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Belgrade Media Report 9 December 2022



Brnabic: Serbia has the right and intention to return our troops to Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who was at the Belgrade Nikola Tesla International Airport this morning to see off the first flight between Belgrade and Tianjin, also spoke about the situation in Kosovo. "Today you have a day like this, a beautiful day, something we have been working on for more than two years, (effectively) introducing direct flights by our carrier, Air Serbia, with Beijing. And you have a situation where someone in Pristina takes you back not to the 19th, but to the 18th century. We have investors, jobs, more and more young people returning from the Diaspora, while someone is constantly taking you back to the 18th century. And I think that everything Kurti did is a danger not only for the Serbs, but for the Albanians, for the whole of Europe and that this is the politics of the 19th century," said Brnabic. Kurti has brought us all to the very brink of war. He didn't do it alone, she stressed. "You have KFOR and EULEX who are not doing their job. They are not protecting the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We now see violations of the Kumanovo and Brussels agreements on a daily basis. That's why we are very close to it, Vucic will give more information today, to request the return of our forces to Kosovo," said Brnabic. The Serbs' lives and livelihoods are under threat there, she pointed out. "We have been brought to the brink of a conflicts. We have been brought there by an irresponsible individual. President Vucic spoke about it more than 10 times. That man, Kurti, brings some sort of instability every day. Just a spark is enough. I can't understand NATO, KFOR, nor EULEX, because in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, you don't have the rule of law or guaranteed basic human rights," she stressed. We have the right and every intention to send a request for our troops to return there, she added.


Petkovic: Kurti’s goal is occupation of north Kosovo and Metohija (RTV)


The special forces entered North Mitrovica on foot, accompanied by numerous armored vehicles and spread out around the city, reporters from the scene report. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that Albin Kurti tonight “continued with illegal and violent actions with the aim of occupying the north of Kosovo and Metohija”. “According to our knowledge, over 300 to 350 policemen, with patrolling with body armor, with members of ROSU with long barrels, under full military equipment and armored vehicles at around 8:30 p.m. invaded the north of Kosovo and Metohija from the direction of South Mitrovica towards Bosnjacka Mahala, then deployed and blocked the whole of Kosovska Mitrovica, to finally be stationed in mixed settlements in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica - Suvi do, Brdjani, Mikro naselje, Tri solitera and Bosnjacka Mahala,” said Petkovic. He says that the reason for the police raid in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is allegedly that Albanians living in mixed communities are afraid of what is happening in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic also said that during the summit in Tirana, Kurti provoked violence and dealt with Serbs, wanting to cause incidents and forcefully impose illegal elections in four municipalities. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija pointed out that the Albanian police came from the south from five regions, from five police regions - hundreds of them invaded the north, although according to the Brussels agreement they have no right to be present in the north, only the police of the North Directorate can. “Everyone is playing dumb and apparently allowing Kurti to take dangerous actions aimed at burying the Brussels agreement,” said Petkovic. “They stop people on the streets, search them, after this violent and illegal act, significant changes will follow when it comes to the process of normalization and dialogue,” said Petkovic. He announced that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow Vucic will have important meetings and when the time comes he will inform the public about the conclusions. According to him, Kurti wants to cause violence and expel the Serb people from Kosovo and Metohija, where he attacks kindergartens and people in Velika Hoca. “Now, bearing in mind that Kurti wants to provoke violence and expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, Belgrade will consider the return of up to 1,000 members of our security forces to Kosovo and Metohija according to Resolution 1244, especially Article 4 as well as Article 6 of Annex 2. We will not allow another Storm and the expulsion of our people and the suffering of our people in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Petkovic.


Petkovic: Synchronized attack on Serbs (TV Pink)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said this morning that the latest brutal attacks and confrontation by Kurti’s police with Serbs show that it is a synchronized attack on Serbs both south and north of the Ibar. Petkovic told TV Pink that Belgrade informed all international representatives, including Miroslav Lajcak, about everything, asking that KFOR and EULEX react and protect the Serb people. Petkovic pointed out that Albin Kurti always causes incidents and always has the support of powerful people from the West. Petkovic pointed out that the message to the international community is that, as he said, “don’t play games, don’t be surprised when you see Serbia’s decisions”. He added that a lot can be changed if Kurti continues to mistreat the Serb people and that is why he said that we will consider the return of up to 1,000 members of our security forces to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, in accordance with Resolution 1244. We just want to adhere to international law, in line with Resolution 1244. If KFOR and EULEX are not able to protect the Serb people and allow the mistreatment of the people, there is someone who will protect the Serb people,” Petkovic pointed out.


Pristina's police, customs authorities seize wine from Serb-owned winery (Kosovo Online/Tanjug/Politika/RTS/RTV)


Pristina's special police and customs authorities entered a Serb-owned winery in Velika Hoca, Kosovo and Metohija, on Thursday to seize large quantities of wine but, according to media reports, the situation there remains calm. The Kosovo Online internet news portal has reported the seizure was underway but that the owner of the winery had asked residents who had gathered to support him to remain calm because he did not want "anyone to end up in prison". A large number of Pristina's regular and special police troops and customs officers can be seen in Velika Hoca, a village in the Orahovac municipality. Pristina's customs authorities said earlier in the day that, following a routine check at a local shop, they had decided to seize 42,000 l of alcoholic beverages due to unauthorised sales.


Simic: We are determined for peace, but everything is boiling here (RTS)


The vice-president of the Serb List Igor Simic tells Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is calm, but tense. Simic says that this is another sleepless night because of the unilateral moves of Pristina, which last night tried to occupy the north of Kosovo and Metohija by sending more than 250, 300 Albanian members of special forces from the southern part of Kosovo and Metohija. “If you take into account that in less than 16 hours, Albin Kurti and his special forces caused a crisis in Velika Hoca by stealing property from Serbs and the Petrovic family, the intrusion of ROSU special forces into the kindergarten while Serbian children were sleeping in the municipality of Leposavic, and last night’s attempt of landing and occupation of northern part Kosovske Mitrovica - that best describes the situation and how the citizens feel in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and not only Serbs, but also Albanians, Bosniaks, Roma, Goranis and everyone else who were taken aback last night by such moves of additional destabilization of the situation by Pristina,” says Simic. “Each of us is trying to provide a normal life for our children here, but how? Just imagine the situation when special forces armed to the teeth, who have so far caused hundreds of incidents and beaten Serbs, come a few meters from the heads of children who are peacefully sleeping in the kindergarten or when unknown armed persons suddenly appear around your apartments and houses in the middle of the night, demonstrating force and trying to intimidate the bare-handed, ordinary people who just want to live a life worthy of a man at their hearths,” adds Simic. When asked where the special forces are at the moment, Simic says that on the outskirts of the city in mixed multi-ethnic settlements there are still some units that came from the south illegally, without any reason, to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, primarily to the north of Kosovska Mitrovica. “What I want to emphasize in particular is that the excuse they used, that they needed to come, absolutely does not hold up. There was no destabilization of circumstances here - both Serbs and Bosniaks, Albanians and Goranis had a normal day here,” emphasizes Simic. “When we insisted on increasing the presence of the police south of the Ibar, where the Serbs are most vulnerable, where they suffer the greatest pressure, no one from Pristina thought of sending an additional patrol, let alone hundreds of special forces armed to the teeth. So that is the hypocrisy that Albin Kurti and his poltroons show, because the plan is clear - to create such conditions, to exert such pressure on the Serbs, on the Serbian children, on the Serbian farmers who are struggling to provide their children with a crust of bread in Velika Hoca so that the Serbs would give up, so that the Serbs withdraw from these areas,” Simic points out. Speaking about how the Serbs will behave in the coming days, Simic says that not a single incident in the past months in the north of Kosovo and Metohija was caused by Serbian citizens who calmly and dignifiedly try to preserve peace for themselves and their families in impossible conditions. “Trying to give space to the negotiators through dialogue, and the leadership of the Serb List especially insists on this, to resolve the open issues between Belgrade and Pristina, that is between Serbs and Albanians, through dialogue,” said Simic. He pointed out that, unfortunately, we cannot predict Pristina’s moves. “So our actions, the actions of our citizens, will absolutely depend on the situation on the ground. What I can confirm is that we are committed to peace and will do everything to preserve peace, but believe me, everything is boiling here, people cannot this way live a life in the 21st century on the soil of Europe, while Pristina tramples basic human rights, all signed agreements, mistreats the Serb people, while the international community is silent,” concluded Simic.


EU concerned about the security situation in north Kosovo (N1)


European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano has said that the EU is concerned about the security situation in north Kosovo and that it is following very closely the developments on the ground. “We condemn, of course, all the violent incidents and attacks happening there. The EU and its member states are calling for responsibility and de-escalation because this is what is needed, first and foremost for the benefit of the local population,” Stano said. He added that EULEX and KFOR in their respective roles in Kosovo as second and third security providers are present on the ground, that they are deployed and continue patrolling and monitoring the situation. “The focus, of course, should be on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia because this is essential for the European path of both countries, and also for calming down and de-escalating the situation, something the EU and its members states have been repeatedly calling for, most recently at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana,” Stano noted. The situation in the three multi-ethnic residential areas in north Kosovska Mitrovica is calm on Friday, and the Kosovo police members who were deployed there during the night are no longer present, said N1’s reporter.


EU: Borrell invites Vucic, Kurti to meet in Brussels (Beta)


The EU High Representative Josep Borrell has invited Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti to meet in Brussels, and the date of the meeting will be announced subsequently, the spokesman of the European Commission Peter Stano announced yesterday. "We have said on several occasions that there will be a meeting between President Vucic and Premier Kurti. High Representative Josep Borrell has already invited them to come to Brussels. We will announce the exact date of the meeting as soon as it is known, as always," Stano said at a news briefing in Brussels. Borrell announced on 6 December that the latest version of the proposal for agreement in the dialogue had been sent to Belgrade and Pristina. Borrell refused to speak about its contents, however, but said that there was no deadline for reaching the agreement. European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi met in Brussels on 8 December with Kosovo Deputy Premier Besnik Bislimi and discussed Kosovo's applying for EU membership.




Thirteenth delegate in Bosniak Caucus of FB&H HoP belongs to SDA after drawing of lots (O Kanal)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) elected on Thursday a delegate from the Canton 10 to the Bosniak Caucus in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) by drawing of lots. The elected delegate is SDA member. B&H CEC also elected the second delegate from the rank of ‘Others’ from the Sarajevo Canton (SC) to the FB&H HoP who is a member of NS, thus completing the process of election of delegates to the FB&H HoP. SDA and its partners will have 13 delegates and thus create parliamentary majority in the FB&H HoP. O Kanal deems that the story on new majority is back on the political stage with a question 'Will SDA start blocking the processes in case that they do not get what they want?’. Although the authority formation talks and the coalitions have been made official to the great extent, SDA just created conditions to start the process of formation of the executive authority in the FB&H. SDA stated after the election that SDA, as the election winner and the only party that has majority in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP together with its partners, will propose a candidate for the FB&H President or the FB&H President from the rank of the Bosniak People. The reporter reminded that the DF’s delegate could be crucial in this story, as he should decide whether to join SDA or ‘The Eight’ coalition, which will put this coalition on test. SDA is now seen as an unavoidable factor in the authority formation process in the FB&H and the question is if the deals with HDZ B&H will fail. There are also speculations indicating that SDA could block the appointment of the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate in case that the party becomes part of the opposition. Chairman of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) Suad Arnautovic stated that a total of nine delegates come from the Canton 10 Assembly – one Bosniak, three Croats, four Serbs and one from rank of Others. SDA stated that it has become an unavoidable factor in formation of the FB&H authorities as it has gained the opportunity to nominate its candidate for the Vice-President of the FB&H. SDA representatives announced that they will send an invitation in the coming days to all relevant parliamentary parties in order to reach an agreement on the formation of the authorities in the FB&H in accordance with the Constitution, the law and the electoral will of the voters. SDA pointed out that they will maintain the position that it is necessary to form a broad political front of parties with the best election results. "A broad coalition, which would act in the interest of the state of B&H, which would contribute to stabilizing the situation and which would have a dominant role in relation to all forces that have opposing political goals, and at the same time contribute to calming tensions and attempts to create and deepen irrational conflicts and divisions in the pro-Bosnian bloc”, reads SDA’s statement. SDA’s Adil Macic, who observed the drawing of lots on behalf of this political party, announced that SDA has no intention of blocking formation of authorities. “SDA always advocates acting in line with the Constitution and the law. We shall see what happens next. It will not participate in blockades but it will insist on its positions”, Macic added. Commenting on this issue, SDP B&H’s Damir Masic stated that there is a problem for SDA because there is no parliamentary majority in any of the Houses for meeting of SDA’s wishes related to this topic. Masic ironically said that SDA started to celebrate a little bit too early. Reporter noted that it seems that ‘The Eight’ will not block the appointment of the FB&H President and FB&H VPs even if some of them come from SDA because formation of a new FB&H government is impossible without them. Leader of the NiP Elmedin Konakovic said that he does not support any blockades and whoever does it, stand on the path of a healthier environment in B&H.


Dodik: Although SDA is only one that can propose candidate for FB&H President of Vice President, their candidate will need to get support of FB&H HoR and the FB&H HoP (ATV)


The CEC of B&H drew the lots for delegate in Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) from Canton 10. SDA’s candidate was elected. This means SDA will be only political party in Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP that will have capacity to nominate candidate for the FB&H President or Vice President. SDA also has mechanism to remain ruling party in the FB&H. Leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik underlined that essentially nothing will happen. He emphasized that although SDA is only one that can propose candidate for abovementioned positions, their candidate will need to get support of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) and the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). According to Dodik, when SDA’s proposal does not get majority of votes, quota for nomination of candidates will be reduced and ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H will have opportunity to propose their candidate.


FB&H HoP Secretary Hadziavdic: Drawing of lots indicates it will be difficult to form FB&H authorities without SDA (Hayat/BHT1)


In a statement to Hayat, Secretary of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) Izmir Hadziavdic stated that the latest drawing of lots for the FB&H HoP indicate that it will be difficult to form the authorities at the FB&H level without participation of SDA. Hadziavdic explained that it is impossible to form the FB&H government without prior appointment of the FB&H President and Vice-Presidents. Hadziavdic pointed out that SDA has secured 13 delegates by which it has the capacity to nominate the Vice-President from rank of Bosniaks. BHT1 stressed that SDA will insist that the position of the FB&H Vice-President from the rank of the Bosniak people belongs to them, reminding that it is possible to appoint the FB&H government only with the consent of the President and the Vice-Presidents of the FB&H. Hadziavdic said that if there is no such consent, it is impossible to carry out the appointment of the FB&H Government. "Whether that is called blocking or something else, I do not want to speak about that," Hadziavdic underlined.


Dodik: 'The Eight’ to meet SNSD representatives on Saturday to discuss ministerial posts in B&H CoM (O Kanal)


The ‘Eight’ coalition will meet SNSD on Saturday to discuss the authority formation, i.e. ministerial posts in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced on Thursday that SNSD and HDZ B&H will meet on Monday. He stated that it is clear now that ‘The Eight’, HDZ B&H and SNSD are the ones who will be a backbone for new structuring of joint institutions in B&H. Dodik said that there are attempts to define the 2023 budget of B&H as soon as possible and it would be a precedent to adopt the budget by the end of the year or at the beginning of January 2023. He added that there are also talks on joint projects within the reforms that need to be implemented in B&H. Dodik concluded: “We will clarify our relations, and after individual meetings by the end of next week, we should all have one joint meeting at which we will finalize things.” Dodik added that he expects joint projects within the reforms with the ‘Eight-HDZ B&H’ coalition and that B&H is granted the EU candidate status. Dodik also stated that it is necessary to apply the Constitution of B&H, adding that the RS is prepared for dialogue. He emphasized that mutual trust is necessary, underlining that basic principle of cooperation is that no one prevents projects as it had been done by SDA. He also stated that important projects in RS are waiting for small decision at the B&H level. Dodik explained that he referred to the decision allowing gas pipeline to go under Drina River, adding that it is precondition for construction of two gas power plants and gas pipeline towards Banja Luka and Tuzla. “Blockade of these projects by SDA was unreasonable and that is why they paid big price”, explained Dodik, adding that he expects ‘The Eight’ will politically devastate SDA.


Commission for Preparation of Appointment of B&H CoM holds inaugural session; Kozul: Proposal of Kristo as B&H CoM Chairwoman submitted to B&H Presidency (FTV)


The Commission for Preparation of the Appointment of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) held its inaugural session on Thursday. HDZ B&H’s Predrag Kozul was elected the Chair of the Commission, while SNSD’s Sanja Vulic and NiP’s Nihad Omerovic were elected the deputy chairs. Nermin Mandra (SDA), Sasa Magazinovic (SDP B&H), Milan Dunovic (DF), Sabina Cudic (NS), Jasmin Emric (A-SDA), Darko Babalj (SDS), Mira Pekic (PDP), Nenad Grkovic (‘For Justice and Order’ movement), Cedomir Stojanovic (DEMOS), Milan Petkovic (United Srpska) and Aida Barucija (NB) were also elected as the Commission members. Kozul told the press after the session that new B&H CoM Chair will be appointed by the end of the year, reminding that HDZ B&H has already proposed Borjana Kristo as its candidate for this post to B&H Presidency. Babalj said that he thinks that HDZ B&H’s proposal for Kristo to be appointed as the new B&H CoM Chair is premature and that he would not want to see a scenario that is quite realistic now in which future government’ s work will be marked by blockades. Babalj also said that, regardless of how many delegates the opposition from RS will have in B&H HoP, it will not act as the opposition to the RS. Babalj also said that everyone in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H must make sure to take care of B&H citizens and added: “We have to see if people who advocated thesis on reduction of excise duties and introduction of differentiated VAT rate are forming authorities for their own sake or for the sake of citizens in B&H”.  Babalj criticized the “sudden love” of well-known coalition partners HDZ B&H and SNSD with ‘The Eight’. Babalj said that SDS is interested to find out if the future authorities of B&H that would emerge from that coalition will protect the interests of the RS or they are only interested in distribution of positions. “We are not the opposition to the RS. We want progress of the RS”, Babalj added. After the inaugural session, Kozul stated that the entire job of appointing a new convocation of the B&H CoM can take place within this year, which is important because of the series of tasks facing the CoM. One of those tasks is the B&H budget for next year and Kozul stressed that it would be good if the budget was adopted on time because that is important for the functioning of the B&H institutions.


SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ say they will form authorities at state level (N1)


While SDA has been calling parties to new talks and agreements on formation of authorities, Thursday’s session of the Commission for the Preparation of the Election of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) showed how the authorities on the state level will look like. SNSD has confirmed that authorities on B&H level will be formed with HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’. There will be no further negotiations on that topic, SNSD members stated. After Konjic meeting, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said it is not important if ‘The Eight’ will have 10 or 11 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), because through signing of the joint agreement, their partnership was confirmed. Covic said the partners will have around 70 percent of support in the FB&H HoP. On several occasions, leaders of the parties that form ‘The Eight’ said they are not interested in cooperating with SDA. On the other hand, SDA is unwilling to accept the fact that it will probably be part of the opposition. Only DF wants to remain in coalition with SDA. This is even visible in the Commission for the Preparation of the Election of the B&H CoM. Its composition reflects what we will be seeing on state level for the next four years. Meeting of ‘The Eight’ and SNSD delegations will be held on Saturday. Both believe that first thing that must be done is to find common interests. Their first obstacle, N1 assessed, could be the fourth ministerial post in the B&H CoM, which HDZ B&H plans to give up on. Both SNSD and ‘The Eight’ believe that this post should go to them. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said “it would be very natural for that fourth post to be returned to us”. “Of course, we expect understanding from the potential coalition partners”, he added. If all goes well, many expect the new B&H CoM to be formed by the end of the current year.


Caucuses in B&H HoR formed (ATV)


Caucuses in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) have been formed. SNSD Caucus consists of Head of Caucus Sanja Vulic and members Obren Petrovic, Miroslav Vujicic, Nebojsa Radmanovic, Zoran Tegeltija and Ljubica Miljanovic. If Tegeltija is appointed minister in B&H CoM, he would be replaced by Milorad Kojic. SDS-PDP-For Justice and Order Caucus consists of Darko Babalj, Mira Pekic, Mladen Bosic, Branislav Borenovic and Nenad Grkovic.


Deadline for filing appeal against B&H CEC's decision that accepted disputed ballot in process of electing delegates to B&H HoP from RS expires (BHT1)


BHT1 carries that deadline for filing an appeal against the B&H Central Election Commission's (CEC) decision that accepted the disputed ballot in the process of electing delegates to the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) from RS expired on Thursday. The ballot in question was previously declared invalid by the relevant commission of the RS parliament. BHT1 learned from the Court of B&H that SNSD's appeal against the abovementioned CEC's decision to recognize the disputed ballot which was declared invalid by the RS parliament in the process of electing delegates to the B&H HoP was not received by 12 pm on Thursday. BHT1 failed to get information on whether SNSD's appeal arrived at the address of the Court of B&H by the end of working hours. According to the CEC's decision, the fifth delegate in the Serb Caucus of the B&H HoP will be elected by drawing of the lots, but only after the validity of the B&H CEC's decision is confirmed. Although they are satisfied with the B&H CEC's decision to recognize the disputed ballot, representatives of the opposition parties in the RS are still insisting on getting to the bottom of the case of recently photographed disputed ballot which ended up in the phone of SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic. RS PDP MP Igor Crnadak said that he asked that this issue be put on the agenda of the Commission for Election and Appointment and for the Commission to convene as soon as possible. BHT1 stressed that all of this only deepened the inter-institutional gap, as confirmed by the statement of new RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic. "We have to go through the process of enacting our own laws that will make this impossible, and the RS has to take over this part of the election process, for it to hand out certificates and not the CEC," Stevandic underlined. At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H confirmed that the criminal report against members of the B&H CEC was received on Wednesday, as SNSD announced.


Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) starts two-day session on situation in B&H (O Kanal)


The Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) started its two-day session on the current situation in B&H, in Sarajevo on Thursday. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that High Representative Christian Schmidt will address the press conference after completion of the session on Friday. O Kanal reminded that this is the first PIC’s session after the general elections in B&H and the HR’s decision to impose amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of B&H on the night of the elections on 2 October. Reactions of the PIC SB to the previous course of the authority formation talks in B&H are expected. The PIC SB Political Directors will among other things, discuss key challenges in B&H following the 2022 elections, formation of authorities, political cohesion, rule of the law, institutions building and EU integration. PIC members are expected to provide support to HR Schmidt and his activities which he is undertaking with the aim of strengthening the functionality of the state of B&H and all authority levels. The OHR stated that the guests of the session are the President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec, Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H Milanko Kajganic and President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Halil Lagumdzija. Schmidt stated at the beginning of the session that trust in state institutions is a pillar of successful governance and the responsible officials must ensure that the rule of law is fully established.


Cvijanovic, Kalabukhov discuss situation in B&H, cooperation during meeting in Sarajevo (RTRS)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov pointed out on Thursday that consistent respect for the Dayton Agreement and the constitutional position of the two entities and the three constituent peoples is a prerequisite for the efficient functioning of institutions at all levels of authority. During the meeting in Sarajevo, they discussed current political issues in B&H, the process of forming the authorities, and the full implementation of the election results. The meeting also discussed the relations between B&H and the Russian Federation, as well as the possibilities of improving cooperation in the economy and other areas. On Thursday, Cvijanovic also received a letter of credence from the newly-appointed Ambassador of Slovakia to B&H, Roman Hlobenj. She thanked his country for the support to B&H on its path to the EU, saying that there are expectations that B&H will get candidate status soon.


Croatia to join Schengen on 1 January (HRT)


The EU member states' interior ministers on Thursday unanimously decided to give a go-ahead to Croatia to join the Schengen Area, enabling the country to become the 27th member of the largest border-free area in the world on January 1, 2023. As a result of this unanimous decision made at a meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels, in less than a month, border controls will be abolished at Croatia's land and sea border crossings and, in the spring, at airports. On Thursday, the interior ministers of the 22 EU member states that are also Schengen members made a final decision on the "full application of the Schengen acquis communaitaire in the Republic of Croatia," which means the abolition of border controls towards the Schengen Area. Schengen membership means removing all land border controls between member countries while at the same time reinforcing external EU borders with non-EU countries, essentially allowing nationals of member countries free travel without any passport or customs checks. Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Thursday that Croatia's membership would be beneficial for citizens, the economy, and the entire EU. "We can finally say that Croatia has joined the Schengen area. Croatian citizens, beginning on 1 January, will be members of the largest free-travel area in the world. This is a major success, but it didn't come without hard work," said the minister. As of 1 January, there will be 27 member states in the Schengen Area, of which 23 are EU members and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein are all members of the European Free Trade Association. The Schengen Area today encompasses about 4 million square kilometres of territory with a population of almost 420 million people. In the tenth year of its membership in the EU, Croatia will simultaneously became a member of the Schengen Area and the euro zone on 1 January 2023.


Djukanovic: Anti-European forces on the rise again, policy of drawing ethnic borders in the Balkans vampirizing, snap elections urgently needed (CdM)


“The aggression against Ukraine has enabled some of our international partners to see what danger Montenegro was facing, and to understand that every change in government is not always a change for the better, which is best seen in our country today. Anti-European forces are rising again, the policy of drawing ethnic borders in the Balkans is being vampirized as in the 1990s, they want to prove that multi-ethnic democracy is not possible in our country, that the European perspective has an alternative. And the alternative is the Eurasian Union. We in Montenegro see the way out in the urgent organization of snap elections, in order to elect a stable government that will restore the credibility of the institutions, return the country to the European course, and tackle the difficult economic and social problems that have brought us changes, in the time of regional and global disturbances”, said the leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Djukanovic at the Summit of representatives of the Group of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and leaders of parties from the Western Balkans. The topic of this meeting, which is being held after the Summit in Tirana, concerns the future of EU enlargement. As he pointed out, through the economic and investment plan, the European Union additionally confirmed its role as a key and strongest economic partner in the Western Balkans. “It also does this through the program to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis. Of course, in order to achieve that ultimate goal, unconditional continuation of reforms and the adoption of European standards is implied from our side”, said Djukanovic. He said he owed special thanks to the rapporteur Tonino Picula, responsible for the Resolution on the new EU enlargement strategy, in which it is clearly underlined that the reform processes of the enlargement policy and the internal reform of the EU should go hand in hand. “Unfortunately, the demarcation line on the Balkan political scene is still traditional. It is clear who is for the European future and who is for the status quo, which will continue to keep the door open for Balkan nationalisms and their unquenchable conquest ambitions, which is a suitable ground for the spread of Russian destruction in Europe. Therefore, the geopolitical approach to enlargement requires stronger support for pro-European forces and policies in the region”, said Djukanovic. “The recent revival of the Berlin Process is a good incentive in that direction. That is why I believe that the European perspective for the Western Balkans will remain real, and that both European and regional leaders will do everything for the EU to take advantage of its comparative advantages in relation to other global actors, in order for Europe to be united and at peace on its entire continent”, Djukanovic concluded.


Constitutional Court candidates (CdM)


On 12 December, members of the Montenegrin parliament will vote on the election of candidates for four judges of the Constitutional Court. The candidates are Snezana Armenko, Ilija Vukcevic, Jadranka Novakovic and Jelena Ruzicic. They previously received the necessary support from seven members of the Constitutional Committee, exclusively from the representatives of the ruling majority of the pro-Serbian Democratic Front, the Democrats and URA. The professional references of the proposed candidates are not disputed by any party, and they are not formally linked to any political party. However, due to the support they received only from DF, Democrats and URA, DPS and other opposition parties previously announced that it was unacceptable for them to vote for the candidates of their political opponents. The DPM and leader of the Socialist People’s Party Vladimir Jokovic announced that the opposition led by DPS had the majority in the previous composition of the Constitutional Court and that this should change. President Milo Djukanovic said two days ago that “perhaps at this moment we can vote for the election of one judge, which makes the Constitutional Court operational, so we leave the opportunity for a joint list of candidates for three judges of the Constitutional Court to be reached in the subsequent process”.


Kovachevski demands a deadline for North Macedonia's admission to the EU (Sitel


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski asked Brussels to prepare a timeframe for membership negotiations with the EU. According to him, only if there is a deadline for the end of the negotiations in 2030, the goal can be achieved. Speaking at the Summit of European Social Democrats in Vienna, Kovachevski also asked that negotiations for meeting the criteria to continue. "The EU should not allow new blockades. I expect the European Union to monitor the progress of my country and its contribution, and not allow blackmail from anyone in this process. Let’s talk about the criteria and their fulfilment, because the EU’s credibility in the Balkans is seen through the example of North Macedonia,” said PM Kovachevski. Kovachevski also commented on the behaviour of the opposition. The Prime Minister said that populism is growing, “and VMRO-DPMNE and Levica party are fighting for the votes of the extreme right.” “The European Union must seriously consider the obstacles of the opposition, aimed at jeopardizing the European path at any cost by VMRO-DPMNE and Levica. Blockages of Parliament and of democratic processes, for progress towards the European Union, are blockages of European values. The parties of the European People’s Party should not be silent observers,” said Kovachevski.


Russia expelled from the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Assembly after Albania's insistence in Belgrade (Radio Tirana)


The 60th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) closed with political success in Belgrade. A session was held under heated debates because both Ukraine and Russia will participate. The Albanian delegation with Chairman Petro Koci became the main protagonist for the rejection of the approval of the mandates of the Russian delegation in the Assembly. With determined and accurate interventions, every manoeuvre to circumvent the regulations aimed at achieving the validity of Russia's mandates was avoided, by inventing the option of block voting for all new delegates' mandates. The vote was conducted in accordance with the regulations and no new mandate for Russia was approved. Alongside Albania, the Romanian delegation was also active. Serbia, Armenia, Turkey voted in favor of Russia. In his speech, Mr. Koci emphasized that "we are not dealing with just a conflict, but with Russia's Nazi war against Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting for liberation, while Russia is waging wars of conquest. Every deputy of Russia is equally responsible for the aggression against Ukraine." The Russian delegation nervously left the session. Meanwhile, the amendments of the Ukrainian delegation were all passed in the documents approved by the Assembly.