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Belgrade Media Report 15 December 2022



Vucic: Conversation with Lajcak, Escobar fair, sincere (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday his meeting with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar earlier in the day had been fair and sincere. "A sincere and fair conversation with EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak and US envoy Gabriel Escobar," Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram profile that also included a photo from the meeting. The trilateral meeting was held in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic of Serbia. Vucic previously had a separate meeting with Lajcak.


Lajcak: Discussion with Vucic open, honest (Tanjug)


The EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Wednesday he had had an "open and honest" discussion with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade about lowering tensions in Kosovo and Metohija. In a Twitter post, Lajcak wrote that Vucic understood "the seriousness of the situation". "We had an open and honest discussion on a political solution that would lower tensions and allow for dismantling of barricades," Lajcak also posted.


Vucic: Pristina violating Washington deal, Belgrade to respond after government session (Tanjug/RTV/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday Pristina's EU membership bid was officially a violation of the Washington agreement and that Belgrade's response would become known after a government session scheduled for this evening. "Today, they will officially violate the Washington agreement, and we will respond to all that in the evening after the government session I am invited to," Vucic told reporters before Pristina submitted its EU membership request in Prague. Vucic added that a "precise answer" would be provided to questions about Serbia's requests regarding UN SC Resolution 1244 and about further derecognitions of the so-called Kosovo. Asked whether there was any progress on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic responded that he had spoken with EU and US officials on Wednesday and that there were "some ideas". "We will see if we will succeed. The situation is complicated but we will do everything to maintain peace and stability," Vucic said. Commenting on Pristina's EU membership bid, Vucic noted that what some EU member states were doing was a violation of Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union, under which only states may seek membership in the bloc.


Brnabic: Implementation of agreements signed crucial for continuation of dialogue with Pristina (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs responsible for the South Central European (SCE) portfolio Gabriel Escobar. The topic of the meeting was the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, with emphasis on the position of Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and all the unilateral moves made by the provisional authorities in Pristina. As Brnabic pointed out, the arrest of citizens of the Serbian nationality without any evidence or accusations represents a violation of all civilizational norms, the basic postulates of the rule of law and, ultimately, another in a series of violations of the signed agreements guaranteed by the EU. She highlighted Belgrade's complete readiness to continue the dialogue with Pristina. According to her, what is key to continuing the dialogue and working on potential future agreements is the implementation of already signed agreements and their implementation on the ground. Brnabic said that she is primarily referring to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija, bearing in mind that we are approaching the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Brussels agreement, and that it has not yet been formed.

She also underlined Serbia's permanent determination for peace and stability in the entire region and reiterated that the implementation and observance of the already reached agreements would greatly contribute to the rapid stabilisation of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.


Additional efforts of US in providing support to finding solution for Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out yesterday during the talks with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs responsible for the South Central European (SCE) portfolio Gabriel Escobar, that Serbia's strategic commitment is to improve cooperation with the US in areas of mutual importance, with the aim of achieving stability of the region. The interlocutors expressed mutual interest in the continuation of the positive dynamics of development of overall bilateral relations and additional intensification of the political dialogue, i.e. the organisation of mutual visits by the officials of our two countries.

On this occasion, Dacic and Escobar exchanged opinions on the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Dacic expressed his concern over the fact that nine years after the signing of the Brussels agreement, the obligations that Pristina undertook, especially regarding the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, have not been implemented. Escobar expressed his understanding of Serbia's position and promised that the American side will make additional efforts in support of finding a solution to the current situation.


Serbia committed to deepening cooperation with Portugal (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked yesterday with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal Joao Gomes Cravinho about the improvement of bilateral relations and the European integration of Serbia. Brnabic pointed to the importance that Serbia attaches to deepening relations and intensifying political dialogue with Portugal, underlining that this meeting gives a new impetus to the cooperation between the two countries. At the same time, she expressed her gratitude to Cravinho for the sincere support that Portugal provides to the process of European integration of Serbia. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal characterised his visit as very important, bearing in mind that this year marks the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The interlocutors agreed that there is special potential for improving cooperation in the fields of economy, environmental protection, energy, digitisation and information technologies. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia pays special attention to these areas and added that she encourages businessmen from Portugal to explore opportunities for cooperation and investment in our country. Also, she informed Cravinho about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, underlining that it is further complicated by the fact that Pristina does not respect the signed agreements. She emphasised that Belgrade is committed to preserving peace and stability and that she remains of the position that finding a solution requires compromise and dialogue between the two sides, with strict implementation of what was previously agreed upon.


Portugal supports European integration process of Serbia (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out yesterday that this year Serbia and Portugal are celebrating 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, which is a good opportunity to agree on a series of activities in order to work on the further intensification of bilateral cooperation. Speaking at a press conference, which was preceded by a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Portugal Joao Gomes Cravinho, Dacic stated that we have no open, disputed bilateral issues with this friendly country, and added that he is grateful for the support that Portugal provides us on the way to the EU. According to him, although the economic relations between Serbia and Portugal are not at the level they could be, this year, for the first time, the foreign trade exchange between the two countries will exceed €100 million. This is historically perhaps the most significant result, but it is certainly less compared to what we can do, regardless of the fact that we are geographically distant and that we may have different foreign policy priorities when it comes to some regions, said the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Cravinho expressed the expectation that his visit to Serbia will mark the beginning of the intensification of relations between the two countries in various fields. He stated that Portugal is very quickly going through various transformations, such as those in the field of energy and digitalisation, in which the two countries could cooperate. Portugal supports the European integration process of Serbia and other countries of the Western Balkans, Cravinho said, adding that the country understands all the problems that exist here and provides support for dialogue and mechanisms that can be found to promote faster integration.


Dacic: Pristina's EU membership bid a political marketing move (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday the so-called Kosovo's announced EU membership bid was a political marketing move by Pristina as it required a consensus in the EU. "A month ago I said we had information Pristina would submit an EU membership application. We believe such a move is doubly bad - firstly, because it is clear that there is no unity in the position on the status of Kosovo and Metohija and that five countries do not recognise Kosovo and Metohija, and that, to date, no one has been given membership candidate status without status issues being resolved first and, secondly, because in circumstances where Pristina absolutely disrespects all agreements, it is impossible that anyone should consider that," Dacic said. How EU officials will approach the application is up to the Czech EU presidency, and it remains to be seen whether a procedure will be launched or it will have to wait for a change of EU presidency, he said. "That remains unknown for the time being but, from conversations we have had with countries that do not recognise Kosovo - and Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has told me the same - they are against it for all the reasons I mentioned and would vote against it if there was a vote on it," he said. Even if a procedure is launched - which is possible - it implies an EU decision on the bid within a period of about a year, he added. "But, eventually, you still need a consensus, which is non-existent in the EU. That is why I think it is more of a political marketing move for internal political purposes in Kosovo itself," Dacic said.


Dacic: Escobar's statement not good (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday he did not know why anyone would be against UN SC Resolution 1244 and noted that statements about which UN resolutions could and should be respected and which could not and should not were especially not good because they led to selectivity and double standards. Dacic was commenting on a statement by US special Western Balkans envoy Gabriel Escobar, who has said the US categorically opposed a return of Serbian security forces to the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Responding to questions from reporters at the Foreign Ministry, Dacic said Serbia firmly stood by international commitments it had undertaken or had been imposed upon, and noted that UN SC Resolution 1244 allowed a return of Serbian forces to Kosovo and Metohija. "We think the situation must be reviewed in an objective manner. Whatever anyone's individual political opinion may be, it should be no obstacle to this being discussed in a serious manner within the UN system, so such statements are definitely not good, neither his nor Baerbock's," Dacic said.


Albanians take council seats in Kosovska Mitrovica through legal violence (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated that yesterday, Albanians took council seats belonging to Serbs in the Serb municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica through legal violence and unilateral moves, even though no one voted for them, and they do not have any majority, nor the support of the Serb people. Petkovic assessed that in this way Kurti is trying to create a pure mono-ethnic Albanian municipality in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. This is exactly the mirror of the alleged democracy and the so-called rule of law of Albin Kurti that a pure Serbian municipality, despite regulations, rules and agreements, is taken over and run by Albanians, he added. According to him, this is another act of violation of all agreements reached, including the internal regulations of Pristina, which do not apply when the smallest remaining rights of the Serbs should be taken away and they should be completely legally and administratively disenfranchised, for the sake of Kurti's main goal - the creation of a mono-ethnic Kosovo and Metohija in which there are no Serbs. It is now clear that Pristina's withdrawal from the holding of elections in the north of Kosovo on 18 December is not a concession by Pristina, "nor an attempt to calm tensions", but rather an insidious plan and a farce by Albin Kurti, who planned in advance how to seize Serbian municipalities with legal violence and without elections and sends his policemen to the north of the province, according to Petkovic's statement.


Escobar optimistic about solution for Kosovo crisis (N1)


US envoy Gabriel Escobar told N1 on Wednesday that he sees some reason for optimism in terms of a solution to the current crisis in Kosovo following meetings with top officials in Pristina and Belgrade. Speaking live on the Iza Vesti (Behind the News) show, the Deputy Assistant State Secretary said that the priority is a solution for the entire region, not just for Serbia and Kosovo. Escobar refused to disclose details of his talks but said that he expects the barricades raised by the Serbs in the north of Kosovo to be taken down by the people who put them up. According to him, their concerns are legitimate. He added that he believes the Serbs will return to Kosovo institutions soon. He said that Washington categorically rejects the possibility of the Serbian military returning to Kosovo, saying that the crisis should not be militarized because this is a moment to use diplomacy. He said the statement that Kosovo enjoys US security guarantees is not a threat to Serbia because those guarantees include the Serbs in Mitrovica North.


Head of EULEX: We are monitoring the situation, we do not know where Dejan Pantic is (B92/Kosovo Online/Politika)


Head of EULEX, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, said that the EU mission has contradictory information about the arrested Dejan Pantic, as they do not know where he is. "I have contradictory information. I have information that he received therapy and that he did not. We are investigating this situation. We delivered the drugs to the Kosovo police in Leposavic and demanded that they be delivered to Mr. Pantic, who is being held at a location that I cannot officially confirm, because I don't know exactly where it is. We are told that the drugs have been delivered. But there are contradictory statements from some sources," Wigemark said. As he said, it is being checked now, and they plan to send a police unit and a police advisor to Leposavic. "It is very important that Mr. Pantic is treated according to all appropriate standards, that he is in the appropriate detention center, because I am not sure in which location he is physically detained, whether that location is appropriate according to Kosovo law, whether his rights are respected, whether he has seen a lawyer, is he in contact with the family. He also has to cooperate in making a statement, he has to be aware of the charges. I understand he was heard via video link and given a 30 day detention. Please rest assured we are following this case closely," Wigemark added.


Day 6 of barricades in Kosovo and Metohija: Night in the north passed peacefully (RTS)


Last night passed peacefully in the north of Kosovo and Metohija as the Serbs are still on the barricades protesting against the arrest of Dejan Pantic and the presence of special units of the Kosovo police, reports RTS. It is now day 6 since the Serbs set up the barricades. The head of EULEX, Lars Gunnar Wigemark, told Tanjug on Wednesday that the security situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is very serious and that EULEX has tripled its forces, but that it is not the EU's mission mandate to take control in the north instead of the Kosovo police, and that the barricades should be removed peacefully. In the meantime, 14 new councilors were sworn in at the assembly of the North Mitrovica municipality, which elected a new convocation and formed a new legislative authority. Among the new councilors, in a municipality with a majority Serb population, of the 16, one is a Serb - Dusan Milunovic from the "GI Srpski Opstanak" list.




Appellate Division of Court of B&H accepts SNSD’s appeal and annuls B&H CEC's decision on disputed ballot for delegate in B&H HoP (Nova BH)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced on Wednesday that members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will be removed in January, right after the formation of new authorities at the level of B&H. The announcement comes after the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H annulled B&H CEC’s decision disputing the election of the fourth SNSD delegate to the Serb Caucus in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H. The Court of B&H’s decision goes in favor of SNSD and it comes upon SNSD’s appeal filed on B&H CEC’s stance regarding the vote in the RS parliament to elect the delegates from the RS for B&H (HoP), i.e. the way of interpretation of valid ballots according to which the disputable ballot with vote in favor of PDP’s candidate for B&H HoP was declared valid. The Court of B&H returned the case to B&H CEC that now has to pass a new decision, and its decision comes on the eve of final authority formation talks between the parties gathered around ‘The Eight’ coalition, HDZ B&H and SNSD that will be held on Thursday. The B&H CEC said that the appeals were returned to them for another decision-making process and this means that we are yet to find out if the fifth Serb delegate in the B&H HoP will come from rank of SNSD or PDP.


Reactions to the decision of the Appellate Division of Court of B&H (RTRS/AJB)


The Appellate Division of the Court of B&H has accepted SNSD’s appeal and annulled the most recent decision of the B&H CEC, according to which the disputable ballot from the voting for delegates in the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) was declared valid. RS SNSD representative Srdjan Mazalica said that B&H CEC favored PDP when they decided that the disputable ballot was valid. Mazalica said that every argument from B&H CEC was defeated via SNSD’s appeal regarding the disputable ballot. Addressing the media on Wednesday, the Advisor to the RS President Milan Tegeltija said the Court of B&H would not have annulled the B&H CEC’s decision if it had been right. “Since the disputable ballot was the subject of decision, it is clear that in the new procedure, the B&H CEC must issue a decision that will establish results of indirect election of delegates in the B&H HoP. In its appeal, SNSD requested such Court’s decision”, Tegeltija was quoted as saying. “It is a normal and the only possible decision of the Court in the said case, and talks about potential identical decision by the B&H CEC can be considered as spins only, because in that case, annulment of their earlier decision would be meaningless”, Tegeltija was quoted as saying. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said this was a shameful decision and that the Appellate Division serves one party and one individual, i.e. Dodik. Borenovic also said that the Court of B&H questions the decision that was completely logical, justified and in accordance with the Election Law, because it is clear that the intention of the voter was seen on the disputed ballot. Addressing the press conference on Wednesday, Borenovic said: “I expect people who adopted the decision to accept the PDP’s 12th ballot to remain consistent. And that based on this – what the Court made a strange decision on, in my view – confirm their decision that the ballot is valid”. Former SDS leader Mladen Bosic said the Court of B&H’s decision proves non-functioning of the institutions and existence of “a private state”. In a statement Bosic said: “It is no longer important whether the opposition will have two or one (delegate) in the B&H HoP. It is important that this system is ahead a total collapse and that it showed very well it is non-functional”.


B&H CEC: There are no any obstacles concerning candidacy of Kristo for B&H CoM Chair (Nova BH)


The CEC of B&H issued on Wednesday a certificate proving that Borjana Kristo as the HDZ B&H’s candidate for B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair meets all necessary conditions stipulated by the law on B&H CoM for the appointment to this post. The CEC added that the vetting procedure needs to be done, as well as establishing of possible conflict of interest.


Zvizdic: EU candidate status would be sort of responsibility of B&H politicians; Cavara: EU candidate status will open various processes within which B&H will need to be adjusted to EU acquis (Nova BH)


The upcoming decision of the EU Council that is expected to approve granting the EU candidate status to B&H on Thursday has caused reactions of B&H politicians. Some of them deem that approving the EU candidate status for B&H is great news as this status will help resolve B&H’s internal problems, while others are skeptical and they do not have any expectations. Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Denis Zvizdic (NiP) stated that the EU candidate status would be a sort of responsibility of B&H politicians in the executive and legislative authority with regard to B&H citizens who expressed dominant wish to see the country as the EU member state. B&H HoR Collegium member Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) assessed that the EU candidate status for B&H will open various processes within which B&H will need to be adjusted to the EU acquis, noting that through this foreign-political goal B&H will be resolving its internal political problems and the status itself will create a cohesion within the country because none of the political parties have doubts about the EU integration.  Cavara told Fena news agency that he is glad the EU has decided to grant the candidate status to B&H and that one stopped blackmailing B&H to meet certain conditions “we realistically cannot resolve in this political framework”. “I am especially glad the European Union adopted the political decision, because it is political decision. Let’s say they propose candidate status for Ukraine that is at war, which is completely destroyed, one could say it is hardly functioning as a state”. In addition, Cavara said that, as far as he knows, no political party has dilemmas about the European integration.


Dodik: Announced granting of EU candidate status to B&H does not excite me because the West broke numerous promises to B&H so far (ATV)


The RS President Milorad Dodik said that the announced granting of the EU candidate status to B&H does not excite him because the West, as Dodik said, broke numerous promises to B&H so far. Dodik pointed out that big promises from the West stopped being exciting for him a long time ago, adding that for years he has witnessed big promises that are not fulfilled in the end. Dodik stated: “What kind of candidate for the EU is the one that is modelled by foreigners in the executive authorities, who are not citizens of this country. And the basic European value is that whether we will join the EU depends on our will and our determination, not on foreigners. This means that we will get into some other problems, but here, it is more for their needs. I welcome (it), not that I am against it. I am not against it, but I do not expect anything”. “I have to say that I am not particularly thrilled, especially because everyone stepped all over what they have been saying earlier about status of a candidate, which is that when you get to the status of a candidate the international administration here will end and they are even strengthening it,” said Dodik. “Some range of lies exists in continuity, they still maintain false High Representative, judges in Constitutional Court. What kind of a candidate for EU membership is moderated by foreigners,” said Dodik, adding that he is not against, but he expects nothing.


PMs Plenkovic and Mitsotakis send joint letter, call for granting candidate status to B&H (Vecernji list)


Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic and Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis have sent European Council President Charles Michel and EC President Ursula Von der Leyen a joint letter in which they expressed strong support to the European path of B&H and expressed expectation that their colleagues will endorse granting the status of EU candidate for B&H at today’s (Thursday) meeting (of European Council) in Brussels. The letter reads, among other issues, that “we should use this critical moment for this vital decision, which is marked not only by deeply changed geo-political surrounding in Europe caused by the Russian aggression of Ukraine but also by positive developments in B&H after the last general elections”. The letter further noted B&H is demonstrating it is making progress on some issues that have burdened it for years and that one can expect quick formation of new authority at all levels with renewed European agenda. “We are convinced that the further reforms, including the need to urgently complete constitutional and electoral reform, which is ongoing, as well as general political dynamic in the country, would be deeply strengthened with our positive decision”, reads the letter. Plenkovic also stated in Brussels on Wednesday that B&H is important to Croatia, and is a neighboring and friendly country. According to the Croatian PM, ‘we’ want to send a strong signal for quick formation of authority at all levels, for implementation of further reforms and limited reforms to the Constitution and the Election Law.


US Embassy: Montenegro leaders should resist decisions undermining democratic institutions (CdM/VoA)


The United States has expressed concern over another failed attempt to elect judges of the Constitutional Court in Montenegro and over the adoption of amendments to the Law on the President. “The United States is deeply concerned about Montenegro’s continued failure to form a fully functional Constitutional Court and, in the absence of that key institution, about the adoption of a controversial measure to limit the powers of the president, thereby ignoring the clear advice of the Venice Commission”, says the US Embassy’s response to Voice of America’s request for comment on the situation in Montenegro. However, the amendments to the Law on the President were adopted by the votes of the parliamentary majority – contrary to the recent recommendations of the Venice Commission – which provide for the transfer of part of the competence for the election of prime minister-designate for the composition of the government from the President to the parliament. The opposition and some legal experts said that the adopted amendments were unconstitutional. It is the responsibility of Montenegrin political leaders to protect the country’s democratic institutions and resist any decisions that undermine their functionality and legitimacy”, the Embassy stated. Leaders are also urged to “take concrete actions to quickly restore democratic institutions”.


Konatar: No need to hurry with decision on Open Balkans membership (CdM)


The URA deputy leader Miloc Konatar has said that there is no need to hurry with the decision on Montenegro’s membership in the Open Balkans (OB). “Montenegro is the pivot of regional cooperation. OB is just one of many regional initiatives and there is no need to hurry with the decision on Montenegro’s membership in the Open Balkans. OB is a set of interstate agreements that should be decided by the parliament of Montenegro when we analyse all the arguments – for and against. Montenegro’s goal is EU membership,” Konatar has tweeted. Until now, we could hear different versions of statements about OB from the outgoing PM. Dritan Abazovic said on 30 May that the decision on possible accession to the Open Balkans initiative rests with the government, which led the country’s foreign policy, and that he did not need special support from anyone. Then Abazovic said in June that he was not going to Ohrid to join the Open Balkans initiative, but to express his relationship with the EU and NATO partners towards that project. Abazovic announced this after the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, wrote on Facebook that Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic “today officially introduces Montenegro to the Open Balkans”. The governments of North Macedonia and Albania have not yet verified the decisions on joining the Open Balkans. In Montenegro, it is speculated that Abazovic has already prepared a decision on joining the OB and that it could soon be presented to the government.


President Pendarovski speaks to State Department Counselor Chollet (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski spoke Wednesday over the phone with Counselor of the U.S. Department of State Derek Chollet, who has postponed a visit to North Macedonia until early next year after testing positive for COVID-19. President Pendarovski wrote in a Facebook post that the conversation with Counselor Chollet focused on North Macedonia’s EU integration process, fight against organized crime and corruption and regional developments. According to the U.S. Department of State’s original press release, Chollet was to arrive in Skopje on Dec. 14 to meet with government leaders for discussions across a range of issues, including energy, the economy, and the fight against corruption. Counselor Chollet’s agenda also included the visit to Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and Belgium with an interagency delegation from Dec. 11-17. “This visit underscores the enduring U.S. commitment to the peace, stability, and prosperity of the region,” read the release from the U.S. Department of State.


Kovachevski-Chollet: U.S. strong support and strategic partnership continue (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski spoke late Wednesday over the phone with Counsellor of the U.S. Department of State Derek Chollet. Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska and United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler also took part in the conversation. Discussions focused on the North Macedonia-U.S. strategic partnership and future cooperation towards accomplishment of strategic goals, but also the Government’s management of the energy crisis, infrastructure and energy projects supported by the United States, the Government said in a press release. Fight against corruption and promotion of the rule of law was also in the focus of the conversation. Interlocutors expressed mutual satisfaction from the course of the screening process and North Macedonia’s Euro-integration as the country’s primary strategic goal, while highlighting the importance of related reforms, reads the press release.


Chollet: Discussions with Pendarovski and Kovachevski on NATO, EU, tough stand on Corruption (MIA)


NATO partnership, North Macedonia’s OSCE chairmanship, progress in the Euro-integration process, taking a tough stand on corruption and regional developments were in the focus of the phone calls of Counsellor of the U.S. Department of State Derek Chollet with President Stevo Pendarovski and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. “Great opportunity to discuss with President Pendarovski our strong partnership at NATO, North Macedonia’s upcoming OSCE leadership, progress on EU accession, taking a tough stand on corruption, and cooperation to bring further stability and opportunity to the Western Balkans,” tweeted Chollet. He adds that a productive call with PM Kovachevski tackled energy, fighting corruption, and a range of other key issues. “Thanked him for North Macedonia’s important contributions at NATO and making the difficult choices needed to stay on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration,” writes Chollet. He was supposed to visit North Macedonia on Wednesday but postponed the trip until early next year after testing positive for COVID-19. “I regret that I will have to postpone my trip to the Balkans and Brussels due to a positive COVID test. I will remain engaged in all of the issues in the Balkans region and look forward to making the trip early next year,” tweeted Chollet. According to the U.S. Department of State’s original press release, Chollet was to meet with government leaders for discussions across a range of issues, including energy, the economy, and the fight against corruption. Counselor Chollet’s agenda also included the visit to Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, and Belgium with an interagency delegation from Dec. 11-17, underscoring “the enduring U.S. commitment to the peace, stability, and prosperity of the region.”


EU rejects Bulgarian declaration on Macedonia (Republika)


The Council of the European Union has rejected the Bulgarian declaration that called for “effective prosecution and condemnation of hate crimes by authorities in Macedonia”. Sofia wanted its unilateral statement to be incorporated in the conclusions of the General Affairs Council (GAC), in the part dedicated to Macedonia, but ministers rejected the motion. Some of the media in Bulgaria reported yesterday that the Bulgarian declaration was accepted, but according to the conclusions of the Council, which Deutsche Welle had access to, they said this was not the case. The Bulgarian media refer to the conclusion on “further strengthening of fundamental rights, freedom of the media and freedom of expression” which is stated in point 12 of the conclusions and applies to all countries of the Western Balkans region. The Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Maricic confirmed this to DW. “Bulgaria’s unilateral declaration is not part of the conclusions, and their individual position was not accepted by other countries”, says Maricic. The Deputy Prime Minister clarifies that the council’s conclusions “only remind of the previous conclusions” adopted in July this year from this summer “and everything else is support for our position and the continuation of the accession negotiations”. Good neighborly relations and regional cooperation remain essential elements of the enlargement process, as well as of the Stabilization and Association Process. The Council recalls the importance of achieving tangible results and implementing bilateral agreements, including the Prespa Agreement with Greece and the Agreement on Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria. The text mentions that statements and activities that negatively affect good neighborly relations and the peaceful resolution of disputes must be avoided.


Bulgarian Church recognized MOC as “Orthodox Church in the Republic of North Macedonia” and HH Stefan as “Archbishop Stefan of Skopje” (MIA)


The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church at its regular session presided by Bulgarian Patriarch Neophyte made a decided to recognize the tomos with which the Serbian Church granted autocephaly to the Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Bulgarian media reported.  As reported by MIA’s correspondent in Sofia, according to these reports, the BOC Synod believes that the MOC-OA should be called the “Orthodox Church in the Republic of North Macedonia”. According to the media, the Bulgarian Patriarch Neophyte will include the name of the Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia HH Stefan in his Christmas diptychs, but as “Archbishop Stefan of Skopje”, because the BOC “does not recognize the title with which the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew received Archbishop Stefan and the MOC into liturgical communion”. The Bulgarian church website states that the BOC Synod disputes the name of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric, because according to the BOC Statute “the legal successor of the Ohrid Archbishopric is the Bulgarian Patriarchate”. After the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to accept the MOC-OA into canonical unity, the BOC decided in June of this year to recognize our Church and entered into canonical unity with it.


Rama: The integrity of Kosovo is protected by an entire international community (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama said that the integrity of Kosovo is protected by the entire international community and there is no reason why Albania should send police forces there. In a statement to the media, Rama responded to the reporters' interest in whether Albania will send police troops to Kosovo, citing the situation in the north. "For what reason will Albania help Kosovo with police forces and for what reason should Kosovo, which is a sovereign democratic state, have police forces from other states in its territory, which is a territory whose integrity is protected by an entire international community," said Rama.


Rama: High Prosecution Council should not be influenced by anyone (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted regarding the election of the new head of Special Prosecutor's Office (SPAK). Rama expressed that his full agreement with the US ambassador in Tirana, emphasizing that the head of SPAK is elected by the High Prosecution Council, which depends only on its members. “The head of SPAK is not chosen by the government, nor by the fortune-telling pulpit, nor by the embassy, but by an institution called the High Prosecution Council, which depends only on its members!", wrote Rama on Twitter. "Therefore, KLP members should not listen to anyone except the candidates, should not read anything except the professional biography of the candidates, should not be influenced by anyone except the profile and performance of the candidates! They are accountable only to their own mirror and to no one else," Rama emphasized. Earlier, the US ambassador, Yuri Kim, expressed through a reaction that the new head of SPAK will intensify the fight against corruption and organized crime, without fear or favors. According to her, the selection process should not be influenced by those who have an interest in limiting or manipulating investigations.


France supports Albania along the European path (ANA)


The chairman of the Albania-France friendship parliamentary group, MP, Eduard Shalsi, and the deputy chairwoman of the Assembly of Albania, Ermonela Felaj, are in Paris on an official visit to the French Senate, informs Albanian News Agency. The delegation from the Assembly of Albania was received by the chairman of the Finance Committee, chairman of the Foreign Committee and the deputy director for Europe in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The focus of these meetings was Albania's agenda in the European Union, and especially the holding of the Summit for the Western Balkans in Tirana last week, showing once again that it is an excellent sign for the integration of the region. Albanian parliamentarians thanked France for supporting Albania on the European path and underlined that President Macron's proposal to agree between Bulgaria and North Macedonia switched the green light for the opening of negotiations and for our country. During the meeting, the issue of Kosovo's membership in the European Council was also mentioned, and a presentation was made on the concrete steps that Albania has taken in this direction. The interlocutors underlined the high level of political relations and expressed the will to deepen them at the economic and social level.


Peleshi visits NATO Supreme Command in Europe: Albania, a reliable ally of the Alliance (Radio Tirana)


Defense Minister Niko Peleshi paid an official visit to the High Command of the Alliance in Europe. He was received in a meeting by the Supreme Commander of the Alliance for Europe, General Christopher G. Cavoli, at the same time the Commander of the American Command for Europe. During the meeting, the current security environment, the challenges on the eastern border of the Alliance, cooperation in the field of defense, our country's commitments within NATO, the strategic partnership with the USA, the development of FARSH capacities and modernization were discussed. Among other things, Minister Peleshi appreciated the decisive role of the Supreme Command of the Alliance in the materialization of NATO's political objectives and, above all, the measured work to face the current challenges at the borders of the Alliance, without detracting attention from the Balkan region. He emphasized the importance of the presence of NATO troops in the east, Latvia and Bulgaria, and at the same time in KFOR, Kosovo. NATO and the USA, according to Minister Peleshi, should promote and invest persistently in the reform of the defense and security sector in the Western Balkans. In this context, special importance was attached to the role of Albania, as a reliable ally and active contributor to guaranteeing peace and security in the region and beyond, but at the same time to the strategic position that our country has for continuous logistical support on the eastern border of the Alliance. In the meeting, the importance that the Albanian government has devoted to the development of the infrastructure and capacities of the ports and the construction of "Corridor VIII", as essential projects for the immediate access of NATO forces in the interior of the Balkans to the Black Sea, was appreciated. The Minister of Defense expressed the readiness of our country to build this infrastructure according to NATO standards and make it available to the Alliance. The Supreme Commander of the Alliance for Europe, General Christopher G. Cavoli, at the same time the Commander of the American Command for Europe, expressed his gratitude for the role of Albania as a dignified and very dynamic ally in NATO, the contribution of our country to the Alliance and the will expressed in continuity. General Cavoli appreciated the role and professionalism of the Albanian military serving in NATO commands and missions. The Minister of Defense also met with the Albanian military personnel serving in Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. Mr. Peleshi thanked them for their good work and dignified representation in NATO's main command.


Britain announced the expulsion of thousands of Albanian migrants (Postsen)


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced an agreement with Albania that foresees accelerated processing of asylum applications and mass deportation of those who are rejected, as part of a large package of measures to combat illegal immigration. “We will be firm but fair,” said Rishi Sunak in parliament. He said the government would deport “thousands” of Albanians in the coming months, who represent around a third (13,000) of the migrants who arrived in Britain this year on small boats across the English Channel. Despite promises that post-Brexit Britain will take control of its borders, it has never seen as many migrant arrivals across the Channel as it is now. Since the beginning of the year, around 45,000 of them have crossed the English Channel and come to Britain, compared to almost 30,000 in 2021. Among the measures announced by Sunak is the sending of British police officers to the airport in Tirana, the raising of the threshold according to which an asylum seeker is considered a victim of modern slavery, as well as assurances from the Albanian government that victims will be protected. Sunak emphasized that Albania is a “safe” country and that with the announced changes, the vast majority of Albanian asylum requests will simply be declared “clearly unfounded.” The Conservative government leader also announced that the number of agents processing asylum claims would be doubled to make up for delays, and that old holiday centres, dormitories or military facilities would be used to halve the cost of housing asylum seekers currently accommodated in hotels. Sunak also said the government would continue the project to deport asylum seekers who have arrived illegally on British soil to Rwanda. For now, that procedure is at a standstill after the intervention of the European Court.