a joint press conference with the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, on Wednesday. Milkov said that all the credit for the joint celebration goes to the North Macedonia – Bulgaria historical commission. “The credit for the joint celebration of St. Clement of Ohrid belongs to the historical commission between the two countries, which gave a general interpretation of the work of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and St. Clement of Ohrid. Of course, having a common and general understanding of various historical periods and figures is a very positive sign, and I believe will solve the issues with our current relations,” Milkov told the news conference. He reaffirmed the support for the work of the joint commission and noted that its successful work contributes to the good neighborly relations between the two countries.


We welcome US enhanced engagement in anti-corruption fight, says Osmani (MIA)


We welcome the enhanced engagement of the United States in supporting the institutions regarding rule of law and the fight against corruption, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Wednesday, adding DUI, which he is a member of, is prepared to propose a vetting law and to champion the process. He reiterated that both the Strategic Dialogue with the United States, and the mechanisms it contains, and the opening of the EU accession negotiations, are “the two blades of the scissors” that should eradicate corruption together with the national institutions. Right after the Strategic Dialogue was launched, Osmani said, the United States has allocated funding for rule of law, continuing to provide additional mechanisms, such as support from experts, sanctioning, public naming, etc. The Minister said he concurred that corruption in the country is widespread. “Anytime the citizens need some service from the state, elements of corruption emerge. We’ve done nothing if a comprehensive approach lacks, from the doorman to the highest official in the country.” Osmani noted. As a member of DUI, he said his party has proposed a vetting process. “We stand ready to put forward a law stipulating an institutional examination of every candidate for a public office. We support unyielding fight in all levels, from the bottom to the top, and we are prepared to champion the process,” Minister Osmani vowed.


  1. Macedonia interested in NATO opening a cyber-security center in country (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski held Wednesday a briefing with Macedonian journalists currently on a visit to the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, saying today’s meeting with Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Christopher Cavoli focused on the war in Ukraine and the support provided to Kiev by the Alliance and North Macedonia. NATO officials estimate that fighting would slow down during the winter but the Alliance’s nonmilitary support would continue as long as Ukraine needed it. During the meeting with General Cavoli, President Pendarovski asked urged NATO to open a cyber-security center in North Macedonia, following a number of recent hacker attacks.


North Macedonia won’t introduce visas for Kosovo (MIA)


The Republic of North Macedonia will put in place visas for Kosovo, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, emphasizing that this was a mistake made by the European Commission, which will be fixed. “The EC made a mistake putting Kosovo on the list of countries requiring a visa regime. This was never passed by the bodies of the EC and it will be revised,” said Osmani on Wednesday. He pointed out that the trend isn’t to instate visas, but to pass through the borders with ID cards only. “It’s completely contradictory to EC’s policy. The six member states, through the Berlin process, signed a contract to move through the region with ID cards only, so the trend is opposite from instating visas. We don’t even need passports to go to Serbia, Montenegro or Bosnia and Herzegovina, and our end goal is to make movement for citizens easier throughout the entire region,” said Osmani. Also, the Minister denied allegations that North Macedonia’s visa liberalization could be scrapped.


Summit/ Rama from Brussels: We brought a smile to the EU! We cannot apply for membership without doing our homework (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama in his speech from Brussels for the discussion session about the EU-Western Balkans summit held on 6 December in Tirana, declared that Albania brought a smile to the European leaders. Rama emphasized that he was hospitable at the summit and did not express any concern regarding the reservations towards the EU, but added that the latter needs the Balkans, as much as the Region needs the Union. Further, the head of government stated that the summit held in Tirana was an excellent opportunity and a historic event. "The EU's popularity in Albania remains very high. The EU barometer says so, the most pro-European country on the continent. We came from hell but not the French hell but the real one, for us Yugoslavia where these guys lived here was better than the EU in some ways. Apart from the Kosovar brothers, but in fact we naturally became so devoted to the EU and no one, nothing changes us. We were the last to leave the Ottoman Empire. We have been loyal to Stalin. We kept it until 1990 on our boulevard. We will be here to defend the EU from the EU. We will tell you that you will not run away even if you are at the door. They are not opening their hand to enter, but we, being at the door, do not let them out. Yesterday's summit was extraordinary, historic. The most important in the history of relations with outside Albania. In the Kanun, there is an important part that the house of the Albanian belongs to the god and the friend and it means that every friend is the will of the god and you should welcome him. We had gods and friends because the gods of God came to us. For me, the summit was a clear signal that the EU needs WB as much as WB needs the EU. If you invite people from the Balkans, you have to give them time because freedom of speech was so forbidden. Because we come from hell", said Rama. The creation of rapprochement mechanisms that are not conditioned by duties but based on merit is very important for Rama so that the countries of the Western Balkans can be integrated into the EU. "We need to create approach mechanisms that are not conditioned by individual tasks based on merit. Merit-based individual homework. In their countries, Russian influence is present and the Russian danger is real. Nobody in Albania cares about Russia. Now you are coming in through the back door. This is why the region must stand together. And the EU with the region because of the Russian influence. With a less active approach from the EU, things could end up in trouble. They can become problematic from North Macedonia to Montenegro. Therefore, we must be together, it is essential. And Serbia is involved so far, not completely when it comes to sanctions, but it is literally part of the EU line. When it comes to us, there is no problem, we will not give up, they can let us in, they can leave us at the door. I know it can go very well in a peaceful coexistence. We need to create approach mechanisms that are not conditioned by individual tasks based on merit. Merit-based individual homework. Yesterday I was the host and I was sweet to them. If it was Albania that went to the great powers, it would complain. I really think that something fundamental is changing", added the head of government, while emphasizing that the region must work hard to join the EU.


Begaj meets Mitsotakis: Any old or new issue will be treated with maximum seriousness! (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj hosted the Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotaki, who participated in the first EU-Western Balkans Summit that takes place outside the Union. Mitsotakis was accompanied in this meeting by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece Niko Dendias. Begaj appreciated the very good relations and strategic partnership between the two countries and expressed his gratitude for the support that Greece and the Greek people have given to the Albanians in the difficult moments after the democratic changes, but also in the context of coping with various natural disasters. Referring to good neighborliness and shared values and challenges, the Head of State considered the presence of the Greek minority in Albania and the Albanian community in Greece as an added value for these relations. "They constitute a strong, true and sincere bridge of friendship and cooperation, for which we are ready to strengthen and promote further", said Begaj. The Head of State appreciated the spirit of understanding and trust in the dialogue between the two governments, both at the political level and at the level of experts. "I assure you that every old or new issue will be treated with the utmost seriousness, according to the norms of good neighborliness and the principles of reciprocity and in respect of the Constitution, the Decision of the Constitutional Court of 2010, international law and as allied countries of NATO", emphasized Begaj. The Head of State also appreciated the new spirit of cooperation of the government and the Greek authorities with Kosovo and underlined that "Kosovo is a political reality and the recognition of its independence would serve to further strengthen peace and security in the Western Balkan region". "I want to protect the interest of Albanians wherever they are," said the Head of State. President Begaj and Prime Minister Mitsotakis also emphasized the economic cooperation between the two countries and the possibilities of Greek capital investments in various fields of the economy.


Tirana Summit, Kim meets Begaj: Albania has US support, we strengthen cooperation in democracy, defense and business (Radio Tirana)


US Ambassador Yuri Kim to Albania met this Wednesday with Albanian President Bajram Begaj. The meeting, which comes a day after the EU-Western Balkans summit held for the first time in Tirana, was welcomed by Ambassador Kim, who expressed the support of the US for the effort to take the necessary steps. Furthermore, the Ambassador expresses the US's willingness to strengthen cooperation in democracy, defense and business, while she welcomes, among others, Albania's efforts in justice reform. "Thank you to President Bajram Begaj for the opportunity to express our congratulations on hosting the EU-Western Balkans summit - the first time this summit is held outside Brussels. I strongly support efforts to take the necessary steps, including judicial reform. We also reviewed achievements during 2022 – as NATO allies, members of the UN Security Council and best friends – that brought the relationship to historic highs. We look forward to doing even more together in 2023 to strengthen cooperation in democracy, defense and business," Kim wrote on Twitter.


Spanish Prime Minister's letter to Rama: Commitment to the European future of the Western Balkans and Albania (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez who couldn't take part in the EU-Western Balkans Summit, through a letter addressed to Prime Minister Edi Rama, expresses his regret that he was not able to come to Albania, because Constitution Day was celebrated in his country. In his letter, the Spanish Prime Minister states that he was happy to be able to meet Rama last week at the XXVI Congress of the Socialist International in Madrid, "where we once again showed the strengthening of our commitment to democracy, equality, social justice and the fight against climate change". "It is truly a pleasure for me to have your friendship and support in this joint project. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to be in Tirana to participate in the European Union - Western Balkans Summit that will be held on 6 December, as on the same day, Spain celebrates Constitution Day, the day in which we commemorate the adoption with the referendum by the Spanish men and women of the Constitution of 1978, which ended forty years of dictatorship and has since then guided our democratic belief. As every year, one of the most important celebrations of the institutional calendar will take place in Madrid, with a strict protocol, where my participation is indispensable. This in no way diminishes Spain's and my personal commitment to the European future of the Western Balkans and Albania in particular, which we will continue to support whenever the opportunity arises. A big hug!”, writes the Spanish Prime Minister in his letter to Rama.


Scholz, Tirana’s commitment to the enlargement of the European Union (Radio Tirana)


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has described the Summit in Tirana as an important step for the countries of the Western Balkans and a sign of hope. Through a reaction on social networks, Scholz emphasizes that it is good that this important meeting was organized for the first time in the region itself, in the capital of Albania, Tirana. "The six countries of the Western Balkans are part of the European family. This signal originates from the EU-Western Balkans summit, where I participated today together with my counterparts from other EU member states," he said. He stated that, almost 20 years ago, the EU showed the Western Balkans the prospect of membership. But we have not come as far as we thought at the time. It is therefore important that this accession process now gains a new impetus. He emphasized that we expect the member countries to align with the EU sanctions policy against Russia. "Of course, as the EU, we also have clear expectations from the countries of the Western Balkans. For example, we expect member countries to align with the European Union's sanctions policy against Russia. I said it very clearly in Tirana," said Scholz. He said that today's summit was a commitment to the expansion of the EU and an important intermediate step for the countries of the Western Balkans and a sign of hope.