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Belgrade Media Report 13 February 2023



Brnabic: The common position of Serbia and the Western partners is that the ZSO must be established (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated that Serbia is always ready for dialogue and will always be there to talk with Pristina, but that the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) must be formed and that this time it is the common position of Serbia and its Western partners, first of all both EU and USA.


In response to a journalist's question as to whether Serbia is ready to continue the dialogue with Pristina and when that will happen, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in Dubai, where she is participating in the World Summit of Governments, that Serbia, under the leadership of President Aleksandar Vucic, has shown how ready it is for dialogue, how tolerant and flexible it is in order to maintain stability. "At this moment, the ZSO is on the table. The time has really come, for the implementation of the Brussels Agreement and the establishment of the ZSO, and in April it will be 10 years. This time I want to thank our partners in the West because they insist on establishing the ZSO in the way we signed in 2013 and 2015, and as we discussed at the end of 2022. It seems that this time we are of the same point of view," said Brnabic. Regardless of what Aljbin Kurti says, the Prime Minister stressed, we know what has been signed and what must be implemented.


Petkovic: Kurti's thin arguments against ZSO, the commitments undertaken must be respected (Tanjug)


Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petar Petkovic says that no matter how much Aljbin Kurti tries to come up with non-existent and thin arguments against the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), the reality denies him, and the commitments made must be respected because without it there is no essential progress. Petar Petkovic said that Kurti is the only one who is in a panic because the clock has long been ticking for him to form the ZSO. He tells Kurti not to attribute his panic attacks to Belgrade and the Serbs from Kosovo, who, he says, only want respect for the agreement and their crucial rights guaranteed by the First Brussels Agreement and subsequent agreements. Petkovic also says that he believes that Kurti understands well and clearly reads the messages of the entire international public that the formation of the ZSO is foreseen by the Brussels agreement as an obligation that he must fulfill, and not a matter of his arbitrariness.


"The so-called minister that Kurti mentions is nothing more than his collaborator in collapsing and destroying the Serbian future in the area of KiM. He neither represents the Serbs nor will he ever be (the minister), and as such he is just another bludgeon in the hands of Pristina and nothing more." concluded Petkovic.


The Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions in Pristina, Aljbin Kurti, said earlier on Friday that Belgrade, not the Serbs from Kosovo, is asking for the immediate formation of the ZSO, because it is allegedly in a panic and wants control over all municipalities with a Serb majority as soon as possible. At the commemoration of the 16th year since the death of two members of his party, he said that the plan of Martti Ahtisaari, which is the basis of the constitution for the so-called Kosovo is still a problem today, because based on it, the international community, and especially Serbia, insist on the formation of the ZSO.


Vucic: I would not like the elections to be held this year, but I do not exclude that possibility (TV Prva)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, notes that an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is expected in the next five to six months, and that due to geopolitical events, Serbia will find itself between a "hammer and an anvil" and that the pressures when it comes to relations with Russia and the Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) will be incomparably stronger. Vucic stated that he will try to avoid elections as long as possible, although, as he said, the opposition will ask for them, adding that he would not like it to happen this year, but that he does not rule out that possibility.


"We are facing the biggest crisis in the world since the Second World War in the true sense. This has been nothing so far, although around 300,000 people have been killed, and nine or 10 million have been expelled," Vucic told TV Prva. He notes that he is not saying this because he thinks, but because he knows that a major escalation is coming, and this, as he says, will affect Serbia in that the pressures due to Russia will be incomparably stronger, even though they were very strong, and will be three times stronger around KiM. He also stated that it is no longer clear who is winning in Ukraine, and that the first texts are appearing that raise the question of what will happen if Putin wins. As he stated, it is very difficult to defeat the West and their unity, and now there is unity within the Russian people.


"Now it is clear to you that we are going into complete chaos," Vucic said, stating that only in five or six months it may happen that someone thinks about stopping the conflict, and then they will not want to demand new conditions for Serbia, nor to allow Russia to have influence in the Balkans. "In that position, Serbia will be between a rock and an anvil in every sense. It will be difficult for us, whoever wins," said Vucic.


He points out that Serbia belongs to the few who talk about peace, because peace would be good for everyone, but that no one can mention peace now, neither in the West nor in Russia. "What should we do, we have to know that we have investments from the West, that we are on the European path, it is stupid when some say that we should stop it, and they would cry for salaries, as well as those who say break everything with Russia", said Vucic. He also says that it cannot be Serbia because the soul of our people must be taken into account, as well as finances and economic interests. When asked what will happen if Serbia has to choose, Vucic said that he will know it when that moment has come. "Let us push while we can, I will know when the moment is right, and I will not hide it from people. I will know, it is getting closer, but there is no doubt that we don't even have months at our disposal," the president pointed out. He explained that if someone is in a situation where he has gangrene of the leg, the doctor must choose to amputate the leg, in order to save his life.


The opposition will demand elections


President Vucic stated that he will try to avoid elections as long as possible, although, as he said, the opposition will demand this and added that he would not like that to happen, but that he does not rule out the possibility. When asked if it has anything to do with the issue of KiM and the wishes of the Western Five, he said that they are starting from themselves and that they do not understand that Serbia is a country of freedom. "You have read countless times that ambassadors influence changes. While I’m the president, ambassadors will not do it, the job of managing Serbia belongs to the people, Serbia is a free country that makes its own decisions. I laugh at these foolish things, what should I do, that's how it is for you in Serbia, it's called the mentality of serf souls who live to fulfill other people's orders," said Vucic.


When asked about the plans to form a new majority, he said that if now they don't talk about him, because his popularity is high, they can consider options for the SNS to drop to 35 to 37 percent in the parliamentary elections. "For the right-wing parties to jump to 15 percent, and the SPS to 15 percent, for the European bloc - the Greens, Djilas, Jeremic, Ponos to 20 to 22 percent, minorities 8-10 percent and invalid ballots, combinations are possible for foreigners," said Vucic. He points out that the goal is for Serbia to collapse and become independent and not conduct its own politics. "I recognized that in time and that is not happening at this moment. I successfully fought for it in the Assembly, so we are not even close to it, it wasn't too far, but after the session, the public opinion is going in the opposite direction" Vucic notes.


Serbia is in a much better situation when it comes to KiM than could be expected


President Vucic stated that Serbia is in a much better situation when it comes to KiM than could be expected considering what was happening. When asked about the right-wing parties that launched a campaign "against capitulation and ultimatums", Vucic said that he had nothing to say to them because they capitulated a long time ago. "They let it happen on March 17, Boris Tadic fled to Romania on the day Kosovo was declared independent, and the other wan was sending the latter wrote statements and organized prayers. I will not talk about the return of negotiations from the UN to the EU, about the verdict of the International Court of Justice where and the former president says that they made a mistake in the matter, imagine now he admits after 10, 11 years, making administrative transitions and of course with all that you are put in an impossible position to survive and protect the hearths of our people in KiM," said Vucic. He added that he wanted to be completely honest and pointed out that it was not only their fault. As he says, there was guilt even before that and not only in 1998 and 1999, but also before that. "We were in terrible circumstances in KiM, we did not understand what was happening, we had great losses, after that the country was just destroyed in the predatory privatizations after 2000. When you look at all that, we are in a much better condition than we expected." said the president.


What is the meaning of the proposal on opening the issue of the status of KiM before the UN Security Council


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the proposal of former Serbian President Boris Tadic, according to which Belgrade should open the issue of the status of Kosovo and Metohija before the United Nations Security Council, is bad and asked "what is the meaning of that proposal". Vucic said this while commenting on Tadic's proposal and asked, "what happens next if we lose there". "And what is the point of raising the issue of KiM before the UN Security Council. What is the point of that idea? It is stupid to the point of insanity. Here, we want to open, only that he withdrew the negotiations from the UN to the EU," said Vucic.

He adds that Serbia is in a bad position because "it is playing against much stronger players".


"When you play against those who are much stronger on the field, like Maradona, Messi and others, don't pretend to be smart, because you will attack a lot. Stand nicely in the zone thirty meters from your goal, then you will receive three goals, don't receive 13. They were very strong. They were smart. Every crisis was our chance. We just came out poorer. With 400,000 people fired, with Kosovo lost," Vucic pointed out. He adds that he previously discussed the status of Kosovo with French President Emmanuel Macron. "But I talked a long time ago with Macron when he was here, until four in the morning. He told me “Even if you are 90 percent right, everything you are completely right, they will never withdraw that decision'. The Americans will never do it," Vucic said. He points out that Macron praised what has been done so far. "Manage yourself in possible circumstances and raise your country. Take as much as you can. You managed to raise the economy. You managed to raise the level of respect for your country," said Vucic. He adds that "we have to manage to live and look to the future". "New children are coming into the light of day. They are born and supported by their parents, and they want to live normally, and not to pay the price of what we did or what others did to us," concluded Vucic.


Vucic told Pristina: Congratulations, finally the truth (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, commented on the statement of the Chairman of the assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca. Let us remind you that Konjufca stated that the formation of Community of Serbian Municipalities is impossible. “He just said what they all think, because that whining that we need to let them into the UN, and then they will form the CSM for us, is a lie that we need to believe, so it's all meaningless," Vucic said. As he added, it was finally an opportunity to hear the truth from Pristina. "An expected statement, and I congratulate them for finally being honest. Now let's see what the Americans and Europeans will do," he said.


Chollet: Pristina accepted the EU's proposal for the normalization of relations with Belgrade (RTS)


The special envoy of the State Department, Derek Chollet, says that he spoke with Aljbin Kurti, and that Pristina has accepted the EU's proposal for the normalization of relations with Belgrade through a dialogue in Brussels. Derek Chollet announced on Twitter that he spoke with Albin Kurti on Friday. "We welcome Kosovo's decision to accept the EU's proposal for the normalization of relations with Serbia through EU-mediated dialogue," wrote Chollet. Now, he points out, implementation is needed in order to ensure significant benefits for both parties.


Talks between Belgrade and Pristina - pressures, uncertainty and incidents (RTS)


The special envoy of the State Department, Derek Chollet, says that Pristina has accepted the proposal of the European Union for the normalization of relations with Belgrade. The EU has already hinted a new meeting between the president of Serbia and the prime minister of the temporary institutions in Pristina. President Vucic does not rule out the possibility of going to Brussels, but repeats - the formation of the ZSO is a condition of all conditions.


Two weeks after he appealed to Aljbin Kurti on Twitter to accept the European proposal on the normalization of relations with Belgrade, Derek Chollet on the same network, summarizes Friday's telephone conversation with him without further details. "I spoke with Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti. We welcome Kosovo's decision to accept the EU's proposal for the normalization of relations with Serbia through EU-mediated dialogue. Now implementation is needed in order to ensure significant benefits for both parties," said Chollet. The head of European diplomacy invited both parties to a meeting. He did not specify the date, only hinted - he expects the arrival in the next few weeks. In the meantime, news is coming from Brussels - the European Union is considering six conditions for the formation of the Community of Municipalities (ZSO), which Aljbin Kurti set last week. "We have taken into account Prime Minister Kurti's comments regarding the ZSO with a Serbian majority, presented in the Parliament on February 2. The dialogue also includes a meeting where the creation of the Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority will be discussed, as well as any proposal that two the parties have. The EU is ready to facilitate discussions on the ZSO at future meetings," said EU spokesman Peter Stano.


The formation of the ZSO is a condition of all conditions, President Vucic once again repeated. "I said it's not a problem, I can go, when they call me, I won't refuse to talk, but I don't see the point. The only thing is to go as a tourist and answer questions nicely and say we had a nice meeting. It's not a problem to talk, but they must understand that what comes before everything is the ZSO. And everything else is nonsense, you are trying to convince me of something that I will not accept," noted the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.


Talks between Belgrade and Pristina are primarily burdened by incidents, says the Minister of Defense. In the previous hundred days, 53 ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) were recorded. "The situation in KiM is still tense, unpredictable in the context of what can happen next, bearing in mind a whole series of unilateral moves made by the administration in Pristina. We had one attack on Serbs every day and a half, more often than which could have been assumed to be happening and that it will further complicate the entire stability in the region," said Defense Minister Milos Vucevic. Due to incidents and arrests, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija left Pristina institutions more than three months ago. They will not return to them until the previously signed agreements are implemented, the vice-president of the Serbian List, Dalibor Jeftic, once again reiterated, upon his return from Washington.


Vucevic: Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija feel uneasy because they don't know what Kurti can come up with (RTS)


Defense Minister Milos Vucevic told RTS that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) is still tense and unpredictable, bearing in mind a whole series of unilateral moves made by the administration in Pristina. He emphasizes that Pristina constantly has some activities aimed at undermining all agreements reached. Serbs feel uneasy and insecure in Kosovo, because they don't know what Aljbin Kurti can come up with, Vucevic pointed out.


The session of the Assembly on KiM is behind us, lively diplomatic activity is present every day, difficult days and difficult decisions are ahead of the state. Vucevic said that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on Fiday at the session in Lebane, marking the 100 days of work of the Government, stated the number of attacks on Serbs in that period, so that there is at least one attack on Serbs every day and a half, more often than anyone assumed, which directly implies the position of Serbia in the negotiation process.


Strong feeling of uneasiness among Serbs in KiM


"There is a strong feeling of unease and insecurity among Serbs in Kosovo. Pristina constantly has activities aimed at undermining all the agreements that have been reached so far, at taking further positions, whether in the context of negotiations, or in the context of some of their activities on the ground that lead to escalation," said Vucevic.


According to him, they are constantly deploying troops, police units, trying to transform the KSB into armed forces, building new checkpoints on key roads, especially in the north of Kosovo, with a clear message that they do not think of forming the ZSO. At the same time, some non-governmental organizations of certain Western European countries write the statute of the ZSO without the participation of Serbs and provide us with responsibilities as if we were some non-governmental organization, as if we were a group of voluntary bird and nature lovers, and not that it must have the structure and responsibilities arising from principles of the Brussels Agreement," says the Minister of Defense. Everything that happens in KiM cannot leave us indifferent and cannot make us peaceful, stated Vucevic, adding that this applies, above all, to the Serbian community in KiM. "Serbs feel uneasy and insecure in Kosovo because they don't know what Aljbin Kurti can come up with or do, and everything he did and thought was not aimed at stabilization but at escalation and creating an atmosphere that Serbs are unwelcome in their centuries-old territories" he says.


The situation at administrative crossings


Vucevic says that administrative crossings are the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior and the police. "It is more than complicated in terms of Pristina's interpretation of the registration plates of the municipalities from the north of KiM - whether it is possible to enter or leave the territory of KiM, and then you can return - derogating, cancelling everything that was reached as an agreement and creating a situation that can to lead to escalation," said Vucevic. "Since Kurti has nothing to offer his voters, no investments, no infrastructure projects, he cannot boast of economic results - what can he offer - he is making some enemies, who are the ideal enemies - Serbs, he should be a little Zelenskyy, and we little Russians, here is a scenario from the 1990s that gives him an argument for why he does what he does. It is important that we remain calm and rational, to avoid that scenario that leads us astray for our Serbian national interests," said Vucevic.


The army keeps the peace, notes the Minister of Defense and adds that the army is in constant contact with the KFOR, there is a special commission in charge of communication, General Mojsilovic is in contact with the commander of the KFOR, who is responsible and competent for peacekeeping in KiM.


About pressures on Serbia


Vucevic says that further escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is almost certain, and Russia is intensifying its activities. "The Western powers are increasing the delivery of weapons and military equipment and further aid to Ukraine, the conflict will be more and more difficult, which will extremely complicate the position of Serbia. We always have one issue that hangs like the sword of Damocles, and that is the issue of KiM - an argument for both or it bothers both, and it should hit us on the head, so we should adapt to the new circumstances, and that means paying a high price, that's why it's important to be calm with a clear strategy of what we should do, without showing all the cards in advance, so that we can be wiser," Vucevic said.


Speaking about the elections, Vucevic said that at the beginning of next year, local and provincial elections await us. "If the opposition thinks it's time for elections, we're not running away from it. We're ready to talk about it, we can't rule out that it will happen by the end of the year. We hope there won't be elections this year, if there are, we'll go and win , not on the streets, on social networks, but in the ballot boxes," noted Vucevic.


Janjic: Russian Ambassador’s statement on Kosovo hands Serbia the hot potato (FoNet)


According to Dusan Janjic, the founder of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko's recent statement that Belgrade's position will play a crucial role in Kosovo's potential membership in the United Nations effectively hands Serbia a "hot potato". Janjic contrasts this message with those of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin prior to the war in Ukraine, who stated they would follow Belgrade’s actions, but not in regard to Kosovo’s UN position. Janjic believes that by transferring the decision-making responsibility to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the current Government, all members of the ruling coalition must reconsider Russia’s current interests.


According to Demostat, Botsan-Kharchenko also stated that the final status of Kosovo will be determined „in other geopolitical conditions” following the end of the conflict with the West in Ukraine and that he believes Serbia will not accept the Franco-German plan. Janjic noted that Russia has been relatively quiet in Serbia, particularly regarding Kosovo, and concludes from the Russian Ambassador’s messages that he still perceives Russia’s role as highly influential, almost equal to that of the Quint. Janjic believes the Ambassador is unaware that the Contact Group for the Balkans no longer exists and that other entities are now conducting the work.


Dacic: How long will Albanian politicians be allowed to falsify history (RTS)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic asked, regarding the statement of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, how long Albanian politicians will be allowed to falsify history. Edi Rama visited Prizren on Sunday and posted a photo with his wife and son on his Facebook account and wrote that " in the air you can feel the Albanian history." Minister Dacic says that Rama forgets, overlooks or, as he says, deliberately keeps silent that it is the capital of Serbia from the time of emperors Dusan and Uros in the 14th century, as it was called the imperial city or Serbian Constantinople for centuries. A city in which, Dacic reminds, more than 10,000 Serbs lived until 24 years ago, and in which barely twenty live today. "In the air today in Prizren, you can only feel ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Serbian people and the idea of a great Albania. How long will Albanian politicians be allowed to falsify history?" asked Dacic.


Petkovic: Kurti criminalizes Serbs in order to find an excuse for an empty coffer (RTS)


The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petar Petkovic said that the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, should find another excuse for the fact that his coffers are empty and stop lying and criminalizing Serbs. "A lie and nothing but a lie by Aljbin Kurti. For two decades, Belgrade financially supported the consumption of electricity in the north of Kosovo, and for example, from November 2009 to December 2020, we allocated 171 million euros for that purpose. So let Kurti find another excuse for why his coffers are empty and let him stop lying and criminalizing Serbs,'' said Petar Petkovic on Twitter. He also emphasized that the only one responsible for the non-implementation of the Energy Roadmap is Pristina, which does not want to grant distribution services to Elektrosever. "Pristina, stop with the fake news!", adds Petkovic in response to Kurti's claim, which he made earlier on Twitter, that "parallel structures controlled by Serbia" in the north cost the citizens and taxpayers of Kosovo 320 million euros due to allegedly unpaid electricity bills. and 17 million euros for water supply since 1999.


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated that the assertion by the Prime Minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Aljbin Kurti, that, as he stated, "parallel structures controlled by Serbia" in the north cost the citizens and taxpayers of Kosovo 320 million euros due to allegedly unpaid electricity bills and 17 million euros for water supply since 1999. Ana Brnabic stated that Aljbin Kurti's announcement was just one of the lies he told. "This is just one example of the scale and boldness of Aljbin Kurti's lies. Can you imagine the extent to which he lies about things that are more difficult to verify and which are less obvious (and which are less known) than this? Brutal," wrote Ana Brnabic on Twitter. She shared the post of the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, who pointed out that Aljbin Kurti should find another excuse for the fact that his coffers are empty and stop lying and criminalizing Serbs.


Brnabic: Sanctions against Russia “condition of all conditions” for continuation of European Integrations (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, stated on Friday that joining the western sanctions against Moscow is the “condition of all conditions” for Serbia joining the EU. “It seems to me that the condition of all conditions is the imposing of sanctions against Russia and without that the EU will not open new clusters and chapters” in the accession talks, Brnabic said in Lebane, a town in southern Serbia, at the presentation of the first 100 days of the new government.


Serbia has not opened a single new chapter in the negotiations with the EU since December 2021, but according to Brnabic it has achieved “great progress” on that path, which is supported by the last two annual progress reports by the European Commission. “Both reports recommend to all the EU member states to open Cluster 3 in the negotiations with Serbia, and that has still not happened. We have completed that part, it is up to the EU now,” Brnabic said. Serbia has achieved additional progress by adopting a set of judicial laws, which are to be harmonized with the constitutional amendments, with the aim of creating an independent judiciary “without any influence of politics and politicians.” “Good. We have heard praise, but will we see any concrete results, other than verbal praise – we will see. Honestly, I don’t think so,” Brnabic said. “We have done a lot in the rule of law and we work a lot, we have specific moves forward, difficult reforms being praised, but I do not see this accelerating our road to Europe. As far as dialogue with Pristina is concerned, we are for the dialogue, but I do not see Pristina [is ready for it]”, she said. Further talks with Pristina were conditioned by Brnabic on Friday, with formation of Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “This is a condition of all conditions for further talks. Association of Serb Municipalities and not as conceived by some non-government organization from Serbia, Kosovo or abroad. Not as conceived by some politician, but ZSO in accordance with agreements that clearly specified and defined the authorities”, Brnabic said. She emphasized that Pristina “has no interest” to form ZSO or “a wish to implement the signed agreements”. “And if you do not honor the signed agreements, what are the signatures on new agreements worth? And who will implement them”, she asked.


Dodik: Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo should resemble the RS (Beta)


The President of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (RS) entity, Milorad Dodik, said that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo should have executive powers and that in some part it should resemble the RS.  “Without executive powers, it makes no sense to create an empty shell that serves no purpose, “Dodik said in an interview with Kosovo Online.  According to him, the talks should not continue „until the ZSO is formed in the agreed capacity, and not as the Albanians are now brokering it.” The RS President assessed that the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo does not differ much from some previous ones, given that it is based on the request that Serbia, even tacitly, should recognize Kosovo. He said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could not reject the document when he received it, but like every responsible statesman, he had to hold a public hearing.  Dodik concluded that the RS does not support Serbia recognizing Kosovo’s independence, adding that Bosnia and Herzegovina did not recognize Kosovo’s independence because of this, just as it will not impose sanctions on Russia because, according to him, this is „an investment in the future“.


Xi Jinping congratulated Vucic on National Day: The friendship between the two countries is getting stronger (RTS)


Chinese President Xi Jinping sent his Serbian colleague Aleksandar Vucic a congratulatory message on the occasion of the Serbian National Day, in which he emphasized that the two countries are good friends and partners who, with mutual respect and trust, continuously develop cooperation and that the friendship between the two countries is getting stronger.


Vucic was presented with a congratulatory message by Chen Bo, published on the Instagram profile, along with photos of the President of Serbia and the Chinese ambassador. In the congratulatory message, it is stated that under the leadership of Vucic, Serbia is making bold progress on the path of national revival, economic development, and that the standard of living of the citizens is constantly improving. "The friendship between China and Serbia goes beyond mountains and oceans, it becomes stronger over time, and our two countries are good friends and partners, who, with mutual respect and trust, continuously develop cooperation," the congratulatory message states. It is emphasized that with the joint efforts of both parties, relations are showing a trend of development.


"The areas of practical cooperation are becoming larger, the contents are becoming richer, and this brings prosperity to our nations. We work together to preserve international justice, defend international law and the basic principles of international relations, and actively, hand in hand, respond to historical changes in the world," it says. in the congratulatory message of the President of China. Xi emphasizes that he attaches great importance to the development of relations between China and Serbia. "I am ready to make joint efforts with you in order to jointly strengthen the development strategies of our countries, to deepen and expand mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas, but also to raise the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia to an even higher level, with the goal of a better life for our peoples", concludes the congratulatory message.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Kovacevic says RS will always support Serbia, including Kosovo issue (Glas Srpske)


Republika Srpska (RS) President’s Advisor Radovan Kovacevic said that the RS will always support Serbia in any situation, including Kosovo issue. Kovacevic added that Banja Luka and Belgrade are carrying out autonomous policies and are making decisions in the interest of their citizens. “Maybe Serbs have only one New York, but they have two Washington and one of those is Banja Luka where important decisions are made. Our decisions will always be on Serbia’s side”, Kovacevic added.


Sattler: New authorities should focus on key priorities and EU path; B&H was granted status of EU candidate because of war in Ukraine (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with Head of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler. Speaking about the functioning of authorities in B&H in the upcoming period, Sattler said that it is difficult to make any predictions. He noted that the fact that there is a coalition agreement at the state and Federation of B&H (FB&H) level is positive. “We have the Council of Ministers which was formed in a record time, and we have a better atmosphere. We know that everything will not change overnight, but these are good ingredients for a different approach”, said Sattler. He underlined that the focus should be on issues where progress can be achieved, and which allow B&H to move towards the EU, which will be the main challenge in the upcoming years.


Asked of the war in Ukraine was the major reason for the swift formation of authorities, Sattler said that it is probably a combination of different factors. He highlighted the granting of the EU candidate status to B&H as an important factor. “This means we opened a new chapter in relations of the EU and B&H. We now have the new Council of Ministers, and we expect the beginning of honest work on priorities which are there”, Sattler noted. According to Sattler, there is a different atmosphere and the understanding in the new teams of state ministries about the importance of the candidate status and the necessity to meet the expectations of citizens. In his opinion, B&H Council of Ministers can be a catalyst for reform processes. Speaking about the EU integration process, Sattler said that the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s membership application and the 14 Key priorities defined by the Commission are results of deep deliberations, and they will not change because of B&H’s candidate status. He underlined that the rule of law, as well as fight against corruption and organized crime remain the main priorities. Sattler said that he talked to B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic and emphasized the importance of the establishing of the contact point for Europol, which should be completed by March or April.


Asked if it is true that B&H was granted the status of EU candidate because of the war in Ukraine, and not because of reforms implemented in the country, Sattler replied: “Yes, I admit you are right about that. The progress has not been impressive in the past few years”. However, he noted, some tasks have been completed before the General Election. Sattler explained that he discussed the issue of candidate status for B&H with EU member states, and that he told them that it is time to get things moving forward in B&H. He noted that the geopolitical decision regarding the status of Ukraine and Moldova was made in June last year, and it naturally had a strong impact. Sattler said that the decision not to grant the candidate status to B&H in June was right, because it could have been used as an argument in the election campaign by those who were in power but did not do much. “Therefore, it was good to separate this and to have a thorough discussion in December, which was conducted. In the end, 27 member states agreed. The war in Ukraine showed that we have come closer to each other. And when you look at it, we finally made progress with most countries in the region in 2022”, Sattler noted.


Asked if this means that B&H did not deserve the candidate status, but the criteria were lowered in this case, Sattler said that this is true because the geopolitical situation was an important argument in the debate on B&H’s status. However, he emphasized, the new B&H authorities are expected to do more. He also stated that this was the main message of the EU Foreign Ministers, and that the same message will be conveyed to B&H Presidency members and B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo when they visit Brussels. In his opinion, it seems that the representatives of new B&H authorities recognize the importance of the EU path, because all of them selected Brussels as the destination of their first official trips, where they will meet with EU officials and receive such messages.


Asked if he believes that the representatives of new authorities understand the urgency of the matter, Sattler said that it is still too early to say. In his opinion, it will be possible to talk about seriousness of the new authorities once the law on conflict of interest and the law on courts are adopted. He underlined that the EU wishes to see concrete steps made by summer of 2023. Speaking about other EU priorities and energy transition, Sattler said that dependence on coal is the main challenge for B&H. Sattler said that he discussed this issue with B&H Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Minister Stasa Kosarac who seems to understand the problem. Sattler noted that because of its resources, B&H could become the center of renewable energy. He also reminded that the EU granted B&H the EUR 70 million energy package which will help the most vulnerable population and boost energy efficiency. He also reminded that the EU allocated EUR 9 billion for the energy sector in the region and emphasized that B&H needs to be swift in applying for the funds.


Sattler: We expect B&H to align its foreign policy with EU regarding war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with Head of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler. Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Sattler noted that the war in Ukraine is much more than great tragedy, and that February 24, 2022 when the war started will be viewed in the future as one of the darkest moments of the 21st century. He described the date as a breaking point in an attempt to use brute force to impose one’s will on the others. “This is not just an attack against a country, but also against our way of life”, Sattler emphasized, and added that the attack against Ukraine is completely contrary to the principles on which the EU was founded after the horrors of the World War II. He reminded that the EU and its allies reacted fiercely by providing support to Ukraine and imposing sanctions against Russia. Speaking about the sanctions and the alignment of B&H foreign policy with the EU policies, Sattler said that the EU expects the countries closest to the Union, including B&H, to act in a synchronized manner. “I am therefore satisfied that B&H has undertaken the right steps to align with us regarding the positioning at international forums. We expect the new authorities to continue with this path”, said Sattler. He noted that this is a process and reminded that the UN is soon going to pass a resolution on the war in Ukraine, and that the EU expects B&H and other countries in the region to vote on it together with the EU. “There will be other activities by the EU regarding the sanctions, and we expect B&H to align”, Sattler emphasized.


Young diplomats of the EU respond to ‘young diplomats’ of Russia and their spreading of myths and outright falsehoods (Oslobodjenje)


The EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement stating that the ‘young diplomats’ of the Russian Embassy in B&H have recently been spreading myths and outright falsehoods on social media, ironically in the name of ‘mythbusting’. The EUD reminded that this time last year, Russia's diplomats used the occasion of their Diplomatic Service Day to emphatically insist that Russia would not invade Ukraine. Their statements this year are just as trustworthy. The statement reads: “Allow the young diplomats of the European Union to remind you of a few simple facts: - It is Russia that invaded Ukraine. Very clearly, as far as international law is concerned, but also basic observation skills, there is an aggressor – Russia, and a victim – Ukraine. Russia alone bears responsibility for the enormous suffering of the people of Ukraine. - Russia alone also bears responsibility for the rise in prices for basic goods and energy across the world, including B&H. If Russia hadn’t invaded Ukraine, we would not have faced the consequences we are facing in commodities markets. Ironically talking about ‘heroic suffering’, as you do in your post, is just spitting in the face of the people whose suffering you are responsible for. - There was no oppression of Russian speakers in Ukraine. Let’s do a little experiment shall we? Let’s go onto Netflix or YouTube and find the TV show ‘Servant of the People’- you know, the one that Volodymyr Zelenskyy made before becoming the President. Tell us please what language that was filmed in? Yes, RUSSIAN! You want us to believe there was widespread oppression of Russian speakers when they voted for a Russian speaking President, who made his showbusiness career making Russian-language TV shows? It is true that since 2014, and especially since 24 February 2022, Ukrainians have started using Ukrainian more. It’s the natural consequence of YOUR brutal actions. - How about Nazis in Ukraine? You are aware that Zelenskyy is Jewish, right? And one last point. It is very difficult to read your comments about B&H and the sovereign choices the country has every entitlement to make as anything other than an indirect threat. Stop threatening people and learn to live in peace. Like the countries of the EU have been doing since the EU was founded,” reads the statement signed by the young diplomats of the EU.


Minister Helez, Konakovic comment warnings of Ambassador Kalabukhov; Moscow will not be the one deciding about B&H’s NATO path (Oslobodjenje)


Daily reminded that on the occasion of marking of the ‘Day of Diplomats’, the Russian Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) announces series of articles named ‘Myths about relations of Russia and B&H’, where Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov among other statements, announced that Moscow will “proportionally answer” possible B&H’s membership in NATO. “B&H is free to make any step on the world scene. To join any organization- political, economic, cultural, any whatsoever. If this is a desire of majority of citizens, if this brings some benefit to the country, gives incentive to development, strengthen relations with other nations of the world- be our guest, we will welcome this with true joy. However, you (referring to state leadership) have to be aware that in the case you join some bloc whose main goal is destruction of Russia, then we- equally free country, with independent foreign policy, as B&H is- have right to defend ourselves. Do you understand the difference? All until you do not undertake measure against us, we feel relaxed and have no need to strengthen the defense,” wrote Kalabukhov. The Ambassador further noted that one may argue here that it is possible to join the EU or NATO with completely different intentions, but stressed that in reality if Brussels or Washington, hypothetically speaking, order setting of nuclear projectiles turned toward Moscow, then official Sarajevo would be forced to comply.


In a statement to the daily, B&H Minister of Defense, Zukan Helez stated that B&H will be moving in direction decided by state bodies. Sarcastically repeating part of the statement that Russia will defend itself in case B&H becomes part of NATO, Helez stressed that two parts of the statement have nothing in common. “What Russia has to do with B&H and with NATO? B&H will move in a direction decided by state bodies of B&H and Russia has nothing to do with this. B&H is also not scared of anyone, it has its army, its defense system and it is completely irrelevant what Kalabukhov says,” said Helez.


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic reacted and underlined that if the Russian Ambassador to B&H deems he will be one who will organize and manage relations within B&H, he is delusional. “I would like to convey a message to the Russian Ambassador that I personally, my party, coalition and majority in B&H sees NATO as one of foreign policy priorities and that we will do everything in this regard as soon as possible”, explained Konakovic.


SDA announces it will file motion for assessment of constitutionality of RS Law on Immovable Property with B&H CC; Stevandic, Sulic claim SDA is losing its influence, B&H CC is its final resort (EuroBlic)


After the Constitutional Court (CC) of Republika Srpska (RS) decided that the Law on Immovable Property of the RS does not represent a violation of the vital national interest of Bosniaks, SDA announced it will address the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) CC in search for justice. Namely, SDA stated that its legal team already prepared a motion for assessment of constitutionality of the Law, and it will be delivered to the B&H CC immediately upon publishing of the decision of the RS CC in the Official Gazette of the RS.


Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that SDA obviously lost all levers of power and its decision to address the B&H CC proves that this is their final resort. “This uncovers the link between SDA and B&H CC, which has been serving interests of this party over the past years. SDA still has only those three foreigners in the B&H CC, and it is obvious that it lost all other levers”, Stevandic said and added that this will not help SDA return to the authorities. Asked whether he is afraid that the B&H CC might again dispute the Law, Stevandic said that he is not afraid of it because no matter what kind of a decision is made by the B&H CC, the RS will have a response to it. “The RSNA will again adopt a law that will be in line with our needs and Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”, Stevandic said and concluded that “nobody can stand in our way if we are well organized and if we have good mutual relations”.


Representative in the RSNA Denis Sulic (SNSD) said that SDA is losing its political influence in the entire B&H and it is trying to score at least some cheap political points in this way and try to regain the rating they lost. “We all know that the B&H CC is an extended arm of SDA and this will continue until this court is reformed, which is something SNSD and its partners from the RS will continue to insist on”, Sulic said. Sulic added that the RS will not give up on its forests, rivers and agricultural land but it is willing to discuss all important topics, including property, with partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H). “I am glad that we can talk with partners from the FB&H on different topics now, regardless of the fact we have different stances, and bring closer our views on political topics, all for the benefit of citizens of the entire B&H”, Sulic noted and argued that, while SDA was a part of the authorities, it was impossible to carry out talks with this party because only ultimatums and blockades were coming from it.


HR Schmidt faces criticisms; numerous former diplomats request his dismissal in letter to German Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee (N1)


N1 analysed the criticisms that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt has been facing both in the international circles and in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to N1, in the history of the OHR, it has never happened that a HR is invited to a report by the country that appointed him, which could happen to Schmidt who was appointed by Germany. After a number of former diplomats, who are well acquainted with the situation in B&H, requested the dismissal of this diplomat in a letter to the German Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee, the official reaction of the German institutions is awaited. Schmidt is not only accused of lying, but also of seriously violating the sovereignty of the country he should protect. The attitude of the signatories of the letter is that the policy implemented by Schmidt is against the policy of Germany, among other things. Among other things, former diplomats in the letter accuse Schmidt of being ignorant, incompetent, biased, prone to nepotism, and actively working with Serbia and Croatia to destroy B&H.


The portal published the letter and it reads: "Schmidt is not technically qualified for the important function of HR, as he proved before the UK committee. In addition to making false statements about the consequences of his election intervention, he was unable to answer essential detailed questions about B&H’s complex political system. His lack of expertise becomes clear in other interviews as well, which gives reason to doubt his level of knowledge as a prerequisite for his decisions”.


In a statement to N1, Editor of Suad Numanovic said that Schmidt does not have the support of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) either. Numanovic stated: “Schmidt has the minority support in the PIC, where he is not supported by Turkey and the EU but is supported by the US and to some extent the UK. We can find a few more countries in the Council that stand in solidarity with the Americans. So, we have a kind of minority government in OHR.”


N1 further reported that the accusations that the HR lies is not an isolated case and Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik keeps accusing him of falsely presenting himself as the HR and of lying about meeting with him (Dodik) and other things in B&H. Reporter noted that it is interesting that, at the recent hearing before the UK Parliament, Schmidt responded to questions about imposing sanctions on Dodik by saying that he should be financially punished and that there are already talks about it with the IMF, which IMF Resident Representative in B&H Andrew Jewell denied and said he is surprised by the HR’s statement.


German newspaper ‘Der Spiegel’ reported that a group of former diplomats and experts sent a letter to the Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee accusing High Representative Christian Schmidt of causing “permanent damage” to the peace process in the country and Germany’s reputation and calling for his dismissal. In the letter, they reportedly stated that Schmidt's activities since he assumed the post in 2021 promoted nationalist forces and protected those “working to undermine and destroy the state”, and that Schmidt “allowed the Croatian Government to use him to change the Election Law in B&H”. Reportedly, they also pointed out that Schmidt gave false information to a committee of the UK Parliament about the order he received from Croatia. According to ‘Der Spiegel’, Schmidt rejected the accusations and said the authors of the letter made the assessment based on “obvious lies”.


Media investigate what could follow after upcoming confirmation of FB&H Vice Presidents – obstructions and blockade of FB&H, new agreement or possibly reaction of HR? (N1)


Session of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Parliament is expected to be held by the end of the this week, when new FB&H Vice Presidents are supposed to be confirmed. N1 investigates what could follow after this step – obstructions and blockade of the FB&H again, a new agreement or possibly the reaction of the High Representative. The name that ‘The Eight’ coalition usually mentions in the context of blockades in the process of formation of the FB&H authorities is the name of SDA’s Refik Lendo, who was nominated by the majority in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) for the post of the FB&H Vice President, because in case that he gets appointed his signature will be necessary for the appointment of the FB&H Prime Minister and the formation of the FB&H Government. Commenting on the accusations, Lendo told N1 that he will not do anything wrong for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) citizens in case that he gets appointed. He stressed that he is being accused already even though he has not been appointed or confirmed by the FB&H Parliament yet, adding that all the pressures on him are unnecessary. Lendo added that he is a true patriot for the state of B&H and only best intentions for people in B&H can be expected from him, and not any kind of blockades.


NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic has said several times that Lendo will be confirmed by the FB&H Parliament and that his legitimacy is unquestionable, but that he expects from Lendo to confirm the FB&H Government with SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic as the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate in order to launch the procedure of appointment of the FB&H ministers. N1 reminded that the process of collecting of signatures by the MPs from the parties gathered around ‘The Eight’ coalition, with the purpose to demonstrate majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR), is supposed to be completed on Monday. SDA said that collecting of signatures means nothing, reminding that the FB&H Government is not appointed by the parliamentary majority but by the FB&H leadership.


The reporter concluded that there are several scenarios how to address possible blockade, through the reaction of the HR, to see SDA or SDP B&H giving in or to have the same old convocation of the FB&H Government that has been ruling for eight years now.


SDA’s Comor and DF’s Mesalic comment on calls from ‘The Eight’ for Schmidt’s intervention in formation of FB&H authorities, say it would be against all postulates of democracy (Hayat)


The session of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Representatives (HoR), where the representatives would vote on the proposed candidates for the FB&H President and the FB&H Vice Presidents, could be held at the beginning of next week. In the meantime, according to SDP leader Nermin Niksic, he is not giving up on collecting signatures aimed at proving the majority in the FB&H HoR. In addition to collecting signatures, SDP publicly invited the High Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt to facilitate the formation of the FB&H Government. They do not hide that intensive negotiations are being conducted on this issue, noted the presenter. The key to power at the FB&H level is a group of three parties - SDA, SDP and HDZ B&H. Despite this, they are trying to find a way to push SDA out of power and ignore the fact that the authorities should be established on the basis of the election results, commented the reporter.


SDA representative in the FB&H HoR Eldar Comor said: “I think that, first of all, the wish of the HDZ and part of the international community, supported partly by ‘The Eight’, the Troika plus or whatever they are called, is that SDA and DF are thrown out of power, that is, that they are prevented from entering power due to the Election Law, which SDA and DF do not accept”. Niksic, who aspires to the position of the FB&H Prime Minister, clearly emphasized that he will also inform, in the event of a blockade, about the unblocking tool, referring to Schmidt, added the reporter. Comor commented: “To me, those are the cries of those drowning. Those who simply do not know how and in what way to get to power, then the only way is for a High Representative to help them in this”.


DF representative in the FB&H HoR Mahir Mesalic said: “It must be known that consuming rights in the Bosniak Caucus, or any other people, is not a blockade. Blockade is what HDZ (B&H) has been doing for the past four years when they did not allow the FB&H Government to be filled, when they did not allow the FB&H Government to be appointed”. The reporter added that it was HDZ B&H, as a blocker of all developments and positive processes whose policies often led to the destruction of the state, that became an unavoidable factor in the process of forming the government in the FB&H thanks to Schmidt's decisions. Mesalic said that ‘The Eight’ are calling for Schmidt to bring them and HDZ B&H to power without respecting the procedures. If Schmidt decides to impose new changes to the Election Law, it will be against all postulates of democracy, according to Hayat’s interlocutors.




Croatian PM Plenkovic: Equality of Croats more important to Republic of Croatia than sending of soldiers (Vecernji list)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic talked in Brussels with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrrell about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Plenkovic said that he informed Borrell about his impressions after the visit to Mostar where he attended the HNS Assembly. Plenkovic said that unity of all Croat, political parties was expressed there, and the message was sent that B&H is a homeland of the Croat people as well. He added that thanks to his and the efforts of the Croatian Government, it was talked about B&H, equality of the Croat people and the constituent status at the highest levels in the EU.


Plenkovic explained: “We did everything we could and in the end, because of that, this topic has become a political topic, which led to the intervention of High Representative Christian Schmidt, after the elections in B&H. This intervention has made possible a comfortable position of Croats in B&H.” He also announced the visit that B&H Council of Ministers Chairwoman Borjana Kristo will pay to Zagreb next week. Plenkovic said: “At the same time, this a very important signal and a chance for viewing the relations at one new level. I have told very clearly in Mostar as well that the Croatian Government has a constitutional obligation and political will to help Croats, but that it wants to build relations with whole B&H, which includes other peoples and all citizens who live there, and this is visible in investments, infrastructure, bridges etc.” He also said that after joining Schengen, Croatia does not want to be a fortress toward B&H citizens, but it will do everything to make easer flow of people and communication. As for the demand for Croatia to take part in Alteha mission in B&H, which Borrell refused referring to the DPA’s provisions, Plenkovic said that these reasons have been overcome now, that there are no more obstacles for this, but that much more important than this is that Croats can elect their representatives and that they are fully equal. Daily notes that a part of B&H media presented Plenkovic’s statement exclusively through prism of the HR’s decision and possible sending of Croatian soldiers to Althea mission.


MEP Zovko calls for bigger support to Western Balkans (Dnevni list)


The Office of Croatian MEP Zeljana Zovko stated that MEPs will take part in a plenary session of the European Parliament next week, while on Tuesday they will discuss with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi the possibilities for a stronger EU enlargement policy in Western Balkans. On eve of this discussion, Zovko calls for bigger European support and presence in the area in order to oppose anti-European influence of third countries. She also said: “After we granted the EU candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), we have created impetus for progress. Together with the EU, Western Balkan countries should speed up the process of reforms and establish stronger European coordination. The EU must develop bigger visibility in the field and invest in concrete projects, which reflect advantages of the European cooperation. In these difficult times, an empty space should not be left that third actors might use.”  Zovko also called on the newly established authority to work on securing legitimacy of representation of all constituent peoples and other citizens in its institutions, including the B&H Presidency. She also welcomed the fastest formation of the B&H Council of Ministers in B&H history. She expects from the new composition that, after receiving the status of the EU candidate, it will justify expectations of other EU member countries and find a common ground for implementation of necessary reforms for its European future, especially the reform of the election law with respecting the rulings of the Constitutional Court of B&H and international courts.




Montenegro politicians should understand gravity of situation and get country out of crisis (Pobjeda)


“There are numerous factors that have brought Montenegro to the point where it is now in the EU accession process. However, now the situation is quite simple – political parties in Montenegro need to find a way to overcome political divisions and focus on a common overriding goal – and then take concrete steps to get there. What is urgently needed is the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, an increased focus on reforms and the building of a true political dialogue in Parliament, bearing in mind that the EU and the world are watching all of this”, says Swedish Ambassador to Montenegro Annika Ben David in an interview for Pobjeda.


“The EU wants to see that Montenegro finds a way out of the crisis. A fully functional Constitutional Court is absolutely crucial for progress. All delays must be avoided. If Montenegro does not have fully functional institutions, it will practically cancel the continuation of the EU accession process. This must be done as soon as possible”, she points out.


When referring to the Russian war against Ukraine, David says that “the war has already changed Europe – Sweden and Finland have gone from military neutrality to applying for NATO membership, Germany has abandoned the principle of not giving military aid, energy dependence on Russia is already at a significantly reduced level across the continent and the tenth package of sanctions against Russia is being prepared as we conduct this interview. We still do not see an end to this conflict, and we, as the Union, have to prepare for the many challenges that lie ahead. Russia must lose this war. Sweden and the EU will stand by Ukraine as long as necessary”, David stresses.


Maddocks: We’ll cooperate with any democratically elected govt, but that doesn’t mean we support it (Gradska TV)


“We will cooperate with any democratically elected government, but that does not mean we support it. We will continue to have diplomatic relations, and the level of our cooperation will depend on common interests and values, which must be Euro-Atlantic”, says Great Britain’s ambassador to Montenegro, Karen Maddocks, during Gradska TV’s show. The most important priority of Montenegro, Maddocks points out, must be the establishment of an operational Constitutional Court, because Montenegro – as a NATO ally and a future EU member state – needs to show its partners that it is fully capable of functioning normally.


“I think the current situation is very worrying. We have several Montenegrin institutions that are not operational. There is a government in a technical mandate, headed by a prime minister who was voted out of confidence 6 months ago. Despite the government being in technical mandate, several important laws and decisions have been adopted. None of these decisions, made by the Government, can be contested before the Constitutional Court, because it is not operational. This means that some of the mechanisms of mutual control that allow a democratic government to function in the interests of its citizens are missing. All this makes Montenegro more susceptible to external influences from countries such as Russia, but also to the influence of organized crime”, she has pointed out.


She adds that the UK had a good cooperation with the governments of Montenegro, and stresses that “this is because we work with states, not governments. We do not choose the government, it is chosen by the citizens of Montenegro. We, on the other hand, have diplomatic relations and work with every government in power. That’s what diplomats do. So, it’s not about support. Just because we talk to a lot of people doesn’t mean we support them. It means that we are doing our job. In this way, we get information about what is happening at the local level and cooperate with them”.


When discussing presidential elections, Maddocks says that “the procedure dictates that elections be held before the end of the president’s term, so they must be held on time. Otherwise, it would be another example of deviation from constitutional norms. That is why it is important that these elections take place. But the holding of elections and the potential election of a new President in itself will not bring stability. There are more tasks that must be completed in order for this to happen”.


North Macedonia


Alternativa goes in opposition, will support constitutional changes (MIA)


The three Alternativa MPs will go into opposition, their officials will leave the posts but the party will support the constitutional changes, decided the party's top body on Sunday. Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi said their Government partners crossed the final line of ethics and did not have the patience to wait for the session of the party's Central Assembly. "In January 2022, North Macedonia was at a crossroads on its EU path. At that time, we took the most courageous decision that makes us proud even today, which I believe is appreciated by our voters, citizens and western allies. We ensured stabilization of the Government and the country, resulting in the official opening of the EU accession negotiations in July," said Gashi after the Central Assembly session. After a year in office, they are leaving dozens of successful projects in the fields of health, digitization, energy, social, cultural and educational issues, and no corruption affairs. "I believe this move by SDSM will endanger the country's European prospects and produce an imbalance in interethnic relations, while giving impetus to anti-EU parties. We worked together on the relaxation of interethnic relations, and I believe this move will cause tensions, especially between the ethnic Macedonian and Albanian communities," said Gashi. He added they signed and released a political agreement with the former SDSM leader, which has been implemented by Alternativa but unfortunately not entirely by the other side. "They unilaterally, almost brutally, cancelled the agreement and decided to take a different path by including another party in the parliamentary majority. This speaks a lot, in negative terms, about them as a party that does not care about agreements and those who saved their lives. This is also a bad thing for the country that aspires to European values," noted Gashi.


Parliament to hold session on Government reshuffle proposal on Monday (MIA)


The Parliament session on the Government reshuffle proposal will take place on Monday at 3 p.m. MPs will first discuss the dismissal of Health Minister Bekim Sali, Minister of Information Society and Administration Admirim Aliti, and Minister for the Diaspora Xhemail Cupi, all three from the ranks of coalition partner Alternativa. Afterwards, lawmakers will vote for the election of Krenar Loga as Minister of Justice, Fatmir Mexhiti as Minister of Health, and Azir Aliu as Minister of Information Society and Administration, all three coming from AA, while Kaja Shukova of SDSM as Minister of Environment and Physical Planning. Loga is set to replace Nikola Tupancheski from SDSM, Mexhiti and Aliu assume the posts from Bekim Sali and Admirim Aliti of Alternativa, whereas Shukova will replace Naser Nuredini of DUI. The reshuffle also encompasses five deputy ministers, with Bashkim to be dismissed from the post Deputy Defense Minister, Abdulqushur Abedini from the post Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Lulzim Aliu from the post Deputy Minister of Education and Science. The nominated deputy ministers are AA's Tiron Jajaga - Ministry of Defense, SDSM's Viktorija Avramovska-Madikj - Ministry of Justice, AA's Vjolca Berisha - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Maja Manoleva - Ministry of Health, and DUI's Agim Nuhiu - Ministry of Education and Science. Coalition partner Alternativa has said it would hold a presidency meeting on Sunday to decide on its future role in the executive. Earlier on Sunday, SDSM MP and spokesperson Darko Kaevski was quizzed whether Alternativa would remain in the executive. "We gave them room to decide on their contribution in the coalition but, unfortunately, they failed to give a proposal, thus deciding to end the collaboration. The party is welcome and our door is open for future cooperation of some type. This is valid for all political parties or lawmakers who mean this country well and will stand behind the European path as our strategic goal," said Kaevski.


Media also opened the dilemma: how will the needed majority for election of the news ministers be reached without the support from the three MPs from Alternativa and three MPs from the so-called “fiery group” from DIU who will not support the vote after their member, deputy Minister for Defense Bashkim Hasani is proposed for dismissal, reported Sitel. Izet Medxhiti, the leader of the “fiery group” in a statement for Alsat M says that the new government proposal has nothing to do with the European integration process and that Alliance for Albanians joining the government only harms DUI.


Kovachevski expects cabinet proposal to be adopted, Mickoski criticises PM (Kanal 5)


PM Dimitar Kovachevski told Kanal 5 TV on Sunday he expected the proposal for the cabinet reshuffle to be adopted by the majority in Parliament. Regarding Alternativa, he stated that the Government’s door remained open. “Alternative and the ruling coalition has have the same strategic goals. That was confirmed also during the adoption of the important decisions to open the EU talks,” the PM noted. In a statement for the same TV station, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said he expected a debate in Parliament on the dismissal of the three ministers. Regarding the developments in relation to Afrim Gashi’s party, he said that Kovacevski’s actions were unpolitical and immoral.




Albania-EU, the process of revising the legislation on financial services begins (Radio Tirana)


Albania-EU, the process of revising the legislation on financial services begins "Financial services" will be the focus of the bilateral meeting held on February 13-14 in Brussels. The Albanian delegation has prepared the presentation of the situation of alignment with the acquis (EU legislation) in this chapter that regulates financial services in the banking field, that of insurance, supplementary pensions, investment services and securities markets. Also, this chapter defines minimum standards regarding the authorization, operation and supervision of financial services operators, ensuring the safe provision of financial services on a cross-border basis. Chapter 9 is part of the group of chapters "Internal Market" (Cluster 2 - Internal Market) for which the meetings started in the middle of January and which also includes chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 28. The project SANECA funded by the German government and implemented by GIZ Albania has supported the negotiating groups for Cluster 2 to prepare for the bilateral meetings.


Rama meets today with the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Soder (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama will meet this Monday with the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Soder. According to information, after the meeting, Rama and his counterpart Soder will hold a joint press conference at the premises of the Prime Minister's Office. The head of the government will not participate in the proceedings of the plenary session at 17:00. Prime Minister Rama, in the meeting he held in October last year with Soder, emphasized the strengthening of economic and trade relations between the two countries. Rama has stated that Soder is a determined ally of Albania and the Western Balkans in the European journey.


And as today Prime Minister Rama will be in a meeting with his counterpart, the opposition, on the other hand, will hold the next protest in front of the Parliament. Today's opposition rally comes after the protest held on Saturday (February 11), where the leader of the Democratic Party of Reestablishment, Sali Berisha, and the leader of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta demanded the ousting of PM Rama.


Electoral promises during the opposition protest (ADN)


The chairman of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, required from the opposition protest the resignation of the Prime Minister, Edi Rama, after the scandal 'McGonical' accusing him for corruption. According to him, the Albanian people has already decided to remove him, as he must give account to all citizens for all his crimes. "Edi Rama occupied the Prime Ministry office. He can produce only misery now. We protest to stop all the dramas that he is causing to the people," said Meta. According to Meta, Rama has destroyed everything and he must leave as soon as possible.


The historical leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, urged to Prime Minister, Edi Rama to leave at the same time he called to the United States of America to investigate on 'McGonigal' issue and Premier's corruption. According to him, the Albanian opposition is stronger than ever and people will give their final vote against Rama on May 14. "I call on the US government, the Congress, the institutions of the great country, to all, to investigate what happened these days with the Albanian opposition. Investigate the activities of Soros in Albania, how this multi-millionaire did everything to raise this corrupt PM on a pedestal. I call on the European Parliament, the governments of friendly countries, to investigate and examine. The scandals of Edi Rrama's and Ducka. I guarantee that we will continue the undefeated battle until the victory of the democratic revolution," said Berisha.


The last part of the speech of leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha at the opposition protest was mostly electoral. Berisha promised that when this government will be removed from power, the opposition will double all the salaries, will significantly increase economic aid and will decrease the electricity prices. "With this revolution we will find all the money hidden under the mattresses of this government and we will increase all pensions," Said Berisha. He called all citizens to join opposition's revolution and do everything they can to shorten the life of this government.


The head of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, at the end of his speech, announced that on Monday, when the plenary session will take place, all the protesters will move in front of the Parliament. "Monday is parliament day. The revolution invites us, all before the parliament. The people of protest, the people of victory, let us all unite to go from battle to battle until our final victory. Edi Rama, forget that you can exclude this people from voting and elections. Finally, once again, a boundless gratitude to you in this square. I invite you to continue the freedom march, to continue the victory march!", said Berisha. "Every day we will do everything to shorten the life of this regime. Edi Rama, his regime, should be overthrown as soon as possible. I assure you that the DP does not aim at anything else, the opposition has no other aim than to overthrow monism, to free Albanians from this wild, ugly, repressive monism and to give the fastest response together with allies to this crisis. The first acts after the overthrow of this regime will be the doubling of salaries, the minimum living wage for every Albanian equal to the minimum wage, the halving of social insurance for farmers and subsidies for each of their production. Edi Rama we cut the ticket, there is no going back. Nothing can stop missionaries like us. We have the truth, we have the ideals, we have our love for this country and for this land. We have our loyalty to our friends. Nothing stops us on this path. Edi Rama has turned the Parliament into a shame of our national history, he has made it worse than the Parliament of Putin or Lukashenko", Berisha also expressed.


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