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Belgrade Media Report 14 December



Vucic: Western partners must tell us which documents they want to respect (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he had a simple question for Serbia's Western partners - which of five important documents they themselves had adopted they wanted to respect when it comes to the Kosovo and Metohija issue and whether they would also respect a sixth one - a Thessaloniki document on EU enlargement in the Western Balkans that fully supported the implementation of UN SC Resolution 1244. "A simple question to our Western partners...," Vucic wrote in an Instagram post in which he also included a video with an address to Serbian citizens and Serbia's Western partners. "Esteemed citizens of Serbia, you already know that I have asked our Western partners to tell me which of the five important documents they want to respect: the Kumanovo agreement, the UN Charter, Resolution 1244, the Brussels agreement or the Washington agreement. We come to a sixth very important EU document from 2003, the famous Thessaloniki Document on EU enlargement in the Western Balkans," Vucic said. "In light of the submission of the so-called Kosovo's EU membership application, my question is: Will they respect the documents they themselves have adopted, even the historic one from Thessaloniki? Because Point 5 of the Thessaloniki document says that it fully supports the implementation of Resolution 1244," Vucic said in the video message. "So my question today is: Which of these six documents do you want to respect, and we will fully agree," he said.


Brnabic pleads to EU to help secure Pantic's release (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on Tuesday pleaded to the EU to help secure the release of Serb Dejan Pantic, a former Kosovo Police officer arrested and placed in 30-day detention by Pristina. Speaking to reporters, Brnabic said she was horrified by Pristina's treatment of Pantic and recalled that several other innocent people had also been arrested in Kosovo and Metohija lately. The crisis in Kosovo and Metohija was started so that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti could exert pressure on Belgrade, Brnabic said. The situation in Kosovo and Metohija would have been entirely different had the Brussels agreement been implemented, she said. The situation would have been calmer and more stable and the dialogue with Pristina would have been continued, and the Serbs would have returned to Pristina's institutions, she added. Brnabic also said she was unable to call on Kosovo Serbs to remove barricades in the north of Kosovo if Pristina's armed special forces were allowed to raid kindergartens with Serb children.


Brnabic appeals to KFOR, EULEX to do their job as Serbs in Kosovo feel unsafe (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Belgrade on Tuesday appealed to KFOR and EULEX to do their job in Kosovo as Serbs were not feeling safe. Brnabic stressed that since Albin Kurti had assumed power, the number of attacks on Serbs in Kosovo had jumped 50 percent. “I expect primarily the EU, but also the international community and our partners in the US. to say it clearly and to take a clear position on the matter,” Brnabic underscored. “It has been 10 years, the EU’s signature is on the Brussels agreement, the EU guarantees its implementation, let’s have Pristina implement it so that we can resume the talks, the whole situation will be completely different and much more stable. Belgrade has done its part,” Brnabic noted. Commenting on reports that the Netherlands had sought from the EU to suspend the visa-free regime for Serbia, Brnabic said it would be an unprecedented act, adding she doubted that it was really an option. Brnabic told reporters that it would not be in line with EU values or international law, adding she doubted that “we are close” to that.


Brnabic: Escobar too adamantly against valid SC resolutions (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday that the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, by stating that Washington opposes the return of the Serbian army to Kosovo and Metohija, is among the politicians who violate UNSC Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council. “I see that my friend Gabe Escobar is another politician who is adamantly against the current resolutions of the Security Council. He took over the role of the Security Council and with his unanimous vote, together with the Foreign Ministry of Germany and the Minister of silence von Kramon, also known as the EP rapporteur for Kosovo and Metohija, cancelled UNSC Resolution,” Brnabic announced on Twitter. She added that “there is no need for the UN to organize Security Council sessions” because, as she states, “as a cost-saving measure, this Troika will decide on all global issues from now on”. “One question if I may (with due apologies to these Great Leaders) - is UN Security Council Resolution 1244 no longer valid (because you don’t like it, and therefore who cares about it), and if the Brussels agreement does not exist (as Kurti says , and you, Great Leaders, have never denied his words) and if the Washington agreement is nothing but the past (simply no longer in fashion), and the UN Charter does not apply to Serbia (because, again, you, great leaders, think it is not required) - then what agreement/resolution/principle should we follow? Or should we just follow the horoscope to guess your wishes and help keep the peace in the world? Thank you for your time - I can only imagine how busy it is to govern the world instead of the UN,” Brnabic wrote.


Serbia committed to continuing cooperation with UNMIK (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out yesterday, in a meeting with Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh, that for Serbia the UN is the most important international organisation in the context of preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty. Dacic emphasised that Serbia is committed to continuing cooperation with UNMIK, adding that the priority of our country is to achieve compromise solutions for many life issues in Kosovo and Metohija. He pointed to the fact that nine years have passed since the signing of the Brussels agreement, and there is still no progress in the implementation of the obligations assumed by the other party, primarily in connection with the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Ziadeh expressed her gratitude for the support of the work and openness to cooperation with the UNMIK Mission and KFOR, emphasizing her personal commitment to the improvement of regional cooperation, which directly contributes to the reconciliation process. The officials assessed that all parties face a difficult task, but also that dialogue is the only way to constructively solve the current problem.


Orlic: We can promise we will fight for peace, development (TanjugRTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic said on Wednesday that, in a time when it was very difficult to make any promises for 2023, he could promise the Serbian authorities would fight to maintain a policy of peace and stability and economic development. "Serbia has demonstrated that it is politically responsible and stable and that is how we will continue in the future. We will boost infrastructure, raise wages and pensions and continue to address the issue of new investments intensively and pursue an independent, free and sovereign policy of our own, because the people expect that, but also because it ensures everything else I was talking about," Orlic said, opening World in 2023, an annual conference hosted by Color Media Communications. It is impossible not to feel the consequences of a pandemic and a war in Europe and it is difficult to talk about events in 2023 also due to the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Orlic said. "Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are fighting for what should go without saying in all parts of the world. They want peace for their children, a future and the right to live, but people who have lost their minds are on the other side. Serbia is desperately fighting for peace, its people and their rights, and it is difficult to talk about predictions in a situation like that," Orlic noted. He noted that Serbian authorities were constantly calling on international actors to help maintain peace, and noted that an honest approach to one's own commitments and respect of international law or the UN Charter were an exception in the world today.


Odalovic: KFOR’s response may be negative, but Serbia’s request is bringing Resolution 1244 back to life (RTS)


If the arrival of the EU special representatives for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and US representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in Belgrade serves the purpose of calming tensions and solving the problems in Kosovo and Metohija caused by Albin Kurti, that is something that should be welcomed, assesses the Chair of the Commission for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic. “We have a situation that requires a serious response from the international community, primarily from those who should be the guarantor of stability in the region of Kosovo and Metohija. It is not Kurti nor his Kosovo security forces, as he calls them. It is UNMIK, and KFOR, and EULEX in the mandate which was left to them,” emphasized Odalovic. Commenting on statements that Serbia’s request stemming from UN Security Council Resolution 1244, to return a certain number of Serbian security forces to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija with the consent of KFOR, will not be accepted, Odalovic points out that the basic question arises – “what are their soldiers doing in whose mandate, according to which resolution are German or American soldiers in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, if it is not Resolution 1244 and the signed Kumanovo Agreement”. He adds that it should be something that the commander of KFOR will answer and explain when he receives the request. “It may be a negative answer, but this is a way of bringing Resolution 1244 back to life,” he emphasized. This, Odalovic points out, is the moment when, in terms of the international mission, an answer must be received as to what they in Kosovo and Metohija can provide as a guarantor of international law and standards.


Petkovic: Delivery of verdict to Ivan Todosijevic was carefully calculated to intimidate Serbs (Tanjug/RTV)


Today's delivery of the verdict to Ivan Todosijevic was carefully calculated and timed in Pristina with one single goal - to put additional pressure on Serbs, to intimidate and silence them, so that they do not dare warn about Pristina's terror in any place, said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. "It is obvious that Kurti is trying in every way to provoke Serbs and a new crisis on the ground, because he did not manage to cause an excessive reaction of our people with rifles or armored vehicles! Serbs do not fall for his provocations and that is why he is now attacking Ivan Todosijevic, because he knows that every Serb in Kosovo and Metohija stands in solidarity with him," Petkovic said, adding: "To be completely clear, in the case of Ivan Todosijevic, several provisions of the Brussels agreement were violated, especially point 10, which states that the composition of judges in a court panel considering cases from Serb communities must be majority Serb, while Todosijevic's other basic democratic and civil rights to freedom of speech and opinion have also been violated."


Serbs have been on the barricades for 5 days now: Night was calm in Kosovo, situation still tense (RTS)


The previous night went peacefully in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but the situation is still tense, reports RTS. It has been five days since the Serbs protesting against the arrest of former police officer Dejan Pantic have set up barricades. The north of Kosovo and Metohija is also blocked by the Kosovo police, and Brnjak and Jarinje administrative crossings cannot be passed through even on foot. The medication that Dejan Pantic needs for his heart condition was delivered yesterday via EULEX, four days after his arrest.


Continuation of successful cooperation with UNOPS (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked yesterday with Head of the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Michela Telatin. The interlocutors expressed their willingness to continue successful and good cooperation, while Dacic positively assessed the engagement of that office in providing expertise and support in order to strengthen capacities for more efficient implementation of numerous development projects. He explained that these are significant projects that are complementary to the activities of the government of Serbia in terms of European integration and the achievement of the goals of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. Telatin informed Dacic about the activities of UNOPS in Serbia, where she singled out projects intended to support the socio-economic development of local governments and social housing, as well as the Ministry of Health in the management of the project "Reconstruction of four clinical centres in Serbia".


EU Council expects Serbia to align with EU foreign policy (Beta)


The Council of the EU said on Tuesday it deeply regretted Serbia’s backsliding in alignment with EU common foreign and security policy, notably the non-alignment with EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus, as well as its foreign policy actions contrary to the EU common approach. In its conclusions on enlargement and the stabilization and association process, the Council expressed a strong expectation that Serbia will fulfil its commitment taken in the negotiating framework and step up its alignment with EU common foreign and security policy. Serbia also needs to fulfill its commitment to align with the EU visa policy, according to the document. The Council calls on the Serbian authorities to communicate objectively and unambiguously on the EU, and to actively engage in preventing and tackling all forms of disinformation and foreign information manipulation in all media channels. The Council also noted the progress made by Serbia in some areas of the rule of law but also the overall limited progress and continued delays in a number of other areas, and encouraged Serbia to demonstrate political will to further accelerate reforms. “The Council reiterates its serious concern about the lack of progress on improving the overall environment for freedom of expression and the independence of the media, also impacting voters’ possibilities to make fully informed electoral choices,” the conclusions read. As regards the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the Council said it expected both sides to engage in the EU-facilitated dialogue in good faith and in the spirit of compromise to achieve a comprehensive legally binding agreement in accordance with international law and the EU acquis with no further delay.




EU General Affairs Council approves granting of candidate status for B&H (AJB)


The EU General Affairs Council (GAC) has approved the candidate status for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday. Namely, ministers in charge of European affairs adopted conclusions during a meeting which say “it is recommended that B&H is granted the status of a candidate country with confirmation from the European Council”. The GAC’s decision is to be confirmed by heads of states of the EU Member States at a summit scheduled for December 15. “Europe has fulfilled its role and now it is up to B&H to fulfil its role, with faster progress not because of the EU, but because of its citizens”, emphasized EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. The EU wants B&H leaders to complete a swift formation of authorities and to begin working on the 14 key priorities. This will show Brussels who they are dealing with and how serious BiH politicians are in making further steps on the country’s EU path. “When the Council adopted the decision that we proposed, it very clearly said what the conditions are so that the candidate status can be kept. Now, we expect B&H to fulfil the priorities. We will cooperate with the state leadership; I hope we will have authorities at all levels formed as soon as possible, so that we are able to begin negotiations, with the state leadership, on the map of path for fulfilment of all these priorities”, Varhelyi emphasized. Conclusions of the GAC prove that the EU will not give up on any of the stated priorities. The GAC conclusion speaks of a “modest progress” made with the adoption of the Law on Public Procurements, the strategy on the expenditure of public funds, appointment of new judges to the Constitutional Court (CC) of the Federation of B&H (FB&H). The EU expects concrete steps when it comes to the rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime, strengthening of human rights and freedoms. Once again, an emphasis was placed on electoral reform so that rulings of the court in Strasbourg could be implemented. Varhelyi also said: “We are currently analysing the situation and there is progress after the elections. The authorities have been formed and we will take in consideration this progress. This is excellent news for B&H, for citizens, but now is the time for B&H to fulfil its part of the agreement because the EU fulfilled its part”. The reporter noted that the conditional candidate status does not lessen the responsibility of B&H authorities for everything that has not been done and added that the EU policy changed after the war in Ukraine broke out. The reporter noted that Slovenia insisted on the adoption of the Tuesday’s decision. The reporter noted that the EU Council deemed that it is urgent for B&H to make a progress on its path to the EU, especially when it comes to fulfilment of the 14 priorities. In addition to this, the EU emphasized that B&H will have to fulfil additional eight preconditions, including changes to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H, adoption of the Law on Courts of B&H, adoption of a law on prevention of conflict of interests, strengthening of prevention and fight against organized crimes and corruption, improvement of border management, prohibition of torture and abuse, guarantee freedom of speech and media and adoption of a national program of adoption of the EU acquis. The Czech Minister for European Affairs Mikulas Bek said they decided to propose to the European Council to approve the candidate status for BiH. Bek said this is a historic moment for B&H and he believes that B&H will use this opportunity to speed up the necessary reforms. Vice President of the European Commission for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration Maros Sefcovic said that the proposal for B&H's candidate status is an important signal of the EU to the Western Balkans, especially in the new geopolitical context. Sefcovic pointed out that no other initiative can be equal to the European perspective for the Western Balkans. High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell told the citizens of B&H that their future is in the EU and that constant progress in reforms is key for this perspective to be fulfilled. The Ministers of European Affairs emphasized the importance of the EU enlargement from the security and geopolitical aspects. Spanish State Secretary for the EU Pascual Navarro Rios said that B&H's candidate status is important for Spain. He said that the obligation of Spain and the EU towards the Balkan countries is to help them in the process of joining the EU, especially since Spain takes over the EU presidency in 2023. Croatian State Secretary for the EU Andrea Metelko Zgombic said that Croatia believes in the EU enlargement and investing in security. Metelko Zgombic said that they look forward to the recommendation regarding EU candidate status for B&H and that they expect the European Council to confirm this recommendation.


Sattler on GAC’s decision: Celebration should begin when everything is finished (FTV)


The Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) in B&H Johann Sattler expressed satisfaction, but also caution ahead of the European Council session scheduled for Thursday, when they will discuss the granting of the EU candidate status to B&H. Sattler thinks it would be wise not to declare victory until the final battle is won. Sattler was quoted as saying: “I am glad that we received positive feedback from the General Affairs Council, a positive and strong message from the member countries in the direction of the decision on candidate status. However, the decisive meeting is on Thursday, when the heads of state of the member countries will decide. I will mention that in June, at the last session, the discussion on B&H lasted for three hours, so I would not declare victory. The prospects are good, but let us wait a little longer and the celebration should begin when everything is finished”. Sattler also said that the candidate status should be a message to the newly elected authorities in B&H to work on fulfilling the key criteria. Sattler noted that this decision needs to be followed by immediate concrete activities. Ambassador noted that status of candidate should be a message to new authorities to work with dynamics on fulfilling of conditions. “This status will be a signal to rest of the world and to investors who want to come to invest in B&H,” said Sattler.


B&H officials welcome GAC’s decision (Nova/Dnevni avaz/O Kanal)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic published a statement that good news for B&H came from Brussels. Namely, she stressed that granting of the EU candidate country status to B&H will open new cooperation channels with the EU, provide new financial funds and investments. Turkovic emphasized that investors from the world will more clearly see positive sides and opportunities for progress in B&H - the EU candidate country. Turkovic also said that the candidate status comes as an incentive and recognition, because this path is more than conditions and reforms. Turkovic said it is something that unites all citizens of B&H in the hope for a better tomorrow. SDP issued a press statement welcoming the decision of EU General Affairs Council (GAC) to award B&H with status of EU candidate. “We appeal to everyone to start with implementation of 14 priorities as soon as possible, which we have to fulfil for the membership. It is evident that we are greatly falling behind in implementation of these priorities, most notably owing to frequent blockades at all authority levels,” reads SDP’s statement. Member of the Commission for European Affairs Sasa Magazinovic said that the goal is not the candidate status, but the opening of negotiations per chapter, “since it is the only way to transform the country in the direction of a state where institutions are self-sustaining, independent and functional”. Former member of B&H Presidency and former B&H Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic said that obtaining of status of EU candidate for B&H is significant in sense of making of this concrete step that B&H has been waiting for a long time. "We should not expect spectacular results, but it is symbolically important, although I would not say that it will fundamentally change relations in B&H. I still think that the European path will dominantly depend on our internal relations," concluded Ivanic. Commenting on the conclusions, ‘For Justice and Order’ MP in the RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic said that possible EU candidate status for B&H only shows hypocrisy of the international community, the EU and foreigners in B&H who encourage corruption in B&H and bear responsibility for the fact that the traitorous elites are in the ruling structures again.


Dodik: Komsic’s policy is policy of lies, there is no NATO path of B&H (Glas Srpske)


Commenting the statements of B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic on B&H’s path to NATO integration, RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that there is no NATO path of B&H, and there is no harmonized stance on NATO membership. He underlined that there can only be cooperation with NATO. Dodik said that Komsic is once again proving that his policy is the policy of lies, deceits and embarrassment for B&H. Meanwhile, Glas Srpske daily reports that following the ousting of SDA form the ruling majority, B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic and his party remain the only “toxic element” in the political life of B&H. The daily notes that his recent statements on NATO show that he is trying to be a greater supporter of NATO than even NATO members. Analysts believe that the absence of SDA has showed that it is much easier to form authorities without SDA and proved that SDA has been hindering this process in the past, and that SDA has been responsible for most major crises in B&H in the past years. Komsic however continues to hinder processes, and he keeps insisting on B&H’s path to NATO membership despite the fact that there is no political consensus on this matter. NATO membership even seems to be more important for Komsic than the EU integration process. This is evident in Komsic’s recent statements, such as his statements made after the meeting with Head of EU Delegation Johann Sattler, or views presented in the article he penned for ‘Just Security’. Analyst Srdjan Perisic stated that Komsic once again showed that he is not merely “a satellite of SDA and the second Bosniak member of B&H Presidency”, but also a satellite of the NATO. Perisic believes that Komsic will not give up insisting on NATO integration, even if that means destabilization of B&H. He explained that while the issue of NATO integration has been left aside in the talks on formation of state authorities with The Eight, Komsic keeps this issue in focus. Perisic also said that the international community is pushing for B&H’s NATO integration as well. He expects the international community to raise this issue again, especially because it is clear that granting of EU candidate status is a political decision made only in order to oppose Russia.


Kovacevic: We are satisfied with process of formation of state authorities (Glas Srpske)


SNSD spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic stated that he is very satisfied with the process of formation of state-level authorities. He added that it is very encouraging to see that B&H level is finally becoming what it is supposed to be – a service for RS and FB&H level, and cantons. “We have some optimism. We are having good talks with HDZ B&H and The Eight”, Kovacevic underlined. There is agreement that we do not stand in each other’s way’ not signed reports that Kovacevic said there is an agreement “that we do not stand in each other’s way, especially in the area of economy.” He also stated that the RS representatives are mostly interested in the entity and that nobody blocks their projects.


SNSD’s coalition partners support agreement between SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ (ATV)


SNSD’s coalition partners support the agreement between SNSD and HDZ B&H, as well as ‘The Eight’. They say that the priority is to stop the blocking of projects important for RS. They expect their ‘share of the cake’, but as they say, without any conditions. “’United Srpska’ will be proud and satisfied to give its personnel contribution in the new structure without bidding or blackmailing for anything”, stated ‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic. “As for DEMOS, we certainly expect our participation, given that our support was for a joint candidate for (RS) President and the Serb member of the (B&H) Presidency, and that we have a representative in the B&H parliament”, reveals DEMOS leader Nedeljko Cubrilovic. After ‘The Eight’, SNSD and HDZ B&H specified the partnership relationship. At the negotiations, they say, there were no conditions. “We did not want to talk about where which Ministry, what which Ministry. Our policy is to finish things that are important in relation to economic, social and other issues from the jurisdiction of the different levels of authority in B&H and to move forward in this way. So, without any ambitions that someone imposes something on anyone, like we were able to see”, stated SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. However, there is still no information on who might sit in the new B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM). Regardless, if there are no conditions, the B&H CoM will be formed faster than in previous years, according to analysts. “All in all, a good step has been taken. It would be very bad for B&H if another blockade were to be made, which would slow down the formation of the authorities, and that would return B&H to the same state it is in”, assessed professor of the Istocno Sarajevo University Drago Vukovic. When it comes to SNSD, some of the current members of the Council of Ministers could stay there. That party will support Borjana Kristo from HDZ B&H as the B&H CoM Chairwoman-designate. However, everything will be clearer on Thursday, when a tripartite meeting on the formation of the Council of Ministers and other government structures at the joint level is scheduled.


First session of B&H HoR Collegium held (FTV)


The Collegium of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) held the first session in the new convocation, which consists of the B&H HoR Speaker Denis Zvizdic and deputies Marinko Cavara and Nebojsa Radmanovic. They scheduled the first regular session for December 28, which will be a continuation of the inaugural session, which will carry out the appointment of commissions operating within the B&H HoR. Zvizdic announced an urgent session before the regular one, on the agenda of which will be the appointment of the proposed Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Among other things, the Collegium also discussed demands of some MPs to get the status of professional MPs or to get this status extended. They also discussed demands concerning accommodation expenses, separate living expenses and visits to family expenses. Members of the Collegium discussed demands of MPs for continuation of right to use personal vehicles for official purposes. Following the first session of the B&H House of Representatives’ Collegium, B&H HoR speaker Denis Zvizdic told Fena that the Collegium discussed technical- procedural issues under their competence, such as legal status of MPs who want to be permanently engaged. The Collegium agreed that the first regular session of B&H HoR will take place on December 28, which is when forming of the HoR should be completed. “This will most likely be an urgent session of the B&H HoR and it will regard the appointing of a proposed designate for the Council of Ministers i.e. of Borjana Kristo as the Chairperson of CoM,” Zvizdic said. He argues that dynamic will depend on B&H Presidency’s session. In statement to RTRS, deputy speaker Nebojsa Radmanovic said: “The Collegium expects to receive opinion from B&H Presidency on appointing of the CoM Chairperson (Borjana Kristo) and we expect this could happen on December 20.”


B&H Court finally receives SNSD’s appeal against decision of B&H CEC on election of fourth delegate from RS in B&H HoP (Nezavisne)


The Court of B&H finally received the appeal filed by SNSD against the decision of Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) to accept the disputable ballot that was not correctly filled in the voting for the fourth delegate of the RS parliament to B&H House of Peoples. SNSD filed the appeal with B&H CEC, which forwarded it to the Court. The Court of B&H now has three days to decide on the appeal. If the Court rejects SNSD's appeal and upholds the CEC decision, both SNSD and PDP candidates will have the same number of votes, and one of them will be elected delegate by drawing of the lot. SNSD spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic stated that he expects the Court to accept SNSD’s appeal and annul the decision of B&H CEC, which will mean that SNSD will have four delegates in the B&H HoP, and the opposition one. He underlined that this is the composition of the Serb Caucus as elected by the RS parliament. Kovacevic said that B&H CC’s decision to accept the ballot which was evidently filled incorrectly and which was clearly invalid was shameful.


Alkalaj again acts without consent of Presidency in UNSC re report of MICT; Reactions of RS politicians (RTRS)


The Permanent Representative of B&H to the UN Security Council (UNSC) Sven Alkalaj again acted without the consent of the B&H Presidency in his speech related to a report of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (MICT). The Cabinet of Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted by calling Alkalaj’ speech unacceptable and manipulative as it fails to reflect the real situation. Officials from RS reacted arguing that once again, Alkalaj presented views of only one people neglecting war crimes committed against Serbs and Croats. According to officials from the RS, Alkalaj’s claim that his speech was not arbitrary and political proves that he is still executing political testament of his boss, founder of SBIH Haris Silajdzic. Officials from the RS argued that Alkalaj is missing legality and legitimacy to address the UNSC without consent of the B&H Presidency. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic stated that his speech is the last act of political losers, those who insisted on division of peoples and discrimination of the RS and who called Serbs genocidal. Stevandic assessed that this is a sign of a panic of SDA, leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and his associates. Former speaker of the RS parliament Dragan Kalinic said that without the consent of the B&H Presidency and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency, Alkalaj is nothing but a tourist in the building on the East River. Kalinic argued that Alkalaj acts only on behalf of one option and that is in his opinion, unitary Bosnian policy that Silajdzic used to advocate and leader of DF Zeljko Komsic and others advocate it nowadays. Vice President of SP Srdan Todorovic stated that Alkalaj’s latest statements are merely the final effects of the diplomacy of SDA and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic.


Croatian PM: 2022 is the year of delivery (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday that Croatia is the only country so far that will enter both the Schengen and euro areas on the same day, 1 January 2023, adding that 2022 is the "year of delivery." Addressing the audience at The Economist’s conference “The World in 2023” on the topic of Croatia in the euro zone and Schengen Area as a light in the tunnel of global recession and insecurity, during which the 4th Croatian edition of The Economist’s annual global magazine “World Ahead” was presented, Plenkovic said that this is the year of delivery on the promises including the implementation of large-scale projects that have been worked on for years. First of all, these are Croatia’s membership in the euro area and the Schengen area, the completion of Peljesac Bridge, and the construction of Croatia’s sections of the pan-European Vc motorway corridor. He singled out “mega support” provided to citizens and the economy in crisis in the form of two packages worth 26 billion kuna, an agreement with unions in public and state services on wage increases, more and more European money available, as well as a series of structural reforms, such as those of the healthcare sector, among other things. On the other hand, Plenkovic underlined the need to continue fighting corruption, which exists everywhere, an example of which could recently be seen in the European Parliament.


Croatia is achieving its goals “step by step” 

Color Media Communications has the license for The Economist for the entire region. Robert Coban from that company said that since December 2019, when the first edition of the magazine in Croatian was presented, a lot of unforeseen and dramatic things have happened, from the pandemic to the war in Ukraine, and therefore “predictions are a very tricky thing.” However, he asserted that when compared with other countries in the region, Croatia is achieving its goals “step by step,” since joining the EU, NATO, and now the euro area and Schengen passport-free area. The new issue of The Economist magazine was presented by the project manager for Croatia, Ivan Vrdoljak from the Livit company. Vrdoljak, former economy minister, also noted that Croatia is among only 15 countries in the world that are members of NATO, the EU, Schengen and the euro zone. At the same time, he said that the entry into the euro zone and Schengen must be understood as rounding off the process of Croatia’s integration into “the most orderly club on the planet.”


Bilcik and Picula disappointed: Results of voting in parliament might push Montenegro into deeper political crisis and constitutional chaos (CdM)


The results of voting in parliament threaten Montenegro’s accession to the EU and might push Montenegro into a long-term political crisis and constitutional chaos, the Chair of the European Parliament for cooperation with Montenegro Vladimir Bilcik and the EP Rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula said in a joint statement. They called on a speedy political response which would terminate the mandate of this government as soon as possible and open the road for new election of the parliament of Montenegro. “We’ve been informed about the results of voting in the parliament of Montenegro. We hereby wish to express our deep disappointment with the unsuccessful attempt to appoint judges of the Constitutional Court and the adoption of amendments to the President Law. We’re disappointed to hear that the urgent opinion of the Venice Commission over the law, published on 9 December, wasn’t taken into account,” the two said in a statement. According to them, the adoption of the amendments by 41 MPs of the ruling majority is a direct threat to the long-term European ambitions of Montenegro, including resect of the principle of constitutionality and rule of law. They urged all political actors from Montenegro to rise above all divisions and immediately contribute to the functionality of democratic institutions in line with all constitutional principles.


EU, Western diplomats call for withdrawal of controversial law in Montenegro (CdM)


Podgorica was peaceful on Tuesday after incidents occurred the day before during a protest over the parliament’s vote to adopt controversial amendments to the Law on the President of Montenegro. In the meantime, EU officials and ambassadors of western countries have called on politicians to unblock institutions and withdraw the law. The parliament did not appoint judges of the Constitutional Court, which has been blocked since mid-September, but the MPs adopted amendments to the Law on the President of Montenegro despite a negative opinion of the Venice Commission. Following the parliament session, citizens assembled in the evening on Monday demanding snap elections and announcing road blockades and new protests for 17 December in Podgorica. EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi called for “all political actors to take urgent action to ensure the operational functionality of the Constitutional Court,” and to respect the decision of the Venice Commission. The EU has appealed for withdrawal of the Law on the President and called on all to show restraint and refrain from further provocative actions. Similar statements have been issued by the ambassadors of Germany and Great Britain and the US Embassy.


Djeljosaj: Current political elites undermined the state of Montenegro (CdM)


The leader of the Albanian Alternative Nik Djeljosaj has said that the state of Montenegro was undermined yesterday, whereas a clear and unambiguous message was sent to the European Commission, which is a key partner/supervisor in the EU integration process: “that we’re far from the EU, that the current officials in the government don’t want the best for Montenegro and don’t want it to be a part of the European Union”. As he has assessed, 80 MPs had such attitude yesterday. “First one party failed at the European exam when they didn’t vote for the election of judges of the Constitutional Court! Soon after another party failed at that same exam voting for the adoption of the unconstitutional President Law and the procedure for its announcement,” Djeljosaj says. He also adds that the only political party which completely followed the European path and which demonstrated that they wanted to see Montenegro as part of the EU, proving that they completely aligned their political actions with the EC principles is the Albanian List (AA, Forca, DSA, Perspective and NAU), currently represented in the parliament by MP Genci Nimanbegu.


New candidates for Constitutional Court judges by January end at best (RTCG)


In the best-case scenario, new candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court could be elected by the end of January, it was said in the Roundtable talk-show on the Parliamentary channel. The guests were DF MP Jelena Bozovic, Democratic Montenegro MP Dragan Krapovic, Europe Now representative Filip Ivanovic and Social Democrat official Nikola Zirojevic. Yesterday, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) called on the Parliament Speaker the Constitutional Committee head, Danijela Djurovic and Simonida Kordic, respectively, to convene a session of that parliamentary body without delay, in order to announce a competition for new judges of the Constitutional Court. Krapovic said that there had been 6 failed competitions. “Among them, we had credible candidates, candidates whose references were not challenged by anyone, but they were not elected for several reasons”, said Krapovic and added that a functional Constitutional Court does not suit DPS. Member of the Democratic Front Jelena Bozovic said that the amendments to the Law on the President, adopted again after the President of the State Milo Djukanovic had returned it to the parliament for reconsideration, was an attempt to get out of the crisis into which, according to her, Djukanovic dragged the country by not giving mandate to Miodrag Lekic. Filip Ivanovic of the Europe Now movement said that they were quite worried about the development of the situation. “The reaction of the international community is in line with what we have been saying for a long time, which is certainly the necessity of electing all judges of the Constitutional Court. That was the basic prerequisite for solving the legal and other doubts we have. One of the ideas that we advocated was snap elections, and the other was the Law on the President, passed yesterday”, Ivanovic said. SD MP Nikola Zirojevic said that the proposal of the judges of the Constitutional Court was unconstitutional, because no one from the ranks of minority nations was proposed. He said that one judge is not enough, and that the goal is to elect all four judges of the Constitutional Court because that is the only guarantee of the functioning of this institution.


Bastijancic: Djukanovic returned the President Law to parliament as factual error was made (CdM)


President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic received a letter of the parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic suggesting that the parliament of Montenegro on 12 December, at its fourth session of the second regular (autumn) session in 2022, again made a decision on the President Law and passed it so that the President of the State can act in line with Article 95 point 3, in connection to Article 94 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of Montenegro, Boris Bastijancic, the Advisor to the President of Montenegro for the constitutional system and legal matters, told. However, Bastijancic reminds that the President Law was passed by the parliament of Montenegro in the 26th convocation, at the 9th session of the first regular (spring) session back in 2018, on 26 June 2018. “Two days later, i.e. on 28 June 2018, the President of Montenegro already proclaimed it by decree, and since then it’s an integral part of the legal order of our country, having legal effect. Therefore, in order to ensure procedural legitimacy of the overall legal procedure and reliability of the files, the President of Montenegro, wishing to contribute to the professional inter-institutional correspondence, sent a letter to the speaker of the parliament of Montenegro, asking her to timely remove the factual error she made, referring to the correctness of the title of the re-adopted law, that is, a general legal act, and submit to him accordingly.”


Kovachevski: Kosovo events could have negative effects in region, solution lies in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Sitel)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski expressed concern Tuesday over events in northern Kosovo, saying such tensions could result in certain negative effects in the region, while adding that the solution lies in the EU-mediated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. “Both the Foreign Minister and I voice our concern over developments in northern Kosovo. I believe that all sides should focus on having peace in the area because such tensions can cause negative effects in the region as well. A solution should be found through the internationally mediated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo,” Kovachevski told reporters. On a possible Government advisory for citizens to refrain from travelling to Kosovo, the PM said the situation is closely monitored by competent institutions. “We have our units in KFOR and the Ministry of Defense is briefing me on a daily basis regarding our contingent deployed in Kosovo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is monitoring developments and will provide timely information for our nationals if necessary,” added Kovachevski.


Kovachevski – Wahl: N. Macedonia prepared to preside over OSCE in 2023 (MIA)


North Macedonia’s progress, involving the development of democracy, the start of EU accession negotiations and the country’s OSCE chairpersonship in 2023, was welcomed at a meeting Tuesday of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski with Ambassador Kilian Wahl, the new Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje. Kovachevski thanked OSCE for its contribution to the development of the Republic of North Macedonia as a democratic country, saying North Macedonia today has free media, free electoral processes all the while developing according to the European values, which is vital for the quality of living standards while also being of geostrategic importance, the government said. The PM said he was confident that the country will have a successful OSCE presidency, noting North Macedonia has been developing as one society for all citizens, developing good neighborly relations through the European principles of understanding and mutual respect as it is also fully committed to EU accession as a strategic goal. They also discussed the importance of rule of law and the fight against corruption, said the press release. Kovachevski informed Wahl about the commitment to overcoming the economic and energy challenges, caused by the global crisis, following the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.


North Macedonia takes over A5 presidency in 2023 (Kanal 5


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani participated in the ministerial meeting US-Adriatic Charter (A5) in Podgorica, Montenegro. As part of the meeting, North Macedonia takes over the US-Adriatic Charter presidency from Montenegro in 2023, the year marking the 20th anniversary of the regional organization, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release on Tuesday. Talks focused on the stability of the Western Balkans in the context of the current security situation, the challenges facing the region and ways to strengthen the resilience of the societies, in order to deal more successfully with the crises. Osmani stressed the importance of promoting regional cooperation and the need to strengthen joint, regional contribution to preserve the security and stability of the region, also highlighting the strong support from the United States in that direction. “As a NATO member, North Macedonia will continue its active contribution to preserving the stability of the Western Balkans, which is our top foreign policy priority. Our country is strongly committed to promoting Euro-Atlantic values, as well as supporting other members of the Charter in achieving their Euro-Atlantic aspirations,” Osmani pointed out. Ahead of the A5 ministerial, Osmani held a joint press conference with Montenegro’s Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, presenting the goals of North Macedonia’s Charter presidency. “As the future chair of A5, we are already taking the initiative to further reinvigorate the Charter. The goal is not only to strengthen, but also give the appropriate role to A5 in our region. In some way, through a new concept, or a new narrative, make an adaptation of the goals and mission of the Charter, appropriate to the new geopolitical challenges and the new circumstances in the region,” said Osmani. He noted that North Macedonia has clear US support in terms of reinvigorating the A5, towards enabling the countries in the region to deal with today’s challenges more efficiently, which has also been a topic of discussion during the strategic dialogue held with the United States in Washington in June. Minister Osmani pointed out that North Macedonia’s A5 presidency coincides with the 2023 OSCE chairpersonship, thus the country assumes a significant and responsible role at a regional and multilateral level. “Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has created complex geopolitical circumstances and disrupted security architecture, hence presiding over security organizations represents a special challenge for us,” Osmani said.


Osmani meets Djukanovic, Abazovic in Podgorica (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met with Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic and country’s Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic at the sidelines of the US-Adriatic Charter (A5) ministerial meeting in Podgorica on Tuesday. Interlocutors reaffirmed the excellent bilateral relations, activities related to cooperation within NATO, as well as the joint challenges related to the countries’ EU accession negotiations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. The meetings also tackled geopolitical developments with a focus on the Russian aggression in Ukraine and its impact in the region. In this regard, FM Osmani reiterated North Macedonia’s support for Ukraine at all levels. Osmani also briefed Djukanovic and Abazovic on the country’s priorities and planned activities within the OSCE Chairmanship in 2023, referring to the situation in Ukraine and the efforts to bring back peace and stability as the most pressing challenges, reads the press release.


Council of EU adopts enlargement conclusions, including on North Macedonia (MIA)


Ahead of the EU Summit in December, the EU General Affairs Council on Tuesday adopted the conclusions on the EU enlargement, welcoming the holding of the first intergovernmental conference between North Macedonia and the EU in July, seen as a recognition of its progress in reform implementation as well as the steps taken by the European Commission in the screening process with the country. The conclusions note that “a comprehensive review” of the electoral legislation is needed, recognizing that “some progress” has been made as regards rule of law (fundamentals), the fight against corruption and organized crime and urging additional efforts to be made, MIA’s Brussels correspondent reports. “The sustainability of these structural reforms is a long-term process, which requires continuous engagement from both the government and the opposition,” reads the document. The Council, it adds, stresses the need to ensure transparency in policymaking, the inclusiveness of consultation processes and effective communication of the negotiation process with the EU. As regards the judiciary, it is estimated that some progress has been made in the implementation of the judicial reform strategy, but sustainable efforts are made, it is noted, to provide independence, impartiality and professionalism in the judiciary. The Council calls on the recommendations of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, whose work is commended, to be followed. According to the EU, public administration reform remains a weak point, where transparency, merit and equitable representation are considered key. North Macedonia’s pledge to align with the EU visa policy and to cooperate in managing migration flows is welcomed, amongst other things, through the work with Frontex. “Good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation remain essential elements of the enlargement process, as well as of the Stabilisation and Association Process. The Council recalls the importance of achieving tangible results and implementing in good faith bilateral agreements, including the Prespa agreement with Greece and the Treaty on Friendship, Good neighbourliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria,” say the conclusions.


Illegal immigrants, Albania and UK in a joint Task Force (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and his British counterpart Rishi Sunak have reached a cooperation agreement, mainly focused on stopping illegal immigrants. According to the signed agreement, Albania and UK will form a Joint Task Force at the level of the Ministry of the Interior/Home Office, in order to prevent and stop illegal migration. “We will strengthen UK/Albania cooperation at an operational level, including but not limited to effective data sharing and more joint operational teams. This Joint Task Force may be supported by a committee of experts, selected by the Ministry of Interior/Home Office," the announcement on the agreement states. The United Kingdom also commits to providing additional support to the Government of Albania and organizations related to protection and reintegration services to support returnees. Both countries have agreed to increase returns to Albania, including those over 18 years of age, who have been identified by the competent authorities of the United Kingdom as victims of modern slavery and as victims of human trafficking. "In the spirit of the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights), such returns will be made taking into account the rights, safety and dignity of that person and the status of any legal process related to the fact that the person is a victim and preferably (accept readmission) voluntary. Regarding the return of illegal immigrants, both sides emphasize the importance of the rapid and effective implementation of the bilateral readmission agreement between the two countries. Upon return to Albania, any need for support that arises for that individual and protection from re-trafficking will be available as defined in ECAT," the statement said. Both governments will keep under review the impact of these measures and their implementation and will initially report on their implementation through a Joint Oversight Committee, at the level of Interior Ministries/Home Offices by the end of January 2023. To further enhance monitoring and surveillance, both governments have agreed to engage with the Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) to provide independent reporting on the implementation of the measures.


Britain increases investments in Albania to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, bilateral agreements and official exchange signed (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of the UK Rishi Sunak and the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama agreed to enhance cooperation in three main areas of common interest: a) security issues and home affairs (with the main focus on the fight against organized crime and illegal immigration); b) economic growth and investment; c) innovation, youth and education. This statement comes in the context of the commitment by both Prime Ministers to widening and deepening our already strong bilateral relationship. The UK and Albania have just celebrated the centenary of diplomatic relations and the vibrant Albanian diaspora in the UK makes a significant contribution to the culture, economy and society of both countries. They agreed to continue to build on Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement, signed in February 2021, to promote bilateral trade and investment. United Kingdom will continue to support the Government of Albania with the aim of promoting socio-economic development and creating skills and good jobs for the young people. The government of the UK reaffirmed its interest for direct investment in Albania in strategic sectors, such as: energy, infrastructure, tourism, agriculture and agro-industry, transport and logistics, IT services, etc. Both governments expressed enhanced interest in deepening cooperation in the field of tourism (through the exchange of information on this field, best practices in the development of tourism products, in promoting tourist destinations in both countries, etc) and environment, with particular focus on renewables and smart transport. Both governments underlined the common interest in developing projects which have a regional impact, in areas of transport infrastructure and energy. The enhanced cooperation between the two countries is underpinned by the following bilateral agreements:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland represented by the Home Office and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania represented by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Albania on the Exchange of Information for Migration-related Purposes, signed in Tirana 16 May 2022.
  2. Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Albania on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, signed in London, 26 July 2021;
  3. Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania on the Readmission of Persons, signed Tirana, 8 July 2021;
  4. Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Albania, signed in Tirana, 5 February 2021;
  5. Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Albania Supplementing the European Convention on Extradition 1957, signed in Tirana 5 April 2017;
  6. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Albania and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania of the one part and the Home Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the other part for the exchange of criminal record information. (6 July 2018);
  7. Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Albania Supplementing the European Convention on Extradition 1957, signed in Tirana 5 April 2017;
  8. Memorandum of Understanding Between The Secretary of State for the Home Department Acting through the Home Office And The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Albania on intensifying cooperation in the fight against trafficking in human beings and on the enhanced identification, notification, referral and voluntary assisted return of victims/potential victims of trafficking in human beings, signed in London, 4 December 2014.