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Belgrade Media Report 20 December



Venice Commission gave a positive opinion on all judicial laws (RTV/RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out today that our country has achieved significant results in the field of the rule of law and, with the aim of further progress in this area, we will continue our work in this area, with the support of our European partners. At the presentation of the "EU for the rule of law" project, Brnabic recalled that the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe gave a positive opinion on all five drafts of judicial laws that are in line with the changes to the Constitution, and for which the public discussion began on 16 December. She added that the goal is for these legal solutions to be adopted by the Serbian parliament in February, and that after that Serbia expects their full implementation, stressing that the rule of law is one of the basic conditions on the road to European integration of our country. She expressed her belief that the government will ensure the full independence of the judiciary and the independence of the prosecutor's office in this mandate, announcing the adoption of a new strategy for the prevention of corruption, for the preparation of which a working group has been formed. This working body will start its work in January 2023, Brnabic pointed out and expressed the hope that Serbia will have a new strategy by June. Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said that Serbian accession to the EU depends on the normalisation of relations with Pristina, but also on the rule of law, which is one of the main conditions of integration. He pointed out that the EU recognised Serbia's efforts to implement reforms in the area of the rule of law, through strengthening the independence of the judiciary and the Office of the Public Prosecutor, stressing that Serbia was praised in this field in the latest EU report. Giaufret welcomed the announced adoption of the anti-corruption strategy and assessed that the continuation of the fight against organised crime is very important. The EU allocated €20.8 million to support reforms in the area of the rule of law. The assistance is intended to fulfill the objectives within Chapters 23 and 24, as part of Serbia's negotiations on EU membership. The support package consists of four components, and EU member states and international organisations participate in their implementation. The topics covered by the programme include the fight against corruption and organised crime, the improvement of fundamental rights and the strengthening of technical capacities for Chapters 23 and 24, but also the improvement of the independence of the judiciary.


Vucic asks Munsch that NATO protect Kosovo Serbs (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Admiral Stuart Munsch, the commander of the NATO Allied Joint Forces Command, in Belgrade on Tuesday and asked him that NATO protect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "A good conversation with Admiral Munsch. I asked him that NATO protect our people in Kosovo-Metohija and thanked him for understanding Serbia's policy of neutrality," Vucic wrote on his Instagram profile. In an interview for Tanjug, Munsch has said KFOR was watching the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija closely and that it was ready to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement to all communities across Kosovo and Metohija in keeping with the mandate based on UN SC Resolution 1244. He called on all parties to act constructively to ensure security and freedom of movement in Kosovo and Metohija.


Fajon: Respect of Brussels agreement crucial (Tanjug/RTS)


After meeting with Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon said on Tuesday in Belgrade normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations was the most important for ensuring the best possible life to citizens and noted that respect of the Brussels Agreement was crucial for future cooperation. At a joint press conference, Dacic said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had informed Fajon of the problems in Kosovo and Metohija, and noted that the Brussels agreement had been signed nine years ago and that it was clear that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was unwilling to implement it. "It appears as though Pristina has not even been a part of the negotiations process, which is creating an entire chain of problems," Dacic said, adding that Serbia was committed to peace and literal implementation of all commitments ranging from UN SC Resolution 1244 to the Brussels agreement. Fajon noted that Slovenia wanted Serbia to join the EU as soon as possible and commended Serbia for taking positive steps regarding alignment of its visa policy with that of the EU. She said she also wanted to see Serbia make progress on alignment of its foreign policy with the EU, but noted that it was a sovereign state and would decide on the matter on its own. Dacic and Fajon announced their governments would set a date for holding a joint session and said the level of economic cooperation was high. "We are grateful to Slovenia for its support to Serbia regarding European integration, and it has also offered assistance in the form of expert staff when it comes to reforms in some areas," Dacic said. Fajon said she wanted to use her visit to Serbia to boost bilateral relations and noted that the two countries had excellent political and economic cooperation. "There are around 1,500 Slovenian companies operating in Serbia, providing 25,000 jobs. We want to strengthen that and to have more Slovenian companies in Serbia and more Serbian companies in Slovenia," Fajon said, adding that the volume of bilateral trade had risen to 2 billion Euros. Dacic and Fajon also discussed the issue of succession, and Fajon said there were certain differences in views and opinions on the matter but that there was also willingness to overcome those differences and continue the good relations. Dacic noted that, under the Slovenian constitution, Serbs living in Slovenia are no minority, but an ethnic community, unlike Hungarians and Italians. "There was no discussion about that because that implies an amendment to the constitution, but we want to use that segment as a good reason for developing our bilateral relations," he said.


Greece remains committed to territorial integrity of Serbia (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday that during the talks with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, it was confirmed that this country remains committed to providing support for the territorial integrity of Serbia. Dacic said at a joint press conference that he informed the Greek Foreign Minister about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as about the fact that the Albanian side does not respect the Brussels agreement. Serbia's interest is to preserve peace in the region and to prevent all possible incidents, to be a factor of peace and stability in the region, he said, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to Greece for supporting Serbia on the path of European integration. Dendias pointed out that in the conversation with Dacic, he reiterated Greece's position on Kosovo, namely that the country continues to support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in order to reach a legally binding solution. The agreements that were signed in the past are important and we must insist that they be respected, he underlined and added that he will repeat this position in Pristina as well. Greece is committed to the further strengthening of strategic ties with Serbia in all areas, said the Minister and underlined that his country is committed to the European integration of Serbia and the Western Balkans. We want to see Serbia continuing its reforms in fundamental areas in accordance with the European agenda, and we will help as much as we can. We believe that Serbia is an integral part of Europe, and the European Union is the place where Serbia belongs, said Dendias.


Czech Republic will not put so-called Kosovo's EU membership request on agenda (Tanjug)


Answering questions of reporters, Dacic pointed out that, according to the information currently available, the Czech Republic will not put the request of the so-called Kosovo for EU membership into procedure, but will only inform the members about its receipt. The Czech Republic received the application, and according to the announcements, at the session that should be held this week, they will only inform that they have received the application and will not put it further into procedure, Dacic said. He added that the issue will be dealt with by the next chair country, which is Sweden, which will take over that role from the New Year, but, ultimately, the decision on this must be made by consensus, which at the moment does not exist, because the five EU countries, including Greece, have not recognised "Kosovo". He added that Serbia still has a tough fight ahead in the Council of Europe (CoE). "Everything has been moved to next year. Ireland did not want to finish that work during its mandate. Now it's Iceland's turn. We have talks ahead of us. Given that Iceland is holding a summit of Council of Europe member-states, it's not in their interest to stir up various problems. It's in their interest for that to pass in some sort of concord. That's why we expect that this topic will not be on the agenda soon," said Dacic. He stressed that Pristina is violating both Brussels and Washington agreements and that Serbia will continue to work so that those countries that do not recognize so-called Kosovo to continue that way, and also with those that have recognized it to change that position, i.e., withdraw recognition. He said that he heard from the Greek Foreign Minister that their position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija will remain principled, which would mean that Greece supports Serbia’s territorial integrity and the sovereignty. Asked by Tanjug about the announcement made by the President of Serbia that the public will soon be informed about which countries have withdrawn their recognition of so-called of Kosovo, Dacic said that this will happen at some point. "What is certain is that there are 27 countries that have withdrawn recognition of Kosovo, 18 of them are known, regarding the other nine, we will see when the decision will be made to announce which countries these are," said Dacic.


Petkovic: His only goal is an ethnically clean Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


The barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija mean freedom for Serbs and represent their peaceful resistance to the lawlessness of Albin Kurti and his Greater Albania extremists, whose only goal is an ethnically clean Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, said on Monday. "It would be good for Kurti to be in coordination with himself and to immediately release Dejan Pantic, to withdraw special police forces armed with rifles from the north of Kosovo and Metohija who have no right to be present there, as well as to abandon the lists for persecution and arrest of Serbs. And certainly to fulfill the obligation of Pristina and form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)," he said. He added that KFOR's task is not, like Kurti thinks, to coordinate actions against Serbs with him or to remove the barricades, but to guarantee the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in accordance with the mandate entrusted to them. "Let Kurti not even think of removing the barricades by force, because they were originally set up in response to violence, and any new violent move on Kurti's part would threaten to cause an escalation that would spin out of control. It's time for Kurti's spiral of violence to be stopped and for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the most threatened national group on the soil of modern Europe, to live in normal conditions and without constant fear of violence and terror," said Petkovic.


Djuric: Secret indictments against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are an unacceptable form of political pressure (Politika)


Secret indictments against Serbs represent an unacceptable method of political pressure against the already disenfranchised Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija, said the Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric. "There can be no justification for their secrecy, considering that the agreements, mediated by the EU, provide for mechanisms of mutual legal assistance between the central government in Belgrade and the provisional institutions with the mediation of EULEX", Djuric explained for Politika. He stressed that transparency in actions of all institutions is a necessary precondition for establishing trust in them. "But what kind of trust can we talk about at the level of an individual, if the collective political rights of an entire people guaranteed even in the constitution of 'Kosovo' are being trampled on," said Djuric.


Eleventh day at the barricades (B92)


North of Kosovo and Metohija is still blocked, and the Serbs have been at the barricades for 11 days in the municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic. They say that the roadblocks will be removed when Miljan Adzic, Dejan Pantic and Sladjan Trajkovic are released, but also when the special forces of the Kosovo police withdraw from the north of Kosovo. It is calm at the barricades, but there is caution in order to avoid provocations from the Albanian side, the media reports.


Germany's message to Serbia (N1/Kosovo Online)


German Ambassador pointed out that the aggravation of the situation in the north of Kosovo shows how urgent it is to sit down at the negotiating table. "We managed to find a compromise on individual issues in the previous months. It is important that Kosovo and Serbia use the opportunity to find the ultimate compromise with the mediation of the EU and not to go from crisis to crisis, to constantly set new deadlines and thus create new tensions ", said Anke Konrad for N1, as reported by Kosovo Online. Konrad stated that Berlin considers both sides guilty. "Both sides must show the will to find a result that will reduce tensions, that is the most important thing at this moment. This means that neither side does anything that will provoke counter-reactions from the other side. We must return to the negotiating table," Konrad added. Asked if the arrests carried out by the Kosovo government are justified and if it is okay for the families of those arrested to not know where they are for a few days, Konrad states that she thinks it is very important to bring transparency to that issue. "It is a mistake to keep coming back to something, to talk about what happened before and to enter into a chain of mutual provocations. This must stop, it is important to stop it and solve the things that need to be solved and then have a basis for a normal conversation. I won't say who is the main culprit and who started first, it is important that we stop doing that," Konrad added. She emphasized that it is important to stop actions that the other side will always perceive as a provocation, and to introduce peace and conditions for a return to the negotiating table and negotiations on the other side. According to her, Resolution 1244 does not provide a basis for the return of security units from Serbia to the north of Kosovo. "There is that resolution and based on it, KFOR will formulate answers, what we said is that from our perspective, Resolution 1244 does not provide a basis for the return of units from Serbia to the north of Kosovo, but KFOR's response will follow," Konrad said. Speaking about the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo, she said that she first wanted to point out that the negotiations are being conducted under the leadership of the EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak, and that the German-French proposal is a European proposal and that was underlined by High Representative Josep Borrell. According to her, it is about a proposal that would show the perspective for both parties in which direction the agreement could go, and this does not mean that the Brussels agreement has been abolished, but rather that, in addition to the Brussels agreement, a possible path for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo should be shown. When asked whether this is the final agreement or whether the final agreement will be reached only after it, Konrad points out that Serbia and Kosovo can best answer this question. Asked if the proposal states that Serbia must not hinder Kosovo's entry into the UN, she pointed out that it is a proposal that was offered to both sides and on the basis of which she hopes that an agreement can be reached. On the occasion of emphasizing that it is important for the agreement to be adopted at the beginning of next year and to the question "is there a ticking clock", the Ambassador states that it is important to reach an agreement as soon as possible, and if not, that we have a solid path to it, a road map to reaching an agreement. "It is important for both sides that we resolve this conflict," Konrad added. She pointed out that since the beginning of the year, Germany has had a special envoy for the Western Balkans who is responsible for the countries of the Western Balkans and who was involved in resolving the issue between Kosovo and Serbia, and that he was in Belgrade with the German-French proposal. "We have done a lot to start negotiations, we are also working on a bilateral plan to bring Serbia closer to the EU," stressed Konrad. Asked what has changed between Serbia and Germany since the arrival of the new chancellor, she pointed out that she does not believe that anything has changed. "I believe that if you are partners, if you are friends, it does not mean that it is illegal to criticize the other, it does not mean that you always have to be of the same opinion. I think that a good partnership is characterized by the fact that regardless of different views and approaches, you can still find a common language. I'm trying to work here and in contact with the government of Serbia, I had the opportunity to talk with 12 new ministers and I'm looking forward to the cooperation," Konrad said, among other things.


Moscow's message to Pristina: Your fate will be very different (


Instead of a European perspective, the fate of the so-called Kosovo will be completely different, despite the fact that the EU membership process has been initiated, Marija Zakharova points out. The spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, commenting on the tense situation in Kosovo and Metohija, recalled that the riots in Kosovo and Metohija began immediately after the EU held a summit in Tirana and after the process for the entry of the so-called Kosovo in the EU. According to her, the current situation threatens to escalate into an armed conflict and is similar to the bombing of South Ossetia after the NATO summit in Bucharest, when Georgia was promised entry into the Alliance. "Few paid attention to the fact that the recent aggravation of the situation in self-proclaimed Kosovo occurred immediately after the European Union held a summit in Tirana with the participation of the Western Balkan countries," Zakharova wrote on Telegram. "Here's how it was: on 6 December, the EU holds a summit in Albania, adopts the Tirana Declaration in which it supports the desire of the 'Western Balkans' to join the European Union. And in a separate paragraph of the Tirana Declaration, it is stated that self-proclaimed Kosovo, as well as Serbia, are "on the European road,'" Zakharova wrote. According to her, it's no wonder that less than a week after the summit, Kosovo separatists started armed escalation and violent provocations on the territory of the southern Serbian province - they arrested Serb Dejan Pantic and started spreading aggressive rhetoric. Zakharova reminded that the vast majority of Kosovo residents are ethnic Albanians who closely follow the politics and European perspective of neighboring Albania. She also reminded that Kosovo's "prime minister" Albin Kurti, in the midst of riots and worsening of the situation on the streets and roads, submitted an application for membership in the EU, the political process was initiated. The Russian official referred to the situation in 2008, when the former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, inspired by the decisions of the NATO summit in Bucharest that Georgia would join the Alliance, "went crazy" and started shelling South Ossetia, Russian citizens and peacekeepers. "The mechanism of inspired impunity has been proven. The risk of escalation and armed conflict in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija is growing. The following conclusion is that, instead of a European perspective, the fate of the so-called Kosovo will be completely different," Zakharova concluded. "And what is most important, the European Union is leading Belgrade to a 'beautiful future' with one hand, and with the other it is dealing with anti-Serb provocations. This is betrayal from the very beginning. Like a marriage that begins with fraud," added Zakharova, quoted by Russia Today Balkan.




Niksic: SDP B&H and parties of 'The Eight' will certainly not betray any interest of state of B&H or citizens of B&H (O Kanal)


O Kanal carried part of an exclusive interview with SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Nermin Niksic. Asked whether he believes that the coalition between 'The Eight', HDZ B&H and SNSD can bring better results compared to the SDA-HDZ B&H-SNSD coalition that previously held power at the B&H level, Niksic said that he has to believe that it can. "If I did not believe, I would not embark on this adventure, if it can be called that. We actually decided that we have no right to kill perhaps the last chance to try to make B&H a normal state. Until now, we had authorities that were formed, as you heard at that press conference, by a pure distribution of ministries without any programs or agreements. When you get to the point where nothing works and everything stands still and the whole campaign boils down to populism and blocking each other, arguing and creating additional blockages and holes between ourselves, at the same time citizens of B&H, Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks are leaving this country in masse. Then a chance appears where people are ready to talk and come to an agreement, sign an agreement, to concretize what we talked about. I think you have no right to refuse that chance. We have to do everything in our power. If we manage to improve the situation by ten percent based on these agreements and what we do, I will be happy, let alone if it is much more than is perhaps realistic to expect at this moment. I believe that if we start working on these principles of mutual trust, cooperation and agreement without hoax, fraud and blockades, then we have a chance... So we decided to do everything in our power, whether it will work - we will see. A lot depends on us and our partners. If it does not work out, and if after a while we see that it turns into some blockades and unrealistic demands, of course none of us was born as a minister or prime minister and of course we will not stay in such authorities," Niksic pointed out. Speaking about the coalition agreement which 'The Eight' signed with HDZ B&H and SNSD, Niksic said that there are a lot of things that 'The Eight', SNSD and HDZ B&H do not agree on. "We do not look at the solutions on the Election Law the same way, we do not look at B&H's NATO path the same way, but also if we are going to wait to see when we will start looking the same way (at these things) - never, and then again we do not have any agreement, no discussion. It is positive here that we all decided not to insist on the differences, on what we do not have the same opinion about, but to try to reach agreements on the things that we can. And we are of course ready to discuss the things we do not have the same opinion about, to seek solutions, to try to bring our attitudes closer together to seek some compromises if it is possible to reach a compromise," Niksic said, adding that SDP B&H and parties of 'The Eight' will certainly not betray any interest of the state of B&H or the citizens of B&H. Asked why there is no mention of B&H's NATO path in the agreement on the formation of the authorities at the B&H level which was signed between 'The Eight', SNSD and HDZ B&H, Niksic said that this agreement states that integration processes continue. "Of course, the HDZ B&H-SDP B&H agreement states membership in the NATO alliance," Niksic said, stressing that SNSD does not want membership in NATO at the moment. He reminded that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that B&H will continue to cooperate with NATO, "until the time comes when we have to make a decision." "When the time comes, if that time is in this mandate, then we will see all the arguments for and against and we will see who is for and who is against," Niksic said. Asked what is the red line of 'The Eight' when it comes to the issue of the B&H Election Law, Niksic said that it is clear that SDP B&H and the parties of 'The Eight' cannot accept the principles advocated by HDZ B&H when it comes to the issue of the B&H Election Law. "As far as we in SDP B&H are concerned, we were very precise and clear. We would be happiest if this country had one president, one government, one parliament and a local authority level. This is probably acceptable to a large number of B&H citizens, but it is not realistic on the political scene in B&H, and it is mission impossible, and then we are looking for a compromise where we will reconcile the civic and the ethnic. In our opinion, this would be to elect the members of the Presidency in the B&H Parliament. This is even acceptable for HDZ B&H and (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Mr. Covic. Of course, it is not acceptable to political parties from the RS... We will discuss everything, and we will see what is acceptable and whether we can reach a certain compromise which will be acceptable to everyone. Of course, if we say that we want to join the EU, that we want EU integration, then we have the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which we must adhere to," Niksic concluded. Having in mind that SDA has the majority in the Bosniak Caucus in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) parliament because of which it is very likely that the FB&H Vice President will be a member of SDA, Niksic was asked whether he thinks that person will support the appointment of the Prime Minister designate. Niksic replied by saying: “I do not think so, because of which I believe a person nominated by SDA should not be elected”. Niksic argued that it is clear that groups of political parties close to ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H have a stable majority both in the FB&H House of Representatives and in the FB&H House of Peoples. Asked whether DF might decide to assist and side with political parties which have the majority, Niksic said “I would be glad if they did that”. As for the speculations that SDP B&H might join SDA and DF at the level of the FB&H and claims that SDP B&H was offered the position of the Prime Minister and four ministerial positions, Niksic said that there were no official meetings of SDP B&H with SDA and DF at which anything like that would be presented or offered and he said that those claims are nothing more but “unserious speculations”.


Komsic wants to ask questions regarding NATO integration before voting on appointment of Chairperson of B&H Council of Ministers (Nova BH)


The Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that the Chairperson and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic did not send an invitation to a session, during which they are supposed to discuss the appointment of HDZ B&H’s Borjana Kristo as the Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Komsic said that he has a few crucial questions before they vote on the appointment of the B&H CoM Chairperson, primarily about what is going on regarding B&H’s NATO integration. Komsic was quoted as saying: “Given that the agreement of the coalition partners does not mention B&H's NATO path anywhere, I want to know what the attitude of the new CoM will be to this issue”. Komsic stated: “Therefore, I do not prejudge anything. I just want to ask. I want to know what will happen with some things, and I would like to see, in view of the agreement that was announced, whether this is it, whether this is the direction in which a new Council of Ministers will go, whatever it is, and what will be done on some things that I think are crucial for B&H. It is primarily NATO integration. I believe that this is something that is necessary for B&H, that it is something that ensures stability and security, and reforms, in the long term. I think it would be very wrong to give up on it or simply stop on that path.”


Finci says he believes HR Schmidt will start working at full speed and will prevent announced blockades in formation of authorities (Dnevni avaz)


In a statement to the daily, President of the Jewish Community of B&H Jakob Finci said that he hopes “this will be the last birthday of non-implemented ruling", knowing that it will be 13 years on 22 December since the European Court of Human Rights ruled in the Sejdic-Finci case. “As far as I could understand the High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt, his work on changes to the Election Law of B&H will include all five rulings. I think he will create preconditions for us in this non-election year and we will have enough time to get ready and carry out 2026 elections in line with demands of the Court in Strasbourg”, Finci said. Knowing that everyone supports implementation of the rulings but cannot agree on the manner in which the rulings should be implemented, Finci suggested that the Venice Commission should be asked for an assistance. “The Venice Commission has specialized for these matters. Those people wrote the Constitution of Albania when Albania was about to become the candidate country and now Albania has one of the most modern European constitutions which contains everything. Therefore, there is no shame in this, if one does not know something then one should ask someone who knows it and, in this case, this is a neutral body which is not under the influence of Moscow, Washington or anyone else”, Finci argued. Finci, who is frequently in contact with Schmidt, believes Schmidt has good intentions: “His first year in B&H has passed, I believe he got accustomed by now and I believe he will start working at full speed now and we all know Germans are very diligent and hardworking in what they do”. Finally, Finci assessed that Schmidt, with his decisions, will prevent the announced blockades in the formation of authorities.


Bradara: Election Law is test of our relations with ‘The Eight’ (Dnevni list)


Senior HDZ B&H official Lidija Bradara commented whether the issue of the Election Law of B&H will be resolved easier with ‘The Eight’ than it was the case with SDA. According to Bradara, the issue is part of the agreement HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ signed, saying “I am certain it is a test of our relations and mutual trust”, adding that she believes in Borjana Kristo, who should be at the helm of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and in new convocation of the CoM, whatever it may be. “I believe that some issues must be resolve quicker because of the status of EU candidate”, added Bradara. Speaking about the issue of legitimate representation, Bradara said B&H is a complex state in many ways and that legitimate representation means you have representatives who are elected by representatives of that people. “I am certain that the Bosniak Caucus was entirely elected by the Bosniaks. Also, you cannot form the authority without the Serb caucus, only in the Croat Caucus you have one part (of delegates) who have not been elected in legitimate manner”, said Bradara. She added by saying that the process of election of delegates for the (Federation of B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) was completed in cantons on 1 and 2 December, however the Central Election Commission of B&H is yet to announce results for the HoP.


Djokic says he hopes projects in RS will be realized after new B&H Council of Ministers is formed (Nova BH)


The presenter reminded that the RS President Milorad Dodik spoke earlier that he will ask their partners from the FB&H not to block strategic and infrastructure projects in the RS, including the gas interconnection and construction of the hydroelectric power plant ‘Buk Bijela’. The RS Minister of Energy Petar Djokic said that he hopes these projects will be realized after the new B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is formed. Djokic said that hydroelectric power plant ‘Buk Bijela’ is being constructed and anyone can go see it for themselves. He said they never stopped the construction because they believed that the obstruction, that was initiated by the Bosniak side from certain political circles, makes no sense and the obstruction is unsustainable, and that they will be able to defend this project. Djokic said that he feels “a new political wind that is favourable”.


Covic writes to Plenkovic, expresses gratitude for contributing to B&H getting status of EU candidate (Dnevni list)


The President of HDZ B&H and Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic sent Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic a letter, in which he expressed appreciation for Plenkovic’s immeasurable contribution to awarding status of EU candidate to B&H. “Candidate status is a great encouragement, huge step forward and timely impetus to fulfil obligations that we failed to fulfil in the previous period due to insufficient trust, understanding and cooperation of representatives of three constituent peoples in structures and institutions of B&H. Allow me to in this way, express immeasurable gratitude on behalf of my homeland B&H, and me personally and to clearly indicate that the Croatian Government, under your leadership, is the most deserving for this historic step forward toward full-pledged membership,” Covic wrote. He stressed that Plenkovic and Croatian Government “as the most loyal and the sincerest advocator of European perspective of B&H, relentlessly advocated in heart of EU institutions, advocating on behalf of European future of all its peoples and other citizens in extremely transparent, fair and open manner.”


Knezevic: The government will be formed in January regardless of possible obstructions (Pobjeda)


Official negotiations on the formation of the 44th government have not yet begun, but representatives of the parliamentary majority are in daily communication and expect that Montenegro will have a new executive power by the end of January. The Democratic Front (DF) says that the government will be formed regardless of possible obstructions. "We are ready to go to consultations with the President of the country Milo Djukanovic and to inform him that Miodrag Lekic is our candidate for the mandate, that is, the prime minister. But if he does not want that and ignores what is written in the Law... The Law is clear and leaves enough space and mechanisms for the election of a new Prime Minister and the 44th government. My expectations are that everything can be finished by mid-January," said one of the DF leaders Milan Knezevic for TVCG. The Socialist People's Party (SNP) also expects the formation of a new government soon. "I expect that, first of all, Mr. Djukanovic respects the Constitution, even though he did not respect it the first time, and that he again invites the representatives of the parliamentary parties for consultations, in order to assign a mandate for the 44th government of Montenegro, which should be formed soon," said SNP MP Dragan Vukic.


Leader of Montenegro’s DF: We’ll form new government (Vijesti)


The Democratic Front leader Andrija Mandi, said that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic’s insistence on suspending any form of communication with the country’s parliamentary majority will not prevent the election of a new cabinet. Mandic said in an interview to Vijesti on 19 December that a former diplomat, now an MP, Miodrag Lekic, was Montenegro’s next prime minister, adding that he didn’t expect the international community to sever ties with his cabinet. “The PM-designate, Miodrag Lekic, is the choice we have made together based on an agreement supported by the parliamentary majority. As for international partners, I don’t think anyone would sever ties with us. More about that international position will come from the new government, after the inauguration,” Mandic explained. In a comment on the words of Member of the European Parliament Vladimir Bilcik, who said that there would be no progress on the path to the European Union for the “forces close to Moscow,” Mandic said that it was part of a campaign, ran for quite a while now by “a few international clerks,” who had worked with Djukanovic for years.


Radulovic: International isolation of Montenegro and suspension of projects might happen (Pobjeda)


Visit of the UK Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach, and the German Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin was a kind of a warning to the ruling structure, suggesting that the situation in Montenegro has come to a point that can’t be tolerated by the majority of European and Euro-Atlantic partners, the President of the European Movement to Montenegro Momcilo Radulovic has assessed for Pobjeda. In a joint statement announced two days ago, Peach and Sarrazin recommended that decision makers should reconsider the message there would send to their Euro-Atlantic partners if they choose prime minister and form a government based on the law which the Venice Commission had advised to not be applied.


Clear messages 

According to Radulovic, the messages they sent to the outgoing Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, were quite clear and strong, adding that he hopes the “outgoing prime minister was capable of understanding them”. “It wouldn’t be good for Montenegro and its citizens that he didn’t, and would be fatal for his and his party’s political future, but also the future of some of his current coalition partners. However, it wouldn’t be surprising that the outgoing prime minister again misinterprets the facts and tries to manipulate the Montenegrin public, as he did so many times before.” He continued: “We must restart the selection process for judges, ensuring a mandatory political consensus with the opposition, after which elections should be organized in order to form a legitimate and legal government.” Those same messages, he recalls, were sent by the US Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, who noted that Montenegrin political stage needed such order of events. Radulovic also adds that it might be that Montenegro’s partners from the EU, USA and NATO are not fully aware of the fact that the current 41-MP parliament majority doesn’t strive for the stability of the country and normal functioning of the institutional framework.


Djukanovic: Snap parliamentary elections the only way to get a responsible government (CdM)


The proposed budget for the next year is consumer-focused, planned based on unrealistic assumptions and is unsustainable because of the already planned high deficit, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic assesses, adding that a political populism in Montenegro continues. In an interview for the MINA news agency, the President says that it’s a very dangerous practice which threatens the stability of public finances and economic sustainability. Therefore, it requires an urgent change in the policy of executive power – the formation of a responsible government which would consolidate public finances and implement structural reforms. The President adds that the government plans a €2.85 billion budget, which is by nearly €165 million higher compared to this year’s budget. Having in mind the amount and structure of budget expenditures in this year, this fact is worrying. He also recalls that the capital budget should amount to €202 million, accounting for about 7%. “If 93% of the budget refers to spending, while 7% goes to investments, then it’s clear that we don’t talk about the developing, but rather a consumer-focused budget. It’s completely clear.” Mr Djukanovic notes that the budget planning is largely linked to the reality of projections in both political and macro-economic framework. If we really want to have reforms, particularly deep ones which Montenegro needs right now, then we need a political stability, which we’re missing. As for the 2023 budget proposal, he thinks that it’s based on the unrealistic assumption of Montenegro’s position abroad. “It’s more likely to expect that the EU would completely distance itself from the government than support it and provide options for borrowing.”


Snap parliamentary elections the only way to get a responsible government  

Djukanovic says that snap elections are the only way to get a responsible government so that Montenegro might get back to the already-known successful model of a political life and running of the economic policy, as it used to have two years ago. And his assessments for the social policy are the same. “You must notice that there’s no any announcement of some serious reforms in the policy of salaries and social reimbursement. When I talk about salaries, it’d be logical to expect a reform package which would boost productivity in the public sector and ensure fiscal liability of the salary system, improve the rewarding system and contribute to better quality of services for citizens”. When it comes to social reimbursements, he reminds that in only two years, the spending framework for social and child protection increased by more than 100%, hitting nearly €190m.


The Greek scenario might happen to Montenegro 

The President notes that he doesn’t want to panic and that it doesn’t mean that Montenegro is going to face it, but the practice over the last two years is alarming and if they don’t change it immediately, it’s almost sure that Montenegro is going to face the so-called Greek scenario. “And I don’t see that they plan some changes. I’d like to describe this budget as the development or investment-oriented one, but, unfortunately, it’s focused on spending, and that spending greatly relies on borrowings.”


Investors pulling out, it’s a dangerous warning 

Following the change of power back in 2020, sadly, as the President says, we have some changed trends when it comes to the economic life of Montenegro, which is best reflected in somewhat lower interest of investors. According to him, it’s a dangerous warning, leading to a higher unemployment rate, as it’s logical that there are no business and new jobs in places with no investors. “It also impacts public finances, the amount and sustainability of the public debt and leads to certain obstacles when to comes to borrowing. We have a low credit score – non-investment credit rating which makes it difficult for us to approach capital on the finance market, which would lead to a slower realization of the next capital projects that Montenegro has to implement if it wants to be an economically developed country. In addition, we have a new practice in place, coming as a consequence of over-stressed political populism”. Mr Djukanovic says that two years ago Montenegro borrowed €750m at an interest rate of 2.9 or 2.95%, while today it’s not possible to do it an interest rate lower than 8 or 9 or even 10%.


Position of foreign investors in Montenegro deteriorated with political instabilities 

Djukanovic assesses that the position of foreign investors to MNE has been deteriorated due to political instability. According to him, every investor cares about the political stability of the country and foreseeable business environment, which is not the case with Montenegro at the moment. “When you don’t have it, it’s an alarm for private investors. Some of them had already reacted and left Montenegro. Some companies, such as Aman Sveti Stefan, are in the midst of arbitral proceedings. Also, the Port of Adria, as an operator in the Port of Bar”. He continues: “Investors communicate with each other, share experience, particularly the negative ones, so I’m not surprised to see that there’s a lower interest in business operations in Montenegro.” It’s the state of play, he adds, that competent bodies need to react to a.s.a.p. or investments in the country will slow down seriously.


On the Open Balkan initiative 

Asked why he believes that Montenegro shouldn’t join Open Balkan, already comprising Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania, Djukanovic said that all regional initiatives are welcome if they lead to the strategic goal – EU membership. He notes that Montenegro has a clear goal – it wants to be the EU member state, there’s no alternative to that. “That is why we believed that the two already existing initiatives – CEFTA and the Berlin Process – are more than enough, as they commit us to a systemic adoption of European standards, and have European management that warns us in case we didn’t achieve everything we needed in order to qualify in some aspect”. The President assesses that Montenegro has made a serious progress and is a frontrunner in the EU accession process, after which appears the Open Balkans initiates, designed by people who at that moment lost their faith in the reality of EU accession and started to seek for an alternative. “Meanwhile, the agreements signed by those three countries haven’t been ratified in their parliaments. It’s obvious that they face problems in their parliamentary public. When it comes to Montenegro, we would have to go back to the period before the already-achieved European standards and align with the cooperation with regional Balkan rules,” says Djukanovic, adding that it’s really not necessary.


LP calls for mass demonstrations: We do not accept the total isolation of Montenegro from the world (CdM


We invite everyone for whom Montenegro, civil and European, the only homeland, especially Montenegrin liberals, to tomorrow's "IMA NAS" protest. Tuesday, 20 December at 7 p.m. in front of the parliament of Montenegro - the Liberal Party says. "The entire state system is collapsing more and more and only the citizens can put an end to it, we will strongly defend the endangered Constitution and the rule of law, together we will strongly raise our voices against the oppressors of every reasonable person in Montenegro. En masse in front of the Parliament of Montenegro to send a message that we do not accept the loss of common sense and the isolation of Montenegro from the entire advanced and modern world", states the Liberal Party. We will in masse, in front of the parliament of Montenegro, send a message that we will not put up with the loss of common sense and the isolation of Montenegro from the entire advanced and modern world," states the Liberal Party.


EU Ambassador appeals to politics: Strong leadership is needed! Come together to join (Radio Tirana)


The EU Ambassador in Albania Christiane Hohmann says that Albania has a challenging path ahead of it until full membership in the big European family. At the conference "Role of the Assembly in the European Integration of Albania", the ambassador called on politics, but also on civil society to work together with the goal of EU membership. According to the senior EU diplomat, the current stage where Albania is in the journey towards the European Union requires a strong political leadership. Also, Hohmann emphasized the special role that the parliament of Albania has in this process, saying that it should take an example from the countries that were once candidates for the EU. "Albania has taken a big step in relation to the journey towards the EU, with the opening of negotiations. I have often emphasized the fact that EU membership negotiations are more than a technical process. This is a phase that requires strong political leadership. As it happens in most institutions, the Assembly plays an essential role. I welcome the intention of the assembly to work harder in this process. There are many issues that the parliament of Albania can discuss. For example, the questions asked are: How can the Assembly fulfil its role to build consensus? How will the Assembly be able to improve its own capacities in order to align the legislation with that of the EU? Considering these issues, what can the Assembly of Albania learn from other assemblies that have been candidate countries? That's why I'm curious to see which are the ideas of the Assembly. Albania has a great desire for Europe. Therefore, I call on everyone to come together for EU membership. We will remain a close partner in this challenging path towards membership", said the Ambassador.