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Belgrade Media Report 19 December 2022



Brnabic: I fear escalation in north Kosovo and Metohija, I am deeply disappointed with the international community (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Radio and Television of Serbia’s morning news that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija can only be heard by Brussels and Washington when they are at the barricades, but even then not very well. “Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are at the barricades because they are asking for basic human rights, but really basic human rights and nothing more than that,” said Brnabic. She points out that they also left the institutions only because they demanded, after more than ten years, compliance with the Brussels agreement.

“After all, they are in those institutions thanks to that Brussels agreement, so when Albin Kurti says that there is no Brussels agreement for him, then I don’t know exactly what the problem is that Serbs are not in the institutions,” added the Prime Minister.


I am deeply disappointed how the international community understands human rights

When it comes to the international community, she points out that she is deeply disappointed with their understanding of human rights, basic democratic values, as well as with the response to a series of provocations by Albin Kurti towards Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo. “If you just look at how December was - it started with Kurti appointing Nenad Rasic to be the representative of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in Pristina institutions, a man who received 0.17 percent of the votes in the elections. We did not have an adequate reaction from Brussels, we had a reaction that called on both sides to de-escalate. I’m not sure exactly what Belgrade did at that moment, as well as the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” Brnabic said. She pointed out that only after the harsh reaction of President Aleksandar Vucic was there a somewhat clearer condemnation of that. “This is how December began and December is coming to an end, who knows how, but for now with more than 16 brutal provocations, violations of the Brussels agreement, incursions by armed members of the Kosovo police, special forces in the north of Kosovo - which means a brutal violation of the Brussels agreement,” she says. She points out that the Serbs with Kosovo and Metohija only demanded that basic human rights be respected and that Dejan Pantic, who was detained illegally, should at least know where he is and whether he has received medication, as well as that he still hasn’t heard from his family. “You have European institutions that watch all this silently, they just watch silently,” she emphasizes.


I fear escalation

KFOR blocked the Jarinje point with barbed wire, increased combat readiness was observed, armed Kosovo special forces have been marching for days in the north of Kosovo. “I fear escalation, we will do everything to preserve peace and some kind of stability, although, unfortunately, I do not see that there is any stability for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” she added. She reminded that four Serbs were detained in December alone, including Gavrilo Milosavljevic, a pensioner, a displaced person from Kosovo and Metohija who lives in the vicinity of Belgrade. “The man went alone to the police in the municipality of Istok to report the illegal confiscation of his property, and he was arrested and detained there,” she adds.

In addition to him, Miljan Adzic, Dejan Pantic and Sladjan Trajkovic were also detained. “From that, Dejan Pantic and Sladjan Trajkovic were members of the Kosovo police. If they had anything against them, they would not be members of the police or they could have been prosecuted at that moment for something they committed or allegedly committed. They were detained only that the Serbs would be intimidated and that additional nervousness would be introduced among the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, that the situation would escalate, and that is what scares me,” Brnabic points out.


Kurti’s assessment that Belgrade’s request is ridiculous is terribly dangerous

Brnabic said that Albin Kurti’s assessment that Belgrade’s request is ridiculous is terribly dangerous and that Kurti said in the middle of Berlin that there is no Brussels agreement for him and that Germany has not reacted. “Albin Kurti said that the Washington agreement does not exist and does not apply to him. Nobody reacted and he has now officially violated the Washington agreement with their application for EU membership, which is a kind of precedent and a brutal violation of international law, European norms and European rights because only states can apply for candidacy, European states, and the EU is neutral in status because there are five member states that do not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo,” said Brnabic. “But Aljbin Kurti, when it comes to the rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, does not respect their constitution either. They did not respect it when the Kosovo army or the security forces, whatever they are called, were formed. They did not respect the provisions of their own constitution. They did not respect it even now in the case of appointing a Serb representative in the institutions, it is a direct violation of their constitution. So when you talk about the rights of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, it is obvious that they have no rights in official Pristina and according to official Pristina, absolutely no rights, neither those guaranteed by some international agreements and acts, nor basic human rights, nor the rights within the legislative framework of those people who believe that there is a so-called republic of Kosovo, and not even their constitution, and that is terrible,” she pointed out. “Tell then which agreement is respected, which agreement should we respect in order to ensure peace and stability, or as I said ironically, do we need to look at the beans and their agreement every day to know which principle they respect today. The only one to be serious and responsible from Belgrade, President Aleksandar Vucic, who has really borne the brunt of this responsibility and who is constantly trying to de-escalate, to tell the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to ‘be patient a little longer’, to simultaneously tell Brussels and Berlin and Washington, people, there is no point. There is no principle that you recognize, that you implement when it comes to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Brnabic. She also pointed out that, since we have the presence of KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija, 312 settlements have been completely ethnically cleansed, which, as she said, is contrary to what should be the role of KFOR - to ensure Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija and multi-ethnicity. “The security services assessed that the situation is on the verge of an armed conflict.” When asked what the assessments of the security services of Serbia were, Brnabic answered that it was assessed that the situation was brought to the brink of a conflict and armed conflict. “These are the assessments of all the services in Kosovo and Metohija and all those who are watching what is happening there. And why, once again, the basic thing, and I asked that in conversations with several foreign officials, and that is, okay, even to reach an agreement now regarding the barricades, how will you prevent Kurti from continuing those incidents that led to the Serbs going to the barricades and setting up barricades in order to draw attention to their status,” said Brnabic. She pointed out that for her, the implementation of the Brussels agreement is over, which will open up space for further discussions about some new agreements. “But how can we talk about other agreements, and I asked Mr. Escobar at the meeting. Tell me, if there is so much insistence on talking about different agreements now, who will implement those agreements, who will guarantee their implementation. Well, even if we were stupid enough and crazy enough in Belgrade to continue talking about some agreements, who is going to implement those agreements, who is going to be their guarantor?” asked Brnabic. Speaking about the pressure on Serbia due to the non-introduction of sanctions against Russia, Brnabic said that she does not see Serbia’s European integration threatened more than before or that it is more threatened than the integration of Albania and North Macedonia. “For me, the ball is in Brussels’ court. Why? Because we fulfilled everything to open Cluster 3, which is related to the economy, competitiveness, economy. We did everything, we fulfilled everything we were supposed to fulfill and the European Commission has already in it’s last two progress reports called on the EU members to open Cluster 3. We have not opened it. There are no further conditions for opening cluster 3,” Brnabic said, and assessed that it was a political decision and that Serbia’s European integration is at a standstill thanks to the EU.


SPS leader: Serbia sees Kosovo the way Catholics see the Vatican (Beta)


The leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Ivica Dacic said at the party’s congress in Belgrade that for the SPS, Serbia comes first, but also that Kosovo is “sui generis for Serbia”.

“Serbia comes first, there are a million parties, but there is one Serbia. They say Kosovo is a ‘sui generis’ case. Exactly, just as the Vatican is for Catholicism, Athos for Orthodoxy, Mecca for Muslims, so is Kosovo ‘sui generis’ for Serbia,” the SPS leader said.


Dacic: Kurti biggest threat to peace (TV Pink)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sunday evening Pristina's PrimeMinister Albin Kurti was the biggest threat to peace and any agreements. In an appearance on TV Pink, he noted that questions about barricades put up by Serbs in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, raised by representatives of the international community as the main issue, were cynical. He said the barricades were a means of political struggle by Kosovo Serbs against Kurti's terror and for respect of the Brussels agreement. "The Serbs are reacting to disrespect of everything that has been signed to date. It is a political struggle by the Serbs, and now you have threats that someone is going to remove that by force. I think that Serb representatives are approaching that responsibly, and there are no incidents, which is important because we do not want to give anyone a reason to say the Serbs are to blame again," Dacic said. He said it was very cynical that representatives of the international community raised the issue of barricades as the main issue after Pristina had banned Kosovo Serbs from voting in a Serbian referendum and elections earlier this year and after it had also sent its special forces to the north of Kosovo and Metohija and done everything that was contrary to the Brussels agreement. "At a time when you have this attempt with vehicle licence plates, the appointment of some kind of their Serbs to various bodies in Pristina, when the human rights of Serbs are being destroyed, when their security is being endangered rather than guaranteed, you have the irony and the cynicism that someone is raising the issue of barricades as the main one," Dacic said.


Vucevic: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija still very tense (Kurir)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija “is still very tense" and that "one match would be enough to set everything on fire”. Vucevic told Kurir that “it is obvious that a very perfidious war is being waged in order to let the Serbs know that they are not welcome in Kosovo and Metohija and to quietly carry out another exodus”. “Citizens should know that Serbia will remain consistent with the political agreement in order to preserve peace and stability, but that we will never allow any new ‘Storms’,’ said Vucevic. Serbia will “remain firm and persistent” in its request to return part of the policemen and soldiers to Kosovo, in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council, he added.


UNMIK and KFOR to urgently protect Serbs and their property in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija reacted to the incidents to say those are the work of insidious extremists, having taken place effectively in front of the international presence, thus confirming the intentions and the true nature of Kurti's regime in the most obvious way. "It is now clear with what intention and reason the Kosovo police armed with rifles was sent to the mixed Serb areas of Kosovo and Metohija. International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism is marked around the world in memory of a tragedy that began precisely with the smashing of store windows, and this is unequivocal confirmation that Kurti's ideology and practice is fascism in its most bare form. Experience teaches us that violence against communities and peoples begins precisely with attacks on their property, and that is why it is necessary that UNMIK and KFOR urgently protect Serbs and their property in Kosovo and Metohija, because history does not forgive indifference in such situations," said a statement. It added that Kurti's extremists won't even let Serbs celebrate today's St. Nicholas patron saint day in peace, while every day he and his thugs in police uniforms are moving us further away from a peaceful solution to the situation in the north of the province. "Kurti obviously hopes to, by creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, discourage Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and dull their determination to persevere in the just fight for their rights, but the Serb people have endured worse atrocities and defeated bigger bullies than him, and they will win this time as well," said the statement.


EU calls for urgent de-escalation in Kosovo, dialogue to continue (Beta)


The EU member states have supported a report by EU High Representative Josep Borrell that tensions in the north of Kosovo be halted right away, and that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue should be promptly continued based on “the EU proposal for a comprehensive solution to the relationship between the two sides, which does not specify deadlines.” Diplomatic sources in Brussels told Beta on 17 December that the EU, its members and mediators in the dialogue, as well as its US partners, believed a breakthrough was necessary to reach a solution for the controversial situation in Kosovo, because there was no more time, and because of “the spillover of the Ukrainian war into the Balkans, where Russia is acting visibly”. During a conference in Brussels, the EU heads of state and government acknowledged the results of the latest talks between the EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, and the two parties’ leaders, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Belgrade and Pristina need to bear in mind that new tensions and violence would bring the dialogue to a halt, and the culprits would have to be excluded from the EU accession process. The EU leaders did not discuss Kosovo during the conference, because it was not on the agenda and no view on Kosovo was formulated or included in the conclusions of the European summit. Yet, “There is a strong feeling in the EU that another escalation needs to be prevented, tensions diffused and the unhindered mediation of Borrell and Lajcak continued,” European sources said.


Protest at Jarinje administrative crossing (Beta)


Protesters at a demonstration on the Serbia proper side of the Jarinje administrative line crossing held on 18 December said "pressure" from Belgrade would continue and that "if blood falls, it will fall in Kosovo, too". Multiple organizations called for the Rally at Jarinje, including the People's Patrols, with the purpose of "unblocking imposed borders." Serbian police cordoned off the crossing at a distance of several hundred meters, but about a hundred of protesters managed to break through. Another, riot police cordon met them at the edge of the crossing. There was another scuffle with police, who used their batons on multiple occasions, but things settled down quickly. On the Kosovo side were reinforced KFOR troops, which set up a heavy vehicle cordon and a wire barricade, preventing passage to either side. The protesters, most of whom were masked, carried Serbian and Russian flags and "no surrender" signs, while a Pray to God and Stick with Russia banner headed the march. The Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings have been blocked for traffic by barricades put up by Kosovo Serbs protesting the arrest of Kosovo Police member Dejan Pantic.


KFOR considering request for return of Serbian troops to Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Koha)


Confirming it has received a Serbian government request for a return of Serbian security forces to Kosovo and Metohija, the KFOR mission said on Friday it was considering the request. "KFOR remains very alert and fully capable of fulfilling its mandate arising from the UN," a KFOR source told Koha.


Russian Ambassador walks out of SPS Congress over Greek oppositionary’s video message (Beta/Politika)


Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko released a statement saying that he had left a congress of the Socialist Party of Serbia on 17 December because of a video message from former Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras. He Tweeted that he was forced to leave the congress "at the very beginning" due to the video message of Greek oppositionary Tsipras that was screened for participants. "The Greek started with completely unfounded, false accusations against Russia. He started to smear my homeland," Botsan-Kharchenko's said on Twitter. Socialist Party of Serbia President Ivica Dacic was re-elected unanimously, with the votes of 3,000 delegates at the congress. The ceremonial portion of the congress held at the Belgrade Fair included guests Aleksandar Vucic, President of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik, Unified Serbia leader Dragan "Palma" Markovic, Montenegrin Deputy Premier Vladimir Jokovic and Montenegrin speaker Danijela Djurovic. Vucic thanked the Socialist party for its cooperation and said that the Progressive and Socialist parties had accomplished a lot in recent years.


Trajkovic released from hospital (N1)


Rada Trajkovic, an advisor to the Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, wrote on Twitter that she was released from the hospital for home treatment and that she is in a stable condition on Saturday morning. “Thank you to each of you who fought for me. It made me stronger. Thank you to all the political actors in Kosovo and Serbia who decisively spoke out about torture. They proved themselves to be great people,” she wrote. Trajkovic said she “did not expect better from the regime” and added that the last days have “exposed its true face”. “The pro-European mask has fallen and we all now know who we are dealing with: people who pathologically hate dissenters and abuse the law to destroy anyone who stands in their way, whether they are Serb, Albanian, a Croats… If this happened to me, whom the public knows well as someone who has been fighting for the Serbs in Kosovo for 20 years, then the same can happen to anyone. It pains me to think about how many similar stories the public hasn’t heard about. But one thing is true: by its actions, this regime publicly renounces civilized values. Because how can a country work on regional stability, while its security services are led by unstable, capricious and security-compromised people. The regime has lost all sense of what is acceptable in modern Europe. Yesterday was a return to the dark past,” said Trajkovic. Trajkovic, the president of the European Movement of Kosovo Serbs and advisor to the Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, was taken to the hospital on Friday in the Serbian town of Prokuplje after being held at a border crossing by the Serbian police for hours on Friday.


Day 10 of Serbs barricades in northern Kosovo and Metohija: Primary schools reopen (RTS)


Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija have been on the barricades for ten days now protesting against the arrests of their compatriots and the presence of the Kosovo police in the north of the province. Barricades have been erected in the municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic. The Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings are closed, since the Kosovo police shut them down them after the Serbs started protests and set up barricades. Starting today, elementary school students in the northern Kosovo and Metohija will return to school, while high school students will continue their classes online, reports RTS.


UN partner of Serbia in achieving overall social development (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday that the United Nations is one of the most important multilateral organisations for Serbia, both in the context of preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty, and as a partner in achieving overall economic and social development. Dacic, in a meeting with UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia Francoise Jacob, positively evaluated the close cooperation with the United Nations Team so far, especially through the provision of support in the implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030, as well as the Framework of Cooperation between the UN and Serbia for the period 2021- 2025, which significantly contributes to the achievement of national development priorities. Jacob pointed out the importance of the 2030 Agenda and the Framework for Cooperation between the UN and the Republic of Serbia, with special reference to the importance of climate change and human rights issues. Jacob presented Dacic with the activities of the United Nations Team, as well as to the global initiatives in which Serbia participates and implements them at the national level. The officials expressed the expectation that the successful and good cooperation between this organisation and Serbia will continue in the future.


Dodik: We will not give up on territorial merging of Serb people, changing of borders is not closed topic (TV Prva


In an interview for Serbia-based TV Prva, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that status of the EU candidate country that was granted to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will represent only increase of pressure against the RS. Dodik underlined that Brussels has been silent about earlier given promises that once B&H gets status of the EU candidate country, issue of High Representative and foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H will be solved. He added that the EU is now using international protectorate as mechanism of pressure on B&H. Dodik emphasized that the RS will not succumb to pressures and will not accept centralization of B&H. He went on to say that the EU wants to have control over sovereignty of B&H and want to achieve it through some standards. Dodik wondered that it means Serbs would have to give up on part of their identity. “There are some items where we cannot achieve these standards. One of these items is centralization of B&H. They demand defining of some new competences at BiH level. For example, they want level of B&H to decide if there is no consensus in regards to the EU issues. It is unacceptable”, explained RS President. Dodik also stated that B&H has been put under control of the EU in attempt to suppress Russian influence. According to Dodik, this is part of higher goal to prevent completely cooperation between the Balkans countries with Russia. RS President underlined that the RS resumes to have good relations with Russia and will continue to strengthen them. He rejected claims he is a Russian player. Talking about situation in Kosovo, Dodik stated it is result of game of big powers with goal to humiliate Serb people. He commended demand of Serbia on return of its forces to Kosovo. Dodik deems that Belgrade needs to demonstrate its strength to Kosovo’s Albin Kurti, who acts in line with instructions from the West and will not give up until he banishes Serbs from Kosovo. “They want to humiliate Serbia and Serb people. I do not think our alternative is any war. However, I believe we have not used sufficiently this democratic potential we have as people enabling Serbs in Banja Luka, Belgrade and Mitrovica take single stance”, explained Dodik. Dodik also said that the RS and Serbia will provide joint response to political pressures from the West that have the RS and Kosovo in its focus. RS President emphasized he will not give up on intention on territorial merging of Serb people. He explained that if referendum on merging with Serbia was held in the RS, turnout would be massive. Dodik underlined it is will of people in the RS, adding that international factor does not respect this will. RS President underlined that changing of borders is not closed topic, because history proved otherwise. Dodik said in Belgrade on Saturday that the time for the national and political gathering of Serbs is coming, and the basic policy of the RS is to connect with Serbia as much as possible. Dodik stressed that regardless of all the pressures, the Serb people are united. Dodik added that bearing in mind the suffering of the Serbs in the last century, "now is the time to decide how we will move forward." "I think it is high time to tell the world and us what our goals are in the next few decades and to say that this is definitely Serb unification in the true sense. I am not a man who gives up on that story. Of course, the context is very important in terms of relations in the region, and in the world. That story about the borders being closed, that they are a closed topic, is of course not true. You can never close anything in history, not even this type of story," Dodik said in an interview. Dodik pointed out that the stories about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's influence on politics in the RS are lies and speculation, although many people talked about it, especially during the elections.




Dodik says he supports Serbia's request for return of Serbian forces to Kosovo in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik has stated that he supports Serbia's request for the return of Serbian forces (military) to Kosovo in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, stating that it is a good decision and that Serbia is thus restoring its rights. Noting that everyone in the West said that this should not be done, Dodik pointed out that the rights of Serbia are undoubtedly determined by the decisions and resolutions of the UN Security Council and that it is quite normal to start with it and see how the West will react. Dodik stressed that when it comes to the issue of Kosovo, the arrogance of foreigners reigns in the West, who incite "Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Kosovo" Albin Kurti and his team to do what they are doing, ignoring Resolution 1244.


Dodik: It is easy to reach agreement, when everyone respect constitutional order (Dnevni avaz)


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik posted on his Instagram account, commenting the past week. “By signing the guidelines, principles and goals in executive and legislation authority at B&H level, SNSD, HDZ and parties of ‘The Eight’ showed that when we all respect the constitutional order, then the agreement can be reached very fast. We were led by this and now we can and now we can proceed further into authority formation. Four ministerial posts in the new Council of Ministers will belong to the RS and six to the Federation of B&H (FB&H),” wrote Dodik. He further noted that he attended the Christmas reception, hosted by RS Vice President Davor Pranjic in Banja Luka and the reception organized by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. “After the decision on awarding of EU candidate status was presented in Brussels, I welcomed this decision of heads of Governments and EU member states, but I will also suggest all the political actors in B&H and entities to ask the financial support from the EU in amount of EUR 20 billion by 2027,” wrote Dodik. Asked to comment on formation of a new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), Dodik said that they did not discuss this issue on Sunday. Dodik informed media that they will be informed about this when the right time comes.


SDA Main Board: Only those who want to form authority through legal violence, can block authority formation (Oslobodjenje)


SDA Main Board welcomed the decision of European Council to approve status of EU candidate for B&H. “As a winning party, SDA has majority in Bosniak Caucus and it is the only one which can propose a candidate for President/Vice President of the FB&H from rank of Bosniak people. SDA will not be blocking the process, only those who want to form the authority through legal and political violence, can do that, without respecting the will of Bosniak Caucus in FB&H House of Peoples. We are warning that the attempt to form the authorities not in line with majority will in Bosniak Caucus, would present a dangerous precedent,” reads conclusion of SDA Main Board.


SDA Main Board: SDA will not block process of establishing executive power in FB&H, but SDA will exclusively insist that Constitution, Election Law, procedures and will of voters be respected (BHT1)


A session of the SDA Main Board was held in Sarajevo (on Saturday). After the session, SDA stated that they expect a quick inauguration of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), and the election of the FB&H President and two Vice Presidents of the FB&H, in order to start forming the FB&H government as soon as possible. It was said in their statement that SDA will not block the process of establishing the executive power in the FB&H, but that SDA will exclusively insist that the Constitution, the Election Law, procedures and the will of the voters be respected. SDA claimed that blockade of the formation of executive power in the FB&H can only be produced by those who want to form the authorities through, as they said, legal and political violence while not respecting the will of the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP. SDA warned that an attempt to form authorities against the will of the majority in the Bosniak Caucus would be a dangerous precedent with far-reaching consequences. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated: “At first, they played, so that it would not be recognized, in a cunning way they gave the fourth player in the Serb Caucus in the House of Peoples of the B&H parliament. Now they laid down the cards. Now they openly supported Srebrenka Golic, who is supposedly a Bosniak, who is (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik's Bosniak, so that then SNSD, HDZ would deliver the Serb Caucus in the FB&H HoP, (to) help The Eight, which has no majority anywhere”. Referring to the authority formation at the FB&H level, Izetbegovic called for formation of a pro-Bosnian front, noting “pro-Bosnian front has no alternative. They ignored that, and my last invitations were for the sake of the public and history. I knew they would not come to their senses. So, it should be recorded what we called for and what they did. As for the FB&H, I think that the international factor that is pushing towards this is no longer that much interested in the FB&H itself. SDA is the winner at the FB&H level, as well as at all other levels. It has the control hand in the Bosniak Caucus in the HoP if DF remains with us”. At its session held on Saturday, SDA Main Board adopted several conclusions, including a request to all SDA representatives and officials to - thorough their activities and parliaments – use all available mechanisms to stop processes and projects damaging interests of B&H and Bosniak people.


Ambassador Sattler: I believe there will be solution in case of blockade but I do not see any political party willing to block formation of authorities, especially in FB&H where new ruling coalition clearly has majority in both chambers of FB&H parliament (Face TV)


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative in B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler, asked about the formation of the authorities in B&H, in particular what High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt can do to prevent possible blockade and further accelerate the whole process, said that he is very happy to see accelerated dynamics and B&H will definitely beat its current records if the formation of the authorities is indeed finished within three or four months from the elections. He stressed that it is also good to finally see the formation of a program-based ruling coalition but apart from program and quick dynamics, there is also willingness to form the authorities as quickly as possible. Ambassador Sattler stated that he believes there will be a solution in case of a blockade but he does not see any political party willing to block the formation of the authorities, especially in the FB&H where the new ruling coalition clearly has the majority in both chambers of the FB&H parliament.


Ruling coalition holds meeting in Banja Luka; RS President Dodik announces new RS government will be formed at RSNA session scheduled 21 December (ATV)


After the meeting of the ruling coalition political parties held in Banja Luka on Sunday, it was confirmed that the new RS government will be formed on Wednesday. ATV reports that, addressing the media after the meeting, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that at its session scheduled for 21 December, the RS parliament will appoint a new government that should secure continuity in development of the RS as well as its stability. According to the information obtained by ATV, 14 out of 16 ministers in the RS government are known, i.e. RS Minister of Finance Zora Vidovic (SNSD), RS Ministry of Interior Sinisa Karan (SNSD), RS Minister of Labor, War Veterans and Disabled Persons' Protection Dragoslav Kabic (SNSD), RS Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Savo Minic (SNSD), RS Minister of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society Zeljko Budimir (SNSD), RS Minister of Energy and Mining Petar Djokic (SP), RS Minister of Transport and Communications Nedeljko Cubrilovic (SNSD), RS Minister or Economy and Entrepreneurship Diko Cvjetinovic (NPS), RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic (SNSD), RS Minister of Education and Culture Zeljka Stojicic (SNSD), RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare Alen Seranic (SNSD), RS Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation Zlatko Klokic (SNSD), RS Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government Senka Jujic (NPS), and RS Minister of Trade and Tourism Sevlid Hurtic (Movement for the State). The names of ministers in the RS Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology, and the RS Ministry of RS Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports will be known within two days, and the only information currently available is that the ministers will be the ‘United Srpska’ and SP members from the ranks of Bosniak and Croat peoples. ATV reports that, at the press conference held after the meeting, the focus was on future work and challenges the RS Government will address, and RS Prime Minister-designate Radovan Viskovic said being aware of the upcoming challenges, “we are gathering the RS government that will adequately respond to everything”, expressing satisfaction over the RS government’s functioning in the past four years, noting he expects all ministers to contribute to the RS’ development. Addressing the press conference, Viskovic said it is not a privilege in terms of benefits, but “it is the time of work, responsibility and time to bear the burden of responsibility in challenging times, and give contribution to preserving the RS”. Addressing the press conference, Dodik said: “The fact is that the time ahead is very challenging and requires new professional and energetic people. It primarily requires those who want (to do work), who are patriots, who are willing to work not only on fulfilling their ministerial, but also government’s responsibilities. That is something we are looking for and we believe we have that situation”. Viskovic also said that immediately after the RS parliament session on Wednesday, at which the new RS government will be formed, a request for RS parliament special session will be submitted, because 28 legal solutions should be adopted in urgent procedure by the end of the year, so that they may enter in force as of 1 January. Addressing the press conference, Viskovic said the aforementioned legal solutions are related, among others, to salary increase for budget users whose salaries are below the RS average, and pension and disability insurance for families with four and more children. “There is also the Law on (immovable) property revoked in a way by the B&H Constitutional Court. We are now formulating it differently and proposing it to the RS parliament. The RS cannot be left without that law”, said Viskovic.


Dodik: RS will not support any decision regarding NATO integration; EU membership means loss of sovereignty (Nezavisne)


President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that B&H’s NATO membership is not mentioned in the coalition agreement signed by SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’, and that NATO is not preferred in any way. “Our elemental, basic policies remain the same. NATO will not have our support for B&H’s membership. I see some people say it was accepted. That is not true”, said Dodik. He noted that even NATO officials say that any decision on B&H’s NATO integration must be adopted at the B&H level. “Nothing has been decided. We do not want that, we will follow Serbia. I believe that, as things develop, there is less and less possibility of us being part of that alliance”, Dodik emphasized. He reminded that the Program of Reforms contains the very clear statement that cooperation with NATO does not prejudge membership. According to Dodik, RS will not do anything with regards to NATO integration without Serbia. Speaking about B&H’s EU candidate status, Dodik said that he received news about it not with joy or sorrow, but with the feeling of lethargy which can also describe the process of EU integration. He added that EU membership means loss of sovereignty that the member state hands over to Brussels. However, he added, the EU bureaucrats wrapped this fact in the cover of talk about European standards and values which no longer exist.


Becirovic: NATO, EU are unquestionable foreign-policy partners of B&H (Nova BH)


According to Nova BH, the issue of the NATO integration and other political issues could be an obstacle for functioning of the new state authorities. B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic who enjoys support of ‘The Eight’ stated that his stances on NATO integration remain unchanged. “As a member of B&H Presidency, I will use every opportunity to additionally accelerate the path of B&H to the full NATO membership. My stances on issues related to the NATO path of our state and other important topics will be in line with the interest of the state, and not narrow party interests. My determination is clear, I want us to be part of the Euro-Atlantic integration, not only as beneficiaries of support, but also as a reliable partners. There is no alternative to the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H”, said Becirovic. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic recently stated that the reforms implemented on the EU path are complementary to the NATO integration process. However, it seems that SDA will not be part of any ruling coalition at any level. Izetbegovic said that it is strange to see the party that stood up against destructive forces is being ousted from power. NiP on the other hand welcomed the results achieved by the negotiation teams of the parties which are going to form the new state authorities.


EUSR Sattler and Ambassadors of EU member states: Today we celebrate with you, but hard work must begin tomorrow (Glas Srpske)


On the occasion of B&H receiving the EU candidate status, the daily carries a column by Head of EU Delegation and EUSR Johann Sattler and Heads of Missions of EU member states who emphasized that B&H has a special place in their hearts. They describe B&H as a state at the heart of European history, famous for its achievements, but also some of the most tragic moments of the European continent. “As Ambassadors of EU states, we are proud to work here and we all believe that the country and its citizens should have their place in the EU. B&H’s accession to the EU is of special significance. We continuously work on our common and peaceful future in which all Europeans keep their own identity and add a European layer to it. There are few places in Europe where these ideals are as relevant as in B&H”, the Ambassadors wrote. They noted that these ideals are woven into the EU fabric, and shared by majority of B&H citizens. The Ambassadors noted that people wish to see the end of divisions, of mentality where someone else’s loss is my gain, and of corruption. Citizens want equality before law, protection of their rights and better jobs, healthcare and education. “The candidate status is a signal that the EU and its member states share your hopes. But the candidate status should also be a new incentive for your elected leaders to implement the reforms necessary for EU accession with a new zest. B&H is still far away from meeting the criteria necessary for EU membership, and significant reforms are necessary for the country to fulfil all 14 Key priorities listed in the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s EU membership application”, the Ambassadors emphasized, adding that this is the only way to achieve the next turning point on the EU path, and that is opening of accession negotiations. The Ambassadors stated that the EU has opened up the door to membership, but the new B&H authorities need to open the door to reforms. Therefore, the decision on the candidate status represents a task for political leaders to act in a more energetic and purposeful manner. Although B&H achieved certain progress by adopting the Revised National Strategy for Processing of War Crimes, adopting amendments to the Law on Public Procurement, adopting the new Strategy on Migration and Asylum and creating conditions for establishing of the contact point with Europol, B&H should have and could have achieved much more. “Therefore, it is a pleasure to see that the impetus after the recommendation of the candidate status has been renewed, with the wish for fast formation of new authorities on reform basis. We truly wish B&H to become a full member of our Union. And for this, we need B&H to do its part of the job. The EU and its members have continuously proved to be loyal and consistent friends to B&H, from the period of post-war reconstruction, to the devastating floods in 2014, to the pandemic and now to the current energy crisis, where our EUR 70 billion Energy Package will provide aid to the most endangered families in B&H and support the country in transition to greater energy sustainability. Today, we share your joy over the decision of the Council on candidate status, but the hard work must begin already tomorrow”, the Ambassadors stated. They emphasized that it is necessary to form the new authorities and agree on the ambitious reform programs which will meet the EU’s requirements and strengthen the economy. “We are ready to support all stakeholders who are willing to make their contribution towards this goal. Let us achieve this together”, the Ambassadors concluded.


Croatian PM Plenkovic welcome European Council's decision (HRT)


On Thursday, the European Council made a decision to grant B&H the candidate status. After that, many congratulated B&H. However, right after this, B&H is expected to start working on implementing the necessary reforms. It was quite clear that BiH received candidate status due to current geopolitical circumstances, and not because this country completed the necessary work or fulfilled the EU’s conditions. That is why EU officials emphasized on Thursday evening that B&H is now expected to deliver, i.e. to do the work and make the changes. This refers to the European Commission’s 14 key priorities, as well as eight conditions set before B&H on its EU path. If B&H completes all this, it will proceed to the second phase, and that is opening of the pre-accession negotiations. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has welcomed the granting of EU membership candidate status to B&H and the agreement by political parties in B&H on forming the state-level authorities. He said that Croatia has consistently supported B&H on the EU path and that he is glad that the European Council's decision coincided with the agreement by political parties in B&H. He said that this decision is a signal to the people of B&H that the EU's door is open and an encouragement to the country's institutions and political parties to carry out the necessary reforms.


Grlic Radman: With candidate status and new authorities, B&H has European perspective (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list carried an interview Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman who, according to the daily, was supposed to attend Christmas reception organized by HDZ B&H and HNS leader Dragan Covic (in Sarajevo on Thursday) but was prevented from attending because airplane could not land at the Sarajevo airport due to thick fog. Asked what the candidate status means for B&H, Grlic Radman said that, first of all, the candidate status is result of the EU's focus on the integration process of B&H and its European perspective. “It also shows the EU cares for B&H, and for all Western Balkans countries because all these countries belong in Europe”, said Grlic Radman, adding that all this is happening at a very geo-political moment of the Russian aggression of Ukraine, stressing that the aggression accelerated the integration process, including B&H despite not meeting all the criteria set before it. Croatian Minister went on to say that, in the meantime, successful elections in B&H took place, new perspective opened, mostly down to efforts of the Croatian Government and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, which was followed by the EC’s recommendation and the European Council’s confirmation of the decision. “B&H is expected to strongly implement reforms, not just the Election Law and limited changes to the Constitution, but all social institutions”, added the Minister. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that some were doubting Croatia’s honesty and that there were some political imputations, Grlic Radman replied by saying that Croatia is a true advocator of the European perspective of B&H and that certain prejudice were shattered patiently, by use of political and legal arguments, as well as hard work. He went on to say that Croatia, as a loyal member of the EU and NATO, with credible reputation, can objectively talk about the situation in B&H, and that Croatia is most interested in having stability, institutional functionality and progress in B&H. Besides that, added Grlic Radman, Croatia is also interested in appropriate position of the Croat people, which is in his opinion discriminated because it cannot exercise rights in line with the international law i.e. the Dayton agreement. Asked to comment on the remark that the candidate status coincides with signing of agreement on formation of new (state level) authority among new partners, Grlic Radman said, among other issues, that 'we' see the European perspective of B&H foremost as the process of agreement of partners of legitimate Croat and Bosniak representatives regarding implementation of most important reforms. Grlic Radman went on to say that Croatia wants to point out the anomaly of election of Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, who is not elected by Croat votes. ”I am glad there are people within pro-Bosniak and civic parties who believe he/she should be elected by the Croat voters, not by somebody else. It is a fair approach”, added the Croatian Minister.


Croatia’s border disputes with neighbours in light of Schengen Entry (TCN)


As the day of the Croatian entry into Schengen area approaches, we take another look at the border disputes Croatia has with its neighbours. The total length of the land borders of Croatia is 2,370 km, and all of those borders will experience a change on January 1st, when Croatia joins Schengen: the borders to Slovenia (659 km) and Hungary (355 km) have been the outside borders of the Schengen area until now, and will become much less important now as Croatia joins the Agreement and all border controls within the Area are abolished. The borders to Croatia's other neighbors, the longest one to Bosnia and Herzegovina (1011 km) as well as to Serbia (326 km) and Montenegro (20 km) are set to become the outside borders of the Schengen area. Among many problems which burden relations between republics of former Yugoslavia, one of the main issues are numerous border disputes which are a consequence of the fact that Yugoslavia, while having strictly defined borders with other countries, did not have precisely marked or defined borders among its constituent parts. That fact explains why Croatian relationship with Hungary is not burdened by yet another problem, unless you count the current Hungarian Prime Minister recently claiming most of the Croatian territory. While the disputed areas between the former republics are usually relatively small, they represent a major headache for governments of now independent states, since they are under pressure from the media and voters not to compromise and “give away” an inch of supposedly their territory.



Border disputes with Slovenia and Croatia are certainly the most well-known of all. Not only do they burden the bilateral relations, but they even delayed the entry of Croatia in the European Union. The most important part of the dispute concerns the border at sea. At issue is whether the border should follow the middle line between Croatian and Slovenian coast (which would mean that Slovenian sea would border just Italy and Croatia), or should be drawn in a way which would allow Slovenia to reach international waters. The dispute has been unsolved since early 1990s, with occasional incidents at sea between police and fishermen’s boats. There were repeated attempts by the two governments to come to an agreement, but they would inevitably be impeded by pressure from the media and public against any compromise. Slovenia knew that the best time for an agreement to be reached was during Croatia’s accession negotiations with the European Union. Since Slovenia had entered the EU earlier, it was able to blackmail Croatia and that is exactly what it did in 2008 when it blocked the negotiations. The move caused a complete breakdown in relations, with Croatia accusing Slovenia of hostile behaviour. After Ivo Sanader, Croatian Prime Minister at the time resigned in July 2009, new Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor prioritised the unblocking of negotiations. Later that year, Kosor reached an agreement with Slovenian government that negotiations would continue and that the border dispute would be decided by arbitration proceedings. In return, Slovenia unblocked the negotiations and Croatia became a member of the European Union in 2013. After that, there was an entire international scandal during the arbitration process, in which the media published evidence of collusion between a supposedly independent arbiter and Slovenian Foreign Ministry, which led to Croatia dropping out of the arbitration process completely. The arbitration concluded in 2017 with a win for Slovenia, and Croatia still not acknowledging that decision as binding. And that's more or less where we stand today still. Once the decision of Croatia's entry into Schengen was announced, both Croatia and Slovenia issued their reaction to their border dispute, and it seems the disputes are here to stay. Both Croatia and Slovenia issued one-sided statements upon the confirmation of the decision, both standing firmly at their previous stances. There are several disputed sections of the land border as well, with the one in Istria being very important since the endpoint of the land border will influence the sea border as well. River Dragonja in Istria used to be a border, but when an artificial channel was made about 500 metres in Croatian territory in order to control flooding decades ago, Slovenia decided that this was now Dragonja and that the border should be there. Another point of contention is Sveta Gera peak in Zumberak hills. Actually, even Slovenia more or less accepts that the peak itself and a military installation which is located there belong to Croatia, but that has not prevent its army from “occupying” the facility for the last 25 years. This was the first major border dispute between the two countries, but in recent years it has been somewhat overshadowed by the sea border issue. There are also several other sections of the land border that both countries claim for themselves.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Compared to Slovenia, the border disputes with B&H seem insignificant, but listening to some politicians in the past, you could get the impression that it was the most important thing in the world. The entire disputed area is around Neum, Peljesac Peninsula and, obviously, the Peljesac Bridge, whose exact location was one of the reasons so many unimportant problems kept being brought up. The first is the small Klek peninsula, rather, its very tip, which Croatia has claimed as theirs for a while, together with two small islands next to it, Veliki Skolj and Mali Skolj. Both islands are uninhabited and too small to serve any useful purpose, but Croatia insisted that it should have control over them. While Croatia has hundreds of similar islands in its part of the Adriatic Sea, B&H has a very short coast around Neum, and these two islands would virtually be the only ones it would have, so they have great symbolic importance for it as a supposedly “maritime” country. Another disputed area is a part of the border near Hrvatska and Bosanska Kostajnica, where at issue is a small castle currently controlled by Croatia, with both countries claiming it as theirs.


Border Klek 

In the late 1990s, then presidents of the two countries, Franjo Tudjman and Alija Izetbegovic, signed an agreement on the border demarcation, which provided for the disputed area at Neum to be given to B&H. However, the Croatian Parliament never ratified the agreement, claiming that a mistake was made by experts who were working on maps which are part of the agreement. Interestingly, then Croatian President Tudjman was never accused by “patriots” of being a traitor for signing such an agreement, as opposed to Prime Minister Racan, who in early 2000s tried to solve border problems with Slovenia by almost coming to an agreement with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek and who is still being blamed for all the border problems with Slovenia (any many other things). Luckily, these days, with the project of Peljesac Bridge finished in spite of the opposition by (some) Bosnian politicians, nobody is really talking about the tip of Klek or the small islands any more.



Montenegro is the smallest of all of Croatia’s neighbouring countries and its part of the border is the shortest one, so it is understandable that there is just one disputed area. It again concerns sea border, at the Prevlaka peninsula, which is with its Ostra Cape the southernmost tip of Croatia. In 2002, Croatia and Montenegro signed an agreement on temporary border regime. There have been no major incidents since, but it has still not been defined whether the temporary line will be turned into a permanent one. There were some disputes between the two countries when both of them announced tenders for oil and gas exploration in the area, with both countries claiming that the other one had no right to publish such tenders, but tensions soon calmed down.



Every list of Croatia’s problems has to include Serbia, and this one is no exception. If you think that the fact that the border between them is in a large part defined by the Danube, one of major European rivers, would make it easy to know where the border is, you would be wrong. The Danube has an unfortunate habit of changing its course, which leaves an open question of whether the border moves with it or not. Croatia claims that the border should follow an old course of the river, while Serbia wants the border to follow the middle of the current course. According to Croatian proposal, both countries would have significant parts of territory on the “wrong” side of the river. While a perhaps logical solution would be for the two countries to exchange these pieces of land, the problem is that Croatia has about 10,000 hectares of land on the Serbian side of the Danube, while Serbia has just 1,000 hectares on the Croatian side. Any compromise about borders is difficult, but when it comes to the border with Serbia, it is absolutely impossible that any Croatian politician would survive giving an inch of territory. Since the border area was occupied during the Homeland War and was only returned to Croatian jurisdiction after seven years, in 1998, the pressure from the public and the media would be impossible to resist. And, while “our people have bled for this land” argument is being used against compromise for all the disputed territories, in the Danube area that is literally true, making any compromise virtually unattainable. The border on the Danube does not involve just the territory on the other side of the river, but also the issue of small pieces of land in the middle. And that leads us to Croatia’s final border “dispute”.



While border disputes usually involve two or more countries claiming that the same piece of land or sea belongs to them, due to peculiarities of the border dispute on the Danube, there are several areas which Croatia claims belong to Serbia, and Serbia claims belong to Croatia. One such area is Gornja Siga, a 7-square kilometre large uninhabited area on the Croatian side of the river. In 2015, Czech libertarian politician and activist Vit Jedlicka proclaimed “the Free Republic of Liberland” there, saying that, since both countries claim that they do not want the territory, it was “terra nullius” and could be claimed for a new state. Reactions from Croatia and Serbia were different. Serbia announced that, although it considered the whole affair to be a trivial matter, the “new state” did not impinge upon the Serbian border, which it believes should be on the Danube river. Croatia, which currently administers the land in question, has stated that, after the resolution of the border dispute, the territory will be awarded to either Croatia or Serbia and therefore cannot be considered as “terra nullius”. People coming to the island, including “President” Jedlicka, have been occasionally arrested by Croatian police, which appears confused whether people should be arrested when coming from Croatian or from Serbian side of the river. Croatian courts first ruled that it was forbidden to cross from Serbia to Liberland, but then realized that they were actually confirming that the area was not part of Serbia, which was precisely what Serbia wanted. In later verdicts, courts ruled that it was forbidden to enter Liberland from Croatia. In recent years, it seems that everyone's interest in the stunt has subsided, probably around the time when the Liberland government announced that they would be issuing their own cryptocurrency. In light of the newest developments, with Croatia getting rid of any border controls with Hungary, it would be interesting to see what would happen if "President" Jedlicka or some of his supporters decided to take a river boat from anywhere within Schengen and come to the island following the Danube, thus not entering from Croatia nor from Serbia.


Escobar: Don’t try to form a new govt. based on amendments to the Law (MINA)


The special envoy of the United States of America (USA) for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, has called on the parliament not to try to form a new government according to the recently adopted amendments to the Law on the President. In an interview for the MINA agency, Escobar has said that he does not see how the US could work with a government that would be formed under those conditions. He has also said that, in the absence of a fully operational Constitutional Court, the adoption of a controversial measure to limit the president’s powers, while ignoring the clear advice of the Venice Commission, has further undermined Montenegrin democratic institutions. “Montenegro is now in unexplored territory, but I want to be clear and call on the parliament not to try to form a new government according to this law. My message to the Montenegrin leaders is: Don’t do that,” Escobar has stressed. He has added that any government formed in that way and without the operational Constitutional Court would be constitutionally questionable.


Djukanovic: I respect Constitution, I won’t participate in implementation of unconstitutional Law, parliament decides on prime minister-designate (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has announced today at a press conference that he has signed the Law on the President. He has added that he does not want to participate in its implementation. He is clear that he respects the Constitution of Montenegro. President Djukanovic has emphasized that he will not organize consultations on the prime minister-designate, but that he will be elected by parliament. “The Law on Amendments to the Law on the President is qualified as a political intention to amend the Constitution of Montenegro with a lower act. I share that opinion. That’s why I originally returned the Law, and turned to the Venice Commission for giving an opinion”, Djukanovic has stated. He says that he is aware that in the conditions of tension in Montenegro, there are different expectations of citizens on how to act according to this law. “I made the decision to sign the decree. Faced with the choice of whether to respond to the irresponsibility of the violation of the Constitution by the parliamentary majority myself by not complying with my precisely determined obligation, I decide to unquestioningly respect the Constitution this time as well. I do not want to join those who violate the Constitution and work against the state. There is and cannot be an alibi for anti-constitutional actions, for anyone, especially the President. The responsibility for the implementation of this unconstitutional law will be borne by those who adopted it. I have no intention of taking part in that”, Djukanovic is clear. When asked if he will organize consultations again in order to elect a prime minister-designate, Djukanovic clearly says that he does not want to participate in the implementation of the unconstitutional law. Answering the question of whether he will turn to international courts, Djukanovic has said that he will use all opportunities to protect the constitutional and legal order of Montenegro and to establish the criminal responsibility of all those who destroy the state. He has also announced that the DPS leader should be elected at the end of January, but he could not answer the question of whether there will be changes in the party.


Mandic: Signing of Law opens way for new govt. election (RTCG)


One of the leaders of DF and the New Serbian Democracy Andrija Mandic has told TVCG that the signing of the Law on the President opens the way for the election of a new government. He has said that they are ready for talks with the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, about proposing the prime minister-designate of the parliamentary majority and electing judges of the Constitutional Court. Mandic has said that it is very important to resolve the issue of the election of judges of the Constitutional Court as soon as possible. “I congratulate the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, for taking a responsible step and signing the Law on Amendments to the Law on the President. That is very important, even though the Law gave the possibility to do it in a different way”, Mandic has pointed out. Mandic has also said that they expect consultations, and if the problem is in starting the consultations themselves, they are ready to request talks with Djukanovic, so that he would give the mandate to Miodrag Lekic.


Appellate Court annuls first-instance verdict, orders retrial of mass wiretapping case 



The Skopje Appellate Court upheld the appeals of seven people found guilty in the case commonly referred to “Target-Fortress”, also annulling the first-instance verdict and returning the case to the Skopje Criminal Court for a repeated procedure. Also, it found the appeal of the Public Prosecution for Organized Crime and Corruption “groundless”. In a press release on Friday, the Appellate Court says it has found that the first-instance court “had violated the provisions of the Law on Criminal Procedure, which are of absolute character and the Court abides by them ex officio thus bringing into question the actual situation and the right application of the Criminal Code.” In February 2021, the Skopje Criminal Court sentenced 11 people to a total of 65 years in prison, including 10 years in suspended sentences in the Target-Fortress trial, in which they were tried for their involvement in mass wiretapping and destruction of the equipment of the secret police. The Court sentenced the former head of the secret police, Sasho Mijalkov, to 12 years in prison on three counts, including abuse of office. The Court sentenced Goran Grujevski, former official of the intelligence service, and intelligence officer Nikola Boshkoski, to 15 years each. They were tried in absentia after fleeing to Greece. Also, former interior minister Gordana Jankuloska was sentenced to four years in prison for abuse of office. Eleven people were on trial, which began in December 2017. Reacting to the news, Deputy Prime Minister for Good Governance Policies Slavica Grkovska expressed concern and called on the Appellate Court to explain the reasons behind this decision. “With a huge dose of concern, I learned of the news that the Appellate Court has revoked the first instance verdict in the Target-Fortress case in which people were tried for abuse of office after wiretapping thousands of citizens. Even more concerning is the information that the case could become statute-barred, which constitutes violation of the fundamental human rights,” Grkovska wrote on Facebook. Commenting on the decision of the Appellate Court, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski called it “utterly humiliating”, further eroding the public trust in the system. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Sunday the judicial system should explain the decisions it makes in a transparent way and work harder on increasing people’s trust. “The judicial system, which is an independent branch of power, should explain the decisions it makes in a transparent way and work harder on increasing people’s trust, and to ensure fair treatment of citizens before the Constitution,” said Kovachevski. The PM said that as many others, he was disappointed by the ruling, which reaffirms the citizens’ low trust in the judiciary. “Let me also stress that the government and I as PM have neither interfered nor will interfere in the judiciary, since the sector is not the place for political contest,” added Kovachevski. He noted that North Macedonia is in continued communication with its partners the EU and U.S. “Chapter 23 related to the rule of law is part of the bilateral screening in Brussels and a lot of questions will be addressed to the judicial authorities,” said Kovachevski. “The decision is a defeat for the legal system and a proof of the citizens’ low trust in the judiciary,” President Stevo Pendarovski wrote in a Facebook post. These decisions, he adds, only undermine the people’s faith that real reforms in the rule of law and fight against corruption are possible. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani referred Saturday to the annulment of the judgments against former secret police Chief Saso Mijalkov, saying he would not like to speculate on the court’s decision but adding there should be an explanation and urging for more transparency. “If there are no serious arguments by the Appellate Court in explaining the decision before the European Commission, believe me, you will be named and shamed. Nevertheless, they might have arguments and therefore would not want to speculate on those, as stated, violations of the first-instance procedure, because human rights should be respected. This is an important part of our Europeanization,” said FM Osmani. The FM said EC’s focus in the coming year would be stricter because “we were vulnerable in 2022”. “Institutions should be prepared. The honeymoon is over, a serious assessment is to follow and everyone will have to be accountable for their own institution,” added Osmani. Hundreds of thousands of citizens fought for years to bring down the greedy thieves from the regime and we did it. Now, someone is ridiculing that fight and is attempting to cancel the hard-fought justice, says former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev over the annulled judgments against former secret police chief Sasho Mijalkov by the Appellate Court. “The annulled judgments directly point to the return, and thus repeat of the hideous actions by the regime’s top officials, and of course motivate other stakeholders to do the same, trampling human rights and all values that the entire Macedonian people fought for only a few years ago through the Colorful Revolution,” Zaev wrote in a Facebook post. What’s next, he adds, Mijalkov becoming director of the National Security Agency and (former PM Nikola) Gruevski coming back on a white horse? According to him, even if we joined the EU tomorrow, it would not wash off this shame. Zaev urges all competent authorities in and around the prosecutor’s office who have at least an ounce of responsibility for the future of the country and its people to prevent Mijalkov’s cases from exceeding the statute of limitations and do everything for culprits to be held accountable, “because evidence for their crimes are as clear as day”.


Swiss host secret talks between Serbia and Kosovo (ADN)


Switzerland has been hosting discreet meetings between officials of Kosovo and Serbia in an effort to defuse tensions in the Balkan region. A stand-off has developed in northern Kosovo with its Serbian neighbours as an incident over car number plates has escalated. Members of the local Kosovar police force resigned in masse and truck drivers have blockaded roads in the region that has a majority Serb population. The NZZ am Sonntag newspaper reports that the Swiss foreign ministry has arranged a number of secret talks between the two countries. The content of these discreet meetings has not been made public. But Switzerland is employing its traditional good offices role in an effort to find agreement in the dispute. Since 1999, Switzerland has been involved in NATO's international peacekeeping mission Kosovo Force (KFOR) in Kosovo. There are currently 195 Swiss soldiers in the region. But the foreign ministry believes diplomacy is the right tool to alleviate the current situation that has seen gunfire exchanged during isolated flashpoints. Swiss parliamentarian Franz Gruter, who is due to visit the region on a fact-finding mission, told the newspaper that the stand-off resembles that of Russia and Ukraine, the Swissinfo reported. “It cannot be ruled out that the same thing will happen in the Balkans and that Serbia will invade Kosovo with the support of Russia,” he said. But former Swiss ambassador to Kosovo (2016-2020), Jean-Hubert Lebet, is not so alarmed. “As ambassador, I experienced such Serbian provocations several times,” he said. “It was a bluff every time and I don't see why it should be any different this time.” The risk of a large-scale action would be too great for Serbia, said Lebet. “NATO would strike back immediately and Serbia would lose any prospect of EU integration.”



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