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Belgrade Media Report 4 January 2023



Vucic: The Constitution has to be respected (B92)


"For me, it's important that they fulfill the things from the guarantees they gave. It's important for me that they understand that they pretended to be naive, and that they were watching someone raise four bases. And the question arises why you raise them. You don't do that in order to build trust but in order to threaten people," Vucic said. "That's why I'm asking them to put the batterers away," said Vucic. "I called the European representatives this morning and asked them to take into account that situation is much more dangerous and difficult than they think," said Vucic. "I expect that in the first half of January, powerful people from around the world will come to give me a lecture," he said. "Then the torture will continue with Kurti. We talk, and I know he won't do anything, we talk, and I know he won't reconcile," he added. "It is important for them that the noose is seen around my neck, and they are not interested in Serbia, they really don't care about Serbia," he said. "I promise you that we will fight for our people and for Kosovo and Metohija. Will it be easy? It won't. So far, they haven't managed to break a finger on our left hand, let alone our spine," he concluded. "The European Commission, the EU government and the US government made joint statements, in both of those statements there is nothing to analyze what is bad for the Serbs, nothing... As for what we received in the NATO paper, it is specified that the arrival of the Kosovo Security Forces in the north is impossible without the consent of the local Serbs. We have never had that until today. Now we have fought for something more. What is important in this document is that the people who participated in the barricades will not be prosecuted, so there is no action for the people at the barricades," he said. Vucic repeated that there is no more games with Serbia. As he announced, the struggle continues and it will not be easy to represent the interests of our country. "I have no problem with the fact that many people think that Kosovo is independent... I don't think so. I have the Constitution of the country in front of me and I am here to respect it," he said. He said that he is aware that there are many critics, but that the most important thing is that the majority of people in Serbia understand and support the peace policy that he insists on. "I'm fed up with the hypocrisy of people going to the pub who supposedly want to go to war, but not them and their children... But I'm proud of the majority of Serbia who are for peace and who want a better future for their children," he continued. Regarding the comments of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, he said that it is okay to think differently, but that he does not understand ironic statements. "Our opinions regarding Kosovo and Metohija are completely opposite," he said.


Brnabic: We preserved peace in Kosovo and Metohija thanks to wise policy (Tanjug)


It is only thanks to President Aleksandar Vucic's wise policy that peace has been preserved and an armed conflict in Kosovo and Metohija averted, says Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. In an interview to Tanjug, she said she expected further instability in Kosovo and Metohija and that last year had been marked by instability generated by Pristina's Prime Minister Albin Kurti through his unilateral moves and terror against the Serbs. "Last year was a year of instability created by Albin Kurti through his unilateral moves, a year in which his first move was to abolish the Kosovo Serbs' right to vote and ban them from taking place in a rule of law referendum in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, thereby not only violating the Brussels agreement but practically aiming at abolishing it," she said. She said that, unfortunately, this had not been met with a too strong reaction by the Quint and EU states and that, in consequence, Kurti had done the same again in April by banning the Kosovo Serbs from voting in Serbian elections. "That was the start of a kind of a spiral of violence that led us to the very brink of armed conflict. As Prime Minister, I want to thank President Aleksandar Vucic for the fact that conflicts were averted several times in 2022 only through his calm reactions, enormous tolerance and a political wisdom not to react to whatever provocations Albin Kurti makes," Brnabic noted. She said she was not sure she was able to find an explanation for the lack of engagement by some international partners on preventing such an escalation of violence and provocations. She also said she could not explain the international partners' lack of engagement on ensuring the implementation of the 2013 Brussels agreement.


Dacic: No sanctions against Russia as long as Serbia can cope with pressure from the West (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister and the Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica Dacic has said that Serbia will not be imposing sanctions against Russia as long as that decision does not serve the preserving of the country’s national interests. In an interview with Beta, Dacic said that at the moment, imposing sanctions against Russia was not in Serbia’s interest, explaining that aside from economic, it could also have harmful impacts on Moscow’s political support in relation to Kosovo and Metohija. Asked what Serbia’s interest could be for imposing sanctions against Russia, Dacic replied that it was a matter of the limit to which Serbia could cope with this kind of pressure from the West. “As Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said, we will be assessing where the limit is for enduring such pressure. The limit is when it gets unbearable for Serbia,” Dacic specified. The foreign minister also said that Serbia would be aligning with EU foreign and security policy to the extent “corresponding to Serbia’s foreign interests.” “As long as we do not know what will happen with Serbia’s territorial integrity, we will not be able to align our policy with that of the EU,” Dacic stressed.


Dacic: Another country to derecognise so-called Kosovo soon (Politika/Tanjug)


Soon, another country will withdraw its recognition of so-called Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has told Tanjug. Serbian authorities said earlier that, at a certain moment, it will be announced which countries have withdrawn recognition of self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, in addition to those that are already known to have done so. Dacic previously announced that this year Serbia will continue the difficult diplomatic and political struggle related to the defense of our territorial integrity and sovereignty.


Chief of General Staff tours troops in Raska, Novi Pazar (FoNet)


Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic toured Tuesday Serbian troops in the Raska garrison and in Novi Pazar, said the Defense Ministry. General Mojsilovic found that the state of things was satisfactory and that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces are ready, motivated and fully trained to perform all tasks and preserve peace and stability in that part of Serbia, said the Ministry. Stressing that he was proud of their brave attitude, demonstrated abilities and professional attitude towards assigned tasks in difficult times for Serbia, Mojsilovic congratulated the troops and their superiors the New Year and the upcoming Christmas, with wishes for peace, good health and happiness in the New Year, said the Ministry.


Jeremic: Solution to Kosovo question subordinated to rule of SNS and Vucic (Beta)


People's Party president Vuk Jeremic has said that solving the question of Kosovo has been subordinated to the survival of the Serbian Progressive Party and Aleksandar Vucic in power. "The authorities' only goal is to stay in power and everything else comes after that goal, even the question of Kosovo. In that sense, Vucic's goal is not solving the question of Kosovo in accordance with Serbia's national interests, but gaining the West's support for several more years in power by making further concessions and surrendering Serbia's national interests in Kosovo and Metohija, while at the same time hiding the fact that he made concessions from the people of Serbia," Jeremic said in an interview with Beta. He added that the question of all questions in negotiations on Kosovo and Metohija was Pristina's membership in the UN and "that this must be a red line for Serbian state policy, no matter who is in power". "The key to the UN membership of Kosovo as a state that unilaterally declared independence lies in Serbia's hands and we can efficiently get this question off the table by having Belgrade officially ask Moscow and Beijing to veto Pristina's admission into the UN if the question of Pristina's membership in the UN ever reaches its agenda," he said. According to Jeremic, Serbia can bolster its international position by posting its candidacy for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council next year and there is a big chance of it being accepted.


Swedish Ambassador: We want accelerated EU accession, alignment with EU foreign policy (Beta)


Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Annika Ben David has said that Sweden wants to see accelerated EU integration of Serbia and will continue to request from Belgrade to align with EU foreign and security policy. In an interview with Beta Daily European Service, the Swedish ambassador said that the EU was strongly committed to EU accession of the Western Balkan countries, but that it still required fulfillment of the set criteria. “We want to see an accelerated accession process, which is based on reforms, just and rigorous conditioning and the principle of individual merits,” said the ambassador of Sweden which took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 January Ben David noted that the geopolitical reality had caused “a new feeling of urgent EU accession,” stressing that the war in Ukraine required a common response. “We welcome the fact that many of our close partners have aligned with EU views in foreign and security policy as is expected from the EU candidate countries. We will continue to call on Serbia to do the same,” the Swedish Ambassador said.


Detained Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija: Pantic spent holidays with his family, Trajkovic denied medicine (RTS)


One of the main demands of the Serbs who protested on the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija for 20 days was the release of former police officers Dejan Pantic and Sladjan Trajkovic, and civilian Miljan Adzic, who were all arrested by the Kosovo police. Pantic is now under house arrest with his family, until 9 January, Sladjan Trajkovic is detained in Podujevo, without access to necessary medication, while the prosecution has requested an extension of custody for another two months for Miljan Adzic, reports RTS. The wife of Dejan Pantic, who is accused of war crimes, says that she is happy that the family got to spend the holidays together. She points out that her husband, who is under house arrest, has a heart condition and is not feeling well. "At the moment, he is not doing well psychologically. He is filled with some kind of fear, irritable and that's all because of the time he spent in Jarinje in that supposedly detention unit, all of that has affected him," said Suzana Pantic. Pantic's lawyer expects the prosecution to request extension of house arrest after 9 January. "He is absolutely sure that he is not guilty, although he is a little worried, because the punishment for that crime is quite severe, but he firmly believes, and I have every reason to believe that he is not guilty and that the prosecution will not be able to prove anything during the upcoming investigation," said Ljubomir Pantovic. Former member of the Kosovo police Sladjan Trajkovic was arrested on 16 December and also charged with war crimes.


Trajkovic is not receiving necessary medication

He worked in the integrated police since 2013. The family can visit him once in 15 days and they say that, as a diabetic, he is not receiving the necessary therapy while in detention in Podujevo. "Yes, I'm going to see him on Wednesday, I'll tell him to be strong and take care of himself, we believe in him, we know he's innocent, we're guilty of being Serbs, that's all," said Suzana Trajkovic, Sladjan Trajkovic's wife. "Medication that has Serbian tax stamp on the packaging is banned from being brought into that detention center in Podujevo, and those drugs do not exist in Kosovo, then the problem is to bring adequate therapy, there are several detainees and convicts there who have problems obtaining medication," said Dejan Vasic, Trajkovic's lawyer. Both police officers were arrested shortly after they left the Kosovo police. "Thanks to the state, thanks to these people in the north who were with us all the time, thanks to the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, President Vucic, we overcame this much easier than we would have on our own," said Suzana Pantic.


Prosecution wants to keep Miljan Adzic detained for 2 more months

The third Serb who got arrested, Miljan Adzic, is accused of assaulting an official during a Serb protest. According to his lawyer, the prosecution requested that his detention be extended for another two months.


Pristina's police at Jarinje arrest, then release teacher (Tanjug/Politika)


Pristina's police at the Jarinje administrative crossing arrested a physical education teacher from the north of Kosovska Mitrovica on Wednesday morning over an alleged attack on ethnic Albanian journalists in the town, but released him after several hours, his lawyer told Tanjug. He said the man - identified only with the initials IM - had given a statement at a police base at Jarinje, saying that he had nothing to do with the alleged attack. The lawyer said the journalists had allegedly been beaten up outside a shop owned by IM. "There is no other connection whatsoever. He was detained for several hours and then released," the lawyer said.


KFOR removes last barricade in north of Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


KFOR removed the last barricade in the north of Kosovo and Metohija on Tuesday. A KFOR unit conducted an engineer operation, removing two trucks from the new bridge at Dudin Krs in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica. KFOR said it had removed the vehicles to make roads in the north of Kosovo-Metohija passable and restore freedom of movement, RTS reported. The barricade at Dudin krs was put up by local Serbs on 27 December in response to the arrests of fellow Serbs Milan Adzic, Sladjan Trajkovic and Dejan Pantic and to the presence of Pristina's special police troops in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.


EC: Situation in Kosovo remains fragile (Tanjug/Politika)


The European Commission believes that the situation in north Kosovo is still very fragile, EU spokesperson Nabila Massrali said on Tuesday, adding that, in coordination with the US and KFOR, the EU had played an active role in recent developments. She reiterated that the EC welcomed the de-escalation in Kosovo and the removal of barricades, put up by local Serbs in protest against unlawful arrests of their compatriots. The situation is really fragile and we call on both sides to exercise restraint and avoid any actions that could have the potential for a return of violence and escalation, she said, adding that EULEX would continue to watch the situation.




SNSD’s Sulic says projects important for RS, the implementation of which stagnated, need to be unblocked at level of B&H (RTRS)


SNSD MP in the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament Denis Sulic told RTRS that projects important for the RS the implementation of which stagnated need to be unblocked at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the next four years. He stressed that it is important to have people in the institutions at the joint level who will defend interests of the RS, as well as that election winners in the RS form the authority at the level of B&H. Sulic reminded that the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) clearly stipulates that entities have competences in the field of immovable property, adding that the RS and the RS parliament has never taken any activities against the DPA and the goal is to protect the RS’ rights and property that belongs to the RS citizens.


Turkovic expresses concern about possibility that Sulic could be appointed B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees from rank of Bosniak people (FTV)


Outgoing B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic has expressed concern about the possibility that SNSD's Denis Sulic could be appointed a B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees from the rank of the Bosniak people. Turkovic stated that Sulic's selection would represent handing over complete control over the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H to pro-Russian political forces. Current regulations on the work of the B&H CoM require that at least one of the ministers from each of the constituent peoples must vote for decisions. Turkovic stated that one Bosniak minister who will follow the policy of SNSD and HDZ B&H is enough for them to take absolute power in the B&H CoM, concluding that this would be a step towards the destabilization of B&H.


Russian Embassy in B&H reacts to Turkovic’s statement about Sulic, says Russia does not interfere in process of formation of authorities in B&H (FTV)


The Russian Embassy in B&H has reacted to the statements of outgoing B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic about SNSD’s Denis Sulic. “As is well known, we do not allow ourselves to interfere in the processes of formation of bodies and departments of authorities in B&H - unlike our Western opponents, who with foam on their lips shout about the sovereignty of B&H and immediately emphasize exactly what kind of people they need in the authority structures,” the Russian Embassy in B&H said in a statement, emphasizing that they assume that the new composition of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will be guided by the national interests of B&H. “No one, not even Bisera Turkovic, has a monopoly on imposing the ‘correct Bosniak way of thinking’, on labeling someone like the Others as pro-Russian”, reads the Embassy’s statement.


NES and SB&H: Talks with Dodik need to be suspended owing to Dodik’s activities (Oslobodjenje)


People’s European Alliance (NES) and SB&H issued a joint press statement in which they state that in the last couple of days they have been monitoring and discussing series of decisions that SNSD leader and RS President Milorad Dodik initiated, as well as his statement which deny competencies of state of B&H and existence of Constitutional Court of B&H. The statement reads that the RS parliament adopted a law on immovable property, which would enable Dodik to usurp state property, unless the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) prevents him. NES and SB&H also noted that they find unacceptable Dodik’s plan to appoint Denis Sulic to Council of Ministers, “a Bosniak by Dodik’s taste”, noting that this would give Dodik supremacy in the decision-making process in the CoM. NES leader, Nermin Ogresevic stated that these two parties will not be part of authority where Dodik, even before forming of the CoM is violating the Agreement signed by coalition partners. Therefore, these two parties will ask for suspending of negotiation with Dodik.


No dissolution of “The Eight” (Dnevni avaz/AJB)


Speaking to the daily, NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic commented joint statement of People’s European Alliance (NES) and SB&H, in which these two parties asked for ‘The Eight’ to suspend talks with SNSD leader Milorad Dodik because of his latest moves. Konakovic said that he understands frustration of these two parties, but added that “conflict is the field that Dodik plays well”. “This is a scenario that we already watched. I advocate for us to outplay him in regard to concrete solutions, to beat him on the field of economy, to set new standards which we did not see by now. I do not think that this especially undermines ‘The Eight’ and we will meet in following days to discuss this issue and take certain stances,” said Konakovic. NiP leader noted that Dodik has no desire for quick authority formation and this is in best interest of SDA and DF: “Process of suspending of authority formation would mean that Dodik would stay in full capacity at helm of the CoM. Because he has (Zoran) Tegeltija at the helm, who is leading processes in full capacity, schedules agendas, so this is the question which we have to ask ourselves first of all. we will know more in next couple of days, I think the things will move on their own pace.” As for speculation about appointment of SNSD’s Denis Sulic to post of Minister of Human Rights and Refugees and the fact that being that he would be appointed as a Bosniak would enable HDZ B&H and SNSD to outvote Bosniak Ministers, Konakovic said that SNSD has not officially submitted a single proposal for Ministers. “SDA is launching a news by themselves and then they react to that. This is also an already seen scenario. Why is Dodik doing all this, I would like to remind the public to an important thing. Milorad Dodik is currently coalition partner with SDA and DF. He is still living with his coalition partners. We have not yet formed authority with Dodik. These are the habits that he demonstrated by now, this is the Dodik that we have gotten used to. Is this temporary, is it periodical, we will see,” said Konakovic. However, Konakovic deems that majority at state level will be formed and that Dodik has no intention to keep SDA in the authority. He argues that he is convinced that if Dodik wanted to move this way and form authority with SDA, he would have done that and he would be sitting with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic who would give him anything he wants, there would be no questions who the ministers are and DF leader Zeljko Komsic would support this in the end. Konakovic said that ‘The Eight’ will take an official position on Wednesday, and commented on ‘The Eight’ potential political division. In a statement for Al Jazeera Balkans, Konakovic said that should not happen “now when we are almost at very finish of the authority formation’’, and especially over such an important issue, and added “what is the alternative? How can it (be done) without Dodik?”. Konakovic also conveyed a message to Dodik that the RS Law on immovable property will be challenged before the B&H Constitutional Coirt, noting he agrees ‘The Eight’ should react to SNSD’s unofficial “ministerial solutions”, including Denis Sulic’s appointment, due to future decisions in executive branch. “It would complicate relations if a Bosniak comes from the RS, and he (Sulic) could be the hand in certain moments that minimizes the position of our side. It is a serious issue that we will discuss before the final proposal for the B&H CoM formation”, said Konakovic. Konakovic said that he understands his colleagues from NES and SBiH to some extent, adding that he does not believe that anyone from ‘The Eight’ is ready for “a suicide mission.” Konakovic said that he believes that it is better to stop Dodik's negative actions through the parliaments and institutions of B&H.


Sulic’s appointment means that Bosniaks would be left without protection mechanism in CoM  (Dnevni avaz)


The daily comments that even though it seemed that authority formation at the state level will be solved easily and quickly, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik once again embraced his “bad boy persona” and created new turbulences. Article reads that first the RS parliament adopted the law on immovable property, which was already rejected by Constitutional Court, then Dodik continues with insulting of US Ambassador Michael Murphy and High Representative Christian Schmidt and to top it all, he nominated Denis Sulic to the post of a B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees, and author comments that this latest action could disturb the entire process of authority formation.  Daily goes on and explains the issue with Sulic’s appointment, noting that RS parties have right to appoint three ministers in the B&H Council of Ministers and it is expected that their candidates are Serbs, but Sulic declares as a Bosniak and his appointment would disturb balance in the decision-making process within the CoM. Sulic’s appointment, daily reads, would give A chance to SNSD and HDZ B&H to outvote Bosniaks, explaining that adoption of decisions within the CoM demands vote of at least one minister from each of constituent peoples. Article noted that ‘The Eight’ did not declare on this issue, while SDA already issued comments about “a new betrayal”. However, the daily noted that the main question here is why is Dodik doing this and why is he undermining a new coalition now when he is given a second chance to become a constructive factor and to launch certain projects, which are in his personal interest. Author concludes that regardless of the motives, Dodik’s moves do not give optimism that something changed in his policy. Sulic’s appointment means that Bosniaks would be left without protection mechanism in the CoM, which makes it clear that ‘The Eight’ must not agree to this even at the price of the CoM not being formed. learns OHR erases deadline to convene inaugural session of FB&H HoP (Hayat)


Hayat reported that the web portal learns that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) erased a deadline to convene the inaugural session of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP). According to Hayat, only HDZ B&H and the NiP can convene the session of the HoP and the deadline to propose FB&H President and FB&H Vice Presidents (VPs) begins with the day of confirmation of mandates in the B&H CEC. According to Hayat, ‘The Eight’ and the HDZ B&H plan in this way, to reduce the number of the necessary signatures from 11 to seven and thus, circumvent the election of SDA candidates for FB&H President or FB&H VPs that enable formation of the FB&H government.


RS makes final preparations for commemoration of 9 January (O Kanal/ATV/RTRS)


O Kanal reports that RS is making final preparations for marking of 9 January, “the unconstitutional Day of the RS.” This year, for the first time, the central event marking January 9 will be held in Istocno Sarajevo. RS President Milorad Dodik announced earlier that the central event marking the Day of the RS will be held in a different city of the RS every year. O Kanal reminded that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in November 2015 declared unconstitutional the celebration of 9 January as the Day of the RS. A few days ago, the High Representative reminded that the B&H CC’s decisions are binding. Christian Schmidt said that marking of 9 January as the RS Day demonstrates clear failure to accept the Constitution of B&H, rule of law and it represents an open disrespect for decisions and authority of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. The daily added that the RS replied to Schmidt by saying that he is the last one who has the right to speak about failure to respect decisions knowing that he came to the position of the High Representative without a mandatory decision of the UN Security Council. Dodik sent a message to both Schmidt and everyone else who dispute marking of 9 January by saying that they can do whatever they want to do but the RS will mark and celebrate the RS Day. “We do not care about whether this is supported by ‘tourists’ like Schmidt”, Dodik said. ATV comments that despite the “poison darts coming from the other entity’’, preparations for the celebration in the RS are already underway. ATV reports that the RS flags have been set up across Banja Luka ahead 9 January. RTRS reports that a formal ceremony is to take place in Banja Luka on Sunday. The RS associations stemming from the last war announced that the parade in Istocno Sarajevo will be held in a dignified manner.


Associations of war veterans and civilian victims of war in SC announce protest for Wednesday over marking of unconstitutional RS Day (ATV/RTRS)


Associations of war veterans and civilian victims of war in the Sarajevo Canton (SC) have announced a protest for Wednesday over “marking the unconstitutional RS Day on 9 January, symbolically at the ‘Muzej Hrabrosti’ (Courage Museum). ATV reports that another protest was held on Monday, and on the occasion the protestors expressed their indignation over the continuous unconstitutional activities contrary to provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) that are, according to the protestors, related to the marking of 9 January. The protestors called on all non-governmental organizations, the B&H Army members, civilian victims of war, families of killed soldiers, and citizens of Sarajevo to join them at the protest on Wednesday to “stop the celebration by their unity and their voice”.  The reporter notes that response from the RS is: “They should take their hatred with them, and we will continue to celebrate for as long as we live”. RTRS carried that 9 January as the RS Day is again under attack of political Sarajevo. The Association ‘Green Berets’ and certain NGOs have announced a rally for Wednesday in Sarajevo with the aim to oppose marking of 9 January and they also called on (High Representative) Christian Schmidt to ban the marking. The group of veterans who gathered in Vogosca on Monday also requested “the High Representative, representatives and institutions of the EU in B&H, NATO, OSCE and all embassies accredited in B&H, with a special emphasis on the Quint countries, to react in an urgent and concrete manner in line with international and domestic laws in order to finally stop anti-Dayton and unconstitutional activities of the leadership of B&H entity of the RS”.


Vucevic speaks about marking of RS Day, says years ahead of us must be in sign of Serb uniting (Glas Srpske)


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Serbia Milos Vucevic stated on the occasion of upcoming marking of the RS Day that “nothing and nobody can bring apart Serbia and RS” and he added that “the upcoming years must be in sign of Serb uniting”. “In these difficult and challenging times, it is extremely important that we fight for preservation of Serbia's sovereignty in line with the Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council together, with all our capacities”, said Vucevic. He also emphasized the significance of joint struggle to preserve peace and stability, freedom, state and lives of people. “Just like we jointly mark the Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and National Flag, this 9 January, on the RS Day, we are sending a message that years ahead of us must be in sign of Serb uniting, because only concord and unity guarantee freedom in the general crisis the world is faced with. Long live Serbia! Long live the RS!”, Vucevic concluded.


Croatian FM: Good neighbourly ties are important, but Serbia needs to meet expectations (N1)


Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman has said that good neighbourly ties with Serbia are important to Zagreb, but added that certain expectations have to be met. “We still have the legacy of the Croatian War of Independence due to greater Serbian aggression which Serbia needs to face, more than 1,830 missing persons, reparations for camp prisoners,” the Minister told the prime N1 on Jan.1. On Dec. 31, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had requested that effort be invested in “unfreezing” relations with Croatia. “President Vucic has requested that connections be established with (Serbian Human and Minority Rights Minister Tomislav) Zigmanov and (Croatian MP Milorad) Pupovac, to somewhat unfreeze relationswith Croatia,” Dacic told Pink TV.


Croatian PM marks joining Schengen area with meetings with Von der Leyen, Slovenian President (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic marked his country's entry to the Schengen zone on Jan. 1, with meetings with European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar. Croatia has organized a number of symbolic and appropriate events to mark its switch to the euro and entry to the Schengen area, which were the country’s strategic goals since joining the EU nearly 10 years ago. Speaking to reporters at the border points at the Bregana crossing between Croatia and Slovenia, Plenkovic said that it was a historic day, stressing that Croatia was the first country to join the eurozone and Schengen area at the same time. Plenkovic said that Croatia would do everything to see its neighbors on the same path, particularly underlining Bosnia and Herzegovina. At midnight on Jan. 1, 73 border checkpoints on the ground and 12 border points at sea were removed, while border checks at airports will remain in place until March 26 due to technical reasons.


No smaller country with higher tensions: Montenegro – a year of finding a solution to big crisis? (CdM/DW)


Montenegro survived another turbulent year – two governments fell and the institutional crisis escalated. The EU even threatens to halt the accession negotiations. The next year might be the year of finding a solution to the crisis, writes Deutsche Welle.  There’s no smaller country with higher tensions than Montenegro is. It’s how the situation in Montenegro can be described after two governments fell in 2022 and two parliamentary majorities changed in parliament. One of its key institutions – the Constitutional Court – has been blocked, while the West tries to mediate between the government and opposition in an attempt to solve both the political and institutional crisis. This year, the new-old parliamentary majority, led by the Democratic Front (DF), will try to form a new government. The EU and the United States urge them to not do it and instead head for the extraordinary parliamentary elections, as the opposition wants as well. They also threaten to stop the EU negotiation talks and indirectly say that they won’t collaborate with the new government, if formed. So, it’s clear that the solution must be found in 2023. In a statement for DW, the Head of the DF caucus, Slaven Radunovic, also believes it: “Montenegro practically doesn’t function as the Constitutional Court is being blocked. I think we’re on a good way to elect judges of that court by the end of January”. On the other hand, the main opposition party, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), blame the current parliamentary majority for the escalation of crisis. “Two-thirds of the majority are parties which have been fighting against the European emancipation of the Montenegrin society, which strongly opposed Montenegro’s accession to NATO and which are, according to the assessment of the US Department of State and other relevant international authorities, Russia’s political instrument in Montenegro. Therefore, there’s nothing strange about the situation we’re facing,” the DPS MP Nikola Rakocevic says for DW, referring to the Democratic Front. He also adds that Montenegro’s going to face international isolation if the unconstitutional government is established. “It’s a desirable scenario only for the pro-Russian political forces in Montenegro, which get instructions from Belgrade and Moscow”. However, Mr Radunovic responds that they find the interest of citizens the most important thing. “Although Montenegro is a sovereign country, its Western allies don’t seem to perceive it like that. The level of their meddling exceeds good taste. It’s obvious that the interest of Montenegro citizens is what they care the least of. However, we’ll give our best to form a new government and pull the country out of the crisis”.


Vukovic: Process of Montenegro’s deterioration should be stopped asap, we need agreement of pro-European forces (Portal Analitika)


The proposal to form a new government on the basis of unconstitutional amendments to the Law on the President, and contrary to the clear warnings of our international partners, is absolutely on the line of the destructive attitude of the ruling majority, deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and current mayor of Podgorica Ivan Vukovic has said for the Analitika portal. He notes that it is completely clear that those who started that way take full responsibility for the catastrophic consequences that await us already at the beginning of this year, if this crazy plan is not abandoned. “These consequences, in the political sense, will mean, de facto, the international isolation of Montenegro and, de jure, a complete halt to the European integration process of our country”, says Vukovic. According to him, this will have serious economic repercussions. “The proposed budget for the next year envisages debt in the amount of €600m, of which €120m is for current consumption. At the same time, it is completely clear that the new government will not have partners for this among credible international financial institutions”, Vukovic points out. Vukovic believes that apart from the paralysis of state institutions, the increasing socio-economic crisis, the collapse of values and principles on which modern, civil Montenegro rests, one of the consequences of the change of government on 30 August 2020 is the complete halting of the European integration process. According to him, with a new, truly pro-European government, with presumed political maturity and full commitment to that goal, and on the basis of a general social consensus regarding the process of European integration, Montenegro could, most certainly, soon again become a successful European story in the Western Balkans.


Reformist government, not a smuggling one should be formed (Pobjeda)


The leader of the Movement for Changes (PzP), Nebojsa Medojevic, says in an interview for Pobjeda that if the 44th government is not reformist, there will be no government at all. He has added that URA’s insistence not to give the position of vice-president for the coordination of security services means that they are taking full responsibility for not forming the government. “If URA insists that, in addition to the six ministries and monopolies in the security and defense and foreign affairs sectors, it also seeks this purely political position, then everyone will have to ask a logical question: ‘Why is Nebojsa Medojevic not acceptable’? PZP would understand another such blackmail as a clear message from URA that they do not want the dismantling of the Milo Djukanovic regime and the reforms and that they have very concrete lucrative reasons for this – the continuation of smuggling and quick enrichment”, says Medojevic. “For a better understanding of this chaos and powerlessness and constitutional disorder in which we find ourselves, it is necessary, in addition to locating the powerful people who formed the first post-Djukanovic government, to shed light on the motives for such a dangerous and anti-state and anti-democratic act”, he points out. “Based on everything I found out and my level of understanding of processes and relations in Montenegro, the main motive of these powerful people was to prevent reforms that would lead to a systemic discontinuity with the sick regime of Djukanovic, all for the sake of taking control over lucrative criminal activities related to cigarette smuggling, drugs and money laundering”, Medojevic stresses. “There is only one way out of such constitutional and fundamental crises – social consensus and fair and honest elections”, he says. “The new government starts with certain problems related to the international factor, primarily the EU. This is precisely the line of fight against crime and corruption that is most effective for strengthening our international reputation and intensifying relations with the EU and NATO. The US is particularly interested in prosecuting drug cartels, and the UK in stopping cigarette smuggling and prosecuting key players”, Medojevic explains. “The state of Montenegro must use its concrete actions against the mafia and show that there is no individual more powerful than it”, he points out.


Zivkovic: Lekic to be used by DF politically for its own interest, ministries already being traded like in 2020 (CdM)


For the Democratic Front (DF), the PM-designate Miodrag Lekic is only a former leader of that alliance who should once again be used politically for their interest. And as trades regarding ministries and mutual blackmail have already started, it is clear that we have a repeat of what happened after 30 August 2020, says the head of the DPS caucus Danijel Zivkovic for CdM. On 29 December 2022, Parliament Speaker Danijela Djurovic announced the candidate of the parliamentary majority – the leader of DEMOS, Lekic, as the candidate for the composition of the new government. DEMOS leader was proposed by DF as the prime minister-designate, and he was accepted by the rest of the parliamentary majority. Zivkovic notes that the anti-European coalition continues on the well-trodden path of anti-constitutional action. He stresses that this is no longer an isolated case, but an established practice. “DF took up the baton in the demolition of the Constitution. United in the intention to come to power at any cost, other political entities from the majority allow Andrija Mandic to be their conductor and spokesperson. They have agreed to play the role of a wagon in the composition that leads Montenegro into international isolation, and this will certainly have serious consequences for the state and its citizens. In the end, everything must end in elections. Aware of these circumstances, part of the entities in the executive power buy a few more weeks in positions that should provide them with a better position in the snap elections”, Zivkovic believes. He is clear – in order for Montenegro to emerge from the political and institutional crisis as soon as possible, it is necessary to elect four judges of the Constitutional Court.


Ibrahimovic: Minister Adrovic and I are in government because of our responsible attitude towards citizens, we lead very important ministries for state (CdM)


In an interview for CdM, the leader of the Bosniak Party (BS) and Minister of Capital Investments Ervin Ibrahimovic has answered the question about the reasons for BS remaining in the government that lost confidence He says that he and the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Admir Adrovic (BS) are in the government that is in a technical mandate because of the responsible attitude towards the citizens and because of the fact that they lead very important ministries for the state of Montenegro. Ibrahimovic emphasizes that they have spoken on several occasions about the participation of the Bosniak Party in the government, although he believes that it is not the most important issue in the country at this time. “However, it is important to recall that the Bosniak Party always made the right decisions at key moments and that for the past 17 years it was always on the side of those ideas and forces that led to independent Montenegro, and later membership in the NATO Alliance. After everything we saw, and, as representatives of minority peoples, experienced during the 42nd government, when we had the removal of Bosniaks from the institutions of the system, it was the BS that initiated the formation of a minority Government, with the aim of returning Montenegro to the track of European values. In that, we had the support of all civil parties, the international community, and intellectuals, and I believe it was a good political move”, he has told CdM. He points out that the current 43rd government had clearly arranged priorities, among which were the continuation of EU integration and the unblocking of institutions, raising the standard of living, strengthening minority rights, balanced regional development and others. Speaking about the current moment in which the country finds itself, he warns that Montenegro is currently in a serious political, institutional and crisis of non-existence of dialogue between the government and the opposition. All this, he adds, has resulted in Montenegro’s negotiation process being seriously called into question, while its EU partners have clearly warned it about that.


Abazovic: I have a correct relationship with Vucic, he isn’t governing Montenegro (Vijesti)


Outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic says in an interview for Vijesti that his relationship with Aleksandar Vucic is correct, but that the President of Serbia does not govern Montenegro.

“Whether we like some political option in the region is not our question and it is a question for our citizens. We have sovereign power, we respect others, in the same way and that’s it. All that talk about Vucic is in the context of creating some negative political narrative in relation to me personally. I am glad that with him, with the Prime Ministers of Albania, Kosovo and with the chairman of the Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have relations that every prime minister of Montenegro should have”, he says. Abazovic has announced that he wants to see more evidence of the alleged guilt of Rade Milosevic for cigarette smuggling, saying that it was illogical for him that the URA official formed a criminal organization with people he had just met in less than a month. However, he adds that he is not amnestying anyone and that Milosevic will also be sanctioned by the party, if he is found to be guilty of any illegalities. “I am not amnestying anyone, absolutely, that is the principle of work and I think that our party bodies will have to take a principled and clear position that our political entity is an inviolable fighter for the fight against corruption and organized crime”, says Abazovic.


Kovachevski: We always have and always will insist on good neighbourliness and solidarity, no one can achieve anything alone (MIA/Tanjug)


The Prime Ministers of North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Dimitar Kovachevski, Ana Brnabic and Dritan Abazovic in response to Tanjug on how they see the region in 2023, expressed their expectations that it will continue to demonstrate unity and solidarity, as well as that importantsteps will be taken that will represent a completely new beginning for the Western Balkans, which, they add, has a lot to offer to both Europe and the world, MIA’s Belgrade correspondent reports. Kovachevski told Tanjug he believes that 2023 will be a better year for North Macedonia and for the region, as well as that he expects the already proven and demonstrated solidarity will help the region overcome all new obstacles. “No one can achieve anything alone; this is why we have always insisted and will continue to insist on good neighborliness and solidarity. When one has friends and support, and if one works hard, there is no unattainable goal,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski said everyone will benefit from the results of the joint effort and the projects implemented. “Our mutual trade is growing as a result of the numerous agreements and memoranda within Open Balkan. I expect that this will encourage other countries of the region to join the initiative which is making the Western Balkan European and open in the practical sense of the word,” said  Kovachevski. When asked how she sees the region in 2023, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said Serbia will continue to be deeply committed to the Open Balkan initiative and all other regional initiatives in 2023. “I look forward to the implementation of electronic identification for all citizens as part of the Open Balkan initiative – ID cards which will enable us to cross the borders without any waiting, to practically eliminate the borders between us and to have an unimpeded flow of goods, people, capital and services,” said Brnabic. The Serbian PM added that she looks forward to seeing the border crossings which will contain a single marked lane for trucks and passenger vehicles from Open Balkan countries. She said that she has placed the emphasis on the Open Balkan initiative, because it is “our own, autochthonous initiative, initiated by the countries from the region” and expressed hope that the other partners of the region will slowly join the initiative. The Montenegrin Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic said he expects everyone in the region to be wiser and more committed to friendship and togetherness, to see each other as friends building a common future for the benefit of all citizens, while at the same time increasing the living standard. He added that it is necessary to change the existing practice, saying that “we mustn’t see each other as enemies, but as friends, neighbours, people with whom we will cooperate, live and build a common future.” Abazovic stressed that he really believes everyone in the region will be wiser, more resolute, more just and ready to finally take a step forward in 2023. The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in response to the same question said he believes the events of the past decades, as well as the current conflicts in Eastern Europe will affect the development of events in the region, adding that in such circumstances it is difficult to be an optimist, but there is also no basis for pessimism either.


Analysis: North Macedonia has opened EU negotiations, process might not resume due to constitutional changes (MIA)


Last year, North Macedonia after being in the EU’s waiting room for 17 years, officially opened the process of negotiations with the Union by holding the first intergovernmental conference. The explanatory and bilateral screenings to align with the European legislation are under way with this process expected to be concluded in November 2023. However, in order the country’s European path to resume, constitutional changes should be introduced by including the Bulgarians into the Constitution. Over this matter, the government and the opposition have radically different positions. Yet, the government predicts that the country could join the EU by 2030. It is deemed that 2023 will be a crucial year for the country to resume its EU integration process. After approving the so called “French proposal”, North Macedonia on July 17, 2022, having been a candidate for EU membership for 17 years, held the first intergovernmental conference with the Union, thus officially opening the EU accession process. The condition for resuming the EU integration process and the holding of the second intergovernmental conference, which also opens the first negotiating Cluster – the constitutional changes – is included in the Bilateral Protocol, signed by North Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and now the former Bulgarian foreign minister Ekaterina Zaharieva on 19 July 2022. The draft-conclusions of the French EU presidency noted that the Protocol is an integral part of the negotiating framework for North Macedonia and that the EU will follow the progress made involving the document. Before negotiations are formally opened, the process of screening the national legislation should be concluded first. A two-third majority, required to change the Constitution, is yet to be secured in the Macedonian Parliament as some parties have started conditioning their support for constitutional changes with early elections. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski has repeatedly called on all 120 MPs to demonstrate responsibility before present and future generations and support North Macedonia’s accession to the EU by leaving any partisan interests aside, underlying: “The citizens want to be part of the EU and the future of the citizens is an obligation equally of all political parties in Parliament.” After the government approved the “French proposal” for the start of accession negotiations in July 2022, the largest opposition party VMRO-DPMNE said it wouldn’t endorse the opening of the Constitution for the purpose of including the Bulgarian community in it. After the proposal was passed in Parliament, opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski showed notarized statements by all members of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group pledging they won’t support constitutional changes. In September, the opposition demanded holding of a referendum to annul the Friendship Treaty with Bulgaria, which was later rejected by Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi as being unconstitutional. The party Levica also followed suit demanding a referendum. The initiative was also rejected by the Speaker. In October, some ten days after the European Commission had released the progress report on North Macedonia, the VMRO-DPMNE leader said his party wouldn’t support the opening of the Constitution as long as the European Union provided guarantees that the country would join the bloc and that it wouldn’t be again subjected to a veto from Bulgaria. “When someone from Brussels will give a clear guarantee to the Macedonian people and to the citizens of Macedonia, then we can sit down and talk. Until then, the Preamble won’t be changed and the Constitution won’t be opened,” Mickoski has stated. Some parties from the Albanian political bloc have started conditioning the constitutional changes with the removal of the “20 percent” provision in the Constitution, demanding that Albanian is given an equal status as the Macedonian language. MIA spoke to political analyst Marko Troshanovski, president of the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis – Skopje”, about the EU integration process last year and what the country can expect this year regarding the process. According to Troshanovski, last year was perhaps a culmination of the frustrations this country had gone through in the EU accession process in the past 15 years and as such, it had polarized the society with the public perception of the EU’s credibility dropping, although support remains high according to recent opinion polls. “Analyzing deeper the results, it can be pointed out that people are starting to believe that reforms are not crucial to make progress in the process, meaning they will stop pushing the political elites to deliver vital reforms,” he said. He mentioned that the inclusion of the bilateral issues with Bulgaria in the Negotiating Framework is a fact, which may further problematize the EU accession process. “The process won’t be easy anyhow and will come across a resistance from the society, which was the case in all member countries before joining the EU – EU’s ratings had dropped during the negotiations, because some of these reforms had been painful. In our case, the issues are very emotional, sensitive and identity-related. Unless our Euro-Atlantic partners manage to pull them aside at the sidelines so as not to condition the process, then there is a chance this process to become more positive for the country. Otherwise, it could turn into a formal alignment of the negotiating positions and the legislation, however, it would be alien to the people and the society wouldn’t feel it as being its own, which is one of the main goals to accession the EU,” said Troshanovski.

As regards what the country would expect from the integration process in 2023, the political analyst pointed out the completion of the screening, a report on the explanatory screening and a EU report on the country’s efforts in the field. “However, the resumption of the negotiations and the second intergovernmental conference are conditioned by the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Constitution. It is fair to say we’d opened the negotiations, but we might not resume the process unless they were included,” he stressed. As a state and as a society, Troshanovski noted, we have until November to make it happen, otherwise there is a chance of decoupling the country and Albania and of again entering a waiting phase, of uncertainty. “This is what the country needs the least amid a crisis lingering for several year, including a crisis in governance and rule of law at home, the economic, health and war crisis,” Troshanovski told MIA. Asked whether the country could be hit by additional blockades from Sofia, the analyst said the probability of that throughout the negotiating process is great and significant. “No one can guarantee that there won’t be any more blockades despite guarantees being demanded by the opposition and by part of the society. Now, it is up to EU’s soft power to prevent the negotiation process to be diminished through unnecessary issues regarding the identity and history,” stated Troshanovski. According to him, given the political crisis in Bulgaria, it can be expected from the parties to continue scoring political points on the matter for a long time and that even blockades could be possible mainly for scoring political points at home all in line with Bulgaria’s strategic standing against the Macedonian issue. Holding an end-of-the-year press briefing in December, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said the documents that had been signed and the framework provide no foundation for Bulgaria to impose new blockades in the event the Constitution is amended. Other member countries, not only Sofia, can block the country only if they wanted to since EU is reaching decisions with a consensus, he has stated. A relationship is being built with Bulgaria so as to leave no room in the future for new blockades, according to Osmani. He also insisted that the constitutional changes would be passed this year, stressing there is nothing controversial in including the Bulgarians, Montenegrins and Croats in the Constitution. Osmani noted that talks on securing two-third majority in parliament, required to approve the opening of the Constitution, will intensify as of early January.


2022 year in review (Radio Tirana)


It was in January 2022 when Albania was elected for the first time as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2022-2023 term, with the support of 175 UN member states, while 190 countries took part in the voting. The start of Albania's 2-year mandate as a non-permanent member of the Security Council brought together in an official ceremony, representatives of 193 UN member states, high personalities such as the mayor of New York, Eric Adams, as well as members of the Albanian-American community in the US. Speaking in front of the guests, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that Albania's participation in the Security Council is a historic event and an opportunity to contribute to a better world. The head of the Albanian government stressed that it is important for Albania to do what it has done so far, welcoming anyone in need. Emphasizing that the future in the world is to live without conditions, Prime Minister Rama said that dialogue is peace. The United Nations Security Council is among the most important bodies of the United Nations mandated to maintain peace and security between nations. Albanian priorities for the UN Security Council 2022-2023 term:

-One of the most effective ways to achieve sustainable peace and security is through consistent focus on the strengthened implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, ensuring more inclusive peace processes, gender equality, women’s empowerment and protection of women’s rights

- Albania was deeply committed to the protection and promotion of human rights, including through our foreign policy. Convinced that respect of fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals and groups is a key precondition for long-lasting peace, security and sustainable development, we will work to advance human rights standards around the world.

- Albania worked to ensure that the climate security remains on the Security Council agenda, in order to address the consequences of climate change and its links to security. Human-induced climate change is not only an environmental phenomenon but also one of the main security threats of the 21st century. Wherever climate change threatens people’s livelihoods, the international community must step in before conflicts erupt or escalate.

- Albania strongly believes that regional and local actors play a major role in finding sustainable solutions to issues. The involvement of a wide range of actors with direct interest in the matter, from local civil society groups to state actors and regional organizations in affected locations, could create the necessary long-term conditions for conflict prevention to peace building, and sustainable development. On November 2019, something amazing happened for the youth of our capital! Tirana won the “European Youth Capital 2022” title, crowning several months of unremitting work and efforts of young people from the National Youth Congress, youth CSO’s and the Municipality of Tirana, towards creating a rich program of activities for 2022 dedicated entirely to young people. Tirana is the 14th city to win this award but this is more than a just a prize. For one year, Tirana was the European Capital of Youth, which means a lot of projects, activities, an extraordinary promotion of Tirana and Albania. There were many opportunities for our youth to organize, connect and strengthen the European identity. Encouraging Youth Participation, the European Youth Capital title has contributed to increasing young people’s engagement in decision-making processes through further improved or newly developed co-decision-making and participation structures, thus, better connecting young people with local authorities. Youth is one of the most cherished assets of our city and our country, having one of the youngest populations in Europe, It is therefore obvious and inevitable that the most prominent driving force pushing Tirana and Albania towards a prosperous and sustainable future within the EU is its energetic and aspiring youth, joining energies and working together. The program consisted of 8 themes such as: Youth makes creative economy & innovation; Youth creates culture, Youth develops capacity, Youth Participates; Youth diversity; Youth are Europeans; Youth Eco-Health; Youth Spaces. What was the aim of the European Youth Capital program? Through the activities that were organized the program aimed at : opening up new opportunities, bringing positive change, encouraging active participation, promotes volunteering, fostering European identity, champions diversity and inclusion, strengthening youth organizations, boosting investment in youth, amplifying voice in Europe, transforming the city into an international meeting point, connects young people. EU opened accession negotiations with Albania. This followed a decision by the Council on 25 March 2020 to open accession negotiations, which was endorsed by the members of the European Council on 26 March 2020, as well as the approval by the Council on 18 July 2022 of the Negotiating Framework for the negotiations with Albania, in accordance with the revised enlargement methodology. The EU delegation was headed by Jan Lipavsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and the European Commission was represented by Oliver Varhelyi, Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement. The delegation of Albania was led by Prime Minister Edi Rama. Albania is already a close partner of the EU in the Stabilisation and Association Process for the Western Balkans. The EU and Albania stood side by side during the COVID-19 pandemic, and also in the face of Russia's unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine, and its impacts on the entire European continent. As stated by the Council on 14 December 2021, the EU delegation welcomed the continued determination of Albania to advance the EU reform agenda and deliver tangible and sustained results. The EU delegation noted that the Commission has advanced its work to carry out and complete the process of analytical examination of the EU acquis and stands ready to present in due time its results to Albania. On this basis, it invites the Commission to continue to assess the state of preparedness of Albania for opening negotiations in specific areas and identify the issues that will most likely come up in the negotiations, starting with the fundamentals' cluster, which in accordance with the Negotiating Framework, will be opened first once Albania has met the relevant criteria agreed by the Council. The EU also highly welcomed the fact that Albania has fully aligned with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy decisions and declarations and encouraged Albania to continue to do so. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, paid an official visit to Tirana in October. That was the first visit that Ursula Von der Leyen paid to Tirana after the opening of the membership talks, which are currently in the legislative review process. "Albania is moving determinedly on its path of progress towards the EU. The last enlargement report has shown all the progress, you are strengthening the rule of law with important reforms", said the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. According to the president, the opening of Albania's membership negotiations is the result of the country's several years of reforms. "This is your success, the result of many years of great effort, the result of years of patience. You have maintained a very strong focus on your European integration process and this has led to negotiations. You have shown your commitment to EU values", said the EC President. Albania celebrated the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the USA and Albania. The American State Department said that a common future awaits the two countries throughout the next century as both are committed to preserving the values ​​of democracy and peace. “The United States and Albania commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of U.S.-Albania relations in 2022. Despite interruptions to those relations over the past century, our two countries forged strong bonds, overcame conflict and hardship, and emerged as close allies and friends. With this history in mind, we look toward the future and all that we can accomplish together over the next century. Our two nations are rooted in a shared commitment to democratic values, peace, and economic prosperity, which are the foundation of this enduring partnership. The themes of the 100th anniversary reflect these priorities: Friendship, Democracy, Defense, and Business," the statement reads. The year 2022, 'golden' for tourism. Tourists brought 1.13 billion euros to Albania. The income from tourism turned out to be higher even than the 6-month period of 2019, which is considered the best year for the tourism sector, where throughout the year tourists brought in over 2 billion euros. Not only in terms of generated income, but also in number of tourists have been high this period. According to INSTAT, over 3.9 million foreign visitors entered the country during the 7th month of this year, 40% more than the same period last year. According to the Bank of Albania, the increase in spending by tourists this period was also influenced by the sports and cultural events held in our country, especially the final of the Conference League that brought many fans and visitors to the country, giving a significant impact to activities related to tourism. From January to the end of July, there are about 3 million Albanians who went abroad according to INSTAT, over 40% compared to last year. Even during the summer season that we just left behind, the main weight of foreign visitors was maintained by arrivals from Kosovo with 15.3% of the total number of domestic and foreign tourists. In total, during the four months of the 2022 tourist season, 62.5% of visitors to the country were foreign tourists, the rest domestic. This year Albania became part of the EU mechanism for Civil Protection. "Albania is now fully integrated into the European civil defense family. It is a member of the Mechanism for Civil Protection. This is important after the earthquake of 2019, the fires of this year, we know that there will be disasters in the future again and with some of them maybe they will not be able to do it alone. Albania is one of the countries affected by climate change. These impacts of changes are increasing as you can see with the dry season, high temperatures, forest fires etc. This makes a lot of sense to combine capacities and face them together. Albania has faced earthquakes in 2019 and asked for support, the mechanism of European units went to assist. The same thing happened in the summer. Of huge importance was the joint meeting the Albanian and Macedonian governments had last November. Both governments will look together towards their brighter future in all areas for the benefit of their people and their good neighborhood will not allow either third parties to create conflicts between or destabilization in the region. That was the message that Prime Minister Edi Rama and his counterpart from North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, gave at the second joint meeting between the two governments that took place in Skopje. The 21 cooperation agreements were signed at the joint meeting of the two governments of Albania and North Macedonia in Skopje. The history of their agreements in recent years includes major fields. Albania has demonstrated a well-known spirit of economic cooperation with its neighbor North Macedonia. The history of agreements and cooperation is indicative of this spirit that exists between the two countries. Thus, the Parliament of Albania has ratified the agreement between Albania and North Macedonia on the establishment of common border crossing points between the two countries. The agreement creates an instrument that has greatly facilitated the passage of citizens between the two countries, as well as goods and services, bringing them in line with EU standards. The agreement was signed on June 10, 2021. Albania was one of the first countries to recognize North Macedonia after it seceded from the Former Republic of Macedonia. November 27, 2022 marked the 110th anniversary of Independence and the first meeting of the two Albania-Kosovo Assemblies. The meeting held in Tirana emphasized the expansion of cooperation. Precisely in support of Kosovo, Albania adopted a resolution declaring the accusations of illegal trafficking of human organs of the KLA unfounded. Prime Minister Edi Rama himself gave a speech at the Council of Europe, describing Dick Marty's resolution as the biggest and most serious "fake news" in history that has been tarnishing a just war of the people of Kosovo for years. Tirana hosted the leaders of the European Union and the Western Balkans on December 6. The summit was part of the implementation of the European Council's Strategic Agenda 2019-2024, and is considered an opportunity to reaffirm the key importance of the strategic partnership between the EU and the Western Balkans, a region with a clear perspective towards the EU. As part of the EU - Western Balkans Summit, the Roaming Agreement was signed in Tirana, paving the way for the start of the process for the removal of the roaming fee between the countries of the European Union and the Western Balkans. The Roaming Agreement comes into force starting from October 1, 2023.


Immigrants leave Albania after the holidays, flow out of the border points (Radio Tirana)


The last 24 hours have marked a high flow of immigrants at the border point of Kapshtica, returning after the holidays in Greece. On Monday, 5,759 people travelled to the neighbouring country, Greece, while 2,832 citizens entered the Albanian territory through this customs point. The flow of traffic has decreased during Tuesday, but from time-to-time queues of vehicles are created at the neutral ground due to the processing of the documentation of bus passengers. The Albanian side is working with an accelerated procedure for citizens leaving Albania. To manage the flow, 4 exit and 2 entry counters have been opened, while the Greek side works with 2 entry counters. Even in the coming days, the border authorities expect a high flow on both sides of the border with Greece. Meanwhile, 2,832 immigrants entered the border point in Qafe Thane and another 3,152 left.