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Belgrade Media Report 21 December



Vucic responded to direct threats from Germany (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public from Baku. Vucic said that a visit to Azerbaijan is very important for Serbia and added that we have true friendly relations with Azerbaijan. "We are expecting talks on energy and the most important things regarding the military industry and technology transfer," said Vucic. "I am not satisfied with the way all our military industry factories are functioning. Our situation, our army and defense system is 10 to 15 times stronger than it was just 10 years ago," said Vucic. Vucic also commented on the news that Turkey will arm the so-called Kosovo with "Bayraktar" drones. "It is neither easy nor good news for us and it will affect our relations, although we respect President Erdogan very much," said Vucic. Vucic said that he hopes that soon we will be able to boast of a significant number of kamikaze drones and other aircraft. "Without that, they would have swallowed us like a cat and a mouse. We are a bit bigger to be swallowed now. Mr. Rode is known for his anti-Serb statements," said Vucic, commenting on the statement of the German representative in Pristina that the barricades on Kosovo and Metohija must be removed by Christmas, stated Vucic. He explained that regarding the request to KFOR for the return of Serbian forces, we began to receive answers from politicians, and not from KFOR. "There'll be less tensions if our forces were in Jarinje and Brnjak. Germany wants full dominance in the Balkans," said Vucic. Vucic said that the Serbs were waiting for Saint Nicholas at the barricades. "Do you think they weren't better off in their homes and with their children?" Vucic asked. "Why do you mention victims? Why do you mention killing? You know, like in Chekhov's play in the first act when you see a rifle hanging on the wall, there is no doubt that the rifle will go off, the same's here," said Vucic. "Now we have seen, realized and understood everything. We will be with our people. The Albanians have the complete support of a part of the countries of the Quint. Regardless of how weak they were to us, when you protect freedom, when you protect your hearths, then your strength is much greater," Vucic said. "The situation is very difficult for us. It is obvious that someone thinks that it is time to put pressure on Serbia because in Ukraine it is not certain that the side they support will win with such ease as it seemed three months ago, and that Putin would not refer to the so-called Kosovo precedent. He told that to Scholz, Macron, Michel and Biden, and they all confirmed it to me," said Vucic. Vucic stated that our trust in the West no longer exists and that this is the biggest problem, after Angela Merkel's statement about Minsk and the statement of a foreign official who told him to his face that the West will not respect any agreement. "The problem here is not Vucic, their problem is Serbia. Our soldiers and policemen showed fantastic morale, enormous strength and I wish you could see just what our army, gendarmerie and other special units look like. We have never had less "takedowns". I am proud of them and I am happy to have the honor of being their commander-in-chief and I hope that we will never need to activate them," said Vucic.


Vucic: Aliyev understands Serbia's difficulties regarding territorial integrity (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Baku on Wednesday he was grateful to Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev for his respect of the territorial integrity of Serbia and for his understanding for Serbia's difficulties in that regard, as well as when it comes to maintaining the UN order and UNSCR 1244 in Serbian territory. Vucic was speaking at a press conference after a meeting with Aliyev. "We discussed all forms of cooperation. Our friendship is firm and sincere and there is no way anyone can turn Azerbaijan against Serbia and vice versa. There is no such pressure or possibility that will enable anyone to do that," Vucic noted. He said the two countries supported each other on the issue of territorial integrity and that the support was now even firmer than it had been before and would remain in the future. "I am grateful to him for that, and for his understanding for the difficulties we are facing," Vucic said.


Brnabic calls on NGOs to insist on respecting human rights in Kosovo and Metohija: We are on the brink of an armed conflict (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic today called on non-governmental organisations, which are part of the National Convention on the EU, to speak out about the torture experienced by Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. At the Plenary Session of the National Convention on the EU in the Serbian parliament, Brnabic pointed out that we are currently on the brink of an armed conflict due to Pristina's unilateral moves and that everyone should do their best to preserve peace. She asked where on the European continent it is possible that no one has information about the arrested Dejan Pantic for 12 days, and reminded that his arrest, in addition to preserving the Brussels agreement and the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, is the reason why Serbs are at the barricades. No matter how different we are, we should insist on human rights. These are things that are important to us for peace and European integration, said the Prime Minister.


Brnabic: Kurti has shown his true face (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti had shown the world his true face by threatening Kosovo Serbs with death and violence. "Through statements to the Guardian, Albin Kurti shows the world his true face, threatening death and violence to Serbs instead of choosing a rational solution by simply implementing the Brussels agreement, respecting rule of law, and ceasing arbitrary arrests of innocent people," Brnabic wrote in a Twitter post. Previously, Kurti told the Guardian his "worry" was that removal of barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija "cannot exclude casualties".


Vucevic: There are red lines - no Storm, no Flash, no March 2004 (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic tells Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is tense and dramatic, and that the latest statements are even more worrying. “Serbia must remain calm, we must move in the direction of political dialogue, but there are red lines - no Storm, no Flash, no March 2004,” says Vucevic. Speaking about how the night passed at the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, he stated that there were no additional events that would lead to escalation, if at all it could become more complicated. “The situation is so tense and dramatic in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. What is positive is that there were no physical contacts between the two sides and no attacks on the Serb community, which, unfortunately, cannot be excluded it won't happen in the coming hours or days, especially considering the statements we heard yesterday from Albin Kurti, and unfortunately also from some high-ranking diplomatic representatives, which further worries and complicates this dramatic situation,” adds Vucevic. He points out that Serbs have been on the roads and streets for 12 days under very unfavorable weather conditions. "Some people are still talking about the consequences of the roadblocks, they are not dealing with the causes - what is it and what kind of torment forced the Serbs in the north of Kosovo to take to the roads and to fight for rights and freedoms in a peaceful and democratic way,” emphasizes Vucevic. Commenting on the statements of Albin Kurti that the removal of the barricades does not exclude the victims, Vucevic says that this is a threat. “It presents, without any doubt, a general threat to Serbs, and I would add that it is also a threat to Serbia. It is a threat to all of us, above all to our people who live in Kosovo and Metohija and a clear message that Albin Kurti does not even care about human victims. He said that he was not interested in the price in human lives,” says Vucevic. He points out that such statements are dangerous, because they show that “Kurti is not giving up on carrying out terror against the Serbs and his ultimate goal, which is for the Serbs to be eradicated”. “We should not mystify what the ultimate goal of Albin Kurti’s government is, to ethnically cleanse Kosovo, primarily the north,” the Minister added. He said that we must not forget that there is large number of Serbs living south of the Ibar. “We must not forget those people. It is a very complicated situation, and when you have the ambassador of the strongest European country, such as Germany, who says that everything must be removed by 25 December, and previously Kurti says it will be removed regardless of the victims - then that is a scenario that leads us not to peaceful solution, but to complete chaos,” says Vucevic. When asked what such messages mean for our security services and our army, Vucevic points out that it means no relaxation. “This means that Serbia must continue everything that is up to us in the context of diplomatic contacts and talks, and that no matter how much all that is happening to us is an emotional charge, we must prevail and be guided by rational reasons, to rationally think about not letting our emotions overwhelm us in the sense that we make a mistake,” says Vucevic. Answering the question of where our army and police are at the moment and how far they are from administrative checkpoints, Vucevic says that the army takes care of them in all aspects of security. “Our army is well deployed in accordance with strategic assessments and operational-tactical tasks, so that our army takes care of all aspects of the security of our country,” says Vucevic. “Serbia must be calm, we must go in the direction of political dialogue, but there are red lines - no Storm, no Flash, no March 2004,” Vucevic concludes.


An immediate response from KFOR is sought (Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic called on KFOR to prevent violence and terror against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and to respond urgently to the dangerous threats of the Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti. Vucevic pointed out that Kurti "does not respect either human rights or established European values". "Serbia must not and will not allow a new 'Storm' or a new pogrom from March 2004, because Serbia is a part of the civilized world, a factor of peace and stability," stated Vucevic in a written statement.

According to the Guardian, Kurti previously stated that, as he stated, he was "worried" that the removal of barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija "cannot rule out the victims".


KFOR only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic spoke yesterday with Commander of the NATO Joint Forces Command in Naples Admiral Stuart Munsch about the current political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the relationship with KFOR and cooperation between Serbia and NATO. Vucevic pointed out that the partnership with NATO is multi-layered and diverse, and cooperation with the Combined Forces Command Naples is particularly important. In the context of the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucevic said that Serbia does not want an escalation of the conflict and that it is committed to the peaceful resolution of all issues through dialogue. He particularly emphasised the importance of consistent application of UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement. He emphasised that our side remains in a firm position that KFOR represents the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija and is therefore the most responsible for maintaining peace and security in the territory of the southern Serbian province. Admiral Stuart Munsch welcomed NATO's close partnership with Serbia, stressing that Serbia is a reliable partner, and that NATO fully respects its policy of military neutrality.


Navarro: Spain will not support so-called Kosovo's EU bid (Tanjug)


Spanish Secretary of State for the EU Pascal Navarro said on Tuesday his government would not back an EU membership bid submitted by the so-called Kosovo as it did not recognise the territory as independent. "Spain does not recognise Kosovo as independent and will therefore vote against any procedural decision and against giving Kosovo candidate status," the news portal quoted Navarro as telling a Senate commission on EU affairs. "The government will not back the candidacy in the present circumstances, and that stance has not changed," Navarro noted. Spain is one of the five EU member states that do not recognise the so-called Kosovo, alongside Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia.


KFOR evaluating request of Serbia to send Serbian army to Kosovo (B92/RTV)


KFOR reacted to the request of the government of Serbia for the return of up to 1,000 members of Serbian security forces to Kosovo pursuant to Resolution 1244. Namely, KFOR stated that they are "currently evaluating" that request of the government of Serbia, and it is also stated that they will continue to "provide a safe environment and freedom of movement that encourages productive dialogue, giving leaders the opportunity to create long-term, sustainable solutions, for the benefit of all communities that live in Kosovo". "We received a letter from Serbia and we are currently evaluating it. KFOR remains extremely cautious and fully capable of fulfilling its UN mandate," the mission said in response to a request for confirmation that Belgrade formally made the request. "The NATO-led KFOR mission consists of more than 3,700 personnel from 27 countries – including NATO allies and partners committed to ensuring a safe, secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, in accordance with the mandate based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999. As such, the role of KFOR continues to be fundamental for lasting security throughout Kosovo and stability in the Western Balkans region," the statement reads. As it was pointed out, KFOR recently "increased the presence of its troops in Jarinje for preventive security reasons". "It turned out to be an extremely successful activity, largely thanks to the productive and grateful cooperation of the Government of Montenegro, the Chief of the Serbian General Staff, the institutions in Kosovo, the rule of law mission led by the EU EULEX and KFOR. The increase in the presence of troops was necessary, taking into account the recent reports on the alleged possible presence of organized criminal groups within the protests," the Office for Public Relations of KFOR states.


EULEX says disturbed by presence of armed and masked individuals, groups (Beta)


The EULEX mission said on Tuesday that it was disturbed by the presence of armed people, frequently masked individuals and groups, in northern Kosovo and that the security situation was tense. During our patrols in the field, we have witnessed the disturbing presence of armed people, frequently masked individuals and groups, in northern Kosovo, EULEX told the Pristina media, calling it unacceptable. We are witnesses to the raising of additional barricades, which must be removed immediately, EULEX also said, calling the barricades illegal and saying that they impede the freedom of movement. EULEX added that crime in northern Kosovo was another concern and that the security vacuum created by the resignation of Kosovo Serb police officers could be used by criminal organizations. It is important now for the situation to deescalate immediately, EULEX stressed, calling for calm and refraining from the most provocative actions. This is above all for the benefit of the local population, whose protection and security have been threatened by the current situation, EULEX went on to stress.


Romano takes over as chief of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade (Beta)


Italian Gen. Giampiero Romano on 20 December took over as chief of NATO's military liaison office in Belgrade from Italian Gen. Antonello Messenio Zanitti. The transfer of duties ceremony was held in the Hilton Hotel. It was attended by Serbian ministers of defense and foreign affairs Milos Vucevic and Ivica Dacic, Serbian Chief of Staff Milan Mojsilovic and the commander of NATO Allied Joint Forces Command Naples, Adm. Stuart Munsch. Romano said that the NATO liaison office in Belgrade played a key role in advancing cooperation and dialogue between the alliance and Serbia. I am convinced that the office's efforts to support the development of our cooperation in the military, civilian, scientific and diplomatic domains will be of use to strengthening the process of the region's stabilization, Romano said.




Komsic requests that Kristo present her exposé in B&H Presidency, says he wants to know what is happening with NATO and are there plans to increase budget, especially for defense sector (N1/Avaz)


N1 carries that it remains to be seen whether B&H will get its first female B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair-designate on Thursday or whether B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic's request that HDZ B&H's Borjana Kristo present her exposé in the Presidency of B&H will slow down this process. Judging by the Rules of Procedure of the B&H Presidency, a simple majority is sufficient for the appointment of the B&H CoM Chair-designate. N1 stressed that as much as the parties of 'The Eight', HDZ B&H and SNSD are avoiding topics on which there is no consensus, DF and SDA are insisting on them. This time, Komsic asked Kristo to explain the work plan before the B&H Presidency declares on the status of the B&H CoM Chair-designate. "What is happening with NATO, since there is no NATO in that document. Does this mean that we are giving up on that, permanently, temporarily? Are there plans to increase the budget, especially for the defense sector, i.e. for the Armed Forces? Therefore, I am not prejudging anything, I just want to ask this. I want to know," Komsic said. Although it is speculated that Kristo would not even respond to Komsic's invitation, HDZ B&H briefly stated that it will not comment on such statements, "especially not this one." Komsic did not explicitly say that he will be against Kristo's appointment, but such a scenario is expected. During the negotiations on the formation of the authorities, HDZ B&H precisely said that it can form the authorities with all parties except DF. It is interesting that HDZ B&H members avoided even using the name of this party or the name of DF leader Zeljko Komsic in their statements. N1 stressed that the issue of the NATO path that Komsic is raising now was a hot one four years ago, when Komsic himself came to power, together with SNSD. Dnevni avaz argues that the Article 38 of the RoP in details sets details of the appointment procedure for CoM Chairperson and it reads that before the appointment, members of B&H Presidency can open consultations with B&H House of Representatives Speaker and Deputy Speakers or with party leaders which participate in B&H parliament, but not with the candidate for the post. After the consultations, the Chairperson of B&H Presidency schedules special session to discuss the CoM Chairperson-designate. During the appointment procedure, each of B&H Presidency members can propose a name, the Presidency tries to reach a decision by consensus, and in case this is not possible, two members of the Presidency can appoint the Chairperson-designate.


Bradara: Election Law issue will be the first test for coalition between HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’; Mehmedovic: Covic will probably get everything he wanted through agreement with ‘The Eight’, including changes to Election Law that he wants (Hayat)


“The first test in relations, but also in trust, between parties of ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H will be the Election Law”, said HDZ B&H’s candidate for the Federation of B&H (FB&H) President, Lidija Bradara. Previously, members of ‘The Eight’ said that without changes to the Constitution in the state Parliament, there will be no changes to the Law. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic claims different. Hayat investigated what HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ talked about, what they agreed and what might their future plans be. The public does not know any of the details, so a question arises whether B&H will get an Election Law that will deliver to the least numerous of the three constituent peoples (the Croats) absolute domination. Representatives of ‘The Eight’ say that is impossible. SB&H leader Semir Efendic said, on 7 December, that many speculate about this “delivery to HDZ B&H” but he explains that the Election Law is a matter connected to the Constitution of B&H, and such changes, even if they wanted to make them, cannot be completed without a two-thirds majority in the B&H parliament. Efendic added that the Constitution could not be changed without SDA and DF supporting this idea. What Efendic said is true, but the opposition from RS could have a decisive role, says editor of Patria Amina Corbo-Zeco. She is worried that that two-thirds majority in the B&H Parliament can also be achieved with the RS opposition parties. “I believe, at this moment, that that is a major danger for B&H”, she assessed. On 15 December, Covic said the complete opposite of what Efendic said. He said he is certain that changes to the Election Law will be adopted six months after they formed the authorities. Commenting the entire situation, representative in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Semsudin Mehmedovic (SDA) said that Covic probably got everything he wanted through the agreement signed with ‘The Eight’, including the changes to the Election Law that he wants. Mehmedovic noted that conditions of ‘The Eight’ are either quite hidden from the public, or non-existent. He believes ‘The Eight’ did not receive anything significant from the mentioned agreement.


Boskovic: SDA is trying to remain in power by force; Electoral reform is condition for all other reform processes (Oslobodjenje)


Deputy speaker of FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) and member of HDZ B&H Presidency Mladen Boskovic stated in an interview for the daily that he expects the process of formation of the new FB&H authorities to be completed soon. He noted that this dynamic provides stability. Boskovic explained that the new FB&H Government will be formed in line with the agreement signed by HDZ B&H and parties of ‘The Eight’. He underlined that it is time for a compact and functional government which will step away from the institutional chaos of the past four years. Asked if he expects SDA to block the process of formation of the FB&H authorities and High Representative Christian Schmidt having to intervene again, Boskovic said that SDA is desperately trying to stay in power. However, he underlined, blockades must not be the tool for this. “Election results are the only parameter for creating the parliamentary majority and deciding who are the actors creating processes. It does not take a lot of wisdom to see that SDA is trying to remain a part of all key processes by force. Parties of ‘The Eight’ created a coalition foundation in the Sarajevo Canton, and transferred it to all levels during the election. Blockades cannot be a mechanism and I doubt that they will go to the utmost limits”, said Boskovic. He added that he does not even wish to speak about a possible intervention of the High Representative. Speaking about HDZ B&H’s partnership with ‘The Eight’, Boskovic said that he expects fair cooperation, mutual respect and acting in line with the Constitution and laws. He underlined that B&H is a complex state, and consensus is the only solution. Speaking about the priorities for the new B&H authorities, he explained that adoption of the 2023 is the main budget, and after that it will be necessary to pass reform laws in the fields of judiciary, security-intelligence system and economy. Boskovic emphasized that the EU candidate status does not mean anything without reforms. He also underlined that the electoral reform is crucial, and reminded that it was set as a priority by the EU as well. “Electoral reform has been a stumbling stone between Croats and Bosniaks for many years, and we still have not managed to reach an agreement on this matter. The way to reach an agreement is the balance between collective and individual rights, respecting the rulings of B&H Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights. Reaching an agreement on Election Law is condition for tackling economic and other institutional reforms. Until an agreement on the Election Law is reached, we cannot turn to other equally important reforms. B&H Constitution which recognizes three constituent peoples is the core and foundation of B&H and its sovereignty. We must show readiness and political will to finally complete these processes”, said Boskovic.


Kosarac with Kalabukhov: EU should insist on abolition of OHR, departure of foreign judges (Glas Srpske)


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac met on Tuesday with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. Kosarac stated that the EU, if it is honest and wishes B&H to join the Union, should make the first step and prove its sincerity by insisting on abolition of the OHR and on departure of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. Kosarac expressed caution regarding the European Council’s decision to grant B&H the EU candidate status. The Minister also expressed gratitude to Russia for not accepting legitimacy of Christian Schmidt since he was not appointed in line with the procedures, international law and the Dayton agreement. Kosarac also informed Kalabukhov that, at the meeting of Energy Community Ministerial Council in Vienna, he voted against Ukraine’s proposal to adopt statement that would “condemn Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine”. “I voted against Ukrainian proposal, acknowledging the stance that B&H should be neutral toward the events in Ukraine,” said Kosarac. During the meeting the officials underlined that Russia is a guarantee of Dayton Peace Agreement and that respecting and consistent applying of DPA is of the outmost importance for overall relations in B&H.


Milanovic criticizes EU for granting candidate status for Ukraine while B&H had to wait for it (Jutarnji list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Tuesday told Jutarnji list that Ukraine is not an ally of the EU so it is ridiculous to grant the candidate status for this country. “Ukraine is not an ally, but they are trying to turn it into an ally. It is ridiculous that the EU candidate status was granted for it. This is a horrible joke. One poor B&H had to wait, which was a terrible humiliation. Currently, this is a European alliance, but an unhappy and worthless one”, Milanovic said.


Milanovic criticizes Borrell over Croatia’s participation in EUFOR Mission (Jutarnji list)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic criticized the EU High Representative Josep Borrell. Milanovic said that Borrell is “being hysterical and threatens around”, in his letter he “is fabricating resolutions of Security Council and decisions of European Council” so that Croatia would not participate in EUFOR Mission ‘Althea’ in B&H. “More than thousand soldiers from around twenty countries are taking part in ‘Althea’ Mission, but not Croatia, whose participation is objected by Bosniak politicians and certain European countries,” said Milanovic.


Plenkovic: Milanovic is leading Croatia into foreign policy isolation (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said, among other things, that the President of the Republic Zoran Milanovic is leading Croatia into foreign policy isolation. Answering questions from journalists regarding the accusations of Zoran Milanovic that Croatia is running out of grenades and weapons, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said: “Things are clear, they cannot be clearer. Croatia was breathing normally until he returned from Chile and started polluting public space. Again, it is the same repertoire from the UDBA (Yugoslav secret police) onwards,” said Plenkovic and added that Milanovic is a Putinophile, a man who said that he does not want Croatia to participate in the EU military assistance mission to help Ukraine. Those in parliament who were not in favor of that proposal and Zoran Milanovic were brought out into the open, according to Plenkovic. He said that Milanovic is pretending to be the president of a country that is neither in the EU nor in NATO. He is behaving as if Croatia should be non-aligned or neutral, he said, adding that Milanovic is leading us into external isolation. He pointed out that the Croatian ministers in the EU did not promise anything to anyone, but expressed readiness in principle and had a clear fence depending on the political decision. “When Milanovic did not want to make that political decision, because he does not want to be in the circle of those who help Ukraine, then the Croatian parliament should have done it. 97 representatives acted correctly both politically and morally,” said Plenkovic and thanked them once again. He told those who did not vote for that decision, 54 of them, to follow and listen to Milanovic and go with him into isolation. He also stated that, if we followed the views of Zoran Milanovic, Croatia would not have entered Schengen, the euro area, they would not have helped Ukraine, and probably they would not have condemned Russia. “This is an irresponsible, frivolous, isolationist and extremely Putinophile policy,” he said, among other things, and emphasized that this is not the policy of the Croatian government, adding that the government's policy is based on principled positions, on respect for international law, on support for Ukraine, support for the victim, condemnation of aggression and joint work with all Western members who have agreed to make that gesture of solidarity, be it political, diplomatic, economic, technical, financial, humanitarian, or military, towards Ukraine.


Organizer’s estimate: There were about 20,000 citizens at the protest; This is a fight for Montenegro, there’s no more time to wait (CdM)


The 4th protest of the WE ARE NUMEROUS movement was held in front of the parliament of Montenegro in Podgorica. It was attended by about 20,000 citizens, according to the organizers. They demand the repeal of the Law on the President, dialogue and unblocking of the Constitutional Court, the calling of snap elections, as well as a stop joining the Open Balkans initiative. The speakers clearly said that this is a fight for the survival of Montenegro, and that there is no time to wait. At the protest, it was announced that for more than two years “we have been suffering counterfeiting, lawlessness and the destruction of our state for other people’s interests”. After the protest, a peaceful walk was held, which ended in front of the EU Delegation building in Podgorica, where the Civic Declaration of the WE ARE NUMEROUS movement was read. The protest was attended by representatives of DPS, Podgorica Mayor Ivan Vukovic, members of the Liberal Party, SD, SDP. The Metropolitan of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church Mihailo protested with the citizens as well.


Djukanovic: Support peaceful protest against violation of constitutional order (CdM)


President of Montenegro and the leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic supported tonight’s protests ‘We Are Numerous’ which will be held in front of the parliament’s building at 7 pm. “Support for tonight’s peaceful patriotic protest against violation of the constitutional system and confrontation with partners from the European and Euro-Atlantic community,” Djukanovic tweeted.


Party of European Socialists condemns violation of Constitution, backing people in their fight for democracy (CdM)


The Party of European Socialists (PES) is extremely worried about the irregular adoption of the new law by the parliament of Montenegro, limiting powers of the President and violating the Constitution. They urge the parliament of Montenegro to strike down the law and call on the extraordinary parliamentary elections in order to restore the constitutional order. “We support all those who attempt to overcome this crisis through dialogue. We stand by the peoples of Montenegro who daily protest defending democracy.”


Appellate Court issues explanation as Judicial Council held emergency session (MIA)


Following a public backlash over the annulment of the first-instance verdict delivered in the mass wiretapping case, the Council of the Skopje Appellate Court on Monday said it was annulled due to essential violation of provisions of the Law on Criminal Procedure as well as violations the Court takes into account ex officio after they had affected the way the actual situation and the right application of the substantive law is affected. In a media statement released by the Appellate Court, the Council has determined that “there is a discrepancy between the delivered verdict and what is stated in its written copy, that is, in the source of the verdict there is no description of the illegal actions for each of the defendants.” “The facts which the first-instance court took as established, and in relation to the actions of the accused, do not correspond to the evidence presented at the main hearing before the first-instance court, in relation to the findings and opinion of the experts of the Public Prosecutor and the defense, as in the section of the actions in relation to the monitoring of communications, as well as in relation to the value of the destroyed equipment,” said the statement.  The Judicial Council of the Republic of North Macedonia held Monday an emergency session, deciding to pay a working visit to the Appellate Court to look into the situation involving four cases, namely “Target-Fortress”, “Vault”, “Transporter” and “Alfa”, as to whether legal deadlines had been respected and the actions taken by a judge and the legality of the decision-making if it involved a judge who had met conditions to go into retirement. “The Judicial Council will not go into the decision making process, however it can probe whether a judge was involved that shouldn’t have been involved and whether processes had been violated during the procedure, i.e. whether it was prolonged,” said Vesna Dameva, President of the Judicial Council. The President at the session tasked the coordinator of the Skopje Appellate Court to organize a working visit to the Appellate Court with a working group consisting of members of the Council. The Judicial Council’s decision comes on the heels of a public backlash following the Skopje Appellate Court’s decision to annul the verdict in the mass wiretapping trial (Target-Fortress), and to uphold the appeals of the defendants, thus ordering a retrial at the Skopje Criminal Court.


Albania signs agreement for the purchase of three Turkish "Bayraktar" drones (Radio Tirana/Anadolu/RFE)


Prime Minister Edi Rama signed the agreement for the purchase of the Bayraktar drone fleet between Albania and Turkey. The news was announced by Prime Minister Edi Rama, who wrote in a post on social networks that the technology is about the highest flight technology for military, police and civil missions, in the function of national security, the fight against illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, of civil emergencies, the protection of the territory and the collection of geospatial information. According to the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi Albania will first buy 3 Bajraktar drones, then the fleet will be expanded. Also known as BT2, Bayraktar is a bomber drone, unmanned combat aerial vehicle, capable of remotely controlled or autonomous flight operations. The drone is "agile", small, economical, above all, lethal. The Minister of Regional Development of Kosovo Fikrim Damka told the Turkish state news agency Anadolu that Kosovo also has it on the agenda and is developing works on the issue of purchasing drones of Turkish production, Bayraktar. He said that any purchase of weapons "will be used only for the defense of the country".  "Of course, the issue of armed drones is also on our agenda. In this regard, our state develops works every time. Visits have been made. Our president Vjosa Osmani and the Minister of Defense Armend Mehaj have visited the Bayraktar drones in the country. This is a long-term process. Every country wants to have drones at home, in the warehouse of its military arsenal" said Damka. Damka also confirmed the intentions for the purchase of Bayraktar drones for Radio Free Europe. However, he said that there is no additional information regarding the budget that will be spent or how many such drones Kosovo wants to buy, as these issues do not belong to the department that he leads.