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Belgrade Media Report 22 December 2022



Vucic addressed Kosovo Serbs ahead of today’s protest (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent a strong message to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, before the large protest at the barricade in Rudare. “The Serbs are not asking for much, they are only asking for what belongs to all civilized people in Europe. What everyone else has the right to, only the Serbs are denied. To be free, to have the right to move, to go to schools and hospitals, to protect their lives and the perspective of their children. They are asking for the release of those who were arrested without any reason. They are asking for the withdrawal of those who came with long pipes without the right to occupy the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” he said. “And in order to return to the institutions, they are asking for the formation of the ZSO. For all that, as the President of Serbia, I will always support them,” said Vucic. “And when I say that, I will also always be responsible enough to call them to keep the peace, to keep calm and patience. Because peace is in our greatest interest of the Serbs and Serbia and our people in Kosovo and Metohija. Long live the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, long live Serbia,” he concluded.


Vucic: Form ZSO first, then we will remove barricades (Beta/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Wednesday that the barricades in northern Kosovo would be removed after Pristina forms the Community of Serb Municipalities. "Form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) first, and then we will remove the barricades," Vucic told reporters in Azerbaijan. In his words, Pristina does not want to hear or listen, but only to humiliate Belgrade. The president reiterated that the Serbs in Kosovo only wanted to survive and live on their land. He assessed that the approach of KFOR was fairer than that of the majority of western governments. "They (KFOR) treat the situation in a serious and responsible manner," Vucic said. He requested an explanation from Pristina about the arrest of the former Kosovo police officer, Dejan Pantic, stating that Belgrade did not know the reasons for his arrest.


Vucic: KFOR fairer than some Western governments, but I expect negative response (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday in Baku the KFOR mission in Kosovo and Metohija was acting in a way that was much fairer than the actions of some Western governments, but noted that he expected a negative response to Belgrade's request for re-deployment of up to 1,000 Serbian troops to the province. "I expect them to issue a negative response, they are capable of performing their duty and KFOR's behavior is much fairer than that of some Western governments. Unlike everyone else, they are behaving in line with UN SC Resolution 1244 in a serious and responsible way," Vucic told reporters at the end of an official visit to Azerbaijan. He said Azerbaijan's President Ihham Aliyev had told him earlier in the day that only small countries were obliged to respect international law, while powerful ones could rely on the law of the stronger. Vucic said this was true and added that those who were stronger were able to do what they wanted, but noted that, "when you are cornered, you have nothing to lose until the end". "Once we have no way out, like a rat that has been cornered, we will fight with all four legs," he said. Asked if he was aware of a statement by Germany's ambassador to Pristina, who has been quoted as saying that Germany had "shattered illusions about Serbian domination in the Balkans," Vucic responded ironically: "I congratulate him on that - what matters is that he has confirmed someone else's domination, whereas they are complaining about us talking about their domination." "But that is alright. We have no domination, we have not dreamed about domination but about cooperation with Germany," he added. Wishing the ambassador much success in the future, Vucic said: "As far as we are concerned, we want the best cooperation with Germany, but we have our country and our people. We want to have the best relations with Germany."


Brnabic: Kurti clearly showing his intentions – ethnic cleansing of Serbs (TV Happy)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija only want peace, stability and their rights, which are guaranteed to them by the existing agreements, which the Pristina side is constantly violating. Brnabic, in a statement for TV Happy, pointed out that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic took all initiatives in order to calm tensions in Kosovo and Metohija and preserve economic stability in the region. She estimated that economic cooperation is a good way to calm disagreements between nations, because when people have higher salaries and pensions and a higher standard of living, they will put their interests above personal conflicts. At the same time, she emphasised that the prime minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Albin Kurti made his intentions and values known to the world when he said that the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija should be removed even at the cost of victims. Brnabic expressed her concern about the aforementioned statement, emphasising that it reflects Pristina’s clear position that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija should be ethnically cleansed. When she talks about the victims, Kurti talks about the lives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija who are at the barricades, namely women and children, elderly people, educators who hold online classes for high school students from the barricades, she explained. She noted that many countries in the international community recognise the so-called state of Kosovo, but do not agree with Kurti’s attitudes and behaviour. According to her, KFOR is currently a good partner to the Serbian side and is doing its job in accordance with Resolution 1244, with the assessment that the return of Serbian troops to Kosovo and Metohija is a big improvement.


Continuation of government's dialogue with civil society organisations (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out yesterday, at the Plenary Session of the National Convention on the European Union, that the government will continue the dialogue with civil society organisations, and as the basic imperatives in the coming period, she stated the rule of law, the fight against corruption and the media. In the Serbian parliament, in an address to representatives of the civil sector, Brnabic expressed objections to the constant narrative of distrust coming from civil society organisations, saying that it is completely clear that the government wants to be their partner. For a government that has initiated this kind of dialogue on important issues, the government that listens to civil society, it seems to me that this constant narrative creates a fence that is there to further fuel that mistrust. That dialogue will continue and I thank you for that, she said. She reiterated that the rule of law remains in focus, adding that the plan is to adopt the necessary laws by the end of February, for which the Venice Commission gave a positive opinion. She reminded that a working group was created for the development of a national strategy for the fight against corruption, the first meeting of which will be held tomorrow, and added that the plan is for this document to be completed by June 2023. Also, as she noted, the implementation of the Media Strategy is delayed, which is why the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications was formed in order to speed up the adoption of laws.

She stated that it would be desirable to discuss the issue of the new energy policy and environmental protection at the Convention sessions. When it comes to criticism of the Draft Law on the Interior, she pointed out that the fact that organisations refer to environmental protests when criticising the law shows that the law is in order, because during those protests there was no use of force. It is obvious that the Interior Ministry does not want to use force in any situation. There were protests that closed the international road, so nothing happened, except that we called a meeting and asked them to move away, she said, reminding that other countries reacted differently in those situations. Speaking about harmonisation with the EU foreign policy, she pointed out that Serbia has not received a screening report for Chapter 31, which concerns that very topic, for six years. Today, some EU member states say that we have to align with the EU's foreign policy, and those same states did not even want to adopt the screening report. That is not a partnership attitude and it is not right. And when we open Chapter 31, that harmonisation should be gradual, she said. She underlined that Serbia is not neutral regarding Russia's aggression against Ukraine, adding that our country has complied with all recommendations, declarations, and resolutions of both the EU and the United Nations, which condemn that aggression. Politically, we have fully determined ourselves, we will guard and protect that position. So far, we have managed to gain some understanding through arguments, Brnabic noted, and in that sense expressed her gratitude to Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Serbia can rely on Russia on Kosovo problem (International Affairs/TASS/RTV/NSPM)


Serbia may rely on Russia in what concerns the defense of its legal interests in Kosovo and Metohija, the two countries will continue coordinating positions on this matter, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said in an article published in the International Affairs magazine on Wednesday. "People in Serbia know that they always can rely on Russia. Regardless of the serious challenges to our country in the context of the confrontation with NATO, which has been imposed on us, we continue to take part in settling current international crises, including in Kosovo," the article reads. "We will continue close coordination with Belgrade in defensing Serbia’s legal rights concerning Kosovo and Metohija," the Ambassador pledged. According to the diplomat, Russia’s key instrument on this matter is its serious possibilities as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. "Naturally, with the understanding that initiative will always come from Belgrade," he noted. "We share our Chinese partners’ position on this matter - Beijing also insists on the strict observance of the norms of international law and keeping thee Kosovo topic on the UN Security Council agenda." Botsan-Kharchenko recalled Russian President Vladimir Putin’s words that Russia’s position on the Kosovo problem is unchanged. "We are calling for a lasting mutually acceptable solution between Belgrade and Pristina on the basis of international law and United Nations Security Council resolution 1244," he went on to say. "Such a solution should meet the interests of Belgrade and the Serbian people and be approved by the UN Security Council". The Ambassador stressed that Russia takes Serbia’s concerns and problems close to heart, like its own, as it is not yielding to the sanction fever and refused to join the Western restrictions against Russia. "The West is using the unrest in Kosovo as a tool to exert pressure of President Vucic in order to drive him into a corner and force him to join the anti-Russian sanctions," he noted. Russia’s cooperation with Serbia is geared to boost that country’s combat capability, ensure its socio-economic stability, and strengthen its sovereignty, he added.


Kosovo Serbs hold peaceful mass protest at Rudare (Tanjug/RTS)


Kosovo Serbs on Thursday held a peaceful mass protest at Rudare, near Zvecan, a municipality in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, over recent threats by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti. Former Zvecan mayor Dragisa Milovic, a doctor of medicine, said the Serbs had gathered to send a message that they were no criminals or terrorists, but citizens whose rights were in jeopardy. We want to point to the fact that the fundamental human rights of Kosovo Serbs are under threat, and that citizens, doctors, professors, lawyers, students, pupils and everyone else has gathered here and that, contrary to the way Pristina is portraying us, we are not some armed gang, Milovic said. "This is a peaceful and democratic gathering against Kurti's threats that barricades can be removed with human casualties. That has intimidated us. Those are the messages that have been coming out of Pristina throughout the past months. They are not messages of peace and co-existence," he said. He said Pristina was sending its messages through arrests, harassment and terror against the Serbs. He said the protesters wanted the release of three Serbs recently arrested by Pristina - Dejan Pantic, Miljan Adzic and Sladjan Trajkovic. Milovic said one of the requests was also that Pristina's special police troops be withdrawn from the north of the province and that their illegal bases in the area be dismantled. He said the Kosovo Serbs believed in the support of their state, Serbia. Pantic's son Predrag said his father's arrest was not the only reason for the barricades in the north of the province, but that it was the straw that had broken the camel's back. "My father has been arrested and has already been found guilty. People who are neither judges nor prosecutors already know he is guilty. My father is guilty for being a Serb and for having lived here all his life. The people identify themselves with him and see that any of us could be arrested tomorrow. In addition to the fact he has been arrested despite being innocent and that we have no news about him, they are violating his rights as a detainee. We have neither seen him nor heard from him," Predrag said. Srpska lista leader Goran Rakic said Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija wanted peace and freedom and would not give up on what was theirs. He reiterated a request for a release of the arrested Serbs and withdrawal of all of Pristina's secret arrest lists.


Serb, Kosovo NGOs: Constant escalation and de-escalation cycle reflect failure of political imagination (Danas/Beta)


A group of non-government organizations from Kosovo and Serbia assessed on Wednesday that the constant cycle of escalation and de-escalation in relations between Belgrade and Pristina was "a reflection of the failure of political imagination," and that the energy invested in facing with the latest crisis diverted attention from a mass of burning issues that directly affect the daily life of the people. According to the joint statement delivered after the meeting in Gracanica, the NGOs called for new constructive voices that look to the future, while recognizing the past, i.e. the voices that "seek partnerships and coalitions despite the red lines that should define them, and those who publicly oppose the humiliating and divisive rhetoric". They said now was the time for solidarity, because the war in Ukraine was "a painful reminder of the dark reality of war," stressing that they opposed all unjustified projections of force and all hate and division narratives. The future for Kosovo and Serbia unavoidable lies in inter-connection, and the agreement on the normalization of relations represents the first step in the building of a better tomorrow. However, that is just the first step," the statement reads.




Komsic: I would not like to see the NATO path to be halted, regardless of the fact it was not included in the agreement between ‘The Eight’, HDZ B&H and SNSD (O Kanal)


O Kanal carries an interview with Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic. Asked to comment on the fact that ‘The Eight’, HDZ B&H and SNSD as the coalition partners did not mention the NATO path of B&H in their program, Komsic said that he thinks this was a favor to SNSD and its leader Milorad Dodik because it is a well-known that Dodik is against the NATO integration so ‘The Eight’ did not want to “disturb idyllic atmosphere” during the formation of authorities at the level of B&H. Komsic added that it is uncertain what will happen in upcoming years, expressing his belief that ‘The Eight’, together with HDZ B&H and SNSD, will indeed form the state-level authorities. Komsic added that he would not like to see the NATO path to be halted, regardless of the fact it was not included in the agreement between ‘The Eight’, HDZ B&H and SNSD. Asked if he intends to back the appointment of HDZ B&H’s Borjana Kristo as the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair-Designate in case that this matter is discussed at the session of B&H Presidency on Thursday, Komsic said that it is sufficient if only two members of B&H Presidency vote for someone in order for that person to be appointed the B&H CoM Chair-Designate and an agreement in this context is unnecessary. Komsic added that he would be glad if Kristo attended the session because he would ask her some questions, primarily related to the NATO path of B&H, i.e. if she has a plan regarding this issue or this matter will be treated as a second-class issue for the future authorities. He emphasized that the NATO path is one of the most crucial matters for B&H because of which he would not know how to form his stance on the appointment of the Chair-Designate unless he has all relevant answers. However, Komsic said that he does not think that Kristo will not attend the session of B&H Presidency on Thursday and that B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljka Cvijanovic will vote in favor of her appointment. Speaking about the future cooperation he expects to have with the other two members of the B&H Presidency, Komsic said that he expects to have a very fair cooperation with them and that all three of them are very well aware of political stances of each of the members. However, he emphasized that it is important that everything happens in normal and decent settings, unlike the situation from the previous convocation. Komsic noted that Cvijanovic, for the time being, is demonstrating both will and desire to cooperate, the same as Becirovic. Komsic assessed that something useful has to be done during this mandate and that some positive steps can be made. Reporter reminded that Komsic strongly criticized the amendments to the Election Law of B&H imposed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt and said that this was an “anti-European move”. Komsic said that his stance did not change and that what Schmidt did is completely opposite to everything that represents standards in the field of human rights, stressing that the HR has the right to impose changes, but it was done in a “hasty and clumsy manner”. He stated that it is incredible to have changes to the Election Law imposed after polling stations are closed although the entire campaign was based on the valid norms. Komsic argued that political parties would probably have different approach if they knew that rules on implementation of election results will be different.


RS parliament special session: Proposed new convocation of new RS government gets support (ATV)


The RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic proposed the members of the new RS government and asked for the support of representatives at the special session of the RS parliament on Wednesday. In his exposé, Viskovic pointed out that the goal of the RS Government continues to be a strong, stable and prosperous RS. Viskovic’s list of ministers included 11 new names out of 16 ministerial positions. Viskovic proposed SNSD’s Zora Vidovic as the RS Minister of Finance, SNSD’s Sinisa Karan as the RS Minister of Interior, SNSD’s Dragoslav Kabic as the RS Minister of Labor and Veterans' and Disability Protection, SNSD’s Savo Minic as the RS Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, SNSD’s Zeljko Budimir as the RS Minister of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society, SP’s Petar Djokic as the RS Minister of Energy and Mining, DEMOS’ Nedeljko Cubrilovic as the RS Minister of Transport and Communications, SNSD’s Vojin Mitrovic as the RS Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship, SNSD’s Milos Bukejlovic as the RS Minister of Justice, SNSD’s Zeljka Stojicic as the RS Minister of Education and Culture, SNSD’s Alen Seranic as the RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare, SNSD’s Zlatan Klokic as the RS Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation, NPS’ Senka Jujic as the RS Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government, Sevlid Hurtic from the ‘Movement for the State’ as the RS Minister of Trade and Tourism, Bojan Vipotnik from the United Srpska as the RS Minister of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology, SP’s Dado Dogan as the RS Minister of Minister for Family, Youth and Sports. The RS parliamnet session ended on Wednesday evening. Majority of MPs supported the proposed convocation of the RS government. At session of the RS parliament that commenced on Wednesday, Viskovic presented his exposé. Economic growth, digitalization, reform of public companies, healthcare and social welfare policies and demographic renewal of the RS were underlined in Viskovic’s exposé as top five priorities of the RS government. Viskovic stressed that in order to achieve these goals, three work groups will be formed and they will create a strategic document. The RS Prime Minister-Designate stressed that in order to achieve economic growth it is necessary to complete the project of reduction of non-tax contributions, optimization of administrative procedures, suppression of grey economy, introduction of new measures of support to the technological development of the RS’ economy, improvement of institutional framework for support to economy and improvement of a market of capital. Viskovic also stated that policies engaged earlier by the RS government mitigated economic consequences of the pandemic and crisis caused by global developments. He emphasized that suppression of grey economy will remain one of priorities. Viskovic reminded of successes of the previous convocation of the RS government. According to proposed names of candidates for the RS government, 11 out of 16 ministers in the RS government will be new ones, while five will keep their positions.


Radoncic: Departing of dynasty Izetbegovic is of historic importance (Dnevni avaz)


Daily carries a summary of the interview that SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic gave to FTV. Radoncic spoke about the process of formation of authorities in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and B&H, the coalition agreement signed between HDZ B&H, SNSD and the parties of ‘The Eight’. Asked how he sees the process of formation of authorities in B&H after the general elections as a leader of political party that is not part of this process, Radoncic said that realistically speaking, SBB B&H has scored poor election results that was announced by SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, “who knew what will happen because he is a good forecaster who has influenced members of polling stations’ commissions in the elections.” He stated that SBB B&H is now in the consolidation stage and it plans to come back to the political stage for next local and general elections for sure. Speaking from the perspective of observer, Radoncic assessed that the past elections are historical regardless of the fact that they were marked by controversies, problems and election theft. He stressed that most importantly, SDA’s dynastic reign led by Izetbegovic and his spouse Sebija Izetbegovic who ruled since 1991 was removed from the political stage. He said that ‘The Eight’ coalition will help bring much more relaxed situation at the state level in B&H, which was proven at the last press conference after ‘The Eight’ signed the coalition agreement with HDZ B&H and SNSD on December 15, when SNSD leader Milorad Dodik demonstrated his completely different “polite” site. Radoncic added that he expects to see synchronized relations within new convocation of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and what SBB B&H has always advocated for – the cooperation between election winners who will join their forces to ensure development of B&H, relaxation of inter-ethnic and regional relations. He emphasized that it is very important to have an agreement at the level of B&H for the first time after a decade or more, and this agreement will result in the formation of B&H CoM that will focus its work on programs defined in the coalition agreement and will be much more efficient compared to the outgoing convocation of B&H CoM and the past ones. Radoncic concluded that it is a positive thing that B&H CoM will be formed based on a coalitional concept. Analyzing the coalition agreement, Radoncic stated that it is crucial that new state-level authorities regulate the situation in the security and intelligence sector as a priority task because of severe abuses at the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H (B&H OSA). He emphasized that the independent intelligence and security sector is the main pre-condition to have free society, politicians and media. He stressed that another priority is to put focus on reforms on the EU path of B&H especially now that B&H was granted the EU candidate status lately, so new parliamentary majority in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and the House of Peoples (HoP) will need to work hard to pass reform laws and launch reform processes in B&H. Commenting on the NATO path of B&H that was also partially defined in the coalition agreement, Radoncic said that most of the Bosniak and Croat politicians have no dilemma that B&H belongs to the NATO Alliance. He stressed that even RS political leaders who are now very united in their stance not to allow B&H’s membership in NATO will realize over the time that the NATO accession is the best option both for the RS and B&H as a whole, because the NATO path of B&H should not be given up on. As for three key projects mentioned in the coalition agreement as part of development projects of key importance for the RS, i.e. the construction of the ‘Buk-Bijela’ hydropower plant on the Drina River, gas pipeline through the RS and airport in Trebinje, Radoncic stated that B&H needs to become a successful economic story without losing any of its state-level competences. He added that SDA as opposition now criticize everything about new authorities and try to obstruct their work. Radoncic assessed that there is no reason for B&H not to construct the ‘Buk-Bijela’ hydropower plant together with Serbia and share the investment percentage, so that they can see profit from this project now that the world cries out for electricity. Commenting on the electoral reform and limited constitutional changes that were also stipulated in the coalition agreement, Radoncic said that he hopes that political leaders and the parliamentary majority will succeed to complete this task within the next six months, because that would be beneficial for relaxation of relations in B&H. He concluded that SBB B&H as a patriotic party in B&H wants to see successfully formed government structures at the level of B&H and the FB&H, but that SBB B&H as opposition will also be very critical of ‘The Eight’ and its future work if necessary. Radoncic also stated that he does not believe that SDA would dare to block the formation of the FB&H Government by blocking the election of the FB&H President and Vice President through its majority in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples, as no one should allow for the current FB&H Government to continue its mandate for another year. He explained that he believes that SDA as a party that has a number of quality young staff will not allow itself to block the process because it could be faced with serious consequences. According to Radoncic, SDA now advocates for the same arguments the party used against the Croat people and the Croat politicians to justify obstructing of the government formation process. He said that SDA needs to learn how to be principal, cohabitate and respect the parliamentary majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR). Asked if High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt will need to react in case that SDA decides to block the formation of the FB&H authorities after all, Radoncic said that there is no need to ask Schmidt to get involved and that his options are clearly defined, but that he as the Office of the High Representative (OHR) actually has no right to allow further paralyzing of the FB&H and B&H and if SDA and its leader are not aware of importance of the EU path of B&H, economic development of the country and the rule of law - then the OHR’s intervention is expected. Radoncic underlined that Bosniak politicians have to work with leaders elected by Serb and Croat people. He underlined that he fully trusts in patriotism of SDP and NiP leaders Nermin Niksic and Elmedin Konakovic, noting that they are called traitors for cooperating with SNSD and HDZ, but nobody had any objections when SDA cooperated with HDZ B&H for 30 years and made deals to detriment of the FB&H. Radoncic noted that it is very important for Konakovic to be new Foreign Minister of B&H, noting that current minister Bisera Turkovic was not doing a good job and now B&H will get “a young, Europeanized politician who looks nice”.


Izetbegovic’s claims that foreigners played great role in elimination of SDA from authorities (BHT/EuroBlic)


In a statement to BHT, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic claimed that a foreign factor had an influence with the goal to prevent his party from reaching an agreement on coalition that will form the authorities after the elections: “When you combine the results of SDA and DF, it is stronger than what ‘The Eleven’ or ‘The Eight’ achieved. I think the international factor had a big role in that”. Izetbegovic also assessed that it is ‘strange’ to see that the West is not “dealing with SNSD and its president Milorad Dodik in the way they deserved” after everything Dodik, in his opinion, has done over the past decade: “Then there is also the way they were dealing with HDZ B&H, HNS and Mr. Dragan Covic, to assist that party and lift it to a position from which it could, for example, order that DF must not enter the authorities. And there is also the attack on SDA, rift in pro-Bosnian bloc and constant work on rifts in that bloc so that it would not enter the authorities as complete. Why did they do that, it is the question that needs to be addressed to them”. Izetbegovic also claimed that the US Embassy to B&H had the crucial influence on High Representative Christian Schmidt when it comes to imposing changes to the Election Law of B&H that were favorable for Covic’s HDZ. “We witnessed it by the stance of the US Embassy to B&H on SDA half of year prior to the elections, knowing that it started compromising SDA and it singled out SDA during official meetings and in public as a corrupted party whose members have an influence on courts”, Izetbegovic said and added that “there are such people in every party, yet they were not dealing with SNSD.”


Plenkovic: B&H is most important neighbour; Croats are constituent people in B&H (Jutarnji list)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated on Wednesday, on the occasion of B&H getting the status of EU candidate, that B&H is to Croatia the most important neighbouring country because Croats live there, that Croats are a constituent people and that official Zagreb is trying that their status of constituent people is real. “Serbia and Montenegro have been negotiating about the membership for quite some time now, we have finally managed that Albania and North Macedonia start this year, Kosovo submitted the membership request. It is good for all citizens and for stability”, said Plenkovic. According to the daily, the Croatian PM had a key role in advocating B&H’s interest on its European path, by stressing the need to grant the candidate status as way of strengthening the European perspective in the country.


Croatia’s Janaf state-owned pipeline pens new contract with Serbia’s NIS (Hina)


Croatia's Janaf state-owned pipeline operator said on Wednesday they signed an oil transport contract with the Serbian oil company NIS for the period from January 2023 to December 2024. NIS has booked Janaf’s transport capacity for 6.2 million tons of oil in this period. Janaf’s management board said it was “pleased” about the contract, which marks “a continuation of cooperation with a partner of many years.” State news platform Hina did not report the value of the deal. NIS holds a monopoly on gas business in Serbia. Its largest shareholder is Russia’s Gazprom Neft, which holds around 50 percent of the company, with the government of Serbia retaining around 30 percent.


Fajon: EU could consider stopping negotiations with Montenegro, situation worrying, high time to react (CdM)


If Montenegro does not create functional institutions, does not elect the Constitutional Court judges, the European Union could stop the whole process with Montenegro in January or February. It is recommended that Montenegro does not proceed with the amendment to the Law on the President until the Constitutional Court is formed, which will assess its constitutionality. These are the messages of the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Tanja Fajon, who visited Montenegro yesterday on the mandate of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. Fajon said that by Friday she expected to announce a new competition for the election of four judges of the Constitutional Court. Fajon, announced that the situation in Montenegro is worrying and that it was high time to react. “We want to help. The deep crisis in Montenegro has slowed down the accession negotiations. The situation is worrying. Alarm for Montenegro. It is high time to react”, she said at the press conference. “It is crucial that Montenegro digs itself out of the worst crisis in recent decades. The process of electing judges of the Constitutional Court should be completed by the end of January”, she pointed out. According to her, the EU has not forgotten the Western Balkans. Fajon sees the solution to Montenegro’s exit from the crisis in the agreement of all political partners. “It is the choice of the Constitutional Court, and of course I expect an agreement on the elections. Everyone’s consensus should be found. We will be there to help. It is important that Montenegro stays on the path to the EU”, she said. Schellenberg said that he would not disclose the details of today’s talks with Montenegrin officials. “I recommend that this Law on the President not be acted upon before the Constitutional Court is established”, he said.


Muleskovic: With OB, instead of money from EU funds, we’re choosing nothing, and Serbia will additionally “suffocate” our market (CdM)


Although the Ministry of European Affairs clearly indicated that Montenegro should not join the Open Balkans (OB), the government in the technical mandate and the outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic do not give up their intention to bring Montenegro into the OB and they announce this almost every day. Abazovic announces the introduction of Montenegro into the OB despite criticisms coming from domestic and international institutions. However, Abazovic does not care about that and does not give up on his intention. In an interview for CdM, economic analyst Mirza Muleskovic warns – with the Open Balkans, we are choosing nothing instead of money from EU funds, and Serbia will further suffocate the Montenegrin market. Muleskovic adds that, although it can be interpreted in several ways, if you look at the official statements in the previous period that refer to the entire situation in the region and the Open Balkans initiative, it is clear that the official EU representatives did not openly support the Open Balkans initiative, but only regional cooperation, which will be established according to the defined EU rules. Accordingly, he adds, it is clear that they supported the initiative of regional cooperation, with the aim of strengthening all the countries that will become member states in the coming period.


The government does not plan to hold presidential and parliamentary elections at the same time (Republika)


No reconstruction of the government is planned. Now is the period when we prepare for the coming year. We intensively present the budgets of each ministry individually, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. Again, he said that there will be no early parliamentary elections. The government functions in a full capacity to deal with all the challenges that the country faces, and believe me that this is a mandate for 11 months already, which has already been filled with great challenges that no government has ever faced, economically, on the energy plan and let’s say on the security plan, on the smooth functioning of all institutions in view of the hybrid threats that are coming and which are the result of the war that is being waged in Ukraine, Kovacevski said. Prime Minister Kovacevski, who is also the president of SDSM, when asked if the debates organized by his party were an introduction to early elections, said that parliamentary elections will be held together with presidential elections in 2024. I am a person who sticks to his views and I do not change my views like other politicians and there will be elections in 2024, first presidential and then parliamentary elections. And the poll itself (IRI) shows you that the citizens are determined for the European future of the country because if you look closely at the percentages of the parties that are in favor of European Macedonia and joining the EU and the parties that are in favor of blocking that process then again you can see the difference and you can already see the result that in 2024 we will have a president of a country who is in favor of joining Macedonia in the EU, and we can propose such a candidate only us SDSM, of course with the coalition partners, Kovacevski said. The Prime Minister is convinced that in 2024 there will be a government again, which will also be led by SDSM and the coalition partners who are in favor of continuing the European path of the country and joining the EU by 2030.


Maritime Border's issue / Xhacka: Compromise for sending to The Hague! Dendias: We support the European perspectives of the Balkans (Radio Tirana


Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka hosted in a meeting her Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias. Xhacka and Dendias gave a statement to the media, where they emphasized the intensification of bilateral cooperation, Maritime Border's issue, the energy crisis and the attack on Ukraine. Focusing on the Maritime Border's issue, Minister Xhacka expressed the bilateral will to refer this issue to The Hague. Likewise, Xhacka stated that Greece is supportive of Albania's integration into the European Union. "It is a pleasure that I had the opportunity to host Minister Dendias today. We consider Greece a valuable neighbor and reliable partner in our journey towards the EU. Dialogue and cooperation takes place in all areas of mutual interest. We are discussing intensively to address the problems that need to be solved. We have the understanding to address and seek solutions to the entire range of issues inherited from history. One of the issues addressed was the restriction of maritime areas. Both sides are willing to seek a compromise for referring the cases to the International Court of Justice. Cooperation in social fields, culture, are really bridges for deepening cooperation. The product of this discussion is also our request for the negotiation and signing potentially for social protection or pensions, from which the Albanians who work and live in Albania will benefit. Regarding the situation in the region but also further, Mr. Dendias comes from a regional tour, and we welcome his personal commitment", said Xhacka. In his speech, the Greek Minister emphasized that the key point of the discussion with Xhacka was reaching a compromise for sending Maritime Border's issue to the Hague Court. According to the minister, the resolution of this issue, the resolution of the law of war, and the other two agreements for avoiding incidents at the border and maintaining the border pyramids, will send a message to the international community that the international law of the Maritime Border's issue is what constitutes the basis for resolving interstate differences. "My arrival today is the last step after my meeting with our colleague Osmani in Athens and my trip to Belgrade and Pristina. Stability, peaceful approach for us, constitutes the primary requirement. The European perspective of the Western Balkans is a challenge that we must face successfully. We have before us a concrete step that we must push, which is the escalation of the issue in the north of Kosovo. We must be as constructive as possible and make the right moves. The need for the continuation of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Our meeting today is integrated into the framework of our constructive meetings. We discussed the acceleration of the dialogue based on the agreement we had two years ago to compromise, in order to establish the special agreement for sending the case to the Hague Court on the border issue. The resolution of this issue and the resolution of the law of war, and the other two agreements for the avoidance of incidents at the border and the maintenance of border pyramids will send a message to the international community that the international law of the Maritime Border's issue is what constitutes the basis for the resolution of interstate differences. By making a general approach, a new big chapter will be opened for our mutual relations", said the Minister. Dendias has reiterated once again that Greece supports the European perspective of the Western Balkans. "Several oversights of international law have appeared in various parts of the planet. What is most evident is the Russian attack on Ukraine. We discussed the role of the Greek minority in Albania and vice versa. These bridges constitute a precious link between our two countries, and Mitsotakis' visit is what will contribute in this direction. We emphasized that you should deepen with investments in trade, for the protection of the environment and the case of the River Vjosa. We have agreed that in principle we will make a defense program that we will be announced on the 20th or 23rd. It is very important what our prime ministers will announce. We also discussed energy, and the energy agreement between our two countries. We also talked about more Greek investments in Albania. I would also like to refer to the European perspective of Albania. Greece strongly supports the European perspective of the Western Balkans, within the framework of a fair condition. I conveyed this exact message to Belgrade, Pristina and North Macedonia. I want to confirm our support for an integrative treatment for Albania. This road in reality has one passage and is extremely important", said Dendias.